#Weight Management San Diego
drmelinda · 5 months
CoolSculpting: A Revolutionary Non-Invasive Fat Reduction Procedure
Today, more and more people are seeking methods to manage their weight and achieve their ideal body shape. One revolutionary procedure that is gaining popularity is known as coolsculpting near me. This non-invasive treatment offers a way to eliminate stubborn fat cells from your body safely and effectively without the need for surgery or any downtime.
What is Coolsculpting?
CoolSculpting is a cutting-edge method of fat reduction that employs controlled cooling technology to target and destroy fat cells beneath the skin's surface. The effectiveness of the procedure lies in its ability to freeze away unwanted fat cells without damaging surrounding tissues, leading to noticeable results over time as the body naturally processes and removes the treated cells. The result? A more sculpted version of you!
How does it work?
CoolSculpting works through a cooling process called cryolipolysis, which targets and cools fat cells in selected areas until they shrink and eventually die off naturally. Post-treatment, your body will gradually eliminate these dead cells, paving the way for noticeable differences within weeks following your sessions. What’s fantastic about this process is that once targeted fat cells are gone, they're gone for good.
What areas can be treated with CoolSculpting?
This procedure can be employed on numerous parts of the body where excess fats are usually deposited. It's been used successfully on both men and women who have targeted spots like love handles or muffin tops (sides), lower abdomen (belly area), underneath the chin (double chin), around upper arms (bingo wings), inner thighs, back/bra lines, under buttock area (banana rolls,) among other places.
What results should I expect?
With each session of CoolSculpting, you can expect to eliminate up to 25% of fat cells in the treated area. Noticeable results are typically seen two months after treatment, and your body will continue flushing out the dead fat cells for up to six months post-treatment. It's necessary to remember that CoolSculpting is not a weight-loss solution, but rather an aesthetic body sculpting procedure designed to eliminate stubborn fat resistant to diet and exercise.
Complementary Services alongside Coolsculpting
While CoolSculpting has proven its sterling standard in non-surgical fat reduction, it's merely part of an entire journey to achieving overall wellness and vitality. To further enhance results, patients often opt for services like Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) to optimally balance hormone levels, leading to improved metabolism and weight regulation.
In addition, Botox & fillers also offer considerable benefits when used procedurally with CoolSculpting – smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles while addressing loss of facial volume caused by age or significant weight loss, enhancing treatment success. A comprehensive Weight Management program can be established along with CoolSculpting if required. By integrating nutritional guidance and exercise plans within the program, people get a well-rounded approach toward their health goals.
Indeed, CoolSculpting offers an innovative answer—complementing dynamic lifestyles or marking fresh beginnings for anyone looking towards safe non-invasive procedures of contouring their physique confidently without taking on more rigorous operations or causing disruption from daily activities due to recovery periods associated with traditional invasive procedures.
Company Name: Melinda Silva, MD Anti-Aging & Wellness Address: 2204 Garnet Ave Suite 302, San Diego, CA, 92109 Phone: (858) 240-7097
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mbari-blog · 3 months
Looking at delicate deep-sea drifters reveals adaptations to life under pressure.
Deep-sea animals live under crushing amounts of pressure generated by the immense weight of the water above. Comb jellies are a diverse group of gelatinous animals found across a range of marine habitats, from the ocean’s sunlit surface to the abyssal seafloor. A new study published in Science today by scientists at the University of California, San Diego with an interdisciplinary team of researchers, including MBARI marine biologists, has revealed how comb jellies manage to thrive under pressure.
For comb jellies, an adaptation in their cellular membranes is key to surviving high pressure. Greasy molecules called lipids that make up membranes have a different shape in deep-sea species than in shallow-water ones. The cone shape of these molecules helps keep the cellular membranes of deep-sea comb jellies dynamic under pressure. These molecules are also abundant in our own nerve cells and their loss is linked to conditions like Alzheimer’s. Studying deep-sea comb jellies could one day help us find ways to restore membrane function in human brains.
Learn more: https://today.ucsd.edu/story/comb-jellies-under-pressure
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pairing: jake “hangman” seresin x floyd!reader
summary: two times your boyfriend and twin brother had to stand up for you, and the one time you shocked them by doing it yourself
warnings: anxiety, shy reader, protective Hangman, protective Bob, insecure reader, self doubt.
a/n: this idea came about when @cherieann-2001 and I were discussing the dagger squad with twin siblings, and we came up with Bob’s twin sis. @cherieann-2001 i’m sorry this took me so long! I hope you like 😊.
word count: 4K
the time where your brother introduces you to his friends…
The noise coming from the beachfront bar makes you pause as you follow behind your twin brother. Your hand reaches up unconsciously to grab at the back of Robert's uniform, tugging just hard enough to make your brother pause and turn around to see your eyes shooting from side to side, one of your clear tells when you're nervous.
"You're ok, y/n/n," Robert says gently, bringing his hands up to rest on your shoulder's, knowing from experience that the weight of it brings you comfort when you start to get anxious.
"I...I d....don't think I w...want to g...go in there, Robbie," you say, tripping over your words as your breathing starts to get heavy.
"It's gonna be okay, y/n/n, you're gonna be just fine," Robert says again, pulling you into a tight hug in which you manage to get your breathing under control, "it's just gonna be Nat and some of my squad, we'll have our own table and you don't have to talk to anyone else for the entire night if you want."
Robert can see the exact moment when you make the decision to come into the bar, the spark of curiosity lighting in your eyes at the mention of your brother's co-pilot. You had met Natasha "Phoenix" Trace shortly after your brother's squadron had been permanently assigned to the San Diego base, where you had been working as a kindergarten teacher for the on-base school for the past two years. Being so close to your brother again has been so fun, with the two of you hanging out in every spare moment you had.
The two of you had grown up very close, with Robert being the protective older brother (by three minutes, you had always been quick to whisper sarcastically under your breath whenever he had tried to pull rank) to your quiet, unconfrontational manner.
"Are you ready to go in, or do you need a minute?" Robert asks, hand coming up to rest on the top of your head.
"I...I'm ready," you say, reaching out to tug on your brother's arm and follow after him as he puts his arm around your shoulders and steers you toward the entrance to the bar, under the shining sign reading THE HARD DECK.
Immediately, the noise of the bar makes you flinch and Robert's arm around your shoulders squeezes slightly, and you turn to look at him, finding him already looking at you, asking you if you're okay with his eyes.
You nod at him and tap on his hand, which he lets fall off of your shoulder as he nods towards a booth near the back of the bar, situated right by a pool table. You drop slightly behind him as you follow, preferring to take in your new surroundings from your slightly hidden vantage point behind your brother.
"Bob!" A voice calls from the direction of the table, and you peek slightly around your brother's shoulder to watch as a tall blonde man with the most beautiful smile you've ever seen saunters up to Robert and swings an arm around his shoulders, pulling him forward into a light headlock. You watch, slightly frozen as your brother laughs and fake punches the new man in the stomach, causing him to release Robert, and take a step back, hands going to his hips, stance relaxed as he smiles.
You're so entranced with watching your brother and his pretty friend that you don't notice Natasha coming up on your right, holding a glass of sparkling water in one hand.
"Hey, Y/n," she says softly, just loud enough for you to hear, but not so loud as to startle you.
You turn to look at her, and the first real smile of the night graces your lips.
"Hi Nat," you say, voice quiet as she smiles. She gently holds out the glass of sparkling water to you.
"For you!"
You look down and take the drink from her, thanking her shyly as she smiles at you and tips her head towards the booth, inviting you to go sit with her.
You glance at your brother, finding him already watching you, the tiniest gleam of pride in his eyes as he nods encouragingly. You smile and as you’re turning back to Nat, your eyes meet those of the man who had greeted your brother. He’s looking at you, not staring so much as just observing, and you shiver a little under the the intensity of his green eyed gaze.
Taking a tiny leap of faith, that has your stomach whooshing from the unfamiliarity of it all, you shoot the stranger a shy smile, before quickly ducking your head and sitting down next to your friend.
Much later, you’ve loosened up enough to laugh a little with Nat, who has been sitting with you at the table since you’d arrived. You have even met some of your brothers other pilot friends, including the first guy who had approached the two of you. You’ve learned that his name was Jake, but everyone calls him Hangman. You haven’t had the courage to ask why they call him that, but you noticed your eyes straying to the tall blonde more times than you care to admit. He just has this aura around him that makes you gravitate towards him, although your anxiety won’t let you do more than watch from afar.
“Hey, I’m gonna run to the ladies room, are you good here for a bit?” Nat asks you, scooting out of the booth and standing, waiting near the head of the table. You smile, nodding as you wave her away, scooting out of the booth as well.
“Yeah, I’m gonna g…go get another drink, I think,” you say and Nat nods, before heading towards the back of the bar.
You watch her go for a second, then glance around to spot your brother in the middle of a game of pool with one of his friends, Coyote, you remember.
You steal yourself and then make your way through the crowded space, ducking between people until you stand at an open space at the bar.
You watch as the pretty bartender, smiles at the brown haired man she was talking to, who you remember is called Maverick, before making her way over to you.
“Hey, can I grab you a refill?” The woman asks, nodding to the empty glass in your hand.
“Um y…yes pl….please,” you say, stuttering through your words.
The woman’s smile puts you a little bit more at ease, as she asks what you’re drinking.
“Just sp…sparkling w….water.”
The woman nods at you and takes the cup from you. As she uses the soda spout to refill your glass, she introduces herself as Penny, the owner of the Hard Deck.
“We don’t usually get a lot of new customers this time of year,” she says, pushing the newly full glass back towards you, “are you new to town, or just passing through?”
Something about the way she seems so at ease puts you immediately at ease, and you only trip over your words once as you answer, voice getting a little stronger with each word.
“I live about t…ten minutes away, and my brother is in the Navy, he was just recently assigned here. I don’t usually go out by myself, but he asked me to meet some of his friends here tonight.”
“If you don’t mind my asking, who’s your brother?” Penny inquires.
“Um Robert Floyd? You’d probably know him as Bob.”
You wave a hand in the direction of your brother. Penny nods, turning back to you with a smile.
“Well you are always welcome at the Hard Deck! I didn’t catch your name, dear.”
You give your name, and Penny smiles at you once more, before heading off to help another customer.
You look down at your glass to hide the small smile that plays across your lips at the idea that you just met someone without the buffer of your brother.
You’re so caught up in your own head as you make your way back through the tables, you don’t notice the man until it’s too late.
A body slams into yours from the front, causing your water to splash over your hands and down your front as you stumble backwards. Just as you feel yourself falling, a warm presence appears at your back, steadying you with an arm around your shoulders as another pushes out in front of you. The tan hand shoves the man who had hit you, sending him away from you with such a force that he staggers before righting himself.
You look up at the person who saved you, only slightly surprised to see Jake already staring down at you, concern apparent in his gorgeous green eyes.
“What the fuck man?!” The man who had shoved you says loudly, causing you to jump slightly and subconsciously move in closer to Jake’s side.
“Watch where you’re going!” Jake’s voice holds the slightest hint of anger and you instinctively deflate a bit as you open your mouth to apologize.
“Not you, sweets,” Jake says, unknowingly making your heart flutter wildly in your chest at the name, “you did nothing wrong.”
Jake’s hand smooths over your shoulder, as he glares at the other man. The guy scoffs and looks around, as if making sure he doesn’t have an audience, before swinging his glare back to you and Jake.
“Um, I didn’t do anything wrong here! She was the one not looking where she was going!” He accuses, gesturing at you and making you shrink even further into Jake’s side, shame rising when you feel your eyes start to burn with tears.
“You’re gonna want to watch how you speak to her, jackass.”
Jake’s voice is so hard that the guy visibly blanches, and not so subtly takes a step back and away from the angry pilot at your side.
“Apologize to her for spilling her drink, and then fuck right off.” Jake commands, and the guy mutters the quietist apology you’ve ever heard and then disappears into the crowd.
Jake’s hand strokes over your shoulder one more time and then it’s gone. You turn to look up at the man who had come to your rescue, and Jake gently smiles down at you.
“You alright, y/n?” He asks, gaze sweeping quickly over the front of your dress, clearly soaked through from your spilled water, before flicking back up to your face.
“I….I’m o…okay,” you stutter, shame rising at the idea of this handsome man seeing you so humiliated, “th…thank y…you for rescuing m…me.”
“It’s no trouble, sweets,” Jake says easily, swinging his big green jacket off of his shoulders and draping it over your form.
“What do you need?” He asks, once you’ve settled into the material, hiding your soaked dress, noticing your eyes darting around quickly.
Jake’s niece is a shy little thing who has many of the same tendencies that Jake has recognized in you throughout the evening as he watched you sitting with Phoenix. He saw the way your natural tendency is to roll your shoulders forward slightly and curl in on yourself, your hair falling forward to hide that beautiful face from the world.
You stand staring at him in shock for a few seconds, before mentally shaking yourself.
“I’m o…okay, just maybe to sit back down,” you say, and Jake nods, guiding you back over to the booth.
“Wait right here, I’m gonna go grab you another soda water, and then we’ll just sit here until everyone’s ready to go, okay?” Jake asks as you sit down. You nod at him, playing with your fingers as you wait. Once you hear him walk away, you glance up and survey the bar, spotting Nat and your brother engaged in a pool game with Coyote and Rooster watching on.
You shuffle yourself a little deeper into Jake’s jacket, and close your eyes for a few moments, breathing deeply to let the shocking encounter roll off your shoulders.
“You doing okay, y/n/n?” Robert asks as he slides into the booth next to you. You smile up at him, letting your head fall on his shoulder as his arm comes up to rest over your shoulders.
“Yeah, I’m good.” You feel your lips pull up into a smile as you watch Jake lean against the bar and chat with Penny and Maverick, while Penny pours another sparkling water.
“Good.” Your brother is smiling at you when you turn your head to look at him. You grin back, and then let your head drop back onto his shoulder, waiting for Jake to come back with your drink and letting yourself relax into the evening. You might have been anxious going into this evening, but you feel perfectly at ease right now, with your brothers arm around your shoulders and your new (and ridiculously handsome) friend sinking down into the other side of the booth and sliding a fresh glass across the table to you, eyes bright as he settles into a comfortable conversation with your brother.
the time where someone makes the mistake of cutting in front of jake’s girlfriend in line…
The sun is glistening brightly over the ocean as you sit back against your boyfriend’s chest, a soft beach towel beneath you and a book in hand.
The waves lapping against the sand, and the familiar feel of Jake’s fingers combing through your hair lull you comfortably towards sleep, and you close your book, setting it beside you on the towel as you lay your head back against Jake’s shoulder. You eyes are closed as you feel your boyfriend’s arm come up to drape across your chest, caging you into his embrace.
“What are you doing, sweets?” Jake’s voice brings you back from the edge of sleep, his lips brushing across your forehead as his arm across your chest squeezes gently, his fingers drawing small nonsensical patterns on you collar bone.
“Just taking in the moment,” you sigh, shifting to meet his eyes, head still resting on his shoulder. His green eyes gleam with mischief as he meets your gaze.
“But I want to know who she picks,” he says, gesturing to the novel you had put down.
Embarrassment flushes through you as you think about the romance book you had been reading, with its drama filled love triangle.
“Y…you were r…reading it?” You ask, tripping over a few of your words, face burning as you turned your head back to the ocean, away from Jake.
“Hey,” Jake drops his face to your neck, nuzzling you and pressing kisses to the sensitive skin there, “don’t be embarrassed. It was quite an interesting story.”
“Y…you really think so?”
“Of course, y/n/n! I like everything you read.”
“O…okay,” you smile, getting distracted by the attention your boyfriend is lavishing on your neck. You squirm in his grasp as he blows into your neck, causing the two of you to start laughing, as you shake him off and then immediately curl back into his chest, yawning as you snuggle into him.
“What do you wanna do for the afternoon then, Sweets?” Jake asks, fingers going back to trace across your collarbone.
“I don’t know, but I know I’m going to need a coffee for it if it involves being awake,” you say, the heat of the day and the general sense of comfort you feel around your boyfriend contributing to your sleepiness.
“Alright then, baby, let’s get you caffeinated!” Jake says, putting your book into the tote bag lying next to him, before helping you up and shaking out your towel, “Call me selfish, but I’m definitely gonna be wanting your sweet company for a lot longer today.”
You giggle as you hold the bag open for him to deposit the now folded towel in, grinning as Jake uses the opportunity to brush a kiss over your nose. He grins back at you, taking the tote from your hands and slinging it over his shoulder, crooking his elbow so that you can hold his arm.
You snuggle in as close to his side as possible while walking, letting him lead you toward the beaches parking lot and his truck.
You climb into the passenger side after Jake opens the door for you, settling into the well worn leather seat, as your boyfriend starts the engine, pulling out of the beachside parking lot, through a neighborhood, and onto the little high street of your seaside town.
A few minutes later, you’re standing in line outside your favorite coffee truck. Jake has run to the restroom in the shop across the street, leaving you to keep your place in the line, which due to the popularity of the truck, wraps quite far down the sidewalk. You are standing quietly, content to just observe the going’s on of the little high street, when you feel more than see a body push in front of you in line, knocking you back and off balance. You stumble, bumping into the woman behind you, who kindly steadies you, smiling as you stutter out an apology, face flushing in embarrassment.
“No worries, my dear, it wasn’t your fault,” she says, shooting a dirty look over your shoulder at the line cutter, before smiling at you once more and going back to reading the magazine she’s holding.
You turn back to face the man now standing in front of you, as if he’d been waiting in line like the rest of you. You start to think about just letting him stay in the line in front of you, before thinking fuck it and clearing your throat loudly.
The stranger turns around, and the look in his eyes makes you wish you had just let him cut the line. But you’ve come this far and you can hear your brother’s voice in your head telling you to stand up for yourself and not let anyone push you around, so you lift your chin, and ball your hands to stop them from shaking.
“Yes?” The stranger grunts, glowering at you as if you were the one in the wrong.
“Y..you just c..cut in the line. It actually starts b..back there,” you say, pointing down the sidewalk to where the last person in line is standing. You’re trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, wanting to believe that he had just accidentally just into the line.
The guy just stares at you for a long moment, and you grow more and more uncomfortable by the second. You eventually drop your arm, and wait for him to step back out of the line.
“I…i…i…is it r…r…really,” he scoffs, exaggerating the stutter he puts on as he takes a step closer to you, staring down at you with a mena glint in his eye. “What are you going to do about it, huh?”
Your stomach drops as he crowds you, eyes welling with unwanted tears, which you try furiously to not let escape. You take a deep breath, something which he notices and smirks at, eyes portraying that he’s fully confident in his victory.
Just as you open your mouth to say something, you feel a familiar presence at you back, as your boyfriend slings an arm around your chest, pulling you back into his.
“Here’s what you’re gonna do, buddy,” Jake’s voice is all authority, as he stares down the other man, while simultaneously providing you comfort by letting his fingers stroke over your shoulder as his arm across your chest acts as a protective, comforting barrier, “you’re gonna back the fuck off from my girl, you’re gonna apologize, and then you’re gonna march yourself right to the back of the line and wait, just like everyone else is.
The two men seem locked in a stare down for a few tense moments, as your hands come up to grip Jake’s forearm. The line cutter holds strong for a solid five seconds longer before blinking and taking a step back.
“Fine, whatever.” You and Jake watch him as he walks away, not even in the direction of the end of the line.
You feel Jake’s arm tighten briefly across your front, before it fell away, one hand gripping your hand, spinning you around and into his arms. You hands land on his chest, and you stare up at him, struck breathless from the clear adoration in your boyfriends eyes.
“You okay, Sweets?” He asks, on hand coming up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Yeah,” you sigh, and he searches your eyes for a few moments, no doubt making ure you were being truthful, before dropping his head to brush his lips against yours.
“Well aren’t you two just the sweetest.”
You pull away from Jake and look towards the voice, seeing the woman who you’d stumbled into. She was smiling, the skin around her eyes crinkling as she does. You smile back, slightly apologetically.
“I’m sorry again for knocking into you,” you say, still feeling guilty despite knowing that it hadn’t really been your fault. The woman waves you off.
“It’s no problem at all, dear,” she says, before glancing between you and Jake. Jake nods at her, silently thanking her for helping you out. She smiles back, eyes glazing over for a second.
“You two have a beautiful day, alright,” she says, before gesturing to the coffee truck’s open window, which you hadn’t even realized had gotten closer, till you were the next people in line.
“You too, Ma’am,” Jake says, hooking an arm around your waist, “now, let’s get you caffeinated, baby.”
the time where someone makes the mistake of hitting on Jake in front of his girl…
🎶Slow Ride. Take it Easy🎶
You laugh, bright and open as you and Jake walk in to THE HARD DECK to the first strains of “Slow Ride” coming from the jukebox in the corner. When you look over towards the music corner, you laugh even harder as you spot your brother and Rooster grinning back at you, and the man next to you.
“Of course, it was them,” Jake laughs, and guides you towards the group of pilots who had quickly become your friends after Bob introduced you that first night at the Hard Deck.
When you reach the table, you sit next to Phoenix and Jake scoots in after you.
“How has everyone been?” You asks, shifting into Jake’s side as his arm takes up its usual spot around your shoulders. Your brother scoots into the booth across from you, and pushes your favorite drink towards you.
“Thanks Robbie,” you smile, raising the drink to your lips and taking a sip.
Much later, you and Natasha are coming back from the bathroom together, where you both had been freshening up after an intense match of darts between Jake and Bradley had left you both crying with laughter, which subsequently caused your mascara to run.
“Omg, look y/n/n,” Nat says, pointing towards the bar, where a fake busty blonde is currently trying to shove her boobs into your boyfriends face.
“Not again,” you complain, which causes Nat to laugh and loop her arm through yours, as you make your way through the throngs of bar patrons to your table. You keep you eyes on the blonde currently chatting up your Jake, although he remains completely un-responsive to her advances.
It’s only when she starts to brush her hand along Jake’s arm, and leans in the closest she’s ever attempted that you and Nat both stand up, and Natasha looks to you for a moment.
“You want me to deal with her?” She asks, rolling her shoulders as if preparing to physically remove the woman from the bar. You love your friend for being so ready to come to your aid, but based on the fact that regardless of Jake’s repeated dismissal of the blonde, this is the third week in a row that she has tried, even you and your non confrontational nature are getting frustrated. Natasha and Bob have dealt with distracting the woman away from Jake every other time she has attempted to put the moves on, but this time, you shake your head at your friend and motion for her to sit down again.
“No, thank you Nat, but I think I’m going to go over there tonight,” you say, the two drinks you had had earlier giving you a courage you normally didn’t possess as you push your hair away from your face and turn to walk over to the blonde to hopefully, finally get this woman to back off from your man, leaving Nat cackling gleefully in your wake.
Meanwhile, Jake drums his fingers in a nonsensical pattern on the bar as he keeps his gaze firmly off of the woman on his right, currently crossing her arms under her breasts, so that her tiny top strains to keep her breasts in.
Penny smiles at him as she slides his beer over to him.
“There you are, soldier.” She says, and Jake laughs at her, shooting her his signature grin as he lifts the pint to his lips ad takes a swig.
“Thanks a million, Penny Pie,” Jake says, jokingly using the nickname that the squad had given Penny when she and Maverick had announced to them that they were getting married.
As Penny walks away, the blonde, Jake thinks her name was Jessica?, moves closer to Jake, brushing his arm with her chest and blinking her heavily lined eyes up at him.
“Oh, the bartenders taken, stud,” she says, in a tone which suggests she thinks that she is saving Jake from a horrible heartbreak. He shifts away from her again and is about to ask her to please leave him alone, when someone beats him to it.
“So is he.”
A grin immediately finds its way onto Jake’s face at the sound of your voice and he turns around, immediately spotting you a few feet away, arms crossed over your chest, eyes glaring at Jessica and an adorable pout on your lips.
“Hi, baby,” he says, opening his free arm for you. You move towards him and wrap your arms around his middle, leaning against him. You kept your glare on Jessica, as the blonde looked between you and Jake, mouth slightly agape.
“Really?” She asks, tone biting and frankly mean, “this is who a stud like you is with?”
Jake frowns, arm tightening around you, as he opens his mouth to defend you. But again, for the second time that night, you beat him to it.
“Yeah, I am,” you say, smiling at the blonde who glares back at you, “and I’m also the person who he’s going to continue to be with, so you might wanna step aside and take your desperate attempts elsewhere.”
You flick your hand at her, still riding the high of your drinks from earlier and then once she leaves, you turn your head you look up at your boyfriend. Jake is gazing down at you, the look in his eyes heated.
“Baby…” he trails off, hand coming up to brush across your cheek, “that was…”
You smile a little sheepishly up at him.
“A little out of character I know,” you say, feeling a little dramatic and self-conscious for what you just did.
“…extremely hot.” Jake finishes his sentence, grinning as he brings you in for a kiss.
“I love you, Jake,” you whisper against his lips.
“I love you too, baby.”
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a/n: thank you so much for reading! My requests are open, so if there is anything you’d like to see me write, please check my rules and feel free to ask! I should be able to get to a lot more because I’m free from college for the summer! I always love to chat and appreciate every reblog, comment and like. Happy Reading!
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sunlightmurdock · 11 months
Ceasefire | 1.1 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
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Synopsis: Bradley Bradshaw is in San Diego, summoned to Top Gun for the first time. Commander “Hyde” Simpson is his flight instructor, and she doesn’t have time for schoolboy crushes.
Warnings: ex-husband!beausimpson, divorce, age gap (rooster is somewhere between 26-28, reader is 38), power imbalance between instructor and student aviator, swearing, slight angst at the end, smut, handjobs, oral (f receiving), fem-dom themes
“You can’t sleep over.” It’s less convincing the fifth time that you’ve said it, now that your jeans are on the floor and his tongue is leaving a trail of scorching fire from the valley between your breasts to the dip of your navel. Still, he agrees just as compliantly as he had the first time that you said it. It’s a soft sound of agreement, just a hum really — real words would interrupt the adventure his mouth is on, and he just can’t afford that risk.
Teeth dragging across the flesh of your bottom lip, your groan is muffled but nonetheless, it’s out there. He chuckles against your middle, hands pressing into the softness of your waist.
“I’ll leave real early.” He promises into your skin.
It’s pointless trying a sixth time. If you had really wanted him gone, you wouldn’t have finished off those beers, or let him move things upstairs. You wouldn’t be nestled in against your pillows, basking in the way the warm muscle of his tongue knowingly works its way down your body. The hair of his mustache bristles against your skin, tickling where he sucks and nips. He knows this drives you crazy. He knows exactly how you’d want him to continue, working lower until that trimmed facial hair is bristling against your clit.
“Before eight.” You tell him.
“Why? — It’s not even a school night.” Rooster jokes, closing his mouth around your skin, kissing tenderly. Your back twists off of the mattress, keening into the feeling on his teeth grazing the plush skin of your hip. Eyes closed and actively ruining your underwear, you still breathe out a soft chuckle.
“Because I have thirty children coming tomorrow and expecting a Bluey themed rager, and I don’t think my daughter would appreciate my boyfriend crashing her birthday party.”
His tongue halts against the band of your underwear. By the time you realise what you’ve said, Bradley has already pushed himself up and is grinning down at you.
“You just called me your boyfriend.” He points out. Sitting there with that silly little grin on his face, dog tags dangling between his sun-soaked pectorals, studying you like you belong in the Louvre.
Sandalwood and vanilla fill your nose, proving to you that at least one of your senses can take in something other than him. That pretty smile and those big brown eyes might make you feel like a schoolgirl, but at least you’ve got your wits about you enough to inhale a deep breath of those scented candles flickering away on your dresser.
If you can manage that, just the one deep breath, taking in those undertones of bergamot and cedarwood, you can manage to find your footing even under the weight of that perpetual puppy-dog look on his face.
Lifting your leg, Rooster’s gaze drops from your face, his grin stretching so wide you wonder if the corners of his mouth are aiming to meet his earlobes today. He watches with that big, dumb smile on his face as you press the tip of your toe against his washboard-esque, toned middle.
“Yeah.” Just that one word makes it so clear that you’re daring him, but, in case there was any doubt on the matter, you make it that much clearer for him. One eyebrow quirked, the corner of your mouth twitches. “I also said that I’d let you sleep in my bed tonight. Makes me think it’s your turn to do something nice, don’t you think?”
His lips part, like he’s going to answer you. That look behind his eyes tells you that he’s really thinking about it; trying to think of something witty and sexy — but that hasn’t ever been his strong suit. His whole life, he’s been putting his foot in his mouth and spitting out the wrong thing. But, he doesn’t need to form a word to give you the answer you want.
Lids lowering over darkened eyes, a low growl rumbles in his chest as he drops down onto the bed beside you and grabs hold of you, manhandling you onto him. Even when he’s got you where he wants you, your thighs hugging either side of his jaw, he doesn’t grow any more gentle.
It’s the perfect view, watching the way his eyes close in delight as he drags your soaked sex down onto his mouth. The veins in his tanned hands, snaking all the way along his forearms, up into his biceps as he clutches at your thighs. His blunt nails mark your skin as his tongue greets you.
He hums into your flesh, pulling you tight against his mouth, licking a slow line upwards, savouring your taste. Just like that, he blinks slowly and stares up at you. It would be cruel, with him working so hard, not to give him a little show. His eyes widen slightly as your fingers gently card through his curls, swiping them off of his forehead with a tender touch.
“You like that, Bradley? — Letting me make a mess on your face?”
He blinks slowly, gripping your thighs so tight he might actually leave a mark. Your mouth spills open into a sultry oh that has his cock twitching in his boxers. Your hand strokes gently along his temple, following the curve of his eye socket before it heads back for your own body.
Rooster watches you all the way, licking languidly at your sex. Your hand travels your naked torso, inching its way upward until your fingers curl into the flesh of your tit. Leaning your head back, you hum graphically and swipe your thumb over your nipple.
“That’s it, baby,” You tell him, feeling the way his talented mouth stutters. “Making me feel so good. You’re gonna be a good boy and make me cum on your mouth aren’t you?”
This time, his hands abandon your thighs. Good boy, baby. It all makes him hard, but his muscle reminds you how much of a man he is. He grabs fistfuls of your ass, squeezing the soft flesh in his hands, angling you impossibly closer against his face and burying himself in your soaked cunt.
Nose bumping into your clit, your arousal soaking his face and the deep rumble of his groan sending vibrations through your body. This is getting him off just as much as it’s getting you off and Bradley isn’t ashamed of it in the slightest. He wants you to know it.
His lips latch around your clit, those pretty brown eyes widening as you lean back and brace one hand against his abs, taking control. You rock yourself against his mouth, fingers searching across the rigid planes of his firey hot stomach for purchase.
“Keep talking.” He demands, pausing just briefly to spit out the instruction before he’s tonguing at the sensitive bud between your legs once again. This time, he keeps his attention right there, squeezing his eyes shut, groping at your ass.
A devilish smile crosses your face as you reach forwards with your free hand and grab a hold of those pretty auburn curls. He lets you guide his mouth, switching between sucking at your clit and making you jolt against his mouth, and trailing his tongue through different cycles of literature until you’re moaning his name.
“That’s it, Bradley — just a little more, you can give me a little more, can’t you?”
Of course he can, and he’s so desperate too. One of his hands abandons its quest to bruise your ass and two of his fingers are trailing through your arousal before you can even ask him for more. You’re soaked enough that they slide in easily, curling against your plush walls, twisting until he finds your g-spot.
“Oh, fuck — that’s it. Don’t stop, baby, don’t stop.” You beg him, riding his face as his fingers thrust into you, his tongue lapping eagerly at your increasingly sensitive clit. All at once, he sends you hurtling towards your orgasm, and you’re more than happy to give him all of it. He couldn’t stop now anyway. Even when you’re spent, and panting hard, trembling as you lift yourself off of his jaw, he’s following you away.
He chases you backwards until you’re planted in front of him and he’s kneeling between your legs.
“Mm, you’re such a good boy, huh?” You sit up, kissing his mouth softly, feeling the way he presses into you like he’s proud to share the taste of you that’s on his tongue. He hums happily as you card your fingers through his head. His mouth hangs open as you turn your head and kiss softly at his earlobe. “Now fuck me like one.”
You wish you could blame him for him still being here now, at ten. It’s not his fault, really. It’s just that there’s something about seeing him asleep in your bed that makes you so hot.
Physically hot, like a flush that spreads through your body and won’t go away until you’ve gotten what you wanted. Too warm from the very beginning, light peeking in from behind the heavy curtains and Rooster draped over you like a blanket — it’s becoming a cherished part of your morning routine to have to push him off of you.
After sex, Rooster always sleeps like a baby. He doesn’t even stir when you pad off to the bathroom. Your ex-husband had always been an early riser.
Now, these sunny mornings are all your own. Brushing your teeth and taking time for yourself. Fixing yourself a cup of coffee before wandering back upstairs to check if the man in your bed is blinking those pretty brown eyes yet.
No. All heavy breathing and tangled sheets, he has twisted himself onto his back and is snoring softly. One hand under the pillow behind his head, the other strewn out across the side that you usually occupy.
Even better than the mornings to yourself: being the one who gets to wake him. Your mouth starts off on his knee. By the time you’re licking at his chest, nipping your way towards his mouth, he’s humming tiredly and reaching out for you.
One of his hands finds your face, smoothing your hair back softly as he blinks his eyes open. He was smiling before he had even opened his eyes, feeling the chill of the room as you had pulled the covers slowly off of him. Your warm mouth, licking and biting along the ridges of his abs as his fingers spread across the sheets.
“Shit, Hyde…” He’s already rock hard and straining against his boxers — as he wakes up most mornings, struggling not to push his hips up eagerly in search of your touch. “Can you take this off?”
Smiling at him, you compliantly peel the nightie over your head and lower your mouth. He bites his lip as you watch him through your lashes, licking at his navel. You follow his happy trail, your mouth so close to his skin that his erect cock strains against your throat through his boxers.
From the second that you’ve got your mouth wrapped around him, he hisses sharply and digs his heels into the mattress for leverage.
“That feels so good.” He pants, brows drawing together as your bob your mouth slowly along his length. Chest heaving, he almost squeezes his eyes shut but he can’t stand to tear his gaze away. Neither can you.
Never in a relationship before have you cared about pleasing a man quite like you have with Rooster. It’s hard to help, the addiction to those flushed cheeks and parted pink lips comes quickly.
He shudders as you rake your nails along his taut stomach, letting his head fall back, moaning unashamedly. He’s never afraid to let you know how good you’re making him feel.
But, you’re interrupted. Your eyes flicker up to his, his head lifting swiftly off of the pillow to stare at you with wide eyes as your phone rings through the room. He whines softly as you pull your lips off of him and lean across to grab it.
Pressing it to your ear with one hand, Bradley stares with wide open eyes as you stroke his cock with the other. His adam’s apple bobs in his throat as he settles back down against the pillows and exhales softly. He trusts you, sure, but he hopes this phone call is a fast one.
“Hi, how’s it going?” You smile at the sound of your friend’s voice. Bradley curls his fingers into the sheets, pressing his mouth firmly closed. He swallows thickly, watching your hand move in a twisting motion along his cock.
Your smile fades at whatever you’re being told on the phone. He whimpers under his breath. “Oh no, really?”
“Hyde.” Rooster whispers, shifting his hips uncomfortably. You take no notice.
“No, of course,” You hum, giving an understanding nod of your head as your thumb swipes through the pre-cum gathered on the tip of his cock. Bradley’s lips part and this time his mouth hangs open. Heat spreads across his cheeks. “No! It’s not your fault, you couldn’t have known that he would get sick.”
“Hyde.” Rooster whines quietly, staring at the way your hand works around his cock. The way your breasts are right in front of him and your nipples are hardened in the morning air.
“I’ll figure something out. Really it’s okay.” You promise, far more focused on the phone call than you are on the man in your bed. Rooster grits his teeth and closes his eyes. His breathing grows deeper as he tries to calm himself down long enough for your conversation to come to an end. It’s no use.
Your gaze flickers back down to him as he grabs the pillow from your side and presses it tight over his face, making you stop mid-sentence. “Totally, thanks for—“
He grunts into the pillow, jolting as he cums hard into your palm and across his stomach. Your mouth drops open, staring down at the mess he has made in your hand, lips twisting up into an amused grin.
“Letting me know. I’ll call you later.” You finish, hanging the phone up quickly and tossing it out of the way. Rooster groans hard, panting as he pushes the pillow away.
“Fuck... I tried to warn you.” He mumbles, his entire face pink now. Your mouth twitches, smiling softly as you lift your hand and lick it clean. He groans as he sits up and kisses your mouth eagerly. “What was that?”
“My friend. Her kid is sick, so they can’t make it to help set up the party. I should get up, I’ve got so much to do.” You sigh, pushing yourself out of bed and heading for the bathroom. Rooster’s hot on your heels and not just because he has to clean himself up.
“I could help.”
“I don’t want to risk you being here when the kids get home. It’s not the right time for you to meet them.” You explain, stripping out of your underwear and turning the shower on. Rooster shrugs his shoulders as he cleans himself up.
“I could call the guys, get it all done faster. We’d be out of your hair before the kids get here and you don’t have to do it yourself.” He offers. Jake and Javy — you hadn’t thought of them. The look on your face alone has him smiling. He nods, leaning forwards and kissing your mouth softly. “I’ll call them.”
Thirty minutes later, you’re pulling open the door to two of your smiling students. As they step past you, you swallow at the thought of them being in your home — Rooster is one thing but inviting the whole class home is another. They grin at you from the other side of your front door, and it’s a little too late to change your mind.
“Nice place, Hyde!” Coyote compliments as he looks around the living room. Rooster jogs down the stairs pulling his shirt over his head, stumbling into the garment. Jake shoots you a smirk.
You inhale deeply and exhale. “Alright, this party starts in three hours and we’ve got a lot to do. Javy, you’re on balloons. Jake, you’re on banners. Rooster, can you figure out the bounce house with me?”
They all give you curt nods. This isn’t the first time that they have heard you give orders, they know what to do. Standing behind you, Javy reaches behind the couch cushion and lifts Rooster’s belt from behind it. Jake’s lips quirk up into an amused smirk. Rooster presses his lips into a line. This is your kid’s big day and as much as he loves his friends, he isn’t going to let them screw around.
As you turn and walk outside, Rooster snatches it back and shoots his friends a look each. They’re left in your living room with an array of orange and blue decorations.
“Crazy that if this works out then Rooster’s going to have two kids on his hands.” Javy muses as he drops down to the couch and pulls the balloons into his lap to begin inflating them. Jake cranes his neck to stare through the window into the back yard.
“One of them’s practically a teenager too.” Jake hums as he picks the birthday girl banner up from the coffee table. “Not to mention having to deal with Cyclone on holidays and special occasions.”
This makes them share a look. Then, their attention turns back outside. Rooster’s got his hands on your waist — Jake and Javy can’t hear but he’s telling you that everything’s going to be okay. You’re smiling at him, leaning into his touch.
Maybe it’ll be worth it.
The three hour countdown weighs in heavy. Bradley’s determined not to let the burden fall on you, even after it takes forty minutes just to figure out how to inflate the bounce house.
“Do I sound— Woah!” Javy whoops, voice distorted and cartoonish from the helium. Jake snickers from his spot on top of a chair, pinning balloons around the doorframe in an arch of pinks, yellows and whites.
At the sound of laughter, Rooster marches into the room and scowls seriously at the two of them.
“Can you idiots behave for five seconds? Put the helium down. Damn it, Hangman! You’re supposed to be grouping them in bunches of three.”
You’ve seen Rooster in action. He’s a good pilot with the potential to be a great one. He could be a great leader, but he’s got a temper that he’s trying hard to keep under control in work. Today, you see exactly what you knew he could be.
Taking charge, ordering his friends around your house with confidence, but still a personable touch. He cares for them. He wants them to get it right. He wants to get it all right, for you, for your daughter.
“So, you’re going to bring us birthday cake as a thanks on Monday, right, Hyde?” Hangman asks, frowning in concentration as he straightens out the birthday banner. Rooster, holding the other end, peers back over his shoulder at you and smiles.
“I guess that’s the least I could do.” You answer, watching amusedly as Jake tries to tug the banner straight and Rooster fights him every step of the way. Behind you, the doorbell buzzes. “One sec.”
You trail through the house, listening to Javy singing softly along to early 2000s pop as you pass by. Twisting the door handle, your face instantly drops. Beau is standing outside, wearing his regular jeans and t-shirt combo, with a cast wrapped around his wrist.
Beau swallows as you step closer, blocking the door with your body. He raises his hands in defense.
“I’m not here to start trouble, I swear.” After snapping his own wrist like a twig trying to hit your boy toy, Beau figures he should try to lay off all the anger before the Navy sticks him in one of those therapy groups. You stare at him, waiting for him to explain himself. He’s not welcome in your home after the shit he pulled this week, and he’s not coming in without an explanation.
Truthfully, he doesn’t even know why he still rang the bell after he saw the cars in the driveway.
“I heard Lindsay couldn’t make it, I thought maybe you could use a hand… I see now that, uh… — Look, never mind. I’ll go.” Beau mumbles, already starting back towards the door. Already shaking his head. He isn’t looking at you, he’s looking at Rooster. You hadn’t even realized that Beau could see him past your shoulder. Your boyfriend, setting up his daughter’s birthday party.
He thinks back to last year. Taylor’s pirate-themed birthday party had been incredible. Beau had thought he was doing you a favour by staying out of your way. He wonders if he had asked, if you would have let him help.
Probably not. You know him well enough to know that he would have complained, and criticized — the two of you could never pull together something like this.
Beau looks over your shoulder, watching the way that your boyfriend isn’t even fazed by his presence. He’s too busy making sure that Taylor’s day is going to be special.
“Is he… — Are you going to introduce him to the kids today?” Beau stammers, eyes flickering back to you. There’s a sense of pleading in the grey of his irises. Watching you move on is one thing, but watching his children grow accustomed to someone new is something that he just isn’t prepared for.
You shoot a quick glance over your shoulder at the three guys in your living room, then back to your ex-husband.
“No, not today,” You tell him calmly. “I was thinking next weekend.”
He stares back at you. Even over the music and the guys chatting, it’s like you can hear your ex-husband’s heart thundering in his chest. But you’ve spent too long sparing his emotions to back down and change your mind about this.
“Would you like to be there for it?” You try.
Quickly, he shakes his head. His attention is back on Rooster. He studies the way that Rooster takes a moment to survey the room, then goes right back to adjusting. You’re not even watching and the kid still won’t cut corners.
“No.” Beau decides. He pushes his hands into the front pockets of his jeans and meets your gaze once again, steely and calmer than you have seen him in a while. “But I’m… okay with it. He seems like a good guy.”
You raise your brows at him.
“I’ll come back later, once the kids are here. The party looks great. You… you did great.” He tells you, voice growing low and croaky. You offer him nothing but a polite nod and watch him turn away.
Tags: @cherrycola27 @mak-32 @khaylin27 @stoncms @shanimallina87 @cool-ultra-nerd @angelmavmurdock @gingerbreadandpaper @mizzzpink @whisperofsong @throwinsauce @perpetuelledaydreaming @n3ssm0nique @thedroneranger @abaker74 @marantha @ghxst-heart @diamond-3 @shawnsblue
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thatlovinfeelin · 1 year
Where Do You Go? | one | Bradley Rooster Bradshaw
Your husband died in a training accident, unexpectedly. So what happens when you find yourself leaning on his best friend and wingman, Rooster Bradshaw?
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You never imagined you’d be a widow at twenty-six. Never did you think you would actually get the news that your husband died during a mission, unable to eject properly. Your knees hit the floor so hard they could’ve cracked but you didn’t feel it at all. Not as you cried and screamed and begged. 
The house felt so empty after the reality that your husband was gone set in. Kurtis Chapman was a hell of a man, an even better pilot. He should still be in the house with you, laughing at some reality TV show, or helping you cook dinner. 
You weren’t sure how, but you called your parents and managed to tell them. They promised to take care of letting the rest of your family know. There was suddenly a funeral to plan, suddenly you had to bury your husband, the man you promised to love for your entire life. 
Somehow you found yourself dressed in black, seated in front of a bunch of people. Your eyes never left the wooden casket that held Kurtis, the love of your life. You hardly reacted when you were handed a folded up flag on behalf of the United States Navy. Flinching only when the twenty one gun salute was started. Tears rolled down your cheeks. All you could think about was the fact that he was gone.
Maybe some people would find it tacky to hold a wake in a bar. But the Hard Deck was the only place you could fathom having everyone gather together after saying goodbye to Kurtis. He loved it here. The two of you came almost every weekend to drink with friends and play pool together. It seemed like the only place that was even somewhat appropriate, because he would’ve loved it. 
You moved around the bar as if on some sort of autopilot. There was no loud music or the thunderous sounds of voices filling the bar. Everyone spoke in hushed tones and the jukebox was either off or the volume was turned way down, you weren’t entirely sure. 
As you stood there, all alone, you seemed to come back to yourself and the weight of the day fell onto your shoulders. So, you made your way towards the bar, in search of the only thing that made sense to you. 
“What do you need me to do?” Penny asked softly.
You took a deep breath, “I need a shot of something, anything….just not his favorite.”
She nodded and slid a shot glass towards you. You loved Penny like a big sister or a fun aunt. She looked after you when you first moved to San Diego and was the first person to introduce you to Kurtis. Now, looking at her, made tears burn in your eyes again. 
Giving a stiff nod, you slammed back the alcohol and walked away. You let out a deep breath and made your way back through the crowd of people. Each one of them gave you a sad look or apologized for your loss, as if that would make it any better. 
In the corner near the pool table stood all of Kurtis’ aviator friends from Top Gun. They all looked just as lost as you felt. For a moment you wondered who was in the air with him when he died. Whose voice was the last thing he heard before he died?
Suddenly you felt like the walls were closing in on you. Ducking out of the side door, you took a deep breath, trying to fill your lungs with air. Your chest heaved as you leaned over the railing. This couldn’t be happening, this couldn’t be your life anymore. 
How were you supposed to go on now? Logistically yes, you would be okay. You had more than enough money set aside, thanks to Kurtis being smart with your finances, and the life insurance plan. You would be able to keep the house, everything would be okay when it came to things like that. But how could you sleep in that bed knowing the other side would stay empty?
“Are you okay?” 
You turned around to see Bradley Bradshaw, better known by his callsign, Rooster. His hands were in his pockets as he stood just outside of the door, watching you carefully. Kurtis always liked Rooster, so much so that Rooster was the best man at your wedding. 
“I’m sorry,” He replied.
“Were you with him?” You questioned, needing to know. 
He nodded slowly, which was all you needed to know. At least Rooster was in the air with him, he wasn’t alone. That made you feel better, or at least as much as anything could today. If anyone had to be in the air with him when it happened, you’re glad it was Rooster. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat before moving forward and wrapping your arms around the aviator. You just needed to be held by someone. But then it dawned on you that Rooster went through this with his dad. He lost him in a similar way. 
“I’m sorry if this brings back bad memories,” You whisper to him, holding onto him tightly. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” He replied, voice gravelly, “Are you going to be okay?”
You nodded and stepped away, “The house is taken care of. Kurtis had plenty of money stashed away too,” you let out a little laugh, “We were saving up to start a family.”
“He told me,” Rooster admitted. 
“Of course he did. He thought of you as a brother.”
“He really really loved you, for what it’s worth.”
“I love him,” You whisper back, “And it hurts like hell and I don’t know how I’m going to get through this.”
“You will,” Rooster promised, “We’ll all be here to help you, if you want us to.”
You nodded, leaning back into him for another hug. If you closed your eyes, you might think it was Kurtis hugging you, making that deep ache in your chest and belly go away for just a moment. You always felt safe with Rooster. He looked after you when Kurtis was deployed the last time. 
He felt like the calm in the middle of the storm that was your life now. 
“I don’t know where I’m supposed to go,” You admitted, “Nowhere feels like home.”
“My mom said the worst part was the house without my dad,” He told you softly, “You’ll get through this, I promise.”
You nodded, stepping away from Rooster and taking a deep breath. You just needed to get through today.You could figure everything else out later. Like packing up all of Kurtis’ things, or how you were supposed to keep living in the house that you planned on growing old together in. 
“I need to go back in there,” You announced, looking towards the door, “It’s rude for me to hide away.”
“Take all the time you need,” Rooster replied, “Everyone will understand that you need to hide for a little while.”
The weeks turned into months. Slowly creeping by as you cried yourself to sleep in an empty bed and looked at Kurtis’ things every day. By the third month, you couldn’t stand it anymore and went out to buy boxes. Even still, you couldn’t bring yourself to pack anything away. Part of you kept waiting for him to come back home, even though you knew he never would. 
You sat on the floor in the middle of your bedroom, looking at the closet. You didn’t know where to start, or if you even could start. Would he be mad at you for trying to move on? Would he hate you for trying to get on with your new life? Even if it was hurting you to do it?
A knock on your front door made you stop completely. No one came by anymore. Your house used to be like a revolving door of Aviators and other members of the Navy, but now everything was quiet. So quiet it almost hurt.
You slowly made your way to the door, not expecting to see anyone of any importance. Who would bother to come now that it was just you? Kurtis was the fun one. He was the one that had the parties and made all of the jokes. You were always quiet and fading into the background. 
You were sure you looked awful. Greasy hair piled on top of your head and eyes red and swollen from crying so much. But you didn’t care, you couldn’t bring yourself to even try to look presentable. Why would you? The man you loved was dead and gone. Buried in the cold ground.
You pushed your glasses up your nose before unlocking the door and swinging it open. You were more than shocked to see Rooster standing in civilian clothes on the other side. He looked the same as the last time you saw him, three months ago. 
“Hey,” He spoke carefully, “I just wanted to come check on you. We haven’t seen you in a while.”
You nodded, “Can’t bring myself to go out.”
“I understand that,” he replied, “Look, if you ever need anything, you know you can call me, right? I promised I’d take care of you.”
You nodded again, and for some reason took a step back and opened the door the rest of the way, “I’m trying to pack up some of his things….. But I don’t know where to start. I’m not even sure if I can start.”
He swallowed a thick lump in his throat. Rooster remembered how hard it was on his mom to pack up after his dad died, “Do you want me to help?”
You nod once more, “I can’t do it alone. I’m too scared of what I’m going to feel when I do.”
“Okay…show me the way.”
So, you let him into your house. All the way to the bedroom you kept trying to ignore all of the pictures of you and Kurtis on the walls. Your wedding photo hurt more than anything to look at. You were only twenty three, he was twenty five when you got married, Kurtis was still in flight school. 
As you led Rooster into your bedroom, you wondered if Kurtis would be okay with him being here. They were best friends, had been since school. If anyone was supposed to be here to help you from the Squadron, you hoped Kurtis really did pick Rooster. You felt comfortable with him. Standing in the middle of your bedroom, surrounded by empty boxes, your strange grief induced friendship with Bradley Rooster Bradshaw began.
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callsigns-haze · 4 months
Short love: Chp 21
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Summary: The is about widowed father Bradley Bradshaw who enlists his brother-in-law Jake Seresin and childhood best friend Robert Floyd to help raise his three daughters, eldest Donna Jo Margaret (D.J for short), middle child Stephanie and youngest Michelle in his San Diego home. 
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Warning: Fluff, flirting Giving birth
Y/n sighed heavily, the weight of her frustration evident in the way she slumped against the cushions of the couch. One week overdue, and still no sign of their little ones making their grand entrance into the world. It felt like an eternity had passed since her due date had come and gone, and with each passing day, her impatience grew.
She shifted uncomfortably, trying to find a position that offered some relief from the persistent ache in her lower back. The baby bump that had once been a source of joy now felt like a burden, weighing her down with its stubborn refusal to budge.
Glancing at the clock for what felt like the hundredth time that day, Y/n let out another exasperated sigh. Where was the sense of urgency, the excitement that usually accompanied the imminent arrival of a new addition to the family? Instead, all she felt was a sense of frustration and fatigue, her emotions teetering on the edge of exhaustion.
Jake, sensing her distress, came over and gently took her hand in his, offering a reassuring squeeze. "Hang in there, love," he said, his voice soft with empathy. "They'll come when they're ready."
Y/n nodded, grateful for his words of encouragement but unable to shake the nagging feeling of impatience that gnawed at her insides. She longed to hold their babies in her arms, to finally meet the little miracles they had been eagerly anticipating for months.
But for now, all she could do was wait. Wait for the contractions to start, for the telltale signs that labor was imminent. And in the meantime, she would do her best to find solace in Jake's comforting presence, knowing that no matter how long the wait, they would face it together, as they had faced everything else in their journey to parenthood.
Y/n sighed, her expression filled with frustration as she sank deeper into the couch. "It's Michelle's birthday, and here I am feeling like I can't do anything," she confessed, her voice tinged with disappointment.
Jake's brows furrowed with concern as he took a seat beside her, his hand finding hers in a gesture of comfort. "Hey, you're not useless," he said gently, his eyes reflecting empathy. "You're carrying our babies, Y/n. That's the most important thing right now."
Y/n managed a small smile, touched by his words but still feeling the weight of her emotions. "I know," she replied softly. "But I wanted to make today special for Michelle, and now I can barely get off the couch without feeling exhausted."
Jake's grip on her hand tightened, his expression one of unwavering support. "We'll figure it out," he assured her, his tone filled with determination. "Even if it's not the celebration we planned, we can still make it special. Michelle just wants to know she's loved, and we can show her that in so many ways."
Y/n's shoulders relaxed slightly, comforted by Jake's reassuring presence. She knew he was right—they could still make the day memorable, even if it wasn't what they had originally envisioned. With Jake by her side, she felt a renewed sense of hope and determination to make the best of the situation.
Taking a deep breath, Y/n leaned into Jake's embrace, grateful for his unwavering support and the love they shared. No matter what challenges lay ahead, she knew they would face them together, as a team, united in their love for each other and their growing family.
As Jake and Y/n exchanged worried glances, they heard the familiar sound of tiny footsteps bounding up the attic stairs. Michelle's voice echoed through the room, filled with curiosity and excitement. "WHERE IS EVERYONE?" she called out, her tone tinged with anticipation.
Jake turned to his wife, a knowing look passing between them. "You're on the bed," he whispered, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Y/n stifled a laugh, realizing their niece's unexpected arrival would soon disrupt their private conversation. "Well, there goes our moment," she quipped, a smile playing at the corners of her lips.
Before they could react, the attic door swung open, and Michelle burst into the room, her eyes wide with excitement. "Aunt Y/n! Uncle Jake!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "What are you doing up here?"
Y/n exchanged a knowing glance with Jake, silently acknowledging that their attempt at privacy had been foiled by their energetic niece. "We were just talking, sweetie," she replied, her tone gentle as she gestured to the bed.
Michelle bounded across the room, her excitement palpable as she climbed onto the bed between her aunt and uncle. "Can I join?" she asked eagerly, her eyes alight with curiosity.
Jake chuckled, his heart swelling with affection for his spirited niece. "Of course, munchkin," he said, reaching out to ruffle her hair affectionately. "We'd love to have you."
As Michelle settled in between them, Y/n and Jake shared a knowing smile. Despite the interruption, they couldn't help but feel grateful for the simple moments they shared as a family—the laughter, the love, and the joy of being together.
As Michelle joined them on the bed, her excitement palpable, she couldn't help but notice something amiss in the air. With a curious tilt of her head, she piped up, "Aren't you guys forgetting something?"
Y/n exchanged a glance with Jake, momentarily puzzled before realizing what Michelle was referring to. "Oh, we all said happy birthday to you at breakfast, sweetheart," Y/n replied with a warm smile.
Michelle's face scrunched up in disappointment, her brows furrowing. "But I'm a big girl now, so it's a big deal," she insisted, her tone earnest.
Y/n and Jake exchanged another glance, realizing they had overlooked the significance of the moment for their growing niece. "Of course, you're right," Y/n said, her voice softening. "Happy birthday, Michelle."
But as the words left her lips, Michelle's expression remained unchanged. "Don't say it if you don't mean it," she replied, her tone firm.
Caught off guard by Michelle's sincerity, Y/n and Jake exchanged a sheepish look before turning back to their niece. "You're absolutely right, Michelle," Jake said, his voice gentle. "We mean it. Happy birthday, sweetheart."
This time, as they spoke the words, a genuine warmth filled the room, and Michelle's face lit up with a radiant smile.
Jake chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief as Michelle scampered back downstairs. "Did you see the sass in that kid?" he remarked, a mixture of amusement and astonishment in his voice. "She's something else."
Jake turned to Y/n with a grin, his eyes still reflecting the playful defiance in Michelle's actions. "She definitely takes after someone in this family," he teased, nudging Y/n gently with his elbow. "I wonder who?"
Jake leaned in closer to Y/n, his voice softening as he spoke. "She's got your wit and my... well, let's just say she's got a lot of me too," he added with a chuckle. "But she's also got something special that's all her own." Y/n nodded in agreement, a fond expression crossing her face as they watched Michelle's antics from the top of the stairs.
Y/n sighed contentedly, feeling grateful for the lively presence of their niece. "Yeah, she's definitely a handful, but I wouldn't have it any other way," she admitted, glancing at Jake. "She keeps us on our toes, that's for sure." Jake nodded, wrapping an arm around Y/n's shoulders as they continued to watch Michelle's energetic antics unfold.
Jake chuckled, his eyes reflecting the affection he felt for their spirited niece. "She's got quite the personality," he remarked, admiring Michelle's determination as she dashed around the room. "But she's also got a big heart, just like her aunt," he added, giving Y/n a gentle squeeze. "Yeah, she definitely keeps us entertained," Y/n agreed, smiling fondly at Michelle's latest escapade.
Jake glanced at Y/n, his expression softening with adoration. "You know, even with all the chaos, I wouldn't trade this for anything," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. Y/n nodded, her heart swelling with warmth. "Me neither," she replied, reaching out to grasp his hand. "We're lucky to have each other and our amazing nieces." They shared a smile, grateful for the love and laughter that filled their home.
Bob, with his puppet Woodchuck, was in the midst of an animated conversation when Jake walked into the kitchen. He raised an eyebrow, watching the entertaining spectacle. "Bob, my man, you never fail to bring a smile to our faces," Jake chuckled.
Bob grinned, continuing his puppet banter. "Well, you know, Woodchuck and I have a way of keeping things lively around here. It's a special talent."
Jake shook his head in amusement, appreciating the quirky charm of their makeshift family. "Keep up the good work, Bob. You're the secret ingredient that makes this place unique."
As Bob continued his puppetry, Jake couldn't help but feel grateful for the eccentric mix of personalities that made their home so wonderfully chaotic.
As Jake stood by the kitchen sink, filling up the glasses with water for himself and Yn, he couldn't shake the feeling of contentment that washed over him. The simple act felt comforting, grounding him in the routine of their daily life.
But then, amidst the tranquility of the moment, Yn's piercing scream shattered the calm, jolting him into action. With a startled gasp, Jake dropped the glasses, the clatter of them hitting the countertop echoing through the kitchen.
The clatter of cups hitting the countertop echoed through the kitchen as Jake froze, his heart lurching at the sound of Yn's cry. Without a moment's hesitation, he abandoned the drinks and sprinted up the stairs, taking them two at a time.
His heart pounded with a mixture of fear and urgency as he abandoned the glasses and sprinted up the stairs, his mind racing with worry for Yn and their unborn babies.
Bursting into the attic, he found Yn doubled over in pain, her hands clutching her swollen belly. Without hesitation, he rushed to her side, his concern etched on his face.
"Yn, what's wrong?!" Jake exclaimed, his voice trembling with anxiety as he helped her to sit down.
Through labored breaths, Yn managed to choke out, "I think... it's time... the twins... they're coming..."
The realization hit Jake like a bolt of lightning. Their babies were on the way. With a surge of determination, he pushed aside his fear and focused on supporting Yn through the intense moments ahead, knowing that they would face this challenge together.
As Yn and Jake stepped into the hospital room, the sterile scent of antiseptic filled the air, mingling with the sound of beeping machines and distant murmurs from the hallway. Yn winced, her hand gripping Jake's tightly as another wave of pain washed over her.
Though she wasn't fully dilated yet, the discomfort was undeniable. Every contraction felt like a relentless assault on her body, each one intensifying the urgency to bring their twin boys into the world.
Jake hovered anxiously by her side, his eyes filled with concern and determination. He squeezed her hand reassuringly, silently promising to support her through every moment of this ordeal.
Meanwhile, just outside the room, the rest of the family waited with bated breath. Despite the significance of Michelle's birthday, their focus was entirely on Yn and the imminent arrival of the twins. They exchanged nervous glances and offered each other words of encouragement, knowing that the next few hours would be filled with anticipation and hope.
Inside the room, Yn closed her eyes, willing herself to endure the pain, her thoughts consumed by the overwhelming desire to finally hold her babies in her arms. With Jake by her side and the unwavering support of their family, she found the strength to face whatever lay ahead, knowing that the joy of welcoming their sons into the world would make every moment of struggle worthwhile.
As Yn and Jake settled into the hospital room, the soft glow of the overhead lights provided a comforting ambiance amid the sterile surroundings. Yn shifted uncomfortably on the bed, her brows furrowed with pain as another contraction rippled through her body.
Jake rushed to her side, his hands trembling slightly as he filled a plastic cup with water from the nearby pitcher. He offered it to Yn with a gentle smile, his eyes reflecting both concern and unwavering support.
Yn gratefully accepted the water, taking small sips to soothe her parched throat. Despite the discomfort, she managed a weak smile of gratitude towards Jake, his presence serving as a source of comfort and strength in her time of need.
As Yn took another sip of water, trying to ease her nerves, Jake's concerned gaze never left her face. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with worry. "You seem tense."
Yn offered him a reassuring smile, though it faltered slightly under the weight of her anxiety. "I'm just nervous," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I want everything to go smoothly for the boys."
Jake reached out, gently brushing a stray lock of hair from her forehead. "I know," he murmured, his touch a comforting anchor amidst the swirling emotions. "But you're strong, Yn. You've got this."
His words offered her a measure of solace, but Yn couldn't shake the apprehension that gripped her heart. The prospect of childbirth filled her with both excitement and fear, and she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the moment.
As she wrestled with her emotions, Jake continued to offer words of encouragement, his unwavering support a source of strength in her time of need. With each passing moment, Yn felt a renewed determination to face whatever lay ahead, knowing that Jake would be right by her side every step of the way.
Yn clutched Jake's hand tightly as another wave of pain washed over her, her knuckles turning white from the pressure. Despite the discomfort, she couldn't help but feel grateful for Jake's presence beside her, his unwavering support anchoring her in the midst of the chaos.
"I'm scared, Jake," she admitted, her voice trembling with emotion. "What if something goes wrong?"
Jake's expression softened with understanding as he squeezed her hand reassuringly. "We've got an amazing team of doctors and nurses here," he said, his voice filled with confidence. "And besides, you're the strongest person I know. You can handle anything that comes our way."
Yn offered him a weak smile, her heart swelling with love for the man who stood by her side through thick and thin. Despite her fears, she drew strength from his unwavering faith in her abilities, knowing that together, they could overcome any obstacle.
As they waited for the arrival of their twin boys, Yn found solace in Jake's comforting presence, his steady reassurances serving as a beacon of hope in the darkness. And as the hours stretched on, she clung to him tightly, grateful for the love and support that surrounded her in this moment of uncertainty.
Yn took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves as another contraction rippled through her body. She glanced up at Jake, finding solace in his unwavering gaze.
"It's going to be okay," he murmured, his voice filled with quiet confidence. "We're in this together."
Yn nodded, her grip tightening on his hand as she braced herself for the next wave of pain. Despite the fear and uncertainty swirling inside her, she drew strength from Jake's presence, knowing that he would be there every step of the way.
As the hours ticked by, the intensity of Yn's contractions increased, each one bringing her closer to the moment she had been waiting for—the arrival of their twin boys. And as she lay in the hospital bed, surrounded by the gentle hum of medical equipment and the steady rhythm of Jake's heartbeat, she knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united in their love for each other and their growing family.
As the contractions continued, Yn found herself growing more fatigued, the pain becoming almost unbearable. Jake remained steadfast by her side, offering words of encouragement and gentle reassurance with each passing moment.
"Remember to breathe," he whispered, his voice a calming presence amidst the chaos of the delivery room. "You're doing great, Yn. Just a little longer."
Despite her exhaustion, Yn summoned every ounce of strength within her, focusing on the sound of Jake's voice and the promise of their babies' imminent arrival. With each contraction, she pushed with all her might, her determination unwavering even in the face of adversity.
As the nurse and team of doctors entered the room, Yn felt a surge of anticipation mingled with apprehension. Gripping Jake's hand tightly, she braced herself for the intense waves of pain that would soon engulf her.
With each contraction, the pain intensified, radiating through her body like a relentless tidal wave. Yn gritted her teeth, her knuckles turning white as she clung to Jake for support. The room seemed to blur around her, the only focus the burning ache that consumed her with each passing moment.
Summoning every ounce of strength within her, Yn pushed with all her might, her muscles straining against the overwhelming pressure. Beads of sweat formed on her brow as she fought through the pain, her breath coming in ragged gasps.
The nurse offered words of encouragement, her voice a distant echo amidst the cacophony of sensations assaulting Yn's senses. She pushed through the agony, her body trembling with exertion as she propelled herself forward, inch by agonizing inch.
Time seemed to stand still as Yn pushed with all her might, her entire world reduced to the singular focus of bringing her baby into the world. The room faded away, leaving only the searing pain and the unwavering determination burning within her heart.
And then, finally, after what felt like an eternity, a surge of relief washed over Yn as she felt her first son begin to emerge. With one final push, she gave it her all, pouring every ounce of her being into the effort.
And then, in an instant that seemed to stretch into eternity, the room erupted with the cry of new life as Yn's first son entered the world. Tears of exhaustion and elation streamed down her cheeks as she collapsed back onto the bed, her body trembling with relief and overwhelming joy.
As the nurse placed the baby boy on Yn's chest, a wave of awe washed over her and Jake. Their son lay there, tiny and vulnerable, yet perfect in every way. Yn's heart swelled with overwhelming love as she gazed down at his tiny features, marveling at the miracle of life they had created together.
Jake leaned in close, his eyes shining with emotion as he gently reached out to touch their son's cheek. His fingers trembled slightly as he made contact, his touch so tender it seemed to encompass all the love and protectiveness he felt in that moment.
Together, they marveled at the tiny fingers and toes, the soft tufts of hair on his head, and the delicate curve of his lips. Their son was a testament to their love, a living, breathing symbol of their commitment to each other and to their growing family.
Yn's heart swelled with gratitude as she looked up at Jake, her eyes shimmering with tears of joy. In that moment, surrounded by the love of her husband and their newborn son, she felt a profound sense of happiness and fulfillment unlike anything she had ever known before.
As Yn prepared for the arrival of her second baby, she drew on every ounce of strength and determination within her. The contractions intensified, each one like a wave crashing over her, threatening to overwhelm her completely. But Yn remained focused, her mind fixed on the task at hand.
With each contraction, she pushed with all her might, gritting her teeth against the searing pain that ripped through her body. Jake stood by her side, offering words of encouragement and support, his hand clasped tightly in hers. Together, they faced the challenge head-on, united in their determination to bring their second child into the world.
As the intensity of the contractions peaked, Yn felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins. With one final, monumental effort, she pushed with all her might, pouring every ounce of her strength into the task at hand. And then, in an instant, it was over.
The room seemed to hold its breath as the second baby emerged, a tiny, squalling bundle of life. Yn collapsed back against the pillows, exhausted but elated, her heart overflowing with love for her new arrival. Jake's eyes brimmed with tears as he beheld their second child, a beautiful testament to their love and commitment.
As the nurse placed the baby in Yn's arms, she felt a profound sense of gratitude wash over her. In that moment, as she cradled her newborn son against her chest, she knew that the pain and the struggle had all been worth it. For here, in her arms, was the most precious gift of all: their second child, a living, breathing embodiment of their love and devotion.
In the hushed atmosphere of the hospital room, Yn and Jake gazed down at their two newborn sons with a mixture of awe and wonder. The room seemed to glow with the soft light of new beginnings, and in that moment, they realized that they were now parents.
Their hearts swelled with an overwhelming flood of emotions as they marveled at the tiny, perfect features of their sons. They reached out to gently touch their newborns' delicate fingers, feeling the weight of responsibility and love settle upon their shoulders.
As they cradled their sons in their arms, Yn and Jake shared a silent exchange of glances, their eyes brimming with unspoken promises and dreams for the future. In that precious moment, surrounded by the soft sounds of newborn cries and the gentle hum of the hospital machinery, they knew that their lives had been forever changed.
With a sense of awe and gratitude, they embraced the profound journey that lay before them, knowing that they would face each challenge and celebrate each milestone together as a family. And as they looked into the innocent faces of their sons, they knew that their love would guide them through every step of the way.
As the excited chatter of the family filled the hospital room, Stephanie, DJ, and Michelle rushed to the side of Yn's bed, where she and Jake held one son each in their arms. Michelle's eyes widened in amazement as she peered at the tiny bundles, commenting on how small they were.
"Can I put my doll clothes on them?" Michelle asked eagerly, her imagination already running wild with possibilities. But before she could make a move, Jake gently interjected with a teasing tone, "Hold up, shorty, they're boys."
Stephanie and DJ joined in with amused laughter, the joy of the moment spreading throughout the room. Despite the exhaustion of labor, Yn couldn't help but smile at the lighthearted banter, feeling grateful for the love and laughter that filled their growing family.
Amidst the laughter and excitement, Yn glanced down at her two precious sons, feeling overwhelmed with love and gratitude. She couldn't wait for them to grow up surrounded by such a loving and supportive family.
As the family gathered around, admiring the newborns, Yn and Jake couldn't help but feel a sense of completion. Their journey to parenthood had been filled with ups and downs, but in that moment, holding their sons in their arms, they knew it was all worth it.
As Yn lovingly cradles Nicky, and Jake holds little Alex, Bradley approaches with an unmistakable excitement. "What names did you guys decide on?" he asks, unable to contain his curiosity.
A warm smile graces Yn's face, and her eyes sparkle with pride. "Meet Nicky and Alex," she announces, her voice filled with affection. "Their names don't have a particular significance, but they just felt perfect for our little guys." Yn steals a glance at Jake, and they share a silent moment of joy, surrounded by their growing family.
Stephanie, always the dreamer, leans in close, examining the newborns with wide-eyed wonder. "They're like tiny miracles," she whispers, her voice filled with awe.
DJ, the practical one, nods in agreement. "They're definitely going to keep us on our toes," she remarks with a knowing smile.
Michelle, ever the comedian, giggles as she observes the babies. "They're like little potatoes," she declares, earning a chuckle from Bob.
Bradley, the proud uncle figure, beams with delight. "They're perfect," he declares simply, his voice choked with emotion.
Jake and Yn exchange a glance, overwhelmed by the love and support surrounding them. These precious boys, Nicky and Alex, have already captured the hearts of everyone in the room.
Bob, always ready with a comedic touch, holds up his puppet, Woodchuck, and says, "Well, boys, looks like you've got some competition for the cuteness crown. But don't worry, I'll teach you the art of humor!"
Jake, the new father, stands tall, looking at his sons with a mixture of pride and tenderness. "Welcome to the world, Nicky and Alex," he says softly, as if introducing them to the universe.
Yn, holding one baby in each arm, feels a surge of overwhelming love. She glances at Jake, and they share a silent moment of gratitude for the family surrounding them.
In the midst of the joy, Bradley starts reminiscing about when DJ, Stephanie, and Michelle were babies. He shares stories, and the room fills with laughter and nostalgia.
As the gang continues to revel in the miracle of new life, Michelle, with her signature sass, looks at Nicky and Alex and says, "Well, you better be ready for a whole lot of crazy. This family knows how to bring it!"
The atmosphere in the room is filled with warmth, laughter, and the promise of a new chapter for the Bradshaw-Seresin family.
The End.
@daisyfieldrecs Thank you for recommending this series!
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50calmadeuce · 5 months
Ch. 22: Back Home
Warning: Mention of miscarriage. Some chapters have sex.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Top Gun: Maverick world, trademarked by Paramount Pictures Corporation. I do not claim ownership of the characters and the world that I am borrowing.
The story and situation I am creating are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is for entertainment only and is not a part of the storyline.
I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story, but I do hope it gives you happy thoughts.
These stories are my own, so please do not take them and use them for yourself without my permission. If you see them somewhere else, please let me know. :)
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A couple of weeks after your journey from San Diego, you found yourself engrossed in work late one evening in your office. The sound of a knock at the door interrupted your focus. Lifting your eyes, you saw Chuck standing there, holding a small tray filled with snacks.
"Come in," you invited, taking a moment to organize the papers strewn across your desk.
Chuck entered, placing the tray on your desk. "Figured you might need a little something to munch on," he offered, a considerate gesture that brought a moment of warmth to the late hours.
You couldn't help but smile at the thoughtfulness. "Thanks, Chuck. That's really kind of you," you expressed, genuinely touched by the gesture. The sight of the snacks—a mix of fruit, nuts, and some chocolate—was a welcome sight, considering you hadn't realized how much time had passed or how hungry you actually were until now.
Chuck observed the situation, remarking on your evident busyness. "It looks like this new grant project is keeping you quite occupied," he noted, acknowledging the lengthy days you've been putting in.
You responded with a confirming sound, the weight of the work ahead clear in your tone. "This is just the start. I've been going through resumes to find some assistance for the upcoming winter and summer," you explained, signaling the expansive scope of your project and the need for additional hands to manage the workload.
As a yawn escaped you, you promptly covered your mouth with your hand.
Chuck issued a gentle warning, "Well, don't push yourself too hard. I understand with the Lieutenant away, you might dive into work to keep him off your mind, but it's not the best for your health," he pointed out, concern evident in his voice. "And you've seemed pretty worn out lately."
You dismissed the concern with a nonchalant shrug. "Nah, I'm fine. Just still getting my bearings after all those time zone changes a few weeks back," you claimed, attributing your fatigue to the adjustment period rather than the workload or emotional stress.
"Have you heard from the Lieutenant?" he inquired, observing as you picked up a grape from the plate and popped it into your mouth.
After a moment spent chewing and then swallowing, you answered, "No," your tone casual yet hinting at a deeper resignation. "But that's nothing new." You continued eating off of the plate.
Chuck's observation came unexpectedly, drawing a parallel from his experiences, albeit in a different context. "Doc, I'm no rocket scientist, but I've been around horses enough to see when something's up. Are you sure you're not pregnant?" he asked, noting your sudden appetite as you continued to eat grapes.
You stopped mid-motion, a grape poised between your fingers, as his words prompted a rush of thoughts. The realization dawned on you; you and Jake had been cautious only that one time.
The room suddenly felt too small, your mind racing as you tried to piece together the timeline, the possibility that Chuck's offhand comment might hold more truth than jest.
Chuck, realizing the gravity of what he'd suggested, immediately softened his approach. "Hey, I didn't mean to jump to conclusions or anything. It's just, you've been looking a bit off color lately, and now the sudden hunger," he explained, his voice tinged with concern rather than suspicion.
You set the grape back down, suddenly not so hungry. "I... hadn't really considered it," you admitted, the possibility now taking root in your mind. "But now that you mention it, there have been a few signs that I just attributed to stress and being busy." As you glanced down at the grape held delicately between your fingers, a stark realization hit you. You despised grapes. The fact that you were not just tolerating but seemingly enjoying them now added an unexpected layer of complexity to Chuck's question. This sudden shift in your dietary preferences, coupled with the recent context you were forced to consider, made the scenario all the more perplexing and worthy of deep thought. "I'll make a doctor's appointment tomorrow." You looked at Chuck and nodded. "Good night."
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A few days after your conversation with Chuck, you found yourself in a different kind of waiting—sitting in a doctor's office, draped in a gown that felt less like clothing and more like a symbol of vulnerability. The anticipation was palpable, the room filled with a silence that seemed to echo your racing thoughts.
The door finally opened, breaking the cycle of your anxious musings. A middle-aged woman stepped in, her curly dark hair framing her face and glasses perched on her nose, exuding an air of professional calmness. "Dr. Seresin, how are you today?" she greeted, her voice carrying a blend of warmth and formality, the sort that healthcare professionals master over years of practice. Her presence, while reassuring, also marked the moment of truth you had been both dreading and anticipating.
"Dr. Katz," you acknowledged her, trying to muster a semblance of calm. "I guess I'm doing okay."
Dr. Katz took a seat, her gaze meeting yours squarely, a gesture that seemed to brace both of you for the forthcoming revelation. "Well, we might as well just get right to it. You're pregnant."
The moment the words left her lips, it felt as though the room's atmosphere shifted dramatically. It was as if all the air had been vacuumed out, leaving behind a charged silence that enveloped you. The reality of her statement hung heavy, a profound turning point that was both intimidating and real.
Dr. Katz, observant and empathetic, noticed the change in your demeanor. Her voice softened as she addressed the situation, "I take it this wasn't planned?"
Releasing a deep breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding, you managed to find your voice. "Not really, but..." Your words trailed off, a mix of emotions swirling within you—surprise, apprehension, perhaps a hint of something else. In that moment, with the reality of your situation settling in, you stood at the threshold of an unexpected journey, pondering the myriad ways it could unfold.
Dr. Katz's gaze briefly settled on the wedding ring adorning your finger, a symbol of commitment that prompted her next question. "I didn't know you were married? Does your husband not know yet?"
Meeting her gaze, you clarified, "I've been married for four years. My husband is currently deployed. Due to a past circumstance, we recently rekindled our relationship."
Dr. Katz turned her attention back to the computer, typing away for a moment before stopping, a note of concern in her expression as she addressed a sensitive topic. "Ah. Being kicked in the stomach and losing the baby." Her gaze shifted back to you, searching, as she asked, "How do you feel about this?"
There was a brief pause as you collected your thoughts, the weight of the question pressing down. "Honestly, nervous," you admitted, your voice carrying the mixed emotions of fear, uncertainty, and perhaps a glimmer of hope or resilience. It was a moment of vulnerability, acknowledging the complexity of your feelings in the face of such unexpected and challenging news. he room seemed to hold its breath as you shared a piece of your past, a shadow that lingered over your present. "After it happened, my husband didn't really talk to me for four years," you revealed, the pain and isolation of that time evident in your voice. Meeting Dr. Katz's eyes, you expressed a fear deeply rooted in your experience. "I don't want that again."
Dr. Katz, sensing the depth of your concerns and the weight of your past experiences, offered a supportive suggestion. "There's a psychologist I can connect you with..."
But you quickly dismissed the idea, a reflexive wave of your hand punctuating your decision. "No. No psychologist. I can deal with this." Your voice carried a mixture of determination and perhaps a hint of apprehension.
Dr. Katz exhaled deeply. "Alright, I'll provide you with that information, just in case you have a change of heart. But do start taking a quality prenatal vitamin. I'll see you in a month's time, purely as a precaution because of the last time. It's not that I'm expecting complications, but I'd rather be safe and ensure everything is on track."
"Okay," you nodded in agreement.
"You're going to be just fine, Y/N," reassured the doctor before exiting the room.
You released a breath you hadn't noticed you'd been holding in.
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Entering the kitchen late, you carried a small bag, its contents consisting of prenatal vitamins.
Chuck glanced up. "Everything alright, Doc?"
Setting the bag on the counter, you extracted the vitamins. "You were correct. I'm pregnant."
A smile brightened Chuck's face. "Doc, that's wonderful news! But, why do I sense you're not thrilled?"
"I am happy," you admitted. "It's just the thought of Jake's reaction that's weighing on me."
Chuck nodded, understanding the complexity of the situation. "I think the Lieutenant will be thrilled about it."
"I hope so, but it's my line of work that makes him anxious. Particularly after the last incident." Drawing in a deep breath, you contemplated your next steps. "I need to see about getting an assistant or an intern. It's time to have a discussion with work."
As if on cue, your phone began to ring, and Jake's name flashed on the screen. "Speaking of Jake," you remarked, pressing the answer button for a face call. "Hey babe!"
Chuck discreetly exited the kitchen, giving you space to talk to Jake.
Jake's voice came through, vibrant and warm. "Hey, darlin'!"
God, how you missed the sound of his voice. Heck, you missed everything about him.
He noticed your weariness. "You okay?"
"I'm fine. It's just been a long day. I literally just got home."
"Well, then I called at the right time. How are things?"
"Things are going well. I've been swamped, between the job and managing the grant, it's been non-stop."
"Darlin', make sure you're not overdoing it," he cautioned gently.
A smile found its way to your lips. "I won't, Jake. Don't worry about me."
His gaze carried a tinge of concern. "You sure you're alright?"
With a reassuring smile, you responded, "I'm fine, Jake, really. Like I mentioned, today was just one of those long days."
Seeing his expression ease brought you a bit of relief. "You'd tell me if something was up, wouldn't you?"
"Without a doubt." You took a brief pause before shifting the focus. "How about you? How have you been?"
"Doing well. There's been a lot of training going on."
"That sounds positive, doesn't it?"
His smile returned, warmer this time. "Always is." His gaze met yours, carrying a mix of longing and affection. "I miss you, Y/N."
The feeling resonated deeply within you. "I miss you too, Jake. Any idea when you'll be back?"
He hesitated, the uncertainty evident. "Not at this time."
You nodded. "Is there anything you need? I took care of your apartment, so you're good on that."
His voice carried a hint of regret. "Nah, I'm alright, but I really need to catch some sleep. Sorry for not calling sooner. This was the first chance I got."
Your words were soft but firm, "Jake, it's part of the job. I get it. Go catch some sleep. I'm heading to bed soon myself."
"That sounds like a plan. I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, Jake."
After ending the call, Chuck re-entered the room.
"You didn't tell him, did you?"
Shaking your head, you responded, "No. He's got enough on his plate without adding to his worries. He needs to stay focused on his work." You met Chuck's gaze with determination. "And there's no arguing with that."
Chuck gave a nonchalant shrug, conceding to your point. "Whatever you say, Doc. You call the shots." Moving towards the stove, he changed the subject. "Got an appetite?"
"Starving!" you exclaimed, grateful for the distraction.
Chuck then busied himself with preparing a plate for you, signaling the end of the conversation and a shift to more comforting, domestic matters.
Tags: @buckysteveloki-me @bellyliveslife @tgmreader @callsign-barbell @86laura11 @dizzybee03 @kmc1989 @guacam011y @nerdgirljen @hookslove1592 @dempy @djs8891
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You Catch More Bees With Honey: Chapter 16
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Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader
Part of the San Diego Dogfighters universe
Summary: Bradley Bradshaw, blindsided by a team he trusted like family has been traded to the San Diego Dogfighters. Across the country from the place he calls home, Bradley feels lost and betrayed. Not to mention the familiar faces and ghosts from his past that he now has to face every day at work. Bradley’s caught between wanting to show his former team the mistake they made in double-crossing him and wondering if it’s time to hang up his skates after one final season. You’re living your dream as the PR representative for the Dogfighters. When Coach Maverick made a bid to bring his godson to the team, you hadn’t batted an eye. Bradley was a good teammate, and a good player. Unfortunately, the Bradley that shows up in San Diego is nothing like your research suggested. He’s moody, irritable, aggressive, and angry, throwing a wrench in all your careful planning. What’s caused such a drastic change in him? And can you figure out how to help him before he makes a mistake you can’t fix?
Series CW: 18+ ONLY, swearing, dead parents, drunkenness, alcohol consumption, violence, sports violence, blood probably, angst, fluff, smut, age gap (28 and 38), enemies to lovers, suggestive language, hockey inaccuracies etc. There will be individual chapter warnings. No use of Y/N.
Word Count: 7.2k
A/N: This is a repost of my completed series, You Catch More Bees With Honey. It was originally posted in November-March 2023, and was lost when my blog was deleted.
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When Bradley wakes up all he can feel is a weight on his chest. It’s holding him down and hey when he tries to take a breath it comes easily. It’s shaky but it comes. He blinks his eyes open and squeezes them shut again. The dim hospital overnight lighting still manages to be harsh when he’s been in the darkness for so long. He eases them open again. He blinks several times as the room comes into focus, the steady beeping of the heart monitor in his ears and the sterile smell of chemicals burning his nose.
He hates hospitals. It reminds him too much of the worst days of his life. When his mom died, it was slow, painfully slow. Days spent in rooms like this, waiting, hoping, praying for a miracle. He used to resent it, everything they went through. For a short time, he even hated his dad, for wanting his mother so badly that he would take her away from Bradley so soon when he still needed her. That changed when he met you. You told him about the way you’d lost your mom, there one moment and gone the next, with no warning, no preparation, no expectation, and he’s never been more thankful for those last few months. He knows it haunts you, not being able to say goodbye, to have that closure, and in a way he understands. He had months to say goodbye but when it finally happened he wasn’t there. He remembers standing in the hospital room that morning, anxiety gnawing at his heart the way it did every morning. He was dressed in his gym clothes, hands gripping the strap of his duffel so tightly that he thought it might tear. His mom always said he underestimated his own strength. He had an away game that day, just a few hours drive from home, but something told him not to go, to stay with her. She, of course, wanted him to go. “Don't worry about me,” she insisted. “I’m not letting you put your life on hold for me. I’ll be right here when you get back.”
She wasn’t. After the game, Bradley had eagerly sought out his phone to call and inform her of their win and instead had come face to face with multiple missed calls from the hospital. His mom was gone. His mom was gone and they wanted to know what he wanted to do next. He had no idea. He was still seventeen, still a child, and he needed his mother. He needed his mom. When he got to the hospital he was prepared to be overwhelmed, to be asked to step up when he was in no state to, but then the doctor informed him that everything had been taken care of, and all the arrangements had been made. He never found out who, but he’s always been eternally grateful.
The Petersons took him in for the last couple of months. He expected the bills to start coming, for the hospital, for the funeral, but they never did. The minute he turned eighteen, he left Virginia Beach, leaving a note for the Petersons, asking that they take care of the house for him. He’d pay. He had plenty of money as the sole recipient of his parents’ inheritance. He ran, like his life depended on it, from his mother’s ghost to his father’s city, hoping to find some piece of them lingering to keep him sane.
Another scent, fainter, but still present, tickles his nose and he thinks it may just be his imagination because the soft scent of peaches shouldn’t be here. He shouldn’t be able to smell your shampoo in a place like this. Bradley shifts, trying to sit up, reaching down to rub at the pressure in his chest when he realizes what’s causing it and instantly stills, eyes wide in wonder. You’re curled up next to him on the bed, head laid on his chest. It feels too good to be true, to wake up with his face aching and you waiting for him. The dim lighting reflects off the dried tears on your cheek and Bradley’s heart clenched fiercely. He never meant to hurt you, to be the reason you cried. He reaches out a hand tentatively; brushing over your hair gently and you shift in your sleep, nuzzling into his chest and he feels his heart break just a little. He’s missed this, spending the night holding you in his arms. Last night you’d slept in separate beds much to his chagrin but he could tell you were just as upset with your decision as he was so he hadn’t pushed it.
His gaze drifts down your sleeping form. You’re still wearing the powder pink suit you’d worn to the game complete with the blazer and your clothes are rumpled from laying in the bed. Your feet are practically bare, covered only by those barely-there socks you wear with your heels. You’re on top of the blanket rather than underneath and he frowns, knowing you have to be cold. You should have gotten all the way in. He wants to adjust you but he’s afraid of waking you up.
Voices drift into earshot and then the door’s opening and Bradley pretends to be asleep again, not really feeling like talking to anyone but you. Maverick’s voice reaches his ears first and it takes all of his self-control not to stiffen. “Zam? What’s she doing here?”
“Pete, quiet, she’s sleeping.” Dare chides him.
“In Bradley’s bed,” Maverick states flatly. “She can’t be here. We need to wake her up.”
“No.” Bradley sits up slightly, arm curving protectively around you. Maverick and Dare turn to him, surprised. He sets his jaw. “You’re not waking her up.”
“Bradley, it’s highly inappropriate not to mention the fact that you’re injured.
“NO,” Bradley says, firmer this time. “And exactly what’s inappropriate about my girlfriend being in my hospital bed, wearing all of her clothes.” He gives the older man a pointed look as Maverick’s eyes widen.
“Girlfriend…?” He says, clearly surprised. He glances between you and Bradley, slowly processing this new information.
“Yes, Zam’s my girlfriend. It’s all above board and you’d know if you bothered to read the paperwork. That’s how Aunt Dare found out.” Maverick winces. “But you didn’t because you didn’t want to know, because that’s just what you do isn’t it?” Bradley’s words are pure vitriol as he spits them at his godfather. “You just want the title, you don’t want to be involved. That’s why you promised my dad you’d take care of us and then you didn’t. That’s why you married Aunt Dare and then abandoned her. Hell, that’s even what you did with your job! You took the head coach position and then handed it over the second you had a chance to just stand by and be passive. What is it about us, about both of us, that makes you refuse to do ANYTHING?!” He hates the way his voice breaks on the word. “Because it’s not that you’re incapable of showing up either, that much is clear. You have Penny, Amelia, and you showed up for them.” His voice is thick with tears. “So why couldn’t you show up for us?” The tears break free then, running down his cheeks in thick trails. “My dad died for you,” his voice is rough, “My dad died for you and you couldn’t even be bothered to live for us!” He’s shaking now, and he pulls you closer instinctively, needing your strength to steady himself. “And then, when my mom died, you showed up like you had any right to be there like you had any claim to my family.” He shakes his head in disbelief. “I lost the only family I’d ever had, and then I had to build another one, and you just had to go and take that too.” He can barely see through the tears but he glares in Maverick’s direction. “You dragged me away from my family here, without ever asking if it’s what I wanted. And for what? Did you think we were going to be some kind of fucked up, patchwork pseudo-family because it’s far too late for that? And the only reason, the ONLY reason I’m alright with that now? Is because of Zam. She’s my family. She’s mine. So I’ll be damned if I let you get in the way of that.” He feels a squeeze and looks down to see you’re awake, tears on your cheeks mirroring his. Your hand on his chest is gripping the hospital gown fiercely while your other hand is laced in his, squeezing gently.
The door to the room opens then and Jake strides in and you can hear other members of the team at his heels. He takes one look at the tears on your and Bradley’s faces and the way Bradley’s glaring at Maverick before putting a firm hand on Mav’s shoulder. “Let’s go, Coach, we need to talk.” His voice is firm and cold. He looks over to you and Bradley. “We’ll be outside when you’re ready,” Jake says as he leads Maverick out of the hospital room leaving the two of you with Dare. She smiles gently, coming up to Bradley’s side.
“You gave us a proper scare, you know that?” She says as she reaches a hand up to Bradley’s cheek, cupping it and wiping away his tears with her thumb. He leans into her touch and she smiles faintly.
“Don’t worry Aunt Dare, I’m not going anywhere. You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
She smiles down at him before shifting her gaze to you. “I’ll give you two a moment,” she says and steps out.
You squeeze his hand as the door shuts behind her and he moves his gaze down to you. “Hey Honey,” he smiles softly, reaching his free hand to cup your cheek. You lean into his touch, nuzzling his hand.
“Hey Bear,” you whisper back.
“I’m sorry if I scared you, I’m okay.” He says softly, placing a kiss to your temple and you lean into the feel of his lips on your skin.
“I love you.” The words fall from your lips before you can stop them and Bradley stiffens, his lips frozen against your temple. The silence between you is palpable as Bradley digests your confession and you feel your heart start to race as you begin to let the panic inhabit the silence. Bradley pulls away and you almost whine at the loss, curling into yourself at the apparent rejection.
“Honey…” his voice is barely a whisper, “you love me?” You look up then and meet his eyes as fresh tears track down his cheeks. Your heart shatters at the vulnerable expression on his face and you reach up to cup his tear-stained splotchy cheeks.
“I love you, Bradley Bradshaw.” You see the light twinkle in his eyes and he starts to move to close the gap between the two of you before stopping just as his nose brushes yours. Your breath catches in your throat as he swallows hard, Adam’s apple bobbing before his voice rasps against your lips.
“Honey, can I kiss you?” You whimper in response leaning forward to close the gap between you but he pulls back slightly. “Words, Honey.” He chides gently and you whine softly.
“Please, please kiss me, Bradley. Fuck the rules, I don’t need them anymore, I just need you. I LOVE you.” He moans softly, arms wrapping around your waist to pull you closer so you’re almost straddling him as he lays back against the pillows.
“And I love you, Honey.” The words turn your insides into molten gold as you preen under his confession, glowing as you bask in the warmth of his love. Bradley Bradshaw loves you.
When he kisses you this time, it’s soft, simple, unhurried. Like he has all the time in the world without your rules to hold him back. It’s new, this sensation of his lips moving lazily and contentedly against yours. You’re hungry for him, you always are, but once again Bradley is showing you the softer sides of love, that love in the quiet. It doesn’t always have to be loud, fiery, burning with a need that threatens to consume you both. It can be soft, a sticky warmth that fills you from your head to your toes like honey on toast, filling in the grooves of your battered hearts. It feels like years have gone by when he nips at your lower lip, asking for entry, and then you’re even warmer as his tongue enters your mouth. You feel like you could melt right here on this hospital bed and you know Bradley can tell because you can feel his smirk against your pliant mouth. When he finally breaks the kiss you blink up at him with hazy eyes, thoroughly winded from the kiss. A thin string of saliva connects your lips and your eyes focus on it as it breaks and you whimper at the sight. Bradley hushes you softly, rough fingers stroking softly at your skin. “Shhh, it’s okay, Honey, I’ve got you.” And he does. You reach a tentative hand to cup his swollen cheek, trying to avoid the tender spots and bruising. Your eyes inadvertently fill with tears at the sight of his battered face. “Honey, I’m okay, I promise I’m okay,” Bradley whispers at the sight of your tears but you just shake your head, chasing away his soothing words.
“No more, Bradley. No more fighting.” The tears are streaming down your cheeks now and you’re so tired of crying. “Push and shove and trip and hook all you want but no more fighting. Please, no more fighting.” He pulls you close, resting his forehead against yours as his fingers try to wipe your tears as you shake your head against him. “Promise me.” You beg as the tears fall harder. “Promise me, no more fighting.” You see heartbreak in those chocolate eyes and then he nods, pulling you even closer.
“Okay Honey, no more. No more fighting, I promise.” From anyone else, it would feel like an empty promise. He’s a defenseman, it’s his job to fight, but you can see the sincerity in his deep brown eyes as he makes his promise and it settles your raging heart. Your tears taper off and he holds you, just holds you.
You’re not sure how long the two of you stay that way, just content to be in each other’s arms, relishing the idea of being alive when a rough thumping comes from the door. “You two better not be fucking in there!” Javy shouts and you bury your face in Bradley’s chest in embarrassment as he calls back.
“Shut up, Machado, it’s the middle of the fucking night!” The door opens then and Javy sticks his head in, a grin on his face before he pushes the door the rest of the way open and strolls in. “Bradshaw! Welcome back to the land of the living!” You roll your eyes, flopping back against Bradley’s pillows while he stays propped up on an elbow. “Your girlfriend is one hell of a trooper, you know that?” He nods in your direction and you raise an eyebrow as Bradley looks down at you curiously. Before either of you can respond, the door swings open again and Jake strides in, walking past Javy and Bradley sits up just in time for Jake’s arms to wrap around him, hugging him tight. You see Bradley’s surprise in the rigidity of his posture and your heart aches.
“You gave us a right scare back there, Bradshaw. I’m glad you’re okay.” He pulls back and gives Bradley a tired smile before turning to you, ruffling your hair gently. “I told you he’d be okay, yeah?” You nod, the exhaustion of the day threatening to hit you all over again. “You don’t have to worry about Maverick,” he says then, quieter, his green eyes steely. “I told him to leave. I don’t know what’s going on between the two of you but the last thing we need is him making your condition any worse.” Bradley nods, a silent thanks passing between him and his captain. Jake turns back to you then, giving you a firm look that makes you want to disappear. “I thought I told you we’d go to the hospital after the press event.” You feel shame heat your cheeks. “This is a team, a family. We don’t leave anyone out to dry, and we definitely don’t sneak off without telling anyone.” He sighs at your chagrined expression. “But I know why you did it, and I can’t say that I wouldn’t have done the same thing if I’d been in your position.” He smiles fondly down at you. “I’m happy for you, for both of you.” He turns to Bradley then. “Take care of her, and if you ever hit her again, so help me God, I’ll put you in the hospital myself next time.” A shiver runs down your spine at Jake’s threat. Bradley simply meets his steely gaze with his own.
“I wouldn’t expect anything less.” He states evenly. “I would never hurt her intentionally.” The door opens again and Mickey and Lucas rush in, tripping over each other like a pair of eager puppies to get to you and Bradley. Lucas hands you a bottle of water as Mickey throws his arms around Bradley’s neck before piling on top of Mickey to hug Bradley too. Bradley awkwardly returns the double hug as Jake chuckles and you sip the water with a soft smile on your face. The door opens again and the rest of the team filters in, followed by Alex and Wyatt. They pile onto Bradley, and your heart warms at the sight of what you’re sure is going to be a new beginning.
It’s been a week since Bradley left for home from Philadelphia. You’ve spent the last week corralling the rest of the team through games in Detroit and Ottowa. You’re anxious to be home and reunited with your boyfriend. Against Bradley’s wishes, he’d been sent home after being discharged from the hospital when his brain scans came back negative, Bugs in tow. Dr. Bates had flown in to take her place on the bench while Bugs would serve as Bradley’s live-in physician for the next week at both Jake’s and your insistence. You needed to ensure that Bradley took things easy instead of showing up to the rink to practice. You’d wanted so badly to be the one to go home with him but there was no one to take your place so you’d stayed. Now, sitting next to Bradley’s empty seat as you stare out the window of the Dogfighters’s jet, you’re counting the minutes until you’re home with Bradley. You’ve tried to call and text as much as possible but it’s not the same as being next to him in person. You miss being in his arms and you’re craving his touch more than you care to admit.
“Someone’s antsy,” Javy remarks as he tosses himself into Bradley’s seat.
“It’s been a week,” you whine and he chuckles.
“You’re lucky the two of you work together or else you’d never make it as a hockey WAG.” He teases and you groan.
“I know, I just, I almost lost him. And now I haven’t seen him for a week and I know he’s fine. He tells me as much every day and so does Bugs, but it’s not the same as seeing it for myself, you know?” He nods, deep in thought.
“Remind me to never get a girlfriend,” he muses and you scowl at him.
“After I remind you to stop sleeping around,” you give him a pointed look and he shrugs, a smirk pulling on his lips as he settles back in the seat.
“It’s not my fault women love me,” he points out and you roll your eyes.
“No, but it is your fault how much you love them,” you point out and he frowns, considering your logic before standing back up and heading to his seat, shaking his head. “I hate you.”
“You love me,” you chirp back and he rolls his eyes.
You’re almost trembling with anticipation as you ride the elevator up to Bradley’s apartment. Tony had greeted you warmly, informing you that Mr. Bradshaw was doing well and probably missing you which would explain his grumpy mood. You smile to yourself despite your nerves, turning the fob in your hands over and over. Bradley had given it to you the day he offered to cook for you whenever you wanted, but you have yet to use it. You aren’t sure what to expect. Bugs said she’d started leaving Bradley to his own devices and you’d told her to go home and be with Jake since you’d be with Bradley. When the doors slide open, you swallow hard, collecting your wits as you cross the hallway to Bradley’s door, torn between just ringing the buzzer and letting yourself in. You steel yourself as you pass the fob in front of the sensor and the lock clicks open and you swallow again as you turn the knob and let yourself in. Your heels click on the hardwood as you enter and suddenly you’re struck with worry once again. What if Bradley isn’t home? You hadn’t even considered texting him to let him know you were on your way, assuming he knew when to expect you. You’re lingering in the entryway when you hear a voice call from the living room.
“Honey, is that you?” You feel relief blossom in your chest and barely take a moment to toe-off your heels before rushing towards his voice. You’re half running and half sliding across the hardwood when you turn the corner and collide firmly with Bradley’s chest with an oomph. “Careful, careful, you okay, Honey?” He asks but you’ve got your arms around him now and your face buried in his chest, inhaling the scent of him deeply and he seems to understand as he wraps you in his arms and you relax against.
“Missed you, Bear,” you murmur against his chest as he buries his face in your hair.
“I missed you too, Honey.” He says softly, pulling back a bit and smoothing your hair back into place. “Welcome home,” he says with a smile and you pull back to smile at him.
“I love you,” you say before leaning up to kiss him sweetly as he pats the back of your thighs gently and you jump, letting him lift you into his arms. He carries you to the couch and sits down, you in his lap before kissing you again.
“I love you too,” he murmurs against his lips. He pulls back to look you over like he’s reminding himself of what you look like after being apart and you do the same. His face has healed for the most part except for a scabbed-over gash at his hairline from his fall. You reach a hand up and trace the raised skin and he presses a kiss to your wrist. “Honey, I’m fine. It’s just a scratch.”
“It’ll scar,” you say and he shrugs.
“It won’t be my first, and probably won’t be my last.” His hands find your hips and run soothing circles there as you run your fingers along his cheeks and nose which had been swollen and bruised the last time you saw them. He watches your face carefully as you inspect him, gauging your reaction. You lean in then, ghosting your lips over the scab and then his cheeks and nose, before reaching his lips, kissing him again, but deeper this time. He pulls you closer and you feel his cock hardening in his jeans and let out a soft whine.
“Honey, did you wear this dress again on purpose?” Bradley asks as he pulls away from your lips even as you chase them. You look down at your outfit and your cheeks heat as you realize what you’re wearing. The last time you’d worn the baby blue suit dress was the night you and Bradley had hooked up in Denver. You look back at Bradley shyly, shaking your head.
“It’s just one of my favorites,”
“Well, I think it’s my favorite too,” he says, reaching a finger to brush against the sheer sleeves and you shiver at the feel of his touch through the mesh. When he looks back at you his eyes are full of pure desire and you feel heat run through your entire body, your skin heating with a fire that’s stoked with every circle that his fingers make on your hips.
“Bradley,” it escapes you in a shaky breath and you watch darkness dance in his eyes, slowly but surely swallowing his whisky irises.
“Tell me what you need, Honey, use your words.” He says, regarding you with such love that you find the words quicker than you expected.
“Need you, Bradley, need you now.” You whine and he pulls you closer and you gasp, pressed up against every inch of him and you grind down on his hardening cock instinctively.
“Where are your manners, Honey?” He chides gently and you pout at him.
“Please Bradley, need you, Bear.” He lets his hands dance lower and run over your thighs past the edge of your skirt and he frowns at the feeling of your tights. He leaves them be momentarily to lift your chin with a knuckle so you’re looking him in the eye.
“You going to be a good girl and let me take care of you tonight?” He asks, and however much love is in his tone you hear the firmness in it too. You nod before he raises an eyebrow.
“Yes, Bradley,” you murmur and he smiles, running his thumb over your lower lip.
“Good girl,” he says and you preen under the praise. “First things first, we need to set down some ground rules. Are you familiar with the color system, Honey?” You nod before responding.
“Yes, Bradley.”
“I want to make sure you’re always comfortable because if you’re not enjoying this, then I’m not either,” he assures you and you feel your heart clench at his sweet words. “You feel uncomfortable at all, you tell me yellow. And if you want me to stop, you tell me red. I don’t ever want you to feel like you shouldn’t. You say the word and we stop, okay?”
“Okay, I trust you, Bradley.” You say and he smiles at you, pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose.
“Now, let’s get these tights off, shall we?” You push off of his lap and reach to pull them down but he tuts, stopping your hands with his. “Pull up your skirt for me, pretty girl.” He says and your cheeks heat as you move your hands to hold up the skirt of your dress, exposing your lower body to him and he slides his hands to your exposed hips, slipping his hands into the waistband of your tights and drawing them down your legs, eyes never leaving yours as your breath catches at the intensity of his gaze, doing your best not to squirm as you step out of the tights and he discards them You’re left in a pair of lacy blue panties and you know his eyes are zeroed in on the damp patch on them. You gasp as he runs a knuckle over the center of your panties, catching on your clit through the damp material. “All this just for me?” He asks and you nod before gasping as Bradley tweaks the bud through the thin material.
“Yes, Bradley, all for you.” You moan and he hooks a finger in the band, guiding the panties down your legs, you step out of them and he brings the soaked fabric up to his nose, inhaling deeply before sticking out his tongue, licking a broad stripe across the soaked crotch, collecting your slick, his eyes never leaving yours. You whimper as he lets out a groan of appreciation.
“Sweet as honey, sweeter even.” He remarks and you whine. He holds out the soiled panties and you feel your cheeks heat as he asks, “You want a taste, pretty girl?” You squirm slightly and you must take a little too long to respond because he asks. “Color, Honey?”
“Green,” you reassure him and he relaxes, arching an eyebrow as he looks between the panties and you and you lean in then and he holds them up to your lips as your tongue darts out, licking tentatively at the fabric. You tasted yourself on his lips that night, and you consider the musky taste for a moment before you’re focused on the look of pride in his eyes and suddenly it’s all you can focus on.
“Good girl,” he praises and you feel the shy smile creep across your lips as he smiles back at you. He considers you for a moment before he asks, “Have you ever ridden a thigh before, Honey?” Your brows pull together in a frown as you shake your head voicing your inexperience a moment later and he gives you a proud nod at your remembering to verbally reply. “Come here, he says and he guides you to stand on either side of his thigh. He shifts his hands to your hips, easing you down and you gasp at the sensation as your bare core comes into contact with the rough denim of his jeans. He gives his knee an experimental bounce and you let out a wanton moan at the delicious friction, crying out his name. He smirks, a mixture of pride and confidence. You grind down on this thigh experimentally. “That’s it, good girl,” he praises and you repeat the action, gasping at the pressure. He urges you to continue, guiding your arms around his neck and bouncing his knee every now and then to add to the pressure, and you feel the coil in your belly begin to tighten. He reaches to undo the belt around your waist then and you let him, and he slowly undoes the buttons and you’re back in that hotel room in Denver again, feeling his hands on you for the first time all over again.
“Bradley, Bradley I’m close,” you warn him, grinding against him desperately and he bounces his knee more, urging you closer to the edge.
“Come on baby, let go for me,” he urges and you feel the rubber band in your core snap as you cum all over his thigh with a sharp cry, leaning forward to bury your face in the crook of his neck as you shamelessly hump his leg as he bounces it, working you through your high. You blink up at him when you come down, a bleary smile on your face as he smiles down at you. “Feeling good, Honey?” He asks, humor lacing his tone and you nod,
“Feeling very good,” He kisses your temple gently before his arms are around you, easing you off his thigh and into his arms before he carries you gently from the living room to his bedroom. Once again he lays you down on the sheets with an intimate reverence that makes your head spin as you reach up to pull him down for a kiss, hand sneaking under his shirt, petting at his abs running a finger idly up and down his happy trail until he pulls away and strips off the shirt, his sun-kissed skin on full display. Your eyes travel down and your cheeks heat as you take in the prominent wet spot on his jeans from your previous activities and he follows your eyes, smirking at you.
“Admiring your hard work, pretty girl?” He asks and you avert your eyes, cheeks heating even more in embarrassment. “Time for me to put in some work of my own I think,” he says and you look back at him just in time to see him sink to his knees at the foot of the bed, pulling you by your ankles until you’re almost hanging off the edge, sliding his large hands up your bare legs, parting your thighs for him and you sigh in anticipation of what you know is coming next.
When Bradley’s mouth meets your lower lips, you go boneless against the bed as Bradley once again dives into you like a man starved, his tongue and lips licking and sucking with reckless abandon as his hands hold you down and open for him, his personal tasting menu. You think you’ve felt it all, that you can’t feel anything better than Bradley’s mouth on you when he pushes a thick finger past your entrance as he suckles at your clit and you scream at the overwhelming feelings of pleasure. Bradley pulls away then and you cry out again, suffering whiplash at the sudden loss and he pumps his finger in you gently, as if understanding the sensations you must be feeling. “Color, Honey?”
You chant “green,” like it’s a prayer. He chuckles softly and then his mouth is on you again and you’re actively fighting against his strong hands, trying to close your thighs whether to keep him there or push him away you’re not sure. The pleasure is overwhelming and when he presses a second finger into you, scissoring them, stretching you open, you come suddenly with a scream. He keeps up his ministrations through your high and you don’t realize you’re sobbing until he’s kissing the tears from your cheeks as he keeps working his fingers in you. He’s praising you, the words falling from his lips like ambrosia and honey on your ears but you’re so far gone that you can’t respond. You’re shaking, actively shaking, and then your body arches off the bed slightly as a third, smaller climax rocks through you and you watch Bradley’s eyes widen before he starts slowing his fingers, careful not to completely deprive you all at once. He slides a finger under your chin, turning you to meet his eyes, and studies you carefully as he asks again, “Color, Honey?” You whimper and he tightens his grip on your chin, grounding you, focussing your attention on him and his words. “Come on Honey, give me a color.” You hear it then, the tiniest twinge of fear, of guilt, and you feel a wave of love wash over you as you answer, breathlessly.
“Yellow,” and you feel him slow down even more before he finally removes his fingers from your core as you squirm with overstimulation.
“Good girl, you did so good for me, I’m so proud of you,” he praises and you feel like you’re glowing under his sweet words. “I love you so much, Honey, you did so well.” Your eyes move down to where Bradley’s painfully hard in his jeans.
“What about you?” You ask and you don’t recognize your voice. He shakes his head and your brows furrow in confusion.
“No, Honey, we’re done for the night,” Bradley says, brushing sweat-slicked strands of hair away from your brow.
You frown at him then, “But I want you, I need you, Bear please,” you ask and he regards you carefully.
“I’m sorry baby, I pushed too hard too fast, you need to rest.” You can tell he’s struggling to tell you no and you shake your head.
“I’m okay, Bradley, it, it was a lot, yes, and I need a second to breathe and maybe some water, but I still want you. I need you, please.” He considers your words carefully, checking over you and assessing where your body is at before nodding slowly.
“Okay, Honey, let me get you that water and we’ll reassess okay?” You nod, smiling at him. He kisses you sweetly before leaving for the kitchen.
When he comes back, he guides the straw in the glass of water to your lips and you’re touched by his thoughtfulness, gulping down the water greedily as his other hand strokes your hair gently. “I’m ready now,” you say as he puts the glass down and he chuckles.
“Yeah, Honey?” You nod enthusiastically and he pinches your cheek gently. “Well, how could I deny my perfect girl?” You preen again and he smiles, pushing up to stand at the foot of the bed, unbuttoning his jeans and pulling them and his underwear down in one motion, his painfully hard cock slapping against his abs and you feel your mouth water at the sight. He starts back towards you but you feel a wave of boldness wash over you and you push up onto your knees, crawling across the bed to sit at the end, gazing up at Bradley coyly. He raises an eyebrow as he comes up to you, cock bouncing as he cups your cheek, thumb tracing the apple of your cheek. “What are you thinking about, pretty girl?” He muses and your eyes sparkle with mischief as your tongue darts out from between your lips, kitten licking the head of his cock as your eyes are locked with his, your lips twisting into a playful smile. He lets out a surprised groan and your heart swells with pride at being able to elicit such a reaction from him. You regretted not being able to take care of him last time and you’d be damned if you let him get away without your tasting him this time.
“Honey, you don’t have to-”
You cut him off, “And if I want to?” He looks down at you like you’re his whole world, shaking his head in awe.
“You know I could never tell you no when you want something, Honey.” He says and you beam up at him, leaning forward to kiss the tip of his cock before taking it into your mouth. You pull back long enough to spit into your palms before reaching your hands up to coat the parts of him that your mouth can’t take quite yet and fight the urge to smirk as Bradley watches you reverently. He’s so good at taking care of you and now? Now it’s your turn to take care of him. Originally you’d wanted him in your pussy but now you can’t imagine finishing this night any other way. Bradley’s hand that’s not cupping your cheek reaches down to undo the clasp of your bra, freeing your breasts and they bounce as you hungrily slide your mouth along his cock. It’s been a while since you sucked a cock and even then no man you’ve ever been is as big as Bradley and you know from last time that you need to take this slowly. Unfortunately, the noises escaping your boyfriend and your own ego have you wanting to bring him to his knees so you relax your throat, feeling his thickness making your jaw ache as you try your best to get him all the way into your mouth. Bradley curses loudly at your ministrations and the hand on your cheek slides to your neck, gripping your hair tightly, doing his best to hold himself back from thrusting into your mouth. Unfortunately for him, that’s not what you have in mind at all so you reach up, covering your hand with his, pushing slightly and he forces his eyes open to gaze down at you in awe.
“Honey…” he warns you, “I don’t think you want that. I could hurt y-” You cut him off by pushing again, harder and gagging on his cock as it scrapes the back of your throat and tears cloud your vision, spit leaking past your stretched lips. “FUCK, Honey,” His voice is a warning but you give him a firm look before he sighs, the action shaky. “If you want me to stop, tap on my thigh, okay?” He says, voice trembling slightly and you try to nod but you can’t, not really. Bradhley releases a heavy breath before his other hand guiding one of your hands to grip his muscular thigh and lacing the other with his. The hand on the back of your head moves to hold you tightly and then Bradley Bradshaw unleashes himself.
While Bradley’s introduced you to many new experiences during your short time together, sucking dick is something you’re more than comfortable doing, and yet you can’t remember it ever being as good as it is in that moment as Bradley cradles your head and fucks your face. Your face is a mess of saliva and tears as you let him take you but you don’t feel like you usually do. You don’t feel like an object that’s being used for him to chase his own pleasure. No, you feel powerful, capable of making your boyfriend as good as he makes you feel and you find your legs spreading, lowering your bare pussy to the surface of the bed and you hump the sheets with a wanton desperacy mirroring that of the man above you. Your poor clit is overstimulated and raw, the swollen bud rubbing roughly against the fabric and in no time you’re close to the edge, trying your best to focus on getting Bradley there as well. You feel him twitch in his throat and then he’s cumming down your throat as your thighs shake as you tip over the edge with him, rubbing yourself shamelessly against the covers as you ride out your high. Bradley slips his cock out of your mouth with a pop and if he wasn’t holding you, you’re sure you would collapse.
“Oh, Honey,” he coos and you blink up at him blearily as he takes the hand that’s laced in yours to cup your cheek. “Poor girl, you got desperate didn’t you,” he says gently as he guides you onto your back, revealing the damp spot on the covers where you finished. “Stay right there, pretty girl, I’ll be right back.” You’re not sure you could move if you wanted to and you feel like you’re floating as you wait for Bradley to come back. The straw is pressed against your lips again as a damp cloth wipes up your drool and tears gently as you drink. Bradley places it to the side before another, warmer, cloth swipes between your legs and you whine out at the sensitivity and he hushes you gently, easing up the pressure of his swipes as he cleans up the mess of your cum on your core and thighs. He praises you the whole time, talking you through what he’s doing, explaining the importance of aftercare, yet another new experience for the day.
You’re thoroughly exhausted when he finishes and you know you should let Bradley change the sheets but you reach out for him instead and he lets you pull him close as he scoots the two of you up the bed, pulling the sheets back for the two of you. Your naked bodies press into each other and the intimacy of the skin-to-skin contact makes your heart swell.
“I love you, Bear. Thank you for always taking care of me,” you whisper, head on his chest and he tightens his arms around you, protectively.
“I love you too, Honey, thank you for letting me take care of you,” He says back, pressing a kiss to the top of your head and you let sleep take you, finally home, in every sense of the word.
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newhologram · 2 years
“I write this eulogy while looking across one of the ten-lane freeways P-22 somehow miraculously crossed in 2012, gazing at a view of his new home, Griffith Park. Burbank Peak and the other hills that mark the terminus of the Santa Monica Mountains emerge from this urban island like sentinels making a last stand against the second largest city in the country. The traffic noise never ceases. Helicopters fly overhead. The lights of the city give the sky no peace.
“Yet a mountain lion lived here, right here in Los Angeles.
“I can’t finish this sentence without crying because of the past tense. It’s hard to imagine I will be writing about P-22 in the past tense now.
"Biologists and veterinarians with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife announced today they have made the difficult decision to end P-22’s suffering and help him transition peacefully to the next place. I hope his future is filled with endless forests without a car or road in sight and where deer are plentiful, and I hope he finally finds the mate that his island existence denied him his entire life.
“I am so grateful I was given the opportunity to say goodbye to P-22. Although I have advocated for his protection for a decade, we had never met before. I sat near him, looking into his eyes for a few minutes, and told him he was a good boy. I told him how much I loved him. How much the world loved him. And I told him I was so sorry that we did not make the world a safer place for him. I apologized that despite all I and others who cared for him did, we failed him.
“I don’t have any illusion that my presence or words comforted him. And I left with a great sadness I will carry for the rest of my days.
“Before I said goodbye, I sat in a conference room with team members from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the team of doctors at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. The showed me a video of P-22’s CT scan, images of the results, and my despair grew as they outlined the list of serious health issues they had uncovered from all their testing: stage two kidney failure, a weight of 90 pounds (he normally weighs about 125), head and eye trauma, a hernia causing abdominal organs to fill his chest cavity, an extensive case of demodex gatoi (a parasitic skin infection likely transmitted from domestic cats), heart disease, and more. The most severe injuries resulted from him being hit by a car last week, and I thought of how terrible it was that this cat, who had managed to evade cars for a decade, in his weakened and desperate condition could not avoid the vehicle strike that sealed his fate.
“As the agency folks and veterinarians relayed these sobering facts to me, tissue boxes were passed around the table and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. This team cares just as much for this cat as we all do. They did everything they could for P-22 and deserve our gratitude.
“Although I wished so desperately he could be returned to the wild, or live out his days in a sanctuary, the decision to euthanize our beloved P-22 is the right one. With these health issues, there could be no peaceful retirement, only some managed care existence where we prolonged his suffering — not for his benefit, but for ours.
“Those of us who have pets know how it feels when we receive news from the veterinarian that we don’t want to hear. As a lifelong dog and cat owner, I have been in this dreadful position too many times. The decision to let them go is never easy, but we as humans have the ability, the responsibility, and the selflessness to show mercy to end the suffering for these beloved family members, a compassionate choice we scarcely have for ourselves.
“I look at Griffith Park through the window again and feel the loss so deeply. Whenever I hiked to the Hollywood sign, or strolled down a street in Beachwood Canyon to pick up a sandwich at The Oaks, or walked to my car after a concert at the Greek Theater, the wondrous knowledge that I could encounter P-22 always propelled me into a joyous kind of awe. And I am not alone — his legion of stans hoped for a sight of Hollywood’s most beloved celebrity, the Brad Pitt of the cougar world, on their walks or on their Ring cams, and when he made an appearance, the videos usually went viral. In perhaps the most Hollywood of P-22’s moments, human celebrity Alan Ruck, star of Succession, once reported seeing P-22 from his deck, and shouting at him like a devoted fan would.
“We will all be grappling with the loss of P-22 for some time, trying to make sense of a Los Angeles without this magnificent wild creature. I loved P-22 and hold a deep respect for his intrepid spirit, charm, and just plain chutzpah. We may never see another mountain lion stroll down Sunset Boulevard or surprise customers outside the Los Feliz Trader Joe’s. But perhaps that doesn’t matter — what matters is P-22 showed us it’s possible.
“He changed us.  He changed the way we look at LA. And his influencer status extended around the world, as he inspired millions of people to see wildlife as their neighbors. He made us more human, made us connect more to that wild place in ourselves. We are part of nature and he reminded us of that. Even in the city that gave us Carmeggedon, where we thought wildness had been banished a long time ago, P-22 reminded us it’s still here.
“His legacy to us, and to his kind will never fade. He ensured a future for the entire population of mountain lions in the Santa Monica Mountains by inspiring us to build the Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing, which broke ground this spring.
“P-22 never fully got to be a mountain lion. His whole life, he suffered the consequences of trying to survive in unconnected space, right to the end when being hit by a car led to his tragic end. He showed people around the world that we need to ensure our roads, highways, and communities are better and safer when people and wildlife can freely travel to find food, shelter, and families. The Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing would not have been possible without P-22, but the most fitting memorial to P-22 will be how we carry his story forward in the work ahead. One crossing is not enough — we must build more, and we must continue to invest in proactive efforts to protect and conserve wildlife and the habitats they depend on — even in urban areas.
“P-22’s journey to and life in Griffith Park was a miracle. It’s my hope that future mountain lions will be able to walk in the steps of P-22 without risking their lives on California’s highways and streets. We owe it to P-22 to build more crossings and connect the habitats where we live now.
“Thank you for the gift of knowing you, P-22. I’ll miss you forever. But I will never stop working to honor your legacy, and although we failed you, we can at least partly atone by making the world safer for your kind.”
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mutantthedark · 8 months
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OC: Halia "Sigma" Connors
Name: Halia Connors
Age: 23 (As of 2022)
Alias(es): Halie (by her aunt), Lia, Raven, Sigma, Corporal, Bravo 7 - 3
Gender: Female
Birthday: March 7th, 1999
Nationality: American
Place of birth: San Diego, California, USA
Languages: English (her mother language), Spanish.
Occupation/Rank: Senior Airman/Corporal
Affiliation: U.S Air Force (formerly), associate member of Task Force 141, JTF - Ghost Team
Hair color: Natural black
Eye color: Bright blue
Scars: None
Piercings: 1 (belly piercing)
Face claim: Emily Rudd
Height: 5’5 (165 cm)
Weight: 120 lbs (54 kg)
Build: Toned
Blood type: O+
Family: Unnamed mother (deceased), Unnamed father (deceased), Lala Connors (aunt), Ruby (German Shepherd dog)
Siblings: none
Personality: ISTJ, a quick thinker and has high intelligence, not wasting any time, gets a job done.
Friendly: not afraid to start conversation, likes to chat with people when not on the missions.
Serious: Serious, yet logical, she's beauty, she's grace, she'll break your knees.
Strong-willed: has a lot of determination and always tries to do what she can. FAVOURITES
Color: Toriquise
Season: Autumn
Food: Macaroni with cheese
Drink: Black tea with lemon, hot coffee and kiwi lemonade
Dessert: Coconut Yogurt
Hobbies: Singing, hiking, play tennis, spending free time with Ruby ABILITIES
Fighting style: Can rely on strength, speed, intelligence and stealth, but she's more into stealth type, can sneak attack enemies from behind, but she's brutal too while in combat.
Weapons: she's mastered firearms mastery, also very proficient with knives and in-field crafts.
Planes: a safe flyer, she only flies for air support if needed.
Sigma is a dog person.
While Halia is left to train in the Air Force, her aunt felt lonely. But in 2 years (2020) Lala bought a female German Shepherd to prevent loneliness. After Hassan's death, Sigma came back home to her aunt and she was greeted by Ruby in surprise, then she began to love her.
The "Sigma" callsign not only mean the eighteen letter of the alphabet, but also an cosmology. A property of galaxies used when trying to work out the mystery of galaxies and their supermassive black holes.
Sigma sometimes wears darkers gears and clothes on a missions. (stealth type)
She can drive. She started her driving lessons when she was 18, but still was in high school. Missed most of her classes, but did her school work in time.
Used to have a long hair. HATES PONYTAILS. Uncomfortable, tight, hurts her scalp, because it gives her a headache. While being in U.S. Air Force, she used a fishbraid.
Sigma never dyed her hair, because she wants to keep her natural black hair healthy.
Sigma is allergic to sunflower seeds.
Had a boyfriend once in high school, but it didn't worked out well.
Sigma is ambidextrous. Can work with both hands well.
Born and raised in San Diego, Halia’s parents were killed by the secret organization when she was 10 years old, they destroyed their home while Halia managed to run away safely. Until then, Lala, her aunt found her and adopted her.
Years passed by, when she finished high school when she was 19, Halia decided to join the U.S Air Force, living up to her father’s legacy, then she found her code name "Sigma" in the first place, passed every training with flying colors. Halia was intelligent and very active all those days while in training. She left her aunt too to live her normal and peaceful life.
Other than being in Air Force, Halia rarely contacted her, writing letters, had no time to rest for the training. She build her relationship with her aunt very well for years. Until then, she made her allies in U.S Air Force who could trust them.
When became an Senior Airman/Corporal, General Shepherd and Kate Laswell contacted her that she has a mission in Las Almas, in close air, to help Ghost, Alejandro and Soap to capture Hassan and work with Graves and his Shadow mercanaries.
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all-the-things-2020 · 2 months
So it’s the last day of my summer break and as always, the ultimate Sunday Scaries™️ are starting to set in. That means it’s time to reflect on what I DID manage to do with my time off, instead of focusing on all the things I meant to do and didn’t. So here goes:
Saw all three LOTR films, extended edition, in HD in the theater
Went to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park for the first time in years
Visited the Gamble House, which had long been on my bucket list
Shopped at Vroman’s, my favorite bookshop in the entire world
Read lots of books (23 since I’ve been off work)
Started the decluttering process in my bedroom
Finished writing “Late Night Talking”
Had fun participating in the shenanigans of Pedro Scouts Summer Camp
Learned how to use Discord (more or less, lol)
Ate olallieberry pie
Bought myself Scrivener for my birthday and am learning how to use it
Through books, I visited the High Sierra, the medieval Indian Ocean, Japan, mythic lands, the past and the future, Mexico, the Old West, ComicCon, Scotland and more.
Watched “The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent”
Weeded out my closet and bought new clothes that are two sizes smaller (it’s been a year+ long journey to lose 60+ pounds)
All in all, not too bad for an anxiety-ridden introvert who hates the heat!
EDIT: Forgot to add I started wearing earrings again this summer. I got out of the habit of putting them in during COVID and the holes had almost closed up.
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cdlhunter · 2 years
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Peterbilt SuperTruck II Shown for the first time ever. Peterbilt's new SuperTruck II demonstrator vehicle, on display this week at the American Trucking Associations Management Conference and Exhibition (MCE) in San Diego, is pretty spectacular. Initiated by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the goal of the SuperTruck II program is to improve long-haul Class 8 vehicle freight efficiency by focusing on advanced, highly efficient powertrain systems and vehicle technologies that meet prevailing emissions and Class 8 tractor-trailer vehicle safety and regulatory requirements. Peterbilt SuperTruck InteriorSuperTruck II features a unique aerodynamic shape with a centered driver's seat that improves overall visibility, a right-hand entry stand-up door, pop-out windows, cameras in place of mirrors and custom tires and wheels. The truck features a 15-liter diesel 48 volt mild hybrid powertrain, a waste heat recovery system and a lightweight chassis for improved fuel economy. The split-level integral cab and sleeper features a large, wrap-around dash, 15-inch digital dash display for virtual gauges and critical vehicle data, an additional display for HVAC, infotainment and navigation controls, an articulated seat that rotates left and right and a pull-out desk. Youll find carbon fiber, aluminum and high-strength steel used all around the cab and chassis to save weight (about 4,800 pounds from the tractor and trailer). SuperTruck II has three targets: a greater than 100% improvement in vehicle freight efficiency (on a ton-mile-per-gallon basis) relative to a 2009 baseline for a long-haul freight application, demonstration of a minimum 55% engine BTE at 65 mph (104 km/h) on a dynamometer and the development of cost effective efficiency technologies. Written by Jason Cannon, CCJ #peterbiltsupertruck2 #peterbiltsupertruckii #supertruckii #supertruck #peterbilt #peterbiltporn #proudpeterbilt #proudpete #peterbilt386 #peterbilt359 #longnosepete #peterbilt362 #peterbilt381 #peterbilt389 #peterbilt379 #truckdrivers #truckporn #trucklovers #truckstop #largecar #diesel #cdljob #cdljobs #cdlhunter 🚛 Follow @cdlhunter https://www.instagram.com/p/CkT73rhp4YX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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be4tdown-a · 1 year
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# 𝐁 𝐄 𝟒 𝐓 𝐃 𝐎 𝐖 𝐍. a highly private and selective original fandomless musician based character. this blog will contain sensitive and triggering content —— follow at your own discretion. minors and personal blogs: do not interact. this is a sideblog , follows back from / rules can be found at @daevilhorns. under major construction: basic information is below the cut. ᴱˢᵀᴬᴮᴸᴵˢᴴᴱᴰ ⁰⁶ / ⁰¹ / ²⁰²³ ﹙ 𝗪𝗢𝗥𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗣𝗘𝗗 𝗕𝗬 ﹚ 𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑠𝑠𝑎. ˢʰᵉ  /  ʰᵉʳ ,   ²⁵
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brief stats.
name: victor ángel hernández.
nicknames: vic , ángel / angel.
sex: cismale. ( he / him )
ethnicity: hispanic.
birthdate: june 19 , 1997.
age: mid - twenties.
place of birth: san diego , california.
languages spoken: english , spanish.
orientation: bisexual / biromantic.
religion: raised roman catholic. considers himself agnostic.
parents: elizabeth "betty" maria hernández ( mother , alive. ) luis victor hernández ( father , estranged. presumed alive. )
siblings: katherine "katie" sofía hernández ( younger sister , alive. )
occupation: founder and vocalist for hardcore / metalcore band betty beatdown. self employed mechanic.
criminal record: disorderly conduct , simple assault , aggravated assault , assaulting a police officer , resisting arrest.
hair: dark brown , almost black. reaches shoulders in length. typically cut and styled into a mullet.
eyes: dark brown.
height: six foot two inches.
weight: two hundred lbs.
piercings: both ears pierced.
tattoos: full sleeves cover both arms from shoulders to fingers. both calves. a small (idk what yet) on his upper cheek beneath his left eye.
other: various scars , including an obvious slit in his right eyebrow. his nose has been broken twice.
important notes.
seventeen year old elizabeth married eighteen year old luis in a shotgun wedding wearing a white dress that was noticeably too tight and almost didn't fit. the unprepared teen parents welcomed their newborn son on a scorching hot summer day four and a half months later. victor , given his father's middle name , arrived on his expected due date and born healthy after 14 hours of labor. his sister would follow two years later.
( alexa play daddy issues. ) luis was an abusive piece of shit and betty left him with her children in clutch when vic was nine. she struggled as a single mom but with the help of her parents , they managed to get by. luis' parents sided with their daughter-in-law and were also prominent figures in the lives of their grandchildren.
vic began picking up petty jobs wherever he could as a young teen in order to financially help his mom. the role of " the man of the house " was one he took seriously and he couldn't stand to see his mother struggling. he took an interest in cars and upon helping out at a nearby repair shop , he realized he had a knack for them.
something something where do you put the anger something something. the boy is full of rage and struggled to find where to put it. so he got into a lot of fights in school , and now takes it out in his lyrics or on stage or in the pit. but it still isn't something he's managed to fully master and has caught a few charges for mainly , you guessed it , assault.
most of his arrests have been for public fighting and disorderly conduct misdemeanors that resulted in a fine , or spending the night in jail. but one particular fight when he was twenty two resulted in an aggravated assault charge , as well as resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer. he served eighteen months in prison.
betty beatdown is an american hardcore / metalcore band from san diego , california. it was formed in 2014 and founded by vic. the band makes great use of heavy , slow breakdowns , heavily downtuned guitars , and raspy vocals. their lyrical content often focuses on human rights , mental illness , religion , relationships , and violence against women.
the name is an homage to his mother , and while it may sound morbid and insulting ( as she had originally took it ) , it's his way of calling her a badass. a way to immortalize the fact that she came out on top after all the shit she's been through. if it isn't obvious , he's a mama's boy. and being raised predominantly around and by women , the struggles he's seen them and know so many other go through , is why it's a very large theme in his music.
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Meet The Stark Twins
In a Universe similar to Earth 1999999 / MCU
Earth 1999999S
A Universe Stephen Strange Missed?
What If?…
Minor Edits!! 8/4/2023 - 8/14/2023
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Tatum Stark
Born September 16th, 1992 at 9:39pm ; San Diego, California
Current Age : 32 (Year 2024)
Parents :
Father : Anthony Edward Stark (Deceased)
Mother : Vivian Montez Garcia (Deceased)
Adoptive Mom : Pepper Potts
Grandparents :
Maternal: Catrina Montez (Deceased)
Maternal : Dean Barlowe (Deceased)
Paternal : Howard Stark (Deceased)
Paternal : Maria Stark (Deceased)
Siblings :
Twin : Vincent Stark (32)
Damien Garcia (23) (Deceased)
Caralina Garcia (19) (Incarcerated)
Morgan Stark (6)
Description :
Height : 5’4”
Weight : 139lbs
Hair Color : Dark Brown
Eye Color : Brown
Markings / Tattoos : Ring Tattoo (L Pinky Finger) / Scar (Below Hair Line Above R Brow) / Lash Marks (R Shoulder Blade) / Scar Above Belly Button / Jagged Scar Down Spine To Tail Bone
Personality : Stubborn, Hardheaded, Protective, Intelligent, Kind, Loving, Caring, Defensive, Energetic, Abrupt, Leader, Analytical, Charismatic, Goal Oriented, Intentive, Self Disciplined, Selfless.
Ethnicity / Race : Hispanic / Caucasian
Spouse / Partner : James Buchanan Barnes
(33?) Physically
(106) Chronologically
Abilities / Powers : Darkness / Death / Moon Energy / Elemental Manipulation / Witch Craft / Weapons Manifest / Defensive / High Senses / Precision / Necromancy
Training / Skills : Jiujitsu / Judo / SHIELD Agent Training / Weaponry / Stealth / Tactical / Hand To Hand / Sorcery / Wicca
Weapons Training : Dual Blades (Similar To Loki’s) / Sword of Night / Sniper Rifle / Hand Gun / Throwing Knives
Job Description : Former SHIELD Trainee / Avenger / Heir to Stark Industries / Former Head of Renewable Energy Development Department (REDD) at Stark Industries / Former Manager of Stark Industries Technological Advancement Sector
Allies : Avengers / Dr.Strange / Spider-Man / Shuri Black Panther (RIP Tchalla aka Chadwick) / Bucky / Jennifer Walters (She Hulk) / Nick Fury / Guardians of the Galaxy / The Marvels / Maria Hill / SHIELD / Daisy Johnson (Yes. She exists in this universe.) / Fantastic 4 (Will Appear in 2025) / Betty Ross / Matt Murdock
Middle Ground : Moon Knight (Mostly Jake) / Namor / Wanda Maximoff / Deadpool / Lady Death / Blade / Eternals / X-Men / Baron Zemo / Loki / Yelena Belova / Ghost / Punisher
Enemies : Justin Hammer / Vivian Montez Garcia / HYDRA / Madam Hydra / Ten Rings / Secretary Theodore “Thunderbolt” Ross (Red Hulk) / Task Master / John Walker (US Agent)
Extra Notes : Despite being a twin, Tatum is known for her stubborn personality and being similar to her father. (Minus the sleeping around.) She is highly intelligent; having graduated from MIT just like Tony at the age of 14 with a perfect 5.0 GPA. She prefers sour over sweet, just like a sour patch kid to which she is. She’s a strong fighter. Tatum is also known for being extremely protective of the people around her and will go out of her way to save however many people she can despite how injured she gets. She learns from her mistakes fairly quickly and can turn almost any bad situation around. Unless she’s extremely angry. Angry mixed with her abilities is not something you want to encourage. Tatum loves field missions. It relieves the stress Tony and Vince give her.
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Vincent Stark
Born September 16, 1992 at 9:47pm ; San Diego, California
Current Age : 32 (Year 2024)
Parents :
Father : Anthony Edward Stark (Deceased)
Mother : Vivian Montez Garcia (Deceased)
Adoptive Mother : Pepper Potts
Grandparents :
Maternal : Catrina Montez (Deceased)
Maternal : Dean Barlowe (Deceased)
Paternal : Howard Stark (Deceased)
Paternal : Maria Stark (Deceased)
Siblings :
Twin : Tatum Stark (32)
Damien Garcia (23) (Deceased)
Caralina Garcia (19) (Incarcerated)
Morgan Stark (6)
Description :
Height : 5’10”
Weight : 147lbs
Hair Color : Brown
Eye Color : Brown
Markings / Tattoos : Scar Along Spine Down To Tailbone / Scar Behind L Ear / Scar Above Belly Button / Sun Tattoo (Below R Ear) / Scarring Around Both Ankles
Personality : Intelligent, Self Kept, Oblivious, Kind, Academic, Witty, Disciplined, Cooperative, Inventive, Assertive, Adept, Analytical.
Ethnicity / Race : Hispanic / Caucasian
Spouse / Partner : Olivia Braxton (29)
Abilities / Powers : Light / Life / Sun Energy / Elemental Manipulation / Sorcery / Weapons Manifestation / Protection / High Sense / Soul Healing
Training / Skills : Jiujitsu / Karate / SHIELD Training / Self Taught Hand to Hand Combat / Stealth / I.T / Engineering / Advanced Coding / Hacking / Cybersecurity / Mind Behind The Screen
Weapons Training : Shield of Light / Hand Gun / Bo Staff
Job Description : Avenger / Former SHIELD Trainee / Heir to Stark Industries / New Head of The US Department of Damage Control
Allies : Avengers / Matt Murdock / Dr.Strange / Wong / SHIELD / America Chavez / Spider-Man (Peter Parker) / Guardians of the Galaxy / Nick Fury / Hank Pym (Kid Idolzies Him) / Riri Williams
Middle Ground : Jennifer Walters (SheHulk), Namor, Wanda Maximoff, Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes) / Blade / Life
Enemies : Justin Hammer / Baron Zemo / Madam Hydra / HYDRA / Punisher / A.I.M / Vivian Montez Garcia
Extra Notes : Vincent is slightly different from Tatum. He’s more secretive and secure, set as a protective measure to keep himself from getting extremely close to a major injury or death itself. He rarely goes on field missions and prefers to stay behind the screen unless needed for his abilities. He is slightly stubborn but shakes it off; unlike Tatum. He also graduated MIT at the age of 14 with a 5.0 GPA. He unfortunately wasn’t able to attend graduation due to being in a coma a week prior. He prefers salty over sweet and sour. Vincent is overly protective of Tatum, wanting what’s best for her even if she doesn’t agree. He feels like he owes Tatum for saving him from their mother despite her continuous efforts of telling him he doesn’t. Vincent is also afraid of heights. He’ll make witty remarks if uncomfortable or fearful or just to lighten the mood. Usually his sister will pat him on the head to straighten him up or calm him down.
Writer’s Notes * All Non Marvel Characters introduced here belong to me and will be FULLY introduced in future posts.
All Marvel Characters do not belong to me!! All rights belong to Marvel Comics and MCU creators / directors / writers / artists / etc.
Thank You for Reading! ENJOY!
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kawaiiinla · 2 years
Rest in Peace P-22
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A Eulogy for P-22, A Mountain Lion Who Changed the World
• Beth Pratt
• Dec 17, 2022
‘It’s My Hope that Future Mountain Lions Will Be Able to Walk in the Steps of P-22 Without Risking Their Lives on California’s Highways, Streets’
“I write this eulogy while looking across one of the ten-lane freeways P-22 somehow miraculously crossed in 2012, gazing at a view of his new home, Griffith Park. Burbank Peak and the other hills that mark the terminus of the Santa Monica Mountains emerge from this urban island like sentinels making a last stand against the second largest city in the country. The traffic noise never ceases. Helicopters fly overhead. The lights of the city give the sky no peace.
“Yet a mountain lion lived here, right here in Los Angeles.
“I can’t finish this sentence without crying because of the past tense. It’s hard to imagine I will be writing about P-22 in the past tense now.
"Biologists and veterinarians with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife announced today they have made the difficult decision to end P-22’s suffering and help him transition peacefully to the next place. I hope his future is filled with endless forests without a car or road in sight and where deer are plentiful, and I hope he finally finds the mate that his island existence denied him his entire life.
“I am so grateful I was given the opportunity to say goodbye to P-22. Although I have advocated for his protection for a decade, we had never met before. I sat near him, looking into his eyes for a few minutes, and told him he was a good boy. I told him how much I loved him. How much the world loved him. And I told him I was so sorry that we did not make the world a safer place for him. I apologized that despite all I and others who cared for him did, we failed him.
“I don’t have any illusion that my presence or words comforted him. And I left with a great sadness I will carry for the rest of my days.
“Before I said goodbye, I sat in a conference room with team members from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the team of doctors at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. The showed me a video of P-22’s CT scan, images of the results, and my despair grew as they outlined the list of serious health issues they had uncovered from all their testing: stage two kidney failure, a weight of 90 pounds (he normally weighs about 125), head and eye trauma, a hernia causing abdominal organs to fill his chest cavity, an extensive case of demodex gatoi (a parasitic skin infection likely transmitted from domestic cats), heart disease, and more. The most severe injuries resulted from him being hit by a car last week, and I thought of how terrible it was that this cat, who had managed to evade cars for a decade, in his weakened and desperate condition could not avoid the vehicle strike that sealed his fate.
“As the agency folks and veterinarians relayed these sobering facts to me, tissue boxes were passed around the table and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. This team cares just as much for this cat as we all do. They did everything they could for P-22 and deserve our gratitude.
“Although I wished so desperately he could be returned to the wild, or live out his days in a sanctuary, the decision to euthanize our beloved P-22 is the right one. With these health issues, there could be no peaceful retirement, only some managed care existence where we prolonged his suffering — not for his benefit, but for ours.
“Those of us who have pets know how it feels when we receive news from the veterinarian that we don’t want to hear. As a lifelong dog and cat owner, I have been in this dreadful position too many times. The decision to let them go is never easy, but we as humans have the ability, the responsibility, and the selflessness to show mercy to end the suffering for these beloved family members, a compassionate choice we scarcely have for ourselves.
“I look at Griffith Park through the window again and feel the loss so deeply. Whenever I hiked to the Hollywood sign, or strolled down a street in Beachwood Canyon to pick up a sandwich at The Oaks, or walked to my car after a concert at the Greek Theater, the wondrous knowledge that I could encounter P-22 always propelled me into a joyous kind of awe. And I am not alone — his legion of stans hoped for a sight of Hollywood’s most beloved celebrity, the Brad Pitt of the cougar world, on their walks or on their Ring cams, and when he made an appearance, the videos usually went viral. In perhaps the most Hollywood of P-22’s moments, human celebrity Alan Ruck, star of Succession, once reported seeing P-22 from his deck, and shouting at him like a devoted fan would.
“We will all be grappling with the loss of P-22 for some time, trying to make sense of a Los Angeles without this magnificent wild creature. I loved P-22 and hold a deep respect for his intrepid spirit, charm, and just plain chutzpah. We may never see another mountain lion stroll down Sunset Boulevard or surprise customers outside the Los Feliz Trader Joe’s. But perhaps that doesn’t matter — what matters is P-22 showed us it’s possible.
“He changed us.  He changed the way we look at LA. And his influencer status extended around the world, as he inspired millions of people to see wildlife as their neighbors. He made us more human, made us connect more to that wild place in ourselves. We are part of nature and he reminded us of that. Even in the city that gave us Carmeggedon, where we thought wildness had been banished a long time ago, P-22 reminded us it’s still here.
“His legacy to us, and to his kind will never fade. He ensured a future for the entire population of mountain lions in the Santa Monica Mountains by inspiring us to build the Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing, which broke ground this spring.
“P-22 never fully got to be a mountain lion. His whole life, he suffered the consequences of trying to survive in unconnected space, right to the end when being hit by a car led to his tragic end. He showed people around the world that we need to ensure our roads, highways, and communities are better and safer when people and wildlife can freely travel to find food, shelter, and families. The Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing would not have been possible without P-22, but the most fitting memorial to P-22 will be how we carry his story forward in the work ahead. One crossing is not enough — we must build more, and we must continue to invest in proactive efforts to protect and conserve wildlife and the habitats they depend on — even in urban areas.
“P-22’s journey to and life in Griffith Park was a miracle. It’s my hope that future mountain lions will be able to walk in the steps of P-22 without risking their lives on California’s highways and streets. We owe it to P-22 to build more crossings and connect the habitats where we live now.
“Thank you for the gift of knowing you, P-22. I’ll miss you forever. But I will never stop working to honor your legacy, and although we failed you, we can at least partly atone by making the world safer for your kind.”
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trucknet · 4 days
Truck Net: San Diego’s Best Certified Scale Service for Accurate Weighing
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Accurate weighing is essential for various industries, especially in transportation, logistics, and shipping. For businesses and drivers who need reliable and certified scale services in San Diego, Truck Net offers the highest standard of precision and reliability. Whether you're managing a fleet of trucks or operating heavy-duty vehicles, ensuring accurate weight measurements is critical for safety, compliance, and cost efficiency.
Contact Information: (619) 661-1888 Ext. 201
Why Certified Scale Service is Crucial
A certified scale service is essential for businesses that need to adhere to local and federal regulations regarding vehicle weights, especially for transportation and commercial vehicles. Overloading a vehicle can lead to fines, legal issues, and even accidents. It can also put undue stress on the vehicle, leading to premature wear and tear, and increased fuel consumption.
Key Benefits of Using Certified Scale Services:
Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to federal and state weight limits prevents hefty fines and keeps your operations running smoothly.
Improved Safety: Ensuring your vehicles are loaded within their weight capacity reduces the risk of accidents, which could harm drivers and damage goods.
Optimized Operations: Proper weight management helps avoid unnecessary costs associated with fuel inefficiency, vehicle damage, and logistics mishaps.
Best Certified Scale Service in San Diego
When it comes to finding the best certified scale service in San Diego, Truck Net stands out for its reliable, state-certified scales and excellent customer service. They are well-regarded for providing precise measurements that meet industry standards, ensuring that trucks and heavy vehicles can operate legally and efficiently on the road.
Why Truck Net is the Best in San Diego:
State-Certified Scales: Truck Net uses certified scales that meet all regulatory requirements, ensuring that every vehicle is weighed accurately and documented properly.
Wide Range of Vehicles: Their certified scales accommodate everything from small delivery vehicles to large commercial trucks, making them a versatile option for various industries.
Fast and Efficient Service: Truck Net understands that time is of the essence in logistics, so they provide quick yet accurate weighing services to keep your operations on schedule.
Expert Team: Their experienced staff ensures that every vehicle is weighed accurately, and they are always available to help answer any questions related to weight compliance and safety.
Accurate Weighing Solutions for Trucking and Logistics
For trucking and logistics companies, having access to a certified scale service in San Diego is vital for managing operations effectively. Whether you're weighing cargo before a long haul or ensuring compliance with federal and state weight limits, Truck Net offers the precision and reliability you need.
Truck Net’s Accurate Weighing Services Include:
Pre-Trip Weighing: Before embarking on long-distance trips, it’s crucial to ensure your vehicle complies with all weight regulations. Truck Net provides accurate pre-trip weighing to prevent overweight fines and operational disruptions.
Weigh-In and Weigh-Out Services: Their scales allow for both weigh-in and weigh-out measurements, which is essential for tracking the weight of cargo loads as they are loaded or offloaded.
Detailed Weight Tickets: After each weighing, Truck Net provides official weight tickets that can be used for regulatory purposes, record-keeping, or legal compliance.
Certified Scale Services for Heavy-Duty and Commercial Vehicles
Truck Net specializes in offering certified scale services for heavy-duty and commercial vehicles. From freight trucks to construction vehicles, they provide the most accurate weight measurements to ensure legal compliance and safe operation. Their scales are regularly calibrated and certified to meet industry standards, making them the best certified scale service in San Diego for businesses relying on precise weight measurements.
Common Vehicles Served:
Freight Trucks: Freight companies rely on accurate weighing to ensure that their trucks are not overloaded and that they comply with road safety regulations.
Construction Vehicles: Construction equipment and trucks often carry heavy materials, making precise weight measurements essential for safety and compliance.
Delivery Vehicles: Delivery fleets benefit from weighing services to ensure vehicles are loaded correctly, optimizing fuel usage and preventing unnecessary wear on the vehicle.
Why Accurate Weighing is Important for Business Efficiency
Accurate weighing directly impacts your bottom line by influencing fuel efficiency, vehicle maintenance, and operational costs. Truck Net's certified scale service in San Diego offers businesses an efficient way to manage their fleet's weight, reducing risks and ensuring optimal vehicle performance.
How Accurate Weighing Saves Money:
Fuel Efficiency: Properly balanced and weighed vehicles use less fuel, saving costs on long-distance trips.
Vehicle Longevity: Preventing overloading reduces wear on the vehicle’s suspension, brakes, and tires, leading to lower maintenance and repair costs.
Avoid Fines: Staying within weight limits prevents legal penalties, ensuring uninterrupted operations.
Truck Net’s Commitment to Excellence
At Truck Net, the focus is not only on delivering certified scale services but also on offering a customer experience that’s second to none. Their certified scale service in San Diego is supported by a dedicated team that ensures fast, accurate, and reliable results, making them the top choice for local businesses and drivers.
Key Reasons to Choose Truck Net:
Customer-Centered Approach: Truck Net prioritizes customer satisfaction by providing a seamless experience, from the moment you arrive to when you leave with your weight ticket.
State-of-the-Art Equipment: The scales are maintained to the highest standards, ensuring they remain accurate and reliable for all measurements.
Convenient Location: Located in a prime area of San Diego, Truck Net offers easy access for drivers and businesses, making their certified scale services highly convenient.
Conclusion: Trust Truck Net for San Diego’s Best Certified Scale Service
If you’re looking for the best certified scale service in San Diego, Truck Net is your go-to solution. Whether you’re managing a trucking fleet, operating a logistics company, or running any business that relies on accurate weight measurements, Truck Net’s state-certified scales and exceptional customer service will meet all your needs. They provide reliable, efficient, and precise weighing solutions that ensure your vehicles remain compliant, safe, and operational. For the most accurate and dependable certified scale service in San Diego, choose Truck Net where precision and reliability meet.
Truck Net LLC 8490 Fountain Avenue, San Diego, CA 92154 CALL US:  (619) 661-1888 Ext. 201 WORKING HOURS: Monday to Sunday: Open 24 hours Visit our website: www.trucknetllc.com
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