#Weight loss tw
neuroticboyfriend · 5 months
fat people do not have to be healthy to be deserving of respect and rights like bodily autonomy. yes, including if we experience health issues related to our weight (whether directly or indirectly). disability is not a moral issue.
also. fat people are allowed to make whatever health choices are best for them, and that does not have to involve weight loss. in fact, sometimes weight loss can make things worse, compared to our baseline. generally, dont assume anything about someone's health needs based on their appearance.
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
honestly I'm still pissed off about my ex roommate trying to control my sleeping and eating habits and in particular trying to stop me from eating after like, 8pm, insisting that eating before bed is terrible for your health and that she knew what she was talking about cuz her parents were doctors. Ditto with constantly nagging me to "fix" my sleep schedule. I stopped menstruating+had constantly swollen lymph nodes+lost so much weight I was at my 14-year-old size+consistently slept 4-5 hours a night with constant nightmares but i was so much "healthier" right
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hackoftheyear · 4 months
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Yeah this is looking like a good start to summer for me hehehe
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Disclaimer: losing weight is not for everyone. That said, I have been working hard on my fitness goals, and I now fit in a swimsuit three sizes smaller than the one I've been using up to now. I am impressed and have every intention of keeping doing what I'm doing, and I wished to brag.
While I fully support your right to do whatever you want with your own body, I'm not the place to go to brag about weight loss. This is a space where I wish to challenge diet culture, fatphobia and everything associated with it, and while I think you're in your full right to intentionally lose weight and am glad you're enjoying that journey, I don't see why it should be particularly brag worthy and I don't really wish to celebrate it as an objectively good thing.
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Today on "tumblr ads that I wish were rebloggable":
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I'm not wildly fond of tumblr ads promoting weight loss all willy-nilly, but the theming of this one combined with the fact that I saw it on a blog that I first followed for Dracula Daily posting has me losing it. Lose weight how, pray tell, dear tumblr ad? Lose blood weight? Because someone's drinking it? Am I going to be running through Transylvania because there's a vampire chasing me?
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scrapnick · 1 year
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Fuck thinspo all my homies hates thinspo, I just don’t want my joints to hurt when I’m old
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aropride · 7 months
got an ad just now that was like “lose X pounds in 60 days!” and the number was exactly half my current body weight. This sounds like a threat more than an ad are you going to fucking saw me in half
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girlfoxcock · 2 months
Is losing 13 pounds of weight in about 6 days good?
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newsfromstolenland · 1 year
Isn’t there an insulin shortage? Was it only in America? I am worried about people with diabetes.
there's a shortage in the states that is exacerbating the already high prices:
there was also this, a tiktok weight loss trend leading to a global shortage of medication for type 2 diabetes (it isn't insulin though):
but I can't find anything about an insulin shortage in canada. if anyone can find any information on that, feel free to add it!
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mintmatcha · 10 months
Fatphobic math is obesity being one of the leading causes of death in America but also called one of the most preventable conditions and yet weight loss surgeries aren’t covered by most insurances because they’re considered “cosmetic”
its an obesity EPIDEMIC until there's a treatment, then it's laziness and stupidity.
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neuroticboyfriend · 9 months
between my parents telling me incessantly to lose weight and eat less (despite me telling them repeatedly to stop), and my sister going on a new year's calorie-restriction low fat/sodium etc. diet (with her boyfriend no less)... i am feeling incredibly triggered. i'm sick and i am so hungry but i feel guilty every time i eat.
whenever i haven't eaten a lot my dad tells me that's good. whenever i'm hungry and go for 2nds my dad tells me to stop. whenever i have a medical issue and need my parents' help, my dad refuses to help me and tears me apart, telling me i need to stop thinking about these things so much/letting my pain stop me and i just need to lose weight.
i just wanna shrivel up in a ball and cry. they really treat me like i'm just crazy and there's nothing physically wrong with me except for my weight and diet.
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
I think a critical flaw in the vegan’s user’s argument was that they clearly buckled down on how capitalist exploitation and overproduction factors into milk and meat markets… and then seemed to assume that vegan diets avoid capitalist pitfalls completely.
But you’ve already posted on your blog before about how crop production under capitalism has created huge environmental issues in terms of biodiversity, depletion of topsoil, and sustainability. Meaning even a non-animal diet can (especially on the scale necessary for every human being currently in existence) still create large-scale issues if that diet demands having specific foods in abundance to avoid eating meat.
Like, I’m sympathetic to what vegans want to do, it just feels like they’re ignoring a MASSIVE number of pressing logistical and environmental issues to push that agenda. There’s several intersecting problems here, and claiming humanity as a whole is poised to chuck eating animals completely seems to be jumping the gun.
This is basically exactly what I hope to convey to people. I feel like extremely pressing issues such as topsoil loss, pesticide and herbicide use, and pollution caused by nitrogen fertilizers, not to mention the severe biodiversity impacts of monoculture, are being disregarded in favor of a very simplistic "Meat is killing the Earth" argument.
And I think the "veganism to save the earth" idea is just...distracting, as a movement. I'm glad people are motivated to do it. I don't think it's bad. But we need people to take action beyond just Buy Product. Anyone telling you that the most important action you can take is Buy Different Product does not have your best interest, or the planet's best interest, in mind.
If you're eating a plant based diet, but your only relationship with your food is Buy Product, you are still alienated from the source of your food. You still don't know, and can't respect or care for, the ecosystem or the labor that gives it to you.
My agenda is far more along the lines of "society needs to be organized so more people are directly involved in growing food that feeds their community" than anything to do with animals, but it's clear to everyone who has studied it for 2 seconds that farming needs to change hugely and it's so, so much more complicated than "farming animals is bad, farming plants is good."
Also the fact is that veganism cuts you off from sources of nutrients that have been part of virtually every human society ever, a LOT of people have disabilities, allergies or nutrient absorption issues that mean going vegan isn't possible for them, and people who try to argue with me about this simply Stop knowing how to read when this is brought up. "Some people need animal protein to live" is a reality of the world but people who don't like this straight up refuse to consider it.
I have no food allergies or sensitivities, and I still struggle to eat enough food to live. I lost thirty fucking pounds in college because of stress, the dining hall being shit, and my roommate trying to control my eating habits (long story). Thats like...well over 1/5 of my body weight. Sometimes people Cannot restrict their diet safely.
Like, sure, I 85% agree with the vegans who like to comment on my posts, but the remaining 15% of things they say is completely insane.
And some of them are so out of touch with reality that they will swear up and down that it's impossible for humans to drink milk without someone having to murder a baby animal. They seem to think farming is exclusively some kind of horror show that happens in a warehouse somewhere, and don't understand the concept that "some people live in rural areas" or "it's not uncommon in some places to just keep a few dairy goats that provide milk for your family."
And if they admit this exists, it's like "well, that's not where your dairy comes from, because the INDUSTRY—" thats. that's my point, you can get milk from a farmer who keeps a small herd that is well treated, we should start doing this actually, you can even keep your OWN goat
my ideal world involves "backyard chickens and goats are legal in suburban areas where there's space" because there's literally nothing innately unethical about keeping a couple dairy goats or healthy heritage breed chickens and you can quote me on that and you can even fight me.
That one person (the one who kept bringing up eating poop) (Lord what a sentence to have to write) eventually turned to "Well those sources are wrong because governmental organizations want you to keep eating animal products" which is already well into "conspiracy theory" territory. No thanks.
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hackoftheyear · 4 days
Speaking of which I think it’s funny how often I see people say things like “injectable medications are scary because you need to be on them for the rest of your life!! It’s a forever medication or you gain all the weight back!!” That’s not a good critique of people using them for non vanity reasons that’s literally just the reality of some medications
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(cw medical transphobia and weight loss mention) adding on to the BMI is bullshit thing, I’m a trans dude who’s now being refused top surgery until I get my BMI under 30 and like… I have a similar body type to you, kat. It’s stupid and ridiculous- and my chest is part of what makes my bmi that high in the first place! These things aren’t made of bubbles and air, it’s fat! So the tldr is that I now have to lose a certain amount of weight before my next appointment in a year, which honestly sucks big time
No that's so stupid, because first of all it isn't even scientifically proven that intentional weight loss is a realistic option for most people, and on the other hand the many "health risks" associated with fatness may very well be more correlation than causation due to many doctors not taking their fat patients seriously in time. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this ❤️
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glittergroovy · 9 months
Hi I have applied to so many jobs & done so many interviews but still have not gotten hired!! I don’t have much past work experience because of disability & thats making it so hard to get hired now. Being trans also complicates it. I am completely out of savings and can’t get things like groceries, subway fare, or household cleaning supplies.
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(it’s a photo bc I can’t screenshot in the bank app^)
If anyone can help out, trust me it is so so so appreciated. Especially rn as I try to get on food stamps. I've lost 15% of my body weight from being unemployed & broke the past year. I'd worked so, so hard to put that weight on and having to watch myself waste away is more devastating than I know how to express. Every cent towards a meal helps.
ways to help-
Ko-fi: grubcore
Venmo: @Grubcore
WishTender: this has prices for specific things I need listed! (groceries, public transport costs, laundry)
Redbubble: buy stickers etc of my art (unfortunately this only gives me a tiny portion of the item's price + I don't get the money right away)
I'm setting up some other ways to buy my art, I'll post about them when I do!
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fatmasc · 2 years
Top surgery while fat!!!!
I got inverted T/anchor T top surgery on feb 13 2023 after many many years of wanting it. Heres some stuff i learned and dealt with over that process:
I live in a state where transgender healthcare must be covered by insurance according to state law. Despite this, i felt unable to try and bill through insurance. This is because the requirements for top surgery approval involve getting approved by a gender therapist who you have seen for at least a year and then getting approved again by the clinic you are applying to. Almost every trans person i know who did this had to reapply multiple times because theyre were rejected for unclear reasons. And if you get approved you are often waitlisted for at least a year bc there are only so many top surgeons in jn the state
Thats not even touching on how most surgeons have a low BMI barrier here, so i was more likely to be rejected by insurance through that alone (apparently the primary place ppl seek top surgery in my state has since changed this but it was too late for me)
I sought informed consent surgery (read: completely paid out of pocket) with a well-regarded surgeon. This guy was one of my least favorite people because his bedside manner was so dismissive and i was told to lose weight multiple times. If his nursing staff wasnt so awesome and i not so desperate i might have put off surgery to seek out another surgeon. This is a problem i have heard from multiple other ppl who seek surgery from him: he sucks but his results are good
On his initial application form, my surgeon lists his BMI barrier as 36. At consultation, he told me the hard cap is 40. I would be operated on if i was above 36 but turned away day of surgery if my BMI was 40. I spent the five months between my consultation and surgery date losing 30 pounds to make sure i could get this surgery
My surgeon is already able to charge a hefty amount because his practice is so well known, but that combined with a) recent inflation and b) his statement thay i would need an extra hour on the table and therefore more anesthesia meant i was charged even more! Compared to a recent quote from another person who saw him, i was charged about $1000+ more for my surgery
The operaton went without hitch and so far recovery has gone wonderfully. I was finished half an hour before expecred and the anesthesiologist only asked me if i have had past issues w anesthesia. As far as i can tell, my weight has had very little to do with that. It is super weird to feel nerves reconnecting but finally the way i look in the mirror matches the way i look in my head.
Im happy to answer questions ab top esp while im still recovering! Im still a little bewildered that its finally happened and i dont think itll fully hit me until i can actually get dressed on my own lol
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