#Werewolves Anonymous
poparthuriana · 1 month
Cador’s Cornwall Gang: Aalardin du Lac, Cador, Caradoc Briefbras, Guinier/Tegau, and the Maiden of the Pavilion
Lancelot Stans: Bellangere, Blamore, Bliant, Blioberis, Bors, Ector de Maris, Lavaine, Lionel, Palamedes, Safir, and Urre of Hungary
Werewolves Anonymous: Alastrann, Bisclavret, Gorlagon, Marrok, and Melion
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werewolfbarista · 1 year
may we see more werewolf barista?
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PROBLEM CUSTOMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (they are girlfriends)
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varilien · 2 years
Vampire vash and werewolf wolfwood
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werewolf kabedon...
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thatdogmagic · 2 years
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pre-gaming #WerewolfWednesday with a 2022 “self-portrait.”
I was sitting on the floor yesterday in a state of total sleep deprivation, listlessly cutting my hair like 'what am I doing,' and decided it should probably be immortalized somehow.
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maverick-werewolf · 2 months
Hi! I suck at sending asks so I hope I don’t come off in any kind of bad way
I know you very briefly mentioned Van Helsing (2004) in one of your ‘Vampire vs Werewolf’ posts, but I wanted to know your thoughts on the werewolf designs in them. I was doing research for one of my characters, and I’m not really sure if drawing inspiration from their designs would fit/work with the actual folklore.
Maybe you could even list some of your favorite designs or good places to reference from, if you know any?
— House 🩵 (I love your blog so much it’s a literal godsend for Vamp and Wolf research)
Not at all a bad way; thank you for sending in an ask! And I'm so glad you enjoy the blog, thank you for the kind words! :D
I actually love the werewolf designs in Van Helsing, overall. They're very cool - they're big, scary, muscular, and wolfish (all traits I personally love), but they are also varied according to character...
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This is concept art from the film. Notice how they all look like wolves and have a coherent common design while also having unique and characterized features and builds. I really love that. You may not have even noticed it a whole lot in the movie itself (I did, though), but it really makes them feel more like an individual turning into a monster instead of just someone turning into a standardized creature like a transform ability in a video game.
I'd say they're a good starting point for any werewolf concepts that want to go for the big wolfish humanoid look while still being scary and characterized!
Designing werewolves after folklore can be tricky and even odd, given folklore varied very widely and also wasn't always very specific. Most werewolves in folklore turn into wolves, which leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Some also had paws they used as hands (does that mean they had hands? etc) and other variations. Some even looked quite ridiculous and not even very wolfish, with things like a tufted lion tail and red hindquarters! It got wild in folklore.
Personally, I wouldn't restrict yourself to trying to stick too closely to folklore specifically. Design something cool, and most importantly, have fun with it and make it yours. My recommendation is just to stick with what you like and think looks cool and things that look wolfish in some way. Don't do like a lot of designers and tell yourself that a wolf is the last thing you should be drawing reference from; that's just silly. They're still werewolves. Granted, since you're interested in folklore and enjoy my blog, I doubt I need to say that, lol. I have other personal preferences, but at the end of the day, that's my advice to others.
My advice might also sound a little bit canned, but that's how I feel. My werewolves in Wulfgard have a variety of designs per individual and other factors in the story/world itself and many other elements; their designs are something I have hashed out over the course of literally my entire life, so it isn't something to rush. I like a variety of designs, and curses are complicated in my world, and I've adapted that into the entirety of werewolf designs themselves. I'm really proud of what I came up with - be sure to check back to my blog in November for some big news in terms of my own werewolves and their designs... Sorry - shameless plug! I've got a big thing coming.
Hope this helps, and hope you're having a great day! :)
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onlineviolence · 11 months
how's art fight going, attacked anyone yet?
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three :3
( @corutown, @desertsknight and @mipexch )
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trashasaurusrex · 1 year
Lindsey has big "I'm an 11 but go on" energy
That is EXACTLY her energy xD
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kithj · 3 months
have you seen contrapoints' video on twilight? i know it's extremely long lol but i'm curious if you have any thoughts/reactions to her discussions of vampirism/sex/death/etc in relation to your own aesthetic interests
i've had it recommended to me a few times on youtube but i'm not really a contrapoints fan nor do i like twilight like.. at all..... and i don't like the "twilight renaissance" where people pretend that the only reason twilight gets criticized is because of misogyny.
unfortunately, i personally find twilight to be completely sexless, but good for her to somehow manage to write 3 hours' worth of a script about it somehow 😭 i mean i get it, the potential is there, but it's not actually in the text. smeyer is not a good writer and she underutilizes the dynamics and the vampirism... there's no substance. in a competent writer's hands, twilight could have been a far darker and more compelling story, but alas...
sorry i'm sure she might make some interesting points about vampirism and sex separately from twilight but...😭maybe one day i'll write out my own thoughts on vampirism, lesbianism, and sex in an actual coherent essay or something... my previous posts where i talked about blood4blood and bleeding heart & the other one about ethical vampires are rambling and all over the place.
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dramioneasks · 9 months
Trying to find a fic
Malfoy and Harry are auror partners, Draco takes the hit on an attack by greyback to save Harry, gets turned into a werewolf. Hermione is a healer and is his mate I think? Could just be he loves her
Hermione lives with Katie bell and is sort of dating Cormac mclaggen, but greyback starts to target her and she's not safe
Ginny is pregnant with James and gives birth towards the end, naming Hermione and Draco as godparents
Driving me mad trying to find it!
Perfectly Matched by silverstorme - M, 19 chapters - When Auror Draco Malfoy is mauled by a werewolf on a mission gone awry, his partner Harry entrusts his best friend to care for him: Healer Hermione Granger. But now his heightened senses won’t allow him to escape the one witch from Potter’s crew he’d always kept at a distance, and his new and volatile wolf has decided she’s his perfect match.
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Since you answered my ask how would the Lunar foundation accommodate werewolfs with physical and mental disabilities?
Hmm that’s a very interesting question, but probably two very different answers.
As far as mental disabilities are concerned, I don’t think I know enough about the kinds of accommodations that people in that position would prefer to do proper fantasy worldbuilding for it.
When it comes to physical disabilities, my background knowledge is still limited, but for a start:
● The Lunar Foundation would have as much information available about which medical professionals, physical therapists, etc., have enough specialisation to work with shapeshifter.
● They would help organise focus groups and gather information for rehabilitation technicians working on the development of prosthetics and mobility equipment that is safe for people who are capable of – sometimes sudden – physical transformations. The most high end limb prosthetics, for instance, would incorporate magic to change with the wearer, but this enchantment needs to be completely tuned to the individual and is extremely difficult to pull off. If the person using the prosthetic is capable of magic themselves, they can help place the enchantment, which makes everything a lot easier.
● Various mobility aides to install around the house are probably popular among all werewolves, because they all have to deal with sometimes having no opposable thumbs, suddenly changing height, etc. The Lunar Foundation will keep track of which ones are the most popular, where to get them, and how to get financial support for their purchase.
● They would also be involved in encouraging medical research. Such as experimental therapies that involve purposefully shifting from human to wolf and back in order to alleviate chronic pain, especially joint, muscle, or nerve pain.
This would necessarily be more on the side of the advocacy part of the foundation, rather than their social work efforts. Which would be a smaller branch, but no less important~
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werewolfbarista · 2 years
werewolf barista spooky scary
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I actually feel lied to if I listen to a werewolf audio where they just act like a normal guy the whole time. Even if they don't turn into a wolf, I want them to at least be a little feral. I'll finish the audio and actually be angry for listening to the whole thing.
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weneedatdcharacterwho · 10 months
Bonus for the not-werewolf contestant: Somebody else on the island actually IS a werewolf and is way better at hiding it. They might be insulted at the not-werewolf’s attempts to come off as a werewolf but we don’t find out about it until much later.
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maverick-werewolf · 21 days
What would happen if a vampire drank the blood of a werewolf (while in their human form) ? Does drinking the blood of other supernatural/mythical creatures affect vampires at all?
Thank you for the ask, anon!
The answer is simple, though - it would depend entirely on the lore of whatever story they are appearing in.
Folklore doesn't exactly "cross over" monsters in such ways that modern pop culture does. A vampire story will be a story about a vampire. A werewolf story will be a story about a werewolf. So there isn't a "folklore accurate" way to approach or answer that question, I'm afraid.
If you'd like to see how I would/will handle that, myself, stay tuned to my world of Wulfgard and publications therein. You will absolutely find out eventually.
Hope you have a great day :D
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moon-rising-if · 1 year
can vampires drink werewolves' blood (wink wink) and i hear you on fallon not wanting to be carried but WOULD THEY CARRY US? cause i plan on making my mc 5'8 and a hater of tall people so the idea of fallon carrying them around like a bag would be hilarious (especially post argument where mc tries to sulk in their corner but fallon is like as if, come eat now) (mc thinking they're about to be married to someone normal but instead they get a giant spouse crying)
In theory? Yes. In all actuality? It wouldn’t end well. Most assume that, to drink blood from another supernatural race, the vampire in question needs to be bonded/mated to said individual; as you’re drinking from a being that has been blessed by a specific God/Goddess. So, it’s never actively happened because a vampire/werewolf bond hasn’t truly been a thing.
Maybe the MC and Fallon can change that…
Fallon wouldn’t mind carrying the MC at all, and depending on how far into the relationship you are with them, they absolutely would toss you over their shoulder if it meant the MC would be taking care of themself.
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dzamie · 5 months
Smash or pass: transmasc werewolf in movie theater hallway from dream I had once
man y'all're giving me a lot of wolves
This is kinda vague, but just from this information alone, more likely smash than not? Especially if he's there for the same movie I am. Especially if the theater is otherwise empty (maybe except for people who don't mind, um, panting and wolf noises).
Feel free to expound upon this dream.
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