#West End Players Guild
hyperbolicreverie · 5 months
I’ve seen you mention an Online Gaming au once or twice. Could you please share some details with the crowd?
Also I love all your work, your fics always bring a smile to my face when I read them so thank you for being you!
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoy them!
The Online Gaming AU idea I have bouncing around for a while now, and started as an excuse to do some fun worldbuilding using an MMO as the framework.
The basic idea is that the One Piece world is an online game, and that there are four base servers--North, South, East and West, based on the Blues. You can spend your entire time in these servers if you want to, and most people do--but there is also the option to transfer your character to the Grand Line server.
This transfer is permanent, and there is one more important caveat: the Grand Line is a permadeath server. You can respawn in the base servers, but not there, and all the progress you've made with your character gets wiped. So only the players seeking the greatest challenges actually go there, because that's also where the biggest rewards in the game are.
Luffy will have convinced/bullied the original East Blue crew into doing so, and they would form the beginning of what normally would be a guild in your standard MMO. Most pirate crews are. Emperors are the big powerful players and their giant, well-established guilds.
I like to think of the power system as pretty customizable and open-ended, with lots of opportunity to stumble into combinations of abilities that seem like they'd be inefficient but can be staggeringly overpowered. Think Law carefully minmaxing until he has a power that's very hard to deal with, but Luffy picking what he thinks is cool and working hard to make that work for him, despite the odds.
Oh, and milk is an item that heals all wounds.
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Article on Rammstein/Flake - Berliner Zeitung 2023-03-18
author:Martin Schuler
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attempt at translation
A spoonful of sugar in the goulash: Rammstein and Flake's special role in the band
Why are Rammstein the most misunderstood band in the country? What does their music actually want and what is the special part keyboardist Flake plays?
There is no band in this country over which German article-writers have broken their pen with such force as Rammstein. Shortly after the band was founded in 1994, journalists shot poisoned darts at the targets they had identified. Since then, their chain of arguments has been as follows: the sextet not only uses National Socialist stylistics, but also stands accordingly in the intellectual tradition of fascism.
Aesthetic parallels were found in abundance: On the one hand, there was the mechanical opulence of the stage design. Secondly, there is the pathos that shakes marrow and bones that accompanies it. Other points in the indictment list authoritative poses, hypermasculine behavior and singer Till Lindemann's frenetically rolled "R". His band colleague and keyboardist Christian "Flake" Lorenz once told the music magazine Rolling Stone that the people in the GDR had taken the mentality with them to the unified Germany to take bad criticism from the press as recognition: "As long as media like 'Stern' or 'Spiegel ' hate us, the world is okay."
Rammstein never really understood the discourses about supposedly right-wing tendencies. The basic attitude of the band was that they grew up as punks and goths; on the other hand, with Nazis there were fights in their youth. In fact, Rammstein made decisions in the past that were grist to the mill of their primarily West German opponents. For example, a music video for the cover song "Stripped" released in 1998 contained material by Leni Riefenstahl - the director who once staged Hitler's ideology with her propaganda films. Rammstein admitted their mistake.
Pleasure in provocation: Rammstein and right-wing extremism
They wanted to put an end to the media accusations shortly after the turn of the millennium. On the piece "Links 2 3 4" published in 2001 it says frankly: "You want my heart in the right place / But then I look down / It beats to the left / Left, two, three, four". The refrain missed the desired signal effect. To this day, a wide variety of newspapers print comments on their culture pages that declare Rammstein to be 'undesirable formation'. It must not be forgotten that those mechanisms have always been helpful to the band's outrageous success.
The Rammstein musicians enjoy the provocation, and anyone who sows an affront will reap indignation. It's all part of the game, Rammstein are aware of that. But there is an essential difference, whether the writing guild calls the group a fright of the citizens or declares it to be a right-wing extremist. Anyone who postulates the latter should be really sure and otherwise remain quiet. The roots of Rammstein's theatrical style and larger-than-life staging can be traced back to the 1930s. That is indisputable. What many journalists all too often overlook, on the other hand, is the deliberately caricaturing portrayal of brute nationalism. Perhaps because people in Germany can't stand the satirization of their own dark history, they overlook the deliberate exaggeration stumbles over false floors and misjudges breaks in the martial performance. At this point it should be mentioned that in other parts of the world people have far fewer problems recognizing Rammstein's staged acts as such.
Counterpoint within Rammstein: the keyboard player Flake
Rammstein keyboardist Flake Lorenz also embodies a counterweight to the rock-solid male figures. His slim stature and glasses give him a certain fragility, they ironically contrast the rest of the band. In his role as an oddball, it's up to him to relax the robot-like choreography with bizarre interludes. The keyboarder has been rowing a rubber boat over the audience since the late 1990s. Also, as a comic character on the show, he has already stewed in a saucepan and been doused with molten metal in a bathtub.
Long before all this circus, there was Feeling B. In 1994, Rammstein emerged from that East Berlin fun punk group, only Flake Lorenz took his time with his "conversion" to Rammstein. The riffs were too blunt for him, the aura was too severe. According to Rammstein guitarist Paul Landers, it took a lot of convincing, but the young band didn't get tired of getting on their knees. They needed a person who countered them: "If Rammstein is goulash, then you have to put a spoonful of sugar in it so that the goulash tastes good," said Landers at the end of the nineties.
Diabolical but democratic: the East Berlin band Rammstein
To stay with the image: the metaphorical sugar as a counterpart to the acidity of the tomato did not fail to have an effect, the recipe tasted good on all continents. Only a few years after their founding, Rammstein were about to bring the 'Neue Deutsche Härte' genre they had cultivated into the world. The basic musical plan: Fast, American and distorted heavy metal guitars, the drums thrash a Teutonic four-four time. Flake Lorenz's playing on the keyboard loosens up the seemingly diabolical and, in itself, simple sound construction. In the production, he is also responsible for the samples, the choirs and strings, thus transporting Rammstein into the world of pop - just think of "Engel", one of their most prominent songs.
Incidentally, Rammstein make each of their decisions after a democratic majority vote, all votes carry the same weight. Even Lindemann's lyrics are up for debate within the band before each album. Drummer Christoph Schneider once described his band as a creature that can only grow up when all six members are together. The musicians are divided, especially with regard to the question of how much circus a rock band can actually take. For Lindemann, sparkles and flames are an essential part, others sometimes see the music pushed too far into the background.
Calculated taboo breaking: Rammstein and the evil topics
Throughout their career, Rammstein has broken countless social taboos: BDSM, incest, abuse, drug use, pyromania, necrophilia, cannibalism, voyeurism and sex tourism. They have negotiated all these topics on their eight studio albums in almost three decades. The fact that Lindemann mostly writes in the first person gives his stories a frontal immediacy. Of course that polarizes and it's obviously too much for some people. In March 2019, Rammstein released the single "Deutschland". According to old practice, they shocked in advance with a thirty-second snippet.
It shows the band members disguised as concentration camp inmates being led to the gallows - the spiral of outrage continued as usual. Finally, the nine-minute monument from a music video appeared, and with it the treatise on the atrocities of German history. Rammstein didn't heroize, they bluntly flaunted this country's DNA. The lines cannot – they must – be read as an unmistakable positioning: “Germany! Your love is a curse and a blessing! Germany! I can't give you my love.” Here lies the heart of the matter: Rammstein have always revealed the destructive power inherent in our German nature. Let's learn to keep the demons at bay!
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apples-of-apples · 11 months
Ok, so like no one has to read this or look at it I just need to scream into the void about Etrian odyssey X (Major story spoilers)
Starting this off I am going to divide this into 3 sections 1. Story, 2. World building, 3. Gameplay.
Point 1 - The game actually starts pretty good in this aspect! The beginning is a pretty strong hook into the story and game as a whole! The next bits of story are good too! The pink haired medic (I can’t remember her name) giving the party a reason to been called on specifically for help early on because they find the east ruins is great for more set up! But the next part is immediately worse than this because it reuses a plot from a previous game, for some reason?? The plot isn’t any different than it was in EO4. It’s still just a big bad bear murdered some people, and now you have to kill it. The only thing that’s new is Cernunnos showing up for all of 5 seconds before being killed by the party. Like I get this is supposed to be a celebration game for the series but you can’t just reuse a plot from a previous game and add a character into it like they did. Oh well, the next dungeon isn’t horrible. I mean they made a super boss into a joke, but they didn’t copy a storyline this time. Leo and Shilleka are a cute duo together in all honesty. Leo’s moment at the end where he overcomes his self perceived weakness and curse to help the party is nice. Then the next dungeon is from EO3 and it’s different overall in story from the game it came from, but it just stole the characters traits from EO3. Like the new characters are just two kids in the dungeon who know each other and they get separated in the dungeon until one of them is on the brink of death. This is literally just Hypatia and Agata, but they both live. Again I get this is a call back to a previous game, but if they’re going to be so insistant on it then just bring someone into the game like bring Missy so she can talk about Hypatia and Agata like I remember some kids like you instead of just copying characters that were already made. Then the next dungeon is the west ruins and there is nothing to talk about except for the last floor where everyone you met is also here and they are also trying to find out ways to traverse the labyrinth! But why are they doing this? I understand that it is quite literally first come first serve with the hidden treasures of Lemuria but when there are No other guilds in sight other than some 1-2 party guilds it just decreases the tension of bosses. It’s different in EO1 with Ren and Tlachga because they are established to be strong, but in nexus these people can just handle enemies that regularly beat up player parties even though they should be around the same level as you? What’s the logic here?? Then for the next few dungeons they are basically filler that are made just to remember that these stratums exist and to show off more characters new or returning. The only returning one is Artelind and the new ones are a viking princess and the child the Wulfgar, Wulfgar Jr. eventually you get to the north ruins and it’s the same as the west ruins, but it’s a new boss and there is some dialogue between characters for a minute before moving on to more pointless dungeons. This is a good as time as any to address that fact that while there have been official missions from the princess a lot of them are just… things the party would’ve done anyway. The only exceptions are the ruins that you only really would want to do from the rewards from the missions. Other than that we get to the forest folk and they don’t matter after like 3 conversations because they’re dead whoops! Then the final ruins where the worst boss in this game is and the princess gets kidnapped I guess?? Literally no one cares though there is no panic, so what’s the point?? And what was the point of the forest folk if they just die again?? Why are half the things in this game rehashed from older games with barely any creative twist and it can just get away with blatant lazy writing?? You can only call Nexus a celebration for so long before it is just called a rehash of the entire EO franchise. Then there is jormanjander who is just boring. The idea is cool but it’s just a damage sponge that dies without to much of a fight.
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tanadrin · 1 year
A short timeline of the dawn of worlds game so far
To catch myself up, I put together as best I could a timeline of the Dawn of Worlds game so far, with a list of races, avatars, and orders at the end. Fellow-players, if you see this, please correct me if I got anything wrong, or help me fill in any missing details if you can.
Turn 1
The dead skin of the former world gives rise to Naakrsh, the Forgotten Scales.
Zaaz-Ghvash, an orphan from another plane, arrives.
Velarië is born from starlight on the waves. She creates the Isle of Velarië as her home.
Laneth… exists, a chalk mountain in the midst of an otherworldly plain called the Process of Dying.
Haebarik the Rootless awakens. He creates the continent called Haebrach, and a chain of islands betwen Haebrach and Velarie’s isle.
Turn 2
Fiery Erland is born from primordial embers deep beneath the world. He makes a series of volcanic islands.
Naakrsh cuts the Abyss into the Isle of Velarie and the sea around it.
Dark, secretive Omeara wakes; she shapes an extensive underground labyrinth, populated with cavern-dwelling flora and fauna.
Velarie does her best to mend Naakrsh’s violence; she creates the land of Incarien to the northwest.
Haebarik creates Baled, the Home of Monsters, and spreads some of Naakrsh’s abyssal life to it.
Laneth makes a lifeless realm of ice in the north.
Naakrsh creates a spark of his own essence that may engender something later.
Turn 3
Omeara creates a second underground layer beneath the first.
Erland works to rectify some of the underground flooding caused by the creation of the Abyss; he scatters volcanic vents and channels across Baled; he creates living creatures out of stone, and uses some of them to scattered seeds to the four corners of the world to encourage life to take root elsewhere.
Zaag-Ghvash creates two locations of eldritch power with alien glyphs at their center, and an unusual continent in the southwest.
Velarie creates the Ataila, whose first home outside her isle is Tehwatzin aka Etevassin.
Haebarik delves into the Abyss, and returns with the first human beings, snakelike humanoids born of Naakrsh’s spark.
Corobel, the personification of the sky, creates the Mirrorvaults beneath the oceans of the Moon.
Laneth creates the barren south polar region.
Tepponilamek names itself out of the cold wind of the north. It creates twin landmasses east of Baled.
Omeara creates the land of Morne, northeast of Incarien.
Turn 4
Corobel fills the Moon with life.
Omeara creates the avatar Ohm, The First of Worms, the Finger Pale, the Beast of Morne.
Laneth creates Kuollut Kulma, the Wandering Isle, beyond the reach of all the gods, even Laneth itself.
Naakrsh creats the Ebon Priesthood of the Flayed Skin, an order which attracts both human and atai members.
Erland creats the Potter’s Guild, the Keepers of the Secrets of Fire and Earth, to teach the humans the arts of civilization.
Velarie fills southeast Incarien with thick jungles to protect Tehwatzin/Etevassin, and to the south creates the land called Tuula.
(IS) Saarimuuta, one of the seven maidens appointed by Velarie to watch over the waters of Tuula,  hoards the waters of Saarima, in southern Tuula, for herself.
Haebarik spreads more life along the coast of Incarien, and creates the land of Laerel adjoining Laneth.
Corobel raises a continent to the west of Incarien and Tuula.
(IS) Mohäimä escapes Laneth’s domain and takes up residence in Saarima.
Tepponilamek creates a new landmass southwest of the two it made earlier, and surrounds it with helpful prevailing winds.
Omeara uses shape climate to make a temperate coastal region around Morne and Incarien; creates a more boreal area in the north of both, and fills the region in between with thick coniferous forests. Ohm is busy eating things out of existence.
Turn 5
Erland floods the barren interior of Incarien in the northwest using magma; after being washed with water, an enormous lake whose bed is glass and basalt forms.
(IS) Rav, the glancing light, takes up residence in Saarima.
Erland calls a conference of the gods.
Zaag-Ghvash creates an Eldritch Orrery on her island from which horrible secrets can be divined from the stars. She fills the region with a huge wealth of natural resources, both organic and mineral, before setting off for the divine conference.
Naakrsh bleeds a lake of blood on the moon.
Haebarik makes a bridge to the Moon that opens during a total eclipse, providing a way for mortals to travel back and forth.
Corobel fills the sky with 29 planets and moons to track the cycles of time.
Turn 6
Corobel reshapes the flooded portion of Incarien into the Glass Steppes
(IS) Rav creates a magical oasis in Saarima.
Omeara crates the Sea of Spires, a dense fogbound archipelago between Haebrach, Lekesh, and Rasira.
Naakrsh creates the Hatestar, doom of the world.
Laneth creates the Order of the Last Hearth, which teaches that mortals must prepare themselves well for death. Under its influence the human towns in eastern Incarien become preeminent in the funerary arts.
Corobel uses Shape Climate on the Occident (the land west of Incarien and Tuula).
Tepponilamek creates the Windwhisperers, introducing writing to humans and weather-magic to the world.
The First Age ends with the conference of the gods, at which diverse topics are discussed.
Turn 7
Something very disturbing involving a tree on the Moon happens at Corobel’s instigation?
Tepponilamek creates the Messonir and Eppethikuja, mantalike wind-dragons that can control the weather and the sea.
Haebarik creates the Tarbra on Haebrach, five-limbed beings who live via herding.
The Ebon Priesthood construct shafts all over the world, and on the moon, to aid in the potential passage of the Hatestar.
(IS) Saarimuuta gifts a snowflake to Mohäimä, Rav, and Rav’s oasis, and buries another in a secret place.
Erland invites some of the Ataila underground; under his tutelage, these become the chthonic Kautaila. He also creates the Tiktik, who build the city of Chivik.
Haebarik creates an avatar, Maretik, the Void Whale. Maretik abducts a bunch of humans and a few ataila, and deposits them on Lekesh, founding a new civilization there.
Erland makes the Queen of Chivik immortal, at the price of turning her to stone. A group of dissident Tiktik found the city of Neskot.
Corobel uses command avatar on the Great Flowering Tree to create the Sun-Divers. They build the city Azimuth around the tree; beneath the city in the Omphalos, an entrance dug into the underworld.
Laneth creates the Den-Seekers among the Tiktik.
Turn 8? (not sure exactly where turn 8 began)
Tepponilamek creates the Qurri, arthropoidal creates of the equatorial isles. The Kukan, a flightless offshoot of the Messonir, settle in the mountains of Tuula.
Laneth inspires humans to build Aesinhauta in eastern Incarien.
The Azure Reach becomes home to the world’s foremost sailors and navigators. Humans expand eastward, establishing the city of Palk.
Erland creates the Págar, shell-bearing crustaceans, on Morne. The Tiktik of Chivik build the city of Vennesnes.
Omeara extends the underworld to underneath Azimuth, and fills this new region with appropriately-adapted flora and fauna.
The Order of the Last Hearth creates the city of Vorond; this becomes home to the Hewn, or Memnarks, a human subrace.
Laneth creates a new land in the north of the world.
The Messonir found a city (name?) that develops advanced magical smithing techniques.
Explorers from Azimuth venture to the Moon, where they are transformed into a new race, the vampiric, amphibious Calyptra that live in the lake of blood.
Corobel creates an avatar in the form of the False-Lights that emanate from the Sun; he commands the avatar to create the race called the Aphotics; he also commands the Great Flowering Tree, unleashing a golden age among the Sun-Divers.
The worm Ohm comes to Tehwatzin/Etevassin, and seizes it, intending to hold it hostage. Rather than let the worm eat his fill, and totally erase the legacy of the Ataila who labored there, Velarie destroys the city by calling down a burning star from the heavens (Turn 9); from the fallen star the avatar Ängiläimö is created (Turn 10).
Turn 9? (not sure where turn 9 began either)
Tepponilamek creates the algaekin.
Omeara creates an order called the Wardens of the Earthen Oath, dedicated to protection, community, and agriculture, who have a kind of magic called Oathbinding.
Corobel creates an avatar, Coryphaeus, the Beast of Faces; Coryphaeus in turn creates the Night-Singers, amphibioid marshdwellers prone to unusual mutations. Occidentals (?) colonize the northeastern coast of the Occident, and grow preeminent in divination and prophecy.
Págar society on Morne develops the Seven Schools.
(?) creates an order (name?) among the Tarbra (?). The Tiktik of Chivik build a city (name? location?).
Tepponilamek creates the Titans.
Omeara uses command avatar to have Ohm create the deplorable Ohmlings.
Haebarik creates the order of Those Who Walk Beside God among the Titans.
Turn 10 (so far)
Laneth teaches First-Bell the Arts of Release, which involves knowledge of poisons, magic of semiotic dissolution, and euthanasia.
Omeara creates an avatar, The Omens, and uses this collection of dreams and visions to direct Hulat of the Hewn to found the city of Tondor.
(IS) A tribe of Ataila called the Ruohaina come to Saarima, fleeing the ruin of Tehwatzin/Etevassin. Mohäimä prophesies they will one day build a great city, Tehwatzin’s equal.
Major gods and their avatars:
Velarie: Ängiläimö
Haebarik: Maretik
Omeara: Ohm, The Omens
Corobel: Great Flowering Tree, False-Lights, Coryphaeus
Orders and their founders
Ebon Priesthood of the Flayed Skin (Naakrsh)
Potter's Guild (Erland)
Order of the Last Hearth (Laneth)
Windwhispherers (Tepponilamek)
Wardens of the Earthen Oath (Omeara)
Uncertain Tarbra order (Erland)
Those Who Walk Beside God (Haebarik)
Den Seekers (Laneth)
Races and their creators (or avatar’s creator, if created via avatar)
Ataila (Vel.)
Humans (Hae.)
Messonir (Tep.)
Eppethikuja (Tep.)
Tarbra (Hae.)
Kautaila (Erl.)
Tiktik (Erl.)
Sundivers (Cor.)
Qurri (Tep.)
Kukan (Tep.)
Págar (Erl.)
Memnarks/Hewn (Ome.)
Calyptra (Hae.)
Aphotics (Cor.)
Algaekin (Tep.)
Night-Singers (Cor.)
Titans (Tep.)
Ohmlings (Ome.)
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jangmo-othewarrior · 2 years
Ya know what? Motivation can go a long way to defining and fleshing out a character.
Knowing why someone does something helps them be memorable, be realistic, and be likeable. Not having a motivation can make them feel bland and stale. Characters suffer from not having a motivation. Case in point: Nexomon Extinction.
Let's go over the positives first. Amelie and Vados both have clear motivations, end goals, and reasons for their actions. They want humanity to live on without the constant threat of Tyrants. It makes them compelling.
However, on the opposite side of the spectrum, Nora and Ross have nothing. Why do they want to become tamers? We don't know. Why do they want to stop Tryants? You are just meant to assume that it's because 'Tyrants are bad :('. That's not compelling. It's boring, and no amount of funny quips or personality can save a character from having a boring story. So....
I gave them motivations myself. And it was pretty simple.
Ross' parents lived in the westward district of New Ignita, where the housing was less stellar. Ross himslef was a excitable child, depsite barely having turned one. They were making ends meet, but things were... stressful. It became all the more stressful when the entire district was forced to evacuate due to a Tyrant threat. The fire Tyrant of the time (a couple before Mulcimer) had appeared close to New Ignita, specifically the west district. As they were evacuated, they received the news that the entire district was destroyed because the Tyrant got into a fight with the fire Greater Drake, Dracoon. Fed up with everything, Ross' parents decided to leave the continent and start their lives anew somewhere else. They left everything behind at the desert outpost, shoving all of it into the Guild's hands. Even their own child ended up in the hands of a Guild Tamer.
And thus, Ross began to blame the Tyrants for his parents abandoning him. He also began to despise the way they headless destroy human settlements. He also became grateful for the guild tamer who brought him to the Orphanage. Thus, his reason for becoming a Guild Tamer is secure.
Nora's parents were well known scientists, having put a lot of time and effort into the study of Nexomon as a whole. They had moved to the edge of the Immortal Citadel. Nora, at six years old, adored her parents and wanted to be just like them. Then, the Plant type Tyrant (the one before Tikala) started to move towards Parum city. Nora's parents, ever the observers, noticed that the long spines on the Tryant's back were hollow, and they were probably used to secreate some sort of poison. They then told Nora to stay in the basement as they went to go tell the Guild's front lines. As soon as they had arrived however, the Guild had pissed off the Tyrant to much, and it had started to throw a tantrum and released a poisonous gas into the air. 36 people died due to this gas, including Nora's parents. Nora was found 3 days later near her destroyed house. The only reason she survived is because her parents sealed the basement to prevent external gases from getting in. Deena was found outside of the rubble of her house, and it appeared that a large nexomon had dug her out and freed her. She was found surrounded by fresh flowers.
Nora wanted to join the Guild to study Nexomon, specifically Tyrants, so that what happened to her parents never happens again. While she doesn't have any active hate for Tyrants, Nora struggles with panic attacks and anxiety relating to the powerful Nexomon. Another, smaller goal is to find the Nexomon that saved her from the rubble of her former home.
And thus, the stage is set. With both of these backstories and, more importantly, these motivations not only will Nora and Ross be more compelling, but the plot will also take a small but noticeable turn. The player will not only feel bad after the confrontation in Lateria, but Xanders will also become more compelling as a result. Xanders as a character has a similar backstory to Nora and Ross, and he would probably use this to his advantage. He would taunt the player, saying that their closest friends would never support them if they knew they were a Tyrant. And, (hopefully) the moment all of your friends find out that you are a Tyrant on the roof would hit so much harder emotionally, only for all of them to still support you in the end.
Xanders now doubles as a foil for Ross and Nora. All three of them were raised in an orphanage because of a Tyrant getting rid of their parents, but Xanders let his hatred consume him, and he refused to move on. Nora and Ross, in contrast chose to move on and support their friend. And really, that's the compelling thing both of them needed.
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So a little late on posting about my Pathfinder 2e campaign but where we are getting the show on the road, quite literally. The party left the fortified frontier town of Winterrane Plains and headed for Underlake Farm(just on the south east end of the Musclewood Wilds, north of the main road in between Winterrane Plains and Barrville.
This session did not feature a ton of action(Dungeons and Daddies call them 5-footers), because the party and myself were coming to grips with how the exploration actions and abilities work in Pathfinder. I'm a big fan of them making travel and exploration a lot more involved for players instead of just foot-slogging and rolling for encounters.
I made a simple encounter table for the party, I roll d100s and the result means the level of encounter, if any, that the party faces. If the rolls are even it will be an encounter with another creature or monster and it it's odd then it will be weather of some kind.
The party quickly realized as night began to fall that they had not fully prepared for travelling in the dead of winter despite my many descriptions of the bad weather and bitter cold. One PC(I can't remember which one) rolled very well on a nature check and the party was able to find a secluded stand of trees that they camped for the night, giving them cover and preventing them from taking any exhaustion or other negative effects.
The most notable thing happened right at the end of the session, as the party awoke for the morning to head to Underlake Farm(still the better part of a day away depending on nature checks), Najela Chestertail(Human swashbuckler) drew the sigil of her old school in the snow. The problem with this is that she used to attend, before she was kicked out for not being able to pay, is the Bashford academy. The Bashford academy is located in the town of the same name in the Ognash kingdom on the Heartless Isles, a series of islands to the west of the continent.
Bashford serves as a finishing school for the rich and influential children of the Ognash are prepared to lead their violently monotheistic people. Many there graduate and go on to take leadership roles in raider guilds, crews of all shapes, sizes, and power which will pillage and reave when not fighting for the highest bidder. While these raider clans are a core part of the Ognash society, they are seen as a menace by the rest of the continent.
We'll see what happens next time, and as always please leave a comment if you have any questions about my campaign world. I built it during quarantine and have purposely left a lot of specifics blank in order to allow myself or players to fill in the blanks.
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tenaciouspostfun · 3 months
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The Fantasticks
Simple Fun.
By Robert M Massimi. ( Broadway Bob).Published about an hour ago • 3 min read
The Bergen County Players version of the longest running musical is as simple as the one that I saw back in the late 80's at The Sullivan Street Playhouse in The West Village. With limited staging, Director Ray Yucis is able to move his talented cast about the stage with ease.
Over the years I have personally enjoyed the choice of shows that The Players put forth. The rendition of "Spamelot" was as good a performance that I have seen (I enjoyed it more than my recent visit to the Broadway production!). Much of the cast and crew at this wonderful theatre are as good if not better than most off off Broadway shows of recent. In last nights performance of " The Fantasticks" the audience is treated to very good singing and acting.
The musical is as common as most... boy meets girl, boy loses girl, then boy gets the girl back. Why this particular musical ran for so long is that it's a playful, simple show; one in which any audience age can enjoy. The songs are nothing special in there lyrics, however, they catch the audiences ear. As playful as the acting is, the songs add to the spoof that is this musical. As silly as the plot is, the nature of it is wholesome and fun.
The premise of the story is that the two fathers, Hucklebee (Steve Bell) and Bellamy, the girls father (Peter Downing) scheme a plan to pretend that they hate each other; they even build a wall between one another. In the hopes that the 20 year old boy, Matt (Damon Quattrocchi) will fall in love with the 16 year old Luisa (Grace Marie Callahan). Both Matt and Luisa are young and naive; but their love shines through. Conflicted by their parents, they see each other in the night time where no one can see them.
A plan to have the girl kidnapped by El Gallo (Larry Brustofski) who actually doubles as the narrator is more of a philosopher than a bandit. His saddle rash has put him in retirement as a true bandit, he now postulates about life and love. With the help of two buffoonish characters, Mortimer (Adam Mahonchak) and Henry, The Old Actor (Bob Russell), El Gallo is able to pull off the ruse. All seems to be fine at the end of the first act.
Act two is when it all goes array; the over confident Matt is set straight. Angry, he runs off into the real world. Luisa is upset and turns to El Gallo for advise. The two fathers are now feuding for real this time. All seems lost until it isn't. Even in dark times the lyrics and book by Tom Jones and the music by Harvey Schmidt lock this loose and fun show in tight which makes the two hours plus go quickly.
Even though it is simple, Michael Smith's set design keeps the show interesting. The costumes too are first rate. Thomas Carey Gsell, Olga Garey had very insightful and creative ideas in the dress of the actors. The warm glam lighting of Allan Seward and Jim Lupfer's sound design too works and blends well in this production.
What also works and makes this show memorable is that Callahan and Quattrocchi work and blend so nicely; as do Bell and Downing as the fathers. The four actors make this Fantasticks worth seeing. Ray Yucis keeps these four locked in and a lot of the good things that happen between all the actors is attributed to his great direction.
Robert M. Massimi writes for Metropolitan Magazine, Mann About Town Magazine, Nimbus Magazine and My Life Publications. Member Dramatists Guild.
About the Creator
Robert M Massimi. ( Broadway Bob).
I have been writing on theater since 1982. A graduate from Manhattan College B.S. A member of Alpha Sigma Lambda, which recognizes excellence in both English and Science. I have produced 14 shows on and off Broadway. I've seen over700 shows
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Seven Year Disappear.
"The Seven Year Disappear" is a non linear, performance art play that deals with a mother, Miriam (Cynthia Nixon) and her son, business partner (Taylor Trensch). Nixon is a famous artist who has left her son Naphtali for seven years only to return leaving him confused. The illusion of Bi-Polar disorder surfaces as both mother and son struggle with mental disorders and substance abuse. Writer Jordan Seavey has created a body of work in which the audience decides what the play is really about... the journey here is the thing; and quite a journey it is!
ByRobert M Massimi. ( Broadway Bob).12 days ago in Critique
Bastard (A Novel)
George Hamilton returned to Sarah Miller's house, determined to find out who the killer was. Upon examining the body further, he noticed that there was a dark stain on her white shirt: It appeared to be a spot left by some sort of tea.
ByKendrick Portera day ago in Critique
Bastard (A Novel)
"Great." George pounded his fist on the kitchen table. "There is no way I can get evidence from Sarah Miller anymore. No way! I was 99% sure she was innocent but, even if she wasn't, she'll never go to jail now. She's dead and gone."
ByKendrick Porter7 days ago in Critique
My dragon is the woman with black ringlet curls, freckles tracing constellations over her warm skin. She laughs uninhibitedly at the Minions from Despicable Me, enough that you can’t keep yourself from laughing with her, and is never far from a cup of coffee. If you’re ever worried, her top three answers are to pray, drink water, and just don’t worry. Things are going to turn out the way they’re going to turn out, and they will be okay.
ByLark Hanshan2 days ago in Writers
Written by Robert M Massimi. ( Broadway Bob).
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semi-imaginary-place · 10 months
ffxiv more job quests
carpenter quests were nice. i love beatin. i do wonder if catgirl would ahve been better off as a culinarian she seemed happier with food.
bsm: wow this dude is harsh to his daughter, ouch.
well brithanel's wife did cheat on him and run off with a sailor sooo i guess he's single...?
wow that was a fast turn around. dude went from you will never be a sword smith to maybe ok in 1 quest
arm: hmm these crafting quests so far have all told the same story but none have done it poorly. im skeptical about crafting an entire suit of armor in a day, but whatever its a story
gsm: so nanamo is getting her artisan school after all. hmm would not the crown whole be worth more than just the jewels pulled out?
good good the ananta are involved i was hoping they would be since its established that they are master goldworkers. i think what also could have been done is that instead of just training smiths from scratch they could have created a guild by recruiting those with existing goldsmithing skills and gathering them together, like those who were goldsmiths but whose work had been disrupted by the war.
also odd we're setting up the artisan school in the military camp instead of inside the city but well im doing this post 4.0 the writers had to make these quests available for any point in stormblood and there isn't a model for inside of ala mhigo.
ltw: good intentions, but showing people all the cool animal products probably will make people want to buy more of them.
wvr: aw they changed redolent rose's character. where's my little weaver weirdo?
while kotocho isn't wrong to experiment with fashion i do think she's getting a little carried away.
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so is it doman or is it hingan? in the quest npc dialogue its refered to as strictly doman multiple times (2? 3?) but the item text says hingan.
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interesting that the dance entered the hingan repertoire long ago enough that geiko consider it traditional and not foreign.
weaver is my favorite crafting questline so far
alc: wow this dude was up to everything. embezzlement AND necromancy
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WOAH WOAH WOAH wasnt there an entire 1.0 plotline about f'lhaminn trying to bring this dude back???
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yeah i remember the 1.0 players talking about this story. if this happened a little over 6 years ago minfilia would have been in her early 20s i think she would have been ok.
ok damn we're going to drug the old man and then interrogate him.
conspiracies, rival factions, riots in the streets, i love this stuff! the new ffxiv hasn't had more
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huh what i though the whole thing with undead was that their souls/aether was already gone and the body is an empty shell.
the bodies just flat out disappear???
cul: ah a blood purist...
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btn: what no. given its high latitude and high moisture it should have far LESS sunlight than most regions kind of similar to west/north europe in that way. think germany for example not a sunny country.
popotos form east end?? isn't it semi arid over there. the opposite of idyllshire.
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so you decided to grow them further north in the mountains where it is even colder than the tropical islands where they were already struggling with cold.
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why the hell can you harvest cotton from underwater kelp.
really a pest warding flower in ala ghiri, not ala ghanna you know the town surrounded by flowers
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mubashirnews · 1 year
Review: West End Players Guild's Outsider Mulligan Is Sweetly Satisfying | Arts Stories & Interviews | St. Louis
click to enlarge Courtesy Photo Neighbors Anthony Reilly and Rosemary Muldoon’s path to love is equally charming and funny. West End Players Guild sticks with a working formula with the romantic and funny Outside Mullingar. The pleasantly engaging and genuinely warm Irish comedy features an imperfect couple who are easy to cheer for and fun to watch. The light play is a smart choice for the…
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zooterchet · 1 year
Master Chief Running Rampant (Killing Frenzy)
1987: Fall of the Berlin Wall, Rabbinical bet rigging to produce prostitutes from athletes’ wives, INTERPOL, farting horses; funded by Polish-Jews, pork investment, out of mill lumber, Gentile slaves. 
1991: Bim Skala Bim shut down, child prodigy schools for Jews, listening to 1980s ska or hardcore.
1991: Ryan Taylor, is placed as recovery of SDF agent, Jerry Robinson’s grandson, on the MBTA, cooperating on contract lift, “Rungo Jennerson”, “47”, SDF mercenary.  The hit on the Space Needle, the last Faraday Shield against aliens, the West Coast, not hit by Scientology, traded for the  Pentagon, at Logan International Airport.
1992: Education through film and TV, Hitler’s Goebbels system, labeled as “limbergh cheese”, a German soldier, a sped, through paleontology book report; the rise of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
1994: Pillow biter no longer gay, biting a hot dominatrix’s butt, if she doesn’t want you all tied up; future political careers of economists (and female accountants, for politics; Laura Bush, Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, AOC).
1995: Pat Stanley, freed from dairy slavery, from older brother, corrupt NSA agent, Andrew Stanley; “Rock Superstar”, by Cypress Hill, printed, the future of the American-Jewry; Fidel Castro.
1996: The 9/11 conspiracy revealed, through “Morph”, Matt Lennox, Keanu Reeves prevents plane number 11.  “nil”, Dave Charlebois, assists.
1996: Will Morgan Jr., descent of Jefferson Davis, through mother, “Lou”, recruited for FBI, to redeem family legacy, of Adolf Hitler; for the Mossad, their unit formed by Hitler, to come for G-d; “Egads”, and Velma, his future wife; “Jinxy”.   Superman.
1997: The downfall of EMC’s production forensics, of children, the rise of Stalin, in computing, contact with Ireland.
1997: The reveal of Michael “Thresh” Nguyen as a Quake cheat, in common tournament; reform of online sports, to favor honest players, the corruption of the video game industry ended.   Bowser wins, the Madison family, the future rise of anti-conscription laws, when challenged.
1999: The death of Alice Charlebois, the investigation into slave compounds for spies, run by Mossad, Russian agents; the beginning of the Insane Clown Posse, through the Voodoo Wizard, Christophe Stevens, the stolen toy set; “you lost this”.
2001: The firing of Alan Quimp, alias “Michael Fleming”, head of the Hopkinton history department; Rambo, First Blood, to avenge Woody Harrelson Sr., trapped by Cuban state police, “aliens”.
2001: Stopping six planes, on 9/11, through Mickey “Mouser” Blitzen’s descent, Adam Palmer, mixed with the Man Show’s “The Fox”, Erwin Rommel.
2001: The placement of Bellicheck, as the head coach of the Patriots, not the Vikings, to sabotage the Yakuza, the police automotive federation, not the actor’s guilds, the British cops protecting Jews from anti-Semites, by frame of Jew Hunter if hunting police; a slave’s draft, into the United States Marine Corps, if an anti-Semite, a poisoner.
2002: The George Soros election campaign, “Team Sauerkraut”, Barack Obama’s model for the Presidency.  Hopkinton High.
2003: The murder of Carlin Sarkesian, Napster/RIAA/Metallica/Mustaine agent, through Putin, the assertion of Citizen’s Rights, the end to the 3/5ths Compromise, the slavery on auction of the poor if favored by man changing name, the Canadian Jewry, INTERPOL.  Chris Hansen is fired, and joins the Freemasonic Temple, for George W. Bush, the O’Neill traitor to the Morningstars.
2003: The refusal of Boston police, to control Cuban marijuana, the blockage of soil composites, to grow poisonous pot for Cubans, for the exchange of alcohol necessary, the contract for Governor Dukakis, head chair of Chas T. Main, through acting Sergeant, George W. Bush.  The end of Bush, Huckabee, Kerry, McCain, Obama, Charles, Andrew, Edward; freedom for Brazilians, against Israeli preferential buying, of the hands of Hispanic kids burned and torn, in exchange for cocaine, produced by kids with faces burned from nitric acid, sold as slaves to produce cocaine, stomping it in barrels, instead of ceramic ablate, for gloves, sold as tank heat sinks, for a modicum of price, Israeli domination of the Middle East; Swedes, not proper Jews; Mizrahi, Aryans, Palestinians, Latinos.
2004: The downfall of the CIA Mounted, the Governor’s Association; the domination of marijuana, to control the Western Hemisphere’s politicians, for political associations, the Masonic Lodge, the police associations, the Ignatians; the police associations.
2004: The theft of the Israeli Irish riddle, to control “Germans”, Irish without wedlock, given to the FBI, through Freedom of Information Act, through Janine Swanson, “MK”, with self as “ULTRA” operative, domestic intelligence, to retaliate against Israeli film portraying marital testaments, improper spy tactics, homosexual behavior, and pro-sectarian politics, to retarded, Jews, blacks, and gays.
2004: The Van Meter riots, in Southwest dormitory, against French External Security, for rigging poker; the Boston Red Sox pennant, discharging James “Whitey” Bulger from Boston politics, freeing the Irish from the Talmud.
2005: The beginning of the Gotham project, upon successful print of the Nolan series; jobs for COIN, instead of free pay, the rogue FBI DC Comics project, now owned by Time Warner Cable, to prevent another al-Qaeda.
2005: The sabotage, of the New England Patriots, for the Giants Superbowl, for US Navy money, to hunt extraterrestrials, with sonic torpedoes, from the Nixons, the Pratts.
2005: The printing of the Afghan peace paper, for Robert Sullivan, with Arabic banned for Afghan women, so they can be psychologists, not dominatrixes, dog trainer lesbians, for Afghanistan to be a cafeteria, under future President Barack Obama’s vision, for the Northern Alliance, the Afghans, to replace the Taliban, the Indians of writer’s homosexual pederasty, to replace Afghan invaders.
2006: The murder, of several civil rights activists, abusing work wage laws, to guarantee employment, through producing “fraus” and “overmen”, drunk mothers, and drunk children by birth, through Hopkinton PD, the reform of labor laws given factory patronage through police.
2007: The informed tip, on John Washburne, Marvel research writer, enslaving Israeli pilgrims, to be prison inmates, in Jim Shooter’s tradition, for the Disney buyout, set up in 2004, simultaneous to the popularity of Mackelmore’s “Thrift Shop”, bassline from 2004 used for trumpet, from Erika, through Van Meter resident Ryan Lewis, Van Meter 251, living across the hall from Van Meter 252, spring of 2004.
2008: The election of Barack Obama, through McCain revealing himself as KGB, a labor slave trade, a Rabbi, mimicking Barack Obama, but Muslim, whereas Barack is a Protestant Catholic, a Mafiaso, a counter-Israeli, with Soros, a Yakuza banker.
2009: The beginning of the downfall of Likud, through five advisors, the Bond films, with Bond as each, facing themselves, the enemy, until Hillary Clinton’s downfall, upon orders of Benjamin Netanyahu, paymaster for EON Israel, for Yaphina’s takeover
2010: The report on Dr. Joshua Golden, and the MI-6 Child Study Committee, as having fraudulent degrees, to the Boston FBI field office, through e-mail circuit, special agents appointed without name or cloak, to investigate Boston state police, for using “edutainment” for officers, incompetent police using Saudi movies and European medicine, considered ant-American, communist (insurance industry or police tactics).
2012: The election of Barack Obama a second time, refusing Romney’s reforms of Obama Care, the refusal of police officers of commitment power of prison, through the film, “Idiocracy”, any non-police agents refused care as inmates, allowed open movement, defeat of Masonic Lodge of Germany (Hamburg RIN, Berlin, claiming Irish sovereignity, full blown war against Lutherans in Ireland, by Irish Sinn Fein, IRA, and Belfast English Marines).
2013: Investigation of Clubhouse program, seeded years earlier, as implicit fraud, through Boston journalists; shut down of View Askew Productions, as Italian Mafia, Jewish and Protestant Catholics, the prohibition of marijuana on Jewish orders, anti-Catholic.
2016: The legalization of recreational marijuana, in many states, and the election of Donald Trump, hypnotized by Donal Logue’s performance of Bullock, for being a cop broker of property, into lesbian women (women that change their hair style, in the middle of a relationship); fascists, now owned by the US military, out of the SDF.
2020: The print of Cyberpunk 2077, the end of marital rape by state police, the submission of bodybuilders to homosexual moralities, the refusal of women if ‘shredding’, ‘jacked’, or ‘ripped’, an incompetent soldier; an anorexic  prison bitch, a punk scumclown.
George Soros: Bennie's Autoparts, a most profitable youth investment.  Andrew Shuck finds Mass Bay, fascinating.
Glenn Beck: The eyes have it.  More medication is required, Mister Beck, from your partners in the German Lutheran Irish.
Bill O'Reilly: Eric Siebert, Massachusetts State Police, finds the FRU investments in Motley Fool, far too predictable.  When O'Reilly wins, John Hancock loses.
Mike Huckabee: Fair play for Cuba?  The Masonic Lodge and Boston Police, think otherwise.  But Castro, thinks for himself.
George W. Bush: Four years to sell narcotics, for Chas T. Main?  The FBI disagrees, and they sell LSD.  Four more years, for Dave's contract payment.  Sedated, by Dick Cheney.  Just make Loose Change, about France.  Dick Cheney has friends in high places - cemeteries.
John Kerry: A wooden hand eh?  Let me help you out.  The Nation of Islam, always supports Malcolm X.  But what if he's Daniel Vinyard, on nutmeg.
John McCain: Mackelmore.  Erika, from the Kaiser's Lodge, has never sounded better.
Barack Obama: Will Morgan loves black women.  Jerry Seinfeld loves cigarettes.  It's a show about nothing, and that's how you write a paper, a speech, or a pose on a porno server for honors kids that don't like speds.  Hey, it's prison. 
Hillary Clinton: Boboli Pizza, is how you shoot a Holocaust execution, with Ralph Fiennes (or her cousin, Sonya Savdie).  Amon Goeth, switched a substitute, with a teacher.  Jethro Tull, on bass, is the same as Madonna Wayne Gacy, on guitar.  The Beautiful People.  The Horrible People.  And Running With the Devil, on a drum pedal.
Mitt Romney: You invented RomneyCare, eh?  Thanks for letting me out of prison.  Batman, has never been so green.  That's COIN, for Time Warner Cable.  Now we get paid, bitches.  And George Lucas, gets to sell LucasArts, for money.  Not a carved up hooker.  Sorry, Fitchburg State College.  I'm a top.  That means, my father speaks for me.  Not God, a joint.
Donald J. Trump: Team Sauerkraut, is Ivan Tomasic's strategy.  So says, Dr. Crane.  Remember that time I killed Heath Ledger?  So do the aliens, and French ExSec, the hypnotizer men.  Capuchins, immune again.  "God is your sense of community".
Joe Biden: Abra-Hedro, isn't just a syndicate.  It's the Amherst College chancellor's international racket ethics program.  And Lucky Luciano, doesn't go to the dump; he didn't rape a Chinese woman, drunk, he just got drunk with one.  The rules are the rules, Queen Elizabeth II.  The first step, is admitting you're an alcoholic.  Then you drink at home.
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spectrumtacular · 2 years
WHAT is going on in your D&D campaign
...okay so the gist of it is that we're in the fantasy world of Ad'anac, which is a geographically backwards sort of place* that runs on Looney Tunes logic, Canadian in-jokes, and a loose adherence to the 5e Player's Handbook. The mailmen are snails (snailmen), the phone system is a network of telepathic parrots, there is traffic on the 401.
The adventuring party is a sort of everyman unit within the Adventurer's Guild, an organization that vows to heed the call of adventure and face evils great and small across the nation. Sometimes this means replacing the signage outside the Flaming Pit of Despair, a tourist trap on the outskirts of Deadmonton (fantasy Edmonton). Sometimes this means investigating health code violations at a local pizzeria because the health inspector is down with food poisoning. Sometimes this means throwing the best talent show this town has ever seen in order to replace embezzled AG pension funds. Sometimes this ends with a swarm of rats tearing the winning act asunder. But I digress.
The party consists of Magnus, a barbarian beefcake who's passion for justice is matched only by his passion for body oil; Beckett, a white-trash warlock with a cool skeleton arm and a lifetime ban from Rick E. Rat's; Amara, a manic pixie dream cleric with a history of genocide and a burgeoning ale empire that's taking the nation by storm; and Deza, a sensible sort of rogue who isn't as well-defined as the others cause the player is shy, but who recently expressed an enthusiasm for highway driving so at least there's that.
The campaign itself is more of a monster-of-the-week thing with most of our sessions being one-offs, though we've had some 2- and 3-parters when I've felt particularly committed to a bit**. I'm also sowing some seeds of future discord with my running gags***, and there is a sort of general shape of things. So like right now Amara is off expanding her Ale 2/Ale-ish/Ale 3 distribution network (player is taking a break) while the other three are off to the Island Empire of Pincer (aka the Crab Kingdom) because Magnus was named heir to an admirer's vast fortune. They've been heading there for almost two years irl, as they started off on the opposite coast and they've been doing AG quests/other assorted nonsense along the way. They also keep losing their donkeys and always have trouble getting new ones as the The Donkeyman family hates them, and those are the only donkey sellers they can ever seem to find.
Our last session left them stuck in traffic on Highway 401 as they continue their journey west, which I've made into a 3- or possibly even 4-parter for a sense of realism. They spent hours making their way across eight lanes of traffic to the cartpool lane in the expressway only to hit construction (structural damage in the lava barriers), and will now have to merge back onto the collector's lanes or brave the lava pools. Exciting stuff, truly.
As I'm sure you've gathered this isn't a very professional outfit, it's all kinda just dictated by my whims as a DM who's never actually sat down and read the DM's Guide. We have a lot of laughs, though, and no one's ever complained, so I guess I'm doing something right. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
*our map, which I bust out at any opportunity, is literally just a map of Canada flipped horizontally with all the place names spelled backwards, except in instances where it sounds better/is funnier to go a different route (i.e. Whitehorse -> Blackmare, Regina -> Vagina, Timmins -> Timmins)
**we spent most of last march doing a Western plot and most of the summer doing a drawn-out courtroom drama, and I can guarantee you that we will be spending at LEAST a month on elf mafia plots once we hit Otnorot (fantasy Toronto)
***Calamity Jen's Wild West Wizarding Services, Ad'anac's premier potion supplier, is slowly spiralling into a society of evil wizards
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blushouyo · 2 years
coming from someone who just played dragon's dogma for the first time, these are my main wishes for the sequel :
some sort of camping / time passing mechanic for when you are out on a quest and can't get back to an inn for the night (or vice versa if the quest is at night)
more interactions with our pawns 🥺
a more fleshed out romance system
mounts or some sort of transportation!!!
the dialogue camera being a bit closer to the currently speaking npc
dialogue options for the arisen / player character!!!!!!!!!
guilds?? of some sort??
If there's another underlying message, give us time to be immersed and understand it.
A more coherent / fleshed out narrative.
The same style of combat and the same classes (+possible new ones).
Similar levels of customisation for the player character.
A glamour system for armour and weapons (can choose for it to look like something else).
More intuitive power scaling (those bandits to the west of cassardis were a substantial deterrent from playing important world building quests).
And more personal to me:
To play as a pawn character.
The storyline to focus on the rift/abyss now that eternal cycle has been ended.
References to our arisen and/or main pawn.
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unicyclehippo · 3 years
ok I’m designed the next town my players will go to so if you’re one of my players do NOT look. for everyone else...Mossbrook
History & Tone: Once an extremely wealthy town, Mossbrook saw the majority of trade in the southern region of Serau as it was moved from caravans to boats, or vice versa. Over the last decade however Mossbrook has been in decline after the invention of the Quickers (quick car-riages, though some say that the name is also for the way these carriages sound, the gears clicking as they move) that meant that rather than transferring to boats, the caravans continued along the roads. As the Blooming Vale Tradepost began and quickly grew to a booming tradestop only a few hours west of Mossbrook, many fine crafters and traders took their families to the Tradepost, if they could, or set up elsewhere along the new Tradeline. Mossbrook wasn’t empty for long as The Hand saw the opportunity for a new base of operations. The thieves guild began to use the docks and warehouses as a smugglers paradise, operating the port and paying a cut of the profits to whatever patchguard they needed to. 
Appearance: Mossbrook was once a very fine town and the bones of that still exist, with broad well-made roads, fine houses, brick warehouses and control over the river by way of gates, chains, and towers that make it nigh impossible to enter or leave without the knowledge of the Wharfmaster. Hillcrest boasts fine taverns and manor houses, for a number of nobility who maintain estates here as well as wealthy merchants and now a select few members of the thieves guild. Hillcrest House, home of whichever nobility oversees the fief, is more of a small fort than a house and the Greenstone Inn bears a common name for an uncommonly beautiful inn. Three storeys, with marble floors and a dance hall overlooking the river, the Greenstone Inn has housed the King himself on one journey made to the south. After a decade of disrepair and uncommonly dry weather, a sudden storm washed away a good portion of the south side of houses. It has been rebuilt, haphazard and quickly, and this area of town is known as the Stagger. Built up on the west and north side of the hill is the Slopes, mostly home to some of the moderately wealthy establishments and homes. In the eastern portion of Mossbrook is the docks, shipyard, and warehouses. This is known as the Splinter. The greying, creaking boards of driftwood lashed together, the greasy coils of ropes, the play of moonlight over dark figures as men meet at midnight to offload cartons carried oh-so-carefully down the gangplank. 
People of Note: Loft Talwid (nobility, NE, wants money money money); the Blue Lady (smuggler of arcane items and people, CG, offers safe passage and respite); Drygr Walsh (patchguard, LN, needs help clearing out a possibly haunted house); Wharfmaster Ludney Tanner (collector/smuggler, CN, has plenty of jobs for like-minded individuals)
Places of Interest: 
- Taverns: The Tilted Tankard, the Stagger; The Bilge Bottom, the Splinter; The Bloodied Boom, the Splinter (fight-club); The Galloping Goat, Hillcrest; the Drowned Dancer
- Military/Martial: The Grey Stockade, the Slopes - Patchguard compound, houses the lawhouse, prison, barracks, and small temple to Helm (good place to find odd-jobs); the Mercurial Messengers - message service, sometimes has news of work or trouble; 
- the Debris Scratch (pronounced Deb-riss) - the churn pile of mud, rock, rubble left after the big landslide that wiped out the Stagger, sometimes containing odds & ends, including jewellery or items of interest. People come from all around to dig into it, a little like a gold rush. 
Quest Information:
After arriving in Mossbrook late in the evening, the players travel to the only known safe location in Mossbrook - the somewhat dubiously named Drowned Dancer. After a drink and a word with the barkeep - several words, actually, being ‘Blue fire on the river tonight’ - they are let into the backroom. If one thought that the inn was teetering on the edge of the river, the backroom is well and truly submerged. A large chamber like a sunroom, with many small pockets of rooms, is the Blue Lady’s domain and she greets the players here. Her rooms are a place of peace and pleasure, providing food, wine, and company for any weary soul. It is in her private quarters, behind a waterfall of her own creation, that she will talk business with the players. 
There is no more sign of any magical person in Mossbrook but if the players are intent on finding them, her advice would be to earn the goodwill of the townspeople. Whether this be the thieves who rule the docks, the hunters and rangers who scout the forests, the common townsfolk, or the proud nobility of Hillscrest is up to the players. She has a number of jobs that the players can choose from, rumours and requests she has gathered thanks to her friends in town, but there are plenty more for them to find on their own. Her only request is that they do not mention her or her tavern to anyone. 
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dourpeep · 3 years
Seeing people complaining about the lack of anniversary rewards is getting so tiring. The game's ratings dropped to like 2 on Google play, all comment sections of official accounts are full of complaints. I know and understand that people are upset but it's just so so tiring to the point where I unfollowed most accounts that aren't related to fanart or fanfiction because of all that negativity
I personally spent (a little) money on the game so I get where p2w players come from but idk. I saw that we didn't get anything and moved on pretty quickly. Maybe that's just me, idk
Maybe you have a different view on this and if so, I'd like to hear it
Sorry for ranting in your inbox
hehe no need to apologize because I have quite a bit to say myself nodnod
Read if you like, don't if you don't--this is just my opinions and stuff based off my experience knowing Eastern gatcha games as well as talking about using a 5* vs 4* of the same build + slot
This got kinda long ehe-
Like really long.
My turn for a Hot Take (tm)
Yeah I understand this--I've been feeling so drained and my enjoyment of the game and writing has diminished immensely because all I see everywhere is just that.
I understand that the event rewards suck but at the same time? I realize how gacha aren't really popular here in the West--and I have seen a lot of comparison between Genshin and Cookie Run but they're also two entirely different genres despite both being gacha. Not to mention that Cookie Run is fast at first until you get to around uhh Kingdom lvl 37~~ and you're stuck and can't go forward because things cost too many materials or your cookies aren't strong enough even though you have several stars on your team consisting of epics built as optimally as possible-
So the maintenance rewards for Cookie Run have been the only significant amount of gems I've been getting for a few weeks now compared to when I first started and could do 10 roll after 10 roll.
Also also, Cookie Run is PvP (arena, guilds, etc). Being able to get more rolls is absolutely a gamechanger. If you can't get a good defense cookie or healer cookie, you're fucked.
So!! That's why Cookie Run is more generous with rolls. You're not going to want to keep fighting other people in the Arena or doing Guild stuff if they don't add in those generous rewards.
On the other hand, Genshin Impact is an open world rpg w/ co-op (note, co-op doesn't count as pvp because you're collaborating) where you can build pretty much any of the characters to be viable (dps/vampire Barbara is one major example, Noelle is a guarantee roll character for that beginner's banner and she can easily be built to be a tank/healer/dps to fill whatever slot you desire)
So they're not going to be incredibly generous w/ rewards because the characters you have--meta or not--don't really effect your ability to play the game (unless we're talking spiral abyss which really is considered endgame anyway) when you're able to get at least one character of each element for free I mean, you start out with traveler who can be anemo, geo, or electro once you get to the respective places, Amber, Kaeya, Lisa, Barbara (iirc, you need to get to rank 20?), Xiangling (complete spiral abyss floor 3), and Noelle (reduced cost 10roll w/ guaranteed Noelle).
Which would be one of each element and a variety of one of the 5 weapon types nodnod.
Time to talk about builds and why it's not necessary to have a 5* unlike in other gatcha games like Cookie Run (again, a kingdoms builder) before going back to the anniversary stuff
But continuing, like Eula is considered a fantastic 5* character who features a kit that is based around her being a physical damage character. My sibling, C, has her built and she does some insane damage.
On the other hand, I have Xinyan built as a physical dps and if you were to compare their damage?
With crit, C's Eula deals 9k to 14k with Skyward Pride (5* claymore w/ energy recharge substat). With crit, my Xinyan deals 8k to 13k with Song of Broken Pines (5* claymore w/ phys substat) OR 7k to 10k with Prototype Archaic (4* craftable claymore w/ attack substat).
Both C and I agree that they're pretty evenly-matched in the sense of damage output.
We have similar builds focusing on physical damage, however, C's Eula uses 4pc Pale Flame and my Xinyan uses 2pc Bloodstained, 2pc Pale Flame (both have the 25% phys damage bonus for the 2pc). It's also good to note that both their Eula and my Xinyan have a physical dmg % cup.
So just by stacking up more phys on Xinyan, you get a physical dps (with some elemental support capabilities due to her E and Q) you can easily make her deal consistent, reliable damage that is comparable to a fully built Eula. Ofc, I'm sacrificing Xinyan's shield, but since she's built to be a physical dps, it doesn't matter anyway.
Another thing is Zhongli is an incredible shield support. His shield?? Absolutely insane because it's based off his hps. Guess who else has a hp-based shield and heals??? Diona. Another incredibly good support 4* with a shield and healing would be Noelle!
But with Diona, specifically since I did kinda cover over Noelle already, she can easily be built along with her shield having over 100% uptime (like how Zhongli has over 100% uptime). The fact that Diona is also a healer definitely is a perk too.
Ofc the difference with this is that Zhongli can be built as a burst support/dps while Diona is not. But the point isn't that--the point is that you don't need a 5* shield support to have a good, reliable shield support.
But regardless of 4* or 5*, to get a viable character, you need to build them well. So if your character isn't doing satisfactory damage, you just have to take a quick peek at what artifacts they're running and fix as needed!
Another thing--
Talking about the rewards and stuff for the anniversary-
Generally, gatcha games aren't really that generous with rewards and instead usually have some sort of event. In this case, I'm pretty sure that Moonchase is considered a part of the anniversary which is why it's giving so many rewards- just the primos from the first day alone with the chests and quest was enough for two rolls (40 chests * 5 primos each + 60 from the quest and a few that I forgot where they come from but are from the event) as well as the 4* Luxurious Sea Lord claymore.
Before you say that it's shitty for them to make a festival into the anniversary event, I'm certain that people would complain if the anniversary rewards were just a little more than the 10x fates and stuff and that's it because it'd feel like they're skipping over the anniversary entirely. (keep in mind, festivals don't normally give this much stuff in terms of primogems from what we've experienced so far--they're mainly focused on the free event weapon you can get and build like with Festering Desire, Windborne Ode, Dodoco Tales)
Also companies love taking advantage of festivals to make an event bigger + more fleshed out. It'd be otherwise kinda boring to have to just log in every day for a week (not to mention, not everyone does that) and encourages players to play to get rewards.
yeah, that's supposed to work in their favor because they want to keep interest.
So the fact that there's a lot of backlash on everything going on is tiring and also?? I want to make the point that they'll only listen to so much. Getting heard is important, but there will be a point where Mihoyo will just stop listening to the players entirely because all they're getting is a constant barrage of "this event is the worst" "no one likes that character" "(insert character) when???" "okay but where's (blank) rerun?" pasted over the forums, discord, twitter, facebook, instagram--
You can't keep demanding more while also talking shit constantly about the new stuff added because then they'll just not add those new stuff because we (general) seem to never be satisfied.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they end up just cutting Genshin Impact as a loss entirely if this continues as it has and gets even worse.
But I digress.
Anyway, I agree that it sucks that the daily login rewards for the anniversary are just cut and pasted from the Lantern Rite, but as someone who's played a lot of gatcha games, it's pretty much the standard.
Have a daily sign in for rewards and a big event featuring a ton of stuff you can get instead of having an 'official' anniversary event.
I'm sure there's a lot I'm missing because it's not coming to mind, but yeah. These are my general thoughts on what's happening with the discourse.
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merelliahallewell · 3 years
An Order of Embers Roleplay Primer
Hello, friends. A while back I wrote a not-so-brief guide to Order of Embers roleplay that seemed to help a few people. MG’s Kul Tiras community has been growing lately and I’ve also founded a new guild and RP project set in Drustvar, and so I figured I would update this for clarity and ease of reading. In other words? I... am back on my bullshit.
This primer will be headcanon/fanon free, and only reference quest text or other information that can be found in-game in Drustvar. If headcanons are your thing, I’ll be releasing an in-character guide to Kul Tiras’s monsters and dark magic soon. I hope. It is the endless writing project. 
Drustvar’s Woes
On Kul Tiras’ western side lies the mountainous region of Drustvar. It provides most of the island kingdom’s ore, some food, and some of their strongest warriors.
In recent times, a civil war raged across Kul Tiras. A secessionist, N’zoth-aligned faction run by Lord Stormsong in the north and an attempted coup led by Lady Ashvane in Boralus itself nearly toppled the Proudmoore Admiralty, but were stopped by brave souls. Drustvar was strangely absent from these conflicts, and many refugees spilled out into the rest of Kul Tiras telling frightening tales of “wooden demons” who had driven them from their homes.
Most of the land west of the mountains had fallen to a group of terrifying magic-users who enslaved the minds of all they came into contact with... if they didn’t kill them for sport or use them as reagent for foul and perverse rituals. The land east of the mountains was on the brink, as well. Corrupted wildlife roamed the woods freely and witches practiced their dark spellcraft freely, driving the remaining desperate souls into worship of the wickermen or into frenzied attempts to prosecute innocents for the crimes of the terrifying Heartsbane Coven. All of this happens before the player even arrives in Drustvar.
The Order of Embers
During the zone’s storyline, the player and Lucille Waycrest discover that the magic being used against the people of Drustvar is that of the ancient Drust, who were defeated thousands of years earlier by a group known as the Order of Embers. The Drust were a seafaring clan of Vrykul that eventually settled on Kul Tiras sometime after the Sundering. They developed druidic ways that brought them in tune with the land and even earned them the blessing of nature spirits, but those ways were perverted by a sorcerer-king who set the Drust upon the path of death and domination.
The old Order were comprised of those who took up arms against their far more powerful foes, exploiting weaknesses in Drust magic uncovered by scholars. The Waycrests were members of the ancient order, and it was Arom Waycrest himself who led the charge to defeat the Drust king Gorak Tul. In the cavern Gol Var, once a Drust stronghold, they recover an ancient tome known as the Tome of Silver and Ash, a treatise which contained all the old Order’s knowledge on combatting their magic.
In the town of Arom’s Stand, some of the Waycrest Guard’s finest remaining soldiers were recruited to become the reborn Order’s first Inquisitors. The newly-anointed inquisitors brought the fight to the Heartsbane from there.
The Order’s battles with the Heartsbane Coven play out over the latter half of the Drustvar questing experience and also the zone’s world quests. They add new members to their ranks, create new weapons for use against the Coven, and push back against them on all sides. Eventually, they storm Waycrest Manor, cutting off the head of the snake and defeating the Coven’s leadership. Gorak Tul was forced back into the death-realm of Thros, prevented from returning for the time being. (Tul was later killed in Thros during the Pride of Kul Tiras questline.)
It’s unclear how long it took to purge the Heartsbane from Drustvar- if the task was truly completed at all. Blizzard rarely addresses zone stories after the fact, which means the plot thread has been left hanging and was not addressed in any subsequent patches in BfA. The Order of Embers also assisted with the fight against the Horde during the Drustvar invasion.
It may be a reasonable inference that Drustvar is being repaired and de-cursed in the aftermath of the war, but that is not an easy task.
Who leads the Order of Embers? Does it have a hierarchy?
Lucille Waycrest- now the ruling Lady of Drustvar, and the last of her house, is in charge of the Order. All inquisitors are raised to their stations by the authority of House Waycrest. Other important figures are the remaining original inquisitors (Sterntide, Mace, Notley, and Yorrick), the quartermaster Alcorn, and Marshal Joan Cleardawn, a former inquisitor that was given new leadership over the Waycrest Guard.
The Order seems to lack much of a formal hierarchy- most of the named NPCs are simply titled with inquisitor, working together as a team rather than issuing commands to one another. They also seem to be adept at handling missions alone and on their own or with the aid of local allies. 
Can I roleplay an inquisitor or other member of the Order of Embers? Is it lore-abiding to do so?
Sure! The Order didn’t stop at five inquisitors- a world quest boss for the Horde during the invasions has them facing off against a new Inquisitor named Erik. They also have a quartermaster and a cleric, which means there may be support staff involved that do not bear the big title but are still part of the group. The Order is probably not handing out inquisitor garb like candy, but there’s no reason to assume that a worthy and trusted individual wouldn’t be made an inquisitor.
However, it is worth mentioning that the Order of Embers might not be too trusting of those wielding or even infused with darker powers, given the devastation of their homeland by spellcasters wielding terrifying magic. That is just a guess on my part, but an educated one. Drustvar as a whole has a very low-magic culture.
Could a non-human join the order?
I don’t see why not, but there are no non-human methods ingame. I would never say that it is lore-breaking to roleplay a nonhuman as an Inquisitor, just that there’s no real in-game basis to make this judgement on either way. If you want to roleplay an inquisitor that’s not human and you think you have solid IC reasoning: go for it!
Obviously, the Order of Embers may be more hesitant to accept, say, a void-infused elf with tentacle hair or a worgen warlock as an inquisitor than a race they’re more familiar with such as a sturdy dwarf or genius gnome. Ability to serve House Waycrest and being of aid against the Heartsbane are likely strong factors in joining up- they may not make a person an inquisitor if they’re a night elf sorcerer that’s been in Kul Tiras for two weeks and hasn’t ever seen a witch in his life.
Initiation Ceremony
To become a member of the Order of Embers, the initiate undergoes a short ritual where they are presented with their garb.
Brothers and Sisters, today you become the searing fire that burns away the darkness.
Today you become the shining blade that cuts through the wicked.
Today you become the beacon of hope against the endless foe.
By the authority of House Waycrest, I name you inquisitors of the Order of Embers!
Clothing and Armor
Upon being appointed to their new stations, inquisitors are offered a set of garb inspired by drawings in the Tome of Silver and Ash of what the ancient inquisitors wore. This armor seems to be dark brown leather gear and also has a feathered cap involved- though only one of the inquisitors seems to have chosen to wear that accessory. The specific in-game set is the “Armor of the Dashing Scoundrel,” which comes from Antorus. It drops from the heroic difficulty of the raid. It should be noted you don’t need the whole set- each inquisitor wears different pieces of it and matches them with other clothing or armor pieces. The hat also has a chance to drop from the Commodore Calhoun rare in Vol’dun. Not sure if it would drop for non leather users, so be careful.
Don’t feel like you have to be a rogue to play an Inquisitor- going for tones of brown with some silver or grey mixed in will likely net you a pretty good-looking set. There are Kul Tiran questing and dungeon plate sets that look fantastic and are worn by Waycrest Guard/Marshal NPCs that would work great as an inquisitor’s battle armor.
The Order also has a tabard, which is worn by the quartermaster who sells it. While no inquisitors actually seem to wear it, it’s one of the better-looking tabards added that expansion and has a distinctive look. It matches well with just about any gear that has brown or tones of silver/grey.
If you’re looking for some transmog ideas, this is a link to the Order of Embers mogs on /r/transmogrification. There is a super sweet plate set OoE set on there that actually won Best Dressed of 2018 for that armor class.
If you’re looking for a great Order of Embers-type transmog, the Leather PvP set from Shadowlands’ first season really hits those vibes. It has a very witch hunter theme to it, is colored largely brown, and the belt has fucking potions and silver spikes on it for use on... enemies. I cannot understate how badass this set is. The best part? It is not class locked, meaning that this armor is available to anybody that can wear leather gear, if you toggle the vendor pane to show “all classes.” However, it does cost Conquest points (and a lot of them), so you may want to be picky with what you grab unless you don’t intend to gear through PVP this season. We don’t know if it will be available after the season ends, so you may want to pick that up soon if it’s your thing. Also, it’s just a nice-looking coat and we don’t have a lot of those in-game. 
The inquisitors of the Order of Embers wield a number of different weapons, taken from their prior occupation as members of the Waycrest Guard. Everything from two-handed swords to crossbows are used by them- and that’s just primary weapons. Their armor features throwing knives as well. Inquisitor Mace even carries a trio of daggers sheathed at her belt- it seems they have no shortage of tools for dispatching foes with.
Players who have completed the zone’s Bleak Hills Mine quests also have a buff called Silvered Weapons. Silver can disrupt the magics of the Drust, and stun abberations, elementals, and undead in the zone. This is an inference, but it may be because all of those monster types in Drustvar are powered by this magic. The silver recovered from one of the region’s mines was used to begin producing weapons for the Order such as the silver-plated hand cannon Witchrend, which seems to shoot silver shrapnel to great effect against the Heartsbane.
It should be pointed out that silver is a shitty metal to make a weapon out of. It is not half as strong as steel or whatever else they make weapons out of in Azeroth. The original Order of Embers got around this fact by making weapons with a steel core and covering them with a layer of pure silver- you find one of their long-abandoned knives out in the world.
Other universes have done similar things with silver weapons- D&D has a ruling about silvered weapons, and The Witcher series has a whole class of silver swords created with special forging techniques. It may be wise to take a page from the latter universe, as Witchers face the same issue regarding silver’s weakness as a weapon. They get around that by carrying two swords- one for men, the other for monsters. I’m not telling you that you should roleplay a Witcher but I am saying that’s kind of half the reason we’re here, so it might be okay to borrow that idea since they face that very legitimate problem with a smart solution.
Storm Silver is a metal found abundantly in Kul Tiras, and is used for building ships, making armor light enough to swim in, and consecrating for various uses by Tidesages. It is likely not the same as pure silver, but we don’t have explicit confirmation either way.
Alchemical fire is also a potent weapon against witches and Drust alike, crafted by Master Ashton. The original text specifically says it was used to “burn away the Drust.” This concoction is tricky to make, requiring the reagents Heartbloom, Saltpeter, volatile sap, and Sulfur. The fire is carried in a reinforced flask that is made to withstand the test of time, able to hold the volatile components without igniting. Inquisitors use alchemical fire to pour over dangerous objects or to shift into more breakable containers for throwing. This is seen in the Gorak Tul fight, when alchemical fire is put into flasks which are shattered over the corpses of his minions to prevent them from rising again. 
It isn’t addressed whether magical fire has the same effect as this alchemical concoction. A fire mage, destruction warlock, or priest wielding holy fire might be a neat character concept to bring to the table for an order that doesn’t have a lot of magic.
Rowan wood is also useful against Drust magic. However, it is not specified how exactly it is helpful. Rowan trees don’t grow in Kul Tiras, so an inquisitor seeking that wood would need to travel overseas for such a reagent. It could, however, be extremely helpful and far cheaper than making a silver weapon. 
Non-inquisitor Roles
If you find the Order of Embers cool, but don’t think you like the idea of hunting witches all day, they have more than just inquisitors. The witch hunters rely on specialists to help them get the tools they need to beat back the Heartsbane, and even simply through the questing experience they gather new allies. The blacksmith Angus Ballaster and the alchemist Master Ashton both are essentials. As mentioned before, they are also joined by a cleric, Loriette. A skilled smith or alchemist could find work alongside the Order of Embers, perhaps helping to craft more weapons for them or concocting potions for use in the field.
The witch hunters are not the only ones out to defend their homes- they are joined by a plethora of others trying to protect the region. Whether you believe the Coven is still an active threat or not, these are still the most common friends an Inquisitor may find in the field.
Waycrest Guard - The Waycrest Guard are Drustvar’s chief protectors, but lost many of their members to the mind-enslaving curse of the Heartsbane. They work alongside the Order of Embers in the Drustvar quests. The original inquisitors are all drawn from the Waycrest Guard, so the Order has deep ties with them. It appears largely as if the Guard protect the settlements, and the inquisitors are the ones striking deep into enemy territory. They could be called to do heavier lifting when the Order alone cannot do the job.
Town Militia - With much of the Waycrest Guard falling under the control of the Coven, the towns of Drustvar were forced to look to their own defenses, such as in Falconhurst and Fletcher’s Hollow. Ordinary citizens have bravely taken up arms in defense of their homes, and the aid of a skilled inquisitor would likely be welcomed. Even with the witches defeated, it’s likely some militia still protect their towns.
Thornspeakers - The Thornspeakers are a faction of Drust and human druids that live out in Drustvar’s woods and mountains. They are led by Ulfar, the last living Drust and the leader of the faction that sided with the humans against their own kind. The Thornspeakers seem to congregate at Ulfar’s Den along the eastern side of the mountains, but watch over all of Drustvar and Tiragarde. They work hard to maintain the balance in nature, and have allies in the mysterious pair of stags that roam the forests...
Drustvar Rangers - Though they only appeared in a few brief quests supporting the Thornspeakers, Drustvar seems to have a number of woodsmen trying to do their part to protect their home. They do not seem to be magical or anything, just some normal folks 
Notes, RP hooks, Excess Lore, etc
The Order of Embers is based out of Arom’s Stand in central Drustvar. The building Lucille occupies is possibly their headquarters. They also may use Gol Koval as a base of operations. 
Onions seem to be anathema to the witches and their servants. 
Witches have been observed to call upon Drust magic without the Coven’s assent- once by a rejected witch in Drustvar, and again in Tiragarde at the Algerson Yard. This could open up the possibility of inquisitors venturing outside Drustvar to battle new threats. Additionally, it seems as if there may be some witches left as of the Shadowlands quests that take you back to Drustvar, so the hunt may not be over.
The Drust themselves have invaded Ardenweald from Thros. Whether it’s Drust artifacts/contraband making their way into Azeroth of the Drust themselves trying a full-on invasion through the yawning portal into Thros that was left unresolved in BfA, there’s a ton of possible plot threads that can be picked up related to them. A journey into the afterlife wouldn’t even be out of the question, since common citizens make it to Oribos and there is talk of mortals being able to join covenants. The Night Fae would be in dire need of a bold soul bearing flame and silver to drive back their foes and protect the cycle of life and death.
The Holy Light may be used by some members of the Order of Embers. Inquisitor Erik uses holy spells for his attacks when engaged by Horde players, and Cleric Loriette casts a fiery blessing on players who have unlocked her, a spell type usually reserved for priests. She’s also a cleric which usually implies the Light in this universe. A Light-wielding inquisitor is not out of the question, it seems, especially since Drustvar seems to have some ties to the Light if you look into it. 
Despite the possibility of Drustvari Light-wielding inquisitors, this is not the same situation as the Scarlet Crusade. The Order of Embers is not a holy or religious order. It owes allegiance to House Waycrest. Religious zealotry is not on their menu. Per the faction description, the Order of Embers fights with knowledge guiding their blades. 
It’s unlikely the Order would be suspicious of magic-users such as druids or shamans, given that they share a continent with Thornspeakers, Tidesages, and even mages (even if those are offscreen). They would have to be a pretty poor inquisitor to confuse the magics of their allies with that of Drust magic, so don’t go inquisitioning random magic users. 
This isn’t really anything to do with canon, but please don’t use the Order of Embers to live out really fringe stuff with purging ‘heretics’ or being racist at elves or what have you. The community has a history with seeing that sort of stuff in inquisitor characters and it is unlikely to earn you a super great reception if you choose to roleplay that. 
Further Reading (Fanon and out-of-WoW information)
This blog post goes over some potential processes for silvering and what happens when these weapons are used on creatures averse to silver.
Matt Mercer has created an interesting Dungeons & Dragons class called the Blood Hunter (which used to be called Witch Hunter.) It provides some interesting ideas that could be brought into an inquisitor character, especially one that might be interested in wielding darker magics to counter evil powers. You can view the class on D&D Beyond, or read the old Witch Hunter PDF which is a prior draft.
I recently did a huge series of writeups on the Drust, the Order of Embers’ perennial foe. If you’re wanting something to face off against or just want to know your lore, you can give these a read!
The Drust Background  - -  The Drust in BfA  - -  The Drust in Ardenweald
Night Fae Campaign (1)  - - Night Fae Campaign (2)
- - - - - -
I hope this post was helpful to anybody who’s feeling like trying out this sort of roleplay! It’s terribly long-winded but I wanted to do my best to cover all of the information out there. If you’d like to reach out to me about this topic or roleplay with an inquisitor, I play the character “Inquisitrix” mainly on both Moon Guard and sometimes “Merciella” on Wyrmrest Accord. 
If you’re looking for Order of Embers-themed roleplay and you play on Moon Guard, the guild <Silver and Ash> might be what you’re looking for, as they roleplay a group of inquisitors! On Wyrmrest Accord, there is a small interguild community called the Hex Hunter’s Society that I believe may be active still. If you’re looking for other Kul Tiran-type roleplay or want to put an inquisitor in a different environment, there are a few other guilds out there that utilize Kul Tiras on both Wyrmrest and Moon Guard. Happy hunting!
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heavensarmy777-blog · 3 years
Games I Own List
Games I Own So Far
I may not be able to live stream all these games since some are not compatible with the systems I can live stream with. Also some are to high age rated for this channel so I will not play those also.
Steam Games and Online Games:
100% Orange Juice – Demo | AdVenture Capitalist |
Adventure Communist | AdventureQuest 3D |
All is Dust | Anno2070 | Antenna | Atulos Online |
Awkward Dimensions Redux |
Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition | Banished |
Bendy and the Ink Machine | Blameless |
Boring Man – Online Tactical Stickman Combat |
Brawlhalla | Castle Clicker | CAYNE | Cities: Skylines |
Claire | Clicker Guild | Clicker Heroes |
Color Symphony | Confess My Love |
Cosmo Osmo | Counter-Strike: Source |
Creativerse | Crusaders of the Lost Idols |
Cry of Fear | The Cubicle |
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition |
The Desolate Hope | Destination Sol | Disturbed |
Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed
Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist |
Don’t Starve | Don’t Starve Together |
Doorways: Old Prototype | Duelyst | Dwarfs F2P |
Electric Highways | Endless Sky | Epic Battle Fantasy 3 |
Epic Clicker Journey | Escape the Game: Intro |
Eternal Senia | Evoland | Evoland 2 | Fallout |
Fallout 2 | Fallout Shelter | Fallout Tactics |
Fingerbones | Firefall | First Person Lover |
Float Gallery VR | Forge of Gods (RPG) |
The Forgotten Ones | GameMaker Studio |
Garry’s Mod | Google Earth VR |
Guild Quest | Guns of Icarus Online |
Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy |
Happy Wars | Harvest Seasons | Heavenstrike Rivals |
Hero Zero | Heroes of Havoc | Holyday City Reloaded |
Idling to Rule the Gods | The Huntsman: Winter’s Curse |
IKEA VR Pancake Kitchen | Infestation: The New Z |
Insanity Clicker | Jade Empire: Special Edition |
Learn To Fly 3 | Legionwood: Tale of the Two Swords |
Loading Screen Simulator |  
Lost Lands: A Hidden Object Adventure | Mad Father |
Mandagon | Manhole | Maplestory | Midas Gold Plus |
Minds Eyes | Missing Translation | Mobius Final Fantasy |
Moirai | Moonbase Alpha | mrshifty beta | My Lands |
Myst V | Myst: Masterpiece Edition | The NADI Project |
Naev | Neverwinter | No Time To Explain Remastered |
NVIDIA VR Funhouse | Office Space Idle Profits |
Off-Peak | The Old Tree | One Finger Death Punch |
Only If | Orake | The Panic Room |
Passing Pineview Forest |
Path of Exile | Pick Crafter | Picross Touch |
Pixel Puzzels Ulimate | The Plan | Portal | Portal 2 |
Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt | Quanero |
Ragnarok Clicker | Realm Grinder |
Realm of the Mad God | realMyst | Red Trigger |
Rexaura | Riven | The Room |
The Room Two | RPG MO |
RuneScape Idle Adventures | Sceal |
Scrap Garden – The Day Before | Serena |
The Settlers Online | Shadow Hunter |The Ship |
The Ship Single Player | Shop Heroes |
Sid Meier’s Civilization IV | Shakes & Fidget |
Shonen Idle Z | Shop Heroes |
Sid Meier’s Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword |
Sid Meier’s Civilization IV: Colonization |
Sid Meier’s Civilization IV: Warlords |
Sid Meier’s Civilization V | Simply Chess |
Soda Dungeon | Speech Trainer | Speed Runners |
Spelunx | Spooky’s Jump Scare Mansion |
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic |
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords |
Subnautica | Tabletop Simulator |
Tap Adventure: Time Travel | Tap Tap Infinity |
Tap Tap Legions – Eic battles within 5 seconds! |
The Bellows VR Demo | The Cubicle. |
The Desolate Hope | The Elder Scrolls Legends |
The Flaws of Gravity | The Forgotten Ones |
The Huntsman Winter’s Curse |
The Lab | The NADI Project | The Old Tree |
The Panic Room | The Plan | The Room |
The Room Two | The Settlers Online |
The VR Museum of Fine Art |
The Way of Life Free Edition | Time Clickers |
To The Moon | Torchlight II |
Transmissions: Element 120 | Transport Defender |
Trick & Treat | Trick & Treat – Visual Novel |
True or False | Twisted Worlds | Unturned |
Uru: Complete Chronicles | Vindictus |
Waltz of the Wizard | War Thunder | Warframe |
welcome to heaven | We Were Here | Windward |
World of Guns: Gun Disassembly |
XCOM: Enemy Unknown |
You Have 10 Seconds | You Have 10 Seconds 2 |
You Have to Win the Game | Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links |
Zombidle: REMONSTERED |                       
PlayStation One Games:
Alundra | Brave Fencer Musashi | Breath of Fire 3 |
Breath of Fire 4 | Bushido Blade |
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night | Chocobo Racing |
Chrono Cross | Darkstone | Dino Crisis | Dino Crisis 2 |
Einhander | Final Fantasy Anthology [FF5 and FF6] |
Final Fantasy Chronicles [FF4] (with) Chrono Trigger |  
Final Fantasy Origins [FF1 and FF2] |
Final Fantasy Tactics | Final Fantasy 7 |
Final Fantasy 8 | Final Fantasy 9 |
Front Mission 3 | Grandia |
Jade Cocoon Story of the Tamamayu | Legend of Mana |
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete |
Mega Man Legends | Mega Man Legends 2 |
Parasite Eve | Parasite Eve 2 | Resident Evil 2 |
Saga Frontier | Saga Frontier 2 |
Sayuki: Journey West | Shadow Madness |
SimCity 2000 | Star Ocean The Second Story | Suikoden |
Suikoden 2 | The Legend Of Dragoon | Threads Of Fate |
Wild Arms | Wild Arms 2 | Vagrant Story | Xenogears |
Playstation Portable Games:
Dissidia Final Fantasy | Dissidia 012 duodecim Final Fantasy |
Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core | Silent Hill Origins |
Star Ocean The First Departure | Star Ocean The Second Evolution |
Jeanne d’Arc | Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep |
Playstation Vita Games and PS TV compatible:
10 Second Ninja X | 99Vidas | A Virus Named TOM |
Actual Sunlight | Amnesia: Memories |
Another World 20th Annaversary | Azkend 2: The World Below |
Bard’s Gold | Bastion | Bombing Busters |
Brandish: The Dark Revenant | Breath of Fire IV |
Broken Sword 5 The Serpent’s Curse: Episode 1 |
Castlevania: SotN | Chrono Trigger | Chrono Cross |
Claire: Extended Cut | Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth |
Counter Spy | Curses ‘N Chaos |
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc |
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair |
Day of the Tentacle Remastered | Dino Crisis |
Dino Crisis 2 | Dissidia 012[duodecim] Final Fantasy |
Don’t Die, Mr. Robot | Don’t Starve: Giant Edition |
Downwell | Dragon Fantasy Book I |
Dragon Fantasy Book II | Dragon Fin Soup |
Draw Slasher | Dungeon Punks |
Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires Free Alliances Version |
Entwined | Element4L | Final Fantasy Origins |
Final Fantasy Tactics |
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions | Final Fantasy III |
Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection | Final Fantasy V |
Final Fantasy VI | Final Fantasy VII | Final Fantasy VIII |
Final Fantasy IX | forma.8 | Front Mission 3 | Furmins |
Helldivers | Hitman: Contracts HD |
Hitman: Blood Money HD |
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin HD | King Oddball |
Laser Disco Defenders | Legend of Dragoon |
Legend of Mana | Level 22 | Lumo | Mega Man Legends |
Mega Man Legends 2 | Monster Hunter Freedom Unite |
Nihilumbra | Ninja Senki DX |
No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either! |
Nova-111 | Patapon 3 | Parasite Eve | Parasite Eve II |
Q*Bert Rebooted | Rainbow Moon | Resident Evil 2 |
Retro/Grade | Rogue Legacy | Saturday Morning RPG |
Severed | Sim City 2000 | Sky Force Anninersary |  
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona |
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment | Persona 4 Golden |
Ninja Senki DX | Pure Chess |
Severed | SPACE HULK | STARWHAL | Suikoden |
Suikoden II | Super Meat Boy | Tales of Hearts R |
The Legend of Dragoons | The Swindle | Titan Souls | TorqueL |
Type:Rider | Uncanny Valley | Vagrant Story | VVVVVV |
Wanted Corp. | Wild Arms | Wild Arms 2 | Whispering Willows |
Playstation Two Games:      
And A Movie: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children.
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter | Castlevania: Curse of Darkness |
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence | Chaos Legion |
Dawn of Mana | Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII |
Dokapon Kingdom |
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King |
Drakengard | Drakengard 2 | Gladius | Fatal Frame |
Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly |
Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented |
Final Fantasy X | Final Fantasy X-2 |
Final Fantasy XI Online Vana’Diel Collection 2008 |
Final Fantasy XII | Final Fantasy XII Collector’s Edition |  
Front Mission 4 |
Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel |
Fullmetal Alchemist 2 Curse of the Crimson Elixir |
Grandia 2 | Grandia Xtreme | Grandia 3 |
Kingdom Hearts | Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories |
Kingdom Hearts II | Legaia 2: Duel Saga |
Radiata Stories | Romancing Saga |
Samurai Legend Musashi |
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner |
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2 |
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga |
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2 |
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne |
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 |
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 |
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time | Suikoden Tactics |
The Bards Tale | The Bouncer |
The Bible Game | Unlimited Saga | Virtua Quest |
Valkyrie Profile 2 Silmeria | Xenosaga | Xenosaga 2 |
Xenosaga 3 | Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist of the Roses |
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner |  
Playstation Three Games: PS1 Classics and PS2.
99Vidas |Ace Combat Infinity |  Alien Rage |
Anna – Extended Edition |
Another World - 20th Anniversary | Atomic Ninjas |
Batman Arkham Asylum | Batman Arkham City |
Best of Board Games | BioShock Infinite | BlazeRush |
Bleach: Soul Resurreccion | Blood Knights | Borderlands |
Borderlands 2 | Bound by Flame | Breath of Fire IV |
Castlevania Symphony of the Night | Chrono Cross |
Chrono Trigger | Counter Spy | Darkstalkers Resurrection |
Dark Souls | Dark Souls 2 | Datura |
Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut | Deadpool |
Demons Souls | Deus Ex: Human Revolution | Diablo 3 |
Diablo 3 Reaper Of Souls | Dino Crisis | Dino Crisis 2 |
Disgaea D2 A Brighter Darkness |
Disgaea 4 A Promise Unforgotten | Dishonored |
Don’t Starve: Giant Edition | Dragon Age: Origins |
Dragon Age II | Dragon Fantasy Book I |
Dragon Fantasy Book II | Dragon Fin Soup |
Dragon’s Crown | Drakengard 3 |
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara |
Earth Defence Force 2025 | Eat Them! | echochrome |
Enchanted Arms | Entwined | Eternal Sonata |
Extreme Exorcism | Fallout 3 | Fallout New Vegas |
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon | Fatal Frame |
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly |
Fatal Frame III: The Tormented | Fat Princess |
Final Fantasy Tactics | Final Fantasy Origins |
Final Fantasy V | Final Fantasy VI | Final Fantasy VII |
Final Fantasy VIII | Final Fantasy IX |
Final Fantasy 10/10-2 HD Remaster | Final Fantasy 13 |
Final Fantasy 13-2 | Lightning Returns Final Fantasy 13 |
Final Fantasy 14 |  Front Mission 3 |
Front Mission Evolved | From Dust | Furmins |
Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix |
Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince |
Helldivers Democracy Strikes Back Edition |
Hitman: Blood Money HD | Hitman: Contracts HD |
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin HD |
Ico (with) Shadow of the Colossus | Iconoclasts |
In Space We Brawl | InviZimals: The Lost Kingdom | Journey |
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX | |
King Oddball | Legend of Dragoon |
Legend of Kay Anniversary | Legend of Mana |
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 | Mass Effect Trilogy |
Medal of Honor Warfighter |
Mega Man Legends | Mega Man Legends 2 |
Mighty No. 9 |
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch | Nova-111 |
Okami HD | Papers, Please | Parasite Eve |
Parasite Eve II |
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment | Persona 4 ARENA |
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax |
Pier Solar and the Great Architects |
Port Royal 3 Pirates & Merchants | Q*Bert Rebooted |
Q.U.B.E: Director’s Cut | Ragnarok Odyssey ACE |
Rain | Rainbow Moon | Rayman 3 HD |
Red Dead Redemption | Resident Evil 2 | Resonance of Fate |
Retro/Grade | Risen 3: Titan Lords | Rogue Legacy |
Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny | Sacred 2 – Fallen Angel |
Sacred 3 | Savage Moon | Serious Sam 3: BFE |
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga | Silent Hill |
SimCity 2000 | Siren | Sky Force Anniversary |
Sniper Elite V2 | Sniper: Ghost Warrior |
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 |
Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection |
South Park The Stick of Truth | Sparkle 2 | SSX |
Star Ocean The Last Hope – International | Starwhal |
Steins Gate | Steredenn: Classic | Super Motherload |
Suikoden | Suikoden II | Suikoden III | Suikoden IV |
Syberia | Syberia II | Tales of Graces f |
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles | Tales of Xillia |
Tales of Xillia 2 | The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 |
The Legend of Dragoons |
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne | The Swindle | Thief |
Titan Souls | Tokyo Jungle | Tomb Raider |
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier | Twisted Metal |
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late | Vagrant Story |
Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgment | Wild Arms |
Wild Arms 2 | White Knight Chronicles |
White Knight Chronicles 2 | XBlaze Lost: Memories |
Zombie Driver HD | Zone of the Enders HD Edition |
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner HD Edition |
Xblaze Lost: Memories |
Playstation Four Games: PS2 on PS4 also        
10 Second Ninja X | 2064: Read Only Memories |
99Vidas | A King’s Tale: Final Fantasy XV |
ABSOLVER | Abyss Odyssey: Extended Dream Edition |
ABZÛ | Adr1ft | AdventurePop | AeternoBlade |
Amnesia Collection | Among The Sleep |
Another World - 20th Anniversary Edition |
Apex Legends | Armello | Assassin’s Creed Freedom Cry |
Azkend 2 | Bard’s Gold | Bastion | Batman The Telltale Series |
Batman Arkham Knight | Battle Ages | Battle Islands |
Battle Islands: Commanders | Beyond: Two Souls | Big City Stories |
Bioshock The Collection (with) Bioshock Infinite |
Bloodborne | Bombing Busters |
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection |
Bound | Call of Duty: Black Ops III |
Call of Dudy: Modern Warfare Remastered |
Catlateral Damage | Child of Light |
Chronicles of Teddy Exidus | Claire |
Clicker Heroes | Conan Exiles | Costume Quest 2 |
CounterSpy | Curses ‘N Chaos |
Cyber Danganronpa VR the Class Trial | Dark Cloud |
Dark Cloud 2 | Dark Souls III |
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition |
Darksiders III | Day of the Tentacle Remastered |
Daylight | Dead by Daylight |
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition |
Death Tales | Destiny 2 | Detroit Become Human |
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided |
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth |
DiRT Rally 2.0 | Disc Jam | Don’t Die Mr Robot |
Don’t Starve: Console Edition | Downwell |
Dragon Age: Inquisition |
Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tomb of Ice |
Dragon Fin Soup |
Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree’s Woe and the Blight Below |
Drawn to Death | Dungeon Punks | Dust: An Elysian Tail |
Erica | Entwined | Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture |
Extreme Exorcism | Fallout 4 | Fallout Shelter |
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD | Final Fantasy VII | Final Fantasy IX |
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster |
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age |
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn | Final Fantasy XV |
Firewall Zero Hour | forma.8 | Fortnite | Foul Play |
Friday the 13th The Game | Furi | Game of Thrones |
Gauntlet | Goat Simulator | God of War III Remastered |
Gone Home: Console Edition | Grand Kingdom |
Gravity Rush 2 | Gunhouse | Guns Up! | Heavy Rain |
Helldivers | Here They Lie | Horizon Zero Dawn |
Horizon Chase Turbo | I am Bread | Iconoclasts |
In Space We Brawl | InFamous First Light |
InFamous Second Son | INSIDE | Invisible, Inc. Console Edition |
Ironclad Tactics | Jackal Assault (PSVR) | Journey |
Just Cause 3 | Killing Floor 2 | King Oddball |
Kingdom Hearts – HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX |
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter | Kingdom Hearts III |
Kitten Squad | Knack | Knowledge is Power |
Kung Fu Panda Showdown of Legendary Legends |
Laser Disco Defenders | Laser League | Let It Die |
Life Is Strange | Limbo | LittleBigPlanet 3 |
Lords of the Fallen | Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime |
Lumo | Mad Max | Mafia III | Magicka 2 |
Marvel’s Spider-Man | Mass Effect: Andromeda |
Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain |
Middle-earth Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition |
Mighty No. 9 | Minecraft | MLB The Show 19 |
Monster Energy Supercross – The Official | NBA2K20 |
Neverwinter | Ninja Senki DX |
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom | Nioh | NOT A HERO |
Nova-111 | Odin Sphere Leifthrasir |
Okage: Shadow King | Omega Quintet |
Onrush | Outlast | Outlast 2 | Overcooked |
PAC-MAN Championship Edition 2 | Paragon |
Path of Exile | Pier Solar and the Great Architects |
Pirates: Treasure Hunters | Pneuma: Breath of Life |
Portal Knights | Psycho-Pass Mandatory Happiness |
Q*bert: Rebooted | Q.U.B.E Director’s Cut |
Qurare: Magic Library | Rainbow Moon | Ratchet & Clank |
Rayman Legends | Rebel Galaxy | Rec Room |
Resident Evil | RIGS Mechanized Combat | RiME |
Rise Of The Tomb Raider 20 Year Celebration |
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution | Rogue Aces | Rogue Galaxy |
Rogue Legacy | Saints Row: Gat out of Hell |
Saturday Morning RPG | Shadow Of The Colossus |
Skulls of the Shogun | Sky Force Anniversary |
Slender – The Arrival | Sniper Elite 3 Ultimate Edition |
Sniper Elite 4 | SOMA | Sonic Forces |
Sonic Mania | Space Overlords | Sparkle 2 |
Spelunker World | Star Ocean: Till The End Of Time |
Star Trek Online | StarBlood Arena | Starwhal |
Stories: The Path of Destinies |
Strike Vector EX | Submerged | Super Meat Boy |
Super Motherload | Surgeon Simulator |
Table Top Racing: World Tour | Tales of Zestiria |
Tearaway Unfolded | Terraria | That’s You! |
The Banner Saga | The Bridge | The Deadly Tower of Monsters |
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition |
The Flame in the Flood | The Last of Us Remastered |
The Sims 4 | The Surge | The Swindle |
The Tomorrow Children | The Vanishing of Ethan Carter |
The Witness | This War of Mine: The Little Ones |
Titan Souls | Titanfall 2 | TorqueL | Trackmania Turbo |
Transformers: Devastation | Transistor | Trials Fusion |
Tricky Towers | Tropico 5 | Type:Rider | Uncanny Valley |
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End |
Uncharted: The Narhan Drake Collection | Until Dawn |
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PSVR) |
Valkyria Chronicles Remastered | VirZOOM Arcade |
Warframe | What Remains of Edith Finch | Whispering Willows |
Wild Arms 3 | Wipeout Omega Collection |
Worms Battlegrounds | XCOM 2 |
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist | Zen Pinball 2 |
Wii and Wii U Games:                                                                  
Breath of Fire | Breath of Fire 2 | Excitebike 64 |
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water | Lost Reavers |
Lucadian Chronicles | Metroid | Metroid Fusion |
Nintendo Land | Super Mario 3D World |
Super Metroid | Swap Fire |
The Legend of Zelda |
Zelda II – The Adventure of Link |
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past |
The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
The Legend Of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker |
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess |
The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild |
The Legend Of Zelda The Minish Cap |
Wii Sports Club |
Wii and Game Cube Games:
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles | Luigi’s Mansion |
Super Mario Galaxy |
The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker HD |
N64 Games:
Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage |
Command & Conquer | Golden Eye 007 |
Mission Impossible | Quest 64 |
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 | Top Gear Overdrive |
Top Gear Rally 2 | Wrestlemania 2000 |
Game Shark Pro
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