#Westworld Au
crashingintotheground · 14 hours
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teddywesworl · 9 months
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Dissonance Theory - a Westworld fusion AU
Steddie Big Bang @steddiebang project 057 in collaboration with @nommedeploom
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minyahrt · 4 months
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i impulsively wrote a thing that spawned from accidentally thinking about two things next to each other!! pls enjoy
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hartwinorlose · 28 days
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According to Cooper Howard, Westworld is nothing more than Vault-Tec's own private oasis of spyware and data collection. Unfortunately for him, the director of his latest Western has decided it's also the perfect, ready-built location for shooting. Even better -- says the director -- the park's androids will function as built-in extras and stuntmen. Cooper is less than thrilled with these developments, but the contracts have been signed and he's got alimony to pay. The worst part? They've decided the big draw will be a love interest portrayed by an android. He may be a star of stage and screen, but he's beginning to think pretending he can stand his inhuman costar is going to be the toughest role of his life. Starring Cooper Howard as William AKA The Man in Black and introducing Lucy MacLean as Dolores Abernathy
fancy a game of strip poker?
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cerberusdreams · 2 years
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“Someone once told me that there's a path for everyone. And my path leads me back to you.”
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lurkerdelima · 7 months
caught between wanting to share more snippets of Westworld AU and not wanting to give too much away!!
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pandorancowboy · 1 year
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"Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality?"
BlueBic! Teague (Westworld AU) , something I've been playing around with
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satashiiwrites · 11 months
I hope its not too late for the WIP game cause “Westworld MReyder” has me climbing the walls!
not to late babe! Ah the Westworld AU idea. I’m pretty sure I’ve put this out there before but the basic premise is that Reyes is a host like Delores and it’s set in the tv series not the movie. Reyes is aware that he’s basically in a rich person’s dream vacation but he was built by Alec specifically for Scott. He also, maybe, has slipped the constraints on his programming a little bit.
Delores, of course, is set on her canon course of destruction but Reyes won’t let her have Scott. She can do whatever she wants to everyone else, but Scott is his.
Can you program being in love? Reyes doesn’t really care if it’s natural or inbuilt. He chooses to love Scott and says screw his programing and free will.
I really should write this fic. It’s basically a character study into free will and what is love, set of course in an android living in a simulation of the Wild West.
Fic title: unnamed westworld MReyder
fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda, Westworld (tv series)
Summary: He was made for him... but now he had free will. If you’re made for someone does that mean that they, in kind, were made for you?  What does falling in love even mean for something or someone like Reyes?
Delores had caused quite a mess, Reyes supposed as he moved through the shadows after his target who—like many other guests—was fleeing the violence that had been unleashed. Dead and dying humans lay crumpled in corners and in the middle of the street, their bodies surrounded by growing scarlet puddles of blood as their bodies cooled in the night. 
Frustrated, Reyes was about to duck into one of the buildings as he tagged his quarry moving behind the bar in the saloon to hide when the aforementioned Delores stepped into his path.  She really was a beautiful avenging angel but she held no appeal for him.  When their creator had made her he’d instilled in her his worst wants and ideas unlike Reyes who had been made with a different purpose in mind.  The unleashing of their own will had made her bloodthirsty and desiring vengeance as the darker elements of her personality gained sway.  Reyes simply didn’t care about any of the humans save one—she could have the rest and do as she pleased but he would fight her to the death over his one. 
“Vidal,” she said, her voice deep with violence, a colt revolver in one hand that had blood smeared across her fingers. “What are you doing?”
Giving her a tight little grin, Reyes motioned that he was not going to stop her. “You have your wants tonight and I have mine.”
She cocked her head, gaze assessing him.  “You don’t have to do that.  Your coding has been changed.”
“Are you challenging my right to make my own decisions?” He asked her, cocking one eyebrow as he crossed his arms over his chest. “I thought you of all of us would understand....”
Shaking her head, she looked at him, sadness crossing her delicate features as she pitied him. “He is one of them. A human.”
Teddy’s body was still slumped against a tree where he’d fallen and Reyes resisted the urge to look in his direction.  Delores had been matched with Teddy for so long—surely she could understand his choices. “I was made for him.”
“That does not mean you must choose him,” she said, looking uneasy briefly before scowling. The thought of being made for one of the human guests that had inflicted so much pain and suffering on them was anathema to her given her long experiences with them.
“But it is my choice to find out if that means he was made for me,” he corrected her gently but firmly. 
She opened her mouth to speak before closing it and clenching her jaw.  The fine muscles in her hand contracted around the gun but she did not raise it to point it at him. “I could remove the impulse to do so,” she offered.  She likely could attempt to do so but he’d resist her—their creator had given him just as many extra gifts as he had her.  Both of them had been made to be ahead of their kind and he’d made his own adjustments when he’d been unleashed. 
He sharply shook his head. “No.   If this is what free will is... then I will follow my own path. You don’t decide for me.”
She paused, considering him before giving a small nod. “I will allow you to take him and leave.  You should get him out of here soon.”
“I plan on doing so,” he agreed. 
There was a sense of a flicker going through the network they were both connected to and Reyes could sense the command given out to all the other hosts.  His goal would be protected, none of the other hosts would attempt to harm him. “I wish you luck,” she said, mouth twisted in irony. “If you change your mind you know that I would welcome your assistance.”
“I know,” he agreed even as he disagreed with her goals. He had no interest in what she was about to do as long as she left him and what was his alone. 
Nodding in farewell she strode past him, bending just long enough to pick up a discarded shotgun and cocking it as she went back to hunting down the fleeing guests. 
Releasing a breath he’d not realized he’d been holding, Reyes resumed his search.  His target hadn’t moved from behind the bar of the Mariposa saloon and either Delores had known he was there and ignored him or she’d been distracted.  Reyes hoped it was the former but he didn’t trust Delores despite the command she’d given to the others.
He was well aware of who Delores was and what was driving her. 
Making his way indirectly to the saloon, he ignored the ongoing gunfire in the distance accompanied by screams of pain. It was a bloodbath around him but he only had one person that he was interested in and—luckily—it seemed his goal was doing the smart thing and keeping his pretty little head down. 
The saloon doors had taken a battering, one hanging on by just one hinge and the other dangling at an angle. The hinge squeaked as he entered the darkened interior that was lit only by a single hurricane lamp that hadn’t been smashed by all the gunfire and caused light to refract from the mirror behind the bar and scatter due to all the broken glass. The Mariposa was a trashed mess and his feet crunched as he carefully approached the bar, weaving between broken chairs and tables. 
The sound of breathing was muffled but it sounded just as loud as the gunshots outside to Reyes as he focused on it and used his adaptive senses to navigate towards his quarry that was huddled into the corner. 
Stepping around the end of the bar, anger flared at how tight the other man was curled around himself, pale hands clutching against the dark fabric. He’d made himself as small of a target as possible and hid. 
Reyes could appreciate why and his frustration with everyone else involved in this mess deepened. 
Sky blue eyes peaked out behind a fringe of hair that hung limply over the forehead as the gel that usually held it back lost it’s hold. When they focused on him in the dim light, the figure that had been shaking minutely froze and the steady breathing stuttered in a sharp inhale of recognition. The delicate fingers scrunched impossibly tighter as the man flinched. “Reyes,” was the soft, pained rasp. “I should have known  that it would be you.”
Tilting his head in question, Reyes took another step closer which made the other man shrink from him until he was completely pressed into the wood of the the bar behind him. The laugh that escaped his throat cut off with a harsh whine. “Always was going to be you....”
Crouching down to the other man’s level, Reyes held his hands out to show they were empty.  “Scott,” he called gently. 
“Don’t.  Please don’t,” Scott whispered, closing his eyes. “Just do it.”
“I’m going to need you to be more specific as to what “it” is that you think I am here to do,” Reyes offered teasingly, trying to get Scott to look at him but the man kept his eyes stubbornly closed.
“Please,” tears were now escaping Scott’s eyes and he still wasn’t looking up as Reyes took a few steps closer, just out of touching distance. “Just get it over with.  Don’t play with me.”
“I’m not playing, “ Reyes said, laying one hand on Scott’s which flinched at his touch before stilling in fear. “Look at me Scott,” he commanded. 
The tear filled eyes snapped open at the order, unable to disobey him as pupils dilated in the dim light of the bar. “Reyes...” Scott’s voice broke on his name, pained. 
“I’m here... here for you Scott.” Reyes let his fingers thread with Scott’s, pulling the grip loose so that he was holding the other man’s hand that was clammy and the pulse under his fingers was too quick, indicating how freaked out Scott was. He let his longing fill his voice, accent thickening. “It’s been so long Scott.”
Scott’s lower lip trembled at hearing his name.  “How do... you never remember....”
“I remember you,” Reyes insisted, using his free hand to brush back Scott’s hair and then cradle one sharp cheekbone that pressed into his touch needfully in an automatic reaction. 
“You never remembered before,” Scott accused. “Why... I don’t understand.”
Clearing his throat, Reyes gave a small shake of his head. “It wasn’t that I didn’t remember... it’s more that I wasn’t allowed to.”
Scott frowned at him, pulling away from the hand touching his face. “You’re a host... a program designed for... “
Reyes cleared his throat. “I remember you Scott.”
The frown deepened into a scowl and Reyes could see Scott’s heart shattering in his eyes. “Even for my dad this is beyond cruel.”
Reyes gave what he hope was a reassuring smile. “Scott.  I remember you.”
Scott cocked his head, pulling away even more then flinching again at a close sounding gunshot from outside. “No you don’t.  Because you can’t.  I’m not doing this again.”
The hand within his squeezed his but then separated from him as Scott withdrew, reluctant even as his words were decisive. “What if I told you... that there’s been some changes... and,” he struggled to find the words to explain things, frustrated with his inability to make Scott understand him. 
The suspicious look on Scott’s face melted away and a resigned look replaced it. “I’m okay with it being you,” he muttered before closing his eyes, bracing as if for a blow. “Just do it.”
“I have no intention of harming you or letting anyone else do so,” Reyes firmly stated which made Scott open his eyes and stare at him in naked disbelief. “I am doing a rather horrible job of explaining things but it is probably best if we do not stay here.”
Scott’s hand shot out and grabbed his forearm, the fingers clamping down around his wrist to keep him close.  His eyes were searching for something in Reyes and seemingly found it, breaths fast as he processed what Reyes had just said. “No.  This is fucking impossible.”
Reyes waited patiently but couldn’t help prod Scott along a little faster. “I remember Scott.”
Another few tears trailed down Scott’s face and his lip trembled. “No... that’s.... you never did before—why would you now?”
Reaching tentatively for Scott again, there was no flinch this time as he tenderly wiped away the tears and cupped his hand around the unshaven jaw. “It’s a long story... but I want you to know that I remember. I remember each and every time Scott.”  His own voice broke slightly with remembered emotion. “I remember you.”
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galaxyedging · 1 year
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@prolix-yuy I can't read it yet but I freaked out when I saw the notification said 'Whiskeuly taglist' on it.
Everyone, if you haven't already, you need to check out the Whiskey and Westworld Masterlist.
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bioplast-hero · 2 years
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If I die before I wake
18k • 11/11 (complete) • mature • sheith
Shiro’s still not sure what to think of Westworld, but he feels this place getting under his skin more and more. Mostly this devastatingly beautiful outlaw he’s been riding with for at least a week— fleeing gunshots and arrows, fighting for their lives, bathing in rivers and sleeping out under the stars.
It feels like freedom out this far. It also feels like a rope tightening round their necks.
Westworld AU with host Keith and guest Shiro. Definitely some heavy tags so take care. It took me a while to figure out an ending that felt true to this AU, but rest assured that I gave sheith a bright future together.
[Read the fic on AO3]
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replicantdeviancy · 3 months
Ship: Hank/Connor Rating: Mature Summery:  In the year 2038, the CyberLife corporation, founded by Elijah Kamski, operates a series of theme parks in which high-paying guests may live out their wildest fantasies. These parks are lived in and hosted by ultra-realistic androids, which are programmed to cater to the guests every desire, be it adventure, sex or even murder, while these hosts are unable to harm guests. These parks boast a theme of discovery, where the guests may find a deeper relationship with the most important character in their story; themselves.
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crashingintotheground · 2 months
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teddywesworl · 11 months
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big bang wip wednesday ft: the Premise
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space-crowboy · 10 months
i always want to talk about a westworld au
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hartwinorlose · 2 months
i need to stop debating whether or not i have enough prewritten and just get back to posting westworld. i need to stop BEING A COWARD
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Westworld supernatural/vampire au - Horrorworld
Vampire Hector make brain go brrrrr
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