#What did you expect?
lqufeyson · 9 months
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LOKI APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | for @dailyloki Day 4: Favorite character (or Variant)
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pokemon-npcs · 1 year
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 3 months
Supergirl Radio is discussing some of the recent episodes of My Adventures with Superman, and they're kind of musing about the implications of Brainiac being able to wipe/alter Kara's memories.
Which means I am 100% besotted with the idea of this Kara meeting a version of Lena. Not sure which version, but one who'd be able to commiserate with the manipulation and unraveling of their familial reality and having to recondition themselves to the real world, in all its painful glory.
So clearly a world where Lena is a Luthor. Lex is pretty young in My Adventures with Superman, which would imply that Lena would be younger, but I want her to be of an age with Kara, so maybe Lena and Lex are twins in this universe? Equally brilliant but polar opposite personalities.
Lex wants more and more of the spotlight, which ultimately makes him unreliable, to the point that Lena kind of becomes the dependable one by default? Who seemingly gets all of their father's approval, which pisses Lex off to no end, but she's still left walking a razor's edge?
All Lena wants is to do good and belong. Which, funnily, is what Kara aches for too. Maybe they meet in the park one day, choosing the same bench to be miserable and dour on as they watch the rest of the world be happy and playful.
Maybe Kara asks Lena a question about the meaning of life on Earth, which startles Lena but it shakes them both out of their misery long enough to notice-- oh no, she's hot.
And then they become friends, and Kara introduces Lena to Clark, who's thrilled Kara has found a new friend on Earth, but no one knows she's Lex's sister. When she's eventually outed (how, idk), they're automatically suspicious, despite the fact that Lena has given no indication she shares her brother's beliefs.
It breaks her heart, and Kara can't stand to see her sad, so she seeks Lena out so Lena can explain how all her life she's been compared to and associated with Lex. As though the minute she refuses to be part of the Lena and Lex duo, she just ceases to exist. How maybe early on she adored her brother and took his word as gospel, until she started to think for herself-- and completely lost her brother as a result.
And in losing her brother she lost herself, and ever since she's been trying to put herself back together, into a complete person who can exist without Lex. But for all her hard work, the moment her identity as his twin is revealed it all unravels again. But she doesn't blame them, not really. She'd probably think the same, in their shoes--
Until Kara wraps her up in a big hug and simply clings to her, until a surprised Lena finally relaxes into the embrace and returns it. Kara trusts her, no matter what Clark or his friends say. For the first time, she has the choice to believe in who and what she wants.
She chooses Lena.
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ancha-aus · 10 days
Ghosts & Medium AU Drabble - Sleepover
I am back with this little AU of mine :3 Becuase I had an idea and I of course have no self control.
What is the focus? Killer and Cross getting to see Dust's and Ash's apartment.
Dust continues to stare through the front window. He is tired. And Not just physically.
"Come on Dusty! I want to explore my new body and I could use an extra set of hands~"
"It ISN'T your body!! Don't you fucking dare!"
Dust is way beyond his social quota. He has been for the last three weeks. With the last week being especially tiring.
Having Killer tag along as a ghost had been bad.
Killer now having a body?
Dust is used to waking up with a ghost hovering near. Ash does that all the time to wake him up. Seeing Killer instead had been a shock to his system and Dust had tried to hit the ghost. Not very effective because well, ghost. Even if a poltergeist is more physical than most ghosts he was still a ghost.
Well! Having an actual person near and hovering over him?! Yeah. Much more nerve wrecking and is ruining his already fragile and destroyed sleeping cycle.
It doesn't help that Cross is around. Pouting and grumbling all the time. Reminding Killer of what to do with his bdoy and what not to. Pestering Dust to solve it.
Dust doesn't even know what ritual Cross used! Dust had gone to Cross because he hadn't been able to get Killer to leave him. Yet now his problem is doubled.
Ash had offered that maybe they can go home. Get some rest and read some of his books for answers. Dust had figured it was fine. He still had some money from the last job. He would ahve to make every penny count and maybe just eat cheap rice for a while but he can make the money stretch a little longer.
So they got into his van and started going to his apartment.
Dust had considered leaving Killer in Cross's body behind somewhere. He got so close to just doing that. With Killer being stuck in Cross's body it would mean he would be free of him.
But well. Cross and him are still kinda friends. Cross is pretty much Dust's only kinda friend... even if Cross just treats him as any other customer.
Also it feels like a waiting disaster to leave a mobile Killer unsupervised.
So there are going back to his place. Even if Dust much prefers no one knowing where he lives but what can you do.
Ash floats by his shoulder "You sure you don't want to stop for coffee? You have been driving for seven hours now." Ash shoots him a disapproving look.
Dust shrugs "too expensive." he can get soo much rich for the price of one overpriced coffee.
God he misses coffee. Sadly it was one of the first things he stops buying once he gets into the lower amounts of money, same for cigarrettes. Which, with business being slow. He had been low on cash for the last seven months.
There is a reason he tried so hard with Killer's whole haunting thing. It had been the first job after anohter four months of no work or jobs. He needed the cash.
Not that it matters now. He got so many more problems now. At least Cross still has his own savings to keep his body alive while Killer inhibits it.
Dust remembers he should answer Ash "I am almost there." just two more hours. Maybe one and a half if he speeds a bit. That is one of the nice parts about having a ghost with you the whole time. Ash being near causes some electrics to shortcut.
Speedcameras count within those for some reason.
Works great for him.
Killer whines loudly "Dusty! Pay attention to me!"
"Don't distract him from driving Killer! YOu are going to get us killed!"
Killer gasps "OMG!"
Ash looks unimpressed "Did you just seriously say omg out loud? as just letters? as an actual reaction? In an actual conversation? seriously?"
Killer wiggles excited from side to side "We could be ghosts together! Haunt stuff together and-"
Ash rushes Killer and Killer yelps as Ash no doubt uses his own limited ghost ability power stuff to harm him now he is physical "If you ever even entertain the idea of my brother dying ever again I am killing you in this new host body myself. Am. I. understood?"
Cross looks panicked "Wait no! that is my body!"
Ash huffs "I am aware. But I am not risking Dust. Not for anything or anyone."
Killer pouts "Geez calm down. it was just an idea." he mutters unhappily "we wouldn't even be sure if it would work."
Dust just ignores the ghosts arguing. It is still a long drive.
Fuck he would kill for either a coffee or a cigarrette right about now. He would commit a war crime if he could get both.
It is late. Very late. But they are finally here!
Dust parks the van in an empty spot and grabs his bag as he walks towards the front door. He opens it with his key and has to hit it a few times before the door into the building opens.
Dust just nods to the door as he looks at Killer "Inside."
Killer has a hand on his, well cross's chest as he looks down at him. Damn Cross for being tall. "Oh? inviting me back home already? After just one date? I am scandalised and very interested." and he walks inside.
Ash makes a gaging sound and Dust rolls his eye lights before following after Killer. Once inside he pulls the door until it gets back stuck again and he locks it again. The doorhandle it broken so you need to force it in and out of place before keeping it shut with the lock itself.
Dust walks past the elevator that Killer is waiting by "don't use the elevator. it gets stuck and has the habit of dropping a few floors." and he walks towards the stairs. Fuck he hates the stairs.
Still he climbs the floors and eventually finally gets to floor eight and walks down the hallway. Door after door after door. There is his spot. 808.
He pulls out his key and tries it. Ugh. It is stuck again. He bonks his skull against the door "Ash?"
Ash floats through the door "on it."
a moment later he feels the key turn and he steps back as Ash forces the door open. He removes the key "Thanks." and he leads the other two inside as Ash closes the door and locks it again.
Dust stands in his room and ignores the very damning silence "Home sweet home." he throws the bag on the couch as he walks over to the window and opens it. Having to put the small wood board between some parts to keep it open.
Killer looks around the place as Cross looks a lot more alarmed "You live here?!"
Dust shrugs as he walks to his couch where he leavs a blanket and pillow "Euh. I live in my van. I only come here once in a while." Thinking that. He will probably need to get food. He never leaves food behind in his place. Makes the rats visit.
Cross looks so worried as he floats nearby "You enver said this was your place!"
Dust shrugs "It is fine."
Sure the enterance and living room and kitchen is one room... with the door hitting the couch... and the kitchen being one small fridge a counter and a electric little stove thing. and the place he eats is just one table with one chair. But it is a place! It has electricity kinda reliable and the water is mostly clean.
Dust blinks and shrugs "Rent is cheap." also the landlord does not pay attention to who pays and who doens't. Which is the only reason Dust still has this place and why he doesn't complain about everything being broken.
Dust looks at Killer and points at the couch "You can sleep here. That was Cross's body gets some rest. I will be in my room." and he turns and goes towards his own bedroom, after picking up his bag of course.
His room may have been an exaggeration. It is just his mattress on the floor with two different blankets and an old pillow. the room just barely fits the mattress and the small set of drawers for his clothes. He searches through it and finds a shirt some sweats and a beanie. This will have to do to sleep in.
He undressed and redresses. He will do all the stuff to clean up and stuff tomorrow. First sleep. It is like 4 am and he had been driving since they left Cross's chapel. at like 6ish... Dust thinks... maybe earlier?
It doesn't matter. Dust lets himself fall on his mattress and rolls up. Muttering a good night to Ash and getting one in return.
Someone is muttering stuff near him. Ugh. Can't he just sleep for a bit longer? He is tired.
He grumbles as he tries to curl more into his blanket but he is stuck. weird. did he get tangled with his blanket again? Would explain why it is so warm and... why... something... is moving...
Dust manages to open his sockets and freezes.
Cross, well Killer, is in bed with him. Killer pouts "You woke him-"
Dust just punched him in the face nad Killer rolls off the bed. Releasing him in the process. Dust glares at him "Why the fuck are you in my room." he rubs his sockets. no longer sleepy at all. what the actual fuck?!
Killer rubs his, well Cross's face "I wanted to get up close and comfortable. but then i realised that sleeping with you as very comfy. so i slept in your bed wiht you instead of the couch."
Dust looks around and spots Ash looking pissed. and Cross hiding his face nad looking beyond embarrassed "I am so sorry! I didn't know what to do and i thought he was asleep so i went to explore the building and when i came back he was well here and I couldn't convince him to leave as he was aslready asleep himself and well..."
Dust looks at Ash and Cross "wake me?!"
Ash grumbles unhappily "You need your sleep."
Cross sighs "also nothing we did could wake killer and it isn't like he listens."
What even is his life?
Okay. Fine.
Dust gets up and kicks Killer and he yelps. Dust just kicks him again "Out. I need to get dressed."
Killer grins and winks "I can assist-" Dust kicks him again. Killer pouts "okay fine fine fine!" and he leaves.
Dust gets dressed quickly and goes towards the living room. Time to look into some new options to get this situation wiht Killer and Cross sorted out.
First he needs to switch their places to get Cross his body back. And then a ritual to get Killer to leave him alone.
That is easy. That is just two rituals.
Dust grabs the first book and starts looking through the rituals.
There has to be something that can work... He could also try and summon something that can make the changes if he really needs to.
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papaziggy-devblog · 22 days
You should do the cultural Miku meme going around!
Lol aight
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schumi-nadal · 9 months
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Marc Márquez
An early Happy New Year 🍾
(On MotoGP’s Instagram 🎥)
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lokiiied · 10 months
bro chill no one’s taking it from you…
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well…he might actually
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(but i think he’s down to share)
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hms-incorrect-quotes · 11 months
Heart: Bet you can't make a sentence without the letter 'a'
Mind: You thought you just did something here didn't you? Well sorry to burst your bubble but numerous sentences could be constructed without employing the first letter of the English lexicon.
Heart: ...
Heart: I'm going to kill you while you sleep
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mitsuki91 · 5 months
I understand disagreement, but you have to be really bold to go and tell an avid snowbaird shipper and writer that you think Coryo never loved Lucy Gray and expect it to be a fair argument that make you win the discussion...
(Also because the same Suzanne Collins said that Coryo was in love but that's beside the point).
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vcendent · 2 years
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***please don't repost my art***
sir, this is my emotional support sibling au.
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Zeus: Go play my game, and I'll release him! You just gotta convince these people! Athena: Bring it on. *5 gods later* Athena: I played your game! Now release him! Zeus: YOU DARE DEFY ME?! NO ONE WINS MY GAME! ⚡⚡⚡
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*hands scorpion a spider* a gift, for you king ✨
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He eats small animals. How else do ya think he keeps fed? Cooking? Hah he’d never that’s beneath him and also he doesn’t know how.
Scorpion’s sanity: 15%… damn that’s the highest it’s been in years.
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palettepainter · 2 years
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His name is Caleb *posts this at 1am and runs away*
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lawva-girl · 1 month
Mother told me I’m withdrawing into my room too much……
Mother told me my tattoos (permanent body modification) look trashy and ugly……
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annahanover · 3 months
*foaming at the mouth*
just because owen didn't shoot curt despite having multiple chances to do it during the staircase scene doesn't necessarily mean that owen could've changed
owen killed over a thousand people, what did you expect curt to do? i do think to some extent, curt killing owen was a selfish decision. but i also see it as the most logical conclusion.
say that owen and curt make it out of the staircase scene alive. what next? owen still has ties to chimera. what do you think is going to happen?
you're telling me, that owen carvour, deadliest man alive, killer of 1147+ people, could've stayed alive with no repercussions? you're telling me he shouldn't have died? you're telling me curt shouldn't have killed him?
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umbraleon · 4 months
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