#What is the most beautiful scene in the world?
deuxadeux-if · 21 hours
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Hi all, I’m Ray, and this is the official Tumblr of the WIP interactive fiction game “Deux à Deux."
This post contains:
Current Demo Status
Short Synopsis
Long(er) Synopsis
About the Game (ROs and a basic “things to do” summary)
***The game is planned to have some mature content, so 18+ only from here on out, please :-) ***
Demo Status (09/23/2024):
| Prologue is 1/2 finished |
You should see an ending page which allows you to restart/share game, you should have a stats screen, and you should have 4 save slots.
Short Synopsis:
You’re barely scraping by your dead-end job when a couple leaves a note as they leave: “Quit your job—we’ll take care of you.” Calling the number on the note throws you headfirst into a world of luxury, intrigue, power, and lust. Tread lightly.
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Long(er) Synopsis:
As a server at a self-proclaimed “upscale” restaurant in New York City, most of your shifts end with exhaustion, total rage, or vague annoyance. When a beautiful couple leaves you a note with their receipt (instructing you to quit your job and let them “take care” of you), along with a $500 tip, you’re intrigued.
You go to their massive townhouse in NoHo and find yourself face-to-face with the most alluring lifestyle you’ve ever encountered. Balancing your newfound friendship with the Lyonses, and your own somewhat nitty-gritty lifestyle, is a challenge, but one you’re determined to make work. Once you’re swept up in the Lyonses’ world, though, it’s hard to escape—you’ll realize there’s a dark underbelly to their glamorous, luxurious lifestyle.
Will you become as cold and crooked as the Lyons couple, or will you find another path with their permanent “house guest”? Maybe you’ll stay at your crappy serving job and get closer with one of two coworkers, to the horror of the Lyonses—or maybe even your boxing coach.
Whatever happens, it won’t come easy.
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About the Game:
T Lyons.
T (Tom/Tess/Tory) Lyons is wealthy, mysterious, and cold. They’re married to N Lyons, and the two of them are the very picture of a New York City “power couple."
T takes an immediate liking to you when they meet you at La Table (the restaurant you work at). Their interest is what sweeps you into the Lyonses life, into their own luxurious, illicit, private world.
Appearance: T Lyons is American and black. They have black hair, sharp lips, and cold brown eyes.
N Lyons.
N (Noah/Natasha/Nico) Lyons is T’s devoted spouse, and is in turns alluring and terrifying. N is apprehensive to have you join their world, despite their immediate interest in you, because the Lyonses only ever have one “house guest” at once.
N Lyons will be a little harder to win over, but they may prove a more loyal ally. You also wonder how much they pull the strings of the Lyonses’ lives behind the scenes. Only time will tell.
Appearance: N Lyons is Mexican-American and brown. They have very dark brown hair, long eyelashes, and calculating black eyes.
M Nguyen.
M (Mason/Molly/Mars) Nguyen is the current house guest of the Lyonses, and you immediately wonder if they find you an unwelcome intrusion or a possible savior.
M is more reserved than either of the Lyonses, but then again, they don’t have much to talk about. They don’t leave the house much, but they want for nothing under the Lyonses care. You just wonder if they’re in a gilded cage, or truly satisfied.
Appearance: M Nguyen is Vietnamese-American and brown. They have black hair, angular cheekbones, and thoughtful black eyes.
R Burns.
R (Ronnie/Roxanne/Rainn) Burns is one of your closest almost-friends in your “real life.” They’re your boxing coach, the best around, and you consider them mostly (or completely) to thank for your combat skills.
You’re always entertained with R, but you’re torn between deciding if there’s real care beneath the easy amusement on the surface. Do you want to get closer to R, or leave them in the dust?
Appearance: R Burns is North Indian-American and brown. They have black hair, a prominent nose, and dark brown eyes.
Erin Pinsky.
Erin Pinsky (genderlocked) is your almost-almost-codependent coworker. She’s a very talented server, always lighthearted and charming … if you cared more about your job, you might be jealous.
She seems to really like you, too. The question is, is that affection only surface-level, or could there be something more there?
Appearance: Erin Pinsky is American and white. She has poorly bleached hair, always-on black eyeliner, and bright brown eyes.
Theo Ferreira.
Theo Ferreira (genderlocked) is another of your coworkers, but you can’t really tell if he thinks anything about you … like, at all. He doesn’t really give a shit about La Table or his job, so he’s more stern than charming as a server.
For some reason, the customers eat this up. Sometimes he’ll sneak you stolen food from the back and insist you bring it home, but otherwise he’s pretty quiet. Still, he’s very handsome.
Appearance: Theo Ferreira is Brazilian-American and brown. He has buzzed brown hair, expressive eyebrows (though he hates this), and shrewd black eyes.
----------------------THINGS TO DO---------------------
In Deux à Deux, you can romance several people at once (whether there will be consequences or not is anyone’s guess … mwahaha) or devote yourself to one RO. You can also date nobody, I guess, but that will be a lot less fun in this game, sorry!
You can throw yourself wholeheartedly into life with the Lyonses, including going clubbing, eating fine dining, going on impromptu vacations, etc.
You can also reject their frivolous lifestyle entirely, avoiding them when you can (although they’re quite persistent) and spend time boxing, hanging with your coworkers, or trying to get M out of the Lyonses lives.
Or, if you’re feeling ambitious, you can try to balance both.
This game will have:
Romance (duh)
Stat checks with consequences (there will be 2-3 majorly game-defining stat checks, so choose wisely)
Combat (everyone has a few skeletons in their closets, right?)
A fair bit of drama.
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Socials: Pinterest | Spotify | COG Forum
The Demo:
Link: https://dashingdon.com/go/17086 OR click here.
Thank you so much for your interest in my game!! So excited to continue sharing this with you all.
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lifes-pinata · 3 days
Duck and Mytho, A Relationship Analysis
BY POPULAR DEMAND (10 notes and 1 prompt by a blog I follow and admire)
Duck and Mytho are obviously so very important to each others stories. Without Duck, Mytho would have remained a heartless doll forever. And without Mytho, Duck would have remained a simple bird. The story cannot exist without Duck, and up until the last few episodes, Mytho remains her primary motivation.
Which is why is was so surprising to me that the way their relationship resolved was so..... Unsatisfying.
Now when I say that, I am not talking about Siegfried and Tutu's resolution, which remains one of the most touching scenes of the show. I am specifically talking about the relationship between Mytho and Duck.
For the first 14 episodes, Duck and Mytho's friendship was a slow but steady burn. Duck is an anomaly in Mytho's small world. Even heartless, he doesn't quite know what to make of her. "Fakir and Rue don't say things like that" he says in episode 3, when Duck reacts to his hurt hand.
Duck, as a person, represents something Mytho never encountered even when he was Siegfried. Her simple, straightforward kindness is so different from Rue's desperate, grasping love. Fakir's poisonous protection, and even the blushing, tittering classmates that never dare to speak to him.
And even though Mytho can't express it, I think it's really valuable to him. Early on, Duck is the only person capable of making his loneliness disappear. Not Rue or Fakir, who he's known for years (which he says to their faces oh my GOD) but Duck. The first request he makes is that she stays a little longer.
The entire first arc Duck continually proves herself to be trustworthy. Once Mytho returned to school after receiving the feeling of fear, Duck tackle hugs him, saying she looked for him everywhere. She knows about Princess Tutu, and is the only one who listens to him. Who doesn't talk over him. She brought him an umbrella when he was waiting for Tutu. He values her opinion enough that he asked her opinion on gifts to get someone. And yeah maybe he could have asked anyone, but we never see him seek someone out until the Raven's Blood kicks in.
In episode 14, Mytho says to Duck, straight out "You're the only friend whom I can tell everything." And then? They never interact again? Huh???
Well. That's not entirely true. There is one more scene where Duck and Mytho interact, if you believe that Mytho was lucid enough to truly count it. Episode 24, where Mytho has fully succumbed to the Raven's blood, and as a result has turned into a raven himself. He runs outside, after being hidden away by Rue, and finds Duck. And what does he do? He asks her to dance, just as he did on the day of the fire festival. But this time, Duck doesn't answer. She backs away from the monster he's become, just like everyone else.
To its credit, that is a resolution, but it still doesn't sit right with me. It feels too bleak in a story where hope overcomes everything else. A spot where Drosselmeyer's tragedy wins.
The thing is, I understand why they did it this way. One thing I have always appreciated about Princess Tutu is that there is no wasted time. Even at the beginning of the show, when it seemed lighter and sillier, every episode contained important information. From the very beginning, they were building to the finale.
The second arc of the show is even more this way, there is no wasted space. Where would they even put Duck and Mytho interactions? Duck is reckless but she knows better then to approach Mytho when he's actively trying to rip out the hearts of their classmates. If anything, trying to shoehorn interactions would come across as forced, and could even cheapen their interactions in the finale.
But as much as I love the scene where Mytho realizes that Princess Tutu was a duck. I also wish he had a moment to realize that the duck was Duck.
Because Princess Tutu performed magic and returned heart shards with her beautiful dancing.
But Duck did the hard work of being human. Of living and loving and trying and failing and getting back up.
It was Duck who saved the town in the end.
And it was Duck, who was ultimately forgotten.
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kurishiri · 17 hours
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14 . . . “ liquor, blindfolds, and the hidden ‘truth’ ”
꒰ ִ ֺ ⊹ @ notice ⊹ ֺ ִ ꒱ this translation may not be 100% accurate or contain creative liberties due to characterization or narrative flow purposes. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but don’t repost these or claim these as your own!
— 🥃 chapter 14 premium story.
— cw: alcohol consumption, dub/non-con, awkwardly translated smut, as usual i will put nsfw scenes between dividers!
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Kate: Ngh... another, please...
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Alfons: As much as I do find your fortitude to hold your liquor a sight to behold...
A: You’re going to get yourself positively wasted like this, Miss Kate.
Kate: Aha, I don’t wanna hear thad from a guy who goes t’drink in the middle of the day [1].
Sitting along the pub counter, I downed my cocktail, not knowing how many glasses this would make.
(How many have I had again... I feel so lightheaded... I can’t remember...)
Red-lipped lady: Ah, it’s Al... Is that the girl? Your recent favorite.
All of a sudden, a sweet voice approached, and she turned toward the head, which had been on the counter, toward us.
She was a beautiful lady wearing rouge.
(His ‘favorite’...? What is she talking about?)
Alfons: Why, indeed. Isn’t she just the most darling thing? Dare I say I’m a tad bit aroused, even.
Red-lipped lady: Whaat, what about me? Say I’m cute too!
While looking on at the exchange between the two of them,
the lady wrapped her arms around Alfons’ neck from behind.
Alfons: Yes, I hear you loud and clear. You’re quite cute today as well.
Red-lipped lady: Jeez, must you always sound sooo insincere?
(...Please... no...)
(I... feel so down...)
Kate: ...
Before I realized it, I held his hand with my own.
Alfons: ... [surprised]
(Ahh... what in the world am I doing?)
(I know I couldn’t be doing something like this...)
But the alcohol had dulled my rationale, loosening the reins on my impulses.
At the very least, though, I didn’t want him to see I was jealous, so I buried my face in the counter.
Kate: I... don’t like it... when others touch you...
Alfons: ...pfft, you...
A: Pfft, hah, ahaha...
A: haa... You certainly show your jealousy in a most darling way, don’t you?
While giggling at me in amusement, I felt my face burn up.
But, even so, I couldn’t bring myself to let go of his hand...
Kate: ...Whatever, I know I’m... just like a kid t’you...
...instead tightening my hold more.
Alfons let me stay like that,
and I was glad that at least he didn’t pull away.
Red-lipped lady: ...Aww. Jeez... what’s with this? Are you actually getting serious now, Al?
Alfons: ...Come again?
Red-lipped lady: Does this mean you won’t be able to play at all with me anymore? Ehh, you’re so cold.
They talked about this and that, when I heard the lady’s voice.
Red-lipped lady: But, I’m happy for you. Hold her dear, won’t you.
And then——I heard a light sound of a kiss.
On instinct, I lifted my head from the counter in a sharp motion,
only to see the lady already leaving the pub...
...and on Alfons’ cheek was a red mark.
I felt on the verge of breaking down from jealousy and panic.
(After this month passes, I won’t be able to be with Alfons anymore.)
I would probably end up leaving this castle while holding onto these feelings of love.
I had made a promise that would allow me to escape from the clutches of death.
To be able to keep such a promise should make me happy, and yet...
when I thought about how that also marked the day I would leave Alfons, my heart hurt so much I could hardly bear it.
(I can’t bear the thought of just going off without leaving something behind on him.)
Alfons: ...I do reckon that lady was quite intoxicated as well.
A: What she was saying was positively beyond me——mngh....
I pulled his shoulders toward me, and my lips met with his.
——Not his cheek, but rather those lips that were filled with lies.
Alfons: ...—— [surprised]
(Don’t say anything.)
Don’t deceive me. Don’t dodge me. And don’t run away from me.
(Please, won’t you look at me?)
This time, it was my arms that wrapped around his neck.
And pulling him toward me with all I could muster, the kiss deepened.
Alfons: ...haa...
Kate: Alfons...
K: ...I won’t put the blame on you or anything else anymore...
K: So please, make love to me.
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Alfons: ......... [surprised]
I could see my pitiable self reflected in those eyes, filled with surprise.
(I must look awful right now. But even so, I couldn’t care less.)
Kate: Not to do away my anxiety or sadness...
K: ...and not for me.
K: ...Do whatever makes you feel good.
(When I’m in front of you, I can’t ever keep up appearances.)
Kate: It’s fine if this is the very last time... I just want to know your ‘truth.’
(Even if it’s just this once...)
(I want to know you, in your truest form.)
And if he were to fulfill his desires, using me as his plaything,
I was sure this heart of love would be torn to pieces——
and perhaps, I would finally be able to bury this love to the grave.
Alfons: ——Truly, what a fool you are.
(If it means I could stay in your memories, even if it’s as a fool of a woman...)
Kate: I really am... hopelessly so.
(Then so be it — I would become a fool again and again for you.)
—— Scene change; back room ——
In the back room of the pub, it was quiet with not a soul to be seen.
I would have preferred it to be locked, but Alfons had said there was no lock to this room,
giving me a kiss right after, as though to seal my rebellious mouth.
Kate: ngh...mn...
The way our tongues felt one another was enough to drive me to the brink of madness in pleasure,
and before I knew it, having become relaxed, I was pushed down onto the bed.
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With all my clothes stripped, all my skin laid bare...
Alfons: Did you not come here hoping I’d make love to you? So don’t shy away now, will you? Move your hands a bit.
With that, my hands, which had been hiding my chest, were pinned down on the sheets.
Having me pinned, he didn’t even loosen his tie one bit, and with my cheeks burning, I turned away...
Alfons: If you’re embarrassed, we may as well...
A: ...Would this be more to your taste, perhaps?
——All of a sudden, my vision was covered.
Kate: ...?
I opened my eyes in surprise then, but I couldn’t see anything through the soft cloth other than a dim light.
(A blindfold...?)
Kate: N—wait, Alfons...
(I won’t be able to see his face like this.)
And if I can’t see it, I wouldn’t be able to gauge his feelings while making love.
I won’t know the ‘truth.’
(Even though this might be the very last time——)
Kate: Alfo...
I reached my hand out, trying to feel out his warmth.
(He’s not on the bed...? Could it be, he left me behind?)
The room was as silent as it was when we first came, and even if I strained my ears, I couldn’t hear a peep.
Kate: Alfons, where are you...?
Then, all of a sudden, I felt a warmth on the palm of my hand, causing me to jump.
Kate: Alfons...? Al... ah—!
I heard no answer in return as I was once again pushed down onto the bed, which made a loud creaking sound.
Kate: ——ngh... hh...
All of a sudden, my lips met with his, leaving me breathless.
As though consumed by an insatiable hunger, our tongues deeply intertwined, and changing the angle countless times,
I felt as though I was drowning in an illusion where even our silhouettes melted into each other.
Kate: Al...fons... please... say something...
Alfons: .........
From beyond the darkness that filled my vision, I only heard silence in response.
Kate: Al... ——ngh...
My voice, calling his name, was sealed,
and the pleasure he gave me rendered me breathless, only able to draw in gasps.
Kate: mngh... ah, ah...
His fingers played with my nipples, his tongue toying with me as he left love bites...
And when his hand crawled up my thighs, my body became sweaty [2] in sweet anticipation of what was to come.
The hands, lips, tongue, and what have you that fondled me knew exactly where the pleasure would hit the most.
(Even if I can’t see... I still know.)
(Everything I’m feeling... it’s all the things the Alfons I knew would do.)
He would tease me relentlessly, making me feel pleasure just before I couldn’t take it anymore...
Kate: ah, ahh——ngh...
The pleasure tingled so much it hurt, before I would melt in him, as though being spoiled by him.
Kate: ngh, ah... Al...fons... please, inside...
K: I don’t want to be the only one... who feels—ah...
At that moment, my body was flipped,
and from behind, he grabbed my waist before he sunk into me, to a place that gently melted...
Alfons: hh...
I thought I heard him let out a quiet moan,
but when he thrust into the deepest part inside of me, my own coquettish voice drowned it out.
Kate: Ahh——!
The heat that swelled inside of me raged in that hot, narrow place.
And while drowning in pleasure——
I felt the fragrance that filled his room tickle my nose, causing my insides to become hot the next moment.
(...This is... how Alfons smells.)
And when I thought about being embraced by him, I felt an irresistible sensation, and I was thrown into a happiness that almost burned me.
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Kate: ngh, hah, ah, Alfon... Alfons... ah—
From behind, he grabbed my chin, and our lips met.
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We shared countless kisses, and my body felt itself melting into pleasure.
——All the while, his ‘truth’ remained ever hidden.
to be continued…
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[1] Kate’s speech is slurred a bit here due to intoxication along with some other places. It’s mostly how she goes from saying [です] (desu), which means ‘to be (is/are),’ to [れす] (resu).
[2] The original line says [身体が甘く潤む] (karada ga amaku urumu), which literally means ‘my body became wet (or moist)’... if she’s not just referring to her genital area, I kind of assumed she was referring to sweat? But I may be wrong.
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masterlist🪞 ╱ ko-fi ☕️
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pinkeoni · 2 years
The over-the-shoulder (OTS) shot is used to “capture the perspective of the subject whose shoulder the camera is placed behind.”
So that means when we get shots like this:
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It means we are being shown how Mike sees Will from his perspective— as a beautiful, blinding pillar of light.
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theofreakingbell · 2 months
not sure if this is a controversial take but I genuinely do not care if they kissed in the elevator, and I don't think it takes anything away from the story if they didn't. They clearly loved each other and that was evident in how they treated one another in those last scenes especially.
like idk it's fine if u think they did kiss. but it's wierd to insist that they Had To Have in order to have been clearly in love as if the rest of those scenes did not happen
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zombie-bait · 2 months
I was so ready to be constantly confused while playing Death Stranding cuz every article I saw about the game was like "Couldn't understand a single thing that happened 10/10" but I think speed-running The Locked Tomb series only a few months ago prepared me perfectly. I didn't get half of what went down in those books and I love them with all my heart. Turns out confusing post-apocalyptic necromancy with peculiar humour, life/death energies, splitting souls between body/mind, unique worldbuilding, cosmic horror and homoerotic vibes is the perfect niche for me
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mewtwo24 · 4 months
So like??? I don't know if I understood this correctly, but the music wwx plays to settle Wen Ning's aggression at the beginning of the first volume is the wangxian song lwj composed and sang/played for him when they were in the cave as kids???
Like. You're telling me that wwx's instinctive focal point of comfort is lwj and lwj was just expected to be normal about all of this.
I'm. rotating this in my head as we speak wwx you're so aksjldfgdhjskjghkfjdh
#mdzs#wangxian#i don't say this with the implication that my memory is any better bc it famously absolutely isnt but uh#holy actual shit#the layers in that scene are absolutely insane#literally pls give wangji an f in the chat that had to be both fantastic and brutal for him all at once#also love his immediate 'he's coming to gusu with me' excellent maneuver hanguangjun ty for your service#character growth: not taking wwx's refusal for an answer. you will be taken care of. this is a threat#i love it here#i love how literally not a single mxtx narrator can be trusted this shit is uproarious#wwx: i mean yeah we knew each other but its not like we had any real significance to each other#also wwx's narration: he's the most beautiful man in the world. ethereal. carved from ice and otherworldly in his perfection.#wwx narration: he did look for all the world like a particularly aggrieved widow tho kind of odd (YOU'RE THE FUCKING DEAD PARTNER WWX)#wwx narration: ?????? wdym he's happy zewu-jun? look at his damn face smfh lemme out#i think what i love in particular about wwx is the complex interplay of his heightened awareness and acclimation to being reviled#and despite his logical capacity to understand the levels of exaggeration and the general unfairness of their levied judgment#i find it absolutely gutting that it simultaneously results in an inability for him to see or understand when people care for him#like idk man mxtx is masterful when it comes to the complexities of the human psyche in some ways like jesus#also explains the motif i often see where he like has a preoccupation with 'staining' lwj#i think what guts me esp abt wwx is the earnestness with which he truly doesn't understand how he positively impacts other ppl#like he just assumes ppl meet him and find him either annoying or forgettable and just moves on with his life#it just feels so quintessentially nd#meanwhile he literally revolutionizes the cultivation world in the few decades he was alive#i also feel like demonic cultivation is def a metaphor for overworking + the diseases can result from it
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People who say that Beauty and the Beast (1991) endorses Stockholm Syndrome and domestic abuse have very grossly missed the entire point of the story.
#disney#beauty and the beast#meta#disney meta#txt#belle was never abused once by the beast in the movie. he was really just a jerk#y'all do realize that there are people who are jerks that aren't necessarily abusive#now they might have a higher inclination for it but no beast never abused her#the scene where he lost his temper was supposed to show how much beastly nature was having a hold on him and he immediately showed regret#afterwards. as soon as belle called him out on his bad temper he never tried any other shit ever again#y'all really think that if he was abusive he would have redeemed himself THAT quickly?#again he did act like an ass but he was not an abuser. i don't think he woulda even been able to stomach doing something to her#unintentionally or not#the entire point of the story is that despite him literally being a beast belle was able to see “beauty” in him#she was able to look past that and see that he was actually a good person but that he just needed to improve himself#see belle wasn't a “i can fix him” type. she was the inspiration for him to become a better individual#being with her made him feel things he probably never felt before. he felt loved wanted desired#that is what he needed but had stayed away from because of his own insecurities#which is also why this discussion about whether he was hot in his human form or not is irrelevant in the end#belle loved him for who he was and she probably thought he was the most beautiful man in the whole world both visually and spiritually#also beast respected and loved belle. gaston only lusted her and saw her as a pontential trophy wife to boost his social status#you see gaston and beast are actually quite similar in the beginning#but the thing is that beast has virtues that gaston lacks#beast also wanted belle just to break a spell although he did try to show her humanity to show that there was an emotional complex human#being but he did genuinely fall in love with her and let her go. he sacrificed himself and his servants because he truly loved her#gaston would have never done that before he was already too far gone in his fixation with being the BEST#anyways#i have gone long enough about this but you get my point
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daddyplasmius · 1 year
hand on my stupid heart flashbacks
this is a No One Knows AU & Full Hazmat AU where Danny ended up in the Ghost Zone & didn't go back into the human world initially because he thought he was dead. by the time he realized he is, in fact, at least half alive, he'd already been missing for at least 2 weeks. will probs never finish homsh sorry. i wrote this a couple years ago in a haze & just haven't been able to finish it because i can't replicate the style, which i find is what i love about this fic the most. it wouldn't be the same without it. posting the flashback introsーwhich are meant to be read between chapters/the actual plot, starting after chapter 1ーcuz fuck it. excuse typos & shit, i never properly edited it, as i forgot it existed immediately after i wrote it original description of homsh: Danny Fenton has officially been missing for over a year. Maddie & Jack Fenton refuse to give up on their son. Sick and tired of the police running them in circles, and the case getting colder by the day, the Fentons turn to their last resortーPhantom. 800~ words (full unfinished fic is 20k~)
When Danny woke up surrounded by thick, green fog, and couldn’t breathe without swallowing heavy air that was more like water than anything, he was sure he was dead. The portal glowed behind him, illuminating the pitch darkness around him in soft, yellow, warm light.
He almost went back.
He was dead. His parents were ghost hunters. They had drilled into his head from the moment he was born that he could never, ever panic in death. That he would accept it. That he would not be scared. So he would be prepared to be brave in the face of death and would not become a ghost.
He panicked. He did not accept it. He was terrified. And so he woke up in the Ghost Zone.
Danny went back through the portal when he saw some ectopuses acting… strange. Like they had an idea in their heads. Like they had a plan.
Which was weird, with animal ghosts. He had only been in the Ghost Zoneーmom and dad called it that, he rememberedーfor a couple weeks. Or, he had already been there for two weeks. Or maybe time worked differently and he was there five minutes, or four years orー
The ectopuses went through the portal and, despite everything, Danny went after them.
While he was busy reeling at being home, the ectopuses immediately attacked dad. Danny was horrified. Jack was overwhelmed. Danny stepped in, in a moment fueled by sheer adrenaline and stupidity, snatching a Fenton Thermos™ off a shelf and releasing his shaky invisibility. The ectopuses didn’t stand a chance. And when they were safely in the Thermos, he slowly turned around to dad, ready for the confrontation. Ready for the “what happened to you?” and the “where have you been?” and the “we’ve missed you”.
Dad scrambled to shoot at him.
Danny fled.
His parents didn’t recognize him.
The Lunch Lady attacked when Danny was mourning Halloween.
He’d waited all year. He made a costume that summer. He wouldn’t get to go trick or treating with Sam and Tucker this year. Or any year. For the rest of his lifeーor existence. Whatever.
The Lunch Lady appeared in the school and demanded in straight fury, “Who changed the menu?”
Everyone pointed at Sam.
Danny hadn’t known just how powerful ghosts could be. His parents never told him the specifics. Just that they were dangerous.
This ghost grew and her aura hit him like a hurricane, almost physically pushing him back. It was so strong that the students in the Casper High cafeteria seemed to feel it too.
The Lunch Lady was a much harder opponent than the ectopuses. She levitated meat. She used it as a weapon, and seemed to bring it back to life. She created weird meat creatures that grew sharp teeth and claws out of bones. They were mindless, attacking everything that got too close to the ghost. Danny would have run away without hesitation, if Sam hadn’t been in the crossfire.
Danny fought the Lunch Lady. It was a long struggle, but he caught her in the thermos after over an hour. When he turned to Sam and Tuckerーboth of whom he had to save due to Tucker trying to jump into the fightーall three of them bloody and bruised, he cringed. But a part of him hoped. Desperately.
Surely they would know him on sight.
“Wh-what are you?” Sam gasped at him finally.
Danny flinched as if she had struck him. “J-just… your friendly neighbourhood phantom.”
Danny didn’t know what possessed him. Oh. Pun not intended.
He just barely caught the Fentons leaving in the GAV, dragging suitcases behind them. He couldn’t help himself. What on Earth were they doing?
They were going to Vlad Master’s mansion for their college reunion.
It was a whole thing. But something was off. Besides all the adults reminiscing about the 80’s.
Danny sensed ghosts immediately but he couldn’t see anything. Unfortunately for him, Vlad could also sense him. It was two days of Danny staying invisible, and Vladーthe halfa? Is that what Danny is?ーtrying to kill Jack. Somehow, Danny managed to fight off Vlad, not turn back, and without the Fentons getting hurt. His secret intact.
VladーPlasmius, also learned about Phantom. And Vlad hated him. The manーghostーwhatever, seemed to only care about one thingーpossession. Of money. Of things. Of people. He was more ghost than Danny had ever seen. Vlad’s obsession was overwhelming.
Danny couldn’t believe someone so much like himself could be so disturbing.
#danny phantom#danny phantom au#danny phantom fanfiction#you know that gif of the wailing emoji dissolving? :Why:?#yeah that's what i do every time i remember i never finished HOMSH while i still had the style in my brain#feel free to steal this idea. please steal this idea. please write it i wanna see this idea so bad but im already writing another 100k+ fic#if y'all want me to post the full fic i can but. it is not finished & most likely never will be. sorry again#i won't lie. the haze i was in was a depressed one. i was. not in a good place At All when i wrote HOMSH#like the only part i remember actually writing was the panic attack scene & that's just barely#i reread the whole fic in the middle of the night months later while listening to Implode Alright by Built by Snow on repeat#yeah i cried. this one is funny but mostly it's just. mourning. grief. the works. it's a vent fic & also a. kind of. wishful fic#like. don't you just wish death wasn't so permanent. don't you wish you could tell them everything you wish you could#don't you wish you could just see them again#i'm actually writing this into a bigger ventier series currently called Let Grief Do Its Work#cuz i rewatched LUCIDS again recently & remembered what HOMSH was originally about. why i was writing it#i'm not calling it HOMSH cuz. HOMSHie is my baby. it's its own thing & i don't wanna ruin the vibes#reluctantly admitting i call an unfinished fanfic i don't remember writing... HOMSHie baby... in my head#yeah i have a cute nickname for my fic. what of it#it's 5am & i think i'll throw up if i think any more about posting unfinished unedited pieces of a fic so i'm going for it. cowabunga#go into the world. get your 2 notes you beautiful animal#*passes out*
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ash-and-starlight · 2 years
favorite black sails’ supporting character is jack rackam’s pride flag
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mariocki · 2 months
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Play for Today: Not for the Likes of Us (BBC, 1980)
"It was a relief when she married you, I'm telling you. That'll calm her down, I thought, stop these crazy ideas. Mind you, I can't say that it did. Do you remember that spiritualism craze she had, when she was carrying Paul? Eight months pregnant and trying to contact other worlds! I said to her, that baby will be born funny in the head."
#play for today#not for the likes of us#single play#gilly fraser#tim king#1980#classic tv#pam st. clement#terry scully#carole hayman#betty hardy#veronique choolhun#debbie killingback#james belchamber#dawn hope#norman bacon#ena cabayo#tim whitnall#graham padden#carl campbell#a warm hearted and really rather tender piece. St. Clements stars as Connie‚ a middle aged woman with two jobs‚ two kids and a husband and#who is experiencing.. not a midlife crisis‚ by any means‚ but rather a moment of middle aged realisation and awareness#an awakening might be a better term: feeling invisible‚ unappreciated and overlooked‚ Connie begins to think for the first time about what#it is she wants and needs. this includes indulging in some fantasy moments‚ but honestly these daydream sequences (quite apart from being#somewhat insensitive in their depictions of imaginary 'native' black characters) aren't really needed at all and are probably a mistake;#the play works better when it commits to Connie's real world experiences and her gradual opening up to new experiences and ideas in an#attempt to find some missing part of her life. dreamy bits aside‚ Fraser's script is very strong‚ with clear feminist influences and an#unexpected (but very welcome) subtext of body positivity. the final scene is a beautiful but entirely natural expansion on the themes and#ideas established‚ and handled with true dignity. a brave piece in many ways‚ not least for St. Clements (whose weight and appearance would#sadly be much commented on later in her career when she took her most famous role in Eastenders).
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mxdotpng · 3 months
its in queue so sorry for being confusing you'll get the full picture in a month but. like. 'gacha art style' is not a thing. by the way. you only think its a thing because there are like 5 popular gacha games made by the exact same studio and the exact same developers saturating the market.
#.text#i hate the concept of gacha so much like if you ask me i will go in depth about how it is ruining the game industry#and outside of how disgusting it is to prey on gambling addictions and the like#i think it is genuinely upsetting that there is a large portion of gacha games that actually have really wonderful art and storytelling#made by people who want to make genuinely good things. because its their passion and its what they love to do.#there are dozens of gacha games with good story and art and characters. they should not be gacha games.#dragalia lost and world flipper and another eden and granblue fantasy and kingdom hearts and mementomori and nier#crippled by the fact theyre f2p mobile gacha games because thats whats 'trending' and earns the most money#dislyte and mhyk and octopath.#like what do you mean..... 'gacha artstyle'.... you just mean hoyoverse. just say hoyoverse.#so irritating. how much beautiful art is being lumped in with genshin. that feels gross#the fact of the matter is if you want to make a video game you have 3 options.#join a mobile game studio. join an indie studio. and join a company studio.#and the 2 most available options are in fact the first and last ones. and that job scene is not safe.#youre either going to create bad art or youre going to be given budget/paycheck cuts or youre going to be laid off.#or youre never going to share your art and story with the world because. you dont Want to make your own game.#you CANT make your own game. the fact we have indie games at all is a miracle. i dont think people seem to realize this.#ugh. i forgot what i was talking about.#as always there is wonderful things that can be found in a thing that should be destroyed.
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Watching some D&D campaigns rn and they’re good they’re great fab characters… but it’s just not Dimension 20, truly the greatest role playing series I’ve ever seen, it’s so easy for the players to become the characters, and they break character all the time but you can Telll when they are acting, at no point, even in the most serious of situations, does it feel like they’re trying to be serious and ‘play’ these characters, they simply become them and that has spoiled me for all other role play series
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#theres this feeling i get sometimes. i find it very hard to articulate. its part despair and part awe. dispair at how beautiful the world is#all those intricate little process coming together to organize the chaos. i dont kno y i feel it so deeply or y it hurts so much#because its just. no matters what horrible things r going on in the world. ur body is this miraculous collection of chemicals and reactions#mobile containers of water with a history that spirals back billions of years. and you can hear and see and experience and reflect#and when you die the world goes on spinning without you. if we as humans destroyed this planet past the part of our ability to inhabit it#it wouldnt even matter. there would be continued life past humanity. cosmically we r tiny and insignificant and we dont matter#but were beautiful and wonderful and infinity complex and knowing that leaves me in agony. because i want to kno everything right now but#mind is too small and i walk around with the disorientation of someone whos just been hit in thr face ans i cant focus enough to read#cant make the words make sense and i cant justify the time it would take to try. so i sit on my deck. in the sun. crying as i think about#how the light hit the grass in my front yard the last time i was home. how the cliffs in the backyard are ringed with red lines of iron#separated out as the water leached through the sandstone. how every avaliable surface is stained green as organisms reach upward toward#the sun. and its beautiful and i dont kno y im crying. maybe its bc i cant just throw everything aside and chase that feeling. im not#allowed to feel it. im not allowed to talk abt it in the way i want. bc im afraid no one cares as much as me in the same way. bc when i#talk abt what i study its obscure and academic and so far from what most ppl think abt that they get intimidated and dont try to understand#so i just try not to talk abt it. or maybe im just afraid. bc i have my 1st TA meeting tomorrow and i meet with my new advisor friday#and im worried and im afraid i wont b able to do this in a way that doesnt make me feel like im dying. bc i like to b busy and i like having#a strict schedule but if u throw me that knife im going to stab myself with it bc i dont kno how wield it as a tool without hurting myself#sure ill get the job done. but at what cost? whatever. ill try to b better this time. try to hold tight to the wonder. but that feels like#reaching out into forever. knowing ill never make contact. not knowing what im reaching for.#the closest approximation to the feeling i can find is that scene in the terror. where go0dsir is asking if god is there. any god. and it#doesnt matter bc he can see god in the landscape. in an environment that's so harsh and barren that its killing him slowly in the worst of#ways and its beautiful. its still beautiful to him. there is wonder here. and im wasting my time laying in a dark room crying bc i put#myself into a container so constrictive that the surface snaps and i come spilling out as an angry liquid. smearing away into nothing#unrelated
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g3othermal3scapism · 9 months
if ur making a collection of good dance scenes in cinema and u dont include rain man, jojo rabbit, or moonrise kingdom, you will start to cough in 2 days.
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gonguji · 9 months
I'm having lots of new brainworms lately thinking of verses for kabukimono, as well as figuring out a changed version of the story to serve as a base :3c
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