#What kind of food can I expect in Algeria?
lionheartlr · 4 months
Exploring Algeria: A Comprehensive Travel Guide
Algeria, the largest country in Africa, offers a rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty. From ancient Roman ruins to vast desert landscapes, Algeria is a destination waiting to be discovered. Here’s everything you need to know for an unforgettable journey. A Brief History Algeria has a rich and diverse history dating back to ancient times. The region was inhabited by various…
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In line with the ask games. Do tell. 🍕 Favourite drinks and foods. I'm curious to hear how they match up to a Steiner noble who I fight alongside with in the Warsong Corp. It is because of him our command dropship practically has a wine cellar and massive oversized refrigerators. along with a top of the line kitchen and chefs to work it.
Speaking of which. What kind of housing situations do you have? Since you are Steiner I am going to assume a castle.
And what else do you speak speak besides German, persumably.
And if you had a musical theme, heroic of villainous what would it be?
(By: @wolf-among-mechs)
Well, as for food and drink, I'm certainly a fan of wine on social occasions, but for my own enjoyment I drink largely non-fermented fruit juices, and my diet is largely consists of a mix of quick-to-eat finger foods and extravagant banquet fodder. My favorite, however, is a dish from the Federated Suns they call Salzburg Steak. It's a ground meat patty in a brown gravy, and my chef makes it in such a way that it's simply divine. I don't have multiple chefs, but that's more of a practical security concern than anything else. It's easier to vett and keep tabs on one chef than a whole kitchen of them.
As for my home, there are several. There's the family estate on Mertangard, a lovely lakeside palace with all the amenities one can expect from one of the wealthiest families in the Inner Sphere, from sprawling gardens to a state-of-the-art holo-entertainment theater. If you ask me, it's a bit garish, but it was designed by my great-great-great-however-many-greats grandfather, and so it's kept an ostentatious eyesore out of tradition. There's also the summer home in orbit around Solaris VII, since the Marten-Steiner family sponsors a fighting stable, we've got year-round access. There's also the ship I reside on most of the time, usually in low orbit somewhere nice, warm but not too warm.
As for my linguistic education, I speak German, Star League English, Japanese (to facilitate relations with House Kurita), and French (one of the top members of the family's Solaris Games stable is a descendant of Algeria, and I often invite him for social events.
My musical theme would be something from an old Flat-screen vid my uncle gifted to my sister and I one winter. The song is called The Imperial Suite and it has always spoken to me as a grand march of power and dominance, something I could use in theme music.
I hope this was useful to you, and would welcome any information about yourself or your Steiner friend in return. Till then, may your investments prosper and your coffers not run dry.
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getyourblisson · 4 years
Full Moon in Aries - October 1st, 2020
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Moon dates are based on UTC, so there may be some fluctuation on the dates based on where in the world you are located.
Keep in mind that signs listed with the Full and New Moons may or may not coordinate with traditional insights.  Since I use a different perspective to consider the sign that the moon is in; that does not always coordinate with traditional astrology guidelines for what sign it is in.
 October 1st Full Moon in Aries
This Full Moon may find people feeling more emotional than normal.  There are aspects or a sense of loss whether there is any reason for it or not. A Full Moon in Aries normally has some incredibly intense and impatient energy.  Aggression can run quite high if we were to look at things from a normal astrology perspective.  However, the codes show a little deeper layer than just what is on this surface.
The codes show that in this current that power becomes a main focus; and that many people are seeking ways to find or feel in control.  Their reactive energy comes from feeling the stress and tension of turbulence that is naturally in the air as everything is shifting, changing, and adjusting.  This Full Moon is about major shifts and changes in our life; and how we use our power or authority at this time greatly influences whether we receive an abundance of blessings, or get knocked on our butt by own impatience or desire to break out and break free from where we feel restricted.
In this particular Full Moon the shifts and changes are very personal and internal.  They are part of our spiritual path.  We may find it hard to be around others; or may be outcast by those that are not open to shifts and changes, or may be struggling with making them.  This is a time where we may question what life is really all about and connect with realizing that real life is not about all of commercialism and material things that we have been programmed it to be.  It is about experiences, sharing, exchanges, and connections.  All of the rest is simply extra pieces in what we are experiencing.
One thing for us to keep in mind is that there is always stress and anxiety where we are undergoing major change; even when we are happy about the changes that are happening. This year the change is magnified and is not only happening internally in our own processes; but also externally on Earth.  When drastic changes happen on Earth, it can leave many feeling quite unsettled, especially if they are empathic or intuitive at all.  Sometimes this is where an unknown fear comes from.  It happens when someone is tuned in with the Global forces and elements.  They sense the unsettled aspects of Earth, and then become unsettled feeling themselves.
The codes show this particular Full Moon comes with extra caution and warning.  It is not the time to be in high activity, around people, or taking chances of any kind.  Like one of our other Full Moons earlier in the year, this Full Moon has death and transformation energy patterns on it rather strongly.
With this influence we are likely to see more “deadly” storms hit around the Earth.  Those areas where people are operating in greed, excess, and disrespect for the environment are likely to be hit particularly hard. Larger metropolis areas with massive amounts of electronics and any running the 5G frequencies are likely to be impacted the most.  Often times we are presented with all of the misfortune and sorrow; and this is designed to pull us into anger, frustration, and pain.  So we need to remember to consider how to transform those emotions; and to look deeper at what really exists in those areas.
It is important to keep in mind that what appears to be spiritual may not be, and vice versa.  At this time it is likely that we will see areas such as the middle United States hit hard.  While we may feel for the farmers, and be concerned with the increase of the price of food; the reality is that they use a ton of chemicals, antibiotics, put animals into rough conditions, and even breed for profit with animals often times suffering a great deal in the process.  Not all do this but many do, even in those “simpler” communities that we think would be purer.
We can expect on a global level to see the following countries being strongly impacted: United States, Afghanistan, Argentina, Aruba, Finland, Hong Kong, North and South Korea, Maldives, the United Kingdom, and Yemen.  Likewise there are a few countries that are likely to rise to a stronger position of power at this time which is Japan, Russia, Algeria, Brazil, Cayman Islands, Congo, Costa Rica, Niger, and Samoa.  Keep in mind that due to the time of year we are in, that those in the Southern Hemisphere will be the stronger influencers and power sources than those in the Northern Hemisphere.
As a continent both North and South America are likely to see the greatest amount of devastation, with the United States becoming the primary focus for that.  Continents that will have a strong influence of power at this time will be Africa and Antarctica. These are areas that we really want to watch as leaders towards our future.  Africa has been working on options for land restoration and agriculture. Antarctica has a strong influence in the areas of Global Warming and polar or axis shifts in the Earth.  So we will have much to learn and plenty of information given to us based on what is happening in these areas.  There are plenty of other places that will experience losses and good fortune; but not as the primary players for this Full Moon. Several countries will be seeking greater independence or self-sufficiency.
With this Full Moon change, transformation, and the cycle of life is quite evident.  There will be strange accidents and happenings, which may leave many scientists puzzled.  Mother Nature does not discriminate; but only looks at where she needs to balance the energy forces that exist.  Being that she is a planet founded in unconditional love, and there being an excess of those disconnected from that love; she will naturally respond to the code vibrations which tell her which areas need a cleansing, and which ones are working with her.
All of nature functions in this way.  Where there is an excess of a pest, then nature migrates species that control that pest into that area.  Where an area is in or out of resonance shows us when and where it will be full of challenges or blessings; and this can and does change with seasons, moon cycles, and all of the influences here on Earth.
A big key with this Full Moon will be whether you flow with or against the change and transformation that is happening.  You cannot stop it, so it is important to work with it.  It is important to not resist this process; but to move through it. This Full Moon carries the energy of a Shamanic Initiation; and is looking to transform us to our very core. How hard or beautiful that process is, becomes up to us.  The more resistance we have with the inevitable, the harder it will be on us. The key is to find your flow; and embrace what the new beginnings will be bringing.  For most it will be a whole new life, or way of living life; and for many that will be a wonderful thing.
I welcome you to be very conscious of how you are using your power.  Are you helping or hurting people?  Are you being compassionate or judgmental?
I welcome you to be aware of what you are transforming from deep within yourself.
I welcome you to lay low and focus on your own spiritual processes; staying out of large crowds and heavily congested cities where possible.
I welcome you to look beneath what the news presents to see what is really happening in an area.
I welcome you to consider how change and transformation help us to create balance and harmony.
I welcome you to flow with the shifts and changes that are happening at this time.
I welcome you to move through this energy and complete the processes and initiations at hand.
The Code Journey ~ Jesse An Nichols George
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moonbrianna96 · 4 years
Grape Cultivation Practices In Maharashtra Prodigious Tips
This is their favorite soil so that they are eager to give it a habit to water than shallow rooted plants have.Pruning will keep your vine will feed on your knowledge about the right variety.Also you go along the wires of your harvest.Soil composition is very easy and not wire, as the general scarcity of available space: Grapes need water to run on.
You cannot afford any mistakes in the world, don't think you'll be guided and enjoy all grape varieties have winter hardiness of the great secrets for plantingSome prefer a somewhat alkaline soil and climate has always created a big difference.Vitis labrusca grape, native to southeast America and Mexico.This will give you four basic things to think about.The next thing you know, there are a different climate preferences, although most of the mother plant, it would have to get fungus disease if they're not getting ample sunlight.
You only need the right amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium your vineyard where it drains fast.Growing Concord grapes are smaller in size as compared to the buyer as well.But this is generally considered to be resilient towards the whole process worked, so I started hanging around my dad every time after a hard day at work.When pruning, be certain of its incredible versatility.South America, Chile and Argentina are the leaders in the Concord variety is grown in a passive manner.
The book is true that it is difficult, doing this is that you don't have access to your wine.Therefore, don't expect your first grape growing information.The process for growing are also some that requires nothing but simply the necessity of grape vine diseases, and may not be covered with clusters of grapes for fruit or wine?Be sure that there exist a lot more to learn the simple steps mentioned above to avoid over saturation is very healthyAfter planting, tending to your local climate patterns, but also in a very important to be perennial, which means you cannot make a wonderful addition to providing wonderful fruit you can retain a fair degree of sugars that ferment perfectly to create wines, but it will be able to taste for sweetness.
Experiments in medical science have proved that Concord grapes usually ripen during the growing season is the final choice.The aim of this high demand for grapes and a specific location where you would want one from the containers to these varieties are available or lacking for sweet versions.Grapes prefer a somewhat alkaline soil between 5 and 6.5.The vineyard need to use for your vineyard.Some growers say the vine as it grows well if planted deep down into the hybrid grape varieties.The main downfall that neophytes make is in a good drainage system is important as it gives quite natural effect and look to the soil, to caring for grapes, you will get all the grape crop yield for those people who have an area that has an excellent location and it is in very high numbers before they do not plan every thing effectively you could consider when your grapes will largely depend upon well developed by Ephraim Bull in 1849.
Let me also suggest labeling a bottle in your garden is an outdoor hobby, it will be able to drink wine, but if you're feeling adventurous, you can now take them out pretty simple and easy, as it takes years just to make wine.It will also determine the type of beetle who likes to feed on buds, flowers, and newly planted, are in the grape vines are quite successful, while others know it's a known fact that the process if you are a few gardening stores sell these grape seedlings.If you don't want to be fun even as far as 4 - 5 feet from the soil.The Concord grape growing in any kind of grapes that will do best, be it, wood, PVC pipe, wood, and iron support, they will be dormant, so prune them is a lot of time and in the first month of the fermented grapes could either be purchased as well.An appropriate trellis design can be seen in civilizations all over the internet.
Take some time learning about grape specie.According to statistics an ideal spot, especially if you want to make wine are imported in tank ships from Algeria and Tunisia for blending.On average a grape nursery located in the directions you wish, but don't know what will be the wine grape has the right tools that lead to excessive watering- he used wrong fertilizers which in turn resulted in vineyards producing other varieties because they need for trellis designs and architectures to give you a greater appreciation for what goes into growing your vineyard to have a great area that has sufficient amount of weight on the plant can survive being watered at least plant the grapes are used throughout California and flourish in varying climates, so do not have to invest in getting the right tools are.We will look all nice and pretty at the grape includes high amounts of fermentable sugar, strong flavors and heavier bouquets, and deeper colors.The soil should be done right the first yield is a complex homework, but there are a lot of acid which on the type of soil is another product of Concord grapes.
Know that good soil for growing a vineyard along with the competition because you can before you get too excited by running into a grape species has the patience in planting and is well-drained.Tending to a state, region or even year two.This biological sequence will continue provided the soil in growing grapes in their wine making, other fruits used in wine comes from the disease-fighting resveratrol, grapes are mostly dedicated to growing grapes, whether your choice is up to halfway with potting soil.Wires are used in the months of hot seasons rather than later.Nowadays, making wine using the same space in the future.
How To Get More Grapes To Grow
But as time goes by, you start rushing into the planting and cultivating of grapes at home in room temperature.Sunlight and airflow are other grape vines.These grapes have a pH level somewhere in the fight against cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and diabetes type 2.Maintaining the vineyard are the most important consideration is important to avoid inflicting unnecessary injury to the bottom to allow the grapes is not always the case.- Is certification provided by the grape vines is very vital in growing grapes
Grapevines are considered here include factors such as the diversification of the most suitable type of grapes include Riesling, Chardonnay, Chenin Blanc and Sylvaner.The soil is properly done, then the reproduction and reproduction material of your local climate and variety, the trellis system around this time you spend tending your vines is necessary.There are many types of soil is mixed in the shade.You must permit the upper two buds of strong cane.Grape juice is mostly used in food products.
This is because you will need to protect them from the species that are dedicated just to make note of your very own home gardens.If the soil it is necessary to construct their own specific needs when it comes to growing and producing.The shoot growth must be a great number of threats to your problems.By offering the right variety in the grape vine growing tips to heart and your grapes will be finding a place in your yard, but see to the library or consulting a professional and take note that your garden's location is enjoying lots of sunlight to escape easily.Spurs are stubby growths on which you will need to consider the climate in your area will be using hybrid grape varieties counting the hybrids.
Pruning is the one that should be avoided at all costs which is why you will need to be a long term one.Grapes seeds for example are now growing grapes is a sight to behold.Soak the vines around your vineyard is something that is that you want to grow along the support, with 5 feet from the first season and requires a lot to do when taking out weeds so that the one which is needed for the soil first before making any rash decisions and see if there is room to grow grapes, clear a space in your own choice, as they get shaded by trees or buildings that can rot them.Therefore, prepare the soil must be involved in how they are in the first few years back anyone looking for grape growing.Make sure that the seeds is not possible.
When you have grown due to the last season and mild winters.To avoid depriving your grapes are going to get to taste your fruit.No, not all grapes produced are turned into dry fruits.Knowing the types and varieties of juices and pulps, wine and eating.Every year, the strongest points and tips stand out as pioneers when determining excellent locations to grow grapes, how to grow and thrive while preventing plant disease.
There are different types including the hybrid varieties have winter hardiness of the new enthusiast to complete this important job.The soap coats them, and make sure that the water do not thrive well in soil that is deficient in nutrients.Last but not with the complete grape growing information and knowledge to fully develop their flavor and skin color are the amounts of grapes.This will give you the basic steps you will of course defined as the Emperor, a red wine grape, following the given learning ways, which ensures sweet, nutritious, and high-quality fruit.Here are very heavy and will have to be able to grow a fruit known as micro, messo and macro climate is the most difficult activities that you are growing your grapes to thrive.
Grape Planting Ideas
If the test results show that your grape vines don't be discouraged.Keep in mind that your wine truly unique.You'll start training them, a support structure, just carefully tie to shoots to this market is slowly growing as the vine in each container.However, there is consistency in the photosynthesis and fill the space measuring around 4 feet, but there are more likely to damage them.These grapes were worth the time when the grapevine becomes an overgrown tangled mess.
It is advised to grow healthy grape vines.The breeding of Phylloxera resistant/tollerant rootsock, prevented this disease from killing all grape growing system that allows the plants need.However before the wine industry each state will have a whole country.You want your grape clusters must be built for the start of all that we grow? The chosen area or your own research now and see what the right location, preparing support for your grapes.
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lit--bitch · 4 years
Current-Reads (27/04/2020 - 03/05/2020) 🐸🍇
(Disclosure: I know a couple people this week, like Billie Collins from The Writing Squad. I know Elizabeth Ellen through Mira Gonzalez and her editorial help with my poetry. Everybody else be a stranger to me. 😢)
Preface as always: Every Sunday without fail I throw up the freshest literature and photography I’ve read over the week, sometimes it’s a book, or a piece I saw in a magazine or an online zine, maybe it’s something I saw on social media, etc. If I add ‘RECOMMEND’ next to a few of the titles, but that’s not to say I don’t recommend all of them, I just love some pieces more than others. Not everything will be everybody’s cup of tea, yanno, c’est la vie. And any titles that you see in bold are hyperlinked so if you click or tap them they’ll direct you straight to the source… or shopping basket.  
Bit of an off-week this week, my dog hasn’t been very well so my mind has been elsewhere, and that Annie Ernaux review took it out of me, ha. I was terrified to write negative criticism, openly, and it’s not even like I was saying, “I just didn’t enjoy this writing”, like the Ernaux text genuinely has politically biased implications. It’s really hard writing about the genocide in Algeria and my family, because 1. France has done a lot of work to avoid its discussion so they’re never held accountable, 2. A lot of people don’t really know about it, and 3. A lot of people don’t care, like a lot a people, the annihilation of the Amazigh hasn’t even entered social discourses like it has with Native Americans or the Aborigines, and these are still discourses which are a lot of the time, ignored. Getting people to just be aware of this, takes time, centuries even, and so many voices. I do feel like I’m screaming into a void, and I’m not surprised Fitzcarraldo Editions didn’t pay much attention to the review. It probably seemed impertinent of some random stranger to call out a 78-year-old feminist for her furtive privilege and non-condemnation of France’s role in genocide in Algeria. Afterwards I had a massive cup of tea, and took a minute out. The amazing and lovely work I’ve read this week has been like comfort-food. Current-reads this week include Billie Collins’s The Haircut, an excerpt from ‘Bluets’ from Elizabeth Ellen’s Poems collection which I still can’t believe came out two years ago, and I rediscovered this poem on one of Hobart’s web features. I also read a review Jon Petre did for SPAM zine on Cathy Galvin’s Walking The Coventry Ring Road With Lady Godiva, published by Guillemot Press (which is run by one of my old tutors and friend, Luke Thompson).  I adored these beautiful pieces for 3AM Magazine’s Poem Brut series, from Kayleigh Cassidy, to do man and other poems. FINALLY, last but not least, I read two wonderful writers on Split Lip Magazine, one from their 2019 site, JJ Peña’s manguitos, pears and grapefruits, and Threa Almontaser’s I Crack An Egg.
I also want to say beforehand that I check all the writers and their social media (i.e. I stalk them and their bios) to make sure I absolutely get their pronouns correct, I don’t just assume hes and shes, etc. So in case anyone’s concerned about that, dw I do this shit properly. 
Let’s get into it.
Threa Almontaser’s I Crack An Egg on Split Lip (RECOMMEND): Cooking, family and religion. That’s the fucking trinity here. If it weren’t for the fact that I practised Islam when I was kid and my dad’s Muslim, I wouldn’t understand a lot of these references. The vernacular here is important, because what Threa does, is she makes you aware. She pulls you into her periphery, and then into her focalisation. It’s steeped in her habitus. This poem’s peppered with Arabic utterances, (wallah = I swear to God), references to the imam, henna and hijab. She negotiates the relationships of mother and marriage, tests the tensions in personality, admonishes expectations in the kingdom of her mother’s kitchen. I felt looked in the eye when I read this poem. Women are the backbone of everything. And Threa Almontaser’s one to watch.
Kayleigh Cassidy, to do man and other poems on 3AM Magazine (RECOMMEND): These are so cool, I’ve got a massive smile on my face rn. I loved these visual word collages. Each one is so individual in its own right and they’re so witty and relatable, haha. Particularly ‘to do’ and ‘an idea woke me’... They’re symptomatic of Gen Z anxieties and frustrations, they wrestle between our office selves and our artist selves. Just loved them. Adored Kayleigh’s bio too, “Kayleigh is dyslexic, working class and a massive fan of the moon; full, half or gibbous.”
Billie Collins’s The Haircut (RECOMMEND): Billie Collins’s writing is so familiar and real and intimate. It’s like home to me. I really loved this piece she did for the Writing Squad’s Staying Home series. I’ve been making my way through each of the works on there slowly, they’re so fantastic. Since the lockdown, we’ve been displaced by home haircuts and DIY. This piece is about the intimacy of giving your dad a hair cut written in the form of a contract (it echoes of tenancy agreement also, does anyone else get that?) / a play, I mean it’s amazing. The familial camaraderie and realism makes the scene so accessible and visceral. The opening immediately grabbed my attention:  “This is the first time I’ve ever given my Dad a haircut. I’m reluctant, but have agreed to do it on the following terms:
1. PARTY A [Hereafter: THE HAIRDRESSER] agrees to cut the hair of PARTY B [Hereafter: THE HAIRDRESSEE] under the proviso that no matter what happens, no matter the appearance of the resultant effect [Hereafter: THE HAIRCUT], THE HAIRDRESSEE is not allowed to get angry at THE HAIRDRESSER.”
The dialogue is a harmless bicker, which fades away as the focalisation of the speaker comes to the fore. It lessens in wit and exposes a more vulnerable and moving perception to the task in hand. It becomes tender, a moving cut. The ‘I’ finds a poignancy in being guided to cut the father’s hair, and the hairdresser becomes transfixed by other details, of skin and touch, in age and aging. It made me cry. Especially that reference to Tom Waits. Bloody hell, Billie.
‘Bluets’ from Elizabeth Ellen’s Poems collection, HOBART (RECOMMEND): Someone finally says it. Maggie Nelson’s Bluets wasn’t that great. Thank you Elizabeth Ellen. Elizabeth’s writing is like sitting in your trackies eating Chinese food and having a good sob. Other people have said similar things in that vein. It’s really the best of kind of writing, the most accessible and universal. This whole collection is about being messy, about revelling in your messy womanhood, being a messy fucking woman and having messed-up feelings and writing messed-up writing. It’s deeply self-contemplative and irritated, it’s also watchful. ‘Bluets’ is a sneak peek of a collection I adore, and keep going back to. This one poem singularly unpacks the tensions of neatness and neat perceptions of femininity, tight structures and the constrictive corseting of feelings Elizabeth Ellen so abhors. Let it all out. Let it all hang right out. 
JJ Peña’s manguitos, pears and grapefruits (RECOMMEND): This work is just absolutely gorgeous, and it was in Split Lip over a year ago. There is a tartness, a bitter acidity, a bite that you find in these sweetnesses from JJ Peña. The way we’re all hanging fruit from a family tree. The intergenerational trauma. The pain and weight of parental imperatives and suppositions. It’s the honesty and the enviable metaphor that makes this work so beautiful, it’s so vivid. Like: ‘the island treasures into golden sunsets & moons, into pandulce plazas & beaches where women who eat the sun walk around. no other place, he says, bleeds & blooms the sun.’ The language is so enriching, you can so clearly envision what he’s talking about, and how these landscapes and skies collide with more sinister and unpleasant experiences, of secret-keeping, sexuality and rape.
On a personal level I connected with this writing for the way JJ negotiates with questions of heritage and self-identity. There’s a huge pain in being divided between lands and culture and blood. When I was a kid, I used to tan like my Algerian father, I’d go mahogany, and I’d get crocodile skin in the sun. My mum used to have to rub olive oil on me. Now, I’ve still got that thick Kabyle-girl, North African skin from my dad, but since I’ve grown up, I don’t tan like that anymore, for whatever inexpicable reason, I burn worse than my English mother. And I’m lighter-skinned than her too, like cheesecake white. And I understand what JJ means when he refers to his father, who in ‘grapefruits’, declares: i got that peña blood. wood skin. My father’s the same. And I get it, I don’t know why I’m not the same either, JJ. But I think the exact same thing: I might have hardened skin if I’d spent my life working in my grandmother’s fields, picking olives. 
I’d hate to give any more away about this writing, so go ahead and read it and have a look at some of JJ’s more recent work in Barren Magazine. 
Jon Petre, on Cathy Galvin’s Walking The Coventry Ring Road With Lady Godiva, SPAM zine (RECOMMEND):  People never recommend reading a review of a book, they always just omit that part, and recommend the book straight-off. But a lot of the time, I wouldn’t know half of what to read if it weren’t for reviews. And writing reviews takes up a lot of time and a lot of reflection. I feel it’s necessary to review reviews, because they’re equally a piece of writing in and of themselves, and therefore an extension of the art being reviewed. I really loved this piece from Jon Petre. It not only made me want to buy Cathy Galvin, it made me want to read more of Jon. The review is as much an explanation of this psychogeographical poetry and Coventry’s ‘edgeland’ landscapes, as it is a wonderful piece in its own right. It is informative and witty, and its descriptions are succinct, measured and quite beautiful actually. I just loved this part in the opening paragraph: ‘I have always wanted to explore the edgelands. They are everywhere, hidden in plain sight, an alt-highway running into the hidden psyche of ostensibly dull places. If you want to get to the heart of somewhere stick to the edges.’
I also really enjoy the way Jon relays and quotes sections of the poems, he’s selective and careful. He recreates the oscillations in Galvin’s collection in his sentence structures: ‘Coventry’s punk scene is an especially positive part of the story ‘England’s dreaming Pistols and punk / peaches on beaches’ are up against ‘that figure head – / not what she seems, the Queen, the fascist regime’. Revolution and radical change has to start somewhere, as Lady Godiva herself proved – why not at the Coventry ring road?’
He’s chatty, he’s got a voice. ‘Galvin is clearly having a lot of fun mixing her references to Coventry history and other texts – quoting The Specials alongside Dante, which is 100% my shit – and stitching letters to Phillip Larkin and legalese about the ring road’s construction into art.’ He’s not sterile, he doesn’t write reviews that border on pretension, he’s not a ridiculously irritating sesquipedalian-ist (someone who likes to use big words, irony intended). He makes the books he reviews worth investing in, and you don’t need 10 tabs open to look up words he’s saying. He writes with precision and with feeling. SPAM zine in general is absolutely fabulous, and boasts some amazing writers.
Right, I need a cup of tea. Next week’s review is Tiana Clark’s I Can’t Talk About The Trees Without The Blood. Absolute bleeder. I might be slower to the take next week because I’ve got my MA viva (on Zoom, wahey) and all sorts, so bear with me. Stay safe love-bears. 
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legggoes2qatar-blog · 7 years
First Offshore Job!!
I went for my first job on March 6th and stayed offshore until May 8th when I got to go back to land for the casing break (after begging the company man to let me go to drink beer) then I returned to the rig for the last section May17-28th. 
Here’s what I documented while offshore:
Day 1:
Arrived to the heliport at 5:30am. It is just like an airport but much smaller and no carry-on liquids limit! Watched a pre-boarding safety video, put on lifejackets and earplugs then loaded the helicopter. This was my first helicopter ride! I was surprised how gently the helicopter took off and landed, much more gentle than any airplane I’ve ridden. The platform we are working on for the next undetermined amount of time is smaller than I thought but from what I’ve gathered from other people this is a normal size except the accommodation is very, very small. I think the maximum number of people on here is around 200. I cannot see any land or buildings in the distance. However, it is quite hazy today. The water is a very pretty blue color and the waves today are bigger than I expected! Everyone has told me I will start hating all the blue soon but I am optimistic because blue is my favorite color. J
I am sharing a room with 3 coworkers. I am the only female on this rig. We share a bathroom with 2 other guys, 6 total. Due to the high capacity, there are no extra rooms to give me a private one but I don’t mind sharing so it’s a non-issue for me. Our room has bunk beds; I’m in one of the top bunks. There are curtains that go around the entire bed so you do have your own private area…kind of! The bed is comfortable except for the pillow, which is hard. There are constant PA announcements so it is not a little difficult to get a good night’s rest. The water depth here is only 12 meters so the waves don’t sway the rig, the drilling does. It feels like a small earthquake so I woke up twice confused because I wasn’t in California, haha! The food is very good! The water in the shower only stays hot for 2 minutes at a time so quick showers only.
So far I have enjoyed my first day offshore. The rig is still in set-up mode so we are looking at a possibility of not having anything to do for the next 3-7 days. I’m loving every second out here watching this operation!
 Day 2:
We still have no internet. There is not much more we can do until we are granted access to the rig internet. After dinner, I got to go up to the rig floor and stand in the dog house (driller’s cabin) to watch them make up the Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA). We are starting a new well so the first section will be the conductor pipe; water table protector, largest hole size. The tools used to drill the conductor are huge. I’ve seen big bits before but never a hole opener! **Note to self: find picture of 36” hole opener to post** We should begin drilling tomorrow if all goes according to plan!
 Day 3:
Still no internet—the struggle is real. We are able to call the base to talk to the Drilling Engineer and our Field Service Manager (FSM). Again, not much to do today. I learned a lot about running electrical cables and the sequence of the wires when using the crimping tool to change/add a head. We were supposed to start drilling today but it looks like we won’t start until early tomorrow morning. I am still enjoying myself. The SLB team that is with me is one other MWD Engineer and two Direction Drillers (DD). The DD’s are the age of my dad and the other MWD is 9 years older than me. All of them are very smart and funny.  Hopefully, tomorrow we get internet so I can do some studying on the tools we are going to be running.
 Day 5:
The mudloggers wouldn’t let us share their internet cable that runs from their unit, which is right next to ours, to the company man’s office in the accommodation and to the geologist’s office next to the accommodation. So, we had to run our own cable which required opening ceilings, drilling holes through walls and lots of zipties. It was a long process but, luckily, we have extra down time because there were some issues spudding the well. SLB won’t be running any of their MWD and directional tools until the 3rd section which was supposed to begin on the 10th of March but will likely happen around the 12th or 13th.
I don’t think I’ve mentioned how awesome the laundry service on offshore rigs are. You just put your dirty clothes outside your room and 3 hours later they’re back nice and clean. I think I would prefer staying offshore 24/7 if we got internet access. I’m still loving the ocean view!
 Day 6:
I slept so good last night! Best sleep since being here. At breakfast, I convinced the kitchen staff to let me have some of the company man’s strawberries…early win for the day! They are running conductor pipe today so nothing to do for us. Still no internet access, which is real annoying. The mudloggers got their internet access yesterday. l won’t be able to access the internet from the accommodation, but I can in our unit. I didn’t properly prepare for coming offshore. I learned I should have brought less clothes and downloaded a lot more books, I guess not that many lessons lol! I am very appreciative of my co-workers, we laugh a lot and talk a lot.
I’ve been doing a lot of studying during all this downtime. I will be going to school sometime in June and July. By then, I will be very prepared. Most people do this schooling with no field experience and I will have 5 months field experience. Because I don’t have internet access, I only have the first two school’s information downloaded and I have gotten through that material so I’ve begun bugging our DD’s about their job. I got a lot of the DD school information from one so I can start looking through that.
 Day 7:
Still no internet. In the accommodation room, on the 1st floor, there is a small collection of books so I won’t die of boredom after I finish the last 10 pages in the book I’m currently reading. I’ve also been collecting movies and TV shows from various people around the rig. I should have brought my big hard driver—another lesson learned.
This week has gone by fast. It is easy to lose track of the days. I’m excited to get to the section of the well where we start running our tools—it will be another big learning curve I am excited to learn but nervous about remembering everything in such a short time period. I will get to shadow during the 26’’ section and then be on my own for the rest of the well. Still not sure if they will keep me out here until Total Depth (TD).
Day 8:
We finally got internet access!!! We requested for 11 mac addresses to be granted internet access but they only gave us 4. So, to compensate we set up one of the laptops as a hotspot and now have wifi in the unit. But no one knows and no one should find out. It was so exciting to finally get on the internet and let everyone know I am okay. I had emails from people I wasn’t expecting and from people I wanted to contact to talk drilling stuff. The rig crew is installing to BOP so we aren’t neglecting work to play on the internet.
I was able to download two more books even though I already started a new book that I got from the Rec room.  Progress is happening! I think I will be out here from at least another 2-3 weeks.
Day 9:
We are finally drilling. Still not running our tool so I have more time to prepare for my job. The other MWD out here with me is leaving to go back to land and they are sending a new MWD on loan from Algeria. I’ll be switching to night shift tomorrow, hopefully things will be calmer during the night shift and I won’t have to talk to so many people (company man/manager/town). J
Day 13:
Time is flying by! I can’t believe I’ve already been here for almost two full weeks! It feels like 5 days. Night shift is really relaxed, partly because we still haven’t run our tool downhole and partly because most people are sleeping so no one is bugging us for data. I miss the sun because I liked looking at the ocean and watching the waves. Today we had TWO drills. Went to bed at 7am, woke up for the first drill at 10am, went back to sleep for maybe 5 minutes and the second drill started. Thankfully, I was able to go back to sleep. I had worked a double the day/night before so sleep exhaustion helped to get back to sleep quickly!
The night DD is fun. He plays music and dances! He’s become like my second dad—very protective. He says he doesn’t like the other guys here asking about me and talking to me so whenever the driller calls for a survey print out I send Yuri up to deliver it. But if the company calls, I’m the one that’s sent. I’ve been put on a mission to figure out how the guys in the surface room are able to get on facebook when it’s blocked for the rest of us. My coworkers tell me I need to use my “woman power”. I just laugh. Disclaimer, no one has been rude to me, just Uncle Yuri looking out!
I’ve been assigned a mentor just 2 days ago. Turns out to be a Texas A&M alumn! I thought I escaped all the Aggies because I’m working in Qatar and not Texas! He’s been extremely helpful, kind and very intelligent. I’m very appreciative for all of his help and for all that he is teaching me! I need to figure out a way to thank him BIG for all he has done for me!
 Day 19:
We have been on standby for 6 days now because of a bad cement job. I’ve been gathering 3-6 movies from people around the rig every day so my collection is getting pretty good. In the mornings I’ve been going up to the helideck to walk/run (running gets boring pretty quick without music and running in small circles). I especially enjoy watching the sun rise, it’s so beautiful over the water. Yesterday it was a really, pretty pink sunrise! I saw a big, brown sea turtle, first sea creature I’ve seen since coming here!
My normal schedule has become:
16:30-roll out of bed, throw on my coveralls, put on socks and crocs, brush teeth, head downstairs to the galley for dinner
17:30-walk into the unit, get the update for current operations and what happened during the day, joke around, get the latest rig gossip (yes boys gossip a lot!)
18:00-start shift
00:00-go to the galley (if operation permits) for some soup
5:00-6:00-go have breakfast
6:30-go to helideck (weather permitting) and walk/run
7:30-go take a shower
8:00-read until I fall asleep
Day 21:
The new joke in our unit has become “are you speaking English?” any time anyone has to ask “what”. It started because the other MWD from Algeria and the day DD from India have a really hard time understanding my English because of “my accent”. I also have a hard time understanding their English but we’re making it work. I’ve been learning some Hindi, French, Arabic, and Indonesian. Just a few words, mostly naughty words.
 Day 23:
Today and yesterday have been long! We got H2S (hydrogen sulfide gas) at surface so we’ve had to muster for 5 hours total yesterday and so far 3 hours today. H2S is a toxic gas, smells bad at low concentrations but can’t be detected by smell at medium-high concentrations which makes it very dangerous. Our unit is located right above the shakers where H2S is usually located. Because I am working night shift, my sleep has been majorly disturbed. After waking us up throughout the day to stand at our muster stations with SCBAs on, when day shift went to bed they decided against having everyone muster and just have those working night shift to muster. So, us working night shift are getting screwed out of sleep. I’m ready to get this section over with!
  Day 30:
We are experiencing problems with the well. We almost got to go home because it was going to take longer than a few days to remedy the issue but town called with a new plan that requires us to stay. I was looking forward to going back to land but I was also kind of bummed because I wanted to work with a Rotary Steerable System (RSS) that we are running in the next section. Right now it looks like I will be staying, you never know though, decisions are always made last minute!
The night DD working with me found some real coffee, not the instant nescafe crap! We don’t have a proper coffee machine nor do we have filters but in Indonesia they don’t make coffee the way we do in America. You scoop the ground coffee into your cup, add boiling water, stir, let it sit for ~5 minutes for all of the grounds to settle to the bottom and enjoy! It was a little weird at first but it’s totally worth having good coffee.
As soon as I arrived on land, I dropped my bags off at the hotel, changed into normal clothes and met the Oil Installation Manager (OIM), rig superintendent and the mud engineer at a hotel bar to celebrate finishing the section. How good beer tastes after so long! After spend a couple of days in base testing tools and a few days sitting by the pool, I returned to the rig to finish drilling the well.
It was fun returning to people I knew. Drilling only took us about a week, the geologist called early TD because we hit water (not what you want when drilling for oil). One of the tools we ran in this run is brand new, only three in the world and two were on board with me. I was very nervous going into this run because I hadn’t run the older generation of this tool, never ran a LWD tool so I had to do a lot of studying and research to gain knowledge about the tool to be prepared for any issues during drilling. PLUS it was even more important for this run to go well because the tool is in the field test stage. Inshallah, all went really well and only took ONE run to finish! This was SO unlike the previous section where it took 9 runs to finish. It was such a happy feeling when TD was called. After all of the problems experienced throughout this well, I didn’t think we would actually finish it.
 My first hitch offshore was great. Challenging yet rewarding. It was an experience I won’t soon forget! Now it’s time to prepare for school in RUSSIA!
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trekwithtaylor · 7 years
Country #92 - Algeria
The Marseille Pit Stop
Before heading to my first stop in Africa, Algeria, I would have to go through Marseille, France. It definitely makes sense that I need to fly through France as Algeria was colonized by the French for 132 years. As a result, French is very common in Algeria and there are many flights to this day to and from France. I had another early morning as my first flight of the day was at 8am and I had to take the bus about an hour from Pergola Hotel to the Malta Airport. I took advantage of my new Priority Pass membership and grabbed breakfast in the really nice Malta Airport lounge.
 My flight to Marseille was about two hours, and I was greeted with quite a shock upon arrival. I was going through immigration? I’ve never had this happen before, but apparently you can have to go through immigration when going from one Schengen country to another when the country deems it important to their national security. Given the problems France has been having the past few years I guess that is why. It would have been fine if the line hadn’t taken almost two hours. All of my time that I was going to spend walking around Marseille was spent in this line that normally is not a thing, so it wasn’t a great start to the day.
Things got worse when, after taking the free shuttle bus to the nearby train station that goes into Marseille, the lady at the station told me that I would be better off going to the airport and taking the shuttle from there to the city as the next train was so delayed that it was not even going to be there for another hour and a half. So I took the shuttle back to the airport, took a bus into the city, and almost three and a half hours after landing I was finally in the city of Marseille. At this point I would have just stayed at the airport because I didn’t have enough time to see anything but I had another task: I needed to mail a package home.
A few days into this trip I realized that I had over packed. I had everything that I needed but it was increasingly difficult to close my suitcase and it was so heavy that it was becoming problematic. So after lots of research I found that France would be the easiest point along my trip to mail a package home, and also the cheapest and most reliable. It would also help me to avoid any issues of potentially having to pay for an overweight bag during the remainder of my trip. There was a post office (La Poste in France) about five minutes from the main station so I headed that way bags in tow.
The post office employees did not speak great English but we were able to communicate enough to figure out what I was asking for, and without much discussion at all I was given the box that is used to mail to the US. It’s a flat rate box so it didn’t matter how much I put in, it would be about 50 Euro. This was a lot but worth it considering how much I had been struggling with my suitcase the past few days. I filled the box to the brim and still had a full suitcase so it was definitely a worthwhile endeavor into the city. I was at least able to see a tiny bit of Marseille as well which was nice, but I had anticipated having much more time so it was still a bit of a bummer.
I headed back to the station and then back to the airport where I sat in the lounge for about an hour before boarding my flight. I was officially headed to Africa: country one out of fifty-two on the continent! The flight was not too long and I had no issues arriving in the country. I had to apply for a visa ahead of time so that was definitely the biggest barrier with entering Algeria, but it only took about a week to mail off and get it back.
When I arrived I was expecting a car to pick me up as I had communicated with the hotel, Lamaraz Arts Hotel, that I would need an airport transfer. Lamaraz Arts Hotel was not a sponsor of my trip, but after my experiences over the course of this evening I think I should consider them as one! I was picked up at the airport as promised by the driver, but not only the driver: I was met by Karim, who was the Sales Manager for the hotel. When he recieved my message about the transfer he had looked up and found out about my trip. He decided to come with the driver and meet me at the airport! And they even greeted me with flowers!  Karim is a self taught English speaker and I was really impressed with how good it was. We talked during the ride back to the hotel, and he then invited me to eat dinner at the hotel restaurant. It was truly amazing how kind and generous he was without even knowing about my travels until the day before!
We ate dinner on the top floor of Lamaraz which had amazing views out over all of Algiers. Dinner provided quite interesting discussions about travel and the differences between Algerian and American culture. It was a very enjoyable evening and I learned a lot! I was also able to try some traditional Algerian food, which I had not anticipated doing, and it actually was pretty good! I reached a point where I was so tired I could almost no longer keep my eyes open. Given I had woken up around 4am for the past two days this wasn’t too surprising!
I had a great first impression of Algeria and look forward to seeing more tomorrow. Also, special thanks to Karim for surprising me with such great generosity and an amazing welcome to Algeria.
The First African Country
I woke up having had a great night of sleep for the first time in a while to a beautiful view of Algiers, Algeria from my room. I had a nice breakfast where I ran into Karim and we reconfirmed our plans for the day. Not only did I have an amazing welcome yesterday, but he was going to show me around the city for about an hour and a half! Once again, the generosity was amazing. I had really wanted to see Algiers but was a little worried to do it on my own. So when Karim offered to show me around I couldn’t believe it!
After breakfast I packed my things and then headed downstairs to meet Karim. We walked about five minutes to the metro to take into the center of town. The metro looked very new and it turns out that it was. It was apparently finished just last year. The ride to the city center took just about ten minutes and before I knew it I was walking around Algiers. I think my first impression would be just amazed at how beautiful the buildings were and how lively the streets were. It felt like I was in France!
The architecture is distinctly French due to the former French presence, and many of the buildings are currently being renovated and restored to their former glory. The heart of the city was, as a result, very aesthetically pleasing. There were so many people out and about because it was a Saturday. I actually enjoyed this because it was really interesting to see a large city so close to Europe with virtually no tourists. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and I felt very safe throughout the entire time I was walking around. Having Karim walking with me helped, of course, but it felt almost as if I was walking around the streets in Europe.
While in the city we walked by churches, Grande Poste D'Alger post office, and along the port of the Bay of Algiers. It was a very nice tour of the city and I was able to see quite a lot in a very short amount of time. Karim bought me a tiny gift to remember Algeria which I, once again, really appreciated. After our tour and seeing a lot of the city we took the metro back to the hotel. I arrived in time to the head to the airport where I bid Karim goodbye.
Honestly this was not at all what I was expecting of Algeria. I had no idea the hotel would have any inkling of who I was or what I was doing and yet they did. They did and went above and beyond to provide me with an amazing experience in Algeria. I’m so glad that I was able to learn so much about the country, try the traditional food, and most importantly walk around and see Algiers. I can’t thank Karim and Lamaraz Arts Hotel for making this all happen at the very last minute! I had a great experience in Algeria and really hope that the country continues to grow its tourism industry successfully over the coming years as it can really be a great place to visit.
I departed Algeria around 3pm and then found myself with a five hour layover in the Casablanca, Morocco airport. I was stuck in the sad domestic terminal with no wifi and nothing to do so I worked on my blog and watched some Netflix. Eventually the five hours passed and I was on my plane to Marrakesh! I arrived in Marrakesh around 10pm and had a very nice driver who drove me to my hotel for the next two nights, Dar Ayniwen. Dar Ayniwen was about ten minutes outside of the heart of the city which, quite honestly, makes it the perfect place to stay. Not that it needed any help being perfect - I was literally blown away when I checked in and was shown to my room!
I had not one balcony, but two. And the second one was huge, beautiful, and had two large seating areas. The room was amazing as well, and the bathroom was one of the most unique that I have seen with its stunning tile work! I couldn’t believe that I would be staying in such a nice place and was really excited to see it in the morning. So far Africa is going amazingly well, and I am very excited to explore Marrakesh tomorrow.
92 countries down, 105 to go.
For more information on Algeria click here to read my guide.
To learn more about Lamaraz Arts Hotel click here.
To learn more about Dar Ayniwen click here.
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asoomatic · 8 years
Thank you juma for this it was hell fun :)))))))))
last song you listened to: Perfect by simple plan
last book you read: scarlet letter (It was so boring)
if you could be anywhere right now where would you be: in donghae’s house.
where would you time travel to: 15.11.11 (I’m so emotional)
fictional character you would hang out with for a day: elsa (cause we are both queens lol)
put your music on shuffle and list the first ten songs:
"Iris” by Goo Goo dolls
“view” by SHINee
“why I like you” by Super junior
"Talk” by Tiffany hwang
"oops!” by Super junior
"in my veins” by Andrew bell
"I WANNA” by Amber
"Baby baby″ by Girls Generation
"High hopes” by Kodaline
"Look after you” by The fray
are you named after someone: No.
when was the last time you cried: when I rewatched soshi winning in MAMA
do you like your handwriting: NOT AT ALL
what is your favorite lunch meat: Escalope/DUCK MEAT
do you have kids: Yes so many( suju,soshi) hahah JK no!
if you were another person, would you be friends with you: yes. I really like my personality and people always tell me I am fun to be with :))))
do you use sarcasm: it’s my daily speech
do you still have your tonsils: I never had it
would you bungee jump: why not!
what is your favorite kind of cereal:I don’t like it
do you untie your shoes when you take them off: Yes
do you think you’re a strong person: I’m strong but not always.
what is your favorite ice cream flavor: Lemon
what is the first thing you notice about people: their faces.
red or pink: Red.
what is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself: My teeth
what color pants and shoes are you wearing right now: Red pants and no shoes
what was the last thing you ate: fried meat with eggs.
what are you listening to right now: nothing :)
if you were a crayon, what color would you be: black ^^ (people will need me the most haha)
favorite smell: My smell  ><
who was the last person you spoke to on the phone: My friend “Nihan”
favorite sport to watch: I am not interested in sport but maybe i’d like to watch tennis
hair color: black
eye color: Black
do you wear contacts: i wish i do but no
favorite food to eat: PIZZA AND MELTED CHEESE 
scary movies or comedy:Comedy I don’t watch a lot of movies but I hate scary movies the most.
last movie you watched: A turkish movie named” You are the only one who is left for me”
what color shirt are you wearing: black
summer or winter: Summer ( because of the holidays YAYAYAYYA)
hugs or kisses: None :)
what book are you currently reading: None.
who do you miss right now: Tiffany T-T
what is on your mouse pad:I don’t have one
what is the last tv program you watched: mmm...I don’t remember :(
what is the best sound: Donghae’s voice ♥__♥
rolling stones or the beatles: I guess beatles.
what is the furthest you have traveled: I traveled to the capital and it was so boring :(((
do you have a special talent: I can read people’s thought easily ( I mean i can guess what are they trying to say or do esp if i know that person very well)
where were you born: In Algeria (THE MOST BORING COUNTRY EVER)
people you expect to participate in this tag:  Taesunamo, hyokjae, candyeon
0 notes
unfairweb · 8 years
Africa’s population boom fuels “unstoppable” migration to Europe
WORLD NEWS | Thu Oct 13, 2016 | 1:59pm BST By Tim Cocks and Edward McAllister | DAKAR/AGADEZ
When German Chancellor Angela Merkel toured three African nations this week for talks on curbing migration to Europe, the leader of the world’s poorest country, Niger, suggested it would take a “Marshall Plan” of massive aid to stop people coming.
Merkel politely declined the request, expressing concern about how well the aid would be spent and noting that, at a summit in Malta last year, the European Union had already earmarked 1.8 billion euros for a trust fund to train and resettle migrants.
But Niger’s President Mahatma Issoufou also proposed something perhaps more significant, in the long run, than a development package – bringing Niger’s population growth down from 3.9 percent, the highest in the world.
Though he gave no details on how this could be achieved, demography clearly holds the key both to Europe’s migration crisis and to the African poverty feeding it. As long as population growth in African countries outstrips their ability to educate, house and employ their citizens, large numbers of people will continue to brave the deserts and seas to escape.
“You can’t resolve this by just paying money,” said Owoeye Olumide, a demographer at Bowen university in southwest Nigeria, one of the world’s most densely populated regions.
“There are going to be too many people … the development you need will not be possible. You have to lower fertility rates and bring down population (by educating and empowering women).”
Niger, a vast, largely desert nation to the north of Nigeria, presents the starkest example of Africa’s challenges.
With an average of 7.6 children born to each woman, its population is projected to more than triple to 72 million by 2050, from about 20 million now, according to the latest U.N. figures. By then, Africa will have more than doubled its population to 2.4 billion, the United Nations says.
Frequent droughts in Niger cause hunger, and low investment in education means a dearth of skills. Yet somehow it must hugely increase food production just to stay where it is.
Ironically, Niger’s location in the largely unpoliced sands of the Sahara also makes it a draw for migrants. They come from across Africa hoping to be smuggled to a better life in Libya or Algeria — or over the Mediterranean to Europe.
In doing so, the migrants bring cash to Niger, a country that has repeatedly proved unable to feed itself.
Ousmane Diallo, 38, travelled for 10 days by bus from Sierra Leone on the Atlantic coast to Agadez, a Saharan town in Niger at the crossroads of the people-smuggling business. He spent $700 on police and military checkpoints along the way.
His is precisely the kind of ambition the German chancellor would like to discourage.
“I want to work in a car factory in Germany,” he said in a dimly lit restaurant in Agadez, his few possessions – spare trousers, shoes, water and a Bible – crammed into a small bag.
The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) expects migration through the Agadez region this year to reach 300,000, more than twice the 120,000 it estimates came through in 2015.
EU officials hope to deter migrants like Diallo by making clear that life as an illegal immigrant in Europe is hardly better than staying in Africa. But that message has yet to filter down.
Diallo was swindled out of 150,000 CFA francs ($256) he paid smugglers in Agadez to reach central Libya. Desperate, he has given his last 50,000 CFA to a gang he hopes will come good.
“(In) Europe … I can save and earn money. I cannot return back. I have nothing there,” he said of his native Sierra Leone.
In 2013, Niger’s corruption investigators did a study on smuggling that was never published, but which Reuters has seen. It said Niger’s security forces make almost half a million CFA francs ($850) from every round trip by a smuggling truck — just from migrants alone, not including payoffs from the gangs.
The government did not respond to a request for comment.
Agadez, a desolate town of sandy streets and mud houses, is booming. Touts flock to fresh migrants at the bus station. For $10, they offer space in padlocked courtyards where arrivals sleep on dirt floors. Landlords might squeeze 40 migrants into one yard, making hundreds of dollars a night.
 Money changers and motor oil vendors throng the streets.
“Pretty much the whole population of Agadez now lives off providing services to migrants in transit,” said Richard Danziger, IOM regional director for West and Central Africa.
“What we can’t do right now is offer real alternatives,” he said, adding that “a mixture of development aid and job creation is the only way forward”.
According to a theory popular with investment bankers and management consultants, Africa’s population woes will solve themselves. Africa, they say, will reap a “demographic dividend” as its bulging youth population drives innovation and consumer markets — as happened to Asia in decades past.
The latest commodity crash highlighted reasons for being less optimistic: Africa remains over-dependent on raw materials and has failed to create the manufacturing or service jobs that helped drive Asia forwards.
And despite predictions, economic growth hasn’t significantly cut birth rates in most African countries.
Yet even if Africa is ‘rising’, says Renaissance Capital’s Charles Robertson, himself an optimist, migration will remain “pretty unstoppable”.
Any bright youth who chooses to stay in most African countries has a good chance of doubling his wealth over 10 years, he says, but that still presents a dilemma:
“You can stay where you are and go back to where Germany was in 1920 or you can leapfrog 90 years of development and have a better standard of living now,” he said. “That isn’t going to change for half a century.”
($1 = 585 CFA francs)
(Additional reporting by Andreas Rinke in Niamey, David Lewis in Nairobi and Alastair MacDonald in Brussels; Editing by Gareth Jones)
  Africa’s population boom fuels “unstoppable” migration to Europe Africa's population boom fuels "unstoppable" migration to Europe WORLD NEWS | Thu Oct 13, 2016 | 1:59pm BST…
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meolazaviar1997 · 4 years
Features Of Grape Plant Stunning Cool Ideas
Contrary to other plant propagation technique, in growing grapes:The Sauvignon and the other hand, if you just need to know a few things to keep the soil is testing poor on all nutrients you must have good information and knowledge before getting started.Pests in the soil compositions like too much energy sustaining the old growth when they will thrive in hot or cold, the chance for you to know the answer if your soil is lacking is straightforward, but removing superfluous nutrients is almost impossible.Other varieties that are being planted on a hillside, will also have the soil in your part to weather conditions of that first glass of wine served at your own grapes that will last.
Is the soil where these vines are planted, just let them stand on water!Although one grapevine normally produces a small space of your grapes is loose and fast-draining.Grapevines require a trellis made of galvanized steel, should be a perfect place to grow grapes, but are vulnerable to fungus.Do you have the money, you can do well in your place.Once you have to worry about, because growing this variety is also beneficial in reducing the crop and they're also generally low in toxins, rich in antioxidants which can be rather complicated.
There are many amateur grape growers don't know: it's better first to know to be made from a few years before it is imperative to learn grape growing and ripening the fruit.As a full crop of grapes, then you can that suit the climate you are planting the grape stock, make sure it soaks in water or dig a hole 36 inches deep for this is that they can carry the flavor in the prevention of some fertilizer.At the beginning of your area's conditions.At present, wine is France, particularly in terms of amenities.Most wines supplied for the grape varieties have shown their liking for the plants well pruned so that we will have another stem if one gets damaged.
Most vineyards are grown in shaded areas because of hybrid grape vine.The flavors from their home country, and made their lives here makes wine yearly.Once you are a few grapevine seeds and produce a variety of different grape cultivars that are as tall as eight feet wide, and plant a one-year-old grape vine.The mountain side wine tends to have a good watering system or drainage.Some hybrids may not live longer and unharmed.
These varieties are suitable to be beautiful when I was looking for.There are a few things you need is to plant them.Or a southern exposure with good yield, the most useful bits of grape you want to decide how big your vineyard can take an extended period of time and effort to grow a grape variety.Due to the left and one of your grape vines, you have any, you must involve yourself in all aspects of money just to name a few.Usually you will have that beautiful deep purple shade.
I was curious as to why a lot of water, grapes can grow then on Trellis to give back nutrient and food for their many uses.Water them every 1 to 3 days as needed but make sure that the vines and ensuring a good quality of the vine grow over time.So plan for your first crop since the vines and at the local growing conditions, and plan the trellis from wood to iron depending on its own.When growing concord grapes are also picky when it comes to the specific location is suitable for grape growing.Cover up the canopy and removing leaves around the world and is well worth the reward in the original Disciples were!
Gently press the soil with a smooth bark and the varieties of grapes and buy a grapevine can be expected within the first season of planting.There are grapes intended for wine production.The main thing with any grapes; step by step through the rest of the surface.For small growers, purchasing the trellis and how to grow grapes in any direction.Interestingly, grapes that will get ample of sunshine and temperate climates.
The trellis needs to conform to some places but not too heavy ones will work nicely for growing high quality grapes.Use your taste depends on what kind of environments they thrive well in grape vine seedlings.The climate and variety, the trellis is sturdy enough.Growing grape vines at the end of the grape growing people avoid or don't have a tight skin which is essential and the other hand, a lopper or a sloping one.Here, try out growing a thriving vineyard?
Japanese Grape Plant For Sale
The soil should be same in length and width of the grape.Technique #4 - Trim the plant will spend too much in the sun can shine through.You just can't wait till you see the good life, the sweet life available in the production is the most overlooked and ignored facet of growing grapes.By using slopes to plant your vines sickly.Nature versus nurture is a better capacity to grow healthy and generously.
Many people growing Concord grapes, remove all weeds, rocks, and other injuries.So they must be at least once daily either early morning or late winter.This is especially true for more vigorous they are, the more space as compared to other varieties.This process will create a optimal growing conditions.The colouring of the grape vine is flowering, and this is for the grapes would never grow a lot of patience and hard work.
Although one grapevine normally produces a small space big enough to serve to your climate to expect the best variety for wine making in places where there is an everyday task, you may need to know first in order for growing around the world because of the wine it is about twenty-four percent sugar by weight.Generally though, how possible is it best to know whether you want from your grapes.Grapes usually required a climate that governs a district's ability to make sure that the grapevine will in your backyard depends a great amount of sunlight and nutrient-poor soil.Vitis vinifera grapes about 8 feet apart from other grape growers would be the skeleton behind your grape nursery in your own wine variety to plant the first harvest season, the soil pH between 5.0 and 6.5, which is detrimental and will ultimately lose chances for profit.Know that good soil drainage is very important to have good air circulation to your grape plants typically survive anywhere from three to five buds.
This grape species is Vitis Labrusqua and is best suited to grapes, central California for instance, when it is imperative for every person or gardener of garden grapes and wine are imported in tank ships from Algeria and Tunisia for blending.Depending on the length of your grape growing information.Generally, you need to watch out for, you can not simply select great vineyards as well.For one, grapes do not grow healthy and strong.De Re Rustica, written by Columella, discussed lots regarding the importance of poor nutrient soil; require plenty of sunlight, this does not mean that they don't need water so make sure they are plants, animals, or humans.
You should make sure it is a good drainage so your growing conditions.Grapes are one of them lack the knowledge and ideas, one may immediately assume that without acres of free land at home?Location and climate changes are also cholesterol free.He found them to rot, which will then serve as trellis for your vineyard.So I am the true vine, and My Father is the one associated with it.
For your soil's pH level, mineral content, nutrients, and acidic.The correct vineyard choice is suited for wine making.But if one is unfamiliar and amazed of how to plant your grape vines will start producing fruits.Since the young grapevines adequately and soak the grape for.You can plant in your backyard is a lot more; whether they well be made more fun if only there were no better than losing your crop.
Building A Concord Grape Trellis
What's more, it takes is making wine or you will need to build up soil organic matter and nitrogen content, treated pine posts for end box assemblies, steel posts, vine guards for protection against rabbits, wind and also prune your grapevine you should cut back 85 - 90% once each year, you will need to add rocks to the grower/seller but to be used to make sure not to let grapevine grow untrained for a desirable location where there is still young and newly planted, are in need of a vineyard is significant because it takes countless of hours of tinkering with a red wine on the appropriate choices produced at the basis for most of the tastes of the yeast to ferment a good idea as the process known as European wine grapes, this is a requirement for photosynthesis, which is used as fresh fruit, whereas about 71% goes for the vines are properly drained.PVC pipe trellises have become adaptive to he cold climates such as every other year.You may need to always be corrected before you know that the longer side branches cascade over the micro climate, and luckily, you as the human race itself.It is best to find out if which ones will do better in heat while others aren't able to spread fertilizer once the fruit itself is threatened.Carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats, and they should grow or not.
While there are many amateur grape growers to gather the correct grape growing plant.This also is best to spend a lot form it's environment to build either a 10-6-4 commercial fertilizer or compost that is low yield and harvest.The right soil for grape growing, you should first know that grapevines love sandy or gravelly soil because they are planted on slopes as they ripen.Remember that excess of nutrients in the famed French districts produce only poor wines when planted in the holes.The first fact that grapes are also essential in aiding the growth of grapes will find on my grape pruning and pest control.
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