#activities for tourists in algeria
lionheartlr · 1 month
Exploring Algeria: A Comprehensive Travel Guide
Algeria, the largest country in Africa, offers a rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty. From ancient Roman ruins to vast desert landscapes, Algeria is a destination waiting to be discovered. Here’s everything you need to know for an unforgettable journey. A Brief History Algeria has a rich and diverse history dating back to ancient times. The region was inhabited by various…
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karim7sblog · 1 year
10 Must-See Destinations in Morocco That Will Leave You Spellbound
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Morocco is a North African country that is rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. From the bustling city of Marrakech to the peaceful town of Chefchaouen, Morocco has a lot to offer to travelers who are seeking unique experiences.
Marrakech is a vibrant city that is known for its bustling markets, traditional architecture, and historic landmarks. One of the must-see landmarks in Marrakech is the Jemaa el-Fnaa square, which is home to snake charmers, street performers, and delicious street food. Other must-see landmarks include the Koutoubia Mosque, Bahia Palace, and the Saadian Tombs.
Casablanca is the economic capital of Morocco and home to the largest mosque in Africa, the Hassan II Mosque. The mosque is a stunning structure that showcases intricate Moroccan architecture and offers a breathtaking ocean view. Other notable landmarks in Casablanca include the Rick's Cafe and the Royal Palace of Casablanca.
Fes is a city that is steeped in history and culture. The city is home to the oldest university in the world, the University of Al Quaraouiyine, which dates back to the 9th century. Fes is also famous for its traditional tanneries, which have been producing leather goods for centuries. Other must-see landmarks include the Bou Inania Madrasa, the Dar Batha Museum, and the Royal Palace of Fes.
Chefchaouen is a small town that is located in the Rif Mountains. The town is known for its blue-painted buildings and peaceful atmosphere. Chefchaouen is a great place to relax and enjoy the scenic views of the surrounding mountains. Other notable landmarks include the Kasbah Museum and the Ras Elma River.
Essaouira is a coastal city that is known for its relaxed atmosphere and beautiful beaches. The city is also famous for its historic fortifications and traditional fishing port. Other must-see landmarks include the Skala de la Ville, the Essaouira Citadel, and the Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdallah Museum.
Rabat is the capital city of Morocco and home to the Mausoleum of Mohammed V, which is a stunning example of Moroccan architecture. The city is also home to the Hassan Tower, which is an incomplete mosque that dates back to the 12th century. Other notable landmarks include the Royal Palace of Rabat and the Chellah Necropolis.
Atlas Mountains
The Atlas Mountains are a stunning range that spans across Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. The mountains are home to traditional Berber villages and breathtaking landscapes. A trek through the Atlas Mountains is a must-do activity for any adventurous traveler.
Sahara Desert
The Sahara Desert is the largest hot desert in the world and covers most of North Africa. The desert is a magical place with towering sand dunes and clear night skies. A camel trek through the desert is an experience that you will never forget.
Ouarzazate is a city that is located in the middle of the desert and is known as the gateway to the Sahara. The city is home to the Kasbah of Taourirt, which is a stunning example of Moroccan architecture. Ouarzazate is also a popular filming location for Hollywood movies and TV shows.
Agadir is a coastal city that is known for its beautiful beaches and relaxed atmosphere. The city is a popular tourist destination and offers a range of activities, including surfing, golfing, and hiking in the nearby hills.
In conclusion, Morocco is a country that is full of unique experiences for travelers. From the vibrant city of Marrakech to the peaceful town of Chefchaouen, and from the stunning Atlas Mountains to the magical Sahara Desert, there is something for everyone in Morocco. The country is rich in history, culture, and natural beauty, and a visit to any of these ten must-see destinations is sure to leave you spellbound. Whether you are seeking adventure, relaxation, or simply a chance to explore a new culture, Morocco is a destination that should be on your travel bucket list.
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pharology101 · 10 months
LOTD: Sidi Fredj
~sorry for delay - meant for August 14th, 2023~
(from: http://www.ibiblio.org/lighthouse/dza.htm)
Sidi Fredj (Sidi Ferruch)
Date unknown (probably around 1970). Active; focal plane 42 m (138 ft); three white flashes every 12 s. 24 m (79 ft) white building, the light being displayed from the top. Ismail Zakraoui has a photo, the building is at the right in Mohamed Kaouche's photo, and Google has a satellite view. The nature of the building is not known. Sidi Fredj (formerly Sidi Ferruch) is one of the few tourist developments in Algeria and the only harbor in the country catering specifically to yachts. The area, about 20 km (13 mi) west of Algiers, has historic significance as the site of the first French troop landings in 1830. Located at the northeastern corner of the Sidi Fredj peninsula, adjacent to the marina. Site open, tower status unknown. ARLHS ALG-046; Admiralty E6624; NGA 22432.
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(full photo found here; ©Ismail Zakraoui)
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2 days tour from Fes; 2 days tour from Fes to Marrakech; 2 days desert tour from fes
The 2 days tour from Fes to Marrakech passing through the Sahara desert of Merzouga is one of the popular tourist trips that are demanded by most travelers, especially those who want to walk and discover many natural places such as mountains, valleys, Kasbah, villages. and the Sahara desert. This private circuit that connects the two cities of the empire will give you the opportunity to visit many tourist and historical sites. Not forgetting to experience various desert activities like camel trekking, trekking, sand boarding and spending a spectacular night in a desert camp under the stars
2 days tour from Fes; 2 days tour from Fes to Marrakech; 2 days desert tour from fes
AC Private Vehicle During the Entire Tour + Fuel.
Experienced English speaking driver (Guide).
Breakfast and dinner.
Camel Trek With Professional Guide (Desert Tours).
1 night stay with breakfast at Desert Camp
Personal expenses
Morocco desert tour 2 days
Merzouga is a small Moroccan city located in the Sahara desert, near the border with Algeria. Merzouga opens up to Erg Chebbi, a large expanse of sand dunes to the north of the city. To the west is Dayet Srji, a seasonal salt lake, often dry in summer. When it fills up again, it attracts a wide variety of desert and migratory birds, including warblers, nightjars, and occasionally flamingos.
2 days tour from Fes; 2 days tour from Fes to Marrakech; 2 days desert tour from fes
Morocco, a North African country on the Atlantic and Mediterranean coast, is distinguished by its Berber, Arab and European influences. A maze-like medieval quarter, Marrakech's medina is a lively place, with its Jemaa el-Fnaa square and souks (markets) for ceramics, jewelery and metal lanterns. The Oudayas Kasbah in Rabat, the capital, is a 12th-century royal fortress overlooking the ocean.
2 days tour from Fes; 2 days tour from Fes to Marrakech; 2 days desert tour from fes
Spending a night in the Sahara desert is an unforgettable experience for first-time visitors to Morocco, and the Erg Shaqa dunes are the closest to Marrakech. This tour departs from the desert town of Zagora and includes a desert safari adventure in a 4x4 jeep and a sunrise camel ride through the sand dunes.
In the morning we will pick you up from your hotel or riad in Fez and then we will start the first day of our trip towards Merzouga, one of the most famous tourist destinations in our country of origin. Our first stop will be in the city of Ifrane, known as the Switzerland of Morocco. It is a good place to do winter sports here in Morocco, for example skiing.
We will leave this place and head to the Azrou cedar forest, where you will have the opportunity to see wild monkeys and take pictures. We continue our way to Midelt, the town of Moroccan apples. It owes its name to the fact that it is located in the middle of an apple-growing area. After our lunch break, we will continue, passing the Al Hassan Addakhil dam, which is used to hold water for Ziz Valley agriculture and of course to provide flood protection (possibility to take pictures). Our next stop on this road is the panoramic view of the Ziz Valley.
The valley presents a great view of palm trees (the second largest palm tree in all of Morocco) between high cliffs, dating back to the Jurassic period. We will continue our way to Merzouga/Erg Chebbi, the Sahara desert. Where your camels await you to take you on an unforgettable adventure to your camp in the desert.
There you will have the opportunity to see the magical desert sunset and the sky full of stars.
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newbuyitnow · 1 year
Bou Ismaïl - Tipaza - Algeria
June 27, 2023
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Bou Ismaïl, Tipaza : Un trésor caché de la côte algérienne
Située sur la côte méditerranéenne de l'Algérie, Bou Ismaïl est une charmante ville côtière de la wilaya de Tipaza. Connue pour son riche patrimoine historique et sa beauté naturelle, Bou Ismaïl est souvent considérée comme un trésor caché de la côte algérienne.
La ville tire son nom du célèbre chef de la tribu des Beni Ismaïl, qui a joué un rôle important dans l'histoire de la région. Avec son climat méditerranéen agréable, ses plages de sable doré et ses eaux cristallines, Bou Ismaïl est une destination prisée des habitants locaux ainsi que des touristes en quête de détente et de tranquillité.
L'un des principaux attraits de Bou Ismaïl est son site archéologique remarquable, connu sous le nom de "Caesarea". Anciennement une colonie romaine, cette ancienne ville est aujourd'hui un site archéologique majeur qui attire les passionnés d'histoire et les curieux. On peut y découvrir les vestiges du théâtre romain, des thermes, des villas et des mosaïques bien conservées. La visite de Caesarea offre une véritable plongée dans le passé, permettant aux visiteurs d'imaginer la grandeur de la ville à l'époque romaine.
Outre son patrimoine archéologique, Bou Ismaïl offre également des paysages naturels magnifiques. Les plages de la région sont réputées pour leur beauté et leur tranquillité. Parmi les plages les plus populaires, on trouve la plage de Bou Ismaïl, qui offre une vue imprenable sur la mer Méditerranée et constitue un lieu de détente idéal pour les familles et les amateurs de sports nautiques.
Pour les amateurs de randonnée et de nature, les montagnes environnantes offrent de superbes sentiers de randonnée avec des vues panoramiques sur la côte. La montagne de Chenoua, située à proximité, est un lieu de prédilection pour les amateurs de randonnée. Avec ses paysages pittoresques et sa faune diversifiée, cette montagne est un véritable paradis pour les amoureux de la nature.
La cuisine locale est également l'un des points forts de Bou Ismaïl. Les restaurants de la région proposent une délicieuse cuisine méditerranéenne, mettant en valeur les produits de la mer frais et les saveurs locales. Les fruits de mer sont particulièrement appréciés, avec des plats tels que la "Chorba", une soupe traditionnelle algérienne, et le "Couscous aux poissons", un plat à base de semoule de blé accompagné de poissons frais et de légumes.
En résumé, Bou Ismaïl, dans la wilaya de Tipaza, est une destination touristique fascinante en Algérie. Avec son riche patrimoine historique, ses plages magnifiques et sa cuisine délicieuse, cette charmante ville côtière offre une expérience inoubliable aux visiteurs. Que vous soyez un passionné d'histoire, un amateur de nature ou un gourmand en quête de saveurs locales, Bou Ismaïl a tout pour plaire.
En visitant Bou Ismaïl, les voyageurs ont l'occasion de découvrir l'histoire fascinante de la région, de se détendre sur ses plages ensoleillées et de se régaler de plats délicieux. Que ce soit pour une escapade d'un week-end ou un séjour plus long, Bou Ismaïl promet une expérience authentique et enrichissante.
La ville continue d'attirer de plus en plus de visiteurs chaque année, grâce à ses efforts pour développer le tourisme durable. Les autorités locales travaillent activement pour préserver et mettre en valeur le patrimoine culturel et naturel de Bou Ismaïl, tout en favorisant le développement économique de la région.
Si vous cherchez une destination hors des sentiers battus en Algérie, Bou Ismaïl est l'endroit idéal à découvrir. Imprégnez-vous de son histoire, détendez-vous sur ses plages immaculées et régalez-vous de sa cuisine savoureuse. Bou Ismaïl est prête à vous accueillir et à vous offrir une expérience inoubliable au cœur de la côte algérienne.
N'hésitez pas à visiter Bou Ismaïl et à vous laisser charmer par ce trésor caché de la wilaya de Tipaza. Vous serez émerveillé par sa beauté naturelle, son héritage historique et l'accueil chaleureux de ses habitants. Bon voyage !
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gullivertrips · 2 years
A Complete Guide to Planning Your Next Holiday Vacation in Figuig
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Figuig is a town located in northeastern Morocco near the border with Algeria. It is the capital of the Figuig Province and has a population of around 20,000 people. The town is known for its pottery and carpet-weaving industries, as well as its annual festival which celebrates the date harvest. Figuig is a popular tourist destination for those interested in Moroccan culture and history. The town is located in a valley surrounded by mountains, and experiences a hot and dry climate. The best time to visit Figuig is between October and March when the weather is cooler. There are a number of historical and cultural sites to visit in Figuig, including the old city walls, the Great Mosque, and the Museum of Figuig. There are also a number of outdoor activities to enjoy in the surrounding area, such as hiking, mountain biking, and rock climbing. Read the full article
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swldx · 2 years
BBC 0431 6 Jul 2022
9915Khz 0358 6 JUL 2022 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from TALATA VOLONONDRY. SINPO = 55445. English, dead carrier s/on @0358z then ID@0359z pips and newsday preview. @0401z World News anchored by Chris Barrow. Boris Johnson is fighting for political survival after two of his top ministers attacked his leadership and resigned. A man accused of opening fire on a Fourth of July parade near Chicago has been charged with seven counts of murder, officials say. Robert Crimo, 21, would be punished "for the killing spree he has unleashed against our community", Lake County State Attorney Eric Rinehart said. The attack in Highland Park left seven dead and more than 30 others injured. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas met with the politburo chief of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) Ismail Haniyeh in Algeria on Tuesday. A photo released by the Palestinian presidency showed Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune sitting between Abbas and Haniyeh in a meeting room for the first time in 15 years. Arabs are losing faith in democracy to deliver economic stability across the Middle East and North Africa, according to a major new survey. Nearly 23,000 people were interviewed across nine countries and the Palestinian territories for BBC News Arabic by the Arab Barometer network. Australia is set to relax Covid border restrictions after two years. International tourists will no longer have to complete a Digital Passenger Declaration to enter Australia. Unvaccinated tourists won’t need to have a travel exemption when the rules change. Security forces in Nigeria retake prison. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa is set to attend the funeral in East London Wednesday for 21 teenagers who died in a mysterious tragedy at a tavern almost two weeks ago. It is still not known what caused the deaths of the young people, aged between 13 and 17, whose bodies were found in the Enyobeni tavern. All were under the legal drinking age of 18 in South Africa. Pathologists are studying the cause of death from blood samples. A stampede has been ruled out because the victims' bodies did not show serious injuries, said police. Carlos Santana collapsed onstage during a concert in Michigan. The 74-year-old was about 20 minutes into his set at the Pine Knob Music Theatre in Clarkson, an outdoor venue on the edge of Detroit, when he passed out. Medical personnel on stage. Crowd asked to pray for him because of a ‘serious medical’ issue. @0406z "Newsday" begins. 250ft unterminated BoG antenna pointed E/W w/MFJ-1020C active antenna (used as a preamplifier/preselector), Etón e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 315°, bearing 63°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 15359KM from transmitter at Talata Volonondry. Local time: 2258.
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libramc · 3 years
❤️ How to predict WHERE you're going to meet your future spouse through Astrology ❤️
hi guys! in today's post I'm going to show you how to find out where you'll meet your future spouse through your birth chart. this technique was discovered by the astrologer Kapiel Raaj, and it's based on vedic astrology. hence, you're going to need your sidereal birth chart to calculate this. if you already know how to do that, you can skip this part.
first of all, go to astro.com > horoscope and then click on extended chart selection.
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add your birth data by clicking on the 'add a new person' button. it's necessary to have your accurate birth time for this, as it's based on your ascendant.
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then scroll down and click on options for zodiac and houses. choose the whole signs house system and then click on sidereal. after that, choose 'hindu/lahiri' on the ayanamsha button.
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after you've calculated your chart, it will be something like this (this is angelina jolie's sidereal birth chart):
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to calculate where you're going to meet your spouse, we need to first of all take a look at the 7th house lord, which is the planet that rules your 7th house. in this chart it is saturn, as she has capricorn in her 7th house. now that you know what is your 7th house lord, look at where it's placed in your chart. also, keep in mind that since this is a sidereal technique, we're only going to take in consideration traditional rulers, therefore aquarius is ruled by uranus, pisces by jupiter and scorpio by mars. angelina has her saturn in gemini in the 12th house. the opposite sign indicates the circumstances or directly the place where you're going to meet your spouse. in this chart, it is sagittarius. keep reading for an explanation of each sign!!
♈️ aries opposite 7th house lord ♈️
you're going to meet your spouse when doing some sort of physical activity. you may meet them at the gym, or maybe at a sport event like a football match. you could even meet them just by taking a casual walk, and it could be love at first sight. you two may also meet in a place where there's lots of noise and action, maybe even danger, probably not in a quiet place. places that are ruled by aries are palestine, england, hong kong, germany, poland, syria, israel, lithuania, senegal, sierra leone and zimbabwe. as for cities, we have birmingham, cape town, leicester, florence, krakow, naples, utrecht, marseilles and georgia.
♉️ taurus opposite 7th house lord ♉️
taurus loves the finer things in life, so if you have this sign opposite your 7th house lord you may meet your spouse during your chill time. for instance, you may meet them at a spa, at the mall, at the beach... anything that symbolizes relax for you. in addition, taurus also rules finances, therefore you could meet them in a bank or in any place or circumstance where you have to deal with finances, even in a shop for example. also, since taurus rules over the throat and the voice, you may meet at a place where there's singing for instance, or at least there's music playing in the background. last but not least, being an earth sign, taurus opposing your 7th house lord may also indicate that you're going to meet your future spouse in a place where there's lots of green, maybe at the park or in a forest. places that are ruled by taurus are cyprus, tasmania, ireland, capri, rhodes, the greek iIslands, cuba, east timor, serbia, tanzania, south africa and yemen. as for cities, we have lucerne, eastbound, eastbourne, hastings, palermo, leipzig, st. louis and dublin.
♊️ gemini opposite 7th house lord ♊️
with gemini opposing your 7th house lord, you may meet your future spouse through socializing. you could meet them through your friends or through your siblings, maybe they're a sibling of a friend of yours. you could also meet them during short-distance trips, so maybe in a city near you or even on a train, on a bus, etc. communication is going to be involved, and hence you could even meet them at an event where there's the need to talk and / or write. possibly, you may as well meet him online or in school. places that are ruled by gemini include iceland, sardinia, morocco, belgium, wales, eritrea, guyana, kuwait, norway, montenegro, sweden and tonga. as for cities, we have nuremberg, tripoli, san francisco, london, melbourne, plymouth and cardiff.
♋️ cancer opposite 7th house lord ♋️
if cancer is opposing your 7th house lord, then you could have possibly known your future spouse since your childhood. you could have met a school, or to talk in a more general way you may be from the same city. possibly, you could as well meet in a place where there are children, or where there's food. in addition, since cancer is ruled by the moon, you could meet in a place where there's moon symbolism. maybe during a full or new moon. perhaps, you're going to meet near water as well, as cancer is a water sign. places that are ruled by cancer include usa, paraguay, scotland, holland, the bahamas bahrain belize, burundi, cape verde, columbia, comoros, democratic republic of the congo croatia djibouti, kiribati laos, liberia, madagascar, malawi mozambique, rwanda, slovenia solomon islands, algeria, somalia, and south korea. as for cities, we have manchester, new york, stockholm, tokyo, venice, york, amsterdam and milan.
♌️ leo opposite 7th house lord ♌️
with the sign of leo opposing your 7th house lord, you’re likely to meet your future spouse in a place where there’s fun. it could be at a party, during a vacation, at a bar, a restaurant... certainly not at work, that’s for sure. you’ll  meet your spouse in a situation of relax, not of stress. since leo also rules celebrities, you may even meet them in a place where there are famous people, like a concert for instance. countries ruled by leo are afghanistan, india, italy, macedonia, romania, sicily, ecuador, zanzibar, bhutan, bolivia, central african republic chad, the ivory coast, gabon, indonesia, north korea, south korea, kyrgyzstan, malaysia, maldives, nicaragua, pakistan, mongolia, seychelles, singapore, ukraine and madagascar. as for cities, we have bristol, bombay, chicago, madrid, los angeles, philadelphia, rome and bath.
♍️ virgo opposite 7th house lord ♍️
virgo rules over health, and hence you may meet your future spouse in a health-related place. it could be at the doctor’s, at the dentist’s, in a hospital, etc. virgo is also routine, so you may meet your future spouse in a typical day of yours. it could be at the supermarket, at work, while you’re walking your dog, at the gym, and so on. basically, it could be that your future spouse is going to casually approach you in the streets. countries ruled by virgo include crete, brazil, greece, switzerland, turkey, uruguay, west indies, armenia, azerbaijan, belarus, brazil, costa rica, el salvador estonia guatemala, honduras, mali, moldova, qatar and tajikistan. as for cities we have athens, paris, toulouse, corinth, lyons, boston and mexico city.
♎️ libra opposite 7th house lord ♎️
if you have libra opposing your 7th house lord, you may get to meet your spouse in a place that has to do with beauty, so maybe in a clothes shop or at a salon. you may also meet them in a place where there are many people, or even at some sort of event like a marriage. libra also rules over politics and justice, so maybe you could meet them at the courthouse or during election time. countries that are ruled by libra include france, tibet, argentina, austria, burma, canada, china, japan, siberia, botswana, equatorial guinea, fiji, iraq, israel, lesotho, nigeria, palau, saint lucia, saudi arabia, tuvalu and uganda. as for cities that are ruled by libra we have lisbon, frankfurt, copenhagen, johannesburg, nottingham and antwerp.
♏️ scorpio opposite 7th house lord ♐️
scorpio is the sign of darkness, hence if you have it opposing your 7th house lord you may get to meet your spouse during nighttime. scorpio is also about sex, so this relationship could start off as a one night stand, or maybe you may meet in a place where sex is involved. you could also meet them in a place that has to do with death or where there's death symbolism, such as a graveyard (I hope not tho lol💀). you two may also be transforming yourselves when you meet, you could be starting a new chapter of your life to leave toxicity behind your shoulders. you could also meet at a place where you need to be naked, such as a beach or at the spa, or again in a place related to finances and money. countries that are ruled by scorpio include angola, morocco, queensland, korea, syria, norway, the transvaal, bavaria, antigua, barbuda, cambodia, dominica, latvia, lebanon, micronesia, panama, turkey, turkmenistan and zambia. cities that are ruled by scorpio include cincinnati, liverpool, newcastle, washington, vienna, baltimore and new orleans.
♐️ sagittarius opposite 7th house lord ♐️
sagittarius rules over foreign lands, so if you have it opposite your 7th house lord you're most likely going to meet your future spouse abroad. or perhaps, they are foreign and they travel to your country. you may also meet them in a place related to foreign culture, so maybe in a place filled with tourists, or perhaps in an exotic restaurant, perhaps at a sushi bar if you're not japanese for example. it may also be time for you for new experiences, perhaps you're doing something for the first time, such as trying a new sport or taking a plane. you may also meet your future spouse in college or in university, or in general in a place where there's teaching of any kind. last but not least, sagittarius is also a very spiritual sign, so you could meet them in a church, or maybe at an event related to religion such as a marriage, a baptism, etc. countries that are ruled by sagittarius include spain, australia, chile, hungary, saudi arabia, bangladesh, barbados, cameroon, kazakhstan, kenya, libya and mauritania. cities that are ruled by sagittarius include budapest, johannesburg, naples, nottingham, sheffield, sunderland, stuttgart and toronto.
♑️ capricorn opposite 7th house lord ♑️
capricorn is ruled by saturn, the planet of responsibilities, therefore if you have this sign opposing your 7th house lord you'll most likely meet your spouse on your workplace. perhaps they're your boss or a co-worker of yours, or maybe they may even be a customer of yours. you'll surely meet them later in life, when you're at least 27/28 years old, or perhaps when you manage to accomplish something really big in your life, not necessarily career-related. countries that are ruled by capricorn include india, bulgaria, mexico, great britain, albania, afghanistan, lithuania, bosnia, brunei, czech republic, haiti, nauru, slovakia and sudan. as for cities that are ruled by capricorn we have brandenburg, brussel, delhi, mexico city, port said, oxford and ghent.
♒️ aquarius opposite 7th house lord ♒️
you may meet your spouse in any place that has to do with electricity, for instance at a movie theater, at a theme park, at an apparel store, and so on. perhaps even on a public transport, such as a train, a taxi or a plane. also, since we're talking about electricity we can also count on internet, therefore if you have aquarius opposing your 7th house lord you have high chances of meeting your future spouse on social media, such as twitter, instagram, etc. or even through dating apps, such as tinder. last but not least, you may also be introduced to your spouse by your friends, or perhaps they could be a part of your group of friends. you may be both best friends and lovers, you would have a very playful and youthful relationship. countries that are ruled by aquarius include iran, finland, new zealand, russia, sweden, syria, ethiopia, the holy vatican city and sri lanka. cities that are ruled by aquarius include brighton, hamburg, helsinki, moscow, salzburg, st. petersburg and bremen.
♓️ pisces opposite 7th house lord ♓️
if you have pisces opposite your 7th house lord, you may first of all meet your future spouse near water. therefore you could meet them at the beach, at an aquarium, at the lake, at the pool, etc. perhaps even at a restaurant that serves seafood and fish, such as a sushi bar. pisces is also about alcohol, therefore you may also meet them in a bar or at a party where there's alcohol. pisces also rules over art and images, therefore you could meet them in a place where there are lots of pictures and paintings, such as a museum, or perhaps even at the movie theater, at a concert, etc. the club would be an option too, as it combines both alcohol and dancing, two pisces related things. also, it could be very late at night, when you're supposed to be sleeping, or perhaps, you're just sleepy or even drunk. last but not least, this placement usually indicates a soulmate or twinflame connection, therefore you may even meet your spouse first in the 5D than in the 3D, perhaps you feel spiritually connected to them even if you haven't met them yet. you could very likely dream of them as well. lastly, pisces is also about healing, so your future spouse may either work in the medicine field or maybe they're some sort of spiritual healer. you could possibly also meet them at the church or in a temple. countries that are ruled by pisces include normandy, north africa, portugal, samoa, egypt, Scandinavia, mauritius, morocco, namibia and tunisia. cities that are ruled by pisces include warsaw, alexandria, grimsby, jerusalem, bournemouth, seville and cowes.
and this is it! let me know in the comments where you're going to meet your spouse, and if you've already met them feel free to say if this post resonated with your experience!
follow me for more,
libramc xx
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mohannad-116084 · 3 years
Date: March 1, 2021
 World news.
Under a presidential amnesty, Algeria released dozens of Hirak activists:
The Algerian Ministry of Justice said that 59 persons were released under the presidential pardon issued last week.
On February 19, the ministry announced the release of 33 Hirak activists as a first batch, a day after the Algerian President Abdel Majid Taboun announced a presidential pardon for finally sentenced detainees and others who had not been sentenced.
The Libyan Parliament debates a vote of confidence on the government, March 8:
Libyan Parliament Speaker Aguila Saleh announced a parliamentary session on March 8 to discuss the vote on granting confidence to the government, which the interim Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dabaiba has not yet formed.
  According to the United Nations roadmap, Dabaiba had until Friday to present the formation of a government for the Presidency Council and Parliament, but it is clear that he is still facing problems in forming it.
Financial Control: Microfinance in Egypt exceeded EGP 19 billion in 2020:
The Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority revealed that the microfinance activity grew by 17% during the year 2020, bringing the balance of funds to about 19.3 billion pounds, from 16.5 billion at the end of the previous year.
 The authority stated in a report today, Saturday, that the number of microfinance beneficiaries reached 3.2 million by the end of last year, from 3.1 million during 2019.
 The Financial Control stated in its report that the funding agencies increased their geographical spread through 2840 financing outlets by the end of 2020, to cover most centers and cities of the republic, from 2,427 outlets in 2019.
 local news:
  Al-Mudhaibi :
The first match in the second round of the First Division League for Al-Mudhaibi Club:
Al-Mudhaibi Club tied in its first match in the second round of the First Division Football League for clubs yesterday evening, where its opponent, Samail Club, faced him on the grounds of the Nizwa Sports Complex and achieved a peaceful draw 2: 2, and Omar Al-Habsi and Nasser Al-Rawahi scored the goals, achieving that tie Peaceful club with Samail, and waiting for his next opponent at the end of next week
The arrival of the Oman Transport Company (Mwasalat) services to Duqm:
Visiting Duqm has now become more comfortable, enjoyable and effortless, as the services of the Omani Transport Company (Mwasalat) have reached the Wilayat of Duqm, and have now covered most of the important areas in it, and has facilitated the means of tourism and visiting tourist and entertainment sites in the state.
 Sport and business news:
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researchetcsblog · 3 years
The Growing Popularity Of The Vlt Gaming Market
The Vlt. Empire is a trading hub consisting of over one hundred and fifty exploits in total. These islands are known as being controlled by the aristocrats and have been since the 1970's. These aristocrats own a majority of the total Vlt.
All the aristocrats have their own private islands where they spend their vacations, relax and play. Some of them are popular tourist destinations, while others are used only for investments. Although the Vlt. Empire consists of eighty-six islands, it is divided into two groups of islands namely, the South East group which consist of ten private islands, and the North West group which comprises of fifteen private islands. In terms of Vlt. Empire Research, Vlt.
The main source of Vlt. Empire research is through the IGT, which is responsible for carrying out the world-wide research on the old market. This is due to the fact that the Vlt. Empire's growth has been attributed primarily to the rich oil supplies and the resultant demand for the Vlt oil which is supplied by the IGT.
The growth of the Vlt market. Empire is mainly due to the growth of oil exploration and the resulting Vlt gas which are in great demand. A large amount of these Vlt gas concentrates in the North West, where most of it is utilized for power generation purposes. Most of the oil rigs operating in the North West are owned by the aristocrats. The Vlt.
As compared to other parts of the world, the Vlt. markets are less complicated and largely based on tourism. Since the Vlt. markets are developed as a tourist destination, many foreigners flock in on weekends to see the sights and get an experience of the Vlt. civilization.
The Vlt. auction market places have the major share of the Vlt gas concentrates which have become the major drivers of the Vlt. market. Vlt.
The Vlt gaming industry has become the leading operator in the Vlt market research. gaming industry with its expansionist drive has gained recognition worldwide. The leading operator looks forward to expand its market base and attract more investors to expand the scope of business. The growth of the Vlt. market depends on the expansion of the gaming sector to attract tourists and make the people involved in the Vlt.
The exponential growth in the availability of Vlt gas makes the Vlt. market the leading bidder. The Vlt. gaming industry is a key player in the environmental consideration and is involved in a number of activities that include recycling of the Vlt. and disposing of the waste generated from the gambling industry.
The Vlt. lottery games are operated in the states of New Jersey and New York where the locations are in close proximity to each other. The states regulate the sale and purchase of Vlt. lottery tickets. The progressive jackpot machines are popular because of the jackpots of $1 million and above which only the best chances of winning exist.
The growth of the old market is also due to the Vlt. lottery players increasing their interest in gambling. There is no dearth of Vlt. locations and there are no shortage of customers.
There is a growth in the Vlt. terminals as well. There is an increasing demand for Vlt. terminals in countries like Australia, Ireland, Spain, India and the United Kingdom. The Vlt. market offers lucrative prizes and thus the terminals are in high demand.
The development of the Vlt. gaming market has witnessed the introduction of a wide range of Vlt. terminals along with a multiplicity of game content, which makes the gaming experience unique and interesting.
The growth of the Vlt. market is witnessing the rise of numerous Vlt. companies. This trend is being initiated by the development of the igt technology that is now being used in the casinos. This is technology is based on the connection of the internet to the IGT gaming servers which is provided to the customer by the IGT.
Summary: The research team projects that the Video Lottery Terminals (VLT) market size will grow from XXX in 2020 to XXX by 2027, at an estimated CAGR of XX. The base year considered for the study is 2020, and the market size is projected from 2020 to 2027.
The prime objective of this report is to help the user understand the market in terms of its definition, segmentation, market potential, influential trends, and the challenges that the market is facing with 10 major regions and 50 major countries. Deep researches and analysis were done during the preparation of the report. The readers will find this report very helpful in understanding the market in depth. The data and the information regarding the market are taken from reliable sources such as websites, annual reports of the companies, journals, and others and were checked and validated by the industry experts. The facts and data are represented in the report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other pictorial representations. This enhances the visual representation and also helps in understanding the facts much better.
By Market Players:
 Scientific Games
 Apollo Games
 Sisal Group
By Type
 Video Gaming Machines
 Video Poker Machines
 Mechanical Reel Gaming Machines
By Application
 New/ expansion
By Regions/Countries:
 North America
 United States
East Asia
 South Korea
 United Kingdom
South Asia
Southeast Asia
Middle East
 Saudi Arabia
 United Arab Emirates
 South Africa
 New Zealand
South America
 Puerto Rico
Rest of the World
Points Covered in The Report
 The points that are discussed within the report are the major market players that are involved in the market such as market players, raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers, end users, traders, distributors and etc.
 The complete profile of the companies is mentioned. And the capacity, production, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption, growth rate, import, export, supply, future strategies, and the technological developments that they are making are also included within the report. This report analyzed 12 years data history and forecast.
 The growth factors of the market is discussed in detail wherein the different end users of the market are explained in detail.
 Data and information by market player, by region, by type, by application and etc, and custom research can be added according to specific requirements.
 The report contains the SWOT analysis of the market. Finally, the report contains the conclusion part where the opinions of the industrial experts are included.
Key Reasons to Purchase
 To gain insightful analyses of the market and have comprehensive understanding of the global market and its commercial landscape.
 Assess the production processes, major issues, and solutions to mitigate the development risk.
 To understand the most affecting driving and restraining forces in the market and its impact in the global market.
 Learn about the market strategies that are being adopted by leading respective organizations.
 To understand the future outlook and prospects for the market.
 Besides the standard structure reports, we also provide custom research according to specific requirements.
The report focuses on Global, Top 10 Regions and Top 50 Countries Market Size of Video Lottery Terminals (VLT) 2016-2021, and development forecast 2022-2027 including industries, major players/suppliers worldwide and market share by regions, with company and product introduction, position in the market including their market status and development trend by types and applications which will provide its price and profit status, and marketing status & market growth drivers and challenges, with base year as 2020.
Key Indicators Analysed
 Market Players & Competitor Analysis: The report covers the key players of the industry including Company Profile, Product Specifications, Production Capacity/Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin 2016-2021 & Sales by Product Types.
 Global and Regional Market Analysis: The report includes Global & Regional market status and outlook 2022-2027. Further the report provides break down details about each region & countries covered in the report. Identifying its production, consumption, import & export, sales volume & revenue forecast.
 Market Analysis by Product Type: The report covers majority Product Types in the Video Lottery Terminals (VLT) Industry, including its product specifcations by each key player, volume, sales by Volume and Value (M USD).
 Markat Analysis by Application Type: Based on the Video Lottery Terminals (VLT) Industry and its applications, the market is further sub-segmented into several major Application of its industry. It provides you with the market size, CAGR & forecast by each industry applications.
 Market Trends: Market key trends which include Increased Competition and Continuous Innovations.
 Opportunities and Drivers: Identifying the Growing Demands and New Technology
 Porters Five Force Analysis: The report will provide with the state of competition in industry depending on five basic forces: threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitute products or services, and existing industry rivalry.
COVID-19 Impact
 Report covers Impact of Coronavirus COVID-19: Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost every country around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect the Video Lottery Terminals (VLT) market in 2021. The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor/outdoor events restricted; over forty countries state of emergency declared; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market volatility; falling business confidence, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future.
 Global Video Lottery Terminals (VLT) Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market report offers great insights of the market and consumer data and their interpretation through various figures and graphs. Report has embedded global market and regional market deep analysis through various research methodologies. The report also offers great competitor analysis of the industries and highlights the key aspect of their business like success stories, market development and growth rate.
Global Video Poker Machines Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market
Global Mixed-signal Chips Test Equipment Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market
Global Water Cut Monitors Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market
Global Table Tennis Ball Machines Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market
For more contact us: https://www.reportmines.com/ 
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pharology101 · 10 months
LOTD: Sidi Fredj
~sorry for delay - meant for August 7th, 2023~
(from: http://www.ibiblio.org/lighthouse/dza.htm)
Sidi Fredj (Sidi Ferruch)
Date unknown (probably around 1970). Active; focal plane 42 m (138 ft); three white flashes every 12 s. 24 m (79 ft) white building, the light being displayed from the top. Ismail Zakraoui has a photo, the building is at the right in Mohamed Kaouche's photo, and Google has a satellite view. The nature of the building is not known. Sidi Fredj (formerly Sidi Ferruch) is one of the few tourist developments in Algeria and the only harbor in the country catering specifically to yachts. The area, about 20 km (13 mi) west of Algiers, has historic significance as the site of the first French troop landings in 1830. Located at the northeastern corner of the Sidi Fredj peninsula, adjacent to the marina. Site open, tower status unknown. ARLHS ALG-046; Admiralty E6624; NGA 22432.
Tumblr media
(full photo found here; ©Mohamed Kaouche)
0 notes
rockofeye · 5 years
Spiritual Colonialism and the Doctrine of Discovery
On the eve of the annual US celebration of the colonial occupation and settlement of Indigenous lands and the long-term, still-unfolding process of eradication of Indigenous cultures and nations, it’s important to think about how this came about, how the concepts of the Doctrine of Discovery have harmed Indigenous spiritual systems, how these concepts are still alive and well among spiritual seekers, and how to divest ourselves and our spiritual communities of this specific flavor of spiritual violence.
The Doctrine of Discovery was primarily established by the Roman Catholic Church in the 15th century, and was utilized as a means of conversion of discovered peoples in what European nation-states saw as unclaimed territories. As government structures in that time period and for quite awhile after that were very mixed with religious structures (the pope was considered equal to or above sitting monarchs), this bled from missionary activities to government-funded explorations of previously unknown territories. Cristoforo Colombo/Christopher Columbus is a good example of this; his funding coming from the Spanish crown, which in turn had sought the approval of the papal state. The Conquistadors (literally ‘conquerors’) were missioned out in the same way: sail for new land, claim it for the monarch, and convert and enslave anyone already living there. The Crusades were similar: claim/re-claim primarily the Holy Land/Jerusalem for the Church (and other territories later) from Muslim rule (interestingly, participation in the Crusades was considered as an indulgence of sorts--the Church promised remission of sins for going to slaughter Muslims).
As most of us know, all of these ‘undiscovered lands’ were already populated with complex societies that had all the trappings of European city-states: government structures, division of labor, technological pursuits, family structures and units, and, perhaps most important in the quest for land as funded by the Church, spiritual and religious beliefs and systems. All of these European invaders showed up to Indigenous nations and, by most early accounts, were welcomed warmly. In return, these invaders brought diseases that killed wide swaths of the established societies, used interpersonal and large-scale violence to control and conquer, and did what we know as colonialism: seized land, declared it belonging to someone else, and essentially did a pop-up of European culture on the spot. 
The thread that kept this alive in European culture and religion was the belief that these pre-existing cultures were inferior to European thought and belief. What was present was clearly not the same as European culture but instead of being able to use higher thinking skills and reason out that what is different is not inherently evil, colonizers under the direction of religious monarchs declared these differences as spiritually poisoned, demonic, and uncivilized. This brought forth what quickly became an overculture of white supremacy that declared all non-European influenced thought as in need of conversion and erased differences in European cultures.
At the same time, missionaries had been spreading into the Kongo basin region of Africa. Christianity had been present in northern Africa essentially since the very beginning; many early figures in Christian history were recorded as being from Africa, three early popes were recorded as being Black, and the first recorded established Christian monastic community dates to the early 1100s in modern day Algeria. But, in the 1400s, the Portuguese arrived and spread inward. Many accounts from the Kongo region talk about Catholic beliefs being folded into Indigenous beliefs without real issue (and this is reflected in a lot of Kongo art from that period) and a significant number of folks from the Kongo region were already aware of Catholicism--and in some cases willingly converted--before the Middle Passage and Age of Enslavement began. 
But as the Age of Discovery waned, the Doctrine of Discovery did not. Instead, it has continued to play out in interactions between religious bodies and Indigenous communities as well as government entities and Indigenous communities. It is almost 2020 and the Roman Catholic Church has still not done with with the Doctrine of Discovery, as published and supported in many papal bulls/documents issued by a pope re: official Church policy and belief.
In the US, we see this in the continual denial of basic rights to Indigenous individuals and nations. Treaties are still not honored, the sitting government still gets to decide who is an ‘Indian’ and who is not, blood quantum has been enforced by government entities and trickled to nation governments, and individuals and groups continue to suffer at the hands of colonialist rule. To even determine if you can be called a Native American, you must consult the Dawes Rolls/Final Rolls, which was essentially a census of individuals associated with five recognized Indigenous nations in the US, to determine if an ancestor of yours was named there. Given that there are currently 573 recognized tribal groups and nations in the US, the problem with this is obvious...and that does not even take into account the number of tribes and nations who cannot receive federal recognition due to low membership, blood quantum debates, or lack of financial resources to fight the colonialist government. Indigenous government services are some of the lowest funded services in the US, and the statistics of poverty, hunger, murdered and missing Indigenous woman, and substance use among Indigenous individuals is staggering...all of which can be related to lack of funding and support.
This doesn’t even account for the historic--and present--reality of ‘Indian schools’ in the US and Canada that were essentially re-education camps aimed at stripping Indigenous children of their cultural identity and family, and indoctrinating them with Catholic beliefs. There’s a lot of blood of a lot of hands about that, and it is shameful that the Church has not taken an official stance of removing the doctrines that support these crimes against humanity.
In Haiti, the Doctrine of Discovery has taken an interesting and insidious new turn. The Catholic Church is very present, but in a lot of ways has become somewhat socially neutered..there are a lot of services provided by Catholic orgs that DEFINITELY express some of the racist ‘noble savage’ arguments and engage in a lot of voluntourism, but the real problem is the Protestants.
In the last 10-15 years, the presence Protestant missions and missionaries have exploded in Haiti. Almost to a fault, they incite social and cultural violence towards practitioners of the Indigenous religion of Haiti (Haitian Vodou), and they utilize American-derived prosperity gospel ideals twisted to really disgusting ends: convert and we will give you food. In a nation where food insecurity and malnutrition are literally life and death issues, this is an outright abuse of essential human rights. Religious gatekeeping of what people need to survive is beyond words (this also plays out in the US via orgs like the Salvation Army).
One of the most painful things I have ever watched was a Haitian megachurch pastor in Port-au-Prince promising abundance if only people would denounce their Vodou practice and be exorcised of their ‘demons’. The footage of this aired on CNN, and what CNN didn’t know was what was being said by the woman being exorcised was not speaking in tongues, but a spirit who had mounted the head of the sèvitè begging not to be sent away and for this to be stopped. This particular megachurch is backed by American missionaries, and their Haitian partner-pastors know exactly what they are doing.
Protestants can’t stop at that sort of stuff, though...they engage in outright violence as well. I have heard first hand accounts from family members of being assaulted on their way home from ceremonies because they were wearing white clothes (standard dress for most ceremonies), and Protestants show up to LOUDLY protest ceremonies often with cars that have large speakers hooked up to broadcast music and messages of damnation/redemption. I’ve seen and heard that myself, with Protestants standing outside my mother’s compound during my initiation and other ceremonies and confronting house members about their presence there. They desecrate sacred spaces and are generally awful.
This has American roots in that this style of Protestant religion and engagement directly grows from the hellfire and damnation style of Southern US conservative Protestantism. It’s a not-so-subtle insertion of white supremacy couched as religious belief.
In all of this, the Doctrine of Discovery lives and thrives and gains ground; the work of Protestants on the island--both American-influenced Haitian groups and awful American voluntourists in matching tshirts that I see EVERY SINGLE TIME I fly to or from Haiti--is to repress culture, convert people, and grow a militant power base.
But, the current iterations of the Doctrine of Discovery and how they interact with Indigenous religions is not limited to actual in-person missionary encounters. The internet has made this particularly insidious via the ease of access to some information about the religions. Many people discover that Vodou (and other Traditional or Diasporic religions) is actually a real-deal non-tourist thing on the internet, which is not in and of itself a bad thing.
It becomes bad when it starts getting scooped up out of context and re-packaged to fit other agendas. What does this look like? Sometimes it’s neo-pagans trying to cast the lwa as cartoonish, toothless figures who are only present to bring us thing and do our bidding--all of these ‘Ezili Freda amulets’ and ‘Ogou elekes’ and Legba-as-a-candy-swilling-devil things and backyard pup-tent ‘kanzos’. Sometimes it is stripping Haitian Vodou of it’s inherent Haitian-ness and repackaging it in a pan-Africanist light, where Hathor is Ezili Freda is Oshun is Mama Chola and it all descends from thoughts and feelings about what ancient Egyptian culture was. Sometimes it is trying to drag the lwa into hoodoo, rootwork, and conjure as beings who can be sent out to do work with no license to ask for that, no ceremony, and no understanding of the dynamics of the religion. Sometimes it is the ascertain that Vodou is really just about what you think or feel connected to, not a continuous line of historical, lineaged practice. Sometimes it is the idea that elders are irrelevant and someone can improve upon what they are taught or do it in a way that they feel is more authentic. Sometimes it is casting the lwa as vegetarian/vegan because animal sacrifice doesn’t feel marketable. Sometimes it is treating the religion as a treasure chest that can be mined--pay what is conceived of as an ‘entrance fee’ and then collect all the information that is thought to be important while ignoring what the religion actually is.
The internet has created this brand of self-appointed experts who use their own discovery of Indigenous practice as a means to feel or present themselves as some sort of spooky without actually bothering to speak to the people who carry the culture and religion. This isn’t dependent on skin tone or background, and it isn’t dependent on initiation or not; plenty of non-white folks do this and plenty of folks who initiate into the religion use it like a vending machine and point at their initiation as a reason why they can do that or as a way to say that what they are doing is without fault. 
It all relates back to the Doctrine of Discovery as an assertion of ‘we know better’. It’s become more insidious because it can be couched in language and images that look right to folks who may not know how to look at the religion, but it’s still the same old thing. 
So, what to do?
There’s no real easy solution to spiritual colonialism because there is no one prevailing Indigenous religion anywhere with one central governing body. It’s not as simple as ‘don’t provide access’ and ‘don’t document’ because that is contrary to what the lwa of Haitian Vodou have largely expressed that they want, and it’s not as direct as going toe-to-toe with folks we feel are being exploitative because, frankly, it would be an unending battle and practitioners have too much stuff to do as it is.
There are ways to engage and explore our own internal biases and colonial attitudes, though, and steps to take if we have begun a process of determining whether an Indigenous religious community might welcome us or if we are simply interested in knowing more:
Do the homework. Research and reflect. While Indigenous practices do not live in books, books can be useful for gaining historical understanding and cultural context for folks who did not grow up in the Indigenous practice they are in contact with or want to learn more about. Compare and contrast what you are reading and push at the differences--why does this author say that? What is their source material? What is the general opinion of their source material? Who are their informants? What is their personal history, if any, with the religion? Read the bibliography, and go find those sources. The Columbusing of Indigenous religions and fraudulent folks bank on the idea that people are uneducated and won’t look further. Read critically. Question influences.
Ask questions. Find elders and culture bearers of the religion and ask if they might have a little time to chat with you about their experiences and practice of their religion. Many, MANY elders and practitioners are quite happy to share what their religion means to them with a respectful party. Be prepared to compensate them for their time and energy.
Ask questions, again. If folks are presenting themselves as knowledgeable or are presenting things about the religion that seem somewhat out of touch (see Do the homework), ask them where they learned these things and who their elders or authorities are. These should not be hard questions to answer, nor should anyone tapdance around them.
Learn the language. If a religion has a written body of knowledge, it will likely be in the cultural or liturgical religion which, if you are allowed to access that body of knowledge, you will need to learn. Many Indigenous religions are passed orally, and so the language is a must as many important things are lost in translation. With Vodou, when folks claim there is no good written information about the religion this inevitably points to them only looking for information in English, as there is an IMMENSE body of solid work in Kreyòl ayisyen, French, and, surprisingly, German. If you are welcomed to participate somewhere, learning the language is a must. For instance, in Vodou, all services are conducted in Kreyòl with bits of French, and it is a mark of respect to work towards fluency and it is necessary if one wants or needs to travel to Haiti for ceremony.
Support the communities. Spend your money with Indigenous groups or orgs...make donations that support communities and buy products and services from legitimate practitioners. If there are public events and/or political movements by Indigenous religious groups, attend them and/or boost the visibility of them. Ask how you can help (and be prepared to be told you cannot without getting offended) and listen/observe what is being said and taught.
Decentralize experience. Personal experience IS central to religion and spiritual practice, but when folks are being invited to ceremony or into an Indigenous practice, it is not just about our experience...there is an entire community that is drawn together and has it’s own means. methods, and reality. We can center the community without losing our own experience, and that’s good practice towards undoing to colonial influence that places Self at center stage at the expense of the broader Us.
These are places to start, but the whole of the work will unfold as steps are taken forward. It is the labor of outsiders to do this, versus expecting the insiders of the Indigenous practice to carry the burden of unpacking bias along the lines of the Doctrine of Discovery. Rejecting colonial actions and filters means doing the heavy lifting, which everyone is capable of if we remain willing to engage in this way.
On the day of celebration of colonialism and destruction of Indigenous communities, I challenge folks to explore their own internalized colonialism towards the othered Indigenous communities of our local areas. What are our attitudes towards Indigenous communities? What do we think about and feel when we see commentary that tells the truth about what Thanksgiving is? How do we engage with the idea that our current lives are built on the colonization of lands and communities that were already established before we got here? How do we engage with the idea that we continue to benefit from colonialism as non-Indigenous individuals living in settler states? What definitive actions can we take to contribute to reparitive attitudes and actions that recognize the reality of colonialism in our current societies?
Writing from illegally occupied Massa-adchu-es-et land, and bearing benefits from illegally occupied Nipmuck lands and un-ceded Taino territory, I wish you a thoughtful and reflective Day of Mourning and research-driven National Native American Day.
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zrtranscripts · 5 years
Season 8, Mission 10: It's Oh So Quiet
Up on the roof
JANINE DE LUCA: Yes, I see it, Tom. You were quite right. A thin line of smoke rising from the north of Niomh Island. All the Far Hebrideans say Niomh was abandoned early in the apocalypse. There's a very good chance it's Jones.
MORAG BROWN: Good. The boy needs bringing to heel.
TOM DE LUCA: I'm still not entirely convinced you should be accompanying us on this mission, Miss Brown. Jones is a dangerous man.
MORAG BROWN: Ach, don't be daft. I used to change Lachlan's nappies when he was a wee bairn. I'll not be afraid of a man whose backside I used to wipe. Besides, I'm the only person on Mor who spent time on Niomh. Worked in the bakery there before I set up my own. Could tell you some tales about the local folk that would make your hair curl!
PAULA COHEN: [laughs] Yes. Maybe later. Janine, how are you feeling?
JANINE DE LUCA: Stable, thank you, Dr. Cohen. I slept well last night for the first time in a while.
PAULA COHEN: I'm still investigating what that medicine in the bottle you picked up on Dearg Island was, Five. I can observe with a microscope that it slows down nanite movement, but I don't know why.
MORAG BROWN: Aye. They're a tight-lipped lot over on Dearg.
TOM DE LUCA: Still, if it's working, that trip wasn't a waste of time.
PAULA COHEN: By my calculations, it should buy Janine an extra couple of weeks at least.
JANINE DE LUCA: So I might yet live to see Jones become king of the rocks! That'll be a jolly time.
TOM DE LUCA: You'll live to see him captured and tried for his crimes!
JANINE DE LUCA: That's certainly the aim.
MORAG BROWN: Bring the boat into the harbor here on the east of the island. With Lachlan's camp on the other side, he won't see us landing.
[water splashes, boat is dragged across beach]
PAULA COHEN: All right. So we're going to skirt the east of the island and then head toward that smoking using whatever cover we can find. We need to be quick and quiet. Five, take point. Let's go.
PAULA COHEN: What happened on this island, Morag? It looks really beautiful in a rugged sort of way. And I can see plenty of tourist stuff. Boards listing native species. A sign for deep sea fishing day trips over there.
MORAG BROWN: Aye, it was. Niomh means beautiful, you know. Folk have always said this is the most bonny island of the Far Hebrides. They used to run yoga weekends here, writing retreats, that kind of nonsense. We had all sorts pitch up over the years, and not a scrap of common sense between them.
MORAG BROWN: Outsiders brought the plague with them. Anywhere with tourists was at risk in the early days.
TOM DE LUCA: Wait. So there were zombies here?
MORAG BROWN: Aye. The laird was strict about it. No one who was bitten got off Niomh. If you had a graze or a scratch, two weeks on [?] Island, the one with the great cairn of stones, before you could come to Mor. People weren't happy about it, but well, what could you do? The Reid's always have ruled with a rod of iron.
PAULA COHEN: That's how communities survived, to be honest. So what happened to the zombies over here?
MORAG BROWN: How do you mean?
PAULA COHEN: I mean, I can't see any zombies. Can you, Five?
JANINE DE LUCA: We didn't see any in the binoculars from the boat, either. So the question is where did they go?
MORAG BROWN: Walked into the sea, maybe?
JANINE DE LUCA: Hmm. Perhaps. We must conduct this mission with maximal speed. The sooner we get off this island, the better. Come along. Run.
TOM DE LUCA: There! That's it. Thin plume of smoke from the northwest.
PAULA COHEN: I see it. It's coming from a sort of shack perched on a rooftop.
MORAG BROWN: That's the main town, aye. Could be a bird watching hide out there.
TOM DE LUCA: All right. Five, you keep watch for zoms from that stump. I'll creep up to the crest of this hill to take a bearing across this town and work out a route so Jones isn't alerted to us.
[footsteps across gravel]
JANINE DE LUCA: Dr. Cohen, how is Mr. Yao?
PAULA COHEN: Sam? Uh, he's... he's been talking to Maxine a lot.
JANINE DE LUCA: Because she also remembers Miss Dempsey, the previous Runner Five?
PAULA COHEN: Yes. I never knew her. Nor did Tom. But Sam and Jody have been talking about her a lot. And Maxine.
JANINE DE LUCA: She was... a genuinely exemplary operative. She was good with people. I... I was not good with people at that time. I regret I did not get to know her better. I wish I had more to say about her now.
PAULA COHEN: You can just ask. When we get to talk to Frances. You don't have to tell her about her sister. You can just ask. [footsteps across gravel] Wow! [laughs] That was quick, Tom.
JANINE DE LUCA: What is it, Tom? Did Jones spot you?
TOM DE LUCA: No. No Jones. But I found... all of the zoms. The center of the island is full of dormant zombies. They're just... standing there, just staring, not moving, not making a noise.
TOM DE LUCA: I've heard about them going dormant if there's no food source, but I've never seen it before.
JANINE DE LUCA: What a clever place for Jones to make his base.
PAULA COHEN: How did he get past them?
TOM DE LUCA: Climbing over the rooftops. Doesn't matter. We'll take him today. We stick to the plan. Run around the shore. There's a point to the north where we can get to his hide across the rooftops. We have to be fast! No telling what might activate those zoms!
PAULA COHEN: I didn't think ordinary zombies could still horrify me!
MORAG BROWN: It's a terrible sight. They're just standing there. How many? 100? 200? And what is that nasty noise they're making?
PAULA COHEN: Sounds like a low monotonous version of the moaning sound they make when they're moving. Perhaps that's their natural sound.
JANINE DE LUCA: Their eyes are milk-white.
TOM DE LUCA: I've never seen this before. Not in Algeria, not on the way. The rain's falling on them and they're just... standing there.
[cat meows]
PAULA COHEN: Look! Crap! There's a cat. It's going to wake them up! Or not. It's just taken a bite out of that one's leg in the red mac. Nothing!
JANINE DE LUCA: Lucky for us. They're evidently not triggered by simple movement. Presumably, they're conserving energy waiting for human targets.
TOM DE LUCA: So if we keep to the roofs, we're safe.
JANINE DE LUCA: At the very least, they cannot climb to reach us. Dr. Cohen, Miss Brown, remain here at the edge of town with binoculars. Stay on the radio and keep a careful eye out. Warn us if anything changes.
MORAG BROWN: I'm more than happy keeping my distance from those monstrosities!
JANINE DE LUCA: Five, Tom, you're with me. Across the roof here, and then that run of buildings, then we'll reassess. Quickly, please. Run!
JANINE DE LUCA: Tom, watch out!
TOM DE LUCA: Oh! Thanks, Five. If you hadn't caught me, I would have fallen into the street right in front of the zoms. That'd wake them up, if anything would. Have you ever seen anything like this before, Janine?
JANINE DE LUCA: Only once, a few months after the apocalypse. Scouting a department store for supplies. I crossed the roof to access an inner atrium with no view of the outside world. There were four glass elevators.
TOM DE LUCA: Glass elevators filled with zoms?
JANINE DE LUCA: Someone must have turned in each of those lifts, bitten the others. They'd fed on each other, and then, with no way out and with no prey in sight, they'd become dormant like this. Milky-eyed, not moving. I climbed down. When I passed directly in front of each lift, the zombies inside woke up. Their eyes went from white to clear again. They began growling, gnashing their jaws, trying to reach me.
TOM DE LUCA: Do you think if the whole world were infected, this is what it would be like? Just animated corpses standing still, rained on? Growing mold. Food for cats. [shudders] You heard the report from Abel. The red fungus is on the rise again in coastal towns. No one knows why. They're burning them as soon as they grow, but they're coming back faster and faster!
JANINE DE LUCA: Miss McShell has scoured her files for any hint of her lost memories. She's more certain than ever that the missing part of the Edda concerns the fungus. It is vital we retrieve it from Jones. Five, the wooden struts in that building look secure. Let's proceed along there, and we'll arrive at Jones' hideout. Go!
PAULA COHEN: Five, Tom, Janine, I can see you. The roof you're on is one level down from the next rooftop, where there's the shack with smoke coming out of it.
TOM DE LUCA: We can't hear anything from it, Paula. No sounds of movement. Nothing but wind and rain.
MORAG BROWN: Silly boy. Must have gone out and left the fire on. Oh, I remember that time Callum West fell asleep with a cigarette in his fingers and woke up to his whole house burning! Of course, he had been tiring himself out with those late-night visits to Widow Sturgeon, if you take my meaning?
JANINE DE LUCA: Um, yes, perhaps we could keep comms chatter to a minimum? We must be ready for any eventuality. I'll pull myself up onto this rooftop.
PAULA COHEN: Wow, impressive chin-up.
JANINE DE LUCA: It's a sturdy shack, but the door has not been locked. It's open a crack. Inside, I can see... wood brazier, burning down. I believe Jones is not in here.
PAULA COHEN: If he's not there, Janine, you could wait for me and Morag to come over. We'll look through it all together.
JANINE DE LUCA: No need for that. I can investigate the shack easily myself. We may have only found a subsidiary camp. I'll push the door open. [door creaks open, glass clinks] Ah, he left a booby trap! Five, grab that before -
[siren wails]
PAULA COHEN: You need to leave now.
TOM DE LUCA: We need to stay very still. We need to see what the zombies do. They might -
JANINE DE LUCA: Their eyes are turning clear. They're waking up.
[zombies growl]
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whatjobsjobs · 2 years
Why Tourism is an upcoming and preferred industry to join for fresh graduates.
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Algeria, located in Northern Africa, is a country that is rapidly becoming a popular tourist destination due to its natural beauty, colorful history, and distinctive culture. Knowing that their country's beauty is a rare discovery in today's highly urbanized countries, Algeria has strived to expand its tourism services in order to accommodate the growing number of people visiting their territory.
A reliable and skilled travel company that can offer jobs in Algeria that can help you plan and execute a great journey. Local agents understand the rules, rates, and expenses better and can provide extremely good solutions. Algeria's attractions include several areas with remnants of ancient Phoenician, Carthaginian, Roman, and Byzantine settlements on the country's coast.
If you are looking for a new job, consultant, or are a recent graduate unsure of which profession to pursue, you may have considered working in tourism. It has pros and downsides, just like any other field. There are several variables to consider before making the commitment to this business, so take your time to ensure it is the best fit for you.
To begin with, if you are interested in this industry, you should be able and willing to travel extensively. Many people enter the field for this reason. You may have incredible opportunities to travel all over the world that you would have not had in any other industry. Furthermore, every day will be different; if you dislike doing the same thing time after time, a tourism profession may be ideal for you. You'll also get the opportunity to experience new and interesting activities and meet people. These fresh experiences will very certainly be endless.
A tourism profession in Algeria may also be incredibly lucrative, particularly if you enjoy connecting with others. On a daily basis, you will interact with a diverse spectrum of people, if you are visiting new clients or dealing with established ones. Many naturally sociable people have found this vocation incredibly appealing.
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findsunbiz · 3 years
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Mauritania, country on the Atlantic coast of Africa. Mauritania forms a geographic and cultural bridge between the North African Maghrib (a region that also includes Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia) and the westernmost portion of Sub-Saharan Africa. Culturally it forms a transitional zone between the Arab-Amazigh (Berber) populations of North Africa and the African peoples in the region to the south of the Tropic of Cancer known as the Sudan (a name derived from the Arabic bilād al-sūdān, “land of the Blacks”). Much of Mauritania encompasses part of the Sahara desert, and, until the drought conditions that affected most of that zone of Africa in the 1970s, a large proportion of the population was nomadic. The country’s mineral wealth includes large reserves of iron ore, copper, and gypsum, all of which are now being exploited, as well as some oil resources.
Mauritania was administered as a French colony during the first half of the 20th century and became independent on November 28, 1960. By the terms of the constitution, Islam is the official state religion, but the republic guarantees freedom of conscience and religious liberty to all. Arabic is the official language; Fula, Soninke, and Wolof are national languages. The capital, Nouakchott, is located in the southwestern part of the country.
In the Sahel region of Mauritania, a traditional subsistence economy composed of livestock raising, agriculture, crafts, and petty trading supports most of the population. In the Sahara region, however, a modern export economy is developing, based on the exploitation of iron ore and copper resources and of the rich fishing waters off the continental shelf. The Mauritanian economy receives much needed capital investment and technical assistance from abroad, and, in turn, it is sensitive to the vacillations in the world markets. More than three-fourths of the Mauritanian population engages in traditional activities, among which livestock raising is the most important. In numbers, goats and sheep are the most important livestock, followed by cattle and camels. Cattle are raised primarily in the southern region, whereas goats and sheep are dispersed as far north as the limits of the Sahara. Camels are raised mostly in the north and the centre, especially in the Adrar region. The growth of the Mauritanian economy slowed in the 1980s after a lengthy period of rapid expansion in the 1960s and ’70s. Since the severe drought in the early 1970s, the country has been dependent upon imported foodstuffs to feed its population. In the early 1980s iron ore production slowed because of a decline in world market prices; fishing became the leading source of foreign exchange earnings and remained so for much of the 1990s. In the mid-1990s the government began to demonstrate its commitment to the development of a tourist industry to further diversify the Mauritanian economy.
Where the precipitation exceeds 17 inches (430 mm) a year, millet and dates are the principal crops, supplemented by sorghum, beans, yams, corn (maize), and cotton. Seasonal agriculture is practiced on the easily flooded riverbanks and in the wadis of the Sahelian zone, upstream from the dams. There, too, millet, sorghum, beans, rice, and watermelons are grown. Irrigated agriculture is practiced in areas supplied by water-control projects and at oases, where well water is available; corn, barley, and some millet and vegetables are grown. The output of gum arabic, the region’s main export during the 19th century, is minimal. Agricultural production in Mauritania continued to decline during the last quarter of the 20th century because of drought. Crop production fell by approximately two-thirds in the period from 1970 to 1980, and by the early 2000s, Mauritania’s need to import the majority of its food continued.
In agriculture the aim of successive Mauritanian governments has been to increase the amount of irrigated land in the Sénégal River valley and, above all, to increase the production of rice (of which Mauritania is still obliged to import large quantities), to plant fresh palm trees to replace those destroyed by the cochineal insect, to drill fresh wells, to improve the quality of dates, and to encourage the cultivation of vegetables. The area planted with grains increased throughout the 1990s, with sorghum, corn, millet, and rice in particular being harvested from increased acreage.
The fishing grounds that lie off Mauritania’s Lévrier Bay are among the world’s richest, but heavy fishing there has raised concerns about their depletion. Mauritania stopped issuing fishing licenses in 1979, however, and in 1980 formed joint companies with Portugal, Iraq, South Korea, Romania, and the Soviet Union to exploit these resources. A series of agreements signed with the European Community and EU in the 1990s and 2000s defined fishing rights and quotas within Mauritanian waters.
Exports have largely been dominated by metal and fish products. As Mauritania is not self-sufficient in food production, foodstuffs are among the country’s most significant imports; petroleum products and machinery for commercial mining and fishing are also imported. China, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, France, and Spain are among Mauritania’s most important trading partners.
At the beginning of the 21st century, some two-fifths of the labour force was employed in the services sector. Owing in part to Mauritania’s natural and cultural wealth—some of its most important sites (the Banc d’Arguin National Park and the historic cities of Tîchît, Chingueṭṭi, Ouadâne, and Oualâta) have been inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage list—the country has excellent tourism potential. Exploitation of that promise remains underway, however; in the mid-1990s the government expressed its commitment to the development of the tourism sector, and in 2002 it announced a 10-year plan to continue promoting tourism. Tourism took a severe blow later that decade, however, when a number of attacks on tourists brought the tourism industry to a virtual halt. After the French foreign ministry lowered its warning to French citizens in 2017, tourism began to recover slightly.
Transport by pack animals—camels in the north, oxen and donkeys in the south—has retained considerable importance in those parts of the country where a subsistence and barter economy prevails, although transport between cities and regions is increasingly by road. Considerable challenges confront road builders, however, including shifting sand dunes, flash floods in the south, and steep cliffs in the north. The main road connecting Rosso to Tindouf, Algeria, via Nouakchott, Akjoujt, Atar, Fdérik, and Bîr Mogreïn is passable throughout the year. Some one-third of Mauritanian roadways are paved. The Trans-Mauritania highway, which links Nouakchott to the west of the country via Kaédi, Kiffa, ʿAyoûn el-ʿAtroûs, and Néma, was completed in 1982. A north-south highway linking Nouakchott and Nouâdhibou was completed in 2004. A rail link connects the mining centres of Zouérate, Guelb El Rheïn, and Mhaoudat with a port at Nouâdhibou. Passenger transport by rail is negligible. International airports include those at Néma, Nouakchott, and Nouâdhibou, and a number of other cities are linked by regular domestic air services.
The irregularity of the flow of the Sénégal River limits its use as a waterway; Kaédi can be reached only by ships drawing about 7 feet (2 metres) at the high-water season, normally from August to October. The port at Nouâdhibou can accommodate 150,000 tons; the deepwater port at Nouakchott can accommodate up to 950,000 tons.
Mail, telephone, and telegraph services are combined in the main post offices. Although it was privatized in the early 2000s, Mauritel maintains a monopoly on fixed-line telephone services. The number of subscribers to mobile cellular service is expanding rapidly, while fixed-line subscriptions have dwindled. Relative to the country’s population, the number of computers in use in Mauritania is low. Internet cafés in large cities provide instant communication via e-mail for patrons.
Finally, I will leave a link which includes all companies and enterprises in Mauritania, for those who want to research and discover more about this country. Thanks for reading.
All businesses address in Mauritania: https://findsun.net/MR
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adalidda · 3 years
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Illustration Photo: South Corsica (France) (credits: Laurent Guidali / eXploration Etoile / Flickr Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0))
Recovery of Coastal and Maritime Tourism in the Western Mediterranean
For Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Malta, European Union, Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya
This call topic seeks to support projects that will develop a multidimensional and integrated approach to re-building coastal and maritime tourism (including cruise tourism) in the Western Mediterranean. Proposals will include non-EU countries participating in the initiative for the sustainable development of the blue economy in the Western Mediterranean to ensure a coordinated approach at sea basin level.
Proposals must address at least one of the following themes:
1. Innovation in destination management
Proposals will address the following priorities to the maximum extent possible: Strategic management of the destination with a long-term orientation and better addressing environmental and social sustainability at the destination level. Creating value and making the destinations competitive and profitable, adjusted to the ‘new normality’ of the COVID era. Conservation of cultural heritage and natural values. Monitoring the competitiveness and sustainability of the destination. Promoting synergies between tourism and other productive activities, notably through participation of governmental and other public bodies, trade associations, local government, businesses, citizen representatives, local communities, cultural associations, promotion agencies. Effective marketing, including promoting cultural authenticity and natural assets. Accelerating the digital transformation processes including tourism data management and digital skills.
2. Design of smart eco-tourism packages Proposals will address the following priorities to the maximum extent possible:
Stimulating new business opportunities, which directly or indirectly support ecotourism product experiences in and around protected areas. Reducing the ecological footprint and strengthening the circular economy approach – notably in coastal cities and on islands. Strengthening destinations through the collaboration of local clusters. Promoting less known areas and prolonging the tourist season. Providing visitors with a high-quality experience. Integrating different product components (e.g. accommodation, meals, activities, transport) and suppliers (tour operators, lodging, restaurants, canteens, etc.)
For all of the above themes, applicants should clearly demonstrate how the proposal will:
Contribute to the overall resilience in the tourism sector. Contribute to the objectives of the sea basin approach in the Western Mediterranean. Build on, complement and valorise the results of relevant projects, overarching initiatives, networks and cooperation frameworks at European and Mediterranean level.
Applicants will explain clearly in their proposal how they will implement, to the maximum extent possible, the following activities within the project duration (NB: this list is non-exhaustive):
Establishment of multi-stakeholder partnerships/hubs/networks/clusters to tackle the chosen theme(s) and priorities, as outlined above, in a coordinated and collaborative way. Participating stakeholders should include entities from at least four Western Mediterranean countries, and include both EU and non-EU Western Mediterranean countries. Stakeholders from other EU Mediterranean Member States may additionally participate. Development of guidelines, business models and action plans for various stakeholders in the maritime and coastal tourism communities (e.g. regions, cities, businesses across the whole value chain, etc.) focusing on the chosen theme(s) and priorities as outlined above. Design and testing of tools to assess and measure environmental impacts and monitor the implementation of sustainable and circular approaches and indicators/standards for sustainable tourism practices. Design and testing of new tourism products corresponding to the chosen theme(s) and priorities above. Awareness raising and capacity building activities for stakeholders in the coastal and maritime tourism sectors to support uptake of new models and approaches. Development of policy recommendations for the chosen theme(s), based on lessons learned during project implementation and recommendations of mechanisms to ensure future sustainability and updating of activities beyond the project duration. Forecasting and monitoring management plans and their targets, including upgrading skills and training public and private operators. Engaging tourism destination observatories. Aligning resource management among national, regional and local planning frameworks.
All proposals should include additional, complementary activities (at least one) that support the main activities and the call topic objectives. Examples include:
Activities to facilitate exchange and liaison with tourism organisations and networks at Mediterranean and European level, regional tourism observatories, fora, clusters, task forces and other ongoing projects. Activities to support regional and national sustainable tourism policies, including stakeholder and community involvement. Awareness raising and educational workshops, conferences, seminars, webinars, etc. for tourism stakeholders. B2B meetings and matchmaking activities for private sector and relevant stakeholders to support innovative solutions. Activities to boost customer demand for innovative tourism products (e.g. ecotourism or digital services).
Expected Impact:
Applicants will describe in their proposals the concrete and measurable results within the duration of the project and their expected impact beyond the duration of the project, including indicators for the monitoring and measurement of progress.
Projects are expected to achieve the following impacts to the maximum extent possible in line with the proposed activities:
Durable partnerships/networks focusing on the chosen theme(s) involving EU and non-EU Western Mediterranean countries, and potentially including other EU Mediterranean Member States. New and applicable policy pathways and recommendations or action plans to support public authorities (national and regional) and services. Resumption of tourism services in coastal and insular territories incorporating new, innovative services for the whole value chain and for destinations. Reshaped and strengthened management practices, in line with EU policy priorities including a green, digital and circular economy approach. New public/private partnerships, start-ups, investments and job creation. New eco-tourism packages promoting cross border and interregional cooperation, with replication potential across the Mediterranean. Increased touristic activities that involve local enterprises and coastal communities. Increased digitalisation of the maritime and coastal tourism sector in the Western Mediterranean. Increased awareness of the Western Mediterranean as a sustainable, high quality and safe destination. Diversification of, and less seasonally dependent, maritime and coastal tourism products offered in the Western Mediterranean with a green, digital and circular economy approach.
Application Deadline: 12 January 2022 17:00:00 Brussels time
Check more https://adalidda.com/posts/7rpznwD5WLvGw8TNj/recovery-of-coastal-and-maritime-tourism-in-the-western
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