#What&039;s Around Us
hsklvrr · 3 months
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google doc template!
i'm finally back with another google doc after a whole year hiatus (whoopsie :3). Unlike my first doc posted, this will be paid cus money money money.
it's a single muse doc, you will need atleast 4 images of your faceclaim to fill all photo slots. this is quite a simplistic doc, perfect for when you wanna get a character made quick and easy without worrying about filling up every nook and cranny.
with the link, you will be redirected to my payhip post where you will be able to purchase! (please tell me if there are any issues in the comments)
the rules are simple:
★ ፧ do NOT remove credits from this doc. I worked extremely hard to make it and would be upset to find out someone did this.
★ ፧ this doc will be £6+ (around $8) feel free to pay more :3
★ ፧ do NOT play this doc off as your own. You won't get very far with lying. :)
★ ፧ any modifications to the doc can be made after purchase! :)
how to use, what and what not to do:
★ ፧ moving, resizing or removing things on the doc may cause it to look strange. so I suggest to leave everything where it is when editing.
★ ፧ most images are made through drawings, so people who are on mobile may have a hard time editing this doc. however, you can always use the desktop site through google :)
★ ፧ try not to go over the space given to type in. this will also make the doc look strange.
any likes and reblogs will be appreciated!
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kaviru2147 · 3 months
* * Healthy Life Tips and Tricks Embracing wellness in everyday life
* Living a healthy life is just about hitting the gym or eating a salad now. and then; it's about making small, sustainable changes that add up to a happier, more fulfilling life. In this article, we'll explore some tips and tricks to help you embrace wellness in your everyday life. * *
1.Start Your Day Right with a Nutritious Breakfast * *
They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and for good reason. A healthy breakfast can kickstart your metabolism, provide you with essential nutrients, and give you the energy you need to tackle the day ahead. Try to include a mix of protein, whole grains, and fruits or vegetables in your morning meal for a balanced start.
* 2.Stay Hydrated Throughout the Day * *
Water is essential for good health, but many of us do not drink enough of it. Staying hydrated can help maintain your energy levels and digestion, and keep your skin looking healthy. Keep a water bottle with you throughout the day to remind yourself to drink. *
* 3.Move Your Body Regularly *
* Exercise does have to mean spending hours at the gym. Find activities you enjoy, whether they are dancing, hiking, or simply taking a walk around the neighborhood, and make them a regular part of your routine. Regular physical activity can improve your mood, boost your energy levels, and help you maintain a healthy weight.
* * 4.Prioritize Sleep * *
Sleep is often overlooked, but it's crucial for good health. .Establish a bedtime routine to signal to your body that it is time to wind down, and create a restful sleep environment free of distractions. * * Incorporate mindfulness practices such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises into your daily routine to help manage stress and improve your overall well-being. Taking time for yourself and practicing self-care is essential for maintaining a healthy balance. * *
5.Eat a Balanced Diet * *
A healthy diet is key to overall health and well-being. Focus on eating a variety of whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Limit processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive amounts of salt and unhealthy fats. Remember, it's is about balance, not perfection, so allow yourself the occasional treat. ###* * 6.Stay Connected *
* Human connection is vital for mental health. Make an effort to nurture your relationships with friends and family, and seek out social activities that bring you joy. Surrounding yourself with positive influences can help boost your mood and outlook on life. ###* *
7.Set Realistic Goals *
* Setting realistic goals can help you stay motivated and track your progress. Whether it is improving your fitness, eating healthier, or reducing stress, break your goals down into smaller, achievable steps. Celebrate your successes along the way to keep yourself motivated. ###* *
9.Listen to Your Body
* * Your body has a way of telling you what it needs, to listen to it. Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues, and eat when you're hungry, stopping when you are satisfied. Rest when you're tired, and do push yourself beyond your limits. Trusting your body's signals can help you maintain a healthy balance. ###* * Whether a nutritionist, personal trainer, therapist, or other healthcare provider, they can provide you with the support and guidance you need to reach your goals.**Conclusion * * Embracing a healthy lifestyle is about more than just following a set of rules;: about finding what works for you and making small, sustainable changes that enhance your overall well-being. By incorporating these tips and tricks into your daily routine, you can create a healthier, happier life for yourself. * * FAQs * * 1.How Can I stay motivated to stick to a diet? lifestyle?
2.Is it okay to indulge in unhealthy foods? occasionally?
3.What are some easy ways to incorporate more physical activity into my day?
4.How Can I improve my sleep? quality?
5.What are some healthy snack options to keep me satisfied between meals?
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"In that
“In that
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Moment the only thing we wanted to do was, relaxed ourselves on the sofa. Embraced. But none of us wanted make the first move. The atmosphere was still floating. Yes, sure, we were on the sofa, we sweetly, still looking at us, smiling, and sometimes nervously laughing. What was happened few istants early, has been so suddenly, but also so magic and your sweetness filled my heart. Slowly, you have…
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bulkyphrase · 3 years
Everybody & the Avengers Team
I've got a new fic rec list for you!
The stories in the "X & the Avengers Team" tags focus on one person's relationship to the Avengers team as a whole. Courtesy of AO3's tag browse and Excel, here's a ranked list of the top 20 most popular pairings:
Tony Stark | 2470 total, 240 OTP
Peter Parker | 2255 total, 85 OTP
Steve Rogers | 602 total, 56 OTP
Loki | 387 total, 26 OTP
Natasha Romanov | 308 total, 35 OTP
Clint Barton | 268 total, 46 OTP
Bruce Banner | 244 total, 15 OTP
Thor | 209 total, 7 OTP
Avengers Team | 174 total, 24 OTP
James "Bucky" Barnes | 156 total, 7 OTP
Wanda Maximoff | 143 total, 4 OTP
Phil Coulson | 105 total, 9 OTP
Darcy Lewis | 91 total, 6 OTP
Matt Murdock | 60 total, 8 OTP
Sam Wilson | 53 total, 5 OTP
Nick Fury | 41 total, 5 OTP
Harry Potter | 40 total, 0 OTP
Pepper Potts | 31 total, 1 OTP
Vision | 29 total, 2 OTP
Stiles Stilinski | 25 total, 0 OTP
In chart form, if you like charts:
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The numbers after the names are the number of stories tagged with that ship. OTP means the number of stories where that is the only relationship tagged on the story. Numbers are accurate as of July 2021.
Story Recommendations
For your reading pleasure, included below is at least one fic rec for each pairing except the crossovers from non-Marvel fandoms (apologies to Mr. Potter & Mr. Stilinski). Most are gen fic, and even in the ones with a romantic pairing, romance is not the focus.
Tony Stark
As Subtle As Cognitive Recalibration by petroltogo (Teen, 8949) tumblr: @tonystarktogo
Standing inside his penthouse, listening to Rogers, Barton and Banner explain to Fury how they just happened to stumble over the Tesseract on a routine security check of Stark Tower’s roof and wouldn’t you know, they’ve managed to fight off the looming alien invasion before it could really start and secure the missing overpowered nightlight is one of the most surreal situations Tony has ever had the displeasure of experiencing.
Peter Parker
the worst field trip ever by shrill_fangirl_screaming (Teen, 3420) tumblr: @i-am-having-an-emotion
"We're on a field trip," Peter said. "To here. And Tony decided to be our tour guide and absolutely embarrass me, so can you please help get him under control?"
Which is how Peter Parker, architect of his own destruction, ended up with not one but two superhero pseudo-dads being annoying on his school field trip.
Steve Rogers
Do You Remember Being Happy? ('Cause I Sure Don't) by GalaxyThreads (Teen, 11022) tumblr: @galaxythreads
That seems about right. He doesn't know how he knows that, though. He does have vague memories of an annoyed fondness at finding peanut butter in some sort of jam. Thor's doing, because he doesn't see the point of using two knives when one works just as fine. He knows that. How does he know that? He knows all those little details, though, almost innately. How can he know these strangers so deeply?
Everyone else below the cut!
Proprietary by TheThirdMarauder (Teen, 7639)
No, Loki simply wants the Avengers conquered. The details of whom, how, and when matter not. Unless, of course, said details interfere with Loki's plans. Then, well, then none can fault him for protecting his own interests.
Loki has always been exceptionally good at lying to himself.
Natasha Romanov
What Girls Are Made Of by enigma731 (Teen, 4613) tumblr: @enigma731
She rolls her eyes but does as he’s indicated, using his shoulders to leverage herself up onto his back, her arms around his neck and her legs hugging his waist.
“You know,” he says blithely, “this isn’t really what I tend to picture when I think of a hot girl riding me.”
Natasha groans, deciding that if his sense of humor gets them arrested, she’ll kill him herself. “Just go.”
Clint Barton
Dear Clint Barton (circa age 7) by pollyrepeat (Teen, 4221)
With a normal person, this might count as blackmail material, but a) this is a case of mutually assured destruction if ever there was one, and b) Fury is immune to embarrassment. Not just in the regular, Tony Stark way, either, oh no. Things that could possibly end up being embarrassing to Fury get somehow warped and changed until they go from mortifying all the way over into useful and/or good for his image. It’s like a superpower.
Carrying Clint’s small child self around on his shoulders more than once has probably already hit the interagency rumour mill as an example of Fury’s innate awesomeness: good with rocket launchers and small children.
Also available as a podfic!
Bruce Banner
They're Not Wrong by Trumpeteer34 (Teen, 10163)
As Tony began to pace around the hole in the road to keep himself from shooting repulsors at the nearby buildings in a fit of rage, Thor began to study the nearby area. There was no sign of either the Hulk or Bruce Banner beyond the crater. The surrounding area, aside from the rubble of the fight, held no clue as to their friend’s location.
“Guys, he’s gone,” Tony growled into the communicator on their private line, drawing Thor out of his darkening thoughts. “Someone tranqed him and took him. He’s gone.”
Honorary mention goes to the Responsible Science series by @letteredlettered - the stories don’t have the "Avengers Team & Bruce Banner" tag, but they could, and they are amazing. The best Bruce Banner writing I've ever come across.
Fortunately, I Am Mighty by onward_came_the_meteors (General, 3062)
Steve was the first one to speak. “Are you okay?”
Thor nodded. Which was a bad idea, as it turned out, because now there were little gray lights flashing in front of his eyes. “I’m fine.” Absolutely everyone narrowed their eyes, and he added, “But, uh. Could we possibly not get back in the car just yet?”
Avengers Team
Civil Wasn't by onward_came_the_meteors (General, 7123)
"We're having an ideological conflict here," Tony stated with disbelief. "Are you telling me you still want to go out to dinner?"
"It's a standing engagement, Tony," Rhodey reminded him.
"Not you too—"
"We already had to reschedule from Friday when Natasha was..." Rhodey frowned. "What were you doing?"
The question was directed toward Natasha, who shrugged and said, "Spy stuff."
James "Bucky" Barnes
You Know How I Feel, aka, The Adventures of Bucky and Muffy the Dinosaur by ifeelbetter (Not Rated, 4511) tumblr: @ifeelbetterer
“As you may have heard, Bucky Barnes, a.k.a. The Winter Soldier, recently rescued a tiny part-robot dinosaur during the Avengers’ battle with Dr. Doom in Antarctica,” the other newscaster explained. “Pictures of Barnes and the dinosaur were posted on twitter by fellow Avenger, Clint Barton, a.k.a. Hawkeye, and immediately made Barnes’s new pet America’s sweetheart.”
“Her name’s Muffy,” said Steve."
Wanda Maximoff
and the woman was young again by Mira_Jade (General, 3669)
Tony Stark called them the Cap's Kooky Quintet, and sometimes the term amused her – causing her to lift a sardonic brow where someday a smile would truly smile. She enjoyed the presence of comrades – true comrades – and she enjoyed the way their minds wove and bound together about each other to fluctuate against her senses as one. There was something soothing about being in their midst, and even when their loud and brash ways – their painful Americaness - rubbed her raw and drained on her, it was ever the knitting of their minds that soothed those moments over, and made them inconsequential.
Phil Coulson
Coulson's First Day of School by storiesfortravellers (Teen, 3055)
Coulson looked up at him. “I like drawing pictures with Mr. Rogers. I like having tea parties with Ms. Potts. I like it when Dr. Banner reads me books, and I like it when Natasha teaches me things. And I like when you play with me. You do really good voices when we play action figures. And you’re the only one who lets me do stuff like jump off the high diving board at the pool or eat three cupcakes or play tackle with kids at the park.”
Clint didn’t realize that. He was pretty sure that meant that he was doing something wrong.
Darcy Lewis
Beginner Yoga for Dummies (Darcys) and Sad Hobos by chailover (Teen, 3434)
Darcy had a theory: crazy attracted crazy, working kind of like gravity. It was pretty much her explanation for her life after Thor. And if she had thought the type of crazy Thor attracted was bad, be it Loki or the Warrior Three and Sif, or the dark elves and the Convergence, it was still nothing against what the Avengers manage en masse.
Matt Murdock
Double Blind by smilebackwards (Teen, 2381) tumblr: @smilebackwards
Stark snaps his fingers. “You can’t see half of my inventions. This explains so much about you and why you’ve never been properly impressed by me.”
“Does it?” Matt says, ambiguously.
Sam Wilson
Bystander by scribblemetimbers (Teen, 52029)
“I just want you to know,” Sam says loudly, cautiously raising his hands, “That I’m very poor and very sleep-deprived and literally the only thing you can kill me for right now are my notes.” He pauses. Wait. On second thought: “Please don’t steal my notes.”
“I’m not—I’m not a mugger,” Not Mugger rasps out, and for all that he looks about to keel over and die, the man actually manages to sound offended.
Nick Fury
Bedtime Story by dixiehellcat (Teen, 2532) tumblr: @deehellcat
Fury snorted. “I have to check in with the duty officer. I’ll be back in, let’s say twenty minutes. I expect all of you to have whatever your pre-bedtime routines are completed, and be in here pajama’ed and ready to be read to.”
He tapped the book under his arm, then left with the usual dramatic swish of his long coat. Bruce scratched his head. “Did…he just say be ready to be read to?”
Pepper Potts
Pepper and the Avengers (Which She Knows Nothing About) by rebelmeg (General, 6696) tumblr: @rebelmeg
The Avengers, that mismatched group of hurt and heroism, was one of the most important things in Tony Stark’s life. So, naturally, Pepper had made them an important part of her life too.
039. Intoxicated by aimmyarrowshigh (Teen, 100) tumblr: @aimmyarrowshigh
It might be nice to fit in, just this once. To lose a bit of composure.
Vision floated over to the refrigerator and, with some timidity, pulled off a magnet. He stuck it to his forehead.
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chizue-witchery · 3 years
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Main masterlist || Prompt List || request here!
also in AO3:
001. “Pull over. Let me drive for a while.”
002. “It reminded me of you.”
003. “No, no, it’s my treat.”
004. “Come here. Let me fix it.”
005. “I’ll walk you home.”
006. “Have a good day at work.”
007. “I dreamt about you last night.”
008. “Take my seat.”
009. “I saved a piece for you.”
010. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
011. “You can have half.”
012. “Take my jacket, it’s cold outside.”
013. “Sorry, I’m late.”
#014. Fated to End Up (Dying) Together // (1/1) > 2,073 words
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Mature
Archive Warnings: Creator Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Pairing: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug — LadyNoir
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Tikki, Plagg, Alya Césaire (mentioned), Nino Lahiffe (mentioned), Gabriel Agreste (mentioned)
Prompt/s: "Can I have this dance?"
Summary: Ladybug and Chat Noir will always find each other, no matter how far apart they are. Always falling in love, even if their fate always end in a tragedy.
AO3 // Read Here!
015. “I made your favorite.”
016. “It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.”
017. “Watch your step.”
018. “Here, drink this. You’ll feel better.”
019. “Can I hold your hand?”
020. “You can borrow mine.”
021. “You might like this.”
022. “It’s not heavy. I’m stronger than I look.”
023. “I’ll wait.”
024. “Just because.”
025. “Look both ways.”
#026. let me fix this // (1/1) > 1,602 words
Fandom: Dream SMP
Rating: Teens And Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: Major Character Death
Pairing: Alexis | Quackity/Karl Jacobs/Sapnap — c!Karlnapity
Character/s: Karl Jacobs, Sapnap, Alexis | Quackity, Clay | Dream (mentioned)
Prompt/s: “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
Summary: "I'm sorry—" Karl's voice cracks, voice trembling while he holds Sapnap in his arms, the pool of blood spreading further. "I'm so sorry, my love—" He couldn't stop it–
"Fuck." Quackity cursed through gritted teeth while tears were rolling down his cheeks. They were going to lose their fiancé and they couldn't do anything about it. Dream has gone who knows where, the only one with the knowledge of the revive book. "Fuck!"
AO3 // Read Here!
027. “Try some.”
028. “Drive safely.”
029. “Well, what do you want to do?”
030. “One more chapter.”
031. “Don’t worry about me.”
032. “It looks good on you.”
033. “Close your eyes and hold out your hands.”
034. “That’s okay, I bought two.”
035. “After you.”
#036. It's Over // (1/1) > 3,050 words
Fandom: Dream SMP
Rating: Teens And Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Pairing: Alexis | Quackity/Karl Jacobs/Sapnap — c!Karlnapity
Character/s: Karl Jacobs, Sapnap, Alexis | Quackity, Dream SMP Ensemble (mentioned)
Prompt/s: “We’ll figure it out.”
Summary: Karl stands still, blankly staring at the destroyed Egg while the blood vines are withering away as it disintegrates into nothing. He doesn't look anywhere else, afraid that The Egg will come back to life and command those in control to kill the remaining members in the server.
But when he turns around and looks at his fiancés, all he can think about is that everything will be okay now that he's with them.
AO3 // Read Here!
037. “Can I kiss you?”
038. “I like your laugh.”
039. By Your Side Until the End // (1/1) > 1,010 words
Fandom: QSMP | Quackity SMP
Rating: Teens and Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: Major Character Death
Pairing: Jaiden Animations & Roier
Characters: Jaiden Animations, Roier
Prompt/s: “Don't cry.”
Summary: Roier is holding her hands like she'll disappear from his grasp and she doesn't understand why.
She's right here.
AO3 // Read Here!
040. “I made this for you.”
041. “Go back to sleep.”
042. “Is this okay?”
043. “I picked these for you.”
044. “I’ll drive you to the hospital.”
045. “What do you want to watch?”
046. “You can go first.”
047. “Did you get my letter?”
048. “I’ll do it for you.”
049. “Call me when you get home.”
050. “I think you’re beautiful.”
051. “Are you sure?”
052. “Have fun.”
053. “Sit down, I’ll get it.”
054. “I made reservations.”
055. “I don’t mind.”
056. “It brings out your eyes.”
057. “There is enough room for both of us.”
058. “You don’t have to say anything.”
059. “Wow.”
060. “Happy birthday.”
061. “I’ll pick it up after work.”
062. “It can wait until tomorrow.”
063. “Cross my heart and hope to die.”
#064 - the mark of a camellia // (1/1) >
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Rating: Teens and Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Pairing: Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya
Characters: Nakahara Chuuya, Nakajima Atsushi, Oda Sakunosuke, Sakaguchi Ango, Armed Detective Agency Ensemble, Port Mafia Ensemble
Prompt/s: “It's two sugars, right?”
Summary: Chuuya still hopes to meet his soulmate despite not meeting them at least once for the past twenty-two years. But what happens when a writer enters his life and he gains his soul mark at the same time?
AO3 // Read Here!
065. “I’ll help you study.” - BSD
066. “Stay over.”
067. “I did the dishes.”
068. “You didn’t have to ask.”
069. “I bought you a ticket.”
#070 - only for the night // (1/1) > 1,224 words
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Pairing: Nakahara Chuuya/Dazai Osamu
Characters: Dazai Osamu, Nakahara Chuuya
Prompt/s: “You're warm.”
Summary: There's only one bed and Dazai's being stubborn, not wanting to sleep in the same bed as Chuuya. Little did he know, he doesn't have a choice in this.
AO3 // Read Here!
071. “No reason.”
072. “I’ll meet you halfway.”
073. “Take mine.”
074. “We can share.”
075. “I was just thinking about you.”
076. “I want you to have this.”
077. “Call me if you need anything.”
078. “Do you want to come too?”
079. “I’ll still be here when you’re ready.”
080. “Is your seatbelt on?”
081. “Sweet dreams.”
082. “I was in the neighborhood.”
083. “Stay there. I’m coming to get you.”
084. “The key is under the mat.”
085. “It doesn’t bother me.”
086. “You’re important too.”
087. “I saved you a seat.”
088. “I’ll see you later.”
089. “I noticed.”
#090 - My Journal Entries // (1/1) > 6,682 words
Fandom: Original Work
Rating: Mature
Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Pairing: Original Female Character(s)/Original Female Character(s)
Characters: Original Female Character(s), Original Child Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original Characters
Prompt/s: “You can tell me anything.”
Summary: To whomever may find this, I have already been turned into a zombie or I lost this journal.
I hope it's not the latter; this journal is something very dear to me.
AO3 // Read Here!
091. “I hope you like it.”
092. “I want you to be happy.”
093. “I believe in you.”
094. “You can do it.”
095. “Good luck.”
096. “I brought you an umbrella.”
097. “I’ll pick you up at the airport.”
098. “Take a deep breath.”
099. “Be careful.”
100. “I love you.”
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cinematicnomad · 4 years
1, 7, 11, 32, 34, 39
001. how long ago did you start reading fanfiction? writing fanfiction? oh man. i’m not sure exactly but my memory is that i started reading fanfic in 8th grade when i was 13 and living in south florida. and i started writing my own fanfic that summer (2005) that i turned 14. sooo...i’ve been reading and writing fanfic for 15+ years??? oh damn. 
007. do you prefer to read short fics or long fics? LONG FICS!! literally the first thing i do when i discover a new fandom or ship is to search through ao3 by word count. i just really love to settle in and read something long (and i’m talking...crazy long. i have read fics that are over 1,000,000 words before and i fucking love it). 
011. how do you come up with your fic titles? oh basically all of my fic titles are from songs. so show me (family) is from the song ho hey by the lumineers. take my hand (take my everything) is from slip away by perfume genius. taste my beating heart is from howl by florence +the machine. some of my older fic titles are just grabbed from the body of the story. 
the only interesting story is from: hands split and bless on curving man. that title comes from this outdoor book festival i stumbled across in london? and they had this archway that you could walk through and people were taping together pieces of paper with different words on them and hanging the chains from the ceiling of the archway. which meant that when you walked through it you were literally walking through poetry. “hands split and bless on curving man” was the poem i strung together and hung, and then eventually i used it for a supernatural fic framed around the winchester family and their hands. 
032. copy and paste your top three favorite lines/jokes/sentences you’ve ever written. what fics do they come from?
But now, the apartment dark as the sun has set outside, the only noise the sound of Chris’ movie filtering up into the loft, Eddie feels like he’s intruding on something. Like he shouldn’t be here, in this moment, in this space, where Buck is at his most vulnerable.  —so show me (family)
[Claudia] died the same way Stiles was born. Swaddled in hospital blankets, in the arms of the two people who loved her most in the world. —a little better
[Mary]’s never there. Hasn’t been since Dean’s world went up in flames and his sense of self disappeared into the night sky to be replaced with the baby in his arms.  —gentle caress
034. how much of yourself and your life experiences do you put into your writing? what do you think your readers’ image of you is? sometimes it depends. in my most recent fic so show me (family) i put A LOT of my own experiences into the story. specifically most of buck’s injuries and childhood experiences (check: i’ve fallen down a flight of stairs multiple times, once drunkenly at a party trying to lean against a wall that wasn’t there and once stone cold sober carrying a vacuum cleaner that resulted in a broken face. in high school my friends and i got caught drinking in the woods on private property and escaped the cops by running into the trees. i broke my elbow as a kid and (unlike buck) i told my parents immediately but we waited a night before taking me to a hospital. and i chose to start going by my nickname in 9th grade and didn’t give my parents a heads up before they went to a back to school event). 
in taste your beating heart there’s a throwaway line about how stiles “brought home a dead raccoon when he was six and asked if he could keep it” which is kIND OF GNARLY but based on a story of me when i was 5 petting a dead opposum in our backyard because i thought it was a sleeping dog and asked my dad if it could be our pet. SO. 
i’m sure there’s more out there but those are the examples that stick out in my head right now.
039. what’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on? i think i’ve got an ear for dialogue. growing up i always liked to kind of daydream fake conversations between me and my crushes or celebrities i liked or whoever. and i donno, i just feel like over time i’ve gotten to know the rhythm of conversations and such? sometimes i’ll read fics and the conversation can feel stilted or overly written and i’m sure my dialogue isn’t perfect but it’s something i don’t have a hard time with. sometimes when i’m writing a scene the dialogue will come to me so fast i’ll end up just writing down all the dialogue in a rush and then go back and fill the prose in later. (that’s what happened with the eddie+maddie scene in take my hand (take my everything)). 
fic writer ask game
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kg2hub · 5 years
oh these are a lot of headcanon questions omg,,,
Tagged by: @kindcrgartcncxup
Tagging: anyone who sees this and wants to do it!!! :D
001. When is their birthday? - may 31 002. Do they do anything to celebrate their birthday? - he... celebrates felix’s birthday 003. Does your character like coffee better, or tea? - out of the two choices, he’d pick tea at the moment. he’d probably develop more of a taste for coffee as he gets older though 004. Do they prefer being alone or with others? - he desperately wants to be with others, but also finds himself alone a lot so it’s like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 005. Are they in good health? - mmh physically, yes. mentally? debatable. 006. What sense do they most rely on? - touch ig? 007. Is your character an optimist or a pessimist? - optimist :’)c 008. What is their favorite fairy tale? - cinderella 009. Do they believe in happy endings? - yep! 010. Do they believe in love at first sight? - yeah but he hasn’t experienced it
011. How would your character court the person of their dreams? - he’d shower them in affection and also thoughtful gifts 012. What makes your character embarrassed? - being wrong, which is often around felix 013. Have they ever been bullied or teased? - oh yeah definitely 014. Detail one secret shame your character feels. - he has thoughts of. sort of. ‘rebelling’ against his family. he’d never go through with it, and he’s ashamed of thinking of it because family’s supposed to stick together, right? no matter how bad it gets. no matter if they’re the ones making it that bad. 015. Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? - tongue 016. What is their choice of weapon? - anything he can use to his advantage 017. When does your character think that violence is justified or deserved? - if it stops more people from getting hurt if the other person can and will continue to hurt others. also, in self defense. 018. Your character wakes up to find that war has been declared. What do they do? -he’d. freak out and hide in bed 019. If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? - healing powers, mostly to use for other people,, 020. What are their hobbies? - singing, playing the uke, reading, doing whatever his brother is doing 021. How do they display affection? - physically and verbally. he’ll hug anyone, brush his hand against theirs, hold hands, etc. and constantly says ‘i love you’ and compliments people a lot! 022. What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? - the,, sunrise once when he was having a bad night and ended up being unable to sleep so he snuck out. he looked up for a moment where he was hiding, and being away from the house and most of the light pollution, made the colours of the sky that much more pretty 023. What do they consider beautiful in others physically? - smiles! 024. What do they consider ugly in others physically? - nothing 025. What do they consider beautiful in others personality-wise? - compassion, sympathy, patience, confidence 026. What do they consider ugly in others personality-wise? - apathy, cruelty, aggression, remorselessness, shallowness 027. What is their idea of perfect happiness? - being loved by the people he loves 028. What makes them laugh out loud? - stuff,,, that makes him laugh out loud if it’s funny enough i guess,,,,,,, 029. What sort of sense of humor does your character have? - usually light stuff, probably internet memes and vines, but also self deprecating stuff 030. Do they believe in the afterlife? - yeah a little 031. Are they superstitious about anything? - no 032. Does your character believe in ghosts? - yeah kinda 033. Do they keep their promises? - yes!! 034. What’s their view of lying? - it’s. useful when you absolutely have to. if it’s to help someone, or allows someone to avoid getting harmed especially if it’s for yourself. lying for no reason, or doing that to hurt people is a big no no though 035. What is the most important rule your character lives by? - stay kind despite everything 036. How honorable is your character? - he’s typically pretty honorable i guess?? 037. If your character saw someone drop a large sum of money and  knew that they could probably take it without anyone noticing, what would they do? - return it to the person,, he’s already loaded he doesn’t need More, and also it’s mean to just steal it 038. What bad habits do they have? - tends to internally beat himself up every time he does one little thing wrong. apologizes for literally everything. 039. What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? - being manipulated and have their emotions played with 040. What is their obsession? - music! 041. Are they comfortable with technology? - yeah ofc,, he grew up surrounded by technology, especially since his father owns a company that deals with technology 042. What is their greatest achievement? - he tried writing a little song on the uke once, and he kinda proud of that,, his greatest achievement would be something that made his family proud of him, but that probably hasn’t happened yet 043. What will they stand up for? - his brother, parents, and friends 044. What disgusts them? - really rude people, people who are spoiled, mean things, also being handed chewed up gum is Gross 045. Does your character have any chronic medical conditions? - not really? 046. How do they handle getting sick? - he just Deals With It and tries to get better as fast as possible so he can stop being so useless 047. What was the last medical problem your character had? - probably just a common cold 048. Do they have any allergies? - no 049. How does your character feel about growing old? - hopeful. maybe things will get better when he and felix get older. 050. How does your character feel about their own mortality? - s. scared,, 051. If they knew they would die tomorrow, what would they do today? - probably cry for a while and cling to felix and tell him he loves him,, same @ his parents and also his classmates even if he doesn’t know them all too well 052. What is your character’s worst flaw? - his passiveness 053. What is your character’s greatest strength? - his resilience 054. Does your character want power or authority of any kind? - lol definitely not 055. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert? - i,,, feel he’s an extrovert forced into introverted situations?? 056. Has your character ever struck someone in anger? - nope 057. Has your character ever killed anyone? - indirectly, only in other timelines 058. What is your character’s idea of a perfect day? - just one day where he’s happy and he’s with his family without any hostility or coldness between them. no yelling, no comparing, no scolding, just love. 059. List several phrases your character is fond of uttering. Where did they pick them up? - there’s,, not really anything specific he’s fond of saying? he does tend to say stuff like “yes, felix.” after being told to do something and “sorry, felix!” a lot. mostly after being berated by felix, obvi 060. What is your character’s attitude toward education and learning? - he enjoys it! it’s fun learning stuff, whether he does well with it or not 061. Does your character prefer adventure or safety and security? - he... lowkey wants adventure but he’s much too scared to step out of line from what his parents want so he remains safe and secure, being the obedient boy he always is. though, he does sneak out Occasionally, and that’s a bit of his rebellion coming to the surface 062. What sort of legacy does your character wish to leave behind? - he doesn’t really want to leave behind anything. he just wants to be known as a good, kind person. and he just wants his family to care about him and be proud of him; he doesn’t care much about what Other people think when he’s gone 063. How well does your character handle difficult people? - he endures them,,,,, 064. In what ways does your character annoy others? - by being himself. by screwing up. by apologizing too much, and never disagreeing with his brother. 065. Is your character better at leading or following? Which do they prefer? - following, to a fault. he prefers it more than being a leader, but something about his situation makes him feel Pretty Bad despite that,, 066. Does your character prefer city life or being out in nature? - nature 067. Does your character believe in fate or destiny? - kind of, but not too much 068. How strong is your character’s sense of responsibility? What kinds of things trigger it? - it’s pretty strong. he feels like he has to own up to his name, being heir to applesoft, and has to make his family proud of him. being told how useless and stupid he is can Sometimes trigger him to Try Even Harder 069. What about your character is heroic? - his sense of morals, and ability to keep going despite lack of support most of the time 070. What about your character is cowardly? - the fact that he’d follow anything his brother says. he’s much too passive, and his morals can be swayed just to prove a point. he allows things to happen even when it’s bad; he’s a bystander to himself 071. How kind is your character? - he tries to be kind whenever he can! being mean makes him feel awful,, 072. In a Dungeons & Dragons game, which class would your character be? (wizard, fighter, bard, priest, ranger, etc.) - bard or paladin 073. In a novel, what plot role would your character fill? (hero, anti-hero, sidekick, villain, etc.) - sidekick probably. either that or literally a tertiary/background character, is what he thinks he’d be 074. What is your character’s favorite game? - ,,,anything that’s felix’s favourite game 075. Is your character ticklish? - yeah lmao 076. How do they express anger? - being standoffish, heavy sarcasm, calm and collected on the outside while he’s seething on the inside 077. How often do they cry? Over what? - he cries a lot,, over a lot of things, mostly about seeing himself as a failure and disappointment. also when felix berates him he’ll usually cry after that 078. How emotionally stable is your character? - hmm he’s,,, getting worse,,,,,, 079. How easy is it for them to read the emotions of others? - pretty easy honestly! 080. How easy is it for others to read your character’s emotions? - it can vary; some days he’ll be pretty good at hiding his feelings and appear perfectly fine, others he Just Can’t Do It 081. Is your character religious? - nope 082. What are your character’s sleeping preferences? - sleeps on his side, curled up, with Many pillows and a heavy blanket,, he probably has a stuffed animal (or many?) and hugs All of them 083. What is the first thing they say and/or do when they wake up? - he just gets up, gets ready, does whatever felix wants him to, etc 084. Describe your character in one word. - trapped 085. Describe your character in three words. - full of potential 086. How would your character describe themself in one word? - disappointment 087. How would your character describe themself in three words? - kind, trying, loving 088. Is your character quiet or loud? - quiet 089. How vocally expressive is your character? - he’d be more expressive if he wasn’t silenced all the time by felix. that being said, not very 090. How bodily expressive is your character? - not very 091. What type of music does your character like? - pop, indie, acoustic music, anything else if it Sounds Good 092. What emotion does your character evoke in others? - i mean. a lotta muses i’ve been rping with feel sorry for him so-- 093. What is your character’s goal in life? - to do something that will make his brother and parents proud of him,, 094. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to know. - how to avoid all the security situated in his house?? he, sometimes, literally breaks out of his own house without anyone knowing - how to read, how to do smart kid stuff mostly because he’s always painted as the “dumb twin” - the secrets of applesoft? i guess? why tf does he and felix just carry around the chemical used to make applegate’s pills lmao,,,,,, anyway bottom line, ted knows that chemical was used to make the pills. he probably knows more things than he lets on too.
095. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to do. - he’s capable of sarcasm - planning the demise of one of his classmates - can play the ukulele Pretty Well for his age
096. How do they move and carry themselves? What energy do they project? - passive, unsure, meek, unconfident. he Tries not to slouch, but he doesn’t quite stand up straight enough either. constantly seems to subconsciously make himself small, always stands a little too off to the side, usually comes off as nervous and anxious. moves quickly to try to not waste time. 097. How well do they adapt to change? - not too well, but he doesn’t let that show 098. Does your character like animals? - yeah! 099. Do they talk to inanimate objects? - sometimes, mostly just his stuffed animals. or apologizes to stuff he bumps into. 100. Does your character dream? If so, what do they dream about? - yeah, usually random things. sometimes it’s happy, and a good escape from his actual life. sometimes it’s nightmares. sometimes he doesn’t remember.
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nyappyforeverbr · 5 years
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100 Questions&Answers: Miku MEMORIAL ARTIST BOOK
In addition to several photos AN CAFE Memorial Artist Book also brought an interview and a special questionnaire of 100 questions with each of the 5 members. Here is the translation of the 100 questions with Miku's 100 answers. Translate: Japanese>Portuguese by Hiyori Portuguese>English by Shiro 001 How many sushi can you eat? Around 25
002 Which sushi's ingredient do you like? Thread-sail Filefish (a type of fish)
003 If you have to eat something until you die, what it would be? Sushi
004 Which kind of lamen do you think has the strongest flavor? Tonchan no Tsukemen
005 What do you in like in a hot drink? Chai tea latte of Starbucks
006 Which mixture do you think most matches rice? Mentaiko (Pollock roe)
007 What flavor of chewing gum do you like? Mint
008 What flavor of candies do you like? That ones with flavor of energetic drinks
009 Soba or udon? Soba NOTE: Soba is a pasta made from buckwheat and udon is made from wheat only
010 Of your whole life, what was the most painful experience you've ever faced? (referring to physical damages) When I was in elementary school, I participated in the multi-sport gymnastics and had those gymnastics formation, I fell from above
011 One part of body that demonstrates more confidence? Eyes
012 What do you think about old times? Mice
013 If you had won 100.000 yen what you would make? (Around 900 dolars) I would put in saving
014 And about 100.000.000 yen? (Around 900.000 dolars) I would have fun with friends.
015 I know this is kind out of reality, but if you could have a wild animal, which would be? It would be a gorilla. They look like good companions.
016 To Cook, wash clothes, clean the house. Which one do you do better? Cook
017 If you were going for a walk with your girlfriend, where would you go? The night view is beautiful on the edge of the beach
018 Where would you spend your last days of life? (If you were an old man where would you want to live?) and why? In a countryside. I hate places with too much people
019 Is there anyone you consider to be the strongest person in the world? My mom.
020 An anime character, manga, etc. that you consider to be the strongest? Son Goku of Dragon Ball
021 If you could turn into some anime character or something like this, who would you choose? Toma Kamijo from Toaru Kagaku no Railgun
022 First CD you bought? Koigokoro of Nanase Aikawa
023 Your preferred winter song? You of Kumi Koda
024 Your preferred xmas song? None
025 Forgetting that you were part of a band, if you were about to start one, what would it take? And why? Guitar. I would also play some instrument and some girl (s) in the band
026 And what would be the name you would choose for the band? Dark into the dark
027 If you went to a desert island and could only take three things, what would it take? My puppy, water filter, instant noodles.
028 Do you know how to swim? Yes
029 Something you would never want to happen? To have contact with death
030 If you were a child, how would you like to be called? Seira-chan
031 Do you speak when sleeping? If yes, talk about something already happened to you. It seems I do this frequently. A lot of people already got irritated with this (lol)
032 If it was your last day of life, what would you do? I would enjoy a great meal
033 What was the longest time you could stay awake? 48 hours
034 If you could become someone important in history, who would you be? Toyotomi Hideyoshi
035 Do you use a lot of emoticon on LINE? Have you been using LINE lately? I use a lot of colorful letters
036 What's the biggest lie you've ever told? I never lied like this
037 Write the kanji that you think represents 2019 and why? 成 (turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach)
038 The most expensive thing you bought this year? A house
039 The most convenient thing you bought recently? A light epilator
040 A number from 0 to 9 that you like more than others? 3
041 Your longest finger without the middle finger, is it your index finger? Ring finger? Or are they both the same size? My index finger
042 The word you most speak? Dangerous
043 At what time do you think "I'm being bourgeois"? When I only eat things I like it
044 If you could have powers, which one would you choose? Power to shrink people
045 If there was a magic word that said things would happen, what would it be? I can
046 If you have to choose a follow up for the curry what would it be? Breaded pork
047 Some kind of punishment game you'd like to avoid? Ippatsugyagu (short joke games)
048 Do you like the time zone? Why? I like when it’s 10 o'clock in the morning. The sun in this part of the day gives a feeling of comfort
049 How much would you pay for a T-shirt? Up to 2,000 yen (Around 18 dollars)
050 Tell something you would say to you 10 years ago. Are you going to be prominent?
051 If it was 50 years ago, what would you be doing? Would have a grandson and an amusement park
052 How could you imagine yourself 10,000 years ago? It seems that I would not exist
053 What is the first impression you have of each member of An Cafe? Takuya a chihuahua; Kanon a penguin; Yuki the Usopp (one piece) and Teruki a fox
054 If underwear could have another name, what would you call it? Delicate
055 A live that you can not forget? The birthday live at Tiara Koto
056 During those 15 years which member has changed the most? Takuya
057 Do you prefer the traditional breakfast or bread? Traditional
058 A teacher you always remember? Teacher Takeno
059 The most fun song in a live? Seishun TRAIN
060 Where do you most like to do a live? Takadanobaba AREA
061 A thing you most buy at a convenience store? Black Coffee
062 If you were not an artist, which career would you choose? Artist Businessman
063 Which city goes through your head before a live? Nakasu
064 A stationery item that you like? High-tech mechanical pencil
065 An electronic device that you like? Electric shaver
066 A person you think is erotic? Yuki or Kanon
067 What do you think of the vocaloids? I did not understand the question
068 A TV show that you like? Ariyoshi Hanseikai (TV Show)
069 What's the first live you've been? Of Kagerou band
070 How many pairs of shoes do you have? I think about 20 pairs
071 What is your average time in the bath? 1 hour
072 A mobile app you liked right away? Google Maps
073 Do you use a computer for what purpose primarily? Work
074 What have you found funny lately? The strange faces actors make in essays
075 Who would you most like to meet? My grandfather
076 When you were a kid, who was your superhero? My dad
077 The flavor of Umaibo that you like? Salad flavor Note: Umaibō or "delicious stick" is a small corn cylindrical snack from Japan.
078 An entertaining artist that you like? UN-JASH Oshima
079 First time you did a makeup? When I was in middle school
080 Talk a little bit about your first live. I was very nervous and could not do the MC, so everyone laughed at me, except the members who were angry
081 Do you prefer night or day? Night
082 When you can't sleep what do you do? Drink
083 Not counting your part in the band, which musical instrument do you like? Guitar
084 The oldest memory you have? When I was a child they had just bought me a toy and I soon broke it and my father became very angry
085 What color do you like? White, black and pink
086 What is your favorite mascot? I don't have
087 Where do you usually buy your clothes? Paul Smith and TAKEO KIKUCHI
088 Are there any manga or magazines that you buy frequently? None in particular
089 How long you already waited for a person who did not show up? 1 hour
090 How many times can you do sit-ups? Around 300 times
091 At this exact moment how much you have in your wallet? 300 yen (around 3 dollars)
092 Which Cocoichi curry do you think is the most spicy and the topping? The standard curry with sausage topping Note: Cocoichi is a Japanese restaurant franchise specialized in curry
093 Subject at school that you was better? Mathematics
094 Subject at school that you was worst? Japanese and sociology
095 What do you do before each live? I go to the stage and ask for everything be fine
096 What is the essential item for a live? Hearing protection
097 Are there any objects that you can not throw away? A plush I won
098 What do you usually buy at McDonald's? French fries
099 What do you use at bedtime? When it's not cold just a underwear
100 Leave a message to Caffekos I'm so grateful that we found each other. You are the treasure of my life, I love you all.
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nonejalan2-blog · 6 years
Mengenal Malaysia like a local (part 1)
Mengenal Malaysia like a local (part 1)
Sebuah kota bukanlah sekadar sebuah landmark. Di balik dinding-dinding betonnya, di bawah gedung-gedung tingginya, ada warga dan budaya, ada sajian rasa dan seni griya.
1. Pasar Karat Pasar Karat ini ada di sebuah anak jalan Sultan Street, kawasan Chinatown (Petaling Street). Barang yang dijual? Seperti namanya lah, barang-barang karatan. Maksudnya barang-barang bekas. Mirip sama Pasar Tegalega,…
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 039
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Last time, Krillin, Gohan, and Bulma embarked on their trip to Planet Namek.   It’s been a few days, and Bulma’s already bored.   She spends this whole episode not bothering to wear pants.  
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I mean, is this a fanservice episode?  I mean, probably, but this is a Triangle Guy production, so Bulma looks pretty weird the whole time, so I have a hard time imagining what sort of fan feels serviced by this.    Also, Krillin looks like he’s wearing Bulma’s shirt from several episodes back.  
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Krillin and Gohan spend much of the trip “image training”, which I guess is some kind of telepathic sparring?   I never quite understood how either of them knew how to do this, but it’s pretty awesome that they can.   
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When they finish, Bulma gripes about how messy the ship’s gotten, and when Krillin points out that it’s her mess on her side of the ship, she gripes that she’s super busy because she has to keep the ship functional.   
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Krillin wishes aloud that she wouldn’t wander around in her undies all the time.   Team Four Star really did a good job with this this part of the saga, by the way.
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Back on Earth, Goku is apparently well enough to get out of bed and do situps.   So what are all the bandages for, exactly?   In the fic I write, I invented a doctor who’s this giant spider, specifically so he could wrap up his patients in bandages made from his own webbing.   So I know how fun it is to wrap up characters like mummies and call it medical treatment.    But Goku really did suffer a bunch of broken bones not too long ago, so I don’t get it.
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The doctor puts a stop to this and orders “Grandpa Glad-hands” to help the nurse put him back in bed.   Grandpa Glad-Hands belongs in jail.    As for Chi-Chi, she’s up on the roof worrying about Gohan.
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This part looks like it wasn’t handled by Triangle Guy.    Chi-Chi’s all worried because Gohan hasn’t written her.   Does she just not understand how space works, or...?
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Anyway, Chi-Chi’s adorable.
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Back on the ship, Bulma asks where Vegeta went after he left the Earth.    He was badly hurt, and his home planet was destroyed a long time ago, so where would he have gone for medical attention?    It’d be kind of funny if he turned out to be in the same hospital as Goku, and they ended up sharing a room together.
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They agree that wherever Vegeta has gone, it’ll be best for the Earth if it takes him a long time to get there, so they’ll have more time to prepare for his inevitable return.   Krillin figures that if the Saiyans sold planets to other aliens, maybe he went to one of his clients for help.
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Meanwhile, we see Vegeta en route to... wherever he’s going, and he’s still hurt, and he’s still amazed that he’s this badly hurt.   I’m not sure it was worth checking in on him like this if there was no new information to reveal, but okay.
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Back to Bulma, a swarm of alien ships suddenly appear and fire upon their vessel.    I guess they’re unmanned drones, since there’s no sign of pilots in the cockpits.
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Bulma returns fire and blows them all up, so I guess Capsule Corp. armed this ship.   Or maybe it had weapons on it from the start?   Doesn’t sound very Namekian to me.
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Then they see another spaceship, and it mirrors their movements.    That’s because its just a reflection of their own ship.   I don’t understand why they never notice this, since they all know what their own ship looks like.
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They end up getting pulled into the... whatever it is, and gradually it becomes clear that they ran into a much larger ship with some sort of reflective hull or force field or something like that.    I don’t understand how they collided with it and just sort of sank into it, but it’s an alien ship, so I guess it doesn’t have to make sense.    For some reason it looks like a hot-air baloon painted all-black.   
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They find themselves in a cargo bay full of junk, and they go out to look around.   Bulma forgot to put on some clothes first, so she spends the rest of the episode like this.   Some triangle-fetishist must love this episode.   
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Also, why is Bulma so jacked in this episode?    Really, her arms are usually this big around, it’s just that her lower legs are really skinny because triangles.    I ran into this in the Xenoverse games.    A lot of players made custom Videls, and they looked very show-accurate except they never seemed to look quite right, and then I realized it was because all the women characters had really skinny legs to make them look “sexier”.    That’s dumb, because the Dragon Ball house style gives everyone thick calves, especially Videl, because she’s a jock.   Bulma’s a nerd, but she still has thicker legs than this most of the time.
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Anyway, there’s all these booby traps on the ship, and a section with no doors, so they have to fly up to the next deck, and the whole place feels more like a tabletop RPG than an actual spacecraft real people would use.   I mean, literal green slime drops down from the ceiling, and it kills on contact, just like the old D&D comic ads from the 1980′s.  
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Triangle Guy probably drew this ad, too.  
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Oh, hey, it’s Vegeta again, and now he’s swearing revenge.   Neat.
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All I’m saying is, why would you build a ship with green slime and guns in the walls and a red door in the ceiling that’s the only way in or out of a room?    It doesn’t make any sense.
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There’s even one trap that breaches the hull and Krillin’s hat gets sucked out into space.
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Then they get to a room with a scrumptious dinner laid out for them.
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Bulma dodges a knife, because she expected the food to be bait for another trap, but she failed to consider that the knife hitting the wall behind her was designed to activate another trap.
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This giant dome falls on her, and everyone’s all surprised, like they wouldn’t have noticed that thing when they walked in.   
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Then it starts to retract itself or something...
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And a robot claw reaches down and plucks Bulma up into the air.    Well why didn’t they just do that in the first place?
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Then a bunch of children come out and point guns at them.   Why didn’t they do this in the first place?
This episode isn’t all that terrible, but it’s not particularly good, either.   I can deal with Triangle Guy and the filler stuff and the fanservice crap, but not much actually happens, and when you put all that together, it just makes for a low-quality experience.   It feels like the ship was only as big as it is just so they could stretch the story out and have the gang wander around it for a while.  
I say this because the next episode is a lot better, and I think that’s mainly because we actually get to find out who these kids are, instead of just seeing the heroes deal with a bunch of corny traps that could have been laid by any stock villain.  
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rcppled-a · 5 years
bold   –   always  ⁄  often italic   –   sometimes
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001.   smoking:  the  action  or  habit  of  inhaling  &  exhaling  the  smoke  of  tobacco  or  a  drug.
002.   binge drinking:  the  consumption  of  an  excessive  amount  of  alcohol  in  a  short  period  of  time.
003.   drug abuse:  the  habitual  taking  of  illegal  drugs. (currently only marijuana)
004.   nail-biting:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  anxiety / tension.
005.   lip-biting:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  anxiety / tension.
006.   night owl: a  person  who  is  habitually  active  or  wakeful  at  night.
007.   early bird:  a  person  who  rises ,  arrives ,  or  acts  before  the  usual  or  expected  time.
008.   negative attitudes: a  philosophy  of  approaching  life  with  criticism  &  pessimism.
009.   positive attitudes:  a  philosophy  of  approaching  life  with  optimism  &  confidence.
010.   swearing:  the  use  of  offensive  language.
011.   superstitious:  an  irrational  belief  that  an  object ,  action ,  or  circumstance  not  logically  related  to ��a  course  of  events  influences  its  outcome.
012.   inspecting fingernails:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  boredom.
013.   scratching your neck:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  uncertainty.
014.   foot  & finger  tapping:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  stress / impatience.
015.   nose touch:  a  subtle  body  language  sign  of  deceit.
016.   flipping  hair:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  craving  attention.
017.   twirling  hair:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  flirtation.
018.   cracking  knuckles:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  readiness.
019.   hands behind back:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  confidence.
020.   finger  –  pointing:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  authority.
021.   hands on hips:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  readiness.
022.   hands in pockets:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  mistrust / reluctance.
023.   frequent touch:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  warmth / familiarity.
024.   throat  –  clearing:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  rejection / doubt.
025.   jaw  –  clenching:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  hostility.
026.   eye  –  rolling:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  irritation.
027.   head  –  tilt:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  interest.
028.   whistling:  to  emit  high  –  pitched  sound  by  forcing  breakthrough  a  small  hole  between  one’s  lips  or  teeth;  usually  to  a  tune.
029.   humming:  make  a  low,  steady  continuous  sound  like  that  of  a  bee;  usually  to  a  tune.
030.   perfectionism:  refusal  to  accept  any  standard  short  of  perfection.
031.   photographic memory:  the  ability  to  remember  information  or  visual  images  in  great  detail.
032.   paranoia:  a  mental  condition  characterized  by  delusions  of  persecution ,  unwarranted  jealousy ,  or  exaggerated  self  –  importance,  typically  worked  into  an  organized  system.
033.   exaggeration:  a  statement  that  represents  something  as  better  or  worse  than  it  really  is.
034.   intuitive:  using  or  based  on  what  one  feels  to  be  true  even  without  conscious  reasoning;  instinctive.
035.   quick  –  witted:  showing  or  characterized  by  an  ability  to  think  or  respond  quickly  &  effectively.
036.   interrupting:  breaking  the  continuity  of  a  conversation  with  one’s  own  statements.
037.   doodling:  to  scribble  or  make  rough  drawings,  absentmindedly.
038.   irritable:  having  or  showing  a  tendency  to  be  easily  annoyed.
039.   gambling:  to  play  games  of  chance  for  money;  bet.
040.   travel – sick:  suffering  from  nausea  caused  by  the  motion  of  a  moving  vehicle ,  boat ,  or  aircraft.
041.   sensitive:  having  or  displaying  a  quick  &  delicate  appreciation  of  others’  feelings.
042.   melancholy:  a  feeling  of  pensive  sadness,  typically  with  no  obvious  cause.
043.   chewing gum:  the  exercise  of  chewing  flavored  gum  which  is  not  intended  for  swallowing.
044.   fidgeting:  to  make  small  movements,  especially  of  the  hands  &  feet,  through  nervousness  or  impatience.
045.   skeptical:  not  easily  convinced;  having  doubts  or  reservations.
046.   neat–freak:  compulsively  obsessed  with  cleanliness.
047.   gossiping:  divulging  personal  information  about  others.
048.   prim:  feeling  or  showing  disapproval  of  anything  regarded  as  improper;  stiffly  correct.
049.   abbreviating:  giving  others  nicknames / shortening  names / giving  pet  names.
050.   having a catchphrase: having  a  sentence  or  phrase  typically  associated  with  a  specific  person.
tagged by: saw it floating around on my dash a few times
tagging: @amelorates @amaarok @thicktville @fyrebranded @gothamoutllaw @waywardfreckled @withspectres + everyone else!
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If you Think to make drives me crazy, slowly. You are succeeding. And dont look at me so. Because you know it better than anybody else what is happening.
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Focus Photography
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meistoshia · 5 years
talk to me about your favorite episodes of xyz !!! or your favorite moments !!
oh my god ,     okay ,     uh ,     i have     SO many favorite episodes / moments ,     this is gnna take a hot motherfuckin sec   ( post!editing edward here ,     i was right ) ,     uh ,     KDSFJGHSDFJ ,     okay ,     sO   …               folks ,     if you’ve ever wanted a somewhat comprehensive summary of all of my feelings on the xy/z series ,     here it is ,     all in one place :
                                001 - 002.
right from the start of satoshi showing up in kalos ,     the entire energy of the series was just so !!! & the battle animations were just such a breath of fresh air after having watched bw & i was just instantly drawn in .               then there was the whole incident with the gablias & just satoshi following it up the tower & having calming it down enough to remove the collar ,     knowing that it was in pain ,     be the first priority ,     & then leaping after pikachu when an edge of the tower broke off   ——   my heart just was so warm throughout all that .
satoshi consistently repeating that a strategy is needed against yayakoma sort of just made me smile & think ,     yeah he’s grown a lot since previous seasons .               along with that ,     the moment where it clicks for satoshi why keromatsu has been described as   “ the pokemon that battles as it pleases without listening to its trainer ” ,     understanding his feelings & working to attain keromatsu’s goal together instead of him just leaping blindly without considering how to most effectively achieve it  ;          that also just really made me soft ,     because finally there’s a trainer that actually understands keromatsu & it reaffirms that him choosing satoshi was indeed a good choice .
a really small thing ,     but when satoshi’s stuck on how to counter viola’s pokemon & he & serena have a small talk & serena says that he told her   “ don’t give up until the end ”   & that he hasn’t changed &   “ this is so like you ”   & satoshi just pauses for a second .               & then he laughs .               because how could he forget   ??               it’s not like him to mull things over too much ,     he just goes at it with fighting spirit ,     no matter what it may be or even if fighting spirit is all he has .                 that moment just always makes me smile to think about ,     probably mostly due to the pause & laugh ,     honestly .
serena putting her sihorn knowledge to use & teaching satoshi how to ride one ,     & the moments where she was remembering herself learning & when she repeats her mom’s words of   “ don’t talk !!     you’ll bite your tongue !! ”   &   “ go for broke !! ”   without even thinking   ——   those were sweet .               also the kalos gang talking to serena’s mom for the first time ,     that was really adorable ,     especially with everyone pushing each other out of the frame to talk & satoshi excitedly talking about serena teaching him to ride sihorn & her trying to get him to shush up & ending up just shoving him away from the phone entirely before he could finish a sentence .
satoshi & pikachu continuing to battle the rocket gang even after maaiika blinded pikachu by having satoshi become his eyes & guide where to dodge & where to strike  ;          it was a really nice way of showing the trust that pikachu has in satoshi & vice versa ,     because battling blind while relying on someone else’s directions does take a lot of trust to pull off smoothly .
honestly just the entire episode  :          the backstory with the citroid ,     citron reclaiming his gym ,     the kalos gang saying they’ll grow together with citron ,     him declaring to his dad that he wishes to travel with satoshi & serena & stating that they’ve helped him grow as a person in even just the short amount of time that they’ve been together at that point ,     the promise between satoshi & citron to have a proper gym battle against each other once satoshi reaches the skill level of someone with four badges & citron promising to get stronger as well to be able to give that proper gym battle   ——   this entire episode was filled with so much goodness .
after rewatching the orange league arc ,     i’d come to realize that zakuro giving his challengers the option to climb their way to the battlefield was quite similar to a previous gym leader that too had his challengers climb for the right to challenge him ,     but there were a few differences ,     one significant one being that ,     in kalos ,     satoshi has zero hesitation in his decision to climb the walls & ,     though he slips once ,     he doesn’t look down & finishes his climb with relative ease ,     a vast improvement from the aforementioned orange league arc ,     & the connection with the earlier arc makes this a moment ,     or rather thing ,     that i really liked .               also the evolution of way of fighting through battle with the counter - tombs was really neat .
                                030 - 033.
honestly just watching corni & her lucario bond & grow & come to truly understand each other & overcome the overwhelming power of lucario’s mega evolution was all just really interesting  ;          also the understanding that satoshi had for her connection with lucario & for the need to battle the bursyamo in the cave on their own due to his own experience ,     that was nice .
the entire episode ,     really .               satoshi took one look at luchabull & just went   “ kin ” .              the excitement & admiration he felt at meeting luchabull & him asking if kanazawa could share some stories about him & just being so !!! when kanazawa tells him he could take him to luchabull’s training spot   ——   it was all just so tangible & heartwarming .               satoshi working with luchabull to help master the flying press & trying to help by thinking of a way to increase the speed of the attack without having to remove the personal dramatic flair aspect of luchabull’s particular move was also really sweet ,     along with admitting total defeat even though it was a draw between luchabull & keromatsu because luchabull had perfected his flying press after trying satoshi’s suggestions only once & impressed him + luchabull still wanting to go along with satoshi & the others .
                                039 - 042.
the rival trio were so great & the summer camp was a wonderful way of introducing these recurring characters ,     not to mention that this marks the beginning of steady discovery for serena of what sort of dream she wants to attain ,     with sana telling her about the trypokarons & it sparking an interest for her .
oh man ,     the gym battle between satoshi & corni was such a ride to watch ,     especially just the first time around ,     like the animation team really pulled out some god damn stops for this episode because ,     holy fuck ,     it was like a cup of coffee for me .               also ,     the moment with satoshi realizing he can’t really copy anyone else’s strategy because he’s got his own type of rhythm to battling was just kinda nice .
serena’s first caught pokemon & her deciding that she wants to become a pokemon performer along with fokko & yancham .               she’s struggled with the fact that she’s the only one she knows without a goal or a dream in life all the way up until this episode & just the fact that she’s finally so certain of something like that really warmed my heart .
going off from the aforementioned ep ,     serena confronting her mom about wanting to become a pokemon performer & challenging her to a race with the stakes being that ,     if serena loses ,     she’s going to come back home ,     & even though she falls down in the middle of the race ,     not giving up & her determination getting her through to the finish line first .               she finally had something she’s so passionate about & i just felt nothing but pride & joy for her .
kojiro & maaiika ,     man .               kojiro & maaiika .
while serena may have failed in her first trypokaron ,     it was really heartwarming to see her finally turn around in the end & not let the failure stop her entirely from pushing on ahead ,     knowing that she’s not alone in it ,     she has her pokemon with her .               also the blue ribbon she got from satoshi being used for her new look was sweet .
elle & serena’s battle & serena taking elle’s advice of smiling while performing with her pokemon to heart & reaching fokko in a way that made it evolve into tairenar all hit me in the heart like a bag of bricks ,     not gonna lie .
oh man .               the entire gym battle between satoshi & citron .               it really was so electrifying to watch ,     the animation & emotion in the battle was off the hook & i could swear that my heart was racing its own marathon during all of it .               i really felt that feeling of not wanting the battle to end & wanting it to last forever ,     & when it was over i felt like i’d just gotten an absolute rush of adrenaline & had to slowly come down from it .               it’s honestly my favorite gym battle to date ,     full stop   ( though the unofficial gym battle against kasumi in sumo is a close second due to similar reasons as this one ) ,     because not only was the battle itself so incredibly well done ,     but the chemistry between not just trainer & pokemon ,     but trainer & trainer as well was just so beautifully displayed in a way that none of the other gym battles with travelling companions who were gym leaders had   ( the battle against kasumi is one of an old friendship from the very early first days of their journeys ,     sort of an   “ it’s been a long while, wonder how you’ve you been ” ,     while the one against citron is more that of gratitude & respect ,     mostly coming from citron  ;          they’ve got two distinctly different connections )  ;          citron was inspired by satoshi to be the type of trainer he is in this episode ,     all the events & incidents that have happened up until this battle have made him the way he is ,     & he is giving it his all because it’s not only what satoshi deserves but it’s also what citron has achieved   ——   he’s grown as a trainer & as a person & this battle is his way of showing all his progress thus far .               it’s a thank you .               also ,     you can pry the line   “ satoshi, you need me.     a fighter like you needs a calm type like me by his side ”   from my cold ,     dead grasp .
satoshi dealing with the trick rooms was interesting to watch ,     & even though the end result may not have been quite as satisfactory as he’d hoped ,     the repeated use of flame charge to build up speed for when the room timed out was a heh moment that i liked  ;          he’s got a tendency to sometimes purposefully make his opponents think he’s making a mistake while he’s actually just waiting for the right moment to make a good move & i really appreciate those moments .
the gang parenting the newly hatched onbat was so sweet & so cute ,     especially with satoshi & his flying types ,     helping it learn to fly .               it’s kind of a small thing ,     but it’s so adorable & heartwarming that i can’t help but call it a favorite .
kojiro stepping up & helping serena with tairenar’s broken stick because he understands the feeling of losing something that may seem easily replaceable to others but holds immeasurable value & memories to the one who owns said something .               it was honestly just so sweet & so heartwarming & he was happy for tairenar even while getting blasted off ,     i mean come on .               my heart was mush .
tiny thing but satoshi sprawling out in his sleep to the point of having an arm draped over citron was really cute & a favorite thing .
                                092 - 093.
first off ,     i dig gojika’s whole Thing so much & i think she might be my favorite gym leader purely aesthetic - wise  ;          second ,     the foreshadowing of satoshi - gekkouga & gekogashira’s backstory ,     holy shit .               not gonna lie ,     the lines   “ what keromatsu wanted was something deeper .     i call this … love .   […]   this one’s future   …   is you two climbing up towards a future of new greatness   …   that no one has ever seen before . ”   hit me in the heart like a bowling ball .               & oh man the gym battle   …               god it was so much fun to watch & i loved every moment of it ,     particularly satoshi having pikachu time the amount of time it takes for gojika’s future sight to strike ,     & Oof the moment where gojika sees satoshi & gekogashira’s future in the water pulse .
                                100 / xy&z07.
gekogashira’s evolution & the first instance of satoshi - gekkouga   …               honestly ,     almost every time i rewatch an instance of it after a while of not seeing any ,     i realize i forgot just how intense the satoshi - gekkouga state is ,     like even just the powering up part on its own .
                                106 / xy&z13.
something about the abruptness of the ends of the battles between satoshi - gekkouga & jukain & mega lizardon always cracks me up ,     i don’t know what to tell y’all .               also the exchange of   “ satoshi, what was that ??     how can you do that ??     please tell me !! ”   “ i don’t know either.     my vision goes bam & then i’m all rargh. ”   “ i see, i see   …   wait, that does not help !! ” .
                                112 - 113 / xy&z19 - 20.
even though she lost in the end ,     the fact that serena had even made it to the point of facing off against elle in the first place was such a huge deal & i can honestly say that i cried a Lot during these episodes & that they are the reason i now instantly get teary - eyed upon hearing serena’s dori - dori song .               also ,     it was really nice that musashi accepted her loss as well as she did ,     casually stating that it was because of the rest of the gang that she made it even that far ,     even though just a few trypokarons ago she would have blown her lid off at a loss when she was so close to her goal  ;          the rest of the gang being just so proud of her & kojiro & nyarth being more than willing to pay for the celebratory dinner was really sweet ,     too .
                                116 / xy&z23.
small things stuck with me & make this a nice episode to rewatch ,     such as the start of studying satoshi & gekkouga’s synchronization ,     pikachu shouting at satoshi for calling out onvern for a battle instead of him & getting pouty ,     the small details of satoshi’s eyes narrowing just as he’s about to resume battle with gekkouga having freshly powered up & his pupils contracting in a closeup when an attack is incoming which are such tiny things but delight me to no end ,     & just the enthusiasm with which satoshi goes into his decision to raise his own strength closer to that of gekkouga’s .
                                118 / xy&z25.
where can i even begin with this episode Holy Shit   …               first off ,     this ep reaffirmed to me that carne is such a delight ,     honestly ,     def one of my favorite champions ,     second   …   that battle though   …   that battle   …   poetic cinema   …               the battle choreography ,     the animation ,     the way satoshi - gekkouga’s theme seemed to perfectly sync up with what was on screen ,     satoshi moving in perfect sync with gekkouga’s movements as he attacked as though he were the one performing the attacks ,     the raw emotion in satoshi’s voice as he called out attacks & declarations of becoming much ,     much stronger   …               it was such a rush of adrenaline to watch ,     even bigger than the one i got while watching the gym battle between satoshi & citron ,     i felt like my heart stopped beating the moment the battle was abruptly ended by satoshi losing consciousness .               & hey ,     the animator(s) responsible for the scenes with the white background & black paint splatters ,     let me get y’all’s number ,     i wanna treat y’all because holy fuck those were intense .               i loved them .
                                119 / xy&z26.
this episode is less of a favorite due to what happens & more of a favorite due to the content as a whole .               upsetting to him as it may have been ,     satoshi had been having a huge winning streak ,     alan & black - outs excluded ,     so a loss was imminent ,     & ,     honestly ,     understandable .               seeing that shoota had surpassed him in an aspect & grown so strong in such a short amount of time got to him & affected his psyche  ;          kid got scared .               he got nervous & ,     as we all know ,     a nervous trainer leads to a faulty battle .               i will say though that the little bit after the internal thoughts in the middle of the jukain vs gekkouga battle of satoshi saying shoota surprised him delights me to no end & i blame how rica said the line along w/ the small motion satoshi makes while saying it .
                                120 / xy&z27.
satoshi literally saying   “ hold my jacket while i fight this guy ” .               i can’t call anything else a favorite even though i loved this episode because everything else just made me emotional & upset  ;          particularly the fact that the preview for the next episode was silent except for the snowy wind blowing & satoshi dejectedly reading out the title of the episode without even saying the   “ everyone, get pokemon ”   line at the end .
                                121 / xy&z28.
putting aside the upsetting factor of the title not being read out by anyone   …               the flashbacks of younger satoshi with all those wild pokemon really warmed my heart after all of the upsetting stuff that had been going on .               also the moment of satoshi & gekkouga finally making their power their own ,     based on their mutual strong desire to save one pokemon ,     along with them both deciding to start fresh from zero ,     gekkouga rolling his monster ball towards satoshi just as like when he initially chose him & everything .
                                122 / xy&z29.
oh honey when satoshi - gekkouga showed up   …   oh Honey   …               again ,     the thing with satoshi moving in sync with gekkouga’s moves as though he were the one attacking ,     except this time even more intense than during the battle with carne  ;          for some reason the aerial ace kick downwards always gets me & that small bit is one of my top favorite parts of the entire episode somehow .
                                123 / xy&z30.
satoshi & eureka finishing off the preview for the next episode together while citron’s in the background wordvomiting about the wonders of ingenuities .               that is all .
                                125 / xy&z32.
satoshi’s declarations of aiming to win the entire league ,     serena having to physically drag satoshi away from a battle before it begins when he’s already running out of time to get registered for the conference ,     satoshi doing the arm thing on trova ,     seeing the frustration of someone who failed to get all eight badges in time ,     just so many favorites across the episode .
                                126 / xy&z33.
the various mega - evolutions ,     tierno & shoota’s battle ,     & numelgon rejoining the team were all Oof .
                                127 - 128 / xy&z34 - 35.
satoshi’s eyes shining while watching alan’s fight honestly made my heart go ding ,     not gonna lie  ;          the boundless excitement building in him is real & it’s wonderful .               & the start of the battle between satoshi & shoota   …   i felt like satoshi using pikachu’s electric ball against bloster’s grip was a nice callback to using it to get out of horubee’s grasp on his tail in the first episode ,     & honestly the part where satoshi had pikachu block gillgard’s entry into its shield was such a heh moment ,     like it really was so on brand for him to pull something like that ,     something that would have failed were the timing off even in the slightest  ;          also i really liked the small detail of satoshi’s pupils contracting when he spots a chance for dealing with king’s shield & the little laugh he did when shoota’s peroream returned the favor for what onvern did .                    but holy fuck the finale of the battle between satoshi & shoota   …   the fight between satoshi - gekkouga & mega jukain   …   oh man i absolutely felt that battle  ;          the adrenaline rush i got from watching it was on par with the gym battles against corni ,     citron ,     & urup ,     & the battle against carne .               the raw power in it   …   wrow   …               the animation ,     the battle choreography ,     just how absolutely tangible the attacks were   …               but the true oof was yet to come   …   this was only the semi - finals   …   the biggest big dick energy of them all was still only just around the corner   …
                                129 / xy&z36.
honestly this episode had just really tiny things that i liked ,     like the nurse joy at the beginning of the episode wishing for satoshi to do his best in the finals with a shine in her eyes which was honestly really cute ,     citron & eureka’s dad stealing the citroid’s line about waiting in line for 2h being an easy feat ,     the jirachi keychain ,     alan genuinely being excited for the finale & battling satoshi ,     & how could i list off favorites in this episode without mentioning the ending song ,     oh my god ,     it’s the softest & cutest & sweetest shit ,     i swear i could get a cavity from watching it on repeat .
                                130 - 131 / xy&z37 - 38.
ho - ly - shit .               i mean ,     this was the finals match ,     so no fucking shit the battle would radiate big dick energy ,     but the absolute wave of power that ran over me while watching it was absolutely phenomenal .               the animation ,     the movements ,     the emotion ,     the raw power behind each call of attack & execution of move ,     the absolutely palpable energy of the battle   …   whew   …   i needed to sit back for a few minutes & just catch my breath after all of that   …               like ,     putting aside how much hatred i have for the constant baiting of a league victory for satoshi   ( with him declaring he’s aiming for victory throughout the entire series & a bunch of characters saying lines that imply a league victory   ( not to mention ,     the final episode of the conference being called   “ kalos league victory !!     satoshi’s ultimate match !! ” ,     like holy shit ,     can you pull a bigger dick move ) ) ,     only for alan to beat satoshi - gekkouga with a move that he’d easily blocked before in spite of gekkouga using an insanely more powerful counter attack than the first time while also having the type advantage   ( but go off i guess )   …   it was an incredibly well executed battle & ,     really ,     the end result was the only thing that i would   ( & did )   change .               also ,     a bunch of tiny things that i really loved were citron’s hand trembling out of excitement during the start of the battle ,     luchabull coming out of his monster ball on his own when onvern was defeated & badly hurt ,     alan experiencing the same feeling that most trainers feel while battling satoshi   ——   the feeling of wanting the battle to continue on for as long as possible because they’re deriving such fun & enjoyment from the raw passion that arises in the midst of the fight ,     kojiro starting to root for satoshi & while initially giving him slack for it musashi & nyarth joining in on it ,     rocket gang stating that they were the ones that helped make satoshi as strong as he is   ( which ,     honestly ,     go off y’all three because you’re so right & i’ve been saying it for a while now ) ,     & again ,     the fucking ending song ,     i swear it could cure my depression if i watched it enough times .               & then there was the start of fleur - de - lis’ plan being set into motion   …
                                132 - 134 / xy&z39 - 41.
rocket gang broadcasting live coverage of the happenings in miare city ,     the zygarde showdown ,     serena & platane going to save hari with manon & rocket gang following them & the    “ this is that   “ the enemy of our enemy is our friend ”   thing ” ,     citron kicking flare gang ass   …               satoshi & gekkouga resisting energy that was powerful enough to control zygarde & satoshi’s speech of loving this world & there being people & pokemon he loves & the absolute raw Emotion in his delivery as he shifts into the bond phenomenon along with the return of   …   the Thing with the white background & black paint splatters   (seriously ,     people responsible for those ,     hit me up & let me treat y’all )   …   poetic cinema   …               in the midst of fighting against fleur - de - lis ,     satoshi honestly dropped some intense fucking lines ,     not gonna lie ,     & you can’t deny ,     like   …   “ fighting instinct, whatever   …   there’s more to a pokemon’s power than that.     i’ve realized during my journey   …   that me & my pokemon’s strength is constantly believing in each other   …   & constantly loving each other no matter what.     if you don’t get it, i will show you here & now !! ”   &   “fleur - de - lis !!     i don’t care if you hate this world or not ;     the world belongs to humans & pokemon alike.     it belongs to everyone !!     stop being selfish & talking about   …   how you’re going to destroy or change it, or that we won’t live to see tomorrow !!     those who will meet someone dear to them tomorrow, those who will achieve their dreams tomorrow, those who will start their journeys as trainers tomorrow, & those whose wounds will heal tomorrow ;     each & every one of them has their own tomorrow !!     you have no good reason to not let them see that tomorrow !!     that’s why   …   me & my pokemon will fight for their tomorrow !! ”   were some raw as fuck lines .               & speaking of raw as fuck   …   holy shit did eureka bringing squishy back to its senses absolutely tear me apart   …               this child   …   she’s scared for her life & in tears ,     but she’s not crying for herself ,     she’s crying for the one she’d promised to protect & never let go of   …   & she finds it in herself to sing to it the song she’d made up just for it & that she’d sung & hummed to it throughout their journeying together   …   & the more she sings it ,     the louder she does so ,     hoping ,     knowing   …   it will help bring her friend back   …   & it does .               & ,     if you listen closely ,     you can hear edward in the background absolutely sobbing just remembering it all .               oh but the emo shit doesn’t end there ,     oh no - no - no   …   there’s the citroid .               i have one image for that   …
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                                135 - 136 / xy&z42 - 43.
putting aside the rocket gang also kicking flare gang ass & continuing to broadcast live coverage of the mayhem unfolding ,     i think we all know who the true hero of the zygarde arc was .               it was eureka ,     that’s who .               she befriended a basically - god & saved it & protected it & made it & another basically - god of it’s kind realize that the world is worth saving .               i love her & i’m proud of her .               that being said   …   eureka tickling a spot on the other z - core while saying that squishy likes when she does that & it just nodding next to her like she’s said the wisest truth in the universe was really hecking cute .               the little detail of daigo kissing his key stone to activate mega evolution was neat ,     & oh damn carne & the gym leaders assembling to assist   …   they came in ready to kick ass & kick ass they did .               everyone charging in on the megalith ,     even the rocket gang joining in ,     the back - to - back champion fighting ,     everyone doing everything within their power to save hari & stop the maglith   …   & the zygarde   !!!   “ we have set our hopes on humans.     she has protected us this whole time.     she promised she would never let us go.     now it is our turn !! ”   oh honey   …               i’m telling you ,     eureka saved the world with her kindness .               but the use of the piano instrumental of squishy’s song when the zygarde are saying goodbye & the ending song bye nyarth was illegal ,     bye .
                                137 / xy&z44.
honestly just someone instantly recognizing satoshi from the league made me really happy somehow ,     especially since the only other time someone’s recognized him from a league that i can name of the top of my head was masato way back in advanced .               the citroid learning about the joys of gym battles all over again was really nice ,     too .
                                138 / xy&z45.
serena deciding to hold a pokemon performance in miare city’s square to lift everybody’s spirits higher with sana & musashi joining her in it absolutely lit my heart up ,     so i’d say serena was quite successful in her plan .               also ,     satoshi pointing out things he knows are of interest to serena while they’re out in the city & him pulling her along by the hand to battle when he notices her being gloomy was really cute & sweet  ;          i might not be on board for them as a ship but man i can so absolutely see the appeal .               also - also ,     the mention of pokemon contests   !!!   which makes me think that it’d be really interesting for serena to meet with haruka & hikari & their rivals & face off against them ,     which i know we’ll never get to see but it’s nice to think about .               also - also - also ,     yashio saying she’s a fan of serena’s & the beginning of dori dori kicking in really yanked at my heart strings & still makes me instantly turn into a tearful mess ,     thanks .
                                139 / xy&z46.
the long - distance battling with satoshi - gekkouga was really nice ,     especially since i’m particularly fond of any & all scenes that display the powers / abilities brought out by the bond phenomenon   ( something i might make a post on some day ,     actually ,     since it really is such an interesting thing to think about )   …   but alas ,     it was time to say goodbye to gekkouga   …   it was sad ,     yes ,     but the knowledge that their bond will always connect them no matter the physical distance is a comfort   …                    the promise between squishy & eureka to go on an adventure again when eureka’s a trainer sort of punched me in the soul ,     honestly .
                                140 / xy&z47.
hanako & okido   !!!   pikachu squishing his face on the monitor   !!!   satoshi leaning way into the camera   !!!   it was all so cute !!               also ,     rocket gang editing the footage they filmed so that it looked like they were the ones responsible for the defeat of the flare gang & it actually working  ;          i also really liked the little heh detail with the solrock & lunatone keychains as a nudge about the upcoming sumo series .               but good lord eureka’s speech to dedenne about not wanting to say goodbye either but knowing that they have to & that one day she’ll become a trainer with dedenne as her partner   …   i barely skimmed over that part while rewatching the episode & even two lines from it made me start crying .               also ,     what does it say about me that the first thing i thought when citron said   “ [..] can i also ask one last favor ??     there is something i want to do very badly. ”   was if he wanted to kiss satoshi too ??               i will say though ,     them having one last battle before parting ways warmed my heart a lot   …               the flashbacks of everyone’s adventures throughout this journey & the glimpses of what the side cast were up to hit me in the emotions ,     but what truly played my heart like a violin concerto   …   was satoshi coming home .               there was no big fanfare ,     no grand welcome back ,     just a boy returning to his home town after a long journey ,     nothing but the sounds of the night accompanying him as he makes his way to his house ,     followed by a message of   “ & to your own way. ” ,     unlike in previous finales where the send - off was   “ next time   …   a new beginning   !! ” ,     a sign that ,     from here on out ,     we are no longer going to follow satoshi ,     that ,     though he still has a ways to go before achieving his goal of becoming a pokemon master ,     we won’t be accompanying him on his next journey .               the way satoshi arriving in masara town was executed   …   it felt final & it really felt like coming home .               & i for one can only wish satoshi the best on his next adventure .
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a-for-alternative · 6 years
[B]’s Age: An Analysis ♰
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Though B's age is never stated in canon material, the prevailing belief is that he is an adult in 2002. This is based Naomi’s first encounter with him [038-039 EN] under his Rue persona, describing him as a young man that is fairly tall. 
But, is it possible to make an guesstimate B’s age?
This considers his [1] physical attributes as described in DNAN, the potential for his age to be predicted by  [2] patterns within the LABB case itself, and predictors for when L became L to generate  [3] the first generation…
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♰    — — Rue’s Attributes: — —    ♰
It is possible for B to have been younger or older than the age Naomi (then 26) perceived him as? -- It would be easy to assume, based on Naomi’s assessment, he must be older than an early teenager - probably in the later or final stages of puberty (16+)... However, B is under disguise and the extent of that disguise is not truly known.
♰  His Appearance:  The reader is lead from the point of introduction to draw parallels between B's appearance and L's.  Naomi herself has nothing to make the comparison with given that she has never met L. Despite meeting L in the final chapter of DN:AN, it states she thought she never met L [051]. With L being secretive and reclusive, he is the only one in the story (besides perhaps our narrator) that can appreciate the similarities and perhaps he does -- Upon their 2nd call, Naomi having just met the mysterious Rue, L make a rather odd inquiry, "Was he cool?" [055] This scene is most likely intended to inject some humor and not actually provide useful information. But to have him ask something like this leads one to assume that L indeed saw these similarities (the potential cameras at the crime scenes, is a subject for another post but statements made at scene 4 make it very likely). Though the fact that L could recognize their similaries is good evidence that he probably looked like a strange 20-something year old man... To whatever extend B resembles L, when Naomi encounters L in the subway, she does feel a sense of familiarity but does not seem to see them as remarkably identical. [172]  Her assessment of L can be summed up as a realization of how phony Rue looked in comparison.
♰  His Height: Naomi seems to see this person is fairly tall, though about 2 heads shorter due to his slouch. But, it is not stated if he is wearing shoes --even his height is not completely beyond question
♰  His voice: Naomi made no comment on his voice when he is caught off guard ( abruptly stepped on [119] and screaming in pain [152] ) this may be reliable indicator that he is at least not faking his voice and perhaps beyond puberty -- but that's based on what isn't rather than what is.
♰  Age restricted activities: Some also look to his ability to drive as an indication of age - specifically, license eligibility. Traveling from Winchester to LA, to acquire his multiple 'lairs' [095], and ultimately his placement in prison. But with Wammy's not knowing his name [117] he doesn't have an identity that exists on record -- essentially, if he does have identifying documents, the information wasn't necessarily accurate.
But, we can draw on other information.
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♰    — — Patterns in the LABB Case — —    ♰
Within the case B constructed and even within the date of this death, there are 13’s everywhere.
The days that the victims are to die make a single B, the months make a single L (July) or BB (August). Notice that DNAN ends on ch.7 with an L as the cover and that volume 7 is L upside down… 7, an upside down L.
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The day upon which Beyond dies, both the day and month together make a single B.
The pattern of days – 9 days, 4 days, 9 days , 9 days – make a 13 and then total to make a 31.
Even the ages of the victims first begin with 44 (1+3 1+3) then 13, then 28 which is in the middle of the previous 2.
… The only factor that does not go cleanly into a 13 is that middle age 28,     28 could be read as 2  4 + 4 —>  2   1+3 1+3
If we speculate that the ages have a pattern that would lead to 13 then 28 needs something to complete it. 
Could 28 add up to another 13, if we used the next age (B’s age) ?
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Since Beyond is not going to be laying face down at death, and does not have the initials QQ, we can assume he is an adult (based on the patterned of the other victims).    That means we have these possibilities:  20, 29, 33
Which best fits?
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Each has potential though it is 20 and 33 that fit best,
20 allows us to get to 4 – B is the 4th victim and 4 is very special because it not only is 1+3 but it sounds like death (死). It also allows for us to continue the pattern that this age will be between the previous two victims ages.
33 allows us to get two 13s which completes the pattern of the adults having two 13s and the one child having only one.
The ages added up – 105, 114, 108 could be read as dates: 
1/5 || 10/5 ,  1/14 || 11/14 , 1/8  || 10/8   --- These dates could be factored into something significant though that could be too much speculation…
[20] 1/5 || 10/5 – The day L looks over the FBI agents deaths in videos – 1 month before L’s death, 2 months before Mello leaves Wammy’s – If flipped you get May 1, the month B runs away – If flipped to get May 10th and assume B runs away on this day, then we get 620 days until his death (62 = 31 + 31).
[29] 1/14 || 11/14 – 0 nothing – A day before Light takes over as 'L’ – four days after Mello’s name is revealed and he blows up his base
[33] 1/8  || 10/8 – The Yagamis are put under L’s surveillance – Matsuda fakes his death – NPA director is abducted by Mello’s Mafia members
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♰    — — The First Generation — —    ♰
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B was brought into Wammy's at an unknown age but, given that Wammy's did not know his name [117], his identity was probably discarded because he was an experimental successor for L. --- he was brought with that purpose in mind.
---- This is important because it means he probably wasn't brought in until L became L, the detective.
It is worth noting that in L: Change the World (Novel), mentions DNAN and is credited to “M”.  It states, “...Only one serving a purpose above all others, gathering particularly intelligent children regardless of nationality, race, or gender -- The Wammys House. Not serving as a formal academic institution, Wammy's House invites professors, researchers, and specialists from around the world to give the chilkdren instruction befitting their abilities and potentials. The ultimate purpose of these child is to serve as safe gaurds of the world."  [013]  From this, we can gather that these children must not arrive with identities, because obviously their peers and instructors would remember these true names, if they were later selected to become a letter (K in this novel only learns she has earned her letter years after running away at 16 and her name is not the factor that clues L into who she is and her history, coming from Wammys House. This means they probably did not have a record of her name, or L during his confrontation with her would have already known who she is. Additionally, this might explain why Matt also doesn’t seem to have a name on official files. Volume 8 also states the same that DNAN does, that Wammy’s does not know the names of these children.
One thing worth mentioning in regards to true-names that can be  written in the death note, is that it does NOT need to be legal or official or name designated at birth. In "Death Note: New Generation" Episode 3, a new Kira is trying and fails to kill the murderer of a 7 year old child. This person's legal, documented, birth-name is not their true name. This is because this person is trying to leave that part of their past behind and has taken on a new name, this is a name that they identity with, not the name that is legally documented for them.  This former killer, has changed their surname and it is only by using this undocumented surname that Kira is able to kill them.
This means that when B entered Wammy’s, he not only had no documented name but also if he did rename himself, it could become his true name -- regardless of any formal documentation, legal identity, or given birth name that had existed.
DN:AN & L: FILE № 15 offer a general idea of when that occurred.
Mello was originally going to talk about 3 stories: (1) LABB, (2) Watari meeting L, and (3) the bioterror case in which L obtained the code names of Eraldo Coil and Deneuve. (X, Y, and Z making a guest appearance). [170] 
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►   “...そして世界一の発明家キルシュ・ワイミーことワタリと、 当時推定八歳のLとの出会いー世紀の名探偵L誕生の きっかけとなった、第三次世界大戦をすんでのところで 食い止めたウィンチェスター爆弾魔事件についての、詳 細記述を続けようと思っていたのだが、それだけの容量 は、どう楽観的に見積もっても、残っていないようだ...”
There is a line following Mello describing Watari and L meeting, suggesting that L becoming the greatest detective and the Winchester case would be part of the story but not the story [ Roughly: “... meeting the estimated 8 year old L --- I was thinking of going into detail...”  -on L becoming the greatest detective and the Winchester bomb case that stopped WWIII.]  It is a matter of how you want to read it, it could be read ‘they meet -- these are a few events that happened in the recent time of their knowing each other’ or ‘they meet -- these are the events of that meeting’.  However, despite 8 being an estimation and the uncertainty of where L’s birth as the greatest detective lands, is where we begin the timeline.
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★ Note: It is worth pointing out this might be contradiction with the 2-chapter manga in "L: FILE № 15" [JNP&EN Ch.2] seems to imply that L discovered his investigative passions a while after his discovery by Watari.
Between age 8 (1987) and death (2004), 4 generations of successors begin. One evenly divide up the generations temporarily but there is nothing suggesting they were separated by equal measures of time. It also wouldn't help place B, since he is in the first generation -- by default will be towards the beginning (1987+)
B's true age is indeterminable but we can assume:
-- He is a child in 1987 (referred to as the 2nd child)
-- He is a young man in 2002 ( based on Naomi's description)
-- He is at least 5+ in 1987
★  Why at least 5 years old?
He is aware of when his parents death's are to occur. Assuming B has access to an ordinary education before his induction into Wammy's, the numerical symbols had meaning and were not just a set of lines and curves. He also knew how to apply them mathematically. Children begin to learn these things around this age so 5+, so it would be reasonable.
In addition, Wammy's could have been his first introduction to Roman (Latin) symbols (A, B, C) -- this he may have been the time he connected the similarity between 13 and B. And that L being the 12th symbol is < 13.
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Plans for successorship probably did not begin immediately after L’s first case at around age 8 - not until L became L, the detective -- having become so important that they needed backups. So, assuming it began a few years after:
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L is 22 going on 23 in DN:AN. Mello states he solved over 3,500 cases [010] , considerable given that there was only 25 years between the first case and death. Assuming he was solving them at such a fast rate (~140/yr), he could have been only 9 or 10 at the time they began experimenting with successors.
Potential Age Ranges:
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★ Note: This also allows B to have obtained the akazukin chacha manga as it was serialized (~1991-2000) as he boasts that he had. It may make more sense why he started reading them – he was a young child. (7-12)
[Additional point brought up by @extrxmegxnius ]:
B also claims to have watched the anime which was broadcast in Japan from 1994-1995 then in other countries in 1998 (Philippines, China, and some other countries in Southeast Asia). So, either B would have had to request copies of these episodes or he would have been in one of these areas where it was broadcast. 
One could estimate him to be older. Though successors (with appearances) that could have been part of the first generation have no known ages.. A few appear to be around the same age as L -- one being stated as the first of their letter and could be part of the 1st gen (K).
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In conclusion: Though B's age is indeterminable, evidence supports that B was a young adult in 2002,  a child in 1989, and was at least 5 when he arrived at Wammy's house sometime after 1989.
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nonejalan2-blog · 6 years
Mengenal Malaysia like a local (part 2)
Mengenal Malaysia like a local (part 2)
Sebuah kota bukanlah sekadar sebuah landmark.
Di balik dinding-dinding betonnya, di bawah gedung-gedung tingginya, ada warga dan budaya, ada sajian rasa dan seni griya.
4. Nongkrong Like a Local di Bangsar Kalau Jakarta punya Kemang, Bandung punya Jl. Riau, Kuala Lumpur punya Bangsar. Di sinilah anak-anak muda lokal KL nongkrong kekinian. Café dan resto berderet di sepanjang jalan-jalan di area…
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