#Where? Guess. :3
daboyau · 1 month
the potential start to a crossover i’ve been kicking around in my head. Here, have it. @boots-with-the-fur-club
Leo, for all of his bluster and showboating, has always been smart. The kind of smart that’s a little bit scary at times, because he’s so good at hiding it behind big grins and bad puns and silly shenanigans. He’s already calculated the outcome of this fight. It’s obvious in the way he smiles at them, body going lax, expression softening even as he begins to curl into himself more, already anticipating the pain that is coming. 
The Krang’s massive metal talon wraps around his leg, engulfing it easily. Mikey sees Leo’s face go pale with the pain, but somehow he still keeps that smile in place, gazing at them like he’s hoping for one final memory to hold tight inside the prison dimension. The portal wavers, sparking gold as the pain of his brother’s resignation to his own torment makes Mikey’s heart clench and ache inside his chest. Raph’s hand tightens even as Leo tries to withdraw. The red of his construct is beginning to waver, but he still holds on. Mikey can hear his teeth grinding with the effort.
The sounds that Leo makes, soft and scared and hurting, as Krang tries to pull him deeper into the prison dimension will haunt Mikey’s nightmares. Blood is pooling around Leo’s leg where those metal claws dig in deep, hanging suspended around them, only disturbed when Krang yanks again. 
Leo’s shoulder dislocates, and he swallows down a cry. Raph sobs, and his construct wavers again even as its giant fist tightens its hold enough to bruise Leo’s already battered body. Krang is laughing, the sound like metal curling beneath desperately grasping fingernails. He thinks he’s already won. 
“It’s okay,” Leo mouths, eyes tracing their features. Blood has been kicked up, floating like wings behind him. “Just let go.” 
The gold sparks again, waves of burning fire up and down his arms, tiny tendrils of mystic energy creeping past his brothers’ hands to sink its way into his shoulders and neck. He sees the blood shine ruby red as it reflects the glow. Mikey grits his teeth. He sees Krang smile, and he feels the burning begin to creep up his cheeks. He wants Krang to burn, too. 
“You! Can’t! Have him!” he screams, voice raw and aching. He tastes blood as it bubbles up from his throat, dancing at the back of his tongue. Raph’s hand tightens on his shoulder. Donnie leans a little further into his side. 
Leo stares back at them, wide eyed. He’s not smiling anymore. 
They push forward, together, in one final desperate reach for Leo. Krang howls as Donnie’s drill nails him in his stupid, chewed bubblegum face. His grip loosens, just enough to pull Leo further towards them. He leaves a trail of blood in his wake.
It no longer reflects the sparks of gold. 
Gravity isn’t working anymore.
Mikey’s blood runs cold when he realizes what he’s allowed to happen. 
They float together in the nether, Leo clutched tightly between them. His mask tails tickle Mikey’s nose as they float lazily above his head. 
“The portal,” he breathes, eyes wide as he pushes himself a little further from their huddle. He doesn’t let go of Leo’s hand as he searches, eyes desperately scanning the dark void that surrounds them for a glimpse of golden light.
Krang is screaming, rage and exhaustion from the long fight the only thing keeping him from simply swatting aside the barrage that Donnie is manifesting to keep him at bay for just a little longer. Donnie’s face is shadowed and his teeth bared, silent rage giving him the strength he needs to hold Krang back despite the exhaustion that Mikey knows they all feel deep down in every torn muscle and broken bone. That won’t last forever, though. Already, he can see the purple of his mask darkening with sweat. His scales are beginning to look washed out. Blood from those sharp, jagged lines that are all Mikey’s faultcutting their way up his right arm has begun to leak slowly into the still air around them. The purple glow is beginning to dim. 
“We have to go,” Mikey squeaks, trembling fingers clutching at Raph’s arm. His voice is hoarse, hardly able to push the words past the blood in his throat. 
“We need to fight,” Raph snarls, watching Krang howl and slash at Donnie’s creations with a fury that makes Mikey’s breath catch in his throat. He recognizes this rage. He’d seen it reflected on Leo’s face just hours before. “We have to make him pay.” 
Mikey shakes his head, wide eyed, frantic. He squeezes harder, silently pleading. Donnie watches them from the corner of his eye. A bead of sweat traces its slow way down his cheek. It doesn’t fall as it reaches his jaw and breaks away, instead floating upwards to join the blood pooling slowly above their heads. 
“We can’t!” Mikey rasps, the words hardly audible above the sounds of metal grinding against mystic metal. Raph snarls, and for one horrible second all he can see is pink tendrils and murderous intent instead of his big brother, and Mikey can’t help but flinch back. 
“No.” They all startle and watch, wide eyed, as Leo struggle to twist himself enough to almost sit up in Raph’s arms. Mikey whimpers as the motion reveals the extent of the damage Krang has dealt in such a short amount of time. “We need to go. Hide. Heal enough…and then get out of here. Go home.” 
His voice is wheezy and weak. Blood leaks from his lips as he speaks, clinging to his teeth and lips like teardrops to lashes. Mikey’s seen enough medical dramas that he’s pretty sure that’s a really bad sign.
Raph’s eyes flicker back towards Krang. Furious. Murderous. But then they shift to look at Donnie’s gritted teeth as he struggles to continue his attack. Towards Mikey’s wild eyed terror and trembling hands. At Leo’s desperate expression, mostly hidden by blood and a bruise swollen face. He hadn’t looked that scared when he was facing a reality where it was just him in the prison dimension alone. Raph’s gaze softens. He nods. 
Donnie nods back, one hand thrown out towards Krang, the other still resting on Leo’s bloodied shoulder like he’s afraid that his brother will disappear if he lets go for even an instant. Mikey feels the same way, and if he wasn’t scared of hurting Leo worse, he would tighten his grip on his hand. 
“Fireworks show?” Raph asks, meeting Mikey’s eye with a grin that is fighting to be reassuring. He swallows hard, and he reaches deep, searching his core for the final tiny drops of ninpo he has left after creating the portal and holding it open for so long. He smiles back, wobbly and painful as it stretches the open wounds that same ninpo had left on his cheeks. 
“Let’s light it up!” 
For one glorious minute, the grey of the prison dimension is overtaken by an explosion of color and light, orange and purple and red all dancing together in a display that only has one purpose.
They flee as Krang howls and thrashes, trying to find them through the blinding light and disorienting swirl of color and patterns. Leo’s watching the sky light up with a small smile, eyes glazed and distant. Mikey’s pretty sure he’s seconds away from passing out. He probably has no idea where he even is right now. 
Probably all he knows is that he’s curled in Raph’s arms, with Mikey and Donnie each holding onto him tightly. He’s surrounded by their colors, their warmth, the subtle whisper of their depleted ninpo. All he knows right now is that he’s safe. 
Mikey intends to make sure he stays that way. He knows that Raph and Donnie feel the same way. 
As they slip deeper into the maze of floating debris, Mikey closes his eyes. He focuses on his breathing, trying to feel for the tiny spark inside his soul. He can almost sense it, and he does his best to fan it back to life. 
His arms are throbbing. The feeling of congealing blood itches against his skin, and he can taste it in his mouth with every breath he frees into the still air of the prison dimension. The empty ache inside his chest, the fullness inside his soul that he’s come to associate with his ninpo, hurts in a way he’s never known before. Not even Krang had been able to hollow him out like this, even when he’d managed to lock that part of them away.
Still, when he opens his eyes again, they spark with a furious, burning light. He is going to get them out of here. No matter what it takes. 
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sysig · 5 months
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Permission to headbutt: Granted (Patreon)
#My art#UT#Sans#Papyrus#Ft. something smol and I do on a regular basis ♪#This could be Handplates or it could be classic Undertale I leave that up to you lol#I definitely picked up a lot of the style quirks lol - but there are some of the ones that I like myself! Like Papyrus' darkmode clothes lol#And Sans' shorts having the stripe in the front haha - little details ♫#Realistically it probably is Handplates tho just based on where my head's at lol - I love the Handplates dynamic :D#Handplates#I talked myself into it! Pfft ♪#I found myself relating a lot to Sans especially while rereading - I want nothing more in the world than for my siblings to be happy! <3#So I gathered up a bunch of ideas of things especially me and smol do together and this was the most obviously cute one haha#Easiest to do! Tho I did still go a little extra on this lol#I'm trying to do more digital stuff ♪ It wasn't the best art day and I'm still a little nervous to jump right in :')#Not doing any sketches on paper beforehand feels weird but I guess it is thematic in a way lol#And I'm still pleased with how they turned out hehe#It really does feel nice to be drawing them again <3#And doing silly sibling things! Hehe#I dunno how clear it is since it's so ingrained into how smol and I talk to each other lol family language!#One of us will literally just announce ''bonk'' and the other will prepare for/lean in for a headbutt haha#She is a tiny bit taller than me - it's not quite /this/ extreme but she does lean down for me! S'cute <3#I like to think Papyrus would do the same hehe ♪ Let your lazy brother headbutt you! He can only reach so far!#On minimal effort anyhow hehe#It's just a fun way to be silly together ♫♪#Also yes I did show this to her and she cosigned lol - ''Cute'' -smol
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aviul · 2 months
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deadly lair
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the-wolfbats · 8 months
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"Maybe we can try again in another 100 years."
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imjestergirl · 2 months
Smoke break 😤🫠
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You’re her favorite workout routine
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nonranghaes · 2 months
it's weird that you don't call out to jun when he comes into your apartment. jun knows that you know he was coming over at some point to spend time with you, and usually you greet him in some way when you hear the apartment door unlock. he's a little earlier than he planned, but you told him to 'come over whenever' and now he's a little worried that you didn't mean it. he quietly slips into the pair of slippers that stays here at your place, and makes his way further into your apartment to set down the bag of groceries he brought on your kitchen counter. your bedroom door is open, but the tiny room you use as a home office is open just a sliver.
he makes his way over, leaning in to listen for a moment... only to hear your voice. there's a little strain to it as you struggle through a sentence, and it clicks all at once: you're speaking chinese. albeit not very well (it's clear to jun that this is one-hundred percent new to you), but you're still trying. your pronunciation is a bit clumsy, but he can hear the way you try to use the right tone with what you're saying...
when did you start learning this much? jun had taught you little things in the past--the absolute basics, really, plus a few other little phrases that veer into his own cheesy need to hear you say sweet things--but this...? he steps back from the door. why hadn't you told him? you could have told him and he'd happily help you learn. but he trusts you: you must have your reasons to keep this a secret, so he won't push. he steps away, deciding to busy himself with getting ingredients put away--or set up for the two of you to cook together, in case you're hungry now.
then he knocks a cup into the sink, and immediately he hears you coming out of your office. relief crosses your face when you see it's just jun, and you lean against the open doorway.
"i didn't know you were here." you pause, and then he sees you get hit with realization. "... how long were you here?"
"i just got here," he says. it's technically the truth, isn't it? he's only been here for a few minutes. "were you working?"
you nod. "yeah. just had to answer a phone call," you lie to him, but he just nods and acts like he doesn't know that. you come up to his side, wrapping an arm around him. "is this for lunch?"
he leans over to you and presses a kiss against your cheek. "are you hungry?"
"mhm," you just snuggle in for a moment, enjoying his presence. "you should teach me more recipes you learned from your mom sometime."
jun finds himself smiling already. was that what this all was...? an attempt for you to understand him better? to show that you care for him so much that you want to know his culture, too? "i'd love to," he says softly, and wraps an arm around you to tug you closer to his side. "only if you teach me things you learned from your family, too."
then he'll make more efforts to understand you and your background, too. just to show you that he loves you as much as you love him.
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rongzhi · 11 months
OP: 爬完泰山的大学生
↳ University students after climbing Taishan
Taishan is one of the Five Sacred Mountains (in Daoism and Chinese Buddhism) and people often climb it to watch the sunrise. This practice and the mountain in general have become popular with university students and young people wishing to blow off steam especially.
They will often take the train to visit, arriving to Taishan at midnight and climbing five hours and nearly 8000 steps to catch the sunrise. The location above is a train station.
Watch an example of a Taishan trip here.
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English added by me :)
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felsicveins · 5 months
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Please let Astarion meet Tav's family and have a younger sibling like 6 be like im gonna marry the prince points at Astarion.
Tav : Sorry, im married to the prince
That's so fucking cute kill me. But I just realized AFTER I finished it I read this wrong 😭😭 I read it as "marry" instead of "married" so whoops now it's an asking for your hand in marriage fic.
Also, I'm going to make this a weird little, unofficial, alternate reality, off shoot of this fic to explain away why Astarion can be in the sun without ascending because I am ~lazy~
Quick summary if you didn't read it, Tav serves Selune, gets a blessing for all the good work, and uses it to cure the anti-light issue of the vampirism (but not all of it). It's not a literal extension of that fic but I'm stealing my own plot explanations. That's it! Now here we go:
Astarion wasn't nervous per se. He was just... on edge. And the two-week journey it took to get here wasn't helping things, not when it gave him so much time to ruminate in his thoughts. He never expected to be in the position of "meeting the family," let alone in anticipation for asking for someone's hand in marriage.
Astarion wasn't even quite sure how his life got here. He had always fantasized that a life without Cazador would be one of selfish hedonism, not one where he would be legitimately concerned about a damn six year old sibling's first impression of him.
But then you came along, effortlessly shattering all of his grandiose plans with a batt of your eyelashes. Perhaps the entire journey of falling in love was more complicated, but it felt like it was that simple. In hindsight, he never stood a chance against you, but it was hilarious that there was a time he ever thought he did.
All of his prior dreams and fantasies felt like nothing in comparison to just being with you. It had been a year since you both saved the Sword Coast, a beautiful, fantastic year. That had ended with him somehow more in love with you now than when he first confessed. Selune's blessing had certainly helped with that he was sure. He still couldn't quite believe that you would use a god's blessing on him of all people, but gods, was he appreciative. Because being able to walk in the sun again meant that he could live the life he wanted, with no restrictions. He could be the partner you deserved, the kind that a father would happily say yes to when asking for your hand.
Which brought him back to his current dilemma. Perhaps he hadn't seen any of your family members in the time you'd been together, but he had heard plenty. You loved them all to death, especially your little sister. You wrote to them constantly, the mere sight of a letter from your parents enough to put you in a great mood for the rest of the day. He was aware that your mother was supposedly a saint, a fact that your own father had instilled in you often. He knew that they had a wonderful, loving marriage and were both higher ups in the Church of Selune. A fact that Astarion didn't particularly enjoy.
As grateful to the moon goddess as he was, he was aware that you were an expectation to the very normal belief that vampires were bad. And that marrying one was one of the stupidest things you could ever do from an average person's perspective, let alone a Selunite.
Why you hadn't done the smart thing and lied about what he was, Astarion would never know. But he did know that the thought of their rejection over his admittedly sordid history was putting him in a tailspin.
"They're going to love you," You said for the hundredth time, giving his hand a squeeze as you led him up the steps to your childhood home, "You have nothing to worry about sweetheart. I promise."
Astarion highly doubted that, but you were already knocking on the front door before he had a chance to argue. The door instantly slammed open, a beaming child already launching themselves at you before Astarion could process what was happening.
But you were more prepared them he was. You effortlessly caught them in your arms, laughing at their excited shouting, "Titi! You're late!"
So this was the famous Arabeth.
"No, I'm not!" You laughed as you settled her on your hip, "And what happened to my little girl's manners huh? You haven't even introduced yourself yet."
The child glanced over at him, like she was just realizing for the first time that someone else was standing over there. She looked a little shocked at the sight of him, staring at him with wide eyes. Wide enough for Astarion to start to wonder if something was on his face.
He gave her a little wave only for her to bury her face into your shoulder, peeking out at him with her lips pursed. Which was not the best start to the whole making his darling's family actually like him plan.
"Well, as you've probably guessed this is Arabeth. She's just a little shy," You reassured as you stepped inside, muttering a quick invitation inside under your breath. He appreciated that, he didn't need the whole house to be reminded of his... limitations.
"But she'll get over it soon enough," You continued as you called into the house, "Mom? Dad? We're here!"
And just like that they were rushing into the room, acting just as excited as your sister had been. Your mother wasted no time in smothering your face with kisses while your father swept you up into a hug. It was a rather impressive display of coordination, considering how they hadn't managed to knock you and your sister to the floor in the process. Astarion was pretty sure they were both saying something along the lines of We missed you! But it was hard to tell with all of you so tangled up in each other.
It was heartwarming to see, in all honestly. Of course such a loving person would come from an equally loving family, what else would he expect?
Though he certainly hadn't been expecting for your mother to throw her arms around him next. She brought him into a tight hug before looking him up and down, "So you're Astarion huh?"
She turned back to you, grinning ear to ear with her hands set on Astarion's shoulders, "He's so handsome! Selune help us, do you remember the last boy you brought home? He had a nose the length of my arm-"
"And that's enough of that," You said with a strained laugh, pulling your eccentric mother back a few inches, "And we've talked about the impromptu hugs. What happened to asking for permission?"
"Sorry, sorry!" She said with a wave of her hand, "Let me try again. I'm Seliras, and this is my husband-"
"Marcoul," Your father interrupted, putting his hand out for Astarion to shake, "It's been awhile since we've met a boyfriend."
"He's a little more than that," You said with a sigh as everyone exchanged pleasantries.
"We'll be the judge of that," Marcoul said with a sharp but friendly grin, the grip he had on Astarion's hand briefly tightening before he let go, "From what we've heard, you're quite the character aren't you?"
Ah, so the interrogating was starting early then. It was nothing that Astarion hadn't expected. Besides, turning up the charm was his strong suit, even when he was uncharacteristically nervous.
Astarion smiled back at him, "You've heard right. And I'm more than happy to answer any questions you might have."
"Oh gods please don't say that," You groaned, but it was too late. Your parents were already leading him to sit, rapid-fire questions coming out of their mouth.
Where are you from? How did you meet? Are you serious about our Tav? What's your religion? Where's your family? What are your plans?
But Astarion answered them all, with only mild censorship for the child's sake. The child who suddenly couldn't stop staring at him. It wasn't exactly easy to sell himself as a future husband when he was a vampiric ex-slave, but he made do.
It was an overwhelming experience to say the least, but not necessarily an unpleasant one. That was one good thing about trying to marry into a family of zealots, it was a lot easier to convince them of your virtue when you received a personal blessing from their goddess.
By the end of the night, they were all throughly appeased, enough so to get off the topic of him for a moment.
"You look a little young to have a thirty-year old child," Astarion said to your mother. He was actively trying to compliment her for obvious reasons, but he was also genuinely curious. She barely looked a day over 40.
"Oh we breed young," She said with a laugh, "We had Tav in our teenage years. Arabeth came much, much later. Our favorite little surprise. Gods, I can't think of a single person in our family who didn't have kids young. Our little Tav is the only exception to the rule."
"But maybe not for much longer, huh?" Marcoul added with a grin, yelping when you lightly smacked him over the head for the comment.
"Do not start the kid talk again!" You hissed out, cheeks red, "We've talked about this!"
Astarion couldn't help but grin at your reaction, charmed by your embarrassment. Though... the idea of the two of you having children together sure was an interesting thought.
Astarion felt a tug on his sleeve while you were distracted arguing with your parents. He turned, smiling when he saw your little sister standing there, still staring at him with wide-eyes.
She took a deep breath before blurting out, "You look like a prince. Are you?"
"Not exactly," Astarion said with a small laugh. That couldn't be further from the truth, "There's no blue blood in my veins."
She frowned, cocking her head at him like he wasn't making any sense. But then an idea obviously struck her as she excitedly asked, "But if you married a princess, then you'd become a prince too. Right?"
"I suppose?" Astarion answered with a shrug.
"So if I become a princess, and I marry you, then you'll be a prince?"
This conversation was quickly becoming out of his depth. But luckily enough for him you were swooping in to save him.
You laughed at her question, turning your attention back to the two of them, "No offense Bethy, but I'm going to be the one marrying this particular prince."
But Arabeth wasn't having it. She crossed her arms, looking at you like she was the one talking to a child, "You can't. Because if I don't marry him, he won't be a prince. So there. I have to do it."
She looked so serious, her facial expressions incredibly similar to your own. Astarion was holding back a loud laugh as you tried and failed to reason with her, "I can marry him without the royal status-"
"No! I'm marrying the prince!"
Your parents were doing a much worse job at hiding their reactions, both of them opening giggling behind their hands as you came up with a compromise.
"Okay, okay," You said with a sigh, kneeling down to look the small girl in the eye, "How about this? I marry him first. But only until you become a princess. Then he's all yours. Sound fair?"
She thought about it for a moment before nodding to herself, "Sounds fair."
Well Astarion wasn't going to get a better set-up then that. He turned to your father, his nerves coming back for a brief appearance, "I'm assuming now might be a good time to ask what I came here to ask. Though I do promise I only intending on asking for one of your children's hand in marriage."
Marcoul nodded slowly, his face unreadable as he spoke, "I mean no offense when I say this Astarion, but you aren't exactly who I imagined for my daughter."
"Dad don't-"
"Darling, let him finish," Astarion gently interrupted, his eyes still locked with your father's.
He took a deep breathe before continuing, "That said, I've never seen her so... herself with someone else before. So yes. The two of you can marry. On one condition."
"Anything," Astarion said instantly, nearly giddy at the fact that he was so close to the official yes, "Just name it."
"You have to have the wedding here," Seliras answered for him, a massive smile on her face, "No ifs, ands, or buts."
"And I get to be flower girl!" Arabeth chimed in, her past indignation completely forgotten as she climbed all over you, "And there has to be chocolate cake!"
"Oh gods, help us," You groaned, but Astarion was already nodding along. He couldn't give less than two shits where it happened or who was involved. He could scarcely believe that it was happening at all. But that was the last thing he had needed.
He already had the ring, the most amazing person he could ever fathom being with. Who actually wanted him back.
Now all he had to do was ask.
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proxythe · 4 months
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hamugid… save me…
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wispurring-moss · 4 days
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obligatory "thinking about............. chainsTM" post that's just another sketch gone wild but i'm not sure if i'm ever gonna come back & Actually turn it into anything more than This, so,,, here ya go~ <3
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kirkhammr · 8 months
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i love u...scary guys
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polin-erospsyche · 20 days
Some people have never been oblivious to someone else having feelings for them and it shows.
People keep saying that Colin’s feelings came from nowhere and that it’s rushed. People, including me, are pointing at season 1 and 2 showing all the little signs that showed that he’s had feelings for a long time. But what’s so important to me here is the reason for this obliviousness and subsequently his hard fall into love.
It’s not Pen’s wardrobe or even that first kiss (although a cataclysm) that made him take conscious of those feelings. It’s the absence. It’s the reality check she gave him. Because it might be ugly to admit but sometimes you are so comfortable in the way things are that even though you feel a little more than you really should, it’s easier to ignore than to really ponder about what is going on. And sometimes it takes almost loosing someone to realise just how much you’ve come to rely on this person and how you took having this person as something that was granted to you. And then that person at some point says “hey, hold up! This is not ok. I’m done being treated this way”. And the absence of that person leaves a huge void in your life and you’re forced to scramble and pick up the pieces while an essential part of your support system has just crumbled. And you’re forced to do some reflection. Sometimes it’s just too close for you to realise just how important that person is and you only see them, truly see them once they’re not so close anymore. And when that happens you FREAK OUT, like Colin lovesick level of freak out.
So no it’s not the wardrobe that changes and suddenly Colin sees her. And we know from an interview that Colin would still enjoy those yellow dresses. It’s not that first kiss that fall on him like a ton of bricks that suddenly makes him see her. Even though it does spur things on and hats off to Pen for asking what she wants. It’s the paralysing fear of nearly loosing her that forces him to start ponder and no longer take her for granted.
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 5 months
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personishfive · 3 months
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in which: april 1st special
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zwierzodudle · 8 months
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proving elves (vampiric or not) can experience food coma too
don't worry about tav's blueish tint, he's a half-drow and that's just what he looks like- no shadowheart i SWEAR,
commissions \ ko-fi \ patreon
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