#While Lukas and Age uses it to catch up what they have missed.
bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
34.Which OC is chronically online?
Honestly, I could see Age, Aviso and Lukas, after discovering the internet, spending some time on it, because they are...fascinated by all the wonders and possibilities.
Of course they need help navigating through it, but also, getting thought how to use it, given how Lukas fell for a scam e-mail that jammed the Roadkillerz base for a while.
But, over time they would start to use the Internet less often, but of course, all three of them continue using it, especially Age because he likes reading online encyclopedia articles about history and historical events.
Yours sincerely
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Hopes and Friendships Chap. 20-A Witch's First Day of School
Hey guys! I’ve been on a roll this month with fanfics! Getting this one worked on after RHPC and while working on Indie Kids, which I also finished.
Thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader!!
It was the first day of school. Mu looked at herself in the mirror wearing the outfit Luka and Harriet had bought for her during their shopping trip. She sighed in disappointment and sadness knowing that she would be entering a new school that doesn’t involve magic.
Many anxious scenarios played her head as she trotted downstairs to have breakfast with Harriet and Luka. What if magic just somehow happens?  What if no one likes her? Not wanting to show her nervousness Mu took a deep breath and gave a smile as she approached the kitchen.
“Morning!” Mu beamed.
“Morning Mu, how did you sleep?” Harriet asked.
“I slept okay, thanks for asking,” Mu replied as she sat down next to her best friend. Luka placed a plate of waffles topped with berries and whipped cream in front of Mu. She smiled in delight. 
Taking her fork, Mu sliced a bit of the waffle and took a bite out of it. She smiled seeing it tasted sweet, and kept on eating. 
“Is it good? It’s my dad’s secret recipe.” Harriet mentioned. Mu nodded and kept on eating.
“You're gonna need your appetite for your first day of school.”  Luka mentioned as he prepared the girls lunches.
“So any questions about human school you’d like to know?” Harriet asked.
Mu thought which questions would be good to ask as there were far too many questions she had in mind. “How are human world schools different from magic schools?” Mu asked.
“Well to start, no magic and no crazy teachers that want to kill us,” Harriet mentioned. Mu sighed, but Harriet wasn’t sure if that was a sigh of relief for no evil teachers or a sigh of sadness for a lack of magic.”But, you’re in the same class with me.”
Mu’s eyes widened. “Really?” She asked. Harriet nodded. “But how? Is that not difficult to achieve?” She asked.
“Dad has a way!” Harriet replied.
“I won’t say who, but your teacher this year was an old friend of mine. I told them how we took in an exchange student from another country and to make sure you're not separated they put you in their class.” Luka explained.
Mu felt a wave of relief wash over her. She wouldn't be separated from her best friend. Once she and Harriet were done eating they grabbed their lunches and backpacks, but before they could leave Moonjumper and Boss looked at the girls hoping to come along with them.
“Sorry guys, you have to stay home with Dad.” Harriet told them.
“Aww…” Moonjumper sighed looking down.
Boss sighed in relif. “Good. I’ll just relax.” He replied as he went to Harriet’s bed and slept.
Moonjumper then latched himself on to Harriet and gave his partner the biggest puppy dog eyes. “Come on, can we please go with you?” He asked.
“You’ll be fine at home. Dad will take care of both of you.” Harriet told him.
“I can be a plush toy! I’m good at it!” Moonjumper explained.
“I’m sorry Moon, but don’t worry. I’ll be back home soon.” Harriet gave Moonjumper a hug and put down. “See you later!” She beamed, grabbing Mu’s hand as they ran out of the house too. They made their way along their path, Mu smiled and laughed, trying to catch up to Harriet’s speed.
Once they made it to Starshine Elementary, Mu became starstruck at how big the school was. “This is your school?” Mu asked.
“Yep!” Harriet replied. She smiled as the two saw a green and blue blur running by, “And here’s one of my closest friends!” She beamed. Mu saw a girl around their age come running down before them. Jumping at Harriet and giving her a big hug.
The girl had dark skin, dark brown curly hair tied with a light blue ribbon, purple eyes and wore a green blouse with a light blue skirt, along with white cat socks and black boots. “Harriet! I missed you!” The girl beamed.
Harriet giggled. “I missed you too Brandy.”
“How was your summer?” Brandy asked.
Harriet giggled. “You could say it was magical,” she replied.
Brandy giggled. She turned to Mu. “Who’s your new friend?” 
“Oh right, Brandy this is Emily, or Mu as she likes to be called. She’s an exchange student dad and I took in over the summer.” Harriet explained, going along with the story her dad told her. “Mu this is Brandy, we’ve been friends since Kindergarten.”
“N-nice to meet you.” Mu replied, stuttering a bit.
Brandy giggled. “Hi there, any friend of Harriet is a friend of mine!” She beamed, taking Mu’s hand.
Mu was nervous to reply but managed to give a warm yet shaky chuckle. Harriet nudged her witch friend and gave a wink. “If you like me, you’ll definitely like Brandy. She's really cool and fun.” Harriet mentioned. 
Brandy giggled. “Guess what, Harriet,” she asked. “I’m in the same class as you this year!” 
Harriet squealed. “That’s great,” she beamed, “the three of us should sit together!”
“You read my mind!” Brandy replied. With that Harriet grabbed Mu’s hand as the girls went inside the classroom.
Once inside, Harriet and Brandy reunited with all their classmates and started to talk about their summer together. “So Harriet,” Brandy whispered, “tell me about your magical summer.”
Harriet nodded. “A lot has happened you see-“ Harriet was then cut off by the bell meaning class was about to start. “I’ll tell you at lunch.”
Once everyone was in class, the teacher came in. Harriet’s eyes widened as she recognized her from previous interactions. The teacher wore a light blue dress, brown pants and black shoes. Her rose red hair was tied into a side braid. She faced the class with a bright smile on her face.
“Good morning, and welcome back!” The teacher said happily. “I’m Miss. Rose, I’ll be your 5th grade teacher for this year!” 
Harriet quickly got up from her seat. “It’s nice to meet you W-I mean Miss. Rose!” She blurted out.
Miss. Rose giggled. “Harriet, I know your dad knows me, but that doesn’t mean you’ll get special treatment to call me by my full name.” She explained. 
The class giggled, which made Harriet laugh alongside them, just a tad more embarrassed, as she sat back down. “Sorry, sorry, I’m just excited for this year that’s all.” She explained.
“Well, it seems like you guys did have a nice, long, exciting break.” Miss. Rose explained. “So as a starter, why don’t we spend this morning getting to know each other before you guys go meet with the elective teachers.” The class agreed. “Alright, to start, why doesn’t the exchange student take the lead.” She said pointing to Mu.
The witch knew the teacher was talking about her and stood up nervously from her seat. “Uh… hi… I’m Emily, but I like to be called Mu.” She started. “It’s nice to meet you all.” Mu sat down and sighed in relief.
The class smiled, which made Mu smile. “Feel better?” Harriet whispered. Mu nodded and the two listened to the rest of their class each talk about themselves and their favorite moments about summer.
After a while, it was Brandy’s turn to speak. “Well, I’m Brandy, and my summer was alright. I got to visit my aunt in the city.” She explained.
She then looked at Harriet giving her a turn to speak up. “I’m Harriet Kidd, and during my summer I-“
“Was stuck in your fantasy world again?” A young boy asked, causing his little group to laugh.
“No!” Harriet snapped. “I was-“
“Pretending to be a witch!” Another boy in that same group cut Harriet off, which started to get the class except Mu and Brandy, to laugh.
Harriet went quiet and sat back down, but Mu was angry and she got up. “She and her dad visited me!” Mu yelled, getting the class quiet. “Harriet and her dad went traveling and I met them! That’s why I’m here!” Mu yelled. Harriet looked up at Mu and smiled seeing her friend stand up for her. Even if what Mu said wasn’t true it was something better than what she could’ve come up with.
“And don’t you pick on Harriet, Dylan!” Miss. Rose pointed to one of the boys. “I heard from your 4th grade teacher about your behavior towards her and others. I will not tolerate it.” Miss. Rose explained.
Dylan groaned and crossed his arms. Mu glared knowing Dylan would be on her nerves and looked at Harriet before whispering in her ear. “If you need me to get back at him let me know.”
“Don’t worry, I will.” Harriet whispered back as the two girls giggled.
The rest of class was normal and uneventful. Afterwards, the students got to visit all of the elective classes for the year. Mu was excited to try out all the classes. During the tour, Harriet kept on getting bumped and teased by Dylan, who would later act all innocent when someone else looked at him. 
Mu glared and had her wand hidden under her sleeves when she whispered a spell that caused Dylan to trip on his shoelace and fall on his face, causing everyone to laugh. Mu smirked and Harriet looked up with a smile. 
“You're horrible,l Mu.” Harriet whispered and snickered.
“I was just born that way.” Mu replied, giving a shrug. The girls giggled as they walked back to their classroom to work on their lessons for the day.
Since it was only the first day of school, the lessons were simple, so at times the kids asked Mu questions about her old school, and her life.
“So what kind of school did you go to before coming here?” One girl asked.
“A private school,” Mu replied.
“Have any friends? I’d love to meet them.” A young boy asked.
“Yep! I have a few, plus Harriet.” Mu answered, giving a nod.
Harriet smiled seeing Mu was adjusting well with everyone. She then felt a tap on her shoulder which made her turn towards Brandy. “I have a question about Mu, can I ask you very quickly?” She whispered.
“Sure what is it?” Harriet asked. Brandy leaned in Harriet’s ear and whispered her question. Harriet reacted with a cat-like smile. “Ask her at lunch. I won’t say.” She replied. Brandy smiled and gave a nod.
Lunch rolled around and Mu, Harriet and Brandy sat down at a table away from the rest of the kids. “This is where Brandy and I usually sit.” Harriet explained. 
Once the group was seated, Brandy didn’t hesitate to ask her a question. “You're a witch are you?” Brandy asked. 
Mu spit out her drink in surprise and coughed. “N-no!” She yelled. “What makes you say that?”
Harriet sighed. “Mu, remember when I said you’ll like Brandy?” She asked. Mu turned to her friend. “Well Brandy also likes magic like I do, so she’s safe to tell her you're a witch.”
Mu sighed feeling relieved. “Well to answer your question; yes I am a witch.”
Brandy’s smile widened and she hugged Mu tightly. “That is so cool!” Brandy beamed. “What kinds of magic can you do? Do you have a cat? I know witches have cats! Ooh tell me tell me!” Brandy was so excited as she wanted to know everything about Mu, the real Mu..
Mu chuckled. “Okay, okay. I can show you the magic after school. I do have a cat named Boss, he keeps me in line most of the time.” She explained.
“He’s also cuddly.” Harriet added. 
Brandy giggled in reply. “I’m guessing you didn’t travel to another country, but a witch world?” She asked, looking at Harriet.
Harriet nodded. “Yep! Speranza.” She replied. “Plus I even found clues about my mom.”
“That’s amazing!” Brandy beamed in reply. “So is she home safe?”
Harriet frowned and shook her head. Brandy frowned in reply knowing it wasn’t good news. “Turns out my grandma, who is also the headmistress, took her away from me and turned her into a monster.” Harriet explained.
Brandy frowned and hugged her friend. “I’m sorry, Harriet.” She said, before turning to Mu. “I guess you got stuck here too?” Mu nodded. 
“So now we’re trying to find a way to get back to Speranza to save my mom!” Harriet beamed.
Brandy smiled. “Um…if you want, I can help.” 
“How can you help?” Mu asked.
“I have a lot of magic-esq stuff at my house.” Brandy answered. “Maybe there’s something I have that could help.”
Mu and Harriet smiled seeing they were slowly making progress. “Alright. We’ll go!” Mu answered.
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kingdomtrust · 2 years
Nathaniel rateliff backup singers
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Both of this soulful, talented acts should be seen and savored. 13 appearance, which featured Rateliff, his backing band the Night Sweats and a trio of backup singers (on Redemption, at least), cemented the barrel-chested blues revivalist as. Get to the JetBlue as the sun begins to set over West Palm Beach, and then stay planted. While Rateliff has been making music on his own and with other acts since 2002, he has had The Night Sweats by his side for the last five years and four studio albums. He’s shared stages with Bon Iver, Iron & Wine, Ben Howard, Mumford & Sons, Rosanne Cash, and a slew of other artists that will make your achy heart race. American singer and songwriter Nathaniel Rateliff is currently one of the most famous. Pickathon has announced its first round of artists for the 2019 installment of its Americana-in-the-wilderness music festival, with Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats joined. Rateliff is a masterful musician with a simmering sound. Catch Nathaniel Rateliff and his backing band, the Night Sweats. This soulful Americana singer/songwriter leaves my palms sweaty and knees weak. One thing led to another, and Jess and Holly ended up being showcased on Lukas’ album.įollowing Lukas’ magical set is the bold and bearded Nathaniel Rateliff. It was in Indio that Lucius was performing with Roger Waters. Then we played the Desert Trip with Neil, along with Paul McCartney, the Stones, the Who and Dylan. Rateliff has performed with a backing band called the Night Sweats for an. He’s also given people a chance to hear what we’re doing and what our own songs have to offer. Nathaniel David Rateliff (born October 7, 1978) is an American singer and songwriter based. Rateliff has performed with a backing band called the Night Sweats for an R&B. “They were already a great band when they started working with Dylan, who lifted them up, which is similar to what Neil’s done for us. Nathaniel David Rateliff (born October 7, 1978) is an American singer and. “What’s happened with us feels similar to the career trajectory of The Band,” Lukas stated in his press release. Lukas and POTR are dear friends with Neil Young, recording The Monsanto Years with him, and eventually becoming the singer’s backing band. How did Lukas come to collaborate with Lucius? I’m glad you asked. On the band’s recent 2017 self-titled release, Nelson and his brilliant Promises collaborated with a handful of notable artists, including Lucius’ Jess Wolfe and Holly Lessig, Lady Gaga, and Willie Nelson. While his country rock sound has family ties, Lukas and POTR have been able to stretch their sound in new directions. Having a famous father is wonderful, but it’s important to note that Lukas stands and sings on his own. Fast forward and this 20-something singer, songwriter and guitarist has now released four studio albums, three live recordings, an EP, and two album collaborations with Neil Young. Austin-born Lukas learned to play guitar at an early age, and quickly took to the sounds of Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimi Hendrix, and Mike Bloomfield. After all, he is the son of the legendary Willie Nelson. Lukas Nelson was born with more talent than most of us will ever possess. But now they are in our backyard! Friends, you must not miss them at SunFest. Both of these remarkable ensembles have been touring the United States- selling out venues and touting their impressive catalogs. I can barely contain my excitement for Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real (affectionately called POTR), and Nathaniel Rateliff and The Night Sweats. This time around, Rateliff kicked off the performance at the keyboard rig before working his way out to center stage to belt out the feel-good lyrics.This Friday, two incredible acts (with the most memorable monikers) will take over the JetBlue Stage during our favorite South Florida music festival. Nathaniel Rateliff – “Redemption” – Saturday Night Liveįor his second song, Rateliff welcomed up the full-fledged band for a run through an old favorite from their live catalog, “A Little Honey”. Watch Nathaniel Rateliff perform “Redemption” on SNL below and stream the track on the platform of your choice here. An electric guitar in hand, the singer-songwriter squeezed every drop of emotion from the song, guiding it from a slow, swaying opening through its primal howl of a final chorus. A post shared by Nathaniel Rateliff his first of two tunes, Rateliff dove into the earnest and uplifting “Redemption” with the help of a stripped-down Night Sweats roster and a trio of female backing vocalists from the Resistance Revival Chorus, Arin Maya, Melissa McMillan, and Camille Trust.
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chaosangel767 · 3 years
Hi. Can I pls request for The army bois with a mc who uh- sleeps with a stuffed animal lol or a pillow hugger Pls and ty :) (also ur my fav hc writer, it took a while to get the courage to ask lol, if u do this then tytytytytytyyyyyy) if it's too much then pls ray, lance, jonah, fenrir and luka ^^
Of course you can! ❤ I absolutely adored making this HC list. I love stuffed animals and body pillow so this hit pretty close to home. Enjoy! 😘
HC’s: How they react to a Pillow hugging/Stuffy Loving MC Pt. 1
❤ Lancelot ❤
His Alice is a stuffy lover. At first he was really curious about it. He doesn’t understand why a stuffed animal is so comforting to you. He never had one in his childhood and can’t wrap his head around it.
When he realizes how much better you sleep holding a stuffed animal he stops wondering and just accepts it. He wants to make sure you are comfortable since he works a lot and can’t always hold you at night.
He buys you a stuffed Lion so that you have something to hold from him, he doesn’t like seeing you hold things that he didn’t buy. You take right to the lion and he is happy to see how receptive you are to the gift. Seeing you asleep holding the lion he got you always makes him want to work faster so he can hold you.
He’ll always hold you and make sure the Lion’s in your arms so that you don’t wake up worried.
He added a magic crystal to the center of the lion so that it can be warmed up. It will stay warm for an hour or so before cooling off.
Lancelot hears soft whimpers from the bed where you lay. He creeps closer to see you on your side holding your stomach, the lion in your arms.
“Alice, are you okay?” His voice is laced with worry and you whimper, clutching the lion closer to your stomach as another cramp rips through your abdomen causing a cry to fall from your lips. Understanding what is going on, the King of Hearts lays behind you and pulls you into his arms.
“Can I see the lion for a moment?” Lancelot asks, resting one warm hand on your abdomen, you nod and reluctantly give up your beloved stuffy. Lance pressed a hand to its stomach and a soft glow emits from the lion's stomach. He gives it back to you, pressing the lion to your stomach, warmth emitting from the animal.
“Lance,” you sigh as the pain in your abdomen starts to lessen and you are able to drift off in the arms of your lover, holding the warm stuffed animal. Lancelot ends up holding you for the rest of the afternoon, making sure the lion helped with any pain and keeping you warm, he loved having you in his arms and seeing you hold the lion and just be vulnerable moved him so much. He makes a silent promise to make sure you are always relaxed and smiling.
❤ Jonah ❤
Jonah doesn’t understand why you have to steal the extra pillows at night to cuddle, especially his favorite fluffy pillow.
He will fall asleep with you in his arms and wake up to find you away from him with a pillow in your arms.
He gets a little jealous at the fact you would rather cuddle the pillow and it takes a while for him to understand it isn’t something that you fully control when you sleep.
Jonah buys a large pillow for you to cuddle and relaxes a little when he sees how happy it makes you.
"Why sleep with that when you can have me?" Jonah huffs as you sheepishly tell him that you can’t sleep without holding a pillow. He crosses his arms and looks away, a slight blush creeping on his cheeks. Jonah doesn't understand how you can cuddle a pillow. That night you fall asleep cuddling him, but wake up with your back against him cuddling a pillow.
A few days go by with this pattern, Jonah is still a little huffy about having to share his night time cuddles with a pillow. He has you close your eyes though and when you open them he is holding a large pillow, it is even bigger than his and is super soft and smells like strawberries.
“If you are going to cuddle a pillow I want it to remind you of me. I don't like that you cuddle just any pillow” He explains looking away with a slight blush on his cheeks. He is secretly happy that you adore the pillow not that he would ever admit it.
Jonah’s new favorite sight is coming back to his room after a long day to see you cuddling the pillow he got you fast asleep. He gets used to cuddling you around the pillow and even enjoys it
♠️ Ray ♠️
Ray is super worried when he notices you haven't been sleeping great since staying with him.
Eventually you admit you usually fall asleep with a stuffed animal. You reveal the animal you had been using that Seth had bought you.
Ray doesn't understand why you are so nervous about it. He kisses you and pulls you into his arms, stuffed animal and all.
He eventually gets you a cat stuffed animal, he doesn’t like the fact you are cuddling something so close that another man got you.
He gets a cat that can also hold a magic crystal and heat up, it quickly becomes your favorite of your stuffed animals.
Ray will shower you with various stuffed animals and lets you keep them in a box under the bed for when you need comforting.
"Hey weirdo, why are you acting all shy?" Ray presses a kiss to your cheek as you look away.
"It's embarrassing" Your voice is muffled since you're hiding it in the stuffed animal Seth got you. Ray softly finds your chin-and lifts your gaze to his. He softly brushes your hair away from your face and takes in your nervous eyes.
“Why?” His voice is gentle as he tries to understand the big deal, clearly this is something important to you and he is trying to understand. You sigh defeated and tell him about the comments you have received in the past about how childish it is and that you were scared of what he was going to think. Ray wraps his arms around you and holds you against him, letting you bury your face as he softly rocks you.
"Hey, it's not a big deal. Everyone has ways they fall asleep, or wierd little quirks." He softly encourages you. The two of you get ready for bed in silence while Ray pulls you into his arms letting you comfortingly hold the stuffed animal, you relax against him and keep the animal tight in your arms, you sleep much better that night.
The next morning Ray leaves early and you feel a little nervous still about your little secret coming out into hiding. Your fears are soon quelled when Ray comes back that night with a cat stuffed animal that has a crystal in its stomach allowing it to heat up for pain or for comfort. You hug him tightly, starting to cry at how happy the little cat makes you.
"See Alice, all that matters is that you are sleeping well and happy. "Ray murmurs as he demonstrates the crystal feature and keeps you close to him, pressing another kiss to your forehead before you both drift off into a peaceful sleep. You thank your stars that you have such a caring, understanding boyfriend as you drift off.
♠️ Luka ♠️
He is confused when you don't want to sleep in the same bed as him. He thinks he did something wrong. He gets really confused and upset, trying to find out what is wrong.
You sheepishly tell him that it is because you have to sleep with a stuffed animal. Luka is slightly confused so you bring him to your room and show him your horde of stuffed animals in the closet. Seth has been giving you cute ones when he finds them after he stumbled on your hobby.
You explain to Luka that they comfort you and Luka tentatively picks one up, not sure how to feel.
He gets a little jealous that Seth knew about your hobby before he did and that Seth has been buying you stuffed animals.
He goes out and gets you a few new ones to keep in his room for when you stay the night. In secret he actually likes running his fingers along the fur of one of the stuffed animals, he can see the appeal of them.
Luka absolutely adores coming back from his late night training to see you curled up in his bed with one of the stuffed animals he bought you. He will fall asleep holding you and the stuffed animals. He’s been sleeping for most of the night since you look so adorable.
Definitely bought matching stuffed animals for you two for your anniversary.
“Fine, do you promise not to laugh?” you look skeptically at Luka who gives a serious nod. You lead him to your room and pull a box from under the bed that is filled with stuffed animals that Seth bought you once he found out you don’t sleep well without them.
“What are these?” Luka pulls a hamster stuffed animal from the box softly running his hands along the soft stuffed animal.
“They are stuffed animals, they make great cuddle companions” You answer and Luka looks confused.
“Why do you hide them?” He looks up meeting your eyes with his inquisitive amber gold ones.
“It is considered childish in my world to have them at my age, but they comfort me and I have trouble sleeping without them. Seth got me these when I first arrived, I’ve been using them ever since. ” I look away in shame as I explain and Luka catches my chin.
“It's okay, I understand.” Luka picks up the hamster one and pulls you out of the room, bringing the stuffed animal and you back to his room for the night.
The next day off he goes out and finds the softest, cutest stuffed animals for you and gives them to you for his room. He runs his fingers along them and smiles softly as he watches your face completely light up at them.
He comes in from training that night to see you cuddling two of them and his heart absolutely melts as he pulls you close, stroking the stuffed animals as well as stroking your hair.
♠️ Fenrir ♠️
Fenrir is extremely calm when he finds out you tend to steal and hug his pillows as you sleep. He finds out by waking up a few nights in a row with his pillow missing from under his head and being in your arms. Apparently you can take his pillow from under his head while he is sleeping and he thinks it is the funniest thing.
Even though you are mortified, he just smiles at you and wraps you up in a hug pulling you and the pillow close to him.
He teases you a little about it, but honestly this boy falls more in love with you, you are so cute curling up hugging a pillow.
He enjoys seeing you so peaceful and if that means getting you a pillow to hold then that is what the Ace of Spades will do for you. The man will find the perfect pillow for you, he has a custom case made for you as well.
He gets used to cuddling you from behind so you can still hold the pillow, he loves wrapping you up in his arms, the pillow rarely gets in the way now.
"Stop laughing" you pout and cross your arms as the Ace of Spades laughs at you.
"There's nothing to be nervous of," Fenrir reaches out to cup your cheek. You brush him off and run your hand through your hair.
"It's embarrassing "You growl, feeling the shame that always settles within you when you are confronted with your sleeping habits.
"Babe, you know there is nothing wrong with hugging a pillow when you sleep right?” You can hear the laughter in his voice and turn away and pout, feeling his arms hold me close, I could feel his chest shaking in laughter.
"Why are you laughing so much?" You growl and Fenrir rests his head against my check.
"I'm laughing because you keep stealing my pillow. From under my head. While I sleep. You creep. "He laughs and you huff, bonking him with a pillow.
"It's not my fault" You yell at him and he sighs, raising his hands.
“Okay Babe I understand, I'm done teasing you. You just look so cute all cuddled up with my pillow " Fenrir apologizes and you feel bad for yelling. A kiss and cuddles make everything better.
2 days later Fenrir comes home with a pillow for you to cuddle that is larger than his and has a custom case. You fall instantly in love, cuddling the pillow and you stop stealing Fenrir’s pillow. Fenrir immediately cuddles you and lets you hold your new pillow, finding your smile the cutest thing in the world as he holds you.
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to Guiltrip!
Alright, so this one is a bit more of a serious one for me. But I'll be going in order of the episode so the more serious talk will be a bit further down! First thing we get is this lovely moment:
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I've already addressed it in a post, but I'll say it again here. Guiltrip is episode 11, several episodes take place before Guiltrip that we haven't seen yet, so this is awhile after Marinette and Luka broke up. We also know that Marinette has always had feelings for Adrien, even when she was with Luka. Luka always knew that fact too. None of this is new and is to be expected, obviously, when Love Square is endgame. But! I also want to point out here that this is just a soft look. Very gentle, very common. I see people looking at each other both in real life and in other shows all the time. A look that says "I adore you". And I think it's sweet! Very subtle, but enough. Something's wrong with Rose. We never get told (in this episode anyway) what it is, but it's a chronic illness that's a worry in Rose's life, ever since she was young. I feel really bad for Juleka, knowing that her friend's been struggling with an illness, and whenever something happens she has to worry about it alone. Also that really sucks when you try to cheer somebody up and make a joke, that because you were mislead about a situation you end up making things worse. Poor Marinette. :c Adrien when he realizes he's bumped into someone (and the pink bubbles to remind us of Marinette's feelings for him):
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Adrien when he realizes just who it was he bumped into!:
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Scroll up now and look at how Marinette was looking at Adrien earlier that day. It's the exact same look. Yet, something feels different from usual to me, idk. But continuing on. Marinette gets slightly jumbled with her words, but manages to give herself a kick and says nope not now! Good for her! You can't expect to change overnight, but she's working on it.
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She looks to the side, gathering her surroundings for a split second and she misses the top step. I'd like to say that this is just a joke for the show but well, this kind of thing has happened to me a lot because I'm that much of a klutz so I feel for her here. (On Halloween I forgot that there was another step as I was walking down as I wasn't paying attention. I couldn't walk on my foot for 2 weeks. It's a serious problem, guys. Really. xDD) Marinette had told Adrien she's concerned it was something she said that upset Juleka and Adrien tells her while sometimes she doesn't make sense, what she says is never mean. This scene reminds me of when Ladybug's worried about something and Chat Noir's there to keep her grounded and remind her of how things really are. I very much appreciate seeing such a scene with Adrienette! Makes the Love Square much more rounded. Also the way he stops her and says let him go talk to her to try to help the situation and any possible misunderstandings from taking place. ;-;
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Can I just say... oh my gosh. He went from determined, to hearing Marinette trying to comfort her, to looking with confidence "This girl is amazing." and the whole Ladynoir vibe I'm getting from this scene makes me happy. The thing that's unrealistic about this scene though is you expect to tell me that 8 kids went down those stairs and came up behind them and Marinette, Adrien, and Juleka didn't hear? XD Now here's where the serious comes in. Rose is hospitalized with an illness we don't know about, but has been a long-term thing that has Juleka really worried a lot. That must be so stressful :c I'm going to be honest and say I never really saw Julerose romantically. Like I can see how people do, but to me, I could see that their bond was really unique. It didn't really fit completely in the "BFF" category either. But if felt like there was more to them that I didn't really understand. I think the best example off the top of my head was during Zombizou, when Rose was going to help Chloe after she slid down Chat's stick and she went too fast for him to catch her. Juleka seemed especially worried and concerned for her. Rose never seemed to get concerned about Juleka in the same way Juleka was about Rose. Juleka's always been more protective and worried and it was always one of those things that made me go "hmm, interesting". Now this episode finally explains why and I'm honestly super glad for it. Because this kind of a relationship is not a common one in media, especially kids media. Partially because having such serious illnesses in young people is not particularly common, and having someone who's so caring and protective of that person is even less common. And most people probably don't realize how amazing it is to have health problems and then have someone in their life who acts like Juleka does for Rose. I had a life-threatening illness as a kid, one that still affects me greatly today. When in school, my friends knew about it without me having to say anything unfortunately, and while they didn't usually treat me differently, sometimes they were pretty ignorant and didn't understand why I wasn't "normal" like them. They asked questions that were harder ones to answer, and tended to forget my answers. I got a lot of "I know you have X problem but I still don't see why you can't..." as well as thinking I was lying if I said I wasn't well and couldn't go to a party, and that was hard to deal with, being limited in what you can do which makes you different and being judged for things out of your control. So seeing these kids who only know something's wrong with her, but are willing to do so much to make her life better and happier, not judging her at all, wanting to take care of her no questions asked was really heart-warming for me. I only had one friend during that time that was anything close to this. I never had to explain anything to him if I didn't want to. He never asked me personal questions I didn't want to answer. And he seemed to know what he could do to make things for me easier if I was having a hard time without me ever saying so. And this is another reminder to me that this show is aimed at kids. To show kids that they'll likely encounter someone around their age that's going through something serious like a health problem, and what that kid needs most is kindness and not to be made to feel like they're even more different from the other kids than they already feel. The way they handled that aspect of it for such a short, limited intro to it, I think they did good. I discussed this next bit with a friend. She mentioned it first, the trope where those with chronic or serious illnesses are usually an "inspiration". With this episode, you kind of get the feeling that because Rose's been through so much, she's therefore a really positive and bubbly person and it kind of gives off the vibe that if you don't view things the way she does, then you're not doing it right. "What matters isn't the problem, but how you handle it." While I agree with this, and that when you come out of or regularly deal with
such hard times, automatically trying to see the world better and brighter can easily happen, but it's not exactly realistic either, at least not to the extent Rose and other people the media has portrayed. For one, I think you have to have always been more of that kind of person from the start to realistically be so positive. As my friend said and I agree, positivity is just who Rose is, she's not who she is just for the sake of a trope. But honestly, when you've gone through something so difficult, and if life continues to throw you more difficulties on top of it, being positive so much can sometimes turn into a negative and be harmful too. When you've been through a lot, it's important to allow yourself to feel the negative too because it's part of dealing with such problems. And if you've been through a lot in life and you haven't come out of it being all sunshine and rainbows, always looking on the brighter side of things, that's perfectly okay. Life's hard and tends not to work out how we'd like, or even for the better sometimes. If being positive and hopeful after struggling is hard to do, you're not bad or wrong for feeling that way, everybody handles things differently. c: ANYWAY, moving on to the rest of the episode! Juleka being all irritated and worried that the class was going to expose her spilling Rose's secret xD While the situation isn't ideal, it's nice that this is the most involved she's seemed with everyone in the entire duration of the show. But Rose knows something's up, and I love that she talks to her about it and realizes that she should've told everyone herself instead of Juleka being the only one who knew. Which has been such a burden on her. (Oh no, what if this is a reflection of Alya knowing Marinette's Ladybug later on? I'm hoping not.) Ugh these children and how much they care about Rose! These kids are the absolute best. But then they kind of ruin it a little with going overboard. Which, frankly, I think is just ignorance of her situation really. I mean, we don't know what exactly is wrong with Rose. Just that she ends up in the hospital. If they knew about her condition, what causes her to get sick, what to look out for, etc, they'd be much more informed and much less likely to be frantic whenever something's not perfectly "normal" with her. All of these kids are going to be overprotective parents someday, aren't they?
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Okay so like... are Adrien and Marinette going to question at all how Ladybug and Chat Noir showed up immediately after Juleka was akumatized, and no damage had happened outside of the school for it to be known to the public? Literally the only ones that could've possibly known were the class to have shown up that fast. ??? I am confusion. "I can't help my best friend face his father." "No, Nino..." Two things: The fact that THIS is what he's feeling guilty about? My poor Nino! Dx I just love him, he really doesn't get enough love and appreciation imo. Also, um, isn't Ladybug like right by Chat? Didn't she hear that? What? Idk but I feel like we're really missing something here. Usually we get things that are kind of hints, that make us wonder if they know right, but this? This is a bit too blaring-in-your-face, and there's two major things so close together. Really strange. Chat about to use Cataclysm on himself. Good grief that was not expected. Chat Blanc threatened to destroy himself along with everything else. Now Chat Noir while affected with negative emotions from an akuma almost Cataclysmed himself. This show really is getting deep and dark isn't it. o.o Also is there something Adrien needs to work out with someone...? Daizzi and Rose saying the other's so cute, ugh they're both so cute! And Pigella's costume and transformation is so adorable omg. Okay so Pigella's power allows people to see their biggest wish, the thing that'd make them the most happy and feel positive emotions. I know some people probably think "That's it?" Considering that Shadow Moth preys on people's negative emotions, such a power is actually extremely useful facing Shadow Moth. (And let's not forget, that while that's her power, she has the ability to fight and make a difference just from being transformed too) BUT AWWW Juleka's wish! And her face when Pigella said it aloud. ;-; Am I the only one wondering if Pigella may someday use her power on Shadow Moth and that's how they learn his motive? I'm so impressed with how Rose knew how to handle everything. She knew she can't slip up with Juleka. She knew to sneak away to detransform and come back as Rose. She knew to subtly give the Miraculous back so nobody would ever know she had it. Even Chat Noir had no idea! I don't know why, I'm just so very proud of that. "She doesn't need a Miraculous to be a superhero." She really has the characteristics of one, and I can't wait to see more of Pigella. Also I'm really wondering. This scene here:
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All the kids that are part of that friend group are there...except Marinette and Adrien, of course. Alya knows why Marinette isn't there. But is she wondering about why Adrien isn't there too? LOL Marinette being like "I'm taking your pillow back, sorry! Gotta wait for it like everyone else." and the boys being like LE GASP. Marinette's right, she's not fragile! The fact Rose jokes with her and makes everyone laugh, and Chloe saying "Hey, why doesn't everyone laugh when I say something like that?!" Adrien: Because in your case, it's never a joke. Chloe: Hm, that's true. Which is super funny, especially how he just so casually says it. But also it really shows again how Chloe wants to be liked. She wishes the kids would laugh when she makes comments, but it's because they're said in a serious/obnoxious way, instead of making light of something like in Rose's case here, that they don't. I know she talked about it with Ladybug in an episode, but it again shows that that's what she'd like. All that needs to happen is someone helping her get there. Maybe Zoe and Luka will somehow help with that later on. Anyway, this was a really great episode! I feel like some things might not make quite as much sense as they should if we got it in order, but what can you do when Gloob has to air them? Even a friend of mine who's been doing what she can to avoid spoilers, still got spoiled. She's having to delete tumblr to avoid future spoilers because people can't help themselves and tag things properly. So thanks Gloob. :P All we wanted was the episodes in order. We've waited this long for S4, we can wait a bit longer. But they gotta make money I guess. I'm glad other countries are trying their best to keep it in order anyway. c: Guiltrip also has some really great Adrienette moments, and covered a more serious topic which was really interesting and shows how much the show's changing. Especially with some of the choice of camera angles and movements! Like the zoom-in on the door with Adrien and Marinette, the boys LE GASP scene. Very cool artistic choices! Looking forward to the episodes that come before this one to try to help fill in some of the gaps! And apologies to those that frequently read these posts from me, I started writing it up late and couldn't finish so you get it the day after instead. xD
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maribat-musings · 4 years
Random headcanon
Other heroes finding out the Paris heroes ages retroactively.
Like their miraclous hides their identity so that people have a vague age range for how old they look
But like Ladybugs and Chat Noirs have been around for ages and it’s not uncommon for people not to age with the help of magic
Not everyone’s aware that the holders change
Diana know her mother was a Ladybug but that was a while ago. So she just assumes they were given the miraculous sometime after that.
So that leads most heroes into thinking they are older than they actually are
Eventually Hawkmoth is defeated and the JL make contact with the Parisian heroes
(They didn’t before cuz they didn’t know how to get in contact with them and they didn’t want to go to Paris in case they got akumatized)
(for plot reasons the Paris JL headquarters is under construction and they are temporarily headquartered in a different country)
JL meets LB and co when they’re like 16-17 or so still thinking they’re mid-twenties/centuries old
LB & co can act a little childish at times but not enough to raise any eyebrows
Besides they act mature enough most of the time due to ✨trauma✨ of dealing w/ Hawkmoth from such a young age
And after all Ladybug is the guardian of the miraculous and surely that must make her old enough to handle that level of maturity
This goes on for a while with the Paris heroes dodging questions & conversations dealing with adult life and adult problems
But like the adults are trying to rope them into conversation and on occasion one of the Paris heroes will say something that makes them seem older
Alix definitely mentions something that sounds like first hand experience from a major historical event or a conversation they had with a historical figure that lends credibility to the theory they are centuries older then they are.
Eventually the Paris heroes are just old enough for it not to be weird that they’re heroes out on their own maybe like 18/20ish
The Paris heroes are relaxed and comfortable around the JL and one slips up (or someone catches them when they’re transforming)
Maybe one of the young bats knows them as their friend from college and they’re like cool we’re friends as civilians and heroes :)
They then do a bit more digging on the bat computer cuz the JL didn’t baby them when they were younger and they were the same age. And it’s unfair that the Paris hero got to be full member at 16 and not them.
They do digging into their Paris hero’s info page in the JL database and see it’s missing a few details and the age is set for like 29-2000 years
The young bats is like yeah okay makes sense they must have been passing off as a 18 year old for centuries and faking documents
They then look into the civilian ID and quickly realize that no there are no faked documents this person is actually 3 months younger than them.
Young bats bring this to B’s attention and say hey this ain’t fair what the heck???
B’s like huh and brings it to the other JL members and is like so at least one of Paris heroes is [young bats] age and they’ve been a hero for four years now meaning they’ve been a hero since they were 14
JL’s like wow okay LB shouldn’t have asked them to be a hero when they were literally a child and decide to confront her
JL: how could you let a child be a hero on their own without any training???
LB: well I mean I became a hero at 13 and didn’t have a mentor most of the time???
JL: yes well things have changed since you first became LB
LB: what are you talking about we’re literally the same age. We went to school together ? ? ?
JL: [shocked pikachu face] ...
JL: what ??? Does this mean all of the Paris heroes are that young???
LB: i mean yeah??
The league decides to have a conversation (lecture) with the Miraculous team about decision making and why they shouldn’t have become heroes at such a young age
But they’re like yeah no we’ve been heroes for a long time now and we are officially adult and can do what we want. We are too old for this lecture now. Besides it was our favorite hero offering us to also become a hero on our own, how could we say no?/ there was literally no one else to do the job
Over all the vibe is like parents finding out something their child did that was against the rule/ dangerous that they can no longer lecture them about.
Maybe it was Luka who had their ID reveal first just to drive home how young Marinette was when she first started
Wow this ended up being way longer than I had anticipated, I tried to add one of those read more things but I’m on mobile so idk if it worked
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kaeyas-beloved · 3 years
Could I please ask for IkeRev HCs for Ray, Fenrir and Luka. What are they like as Older brothers to a younger sister who’s still a teenager, 16/17 ish?
Thank you!
Ray Blackwell, Fenrir Godspeed, Luka Clemence || Ikemen Revolution
Warning(s): Slight spoilers for Fenrir's & Luka’s route (nothing major tho), maybe some OOCness since I haven't picked up IkeRev in some time - but other than that none (do tell me if I’m wrong though ^^)
Note: Hello! I’m really sorry for taking such a long time to write this (honestly I wrote and re-wrote this a handful of times and I still don't even know if they're that great...)
Still, I hope they’re good enough and that you enjoy them - thank you for requesting!
She/Her pronouns are used to address the reader/younger sister
Older Brother to Younger, Teen Sister HCs 
Ray Blackwell
Ray’s such a calm older brother in the sense that he’s both never intruding in on your personal space & gives you your freedom while still being able to know when he has to step up and protect you (even though he wants to protect you all the time)
Growing up the both of you were close (Fenrir was thrown in that mix too with how often the two boys hung out) But after Ray joined the army, steadily climbing the ranks and you stuck focusing on your studies you guys kind of drifted apart for sometime
You aren’t sure who started it but soon you found yourselves sending each other letters as a way to stay in touch (your letter more often than not having a picture of Belle tucked inside)
The little kitty loves you by the way - you’re his second favourite hooman (it’s cause you spoil him with cuddles), Ray’ll sometimes get jealous when the feline snuggles up to you because he thinks that his own cat loves you more than him
One day though you were walking home from school and passed an alleyway, faintly hearing someone baby talk to something. Curiosity got the better of you and that’s how you found your older brother, cross legged on the dirty street coddling one too many street cats
Though you do travel to that particular spot a lot now (usually as a way to procrastinate destress from school (or simply because you love cats like Ray does)) You’ll also keep them company when Ray can’t
Ray hates it when you go out late at night since anything could happen to you. It nags at the back of his mind a lot, that one day something might happen to his precious little sister and that he might not be there to save you. Old wounds and feelings resurface at the list of possibilities that come to mind.
He doesn’t want history to repeat itself, he doesn’t want to be unable to protect you from danger. So anytime that you visit headquarters and you stay late you either simply stay the night or have an escort take you home. You can choose which option you’d like but Ray’s not taking a ‘no’ as any form of an answer
Calls you dufus just because he can (but affectionately). Might also ruffle your hair and/or pat you on the shoulder
You call him an old man because he can’t stay up past 10PM (Ray’ll then make some kind of comment regarding Sirius and how he’s more of an old man, to which you both laugh until the man himself makes his presence behind you known)
Absolutely the kind of brother to move things you need off a shelf out of your reach before proceeding to walk away with a satisfied smile on his face
Also the kind of brother to tease you about any cute boys/girls/people that he catches you staring at or gushing about (but he’ll stop if you tell him seriously to stop)
Do you like books? Ray likes books. He has a lot of books. Take a book, please he has too many--
If you enjoy reading, Ray is constantly recommending you novels, letting you read them before casually asking you your opinion on certain characters or events when you’re returning it. But even if you're not an avid reader he may still hand you a book or two that he knows you'll enjoy
Like mentioned earlier, Ray is very busy with Army work and such but honestly, out of everyone in the Black Army, he’s the second best person to come to with homework (second only to Sirius). Especially with history. Like, you need the entire history of the Black Army or Cradle? He’s got you, he had to read up on it when he was on the road to becoming the King of Spades.
Really, you could just pop right into his office at anytime, ask your question and Ray will be able to answer without missing a beat before going back to whatever he was doing
You can always come to Ray for anything. Questions, complaints you name it he’ll listen to your woes/answer however he can.
You guys bond over your teacher(s) giving too much homework; Ray reminiscing when he was your age and in high school - he completely understands the struggle (it was excruciating. All the work prolonged the sweet embrace of a good night’s sleep T~T)
There’s someone who’s picking on you? Don’t worry he’ll deal with them >:)
He might not always know how he can help or comfort you since he’s not the best with words when it comes to certain things, but that won’t stop him from at least helping where he can
Will never let anything happen to you -- Ray protects you with his life and he'll use any power he has if it means that you can walk out unharmed, that’s how much he cares for you
Fenrir Godspeed
Fenrir doubles as both your older brother and your best friend
110% flaunts how you’re the coolest little sister a brother could have to anyone that will listen (most of the time it’s the Black Army tho)
Flips between calling you by name, ‘sis’ and any other ridiculous nickname he can come up with (but don’t worry - you have an equally stupid name for him)
Considers you his best buddy (aside from Ray that is)
Fenrir’s also the kind of brother to pat his sister’s head, ruffle her hair, give gentle noogies and shake her around by the shoulders/poke her playfully then go ‘wasn’t me’. Just like these wholesome little things that mean no harm or anything
I also like the idea of Fenrir giving his sister piggyback rides - it's just a nice thought, please don't take this away from me I beg of you T-T
Best bro Fenrir picks you up from school every day, no ifs, ands or buts! Usually, he’ll buy you your favourite sweet/snack and give it to you when he gets there.
Brings Shu Shu along as well and the three of you will talk about what happened at school or anything exciting that may have happened as he walks you either home or to the barracks
You’re both very chaotic + Ray joins in too most of the time. Quite a few pranks happen when you’re at Black HQ (RIP the Black Army when you come over and you three triple team them).
Harmless pranks I promise!
Fenrir may take one of your belongings (a brush, your favourite book or an accessory) and run around the place with the only way of you getting it back is to catch him
There was this one time you snuck tomatoes into his food to see if he’d notice.
Spoiler alert: he most certainly did
After that he kinda ignored you for the rest of the day as payback, pouting and pretending like you weren’t there, saying stuff like ‘huh? Did you hear that?” At the end of the day though he wasn't mad and was able to laugh it off (it doesn’t erase the betrayal he felt tho)
Once in a while you’ll also poke fun at his fear of ghosts, saying off hand that there’s one at the end of the hall, down in the cellar or behind him. You never go too far though - not after the time that a prank of yours left him really shaken. You’ve never seen him so scared in your life and don’t plan to again.
Oliver’s soul nearly left his body when he first met you and learned that you took after your troublesome brother
Fenrir loves helping you with any school work you have cause he likes being a dependable brother for you! …The only problem is that sometimes he doesn’t know how to. Like, he grasps the basic concepts of what you’re talking about, but if you ask him how to calculate acceleration or a parabola he draws a blank - you’ve lost him.
Pls cut him some slack tho he’s trying his best and just the thought alone is sweet 🥺
Compared to his best buddy Ray, the Ace of Spades has quite a bit of free time, which he spends by dropping by the family home where you still live for surprise visits.
Most greetings start with “There’s my favourite sister!” with you adding on “I’m your only sister Fenrir…”
You still welcome him with a smile, open arms and a hug :)
Swears up, down and on his life to keep you and army affairs separate, he’s NOT going to expose his little sister to the violence that comes with his occupation. He stands firm on this decision. This topic is one of the only times you’ll see him actually serious
You’re not stupid though, you know what goes on, and, because of this, every time you hear in passing that the gun crazed Ace of Spades was at it again - launching himself straight into battle - there’s this pang of anxiety that rattles you to your core. You’re sure that there always will be no matter how much times passes
As a sum up - very loving and goofy brother/best friend with the addition of lots of pranks and battle scares 😎✌️
Luka Clemence
You know how in game Luka starts off as kinda cold to MC/Alice? Yeah there's none of that with his little sister
Usually when hanging around her he's most of the time adorning a small smile cause he finds joy in being around her
The relationship you have is a VERY close one considering that, while growing up in the prestigious Clemence household, it was basically you and Luka against the world
Sometimes Luka fears that you’re really lonely back at home because he’s not around as much as he used to be ever since joining the Black Army. Therefore, every week he’s set aside at the bare minimum a whole day (or at least an afternoon/evening) to go visit you - or for you to visit him!
Y’all cooking buddies and I’ll die on this hill
Luka teaches you any and everything he knows about cooking all the way to baking. He’ll even write down recipes for your favourite dishes so you can make them when he’s not there.
Whenever you’re visiting the Black Army and it’s Luka’s turn to make dinner you pitch in and help. He’ll make some of the dishes while you make the others.
The Black Army adores your cooking since you have such a great teacher/brother
Luka lets you hold/pet/feed/take care of Stone. You’re the only exception he makes when it comes to his furry companion
Don’t swear around him he’ll die (that is, after getting told by the other Black Army officers why it's such a bad thing and a big deal)
Lets you hold his sword once but you ended up nearly toppling over because it was heavier than you first anticipated.
Would play the violin for you while you study if you asked him, especially if you bring up that it helps you concentrate better
Sibling fights are non-existent. The only time that there’s a chance of you butting heads is when Luka starts pushing himself too much with training or the conversion involves Jonah
Speaking of the Queen of Hearts--
It’s a constant tug of war between the two brothers on who gets to spend the day with you. Luka’s scowling, Jonah’s pouting and you’re wondering what you have to do to get your brothers to get along (or at least have it where you’re not in the middle of it all)
Very supportive of whatever you want to do with your life. Luka also tells you every once in a while that you can always come live in Black territory or even the barracks when you’re a little older if you want to
All the more should Jonah/your parents ever try to enforce something on you (like some kind of lesson/social norms for Red Territory that you don’t like etc.). Luka will 100% whisk you away into Black Territory to get away from it all, just say the word.
All in all each of the boys are wrapped around their little sister's finger and would do anything to keep her safe and happy :)
Thank you again for requesting!
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kenanda · 3 years
For the smut prompt a lonelyeyes mix of 106, 111 and 127? If you want only.
This took a while, but it was just too good a prompt not to give it my best shot. I hope you enjoy it.
Happy belated birthday!! Consider this your gift from moi <3 🎁🎉
prompt 106. “Were you just masturbating?” “U-uh..no, i was just..” “Want some help?” prompt 111. “You have no idea how much I want you.” prompt 127. “Are you wearing my shirt?”
CRAVING Rating: EXPLICIT Words: 5,7k Pairing: LonelyEyes Characters: Elias Bouchard; Peter Lukas; Tim Stoker; Martin Blackwood; Gertrude Robinson (mention); Jurgen Leitner (mention). Tags: Established Relationship; Parenthood; Smut; PWP; Mutual Pining; Fluff; Sweet; Masturbating; Cock sucking; Handjobs; Scent Kink; Fingering; Anal Fingering; Anal Sex; Dirty Talk; Banter; Wearing the other's clothes; Doting Parents!LonelyEyes; unbeta'd; Tim and Martin are their kids AGAIN
Disclaimer: These characters AREN’T mine. They belong to Rusty Quill’s The Magnus Archives. Warning: This work ISN’T SUITABLE for minors. It’s a NSFW piece of slash fiction. Therefore, if you’re a minor or in any way squicked by what’s in the tags, DO NOT READ!
Filthy, FILTHY LonelyEyes below the cut, my beloved. It's official, this is now a Verse.
Ever since they became parents, Peter and Elias haven’t known what alone time is anymore. Life is a jolly mess most of the time, with all things required for the rearing of two children. Even if the boys are now a bit older and can shoulder small responsibilities, it still seems like too much is going on at once.
Some days are more hectic than others, which often sends the two men to bed at 10PM feeling like they could sleep for days. Work hasn’t been any better in allowing for a break — Peter’s schedule has him away for months every now and again, and Elias can hardly ever catch a break from the Institute (he’s the Head, after all).
Needless to say, it all takes a toll on their love life. They can count in one hand the number of times they’ve had a weekend for themselves in the past few years. When they want sex, it’s always rushed and quiet, afraid that one of the kids will wake up because of a nightmare and ask to sleep with them.
Elias misses the days when he and Peter would go on long dates and weekend trips; catches himself thinking about those every once in a while, of how they would spare a day to stay in their room talking and getting each other off. They aren’t that young and horny anymore, but there’s still enough of that old spark that Elias will sometimes get turned on merely watching Peter doing mundane stuff, like doing the dishes.
To think that they didn’t get along at first. Elias chuckles whenever he remembers the first time they were together. Peter had been a cocky bastard, but Elias had been cockier and given Peter one hell of a show. Elias still has the eye tattoo on his stomach, but he had removed the nipple piercings once he’d started working. Peter had been so impressed by them, he had played and pulled on them with his teeth once they actually went on a proper date.
Elias lets out a nostalgic sigh.
“Everything alright?” Peter asks over his shoulder.
“Yeah,” Elias breathes. “Fine. Just reminiscing about stuff.”
“Such as…?” Peter rinses a bowl of oatmeal.
“That time you used to be more of an insufferable arse.”
Peter snorts. “You’re one to talk, love.”
Elias can’t help a smile. “We turned out alright. Sometimes though, I miss those days.”
Peter’s disbelief is visible even from his back. “Really!? We used to be swamped all the time, and there was that professor, Jonah- Wouldn’t leave you alone. I think he wanted to — what was it he used to say — see you.”
Elias shudders with a disgusted noise and gets up. He circles Peter’s waist and hooks a chin over his shoulder, pressing their bodies flush enough that there’s no mistaking that he’s half-hard. Peter drops a spoon in the sink with a clatter.
“Oh, wow, hello there.”
Elias giggles. “I miss you,” he whispers. He gives Peter’s nape a slow, open mouthed kiss, causing the larger man to shiver.
“I know, I know.” Elias pauses, buries his nose into Peter's neck, where his silver hair has grown past his ear. He smells so good. “I could take a day off tomorrow. We could ask Gertie to keep an eye on the boys over the weekend. She’s always delighted to see them.”
After the beach incident in which they had met, Gertrude Robinson had become a dear friend of the family. She and her husband (an old scholar with a booming voice and a gentle face called Jurgen) had a massive library and a collection of items from all over the world. The boys always returned home with strange facts about books and places of which neither Peter or Elias had ever heard. Gertrude also had a grandchild a year older than Martin, Jon, whom Martin had (at the tender age of seven) sworn to marry.
Peter thinks about it for a moment, but doesn’t sound too hopeful in his reply. “They’ll need me at work tomorrow. I already said I’d be there, and it could take a while.”
“Can’t always have it all...”
Peter turns around and holds Elias’s face to give him a kiss. Elias struggles at first because Peter’s hands are covered in suds, but eventually gives in. The kiss is slow and warm; if he isn't careful, Elias can easily get carried away with it. Peter’s growing beard is ticklish, but when it slides down his jaw and neck, Elias has to stifle a whimper.
“I’m sorry, love.”
Elias shakes his head. “It’s fine. I’ll survive.”
That’s not to say Elias’s body will just quit the yearning — it becomes quite self-evident when Peter pulls away and Elias is half-tempted to chase his lips.
But then one of the kids calls him and he needs to go. It's like that the whole day.
Elias only gets some blessed alone time with his husband before bed. Peter pulls him into a hug and they kiss until they have to stop before it gets too hot to ignore. Elias grabs Peter’s hand when it slides between them, because one thing will certainly lead to another.
“Pretty please?” Peter pouts. It looks outrageous on him and Elias barks out a laugh.
Peter smiles, but it fades into something else — something charged. They are kissing again before they know it, and it’s insane how well Peter fits between his legs. The weight of his larger body on top of him, pressing down where it feels so good, has Elias wrapping both legs around his waist and using them for leverage. Peter hums in approval.
At least, Elias is not alone in his lust. Peter is usually quieter about his wants and needs, but once he’s into it, he’s ready to go all the way. Perhaps Elias should’ve been more careful, because now he has to live with the knowledge that Peter is right there and that he wants it just as bad as Elias.
They are humping through their clothes and Elias is ready to make a mess of his pants just like that when there’s a yell from down the hall. Elias’s head snaps up and he all but tosses Peter off of him to leap up and grab his robes.
“Shit, shit, shit.”
“Is it Martin again,” Peter rubs his eyes tiredly, pulling a pillow over his clothed erection.
“Coming! Daddy is coming!” Elias yells back.
Afterwards, they cuddle in shared frustration until they fall asleep. When Elias wakes up the next morning, Peter’s boner is poking his arse, so he gives it a wistful little press. Peter groans and holds Elias there with an arm around his waist. Peter grinds up and Elias huffs into the pillow.
“Wanna finish what we started?”
“Be late for work,” Elias points out. Peter swears, but lets him go.
They’re out an hour later; Elias drops the kids off and heads to work. Heavy clouds of sleep deprivation and sexual frustration hang ominously above his head.
Thankfully, work is something he can lose himself in. He’s good at what he does and there’s something soothing about all those Excel sheets. Coupled with the steady hum of the AC, they almost make Elias forget his troubles.
But then he sees the flyer for this new jazz café that had opened a few months ago, where he had intended to take Peter on a date but never managed to make time, and his face falls. Damn, he misses his husband’s presence, his silly jokes and ridiculous sailor stories.
Lunch hour comes in a blink; Elias is poking a fork into his salad with an utter lack of enthusiasm when his phone chirps with an incoming message. He wipes his mouth and sees that it’s from Peter.
It’s a picture of Peter standing in front of a tall restroom mirror. He’s wearing the big old ratty coat he’d left with this morning, but it’s pulled halfway to the side to reveal Peter’s hand clutching the sizable girth of him through his grey slacks.
Elias chokes on lettuce.
What’s the meaning of this???
Been thinking of you. A lot. — is Peter’s swift reply.
Well, Elias has too, but not to this extent. Can I call you?
Peter calls him instead. “Hey.”
“Are you mad!? I’m in the middle of work!”
Peter laughs. “You talk as if you don’t have a cushy office all to yourself to play as you wish.”
“Yes, at least I can say that. You on the other hand, you’ve got a bloody crew swarming you every day.”
“I’m not on the ship right now. And there are stalls here.”
“You’re hiding in the loo?!”
“Had to. Wouldn’t stop thinking of you. Now, do you want to play?”
“You can’t be doing what I think you’re doing. What if someone comes in?”
There’s something hot and heavy about Peter's chuckle that makes Elias shudder. “A while ago, you’d be the first to say fuck it.”
“Well, apparently one of us has grown past that.”
“I bet you wouldn’t refuse if you could see how hard I am right now.”
It’s a bait. Elias knows it’s a cheap bait and that he’s gonna fall straight for it if he isn't careful. When he reaches down, he notices that he’s hard too. Shit.
“I’m not gonna do this. Bloody hell, not in the middle of work. Fucking Rosie could walk in. Did you know I have a reputation to maintain?” Elias pinches the bridge of his nose. “This can wait until we’re home.”
“We won’t have time then,” Peter replies. “And I miss you too, you know.”
Elias makes a pained little noise. “You have no idea how much I want you right now. But this will wait. We’ll figure it out.”
“How much? Show me.”
"Peter," Elias warns.
Peter gives it up with a breathy laugh. "Okay," he whispers. “See you at home. Love you.”
“You too.”
Apparently, Elias’ ability to stick to reason is intact even with his horny-addled brain. He lets out a deep exhale after the call is over.
The next ten minutes are spent willing his boner to go down by and focusing on work. It’s uncomfortable, but he manages. It gives him a headache for the rest of the day and much to think about — and even more to look forward to.
Unfortunately for both, Peter shoots him a message later on telling Elias that he will be home late and not to wait for him. The boys are disappointed, because it was film night and Peter had promised to watch Return of the King with them. Elias is sad, too; Peter had come back from three months at sea not a week ago, but again they have to be apart.
Elias helps the kids with homework and gets on a work call that drags on for an hour, which only serves to worsen his headache.
During dinner, Elias is taken aback by how observant his youngest is. Martin’s Daddy must be wearing his sourest look, for it prompts the boy to pat Elias’ hand (exactly how Peter does when someone’s upset) and tell him:
“Don’t be sad, Daddy. Dad will be home soon and then you can complain to him about work.”
Elias nearly chokes on food the second time that day. Tim chimes in.
“Yeah, dad. Don’t worry about it. The old man knows what he’s doing.” And without missing a beat, with those big brown eyes of his. “Can I play before bed?”
“Definitely not. You’ll wake up cranky tomorrow.” Tim pouts, tries again, but Elias’s word is final (even if he feels soft after their comforting words). “Thank you, boys. I know how much you look forward to movie night. I’m sorry it didn’t work.”
Tim shrugs, digging into his pasta. Martin is quick to come up with a solution.
“Can you read for us, daddy?”
That catches Tim’s attention. Elias crosses both hands over the table.
“Oh? What would you like me to read?”
Martin leaps out of the chair and thrusts a tomato-sauce covered spoon up in the air. “The adventures of the incredible Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag-End!” he roars.
Tim rolls his eyes.
It doesn’t take them long to sleep with Elias reading The Hobbit. Well, it doesn’t take Tim long to sleep (he’s heard this story countless times before and it's a favourite, even if now he says it's for babies) — Martin is paying close attention and interrupting Elias every now and again to ask questions. When the youngest finally drifts off, Elias tucks him in and puts the book back on the shelf.
Tim is almost as tall as Elias now, but Elias can still pick him up from Martin’s bed and carry him to his own bedroom. For someone who wanted to play video games and rolled his eyes at their book choice, his oldest fell asleep very swiftly.
Elias clears the dinner table, does the dishes and puts the rest of the food away. It’s a little past 10PM now and Peter is still not home. Elias only hopes nothing bad has happened (especially after today’s surprise).
Elias finally has a chance to shower and spends five minutes just letting the hot water spray massage his back. He considers touching himself — the awareness that he could use an orgasm and that now is the perfect time to achieve it is very present within him — but before he comes to a decision, he’s already stepped out of the bathroom.
Peter’s sleep t-shirt seems to eye him from the bed as Elias pats himself dry. Should he? After all, why not? He misses the old fool.
Elias pulls the t-shirt on and has to suppress a laugh at how silly he looks, greying brown curls plastered to his forehead and lean body looking too small in that tee — Peter is many sizes larger than him, so the item reaches halfway down his thighs. Elias pulls on some underwear and crawls into bed with a book. The t-shirt is so large that he has to keep adjusting it lest it falls below his shoulder.
For the first hour, Elias tries to read. He really, really does. But perhaps wearing Peter’s clothes hadn’t been his brightest idea. The item is soaked in Peter’s scent, which is positively distracting. Elias catches himself reading the same line three times and lets out a frustrated groan.
“Okay, fine! Fine, I’ll do it!”
Elias shoves the book onto the bedside table and ducks beneath the duvets, lying on his side. He’ll make this as quick as he can and then he’ll go the fuck to sleep.
He runs a hand down his chest, but it feels more perfunctory than pleasant. When it's Peter doing it, it has Elias shivering in no time. Elias closes his eyes and tries to relax, tries to think of how it feels when Peter rubs a rough palm over his nipples and kisses his belly until he squirms.
Elias has left the door open and his ears peeled to any sounds of little steps in the hallway, so it takes a while to concentrate on the ways his body is reacting.
Eventually though, it becomes easier — there have been no steps, no sounds but the soft little puffs of air that he’s letting out. One of his hands is rubbing a nipple through the t-shirt and the other is cupping his cock. Pleasure finally takes over when he presses that hand down his pelvis and a shiver runs up his body, arching his back.
Elias slips a hand under the waistband of his underwear and wraps it around his cock to pull back the skin. It’s getting hot and damp under the duvets, but Elias doesn’t plan to make this long. Just a bit more and he’ll come.
A twist of his wrist has him shuddering and letting out a breathy curse. Elias pulls the too-large shirt up to his nose and takes a big inhale. His mind is filled with Peter and he darts a tongue out for a taste, but gets none.
Still, he has had Peter in his mouth times enough to remember his taste. It makes Elias wet at the tip. He’s so close, so fucking close — but he’s also tempted to keep edging himself; keep thinking of all the things he wishes Peter would do to him. It’s been too fucking long, and he knows that if he doesn’t give his body what it wants every once in a while, it will just keep coming back to bother him.
But then again, the mess… And he’s so close, so, so close. Just a bit more, just drown out everything else.
Elias is so lost in his chase that doesn’t hear it when the front door clicks open; nor when a heavy coat is hung on the hallway pegs; doesn’t notice some of the lights being turned on and off, and is completely oblivious to the figure standing on the threshold and the socked steps that carry the man inside.
Elias only notices that Peter has arrived home when the duvet is gently pulled back and Peter’s smiling face pokes into his line of view — but by the time Peter has let out a soft “hey darling, what are you doing” Elias has already let out a blood-curdling scream and punched him in the face.
Peter falls flat on his bum with an expletive. “Jesus! What the fuck, Elias!”
Elias clutches his chest, breathing hard. “Oh- Oh Lord Jesus. My heart, my poor heart.” He turns to Peter with murder in his eyes. “What the hell were you thinking sneaking in like that?!”
Peter gets up, rubbing his sore bum. “I didn’t exactly try to sneak in, maybe you just didn’t hear me. I wasn’t particularly trying to be quiet. What the hell are you doing still up anyway?”
Elias ignores him. He snaps his head to the hallway. “Do you think the kids heard it?”
Peter shrugs, still sore.
“Get on!”
Peter grudgingly goes to check on the kids, but comes back shaking his head. Elias falls back into bed with a relieved sigh. Peter takes up a spot near the edge.
“What are you doing up? It’s way past midnight.”
Elias then remembers that his (now very much limp) dick is still out under the duvets. “Nothing much, I was just reading.”
“You were reading under the covers in the dark.”
Elias nods.
Peter isn’t convinced, but that gives way to a confused frown. “Hold on, is that my t-shirt?”
Elias looks down as if he hadn’t realised he had been wearing it. “Huh. I guess.”
Peter’s frown deepens. He touches the duvet. Elias clutches it and holds it down on reflex. Peter’s mouth opens in an accusing “oh!”
Peter can be very stubborn when he sets his mind upon something. This time, said something happens to be getting the covers out of the way.
Elias curls in on himself and burrows deeper into the duvet, but Peter (the cheap bastard that he is) resorts to tickling. Elias muffles an ugly laugh into the pillow. Peter is laughing too.
“Stop! Fuck, I’ll show you, stop!” Elias wheezes. Peter’s laughter dies off. He combs Elias’s damp hair backwards and kisses his cheek.
Elias sits up and pulls the duvet aside, feeling completely undignified. His cock is poking out above the underwear, but at least the t-shirt is covering it.
It’s enough for Peter to put two and two together.
“Were you masturbating?”
“No. Like I said, I was reading.”
Peter reaches for the hem of the shirt. Elias grabs his hand. “I said I was reading.”
Peter drops it, lets his hand fall to Elias’s thigh. A moment later, he gives it a squeeze. “Want some help?”
Elias narrows his eyes at him, then glances at the clock. Way, way past midnight.
The squeeze is back, travelling upwards. In spite of his better judgement, Elias’s legs fall open to give it more access and he sighs in defeat. So much for a steely resolve.
Peter slides a palm under the shirt but doesn’t get the item out of the way. Rather, he caresses Elias’s stomach and lower pelvis. Elias shivers deliciously; he’d been dreaming of this all day.
“You’ve been holding back a lot today,” Peter points out after Elias gets hard with just some light teasing. Peter hasn’t even touched his cock.
Elias wiggles to get Peter to touch him, slides down the bed. The invitation is clear enough, but Peter seems to be waiting for a verbal one. “I was being a sensible adult.”
Peter smiles. “Thought you’d like a bit of sexting. You used to love it back in uni.”
Elias had always been weak to Peter’s eyes, especially when they’re looking at him as if he’s something to be slowly savoured and then swallowed. Elias rolls his hips, staring at Peter’s hand on his inner thigh. The movement almost makes it touch his cock, but misses it for a few inches. Elias huffs in frustration.
“Thought you said you were going to help.”
“I can only help if you tell me what you want.”
Elias rolls his eyes at him. Peter waits happily.
“Touch me.”
“My cock.” Elias wants to punch him when Peter merely raises his eyebrows, unimpressed. “Touch my cock, please?”
If that doesn’t do it, Elias is getting a divorce. To his delight, it awakens something in Peter that makes his eyes go dark with lust.
“Fuck, yes. But it’s too dry- Where’s the-” Elias passes him the lube before Peter finishes the sentence. “Love you.”
Peter squirts some lube onto his palms and rubs them together. They’re cool when they touch Elias’s inner thighs and drag down, massaging the region and getting it all wet.
Elias sighs, eyes fluttering momentarily. He can’t help but roll his hips to ease some of the tension. He’s so hard and Peter is taking so long — but when he finally does it, Elias hisses through clenched teeth.
“Feels good, love?”
Elias bites his lower lip, chin tucked to his chest as he watches that big fist pumping wetly around his cock. Only the glistening head is visible, hot red and ready to shoot. Peter rubs a thumb under his frenulum and Elias sees stars.
“Ah, shit,” he sobs, grabbing fistfuls of the too large t-shirt and fucking into Peter’s fist, because the squeeze is so damn good.
Will Peter mind if Elias sniffs his shirt? Fuck it. Elias balls up some fabric and pulls it to his nose. The action doesn’t escape Peter; in fact, he seems entertained by it.
Elias notices his husband’s amusement only through half-lidded eyes, because every single part of his body feels like molasses right now.
“Look at you, ’s like you’re drunk in it.” Peter licks a finger and presses it up Elias’s perineum.
The pressure sends a thick dollop of pre-cum leaking down Elias’s cock. Elias’s eyes roll back into their sockets. Peter taunts him further.
“Want me to put my mouth on you or do you want something better to sniff on?”
“Fuck you and your dirty mouth.”
Peter laughs. “You can, baby. Always loved the way you shiver when you come down my throat.”
Elias points a weak finger towards the door. “Close that first.”
Peter goes and Elias hears the unmistakable sound of a lock falling into place. Peter sheds his shirt and trousers on the way back. Elias can see the outline of his cock against his underwear and makes grabby hands at it.
Peter chuckles and stands next to the headboard. “Can’t decide?”
Elias forgoes the shirt in favour of leaning over the edge and burying a face into Peter’s groin. He takes a deep inhale and mouths at it, dragging his tongue all the way up.
“Fuck,” he groans. “I’ve missed this.”
Peter moans above him and cradles his nape, pulling at the fine hairs there to make Elias shiver. Elias gives his own cock a few lazy pumps while his mouth is busy getting Peter’s underwear all damp.
Elias steals a glance at the digital clock again and whines. Peter asks him what’s wrong.
“I want to fuck you so bad right now, but look at the time.”
“I am looking. It’s working fine.”
Elias swats at him. “I’m serious!”
Peter lets go of Elias’s nape to cradle his face, guiding him upwards. Elias follows it, standing on his knees.
“I’ve bought Red Bull,” Peter confides, and that’s the most beautiful thing to ever come out of his mouth. Elias melts a little just then.
Peter grabs his arse and pulls him to himself. The feel of his underwear is rough against Elias’s cock, but Elias ruts into it. The hand on Elias’s face has now slid to wrap loosely around his neck. Elias pulls Peter’s underwear down and Peter wiggles out of them.
Peter’s cock hangs heavy where it’s nestled amid the thick silver hair on his groin. Elias’s mouth waters at the sight of it, but he eagerly presses them together. The hairs on Peter’s chest and lower abdomen feel coarse against his skin, but Elias loves every second of it. It will leave him tender and pink tomorrow, but he doesn’t care.
Peter pulls him into a kiss that is everything Elias has been craving all day — it doesn’t stop at his mouth, but drags down his jaw and neck, making him pliant. Peter moves his face from one side to the other to nip under his ear and suck bruises onto his collarbones.
“Got rubber?” Elias asks. Peter growls affirmatively.
It’s been a while, but they know how the other likes it. Elias is dripping wet with lube while Peter preps him. Elias would usually prefer his own fingers (much slimmer than Peter’s) at first, but right now he’s turned on enough that the slight burn of the stretch feels perfect. Elias lies on the pillows and lets Peter work his magic.
Peter kneels between his legs and fingers him as if he doesn’t have a care in the world, curling up his fingers to milk Elias’s cock. Elias arches his back and watches dollop after dollop of pre-cum leak from his tip.
“Peter, I swear- to God… If you make me come like this-”
Whatever Elias had thought of saying is completely wiped from his mind when Peter leans down and gives his cockhead a gentle suck, as easy as someone scooping some ice-cream with their tongue.
Elias swears at Peter, but he can’t do much else besides clench his hands and teeth and try to keep from coming. He was so close just now; only a brief touch of Peter’s tongue and his cock is now throbbing, legs shaking so hard he has to suck in his stomach to not orgasm right then and there.
“It would be a sight to behold. You are a sight to behold.”
“Cut the crap, please cut the crap and just fuck me. Fuck, I’m so hard it hurts, you bastard.”
“Then come, love.”
“I don’t wanna come without you inside me.”
Elias should be embarrassed to find that his eyes are glistening with moisture. These can’t be tears. He refuses to believe that he’s crying during sex.
Peter wipes the corner of his eye, boops Elias’s nose with his own and gives him a gentle peck.
“Okay,” Peter whispers.
Peter rolls condoms on himself and Elias, then arranges a pillow under Elias to prop him up and slides home. The size of him fills Elias up so good, so perfect — all the way down to those wiry silver curls. Sure, topping Peter also felt brilliant — but if he’s true to himself, Elias rather likes it up the arse.
They fall into a nice rhythm — whispering disconnected praises and curses. Elias keeps a hand on the headboard for leverage, rolling his hips to meet Peter’s own, re-learning where it feels good. He reminds himself that this is supposed to be quick, just a bit of rough friction before they can’t hold it anymore.
But feeling Peter’s hand clutching his waist, relishing in the delicious push and pull, seeing Peter’s fuzzy pecs flex with the easy effort of taking him — it all has Elias clenching around Peter’s cock and reaching out to trace the lines of his chest.
“Fuck, I should be telling you to go faster.”
“Do you want to go faster?”
“No… I want to keep taking your cock until sunrise.”
“I’m afraid we’ll have to stop at some point for rest, but if you’re up to it, I’m all yours.”
Elias smiles, but his eyebrows twitch when Peter finds that spot and fucks into him, pressing right up against it.
“You see I want that, but when you do this… I want you to leave me all sore.”
“You’re a man of many wishes.”
Elias grins. “Think you can answer them?”
Peter pats his leg. “On your hands and knees, then.”
Arse up in the air, Elias stifles a laugh when Peter squirts more lube onto his hole and drags his cock over it.
Peter pushes back in with a smile. “What is it?”
“Just remembered something. When we first-” Elias hisses when Peter spreads his legs further and angles his thrusts just right. “Yeah, right there. Fuck… When we first had sex. I couldn’t believe you were just bringing people to your room and never doing this to them.”
Peter holds his hips like his hands belong there, finally giving it to him hard and fast. Elias has to clutch the sheets, but damn, that’s more like it. The t-shirt has balled up near his face and he keeps breathing in Peter’s scent.
“Uh- yeah. Hah, that was a long time ago. Is this OK, love?”
Elias nods. “Yeah. Bit rougher would be even nicer though.”
Peter grunts and his hands slide upwards. “Don’t want to hurt you, but if you say you can take it...”
Elias’s waist used to be so lean that Peter’s fingertips almost touched circling around it. Now that Elias is a bit better padded, they grab his flesh with a bit of loving violence while Peter ruts into him. Elias prays that this million pound house has thick enough walls that the noise of skin on skin won’t bleed out.
Elias wraps a loose hand around his cock, but that mere touch is enough to bring him closer to the edge. The fact that he feels so wonderfully used for Peter’s pleasure also does things to his head, because every grunt of Peter’s feels like a small victory.
Peter continues, fondly. “You used to be so fucking shameless. I’m still sad you had to remove the nip piercings.”
“It was easier- Oh, oh! Yes, just like that!” Elias presses his face into the bed, panting open-mouthed against the mattress. “It was easier- Easier,” he tries to continue, but Peter is fucking him so good that he can’t complete his line of thought.
“...that way?” Peter supplies.
Elias nods. He feels half out of it already. “I think- Gonna come. S-so good...”
Peter’s approving hum is followed by him dropping part of his weight onto Elias’s back, which forces Elias flat into the mattress. Elias gasps, loud and breathless and more in love with Peter than ever before. His husband knows that he’s a sucker for a bit of choking and is giving him exactly what he needs.
Peter thrusts harder, deeper, and it only takes a moment of Elias to come — the pressure and the friction too good to resist. Peter has to wrap a hand over his mouth to quieten his moaning. Elias shudders with the aftershocks, Peter’s still moving inside him almost too much to bear.
“God, you squeeze me so good every time,” Peter breathes into his nape. “I’ve missed this.”
Elias can’t breathe; tears gather freely on the corners of his eyes, but Peter doesn’t get off until he comes, too — it feels like orgasm drags on forever in an agonised bliss.
Elias shivers when Peter pulls out. It always gets a bit dry towards the end, but the burn and the stretch leave Elias tingly and sated — and now, completely boneless.
Peter eases him onto his side and removes the now damp t-shirt, chucking it aside; he then ties off both their condoms. The one that Elias has been wearing has almost slipped off; his flaccid cock now covered in spunk. Peter kneels between his legs and takes him into his mouth, causing Elias to seize with oversensitivity and nearly pull off chunks of Peter’s hair.
Peter pulls off of him with a wet pop, looking like the cat that got the cream. Elias sags and drapes an arm over his head, damp chest going up and down.
“Feeling better?” Peter asks. He caresses Elias’s thighs gently, barely even there. It makes pleasant goosebumps rise on Elias’s skin.
“God, you’ve ruined me…” Elias croaks. “You’ve fucked my brains out, Mr. Lukas.”
Peter chuckles. “Good.” He kisses Elias’s knee, his belly, his chest. Elias buries his fingers into his hair. “Gonna get something to clean you up.”
“Wait, just. Just stay like this for a bit.”
“Feeling like some post-coital cuddling, Mr. Bouchard?”
“Ugh,” Elias untangles his fingers from his perfect silver hair. “Now you’ve ruined it. Just go.”
Peter gives a rumbling chuckle that resounds through Elias’s chest. “No, thinking about it, I rather like it here. I get to see all your freckles.”
“Hm. Have you finally managed to count how many of them there are?”
“Nope,” Peter kisses his stomach, over the Eye tattoo. “But I’m still on it!”
Elias yawns. “Good- Good luck.”
“Gee, I really ought to get something to clean you up. At this rate you’ll end up sleeping.”
Elias snorts with his eyes closed. “Already am.”
Peter kisses his nose and leaves him be. When Elias wakes up the next day, he notices three things: one, Peter actually did give him a wipe down; two, he is very much aware of all the sleep he didn’t get last night; and three, he’s got an easy smile on for the rest of the day that he can’t deny.
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Up to No Good
Summary: A snake catches a snack on a rooftop. AO3 Link
Merry Christmas, @lukatastrophe For the @mlsecretsanta
“Good evening, little mouse.”
The Multimouse squeaked and bolted, though she was far too slow for the viper-quick hand that snapped her up. The little mouse struggled, sending out a mental distress signal to her sisters that King Cobra was here and he had her and help, please!! The other Multimice in the museum below sent out a confirmation and began returning to the roof, where she was. “Let me go!” Multimouse snapped, biting the hand that held her.
King Cobra winced and withdrew his hand to his chest, taking her along for the ride. His hand squeezed dangerously around her. “None of that, now. I would sssuggest behaving; I don’t want to end up hurting my favorite sssnack,” he hissed, forked tongue flickering out between his lips as he spoke.
Multimouse flushed at the term of endearment, but didn’t bite him again; the ground was far off and her sisters were coming. She just needed to keep him distracted. She scowled up at him. “What do you want this time?”
He smiled, fangs glinting in the moonlight. “Can’t a sssnake ssspend time with his favorite mouse?”
“Absolutely not; I know what snakes do with mice.”
While not as active as Hawkmoth, King Cobra was still a dangerous villain. Appearing only a few months after Ladybug and Chat Noir, the snake holder started attacking museums, art galleries, jewelry stores—anywhere and everywhere, all over Paris. He always managed to escape from Ladybug and Chat Noir when they arrived on-scene; Multimouse had fought him a few times when they ended up in the same place at the same time, trading quips and whips all the same, but his tricks were slippery and he got away time and time again. Multimouse suspected that Cobra had somehow managed to unlock the full extent of his Miraculous, meaning he wasn’t on a timer despite not being an adult.
Well, she hoped he wasn’t an adult—What was she thinking!?
Cobra smirked down at her. His hood covered a lot, shadowing most of his face, but she could still see his mouth and glowing blue eyes. She wanted to punch him in his smug face. “Oh, I can think of sssome things I’d like to do with you… but that’s not why I sssought you out tonight.”
“Then what?” The Multimouse made a show of struggling as her sister’s began to surround them, abandoning their task in favor of saving her. She wouldn’t be able to reform if a single mouse was missing.
He was imposing against the night. “Would you like to know why I’m a villain, little mouse?”
Multimouse was floored. Never had she expected their conversation to go in this direction. “…Yes,” she replied. It could be a trap, but… she wanted to know.
“I’ve been looking for a Miraculous. A ssspecific one, that’s currently here in Paris, but out of the hands of Ladybug and Chat Noir’s pesky guardian. I… need this Miraculous, Multimouse.” There was a look of desperation in King Cobra’s eyes, one she had never seen before on the villain, not once in their multiple confrontations. “I’m going to have it. And I need your help for that.”
“You think I’ll help you!?” She scoffed. “Don’t be a fool. In case you forgot, I’m a hero—”
“I have to admit, you had me fooled for a while,” he said, cutting her off. “You’re a good actress. I originally believed you when you said Ladybug wanted to keep you out of the ssspotlight. But… after a few weeks, it became clear that you were never ssseen around Paris’s favorite heroes. And after once I overheard them complaining about having to find the ssstolen Rat Miraculous…” The snake leered at her. “Oh, my sssweet little sssnack. You’re no more of a hero than I am.”
The Multimouse—Marinette—felt her face heat with the indignation and she bared her teeth into a snarl. So what if she stole the Rat Miraculous!? Bridgette had stolen from her first!
She had found out a few months ago. Bridgette, Marinette’s cousin and granddaughter of her Great Uncle Wang, was staying with them for the year, applying to Parisian universities. Marinette had followed her one day after school, the reason why having been wiped from her memory due to the following, horrifying events. She had discovered Bridgette being confronted by a turtle man of all things—later, she learned he was the guardian of the Miraculous—and overheard the truth: that Marinette was originally supposed to become Ladybug, but Bridgette had stolen the miracle box from her room before she could find it.
Marinette had frozen in horror, forced to listen to Bridgette justifying herself—that box had looked too fancy to be something Marinette should have, and she hadn’t expected the box to contain magic jewelry, and what would be the harm if she took the earrings out for a joyride? But then Stoneheart happened and by that point everyone knew she was Ladybug and changing would have confused the public, and really, what was he thinking, making Marinette a superhero? She was such an anxious thing, and clumsy, and spazzy, and, and—
And Marinette had been forced to listen to Bridgette completely disregard her and her feelings, insult her outright that hurt in a way that Chloe never managed. Because Bridgette was family. Her parents had taken her into their home, Marinette had welcomed her as a sister, and this was the thanks they got—
The guardian had refused to take the Ladybug Miraculous back from Bridgette. Despite how she acquired it, he had said, she had still earned it and she was a fantastic Ladybug. That had burned. That had hurt. But clearly, the guardian didn’t actually care about the morals of the person wielding the Miraculous so long as it got him the butterfly back.
Maybe Marinette got a bit drastic. Maybe Marinette figured out that if you had a control over yourself and cold, hard determination, akumas couldn’t possess you. Maybe Marinette had figured out that Chat Noir was closer to her age than Bridgette’s, and that Bridgette had been flirting with a younger guy all along.
A lot of things could have happened, but this was fate: One day, when Bridgette had brought home a few of the Miraculous—guardian training, the bug-fairy thing had called it when Marinette had eavesdropped through a hole she made in their adjoining wall—Marinette had stolen two right as they left for school. Only two, despite Bridgette having more; she had figured out that Bridgette abused her Miraculous to get to her high school on time, and with only two missing, Bridgette would assume she lost them. To further the truth, Marinette had tossed one, the Bee, outside the Bourgeois hotel, where Chloe was kind enough to find it and show off.
That left Marinette with the Rat Miraculous. Perfect for her, she could practically hear Bridgette say: timid Marinette, quiet Marinette, sneaky Marinette, unworthy-of-being-a-hero Marinette. But she swallowed her pride and used it anyway, going out every night to train or find King Cobra or fight an akuma or something, because…
Because she wanted to be a hero.
But heroes don’t steal Miraculous.
Multimouse scowled up King Cobra, her teeth flashing ferally in the cold light. “And you think that means I’m going to help you? Don’t be stupid.”
“Well, I had hoped.” He shrugged, like her answer meant nothing. “But if you need a little convincing, then ssso be it. Anything you want, I’ll do my best to make it happen. Power? Riches? There’s a lot available with my Miraculous. What do you want?”
Ladybug, Bridgette, humiliated and disgraced, with no one in Paris able to consider her a hero ever again. Instead, Multimouse asked, “What are you getting out of this? I can’t be your only choice.”
“True, but the other one isn’t as pretty as you, little mouse.” Cobra sat on the roof, crossing his legs like a little kid. “Hawkmoth has reached out for me to become an ally. Sssome kind of ‘I help you, you help me’ sssituation that he thinks I’ll fall for. But people who mind control ssseem like control freaks; he’ll betray me the first time I do sssomething he doesn’t like.” He smiled at her. “You, however… you wouldn’t betray me, would you? Even though all your little mice have sssurrounded us, you’re not going to attack until our conversation is finished. You’re just that type of girl.”
No. If they allied, she would never betray him after being so coldly betrayed herself, still… “You have no idea what type of girl I am. And there’s still nothing in it for me. You offer me things I don’t need, and can’t get what I want.”
“Are you sssure I don’t know what kind of girl you are?” He brought her close to his face, almost nuzzling her into his cheek, and whispered, his warm breath washing over her tiny body. “Ma-Ma-Marinette.”
Instantly, Mulitmouse was lax in his grip, head reeling. He knew? And he was… Luka? Her friend? Her confidant? Her… her… hers?
He cupped her close. “I always knew,” he confessed, his voice soft in a way that didn’t match King Cobra’s face. “I knew it from the moment I heard your heart; nothing could disguise that sssong, not even the pain you’ve been in these last few months. My little sssnack, my precious melody… Now do you sssee why I want you over Hawkmoth? I don’t know why you’ve done this… I won’t pressure you to tell me… but you’re sssomeone I’ll always trust. Ssso please? I’ll explain everything, but…”
Her mice exited the shadows, merging together as one as they got closer to him. The Multimouse in his hand glowed and merged too, becoming Marinette’s hand that Luka held close to her face. Fully reformed, her Miraculous beeped, five minutes remaining. “Luka…” she whispered, searching his face.
“Little mouse.” He nuzzled her hand, his eyes dark with affection and desperation.
“I want to destroy Ladybug,” she blurred out, covering her mouth as if it would rectify her mistake. Luka looked at her, shocked. She continued, “I want people to hate her. I want her vilified as much as Hawkmoth is. I want Paris to demand she return her Miraculous.” A tear escaped at the confession. “I want my revenge. Are… are you willing to help me? I know it’s a lot to ask for, but—”
A teal hand brushed her tear away. “I will. Oh, Marinette…” He drew her into a hug. She buried her head in his shoulder. “Of course, I’ll help. I’ll always be willing to help you, no matter how villainous the action may be.”
“And I’ll help you.” She didn’t care why he wanted another Miraculous, what it was or what it was for. She’d steal a thousand Miraculous so long as it kept him on her side. Before this, she’d never realized how alone she’d felt; even Mullo, who understood and empathized with her pain, was less a confidant and more a captive. But Luka… “I’m on your side, Luka. I promise.”
…he was a confidant and more. Together, they could do great things. Villainous, but great.
And she’d do anything to keep him on her side.
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doodledrawsthings · 4 years
Her Aim Was Getting Better
(Ahit ““““““Coffee Shop AU”““““““ rp log)
This is part of an RP between @displacedentities and myself detailing the meet-up between Luka and Vanessa, when she spikes his coffee with the curse. We did this a while back to get a feel for the characters and how that scene would go down, and they nailed it with how they wrote Vanessa. So I asked them if I could post it. Some of the stuff here was written before we had other things established, so some things like Hatties’s age and how long ago they split might be inconsistent with other posts I’ve made, but Enjoy!
(also forgive me for the way i write my parts, I’m not as practiced at writing rip)
(MysticDoodles) Despite the warm paper cup in her hands, Vanessa couldn't deny the chill in her bones. It had yet to go away since that day in court, biting at her skin and hovering just at the base of her brain stem. It always seemed to grow colder whenever she thought about how she got here... the things she'd said. What she almost did to that poor briefcase jockey in the courthouse.
But it didn't matter, anymore. If anything, her mom was happy she lost that case. Losing her husband and... child had stripped away all excuses she had not to throw herself into her work, and her mother was happy. 
Vanessa was not happy. 
In fact, she was seething. 
Luka took everything from her, that day. Her love, her place in their home. His adorable smile, his laugh... they weren't hers anymore. He only gave them to that- little gremlin. The parasite that took his love away from her, her precious nickname given to their daughter. 
Nobody got to be Luka's princess except Vanessa herself. Never again.
She lost the custody battle and her efforts to take Luka's obsession away from him, but she was going to make sure he lost so much more.
Vanessa waited in the autumn breeze, her fingers clenching and unclenching around the coffee cup. Chestnut-infused Columbian. His favorite. A sister cup sat opposite the table, waiting for him. If he was brave enough to show his face. .
(DeusExMakena)  He could see her from his car as he pulled into the parking space, sitting at a table by the large window at the front of the coffee shop. How long had it been now? Around five years, right? Hattie was barely a year old when they split.
He used to get so excited about meeting her, being in her presence, making her smile... and now the very thought of just getting out of his car and making eye contact with her left a pit in his stomach. As much as he'd loved this woman in the past, the way she treated their newborn daughter.... he had to stop thinking about it. Starting this meeting out in an angry mood wouldn't be a good idea.
With a sigh he finally willed himself to leave the vehicle, and just as he looked up their eyes met. The pit in his stomach deepened as he walked up to the cafe doors.
(MysticDoodles) The ice crept up her neck again. Vanessa forced it down, and put up a smile. No reason to start this off as cold as the ice in her veins. 
 Luka can see from her attire that she's doing rather well- financially, anyway. A thick coat against the autumn chill- or maybe from her heart, so closed off- and a scarf stuffed into her bookbag. Her mother must have improved her stipend, now that they split. What a beastly woman. It's pointless to ponder what-ifs at this point, but maybe if Vanessa's mother had been someone else... no. No point.
 With one hand, she gestures to the chair opposite her. Empty and waiting. "Hello, Luka. I got your favorite. You're doing well?" 
 ...the tenor isn't as friendly as it sounds, and feels more plastic than her smile appears.
(DeusExMakena) He hesitates, looking around the venue at the other tennants before wordlessly taking the seat across from her, mostly staring at the coffee cup in front of him.
Why is he having such a hard time looking at her?
"I'm... fine," he manages to force out as he takes the cup in both hands. Come on, man just get this over with and you can go home. "So uh, what brings you here?"
He wishes he could kick himself in the face for how out of place he feels, right now. What do you even say to someone you haven't seen in years, when the last time you saw them had been after an intense battle over the custody rights of the child you fought so hard to protect?
At least the warmth of the cup in his hands provides him with some reassurance.
(MysticDoodles) Something in Vanessa's smile twitches, but it's gone before he can really tell what it was.
"Oh- I just wanted to chat, catch up on old times, you know? I'm guessing the bar exam went well?"
Awkward silence, as Vanessa turns her smile away. She lifts her own coffee cup to her lips and takes a long drink, looking at the pavement.When she sets it down, there's a brief moment where her fingertips looked blue. It soon fades back into perfectly trimmed nails.
"...you know why I called you here, Luka. Don't make me lie to you." Her voice grows quiet, though pensive or frustrated is difficult to parse. "You were always better at lying, anyway."
(DeusExMakena) He squints slightly at that last remark and has to do enrything in his power to hold his tongue.
"I dont, actually. With the way things ended the last time we saw eachother, I was almost sure that would be it." he says, probably with a bit more venom in his tone than he should have used, but he was here for less than 10 minutes, now, and he could already feel his patience waning.
"But if you're really just here to reconnect, you'll have to forgive me" he takes a moment to swirl the cup in front of him before lifting it towards his mouth "I'm not very good at small-talk."
Chestnut-infused Columbean bean. Cream and Sugar. So nice to know that she never forgot.
(MysticDoodles) Vanessa smiles as he takes a drink. It's gone by the time he removes the cup again.
"...sorry," she says. Her stony expression shifts into a frown. This wasn't how she expected this conversation to go- but really, she had been expecting nothing, so no pain or gain thus far. "I'm not being very polite, am I? I guess I just- missed you, Luka. It's very different, going back to my mother's apartment after-... well. Being with you."
Another quiet sip. Vanessa runs her finger on the plastic cap.
"...do you miss the nights after we studied, when we'd just sit on the couch together and watch garbage movies?"
Before Harriet came along, she didn't say aloud.
(DeusExMakena) Of course he did, he loved her. And as much as he'd love to revisit those moments, to relive the sense of elation he felt when he got her to laugh over awkward acting and nonsensical writing... He just couldn't forgive her for what she did.
He sighs, opting to indulge in her to see where she's going with this.
"Yeah," He takes another sip, looking back down at the table "Sometimes I still wonder why that had to stop."
(MysticDoodles) There's no way he misses the way her fingers tighten on the paper coffee cup. Especially since it's accompanied by an audible pop of paper crumpling in a half inch, and liquid sloshing within.
"They did stop, Luka."
How could he be so blind?
"They stopped when you stopped spending them with me. You spent all your time with our daughter, and not with the loving wife who gave her to you. Don't you see how unfair that is? I deserved your time, too."
Vanessa sighs, her words almost chastising. It reminded of the times she shifted into 'disappointed mother' mode around Harriet. Their one year old, at the time, who didn't understand consequences for things like dropping a toy in the sink. She even had the nerve to sound hurt as she speaks those words.
(DeusExMakena) He is absolutely apalled.
"I-" he doesnt know why he cant find the words to respond. His eyes wide and his eyebrows furrow as he glares directly at her. He shouldnt be surprised by this, really, he saw this coming. Five years, and some things will just never change.
Luka pinches the bridge of his nose, he MARRIED this woman.
"I'm sorry, are we- are we really doing this again?" He sets his coffee cup on the table with a little more force than he wanted to, "You do realize you're getting jealous over a literal one-year old that we both agreed that we wanted to have. I'm her father, I'm sorry, again, for doing my job and raising our child."
(MysticDoodles) Vanessa's long-suffering expression hardens back into stone, pouting out her lip as once more, Luka shows no signs of budging on his stance. How very lawyerlike of him. To the bitter end, he would fight for his side of the case against the opposition. She wished they didn't have to be on opposite sides, anymore, yet here she was for the second time.
"Is it so wrong that I wanted to spend more time with my husband? All toddlers need to learn to share, anyway." Vanessa shrugs, as if this were no big deal. "You never spent evenings with me, anymore, Luka. Every night that you came back from graduate classes and networking with firms, you would go right to her. The honeyed words for me didn't come until dinner, if they came at all. And don't talk to me like I wasn't a good mother- I kept her out of trouble during the day, whenever I was out of rotation."
"How is my little Harriet doing? It's been so long since you've squirreled her away."
(DeusExMakena) No. No, no, no, he's not doing this again
"You..." He tries to hold his tongue, but peck, he doesnt want to deal with this right now. He feels his hands ball into fists "No. I'm sorry, no, you don't get to ask how my daughter is doing. You had every opportunity to join us, no one was stopping you from being happy but yourself! You wanna talk about sharing? Then why are you throwing a fit over a over a child spending time with her father?"
"She wanted a relationship with you, you know. It's... really hard having to explain to a five-year-old that she doesnt get to see her mother because she was too immature to realize 'oh hey! I could hang out with both my daughter AND my husband at the same time!'" He says that last bit in a mocking tone as he picks up his coffee and goes in for another sip, glaring straight at his ex-wife with pure exasperation.
(MysticDoodles) There he goes again. His daughter.
This time, Vanessa doesn't look away as she returns the glare. The medical graduate holds unflinching eye contact as she lifts her own cup and downs half the contents. Trying to make a statement, maybe? She always did have issues with competition.
"...so where does that leave us, then? You drink the coffee I got you, and walk away? Are you really so set on burning this bridge, Luka? Things can go back to the way they were, if you really want it that way. My stipend will get us through the rest of exams, and then we can live a good life together - high paying jobs, a comfortable apartment, as many dates and trashy movie nights as we want. Doesn't that sound wonderful?"
...she didn't say a word about five-year-old Harriet.
(DeusExMakena) Luka takes a moment to stare at her, eyes half-lidded and tired.
He picks up the cup and downs the rest of his coffee, before placing it back on the table and standing up from his seat, his eyes never leaving hers.
"Allow me to light the match for you."
With that, he turns towards the door, ready to leave. Why would he feel bad about burning a bridge that leads nowhere?
(MysticDoodles) Luka can hear the squeal of the metal chair legs as Vanessa stands abruptly from her seat. There's no click of heels on riverstone, but he knows she's got her fists clenched at her sides, watching him. She always did that when she was angry. Maybe this time she'd have some ice on her wrists, now that her abilities were public. She'd put less effort into hiding it after the court case, anyway.
"YOU'RE MAKING A MISTAKE!" Vanessa yells after him as he continues, stride unbroken. "You'll regret this! You won that case, but you'll always be my prince, and I'll always be your princess!"
But legally, she couldn't touch him, now. Luka and Harriet were no longer family. He knew that, and she knew he did.
Oh well.
The door closes with a crnk-ling of the bell, and the background noise of the cafe starts to fade back into her awareness. Or lack thereof. Everyone nearby was staring, not that she cared.
Stiffening her upper lip, Vanessa grabs her bag and loops it back over one shoulder. She pats the side, removing the scarf off the copy of 'Ancient Botanicals & You' she'd found at the antique bookshop, and tying the garment back around her neck. With one hand she picks up Luka's cup, and looks inside.
A smile traces her lips as she takes it along with her own, and tosses them both into the trash can.
Now all she had to do was wait and see.
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 59
Oh damn! This has been a great chapter to write and I managed to work in Dark Bee!! Anyway, I really hope you enjoyed this roller coaster ride of a chapter and get ready for more. It's Miracle Queen next and things are about to get even more crazy! Just as a heads up, Lila's take down won't be in this chapter. I'm sure I've said this before but I intend to have her full take down in my adaptation of Truth which will be my 'season 4' finale so chapter 80. I know it's far away but i promise it will be worth the wait. Anyway, that doesn't mean that Anatis is going to ignore Lila's actions. He is gonna be watching her like a hawk after this and searching for solid evidence to be able to take her down once and for all. I just wanted to let you guys know that so you can read Miracle Queen without been disappointed when a lila take down doesn't occur. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it :D Oh, my miracle queen redesign will now be marked as non spoiler too since she has been revealed in this chapter
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Loveater (1/2)
~One Week Before Princess Justice~
 Marinette frowned to herself as she sat in the park alone. She had tears rolling down her face and had been crying for a good few minutes. She was so tired and hurt that she didn't even care that it was raining or that she was soaked. It didn't matter. Not anymore. Her whole life was about to be destroyed and she didn't know how to save herself. Lila had been going on and on about how successful she was and of course, Marinette had gotten annoyed and pointed out her lies. Given they were obvious ones this time, she thought her classmates would finally realize but then Lila started to cry and accused Marinette of hating her and having a grudge against her. Marinette pointed out that she wouldn't have a problem with her if she didn't lie. That only made Lila worst and she began to cry so dramatically, it made Chloe look normal when she threw her tantrums. However, it worked on the class. Almost instantly, they began to berate her and tell her not to 'bully' poor Lila. Marinette tried to argue that she wasn't bullying her. She was simply trying to disprove her lies. That's when Miss Bustier told her to go to the principal's office. Marinette did in defeat and was given detention even though she explained she was just trying to help her friends. After that, lunch time came and Adrien came up to her. She naturally blushed and stumbled her words but he told her she shouldn't accuse anyone of lying without solid proof. Of course, that hurt Marinette more then he realized. He thought he was giving her advice, telling her to collect evidence and then show it to her classmates but Marinette saw it as him telling her off and berating in the same way as the rest of the class. Alya had already told her on several occasions that she needed proof that Lila was lying yet she never once verified her source when Lila claimed to be Ryuko's best friend and Aspik's girlfriend. It was so obvious she was lying yet it felt like Marinette was the only person who saw it. After Adrien's "advice", she excused herself and headed to the bathroom to cry. Unfortunately, Lila had seen her and followed her. She tried to be nice to her and worm her way in but when Marinette didn't relent, Lila showed her true colors and threatened her, giving her til the end of the day to bow down to her. That's why Marinette ended up in the park. She ran as fast as she could out of the school and to one of the only places she felt slightly safe. It was odd that she felt safe in the park but she could hide in the merry-go round, which is what she was doing. She jumped as her phone vibrated, causing her to look at it. She opened it and saw it was the group chat that her class had. She opened it, wondering if they were trying to reach her but it was just them spamming it with memes and other crap. Marinette sniffed and wiped her eyes as she realized no one had actually texted her to see if she was ok. She didn't expect her parents to because they were busy and some of the class she knew had issues with texting or phoning people. Juleka was one of them as was Nathaniel so she didn't expect them to but she thought Nino or Alya would have. Yet they had done nothing. Looking at the time, she decided to get up and walk back to the bakery. She needed to change her clothes anyway. She wiped her eyes off her tears and walked with her shoulders slumped towards the gate, failing to notice the purple butterfly fluttering towards her. However, as she literally stepped out, a bike pulled up next to it. 
 "Marinette?" A familiar voice asked, making her look up as Juleka's brother, Luka, climbed off his bike. His expression was one of concern and worry. "Are you ok?"
 She blinked and automatically put on a small smile. It was a mask she had gotten so use to wearing.
 "Yeah, I'm fine," She lied but Luka didn't look like he believed her. His expression became even more worried as her song didn't match her expression. Seeing him look at her with worry and concern shook her and the dam broke. Her shoulders shook as she felt tears in her eyes. "A-actually, no! I'm not fine at all!"
 She covered her face and turned away from him, not wanting him to see her tears. He would just ignore it anyway. That's what everyone did. She began to sob, feeling alone again as the butterfly fluttered closer but then she felt an arm move around her as Luka gently pulled her against her. He was holding his bike with his other hand and she couldn't help but cry as everything she felt came out.
 "I'm so tired, Luka!" She gasped, shaking as she cried. The butterfly fluttered closer to her. "Of all these responsibilities. Of having to put up a front all of the time. Of not been allowed to be who I truly am!"
 "It's alright, Marinette," He stated as he gently moved his thumb up and down on her shoulder, trying to comfort her as she cried. It slowly worked as the butterfly just hovered nearby. "You can tell everything or nothing if you prefer. You can be yourself around me you know... just yourself,"
 She looked up at him as he looked back at her before leaning against his chest, causing him to let go of his bike. It crashed to the floor as he wrapped both arms around her, causing her to close her eyes. For the first time in ages, she felt... warm and safe and for a while, they just stood there. Neither noticed the butterfly fluttering away to find a new victim. Instead, it was just the two of them and the world could wait before she sniffed and wiped her eyes, looking up at him sadly before reality seemed to catch up with her. She quickly pulled away, embarrassed as she blushed.
"I-I'm so sorry, Luka," She gasped, trying to not to freak out too much. "I didn't mean to break down-"
 "It's ok," Luka smiled, making her smile shyly and her heart flutter a little. "You don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders but if you don't want to tell me-"
 "I'm been bullied," She stated, making him blink as she looked down. "There's this girl in my class. She lies like it's second nature to her and I realized what she was doing. I tried to call her out to protect my friends because she's promising them everything but no one believes me. Alya keeps telling me to not to be jealous of her and Adrien told me to not to accuse her if I don't have proof and I don't know what to do, Luka. She threatened to destroy my life if I didn't-"
 "She threatened you?!" He gasped, shocked. "Marinette, you have to tell a teacher!"
 "I can't, Luka," She whispered, making him frown."They do nothing... Chloe bullies everyone but none of the teachers do anything because her father is the mayor and Lila is the daughter of the italian ambassador or so she says but the point is the school believes her and they don't bother rich parents,"
 She looked down with a broken expression.
 "It doesn't matter anyway," She stated, looking sad. Luka went to argue but before they could, an explosion got their attention before Ryuko and Aspik landed in front of them. They grabbed them and carried them away as a building landed where they had been standing, causing Luka to look back. His eyes widen in surprise as he saw some kind of monster in the dust but before he could question it, he was dropped off near his home and was alone. Aspik had taken Marinette back to hers. He sighed and dropped her a text, telling her that he was there for her if she needed him. She replied with a simple thank you. Neither of them expected their lives to change one week later when Princess Justice's reign began and Anatis was born...
 ~The Dupain-Cheng Resident, Current Time~
 Marinette hummed to herself as she sew the final part of her gift to Anatis. She stopped and stretched, glancing around her room. Plagg was curled up in his bed, sleeping off his food coma. He had stuffed his face with a cheese danish while she had been working and was now snoring a little. She smiled and shook her head as she went back to her thoughts. Tomorrow was exactly one year since she had became Princess Justice and Anatis had turned up to save Paris. However, she wasn't upset about it been the anniversary of her akumatization. Quite the opposite actually. Since she had became Princess Justice, her life had changed dramatically. Most of her class knew that Lila was a liar, even if some people were still in denial. Though Alya was getting the memo now and definitely started to act carefully around the italian. She had build friendships with people she never thought she could be friends with. Kagami was one of them and so was Chloe and Sabrina. The two girls had turned out to be pretty awesome and then there was her friendship with Adrien. Since she had completely moved on from him, she no longer stumbled over her words or acted like an idiot. She was fully supportive of his relationship with Kagami as well. They made each other happy and she was happy for them. She had also befriended Kitty Section and grown so much closer to Luka. Sure, he had always been there for her before but their friendship was so much stronger now. Even the students at their school had noticed and began referring to them as the everyday Anatis and the everyday Lady Noir. The irony that she was Lady Noir made her chuckle when she heard it. However, she saw why they called them that. She generally considered him her best friend. They were quite the duo too. Luka was always willing to help others and Marinette was kind of his partner in crime so to speak. Of course, she wanted to be more then just his friend but this wasn't like how she was with Adrien. She had realized that what she felt for Adrien was a crush and an unhealthy one at that. She wasn't in love with him at all. She fallen for the person she thought he was but she had him on a pedestal and she was determined not to do the same with Luka. She wanted to truly love him for who he was, faults and all. She also intended to give him a gift for the anniversary as he had been there for her no matter what so she had made two gifts. One for the boy who had always supported her and stayed at her side and one for the hero who had stepped up and saved her from herself. Without Luka and Anatis, she wouldn't be here. She jumped a little as she heard a thump on her balcony, making her smile a little before she got up and picked up the gift she had made Anatis. It wasn't anything fancy. She had made him a scarf with a ladybug pattern as it would be getting colder soon and she didn't want her partner to get cold. She grabbed the small bag of cookies that she always kept on the side before climbing up to the balcony. Anatis was leaning against the balcony, looking out to the city as the light sparkled. He had been pretty quiet on their patrol earlier so she had a feeling he might come to visit her as her civilian self.
 "Hello stranger," She stated, making him look over and smile a little. "It's been a while since you came by,"
 "It has, hasn't it?" He replied, smiling a little. "I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to come back given that your father probably still hates me,"
 "Don't worry. Papa has let it go," She replied, walking over to him. "It's nice to see you again though,"
 "Likewise, Princess," He smiled before shaking his head. "Sorry, I probably shouldn't call you that..."
 "I don't mind," She mumbled, moving a little bit of her hair behind her ear. "So what brings you to my balcony tonight?"
 "I wanted to check on you," He admitted, playing with his hands. "Tomorrow is exactly a year since-"
 "I became Princess Justice and you became Anatis," She stated, making him nod. "And because you're a wonderful bug, you wanted to check on me in case I'm feeling upset?"
 "Y-Yeah," He muttered as his cheeks went a little red. "I-Is that ok? Or am I been too intense? I can go-"
 "Stay," She replied, making him look at her in slight surprise. "I'm not in a bad mood but I like your company, Anatis... you saved me. I actually have something for you,"
 She held out the scarf, making him blink and pick it up as he looked at it.
 "It's a thank you gift for de-akumatizing me," She replied, looking down to the ground. "You were one of the only people who tried to save me and cared about me. I don't know how I could have come back from that place without you or Luka,"
 "L-Luka?" He asked, looking at her in surprise. She nodded as a small smile appeared on her face and a light blush came across her cheeks.
 "He saved me too," She replied, making him look at her with more surprise. "Not in the same way you did but... he believed me when no one else did and tried to help me. I know I failed both of you by falling prey to Hawkmoth but even after that... he was still there by my side. Without you two, I'd be lost,"
 "You didn't fail us, Marinette," Anatis stated, making her look at him as he stepped closer to her. She expected him to say something else but to her surprise, he didn't. He just simply placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, making her blush as he did before he looked at her with a gentle look. "I think I can speak for both me and Luka when I say we will always been there to help you find your way home,"
 "Anatis..." She whispered as tears came into her eyes. She hugged him, causing him to wrap his arms around her shoulders. "Thank you,"
 "Anytime, Marinette," He replied as she leaned into him. He gently pulled away and put the scarf around his neck. "Thank you for making this for me,"
 "It's the least I could do," She replied, blushing a little. "I thought a scarf would be nice since it's gonna be winter again and I don't want you to get cold. Ladybugs don't do well in the winter,"
 He chuckled and smiled as she gave him a small smile before she took out the bag of cookies and macarons as well.
 "And these are for Tikki," She smiled, making him smile back.
 "Thank you," He smiled, taking them from her. "She'll be over the moon with these,"
 Marinette smiled as Anatis sat down next to her. The two of them remained in silence for a few minutes as Anatis played with his hands while looking out to the city. Marinette frowned a little as he seemed nervous before deciding to break their silence.
 "Are you ok?" She asked, making him look as he stopped playing with his hands. "You seem... nervous?"
 "I was invited to an award ceremony," He admitted, making her blink. "Something about the mayor wanting to give me a medal for my bravery and to name the day after me... I guess I don't really get it. I'm not brave-"
 Marinette snorted at that, making him look at her.
 "What?" He asked, smiling a little.
 "You're not brave?" She asked, making him nod. "Anatis, you're the literal hero of Paris. You face dangers every day and fight supervillains to save us from some mad man with evil butterflies,"
 "That's not bravery," He replied, surprising her. "Bravery is standing up against those who wish to harm others without mask,"
 He gently tapped the side of his mask.
 "I have a mask," He replied, making Marinette shake her head.
 "That doesn't make you not brave," She replied, looking over to the city. "I think you're brave. When it came to getting your powers and taking the responsibility of saving Paris, you took it in your stride. You could have freaked out, turned evil or just cowarded away but you didn't. You're not just a hero to me. You're a beacon of hope and a light in the darkness. When it felt like I was drowning and no one was trying to save me, you reached in and pulled me out of that and I know I'm not the only one who thinks that way. That's why the mayor wants to give you a medal and name a day after you,"
 "Marinette..." He whispered, making her look at him. He smiled softly. "Thank you..."
 "Anytime," She smiled. "So are you gonna attend?"
 "I don't know," He admitted, looking down. "I think if I do, Lady Noir should come with me. She deserves as much recognition as I do. I'd even say she's way braver than I am,"
 "I think it's adorable how you talk about her," She smiled, making him blush a little. "It's obvious you admire her a lot,"
 "I do," He nodded, leaning against his hand. "She's my best friend and I like to think I'm hers,"
 "I think so," Marinette smiled, making him smile. Of course, she considered him her best friend but he didn't know that. She smiled a little again before gently leaning against his arm. He looked at her and gave her a soft smile. "Thank you for checking on me,"
 "Thank you for listening to me drone on," He replied, making her chuckle a little before the two of them looked over to the city once more.
 ~The Next Day~
 "Yes, Papa. I do know where the Grand Paris hotel is," Marinette stated as she held her mobile with her shoulder as she placed the last of the lemon and vanilla macarons into the boxes. They were part of the buffet for the Rossi's wedding anniversary. She didn't really want to be at the place, giving that it was Lila's family but her parents asked her to help bring the food to the venue then she would be free for the rest of the day. She closed the box and moved her hand to her phone as her father told her not to be late. "Me? Late? I won't be this time, Papa. For sure! I promise!!"
 "Ok then," Tom replied before he hung up. Marinette put her phone away and picked up the boxes before picking up the boxes and headed to the door. She almost tripped up on the small step but caught herself and didn't drop a single box. She let out a sigh of relief as she heard Plagg snigger at her before she carefully made her way across the shop floor and out of the door. It was a bit difficult but she manages to get out without dropping a box. However, a bike bell made her jump as someone pulled up next to the shop, causing her to accidentally throw the boxes. Luckily, the person on the bike caught them as she recovered from the surprise. She blinked and saw Luka there, making her smile.
 "Luka!" She asked, smiling as she walked over. "What are you doing here?"
 "I was working on a new song for you actually," He replied, handing her the boxes. "One that matches you completely and I think I've found it at last. Do you want to hear it?"
 "Yes please," She smiled, making him smile back before he reached for his guitar and moved it into his lap. He began to play, causing her to cheeks to flush as she listened to it. It was really beautiful and making her heart flutter as he played. He came to a stop, making her blink as he looked at her. "T-that's me?"
 "Yeah," He replied, nodding as she blushed more. "What do you think?"
 "Wow, it's... it's incredible!" She gasped, making him smile a little before he pulled a thoughtful face. "I-is something wrong?"
 "It's still not quite right," He sighed a little, making her blink before he smiled. "I can do better. I'm gonna work on it some more,"
 "Will you play it for me when you work it out?" She asked, making him smile and nod before her phone rang. She picked it up and answered it, causing her father to ask her if she was on her way. "Yeah, Papa, I'm on my way,"
 She hung up and turned to Luka with a little frown.
 "Sorry," She muttered, looking down a little. "I have to go,"
 He put his guitar back and pulled out a second helmet, handing it out to her. She blinked in surprise.
 "Are you sure?" She asked, surprised.
 "I don't mind," He smiled and kicked down part of his bike so it could stand on it's own before getting off it. He walked over to Marinette and took the boxes off her, securing them onto the back of his bike as she put on the helmet before he got back onto the bike. Marinette sat behind him and held onto his waist as he kicked the rod back up and began cycling again. "Where to?"
 "The Grand Paris hotel," She smiled as they did a u-turn and began to cycle there. Once there, Luka brought the bike to a stop and held it still. Marinette jumped off and took off the helmet, handing it back to him before she got the boxes and moved around to the entrance. "Thank you for the lift, Luka,"
 "Anytime, Marinette," He smiled before she gave him a shy smile and gently kissed his cheek. Though she had kissed his cheek on several occasion, it took him by surprise because it felt different. Or more precisely... she felt different when she did it. Her previous kisses were gentle and the kind you expect off a friend but this one was bold and he could feel her intentions. She intended it to be romantic, completely surprising him. However, he shook his head and just put it down to his imagination before returning the smile. "I'll find the perfect melody for you,"
 "I can't wait to hear it," She smiled, making him blush a little. "I better bring these up before Lila sees a chance to make me look bad again,"
 "Lila?" Luka asked, making her nod.
 "It's her parents' wedding anniversary and for some reason, they booked the bakery to do their food," She sighed, making him nod. "Mama and Papa told me I only have to bring the food to the venue then I could leave and have the rest of the day off,"
 "Do you want me to come up with you?" He asked, surprising her. "In case Lila tries anything,"
 "That would be nice if you could," She admitted, blushing a little. He smiled and moved his bike over to the parking area. He locked it up and took off his helmet before walking back over to Marinette and grabbing three of the boxes. She smiled and headed to the lifts. "You're not gonna get in trouble at work are you?"
 "Oh no, I finished my shift before I came by the bakery," He replied, making her nod as they stepped inside.
 "What if Lila clings to you?" She asked, making him look at her as she felt bad about accepting his offer. She didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable or put him in a situation that he was uncomfortable with. "You know if you want-"
 "I'm not gonna leave you alone in the claws of that faker," He stated, making her smile. "And if she clings on me, I'll remove myself from her claws. Of course, if she happens to get hurt... well then that's her fault,"
 "You're the best," She smiled, reaching up and kissing him on a cheek again. "A good side is that Kagami and Adrien are here since their families were invited,"
 "Ah, I'm not surprised," Luka mumbled, nodding. "Isn't Lila's mother an ambassador for Italy?"
 "She is and her father is the Public relations manager for Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, Armani and Versace," Marinette replied, making Luka look at her in surprise and shock. "I know! It turns out she wasn't lying about her mother's job and her father works with the famous,"
 "So her stories might have a bit of truth," Luka muttered as the lift pinged. Marinette nodded as he frowned. "That explains why she finds it easy to tell them and make them slightly believable. Though she really shouldn't lie so much, even if her mother is part of the government and her father works with the famous,"
 "Agreed," She replied as the lift came to a stop and the doors opened. "Some of her stories are so over the top,"
 "That's true," Luka smiled as they walked out of it. Luka glanced around as they walked across the room. They saw Adrien and Kagami sat by Tomoe and Adrien's bodyguard and Lila herself was leaning against the lift. She noticed him and gave him her best smile but he ignored it and walked past her, causing her to frown. Marinette strolled next to him but cried out as she tripped and fell. Luka rushed over to her as Lila smirked, causing him to glare as she walked away. To his surprise, Kagami and Adrien rushed over as well.
 "Are you ok, Marinette?" Kagami asked as Luka helped her to her feet and Adrien picked up the boxes she dropped. 
 "I am," She replied, nodding. "Lila just... urg..."
 "She tripped you up, didn't she?" Adrien sighed, shaking his head. "Honestly, you'd think she would lay off for her parents' wedding anniversary,"
 He glanced over to the couple and the crowd, causing Luka to look over at them as well. Mrs Rossi was fairly pretty but strict looking. She had the same colored hair as Lila but it was styled in a bun. She was wearing a very beautiful dress that had a silver and gray top with gems across it and a deep green skirt. Her husband wore a matching suit. It was dark gray with deep green detail. His shirt was a light gray and his tie was green. He wasn't anything really special to look at and it was obvious he had some sort of plastic surgery to make himself look younger then he actually was. His hair was clearly dyed and he had some very expensive accessories such as his rolex watch. Seeing him in person, Luka could see that Lila took after him in looks. He had a similar face shape with a rather large forehead and his eyes were the same olive green as hers. However, what caught Luka's attention more than anything was the awkwardness between the couple. It was clear that neither wanted to be there. They were refusing to meet each other's eyes and Mrs Rossi had her arms folded. Her expression was one of annoyance and disappointment. Mr Rossi was completely ignoring her and looking far from her. However, the guests stopped chatting as an usher clapped their hands, getting their attention. It also caused Luka, Marinette, Adrien and Kagami to look over. To Luka's surprise, Mr Agreste's assistant was there, holding her tablet. Noticing his confused look, Adrien leaned over to him.
 "Father has created a very special gift for their anniversary," He whispered, making Luka nod as Mr Agreste cleared his throat.
 "Maria and Marco, on this most solemn day in celebration of your ten year wedding anniversary," Gabriel Agreste stated as everyone watched. "I am delighted to offer this magnificent gift I personally designed for you,"
 Luka rose an eyebrow as Lila walked over to the Gorilla and Nathalie who passed her a box before she walked on stage and presented it to her parents. 
 "My dearest Mr and Mrs Rossi," He stated as they opened the box and took out the gift, putting it on. "I hereby present to you the Gabriel couple cloak, a symbol of eternal love and bonds of marriage,"
 "Ouch!" Mr Rossi growled as his wife knocked into him. "Are you trying to trip me up?!"
 Mrs Rossi ignored him as she turned to Nathalie and Mr Agreste.
 "Thank you, Gabriel," She smiled falsely. "It's wonderful,"
 "Yes, quite fantastic," Mr Rossi replied, smiling false as well. "Truly it's a piece of art... even on someone as strict as my wife. You know I told her to let her hair down for once but she insisted on having it up in a bun. I admire her for it though. It takes a very special person to not care what people think. I think that's part of the reason why she's so successful in her job... that and everyone's scared of her. To my wife!"
 The adults held up their drinks and called out Mrs Rossi's name as if giving a toast to her, making her and Mr Rossi smile a little but it made Luka frown deeply. He knew a back compliment when he heard one and he could feel the hurt that she felt. Marinette frowned as she looked at him before gently poking his arm.
 "You ok?" She asked, making him nod as Lila returned back to her original position. "You sure?"
 "Yeah," He replied as the four of them walked over to Tom and Sabine, placing the boxes down. "Hi, Sabine. Hi, Tom,"
 "Hello, Luka. It's good to see you," Sabine stated as Tom waved before she turned to Marinette. "Before you go home, could you just get rid of these trays for us?"
 "Oh and grab us some cocktail umbrellas," Tom added in, causing her to nod as she and Luka automatically grabbed some of the trays. To her surprise, Adrien and Kagami grabbed some too.
 "You guys don't have to," She stated, making them blink. "You should enjoy the ceremony,"
 "We're good," Adrien smirked as they walked to the kitchen. "It's so boring and we're more then happy to help you,"
 "Well... thank you," Marinette smiled as Luka placed down the first set of trays. Marinette placed hers on top and began to look for the umbrellas. She found them and smiled before heading outside as Adrien and Kagami picked up some of the utils and began to play fight. Marinette came back a few minutes later and turned to Luka. "Well, I'm free for the rest of the day-"
 Adrien's bodyguard suddenly burst through the door, causing the two of them to look at him. They both noticed that Adrien and Kagami had ducked down so they couldn't be seen. He was looking around, causing Luka to blink.
 "Can we help you find something?" He asked, making the Gorilla frown before he left. Marinette let out a sigh as Adrien and Kagami popped back up.
 "Thanks, you two," Adrien smiled, causing them to look at him before a mischievous look came on his face. It was quickly matched by Kagami's expression. "Could we ask a favor?"
 "Could you help us escape?" Kagami asked, making both Luka and Marinette blink. "We don't want to be here and it's not often we get time for ourselves... oh you could escape with us!"
 "Um I mean my parents have everything covered and I don't want to be here much longer with..." She glanced at the door, making everyone understand who she meant. "But the only exit is out there. Your families will see you sneak away,"
 "That's a good point," Adrien sighed before looking out the door. "The biggest issue is getting past the Gorilla. He's stood by the doors as well,"
 Luka looked over, frowning before looking around the kitchen. His luck vision lit up some aprons and chef hats. He grabbed them and handed them to Adrien, Kagami and Marinette before putting one on himself, making Marinette smile before the four of them left the kitchen and walked past the guests. Luckily for them, the Gorilla was looking the other direction for them as they walked by. Just as they got halfway across the room, he looked over and began to move over, causing the four of them to run out of the exit. They ran up the stairs and dropped the disguise, causing them to land on the Gorilla as he followed. The four of them burst through the last fire escape and rushed onto the roof, running down the steps and past the ball pool. Adrien and Kagami looked around, trying to work out where to hide as they heard the fire escape door open. Luka suddenly pushed them into the ball pit before grabbing Marinette's hand and jumping in with her. Seconds later, the Gorilla rushed by and looked for them, frowning as he couldn't find them. He looked under the tables but gave up when they weren't there. He walked over to the lift and took it down, causing the four of them to look up.
 "Luka, that was genius!" Marinette gasped as Kagami and Adrien nodded.
 "Been disobedient is entertaining," Kagami smiled, clearly enjoying herself. "I've never had so much fun in my life,"
 "Really?" Luka asked, surprised before Marinette playfully threw a ball at her, surprising her and making everyone laugh. Luka ducked and grabbed a couple as Adrien tried to aim at him before throwing them towards him and kagami. Marinette laughed and moved over to him, using his height to hide behind him as she threw them at Adrien and Kagami. Seeing a chance, Kagami drove underneath the balls and pulled Marinette under before resurfacing and laughing. Marinette resurfaced, laughing as well but her pigtails had come loose, letting her hair down. For a second, Luka was completely taken back at how beautiful she looked, allowing Adrien to him with a ball. He blinked and shook his head before looking to Marinette again. "Wow..."
 "Huh?" She asked, confused.
 "It's the first time I've seen you with your hair down," He smiled, making her blush and dive under to find her hair ties. Kagami giggled as she tried to find them, causing Luka to help her. Marinette luckily took the joke well and laughed as she tried to find them.
 ~Back to the Party~
 Lila frowned as she saw all the attention of her parents. However, her phone buzzed, causing her to look at it. She smirked as she saw a text from Hawkmoth, telling her to do what needed to be done. She smirked to herself and put away her phone. For the last couple of weeks, she has been causing problems for her parents. There were just small things but she had done things like cancelled flowers, helped her father choose the wrong thing, got rid of some of her mother's work so she had to work late and had been driving a wedge between them. The worst part is it was working. Throughout the whole morning, she had been dropping snide remarks or redirecting things. The best part was when her mother told her off, she would just cry and claim that she was trying to help which in turn made her father coddle her and snap at her mother. However, she wasn't done yet. The pièce de résistance of her plan was the cake. She had already messed with it, changing flavors and icing but somehow it managed to remain the way they wanted it too. She wasn't bothered by that though. She had a plan to use it as the final nail in the coffin so to speak and all was needed was to literally topple it. She knew it would be enough to push her mother over the edge and start one of her infamous arguments. Lila glanced over as Tom began to wheel the cake over, causing her to disappear over to the cart. He walked away to go and get the knives in order to cut it, causing her to smirk and carefully move it to the edge. It was just enough not fall right now but it would the moment anyone put pressure it. With that done, she moved as close to the entrance and typed a message to Hawkmoth, telling him to get ready. Tom returned and her parents walked over. Her father was holding the cloak as they walked over. Lila smirked as they reached it and took one of the knives from Tom before he stepped back. They held it together and placed it on the side of the cake, causing it to wobble and fall. They managed to jump away so it fell onto the floor, making her mother gasp in annoyance before she turned to Tom with a glare in her eyes.
 "You idiot!" She screamed, surprising everyone but Lila. She knew her mother kept a tight lid on her emotions but would explode like a volcano if the right buttons were pushed. "What the hell were you thinking putting that damn cake close to the edge like that, you useless orge?!"
 "Darling, calm down," Her father gasped, making her smirk as her mother turned to him.
 "Calm down?!" She screeched. "You useless imbecile! I won't calm down!! Give me that!"
 "What?! No! You don't deserve this piece of art!" Mr Rossi shouted back as she yanked at it. "You're been ridiculous!"
 "I'm been ridiculous?!" She screamed, making him blink. "No, you're been ridiculous! And this whole thing is ridiculous! That stupid cloak is! That dumb baker is! Why don't you just go back to Italy like you always do?! Hell, I'll paid for the seat for you!!"
 "Gladly and I'll take Lila with me!"
 "Oh no! You won't!" She screamed, making him growl. "You're a useless father!"
 "I'm the useless parent?!" He screamed back. "You're never there for her!"
 "Oh and you are!!"
 Lila couldn't help but smirk as they kept on arguing, making the guests blink as they were unsure what to do. Lila smirked even more as she saw the akuma fluttering into the room and straight into the cloak as her phone vibrated. She looked at it and smirked again before disappearing through the fire exit as her parents accepted the akuma and transformed into whatever monstoriaty Hawkmoth had turned them into.
 ~Back to Luka, Marinette, Adrien and Kagami~
 Kagami smiled as she watched Adrien play the piano while Luka sat on the edge of the ball pit. Marinette was still finding her hair ties. She managed to find them and moved over to the edge, looking to tie her hair back up. Luka looked over at her and gave her a soft smile, making her blush.
 "Your hair looks beautiful," He stated, causing her cheeks to heat up even more but before anyone else can could say a thing, the lift bell rang as two girls ran out of the lift. Luka frowned as he recognized one of them as Renée Marcel. However, her song and expression was one of panic. She glanced around and knocked down a table, dragging it to the lift and blocking it, alarming Luka even more. He stood up, causing Adrien to stop playing as the girls backed away from the lift. Marinette looked over to him.
 "Luka?" She asked, causing the girls to look over and gasp. They rushed over to them as he frowned.
 "What's wrong?" He asked.
 "T-There's a monster!" The other girl gasped as Renée rubbed her arm. "I-It ate my father!"
 "What?!" Adrien gasped, jumping and going to run over to the lift but Luka suddenly grabbed him as the table went flying as the creature burst from the lift. 
 "Under the piano!" He hissed, pushing Adrien towards it as the six of them ducked underneath. Renée gently held the other girl as she shook and Marinette looked at Luka as he frowned. They all held their breath as a snake like creature slithered by.
 "Come out, children," A female voice hissed, sending shivers down their spines.
 "We only want your love!" A male one replied, making Luka frown. The girl in Renée's arms shook as tears rolled down her face, causing Luka to frown. It was clearly an akuma and they needed to escape before it caught them. He glanced around before one of Marinette's hair ties lit up, along with a cake. He quickly grabbed it off her, making her blink at him before he grabbed the cake and used it as a slingshot, firing the cake across the pool and near the lift. It hit something, making a loud bang and getting the monster's attention. It hissed and moved over there. "There you are!" 
 Luka pointed to the fire escape, causing everyone to nod and jump out. They ran over and through the door, slamming it behind them. They ran down the stairs as fast as they could, rushing into the restaurant area. However, the creature burst through the door a few minutes later. It was truly terrifying to look at it. It resembled a snake person but it was pink. It was wearing an outfit that resembled the couple cape given to Mr and Mrs Rossi, making Luka gasp as he realized it had to be them. It had four arms but the creepiest part was it's head. It appeared to spin and switch between Mrs Rossi and her husband. Currently, it was Mrs Rossi looking around but Luka could see her husband's face on the back off it's head. Her face had a massive frown on it, framed with heart shaped lips and jagged teeth. Her eyes eyes narrowed as she stared at Luka.
 "This one has so much love," She declared, licking her lips before her head twisted around to reveal her husband. Like her, he had jagged teeth but instead of a frown, he had a massive grin.
 "Yes, it's making my mouth water thinking about it!" He declared as his eyes glowed.
 "Luka!" Marinette screamed, pushing him out of the way as they fired a pink beam at him. 
 "How romantic! It makes me sick!" Mrs Rossi snarled as she took back control before firing beams at them again. However, Kagami threw a cake at them, along with Adrien. Renée and her friend were curled up, holding each other as the creature turned to them. Luka jumped onto his feet and helped Marinette up as Kagami and Adrien dodged the beam of the creature. "Stay still brats!"
 "Get out of here!" He gasped, pushing her towards the exit before he rushed over to Renée and her friend. Renée jumped up, just as Kagami got hit by the beam and turned into a heart. Luka looked in horror as the creature's head spun into a male face and ate the heart. Adrien screamed and charged at it, causing it's tail to hit him. It turned on him, causing Luka to shake his head. He scooped up Renée's friend and ran out of the cafe with her. Luckily, Marinette had gone ahead but with Adrien and Kagami gone, the creature was following them. Luka ran as fast as he could while holding the sobbing girl and Renée ran with him. He ran up some stairs and into a new hall. 
 "Luka!" A voice shouted, making him look over. Chloe was stood in a door and Sabrina was gesturing towards him. He ran over and pushed the crying girl inside as the creature clashed through. Renée tripped and fell, causing the creature to go and fire a beam at her as it's head spun back to Mr Rossi. Luka rushed over and grabbed her arm, pulling her out of the way in time. She looked at him in surprise as he pushed her into the room. He went to enter the room as well but the creature's tail crushed the door frame, causing bricks and debris to block the way. He managed to dive out of the way and backed up as the akuma turned to him, licking it's lips. It's head spun around back to Mrs Rossi as he backed away from it.
 "This boy is full of so much love for his family, for his friend and for the girl who stole his heart," She gasped, licking her lips as she leaned closer to him. Her eyes began to glow as she literally drooled at the idea of eating him. He shuddered a little at the thought of it. "You will make such a delicious meal!"
 Luka manage to jump out of the way before the beam hit him and rushed out of the escape door, running back up the stairs. He burst through the door and ran across the roof, making the creature follow him. Despite its size, it moved extremely fast and managed to catch up with him. It went to grab him but before it could, Lady Noir jumped down in front of them and slammed her hand onto the ground.
 "Cataclysm!" She yelled, causing the floor to crack. It gave way beneath akuma's weight, causing it to fall through. Seeing her chance, Lady Noir turned to Luka and picked him up. "Hold on,"
 He did as told as she ran to the edge and jumped across the roofs before landing by the bridge near the Eiffel tower. She put him down and looked at him.
 "Are you hurt?" She asked, making him shake his head. "Good, please stay here. I have to go see if anyone else needs rescuing before engaging the akuma,"
 "There's four girls possibly trapped in Chloe's room," He stated, making her nod. "But thank you for rescuing me,"
 "No problem, Luka," She nodded before jumping off. As soon as she was out of sight, he hid under the bridge and transformed into Anatis. He ran out and threw his yoyo, returning to the hotel. He landed on the rooftop and glanced around, not seeing Lady Noir or the akuma. He did see Renée and her friend huddled under the piano but Chloe and Sabrina weren't around. He walked over and knelt down, making them look at him. Renée was holding her friend as she shook.
 "Are you ok?" He asked in a gentle voice.
 "T-The monster got Chloe and Sabrina," The shaking girl gasped, making him frown. "They were trying to get us out of here but the monster has destroyed anyway to get out so we headed up here and it attacked us but Chloe and Sabrina sacrificed themselves so we could escape. The creature was hunting us but it suddenly up and left..."
 "I think it was talking to Hawkmoth," Renée stated, making him frown. "It jumped off the building,"
 "Ok," He nodded, taking out his yoyo and checking the news report. It showed Loveater attacking people down the street but Lady Noir wasn't there. He frowned but maybe she was tailing it and decided not to engage with it until he was around. A wise choice. "Do you know who it is?"
 "Mr and Mrs Rossi," The shaking girl gasped, making him frown as it confirmed what he thought. "It's their 10 year wedding anniversary today but everything went wrong then they turned into that monster when the akuma flew into the cloak Gabriel had given them,"
 "Alright," He nodded. "You should stay here. Loveater isn't in the hotel anymore so you should be safe to hide here. Just be careful of the debris ok?"
 "Ok," Renée nodded before gasping. "Our friend Luka-"
 "He's safe," He smiled, making them both breathe out. "Lady Noir managed to rescue him,"
 "Oh thank goodness," Renée sighed with relief as they crawled from under the piano. "Come on, Elise,"
 Elise nodded and walked over to an area of the roof that wasn't destroyed as Anatis jumped off the roof and swung over to where Loveater was rampaging. He jumped down and noticed Lady Noir on a roof, watching it. He jumped across and landed next to her. 
 "What have you observed?" He asked as she looked at him.
 "It's obsessed with destroying love and it moves very fast," She replied, making him nod. "I think we're gonna need help,"
 "I think so too," He muttered, nodding. 
 "Do you want me to engage it or just keep an eye on it?" She asked, making him think. 
 "Keep an eye on it," He replied, pressing the dot on his yoyo. It lifted up, allowing him to take it out and put it in his ear. "And let's keep in contact too,"
 "Ok," She nodded, taking one from her baton and placing it in her ear. He nodded before jumping away and swinging towards Master Fu. He jumped across the rooftops as he got closer but he suddenly fell and landed on the ground as a wave of illness came over him, making him frown and look around. On the roof opposite to him, he saw someone perched. He narrowed his eyes as he saw the blue and purple colors.
 "Mayura," He muttered, throwing his yoyo up and jumping across the roofs, leading her away from Master Fu's. He managed to shake her off by hiding behind another roof. He looked over as she looked around before she lifted her fan.
 "Hawkmoth, I've lost him. He was just passed the rooftops of the Arènes de Lutèce," She stated, making him frown. A few minutes later, Hawkmoth himself landed next to her, causing him to look around and smirk.
 "He's here somewhere" He stated, making him frown as Hawkmoth looked around. "Come out wherever you are, Anatis,"
 Hawkmoth continued to look around before he jumped down and ran over to the roof. He swung off, causing both Hawkmoth and Mayura to chase him so he pressed his ear piece.
 "Kitten, can you hear me?" He asked.
 "Loud and clear,"
 "I need you to go to Master Fu's instead," He stated, sensing the frown as he passed the Eiffel tower. Hawkmoth and Mayura were gaining on him. "Hawkmoth and Mayura are following me,"
 "Do you need back up?"
 "No," He replied, landing on the very top of the tower. "I'm gonna take them keep them distracted. You head to Master Fu's and get the Bee miraculous. That's the one we need,"
 "But I don't know who Abeille is," She gasped, making him frown.
 "Don't worry about that right now," He stated as Hawkmoth and Mayura raced up the tower. "Get the miraculous and I'll meet you soon,"
 "Ok," She replied as Hawkmoth and Mayura landed on either side of him. He glanced around and smirked at them as he took out his yoyo. It just happened to be quite the foggy day today, meaning most of the Eiffel tower was surrounded by a deep fog.
 "Catch me if you can," He replied before dropping off the Eiffel, making both Mayura and Hawkmoth gasp as he disappeared into the fog. He threw his yoyo, wrapping it around part of the tower and swung underneath. He threw his yoyo up and summoned a lucky charm, getting a box of washing up soap. He glanced around as his luck vision highlighted the fire hydrant. He rushed over to it and opened it, pouring the soap in it. Within seconds, it exploded, cover the area in a high amount of soap foam that covered him. He heard Hawkmoth shouting in annoyance.
 "Where is he?! I can't see him!!" He growled as the foam kept growing. Seeing his chance, Anatis carefully moved over to a manhole and opened it as he heard Mayura trying to look around.
 "He must have used a lucky charm!" Mayura gasped as he climbed into the manhole and re-covered it. He ran through the sewer as quickly as he could. He frowned to himself as he heard the manhole open again, meaning one of them was following him. He came to a ladder before he climbed up and pushed open the other manhole, climbing out of it and into an alleyway. He moved over to the edge and saw nothing was around so he ran out and over to the Metro. He ran down the stairs enough to hide but to be able to spy on the alley he had come out of before detransforming. He caught Tikki and gave her a cookie as he waited for the person who had followed him. It took a few minutes but Mayura came out and glanced around, frowning. She lifted her fan to her mouth. "Hawkmoth, he's gone and I can't sense him either,"
 "Damn it," He heard Hawkmoth's voice echo. "Return back to me. We just use Loveater to capture him,"
 "Of course, Hawkmoth," She replied, folding up the fan and jumping up onto the roofs. Luka narrowed his eyes as he watched her run off before turning to Tikki.
 "That was close," She gasped, making him nod. "It was a good thing you noticed them,"
 "I know," He replied, frowning. He was deeply concerned with the fact that Hawkmoth was out and about. He sighed and turned to Tikki. "Are you fully charged?"
 "Good," He smiled before swiping his earrings. "Tikki, spots on!"
 He re-transformed and threw his yoyo up, pulling himself onto the rooftops before running across them. He checked Lady Noir's location on his yoyo before heading to the Pont des Arts. Before he landed next to her, he made sure that Hawkmoth or Mayura had followed him. 
 "It's attacked almost everyone in it's path," She replied, making him frown. "Did you lose your tail?"
 He glanced over, just in case before nodding.
 "Did you get it?" He asked, making her nod and showing him the bee miraculous. He smiled and gently patted her head, causing her to smile and purr a little. "Good job, kitten,"
 "So what's the plan?" She asked, making him frown. "Are you going to get Abeille?"
 "No, it's too dangerous with Hawkmoth about," He replied, making her frown. "If I go to find her, he might try to follow me again and that would directly lead him to one of our allies. I'm afraid this time we won't be able to get help,"
 "So what do we do?" She asked, frowning. "We need the bee to succeed as it will paralyse the akuma,"
 Anatis bit his lip before he sighed.
 "We only have one other option," He replied, making her look at him. "One of us has to merge the bee with our miraculous,"
 "I'll do it," Lady Noir stated, making Anatis to look at her in surprise. "They'll expect you to be the one to do so but they don't see me as important or as intelligent as you. Sure, they want my ring but we all know they see me as the sidekick,"
 "Lady Noir..." He stated as she gave him a weak smile. "I don't think of you like that. You're way more brilliant then I am and I know I've said this before but I couldn't do this without you. You're amazing and my best friend,"
 "I know," She smiled, gently kissing his cheek. His cheeks flushed a little. "But I also know Hawkmoth doesn't see me as a threat so let's show him what this cat is truly capable of,"
 She placed the comb in her hair, causing Pollen to manifest.
 "Hello, my queen," She smiled, bowing before turning to Anatis. "Hello, my prince. How may I be of service today?"
 "Pollen isn't it?" Lady Noir asked, making her look at her as she nodded. "I'm Lady Noir. We need your help to defeat Loveater,"
 "Of course, my queen," She bowed again, making Lady Noir coo at how cute she was before she shook her head and looked to Anatis.
 "How do I merge them?"
 "You have to say the name of the kwamis and unify," He explained, causing her to nod and take a deep breathe but he gently grabbed her arms. "But if it gets too much, don't hesitate to tell me and divide them. Merging these are dangerous and I don't want to see you hurt,"
 "I'll be fine," She smiled, gently placing her hand on his before she pulled away. "Ok let's do this. Plagg,"
 She held out her left hand.
 "Pollen," She stated as she held out her right hand before she closed them together. "Unify!"
 A golden light engulfed her before disappearing, revealing her new form. Her hair was no longer in a braid but was tied up in a curly ponytail with yellow and green on the curls. She had a yellow ribbon tied around the top that resembled bug antennas. Her mask was no longer completely black but had a yellow strip below her eyes, which still had green irises but her scleas were yellow. Her full suit had changed as well. The top half of her suit was yellow with black strips on her upper arms and stomach. The second half was black with yellow stripes on her thighs. Her boots were black with yellow stripes on the calf and yellow heels. Her gloves were similar in design as they were mostly black with yellow stripes. Her spintop was hooked around her waist and her baton rested against her hip. She still had her cat ears on top of her head. She took out the spintop and opened it.
 "User manual," She stated, reading through her powers as Anatis checked the news. She closed it once she had read it before looking at him. "So what's the plan?"
 "Loveater is rampaging by the Arc de Triomphe," He stated, making her frown as he closed his yoyo and threw up in the air, calling for a lucky charm. He sighed as he got a rolling pin. He glanced around before sighing. "I can't see anything yet so let's focus on me luring it to you. Our best bet would be the Eiffel tower. The foam I created should still be there so it would provide a sort of smoke screen and it's still a pretty foggy day,"
 "Alright so I lie in wait there and you lure it to me and then hopefully we can use the lucky charm," She stated, making him nod. "Ok! Sounds like a plan to me!"
 "Alright," He smiled, nodding. "Be careful, Lady... Lady Bee?"
 "What? Oh," She grinned, realizing he meant her new form's name. She grinned before placing her hands on her hips. "Call me Dark Bee,"
 "Dark Bee?" He asked, making her nod. "I like it. Alright, see you soon, Dark Bee,"
 He threw his yoyo and pulled himself onto the rooftops, leaving Dark Bee alone. She took out her spintop and threw it, using it to pull herself onto the roofs and swing through the city, whooping as she did. She landed on the rooftop opposite the tower before glancing around.
 "Dark Bee, can you hear me?" Anatis asked in her ear.
 "Loud and Clear, bug-a-boo," She stated, causing him to chuckle.
 "Alright. I'm bringing our guest towards the tower," He stated, making her nod. "Oh!"
 "Worked out the lucky charm?" She asked.
 "Yes," He replied. "There's a small stand near the tower that sells all kind of things including rolling pins and different types of balls. I need you to cataclysm it. 
 "Got it," She replied, seeing it in the foam. She rushed over and summoned her power before slamming her hand on it, causing it to break and releasing all the rolling pins and sports balls across the floor but no one could see it because it was covered by the form. She threw her spintop up and pulled herself into the tower as Anatis swung near by. "Be careful. All of the stuff is on the floor,"
 "Perfect," He replied, swinging by and landing on the part below her as Loveater rushed over. Almost instantly, it slipped and fell onto it's back. "Dark bee now!"
 "Venom!" She cried out, twisting the spin top and grabbing it. A yellow stripped energy wrapped around her hand and she dived down, slamming it into the middle of the Mrs Rossi face, just as it got up and was about to fire at her. She backflipped away as Anatis landed next to her and threw his yoyo at them, cracking one of the brooches. The akuma fluttered out, allowing him to throw his yoyo and capture it before he pulled it back to him and released the purified butterfly. He unhooked the rolling pin on his hip and threw it up in the air.
 "Miraculous ladybugs!" He called out, throwing it up into the air. It burst into the swarm and moved around Paris, restoring everything and everyone that had been destroyed or eaten by Loveater before returning to the Eiffel tower and getting rid of the foam and restoring the little stand before it burst into the sky, disappearing. Dark Bee grinned before a sudden wave of dizziness made her stumble. Anatis rushed over to her and held her as she blinked, feeling very tired. "Dark Bee, are you ok?"
 "I'm f-fine," She whispered, giving him a smile. "Plagg, Pollen... divide,"
 The golden light appeared again as Pollen reappeared, causing Lady Noir to catch her. She took out a chunk of cheese and gave it to her. Pollen ate it quickly before hiding into her hair. Anatis still looked worried but she gave him a smile before nodding towards Mr and Mrs Rossi.
 "W-what happened?" Mrs Rossi asked as she looked around before gasping as she spotted the heroes. "Anatis? Lady Noir?"
 "You were akumatized," Anatis stated as he walked over and helped her to her feet as Lady Noir did the same with Mr Rossi. "But it's ok now. We deakumatized you,"
 "Do you remember why you got akumatized?" Lady Noir asked, causing Mrs Rossi to explain about all of the things that had gone wrong for the last couple of weeks. Both heroes frowned as they listened before she tearfully turned to her husband and apologized. He began to tear up himself and apologized to her as well before they embraced each other. Anatis frowned as his earrings beeped, along with Lady Noir's ring. He turned to her with a concerned expression on his face.
 "Recharge and meet at Fu's," He stated before throwing his yoyo and swinging off with Lady Noir going in a different direction.
 ~At the Grand Paris Hotel~
 Lila growled in annoyance as she watched the miracle cure spread through the city, fixing everything. That stupid bug and his mangy sidekick had managed to defeat Loveater, meaning she had failed. She kicked something in annoyance as Hawkmoth and Mayura landed near her, making her turn around.
 "I was sure he wouldn't be able to defeat them," She gasped, making Hawkmoth chuckle. "I failed,"
 "No, you didn't," He replied, walking over to her. "You did exactly what I asked you to. You have proven yourself to be a good ally and so I wish to reward you,"
 "Oh?" Lila asked as Hawkmoth tapped his cane, releasing an akuma. Almost instantly, she grabbed it and placed it into her fake fox miraculous, making him smirk. He didn't even need to convince her. "So what powers do you have for me this time?"
 "Miracle Queen, I'm giving you the power to control the entire city including our heroes with your music and of course, you'll still have your illusions," Hawkmoth smirked as Lila allowed the dark smog to over take her. When it disappeared, it revealed an upgraded version of Volpina in her place. Most of her outfit was exactly the same. However, she gained a crown on her head, golden gauntlets with orange diamonds on her forearms, matching armor on her calves and shoulder armor that was black with gold trimming. Hawkmoth smirked before doing a mock bow. "My Queen, why don't you show these heroes what true royalty can do?"
 "It will be my pleasure, Hawkmoth," She smirked, taking out her flute and playing it. An orange ball appeared on the end before she threw it up into the sky. It exploded, sending the sound of her music around the city as it caused anyone who heard it to fall into a trance. "Anatis! Lady Noir! Come and serve your queen!"
 ~At Master Fu's~
 "Is everything ok?" Master Fu asked as Lady Noir gave Pollen a little hug before she took out the clip in her hair and placed it in his hand. Anatis was pacing around, clearly worried. He frowned as he took the comb from her and returned it to the miracle box. Once it was back in the box and hidden in the phonograph, Master Fu got up and made them both some tea. He handed a cup to Lady Noir before getting Anatis to stop pacing and made him sit down, giving him a cup of tea as well. He poured one for himself before sitting down and sipping it. "Tell me what's on your mind,"
 "Hawkmoth and Mayura followed me today," Anatis explained, causing Master Fu looked at him in surprise. "That's why Lady Noir came here instead of me,"
 He ran his fingers through his hair as Master Fu frowned.
 "I lead them on a wild goose chase but I'm concerned, Master," Anatis sighed as Lady Noir frowned. "The only time Hawkmoth has came out in public was Heroes Day and today is the one year anniversary of me becoming Anatis. I think he has something big planned,"
 "This is most concerning," Master Fu frowned. 
 "That's not the only thing," Anatis stated. "Lady Noir asked the akumatized victims why they got akumatized and what they told us gave me a very bad feeling,"
 "What did they say?"
 "For the last couple of weeks, everything that could go wrong had gone wrong for Mr and Mrs Rossi," Lady Noir stated, making Fu frown. "Even things that shouldn't have gone wrong and then today... their ten year anniversary... things continued to go wrong and they end up akumatized..."
 "What are you saying?"
 "Hawkmoth has been planning this akuma for at least two weeks. There's no way this akumatization was just chance," Anatis stated, making Master Fu frown. "I would bet that Lila Rossi is somehow helping Hawkmoth and has been making things go bad to turn her parents into akuma bait,"
 "But they're her parents?!" Master Fu gasped, surprised. "Surely, she wouldn't get them akumatized on purpose?"
 "We suspect that she took an akuma on purpose and she tried to stop Lady Noir from helping me against Big Mama and Little Sister," Anatis stated. "And she is indirectly responsible for reverser as she influenced Alya into trying to claim that diary,"
 "Not to mention she has caused two akumas through framing and bullying," Lady Noir added in, making Anatis nod. "I wouldn't put it past her to help Hawkmoth akumatize her parents but what could he achieve with that particular akuma?"
 "That's what concerns me," Anatis sighed. "Sure, it was a difficult akuma so I had to get help but he could have just had Mayura follow me. Why is he out and about? It just seems... I don't know... maybe I'm been paranoid,"
 "Maybe but your instincts have been right before," Master Fu stated, making Anatis nod. "So what do they tell you this time?"
 "Honestly... this all feels too... easy and doesn't add up..." Anatis stated, frowning. "It feels like the battle isn't over yet and that this akuma wasn't Hawkmoth's master plan. I think he's trying to distract us. Even him following me feels like a distraction. I feel like he wants me to focus on that he's looking for who I get the other miraculous from because that will somehow stop me from seeing the full picture and yet at the same time, I feel like I'm missing something. Like there is something very obvious in front of me but I can't see it yet. Something doesn't feel right,"
 "Then I suggest you follow your instincts, Anatis," Master Fu stated, making him. "Be on your guard,"
 "Yes, Master," Both Lady Noir and Anatis stated, standing up and heading to the window. Lady Noir reached over and opened it, causing the sound of the city to echo in but among it was the sound of a flute been played. The three of them felt their minds turn blank and empty as they heard it. Their arms dropped to their side and their eyes turned a glowing orange as they stared out at the city before a voice echoed in their minds.
 Anatis! Lady Noir! Come and serve your Queen!
Next Chapter: Chapter 60
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randogirlo-fando · 4 years
Andante, Andante- 4/?
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Summary-Keg King Billy Hargrove becomes infatuated with Mike and Nancy’s cousin who is staying with them over the summer.
Warnings- swearing, small makeout scene, mentions of sex, eventual smut
Word count-2.2k
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“Okay so the way you play whoever is it asks someone truth or dare and you decide if you want to be asked a question or if you have to do whatever the person dares you to do. Then they give you a question or date and after you get to pick the next person.”
The whole gang is sitting in the circle while you explained to El the rules.
“And you have to answer or do it no matter what! If you chicken out the person picks something gross you have to do” max adds on, smiling.
“Who wants to start?” Dustin pulls your arm to sit between him and Lukas, looking quizzically at the rest of the circle.
“I will!” Mike says, a mischievous grin slapped onto his face while making eye contact with you.
“(Y/n), truth or dare?” You scoff and cross your arms.
“You know I don’t back down. Dare.”
“I dare you to go outside and catch a cricket.”
“Really? That’s it?”
“Oh come on, you used to be scared of those!”
“Yeah and you used to be scared of under your bed!” You stand up and go to the back yard, coming back with a cricket after a couple minutes.
“Done.” You look around the circle, eyes landing on Max.
“Maxi maxi maxi, truth or dare” The redhead pretends to think about it before smiling.
“Max, do you need a ride home?” You ask as everyone else gets ready for a sleepover except for the girls.
“Oh it’s okay, I can walk.”
“I’m already taking El home and it’s dark, that was a rhetorical question.”
The boys said their goodbyes to the girls before you all three walk out to your car, they both hop in the back while you start the car. You pull out of the driveway pretty slowly, worried the usual neighbor would come zooming way too fast down the street.
“So who’s getting dropped off first?”
“I’m closer” Max says after giggling with El. You roll your eyes at the thought of Billy. He hasn’t called you back and it’s been a week, who does he think he is?
“Sounds good!” Max’s eyebrows furrow, making El look confused as well.
“Is something wrong sis?” Max and El(She started after Max explained what it meant) started calling you sis and you’ve pretty much taken them under your wing.
“Oh yeah, just peachy.” You turn on the turn signal and silence falls.
“See El, when someone talks with their voice sounding like that means something’s wrong.” El nods at Max as they both look at you, Max smirking. You roll your eyes with a huff.
“I just hope your brother isn’t home. It would be too hard not to punch him.” They laugh at you and you crack a smile.
“What did he do this time? Oh turn here.” You almost missed the turn, getting to caught up in the conversation about the certain bad boy.
“Thank you, that’s a story for another time.” You pull into her driveway only to see none other then that precious camaro.
“You know what Max, how about I walk you to the door and meet your mom? I’m sure she would like to know who’s been driving you home.” Max seems like she knows who you really wanna see. She nods and gets out waiting for you.
“El, stay in here okay sweetie?” She nods and you step out of your car.
You walk up to the door and Max opens it, putting her key on the tabletop. You walk in behind her, observing the living space.
“Mom, I’m home! Someone wants to meet you!” Instead of getting met with Mrs. Hargrove, the bathroom door opens to Billy. Towel tied to his lower waist, water droplets falling periodically all over his chest and back due to his hair dripping.
“She’s in her bedroo- oh hey Cherry.” He smirks as if nothing happened and steps closer to you. You ignore him, looking at Max.
“Clearly right now is a bad time, Max why don’t you give your mom the house number? Then she at least has it for when you’re over. I can meet her another time.” After handing her the little piece of paper with the 10 digit number on it she smiles and goes to give it to her mom, leaving you alone with the only person you don’t want to see.
“Why are you ignoring me Cherry?” You push past him to the door before he runs as fast as he can in a towel to block the door.
“Let me through, one of the kids are in the car I have to take them home.” You stand there, arms crossed, eyelids relaxed but eyes piercing through his head.
“Tell me why you’re mad and I’ll let you through.” He smirks and you catch yourself looking at his chest before shoving him into the door harshly.
“You better have a damn good excuse on why you’ve yet to call me.” He chuckles and lets you through.
“I’ve been at the pool everyday except for today. Also, I never call the week after.” You feel yourself turn red, heat radiating off your skin.
“Cool.” You leave the house before you can embarrass yourself.
“I’ll call you!” He yells from the door, you respond with flipping him off and he chuckles before closing the door.
El flinches when you slam open and close the door.
“Wanna move up front girly?” She nodded, still a little spooked.
“You’re scary.” El speaks up halfway through the drive.
“Im sorry for freaking you out with the door. Billy just really pissed me off.” A huff comes out of your nostrils and El looks at you questioningly. You notice the face she made and you sigh.
“Can you keep a secret? Just you and me no one else can know.” She nods and smiles.
“Billy and I went on a date because I thought he would get bored of me. We ended up having a nice time and I kissed him. He told me he would call me and he hasn’t.”
“But he said he would when we left?”
“He was being a prick.” She nods and looks out the window.
“Mike always calls. You need a Mike, not a Billy.”
“You know, for someone who learned most of her stuff within the last 2 years you’re really smart. Who do you think my ‘Mike’ is?” She hums in thought, getting you generally curious when you pull up to her house.
“Steve.” If you had a drink in here you would do a spit take, you almost choked on your own saliva.
“Wow Steve? Didn’t really expect that.”
“I mean, Dustin like likes you but I’ve learned recently that age is important in dating.” She giggles at your eyes bulging out of your face before her face drops.
“That’s a secret though so you can’t tell him I told you. Mike told me.” You both open the car doors and walk towards Hopper, who was waiting for you guys on the porch.
“What were you guys talking about in the car?”
“Steve and Dustin.” He sighs and ruffles his hair.
“Could be worse. Dinner is waiting for you.” El gives you a hug before running inside.
“(Y/n), is that girl going to be the death of me?” You smile and pat his shoulder.
“I’m not gonna lie to you, it will feel like that. But hey, if you think she’s gonna you can call me and I’ll scoop her up.”
“But you live with Mike.” He rubs his face with both hands and you chuckle.
“I mean where else would I take her? Honestly, my favorite part of them hanging out is getting to see everyone in the group help her learn and understand everything. It’s pretty sweet.” He smiles slightly at you before tipping his head as a thank you. You mirror his actions and head back to the car, ready to listen to some ABBA.
“Hey boys, who’s ready for a night long campaign!” You walk downstairs to see Steve and all the boys staring at you.
“Woah, who died?” Steve rolls his eyes and stands up.
“Why did Billy call for you? I thought it was a one time thing?” You roll your eyes before looking everyone else in the eyes, all of them with a look of disappointment or frustration.
“Wait a second, did you tell the boys? What the hell Harrington!” His brows furrow at that accusation, scoffing at your reaction.
“What was I supposed to say when I was here, waiting for you, and douche King calls saying you need to be ready tomorrow at 3? When he realized I answered I could hear the shit eating grin on his face!” Breathing out slowly, you lick your lips and look at the floor.
“Boys, can Steve and I have a word alone? There should be left over pizza in the fridge, you guys can have my ice cream too.” They look at each other and slowly walk up the stairs. You turn to see them consoling Dustin, you hasn’t been able to even look directly at you.
“You think I’m going on a second date with him just because he called? I won’t lie to you, the first date was actually pretty fun despite the part where he tormented you. So I told him he should give me a call this week and then he didn’t. I saw him today when dropping Max off and he acted like I shouldn’t have expected a call so I said cool and went to take El home. I don’t want anything to do with him anymore, at least o don’t think. Now please tell me why you’re even here, or answering the phone for that matter!” During your rant, you back him to a wall, poking his chest in anger.
“I’m here because I wanted to talk to you about something, but I guess that’s out the window since you possibly want the only dude I seriously despise and you should too! Mike asked me to answer it because he thought it would be El and he was busy doing something, so don’t get all bitchy with me!”
Looking down to see his chest heaving, you realize just how close you two are. The distance so close that you share your breath.
“You’re hot when you’re pissed for no reason.” That was the push you needed to crash your lips on his. The kiss was weirdly slow for how hard you started it. He took his time, his hands on your cheeks and yours in his hair and on his arm. His tongue touches your bottom lip lightly, asking for permission. You let him in, starting to feel weird about this. He tries to heat up a little more, keeping with the slow and soft tempo.You pull away, your foreheads touching.
“You know I hate being called bitchy. And being told I’m hot when I’m mad.” You whispered, making him smile.
“I know. I was being a prick, I’m sorry.” You pull away from him completely, wiping your mouth and looking at the floor.
“So uh-“
“I’m sorry, did that feel a little weird to you too?” He blurts out, scratching the back of his neck.
“Yeah, thank god you said it! It was so weird.” You smile at each other.
“I guess I always told myself you were the one that got away, but I guess it’s more like you’re my best friend that got away.”
“Totally! You know El told me I need to find a Mike and she told me you were my Mike. I think friendship slash dynamic duo fits us best.” You go to your suitcase to look for your shower stuff.
“I’m sorry but dynamic duo is for me a Dustin.”
“Speaking of Dustin, does he like me?” Before he can answer you the boys come busting through the door.
“The yelling stopped so we assumed it was safe now.” Lucas says, smiling. You look at Steve and he mouths later.
After your shower, you change into your pj romper and head downstairs for a snack. As you watch the stars from the kitchen table you see a head stick out from the window. You gasp and grab a knife ready to attack when you realize you know those pearly whites. Putting the knife down you roll your eyes and open the door as quietly as possible.
“Why are you here??” You whisper yell at him, hitting his shoulder.
“Well you never called back so I assumed you didn’t get the message because who wouldn’t call me back?” You roll your eyes and he just smiles.
“No I got the message. Thank you for the fuel in that fight with Steve by the way.”
“Ha yeah, didn’t expect him to answer but it was nice. Anyway come with me, I have a surprise.” You scoff and go to close the door before he blocks it with his foot.
“Please?” Giving in, you grab your sandals and leave with him.
“Did you walk here?” Realizing the Camaro is no where to be seen.
“I parked it down the road so it wouldn’t wake anyone in the house up. Nice pajamas by the way, they’re hot.” You huff and hug yourself.
“Let’s get on with this then”
A/n- y’all it’s been months so I understand if you guys are over this story now. I’m sorry.
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anon-rebel-writes · 3 years
Of Pink Fairies and Teenage Boys - 2
Hi everyone! I hope your day has been going well!
The second chapter is finally here! I’m really sorry for the long wait! I found myself writing the future chapters instead of the chapter that I needed to upload XD
This part is a bit shorter than what I wanted it to be, but I still like it! I hope you enjoy it too!
It begins under the cut! <3 Ao3 Link
Soft humming pulled Luka out of his sleep. He turned his head towards the sound and saw Marinette floating around, cleaning and tidying his room. Marinette, the fairy girl, because his life totally needed more chaos than normal.
She must’ve heard him shuffling around because she whipped her head to him and flew up to his face. “Good morning, Monsieur Couffaine! How was your rest?” Luka managed to sit straight and wiped his face quickly to help wake himself up. Usually he would wake up with his back feeling strained, but surprisingly he felt pretty good.
Well maybe not surprisingly, Marinette probably had something to do with his relaxed body, seeing as her magic is what made him fall asleep. But he couldn’t help feeling bad about it all, this poor girl was using her magic on him. Suddenly his mind filled with cloudy thoughts, he was supposed to help people, not the other way around.
Taking a deep breath, he plastered a smile on his face for her. “It was great! I’m feeling a lot better now. I don’t want to bother you anymore than I already have, so you can leave if you need to.” Marinette gave him a big pout for her little body, her hands landed on her hips as she glared at him.
“Monsieur Couffaine, I’m not leaving you. I can feel how unhappy you still are. Fairies can detect emotions very easily, especially human emotions, you’re all so transparent with your feelings.” His facade disappeared and he ran his hands through his hair. “Right. Sorry, I just don’t like bothering people,” he looked down at his lap and let his hands play with the fraying hem of his shirt.
With his head down, he couldn’t see her pout disappearing and a sympathetic look took over. Before she could give him encouraging words, loud groaning came from the other side of the divider. Luka’s eyes flew wide open and he tried to grab Marinette to hide her. “Miss Fairy! You have to hide!” The divider flew wide open and a very dazed Juleka appeared, “What did you just call me?”
Her sluggish eyes pierced through him as she scowled, “I’d be offended, but I’m honestly way too tired to care about it.” Luka’s eyes flew to Marinette but she set a finger on her lips and winked. He stared at her a little longer before Juleka walked over to him and the tiny fairy fazed through her body. “Dude, are you good? You’re acting weirder than usual, and you’re usually pretty weird,” Juleka squinted and leaned towards him. “You seem off.”
This was crazy. Yesterday Luka learned that fairies were real, now his fairy (his fairy, wow that sounds insane) could faze through people? And Juleka couldn’t see her? Maybe this was a dream and Marinette wasn’t even real. While a huge part of Luka wanted to scream from the utter chaos that was running through his mind, a tiny part of him was hurt.
He’s been off for a while, didn’t she notice that before? He tried to push the bad thoughts out of his mind and faked a smile for her. “Sorry, Jules. I just had a weird dream. Don’t worry about me, okay?” Although Juleka didn’t seem convinced, she also appeared too tired to argue.
She scanned him over one last time before shuffling out of the room. Once they were sure she was gone, Marinette popped in front of Luka. The bright smile on her face completely contrasted Luka’s disoriented expression. “Yeah, uh, what was that?! She can’t see you?! Are you even real?”
Marinette rolled her eyes playfully at him and sat on his shoulder. “You’re not crazy, Monsieur Couffaine. I’m hiding myself from other humans for my own safety.”
Luka narrowed his eyes at her and lifted a hand to catch her. She moved into his palm and he brought her to his face. “Hey, why do Fairies wanna help humans anyways? Didn’t you say humans were known to attack you or something?” Marinette sighed and began running her hands along the lines of his hands.
“Fairies get our magic from emotions. Human emotions are strong and powerful, so we come here to feed off of them. Negative emotions happen to be the strongest, so we come by whenever humans feel depressed. It’s a symbiotic relationship! We get the magic so we can stay alive and healthy, and you end up feeling better!”
“So if you take my negative emotions, I don’t have to feel sad again?” Luka sat back down on the bed and let her lay on his lap. He was beginning to understand the situation. She shuffled to get a better seat, “No, we don’t take the emotions away. Just- oh! Think of it as a pond with lily pads!”
And he was lost again. “Your emotions are the water, and the lily pads are the magic you give off. You’re a fish living in the water who can’t use the lily pads. So we fairies take them off the water and it helps bring light into the pond. Make sense?”
“Other than the fact that you compared me to a fish? Absolutely.”
Marinette giggled and flew out of his lap. He watched as she dove into his dresser and pulled out a pre-planned outfit for him. It was a simple t-shirt, one of the few ones he had that hadn’t been ripped, and some simple blue jeans. Luka lifted an eyebrow at her, a smirk tugged at his mouth. “You’re planning my outfits too? A fairy who loves fabric and plans outfits.”
Marinette’s face lit up and she threw the outfit at him, moving to sit down on his amp. “Looking good means feeling good! I don’t know if you could tell, but I always look good.” She pressed her hands together and gave him a little pout, “Please trust me, Monsieur Couffaine? I think the outfit looks nice...”
Her pout made his stomach do weird flips. He sighed and laid the clothes on the bed next to him. “You can call me Luka, y’know. ‘Monsieur Couffaine’ is way too fancy for me- and please don’t say that ‘Sounding Nice means Being Nice’ because I promise you, I’ll find a way to make it awkward.”
She gently shook her head and waved her hand at him. “Fine, ‘Luka’. I’ll call you whatever you want. But I’m still trying to get a feel for you, so if you don’t like the outfit, we can find something better later, okay?”
While he knew he would like it, considering how simple of an outfit it was, he still was thankful she was willing to be patient with him. He finally stood up and began fiddling with his shirt. “Just - um - Look away please?”
Marinette quickly nodded and fazed through the wall to give him privacy. But Luka was sure that her glow seemed a little brighter than normal, although it could’ve just been his imagination. Honestly after finding out that fairies were actual creatures, he wasn’t sure what was real anymore. He was still doubting Marinette’s existence.
After changing and letting Marinette inspect the outfit to make sure it was perfect, he quickly waved goodbye to Juleka and began to head out the boat. The fairy sat on his shoulder to keep up with him.
“So where are we going next? Oh, let me guess! School, right? I’ve heard about human schools. They seem so fun! I’ve always wanted to go into a school and pretend to be a human! ‘Hello my learner-person. I am a human girl, Marinette! Give me my learning please!’ How was that?! Convincing?” She was so enthusiastic about school, honestly it made him feel a little bad that he wasn’t going there.
“Very convincing. With a little more practice, you could...totally pass for a human?”
The way she wiggled her feet in delight made his cheeks burn. He couldn’t help but imagine her reactions to other human things, everything about her was so cute. “Thank you! But I don’t think I could ever actually be a human, being a fairy is way better. I’ll leave the humaning to the humans.”
They shared a small laugh before he began riding his bike to pick up his deliveries for the day. “But um- We’re not going to school. It’s the summer, school is out. I’m actually going to my job.” She hummed an acknowledgement as she held tightly to his shirt.
After collecting his first round of pizzas, he decided to let her sit in his basket. They rode in silence for a while, with the occasional gasp and excited shriek coming from Marinette as they passed some interesting humans.
“So...how long are you supposed to be with me? Not that I mind- I mean, you’re cute- Or uh, fun. Sorry, I never usually stutter like this. Not that there’s anything wrong with stuttering- wow I suck at words…” Marinette looked up at him and gave him an easygoing smile, which used to be his thing but clearly life has been against him lately.
“Well that kind of depends on you? However long it takes you to become happy, that’s how long I’ll be around. Hey, speaking of happiness and jobs and happiness for jobs, how does your job make you feel?”
Luka looked at the basket filled pizzas and the little fairy. While she was adorable, it was clear she wasn’t much better with words than he was, which comforted him a bit. Luka obviously wasn’t a huge fan of deliveries, but he needed the money. More specifically, his family needed the money. “I mean... it’s a job. I don’t think anyone’s job makes them happy. Especially not when they’re my age, most people would rather never work again, right?”
The fairy stared at the sidewalk they rode on. She seemed stuck on contemplating his question, her eyebrows were furrowed and her eyes seemed distant. “Yeah, I guess so.” Luka wanted to ask what she meant, but they reached his first delivery, a simple apartment complex. He grabbed the order and let Marinette sit on his shoulder.
Walking to the specific apartment, she stared at everything they passed in awe. She made small comments on a few people they passed and a few pictures they saw on the wall. As they got to the specific flat, they waited for the person to open the door.
“So what're your career goals?”
Luka looked at the girl and raised an eyebrow. “You’re still thinking about that?” Her eyes brightened and she quickly nodded her head. “Of course! I’m very interested in you! I mean- not interested! I am! But in a professional way! Not in a weird romantic way! Oh gosh, imagine! It’d be another Adrien situation-!” Marinette covered her mouth as she realized what she said.
His brain felt like it shut down. Interested? In me? He tried to shake away those thoughts and focused on something else she said, “Adrien situation? What’s that?”
Before the fairy could answer, the door swung open. After a quick exchange of pizza and money, they made their way back down the apartment building. “So… how about those career goals?” Luka looked at Marinette and saw she was obviously trying to avoid the previous topic.
“Well...I’m really curious about the Adrien situation. If you can’t talk about it, I understand, but I would love to know?”
Marinette grew quiet for a bit. He grew nervous that he overstepped his place. “Sorry-” “He was my friend.”
Luka sat her back down in his basket as he began riding down the sidewalk. “Friend?” She looked up at him then moved her gaze to the path ahead of them. “Well, he was more than my friend. I...might’ve had a huge crush on him...”
Fairies having crushes was definitely a strange concept, but he supposed that it made sense. Since their magic had a lot to do with emotions, it seemed reasonable that they felt love too. Although for some strange reason, his heart felt like it was tightening.
“He never felt the same way. Which was fine! I didn’t mind. But he ended up falling in love with a human girl, I think her name was Kagami? He was so...in love.” Her demeanor turned bleak as her glow dimmed. Luka was about to stop her before she started weakly laughing. “That’s okay though! I’m happy for him, really. But because she was a human, that meant he couldn’t be with her. So he gave up his powers to live in the mortal world.”
Luka made his way to the next stop, a small, cosy house. He stopped his bike and waited in front of the residence while she talked. “You can do that? Fairies can just...give up their powers? Can you get them back?” Marinette shook her head. She quickly looked around and noticed that they already made it to their next destination. “But that’s fine! Like I said, I’m happy for him! Come on, Monsieur- I mean- Luka. We should continue your job! Then you can tell me more about yourself!”
He gave her a sympathetic smile and began moving the pizzas to get this next delivery. “Y’know, I may not be a fairy and magical like you, but I’ve heard that I’m a good listener. If you ever wanted to talk- Or not, I mean you don’t have to.” His hands felt a bit clammy. Why was he feeling so strange? His chest felt like it was being pushed down, was it her magic?
Marinette flew up to his face and gave him a sweet smile. “Luka, it’s my job to make you happy. Not the other way around. Come on, let’s go! I wanna get all your sad juices outta ya!”
She flew ahead of him towards the door, completely ignoring how her words made his face change colors drastically.
The rest of the day went fairly normally, aside from a few strange stares from people they passed by. This confused Luka until he remembered that he was the only one who could see the tiny floating girl in his basket. By the time they got home, the sun was starting to set. He made his way into his cabin, seeing as his mom and sister weren’t home yet.
Once they entered his room, Marinette flew into her hoodie/bed and stretched as she snuggled into it. “Today was fun, I love learning about humans… especially about you. Your life is so fun…” Her words slowed as her glow dimmed. She seemed to be falling asleep already.
Luka rolled his eyes at her playfully before laying down on his bed himself. “Yeah, I love having you around. Having a fairy friend is pretty cool. It’s nice having someone to talk to.” Her eyes opened slightly as a lazy smile took over her face. “Fairy friend?”
He chuckled at her and pulled the hoodie a little more over her body. “Yeah, Fairy Friend.”
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hauntedflxwers · 5 years
Two People You Never Piss Off
Or as I like to call it: Luka rips Lila a new one
This is the first story I’m posting on here and it’s very Lila bashing and takes place after the season 3 finale has happened so spoilers!!!! just in case
Word count: 2965
With all that out of the way, I hope any of y’all who read it enjoy it!
Luka sat some distance away from his sister and her friends, perfectly content to listen to them having fun while he played his guitar and watched. Something nagged at his mind, however: he recognised everyone there - Juleka, Rose, Alix, Mylene and Alya - except one girl. With two ugly sausages on the side of her head - he really had no clue what type of aesthetic she was reaching for with those, but either way she failed miserably - and a meek expression on her face as she spoke that seemed too carefully crafted to feel real, he could already hear what sort of melody he associated with her. It was sour and impure, a garbled mess of everyone else’s melodies and, quite frankly, it made him feel a little bit queasy. 
That wasn’t the main problem, however. He couldn’t help but be painfully aware of Marinette’s absence, and the way no one seemed to care about it either. Ever since Chloe had been akumatized on her parents’ anniversary, he’d been worried for her. He’d spoken with Juleka a few days after Ladybug had set everything back to normal, and he’d asked her if she’d noticed whether something was wrong with Marinette. Her answer hadn’t been very assuring. 
“Well,” he remembered her starting, dragging out the word as she thought. When she spoke again, her words had been slow and careful. “Marinette has had something against Lila since she came back from Achu, and she never normally hates someone that much. She keeps saying she’s lying but whenever she does Alya just dismisses her and says that she’s just jealous because Lila is close to Adrien. I always thought that was a bit weird, because she helped Adrien go on that date with Kagami even though it hurt her, but that’s not the point. I don’t know if Lila did something to her, but I think Marinette has a point, even if Alya would kill me for saying that - I mean, she knows Jagged Stone personally.” Juleka looked out of the window nervously before continuing. 
“But ever since Chloe and her parents got akumatized, she’s been acting really strange. It’s almost like she’s mourning someone, she’s been that upset. Whenever we ask her to hang out she either blows us off because she’s so busy or she comes but she ends up on her own. Alya asked her why she was so upset once and she just said she’d lost something important. Alya assumed it was because Adrien and Kagami were getting closer. But Rose thought she meant she’d lost something valuable, like an earring or something.”
Since then, he’d seen Marinette once or twice when he had to deliver something to the bakery. Every time, she seemed well. Happy, but reserved. Her melody was more subdued, but it also seemed more mature, like she herself had had an experience that made her wiser. It was unusual, but he’d just been happy that she’d been handling herself well. 
So seeing her friends without her, he was inclined to believe that she was just busy again. He was also inclined to believe that the sausage-girl was the Lila that Juleka told him Marinette didn’t like. The girl who could be lying. He focused on his guitar again and began to strum Marinette’s new melody softly. 
He didn’t know how much time had passed when he was interrupted by someone holding their hand out to him and quietly saying, “Hi.” He let his final chord finish playing before he looked up to see Lila in front of him, a warm albeit nervous smile on her face. “I’m Lila, and you must be Juleka’s brother Luka. I’ve heard a lot about you, you know. It’s so nice to meet you.”
Before he replied, she scooped up the skirt beneath her legs and sat next to her, making a point to flash him another smile. “The others have just gone to go and get some stuff, but they were so considerate of my arthritis that they told me to just wait up here so I didn’t injure myself! So I thought I’d come and introduce myself to you.”
As unpleasant as her melody was, he didn’t have any reason to distrust or dislike her yet, so he pushed those feelings aside in favour of watching her very carefully. “Well it’s nice to meet you too, Lila. Although, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you here before.”
She laughed with a wave of one hand. It was a pleasant, bubbly sound but there was something slightly off about it that he couldn’t place. “That’s because you haven’t seen me here before. See, Juleka has invited me here a lot but I’ve always been so busy fundraising or talking with leaders of charities or catching up on schoolwork I’ve missed while away for my mama’s business that this is the first time I’ve been able to accept it,” she explained. Immediately he noticed that she was someone who spoke with her hands, gesticulating and gesturing in random directions to make her explanations seem larger. Whether it was natural or something she’d learned to manipulate people, he wasn’t sure. She hadn’t done anything to indicate she was lying yet. 
He tried to hide his skepticism as he spoke, opting for a neutral, “Well, I’m glad you could make it this time, Lila. I’m sure you must have been upset to miss those first few times.”
Her face dropped and she gathered her hands in her lap, staring down at them pointedly as she replied, her voice quivering as she spoke. “Oh, I was really upset about it, but Juleka and the others were so nice about it, they didn’t even get mad when I told them I already had plans. You’re so lucky to have Juleka as a sister, you know. I’d kill to have someone as understanding as her in my family, but you know how it as an only child - you can only emulate those sorts of relationships. It makes me sort of envious of you and Juleka. You guys have always had that, while I’m going to have to search for someone who will trust me the same way I would.” Then she looked up at him, eyes going wide as if she realised she’d done something wrong. “Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry for unloading on you like that, especially when we don’t know each other that well!”
“It’s fine,” he reassured her, despite the conflicting feelings in his chest. On one hand, if she was genuine, he knew he would feel sympathy for her - a mixture of guilt due to inadvertently upsetting her and worry due to how scared she was of upsetting him - but if she was a liar like Marinette said, he knew he would be furious with her for trying to manipulate him into feeling bad, probably to butter him up for a lie. Both mindsets fought the other. “We all have something we need to take off our chest sometimes.”
She sniffled, head in hands before she looked up, cheeks pink and eyes wet around the edges and stared up at him for a moment before her face split into a wide grin and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “Oh, thank you Luka!” she hiccupped, tightening  her hold on him. “How can I repay you for being so kind and understanding?”
“Repay?” he asked. Where was she going with this?
“Well, you- you like Jagged Stone, don’t you? I could get you a ticket to his next concert!” she offered, pulling away and clasping her hands in front of her chest. Her voice was hopeful. “It wouldn’t be hard!”
His gut squirmed as he contemplated what to do next. This is it, Luka, he thought. This is where you find out whether she’s lying or not. “How would you do that? I don’t want you paying money just because I listened to you rant about your feelings.”
“It’ll be no trouble at all!” Lila waved him off, her change in mood a little jarring. “I don’t know whether Juleka told you or not already, but Jagged loves me - I’m like his . honorary daughter! He even wrote a song for me once!”
“Really? What song?” There was something suspicious about the way she paled. “If you say it, I’ll know which one you’re talking about.”
“Well,” she spluttered, picking at her nails sheepishly. “I said he wrote a song for me,  but I didn’t mean he published it. It would seem a bit weird to praise a 15 year old girl…”
“Actually, that depends on what he’s praised you for,” he countered. “Jagged Stone loved Marinette’s designs so much that he wouldn’t stop promoting her for another two months at least, but no one thought it was weird because he praised her designs, not her. Was he praising you for something you did or was it in a creepy, ‘this random girl is nice, she’s a minor, I’m an adult’ way?”
“I’m guessing Juleka didn’t tell you then?” she asked forcefully, eyes darting to where Juleka and her friends had gone. He shook his head and her shoulders tensed. “Well,” she dragged the word out as her melody began to go even more sour in the back of his mind. “Well, he made the song for me because I did something for him.”
“What did you do?” he asked curiously. “It must have been something dangerous if Jagged has had to keep quiet about it though, because he’s never mentioned you before on any of his social media.”
“I saved his pet from being run over at an airport once,” Lila admitted after what felt like ages, getting visibly nervous - tapping her foot against the floor and hunching her shoulders so that she was smaller, both of which were red flags for him. “My mama and I were on our way to another country for her work and I saw his pet nearly get run over by a plane so I saved it. I’ve had really bad tinnitus ever since.” As if to prove a point, she cupped her left ear with both hands and whimpered slightly. “It hurts, but I’m trying to be brave for everyone.”
“That doesn’t make sense though,” he mused out loud, watching as Lila froze. “Jagged loves Fang so much that he would never let him get anywhere close to somewhere he could be run over, so unless Fang escaped this would have never happened.”
“No, no!” Lila interrupted him hastily, waving both hands in front of her. “It wasn’t Fang, it was his kitten.”
He blinked in disbelief, then any sympathy he had for her was lost. She really had been lying to him and Juleka this entire time, without a care in the world. He took a deep breath before he said anything rash. Once he was calm, he continued. “Jagged is allergic to kittens, he said so in one of his interviews.”
“This was before he realised!”
“He said in his interview he found out about his allergies before he was an adult, and I’m pretty sure you weren’t born early enough to save his cat while he was a teenager.” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “There’s no reason to lie to me, Lila. Not if it’s just to impress me.”
“I’m not lying!” she protested, voice raising in volume. “I don’t know why you’re attacking me like that!”
He shuffled away from her, raising his hands in the air to prove a point. “I’m not attacking you, Lila. I told you that you shouldn’t have to lie to impress me, that’s all. I’d much rather know the real Lila over the Lila who lies about Jagged Stone.”
“Oh, why do you care so much?” she snapped, meek demeanor disappearing. “It’s one lie!”
“Yeah, and that’s one lie you’ve told my sister, her classmates and Marinette. For all I know, you could have told more,” he countered evenly, struggling to contain his anger. “I’m pretty sure you were on the Ladyblog as well, with an interview about Ladybug being your best friend. Was that a lie too?”
“It’s only what Alya wanted to hear!”
“People want you to tell the truth, not get their hopes up.” He stared her down. “I want my sister to know that everything she’s being told is genuine. I want her friends to know that everything you say is the truth-”
“They all think it’s the truth anyway,” she hissed. “What’s the difference?”
“The difference is you’re lying,” he said cooly. “And if you’re reacting like this to me knowing, god knows how you reacted to Marinette knowing.”
“It’s always about Marinette, isn’t it?” Lila all but yelled at him. Her eyes glared daggers at him, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. “I bet with your crush on her, she convinced you into believing I lied and you just went along with it, didn’t she?”
“Of course she didn’t. Marinette doesn’t like liars but she’s not cruel like that. I drew my own conclusions based on your inconsistencies. Besides, if Marinette wanted people to know you were a liar, she’d go about it in a way you wouldn’t expect her to. She’s not dumb.”
“Of course she’s not dumb!” Lila shot back. “If she’s smart enough to see through my lies she can’t be as dumb as this class! It’s why she’s so annoying!”
He folded his arms. “I’m guessing Ladybug doesn’t like you either?”
“How the hell do I know?” Lila shrugged viciously, expression getting more and more sour by the second. “She’s a bloody superhero, she doesn’t wear her heart on her sleeve! I don’t even know if she has one! She has a brain where her heart is and a cavity in her head that makes her dangerous, because she could hate me and I’d never know because it’s stuck in her stupid head and not on her face! All I know is that she hasn’t called me out yet and every time she sees me she just encourages me to be honest instead of yelling at me, like she realised her mistake.”
“Doesn’t matter. But no, we’re not friends. There, you happy?” She was so angry that it was almost amusing, but he shoved that feeling down. “I hate her, she ruined my chances with Adrien and then gave me a half-assed apology like I was supposed to just accept it? Does she think I’m an idiot?”
“What you’re missing, Lila is a crucial piece of advice if you’re going to continue playing this stupid game.” He ran his fingers over the strings of his guitar as Lila opened her mouth, then closed it, then glared at him expectantly. “It doesn’t matter whether you’re an idiot or not. There are two people in this world that you never piss off.”
“And who would those people be?”
“I think you already know,” he smiled in vindication at the way her expression fell. “But just in case, I’ll remind you. There are two people you never piss off, and they’re Ladybug and Marinette.”
“And why might that be?” Lila was tense as she waited for his answer, eyes darting to and fro. They both knew Juleka could return at any moment. “What’s so special about them?”
“Ladybug has her mind, her Lucky Charm, her word and Chat Noir on her side, while you don’t even have your own word, you just have a reporter who blindly follows you, but even she’ll believe Ladybug over you. Marinette is your class representative, it wouldn’t be hard for her to expose you, especially considering she can contact Jagged Stone whenever she wants.”
“She can?” Lila spluttered. “But she’s a minor! Isn’t that illegal?”
“Not when it’s purely professional, or when his number is on her parents’ phones, or when her parents consented to it.” Lila paled. “Besides that, Marinette is as smart as Ladybug, maybe even smarter. If she wanted to, it would probably only take a day for her to take you down, like you did when she nearly got expelled, except she knows how to cover her tracks.”
At that, Lila scowled. “They still believed it.”
He shrugged. “From what I’ve heard, it was circumstantial at best, you just had so many disabilities people had to cater to that there was no way you could have stolen the papers, or planted the necklace to anyone who didn’t know. Besides, if they believed that, who’s to say they wouldn’t believe Marinette if she did the exact same thing to you, but with real, indisputable proof?”
“They haven’t believed her yet!”
“They haven’t, I’ll admit it, but what has Marinette done to you besides say you’re lying? She hasn’t even begun to gather evidence because she’s playing nice, god knows why.” Lila swallowed at that. Then her eyes widened as she looked past his shoulder. 
“Well, I hate to cut this short,” she said, gritting her teeth into a smile. “But Juleka and her friends are back, so I have to go now. It was nice meeting you, Luka.” She stood up hurriedly, brushing any dirt off her skirt before she hurried over to his sister and her group of friends.
“It was nice meeting you Lila,” he murmured with a smile, knowing he’d won. Closing his eyes and leaning back, he returned to playing Marinette’s melody, noting somewhere in the back of his mind how similar it was to the one that played in the back of his mind when he met Ladybug when Desperada attacked as the sun shone across his face. 
There were two people he knew to never piss off, and their melodies were so similar he knew exactly why that was the case.
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caffeinetheory · 5 years
So what if they had met at a gala Roy with Queen and Marinette with Jagged and like they each of this bad impression of each other such as "Oh, he's the spoiled rich kid"or that"she's a total diva who would do anything to do famous" or something like that. But then when both the to like ditch the party or go somewhere not as bad as the main room and end up meeting and talking and becoming friends and then later dating. Then Lila goes on and on that she's dating Roy but that fails as he shows up.
Okay so this is my first ask/prompt thing but I loved it and I hope it’s good
Thanks to the people in the group chat for the encouragement, I really appreciate it <3
Here goes nothing, hope you like what I ended up writting
(pacing maybe a little fast, oops)
She didn’t want to be here, Mari only came because she ran out of excuses to not go to a gala with Jagged. Don’t get her wrong, she loves her honorary uncle but being in the spotlight was not something Marinette enjoyed, Ladybug was more than enough for her thank you very much.
So here she was sipping champagne, which she shouldn’t be but that’s for another time, hugging the wall trying to not stand out with all of her will power. Despite her best efforts Jagged could be heard loudly boating about his favorite designer and talking about how she made his and Penny’s outfits as well as her own. Knowing he was about to drag people around to show her off she decided to bite the bullet and pushed herself off the wall and walked over to him and what looked like a rich blonde businessman and another person around her ae that clearly didn’t want to be here.
The floor length rose pink dress shined in the light as she made her way over to Jagged. The intricate flowers becoming seen as she moved, and her hair flowing behind her as she walked. She commanded the room with confidence as she walked, a perk of being Ladybug for so long, long gone was the overly shy pre-teen and now stood tall legal adult. The shear back of her dress exposed small scars from years of fighting but no one would notice as her over all beauty distracted from the clear battle scars dancing across her skin.
She came to a stop next to Jagged placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, “I know you want to tell everyone about me, but I could hear you from across the ballroom,” rubbing his neck in slight embarrassment Jagged shared a smile with her then to the gentleman he was talking with. “Mari, how nice of you to finally join us, I’ve been trying to get her to come to one of these for years, this is Oliver Queen and his ward Roy Harper,” anyone could tell how proud of the person she had become with his enthusiasm.
Shaking Oliver’s hand politely Mari turned to shake Roy’s only yo be met with a badly hidden scoff and rough handshake in return. ‘Spoiled rich kid with everything handed to him, lovely. Exactly why i tried to avoid these things’ was all that went through her head as she watched the red-head look anywhere but at her or the conversation he was begrudgingly in. ‘Great another person I’m going to have to pretend to tolerate because of the bs that is plesanties’
“So did you really make all three of your outfits?” Oliver was trying to make conversation, someone Roy’s age could possibly do him some good. Given that her deminr became less forced and Marinette seemed to light up the room even more he figures he picked the right thing to ask. “Yes! I’ve been designing for as long as I can remember. It is one of the few constants in my life, and Jagged here,” she gestures in his direction her enthusiasm clear to anyone, “Has insisted that I keep making him things. At first I thought he was just being nice but finding out he was the one that got Clara to look into my stuff is something I can't thank him enough for.”
“Anything for my rock and roll niece,” Jagged playfully ruffles her hair and she swats at his hands, this was a normal thing and Mari was clearly more at ease now that she was able to talk about her interests. She went on for a bit longer, Roy had left under the guise of getting something to drink and snuck off to one of the side rooms to get out of the stuff “party”. Mari left the pair of influential men saying she needed to get off her feet, they let her go and she ended up ducking into the very room that Roy was settled in.
Marinette’s huff of relief after closing the door and leaning against it made Roy snap his attention to the door. “I can’t wait for this to be over,” she looked at her phone to check the time, her heels already in her hand, “Still two more hours till I can ditch.” rolling her eyes, she looked up finally noticing the red-head and a startled sound involuntarily left her, ‘lovely rich boy is here’ she tuned to leave the room when his cough made her look in Roy’s direction. “You trying to escape too?” a sheepish smile played on his lips, his shaggy red hair hung loosely as he tilted his head toward her. Hesitantly she walked to the table across from the one he is sitting on to sit on herself.
“You could say that. Not really a fan of the spotlight,” she replies hesitantly, though his small laugh in return helps loosen her up. “That makes two of us, had to force me” his posture is loose, no longer as stiff. The two ended up spend the next few hours just ranting about how stuffy galas are and how they’d rather be anywhere else. They got to know each other so when both left the room with smiles and a small paper the guardians they came with, had knowing smiles, their plan had worked.
The rest of the month while Marinette was in Star City she was with Roy. Rumors of the two dating where everywhere by the end of the first week. Everywhere the two visited seemed to radiate happiness as the pair enjoyed the other’s company. No one had seen either so happy in a few years. Late night coffee ‘dates’ and soft laughter had become the norm so quickly that when Mari had to go back to Paris everything felt a little too quiet and dull.
‘I made it back, guess I got to accept the chaos again’
‘Miss me that much already ;)’
‘Oh shut it you dork’
Collapsing on her bed Mari’s smile since the gala still hadn’t falutlered. She still had two weeks before she had to go back to class but she didn’t want to think about that yet. Savor the moment of happiness she had while she could...that couldn’t last long could it? It never did, an Akuma alert went off and Ladybug was swiftly on the scene.
“I’m glad to see you’re back M’Lady”
“Good to see you too Kitty, but I just got back, any idea what’s going on”
“Seems like a tourist who missed their reservations”
“Ok sweet, this should be a piece of cake,” and it was they were done in less than 10 minutes. “Come on M’Lady we have a few more that need to be taken care of,” leading Ladybug the partners went to the Effilé Tower so she could purify the other Akumas that had happened while she was gone.
“Thank you Kitty, I appreciate the break.” There were maybe 20 glass jars and only 16 or so butterflies. They had made a system just in case Ladybug wasn’t in Paris and didn’t require to come back all the time. “It’s what a purr-ncess deserves isn’t it, everyone should get a break even you Mari.” “What better sibling could I ask for? Hang out tomorrow? It’s been awhile since I destroyed you in Mécha Strike.”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
By the time Marinette woke up it was close to 11 and it was to light tapping on her trap door, what sounded like a ‘come in’ left her lips as she went around her room to look presentable. Adrian came into her room, some food on a plate and a Cheshire like smile, “Sooo, how was the states? Make any new ‘friends’ while there?” His testing tone made it clear she couldn’t get out of it.
The next two days were spent together catching up on what they had done and Adrian getting all the details about a certain red-head. “Ok so maybe I like him but we both know how bad my track record is?” Mari’s exasperation was clear, she had confessed to Adrian before they knew who was behind the mask and he came out as gay to her. She ended up being what got him and Luka together, then Kagami and Cholé, we don’t mention that confession. “I don’t know princess, you might actually have a chance,” he had a knowing smile, too knowing, something was up. Pushing away the thought, “You’re just a helpless romantic,” they playfully shoved each other as they were heading back to the bakery after a day just walking around.
Texting Roy and hanging out with her small team was all she had done when she had done when she got back so walking into the classroom to cold stares had thrown her for a moment. Her reality hit her like a ton of bricks but it didn’t hurt as much as it used to, she had people who cared about her and people she cared about. Marinette took her seat in the back of the class with Cholé and Adrian. The trio had been forced to the back but enjoyed the freedom it let them have.
The door slammed open and one Lila Rossi had walked in laughing loudly to Alya, no doubt talking about ‘what an amazing summer’ she had, the trio just rolled their eyes and went back to their phones.
“You texting him again, I swear you are always texting him,” Adrian joked seeing Mari ignore the world, the only thing she cared about being her screen.
“I mean you know me so well,” rolling her eyes at his antics, “what else am I supposed to do? Listen to ‘something that totally happened guys I don’t know why you don’t believe me’,” her sarcasm was palpable.
“I mean this time you might care, it’s about some boy toy, a Queen I think,” Cholé supplied to the conversation muffling a laugh as Mari immediately snapped her attention to the girl in the front of the class.
“You have got to be kidding me, she can’t be that dumb can she.”
“Oh you know she can and will be”
The rest of the week was spent with Lila telling the class about how amazing and put together Robert was, she couldn’t even get his name right!!! Mari was a little pissed but it wasn’t worth it, she knew the real Roy and he may be a disaster incarnée but he was hers. Did she really just think that? Damn Adrian was really rubbing off on her.
Two weeks later when Adrian told her to wear red and black, and to make sure her hair was in a ponytail, she chose not to question it. What ever crazy plan he had plan would probably be fine, they usually were. Texting Roy in the way to her class she almost missed the foot out to rip her, but being so focused she just sidestepped and jumped over the other 2 that were outstretched as she made her way to class. She wore a bright smile, Roy was talking about how pretty Paris was. ‘He must have seen the pictures I sent’.
Practically falling into her practical sibling’s lap she hummed a happy tune forgetting where she was. The red shirt she wore was one that she may have narrowed from Roy and it still smelled like him. The two blondes who sat with her started to tease and run their hands through her hair, happy to see their girl so happy again.
“So, Kitty, why was I to wear this today? What’s the occasion?”
“Oh you’ll see,” his knowing smile should have worried her but the text from Roy distracted her.
A picture of her parents' bakery and a text that said ‘this is your parents right?’ Lit up her screen.
‘Yeah why’
‘No reason, shouldn’t you be in class?’
‘Hasn’t stopped me before ;)’
Lila’s loud boasting about her ‘boyfriend’ Mr. Harper, at least she got the last name right, broke the bliss Mari had been feeling, though Adrian’s poorly concealed laugh did bring some of her smile back.
It was at lunch when Mari found out why Adrian was so giddy and why Roy was talking about the beauty of Paris. In the middle of another one of Lila’s stories about her ‘boyfriend’ a cough stopped her mid sentence, “Um actually, who are you? I’m pretty sure I’ve never met you before. I think I’d remember someone as loud as you.” There he stood at the bottom of the stairs, in all his glory, one Roy Harper.
“Adrian I love you but I’ll kill you later,” Mari whispered to him and then launched herself at red-head. “What are you doing here?” He caught her with ease spinning her slightly, “Happy to see you again Pixie,” their laughter could be heard throughout the school. “But Roy, seriously what are you doing here?”
Rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, “Adrian may or may not have gotten me here… and I wanted to see you again” Mari half hearted flared at the blonde who jut give her a grin. This was sister and Roy made her happy, so of course he was going to do what he could so she could be happy. “Told you it would work out,” Chloe’s retuned fistbup told him she was happy for their friend too. After all she had done for them it was only fair they helped her.
“I may have also wanted to ask you something,” Roy looked down at the shorter girl, “would you be down to be my girl…” he trailed off at the end but their was clear admiration in his eyes as he squeezed her hands.
“Of course you dork,” she gently pulled him down into a soft kiss.
They left the school after that, somehow the school already knew to excuse her for the est of the day. The pair had a lovely date ending up with them both falling asleep in the couch as a movie played.
The next day Mari didn’t come to class, neither did Adrian or Cholé, but there were cease and desist letters on both Alya’s and Lila’s desks and a firm warning from the Queen lawyers about falsely using their name.
Mari was happy and she really had to thank Jagged for finally convincing her to go the dumb gala, and maybe Adrian for getting them together.
They were an odd pair, the human disaster and the embodiment of an angel but they were happy and they fit, they wouldn’t change it for the world.
So that was that, hope it was good :>
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bibliocratic · 5 years
Soulmate au for jm prompts? Any kind you want
soul-identifying marks, jonmartin, episodes 158-160 spoilers
(this prompt came into my home and beat me over the brain.)(it might not be exactly what you were after, hope it’s ok!)
Martin’s waging a passive-aggressive one-man war against an excel spreadsheet when the temperature, risen to bearable by the grunting old radiator in the corner, swan-dives into shivery.
“Peter,” Martin says, not exactly a greeting, as frayingly cordial as he can manage. Not absolving Peter’s intrusion with his attention, triple-pressing the right mouse button and hissing an irate oh come on when the computer refuses to bend to his will and instead freezes again.
Peter will say whatever mysterious bollocks he’s come to imply and hint at and implicate, scattering his bloody breadcrumbs. Martin will be left just as pissed off and in the dark as he was before, so he might as well get it over with so Martin can actually get some work done.
Surprisingly, Peter doesn’t say anything. That’s actually what makes Martin turn round.
Peter’s slate-shingle eyes are observing Martin’s exposed lower arms. Sleeves rolled up haphazard out of his way, folded over in messy and unmatching bunches at his elbow.
He’s studying the designs that blemish the sun-ditched pale of his freckled arm with an interest Martin baulks at. Traces with his eyes the blocky wood-cut patterns in precise and abrupt black lines that start at the line of his watch, sprout up and under his clothes. Idly, he takes his time to let his gaze traverse over the open pages of tomes unfilled with words and unbroken by ink; the landscape of woodland and tree lines and shadowy hollows of roads mysterious or untaken that mar the faint curve of his lower arm. The lantern swinging on the bough of a wintry tree, its candle recently blown out.
The eye, thick and wide, staring out at the crease of his elbow.
Peter flicks a glance up, and Martin reads something like pity there. His face heats.
“The Archivist?” Peter Lukas asks. His voice isn’t mocking. Martin isn’t sure what it it.
He hates the tone of it.
“Do you want something?” Martin responds curtly. Frosty. Tugging his sleeves back down pointedly.
Peter’s expression is ever so proud.
When Jon wakes up, he charts the changes death has wrought on him. Sitting on the small bed he’s set up in document storage, swaddled in the uncomforting comfort of his archives, he chronicles the new damages done. The rough tissue of scars on his arms, upper legs, chest. Pitted marks from shrapnel and debris and being in the radius blast of an explosion.  He supposes it could be worse.
He thumbs at the faded, almost unrecognisable nazar just below his shoulder, the crossed compass and ruler nearby in the same state. The colour bleeding out of them like they’ve been left too long in the dark. He doesn’t think about his parents much. Not in a long time. His memories sanded down to an uncertain rote recollection that his brain is equally as likely to have invented as not. He doesn’t recall enough to miss them, but there must be something there for him to still bear them on his skin.
There’s a bleary shape splotched on his inner wrist. Forming like the build-up of sediment, the slow grind of tide, and it has been doing so for months, since before he died.
It’s almost fully realised now. He rubs at the shape of it tentatively  as though the colour might run if he’s too rough with it. The delicate fawn-brown of its wings, the beaded black circle of its eyes.
He knows who it represents. Impossible not to, really. It’s his representation after all. The complex understanding of a human being realised as imagery and flowering on his skin.
He stares at the nightingale for the longest time.
When Martin was nine, struck by the well-echo hollow in his chest, unable to articulate the shamed and hot tears his mother would scold with a cluck of disappointment, he tried to clean the clock off his right leg. Sitting in the bath with the water gagging with too many bubbles, he scrubbed at the cogs and mechanical intestines of the thing, seeing the lies of his father in how it was wound, not wanting it, because surely if his dad had loved him then he wouldn’t have left, and if he didn’t then why should Martin boast his love so obviously. He held and scrubbed until his skin was pink and scalded and he’d started to wince. But connection doesn’t work like that, and so the clock never disappeared, and Martin tried to ignore it every time he took a shower.
Turns out the Forsaken was good for something after all.
“How’s the poetry?” Jon stammers at him, so obviously, earnestly angling to drag out their impromptu meeting. Martin wants to be anywhere else but here.
“Jon, I really need to – ”
“Oh. Yeah. I – sorry, I-I know you’ve got… your thing with Peter Lukas.”
“It’s not like that – ”
“I-I know, I know, sorry, I didn’t mean…” Jon stops. His eyes – and were they always so gaunt, so hungry in his face? – have stopped trying to both catch and avoid Martin’s gaze apparently simultaneously, and they’ve snagged instead on Martin’s collar. For a moment, something too thirsty catalogues the pale and vacant skin of his throat, where the purple hooded bells of monkshood usually thronged. Their leaves had grown spikier as he’d aged, stretching out to his Adam’s apple in a bid to form a collar of choking vines.
“Martin…” Jon stares at empty skin, and his expression blooms into something comprehending and distraught.
“I have to go, Jon,” Martin says forcefully.  He doesn’t give Jon much of a chance to reply.
He doesn’t want Jon’s sorries. Doesn’t need his worries or his understanding.
He just wants him to be safe.
The nightingale sings entangled by coarse and insidious brambles. Jon’s taken to holding his hand over the pattern, like shielding with a careful hand a wind-tossed, guttering flame, when the hunger starts to gnaw though him like frostbite.
It doesn’t stop there. The emblems grow into iconography, twist into tableau. The pictures grow and spread simply as moss, and Jon doesn’t despair because he doesn’t have the space for it any more.
Jon’s evidence has always been discrete. The stamped shapes for his parents like memorial images were all he held for the longest time. Something started to flourish for his grandmother, when she took him in, and he tried to show her the blotched shape in a childish effort to bring them closer. She hadn’t needed to stay anything. She pursed her lip and strained an apologetic glance and he knew even at that age that there was nothing, would be nothing in kind, decorating her skin for him. That choked the image like weeds, and it faded quickly as the passing of inclement weather.
The space, at his jutting hip-bone, was only later taken up by Georgie’s mark. That one never faded quite like the image for his grandmother or for his parents, but it went sun-stained and overexposed long before they broke up.
Martin’s imagery is not so subtle.
It swallows up his arm, roils over his shoulder-blades, infects the untouched skin over his collar bone.
Jon takes to wearing longer sleeves.
Martin’s skin has always taken easily to marking. Some people do, he guesses. Wear their hearts on their sleeves, on their throat, on their stomach. Martin’s a scattered museum of loves that he’s tended to over the years, unrequited affections or spluttered out romances.
He’s pleased, in those early days, that nothing ever bruises on his skin for Jon. He likes Jon, even fancies him, for a long time. And it’s annoying, because Jon can be a real arse, but it’s manageable. Jon doesn’t make him go hot at the nape of his neck or make him stumble over his words. His presence encourages harmless daydreams and flights of fancy, but Martin’s under no illusions.
And then Jon listens to his statement. Sits him down, and believes him, and doesn’t break eye contact the whole time.
And Martin had felt, dazedly, Seen. For the first time in a long time.
The first eye had opened up around then like an unclenching fist under his ribs. He’d seen it a week later. Had thought oh and had quickly dressed to cover it.
It’s not the first mark this love leaves him. In time, it scores him with tooth marks and sailor’s knots of worry, and eyes, always eyes, blinking open over his flesh.
He loses the one on his ankle first. Scratches at the space where it was, touching the crease where his sock has dug a band around his skin, right where the line used to bisect the thick and dark pupil.
Then the one on his lower back. His upper thigh. His left wrist.
It’s for the best, Martin, Peter says when he catches him looking at the undamaged patch of skin these absences leave behind.
Martin doesn’t disagree.
By the time Lukas banishes him to the mercy of Forsaken, thwarted and cheated and feeling something almost human, Martin’s skin has already been entirely washed clean.
There’s a nightingale on Jon’s wrist. It’s one of the first things that catches his vision, that refocuses from blurry in this undemanding nothing. The colour is too vivid, lurid in this desaturated landscape.
The bird is nestled, or maybe caught, in a twisting of brambles but its beak is open in song.
“Look at me, and tell me what you See,” Jon asks him, and Martin wonders if maybe Jon’s been carrying around his own heart on his sleeve for a while now.
His mother’s flowers don’t grow back when he vacates the Lonely. His father’s clockwork finally cleansed from him. The leaves and keys and umbrellas of the numerous small loves and connections he’s now lost the taste of.
Martin’s skin remains unblemished and clear, and he wonders if the Lonely took this capacity from him.
Jon’s hand is dry in his. And nothing blooms on Martin’s arms but a sensation like prickling, like pins and needles, settles under his skin, and Martin holds on just as tightly.
There was a downpour on the way back to the safehouse. The sky splitting with a cascade of rain, sheets moving in waves and quickly transforming dewy grass into boggy swamp-land. Their waterproofs, such as they are, have done a poor job and failed to live up to their name, and Jon is dripping a cloud’s-worth of rainfall from his hair alone as he crosses the threshold. Martin, no different, water draining off him like guttering, tuts. Helps him strip the sucking, soaking outer layers off, frigid fingers fumbling with the pull of the zip. Jon awkwardly gets in the way in his efforts to return the gesture, making a face at the sodden slump of Martin’s waterlogged woollen jumper as it hits the floor. Martin catches his t-shirt on his nose as he tries to pull it over his head, trying to unbutton and kick off his clinging trousers in one motion. 
He doesn’t feel embarrassed. Doesn’t cross his mind to be. It’s hard, when Jon’s snickering as he nearly trips over his own legs in his efforts to shake his legs free, when they’ve been clung to each other like tethered buoys each night, coddled by the unbroken dark.
“I’ll get dry clothes,” Martin says, the first to have divested himself of most of his clothes, and he bounds upstairs, damp feet squeaking and slipping, longing for a hot shower as he trails puddles into the bedroom. He throws on thick pyjama bottoms, is half wrenching on an errant t-shirt before he realises it’s Jon’s and has to rifle around for a spare one of his own before he slips it on. He collects some clothes for Jon and rushes back.
Jon’s managed to get off his own trousers, slopped in a pile of fabric by his feet, the skin goosepimpling and dark hair standing stark from the chill. He’s pulling his sticking vest off over his head as Martin returns.
Martin sucks in a gasp. Jon blinks, confused for a moment before a reddening mark stripes across the bridge of his nose, his cheeks, splotches at the dip of his neckline.
“What…?” Martin starts, staring at the tapestry on his skin, and he can’t help it.
Before, Tim would joke that Jon loved his job more than he loved people. Was probably conservatively decorated in little stylisations of his perpetually present tape-recorders, probably had a library over his heart. It was something he said as a joke at the beginning and hissed as a recrimination by the end, and Martin and Sasha (and later only Martin) would tell him off, tell him to keep it down, that it wasn’t fair, that it wasn’t his business. But if Jon had been marked, they wouldn’t have known. They were hidden under crisp shirt sleeves and well-placed collars even in summer.
The nightingale, wings scratched by thorns, was the first image Martin had ever seen Jon wear. He’d expected that to be it, had hoped such an emblem was meant for him, but it, well, it is dwarfed in comparison to the harmony of colour struck over Jon’s body like a collage.
Every piece of skin that is not torn up and jagged with scars has been brought into the striking shock of deep blues and blacks that slide and ring over dark skin. A choir of imagery that Martin can’t decipher immediately, like a jigsaw he has to step back from, the artworks all wrapped up in each other, each feeding off the other. There are nightingales, some grounded on thin wind-touched branches, some held mid-flight; these become a stylised compass pointing north. There’s the solid structure of a lighthouse taking up most of his gangly upper arm, its lower levels painted in a sea bound mist, or it could be the curling wisps of inviting steam. His stomach, curving concave, is overwhelmed by the imperious crags of icy cliffs, the rocks dashed by high foaming waves, above which hangs the ribboning line of northern lights.  On the sea, a sturdy boat tipping on the water, its spinnaker puffed out and billowing in defiance.
There is so much, so much of Jon taken up, painted in testament, and for a long moment, Martin doesn’t understand.
Jon looks at his feet, and then glances, almost shyly, at Martin’s unpainted throat, his blank arms. Visibly steels himself, moves his gaze up to meet Martin’s.
“It…” he begins, before he breathes in, sets his spine straight. “You. It’s – it’s you. In case, in case you didn’t know.”
“Can – ?” Martin asks, and his fingers are twitching, yearning to trace the lines, to memorise their shapes, and Jon blinks again and then makes a nervy nodding motion.
Martin’s about to reach out before he remembers that Jon’s half-naked and dripping wet in the hallway, that the stone flags will be frozen on his feet, that now is perhaps not the ideal time.
Later. After they warm up, after they shower and the gas boiler grunts and complains and then near-burns them with hot water, after they dress in pyjamas warmed on the radiators, after they go upstairs. Martin runs his hand reverently, shakily over the lighthouse, the compass, the boat, the birds, wonders if this is how Jon sees him, how Jon understands him, wonders why he’s taken up so much space. Looks at all the pictures that are both isolation and sanctuary, song and sorrow and strength, tries to decipher what Jon sees in him.
“There’s so much,” he marvels softly, scarcely believing, hovering the pads of his fingers over the horizon line of a lightening sky, the peaking gleam of a sunrise at Jon’s lower back, the anchor bound in twisting rope around his ankle bone, the up shoots of snow-drops and lily-of-the-valley not far away. Most people get one image, maybe two or three, as proof of meaning to another person, as a tangible reflection of connection. Martin has an entire gallery exhibited across Jon’s body.
“You mean so much,” Jon says softly in response, like that explains it. Maybe for him, it does.
He charts the other bold designs he finds. Realising that for all his earlier pretences, Jon has not, and never has been an island. There’s Daisy’s faintly rusted golden chain caked in mud and blood around his other ankle, Gerard Keay’s thick leather-bound book, its open pages wreathed in fire, the near-vanished marks for his parents, for Georgie, the scant others who came into his life and left their mark.
There might have been an eye, wide and open and unyielding, and it would stare out at the bottom of Jon’s throat if it wasn’t for the rush of wild-flowers also grown there, snow-drops and holly-berries obscuring its vision.
Jon asks him, falteringly, as though unsure of forming the question in his mouth, what Martin had. Before the sea-salt wash of Forsaken cleaned them from him.
And Martin points to where his mum, his dad, his old loves left their remembrances on him. Carefully, honestly, he tells Jon about the tooth marks clamped around limbs like he’d been bitten, because it was not always a kind love Jon made him feel. The eyes that near the end had swarmed like frog-spawn around his middle, slashed across his back like a constellation. The forbidding forest on his arm, the lantern.
Jon strokes the places where he would have seen these things.
“If they don’t come back….” Martin says, and Jon hums.
“They might not,” he says. “That’s… that’s OK.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Jon says, and he touches at the space where he would have marked Martin ever so kindly. “Something new might show up. In time.”
“Yeah?” Martin croaks, and it’s not a question of if it will or not. Jon’s looking up at him, a smile on his face, his whole body inked with how much he feels, all the words he finds so difficult to express writ large on his body. Martin’s heart feels too big for his chest. And he wonders what meaning they might make of each other together.
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