#Whoops i think i doxxed myself
drdemonprince · 1 year
oh my god can i get trans masc self infantilization for 500 alex
Quick hate read of this piece:
my relationship to gender was mediated (isn’t it always) by capitalism. I could not meet another trans man who could tell me how to behave, but I could shop for one. I could buy distilled trans expertise, and tell myself I was putting money back into “the community;” I was engaged in political action, redistributing my middle-class cash to support people I had never met, but whose welfare was, nonetheless, my business.
oh my fucking god Jude buying a huge crop of trans books at the local indie bookshop is not political action. I know booksellers who work at beloved indie-progressive bookstores quite intimately so if you haven't heard yet, I'll be the first to tell you: no matter their feminist branding, these places treat their workers like shit and pay them minimum wage. And often these stores are hell to be in for trans femme people.
edit: whoops he didnt even claim to support indie bookstores, it was a chain in a mall wtf
Also, it's baffling to me that a published author like Doyle can claim buying books is somehow redistributing wealth to poor, trans authors. First, wealthy people are widely overrepresented in publishing, and two, the vast majority of published authors never see a single cent of royalites. Over 90% of books never "earn out". You'd be kicking them about $2.50 of a $25 hardcover sale even if they did. stop making your consumption seem righteous dude.
These authors didn’t hate people like me; they didn’t disagree with me or dislike my general aesthetic. These authors literally hated me, me personally, the dude who had recently given them money. 
the ENTITLEMENT!!! How dare these trans authors post openly that they disagree with you and your tepid liberal politics, you bought one of their books and (maybe, but probably not) gave them $3 !!!!
To a shy eleven-year-old boy on his first day of school, which is what I was emotionally and even hormonally at the time, it was devastating. I cried for days. I was on vacation.
a middle aged incredibly well connected man in publishing is pulling "im a little birthday boy -- hormonally" shenanigans. I get that reading critical comments about yourself hurts. I have been there buddy. I've received repeated misgendering, misogynistic criticisms and insults while I was newly on HRT and not even out to anyone! I was also a 30 year old adult man with a career and coping tools. I was not an eleven year old boy. I was not the victim of anything, really, except for my own lack of comment moderation habits at the time.
the amount of real life transphobia i have since lived looms so much larger that little petty online slights doesnt even rank. we're not talking about threats or doxxing here. we're talking people on twitter thinking he shouldnt be the face of trans politics.
because I know who this author is and move in the same circles, I have seen the message of hate that he's talking about. People mostly talk about him sardonically and insult his worst opinions and most hastily-written pieces. That's not even hate. That's just begging him to be responsible in his work and to maybe not write apologia for trans cops (one of the bad takes he was most openly criticized for at the time).
Those guys were my heroes, was the thing. They were the ones I had wanted to teach me how to act. I used to imagine conversations with them, think about what I would ask if I got the chance.
Buddy, you said you literally just discovered these authors mere weeks or months prior, having bought up every book published by a trans guy that you could find. It's not like you had posters of them hanging up on your bedroom wall as a child. And even if you did, youre a grown man in your forties who writes very inane takes. Some critique from your contemporaries comes with the territory and is in fact a compliment. it means people recognize youre a significant cultural voice and they want you to do better!
When I get into conflict with another trans person, when I stumble on the thread where my elders are shit-talking me, I am not looking at my computer. I’m in my math class, after lunch period, hearing the squeak of metal on linoleum as someone drags their desk a few inches away.
your elders??? are you talking about people who are like, three years older than you Jude .I understand that hostile middle and high school experiences bring massive trauma, but holding adults who are intellectually critiquing you, a fellow adult, responsible for the trauma you endured as a teen is so wildly inappropriate and immature that i cant stand it.
It would be one thing if Doyle showed any self-awareness of the disjoint here, and was just talking about being triggered, but he doesnt, not anywhere in the piece. he implies throughout that it's people being mean to him on twitter who are really at fault.
oh my god he likens himself to Isabell Fall later on in this piece i cant
i just cant with this dude hes always taking so many unnecessary Ls and gets hired so fucking much to write about trans experiences when he clearly has next to zero community connections and sense of scale when it comes to the issues we face. its so annoying!!!
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marvelandponder · 6 months
15Qs and 15As!
Thanks for the tag, Marvel, this sounds fun! Tagging: @smallcrystals, @digikate813, @eddiescorner, and @bevinbrand if she feels like it :) Don't dox yourself on the 'where were you born' question tho, y'all. We're better than that. Are you named after anyone? Two people! My Uncle Stephen and my Nana (maternal grandmother). My brother was named after my dad's high school best friends
When was the last time you cried? I think the last time was a couple weeks ago watching anime. I love a good cry, I've embraced that that's how I express a lot of emotions
Do you have kids? Nope! I'd like to someday, but all in due time.
What sports do you play/have you played? I'm not a team sports kind of girl anymore, but I played soccer as a kid and really enjoyed that.
Do you use sarcasm? Usually only obvious sarcasm. Bevin and I will often use excessively obvious sarcasm with each other to express love. A little linguistic game we play with each other. We never enjoy spending hours and hours on the phone together. So unlike us! Where would you get that idea?
What is the first thing you notice about people? First thing? I feel like my anxiety is charge of that: looking out for how friendly they seem, what they laugh at (if they do), how approachable they might be. I had pretty bad social anxiety disorder from like 14 - 22ish and human beings tend to do the social thing once or twice.
What is your eye color? Hazel! Looks brown but up close you can see there's a lot of green around my pupils, too.
Scary movies or happy endings? My media diet is heavily skewed towards happy endings but every now and then, nothing satisfies like a good tragedy.
Any talents? People know I like the writing thing! I'm also learning to draw now and picking up guitar again for the first time since before uni!
Where were you born? A hospital about... 30 - 40 minutes away from me? I don't live in that city anymore, and haven't since I was 3, but we stayed in the same general province!
Don't dox yourself, folks!
What are your hobbies? Writing, drawing, guitar, going for bike rides or walks. Geeking out by myself or with friends! I'm also starting to learn some German and pick up a few more cooking skills.
Do you have any pets? Nah, wish I did. My living situation doesn't allow for it. But my dad has a dog who I love so much and get to visit! And my sister has two cats who used to live with us that are excellent cuddlers.
How tall are you? Uhhhhh I think 5'11? To use ancient Tumblr Lingo: Tol, not smol
Favorite subject in school? In Elementary - Middle School, it was English, because reading and writing. In high school, Psychology, Legal Studies, Guitars, History, or Writer's Craft
Dream job? Cool question, I'mma over-complicate it! For my career, it's either one of two things: Creative and/or helping people. Add another axis onto that: Stability vs. freedom. I like stability. It helps me feel happy and builds self-esteem to build stuff up. So since most of the creative jobs I'd be down to try have a lack of stability (and often crappy working conditions), I decided to start with stability and helping people! My current job is actually the goal I set for myself to get into in 5 - 10 years. So. Whoops! Got in early! I can't stay beyond this year (covering a mat leave) but wow has it been good experience. And it's cool shit that I like to think supports people in building something good for themselves.
Not a ton of creativity though, and so what's cool about life is that the time horizon isn't just right now, forever. The job I'm in now is a dream job of mine based on the criteria I set out (stable, treats me right, and helps people), but I have other dream jobs I'd like to also try out!
For example: I'd like to become a published author! And I'd also like to learn storyboarding to maybe try being a storyboards artist someday, or some job in animation.
What I like about the job I have now, too, is that I still have enough energy in and around my job to have a life outside of it. So I can build the creative skills that'll lead to cool stuff and opportunities down the line.
Having multiple dream jobs I think is realistic. And just kinda fun to not only achieve one thing, but look forward to what else I can do!
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to-thelakes · 6 days
ruby can I ask what region you have the accent of?
Manchester, South England, Cheshire? London?
(this is me assuming it's the UK)
hi hi 🌂
okay so i don't wanna be too specific so im gonna try and answer without doxxing myself but im from the northwest of england so you were correct with assuming the UK! and my accent is actually super mixed and weird.
so ive been told that i sound like im from like coventry-way but also apparently get a twinge of scouse when im annoyed. however my accent is realistically a mix of manchester/liverpool/cheshire. my parents were born in manchester (one in north, other in south manchester) so im a mix of that but also i grew up around a lot of scousers in my hometown so that gets jumbled in and my home county is cheshire. which just means i get a sort of jumble of everything.
though i don't think my accent is particularly strong (as my international friends will attest) except when im annoyed (jokingly or otherwise) or generally being dramatic or tired.
if im tired, my words become i guess slurred is the best way to describe it and my accent comes out because i miss letters and am generally not thinking about how i sound, just focused on getting the words out. (usually means i miss out the letter h and r way more and the u sound becomes an o sound). if im being dramatic or im annoyed i don't really think either which i think is why an accent comes out in the same way as before.
so my accent is just a concoction of north-west accents!
(i yapped a little here but i love talking about my accent because it makes no sense to me so whoops!)
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saltedsnails · 1 year
I'm just worried as a result of Bumblebee becoming canon; fans of the ship are going to ignore the issues with Adam's portrayal, the complaints from queer critics regarding the build up and the very bigoted company using the ship to handwave all of its bigotry. I don't think BB fans aren't allowed to be happy, hell I was pretty pleased with the confession scene. I really just the fandom could have an open discussion about the ship without it the compalints being seen as homophobia
I’m not a fan of Bumblebee myself, in fact I don’t really ship any characters at all, because RWBY isn’t supposed to be about shipping at all! We’re supposed to be overlooking a journey about saving the world, damn it!
You really just have to love that certain fans disregard the treatment of real-life LGBT+ folks by RT in favor of their ship becoming canon.
At the end of the day, I find that pathetic.
I also didn’t like the confession execution, because they were forced to say their feelings under pressure rather than a true confession where the parties in question didn’t feel pressured. Sorry, but I don’t like when people are forced to do things when they aren’t ready to handle the outcome. Been there, done that, not a fan of it.
Also just because someone criticizes an LGBT+ ship for aspects of the writing, it’s not homophobia. Maybe the execution development sucked. Maybe the characters themselves sucked or didn’t fit well together. This isn’t just for BB by the way. It’s for every ship. Talking about elements of a ship you don’t like that has to do with an LGBT+ couple isn’t automatically homophobia. It’s just criticism, and people need to learn that.
Also a note for in general, and nothing to you specifically, more of an audience awareness PSA: Putting all of your self worth into a fictional relationship and going rabid-feral when people don’t agree isn’t a healthy thing. You desperately need to evaluate how abrasive your shipping mentality effects you and your relationship with others; both on and off the internet. If something exists on the internet, some people aren’t going to like it. And y’know what, big whoop!
Stop going after people not agreeing about a damn ship, because you’ll either a) force people out of the fandom/media-space you’re in because you’re a toxic collective which will —> provide less of an audience for the media you consume which will —> lead to a loss of revenue and eventually cancel the show production or b) make the fandom split apart into smaller sects that either don’t interact or when they do, become knuckle-dragging troglodytes spewing death threats and doxxing each other that makes even wanting to dip a singular cell of your big toes skin to experience the fandom not worth it.
To get back to the Adam and Blake thing, we missed out on so much context and development for both Blake and Adam that would’ve made their final confrontation more satisfying for the end of V5/6. Like yeah, sure it’s a “I’ve changed now and all I see is a monster”, but personally, this isn’t an emotional payoff. It’s a one-dimensional storytelling experience that’s been done a billion and a half times. The characters don’t even have much of a connection anymore because Adam and Blake interacted for like, 2 minutes at Beacon during the fall, and then the confrontation leading to Adam’s death? Like, where’s the payoff?
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I don’t see it. Truly, I don’t. Both Adam and Blake had such disservices done to their characters by not providing neither context nor true attachment other than “because I said so”. While yes, it is implied, we never explore the emotional nuances of their relationship. It could’ve paid off so much more if RWBY truly cared about the connections the main girls had.
- 🐌
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todaysromano · 1 year
What are you studying owo
Short answer: my program is material science and engineering (MSE)
Short PhD description: magnetic, thin film, ceramic materials (think the interior of your hard drive but it's metal+oxygen instead of just metal)
Detail for any other MSE nerds: I use pulsed laser deposition (PLD) which is a physical vapor deposition technique to co-deposit two materials at once (an example being CoFe2O4 and CeO2 [not a material system I'm currently studying, not trying to dox myself here]) into a specific microstructure (not naming because my group publishes the majority of work on it, and again, not doxing myself). This microstructure allows me to combine the properties of the materials while keeping them as separate phases. I then get to do a lot of characterization techniques like x-ray diffraction and magnetometry stuff (Quantim Design MPMS 3 if you're interested). I'm also currently learning how to perform ferromagnetic resonance (more magnetism measurements) and to take good transition electron microscope images.
I like talking about my research, whoops.
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spacelesscowboy · 3 years
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hello normal people and also cishets ig. enjoy these nonsense magnus archives memes.
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lotus73eater · 7 years
A tag thing
Thanks for tagging me @homegrrl​
Name:  Anahit
Nickname: Every person I’ve met has made up a different nickname for me. They’ve all been terrible (so far).  Star sign: Virgo Height: 163 cm Hogwarts house: Uhh... I don’t care really. Just put me wherever. What house is the hot blond guy in? That probably. Favorite color: Lavender Favorite animal: Cats, wolves, horses Average hours of sleep: 3-4 Number of blankets: One  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Favourite singer/band: Pink Floyd, Opeth, Megadeth, The Alan Parsons Project, Muse, Radiohead, Depeche Mode, Nine Inch Nails, Rammstein, Epica, Blue Öyster Cult, The Smiths, David Bowie, Океан Ельзи, Земфира, and so many more (btw if you have a last.fm account tell me I’ll follow you!) Dream Trip: Anywhere outside this country. Dream Job: Video game developer When was your blog created: 2013 December  # of Followers: It’s a two-digit number like my IQ heh What made you make your Tumblr: Terrible undergrad days Tagging @nqpoleon​ @codyglassisagoldenknight​ @requiescat221b​ @iteamhelena​ @kawaiarisa​ and anyone else who wants to do this.
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
Does Run ep 119 fall into the period of Jikook's romantic separation/distancing you talked about? By hairstyles I think this is the time you marked as being 'not a couple'? Did I get the timelines right? Please dont get mad, but they seemed especially cozy+close this ep, and not just skinship (I know this is a subjective judgement and dif points of view are allowed). Just curious if you still hold to your theory? We see only tiny snapshots of time. Do you ever retrospectively change your mind?
Me right now. lol
Running away before I give in to the temptation to rumble on for pages. Lol.
Ahhh shit! Too late. lol.
First of all, it's not so much that questions like these irk me...
It's just I've never had to worry about being 'right' or 'wrong' in forming an opinion about anything or on any topic in my life.
I think the night is more beautiful than the day. I think both Trump and Biden are trash- but better Biden than Trump. I think formal education is a damn waste of time and money. I think a lot of things. But I've never had to worry about that I could be right or wrong about them.
I never assume, when I read people's opinions too, that they are right or wrong. I either tend to agree with it or disagree with it or get informed by it if I had zero opinion prior. I find it bizarre when people want to be right and stuff- especially in a community that is nothing but a swirling vortex of thoughts and opinions. Lmho.
You either defend your stand and give evidence to support it but even then we are just all making assumptions.
Also questions like these tend to put me in a position where I feel like if I should respond then I am not only 'defending' my opinions but challenging other's opinions with my opinions and treating my opinions as if they were the facts. But they are not. It's just one opinion against another.
Know what I mean?
I used to be comfortable doing that because I thought it was all friendly debates and discourse until someone drew my attention to it and pointed out to me that when I do that I come across as 'all knowy,' 'presenting my opinions as facts' and 'challenging other's opinions with my opinion'- which y'all are well aware is the case that has launched a thousand hate comments, privacy invasion, doxing, lies and operation boycott Goldy on ship street.
I don't think it's worth it.
Then there is the substantive issue: how these questions are framed. How should I put this...
I never said anywhere that Jikook were broken up during the On era because they were not acting 'cozy'. Who's theory is that? Who said that? I've never peddled the 'Jikook is real because of skinship or their interactions' theory. If anything, I try to distinguish between Jikook's couple moments and their skinship or mere interactions because neither of those two make Jikook real... to me.
If Jikook showing skinship and merely interacting with eachother to you is a determining factor as to whether they are real- it's not, to me. I've made this much clear over the course of my blogs. If it's your metric then it differs from mine and I can't 'challenge' it. Lol.
I have said, Jikook can interact zero in a content and I still could be able to tell if they are a couple.
Similarly, two people can grind on eachother and stick their tongues down eachother's throats and I still will be able to tell they are not a couple within the same group if they are not.
Am I wrong sometimes? Absolutely. Hell, I said JK was going to post for Jimin's birthday. He didn't. I got that wrong.
I do retrospectively change my mind on a lot of things. If say, in the future, Jimin announced he has a kid and is married to a het woman I would backpedal on my theory that Jikook is real. I don't think it's that deep.
If at any one point, I have reason to believe Jikook aren't together any more as a couple within BTS, or that one of them is straight, I would change my opinion about them being in a gay relationship with eachother.
Similarly, if I have reason to believe Jikook have broken up or distanced themselves from eachother at one point, I would say so and not run around the internet yelling Jikook gay, Jikook married.
There are moments, when I thought Jikook were together but they weren't and so I had to change my mind in retrospect too.
It seems to me, that to y'all, as long as I'm saying Jikook are together then I'm right and it's Amen preach but if I say I think they are or were not together at a point in their relationship then suddenly it's, she is a Trump supporter spreading lies about Jikook and dancing in the rain with convicted serial killers while trying to pass off her published work as Jikook fanfiction. It's all very interesting how some people's minds work...
For the record, I said Jikook were broken up within that period because they were not claiming eachother, reassuring eachother, exercising rights of claim and authority, speaking eachothers love language and all the other metrics I have time and again pointed out several times across my posts that they are the qualities that to me make Jikook a couple.
So do you see why I feel some kind of way when people come at me with the, 'they stared at eachother' 'they smiled at eachther' they touched eachother' argument? Y'all must have me confused a certain shipper on the block. Lol.
You tell me they look cozy and intimate, but then I go and check and they are still not claiming eachother or exhibiting any of the qualities that makes them a couple. Lol.
If I say Jikook is in a relationship, it's usually because I have reasons to believe they are in a relationship. If I say Jikook are not together, it's also because I have reasons to believe they are not together. It's really not hard maths.
I forego a lot of sleep to ensure I share my thought process on a lot of my theories and opinions. I have shared across several posts why I believe Jikook is real. I have shared a few of the metrics I use to decide on that opinion and I have shared my thought process on why I believe in certain moments they aren't together.
It's exhausting when I have to repeat that process each time because then it's not about you asking for my opinion on the topic anymore because I've already stated that, it's about you asking me to change my opinion on a topic based on your assessment and your metric and it just doesn't work that way.
Your assertion that Run 119 was filmed in the same era as On is valid I guess... but I have to disagree. I can't tell you exactly when that episode was filmed but if I had to share my two cents on it, I'd have to place it towards the middle of April this year or somewhere around that period. In my opinion.
I say that because Jimin debuted his jet black hair around 14th April when he appeared in a Vlive with RM. Again I do not know exactly when he got his hair changed but as of March 26th, he had blondish hair.
In his March 30th Vlive- the one where JK interrupted Jin's call, he had a cap on so chilee I'm not gonna argue on whether he had dyed his hair at that point or not.
Then there is Suga, who has blonde hair in this Run 119 episode. He had blonde hair from his birthday in early March and tweeted a bunch of photos of himself in blonde hair from March through to April 28th.
Yet in the JinMinGi Vlive on April 27th when Jimin still had jet black hair, Suga seemed to have a jet black hair too. Which means he could have had blonde hair around the time Jimin went black in early April and dyed it black in late April- but that's theory and that's just my assumption. We can know for sure if and when knew content is released which was filmed around that period.
Thus, I doubt if it was filmed during On era like episode 116 and 117- where you could see clearly, Jikook were having issues.
Just because a peice of content is released in succession don't mean they were filmed around the same period...
So yes I agree with you, we only see snapshots of their time and most importantly we see them in DISORDER. BigHit doesn't release content in chronological order as per when they film them- something I keep reiterating throughout my blogs.
And just as a tip for when you want to reconstruct the timeline for accuracy based on their hairstyles, I think you should look to their Live contents and not their prerecorded content. Their VLives and Youtube lives- actual lives not the prerecorded ones passed off as live streams lol, or even their live reactions to when they win awards or do interviews etc.
I think those are a somewhat accurate reflection of the timeline and helps fit contents in their right time period. But even that- it's still 60/40. But that's me. Feel free to use your own metric to access the timeline.
And the part about them seeming cozy within- On Era, I assume? Because that's when I speculated they had a break up?
I wasn't going to address it because it requires me to provide a comprehensive reconstruction of the timeline but I can't do that until a few more years from now when BigHit has released all or most of the content they have on that period.
I'm just gonna have to repeat myself, for the n>th time though and be intentionally vague about it lol - I had decided not to talk about that period again but I have to just because you make it sound like I would go full on frying pan wielding JK on your ass, step for step, for pointing out that Jikook seemed cozy and intimate within that speculated breakup period. Chilee, I'm not a villain. Lol.
I will not whoop your ass for saying that- but you'd have to answer a seven page query if you are an avid reader of my blogs, so clear your schedule. It's gonna be a long day. Lol.
Query: How do you expect Jikook to look like and behave if and when they are not together together?
I keep saying, at the bare minimum, Jikook are friends not enemies. You don't expect them to act like they never knew eachother during such times. But it takes a while for them to settle into that space when they both feel comfortable with being friends and during such period is when you notice them putting up emotional boundaries and distance between them.
Maybe its just because I saw Jikook as friends and got used to them as friends before lovers and so spotting when they are acting as friends comes easy to me? I don't know.
I think it's similar to how people who are used to seeing Jikook as friends can't seem to see past their friendship to seeing them as a couple.
Then there are those who've only known Jikook to be a couple or saw them as a couple first upon entering the fandom and so can't seem to see them as friends or even think of them as friends. It can be a trip for such people. Which one are you?
If you see Jikook as lovers all the time, really I don't. And I don't need the tensions and the silences to sense something is off. JK unable to check RM or anyone within the group when they are crossing boundaries with Jimin is enough tell.
Same way I don't need to the skinship and 'cosy' to tell if they are together. Jk putting up emotional distance with certain members within the group- all but Jimin, is enough evidence for me.
We don't have to all see Jikook through the same lens to enjoy them. And we don't have to agree on everything too.
We are different people, with different backgrounds and experiences. We can't think the same or perceive on things the same.
I keep saying, to me, there is a quality to Jikook that makes them more than friends. If I see those qualities in them, I believe they are a couple. If not, they are not. Those are the qualities I see only between Jikook and what set them apart from the other ships in BTS.
I see their friendship and I also see their other stuff.
And I notice, during certain periods that they lose that quality that makes them couples- for them to be a couple they need to be speaking eachothers love language, exercising certain rights and privileges over each other, claiming eachother, reassuring eachother yadda yadda yadda and a whole others that don't include them merely talking to eachother or engaging in skinship.
When I talk about Jikook On Era break up period, I'm talking about the period from the 21st to 28th February this year- or the period right before it.
Thats the period I noticed a drastic change in Jikook's interactions and even their personalities. It gave me the feeling that jikook had been through something heavy prior to that date. That period seemed more like the aftermath of a break up rather than the beginning of it as there seemed to be a drastic flip in their dynamics compared to any era before that. Especially late December or around the period when they filmed Carpool Karaoke.
They weren't doing any of the things I've mentioned above that to me make them a couple- they were just interacting and pretty much being civil- except for JK. He seemed more angry, less tolerant and very assertive against Jimin and the group.
He was being super self assertive and was asserting himself even against Jimin- something he has been doing a lot this year which I keep talking about.
Jimin didn't seem different to me at all to me in that period until April.
Why do I feel you are forcing me to talk about something I don't want to talk about? Lol.
I mark that period as significant not only because of the changes that took place in Jikook's dynamics but because it marks the genesis of the JK we are experiencing today.
Their interactions within that period were reflective of a consistent pattern of behavior they've exhibited around periods when they are not together- JK putting up boundaries, not claiming JM, JM trying to reconnect etc.
For instance, at Music Bank on the 28th of February, Jimin did that thing with Jin when he noticed JK interacting with Tae but JK didn't mind him or claim.
Contrast that with their moment on the 1st March, at Inkigayo, where JK literally teleported his ass to stand behind JM when he noticed JM had started his shenanigans on the stage.
Jikook started claiming eachother and acting as a couple again from then- they started reassuring eachother and doing all these things that to me mark them as a couple. Again, this is only an assumption, I don't have the comprehensive breakdown of the period- yet because there are new contents being released on a daily.
On 6th March, during Music Bank when Hobi hugged Jimin during their interview JK reacted strongly to that too in my opinion.
On 30th March, JK interrupted Jin's call to flirt and ask JM on a date- you could see them acting as a couple from that moment at Inkigayo on 1st March throughout to 30th March and their interactions were consistent.
Their interactions in the period before that was pretty much inconsistent and filled with a lot of Jump cuts- which I'm hoping future contents will help fill the gaps for me so I can build a comprehensive breakdown of that era- at least for my self. Iol.
It's just the way Jikook usually behave after these period. They go through a reconnection phase, where they constantly try reassure eachother and then eventually end up in a honey moon phase of a sort where you'd see them flirting up and down the hills, acting super touchy, hitting the red marks- making us and the others feel weird and super uncomfortable watching them.
It's also important to note that around the period of them reconnecting, JK had started distancing himself from Tae. He puts up emotional boundaries with the others and closes himself off to them when he opens himself up to Jimin.
I mean if I'm 'wrong,' and I'm not saying I'm right, I'm just saying if I'm wrong because of your two seconds clip of them acting 'cozy,' then I gotta ask what happened to JK in this period? Why was he putting up boundaries between him and Jimin in that period, and what set him on this self assertive path he's been on throughout this year- think about that while I hold on to my he went through a nasty breakup and had an emotional trauma that pushed him on a path to reevaluate and set his priorities straight theory. Lol
I think some of the content they have released so far within that period were filmed either closer to or far from when that break up happened- Run 116 and 117 would be the closest to that period so far- I just don't know if it was before 21st February or after it.
Run 100 and 101 would also have been filmed relatively closer to that period or immediately after it because Jimin was behaving in those Runs the same way he was behaving during the On Comeback Special VLive which was released on 21st of February- I feel the breakup would happened before this date.
In both those Runs and the On comeback special, Jimin seemed beat, humbled and subdued. He was trying to establish eye contact with JK during the comeback VLive, egging him on to talk about his looks, and putting boundaries between him and the other members. He seemed to be on his best behavior.
For instance, in the Comback he seemed like he was walking on eggshells around Kookie and didn't want to create the impression he was going out of his way to flirt with the others or portray himself as available and so when Suga touched his waist or back, he asked him to stop.
Similary, in Runs 100/101 behind scenes or something, when they were eating and he noticed Tae had food residue on his lips, he tried to help him clean it but panicked and stopped the moment he sensedJK lifting his head up- it seemed he didn't want to piss JK off in those two instances. JK for the most part just seemed serious and less tolerant of JM's bs within that period.
Juxtapose JM's behavior in these two instances with the events at Music Bank and Inkigayo where he was hugging Jin and acting extra around Kook- which to me seemed like he was looking for reassurance by trying to get JK to claim him but of course JK didn't do that.
Jimin likes being reassured by JK when he is feeling 'insecure.' And often, JK reassures him when he notices JM going through that. Jimin does the same for JK.
They are intune with eachother's emotional needs and they consciously go out of their way to meet them.
Take the recent MAMA speech moment when JM was giving a speech and he seemed like he need support- emotional support and back up. Jk turn fully and instantly towards him to let him know he was there for him. We've seen Jikook do this a countless times. I value these moments over them showing skinship or screaming eachother's names.
In the recent BE press conference red carpet moment when JM tried it with RM- did you notice JK's reaction? They both seemed like they were trying to piss eachother other off or make each eachother jealous during that red carpet moment.
JM with RM and JK with Jin. JK grabbed Jin's neck when he noticed JM intentionally acting all up close and friendly with his buddy buddy RM and the frown on his face. He didn't seem too amused with JM doing that...
- it's weird, I know, but it's also their way of reassuring eachother and expressing interest in eachother. Don't judge. It's Jikook- just look away, keep it pushing. Nothing to see here. Lol.
Had it not been for the live events around that On period, I probably wouldn't have noticed these things because the content from BigHit around the period were only showing glimpses of their interactions which again seemed like the aftermath of their breakup and not the start of it.
I think their ability to get to that space where they are each comfortable with relating freely and 'cozy' around eachother as friends depends on how soon they interact on cameras after they've gone through such periods.
If they film immediately soon after, or during, often the tension between them is much more evident like in run 116 and 117.
If they film much later from it, then you wouldn't even notice a damn thing at all. In my opinion. Especially, if you don't know the difference between Jikook as friends and Jikook as lovers.
You can never tell though if you focus solely on Jimin's behavior during such periods- because Jimin is just that guy. He doesn't bring the drama to work. He will smile sunshine through the pain and act like nothing happened. For JK it's different, in my opinion.
Jimin has a very high emotional intelligence quotient and seems to process emotions better and faster. JK is not like that. It is why I feel, he tends to put up physical and emotional barriers with Jimin and with the others sometimes when he is going through it.
They all process emotions at different paces. In my opinion.
I'm starting to wonder if y'all think Jikook is one sided at this point. Lol. Jikook is not one sided. Jimin is not the only one in their relationship. You can't focus on him alone to decide if your ship is sailing or in a good place- because guess what? Jimin can put up a show of it.
It's just as how Tuktukkers tend to focus on Tae rather than JK in determining whether they still have a ship or not. If they paid attention to JK for one minute, they would know their ship got lost at sea at debut.
I keep saying JM's 'the boy in love with Jungkook' persona is a facade. He loves JK through this facade but you have to look past it. I mean this is the guy who told Jin JK doesn't act a certain way around him, but backpedaled and said he was just 'saying it for content' when Jin called him out on it. Same guy Jk says, he intentionally acts cutes when he notices the cameras on him.
You gotta wonder what else he does just for content and for the cameras. Isn't this why people claim Jikook is fanservice?
You have to pay attention to JK too you know? They have different personalities, different ways of handling issues, different ways of loving and different ways of solving problems.
Jimin over expresses himself and tries to establish contact when he is at the recieving end of a freeze out. He did the same thing on stage with JK during Manila when he tried to have a conversation with Kook- to squash whatever issues they had been having but JK needed his space physically and emotionally.
Jimin was sat next to Suga chatting with him, asking him questions, laughing with him but the moment Suga touched him he snapped. He did the same thing in Dynamite MV reaction VLive when JK teased him with Suga. He snapped almost instantly and didn't seem happy with it- he doesn't want to be shipped with Suga and yet he is the one constantly going 'I miss Suga hyung' 'Suga and I are the parents and JK is the son"
In run 116, you could see him trying to interact with Kook even when Kook was clearly putting up boundaries with him. Had Kook not been closed off to him in that moment, we probably would never have noticed anything was off with them honestly.
And that hug JM gave Kook in the end, did you see him looking sideways as if he was doing something wrong? Compare that moment with the Siriux FM interview where he had his hands around Kook. He didn't seem- what's the word, scared.
And by the way, that moment was also filmed on the 21st of February in the US, the same day of their Rockefeller interview and the same day the On Comeback Special VLive was released- so do the maths? Was that the start of a break up or the aftermath of it?
Jimin was leaning forward in that period true, but was JK receiving and reciprocating his actions and matching them throughout that period? No. Or may be its debatable- you tell me. Lol.
Jikook behave in a certain way and give off a certain vibe when they are good and sailing- but not all such moments is because they are a couple. In my opinion.
When they get to that good space where they can be comfortable around each other, they sail as friends too.
It's just like, when they are not good and they give off bad vibes. But not all the bad vibes they give off is because they are not good. Know what I mean?
It's all up to how you perceive them and how much you understand of their dynamics I guess.
It is my understanding that, JK opens up to certain other members within the group while simultaneously putting up boundaries with Jimin when he is having serious problems with Jimin. From my observation of their interactions.
So I ask, within the period of 21st February to 28th, was he leaning towards this certain member he was suddenly BFFs with around the time of their break up or was he leaning away from him? He literally teleported away from him to be next to Jimin when they were getting back together and Tae didn't seem amused by that either.
It's Jikook, I get it. I think you need to pay attention to the way they interact with the other members within the group too? Because that's equally telling. Sigh.
It is my understanding that, Jimin is quick to anger yet quick to forgive and he sometimes glosses over things, puts a lot of energy and efforts into embellishing his relationship with Kook and presenting them as the perfect duo and the perfect relationship- which is something that I think psychologically induces the Kumbaya in a lot of Jikook shippers and influences them into thinking their relationship is perfect and kumbaya. But that's another topic for another day.
JK makes Jikook more real. To me.
I hear often, people talk about how Jimin is less touchy than JK and has personal boundaries within the group and how over the years, he has toned down on his touchiness with the other members because JK puts up a lot of boundaries for him around the members with the frying pans and what not, and would fume whenever Jimin or anyone crosses those boundaries...
But have y'all ever wondered the kind of boundaries Jimin put up for JK within the group and expects JK to uphold within the group when they are together? Hint: It's not JK's touchiness or lack of boundaries. Y'all be connecting the wrong dots. Lol.
Jk puts up physical boundaries for Jimin because that is important to him. Jimin put up emotional boundaries for JK because that is important to him. They overlap sometimes but those times are insignificant to me.
Jk's certain bonds suffer because of Jimin. And he stops respecting those boundaries when he and Jimin are no longer together and the moment they are back together, he puts those boundaries up again with those bonds- this is Morse code, if you catch on message me with it. Wink.
JM throwing his arms around Kook during a serious interview is not him claiming JK or reassuring him. JK yelling Jimin to the power Z is not him exercising right of authority over Jimin- lovers do that. Know who else does that? FRIENDS. Lol.
It's nothing Hobi doesn't do with JM or the other ships don't do.
Listen, I saw all the good bits and things that you saw in that period too and still I formed my opinion on that era the way that I did and have. And the new content from that era, Run 116 and 117 all follow the same pattern of behavior I noticed around that period and have talked about. So no, my view on that era hasn't changed.
Unless, your objective is to have me change my mind based on the 'wrong' timeline dots you've connected, then we would just have to agree to disagree. Lol.
If you believe Jikook were together during that period, I agree to disagree on it. Feel free to disagree with my opinion too.
Always ship Jikook in the way that makes sense to you. And support them while you are at it. Jikook is real. Bless you.
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deans-baby-momma · 4 years
The Padackles Link- Chapter 99
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A/N: Whoops!!!! This has been sitting in my documents for weeks, waiting to be published but silly me got so involved in Mommy’s (Not So) Good Girl, that I overlooked it. But as the saying goes, better late than never, right? Ok, I’m shutting up now. ENJOY!!
"Drea, you awake?" Gen whispers as she quietly opens the door. I nod and she walks in, closes the door and approaches the bed.
"I need to talk to you," she says solemnly. "To apologize."
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“Come in,” I tell her as I sit up, making sure I don’t jostle Jackson too much. “I agree. We need to talk.”
As much as I love Genevieve, her actions the last couple of days has hurt me and completely baffled me. 
“You treated me like a common whore,” I state.
“I know,” Gen says as she sits at the foot of the bed. “I will never be able to apologize enough for that. I love you Drea. I do, but I let that old demon make me feel insecure and envious. I saw that post on the internet and got jealous.”
“But Jay told you that they just love drama, the media thrives on it,” I say.
“I know that,” she says, twisting her hands together in her lap. “I realize that now. But when I first saw it I got pissed, okay? I felt like I was hiding away while you two went out and enjoyed this beautiful island together. That I was the dirty little secret.”
“Gen, it hurt. Badly. The way you pushed me away and acted as if I didn’t exist. My heart was breaking in two.”
“I know,” Gen whispers, looking at her feet. “That’s why I couldn’t look at you. I could see the pain in your eyes; the grief. It was killing me but I just would tell myself you deserved it. You were trying to take my husband.”
“But I’m not,” I assert.
“Yea, well. My mind was telling me differently.” 
“Gen, I think it’s best that we just stick to how it was before. Friends, no benefits. We were best friends and we let sex get in the way of that. I love you Dox, I do. But I think we need to rethink the whole swinging aspect.”
“You’re right,” she agrees with a nod. “As much as I hate to admit it, you’re right. I fucked it up when I got greedy. God! I wish we could start this vacation all over again. I’d never come on to Jay; I’d never entice him into something when you weren’t there; when Jared wasn’t there. 
“God Drea, can you ever forgive me?” Gen looks up at me with tears in her brown eyes. “It’s all my fault!”
“Honestly? I don’t know,” I answer. “I want to. I want to say it’s all forgiven but I just can’t.” A beat of silence between us and then I spoke up. “So it was your idea? The blowjob I walked out on? Jay didn’t charm you into doing it?”
“It was all me,” she replies, ashamed. “We were just floating around in the pool, talking and laughing and well you know, when swim trunks get wet, they leave hardly anything to the imagination. I made a lewd comment and he made one back and then before long….well, you saw.”
“So it’s okay for you to suck Jay’s dick, then tie him to the bed and have your way with him but it’s not okay when Jared and I do the same? Help me understand here Gen, please?”
“I don’t know,” she shrugs. “Of course I was okay with you and Jared being together. Really, I was. But then I saw that article and it just snowballed from there.”
I just sat there and looked at my friend, my Dox. Her words seemed sincere and they made sense but why now? Why was she having a problem with everything now? 
“Can I ask you a question?” she finally speaks up.
“Are you going to keep the baby once he or she is born?”
“What? Why? Gen, this is-” I say, as I lay my hand on the bump of my stomach. “-is your child. I’d never keep them away from you.”
“No Drea. It’s not mine,” Gen says and I balk at her. “It started out that way. That was the plan, you were going to use my eggs. But that didn’t happen. That little baby in your womb is Jared’s and yours.”
My eyes widen as realization dawns on me. She’s right; she is absolutely right. I am carrying Jared Padalecki’s child. Not Jared and Gen’s; Jared’s and mine. How had I not made that connection? Fuck, what was Jay going to say about this? 
He was so adamantly against this when we began discussing it and if I remember correctly, his exact words were “You’re not sleeping with Drea.” Well, I guess he got that wrong. Shit! How do I bring this up to him? Do I? Had he put the two and two together and already realized it. And what about Jared? Does he know that this is our-mine and his-kid I am growing or is he still thinking it is his and his wife’s? 
“We all need to talk. This is major!”
“You hadn’t thought about it had you?” Gen asks, looking over at me.
“No,” I chuckle nervously. “No I hadn’t. Man, this is fucked up.”
“That was what worried me,” Gen says as she shyly reaches out and places her hand on my knee. “I was scared that we started out just trying to make a baby and then it escalated in this….this….relationship between the four of us and once the baby was here, I’d be left out in the cold. 
“That you and Jared would be raising this kid together. That the boys and I would be tossed out like yesterday’s trash.”
“Never. You are not trash, not even close,” I tell her, as I push her hair behind her ear. “We’d never leave you out or forget about you. I love you, Jared loves you. Besides, where would Jensen be in this scenario of yours, huh?”
Gen shrugs again and a smile appears on her lips. “I dunno. I hadn’t got that far yet.”
“Dox, I love you but my lord, your hormonal mind can dream up some doozies.”
“My hor-..what? How did you know?”
“That you should be having your period right now?” I ask and she nods. “Jared told us. When you stormed out of the jacuzzi, he deducted that it was time for you to start and although you don’t have the actual period, with the blood and all, you still have the other effects. 
“Are you okay, though? Cramping? Feeling bloated? I can get you a hot water bottle,” I offer.
“Nah I’m good. Are we good? I mean, I know we aren’t completely back to normal but will things ever get to the way they were before?”
“Yea Gen, we’re okay. For now,”I tell her as Jackson begins to wake up. “Let’s wait and see how things go after we see how the guys react to other facts. ‘Kay?”
Once Jackson is fully awake, I take him to the nursery to change his diaper and put some sunscreen on so we can walk with Gen back down to the beach and meet the rest of the family.
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A/N2: Did anyone else realize before what Gen did about the baby Drea is carrying? 
@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss​ @carryonmywaywardcaptain​  @darlingpeanut​ @sunskittlex​ @sea040561​ @pretty-fortune​ @squirrelnotsam​ @death-unbecomes-you​ @sandlee44​ @internationalmusicteacher​ @kricketc29​ @natura1phenomenon​ @mannls​ @nickie-amore​ @spn-tw-37​ @frozenhuntress67​ @blacktithe7​ @supernaturallymarvellous​ @thetardishasaquidditchpitch​ @sirod-30​ @heyitscam99​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @i-just-wanna-run-hell​ @paintballkid711​ @closetspngirl​ @starfirerules​ @vickiq9761​ @rainflowermoon​ @spnbaby-67​ @drakelover78​ @jessieray98​ @81mysteriouslyme​ @travelingriversideblues-x​ @akshi8278​ @keymology​ @topthis808​ @lilulo-12​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @i-love-superhero​ @tftumblin​ @markofdean79​ @thevelvetseries​ @larajadeschmidt13​ @delightfullykrispypeach​ @deanmonandnegansbitch​ @midsummereve1993​ @atc74​
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This post is going to expose a bitch.
Plot twist, the bitch is me.
This won’t dox me or tell you I did something illegal. This is more just saying that I put on a persona for this blog, and I just want to clear somethings up.
First, I am not 16+, I am 12 years old turning 13 in November.
Second, That one winged sorcerer is my alt. Yes, this does mean I’m still horribly alone, and this is also means I accidentally made a sock puppet account, so uhh whoops.
Funny thing is that the persona I created actually only changed my age. Everything else, my personality, my writings, my abysmal sleep schedule, that’s all real.
I guess I’ve started to recognize Tumblr as a safe place. I’ve been pushing myself to write because it makes me feel better, also validation. I get more validation from notes, upvotes, and fictional characters than from my parents. I’ve been experiencing super fucking major burnout for the past few months, maybe longer, like the type of burnout where you just want to sleep for a week, not think about any of your plots, and get off the internet. Though unsurprisingly, I haven’t stopped writing and have just been pushing myself.
On a second note, have a stupid meme I made
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(No, I won’t tell you about the first time)
I guess I’ll address some questions I’m sure you have.
I guess I saw an opportunity to show myself in any way I wanted and jumped onto that. I didn’t do this for attention.
Do your parents know you use Tumblr?
Uhh yeah actually. They let me make my blog, and they see me on there all the time. They don’t really care.
Did you lie about anything else?
Kinda? I don’t have roommates, well other than my parents. I haven’t lied about having depression or a bad relationship with my parents.
Why are you making this post?
I went into a bad depressive episode last night and was debating on doing something I would regret. I thought I should let my mutals know if I did do something. I didn’t go through with it, obviously, but I felt like I should still say something.
Are you okay?
No. I got depression and anxiety in third grade. And then severe burnout and suicidal ideation in 5th. After that throughout 6th to now me, in 7th, everything just got worse. 
Is this why you got attached to the Tumblr Eldritch Being AU?
So, you ran the winged sorcerer account while interacting with yourself?
Yeah. Private windows and quick switching.
Is anything going to happen to the winged sorcerer account?
No. I’m not going to stop the story. I’m just stopping the weird meta story, and taking a break because that day I did a bunch of story, I wrote nearly 5000 words on an hour of sleep.
I’ll answer any other question you want.
I’m queueing this for when I’m asleep so I don’t chicken out.
If you can’t tell I didn’t draft this out first, so it’s a bit (lot) chaotic
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xpwewarchive · 4 years
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro (1-3-2020)
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro
January 3rd, 2020
Houston, Texas in The Fertitta Center
*Show intro*
Golden Bryce enters the ring to a pretty good pop, he’s popular here as the New International Champion (instant replay shows how he defeated Slayer for it last week at the 2019 Xtremey Awards edition of Pyro)
Golden Bryce enters the ring with microphone in hand and hyped up the Houston crowd to his dismay he is interrupted by The XPWEW World Champ Champagne Clausen who enters wearing Louis Vuitton red bottom shoes and a canary suit, looks pretty G I’ll admit it.
-Champagne says Golden Bryce is just like Deshaun Watson of the Houston Texans, *crowd boos* Unproven and Overrated. *crowd boos*
And as a man from upstate New York, myself I am very excited to see my Buffalo Bills beat you guys tomorrow ha ha ha *crowd boos* BILLS MAFIA!
Golden Bryce smiles and nods “Champagne if I’m the Houston Texans then maybe you are the Buffalo Bills, maybe that’s applicable because just like Bill Mafia I think you’d look a hell of a lot better going through a table *crowd cheers*
Champagne “HA HA HA! Yeah Houston laugh it up, yeah look at you Bryce so pathetic, clinging on with sports jokes, timely references to draw the ire of this crowd here. Truth is nobody likes you and everyone here is tired of you and I know we haven’t been properly introduced but I’ll do that now. I’m Champagne Clausen. I’m YOUR world champion. I’m (SHUT UP!) I’m Houston’s world champion and I am not scared of your challenge. As a matter of fact I endorse it. I’ve beaten Masato Tanaka twice on pay-per-view! Okay I beat the lovable moron Freight Train last week, I even did something you didn’t Bryce (heh) I actually beat Jake Awesome. (Crowd ooos)
Bryce: “So what’s the deal are we doing a Tables match?” (Crowd pops)
Champagne “On God. On Bills Mafia as my witness...You’re damn right” (Champagne cheers his world title with Bryce’s I-N title around his waist) *walks away*
-Ethan Bedlam already in the ring, loosening up and hyping himself up
Garrett Thompson enters
M1: (((Squash Match)))
Garrett Thompson defeats Ethan Bedlam
After the match: All Man comes out with All Woman and goes to speak towards GT but Scott Steiner jerks the mic right out of his hand *Big Pop*
Scott Steiner: “Houston! We have a problem that crumpet and tea drinking big bastard wants a piece of the biggest arms in the world! Ha I’ll break your back you goof!
((Garrett yelling obscenities))
Steiner continued: “All my freaks here wanna see the Big Bad Booty Daddy put a beatdown on some punk that’s why you better find a partner or else get slumped by me and the All man, or just fold like a b**ch (crowd pops)
GG enters and starts punching All Man and Scott Steiner and GT runs up to the ramp and we have an impromptu 2 on 2 right now
M2: Tag Team Match
GT & GG defeat Scott Steiner & All Man w/ All Woman
The match ends when GT hits Steiner with the elbow smash to which GG hits his finisher “The Plunge” off the top rope for the 1-2-3 - All Woman was just a little too slow to break up the count and the tag division might just have a new team in GT & GG (Quite odd bedfellows)
Backstage: James Westerbeck is here for an interview with John Oliver and John just says he’s happy to be here on Friday Night Pyro and since doing his segment on professional wrestling on his show “Last Week Tonight” a few months ago he’s become obsessed with the culture and it’s just a thank you fest until women’s Champ Amy Lee enters with Brian Lee behind her (silent). Amy says she doesn’t like when people who aren’t wrestlers get involved in her business. Oliver makes a quick wit joke “I don’t like when people who aren’t talented at communication get involved in the act” *crowd oohs*
Amy: “Are you calling me stupid? I could break your little ass in half boy”
Lola Starr enters “John, I love your show I watch it every week. I respect your open minded opinions”!
Amy towards Lola: “What the hell do you think your doing freak!”
Lola Starr: “I’m stepping up and ive been here for months and I’ve yet to be given opportunity, being showcased. It’s like I got signed because of the headline. Yes. I’m trans and yes I identify as a woman and yes I am going to challenge you for that title. Tonight.
Amy (looks at Brian Lee)....You got it, let’s see what you goin. (Amy looks at John Oliver and gives him a huge dramatic pull in sloppy kiss).....
Leonard, Dragon and Ms. Ryu enter
Joe Gacy, Brodie Croyle & Kiera Hogan enter
M3: Non Title Match
Leonard McGraw & Dragon Kid (c) vs The Plagueground w/ Kiera Hogan
Match abruptly ends when 3M Ultra comes out and attacks Croyle and Gacy for revenge on them injuring his partner M3 Quintillo last week, He beats them both down with his XTREMEY award and at the climax breaks it over Kiera Hogan’s skull (rough spot)
3M Ultra angrily grabs the mic and says last week my partner was decimated for absolutely no reason by these a**h****s and then the damn company that I bust my ass for gave me that trophy! Really? “The WOAT award” Is this a joke? Get that camera up close I will be taking seriously
Leonard McGraw stances up “Son, do you wanna be taking seriously?”
3M Ultra “Hell Yes!”((Leonard McGraw decks him with a buckshot clothesline) crowd pops huge
McGraw: “I don’t give a damn if it’s Plagueground, The Larva, GT, GG, All Man, All Woman, Kiera Hogan, Hulk Hogan I’m fixin’ to whoop some ass and I’ll do it on anybody who wants smoke. And I got two words for every son of a bitch in the back F*** You
(((McGraw does the hook’em horns and the Houston crowd pops huge)))
Backstage: Doxy Deity is talking sweet and cute-like with Jordan Oliver until Ruckus, Siaka & Chrissy Rivera Walk up
Ruckus “I ain’t tryna buss on ya but bitches really just waste your time pimp”
Doxy “who the f*** you calling a bitch, m*****f*****?”
Ruckus: Hoe don’t give me no nut roll
Jordan: Ruckus bro don’t man it ain’t necessary for all this beef right now
Ruckus: Nigga I’m trying to win titles ok and if we gonna be a team I need to make sure you got Noooooooo distractions and Dox, I, I, I, I respect you, you know what I’m saying but my boy here is young, he dumb and he over this (crowd laughs). Listen pimp I don’t care what y’all do, I might even get Chrissy to watch, shit but I wanna win gold and if you ain’t trying to do that, Then I might have to dip and go solo and get mines cause best believe Ima get mines.....
Rosemary walks by McGraw and Dragon Kid quickly and comes to the aid of Kiera Hogan her just got blasted in the head by 3M Ultra with his “WOAT” Xtremey Award..
Slayer enters
Dramatic pause between entrances because the crowd knows this is CJ’s final match
))((Chris Johnson Career Retrospective Video Plays))((
Chris Johnson enters the ring; one final time to his old theme song “Stay Fly by Three 6ix Mafia”
Chris Johnson’s wife Erin Brown aka Misty Mundae is in the front row of the ramp way and he kisses her forehead during his entrance
Retirement Match
M4: Slayer w/ Rosemary & Kiera Hogan defeats Chris Johnson
After the match and the loss the crowd pops for Chris Johnson
((THANK YOU CJ *clap clap clap clap*))
Chris Johnson grabs the mic: No complaints about the match, No complaints about this crowd, No complaints, No excuses. Wherever we were, Whatever I did. I always left my blood and sweat on this canvas and I’m not gone, I’ll be around but this is my final night as an in-ring competitior and...
***lights go purple***
LOTUS enters
((Lotus walks into the ring and Chris Johnson looks around, perplexed and confused.))
((Lotus kicks Chris Johnson square in the groin))
{{Crowd oddly pops for it though, Houston is weird}}
LOTUS unmasks
Nick Simmonds on commentary : “ Katie, that’s. Wait that’s..that’s Slayer’s daughter Hazel! What the world!
Kaitlyn Khaos on commentary: “Nick, Hazel has a very very odd past with Chris Johnson”
Lotus looks at a downed Chris Johnson “Do you remember me!!!! The anguish and abuse you put me thorough!!! You tried to take me away from my family. You son of a bitch I’ve waited a long time to do this!!!”
((Slayer beaten up and Rosemary looking on from the corner of the ring))
LOTUS goes outside and grabs a steel chair and beats Chris Johnson with the steel chair over and over again repeatedly until eventually even Slayer and Rosemary try to get her to stop and LOTUS looks at Slayer and Rosemary then just whams Chris Johnson with the chair really hard one more time. *Crowd stunned*
Chris Johnson is lifeless in the ring
LOTUS exits slowly by herself and then walks by Erin Brown (the wife of Chris Johnson). Drags her over the guardrail and starts pulling her hair and kicking her until Arena security gets involved and pulls LOTUS away kicking and screaming.
Advertisement: Golden Bryce and Dr. Disrespect “What is Twitch” commercial #2
HBO’s Last Week Tonight set up is put together pretty accurately in the ring
John Oliver enters
In ring segment: Welcome to Last Pyro, Tonight with John Oliver. Please welcome tonight’s guest the xpwew world champion Champagne Clausen
Oliver makes jokes at Champagne’s expense
Compares the vegetation of his father to the Brexit events
Regina Clausen is really the Ivanka Trump of XPWEW, because she’s talentless, has done nothing to earn her position, Only in said position because her father gave it to her and at times it looked like he wanted to have sex with her (crowd groans)
John Oliver runs down the numbers between Champagne’s 22-0 streak vs Jacques 89-0 streak.
John Oliver shows much sympathy for how the story of Freight Train has been one of hope and disaster
After sitting there for the most part taking in all of these insults Champagne sits up in his chair and Says
Champagne: “John I like you. I even like your show well I guess used to. I always start John Stewart did it better (crowd groans). John you come out here and mock my father, my sister. I don’t even care. They didn’t win this title for me. I wasn’t handed anything lest I remind you I worked very hard for the past 5 years to get to this level, to this stage. Hell, to even be in a monstrosity of a segment with someone like you John. And my answer is I don’t care. None of your jokes phase me. My dad is a vegetable. Yea. I drove my sister off the stage inside of a Pope mobile. I did that. John I’m not like a politician who will look you in the face and lie. I did these things. I’m glad my dad is in a coma. I’m happy my sister is damn near handicapped somewhere. And I’m freakin’ ecstatic that Freight Train’s Cinderella story last week came to a screeching hault.
John Oliver (was that pun intended?)
Golden Bryce enters
(Stage hands clear the Last Week Tonight set quickly but leave John Oliver’s table in the ring, this table match is gonna start
World Champ vs International Champ
Tables Match
M5: Champagne Clausen defeats Golden Bryce
(((John Oliver got mildly involved in the match but he didn’t take a bump, just ran away)))
The match ends when both men our on the top rope and Bryce was sizing up Champagne for the Super-Plex off the top rope and Champagne had the resilience to reverse it, slide down Bryce’s back and hoist him backward for the Electric Chair drop through the table and your winner Champagne Clausen!!!!
Champagne Clausen rolls out of the ring with ease and pushes over the John Oliver “Last Week Tonight” screen monitor then holds him world title up walking up the ramp as the show ends...
0 notes
theramblingonesie · 6 years
Sweet Tooth Sal: Criminal Intent
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It started off as just any other Tuesday at the theater. My staff was working hard selling tickets and restocking the merch, the event organizers were running around town dropping off paperwork and making sure our special guests stayed special, and the volunteers were taking the time and care to explain to me that they knew how to do my job. I was busy running my tiny world in stilettos, saving customers’ lives one light switch and one lost pair of glasses at a time.  Our shows were running on time, the theater was clean, and audience members were engaged in lively, thought-provoking discussions.
And then, it happened.  For what some might argue was only a trivial $3.79, my world went black.
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Being the venue manager at a film festival is pretty cool.  On one hand, it’s very long hours and you basically miss everything. On the other, you have the opportunity to meet some wonderful artists, and feel proud when your work helps to create a safe container to transport audiences into other worlds—worlds of deeper feeling and meaning, worlds of pleasure and escapism, worlds of introspection, connectiveness, and healing.  I know that being middle management is kind of the butt of many elitist jokes, but in this particular position, I really enjoy it.  I have enough autonomy and control that I’m able to have fun with my staff and our environment, encouraging everyone to work hard but also explore their creativity and prioritize their individual needs. At the same time, I have the joy of getting out of customer complaint jail by saying “yeah, that’s a total bummer, but I don’t make the rules. Feel free to chat with my boss, but in the meantime let’s work to make you comfortable.” Or even, “yeah, I ALSO wish we sold beer and wine here. I know, we’re the worst. For what it’s worth, I’m also suffering by being sober.  Enjoy the show!”
*Goes into the back room and pours a glass of Prosecco that my amazing boss brought me*
Even with minor frustrations and moments of stress, the joy and love of the event wash over it all and return me to a space of inner peace and purpose.
Except for one time. That one fateful Tuesday.  Let’s return to our story.
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As I return to the lobby from testing the microphones, the sea of a buzzing audience parts to show me a gentleman waiting, unattended, at the merch table. I come around the corner to discover that it’s not a customer, but a roaming staff member who has, to this point, caused me a lot of frustration.  Daily, this person has squeezed me out of my office space, and demanded extra tasks and favors that are not only a part of my job description, even though he is not someone who has any authority over me.  I frequently wonder, every time he comes by, why on earth he’s even in the building.  There is another man who carries the same job title, who is ever-lovely and a joy to be around.  But this man, this particular pain in my ass, is just oblivious, to say the least.
We’ll call him Sweet Tooth Sal.  
I come around to the back of the merch table and flatly ask, “Hey Sal. What do you need?”
“Hey Sam! Let me buy one of those chocolate bars!”
“We don’t sell chocolate bars here, Sal. Per usual, we only ever have water.”
“Oh, well shoot. I just ate the chocolate that was in the back room, so I figured I’d just give you a couple bucks to grab another one.”
 See: Flames.
Sentence example: Flames on the side of my face.
 For those of you who don’t know me, let me explain my relationship with chocolate.
Chocolate is sacred.
Chocolate is necessary.
Chocolate is life.
Reece’s is not chocolate.
Hershey’s is not chocolate.
Chocolate costs a minimum of $3.00 per bar.
Chocolate tells me I’m beautiful and holds me when I cry.
Chocolate tells me I’m a boss when I’m stressed at work.
Chocolate is the first to celebrate my successes with me.
Chocolate rescues me when my blood sugar drops from forgetting to eat.
Chocolate is a gift to my friends.
Chocolate is for sharing with people I love.
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 I had purchased three very special chocolate bars to keep in the breakroom for the duration of the festival for all of the above reasons. Said chocolate is only sold at one specific store in the area, so they’re not easily replaced. And of all people, I was not interested in sharing with Sal.
My oscillation between rage and shock happened too quickly for my brain to fully connect with my mouth.
“No, Sal. That was my personal chocolate. It was very special chocolate that you can’t buy here. You can only buy it at (insert health food store name). It’s not cheap.”
“Oh, well, you left it out in the breakroom, so I figured it was for everyone.”
“It’s not for everyone. It’s mine. I had it tucked off to the side.”
“Yeah I was gonna replace it, but since you don’t sell it here, whoops! Sorry!”
I’m sure you would have.
I, on the other hand, hate confrontation, and offered a mousy, ‘splainy finger-wag as my whole body shook:
“Um…well, Sal…uh, that breakroom is, um, for like, festival theater staff, and it also belongs to the theater’s regular staff year-round, so y’know, we need to be mindful of sharing space, and it’s really…uh it’s nice…you…we all need to ask before we take other people’s food cuz maybe someone brought something that was very special to them or mmm maybe they can’t afford to replace it, but like, it’s just good to ask first cuz yeah…”
 I think I made it as far as “uh, that breakroom is, um” before he turned around and walked away.  The rest of my mumbling was done at his back, and probably continued after he had turned the corner and closed the theater door behind him.
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So I did the only thing one in my position could reasonable do.
 I texted all of my friends about it.
 I felt better after speaking with them, as they totally confirmed the rudeness of the situation. I settled comfortably back into my chair and began slowly burning each letter of Sweet Tooth Sal’s name into my dead-to-me list.
The next day, as I was running around doing my usual duties, Sweet Tooth Sal pulled me aside and said, “hey. I’m sorry about yesterday. I got you this”, and he handed me a new chocolate bar. I inspected the bar. It was dark chocolate with espresso. It looked nice. The ingredient list checked out. Again, I was in shock, but I took a deep breath, looked up and said, “thank you, Sal. That’s very kind.”
A new anger bubbled up inside of me. It was strange.  I knew I should have felt relieved, that justice was served, and that it was time to shift into a space of forgiveness.  But for whatever reason, I was almost angrier. I was angry that I couldn’t be angry at STS anymore, and then angry at myself for not being a more enlightened human who could just accept and move on.
I paced. I paced for what seemed like eternity.  I texted my friends again, venting how angry I was about not being allowed to be angry anymore, because he technically did the right thing.  I was bitter. I was bitter that he finally gave me a solid reason to write him off, an obvious offense, and then took it back, putting me back into a place of dealing with the guilt over just generally disliking him.
I sat at my desk stewing and eating the chocolate.  I wondered what was happening inside of me that made me so attached to my anger, and then re-anger upon un-angering.  As I contemplated, STS came back out of the theater and slimed his way behind the merch table and right up next to me.
“Hey Sam. So, heh, a guy buys a girl a chocolate bar to say he’s sorry, and then comes out of a movie to ask if she’ll split it with him. Whaddaya say?”
“Yes.” I replied. “Absolutely; help yourself.”
“Thanks! Yeah I just kinda grabbed this from the other theater. Is it any good?”
“Oh, it’s delicious. Yes.”
My righteous anger returned. I was elated.
STS returned to the movie, and I completed his name on the dead-to-me list. Glowing.
And then I released it.
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When I tell this story to other folks, I get a mixed reaction. Mainly, due to the purposely absurd delivery, most just get a laugh out of it.  Some see my behavior as cowardly, others understand the depth and layers of my reaction, many a combination of both.
Anger, in the kingdom of emotions, is one of my closest friends and dearest allies. Due to my specific cocktail of mental illness and trauma, I have horrible boundaries.
I am terrified of saying no. Even when I say no, I feel like a bad person and my abandonment fears kick in.
I don’t want to be the loser, the prude, the psycho, the dummy, the weakling, etc. 
I don’t want to hurt people’s feelings or be a disappointment.
I don’t want to be the cause of pain, and I don’t want people to dislike me.
I don’t want people to lash out at me, shame me, or attack my core in a defensive, hostile response to me saying no.
I don’t want to be left out in the future because of the one time I had to say no.
 Does this sound like most women you know?
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Anger, in its healthy expression, is simply “no”.  It’s not throwing chairs. It’s not ripping out someone’s heart. Sure, those actions may follow the initial inner anger signal, but that’s not the essence of anger itself. I will repeat this over and over again—
Anger is the signal inside of you that says a violation has occurred and you need to set a boundary.
That could be anywhere from your favorite mug being left out dirty-- “Ugh, boo, no. Hey friend, do you mind just washing my mug after using it? Thank you!”
To finding out your partner has cheated on you-- “FUCK YOU NOOOO. We’re going to therapy.”
To hearing horrors in the news-- “NO, I will not stand for this. I’m registering to vote and donating to those who can help.”
The word “violation” feels big and extreme, yah? It doesn’t have to be that way. Whether it’s a little grr or a big grr, it’s important to know when our bodies are saying, “hm, this doesn’t feel good”, the same way we learn to understand our food cravings.  When we crave a certain food, that doesn’t mean we’re starving and have a nutritional deficiency so low that we need to go to the hospital. It just means, hey, this thing wants our attention so this beautiful machine can stay powered up and healthy. We don’t need to wait until we black out on the floor before changing our diets, just as we don’t need to wait for a heart-breaking tragedy for us to admit we feel hurt, unsafe, or disrespected.
I try to remind myself of this on the regular, because I still struggle with it.  I hold onto my anger for dear life, because it’s the only emotion that helps me to feel safe. As a person with very loose and questionable boundaries, I am very easily manipulated and taken advantage of. I have a talent for attracting people with hidden agendas, control issues, and narcissistic personality traits, as well as being the person that will bring out dirty behavior in people who are otherwise fine around others.  I used to view this from the lens of a person with a strong victim complex.  These days, as I no longer wish to have that be my identity, I recognize how deeply people’s energetic signatures affect us and influence certain behavior, and my role in how what I feel/present will elicit certain behaviors in others.  A frequent conversation I have with friends—
Friend: “Huh, that’s so weird. That person’s never done that to me.”
Me: “Of course they didn’t. Because you have self-esteem/social status.”
For people like me, as we’re navigating the path of being adults and figuring out how to heal ourselves, anger may be our saving grace. As the storyteller in me presents the bit about Sweet Tooth Sal through humor and drama, the human in me knows exactly what was going on in my head at the time.  This man had been behaving in an entitled, arrogant, rude manner for days.  Because I didn’t want to be seen as an oversensitive asshole, nor did I want to create a tense environment (which usually happens whenever I stand up for myself or my friends; also, people get really flipped out when tiny femme-presenting women are assertive) I just kept “letting it go”.  When he pulled this shit with my chocolate, it wasn’t about the chocolate at all. If it were anyone else there, I probably would have laughed and said, “you owe me a drink, you jerk!” Or, “oh please, I’m happy to share. Which one did you try? Isn’t it so good?”
But this man represented everything I hate about fragile masculinity and entitlement.  He was white, middle-aged, a social climber, a misogynist, and pushed my staff and I around as if we revolved around him.  As soon as he gave me a direct, personal reason to dislike him, I took it.  It felt good, because that part of me that was angry every time he was in the building was saying, “thank you for setting this boundary. Now we don’t need to engage with him.”  When he wanted my forgiveness, the part of my mental illness that leaves me easily taken advantage of became activated and scared. My anger jumped up and said, “but we felt safe when you were angry and had to tell him no. If you drop this, he will hurt us again. He’s manipulating you into not holding him accountable for him behavior; please don’t let this slide.”
But then my social conditioning kicked in and shamed me by saying, “y’know, people think you’re a terror and weak-minded for your anger. You’re a joke. Healthy people let things go.  Healthy people don’t cry about everything. If you don’t forgive him, it just means you’re a hateful person who likes discord. No one is going to believe your side, and he’s gonna tell the organizers that you’re a bitch and you’ll never get hired back.”
Conflicted, I just sat there and prayed, as I often do in situations where I feel stuck like this.  I kept saying, “I need to be angry, but I’m so scared to say so because he’ll just attack me and call me crazy. Everyone else will say he’s nice and I’m just creating problems. Please, please universe. I don’t trust that this person will miraculously wake up and stop being a pain in the ass. Please let him show his true colors again so I don’t have to go digging for them to prove a point. JUST GIVE ME A REASON.”
Moments later he did.  So when I laugh about being pleased about regaining permission to be angry, it’s not about being happy that this guy is a jerk.  In an ideal situation, it would have been great if he was never a jerk at all. It was the relief that he did the dirty work to prove my point, and I didn’t need to go through the painful emotional labor to call him out for it.  I was already exhausted from chasing after him all week for going into places that were off limits, throwing his equipment all over my paperwork and computer, tossing about my merch organization, and interrupting me in the middle of my job so I could serve him with something that was 100% his responsibility, only to have him unapologetically puff off and have mini-mantrums every time in response.
“But, but you told him it was fine! That’s a lie, and passive aggressive!”
Yep. You’re right. But with some people, you just have to smile while you hand them the shovel, tell them what a beautiful hole they’ve dug, and then walk away, because you’ll probably never get through to them with reason or vulnerability. And I found that, since I settled in my mind on him being total turd and no longer wrestling with whether or not I was supposed to like him, it was far easier for me to set boundaries for the rest of the week, because I had 0 investment in us getting along.  Whatever special treatment he wanted and wherever he wanted to go that was not accessible, I just smiled and said no.  I didn’t try to excessively explain myself or blame myself for his inconveniences. I just said no, gave him an option or two about how he could find an alternative, and then let him figure it out.
I think this story is important, because a lot of people assume that since I’m directing a project all about women’s anger, then I must be some kind of expert. Some people have called me the Queen of Anger.
I’m not.
More like, Queen of Self-Doubt Who Constantly Questions Her Reality And Just Wishes People Respected Her But Is Too Afraid To Ask For It And Why Can’t They Do It Without Being Told.
I really, really struggle with anger, which is why it’s so fascinating to me.  I’m often either trying to hide it, or exploding when it builds up too much.  By creating The Scarlet Tongue Project, part of my intention is to contribute to developing a world where women who struggle like me, and anyone else who struggles like them, don’t need to be afraid of this emotion anymore, and we can use it authentically to create the brightest, healthiest, loving lives we can.
If something hurts you today, I hope you are able to give yourself permission to be angry and say no.  If you don’t feel ready for that yet, but want to learn more about women who do, you can help out by supporting the Patreon for my film project at https://www.patreon.com/thescarlettongueproject
Thank you for reading!
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