#Why are people like this?
relaxxattack · 1 month
ok i found the sprite redraws. why is every single person in the notes "omg this is sooo much better... way less ugly... guys lets figure out how to mod this one into the game so we dont have to see the ugly one 🥰" WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??
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Instead of rage posting about a show you don’t like, just flat out ignore it.
You’re surely old enough to understand that your interpretations of characters and their motivations are not be-all-end-all.
This is so funny. Why don't you take your own advice? If you're so mad about my posts, just flat out ignore them!
That being said, you do realize (right?) that many people, not just me, have criticized the interpretations of the characters in Rings of Power.
My interpretations may not be-all end-all, but they're sure a lot better than Payne and McKay's.
Oh, and I don't have the hubris to say I can write "the novel Tolkien never wrote."
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shoulderholsterfreak · 10 months
Re: Thrawn fandom deciding the only way to access the source material is through a lens of moral purity, I’ve been dipping my toes into the Invincible fandom and it’s like
Omni-man: Proud colonizer who views human beings as insects, indiscriminately and violently kills “lesser” beings with relish, uses his teenaged kid’s body to wreck Chicago to teach him a “lesson” and prove how pointless human life is, almost beats said teenaged kid to death while telling him he’s completely disposable.
Invincible fans: Damn he’s got CAKE! Kind of a dilf, ngl. Can’t wait for his redemption story!
Thrawn: As a young officer he admits he sees people in terms of ally/enemy/asset (as military commanders do), aligns himself with a dictator in order to take advantage of the military strength needed to defend the galaxy from mass genocide and enslavement (also something that happens all the time in real life).
Thrawn fans: OMG EVIL FASCIST! Irredeemable! Deserves to be shot on sight! If you like him for any reason other than as a “bad boy” fantasy you support fascism, too, you literal Nazi!!!
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topherwrites · 2 months
just got an anon that was-
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swedebeast · 4 months
Someone said that "the Enclave did nothing wrong".
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Things said online rarely shock me these days, but this is some a-grade demented lunacy.
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 2 years
I really wonder what the "sex is never needed in a story" crowd thinks happens during sex? The way that people act immediately before, during, and immediately after sex (basically where the no sex crowd would end a scene and then start up again) tells you so much about a person and the relationship between people.
How do they feel about their body? Do they want to stay covered or leave the lights off? Are they shy or ashamed of sex? Do they stifle their moans or make sure the neighbors can here? Do they only fuck in their bedroom or are they hooking up in the broom closet at work? Are there cultural taboos to be aware of? Are they selfish or giving lovers? Are they serious or playful? Who initiates? Who escalates? Do they cuddle after? Do they behave differently during sex than during their day to day lives? Do meek characters become dominant? Do aggressive characters become submissive? Are they vocal about their wants and needs? What do they say no to? How familiar are the characters with each other's bodies? Do they feel comfortable saying no? How do they react when their partner says no? How do they react when their partner says no with their body language and not their words?
Even graphic details can be relevant. There's a very big difference between someone who slams right in and someone who eases in and waits til their partner is ready for more. Between licking gently and biting hard. Between someone enthusiastic and someone going through the motions. Between someone skilled and experienced vs amateur fumbling.
Do things happen during sex that change the way characters see their partner(s)? That change their relationships? Because they do in real life.
There are a million things that happen during sex that are different for every person and can add depth and nuance to their character and relationships. You absolutely don't have to include sex if you don't want to, no story includes every aspect of a person's life, but don't act like all sex is the same and nothing that happens during it could possibly matter.
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breadeads · 5 months
I understand what you are trying to say but please know that I am angry papa
Today I was crying at home due to frustration. My groupmates stood me up at uni for our demonstration worth 40% of our grades. They were doing the barest of minimum and I now I am left to do the rest of the work all due for tomorrow. I am frustrated as I am angry
I know my papa was trying his best and was giving me an advice out of concern and rational thinking and I know I was too frustrated to see his side at that moment but I want him to understand too that please don't tell me that crying won't do me anything good. That I'm wasting my time mulling and crying. I know that, I know. Don't tell me what I already know.
But papa I am so angry and I can't really scream my frustration at anyone cause that's rude and expressing my own frustration to my groupmates would just lead them turning shit on me. That I am a bitch apparently for demanding cooperation and trust me I know cause they did that to one of my friends and to me before. I need to let out this ugly festering anger through tears cause if I do anything else, I'll be blamed for it.
I am crying pa because I am angry.
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So I thought I was just being bitter when I said in my head that I better not see in Sainz girlies claiming Carlos crashed to protect Charles
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impernious · 6 months
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I absolutely know I saw this going around a little bit ago, but I saw it again, and just... My ADHD diagnosis ruined my sex life.
Now that I know I have ADHD, it turns out I've never had the mental capacity to understand the full implications of literally anything in my life. I'm just a little guy after all.
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sheliesshattered · 11 months
if a post specifically says 'antis do not interact' how difficult is it to just
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hazbin-helluva-itch · 7 months
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introvertedlass · 7 months
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
oh man i hate when people make stupid jokes at others' expense and then they make self-conscious about it. and people be like "its just a joke chill" maybe to u, but u might be making others feel bad with ur stupid jokes. 🙄 sorry i just got angry because this happens all the time and people think its no big deal.
Thank you! 👏🏾 I agree Anon, it's just stupid and ridiculously hateful for no good reason. 😒 You would THINK that after Covid and what everyone in the world has been through collectively as a whole for the past 3 years that some people would have much more compassion for others and their mental/emotional states/well-being. But NOPE! 🙄
Such is the world we live in. 😒🤷🏾‍♀️
People think they can just say mean things and make all kinds of negative assumptions behind keyboards about people they DON'T even know irl and feel like it's "okay". Well, no it's NOT. And I don't have time/patience for people who push that type of agenda and hate on other people for NO good reason. 😤
Some people KILL themselves over what is said about them online and due to online bullying. Many celebrities have time and time again stated that sometimes what people say online/on social media HURTS.
DO BETTER people. 🙄 BE better than this. PLEASE. 🙏
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castelobyers · 10 months
I think I just got blocked on Twitter because I said characters love each other.... Okay
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anauro · 2 years
I saw someone on tiktok say that dass promotes racist stereotypes about poc parents???
Wow okay, I can’t describe the level of anxiety this ask gave me, but okay, let’s tackle it.
That’s simply not true and whoever said that clearly never read a word of my fic.
I have made James white specifically to avoid feeding into these harmful stereotypes. He’s write. Monty and Effy are white. Harry’s mother is white.
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iamthecomet · 2 years
Oh my god please, the old rednecks are arguing about the cops not doing enough in the town (for the ten hours we actually have a cop in town). And we aren't seeing enough results. I promise I'm not trying to live blog town meeting. But holy FUCK.
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