#Why can't i add servers on minecraft
Minecraft feels like it's missing something and i'm pretty sure it isn't "add a bunch of new items"
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medicinemane · 1 year
Ok, minecraft complaint time
They need a way to slime proof a slime chunk
Slime spawning is a really nice mechanic if you're trying to make a farm, but I've walked into a couple of the rooms I've done only to find slime
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It's well lit (which I know slime don't care about), it's... you know... it's mob proofed to normal standards. There shouldn't be random chunks that look identical to other chunks that just play by different rules
Great for farming, annoying for everything else
(Also would be nice if you could stop villagers from spawning golems. Basically anything where you can just manipulate bits of the environment, cause at the end of the day minecraft is basically an interactive diorama a lot of the time, you know?)
Anyway, it'll probably just be a matter of that sometimes you come into the map room and have to fight a giant slime, and since everything's eventually probably gonna be pretty well lit it'll probably be a frequent thing but... not much else to be done
It's something that you can live with, it's just kind of dumb and annoying is all
I like slime chunks, I just wish there was a way to disable spawning within them when you didn't want it
#ah... what's that mod called with the... mega torches?#stop spawning in a chunk basically?#what a great mod#not gonna install it here; everything's totally vanilla other than the pack that keeps endermen from picking stuff up#(which here's my complaint; I wish you could have just parts of mob greifing off instead of it being all or none)#(cause I don't like creeper damage; and I don't like endermen picking stuff up)#(but you know what else is mob griefing? villagers picking up food; you can't breed villagers if it's off)#(so basically you can either turn off mob damage; or you can have villager breeding; but not both)#(which is the only reason I had to add that thing to the server that stops endermen from moving shit around)#(if it was just mob griefing enderman/creeper/villager; each as a separate toggle; then I wouldn't even have that much)#dumb; real dumb#I love minecraft and I think they over all do a really good job; but it's little stuff like that where it's like...#why not do a small thing that would help so so much?#oh; and nightvision with conduits; that's a hill I'll die on and a hill I'll kill over#let me have conduits that don't effect vision; I make my lighting with contrast on purpose#you render conduits useless for me despite how many places I'd like to use them#have a version with night vision; but people have said; have dark prismarine give none... I agree#anyway... love it; but man do a couple things grind my gears on it#and... they're better at listening than many; but even with big name people who play their game for a living#it'll often take them literal years to listen
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kingscourthouse · 7 months
hold up i NEED to know more about your Xisuma Views thing.... I just saw the art with Joel and i'm obsessed
Well it's just how it sounds, it's Xisuma's view of the world. Unlike other players, he can't see the layers they have to hide.
Lemme put it like this. You're making a minecraft skin and have your second layer, yeah? That's their base layer. And then there's a second layer that's more heavily concealing.
Xisuma isn't from minecraft and his code is glitched, so not only do layers not work for him, but he can't see the layers either. Some people use only base layers to hide "actual forms" if they have one, and others use a second layer to hide scars or parts of their body that don't need a heavy cover.
So Xisuma sees people in a bit of a weird way. He thinks how he sees people is how everyone sees eachother. He sees their true character.
Skizz is a really nice guy. He's always looking out for people, tries to be there for someone, some people say he acts like an angel.
And so Xisuma never questions it. He sees Skizz as an angel, other people supposedly see him as an angel. Skizz is just an angel, why would anyone see anything else? It's just Skizz.
Though the Skizz people actually see is his layers with the torn suit and brown hair. The layers also affect his interactions with people too. If he's around Skizz, he tends to squint alot or avoid looking in his direction if he's not in his armour. Skizz is blinding to Xisuma, so he has trouble looking at him. Though Skizz does have features, but he's too bright to see any of them.
Xisuma also has a type of layer as well, but it's not on him. He's too broken in the games code (that's a whole 'nother can of worms) for him to use layers. So what does he do? He adds a layer to everyone else.
Xisuma doesn't leave hermitcraft too often, so everyone outside it will see what he really looks like. In the server though? Everyone has a layer that covers Xisuma from their eyes. He's lucky his admin panel isn't from minecraft or else he'd be screwed.
What's fun with Xisuma seeing people's real forms is that (in my au at least) he's kind of a grey character. If there's ever a fight or spat between hermits, he can have trouble taking sides. Not all Hermits are angelic or aliens like Skizz and Joel. There's hermits who are monsters and beings who do or did bad things in the past. Not all Hermits talk about those things.
He can get better insights to people's decisions or just things about them. Joel has a habit to make things around bright areas or access to a lot of light. Maybe because he's made of it. Skizz only ever keeps one pair of elytra. Maybe because he's missing his second pair of wings that can't glow anymore.
He can see people for who they were. Keralis is an eyesore (literally) and can hurt to look at. Grian has too many evenly split scars across his body and Xisuma knows what's behind them. Doc isn't a creeper.
There's a lot to Xisuma's View thing and I do wanna eventually start drawing how everyone looks to him, but I'm indecisive and don't know where to start. So idk maybe I'll open ask box for hermit requests. Can be interactions between Xisuma and specific hermits (both ones seen and not) or it can just be their design.
Idk but feel free to ask about them, I have designs for every hermit, empires member and even everyone in the life series. So he's got plenty of people to show you.
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mammalsofaction · 24 days
16. Lazily (because I thought it said lizardly for a moment)
From the prompt list here
Perryshmirtz kissing....lazily
Bring Me A Dream
Rating: G
Relationship: Heinz Doofenshmirtz/Perry the Platypus
Add tags: Established relationship, domesticity, mute Perry, human Perry, Vanessa (mentioned), old men being gross and in love
A/N: Works best if you imagine Perry's just finished working an intense offshore mission and just chillaxing at Heinz's place.
"-Could've sworn I left it by the fireplace, no don't turn the lights on, sweetie, Perry's on the couch and he's had a long day."
"Oh, sure. Hey, Perry."
Perry grunts in acknowledgement.
"Now where is-is it this one, pumpkin?"
"Th-dad, no, mom bought me this new one last week, it's got orange decals and I snapped the holster off."
"What does an MP3 player need a holster for? Doesn't it play music?"
"It's not actually-I meant the little clip in the back I use to pin it to my belt when I'm out, I snapped it off at school last Tuesday which is why I can't pin in it on me-,"
"Which explains why you lost it, ok, I think I get the picture. Have you tried your room?"
"Yes, dad, that's the first place I checked. Are you sure we can't boot Norm up to let him scan this place?"
"I told you, pumpkin, he's been on that Minecraft server behind my back and skipping on enough of his charging time that he's getting cranky, so he's on time out. Also he's way too loud, he's going to wake Perry up. Have you checked the balcony by my lab? You like pacing there."
"I wasn't up there last week!"
Perry growls in warning, eyes kept shut. The voices shush themselves apologetically.
"I wasn't up there last week." Vanessa repeats herself, much more quietly.
"Well, you can try it anyway if we don't find it in here. Check my vinyl rack, I might have put it away and forgot about it."
As Vanessa patters further away, a more familiar presence looms over Perry's prone, half asleep figure. He does not acknowledge it, hoping it will go away.
Heinz sighs, both fond and exasperated in equal measure. "Alright, get up."
Perry doesn't move.
"This is going to go by a lot quicker if you co-operate. I need to search the cushions. "
Perry only shuts his eyes tighter, and moves his hat so that it fully covers his face, keeping out even the faint orange light of the fire.
Heinz sighs again, and soon enough Perry feels his tucking his hands between Perry's back and the cushions, trying to wedge his hands in the crannies despite the sluggish obstacle above them.
It tickles a little, and Perry wiggles.
Heinz huffs. "Oh for Gott's sake, will you-,"
Quick as flash, Perry wraps his arm around Heinz's unsuspecting figure and tugs him fully down. Heinz yelps, tucking his arms in as Perry twists them around, pinning the scientist down against the back of the sofa, but before he could start yelling, Perry began to pepper raspberries all across Heinz's scrunched up face. The scientist began to laugh.
"I found it! It was on the key plate next to the-oh gross. Dad...,"
Perry releases his captive hold on his lover, and Heinz stumbles to the floor, disheveled and winded with laughter. "Phew, sorry, Pumpkin, just got distracted."
"Perry, I thought you were supposed to be sleeping."
I am. The agent answers innocently, and to drive the message home he leans his head back into the cushion of the armrest and snores theatrically. Vanessa throws a pillow at him.
"Come on, sweetie, I'll spare your mother the trouble and drive you home. Perry'll hold down the fort."
Perry's shut his eyes again, properly settling back down, though he briefly crosses his heart.
"Ugh, you guys are so gross. I'm gonna wait in the car."
Perry hears her footsteps walking away, followed by a slamming door, before he allows his previously suppressed grin overtake his face. Heinz huffs again, clearly bemused.
"She used to think you were so cool."
Perry raises his eyebrows, then signs with some measure of offense. I am cool.
Heinz cackled. "Oh, sure. She doesn't think it anymore."
Perry hums, already falling back asleep. His signs are sluggish as he points out, You think I'm cool.
Heinz makes some sort of incredibly affectionate noise. "You are cool."
The edge of Perry's smile quirks up, a smug indication of see? As he feels Heinz leaning down however, it melts into besotted curl, reciprocating the sweet press of lips like a hot cup of cocoa on a cold December afternoon.
"Get some sleep." Heinz says, right against his lips. "I'll be right back."
Perry trusts that he will be. He's fast asleep even before Heinz locks the door behind him.
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justasunflowerseed · 6 months
I have so many ideas for a creative project that I don't know where to start, like my brain keeps coming up with ideas and concepts and stops halfway when it gets to actually writing it down and trying, so....
I will start to actively work on whatever wins the poll, and will constantly update every weekend on my blog, I can't promise any quality or fast progression, some of these are projects in areas I have 0 experience in, so just vote for whatever you think sounds the most interesting ig, but please vote so I'll have something to do!
I don't have a preference for any of these, that's why I'm asking tumblr!
no results option, choose something, please I have no idea what to do
if any of these sound interesting or confusing, there are explanations under the cut:
either a client side mod or a plugin for Minecraft server that add Jewish elements to the game, main concept I have thought of:
kashrut laws, the mod will keep track of the kashrut of you, your tools, and your food (meat/dairy/parveh/non-kosher). for example: your sword starts as kosher parveh. you kill a cow - your sword is now kosher for meat and you have a kosher raw meat. you then kill a pig with the sword, your sword is now not kosher and you have a non-kosher raw pig meat. you then kill a cow with the sword, you have a non-kosher raw meat. you cook and eat the kosher meat, you get a kosher(meat) status for 3 in-game hours, you then drink a bucket of milk, the status changes to not-kosher. idk how to make your tools kosher again yet.
a tracker of in-game Minecraft days, whenever it gets to the evening of every 6/7 days (friday evening), Shabbat will start, indicated by some sort of pop-up. using any of your tools on shabbat will turn them non-kosher, villager trading will either be turned off or there will be a warning not to trade with them, and same thing with every working station + crafting table. building and breaking blocks with your hands is allowed, so will crafting from your inventory (unless it's food), farming will cause the resulting crops to not be kosher. Shabbat will end at nightfall of the 7th day.
my experience: Ive never made a Minecraft mod before, but I have experience programming in Java, so it can't be that hard to to at least some of these.
a mystery game where you relive the same day over and over again, with no information saved between runs except the player's understanding of the world. the goal is to find out what causes the time loop and break it. loosly inspired by kindergarten, undertale, and a certain b movie that I don't know the name of.
I don't know how to explain the visuals I'm imagining, but it will be a mostly 2d plane you walk on, and interacting with NPCs will open a virtual novel type screen.
you'll have a "clock" at the top left corner, each action during the day will cost a certain amount of time (a few minutes to a few hours), the game will be balanced to give plenty of rooms for mistakes as to not make it stressful, and since every time loop is the exact same, making a mistake will only send you to the start of the day, where you can attempt the same thing again. (and if there are repetitive aspects like idk mini games there would probably be an option to skip them if you already completed it in a previous loop, that's the only thing the game will keep track of ig)
there's only so much you can do it one day, and certain things will require the player to possess information from previous loops, and so runs will differ and evolve as time goes on, there will also be bonus "routes" to learn more about the world and the characters in it.
idk what the mystery is yet! the story is very early stages.
my experience: I have no fucking clue how to use unity, I made a flappy bird and a platformer without levels, but I still haven't fogured out how OOP works with this thing, andy brain can't figure out how tf you make stuff like dialogue. it would probably take me a long time to make a working prototype.
this is THE EXACT SAME PROJECT AS THE ABOVE ONE, but as an Undertale fangame instead of an original story. and I do have a concept for this one!
you play as Frisk in the pacifist ending (NOT after a genocide route, pure pacifist with potentially multiple neutrals) (also not as the player controlling Frisk), living out your happy ending. it's been a few years, you've grown, humanity mostly accepted monsters, and the underground is mostly abandoned as monsters moved to the surface. You've lost your powers a long time ago, not that anyone knows about them, and you have no reason to use them again anyway, you have everything you've ever wanted. but one thing is missing: Flowey.
his determination has been deteriorating over the past few months, and it's gotten harder and harder for him to move. he started spending all his time at Chara's grave in the underground, and you visit him once in a while.
the game is during his final day, you find out, the last bits of determination leave his body and he turns back into a regular flower. but you're determined to save him, and so, your powers return, and you're able to go back in time to the start of the day, and start reliving it over and over, looking for a way to save him. a happy ending means for everyone.
it might be a bit more story heavy, it might even have Frisk being an actual character as they're free from the player's control, but it's the same concept and same mechanics.
my experience: same limitations as making an original game, but I also don't know how good I'd be at keeping the characters in-character for this.
this is a project I've already started on my shared tmnt sideblog with @remitiras. it only has 1 post! 😭
I have the second part halfway done on my computer, but I didn't like the writing for parts of it and couldn't find the motivation to properly rewrite it yet, so it's been on hiatus for 4-5 months.
I made the concept while having a hyperfixation on rottmnt, and Cass Apocalyptic Series specifically. since then I've moved on and I'm not as invested in the fandom or the story, but it's still something I wanna finish someday. it has a mostly finished outline, and a large collection of plot ideas, it's one of my most detailed creative projects to date! this would be a good practice for making comics and stories.
my experience: again, it already has a chapter, although pretty ugly in hindsight, the wip second chapter has a much better panel layout. I've never made a real comic before, but me and reminhave a pretty good grasp of the rottmnt characters and they're kinda helping me write it.
despite having the idea for 8 years, I can't for the life of me decide on a name for it. lmao. the concept is as follows:
do you know these stories where the main character is living a normal and sad life until they find out their word actually has some sort of magic and an entire society of magic people living (mostly) in secret from regular humans? Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Gravity Falls, Danny Phantom, Fairly OddParents, I can't think of any other examples rn. these usually (but not always) accompany a chosen one plot of the regular person finding out or growing to be the savior of the group.
now what if, multiple of these stories happened at the same time, in the same world, to all of your best friends?
that's the concept of my story! in it, the main character, Sapphire, moves to a new small town, and slowly finds out each one of her new friends are the main character of their own magical/paranormal journey.
I have uploaded some concept art to my blog already: one, two, three.
if this win, I will not make it into a full fledged indie cartoon bye myself (lol)
rather, I will write down all of my ideas and make more concept art, for characters and scenes. and will share it on my blog.
my experience: this is mostly just writing down preexisting ideas I never had time to write before, and drawing concepts I didn't have the motivation for. so I have the experience for this.
this is a comic I planned for practice! it's a comedy with simple colors and backgrounds so it's prerfect for practicing my comedy skills and writing episodic one-shot content. this time it has a name!
Endless Library:
the character wakes up to find herself in a library, but the bookshelves strech on to the horison and the books seem to be about the most random and wild things ever. there's no exit in sight. join in as she slowly goes insane and starts consuming the paper for substance, I swear it's not a horror story!
I already have 2.5 episodes drawn, it's a very simplified artstyle, and the background is super simple, it really got me to experiment with perspective. I keep picking it up for a week or so once every few months and I haven't touched it in almost a year, so I don't really remember more than the general plot. it will probably have ~100 short episodes? I still didn't figure out the ending.
my experience: I got a lot of indifferent to good reactions to my first chapter! so this will probably be the easiest to finish as long as I have the motivation, I also don't have to worry about experience with comics because the style is super simple.
projects that won't be able to be shared with othwrs online :( they're fun and all but I'd just feel like they'll be a waste of time. these include:
making a hub on a new Minecraft server I joined, including multiple farms and a shared storage system. It just started so I still haven't logged in.
finishing my base on another Minecraft server, I like it hut I'm 50% of the active players.
making cute coasters for my apartment, and prettifying my apartment in general.
writing cringe low-effort fanfics for my eyes only, I will never ever share them sorry
drawing regular fanart
choosing one doesn't mean I won't do the others at all! it's just what I should focus on during my limited free time. right now I'm at a point where I can't focus on any project at all because I feel guilty ignoring the others.
also if you actually read all of this I'm sending you virtual hugs, thank you so much for actually taking interest in my unhinged ramblings 💗✨
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justcallme-ange · 1 year
What are some DSMP character or worldbuilding headcanons you have that you've never seen anywhere else? Pls talk about them.
Oooh, this is a tough one. So first thing’s first, I am very very new to Minecraft. Like I literally just got into playing beginning of this year. So a lot of my knowledge is either from watching Techno and Dream or fandom. So a lot of my headcanons are mishmashes of ones I've seen before. However these are just a few of the stuff floating around in my head that I haven't really seen elsewhere - sorry if this is long ^^
Worldbuilding wise…
Something I headcanon that I haven’t really seen before is that there’s like a master world - like a domain where all things originate. And player worlds/SMPs are offshoots/branches/copies of this world. So everything is interconnected, and how each world is functionally the same, but may have variations.
Another world building thing I see touched on but not really elaborated is that while there is a difference between player and mob, it's less god vs animal - and more like humans vs elves (at least for the humanoid looking mobs). Like they're not mindless (cept for zombies), and that these mobs have their own civilizations and customs outside of what players can see. In this case the mobs are like humans with short lifespans and only a little magical power - while players are the elves with longer lifespans that can be extended through magical means. This I guess is my justification for hybrids and and explanation on Admins being demigods?
DSMP character wise…
I only really play around with like... 3 characters so-
I headcanon that Techno while being pretty good about keeping a level head is prone to anxiety (pretty sure that's canon) so when he beds down for the night he tends to sleep with something heavy on top of him. (Might have been a habit kept from war - where he would sleep with a shield on top of him.) So he finds comfort in having a weighted blanket (or Dream) on top while he sleeps. Phil resting his wings on his shoulders to calm him is an elaboration on this idea.
Oh speaking of sleeping - I've seen a lot of takes on why Dream doesn't sleep or that he's a loner because "mysterious figure" and all that (and my angst brain couldn't resist). My headcanon is that he's the complete opposite. Dream's the dude who loves having roommates (Even if he tells Techno otherwise). Like he loves having people around (it's why he's fighting so hard for server unity) and that the reason he doesn't sleep is more so the fact he can't, at least not good sleep. He's used to sleeping in a place with lots of people - his friends mostly - and the silence gets to him. The community house is proof enough of that. So instead of sitting in a dark room doing nothing waiting for the sun to rise - he does... other stuff. Prison makes this even worse - because he's completely isolated, where as before he could ask Punz, or Bad to keep him company.
So not a new take- but elaborating on an already established headcanon, Philza being the Angel of Death having sway on Death. And I mean more so - he's able to lightly tweak the strings of fate. Untangle little things in a person's future. He's unable to stop their fate, but depending on how much he favors/likes/loves the person he can kind of... tug it in a new direction if the person is willing. He's not allowed to completely change things - that's ultimately a consequence of a person's series of choices, but in a game of 50/50 he can slightly tip the odds in their favor.
That's all that I could think of so far - but if anyone wants to add to here with their own heacanons feel free! I love reading people interpretations of stuff - and other world building things in general.
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emgene · 1 year
Enhypen and Minecraft
I wrote this on my phone while at a 3rd of July party. Inspired by a dream I had about Jay cheating at Minecraft.
warnings: swearing, not edited, rip doggy
Heeseung likes plain survival. He can't build for shit so he lives in the mountain. He's really good at finding gold but says that it's useless so he tosses it in lava. Killed his minecraft dog once and built a grave for it (2 gravel and a sign saying "rip doggy, no match for water". He doesn't like playing with you, but you're usually the farmer bc he forgets to eat.
Jay is a creative player 100%. He can't do parkour, but he loves mining. He'll often go online when he has spare time to just strip mine. He says it's therapeutic. Fights monsters for you and doesn't let you go out alone at night. Your minecraft beds are next to each other.
Jake is a god with redstone. Idk how he does it but every house you has a secret room filled with all your valuables just in case someone (riki) gets on your server. Has the copious dogs mod so he can have Layla. He tries not to play without you, he says it's not as fun.
Sunghoon doesn't play very often. I see him as a gatherer though. Always has food in his inventory. ALSO he's great at finding villages, but he hates villagers. He will kill them on sight, idk why, he just hates them. He fishes a lot, he says it's an easy food source. He only really plays when you are and he plays more when he's on tour so he can spend time with you.
Sunoo is a farmer boy. Specifically takes care of the animals. He has a texture pack that makes everything cuter (as he should) and a mod that adds more foods. Loves going exploring with you, but he has to tame every animal he sees. Refuses to kill animals, so he lives off of baked potatoes and bread.
Jungwon doesn't play often, he prefers to watch you play. When he does play though, he likes to build. He likes Minecraft Comes Alive so you two can get married and maaaaybe have a kid or two. He tried defeating the ender dragon once and failed miserably. Prefers creative mode, but I can also see him liking one block.
Ni-Ki is a speedrunner, he's just not fast at it. His goal is to get to the end and kill the ender dragon. But it IS possible to convince him to live out a calm life with you. He actively seeks out monsters to fight though. Knows exactly what level to find diamonds... he just can't seem to find them. He fucks up your builds, but makes it up to you later irl. Y'all have minecraft dates if you haven't seen each other in a while.
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kobeniliker · 21 days
minecraft movie thoughts (or lack thereof)
I saw the Minecraft Movie trailer a few days ago and was disappointed. I've had some people tell me that I shouldn't have had high hopes for a movie about Minecraft, and I have had other people echo my sentiments. I have also been met with blank stares from people who have never heard of Minecraft. Generally I don't write a whole lot of original stuff online, mostly because I am not an expert or feel that there are other people who are much better spoken and informed than I am having conversations that I cannot add anything of value to. Also because I'm kind of shy lol. Minecraft, though, I consider myself to be somewhat of an expert on. I can talk about this with some degree of confidence. So, here's my take on the movie trailer:
The most obvious thing about the trailer is the animation style: It's the first thing you see. I'm guessing the production execs haven't actually played Minecraft or know anything about it beyond "block game that makes lots of money". They certainly don't know about the hundreds of beautiful Minecraft fan animations, or hell, even Minecraft story mode looked better than this. It seems like there is indecisiveness between committing to the aesthetic of blocks or going full live action. The attempt at realism do not merge well with the game being about blocks, and making the whole movie live-action is just a bad call for a movie about a block world. A movie fully animated in the style of Minecraft might seem kind of silly, and it is. Grab your propellor caps and comically oversized lollipops, because this movie is going to be a joke no matter what happens. Is it going to be a good joke? It doesn't seem likely.
The mobs are atrocious. Again, see the trailer. I don't feel the need to elaborate on their appearances. But seriously, what are Piglins and Ghasts doing in the overworld? Those are Nether mobs, and Piglins can't ride Ghasts. The trailer makes it seem like they are attacking the overworld, which is stupid. Piglins just want to trade for gold stuff. Gold spawns in the Nether. No reason to be in the overworld, other than to provide convenient plot I guess.
What is the plot of this movie? Usually trailers give some kind of idea of what the movie will be about, but all I really took away from it is that some real people got stuck in Minecraft and that also Jack Black is Steve? I don't have anything against the actors, but having real people get stuck in Minecraft is possibly the worst direction this movie could have gone in. As for Steve, he's usually represented in fan content as either the most boring dude ever, or a super strong god who destroys worlds in the blink of an eye. Steve is meant to be an avatar for the player, he is meant to be boring and generic. The movie completely betrays this, and Steve isn't even a protagonist.
Who are the protagonists? What are they doing in Minecraft? I don't know. I don't care. The trailer doesn't seem to care too much either, because it doesn't tell us anything about them or what their goals are or why we as an audience should give a shit. Are we going to watch a survival multiplayer server game in the movie? Because I could watch that on youtube, the only difference being that I would actually be invested in the story progression and world. Before multiplayer capacity was added to Minecraft, it was a single player game. It is, fundamentally, a game about finding your place in the world around you, surviving and creating and living. Adding these real life people into Minecraft really just annoys me. Aside from misunderstanding Minecraft overall, it feels like waiting for your sibling to be done on the computer so you can have your turn. These characters are clearly not meant to be engaging personalities who are very experienced at playing the game that audiences would enjoy watching, it would be more like watching noobs play a game you already know how to play. it's kind of funny for about 10 seconds and then it's just boring.
But I think there is potential for the Minecraft movie to be good. They just have to hire me, lol. I might be biased, but I have an idea for the Minecraft movie that I think is pretty cool. Obviously it would already be a lot better if they fixed the animation, but consider:
Steve grows up in a Minecraft village and always feels a little out of place. One day the village is attacked by zombies/skeletons/creepers, one of his friends becomes a zombie villager and Steve goes on an epic quest to find the cure (Golden apple + splash potion of weakness) to turn his friend back to normal.
That's it that's (the very simplified version of) my idea. I would love if the movie was actually good, but realistically it's going to be mediocre at best and I won't watch it because I am not going to pay to watch my childhood be disrespected like that. I'm kinda excited to see the reviews when it does come out though, those should be funny.
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birdsat4am · 2 months
I saw your post asking about mcyt lore so uhhhh *takes a deep breath
Mcyt is actually a pretty big category of fandom, cause different minecraft servers have different roleplays or storylines, but if it's related to tcw I'm willing to take a bet that it's specifically about the life series. Not sure why really? A lot of the characters and stories just line up really well with the songs I guess.
Basically for the life series it's kinda like a remixed version of regular hardcore minecraft. Each player gets 3 lives, and if you lose all 3 you die for good. When you're on your first and second life (green and yellow respectively), you're not allowed to kill anyone and your goal is just to survive. When you reach your red life however, your goal switches to killing green or yellow players, and then other reds when there's no one left. Also the world is pretty restricted to like???? 700x700 blocks I think??? So players can't just get away from each other.
The rules up there are the basic rules of the first season (third life). They had a bunch of other seasons afterwards that change the rules up (health syncing with other players, trading lives, a timer instead of lives, etc etc) but the main premise of the game is the same: you kill on your last life, and if you run out of lives you're gone for good.
The story is based a lot more on improv than some other series (namely dsmp or empires) but i feel like the improv adds to the charm? You never know what happens next and that's what makes the parallels and cool moments so much more memorable. I think the whole theme of betrayal and death and alliances just mesh really, really well with crane wives music. Like if your entire story revolves around complicated feelings with your friends and enemies over several lifetimes and choices then half of tcw's discography will probably apply to you
oh my gosh i wasn't actually expecting anyone to reply!!! and in such detail too!!! literally made my day, thank you so much! /gen
that. makes a lot of sense actually yeah i would also associate a premise like that with crane wives music
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yayforocs · 5 months
picking back up in october 2013!!!
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random headphone girl? random headphone girl
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ok i can't find this one (or its later successor) anywhere so i'm. assuming i never posted it? even tho i could've sworn i did.
it's the noxcrew gameshow hosts, johnny smooth and scotty love :VVV
kinda wanna redraw them again tbh tbh
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a link :V
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WOW OK i was going to send martyn inthelittlewood a fan letter ages ago when he was doing the uhh!! the um!!! the videos where he opened stuff from fans!!! he had a po box u could send stuff to and i drew some fanart of him and characters he liked and wrote out a letter!! but i! never sent it OTL i think i just was never satisfied with what i wrote bc i remember trying to write it multiple times dslkfj
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also i found teen ib au doodles! :V i did draw something after all
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doodle of homestuck troll oc, terian oneira :V (the name did actually like. mean something. but i don't remember what)
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a redraw of like the second aqua pic i drew ever bc Actual Player AquaUmbreon had changed his minecraft skin :V (so i'm not gonna tag this as the character sdlkj)
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speakin of the CM server crew, tis me and razor :V
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there's also a vaughn from harvest moon island of happiness!! this was also a july doodle, hm.
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there's also some crystal chronicles crew doodles :VVV from when mogi and i were planning out the caravan!!
november 2013 :VV
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oh man oh man oh man ok i never posted this one bc i started coloring it w colored pencils n then i never finished so it was just unfinished to me bUT i played fire emblem awakening and was wrecked by a nuzlocke playthrough where i got gaius and maribelle s supported and then maribelle. died. so i drew a lyric comic thing (but i was going to add in the lyrics digitally, so. rip.) set to.... a song that i cannot find???? i have the recording on my ipod of it but it's a rip from youtube that. i guess isn't there anymore. here's the poem based on it though: (and straight googling the entirety of the poem led me nowhere also so i'm just. where is this from who originally wrote it what.)
Sun sets low beneath the sky Leaves all in golden state Stars glow at edge of twilight And here I stay, your words await Goodnight, Goodnight
Sky a shade of midnight blue Moon in its glowing fate The world at peace is a calming view And here I stay, your words await Goodnight, Goodnight
Distance leaves us far apart So at midnight if I may Wish upon the brightest star And hear your voice so softly say Goodnight, Goodnight
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also ib oc, adam! :V he's from a fic i wrote abt garry getting stuck in the gallery and inadvertently getting out with the help of another kid pulled in years later
skip to april 2014!
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it's a redraw of my first post on yayforstuffs, the CM crew! :V man look at how tiny i drew sdlkfj
moving to february 2015 :V
i have the ENTIRETY of the original original ib sprites i made!!!!!
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this is so many why did i do All Of Those sdklfjs
-ah heck ran out of images again, holdon
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epicfranb · 8 months
I like that with the new attribute changes in Minecraft it's gonna be possible to create origins thru datapacks
Heck, even thru just commands
You can just go to your vanilla single-player world and make yourself your own origin, it's amazing
Other than that, WIND CHARGES!!! They're amazing! I can't wait for all the mini games people can come up with using these :D it's cool when Mojang adds silly little items like this that actually affect the gameplay. Feels like they're adding so much less fun stuff cuz they're really focused on it making sense within the rest of the game. Which is fair. They also need everything to be really polished and be finished in time for the release. Which is why updates feel fairly small sometimes.
Hopefully more things are touched on and updated soon... With the new vault block, i really think they should address loot in other structures too... For now still just use Lootr on modded servers.
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smoll-steps-here · 2 years
The gmail you send this to is: [email protected] The application you'll need to fill out! Hello I'm _____ (You can use a nickname/username it's whatever your okay with) My pronouns are: (random pronouns/random pronouns add as many as you need) These are my medias! (Your basic social media your okay with sharing also we need to know your twitch and discord) - (random media) - (random media) - (random media) -(Twitch) -(Discord name plus number so we can add you to the server) My Minecraft name: -(Random name) My time zone is -(whatever time zone) I mostly speak -(Whatever) I am from here: (Ex: I'm from the USA)
I've played these games and liked them! -(game) -(game) -(game) I like doing this whenever I can! -(Thing) -(Thing) -(Thing) Favorite characters! -(Character and where their from) -(Character and where their from) Warning: I have/I'm like this -(It can be a health/physical/mental/anything you think we should know) I can't stand, handle or, understand these: -(Problem) -(Problem) I use this to clam down: -(Ex: Drawing) Leave me alone if I'm: -(Ex: Not talking) -(Ex: Not messaging back after 3 texts) { (We can know your tastes better for your lore if you want lore. Also we can make sure others don't do/say these things to you) }
Would I like lore: -Yes/No
Have you been banned from any servers please tell us why:
Character name: Their pronouns: -(pronouns/pronouns) What origin they are: -(origin) What age I want them to be: -(It can't be a child so 16+) Their height: (height 0'0 or 0cm) Their favorite food: -(It can't be anything you can't eat plus I think this is a good/cute question also you can add extra foods if you can't pick one!) What they act like: -(Basic personality) What they can do this very well: -(Basic skill) They have more/less limbs: -(Arms: ((Number))) -(Legs: ((Number))) -(Tongues: ((Number))) My character can't do this: -(Ex: My character can't read) -(Ex: My character can sing very well) -(Ex: My character can't talk ((This means you'll be mute during the whole time when others have lore Stream/videos)) ((Unless they get their thing to talk back somehow)))) My character's home: -The name of the place -Where it'd be mostly like (Ex: It was by the sea) -Was it a town/village/city -What did it look like (Ex: It was a nice little village with many flowers) (Or you can send a picture of what it looked like) -Was there a lot/a little (Or you can give us a number) amount of town's folk/villagers/city folks -My friend/enemy/lover/family from my village is: -(The name of them, my relationship with them, their pronouns) Extras we need to know about character: -(Thing) -(Thing) -(Thing) Basic picture of character: -(Picture you drew/made on picrew/got made for you) What item you want!: (Check last post to see what you can't have)
Our rules:
-We won't take any! And I mean ANY!!! Homophobic/Transphobic people on this server at all! (We don't care if you straight or whatever we just want people that aren't d*cks rude to others) -You have to be 16 years or older -25 curses/swears per day/stream -You can't use a MCYT skin (Make your own please or use a skin already made with permission from creator) -You can't join if you've been banned from Minecraft servers for bullying, harassment, unwanted talk/contact and we don't care if you say it was a joke won't take you -We don't want troll to spam the chat with unwanted things -We don't make fun of others for how they cope (Unless it's unhealthy and you can message us what you think is unhealthy so we can fact check it and make sure if it is or isn't so, we can tell you if it is or isn't) -We don't make fun of others for their differences at all! (Unless you and another person both know your both joking around) -We don't take kindly to those who are know for many things that aren't positive -We don't talk about politics or religion! (Because, a lot of things can happen we don't want with this topic!) -You can't flirt with others if they don't want it/they don't like! -Please respect others pronouns/sexuality/their life style (^^^^ Add on for this: If we find your life style to be unsafe/unhealthy/not good for others to see like at all! We won't let you join) -No hating on others (Unless you and this person are joking around!) (More will be add on if needed!) -You get two warnings (Three if one was a misunderstanding) Okay now I _____ agree to these rules. If I ______ break said rules and had my warning already given to me I will be okay with getting kicked off all servers and kicked out of this! I _____ am okay with my character being killed off/leaving this roleplay smp after I've been kicked! I _____ am okay with not being part of the meet ups/hang outs when banned (Unless we forgive for what you did)! I _____ am okay with any of the owners on their socials saying I've been kicked! (We'll say a basic reason why you got kicked not really in detail) I ____ am okay being not in the lore/server anymore! I _____ will be okay if no one wants to talk to me after what I did! I _____ will not harass others after being kicked! I ______ will be okay if owners show why I was kicked/banned from server to the members of the eye of ender smp only and no one else! I _____ will not show/say the messages the owners send me without asking!
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jaythelay · 2 months
Oh my god I just saw a video where a dude was reviewing a custom L4D2 campaign, it had an additional mod to download to replace weapons with WW2 weapons, and the reviewer just...
Like when I say "comment bait" it's because I've been there where I wrote something and went "hmm, brain must've funked that's not words I'd use or mean" and then FIXED IT. This was 3 minutes in! It was intentional, and either for comment baiting, or because they didn't put any effort into shit anywhere.
Reviewer asks...why...why replace the model for...the pistol...because the pistol...can't aim well and...the magnum is...better...
Is there... Any reason at all to touch that point? It's that kind've barbaric stupid that shuts your brain off and you can no longer come up with anything. Like the situation was so incomprehensible that your brain pretends it didn't happen to protect itself.
I don't know...how you make a 30 minute video and your first real point of criticism is of the GAME itself, followed by asking...why he used...one of the few select guns in the game????
Yeah! Why would he replace the gun model for the starter pistol at the Start instead of just giving you tier 3s and deagles immedietly??? iT'S A MYSTERY!!!
"The default pistol of L4D2 is a flaw" "and I blame the mod for it" basically hahaha.
He then, went on to add a mod that puts 7 bot survivors in the game... And...kept reviewing it?????????????
Did he not watch his own video, or read anything ever, or make a script or....
Know what? Doesn't matter. It's not good art they themselves had any confidence in, as their garbo comments in response have shown, they really don't have a clue how clueless he comes off while being a dick to a creator of an entirely different fucking language hahaha
Hell the map may not even have been made for normal servers! Dude did no research! Just started calling it shit and moved on. It's basically just s-ven map quality being treated as official work. It reeks of desperate for attention and approval while having nothing, not one thing to actually say that someone else easily couldn't.
So exactly the videos I made when I was a child. Not an adult.
It felt like someone who'd never played the game, reviewing a mod for the game. And apparently that's not the case, but boy howdy, does he come off like he's got no clue of what a Game even is. I wanna joke but I already made my point, like, he critiqued the Default Pistol in L4D2 for not being as good as the Tier 2 Pistol. For the mod. The mod of the game. The same game that does that exact same thing too??
"Why would you play Minecraft in Survival when you're God Mode in Creative?" Energy
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zwoelffarben · 3 months
It just hit me that my niche (honestly horribly coded) minecraft mod could lowkey be on the hermitcraft server. It's unlikely to be the case: They've got people better at coding and whatnot than me helping them out with their back-end. And given how badly put together and basic my mod is, coding a better version from sratch wouldn't be that difficult. But, like, it's possible.
I developed the Command Statistics mod after being told by several datapack communities that what I wanted to do was impossible in vanilla. The mod only exists because I couldn't use the existing commands to manipulate my player statistics. All it does is add a /statistics command to the game that makes it possible for my datapack that autocrafts suspicious stew for my lazy ass to also count the craft in my statistics. It enables other stuff too, but that's its' reason to exist.
Now, why do I think it could be on hermitcraft?
A month ago, Xisuma made a book, that automagically updates its' contents to report, in real time, the value of a specific stat for every hermit. There are lots of ways to do this, some more cumbersome than others.
I imagine the most direct way would be to store every player's stats to a scoreboard objective and use that the scores to update the book's contents. You can't do it that way in vanilla because there's no way to get the stats of your stats json and into your score objective. My mod makes it possible.
I uploaded my mod three months ago, which would put two months between my mod being available and Xisuma's book being on the server. Two months would be tight for a fully fletched out datapack, but, a skilled datapacker could throw together a functional proof of concept in half that.
Coincidence? Probably. They probably have some plugin on the server that's infinitely more complicated and much better designed than my little mod, tracking their statistics; and they've probably had it since the start of the server, before my mod existed.
But, technically possible.
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pozge-pridumayu · 7 months
Oh yeah lore update after I met my girl-best-friend I haven't seen since summer
I'm not attracted to her at all? Like even in a omg a very pretty girl way. Like did I get over her THAT hard? Or is monogamy dating does this to you? I mean better than being slightly awkward so a win
I already posted about it but her first kiss was with a female friend. Mine was with a guy. Life is funny.
We were arguing which is more cringe meeting your partner on tumblr or in a minecraft server. Yes she met a guy she's dating for 6 years now in a video game. I mean my parents did the same but yeah
Also I got my math right this time and realized she was 13yo when they met. Makes sence why she didn't tell anyone.
Also apparently she started smoking because she was constantly mad at him for doing it when they were living with her parents and a genius solution was to become an addict herself. Well I can't judge because my reason was literally why not so
Will add later idk
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vailimia · 10 months
I was going to make a post about a headcanon people might come up with if I was part of a MCYT SMP (even though I'll probably never be popular enough to join one), but because that headcanon involves my Minecraft character doing something that I definitely don't want to do in real life due to potentially being harmful to myself and others, I've decided to cut the post down to just the part where I get to show off my Minecraft player model and talk about the mod I used to make it.
This turned into a rambling post, click keep reading to keep reading.
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This player model is possible thank to a mod called Customizable Player Models (by tom5454, mod is available at https://modrinth.com/plugin/custom-player-models), which lets you add things to your player model (or remove things from it), though it's probably not the easiest mod to jump straight into.
One of my favorite parts about the mod is that it's completely client-side and even lets you use your custom player model on vanilla servers (though it will only be visible to other people who have the mod).
My Minecraft skin (and the additional parts added through CPM) is based on one of my OCs who I don't think I've ever actually spoken of on Tumblr, so I'm going to list the information I've revealed about her on Pixiv by being lazy and screencapping part of the description of the one work she appears in.
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I know I'm calling Blake a futa in that screencap, but I'd actually like to stop using that term outside of Pixiv tags.
From now on, I'll try using the term "hermaphrodite" instead of "futanari", at least outside of tagging my Pixiv works (since I tag those in Japanese).
Since this has basically turned into a rambling post at this point (probably closer to one of my Pixiv descriptions, since it's focused on a single character), why not talk about some of Blake's abilities?
If you've seen the Pixiv work that Blake appears in (which you probably haven't), you may notice that she doesn't have antennae over there, this is because she's a shapeshifter who happened to be in her default human form at the time.
Compared to the other two shapeshifting OCs I've mentioned on Tumblr (Haru and Misca), Blake's abilities are severely limited.
Haru and Misca can basically take any shape they want, with as many (or as few) parts as they want.
Blake is limited to "taking on arthropod characteristics", which is only limited by whatever Blake can convince herself is an "arthropod characteristic".
(For reference, arthropods include insects, arachnids (like spiders and scorpions), and crustaceans (like crabs and lobsters).)
Blake can grow bee wings, butterfly wings, or dragonfly wings, but can't grow bird wings or bat wings.
Blake can grow extra limbs, as long as there's an arthropod that naturally has that many limbs (she could theoretically have 100 or 1,000 limbs, but not any numbers in between), other restrictions may also apply.
Blake can also mix-and-match characteristics from different arthropods, like having butterfly wings, crab claws, and a scorpion tail all at the same time.
Hopefully Blake doesn't sound too much like a Mary Sue, the main reason I'm worried about that is because she's basically a representative (not a representation) of my online persona who evolved into her own character, then again I feel like a lot of my OCs are overpowered ability-wise.
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