#Why do We Dream?
thatsbelievable · 1 month
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egophiliac · 22 days
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queen of diamonds, upright + reversed 💎
I've redone this like eighty times, I have to just be done with it now and stop staring at all my mistakes oh no 🫠
#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 part 8 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 part 8 spoilers#coming in well after the fact but that's what happens when the art doesn't cooperate#and i just HAD to draw something for vil's ob (re-ob?) because i loved it so much#legit put my hand over my mouth and went “oh!” when i realized what was happening#i thought it was just going to be an idia thing because. y'know. closing out his character arc from episode 6 and all#so this was like. oh! oh we're going to get ALL the inky boys!!!!!#i wonder if this is why we got a malleus flashback so early...#not to mention everyone's dreams?!#i am braced for 90% of the dreams to be kind of jokey/inconsequential because we have SO many characters to get through#and most of the time will probably be spent on our lads (literally) dropkicking their emotional problems#but i am excited to see everyone regardless!#and also kind of terrified! what on EARTH will floyd be dreaming about. do i want to know.#i do but do i want to.#man. they're probably not going to get back to it but i do wonder what silver's dream was#what was he doing when he was like 'wait a minute' and noped right out of there#lilia: here silver i made dinner :)#silver: oh boy this looks great! ...YOU'RE NOT MY REAL DAD#ouuuagh i'm still deep in the blotsauce guys and i'm loving it#come make snowangels in the ink with me it's great
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gummi-ships · 5 months
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Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage - Main Road
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emisoras · 11 months
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in-restless-walks · 3 months
Simon & Garfunkel - Think Too Much
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losing my mind at my flatmate’s first words to me upon returning from christmas hols being “merry christmas! happy new year! also i brought knives!!!!!!” like iconic of her tbh
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juststuffshere · 3 months
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this came to me in a dream
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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I saw @qourmet's young madam lan art, and knew what I had to do.
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cordiallyfuturedwight · 10 months
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bangtan boys in turtlenecks (10/??) ↳ cr. 0613data, dwellingsouls | bonus striped sope for @raplinenthusiasts:
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ectoplasmer · 1 year
you guys ever grab your f/o’s face and just *forehead kiss* *forehead kiss* *forehead kiss* *forehea
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giulzart · 8 months
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Selfishly thinking that Orion could be persuaded to act in one of the band music video. Just once.
Anyway, go play @infamous-if cause it’s amazing!
Little bonus, I put the rambly scenario that sprouted these under the cut in case you wanna know more 🤷‍♀️
It’s got to be a team effort and a chore to get Orion on board but somehow they manage to convince him in the end(cause he got a soft spot). In my head the idea was Violet and Rowan’s, Iris jumped right in cause it sounded fun and then Jazzy and Devyn joined in. Chris tagged along too cause heck yeah. They all come up with a list of pros and cons cause they know that Orion will fight against it, but thanks to Devyn they come up with sound and logical enough reasons. Rowan and Violet do the presentation and after a lot of debate, Orion accept in the end to everyone (and his own) disbelief. The video is a success, the views count gets higher and half the comment are about Orion.The band tease him relentlessly and Orion swears never again. The end.
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rottmnt-residuum · 1 year
Any other LGBTQ+ Headcannons that are canon is the comic??;)
*patiently awaits Cupioromantic Donnie*
hmm... had to think about this for a while and talk about it with co-author, but here's what we got. we mostly base this stuff on how plausible it is in show/if there's evidence for it. with a dash of personal experience. This only applies to residuum, btw. I have different personal headcanons for these characters outside the comic.
april: lesbian. this is mostly based off of the fact that most aprils get with their caseys & the comment she said to dale. which could be taken as disinterest in dale specifically, but she seemed more concerned with impressing that popular girl earlier and that reads as more... saphic, i suppose. or at the very least homoromantic.
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raph: raph is just raph. we look at him and basically just *tv static*. go crazy. all we got is jokes or stuff that has too little evidence to support. so, yeah, he's whatever you want him to be i guess?
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leo: trans. already said my reason in the other post. also, gay. if gay were a power source he could power the entirety of the united states for five months straight without a single power outage. failing power grid notwithstanding (< thats the actual word. its supposed to be mushed together like that. wack.).
donnie: as much as i'd like him to be ace/aro spectrum rep, he just doesn't have the evidence in show for us to apply it to him in this comic. it's funny, for being hc as ace so often he sure is the most outwardly romantic/sexual turtle in the show lmao. one! cherry: "you're so cute, but you're so mean! why do i always go for your type?" two! astrogirl?? (whatever her name is) he is very very romantic with her. he has a type y'all. also just look at those two, he's a leg man lmao (bootyyshaker9000 anyone? ha!) anyway. and with the bromance/instant chemistry he had with that one guy in the purple dragons... Pan. or possibly Omni as he does seem to favor... cute brutal femme... Yeah. Omnisexual.
(you have no idea how fucking bad i want this boy to be ace spectrum. hes got the colors y'all!! The Colors!!!!! but alas... i am bound by my canon plausibility creed for this comic)
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mikey: ace. possibly ace/aro. he shows interest in literally no-one. we're aware that the common hc is pan but... we know a pan 13 year old, and let me tell you ahahahaha, kids going through puberty are very uncomfortable to be around sometimes, especially around their partners. or crushes. and mikey... well, that boy is ace behavior personified lmao. aces in the back you get what we mean right?? right??? anyway commiting to aroace
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#residual asks#rottmnt#i really get a kick out of he/him butch lesbian raph and ghostbear-sexual raph#but i'd never use those seriously. or at least in this comic#co-author says what they get if they really had to choose for raph is ace homoromantic#but otherwise...#he's just raph#like we can't apply any identity to him. and we really mean ANY identity. not even straight or umbrella terms like queer#its a very odd feeling#i also really like trans april but we don't have enough evidence for it#in fact there's actually counter evidence- but don't let that stop your dreams y'all. it just stops ours :P#sorry for stepping on your donnie dreams anon#but honestly i think that label applies more to 2012 donnie imo#i really do personally prefer ace/aro donnie. but i'd make everyone ace if i were able lmao#co-author would also do the same thing ahaah#i just don't like depicting romantic relationships. or attraction ahahaah#with mikey... we get why people hc him as pan... but like its a fandomism stereotype#that literally every fandom applies to optimistic friendly characters. and honestly i really don't like the fandomism stereotypes#i just find them... unenjoyable i guess#cuz like y'alll... your sexuality isn't inherently determined by your personality or vise versa#cuz like i know for sure that in fandom spaces- if i were a character- i'd be stereotyped as pan or a hypersexual cis het#to which i am neither. at all.#and co-author would be stereotyped as the demure femme book lesbian#which they are VERY much not#and i know this because i've been fandomified by people in my life more than once#it is a very uncomfortable experience y'all#whoops rant in the tags#residuum#rottmnt residuum#residuum wb
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soaked-ghost · 22 days
ref sheets + info for the (genderneutral) boyos
with a repost of nightmare's ref cuz I posted it with the last nightmare batch like a dummy
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'being the multiverse's self proclaimed protector, ink gave himself the job of keeping the aus from harm. Not even he knows what such job entails as aus, by their very nature, are untouchable by characters and can only be truly affected by their creators.
Ink being also nihilist at heart, does not bother to stop characters from changing script either, as no matter what path they might diverge the story from, they will always get the same ending, which is all that matters to ink.'
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'a kindhearted monster with extreme tactics and black and white views, dream takes the job not of guardian but of judge. Dream completely misunderstood the purpose his mother gave him of 'creating a better world', so he took it upon himself to judge people and 'get rid of them' if he deems them a danger to others or getting in the way of his perfect utopia.
despite what might seem like cold-heartedness sometimes, dream truly has the best intentions in mind and is simply misguided.'
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'greedy, sneaky, untrustworthy and scummy. nightmare is the embodiment of a snake oil salesman. First getting into the marchant business to gain money to renovate his crumbling castle, nightmare found more fun in scamming people than terrorizing them, and he slowly strayed away from his objective of becoming king and started investing more time in his selling.
Despite calling himself hatred incarnate, nightmare's hatred slowly ran out over the years and now focuses on living his life however he pleases rather than taking revenge.'
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fullmoonfireball · 7 months
actually. Louie poisoning himself compilation. there isn't as much as i thought there was but it's fun to read regardless
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+ bonus olimar cringe bc he's not immune to eating the planet either:
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lavenderprose · 17 days
On that note, I think we need more crying Izzy. I know that that's 70% of what we do here but I think we could stand to go up to 80 or even 90% Izzy Hands sobfest. Crying is how the body expells emotions and that man has so many. He probably needs to cry at least twice a day to make up for it. The leg is gone, it took the evil with it, and now Izzy Hands cries twice a day. Not full rolling sobs, mind you. He cries very quiet and prettily about things like the color of the sky on a nice cloudy evening and he cries when he remembers the taste of his mother's bread and he cries when Ed brings him something sweet in the middle of the night, because Izzy's on watch and he'd never get it for himself. He does it after Ed's walked away, and quietly, and with his head turned towards the sea--
And, y'know, he also cries while getting railed. It's not a problem. He definitely THINKS it is. But Stede thinks it's sweet and Ed...might be kind of horny for it, if he's honest, but yeah 'sweet' is a fine way to put it too.
Would Izzy have lived his life differently if he knew that he would someday be the kind of person who cried while being eaten out? Probably not. It would have been nice to have some warning, though, before his body's response to any kind of gentleness or affection became 'SOB'.
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pepper-azzi · 8 months
More Fanny because I love her SO. MUCH.
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