#Why yes i am
destinationtoast · 7 months
Offline life has been A Lot for the past while (health stuff, family stuff, family health stuff, work stuff, house stuff...). Things are not going too badly right now mostly -- just still overwhelming in sheer amount. Anyway, I miss all my friends around here, and sorry to the various lovely peeps I owe messages to! Miss you, and I'll catch up when I can. <3
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maranull · 10 months
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the girls are judging
love how Shadowheart and Lae'Zel are at each others throats half the time, then they are mimicking each other for the rest of it
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mxtxfanatic · 1 year
Post-canon Wei Wuxian already has a higher cultivation level than teen Lan Wangji???
Right now, in spite of [Wei Wuxian’s] level of cultivation being much higher than Lan WangJi’s he was still unable to resist.
—Chapt. 119: Extra (Incense Burner 2), exr
Because on the one hand, dream!Wei Wuxian is always in his original body, just in his 20s. On the other hand, Wei Wuxian died at 20 and gave up his golden core, besides, at 17/18, so the older version of him in his original body with a golden core does not exist.
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Last Sentence Tag Game
Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence
I was tagged by @somebirdortheother Thank you!!!!
Still in her sneakers, court approved heels in a tote over her shoulder for later, as she settled her black and white Eregion Guardian lanyard around her neck, Galadriel couldn’t help but think that the new hire answering phones behind the reception desk - towering over her with his auburn curls, designer stubble and glinting green and gold eyes - was going to be far more trouble than he was worth. 
no pressure tagging @lady-of-imladris @jhalya @scriberated @hazelmaines @niennawept @myfavouritelunatic @bittersweetporky @starlady66 @ichabodjane @demonscantgothere @theriverwild @honeyfarts666 @eowyn7023 @bad-surprise and anyone else who wants to share! (This is a 69 word sentence and I don’t think I’ve interacted with 69 writers on here yet - if I missed you off the list, I’m very sorry!)
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pasiphile · 10 months
I have a day off tomorrow which I sorta intend to spend on writing, possibly some short things just to get back in the saddle rather than risk getting overwhelmed by my Big Boys, so...
Anyone have a ficlet prompt?
Fandoms I'm willing to write for include but are not limited to: Discworld, The Untamed, Attack on Titan, Ace Attorney, The Locked Tomb, Doctor Who, Merlin, Black Sails, Sherlock, buffy the vampire slayer, Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, Good Omens (strictly the book, not the TV series)
No promises, given that my writing skills have been in hibernation for almost a full year, but yknow. Send me a fandom, pairing or character and prompt and things may happen.
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mataglap · 11 months
dbh WIP, again
yep, another scene that lunged for my throat as I got up for work today. frankly, at this point I’m posting these to guilt myself into actually finishing the fic, or at least getting the first chapter into publishable state.
A sudden clatter and a loud curse echo through the open space. Connor glances in the direction of Reed's desk before rational thought catches up. Reed is leaning back in his chair, staring at the ceiling, legs outstretched and arms hanging limply at his sides. Judging by the red hue of the screen in front of him, his terminal has produced an error.
"Anything I can help with, Detective?" he asks politely.
Reed does not move from his position. "Rule number one," he says to the ceiling. "Never offer anyone free tech support unless you want to do it until the end of fucking time."
There was not a single invective in that sentence, which is so far below Reed's average insult-to-word ratio that Connor stands up and walks over, driven by pure curiosity.
The error message taking up most of the screen has little technical value. "If you move, I can take a look," he says, standing over Reed's mostly-prone form. 
Five and a half seconds of staring silently at the ceiling later, Reed raises a leg and pushes himself away from the desk. His position and expression remain otherwise unchanged. There is nothing particularly funny about it, but Connor finds himself amused for some reason as he reaches for the terminal's interface plate.
Out of memory error. Which is more than understandable, considering the terminal's limited resources.
"Why do you have forty-four active searches open?"
"It's called work, jackass," Reed mutters, hostility still well below average. "Not all of us have silicone for brains."
"Surely you don't need them all at once."
"Did I ask you to snoop around my terminal?"
"Technically you didn't ask me anything," Connor points out, leaning his hip against the edge of the desk. "Frankly, I'm surprised the terminal failed only now, Detective. I would have expected it to become unusable at thirty searches."
Reed has progressed to mostly upright and glowering, but in another unusual turn of events, he's directing the glower at the terminal, not Connor. "Whatever," he says flatly. "Can you fix it without rebooting or not?"
"I'm afraid a reboot is necessary at this point, Detective."
Connor's behavioral model of Reed has grown robust enough that he knows what reaction to expect: anger, directed at himself most likely, followed by rejection of responsibility for the state of events and some uncreative insults in lieu of thanks. Reed summarily invalidates these estimates by groaning miserably, resting his elbows on his knees and running both hands through his hair.
The unexpected reaction has Connor… confused. It has to be confusion that generates the next sentence coming out of his mouth.
"I can, however, save any modified documents before I initiate the reboot."
Reed raises his head just enough to look up, fingers slowly dragging down his face. The sight of his eyes without the usual accompanying sneer is incongruous. If Connor were to make a metaphor, he'd compare the feeling to looking at a different android of the same model. The eyes convey no hostility, no aggression; they're just dry and bloodshot eyes of a very tired human.
"The fuck are you waiting for, then," Reed mumbles into the hands still covering most of his face, and the uncanny feeling disappears. Connor's behavioral analysis is most likely perfectly adequate. A single outlier does not invalidate the whole model.
Coaxing the terminal's OS into saving the files takes two seconds. Would take much less if Connor didn't feel compelled to ensure no existing data gets corrupted. He considers saying 'you're welcome' and decides against it. "Saved," he says instead, straightening up as the terminal enters a reboot cycle, and he fully intends to leave it at that and walk away, but something stops him. Apparently some parts of his programming are stronger than logical reasoning. "I suggest getting some rest, Detective," he adds neutrally. "I'm not likely to be able to fix the result of you falling asleep on the keyboard."
One of Reed's hands moves away from his face, fingers forming a rude gesture. The other follows it a moment later.
And Connor should probably take a look at his own behavior matrix instead of worrying about modeling Reed's, because as he walks back to his desk, he once again finds himself amused.
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konkuurito · 3 months
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𝑽𝑰𝑶𝑳𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬 𝑨𝑮𝑨𝑰𝑵𝑺𝑻 𝑵𝑨𝑻𝑼𝑹𝑬. the entity has created a bottomless need to sate your unending hatred, and it drives you on. you receive the benefits of bloodlust at half the time you normally would--tier 1 at 8 seconds, tier 2 at 13 seconds, and tier 3 at 18 seconds.
𝑯𝑬𝑿: 𝑬𝑿𝑰𝑻 𝑾𝑶𝑼𝑵𝑫𝑺. they're in your hunting grounds now, and nobody's going to hear them calling for help. all survivors start the trial with zero tokens, and unhooking a survivor grants a token, up to a maximum of 4. survivors who reach 4 tokens will have their auras revealed for the remainder of the trial until the corresponding hex totem is cleansed.
𝑫𝑬𝑻𝑯𝑹𝑶𝑵𝑬. make them look you in the eyes as you spit in their faces. up to once per trial, you can choose a random completed generator to sabotage, deleting half of its progress and requiring it to be completed again.
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rachelchinouriris · 4 months
i love how when we were talking about music my friend asked if i was still far up louis’ ass
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ghosts-junk-pile · 1 year
OHHHH MY GOD I just realized that the life seires game have huge connections to both The Hunt and The Slaughter, holy shit. OH and also The End with the whole death thing
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yes7erdays · 6 months
who is going to write an original character who is clara's companion and gf??
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clockworkmajyyk · 1 year
i dont collect a a lot of figures but this is my personal white whale, and one day ill have my gay awakening on my desk, one day
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Toshiro *gets a chill up his spine*: I feel like something bad just happened
Toshiro: Rangiku what did you do
Rangiku *sweating nervously*: Why captain why would you say that
Toshiro *glares at her*: RANGIKU!
Rangiku *shunpoing away*: I totally didn't destroy all of this months paperwork
Rangiku *crying and avoinding Toshiro trying to grab her*: Wahhh my captain is so mean,it was just an accident
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thronesfms · 2 years
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i  am  just  making  this  post  to  announce  that  our  plot  drop  tomorrow  will  have  1.5k  words  of  emotional  damage  (  for  you  guys  ,  not  me  )  and  i  hope  you  will  all  enjoy  it  .  after  i  finish  up  some  smaller  details  ,  i  will  update  our  application  count  &  answer  questions  .  basically  ,  if  you  haven't  applied  already  ,  i  truly  believe  you  should  check  us  out  because  we  have  so  many  plots  (  are  you  ready  for  it  )  ?
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umbrie · 11 months
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Zelda called me a champion what now?
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laireshi · 11 months
licanius timeline?
i’m trying to make sense of licanius timeline re: andrael and licanius the sword and aarkein devaed.
so some ~~2900 years before the main timeline of the books, tal’kamar is ordered to destroy dareci. he’s told he can change his name to do it. so he becomes aarkein devaed and commits genocide. and when meldier sees him just after the deed, he doesn’t know of ‘aarkein devaed’ yet.
the venerate fall apart after that. andrael leaves. some 300 years later he meets tal’kamar during the destruction of Silence and calls him ‘kein (a fact which i’m not normal about), which is an established nickname. how. when. did tal randomly tell everyone he was changing his name while (secretly) working on the columns and doing some other stuff in the meantime?
andrael shows him licanius. they haven’t seen each other for 300 years preciously; tal hasn’t known anything about andrael’s experiments with blades. (i am also not normal about andrael killing tysis and yet just telling tal about the sword?? like. it was tal’s actions that made him even forge it in the first place.)
yet at some point caeden remembers andrael showing him Whisper as the prototype for licanius? i mean i guess that could’ve happened later as a ‘hey here look what ELSE i’ve forged while trying to destroy myself and also all of us’. also that one vessel-weapon the venerate ran into when they’d all been happy together, that came before aarkein devaed and before they made the kan signatures. so was it unrelated? it’s said the venerate were already coming apart when aarkein devaed happened to finish tearing them apart, but... idk.
(also how did andrael die. at this point my headcanon is that he killed himself, between meldier’s comments and andrael’s law being a thing and licanius staying with the lyth??)
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thebigbadspike · 2 years
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