#Will also be out of town July 20-23 as heads up
sheepydwagondraws · 1 year
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It is time to fight - attack my lil guys!!!
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likeadevils · 7 months
She wrote enchanted while she was with Taylor lautner?
i mean debatably? i’ve made a bunch of jokes about how similar 2009 was to 2016– we’ve got kanye drama, we’ve got taylor getting ready to move out of her parents and we’ve got taylor getting ready to move to london, and we’ve got three men trying to date taylor at the same time
my guess is in september, her and taylor lautner were still in the friend stage, or at least very early dating with no commitments. i don’t think she and taylor lautner were never exclusive, because she also starts dating john mayer in the middle of dating taylor lautner, and when taylor lautner tried to make it exclusive in december she broke up with him
if you want to make up your own opinion, here are the parts of that whole saga that have been made public:
March 1, 2009: John Mayer tweets "Waking up to this song idea that won't leave my head. 3 days straight now. That means it's good enough to finish. It's called Half of My Heart and I want to sing it with Taylor Swift. She would make a killer Stevie Nicks in contrast to my Tom Petty of a song."
There’s a brief flirtation with Lucas Til in April, but that fizzles out in the span of two weeks, so I’m not going to go into detail
May 22, 2009: John Mayer is a guest on The Fearless Tour and preforms "White Horse" and "Your Body Is A Wonderland"
May 23, 2009: John Mayer tweets “I couldn’t get Taylor Swift on my record so I found the world’s greatest impersonator, Laura Jacksheimer.” alongside a photo of Taylor
July 30, 2009: Taylor and Taylor Lautner are photographed filming Valentine's day and Taylor tweets "Spent all day with the other Taylor. Lots of laughing, lots of confusion over which one was actually being called to set.."
September 8, 2009: Taylor tweets "Watching the video for "Fireflies" by @owlcity over and over again." I assume he responded asking if she was going to be at one of his shows, because a few minutes later she tweeted "@owlcity If I was in town, I'd be there! Front row, super-fan style."
September 13, 2009: Taylor and Taylor Lautner hug at the VMA awards
September 15, 2009: Taylor says kissing Taylor Lautner in Valentine's day was "life-changing.” That night, Taylor attends an Owl City concert in New York and writes "Enchanted" on the way home
October 10 & 11, 2009: Taylor Lautner attends the Fearless Tour in Chicago and Taylor hugs him while she walks through the crowd
October 25, 2009: Taylor picks Taylor Lautner up from the airport, attends a hockey game in with him, and they both go back to the same hotel (where Taylor is staying with Andrea)
October 28, 2009: Taylor Lautner tags along while Taylor goes shopping with Andrea. Later that night they have a date at a steakhouse and the famous car photos are taken
October 29, 2009: Ellen asks Taylor if she and Taylor Lautner are dating, to which Taylor giggles
November 7, 2009: Taylor is on SNL and mentions dating Taylor Lautner in her monologue
November 17, 2009: Half of My Heart, Taylor's collaboration with John Mayer, is released
December 3, 2009: Taylor and Taylor Lautner have an fro-yo date in Los Angeles
December 6, 2009: Taylor posts on Myspace that she's in the studio, likely recording Ours, which she wrote "when [she] was about to turn 20. [she] was in a relationship [she] knew people wouldn't approve of, and it was just a matter of time before everyone found out."
December 8, 2009: Taylor and John Mayer are photographed at the launch of VEVO
December 11, 2009: Taylor and John Mayer perform Half of My Heart together
December 12, 2009: Taylor Lautner hosts SNL and mentions Taylor in his monologue
December 13, 2009: Taylor Lautner reportedly surprises Taylor by showing up to her 20th birthday party
December 14, 2009: Taylor and Taylor Lautner have breakfast together in Nashville
December 29, 2009: Us Weekly announces Taylor and Taylor Lautner have broken up, with the source stating "There was no chemistry," "He liked her more than she liked him," and "He went everywhere he could to see her, but she didn't travel much to see him," before concluding "They plan to stay friends."
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blindrapture · 3 months
MONDAY JULY 4TH, 2011 (Rael's Exodus VI: Wishful Thinking)
9:12 AM I dreamt of leaving a beach. Donnie’s still sleeping. She looks adorable. :3 ..in a.. badass kinda way! .w.;;
9:31 AM Now she’s awake. Hi there! :D
9:59 AM We’re gonna go up to the bridge and see how Richard’s doing.
10:20 AM I heard no footsteps other than our own this time. I’m glad. c:
10:23 AM Richard looks pretty tired. But he wants to keep going. He says we’re almost there. A couple more hours, in fact. This’ll be my first time in America in.. eleven months. It’s a rather alien feeling.
10:49 AM ..holy fuck, I am hungry. x_x When was the last time we ate? We’re going to the dining room place. There might be some food left over. We said we’d bring some back for Richard.
11:03 AM There’s still some pies left. Pork pies, cornishes, and.. huh, a lot of tinned beans. Donnie can have the beans. I insist. >w> ..god, I’m weird.
11:18 AM We brought the food back to the bridge. Richard took some cornishes and some tinned beans. I’m having pork pies and sausages. Donnie wanted some of everything. Fine by us! :3
12:22 PM The sea’s been so calm. I guess EAT does want us passing.
12:48 PM Richard advises that we go get whatever things we have and be ready to go. According to his best guess, we’ll be arriving in the next half-hour.
1:04 PM Okay, got my folder of CDs, got Tiger Stripes, got a bag I’ll fill with whatever’s left in the kitchen, got my outfit. Donnie’s got her frying pan and a second bag for food, plus some books she’s found lying around. I spy Tolstoy. ..and her outfit, of course. She’s not naked. >_>
1:17 PM Ooh, plenty of food here to grab.
1:26 PM ..Yates’ room! Hello, prog CDs.
1:29 PM Yes, I did just snatch whatever ones I didn’t have. Shut up.
1:41 PM Huh, Richard’s quiet. …you’ve gotta be kidding me.
1:42 PM Goddammit. Another suicide. Why, Richard? Why? We were nearly out. >_< We were nearly out!
1:45 PM ..oh my god, I get it. We actually.. well… gah. Richard killed himself because we reached America. I can see land up there. But I can also see something else up there. Fields of zombies. As in, the land is absolutely covered in zombies. And these are all moving individually. They’re either Indisen or the normal zombies. If there’s a difference. A lot of them are watching our boat, very angry and hungry. Tiger Stripes, please give us some strength. Please give us a lot of strength. This is gonna be carnage. And how are we even gonna get over there? I don’t want to risk swimming. I might ruin this journal, for starters.
1:48 PM Donnie’s trying to get the boat moving.
1:50 PM She’s got it! Goddamn, I love that girl. >w<
2:07 PM ..we have officially reached America. Heading to exit the Exodus now.
2:15 PM Goodbye, R.M.S. Exodus. You did your last job very well for Queen and country. ..I see a sign nearby. We’re in Atlantic City, New Jersey. And the zombies are everywhere. Well, Tiger Stripes, old pal… it’s time to get back to work.
3:53 PM THERE’S NO END My arms are aching. The zombies just keep on coming. Donnie’s still going on. What a trooper. If she can soldier on, I can, too.
4:17 PM We found a shop not filled with zombies. We’ve barricaded the door for now. We just need to rest.
4:53 PM Donnie’s ready. I guess I am too. There’s a map of the town here. We’ve planned out our course. We’re just gonna get out of the city, and find some place not filled with zombies. Then we’re gonna figure out where to go next.
4:59 PM Okay. Out into the chaos.
7:49 PM We’re approaching the outskirts of the city. The zombies keep coming, though!
8:32 PM Oh god, finally, they’re all gone. We’re just gonna rest. Here. On the grass. Pain in my limbs. x__x
8:40 PM I hear thunder.
8:41 PM Oh my god, that is not thunder, that is the thunderous footsteps of a large mob of motherfucking zombies in all directions. Getting up now. Tiger Stripes, we just don’t get a break.
9:02 PM They keep coming. And coming. And coming. Oh my god. Blood raining from the sky after Tiger Stripes smacks each one.
9:22 PM ..holy fuck. It’s the gas mask guy! The what was it THE GRIM REAPER!Up there in the sky! Death! "Rise, my huddled masses! Wretched refuse of this teeming shore! Be thou my tempest! Toss these exiles to their golden door!" what door what is he talking about Donnie says it's a metaphor we're uh we're aching already and he's summoning more
9:24 PM We've ducked into a building, this was once a restaurant We don't have long before they realize where we went Just hide in the kitchen, catch our breath
9:25 PM Wait. Hang on. "What?" This kitchen is familiar. Where have I seen this before? Rows of counters, and a giant.. oven… donnie's looking closer "it says B-4000k…" Is this just... a coincidence? "It has to be. This was in Blackpool. This was where we…"
9:26 PM I walked back out the way we came in and found a completely different place. Donnie, come here. she's bewildered "A post office? This was a restaurant. We absolutely ran into a restaurant." So. So this is rabbit hole shit. now she's annoyed "Oh. No, of course it is." But is this how rabbit holes work? Looking like.. actual places we know were in the real world? "They're magical portals, Jordan. They can work however they want." But there's, like.. a logic… "Look out there! We're still in Atlantic City, but a different part of it. The zombies will all still be gathered near that restaurant, and obviously we're nowhere near them now. If we're careful, we might be okay." Well. Shall we look for a different building? A place to sleep, and a place not so close to this, um. Portal?
10:42 PM We found what used to be a hotel. Some of the doors were knocked off the hinges, so we got into a room, and we found a bed that isn't such a mess. It's quiet outside, with no sign of zombies. Not even if we poke our heads out the window and listen really close to the distance. I think we made it. I think we actually made it.We’re actually in America. .w. That was one hell of a voyage, for sure. …not to mention, one hell of a welcome party. >_> EAT said the Fears were watching out for us, that they want to get a look at us now that the Harlequin’s gone. ‘Cause we’re X factors. Looks like Gas Masky is another one of the Fears. Looks like he controls the zombies. And it looks like he’s focusing his attention in the States for now. Lovely. I get the feeling we’re gonna be seeing a lot of Fears over here. And of course, all the monsters that aren’t Fears. Maybe we’ll also get to see Bones.
11:00 PM One other thing’s been stumping me for an incredibly long time is the elephant in the planetary room itself: Rapture. We find out information about it a lot, but we still don’t actually know what it is. I’ve been hearing a lot of theories, mostly conflicting ones, but no matter what, the link to all of them is that it’s coming. Whatever Rapture is, it’s coming, and it’s related to both Indisen and the portals Doors. The Doors are key. What could individualistic sentience possibly have to do with gateways to another universe? There’s more to all this, clearly. What more, “Rapture” is generally a good thing, right? It’s, like.. Christians generally say it’s the day Jesus returns, or it’s associated with him in some way. That’s a good thing. Should we be fearing it?
11:11 PM I wish we can make it out of this alive. I wish I can find Bones. I wish I can find Danny, for that matter. And Fentzy. I wish I can find Fentzy, too. I wish for all the strength Tiger Stripes can give me. And I wish Rapture wasn’t coming.
11:12 PM I don’t know why the hell I make all these wishes at 11:11. It’s just a superstition. It’s not like it’ll ever come true. But still, I feel like I need to. I dunno. I guess I’m a wishful thinker.
(Attached: “Coincidentally, not long after witnessing the primordial formation of the Earth, the Devil took me to a more recent time– the Incans are more recent than the start of the planet, that’s what I mean– where we ran into EAT herself. I don’t remember how the conversation got to this point, but eventually that Camper was pointing a finger down a temple’s elusive hallway. --- Look, this discovery is groundbreaking in its implications! This hallway leads to places beyond the stars, places beyond the farthest stars! Whatever is down this path is something contained in the deepest pits of the deepest corners of the deepest regions of deep space. And somehow, that something has a passage leading right here. And this is what humans call ‘the underworld.’ So we need to see. I distinctly remember looking at the Devil and his omega face glancing expressionlessly back at me. Whatever either of us was thinking, we weren’t saying; this memory is entirely without context. The next thing I remember, I woke up in a bus stop in the rain.”)
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain's postal service said it had enough staff to handle the country's largest ever postal vote for snap elections due on July 23, as a union leader said it needed to hire more to ensure no one was at risk of being disenfranchised.
Two and a half million out of 37.4 million registered voters have opted to vote by post, more than double the one million that did so during the last election in November 2019, the Correos union said.
Voters have been lining up at post offices to register for ballots and, at a time when much of the population is decamping to the coast or countryside for summer holidays, they must complete and return them by July 20.
"There are bottlenecks and queues in some post offices in big cities and also in the beach towns where people are already on holiday," said Alberto Perez, a Correos union leader. "We need more staff."
The postal service said it had already hired almost 20,000 extra staff to handle the additional workload, across 2,300 post offices working under extended opening hours. A third of employees due to be on leave had cancelled their trips to help, it added.
It also criticised conservative opposition leader Alberto Nunez Feijoo, a former head of Correos, for appearing to suggest that preventable delays might stop some postal voters from casting their ballots.
"There is a risk that many citizens will not be able to vote by post, and this will be the responsibility of the government," Feijoo told newspaper El Confidencial in an interview published on Thursday.
He also urged postmen and women to work "day and night ...no matter what your bosses say," later saying he was not talking about fraud.
In response, the postal service said it would "stay out of debates that seek to undermine the country's institutions and public services," adding: "The postal voting process in Spain is safe and secure."
Political scientist Pablo Simon of Spain's Carlos III University described Feijoo's comments as "very dangerous", given the consensus of support for Spain's democratic institutions since Francisco Franco's dictatorship ended in 1975.
The country's democratic processes have operated largely unquestioned by mainstream parties since then, though a handful of allegations of fraud marred local elections in May.
Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, who called the snap election after his leftist coalition performed badly in May, called Feijoo's remarks "part of a campaign aimed at muddying the political debate."
Many Spaniards reacted with disbelief to the prospect of having to vote in the middle of summer, and queues built up outside some post offices this week as people rushed to register before Thursday's deadline and others handed in completed ballots.
"Everyone I know votes by post because we want to spend a Sunday on the beach instead of voting in the city," said 25-year-old real estate agent Paula Bericart outside Madrid's central postal office.
Ana Sarmiento, 32, and her boyfriend delivered their completed ballots to a post office very early on Thursday before heading to the airport for a holiday abroad. "The ballots arrived yesterday evening so we did it in the very last minute".
Zaira Llano, a second union leader, said excessive workloads could mean delays, and for some out delivering, Spain's punishing heat was proving a challenge.
"There are only 17 of us in this area and I am doing the work of two people," a postman in northern Madrid pushing a full cart told Reuters on Thursday.
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mushlandsandbeyond · 2 years
Once considered lost media, a retrospective on The Cataclysm from the 1820s was found in Starfish Valley's library. The following is an excerpt of that 32 page retrospective.
Just Paste It version here: [Link]
= = =
While we do not know the primary reason for the Cataclysm's emergence, one could explore the history of Echino Mesa, specifically in Calicle Way. During the time of its founding in 1284, Calicle Way was a thriving community of many magical and non-magical beings. Here, the art of terraforming magic was perfected thanks to the efforts of magic-users. The Aphros clan ruled over the city, not unlike a monarchy, and its founder Delfina Aphros kept the peace until her death.
Delfina's death was a tragedy. Assassinated by bandits while she was on her way to her cousin's home, it split Calicle Way's citizens apart. Nevertheless, her descendants continued to rule as the city grew larger and larger, carefully mending the people together again.
In 1489, Philippe and Ariana Aphros, granddaughters of Delfina, began ruling Calicle Way. Many historians mark their rule as the catalyst of the Cataclysm's birth. The sisters were more focused on production and turned Calicle Way from an academic-focused city into a mining town. The gold that was mined from the tunnels were fitted onto the tall Aphros tower of old and rare diamonds encrusted the Aphros twins' mirrors and wands.
Many of its people were discontent with the vain rulers of this time. According to the Starfish Valley Magazine (12 October 1493, p. 32), Philippe would always "turn her nose up at miners" and "pass laws that would benefit her family". Meanwhile Ariana was always commissioning seamstresses for "fancy clothes, with long trains impractical for fighting in" instead of putting that money into bettering the city. Many of these laws also benefited magic-users, rather than being vague and applying to many of its non-magical citizens. 
Calicle Way was in bad shape by the 1500s. Homes were built of mud and terracotta, maybe even red sandstone. Oak wood was expensive, and magic-users adapted to using the branches of dead bushes to channel magic. Meanwhile, "the tower of the Aphros clan shimmered every sunset, mocking those in its shadow" (Chitin Times, 2 Feb 1499, p. 15). Philippe and Ariana managed to shroud Delfina's feats by their greed and deafness towards their own people.
The morning of the first earthquakes were terrifying to many of the citizens. Nobody in Echino Mesa knew where it was coming from. The miners swarmed out of Calicle Way's tunnels, claiming to hear "footsteps that were lined with the souls of their loved ones" (Chitin Times, 23 July 1500, p. 12). Nobody listened to them, thinking that they went insane from spending their time in such deep caves. Rightfully, they rebelled and fled to the outskirts of Echino Mesa, never to be seen again.
Before the Aphros twins could track them down, the ground beneath their tower shook and trembled violently. As the sun cracked its first rays into the sky, sand and stone tumbled down, sinking the great Aphros tower into a large cavern. Philippe and Ariana made it out alive for now, as they "launched into the air from the top floor and landed into the edge of the gaping maw of the cave" (Starfish Valley Magazine, 24 July 1500, p. 20). As their home shattered onto the stone or melted into the great lava pit in the lower levels, a large creature emerged slowly, its head peering out from the new entrance of the cave.
It had no eyes, assuming that it lived underground its whole life. Its body, according to witnesses, was akin to "a void, shifting and shaping to suit its needs as its body was littered with false stars". (1826) (testimony of Humana Felicity). It sniffed, and when someone walked or ran away or hollered, its sensors would click and the creature would lunge forward at them to consume them. Echino Mesa was in danger at the hands of the Cataclysm and it took weeks to fend off the creature and weaken it, where it fell into a deep slumber in the pit it came out of. This was the largest casualty that Echino Mesa has ever experienced in its lifetime, as it included a number of magic users (including Philippe and Ariana). 
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The Bob July 12-16
Great Bear/Bob Marshall/Scapegoat Wilderness 
This whole area of multiple wilderness designations, within the Lewis & Clark National Forest, is referred to by locals and hikers as “The Bob.” In the middle there is Benchmark (Front Country) Campground and the Benchmark Wilderness Ranch Camp, which accepts hiker boxes for resupplies. Otherwise, it’s a 30-40 mile hitch out to the nearest towns. We hiked five ~20 mile days from Maria’s Pass to Benchmark. 
Day 1
We hitched out from East Glacier to Maria’s Pass then hiked about 5 miles with our friend Pony from the hostel. My ankles were feeling fine in the morning, but by midday they were in a lot of pain. That slowed my pacing considerably. We took our first “alt” to go around a mountain and shave off a few miles. On the alt, we went through Trapper’s Gulch, which had smooth terrain. Because I was still in pain, Owen suggested I try hiking this flat trail in my camp shoes. So I put on my rubber birks and felt significantly better almost immediately! I hiked in those the rest of the way to a lovely pine needle - cushioned campsite.
Day 2 
We started the morning with an uphill, then we made decent time on some cruisy terrain. We started the day in the forest but transitioned into a burn zone for the afternoon. I found a good technique for wrapping my ankles with ace bandages that prevented my shoes from aggravating my Achilles. We made it to our desired mileage around 4:30, and the available camping was in direct, hot sunlight. So, we pushed on. There wasn’t great camping for a while. A big thunder storm rolled in, with particularly cold wind gusts. We braved our way through that and ended up going a little over 23 miles. We didn’t see the trail junction, but started the Spotted Bear Alternate. That was our intended trail anyways. We finally got to a ranger cabin right as the rain let up. There were 3 national forest employees hanging out there on a night off. We envied their fireplace and warm beds. They let us cook and eat dinner on their porch, then we crossed a river to set up camp on an island.
Day 3
This was a VERY COLD morning! Plus, all of our stuff was wet from the night before. We also had to cross a second river to start hiking. There weren’t any good ways to cross the river except to take off our shoes and ford it. It was mid-shin high and FRIGID. As we got hiking, my ankles were in a lot of pain. To add to the rough start, I hit my head on a downed tree.
However, the day turned around as the weather warmed a bit and we climbed up into the mountains. We ate lunch at Dean Lake with a view of Pentagon Peak. Then we continued into a picturesque mountain valley and climbed up Switchback Pass. A woman coming up the other side advised us to look out for the ripe wild huckleberries on the descent. We found them and ate many; we love huckleberries!
We stayed that night at a campground next to a river with a guy named Wonder from the hostel. I also beat Owen at a game of cribbage after dinner.
Day 4
The day started with a 9 mile cruise in the woods, following the Spotted Bear River. We finished the Spotted Bear Alternate and rejoined the “red line” (main trail). We climbed up a ridge and stayed high most of the day. We passed by My Lake, which seemed like a peaceful spot frequented my moose. Eventually we got to the Chinese Wall, which is a 12 mile long escarpment (a rock wall). It was quite stunning and probably the most beautiful feature we’d seen since Glacier. We walked along the wall for 5-6 miles then finally descended to a campground next to a hidden waterfall into a grotto/pool.
Day 5
We started the day with some cruisy woods walking, which made for fast miles. We got to a river and saw a black bear munching and hanging on the other side of the river. He acknowledged us but remained calm, because the river provided a buffer between us. We continued on and left the woods. We ran into a National Park Service volunteer who called himself Ranger Rick. He gave us tootsie rolls. We walked on and got hot and dry in the sun. We passed the time with some singing. It got hotter and drier. FINALLY, we got to a river, where we washed our clothes, filled our water, and ate lunch. We got to the Benchmark Campground and had to walk another 2 miles down the dirt road (in the sun) to the Benchmark Wilderness Ranch Camp. We eventually got a hitch in the back of a pickup. We got our food from the ranch, hitched back to the Straight Creek Trailhead, and walked in to find a camping spot. We found a great place to camp by the river and took a river bath. It was a lovely end to a hot day.
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whatsonmedia · 1 year
Thrilling Thursday Extravaganza: 10 Summer Fest Frenzy!
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Celebrate the kaleidoscope of life as July unfurls its vibrant petals, revealing a symphony of music festivals, mouthwatering gastronomic wonders, and mesmerizing cultural fiestas. This month is a kaleidoscope of possibilities, ready to paint your memories with an eternal brushstroke. Step into the rhythm of the festivities, savor every delectable moment, and let the enchanting allure of July's magic whisk you away on an extraordinary journey. Get ready to dance to a tune only July knows, for this month promises a symphony of experiences like no other! Elrow Town 22 July Photographer: www.lukedyson.com Awarding-winning Spanish super clubbing brand Elrow hosts one of its famous mega summer outdoor parties.  It's likely to be a sell-out event where 25,000, party-loving people all up for an epic time this weekend. The party is taking place in the UK's capital city for one big marathon dance extravaganza where no expense has been left-out on the production set up, that includes mammoth stages, elaborate décor, stellar entertainers and also, so much more, ensuring Elrow Town is one of the unforgettable dance music parties for the summer of 23, and one that is not to be missed on your dream clubbing bucket list. However, Elrow Town fans know this is one of the stand-out festival, where the party crowd like to go all out on dressing up to the nines.  Festival golden tickets holders can expect a carnival clubbing atmosphere like you've never experienced.   Everything is OTT from this prestigious super-club event brand.  The DJ line-up is off the chart with DJs flying in from all over the globe and also includes some of the finest UK DJ royalty such as Gorgon City, Patrick Topping, Armand Van Helden, Alisha, Toni Varga, Dj Yoda, Ariel Free, Bamboleo, Bastian Bux, Ben Hemsley, DJ Paulette, Florentia, Nicolas Caprile, Oh My God Its The Church, Raw Silk, The Brothers Macklovitch are just a few to mention of the vast list of entertainers.For Tickets & More Info> elrow.com On The Beach When> 22 July The annual dance music pilgrimage is back by demand.  The truest dance music lovers are heading out from all corners to take Brighton by storm this Saturday to see one of the biggest and legendary king of the DJ turntables. Carl Cox takes over Brighton’s famous pebbled beach setting the south coast on fire for one of the biggest beach parties in the UK this summer.  The last two beach parties were so successful they both sold out in record-time those that missed out on this golden ticket event were begging and blagging to get their mitts on these special tickets.Carl Cox has a reputation that has seen him travel the globe 10-fold for his non-stop DJ touring road-trip making him a superstar in a league of his own.  What he brings to the turntables and dance floor is a party where you keep dancing all night-long.  And to make this open-air music feast the best it can be is for the sun is shining high in the sky again this year to give it the Ibiza festival feel. It’s another golden ticket event for Brighton On The Beach summer series that has become a highlight on the festival calender. And the DJ master on helm of the wheels of steel won't be going solo this Saturday as Carl brings some of his best DJ friends to make this one unforgettable dance events on the beach. The line-up also features the one and only Franky WAH, Syeeta, Keeq, Russell Small, Sasha & John Digweed and maybe a few surprises. It’s going to be a big one!For Tickets & More Info> carlcoxbright.com Nozstock The Hidden Valley 20 – 23 July Nozstock The Hidden Valley is one of the best festivals of the summer season. Held in the rural outback of Herefordshire, the festival features a relaxed vibe and a lineup that includes a mix of big named music artists and up-and-coming talent. The music genres range from pop, ska, folk, funk, soul, indie, drum and bass, psytrance, and house music. There is truly something for everyone at Nozstock The Hidden Valley. The festival also features a wide variety of food and drink options, as well as plenty of activities and events to keep you entertained. From circus acts and theater performances to comedy and dance, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Nozstock The Hidden Valley is the perfect place to let loose and have a good time. Dress down or dress to impress, but a little bit of glitter wouldn't go amiss! 2023's lineup is so huge, it's going to be off the charts in terms of music entertainment. The lineup features a host of UK and international music artists, including Sister Sledge, Andy C, Bill Bailey, Gentleman's Dub Club, Submotion Orchestra, The Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club, Ibibio Sound Machine, Calyx & Teebee, Lx One, Flava D, Dirty Dike, DJ Sammy, Huey Morgan, Stanton Warriors, Dillinja, 24HR Garage Girls, Mollie Collins, Nicky Blackmarket, Kanine, Randall, Levela, Total Science, Nu:Motive, Utah Saints, Sonny Wharton, Dark Arts Club, Dom Kane, Phil Kay, Dity Secretz, and Sonny Wharton. The festival is sure to be a great time for everyone, so don't miss out!For Tickets & More Info> nozstock.com Latitude Festival When> 20 - 23 JulyWhere> Suffolk Much more than just a music festival. Expect colorful sheep roaming the tufty fields, opera on the lake, clowns under canvas, dance troupes, and a huge children's area. Who> George Ezra, Kiefer Sutherland, Mimi Webb, James, Paolo Nutini, The Kooks, Paul Heaton & Jacqui Abbott, PulpMore Info> latitudefestival.com Standon Calling When> 20 – 23 JulyWhere> Hertfordshire Beautiful boutique festival, in beautiful surroundings, which hosts a stella line-upYears and Years, Self Esteem, Bloc Party, High Contrast, Faithless, LF System, The Human League, Anastacia, Confidence Man, Dylan, Katy B, KT Tunstall, Groove Armada. Scouting For Girls, Django Django, Caity Baser More Info> standon-calling.com Tramlines When> 21 – 22 JulyWhere> Sheffield In its 15th year, Tramlines has become one of the best sell-out festivals in the region of Sheffield.  It's a festival that packs a punch, delivering on all the festival expectations and beyond.  Moving to its new destination at Hillsborough Park for 2023, the festival is a firm favourite created by its big atmosphere and the mega artist line-up outdoing itself each year.  This is one of the festivals that reaches a capacity sell-out. So, get your tickets quick The line- up features Richard Ashcroft, Courteeners & Paul Heaton and Jacqui Abbott, DMA'S, Blossoms, Kaiser Chiefs, Sugababes, Bloc Party, Sea Girls, Circa Waves, The Enemy (Special Guests), Pale Waves, Beabadoobee, Kate Nash, Katy B, Reverend and the Makers, The Zutons (Special Guests), Black Honey, Spector, Omid Djalili, Jonathan Pie, Paul Smith Scott Bennett, Raul Kohli, Myq Kaplin, Harry Stachini and more More Info> tramlines.org.uk Junction 2 When> 21 – 22 JulyWhere> Brentwood London Hosting the most iconic stage productions Junction 2 returns to its birthplace for the ultimate two-day festival packed with all the festival features in the heart of the UK summer alongside one of the best festival line-ups that dance music and festivals fans could wish for.  Taking up the ante this is one festival that sounds out in a crowd. The line-up features Underworld, Adam Beyer & Cirez D, Asch Pintura, DJ Tennis, Charlotte de Witte, Dixon, FJAAK, Hessle Audio Trio, Jeff Mills, Skin on Skin, Margaret Dygas, Sonja Moonear, Midland, Mona Yim, Nina Kraviz, DJ Stingray 313 More Info> junction2.london Bluedot When> 20 – 23 JulyWhere> Cheshire After a two-year break, this unique festival is an experience that offers a full-on program of music, science, arts, technology, culture, and film, similarly to no other open-air event around the globe. Expect off-the-chart live performances, DJ sets, conversations, workshops, hands-on experiments, exhibitions, and new experiences.The weekend line-up features 2ManyDJs, Adam Buxton, Annie Mac, Belief, Big Joanie, Black Country, New Road,  David Holmes, Divorce, Django Django, Grace Jones, Gwenno, Leftfield, Matt Winning, Max Cooper, Max Richter, Nihiloxia, Nish Kumar, Nubya Garcia, Pavement, Roisin Murphy, Supernature Disco and many moreMore Info> discoverthebluedot.com Penn Festival When> 21 – 22 JulyWhere> Buckinghamshire Taking place in the quintessential Penn village, the camping family-friendly festival with one of the best boutique festival DJ line-ups and top music artists to keep you having a top weekend.  Throw together workshops for the curative types, and upmarket food stalls to this returning festival with a cracking atmosphere. The line-up features 24 Hour Garage Girls, Artful Dodger, Bad Manners, Bastille, Brandon Block, Corinne Bailey Rae, Craig Charles, Dj Fresh, Dj Luck And Mc Neat, Ellis Dee, Embrace, Gaz Coombes, Johnny Marr, Jumping Jack Frost, Kenny Ken, Mr. C, Mr. Wilsons Second Liners, Musical Youth, My Nu Leng, Noel Gallagher, Not3s, Sub Low Hz, The Cuban Brothers, The Skinner BrothersMore Info> pennfest.net Truck Festival When> 21 – 23 JulyWhere> Hill Oxfordshire Truck Festival has announced its lineup for 2023, with Royal Blood, Two Door Cinema Club, and Alt-J headlining. Other acts on the bill include The Wombats, DMA's, The Vaccines, Self Esteem, Maisie Peters, Everything Everything, and Beabadoobee. Truck Festival is a three-day camping festival that takes place in Hill Farm, Steventon, Oxfordshire. The festival is known for its diverse lineup, friendly atmosphere, and relaxed vibe. Tickets for Truck Festival 2023 are on sale now.More Info> truckfestival.com Read the full article
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joeygoeshollywood · 4 years
My 25 Favorite Films of 2020
Well, this was quite the crazy year, especially for movies. While many films that were slated to be released this year were postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic, this year still provided some laughs, tears, and thrills both in theaters and in the living room. 
(NOTE: Due to the delayed awards season calendar and postponed Oscar bait films that are unavailable to be seen before the end of 2020, this list will eventually be updated after having seen the following films: The Father, Minari, News of the World, Nomadland, One Night in Miami, Pieces of a Woman, Promising Young Woman)
Here are my 25 favorite films of the year:
25. Kajillionaire 
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Quirky filmmaker Miranda July is back with her first feature in nearly a decade. Kajillionaire is a bizarre but captivating tale about a family of criminal grifters and how the daughter reevaluates her strained relationship with her parents after an outsider is welcomed into the fold. Evan Rachel Wood takes what could have easily been dismissed as a goofy caricature in Old Dolio (yes, that’s her name) and turns into a heartfelt portrayal of a woman whose lifestyle of freeloading dictated by her parents (played by Debra Winger and Richard Jenkins) becomes her own crisis. In many ways, Kajillionaire feels like a fantasy that keeps people asking, “What on earth is going on?” And this time, it’s for the best. 
24. Freaky
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Revamping decades-old plots like the body-swapping antics from Freaky Friday can either result in a predictable failure or a surprising success. Thankfully, Freaky falls into the latter category. In this horror comedy, a deranged serial killer (played by Vince Vaughn) swaps bodies with his victim, a timid teen girl (played by Kathryn Newton). What makes the film work though are the dedicated lead performances, particularly by Vaughn, who is pretty convincing as young girl trapped in a grown man’s body. With a few good laughs and decent thrills, Freaky is worth the watch. 
23. The Outpost
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The Outpost is an intense film about the real-life story of small group of US troops isolated by surrounding mountains in Afghanistan, under the constant threat of the Taliban, which ultimately comes to a head in the Battle of Kamdesh. The film captures the harrowing experiences of these soldiers with heart-pounding action sequences, which are fueled by a solid cast including Scott Eastwood, Caleb Landry Jones, and Orlando Bloom. 
22. Uncle Frank
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Paul Bettany may be best known for playing The Vision in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but he should be celebrated as his title character in Uncle Frank, a touching dramedy set in 1973 about an NYU professor who returns home to his estranged family for his father’s funeral while his niece, played by rising star Sophia Lillis, idolizes him for teaching her to be her authentic self while he keeps his sexuality a secret. Bettany brilliantly balances the coolness of his stature with the internal agony that ultimately hits a boiling point, which is counterbalanced by Peter Macdissi’s fun performance as Frank’s happy-go-lucky lover who accompanies him back home despite his wishes. 
21. Hillbilly Elegy
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Hillbilly Elegy was panned by critics over politics that had absolutely no role the film. Based on the best-selling memoir by J.D. Vance, the newest feature from Ron Howard shows the journey of a boy who despite all odds growing up in a poor family that constantly struggled with abuse and addition managed to get into Yale Law School and achieve the American dream. While both Gabriel Basso and Owen Asztalos hold the film together as the younger and older Vance in the present and flashback scenes, Amy Adams as the impulsive, irresponsible mother and an unrecognizable Glenn Close as the no-nonsense inspiring grandmother that turn Hillbilly Elegy into an acting tour de force. 
20. The Trial of the Chicago 7
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Oscar-winning screenwriter Aaron Sorkin sits in the director’s chair once again in this courtroom drama about the real-life protesters who showed up in Chicago during the 1968 Democratic National Convention. With themes that resonate today, The Trial of the Chicago 7 benefits from its sharp screenplay, well-paced editing, and an outstanding ensemble cast that includes Eddie Redmayne, Mark Rylance, Yahoo Abdul-Mateen II, Sacha Baron Cohen, Jeremy Strong, Frank Langella, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Michael Keaton. 
19. Yellow Rose
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Broadway actress Eva Noblezada makes her film debut as an aspiring country singer on the run after her mother, an illegal immigrant, is obtained for deportation. Yellow Rose presents a nuanced depiction of US immigration, but at the heart of it is a heartbreaking story of a young woman who struggles between putting her family or her dreams first. Between Noblezada’s powerful performance and solid original music, Yellow Rose hits all the right chords. 
18. Palm Springs
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Move over, Groundhog Day. While the Bill Murray classic has largely monopolized the time loop film genre, Palm Springs gives it a run for its money. Andy Sandberg and Cristin Milioti star as the unlikely duo who are stranded reliving the same dreaded wedding day involving mutual acquaintances and their desperate efforts to escape the seemingly inescapable. The Hulu comedy stands on its own two feet for the good laughs, the chemistry between the two leads, and the film’s emotionally-grounded plot.  
17. Let Him Go
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Kevin Costner and Diane Lane reunite on the big screen after playing farmer parents in Man of Steel to rancher grandparents in Let Him Go, although this time they are able to display their full acting chops. In this period dramatic thriller, they set out to find their only grandchild following the death of their son only to discover that the widowed daughter-in-law remarried into an infamous crime family. While both Costner and Lane tug at the heartstrings, it’s Lesley Manville, who plays the ruthless matriarch of the family, that really takes command of the screen. Ultimately, Let Him Go is all about family and the lengths one is willing to go to protect it. 
16. Unhinged
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In a year plagued by the pandemic, Unhinged led the way to the revival of movie theaters back in August and perhaps in some ways it was meant to be the film to do so as the themes of a rage-fueled society and the lack of human connection carry weight. Russell Crowe stars, as the title suggests, as an unhinged psychopath whose road rage torments a woman and her adolescent son. Unhinged is the epitome of pure entertainment and is why we go to the movies. While it’s not quite the most sophisticated thriller of the year, it’s still one helluva ride. 
15. Emma
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Anya Taylor-Joy has had quite the year with both highs (The Queen’s Gambit) and lows (The New Mutants). But it began before the pandemic with the release of Emma, which she stars as the iconic Jane Austen title character, a socialite who meddles in the love life of others while refusing to acknowledge her own shortcomings in that department. Supported with a strong ensemble cast, beautiful production design, and comedic charm, Emma is not to be missed. 
14. The Invisible Man
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ln the era of remakes and reboots, very few are as good as Universal’s latest monster flick revival of The Invisible Man. Elisabeth Moss stars as a woman who believes she’s being haunted by her abusive ex-husband, someone she becomes convinced faked his own death and is stalking her without being able to be seen. Filmmaker Leigh Whannell, the writer behind the Saw and Insidious horror franchises, generates good thrills and high-wire tension with the help of high production value and a terrifyingly-good performance from Moss. 
13. Dick Johnson is Dead
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Documentarian Kirsten Johnson filmed a beautiful, intimate tribute to her father Dick Johnson, who has been suffering from Alzheimer's in the final years of his life. However, instead of dreading his death, both daughter and father embrace it by having him acting out several scenes of his over-the-top demises. Dick Johnson is Dead may focus on the subject manner of death, but this documentary actually celebrates life and the laughs that happen along the way. 
12. The Wolf of Snow Hollow
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Perhaps one of the littlest-known films of the year, The Wolf of Snow Hollow is not your conventional indie comedy horror flick. Writer/director Jim Cummings stars as an overly-heated police officer who attempts to get to the bottom of a string of murders in his small, snowy Utah town by what appears to be some sort of werewolf, though he remains unconvinced. Featuring one of the final performances from veteran actor Robert Forster, The Wolf of Snow Hollow uses its quirky sense of humor to stand out from the rest of the pack. 
11. The Gentlemen 
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The Gentlemen is a fun, action-packed, crime caper from Guy Ritchie about the London turf war of drug kingpins. Matthew McConaughey, Charlie Hunnam, Henry Goulding, Michelle Dockery, and Colin Ferrell all round out the strong cast, but its Hugh Grant that really steals the show as the comedically manipulative Fletcher, whose only allegiance is to himself. If you like a stylish film with well-choreographed violence and a fast-paced plot, The Gentlemen should be your cup of tea.  
10. Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom
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Some of the best play-to-film adaptations are the films that feel like you’re watching a play, and Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom is one of them. Produced by Denzel Washington, Viola Davis gives a transformative performance as Ma Rainey, known as the “mother of the blues” and the clash she had with a pair of White music producers, but she also butts heads with her trumpet player (played by the late Chadwick Boseman), who also has his own music ambitions. While Davis obviously gives other Oscar-worthy performance, it was Boseman who was able to show how incredibly gifted he was as an actor. And while the world lost him far too soon, at least his last role ended up being his greatest. 
9. The Kid Detective
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One of the biggest surprises of the year was how good a movie starring and produced by Adam Brody was. Brody plays a washed up former kid detective who attempts to revive his once-celebrated career of solving mysteries by getting to the bottom of a murder in his hometown. The Kid Detective is a brilliant dark comedy from newcomer writer/director Evan Morgan with good laughs, plenty of plot twists, and a career-best performance from Brody, who proves he’s more than just the pretty face from The O.C. we all know him as. 
8. Mank
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Citizen Kane is widely regarded as one of the greatest films ever made and Mank is a worthy tribute. Gary Oldman stars as the title character Herman “Mank” Mankiewicz, the Oscar-winning screenwriter behind the iconic film. David Fincher (The Social Network, Gone Girl) managed to capture the epic scale of the 1941 classic that would make Orson Welles proud. 
7. Soul
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Soul is one of those rare existential Pixar films that goes beyond being children’s entertainment. Following in the footsteps of 2015′s Inside Out, Soul depicts what happens to the soul of a jazz musician who’s convinced his time on Earth isn’t over. While the universe created to explain how souls work and the plot that went along with it falls short of its emotions predecessor, Soul is still high-caliber among Pixar films and a great movie for both kids and adults alike. 
6. Another Round
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Perhaps the greatest work from Swedish director Thomas Vinterberg to date, Another Round follows four unsatisfied middle aged men who decide to take a theory of task from a Norwegian psychiatrist, who concluded that maintaining a blood alcohol level of 0.050 will enhance their mental and psychological state. Mads Mikkelsen, who’s best known to American audiences as Hannibal Lecter in the short-lived NBC series Hannibal and the Bond villain in Casino Royale, offers a strong, nuanced performance as one of the four educators who embraces this drinking challenge in a film that provides an equal balance of chuckles, cringes, and emotional gut punches. 
5. I’m Thinking of Ending Things
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From the crazy mastermind of Charlie Kaufman, the writer behind Being John Malkovich, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and Anomalisa, his latest on Netflix is too a mind-bender. I’m Thinking of Ending Things is a surreal, zany, and at times disturbing examination of the human condition as the nameless female protagonist played by an incredible Jessie Buckley mulls over breaking up with her boyfriend (played by Jesse Plemons) while visiting his parents’ house. Accompanied with a stellar production design and a crazy-good performance from Toni Collette as “Mother,” Kaufman newest cerebral feature lives up to his iconic reputation of filmmaking. 
4. Da 5 Bloods
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Spike Lee is one of the few genius filmmakers who is able to blend multiple genres together and his latest film is no different. Da 5 Bloods is an action adventure, buddy comedy, dramatic character study, and war movie all wrapped up into one about a group of Vietnam War veterans who return to the former battlegrounds to find the remains of one of their fallen soldiers as well as some treasure that they kept hidden years ago. With a strong ensemble cast that includes the late Chadwick Boseman, its longtime character actor Delroy Lindo who steals the show with his powerful performance. Da 5 Bloods is easily one of Netflix’s strongest films to date. 
3. The Assistant
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One of the first #MeToo-era films, The Assistant offers the day in the life of a low-level female staffer of a production company who is haunted by the presence of her Harvey Weinstein-like boss (who never actually appears in the film). However, rather than depicting the dramatics of sexual misconduct, The Assistant uses the common subtleties and nuances of the workplace yet maintains the same tension and heartbreak. Anchored by the remarkable, devastating performance by up-and-comer Julia Garner (Ozark), The Assistant is as important as it is well-done. 
2. Sound of Metal
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Riz Ahmed gives the performance of his career as a heavy metal drummer and former addict whose sudden battle with going deaf upends his life. Sound of Metal is an incredible experience that gives a rare glimpse in the American deaf community which is enhanced by the remarkable sound design that helps the audience actually hear what the musician is going through. It’s truly one of the most rewarding films of the year. 
1. The Climb
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The Climb takes the generic “man sleeps with his best friend’s fiancé” storyline and turns it on its head. In his feature debut as writer and director, Michael Angelo Covino leads as the not-so-apologetic adulterer Mike and Kyle Marvin, who co-wrote the film, is the good-hearted Kyle who struggles to whether or not to forgive his best friend’s ultimately betrayal. Not only is The Climb is quirky and hilariously written, it’s a remarkably well-made comedy with some of the year’s best cinematography. Between a strong cast, a superb screenplay, and the extremely-high production value, The Climb is at the top of the mountain of 2020′s best films. 
434 notes · View notes
tinyshe · 3 years
COVID Vaccine Mandates Strongly Opposed in Europe, US as Failures Increase Analysis by
Barbara Loe Fisher
August 10, 2021
Since coronavirus pandemic lockdowns were implemented by many governments in 2020, people around the world have held largely peaceful protests against unprecedented social distancing restrictions that are devastating global economies and ruining people's lives.1,2,3,4
Now, faced with being ordered to obey new laws that require them to be injected with COVID-19 vaccines in order to enter public spaces or hold a job, on July 24, 2021 — World Freedom Day — hundreds of thousands of people of all ages took to the streets in Australia, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Greece and Germany to publicly challenge oppressive public health laws.5,6
The messages on the signs they held were diverse but they were united in pushing back against government overreach.
The brave determination of people, in democracies around the world who are publicly defending civil liberties — freedom of thought, speech, conscience and assembly — and the human right to informed consent to medical risk taking, demonstrates that the spirit of freedom lives in the hearts and minds of people everywhere. Both those who gather in the public squares of cities big and small and those who are watching are inspired by this commitment to defending liberty.
In the United States, no large demonstrations have been held yet, but polls reveal the nation is sharply divided about COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
A Politico/Harvard poll taken in late June 2021 found that Americans were evenly split on whether children should be required to get the COVID-19 vaccine to go to school and more than half of employed Americans are against COVID-19 vaccine requirements for holding a job, while almost 70 percent of Americans oppose being required to show proof of a COVID-19 vaccination to enter a store or business.7
A recent CS Mott Children's Hospital poll found that more than half of parents in the U.S. with children between the ages of three and 11 say it is unlikely they will give their children the COVID-19 vaccine.8
Australia: 'The lockdown Is Killing Us, Not COVID'
With a population of 25 million people, Australians have been subjected to repeated strict lockdowns over the past 18 months and the government's "stay at home" lockdown in early July 2021 was imposed on New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, where more than half the country's population lives. The 30-day rigid social distancing restrictions were enacted after 176 new daily infections were registered in the whole country.9
In response, thousands of Australians gathered in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane on July 24 to protest the lockdown.
Social distancing restrictions that have been imposed include compulsory masking in all indoor non-personal residence settings; most schools closed; restrictions on how far people can travel from their homes; no going to work except for designated "essential" employees (who must be tested every three days); exercising and gathering outside only in groups of two; shopping only for essential items; attendance at funerals limited to 10 people but weddings are banned, and other limits on person-to-person social interaction.
In what the U.K. newspaper Daily Mail described as "frenzied crowds" coming together on July 24, there were estimates that as many as 10,000 protesters marched from Victoria Park to Town Hall in the central business district.
Carrying signs calling for "freedom" and "the truth" and "I don't consent" and "Wake up Australia!" and "We are your employers, we are not your slaves" and "unmasked, untested, unvaxxed, unafraid" and "I am not a biohazard" and "Our kids are not your guinea pigs" and "No false tests, no false cases, no lockdowns," one protester said, "We don't give a f*** mate, this lockdown is killing us." Another agreed: "I'm against lockdowns, they're killing my business."
Dozens of protesters climbed onto the roofs of a train station and Woolworths store as the crowd gathered around Town Hall singing the Australian national anthem. One observer said on social media, "Protest stretches right down Broadway! Absolutely massive turnout."
The Sydney protest was mostly peaceful but when mounted police told the demonstrators to disperse or they would be pepper sprayed, some broke through a police barrier and threw plastic bottles and plants at officers. The New South Wales Police Minister confirmed 57 people were arrested and charged and a "strike force has been established to investigate who was in attendance."10
On July 28, the Australian Prime Minister called in military personnel to help enforce social distancing restrictions in Sydney and extended the lockdown for another month after 239 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in the city of five million people within a 24-hour period. Residents will be forced to wear a mask outside their homes and must stay within 3 miles of their homes, only going out for "essential" activities like food shopping.11
On July 30, the Australian government used helicopters and the Army to help police enforce its 'Zero Covid' lockdown in Sydney and issue $500 fines for failure to mask.12 The BBC reported that Australian Defense Force soldiers will begin conducting unarmed patrols of the streets this week.13
According to media reports, sirens could be heard throughout the city and helicopters blared messages that 'this is public health order — do not break rules — you will be found and fined.'
Road blocks were set up in a military show of force in response to the public demonstrations earlier in the week, although soldiers are under police command. Starting this week, military personnel will accompany police going door to door to ensure that people who have tested positive for COVID-19 are isolating.14
Reuters reports that the Australian COVID-19 vaccination rate for adults stands at 18 percent and the Prime Minister has said 80 percent of adults must get vaccinated before the border, which has been sealed since the pandemic began, will be re-opened.15
Britain: 'No Forced Testing, No Forced Vaccines'
In May 2021, a 12 mile procession of tens of thousands of people ended at Parliament Square in a protest against continuing lockdowns and vaccine passports as a condition of accessing public venues.16
On July 19, the British government lifted the COVID-19 lockdown that had been in place for over a year, eliminating masking requirements, work from home, and limits on numbers of people who can gather together, which allowed for the full opening of restaurants and other public venues without social distancing restrictions.17
Just five days after the lockdown restrictions were lifted, thousands of people made their way to Trafalgar Square on July 24 to signal their opposition to potential future lockdowns, as well as to protest against the showing of COVID-19 vaccine passports as a condition of entering public spaces.18
There were banners draped in front of the speaker podium saying, "the public demands live debate" and "Science is not science without discussion" and demonstrators held signs that said "No forced testing, no forced vaccines" and "We are the lions in a world of sheep" and "If you tolerate this, your children will be next."19
Toward the end of the July 24 demonstration, the huge gathering in Trafalgar Square in unison sang, "You'll Never Walk Alone:"
When you walk through a storm Hold your head up high, And don't be afraid of the dark. At the end of a storm is a golden sky And the sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind, Walk on through the rain, Though your dreams be tossed and blown. Walk on, Walk on With hope in your heart And you'll never walk alone, You'll never walk alone.
The United Kingdom, which has a population of 57 million, ranks in the top 20 most COVID vaccinated nations, with an adult vaccination rate of over 57 percent.20
France: 'My Body Is Mine' and 'It Is My Choice'
Paris, France and the cities of Marseille, Montpelier, Nantes and Toulouse saw tens of thousands of people take to the streets on World Freedom Day to protest against a proposed law that would require all health care workers to get COVID-19 vaccinations or lose their jobs.
People will be barred from entering restaurants or other public venues, effectively preventing them from participating in public life unless they have a health pass showing proof of COVID-19 vaccination, recovery from the disease or a recent negative COVID-19 test.
A care assistant at a Strasbourg nursing home expressed her disgust with the proposed law, saying it is "the blackmail of caregivers who were at the fronts line during the first wave and who are now threatened with "no more pay" and even being fired."21
A huge crowd of 160,000 people or more, many chanting "freedom, freedom" and carrying signs saying "stop the dictatorship" and "Big Pharma shackles freedom" and "no to the pass of shame" and "vaccines: fake freedom" and "don't touch our children" were met by police deploying tear gas and a water cannon used against some of them.22
Reuters reported that scuffles broke out at the Champs-Elysees and the Gare Saint-Lazare railway station.23 The demonstrators met at the Bastille plaza and marched through eastern Paris and also gathered at Place Trocadero near the Eiffel Tower to protest the required carrying of a "health pass."24
Just two days after witnessing several hundred thousand people voicing their opposition to the proposed new public health law, on July 26, the French Parliament voted to pass the law that will take effect this week.25,26
Five days later, on July 31, several hundred thousand French citizens of all ages again flooded into the streets of Paris with signs saying "We are not guinea pigs" and "It is our choice" and "My body is mine" and "Health terror — I will not submit" and "the 4th wave is us" in opposition to the new COVID-19 vaccine and vaccine passport.27
According to media reports, four marches dovetailed into the Place de la Bastille, with health care workers in white coats leading some of them, and were met by waiting squads of gendarmes and CRS riot police with water cannons. Demonstrators also gathered at the Arc de Triomphe at the top of the Champs-Elysees and at the Villiers metro station in northwest Paris.
Reportedly, about 150 other protest events also took place in cities around France, which has a population of about 67 million and an estimated COVID vaccination rate of about 47.5 percent28 or more.
Italy: 'Enough Dictatorship: No Green Passes'
Thousands of people gathered in Rome, Genova, Milan, Naples, Turin and scores of other cities in Italy on July 24 to voice their opposition to the government's imposition of social distancing and COVID-19 vaccine requirements on citizens, including a requirement to carry the "Green Pass," which is an extension of the European Union's digital COVID certificate.29
The Green Pass will be required to enter cinemas, museums, indoor swimming pools, sports stadiums or eat indoors at restaurants, proving that a person has been vaccinated, has had a recent negative COVID-19 test or has recovered from the coronavirus infection.30
Chanting and carrying signs that said "Freedom" and "No Green Pass" and "Down with the dictatorship" and "Better to die free than live like slaves" and "against vaccination obligations" and "government does terrorism" and "shame-shame,"31,32 reportedly about 80 cities in Italy saw demonstrations on World Freedom Day.
These included an estimated nine thousand people in Milan, who marched in procession to the Piazza Duomo, the Galleria Vittoria Emanuele and to the Piazza Scala in front of the Town Hall. One banner said "Big Pharma out of the state. No to multinationals."
About five thousand people gathered in Piazza Castello in Turin with signs that said "We want to have the freedom to choose – the freedom to go wherever we want without being tied to a sheet."
In Rome, where there have been anti-lockdown demonstrations over the past year to protest then closure of cafes, bars and restaurants,33 an estimated two thousand demonstrated and the police intervened to disperse the crowd with armored vehicles.34 Italy has a population of about 60 million people, with nearly 52 percent vaccinated for COVID-19.35
Greece: 'Hands Off Our Children'
Thousands of people gathered in Omonia Square in the center of Athens on July 24 to express their opposition to the government's COVID-19 vaccine mandate. They carried signs saying "No mandatory vaccinations" and "No blackmail to dismiss" and "No separation of Greeks" and "hands off our children."
The leader of the anti-COVID vaccine movement in Greece, cardiologist Faidon Vovolis, MD addressed the huge crowd, which, according to Athens News, included "not only anti-vaccination activists, but also food and tourism entrepreneurs, clergy, citizens disaffected by the overall government leadership over the pandemic, and vaccinated citizens who view recent government measures as anti-democractic."36
Greek police used tear gas and water cannon to disperse the demonstrators, who had rallied outside the Parliament building to protest COVID-19 vaccine requirements for workers, such as health care workers. Reuters said that about 45 percent of Greece's 11 million population is already vaccinated.37
Germany: 'For Peace, Freedom, Truth'
Berlin has been the site of several large demonstrations against lockdowns and COVID vaccine passports over the past year.38 On Aug. 1, 2021, tens of thousands of citizens marched in the streets of Berlin to protest lockdowns that have restricted dining indoors at restaurants or staying in a hotel and requirements to provide proof of COVID vaccination, defying a ban by German lower and upper administrative courts on public demonstrations.39
Berlin's administrative court had refused to authorize 13 demonstrations, some of which had been organized by the Querdenker (Lateral thinker) anti-lockdown movement.40
Berlin's police department deployed more than 2,000 officers armed with batons, pepper spray and water cannon as the crowds made their way from Berlin's Charlottenburg neighborhood, past the Tiergarten park and on to the Brandenberg Gate.
Reportedly, police in heavily armed vans dragged protesters across roads and into the vans with marchers shouting for freedom and the lifting of mandatory masking and travel bans. Protesters continued to march in the evening through the city streets and 600 people were arrested.41 Germany has a population of 83 million and 52 percent have been fully vaccinated.42
Human Rights Watch: COVID-19 Triggers Wave of Free Speech Abuse
On Feb. 11, 2021, Human Rights Watch published a report called for an end to excessive restrictions on free speech and peaceful demonstration where people are criticizing COVID-19 lockdowns, mandatory masking and other social distancing regulations that restrict civil liberties. The human rights organization said:43
"At least 83 governments worldwide have used the Covid-19 pandemic to justify violating the exercise of free speech and peaceful assembly … Authorities have attacked, detained, prosecuted, and in some cases killed critics, broken up peaceful protests, closed media outlets, and enacted vague laws criminalizing speech that they claim threatens public health.
The victims include journalists, activists, healthcare workers, political opposition groups, and others who have criticized government responses to the coronavirus … Governments and other state authorities should immediately end excessive restrictions on free speech in the name of preventing the spread of Covid-19."
Decentralized Government in US Makes a National COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate More Difficult
Unlike centralized governments in Europe and many other parts of the world, the founders of the United States of America ensured in the U.S. Constitution that this country would operate with lawmaking power shared between national, state and local governments.44
The fact that lawmaking power in the U.S. does not solely reside with the federal government, which is composed of the legislative (U.S. Congress), Executive (President/federal agencies) and Judicial (federal courts) branches, so far has protected the U.S. population from being subjected to the same kinds of uniform lockdown restrictions and now, the same kinds of COVID-19 vaccine mandates that are being implemented in European Union countries and other nations with centralized federal governments.
Since most public health laws in the U.S. fall under the legal jurisdiction of states, if a resident does not like the lockdown, masking, social distancing or COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the state they are living in, they simply can move to a different state that does not have the same kind of oppressive public health laws.
This is one reason why, although there have been smaller anti-lockdown and anti-COVID-19 vaccine mandate demonstrations in the U.S. over the past 15 months, some of them protesting COVID-19 vaccine requirements for health care workers,45 so far there have not been massive national demonstrations in the U.S. like those taking place in Europe and other parts of the world.
U.S. Government Pushes for an 85 Percent COVID-19 Vaccination Rate
As of July 28, about 60 percent of the U.S. population of 332 million people age 12 and older had received at least one dose of COVID vaccine and reportedly 50 percent, or about 165 million Americans, are "fully" vaccinated.46 As the third largest country in the world, the U.S. has a high COVID-19 vaccination rate compared to other countries, with only 25 countries recording a higher vaccination rate than the U.S.47
According to Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center, the country with the largest population in the world at 1.5 billion people — China — has a 16 percent COVID vaccination rate; the country with the second largest population in the world at 1.4 billion people — India — has a 7.4 percent COVID vaccination rate; and Russia, with a population of 146 million people, has a 17 COVID vaccination rate.48
However, U.S. government officials are pushing for an 85 percent COVID vaccination rate in the U.S.,49 even as a former FDA commissioner says that a combination of natural acquired immunity and vaccine acquired immunity is likely rapidly achieving an 85 percent herd immunity rate with the Delta variant in the U.S. population.50
Half to Two-Thirds of Americans Oppose Punitive COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates as Companies Begin to Mandate
Even though polls show that one-half to two-thirds of Americans oppose COVID-19 vaccine mandates, depending upon the setting,51 on July 29, the President announced that all federal workers and contractors must show proof of COVID-19 vaccination or mask and social distance at all times and get constantly tested.52
The federal government also is urging corporations, local and state government agencies, medical facilities and other institutions to make vaccination a condition of employment.
Some companies, like Google, Facebook, Morgan Stanley, Ascension Health, The Washington Post, Saks Fifth Avenue, Lyft and Uber, Walmart and Disney have already mandated employees to get COVID-19 shots to continuing working for the companies.53,54 On July 30, Broadway theaters announced that all members of the audience will be required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination and must keep a mask on at all times except when eating or drinking.55
Opposition Grows as CDC Admits Fully Vaccinated Persons Can Get and Efficiently Transmit COVID-19
After lifting national masking recommendations for COVID vaccinated persons in May 2021 with the assurance that the vaccine was effective in preventing symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection,56 on July 27, CDC officials abruptly reversed course and said that Americans, whether vaccinated or not, should wear a mask indoors outside their homes in certain places.57,58
They said they based that policy change on new information that the COVID-19 vaccines do not reliably prevent infection and transmission of the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 and that the viral load in vaccinated persons who get infected is as high as the viral load in unvaccinated persons who get infected.59,60
CDC officials said the new federal indoor masking policy especially applies to adults in "high risk" areas where there are more people being infected with the Delta variant. The masking directive also applies to all unvaccinated children over age two, as well as vaccinated children over age 12 attending school, and additionally includes all teachers, school staff and visitors to schools whether vaccinated or not.61
Reuters reported on July 24 that vaccinated people made up 75 percent of recent COVID-19 cases identified in Singapore, but vaccinated cases were associated with mild symptoms:
"Of Singapore's 1,096 locally transmitted infections in the last 28 days, 484 or about 44 percent were in fully vaccinated people, while 30 percent were partially vaccinated and just over 25 percent were unvaccinated."62
The percentage ratio of infected vaccinated to infected unvaccinated persons in Singapore matches that of a recent SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in Massachusetts. On July 30, Associated Press reported that information in CDC documents revealed that 75 percent of the Provincetown outbreak occurred among fully vaccinated individuals.
About 80 percent of them experienced COVID-19 symptoms, with the most common being cough, headache, sore throat, muscle aches and fever.63
U.S. States Push Back Against COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
Over the past year, Americans have been taking action at the state and local level to block COVID-19 vaccine mandates. A number of states have passed laws that restrict COVID-19 vaccine mandates and "vaccine passports" that bar people from entering public spaces.
Among the states that have passed laws prohibiting COVID-19 vaccine passports or COVID-19 vaccine mandates in some way are Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, Oklahoma, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah.64,65,66
On July 29, the Governor of Texas signed an executive order prohibiting state government agencies from mandating COVID-19 vaccine being distributed under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and banning public or private entities that receive state funds from denying entry to those who are not vaccinated and, additionally, banning companies, state and local agencies — including school districts — from requiring mask wearing.
He said that Texans, "have the individual right and responsibility to decide for themselves and their children whether they will wear masks, open their businesses, and engage in leisure activities."67
Governors of several other states also have issued executive orders prohibiting COVID-19 vaccine mandates and some local and state governments have prohibited mask mandates.68,69 But some city and state governments, like New York City and California, have created legal requirements that force state employees to get vaccinated as a condition of keeping their jobs.70
On July 26, the nation's largest healthcare worker union, United Healthcare Workers, demonstrated in New York City against employee COVID-19 vaccine mandates.71 So far, the COVID-19 vaccine mandate as a condition of employment is also opposed by the American Postal Workers Union,72 Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, and United Auto Workers.73
It's Up to You to Act Now
With military soldiers patrolling the streets in Sydney, Australia and police with water cannons and tear gas facing tens of thousands of people protesting against vaccine passports and COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the streets of London, Paris, Rome, Athens and many other cities in Europe, there should be no doubt where the enforcement of mandatory vaccination policies are headed in the U.S. if Americans fail to proactively take action now.
There is no question that we are dealing with a global assault on civil liberties and human rights when public discussion and debate about government policy is censored74,75 and peaceful dissent is considered a crime. Public health laws that respect civil liberties and the informed consent ethic can only be secured if the lawmakers we elect value civil liberties and defend informed consent rights. Become fully informed about who you are voting for and never miss an opportunity to vote.
I and the supporters of the non-profit charity the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) have worked since 1982 to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education. We have publicly defended the ethical principle of informed consent to medical risk taking and other human rights that include freedom of thought, speech and conscience.
In 2010, we launched the NVIC Advocacy Portal, a free online communications and advocacy network to empower Americans to work in their own communities to secure informed consent protections in public health laws.
Now more than ever, it is time to get to know your local, county and state elected representatives – from your school board members and county supervisors to your local sheriff and lawmakers – who represent you in your local and state governments. Establish a personal relationship with those who make laws that govern you and your family.
Have a conversation with them now about why you believe it is important to protect civil liberties and vaccine informed consent rights in public health laws. Provide them with well referenced vaccine information from NVIC.org and register and join with thousands of others in your state working to protect the legal right to make a voluntary vaccination decision by becoming a user of the NVIC Advocacy Portal at NVICAdvocacy.org.
Actively participate in the democratic process that has defined who we are as a Constitutional Republic since the US Constitution was ratified in 1788. Be the one who never has to say you did not do today what you could have done to change tomorrow.
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keeptheotherone · 3 years
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Mecation: Day 1 
I once read social media described as an indulgence of the fantasy that others are interested in the details of our lives. I’m indulging in that fantasy this week by blogging about my Mecation under the guise of travel blogging ;)
If you follow me in even the most casual way, you know I’m a nurse. While I’ve enjoyed the vast majority of my 23 years as such, I don’t recommend it during a pandemic. The last 18 months have been the second-worst mental health period of my life, demoted to that position not because of the mildness of my symptoms but simply because at 15 I didn’t have the experience or perspective to realize my life was not, in fact, ruined forever.
COVID increased my personal vulnerability as a high-risk patient and made my job immensely more difficult in countless ways both small and large, but the worst part of the pandemic for me (so far) is it took away all my coping mechanisms precisely when I needed them most. Massage, pedicures, dinner out with friends, travel ... all gone practically overnight. Pre-COVID I travelled all the time--home to my parents’, long weekends by myself (Mecation!), annual visits to BFFs, conferences, tourism, the beach, my birthday, writing trips, international trips ... I always had at least one trip in the works, usually one booked and one (or more!) in the planning stages. 
When COVID started, all my close friends and family except for two lived out of state. One of those two was out of town but close enough to get together, but the other was a few hours’ drive away. I’m single and live alone; it was the most isolated I’ve ever been in my whole life. 
With my bestest friends over 500 miles away, I still feel that way sometimes. I haven’t seen them in a year. If it weren’t for COVID, it would only be 7 or 8 months (I’ve gone every January or February since ... forever). Then again, if it weren’t for COVID, I wouldn’t have been there last September; one had been hospitalized and I needed to see she was all right with my own two eyeballs. I expect it will be at least another 7 or 8 months before we get together again, bringing the total to about 20 months. One year we saw each other 5 times in 9 months, our personal best since college. 
I was alone on Christmas. Oh, I’ve spent December 25th on my own before; I’m a nurse. I’ve worked the night of the 24th or the 25th (or both), or whatever combination that didn’t leave enough time off to drive home. But I’ve never spent the Christmas season without my parents. Sometimes the week before, sometimes the week after, sometimes at my place instead of home, but always together. But last Christmas COVID was raging, the vaccines had just come out but were only available to first responders (I got mine on the 23rd), and my elderly parents didn’t feel safe to travel. So I spent Christmas without family.
Travel was not just a break from my daily routine and the stress of nursing; in many ways, the biggest benefit travel made to my mental and emotional health was giving me something to look forward to.  Proverbs 13:12 says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick,” and ohhh, I was so heartsick last year! Not being able to travel meant I couldn’t visit my best friends of almost 25 years (more than half my life!). Not being able to travel meant I couldn’t lean on my dad or be hugged by my mom. Not being able to travel--and not knowing when I could travel--left this gaping hole in my future, and I had nothing to fill it with. 
I tell you this not to throw a pity party but to explain the significance of the trip I’m on right now. It is only my third this year: my dad and I spent a week in the mountains in February (my depression and anxiety was so bad then that was treatment, not vacation), I took a friend to the beach over my birthday, and now I’m a couple hours from home at a nice spa hotel. (I’m not counting my nephew’s graduation, which was emotionally challenging for multiple reasons, or helping a friend move from Florida. Moving is never fun.)
I started planning this trip in the spring ... May, maybe? You know, after the vaccine rolled out to everyone and case counts were dropping and it looked like we were gonna lick this thing and have a quasi-normal summer by the Fourth of July (yes, I’m American. That date is a proper noun here.). I had switched jobs in November (don’t ask) and gone on mental health leave December 29th, so I felt I owed it to my unit to put in about six months of work before taking any significant time off, especially since I came back at 24 hours instead of 36. That meant September.
I knew what I wanted to do: 4 or 5 days at an all-inclusive resort in the Caribbean. I’d been before and loved the freedom of not worrying about every little expenditure (what can I say, I’m cheap), and a few days of Vitamin Sea sounded perfect.
Then came Delta.
All right, maybe going out of the country isn’t the best idea, I thought. Don’t want to end up with expensive reservations and then your destination closes to Americans, or you make it to your chosen island but can’t get back home. But I didn’t want to fly (ugh, airports!), I didn’t want to drive (rest stops and restaurants and gas stations), and while I thought about taking the train, it didn’t seem much of an improvement (and maybe a downgrade) on flying.
Then a friend mentioned a sleeper car, and I thought yes! That could work! I’ve never been to New England, I want to go to Boston, that area of the country has low case rates and the highest vaccination rates, this has potential! 
Then I looked at the CDC map. There were only four states that didn’t have high transmission at that time (early August, I think; I’d had to wait for confirmation that my time off had been approved): Michigan, Rhode Island, Maine, and New Hampshire. All four had substantial rates of transmission. Hardly ideal, but one thing I’ve learned this year is sometimes you have to make compromises to protect your mental health. It is true it doesn’t matter if you’re happy if you’re dead; it is also true it doesn’t matter if you’re safe if you want to kill yourself. (I’m not suicidal, I am receiving treatment, don’t anybody panic.)
So, now I’ve settled on Maine or New Hampshire by train via sleeper car (Michigan is too far for a 4-5 day trip and RI--meh). Well, as I got deeper into planning, turned out Maine or NH were awfully far too. Far enough I would have to overnight in a major city, which pretty much defeated the purpose of isolating in a sleeper car. Then I found out there were no sleeper cars on either train route.
So, now vacation is 5 weeks away and I’m back at square one. The Deep South, Texas, and Florida are imploding. Pediatric cases are rising--kids are sicker and make up a higher percentage of cases than they did last year. Scuttlebutt from my ICU colleagues is it’s bad--17/30 MICU beds are COVID and they’re all vented. SICU is being nicknamed “the ECMO unit.” The hospital has 18(!) ECMO machines and 12 are in use; the float nurse who tells us that didn’t even know we had 12 because she’s never seen that many in use at one time. Hospital-wide our numbers are equivalent to early February (we peaked in January). There were six--SIX--pediatric rapid responses in one day. 
And I’m going to travel.
It’s a big deal ... a big accomplishment, really, because of what it says about how I’m successfully managing my anxiety. April 1 was the first time I’d been inside a grocery store in more than a year ... and that wasn’t my idea. It was late April or May before I was comfortable eating in restaurants, even with the falling case count at the time. I’m still not sure if I’m managing my anxiety or reacting to the pressure by going to the opposite extreme (I have a history of that), but I know I’m less stressed, less anxious, have fewer obsessive thoughts, fewer physical symptoms, and am learning to live with this disease. 
So, here I sit at a marble-topped 5-foot-wide desk in my queen/queen hotel room at the end of a productive and enjoyable day. I slept in, completed the big goal of this weekend’s to-do list that I honestly thought would take several days, unpacked and organized my room (I arrived yesterday evening), reorganized my Favorites Bar and Bookmarks on my Mac, had an 80-minute aromatherapy massage, enjoyed a shower in the spa afterwards and even blow-dried my hair(!) before wandering around for a while to get the lay of the land and get some steps in (this place is huge!). Then I changed clothes and took myself out to dinner for my favorite food, Italian. 
That’s me in the picture up top, all dressed up :) Actually, I probably look pretty normal to y’all; like most people with depression, my personal hygiene sunk to new lows in the last year and a half, and as a low-maintenance person to begin with, that’s saying a lot. I bought that necklace as a bridesmaid and am not sure I’ve worn it since; this spring was her 10th anniversary. Yesterday I took out the cat-shaped earrings Dad gave me for Christmas. (Yes, they were gross. Yes, I cleaned them. Yes, I’m wearing them again now.) Just wearing a nice top, fixing my hair (no ponytail or claw-clip bun, my staples), and adding jewelry was a big deal ... especially since “no one” was going to see me. I did it just for me, to make myself feel good. And I did. (That’s another small pleasure COVID took away from me--lip gloss. If I wore any makeup at all, it was lipstick or gloss. Utterly pointless when you’re masked whenever you’re in public.)
I took my laptop to dinner and edited a couple chapters of my new Charlie/Amy fic (previewed during #ktoo turns 10), ran a couple errands, and headed back to the hotel since I don’t like to be out late by myself in an unfamiliar city. Forgot I put my receipt envelope in the backseat pocket and reorganized the glove compartment looking for it, then gathered a bunch of returns into a bag in the trunk. Hung out writing in the lobby until my Mac threatened to die, came upstairs and tidied up, put on my jammies, and talked to you guys :) 
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wildesfancyfrock · 3 years
John Graves Simcoe
For those who don't know much about John Graves Simcoe, I am going to be posting some fun things, as a Canadian who has lived his entire life in towns/places impacted by Simcoe himself. These are from his time in Canada, since I assume those who have seen TURN have a very vague idea of what he did in the Revolutionary War (even though it's very inaccurate).
John Graves Simcoe (25 February 1752 – 26 October 1806) was a British Army general and the first lieutenant governor of Upper Canada from 1791 until 1796 in southern Ontario and the watersheds of Georgian Bay and Lake Superior. He founded York (now Toronto) and was instrumental in introducing institutions such as courts of law, trial by jury, English common law, and freehold land tenure, and also in the abolition of slavery in Canada.
His long-term goal was the development of Upper Canada (Ontario) as a model community built on aristocratic and conservative principles, designed to demonstrate the superiority of those principles to the republicanism and democracy of the United States. His energetic efforts were only partially successful in establishing a local gentry, a thriving Church of England, and an anti-American coalition with select Indigenous nations. He is seen by many Canadians as a founding figure in Canadian history, especially by those in Southern Ontario.[3] He is commemorated in Toronto with Simcoe Day.
First Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada (known today as; Ontario.)
The Constitutional Act 1791 divided Canada into the Provinces of Upper Canada (Ontario) and Lower Canada (Quebec). The Act established separate governments and legislative assemblies for each province. Lower Canada was the French-speaking eastern portion, which retained the French civil law and protections for the Roman Catholic Church established when Britain took over the area after its defeat of the French in the Seven Years' War. Upper Canada was the western area, newly settled after the American Revolutionary War. The settlers were mostly English speakers, including Loyalists from the Thirteen Colonies, and also the Six Nations of the Iroquois, who had been British allies during the war. The Crown had purchased land from the Mississauga and other First Nations to give the Loyalists land grants in partial compensation for property lost in the United States, and to help them set up new communities and develop this territory.[18]
Simcoe was appointed Lieutenant-Governor on 12 September 1791, and left for Canada with his wife Elizabeth and daughter Sophia, leaving three daughters behind in England with their aunt. They left England in September and arrived in Canada on 11 November. Due to severe weather, the Simcoes spent the winter in Quebec City. Simcoe finally reached Kingston, Upper Canada on 24 June 1792.[17]
In a proclamation on 16 July 1792, he renamed several islands at the mouth of the archipelago at the head of the St. Lawrence river for the victorious Generals at the Battle of the Plains of Abraham (Amherst Island, Gage Island, Wolfe Island, and Howe Island).[19]
Under the Constitutional Act, the provincial government consisted of the Lieutenant-Governor, an appointed Executive Council and Legislative Council, and an elected Legislative Assembly. The first meeting of the nine-member Legislative Council and sixteen-member Legislative Assembly took place at Newark (now Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 17 September 1792.
Following Simcoe's work precipitated by the Chloe Cooley incident, the Assembly passed the first Act Against Slavery in the British Empire in 1793, and the English colonists of Upper Canada took pride in this distinction with respect to the French-Canadian populace of Lower Canada. The Upper Canadians valued their common law legal system, as opposed to the civil law of Quebec, which had chafed them ever since 1763. This was one of the primary reasons for the partition of 1791. Simcoe collaborated extensively with his Attorney-General John White on the file.
The principles of the British Constitution do not admit of that slavery which Christianity condemns. The moment I assume the Government of Upper Canada under no modification will I assent to a law that discriminates by dishonest policy between natives of Africa, America, or Europe.
— John Graves Simcoe, Address to the Legislative Assembly[20]
Slavery was thus ended in Upper Canada long before it was abolished in the British Empire as a whole. By 1810, there were no slaves in Upper Canada, but the Crown did not abolish slavery throughout the Empire until 1834.
Simcoe's first priority was the Northwest Indian War between the United States and the "Western Confederacy" of Native Americans west of the Appalachian Mountains and south of the Great Lakes (the Shawnee, Miami, Wyandot, and other tribes). This conflict had begun in 1785, and was still raging when Simcoe arrived in 1792. Simcoe had hoped to form an Indian buffer state between the two countries, even though he distrusted Joseph Brant, the main Indian leader. Simcoe rejected the section of the Treaty of Paris (1783) which awarded that area to the US, on the grounds that American actions had nullified the treaty.[21] However, the French Revolutionary Wars broke out in 1793. The government in London decided to seek good terms with the United States. Simcoe was instructed to avoid giving the US reason to mistrust Britain but, at the same time, to keep the Natives on both sides of the border friendly to Britain. The Indians asked for British military support, which was initially refused, but in 1794 Britain supplied the Indians with rifles and ammunition.[22]
In February 1794, the governor general, Lord Dorchester, expecting the US to ally with France, said that war was likely to break out between the US and Britain before the year was out. This encouraged the Indians in their war. Dorchester ordered Simcoe to rally the Indians and arm British vessels on the Great Lakes. He also built Fort Miami (present-day Maumee, Ohio) to supply the Indians. Simcoe expelled Americans from a settlement on the southern shore of Lake Erie which had threatened British control of the lake. US President Washington denounced the "irregular and high-handed proceeding of Mr. Simcoe."[23] While Dorchester planned for a defensive war, Simcoe urged London to declare war: "Upper Canada is not to be defended by remaining within the boundary line."[24] Dorchester was officially reprimanded by the Crown for his strong speech against the Americans in 1794.
Simcoe realised that Newark made an unsuitable capital because it was on the Canada–US border and subject to attack. He proposed moving the capital to a more defensible position, in the middle of Upper Canada's southwestern peninsula between Lake Erie and Lake Huron. He named the new location London, and renamed the river there the Thames in anticipation of the change. Dorchester rejected this proposal, but accepted Simcoe's second choice, the present site of Toronto. Simcoe moved the capital there in 1793, and renamed the settlement York after Frederick, Duke of York, King George III's second son. The town was severely underdeveloped at the time of its founding so he brought with him politicians, builders, Nova Scotia timber men, and Englishmen skilled in whipsawing and cutting joists and rafters.[25]
Simcoe began construction of two roads through Upper Canada, for defence and to encourage settlement and trade. Yonge Street (named after British Minister of War Sir George Yonge) ran north–south from York to Lake Simcoe. Soldiers of the Queen's Rangers began cutting the road in August 1793, reaching Holland Landing in 1796. Dundas Street (named for Colonial Secretary Henry Dundas) ran east–west, between York and London.
The Northwest Indian War ended after the United States defeated the Indians at the Battle of Fallen Timbers. They made peace under the Treaty of Greenville. While still at war with France, Britain could not afford to antagonise the US in the Jay Treaty of 1794, and agreed to withdraw north of the Great Lakes, as agreed in the Treaty of Paris (1783). Simcoe evacuated the frontier forts.
In the winter of 1779, the first known Valentine's Day letter in America was given by then Lieutenant Colonel John Simcoe to Sarah 'Sally' Townsend.[31]
Simcoe Street in Oyster Bay, New York is named after him for his destruction of a vast apple orchard and reconstruction of a hill fort on the site.[32]
Act Against Slavery passed in 1793, leading to the abolition of slavery in Upper Canada by 1810. It was superseded by the Slavery Abolition Act 1833 that abolished slavery across the British Empire.
Simcoe named London, Ontario and the River Thames in Upper Canada.
He named Lake Simcoe and Simcoe County to the west and north of Lake Simcoe in honour of his father.
Simcoe named his summer home Castle Frank for his first son Francis Gwillim, who was preceded by eight daughters. (It is in what is now named Cabbagetown, a neighbourhood in downtown Toronto.)[33]
The Ontario Heritage Foundation placed a plaque in Exeter's cathedral precinct to commemorate his life.
Simcoe's regiment is still called the Queen's York Rangers, now an armoured reconnaissance regiment of the Canadian Forces reserves.
Many places in Canada were named in honour of Simcoe:
The town of Simcoe in southwestern Ontario
The Simcoe Fairgrounds in Simcoe.
Civic Holiday, a statutory holiday celebrated throughout Canada under a variety of names by region,[34] was established in honour of Simcoe by the Toronto City Council in 1869.[35] Other Ontario municipalities and then other provinces soon took up the holiday as well, leading to its Canada-wide status, but without any attribution to Simcoe. In 1965, the Toronto City Council declared the holiday would henceforth be known as Simcoe Day within Toronto.[35] Attempts have been made to have the official provincial name—still Civic Holiday[34]—amended, but none have succeeded.
Governor Simcoe Secondary School in St. Catharines, Ontario
Governor Simcoe Public School. Grades K – 8, in London, Ontario. The now closed and demolished school was located at the corner of Simcoe and Clarence Streets.
Three parallel streets in downtown Toronto, John Street, Graves Street, and Simcoe Street, are all located near the fort where Simcoe lived during his early years in York and were named for him. Graves Street was later renamed Duncan Street.
Simcoe Street, Simcoe Street United Church, and Simcoe Hall Settlement House in Oshawa.
Simcoe Street in New Westminster and Simcoe Park was named by Colonel Moody in reference to the surveying of the area after the city of Toronto.
Simcoe Street, Simcoe Street School and the Simcoe Street School Tigers Bantam Baseball Team of Niagara Falls
Simcoe Island, located near Kingston, Ontario
Simcoe Hall, located on the St. George campus of the University of Toronto
John Graves Simcoe Armoury, located on Industrial Parkway in Aurora, Ontario
There are two places named for Simcoe with the title Lord, but Simcoe was not made a Lord in his lifetime. They are the following:
Lord Simcoe Drive in Brampton, Ontario
Lord Simcoe Hotel, which operated from 1956 to 1981
Captain John Kennaway Simcoe, the last member of the Simcoe family, died without issue in 1891 and was survived by his widow beyond 1911
In Popular Culture
A fictionalised version of John Graves Simcoe is a primary antagonist in the 2014–2017 AMC drama Turn: Washington's Spies, portrayed by Samuel Roukin.[37] He is portrayed in the series as a cruel and ruthless sociopath.
Despite the strong fictionalisation of the namesake TV-show character, several biographical aspects of the latter's historical counterpart appear to have been adapted for and transferred onto the fictional character Edmund Hewlett. For instance, Hewlett's romantic ambitions regarding Anna Strong in the series resemble Simcoe's courtship of Sarah Townsend, sister of Culper Ring spy Robert Townsend, for whom he wrote a poem that is thought to be the first verifiable valentine on the North American continent.[38] It is presumed that Townsend, much like the fictionalised portrayal of Anna Strong on Turn, may have gathered and passed on intelligence gleaned from her unsuspecting suitor to the Culper Ring.
Similarly, Hewlett's close bond with his horse Bucephalus (presumably named after Bucephalus, the horse of Alexander the Great) which overarches all four seasons, appears to have been inspired by history: in 1783, John Graves Simcoe sent a series of letters to New York in order to find the horse he had ridden on campaign, Salem. Salem was located and Simcoe subsequently paid the considerable sum of £40 to have him shipped to England and thus returned to him.[39] Shortly before his departure to Upper Canada almost a decade later, it is reported he was greatly concerned for Salem's welfare in his absence, therefore making arrangements for the latter's care and upkeep.[40]
source; Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Graves_Simcoe)
Now for some images, taken by me in Chatham, as well as Queen's Park in Toronto.
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Now, some fun facts about me, related to Simcoe:
I was born in Chatham/Chatham-Kent
I go to high school in Simcoe County
I'm debating going to college in Toronto (to become a history teacher)
I've been to the Simcoe County Museum, where they have a bust of Simcoe and a whole wall of information about him (from what I could see- I was there on a WWI field trip and didn't really get to explore)
Every where I've lived/been to school, has been impacted by John Graves Simcoe.
In reality, he was not that bad a dude. TURN just TURNed (ha, get it) into the psychopathic antagonist they wanted. Alright, this has been fun but I need to go study Canadian law, piece homies.
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dimensionsunited · 3 years
Members may earn up to 18 points for writing, by the end of September 30 KST:
Up to three solo paras of 400+ words based on their quarterly schedule (does not count toward your monthly limit). (three points each)
Up to three threads of eight posts (four per participant, including the starter) based on the monthly schedule. (three points each)
Threads and solos do not have to take place directly during an important date listed on the schedule, but must be related to what the muse is mentioned to be doing in the paragraph explaining their schedule/the company’s schedule and/or their thoughts on the mentioned activities or lack thereof.
These schedules may be updated if new information needs to be added.
Reminder: Please do not post schedule posts in the fmdschedule tag.
Schedule posts for this quarter can be tagged with #fmddmsq321.
The whole company has been booked for a photo shoot for an inside spread in Singles Magazine’s September issue to accompany a feature where creative director Choi Dongwook will discuss the company’s rise and creative vision. All of the company’s idols will be in and out of the set that day and will be taking pictures intermingled between groups. (Admin note: there are no assigned groupings for photos OOC, but the shoot director and photographer would make the groupings in-’verse). Due to delays in the finishing touches being put on the Base Culture Complex, BC, Dimensions, and Gold Star have also banded together to get some mediaplay opportunities and good media karma in the name of base by hosting a community service event each month together. Idols are encouraged to participate for good press, but they are not required to.
Important dates:
July 19: Volunteering opportunity at an animal shelter with BC & Gold Star idols.
July 29: Singles Magazine September issue company photo shoot [2].
August 30: Volunteering opportunity at an orphanage with BC & Gold Star idols.
September 20-22: Chuseok (no group schedules).
September 27: Volunteering opportunity delivering meals to the elderly with BC & Gold Star idols.
Gal.actic turns ten this quarter, and for it, they’ll be holding two fanmeetings, one each in Seoul and Tokyo. The fanmeetings will be relaxed, with the itinerary consisting mostly of games and answering fan questions interlaced between performances of five of their past title tracks voted on by the fans to be performed beforehand (”Supa Dupa Diva”, “Would You Stay For Tea?”, “Sticky Sticky”, “A”, and “Someone Like U”). They’ll also be performing at festivals this quarter and, in August, they’ll begin to prepare for their next comeback, which is a little different than what they’ve done so far. They’ll record the single in the latter half of August and focus on choreography.
Important dates:
August 1: Performance at Suwon KT Wiz Supporters Festival in Suwon (also performing: Lipstick and Aria).
August 4: Performance at Daegu Chimaek Festival in Daegu (also performing: BEE, Lipstick, & Silhouette).
August 28: 10th Anniversary Fanmeeting at V-Hall Hongdae in Seoul.
September 4: 10th Anniversary Fanmeeting at K-Stage O! in Tokyo, Japan.
September 26: Performance at Hallyu Dream Concert in Gyeongju (also performing: Decipher, BEE, Lipstick, Knight, CHARM, Chroma Crystal, Alien, MARS, Lucid, Silhouette, Aria, Origin, Impulse, and Fuse.)
July is full of preparations, both for their upcoming comeback and their upcoming Japanese tour. They make their comeback in mid-August and while the songs weren’t chosen with the intention to appeal to the general public, they garner attention from more non-fans than usual and Alien finds themselves charting higher than they have since before their lawsuit. The interest they manage to gain from outside of their fandom causes some internal plan changes in Dimensions’ plans for them, but for Alien, it’s business as usual with music show promotions, fan signs, and a couple of festivals before they head out to Japan at the end of the quarter to begin their dome tour.
Important dates:
July 5: Alien Japan Dome Tour promotion materials and VCR shoot.
July 10: New Kids: Begin photo book shoot.
July 14: Alien Japan Dome Tour fittings.
July 25: "B-Day” M/V filming.
July 27: “Bling Bling” M/V filming.
August 16: Release of “Bling Bling” and “B-Day” & New Kids: Begin single album + press showcase, music show promotions continue through September 16.
August 20: Performance at Hangang Summer K-POP Festival in Seoul (also performing: BEE).
August 21: Fan sign in Mapo, Seoul.
August 22: Fan sign in Yeouido, Seoul.
September 16: End of “Bling Bling” and “B-Day” music show promotions.
September 17: Performance at Chinese International Students’ Festival (also performing: 7ROPHY, Lucid, Silhouette and Impulse).
September 18: Alien Japan Dome Tour concert at Kyocera Dome Osaka in Osaka, Japan.
September 25: Alien Japan Dome Tour concert at Seibu Prince Dome in Saitama, Japan.
September 26: Performance at Hallyu Dream Concert in Gyeongju (also performing: Decipher, BEE, Lipstick, Knight, CHARM, Chroma Crystal, Gal.actic, MARS, Lucid, Silhouette, Aria, Origin, Impulse, and Fuse.)
MARS gets the beginning of July off before they go into the studio in the later half of the month to record for their next comeback mini-album already. As usual, this means that the following month, August, is reserved for intensive choreography practice and fittings in the tail end so that they can finish preparing for their comeback in September. In September, they’ll finish off preparing the album and film the music video and teasers before they come back at the very end of the month. They come back too late in the quarter to see long-term of results for the comeback, but it seems “Twilight” will have a similar performance to their last comeback.
Important dates:
August 22: “Twilight” comeback fittings.
September 2: Raise Us photo book shoot.
September 15: “Twilight” M/V and concept teaser filming.
September 26: Performance at Hallyu Dream Concert in Gyeongju (also performing: Decipher, BEE, Lipstick, Knight, CHARM, Chroma Crystal, Gal.actic, Alien, Lucid, Silhouette, Aria, Origin, Impulse, and Fuse.)
September 29: Release of “Twilight” & Raise Us mini-album + press showcase, music show promotions continue through October 29.
September 30: Fan sign in Dongjak, Seoul.
Almost as soon as “Uh Oh” promotions end, the members of 7ROPHY fly out to New York from July 4 to July 7, in part to film a special performance video. The performance video isn’t the only reason the members are in town though, as they’ll be dropping by Republic Records in the city, who Dimensions has recently partnered with to sign 7ROPHY on with for further US promotions. The deal will be announced to the press in the back half of July. As soon as they get back to Seoul, they’ll go into the studio to record their next comeback. It’s another fast turnaround, but the last comeback planned for them for the year and a second attempt at a summer hit. They’ll be getting the choreography down in July as well, so that they’re prepared for filming the MV and making their comeback in August. They’ll spend the end of August and most of September promoting the song through music shows and a few festival performances.
Important dates:
July 2: End of “Uh Oh” music show promotions.
July 5: Be Original “Uh Oh” In New York video filming.
July 20: “Dumdi Dumdi” comeback fittings.
August 1: Dumdi Dumdi photo book shoot.
August 11: “Dumdi Dumdi” M/V filming.
August 16: Muply Special Performance Video filming (to be released: August 24).
August 18: 1theK Take #1 Performance Video filming (to be released: August 23).
August 19: Dingo Music Performance Video filming (to be released: August 27).
August 23: Release of “Dumdi Dumdi” & Dumdi Dumdi single album + press showcase, music show promotions continue through September 23.
August 26: Relay dance video filming.
August 29: Dingo Music Messed Up Studio video filming (to be released: August 31).
September 16: Performance [2] [3] [4] at Seoul National University of Technology Festival 
September 17: Performance at Chinese International Students’ Festival (also performing: Alien, Lucid, Silhouette, and Impulse).
September 23: End of ‘Dumdi Dumdi” music show promotions.
September 29: Performance at Cheonan World Dance Festival in Cheonan (also performing: Lucid, Silhouette, and Fuse).
Unity is slated to come back twice in the second half of the year, first with a single and then an album that serves as a part two to the one they already released this year. They’ll record the new songs on the album (line distribution) in July, and then prepare for their single release with choreography and fittings in August while the members of the CHAMPION subunit also focus on preparing for their comeback promotions. In September, they’ll film the single MV and shoot the teaser photos to prepare to make their comeback with it early in quarter four.
Important dates:
July 26: Performance at Ulsan Music Festival in Ulsan (also performing: Decipher, Lipstick, Knight, CHARM, Aria, Impulse, Fuse, Femme Fatale, and Vive).
August 22: “90s Love” comeback fittings.
September 19: “90s Love” teaser photo shoot.
September 23: “90s Love” M/V filming.
The third quarter houses the bulk of their comeback promotions. After recording the single last quarter in June, they do fittings and the teaser photo shoot in July in between learning and rehearsing the single’s choreography. In August, they keep practicing their performance and film the MV, and then finally make their comeback in September, promoting through the rest of the month to the very beginning of October. Mid-month, they win their first award as a sub-unit, the Seoul Mayor Award.
Important dates:
July 15: “100″ comeback fittings.
July 28: “100″ teaser photo shoot.
August 14: “100″ M/V filming.
September 2: “100″ M/V reaction filming.
September 3: Release of “100” single + press showcase, music show promotions continue through October 3.
September 8: Pre-filming of performance on Good Morning America (to be aired: September 9).
September 15: Attendance at Newsis K-Expo awards in Seoul.
On the heels of the success of “Love Whisper”, Lucid finishes recording the added songs for their repackage in July shortly after their comeback promotions finish. Another appearance on Immortal Songs 2 precedes that and they’ve made themselves at home after a few appearances on the show now. They don’t win, but it’s more exposure, and that’s what counts. Fittings and photo book shoots from the repackage album occur in August, the same month they’re going over the choreography for the first time with the relentless hours Dimensions requires of them to keep up their reputation for clean choreography execution. The music video is filmed two weeks before they make their comeback, and while it does well, it doesn’t quite get the attention “Love Whisper” did, becoming the first of their normal realm releases not to peak in the top ten of Gaon since their debut.
Important dates:
July 2: Fan sign in Daejeon.
July 3: Fan sign in Mapo, Seoul.
July 9: Fan sign in Dongjak, Seoul.
July 10: Fan sign in Gimpo.
July 11: Fan sign in Seodaemun, Seoul.
July 14: Immortal Songs 2 filming (to be aired: July 26).
July 15: End of “Love Whisper music show promotions.
August 14: “Summer Rain” comeback fittings.
August 21: Rainbow photo book shoot.
September 1:  “Summer Rain” M/V filming.
September 15: Release of “Summer Rain” & Rainbow mini-album + press showcase, music show promotions continue through October 15.
September 16: Relay Dance video filming.
September 17: Performance at Chinese International Students’ Festival (also performing: Alien, 7ROPHY, Silhouette and Impulse).
September 18: Fan sign in Mapo, Seoul.
September 19: Fan sign in Incheon.
September 24: Performance at Sungkyunkwan University Festival.
September 25: Fan sign in Mapo, Seoul.
September 26: Performance at Hallyu Dream Concert in Gyeongju (also performing: Decipher, BEE, Lipstick, Knight, CHARM, Chroma Crystal, Gal.actic, Alien, MARS, Silhouette, Aria, Origin, Impulse, and Fuse.)
September 29: Performance at Cheonan World Dance Festival in Cheonan (also performing: 7ROPHY, Silhouette, and Fuse).
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csnews · 4 years
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'I've never seen or heard of attacks': scientists baffled by orcas harassing boats
Susan Smillie - September 13, 2020
Reports of orcas striking sailing boats in the Straits of Gibraltar have left sailors and scientists confused. Just what is causing such unusually aggressive behaviour?  
When nine killer whales surrounded the 46ft boat that Victoria Morris was crewing in Spain on the afternoon of 29 July, she was elated. The biology graduate taught sailing in New Zealand and is used to friendly orca encounters. But the atmosphere quickly changed when they started ramming the hull, spinning the boat 180 degrees, disabling the autohelm and engine. The 23-year-old watched broken bits of the rudder float off, leaving the four-person crew without steering, drifting into the Gibraltar Straits shipping lane between Cape Trafalgar and the small town of Barbate.
The pod rammed the boat for more than an hour, during which time the crew were too busy getting the sails in, readying the life raft and radioing a mayday – “Orca attack!” – to feel fear. The moment fear kicked in, Morris says, was when she went below deck to prepare a grab bag – the stuff you take when abandoning ship. “The noise was really scary. They were ramming the keel, there was this horrible echo, I thought they could capsize the boat. And this deafening noise as they communicated, whistling to each other. It was so loud that we had to shout.” It felt, she says, “totally orchestrated”.
The crew waited a tense hour and a half for rescue – perhaps understandably, the coastguard took time to comprehend (“You are saying you are under attack from orca?”). To say this is unusual is to massively understate it. By the time help arrived, the orcas were gone. The boat was towed to Barbate, where it was lifted to reveal the rudder missing its bottom third and outer layer, and teeth marks along the underside.
Rocío Espada works with the marine biology laboratory at the University of Seville and has observed this migratory population of orca in the Gibraltar Straits for years. She was astonished. “For killer whales to take out a piece of a fibreglass rudder is crazy,” she says. “I’ve seen these orcas grow from babies, I know their life stories, I’ve never seen or heard of attacks.”
Highly intelligent, social mammals, orcas are the largest of the dolphin family, and behave in a similar way. It is normal, she says, that orcas will follow close to the propeller. Even holding the rudder is not unheard of: “Sometimes they will bite the rudder, get dragged behind as a game.” But never with enough force to break it. This ramming, Espada says, indicates stress. The Straits is full of nets and long lines; perhaps a calf got caught.
But Morris’s was only one of several encounters between late July and August. Six days earlier, Alfonso Gomez-Jordana Martin, a 31-year-old from Alicante, was crewing a delivery boat near Barbate for the same company, Reliance Yacht Management. They were proceeding under engine when a pod of four orcas brought their 40ft Beneteau to a halt. He filmed them – it looks more like excitement and curiosity than aggression – but even this bumping damaged the rudder. And the force increased, he says, over 50 minutes. “Once we were stopped, they came in faster: 10-15 knots, from a distance of about 25m,” he remembers. “The impact tipped the boat sideways.”
The skipper’s report to the port authority said the force “nearly dislocated the helmsman’s shoulder and spun the whole yacht through 120 degrees”.
At 11.30pm the previous night, 22 July, Beverly Harris, a retired nurse from Derbyshire, and her partner, Kevin Large, were motor-sailing their 50ft boat, Kailani, just off Barbate at eight knots, when they came to a sudden standstill. It was flat calm, pitch black. They thought they’d hit a net. “I scrambled for a torch and was like, ‘Bloody hell, they’re orcas,’” says Harris. The couple checked their position and found the boat pointing the opposite way. They tried to correct several times, but the orcas kept spinning them back. “I had this weird sensation,” Harris says, “like they were trying to lift the boat.” It lasted about 20 minutes, but felt longer. “We thought, ‘We’ve sailed across the Atlantic, surely we’re not going to sink now!’” Their rudder was damaged but got them to La Línea. It was a long night. “Kevin said I should get some sleep. I said, ‘Are you joking? I’m having a gin and tonic,’” recalls Harris.
While enjoying her drink, Harris could have spared a thought for Nick Giles, having a sleepless night alone after an almost identical encounter off Barbate just two and a half hours earlier. He was motor-sailing, and playing music when he heard a sudden bang “like a sledgehammer”. The wheel was “turning with incredible force” as the vessel spun 180 degrees, dislodging the autohelm and steering cables. “The boat lifted up half a foot and I was pushed by a second whale from behind,” he says. While resetting the cables, the orca hit again, “nearly chopping off my fingers in the mechanism”. He was pushed around without steering for about 15 minutes before they left him.
Catastrophic encounters between whales and boats are not unknown – the best-known events all took place in the Pacific. In 1972 the Robertson family from Staffordshire were shipwrecked off the Galapagos Islands after an orca strike (their book, Survive the Savage Sea became a classic). The following year, also on the way to those islands, Maurice and Maralyn Bailey’s 31ft boat was holed by a sperm whale. In 1989 William and Simone Butler lost their boat as a huge pod of pilot whales rammed them. In these and all other known cases, the mammals ignored the humans who took to life rafts; it was the boats that attracted their ire. More usually in encounters, the whale is left dead or injured. The International Whaling Commission records these strikes – more collisions are occurring with private boats as technological advances increase performance speeds.
The encounters described around Barbate were certainly frightening for the crew, who understandably felt targeted, but it’s unlikely they were meant as aggressive attacks. At least two other boats had harmless encounters. On 20 July Martin Chambers, a yacht master for Allabroad Sailing Academy, was unconcerned when they were joined by a pod near Barbate. One individual “had hold of the rudder and stopped us moving the boat”, he says. “That’s the first time I’ve seen them do that.” It seems the encounters increased in intensity, but it’s also worth considering that different boat constructions can suffer different outcomes – rudders on some modern boats can be quite fragile.
“These are very strange events,” says Ezequiel Andréu Cazalla, a cetacean researcher who talked to Morris. “But I don’t think they’re attacks.” Orca specialists around the world are equally surprised, agreeing the behaviour is “highly unusual”, but are cautious, given that the accounts are not from trained researchers. Most agree that something is stressing the orcas. And when it comes to sources of stress, there are plenty to choose from.
“The lack of tuna has led these orca to the very edge with only 30 adults left”
The Gibraltar orcas are endangered – there are fewer than 50 individuals left, with a continuing decline projected – adults and juveniles are sustaining injuries, suffering food scarcity and pollution. Their calves rarely survive. The Gibraltar Straits is, Cazalla points out, “the worst place for orcas to live”. This narrow stretch of water is a major shipping route. And the presence of orcas attracts more marine traffic – highly profitable whale-watching. Theoretically, it is regulated, but some operators flout rules about speed and distance to chase the animals. Constant harassment by boats affects the orcas’ ability to hunt. Which brings us to the biggest stress of all: fishing.
The orcas return to this noisy, polluted stretch of water for one reason – to feed. They specialise in hunting bluefin tuna, also highly prized by humans. The near collapse of bluefin tuna between 2005 and 2010 “has led this orca population to the very edge, with about 30 adults left”, says Pauline Gauffier, who has studied them.
The Straits is an important migratory route for the tuna. It has been economically crucial to this region for thousands of years – the Romans produced coins in Cadiz depicting the once bountiful fish. Local fisheries still use an ancient technique – almadraba, a complex system of trap nets. Each spring, the bluefin arrive to spawn in the Med; many find their way into the nets instead. In July and August, as the tuna leave for the Atlantic, the fishermen switch to drop lines – baited with fish and lowered with rocks. These artisanal techniques are far less harmful than trawling, purse seining or driftnets – and than the reckless sport-fishing boats speeding at 10 knots, trailing long lines.
“They target the orca, because they think there must be tuna under the pods,” says Jörn Selling, a marine biologist for Firmm whale watching and research foundation with 17 years’ experience in the Straits. “They go right through the pods, their hooks cutting the dorsal fins”.
In the past, the orca chased the bluefin to exhaustion, but with fewer and smaller fish available, and the pressures from human activity, some have adapted. As a result, there now exists what biologists call “depradation” – a complex balance between the orca, tuna, and humans – and what the fishermen call “stealing”.
Since 1999, two of the Straits’ five pods have learned to take tuna from the drop lines, leaving the fishermen pulling up the tuna head alone. It’s infuriating for the fishermen, but for the orca, this is high risk. Several have sustained serious injuries. “We see marks caused by fishing lines,” says Selling. “We hear about young orca getting hooked.” There are two females with severed flippers – “Lucia”, Selling says “lost her baby together with her flipper, due to the interaction with tuna fishermen”. Gauffier points out that “there is little the fishermen can do to avoid line or hook injuries” when orca interact; and it’s not known what caused the injuries. But many conservationists suspect some fishermen retaliate violently.
“The fishermen hate the killer whales,” says Selling. The orca are protected, but “unobserved, the fishermen do what they want. They see them as competitors.”
Stories persist of fishermen stunning orca with electric prods, throwing lit petrol cans, cutting dorsal fins. Cazalla has seen two orca with recent injuries (Morris thinks there was an injured individual at her boat). “One has a significant scar – you can see white tissue so it’s deep.” This, he thinks, is unlikely to be from a propeller, which would cause multiple scars.
Selling points out that the orca interact with the almadraba as well as drop-line fishing, and talks of a male which worked out how to navigate the labyrinth of submarine nets to take tuna in Barbate years ago. This orca was later observed with serious injury to its dorsal fin. It hasn’t been seen since.
But the orca have endured harassment for decades. What explains the new behaviour? Was there reduced noise during the Covid lockdown? Selling says yes. “No big game fishing, no whale watching or sailing boats, no fast ferries, fewer merchant ships.” He’s intrigued by the idea that the orca had two months with reduced noise – “Something most of them probably never experienced before” – and considers the possibility they felt angry as the noise restarted (Gauffier thinks this unlikely, but notes that the Barbate pod still actively chases tuna, “for which they need a quieter environment”).
There is one very unscientific phrase I hear repeatedly from several researchers: “Pissed off”. Some speculate that the multitude of stresses these highly sentient cetaceans have endured – years of grieving lost calves, injuries, competition for fish, coupled with a pause and reintroduction of human activity, could have affected their behaviour. There is a great deal we don’t yet know about orca, which, like us, have evolved complex cultures and different languages around the world. A couple of years ago Ken Balcomb from the Center for Whale Research talked about endangered orca being dependent on scarce chinook salmon in the Pacific Northwest. “I’ve seen them look at boats hauling fish. I think they know that humans are somehow related to the scarcity of food. And I think they know that the scarcity of food is causing them physical distress, and also causing them to lose babies.”
Sounds like anthropomorphising? Lori Marino, neuroscientist and president of the Whale Sanctuary Project found in orca brains an astounding capacity for intelligence. “If we are talking about whether killer whales have the wherewithal and the cognitive capacity to intentionally strike out at someone, or to be angry, or to really know what they are doing, I would have to say the answer is yes. They are likely defending a territory or resources.”
Meanwhile, Nick Irving from Reliance is wondering if he should send clients’ boats out after the last three sustained damage: “Is it reckless?” Neither of us say it, but we’re both thinking he doesn’t want to be the mayor in Jaws – the obvious, if lazy stereotype that comes to mind. Word is starting to get out, frustrating Espada. Friends call, asking about the “attacks”, if it’s safe to swim. “Are you mad?” she asks. “Of course it’s safe!” As shark conservationists know all too well, it’s difficult to protect endangered animals with a bad image.
This tiny population’s presence is of huge importance, and if human activity is affecting their behaviour, human activity must be regulated. Gauffier has presented the Spanish Environment Agency with a conservation plan proposing that in the Barbate area, “activities producing underwater noise should be reduced to a minimum”. This is the very least that should happen. Each sailor I spoke to was concerned that their activities had stressed the orca. Victoria Morris, who has been searching for a specialist subject when she returns to study marine biology in autumn has found her topic. The Gibraltar orca has one more ally – which is good because these majestic, beleaguered mammals need all the help they can get.
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starsbysophia · 3 years
Elements in Astrology
So if you’re a bit more experienced in astrology (or if you’ve watched Avatar, the Last Airbender), you know about the four elements. Fire, earth, water, and air. Or whatever order you’ve heard them in. If you’re just beginning to dabble in astrology, you’ve probably heard people saying things like “fire sign” and “water sign” and whatnot. That’s what I’m going to be going over today.
There are twelve zodiac signs (refer to my last post if you’re unfamiliar), and four elements. If you passed math in primary school (I sure didn’t), you know that twelve divided by four is three. Twelve signs, four elements, three signs for each element. Three earth signs, three air signs, et cetera et cetera. Let’s get started.
If you’re an Aries (born between March 21 and April 19), a Leo (born between July 23 and August 22), or a Sagittarius (born between November 22 and December 21), you are a fire sign.
In short, fire signs are...uh...fiery. Think energetic, enthusiastic, outgoing, and restless. Let’s look at Aries, for example. Aries is the very first out of the zodiac signs (even though Aries season starts in March. I know, it’s confusing at first). Aries is all about being first. When you think about fire signs, people usually think of Aries traits. Loud, unashamed, and competitive. That’s that Aries energy. Now onto Leo. You’ve probably heard stories about Leos. They’re not always the drama queens that stereotypes make them out to be. Leo is a fixed fire sign (more on that later). When you think of Aries, you probably think of, like, a wildfire. Or a flamethrower. Or both. But Leo is more like a cozy fire burning in a fireplace. (A rather grand fireplace. In an extravagant manor.) Leos don’t like change. It’s just a fact. Though fire is a difficult element to contain, Leos know what they want and don’t have any intention of changing their ways. Okay, Sagittarius. Sagittarius fire is like a beach bonfire at three in the morning with the entire population of your city invited. If there’s only one word (or phrase, I guess) to describe Sagittarius, it’s people person. Or chill. It’s all good in Sagittarius town. Sagittarius is a fire sign though, and they’re absolutely burning up at the idea of adventure, or exploration. Sagittarius is desperate to soak up every bit of knowledge or cool fact that it can get its hands on. 
If you’re a Taurus (born between April 20 and May 20), a Virgo (born between August 23 and September 22), or a Capricorn (born between December 22 and January 19), you are an earth sign.
Okay, earth signs. Think about a tree’s roots. Earth signs are grounded, stable, and happiest when they’re secure and comfortable. Let’s talk Taurus. If you’ve heard zodiac stereotypes at all, you’ve definitely heard the Taurus-is-stubborn trope. And it’s true. But not necessarily a bad thing. Think of a dandelion in a sidewalk crack. Taurus is attached and has no intention of being uprooted. Taurus is materialistic. Cooking dinner for their spouse, cuddling, bubble baths, or...getting intimate is a dream for a Taurus. It loves having physical things and hates losing them. Alright, Virgo. Virgo is unbelievably independent. Taurus might be stubborn about sharing, but a Virgo will not let you do them any favors. Virgos can and will do it all themselves. Constantly analyzing, moving from place to place, listing, counting, cleaning, etc. is a regular Tuesday for a Virgo. Virgos are control freaks because they want to feel safe. And a Virgo feels safest when they rely on someone they can always trust--themselves. On to Capricorn. (The sea-goat. But it’s an earth sign. If you’re distraught about this, wait until you hear about Aquarius). Capricorns are career gals. They have goals and they know how to get after them. “Do it here, do it now, get it done, no second chances” is a Capricorn’s mantra. Capricorns strive to remained focused and present. They’re ambitious and relentlessly pursue the things they want.
If you’re a Gemini (born between May 21 and June 20), a Libra (born between September 23 and October 22) or an Aquarius (born between January 20 and February 18), you are an air sign. 
Air signs are intellectual and communicative. The person who told you about astrology was probably an air sign, honestly. Oh boy, time to talk about Gemini. If there’s any zodiac sign who is unjustly slandered, it’s Gemini. Geminis are masters of code-switching. They’ve got “work mode”, “phone voice”, etc. Air molecules are constantly twisting and moving around each other, and that’s Gemini. Ruled by Mercury (like Virgo), they’re always talking, gossiping, thinking, reading, chatting......what was I saying? Libra! Libra represents the scales. If Gemini is all about being one or the other, Libra is the complete opposite. It strives for complete balance and harmony. Libra, like Taurus, is ruled by Venus, and boy, does Libra exhibit that Venusian energy! Libra is a lover of all things fine arts. Though it can come across as self-absorbed and superficial, Libra has a deep appreciation for beauty, poetics, rhythm, etc. Now, Aquarius (yes, AQUARIUS is an air sign. Internal screaming). Aquarius is a really deep thinker. They’re unique and innovative, and the ones on the front lines of protests. If Gemini is about identity and Libra is about partnership, Aquarius is about the bigger picture, and are often thinking about something far bigger than themselves, which they express in their creativity.
If you’re a Cancer (born between June 21 and July 22), a Scorpio (born between October 23 and November 21), or a Pisces (born from February 19 to March 20), you are a water sign.
“Emotional” and “intuitive” are two words I would use to describe these signs. Water is feminine, receptive, hidden, and...”deep”. Pun not intended. Cancer is the shallowest water of the three. This doesn’t mean Cancer is superficial. Cancer is the shoreline, brimming with coral and minnows and such. Cancer is considered the “mother” of the zodiac; nurturing, caring, protective...but also kind of like one of those helicopter parents. Often unfairly portrayed as a crybaby, Cancer is rightly represented as a crab---tucked inside its shell, but with massive claws at the ready. Scorpio is at the very bottom of the ocean, buried under its intense feelings. Living in an ocean of a Scorpio’s passion and emotion can be intimidating but also kind of magnetic. It has the memory of an elephant and an unrivaled secret-keeping skill, but this also means Scorpio’s rarely forgive and certainly never forget. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and also an “old soul”. If Cancer is the shore and Scorpio is the ocean floor, Pisces is the undiscovered bits of the ocean we have yet to explore. If Aries is the infant of the zodiac and Aquarius the grandfather, Pisces is something between life and death altogether. Pisceans exist in realms of art, sensitivity, and dreams. It’s hard to get Pisces out of its own head sometimes. Out of all of the signs, Pisces is most connected to its unconscious mind.
TL;DR? In this post I’m discussing zodiac signs and their elements. If you want a simpler start to astrology, check out my last post. And don’t be afraid to follow...although I’m a Cancer, I won’t pinch. ;)
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thezodiaczone · 4 years
Virgo Compatibility
VIRGO + ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 19) The razor's edge between love and hate lives in this common but contradictory coupling. Your attraction feels so fated, it's impossible to resist. Fire-sign Aries loves freedom and risk, but helplessly falls for prudent, parental Virgo, an Earth sign landlocked by practicality and protocol. The tips of Virgo's gossamer wings are singed by Aries' flame—yet, into the fire the Virgin flutters. Both signs have a hero complex, and this relationship centers around fixing each other, or exposing the other to new ways of life. For the first six to twelve months, it's exhilarating. Arduous Aries hand-delivers Virgo's sexual awakening with passion that's tender and all-consuming. Cautious Virgo teaches the impetuous Ram how to slow down, prepare and look both ways before crossing. New facets of your personalities unearth themselves—how lovely!
Once the hormone flood is no longer at high tide, however, there are glaring differences to negotiate. Virgo's well-intentioned criticisms feel like a character assault to Aries ("who cares how I fold my T-shirts? I'm still a good person!"). Aries' myopic selfishness makes Virgo feel resentful and unappreciated—especially after hours of listening to the Ram's diatribes with the patience of a paid analyst. At this point, you realize that you've spent way too much time together, and you've lost touch with the outside world. Roll out of bed and reconnect with your individual friends, hobbies and interests. Trust that the other one will be there when you return.
VIRGO + TAURUS (APRIL 20 - MAY 20) ♥♥♥♥ You're a pair of sophisticated Earth signs who blend like cashmere and wool. Taurus adds the touch of luxe and Virgo is the solid standby. You're what could be described as a "lovely couple," with good taste, social graces and old-fashioned values. Although your earthy natures can also make you hippies at heart, you tend toward the traditional, and you both like possessions of quality. You'll set up a lovely, well-appointed home—though Taurus will have to fight neat-freak Virgo to keep the plastic slipcovers off the sofas and doilies off the appliances. Virgo is ruled by intellectual Mercury, and Taurus by pleasure-loving Venus. As a result, Taurus is more feisty, raw and direct, which can offend Virgo's stuffed-shirt sensibilities. However, the Virgin soon looses up and learns to laugh at himself. It's good to have sensible Virgo around to pull the brake when Taurus overspends, heads up to the buffet for a fourth helping or tips his glass for a refill. Responsible Virgo has far more self-control than the Bull. In private, you're both sensual and erotic, and you can spend hours wrapped contentedly in your Egyptian cotton sheets. You share a judgmental streak, and if you're too intent on fancying yourselves superior to the world, you may limit your horizons. Open your minds, and be willing to try something "lowbrow" or off your beaten paths. It keeps life interesting.
VIRGO + GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUNE 20) Gemini and Virgo share a common ruler: speedy Mercury, who zips around the Sun gathering light and information, then disseminating it to the masses. You're both natural communicators with a thousand ideas and opinions. Romance is a cerebral affair for your intelligent signs. Conversations spark into lively debates; asking each other "What do you think?" is akin to foreplay. Although Virgo is a more staid Earth sign and Gemini is a breezy Air sign, you share a "mutable" quality. That means you're flexible, and you can adapt to each other's quirks. Good thing, since you each have a bevy of rigid, borderline obsessive-compulsive habits. (Virgo's can include folding underwear into identical, neat little squares; Gemini's usually involve hoarding, starting new hobbies or impulse shopping.) You both love control, though Gemini is loath to admit this, while Virgo flies the flag. At times, you may wrestle for dominance, a habit you'll need to overcome for this match to work. Virgo's nagging can take the wind out of Gemini's sails; Gemini's sketchily researched half-truths set off Virgo's trust alarm. But combine the depth of Virgo's cautious planning with the breadth of Gemini's boundless curiosity, and you've got the total package. You can make great parents, too, since your styles tend to complement and you'll divide up roles with ease. Gemini can help serious Virgo lighten up, and responsible Virgo can help ground the easily distracted Twin.
VIRGO + CANCER (JUNE 21 - JULY 22) ♥♥♥♥ This is a couple that can outlast the ages, since you're fast friends and seamless companions. Virgo is the zodiac's helper and Cancer is its nurturer. Your emotional connection is instant, and you're thrilled to meet a kindred soul who knows how to give, not just take. It's a refreshing break from the usual energy vampires you both attract! Your relationship is sweet and storybook-innocent: lots of handholding, sentimental cards, and anniversary baubles. Yet, you're practical, too, stowing away college funds for your yet-to-be-born children, earning advanced degrees, taking out a mortgage. Security is something you both cherish. In a way, you're like parents and partners to one another: you both express love by nagging, fussing and feeding. And it works. A pair of self-professed nerds, you love to cook, decorate, read novels and learn. No matter how much money you earn, you both remain thrifty, too. (Scoring a high-end treasure at a tag sale or an eBay auction is orgasmic.) Your signs are both family oriented, and you make sweet but strict parents who live for your children. Generally, you're close to your own relatives, and you enjoy spending time at family events or hosting holiday gatherings. Keeping the sexy charge alive will take a little effort, though, since you both love to stay home rather than dress up or hit the town. Push yourselves to leave the nest, and socialize with other couples more often.
VIRGO + LEO (JULY 23 - AUGUST 22) You're playing with fire here—literally. Passionate Leo is a Fire sign ruled by the Sun, and his solar power can light up a universe. Virgo is a practical, skeptical Earth sign who can throw dirt on Leo's flames before they have a chance to combust into a world-changing wildfire. It's a shame how quiet and subdued the awesome Lion becomes around Virgo. The problem? Leo is addicted to praise, and needs constant encouragement from his mate. Virgo is the zodiac's perfectionist; his critical nature can cause Leo to shrink-wrap himself into diminutive proportions. Think of Leos Madonna and Jennifer Lopez, and their marriages to Virgos Guy Ritchie and Marc Anthony. Yes, they had children with these men, which is important to the family-oriented Lion. However, both megastars toned down their flashy, go-getter images to play wifey. This dynamic must be avoided at all costs. Virgo's earthy nature should be no more than terra firma beneath the Lion's feet. In turn, Leo must shore up confidence, rather than take flaw-finding Virgo's feedback to heart. While Virgo is the helper sign, a codependent vibe can quickly form if he tries to manage Leo's demanding, dramatic life. Your signs are completely different; what's good for the goose is dead-wrong for the gander. Live and let live.
VIRGO + VIRGO (AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 22) Two fussbudget, critical control freaks like you will either suit each other…or deserve each other. For what is a relationship but a magical looking glass into your own dark and twisted Wonderland? You're neurotic neatniks and private pack rats who will either: a) thrive by living in separate wings or residences, b) nitpick each other to death, or c) grow into happily-ever-after hoarders, aging gracefully in a castle of newspaper clippings saved for the ne'er-to-come Someday. Your grounding Earth sign nature can also be your saving grace, as it gifts you with sophisticated, sensual taste. Forget the horn-rimmed glasses and virginal rep that's been cast upon your sign. You love handcrafted cuisine, fecund vineyards, bespoke furniture and majestic interiors. More than that, you both love the STORY behind everything. What would bore other signs fascinates you, and you want to learn about every nook and cranny that went into your captivations. Our advice: pack your perfectly-matched Vuitton luggage and get thee to Tuscany for couples' cooking lessons. Learn the complete history of a region and travel there on an architectural tour. Call it "intellectual intercourse." Bond over your braininess and the passion will follow.
VIRGO + LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 22) You're next-door-neighbor signs who can learn a thing or two from each other. Virgo is a cautious Earth sign who plans for the worst and prays for the best. Air-sign Libra not only expects the best, he demands it—and thus, he usually gets it. In stressful times, Libra's charm and balanced perspective is a breath of fresh air for anxious Virgo. The Virgin is ruled by mentally-stimulating Mercury, and his mind goes a mile a minute. Libra's ruler is Venus, the goddess of beauty, love and pleasure. Like a gentle lullaby, Libra smoothes the rough spots, helping Virgo relax and trust that everything will be okay. While this may be an illusion, it still has a hypnotic effect on Virgo. Socially, you mix well. You both enjoy arts and culture, and you'll never be at a loss for date ideas: museum openings, concerts, readings. You're also a fastidious pair—you'll have the cleanest house on the block if it's up to Virgo, and the most tastefully decorated home if Libra has a say. The one dynamic to beware: Virgo is the zodiac's helper and Libra is its pampered diva. This can easily turn into a master-and-servant scenario, with Libra feigning helplessness and Virgo scrambling to save him. Like Persephone eating the pomegranate seeds that doomed her to Hades, Virgo must be careful not to swallow Libra's intoxicating tales and sob stories.
VIRGO + SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 21) ♥♥♥♥ Virgo and Scorpio are two of the zodiac's shrewdest signs. Your collective gaze misses nothing, and your conversations can be as hair-splitting as Freudian analysis. You're both insatiable when it comes to understanding the human soul, and examining your own neuroses can keep you busy for weeks. While your obsessive natures would drive other people mad, it only makes you more fascinated by each other. You're like two scientists in the lab of love, researching, analyzing, and measuring data. Moody and introverted, you both have spells where you crave total privacy, and you'll grant each other that space. You unconsciously absorb so much energy from your environments, and you need to clear yourselves on a regular basis. Nature is soothing—Scorpio is a Water sign, and Virgo is Earth—and you may enjoy a healthy or outdoorsy lifestyle. That can mean renting a private chalet on a pristine European lake, or devoting yourselves to raw food, vegetarianism, and yoga. Virgo is the zodiac's Virgin and Scorpio is the sex sign. In bed, Scorpio can be a bit too intense for earthy Virgo. You're both lusty sensualists, but if Scorpio breaks out the dungeon props and dominatrix gear, Virgo draws the line. The Virgin may indulge a fetish with strangers, but he keeps a strict boundary about how far he'll experiment with a partner. No matter. You're good friends and supportive partners who find beauty in the smallest details—the makings of a quality life commitment.
VIRGO + SAGITTARIUS (NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 21) Virgo is an introverted Earth sign, Sag an extroverted Fire sign, but you can bring out lesser-seen traits in each other. On the outside, you look like an odd couple. Prim, preppy Virgo is a crisply tailored schoolmarm; Sag is a rumpled hippie in wrinkled jeans and weathered shoulder bags, more like a grad student during finals. Still, you're both brainy types who bond through long, intense conversations. Intellectual Virgo has a keen, organized mind; thoughtful Sagittarius is the zodiac's philosopher. Together, you'll ponder the meaning of life and psychoanalyze your mutual friends—behind their backs and to their faces. You can both be preachy and judgmental, and you're fascinated by the foibles of human nature. Beyond the talk, you have different lifestyles, and those require adaptation. Virgo's monkish side can make Sag feel lonely, and the Archer's blunt remarks can hurt the Virgin's feelings. Virgo is great listener, but hesitant to bare his own soul. This frustrates Sagittarius, who craves more intimate sharing. Your habits are different, too. Virgo concerns himself with every niggling detail, irritating the impatient Archer, who thinks in broad strokes. Sagittarius must learn to sweat the small stuff a little more. Thank-you notes, birthday cards, flowers, presents—these gestures don't mean much to Sag, but they mean the world to Virgo. In turn, Sag can teach Virgo how to have fun and take risks instead of playing it safe.
VIRGO + CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 19) ♥♥♥♥ You're pragmatic Earth signs who strike a perfect balance between sensible and sensual. You bring out the best in one another. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the communication planet. A natural psychologist and articulate speaker, this sign likes to talk everything out. Stoic Capricorn is ruled by stern, repressed Saturn, and struggles to voice his feelings. Capricorn benefits from Virgo's ability to draw him out of dark thoughts. When Virgo's anxieties take hold, practical Capricorn brings a helpful dose of perspective. Dutiful souls, you take care of parents, friends and family members, and your cozy home is everyone's favorite crash pad. Holidays and parties are warm, congenial affairs, and nobody wants to leave. Marriage is a sure success, and you laugh often, excellent medicine for your serious signs. The lovely thing about this combination is how natural you can be—a refreshing break from your formal public demeanors. A favorite example: One Virgo friend, a singer-songwriter, was stricken with a creative block. Her Capricorn husband poked his head into her studio, and found her obsessing. She launched into complaining, and he deftly interrupted: "Wanna f---?" A satisfied hour later, she finished the song. Offensive to prim Virgo from any other sign, but Capricorn can go there. You relax into your carnal natures around each other, loosening up in ways that few other signs can elicit.
VIRGO + AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18) To say you're an odd couple is an understatement—and there certainly will be odds to beat. Just figuring each other out could take years, and it might not end well. (Remember tabloid train-wrecks Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards, or Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley?) Judgmental Virgo is an introverted Earth sign with a habit of thinking too much. Breezy Aquarius, a carefree Air sign, is the unofficial town mayor, best friend to everyone from the street sweeper to the CEO. While you complement each other in some ways, your lifestyles are very different. Virgo likes time alone with his books and thoughts, while social Aquarius rarely misses a party and can't be bothered to take life as seriously as Virgo does. Where can you come together? You both like to help people in need, and you're passionate about social change, especially through responsible business practices. Saving the planet is a particular passion for your environmentalist signs. You're as likely to meet at a drum circle as you are at a conference on climate control, or volunteering in the Peace Corps. In fact, this relationship is most likely to succeed if you have a larger common vision. Why not funnel your ideals into a successful enterprise? Go start an eco-village, or open a raw juice bar in an up-and-coming neighborhood—Virgo can grow organic produce in a backyard plot. It will stop Virgo from nagging and nosing into Aquarius's affairs, and will keep restless Aquarius from feeling smothered.
VIRGO + PISCES (FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 20) Virgo and Pisces are two of the most powerful healers in the zodiac. Virgo is an Earth sign, clinical and data-driven, always there with a practical answer and a helping hand. Water-sign Pisces has emotional compassion, the ability to empathize and absorb other people's pain. You're opposite signs: Virgo is the doctor; Pisces is the nurse. You can teach each other a lot, doing much good on the planet along the way. Virgo is the zodiac's giver, performing acts of selfless service (Mother Theresa is a Virgo). However, it's hard for Virgo to receive, since he views "neediness" as a weakness in himself. Enter Pisces, ruler of the zodiac's receptive twelfth house. The Fish knows how to surrender boundaries and allow people's energy to flow in. Pisces teaches Virgo that accepting love is a generous and selfless act. It opens the door for others to be their greatest selves, to discover their power through contributing. At times, Pisces' emotional nature can overwhelm Virgo, leaving him ungrounded. You both need doses of solitude to reconnect with your souls. Writing, playing music (especially classical compositions or Gregorian chants), painting and creativity is healing to you both. This relationship also brings out your spiritual sides. Meditation, yoga and metaphysical study can open up great psychic channels. These practices also prevent unhealthy addictions, which your easily-stressed signs may adopt as a means of self-medicating. Watch out for secretive tendencies, which you both have as a result of perfectionism and insecurity. Communicate openly, or air your "shameful" skeletons to a confidante—otherwise, you'll beat yourselves up unnecessarily, causing distance in the relationship.
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fredzina · 4 years
I was tagged by @flirtygayangel
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs (I'm not tagging that many lol)
1. Name/Nickname: Tori or Denzi
2. Gender: uhm? Non-binary
3. Star sign: cancer
4. Height: the doctors are constantly fucking up my height but the usual consesus is 5'4, 5'5, although last time they said 5'2?????
5. Time: currently, 2:14 pm
6. Birthday: July 11th
7. Favorite bands: oh boy, Stray Kids, Ateez, Nirvana, Gang of Youths, Cage the Elephant, Half•Alive, Fall Out Boy, N.Flying, The Rose, Day6, Led Zeppelin, Mother Mother, The Head and the Heart, 2Z, MCR, Epik High, Topp Dogg, okay I'm going to stop now
8. Favorite solo artist: currently, Hozier, Dean, Cacophony, DPR Live, Agust D, Penelope Scott, Cave town, Still Woozy, Soran, Tablo, Fuel, Lesley Gore, Zico, Paulo Londra, Ximena Sariñana, uh there's more but yeah wait omg H.E.R
9. Song stuck in my head: currently Bennie and the Jets by Elton John
10. Last movie: uhh.... Oh wait the Marksman
11. Last show: Supernatural
12. When did i create this blog: i think 2016 or 2017
13. What I post: Supernatural shit, drabbles, art, analysis mostly
14. Last thing I googled: Anna Karenina part 1, chapter 1 free online pdf
15. Do I run other blogs?: surprisingly, no
16. Do I get asks?: Yeah, occasionally, they always make my day 
17. Why I chose my url: I dunno, it was just the alias I used for a lot of things when I first got social media it was a childhood nickname which my mom gave me,,,, which is kinda awkward so I rebranded to Denzi 
18. Following: 246 
19. Followers: 97 
20. Average hours of sleep: 3-4 hours and like at least once a month I’ll crash and sleep 11-17 hours 
21. Lucky number: I don’t really have one but I like evens or multiples of 5 
22. Instruments: I’ve played the violin for like 8 years, I also play the piano and I can play the cello and viola decently enough. I used to play guitar for like a year, but the neck snapped and I’m broke. I can also play the recorder so there’s that 
23. What I’m wearing: my work uniform with a fall out boy shirt underneath, my checkered vans cuz I need to fix my boots and my usual bracelets, necklace, ring and earrings 
24. Dream Trip: I’ve always wanted to go to Europe and I want to visit Greece. I’m planning a road trip for this summer in my state 
25. Favorite food: idk I like avocado toast with an easy over egg and cheddar jack cheese 
26. Nationality: American
27. Favorite song: Currently? Probably Stuck in the middle with you by Stealers Wheelers, Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene by Hozier and Awake O Sleeper by the Brothers Bright
28. Last book I read: I recently finished No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai, I’m in between reading the Iliad by Homer and starting the Raven Cycle Series, but I also started rereading Sherlock Holmes 
29. Top 3 fictional universes to live in: Ahhh honestly right now, it’s probably be Supernatural, BNHA, and like Pirates of the Caribbean 
30. Favorite Color: Yellow and orange, I really like blue and green though, and the right shade those four colors together are phenomenal 
tagged: @ididit-allofit-foryou @doodling-dog @ivyquinzel @https-castiel idk that’s good enough lol 
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