#William regal fanfiction
sydsaint · 6 months
Baby Regal you and your curls are very special to me. <3
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Summary: William Regal introduces his son to his NXT managerial protégée.
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It's a usual humid afternoon in Florida when you arrive at the Performance Center. Three taping of NXT are scheduled for the day, so it's safe to say that you'll be busy.
You swipe your keycard at the security gate and head right for your office. Wrestlemania season has come around, so things are hectic around the office. You settle into your office and barely have time to pull up your schedule for the day when a knock sounds at the door.
"Come in!" You give a brief shout while pulling up the schedule for the night. "Yes? Oh! Mr. Regal!" You falter a bit when your mentor comes striding into the room with his usual calm and collected demeanor.
"YN, my dear. It's good to see you again." Regal smiles as he makes his way around to your desk. "It's been much too long since we've last spoke "
You pop to your feet as Regal comes around the corner and open your arms for a hug. You are granted a short but sweet embrace by the man that taught you damn near everything you know about being an administrator for WWE.
"Gosh, you're right. It has been too long, old friend. How are you? Are you back in NXT for your old position?" You ask while offering the old Legend a chair.
"Heavens no." Regal chuckles and takes a seat opposite of you. "By all accounts, you've been doing well at your new position as GM of NXT." He smiles at you. "I always knew you'd excel if only they'd give you a chance to shine, my dear."
You blush at your mentor's kind words. "Well, I did learn from the best." You grin. "So. If you're not here for my job? Then what can I do for you, Mr. Regal?" You ask him.
"My eldest son." Regal replies. "He's one of Shawn's newest higher." He explains. "So I've come by to see him off."
"Really?" You reply and begin searching for the list of Shawn's newest additions to NXT. "He must be wrestling under a different name then, yeah?" You find the list and begin glancing through the names.
Regal watches you read down the list in amusement before getting to his feet. "Charlie Dempsey is the name you're searching for, my dear. He's waiting outside as we speak." He nods to the door.
"He is?" You look up from your phone. "Oh, well please, let him in!" You insist. "I'd love to meet him. Which I'm sure was your intention, right, Regal?" You smile at the old man playfully.
"You know me so well, YN." Regal nods with a cheeky grin and walks over to the door.
You pop to your feet and wait for Regal to usher his son inside the room. You got a brief look at the new higher a few days ago when Shawn was showing them around the PC. So you're curious as to which one is your mentor's son.
"You can come in now, son." Regal swings the door open. "I do believe that I've softened her up for you." He jokes.
Your eyes fall on the door as a tall brunette steps inside and past Regal who shuts the door. You recognize him as one of the newbies that caught your eye a few days ago due to his curly hair and charming looks. But now that you're seeing him next to his dad. Well, he's the spitting image of Regal.
"Hello." Charlie approaches you as Regal shuts the door behind him. "It's a pleasure to finally get to meet the woman my father won't ever shut up about." He jokes lightheartedly and goes in for a handshake.
"The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Dempsey." You shake his hand firmly.
Charlie chuffs and shakes his head. "Please, Charlie will do just fine, Miss LN." He corrects you.
"Right." You nod. "And please, YN will work better for me. Miss LN is my mother." You correct him as well.
Regal walks over to the two of you and sets a hand on his son's shoulder. "Well, I'll let you two kids chat. I've still got to pay Shawn a visit before filming starts." He explains. "It was such a pleasure seeing you again, YN. And I have no doubt that you'll thrive in your position here. And son, good luck tonight."
"Thanks, Dad." Charlie nods.
"I'll be seeing you around, Regal." You wave your mentor off. "And you are welcome back anytime." You add.
Regal disappears through the door and leaves you alone with his son. You wait for a moment before turning to him.
"You know, I always forget that he had sons. I have to admit, he doesn't talk about his personal life much." You confess.
"That's my father, alright." Charlie chuckle. "He's talked about you a ton." He adds. "One of the sharpest minds he's ever had the pleasure working with, he's said."
You turn your head to the side, but it does little to hide the flush of your face at Charlie's kind words. "I had a wonderful teacher." You insist. "How are you feeling about tonight? You're working towards the Heritage Cup, right?"
"That's right." Charlie nods. "Pretty sure that my father would disown me if I didn't go after it." He jokes. "Noam Dar, he's the one that's got it at the moment right?"
"Yep." You nod. "Noam's had it for a while now. Which is good for you." You explain. "Means that creative won't make you wake long before they decide to make Noam drop it." You nudge his shoulder playfully.
Charlie grins and goes to say something but your phone buzzes on your desk before he can get it out. You put a finger up to silence him and quickly answer your call.
"Shawn? Yeah? I'm in my office, sir." You answer the phone. "Mhm. He does? Alright. Yeah, I can meet him in 10 minutes. Mhm. Yep. I'll be sure to ask him, sir. Okay, thanks you." You hang up the phone after a terribly one-sided conversation. "Well then, duty calls."
"Of course Charlie nods and steps out of your way. "It was a pleasure to finally meet you, YN." He goes in for a handshake again.
You glance down at Charlie's outstretched hand and smile to yourself. "Pleasure was all mine, Charlie. But I think that we've graduated past a simple handshake, don't you?" You tease him. "I'm technically not your boss until the show starts taping after all."
"Right." Charlie chuckles and goes in for a friendly hug instead. "Dad mentioned that you were a hugger." He adds.
"Good luck tonight, Charlie." You install one last vode of confidence in your new hire. "Feel free to stop by after the show if you're in the mood to chat." You add before heading for the door. "My door is always open for a friend."
Charlie nods and walks to the door with you. "I'll keep that in mind." He assures you.
You both step out into the hall and go your separate ways. You head for the backstage area to take care of Shawn's problem he mentioned on the phone and Charlie lingers in the hallway for a moment, watching you walk off.
Dempsey's heart flutters in his chest for a second as he watches you walk off. For years he's been hearing Regal talk up the infamous YN LN to him. He's been hearing stories of his dad's brilliant and beautiful protegee for years now. But Regal's stories do little to live up to the hype now that Charlie's actually met you. It's safe to say Charlie's got a crush. And a bad one at that.
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faggotmox · 10 days
title: I Won't Last A Day Without You rating: general pairing: Wheeler Yuta/William Regal (former), Bryan Danielson/Wheeler Yuta word count: 530 warnings: all hurt no comfort, villains being villains, like abuse honestly summary: Yuta's internal crisis waiting to see Bryan in the hospital. (Directly Post All Out 2024)
[link to ao3]
There’s no one else.
The halls are quiet this time of night, the white walls screaming silently at Yuta as he waits and waits. Knots of anxiety and fear fighting it out in the pit of the young man’s stomach. There’s no one else. Is there anything left? Why did this happen? The silence of the hospital did little to quiet Yuta’s thoughts as he questioned everything he held dear for the last few years.
There aren’t many contacts in Yuta’s phone anymore. Let alone people he could actually talk to, no one else that knew the situation. Briefly Yuta wondered if he texted Eddie to concede about Claudio, if that would get him anything. It didn’t seem fair. Eddie warned him many times, but it always fell on deaf ears. Just like what happened before with the Best Friends.
Tucked away at the back of Yuta’s mind, in a locked box adorned with dust, was the possibility of contacting someone he swore he’d never speak to again. The screen of his phone stayed black as Yuta tried to steal his will against temptation. Self control and discipline were exactly what was expected of him right now. Except, Yuta thought, if he contacted this person then at least he might get some insight into what happened.
Before the young man could make sense of his own feelings around the idea, his phone lit up. Illuminated on the display was the name. The fear in the pit of Yuta’s stomach won the fight. The melancholy soft rock of the Carpenters played the ringtone Yuta never had the guts to change. The sickeningly happy image of two smiling men drenched in sweat after training that also stayed the same. Yuta didn’t expect to ever be contacted again so he kept the personal touches to comfort himself.
Eventually the song stopped playing, no longer bouncing down the empty halls. The haunting image disappeared from the screen, like the ghost of the man pictured. As the fear eased out of Yuta’s gut, the voicemail notification popped up. A cold sweat broke out across his skin as the implication hung in the air.
The phone was left on top of the hard hospital seat as he started to pace in short little strides that grew longer into chaotic routes up and down the hall. Everything in his brain screamed ‘danger! don’t listen to the message’ over the gullible naivety of his heart. After all, there was the smallest possibility that the message could help, right?
After ten long minutes worth of pacing, the worn out Yuta finally broke down. The phone was retrieved, unlocked, and the voicemail played. As the recording started the young man realized he was holding his breath and exhaled loudly. The voice of his old mentor, his former family, came through the speaker.
“Sunshine, I know you’re not going to want to hear this.” No pleasantries, no fondness, no kindness. The nickname sounded like a formality or maybe a jab. “He deserved it. As did you.” The devastating click that signaled the end of the call broke what was left inside Yuta.
There was no one else. There was nothing left.
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thlayli-ra · 2 months
Stray (part 10)
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Characters - CM Punk, Drew McIntyre, Samoa Joe, Gunther, Imperium, William Regal, Blackpool Combat Club
Pairing - CM Punk/Drew McIntyre, CM Punk/Samoa Joe (past)
AU - Stray Au
Rating - Mature
Warnings - ***Rape, non-con, past abuse, blood***
Words - ~3,900 words
Summary - Drew returns to his place of captivity, and remembers...
Drew was hurting bad. Heart pounding, muscles aching, every breath coming in hard and ragged. Fresh blood slid over his hot skin, drenched with sweat. And everything hurt! Just like it always did at this point in the fight. When both combatants were starting to tire in the deep waters, each man balancing precariously somewhere between victory... and death!
The crowd were feral tonight. Voices a riot of high-pitched shrieks blasting in his ears. They were all around him as Drew tried to back away from his opponent, suffocating him, grabbing at him, slapping him on the back and shoulders. Whacking against his open wounds, their palms coming away red and wet.
The chain rattled, dangling from his wrist, connecting him to the man hellbent on slaughtering him. Somewhere in the bout, his opponent had yanked the chain hard and Drew had heard a loud crack. He wasn't sure if his wrist was broken or just badly sprained but he knew his whole hand had swollen up like a boxing glove. He couldn't even curl his fingers into a fist.
His opponent began pulling on the chain tethering them again, luring Drew in like an exhausted fish on a hook. Smiling as he bit down on the hunting knife between his teeth, the same one he'd used to slice through Drew's skin. The Scotsman had been able to fend off any major blows so far but he was growing weary, ground down and hurting. One mistake, one strike through his defences was all it would take.
Drew's bare feet skidded across the floor, failing to find grounding in the macabre tug-of-war. His opponent's features becoming clearer, the mad glee in his eye as he yanked the battered Scot closer. The knife was removed from his teeth and held aloft. A last wrench and Drew was within reach of his blade. A clean stab to the neck and the much larger man would be finished.
But Drew struck first, smashing his forehead against the fragile cartilage of his opponent's nose. A catastrophic headbutt that they ironically called a 'Glasgow Kiss' back home. The other man crumpled in a wail of pain and seeping blood. Drew saw his chance and grabbed up the chain, wrapping it around his foe's neck and pulling it tight.
Tap! His mind screamed, pleaded with the other man. For the love of God, please tap! He couldn't endure another name, another face added to his kill list. Another soul weighing down his guilt. Tap! Please tap! Please!
But his thoughts did not get through to his opponent who went limp in his arms, his face a deep shade of purple. At the first sign of unconsciousness, Drew released him, let him flop onto his back. The MC stepped forward, took one look at the unresponsive fighter and declared Drew the winner to a din of mixed reactions from the mob around him. Some cheering for their wins, other protesting their losses, some baying for Drew's blood themselves.
Yet the whole time, he watched his beaten foe. Waiting for movement. Breathe! Breathe!
A hand pressed against the middle of his chest and pushed him back. Pushed him away from the limp body before he could confirm there was still a pulse beating within it. Wheeler Yuta quickly unlocked the metal cuff from around Drew's puffy wrist then grabbed his arm and escorted him away from the growingly agitated crowd.
'Good fight,' Yuta hushed out softly. 'Good win.' Drew liked Yuta, he was a good kid, but he could already see the change taking over him. The bruises on his face like a poison slowly sinking in. The other members of the Blackpool Combat Club had a particularly nasty method of hazing their newest recruits. They said it was to toughen them up, but really it was to bring them in line. Softness and sympathy were not welcome traits in their gang.
Drew looked forward to returning to his cell downstairs, where hopefully a warm meal and his bunk would be waiting for him after the medic had stitched him up. However, he wasn't ushered towards the side door leading to the steps, instead he was taken to Mr Regal's table.
Fingers of terror gripped the Scotsman. What did Regal want with him? Had he been disappointed with his fight? But... Drew had won! It had been a tough battle but he had come out victorious, that had to count for something, surely? His heart kicked like a mule against his ribs as he was lead up into Regal's private booth and came to a halt a foot from the large table, laden with fine food and drink. Instinctively, he sank down onto his creaking knees, his head bowed low for his master.
'That'll be all, Yuta.' The soft grip left his shoulder with a squeeze and Drew had to stop the terrified whine from bubbling up his throat. He began to tremble, a feeling like a noose tightening around his neck.
'Is this him?' Another voice piped up. One that Drew had never heard before.
'This is the man in question,' Regal answered, his voice flowing with easy charm. 'Scotsman. Six foot five and two hundred and sixty five pounds. Dark hair. Blue eyes.' Why was he reeling off his attributes like that? Like he was selling a used car?
'Can I have a closer look?'
'Be my guest.'
Drew heard a sharp whistle and glanced up to find a grim-faced man pointing to the floor in front of him. Realising he was being beckoned over, the Scotsman went to stand when the stranger shook his head. 'No, don't get up.'
Drew didn't understand. He turned to Regal for help but the Englishman was glaring sternly at him. Do as you're fucking told! So Drew did what he thought he was being told. He crawled on all fours! Ass up, back arched, like a whipped dog. Feeling a burning in his cheeks from the humiliation.
'Good boy.' The stranger's mocking made it worse.
Drew struggled, his bad wrist was weak and unable to support him on one side. No matter what he did he couldn't hide it. The stranger immediately clocked the injury but said nothing.
Once he'd reached his destination, Drew's chin was grabbed and tilted back. The large man loomed above him, menacing. 'Hmm, pretty,' he noted, his tone cranking up Drew's dread. A thick thumb wormed its way between his lips, pushed down on his bottom teeth to open his mouth up wide for him to inspect. Now Drew was starting to panic!
'Is he well behaved?' the man asked as he poked his fingers down the back of his throat, making him gag.
'Hmm-mm,' Regal nodded, taking a sip of his red wine. 'Very. We haven't had any trouble from this one. He's a good fighter too, strong and-'
'I don't need him to fight,' the man interrupted. Then what? Drew pleaded internally, what do you want with me?
'Stand,' the man commanded and Drew shakily got up to his feet, silencing any grunts of pain as his fresh wounds flared. However, he had no such luck with his heartbeat, which drummed loudly in his chest.
A pounding that became deafening when large hands stroked down his flanks and rested on his hips. Drew flinched when the fingers hooked into the waistband of his fight shorts and yanked down, dragging them all the way to his ankles. Quickly, he covered himself with his bloodied hands but both of his wrists were captured in a vice-like grip and torn apart. 'Hands behind your back!'
The fire in Drew's cheeks roared red hot as he glanced around the audience looking on, piqued by that morbid curiosity that afflicts all animals when they spy one of their own being devoured by a predator. On one side was Regal and his two right-hand men, Mox and Claudio, while on the other, Regal's guest had two men of his own, one blonde, the other bald. Six pairs of eyes on him, twelve eyes staring as the man's large hand slid between his legs and cupped his genitals in its palm, feeling the weight of them like they were a sack of gold.
'Yes, very nice.'
A shriek tore through the air, making Drew jump. The man had shoved back his chair and was now getting to his feet, Drew's cock and balls still trapped in his grasp. He stood to his full height, only an inch shorter than the tall Scotsman and locked his fierce eyes onto Drew's startled blues. He said nothing, only began to knead the fragile flesh in his hand and watched as his victim squirmed.
Then slapped Drew hard across the face!
The Scotsman reeled from the blow, grunting as the hold on his groin tightened, forcing him to keep his feet.
'What are you going to do?' The stranger asked with a mocking sneer. 'Are you going to hit me back?'
Slowly, Drew turned his face back around, teeth grit and intense blue eyes glistening through the threads of his long, damp hair, glaring defiantly. Betraying the fact that Regal had oversold just how 'well-behaved' his prisoner was.
The stranger squeezed him viciously between the legs, giving a slight twist to remind the Scotsman he had full control over him. Drew ruefully backed down and kept his clenched fists behind his back, trying to ignore the stranger's other hand wrapping around him to stroke down his shoulder blades, finding the groove of his spine and following the trail down, down, down.
'Has he...' the man paused, mulling over his words, '..been broken in already?'
Regal didn't even look up from his meal as he asked Drew, 'have you ever been fucked up the arse?'
Drew gaped, blue eyes wide and round with shock. Thinking of nights when the drink had flowed too freely among the guards, when they huddled together and chose a cell at random. It often took two or three to hold him down while another-
Drew lowered his head in shame, lifted up his fist. Gave an anguished cat paw.
'What was that?' the man asked, suspiciously.
'He said yes,' Regal explained matter-of-factly. 'We don't permit our prisoners to speak. Instead they must learn sign language for when we need them to communicate. British sign language. That way they can't go spilling their sob stories to some nosy, sympathetic yank.'
'I see,' the man replied, thoughtfully. 'So he doesn't speak?'
'Shouldn't do. Is that a problem?'
The grim lips tightened. Considering.
The hand holding his genitals finally let go. Only to lightly grab hold of his injured wrist and coax it from behind his back, bringing it up to Drew's chest height. With one hand on Drew's wrist, the other seizing him by the base of his fingers, the stranger slowly twisted the inflamed hand. It began to throb, it took all of Drew's fortitude not to let the discomfort show. Nothing more than a slight twitch of his eye.
But the man continued, prising Drew's swollen hand further back. The pain grew, getting worse until Drew couldn't hide it anymore, his lips pursing, the bridge of his nose crinkling. Yet, still he kept on winding it back on itself, cold eyes boring into his, waiting, knowing he would get the result he wanted if he was only patient.
And finally, when he snapped Drew's injured hand back at a terrible angle, the stranger won his victory. Drew let out a wail of distress as the pain shot through his entire arm. As soon as he did, his wrist was released and Drew fell to his knees, clutching his throbbing hand to his chest protectively.
'No. It's not a problem at all,' the stranger replied to Regal's earlier query, smiling down at the quivering Scot at his feet. He barked out an order in a foreign language and the blonde man stepped forward, placing a black briefcase on the table and sliding it across towards Regal, who opened it eagerly. 'As we agreed.'
'A quick inspection, if I may?'
'Go ahead. If you don't mind me doing the same.'
Thick fingers entangled in Drew's hair and yanked him up to his feet. He was shoved belly first onto the table, the hand in his hair holding his cheek flat against the hard wood while, behind him, the stranger wetted two of his fingers in his mouth.
Panic grabbed hold of Drew and shook him viciously. Trying to snap him out of his stupor while a huge thigh punched between his legs and drove them apart. Everybody was watching, everybody was looking. Not even Claudio had the decency to turn away as his cheeks were split open and a chunky, slick finger probed between them.
Except Regal. The one man he needed to look at him at that moment.
The finger forced its way in and Drew squealed.
Still Regal refused to look his way.
He had to get him to look at him!
Drew freed his hand trapped beneath him and loudly rapped his knuckles against the tabletop until his master glanced up from the stack of money in the briefcase towards him. Pinned facedown, Drew couldn't get the full motion he needed but he was able to get his point across. His flat palm, flying from his chest like a bird. A finger pointed at Regal, making the sign of a 'x' in the air.
'Yes,' Regal said, closing the case with a snap. 'I did promise you your freedom, didn't I?'
Drew's blue eyes looked up pleadingly at his master, gasping as another finger probed deep inside of him.
'But I thought you would have figured it all out by now.' Regal nodded to Mox and Claudio, the pair of them turning to leave. Drew's breathing quickened, heaving his shoulders in short, terrified pants as Regal cocked his head down at him. 'This is the real world, petal. Nobody keeps their promises!'
And he left.
Closing the door to his private booth as Drew was brutally broken in by his new master.
'This the place?'
Drew blinked back to reality and looked ahead. As soon as he spied the large chain link fence, he felt a stab of fear. Taking in a deep breath to help him focus, he lifted his fist.
Cat paw.
'Ok,' Joe was working on his breathing too but to his credit, nothing else gave away his nerves. His hand curled around the steering wheel was rock-steady, his brow lowered and his jaw clenched. A man who was no stranger to a fight, and knew on his best day, he could beat anybody.
But this wasn't just any ordinary fight. Punk's life hung in the balance.
'So what's the plan?'
Drew flicked his finger between them and drove his open palm forward towards the fence. We go in.
'Both of us?' Joe turned to him, narrowing his eyes.
Drew heaved in another focusing breath. He gave a determined nod of his head.
'Fine,' Joe cut the engine then reached down behind his seat, retrieving a hefty crowbar. Drew gaped at the weapon, wondering if Joe always kept him with him, or had grabbed it specifically for the rescue mission. 'Let's go.'
The pair of them got out of the car and crept through the shadows towards the large, looming barricade. Making sure the coast was clear, Drew scaled the fence and leapt down onto the other side. Turning around, he expected to find Joe following suite but the other man was busy jamming his crowbar into the chain locking the gate tight. With a grunt, he tore the metal apart, the chain slumped to the floor and Joe casually walked through the gate.
'I prefer to keep my feet on the ground,' he stated.
The two men then took in the sight of their next predicament. A strange building stood before them, a huge slap of cold grey concrete. A ladder lead up to a door halfway up its facade with a walkway winding around the side of the circular building.
'What is this place?'
Drew ignored the question and pushed on ahead. He didn't know what the building was once used for and didn't care. All that mattered was that it was currently where they were holding Punk.
And where they had held him too!
Grabbing hold of the ladder, he climbed up, finding a hefty padlock on the door. Once Joe had heaved himself up onto the walkway, his crowbar made short work of the lock and the door swung open, squeaking on its rusty hinges. Beyond, there was nothing but black shadows.
Drew's nerve failed him.
It must have shown because a big hand squeezed his shoulder. 'Stay here and keep watch,' Joe told him, giving Drew an out. 'I'll go in.'
Drew answered with a resigned sigh and quivered his head. Lifting up both hands, he crooked his index fingers and touched them to the corner of his eyes then down. Be careful!
'I'll watch out,' Joe reassured the Scot before stepping into the darkness and out of sight.
Drew felt like his heart was trying to escape out of his mouth. He'd been fine coming back, nervous yes, but the sight of the fence and the building hadn't fazed him since he'd only really seen them for the first time when he had escaped. But as soon as the door opened and he got that first whiff of stale, damp air, all the terror and pain had come crashing back.
Life as Regal's gladiator had been brutal, but every minute of being Gunther's slave was a waking nightmare. Memories of being locked up, practically naked, in a cold, cramped cage. Isolated entirely from the world around him, days flowing into one another until time meant nothing at all. Reduced to little more than a dog with the collar around his neck and the muzzle covering his face. Abused and beaten and flogged and raped repeatedly. Used for whatever sick purpose his master desired, completely at the mercy of his sadistic whims.
He'd fought back at first, but he was outnumbered, three dangerous men to one, and they always managed to overpower him. One day, he'd found the courage to rip off his collar and threw it at Gunther's feet, spitting a large glob of saliva onto the so-called General's polished shoes.
He paid a heavy price for his insolence. His master was overcome with blinding rage and Drew was beaten so badly he was certain he would be killed. Even his captors believed they had murdered him, going as far as to call in Thatcher to dispose of his body, however, to Drew's great dismay, he regained consciousness. They had left him alone in the cage for several days afterwards, perhaps hoping he would pass on quietly but the Scotsman refused to die. Once he'd recovered enough from his injuries, the abuse began again. Only this time, Drew stopped fighting back.
And he never dared remove his collar again.
Time wore on and the spirit that had burned inside of Drew sizzled out like a flame in a rainstorm. Where courage and pride had once been, fear and dread took its place. And hopelessness. Dark, empty hopelessness.
Until the day he dangled from the hook in the centre of the room, and made an incredible discovery - his cuffs were loose! Giddy with terrified excitement, he wriggled his hands loose. A new-found strength, borne from the promise of liberty, fuelled his limbs as he yanked at the fetter around his ankle, somehow managing to snap the chain in half and Drew dashed for the door. Ignoring the throbbing pain in his calf, he ran and ran and ran, until his lungs collapsed and his legs soon followed and he found himself lost in a raging storm, alone and terrified. Knowing his kidnappers were on the hunt and following his scent.
But then a stranger found him.
Soft fingers, long and slender, reached out to help him when nobody else did. Their feathery touch unfastened the clasps of his muzzle and tenderly removed Drew from its foul grip. As those wondrous fingers threw his own personal cage away like trash, Drew had spied letters inked into them, spelling out a word he knew so well. A word that he had become nothing more than a fantasy, a figment of his imagination that he could never hope to cling to.
Drew read them as a sign so when the stranger mentioned something about hot coffee and warm muffins, he took a chance. 'It melts in your mouth, I swear.' A promise! Even though Regal's words swarmed Drew's mind - 'nobody keeps their promises' - he accepted the offer and went with the stranger back to his apartment.
Those tender fingers were strong. They carried the injured Scot the whole way back, never once hurting him but never once threatening to drop him. He'd felt safe in their grasp, the first time he had felt safe in years. So many years!
And when he arrived at the apartment... Drew ate the best damn muffins he had ever tasted in his whole life! They did indeed melt in his mouth.
It was something so small and insignificant. Punk probably had no idea of the importance of those two little words - 'I swear' - but it meant everything to Drew. Despite a bellyful of gooey muffins, hot coffee and a fluffy blanket around his shoulders, Drew felt the greatest warmth radiating from his chest. A spark reigniting the furnace of his soul. All because of a promise kept.
As the night wore on, Punk fulfilled more of his promises. 'I'm not gonna hurt you!' He didn't take advantage of him, even when Drew succumbed to his conditioning and crawled on all fours to show his appreciation for the meal. He never touched him inappropriately in the showers or molested him while Drew slept.
'You're safe with me'. When nightmares had driven Drew from his slumber and he'd awoken in the strange room, forgetting for a moment where he was, Punk had allowed the Scotsman into his bed and held him close, chasing the terrors away during the hours of darkness. For the first time in... he didn't even know how long, Drew had slept, peacefully and deep. With Punk's tender fingers stroking his hair, soothing him with their gentle touch.
By the following morning, Drew had fallen in love with those two inked hands. A quick glance over the rest of the man who possessed them, with the distinguished grey in his beard, green eyes that blinked shyly whenever their gazes met and his soft, muscular body adorned with beautiful frescoes, and Drew concluded there were fewer pictures of perfection in the world.
Yet here he was, standing on the outside, waiting around like a coward.
'As long as I'm still breathing, I’ll never let them take you. I can promise you that.'
Punk was in this ordeal all because of him. Because he'd made a bold pledge to Drew and just like he had done for every other oath he took, Punk had set out to fulfil it. However, when he had not returned after promising Joe he would be right back, Drew knew something terrible had happened. When he'd discovered the muzzle missing from Punk's dining table, he realised the horrifying fate that he had wriggled free from now had Punk in its coils.
Drew breathed in slow and long, bunching his fists up tight. Lifting his head, he forced all the fear down to grab the handle of the door.
And went inside to save the man he loved!
To be continued...
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allelitedweaming · 2 years
Scheduling Conflicts
Blackpool Combat Club x Reader (and I do mean the entire Blackpool Combat Club)
Summary: Having an entire faction for a boyfriend could be great, but sometimes scheduling was an issue.
Content warnings: shameless smut, group sex, unprotected sex, double penetration, male receiving oral, terribly translated Italian, dirty talk / degredation, light ddlg and D/s
Word count: 4755
It was 8 AM but Jon couldn't keep his hands off of you. You were at the gym, the earliest birds who had gotten up while it was still dark had just left and the second round of morning trainers were yet to arrive. It was just the two of you and every time you got up to move to a different machine, Mox was there to grab your hips and crash your bodies together. The more he worked up a sweat lifting weights or jumping rope, the more intensity you could feel in the kisses he planted along the nape of your neck and the way he breathed you in.
"Jon, someone is going to come in here and see you," you whispered, putting your hands over his. But you didn't pull away.
"Alright I'll stop. But only if you promise I can have you tonight, sweet thing."
You nodded, and right before you could turn around to kiss him, Dustin Rhodes walked in and Jon let go of you to find his next machine.
At lunchtime, you left your hotel room to venture out into the world to find something to eat. Right as you opened the door to step out into the hall, you heard a door a few feet away open. When you turned, you saw Wheeler exiting his room. You made eye contact and he beamed at you, immediately letting his door fall shut and jogging towards you.
"Lunch?" You asked him with a smile.
"I was going to eat, yeah, but suddenly I have a much better idea." He started playing with your hair, looking you up and down with a different type of hunger in his eyes.
"Yoots, as nice as that sounds, I'm starving."
"Okay, pencil me in for later then."
You leaned forward and kissed him softly on his chin, then his lips. "Deal."
The two of you held hands and walked to the elevators together to go get lunch.
You, Bryan, and Claudio always liked to be early on nights there was a show. You would spend time in the locker room and backstage, socializing and planning. You liked to watch Dark matches together, always looking for ways towards self-improvement and generous with advice for those who wanted it after their matches. Claudio was always specific in his notes, and he could find something in every match that could be improved.
As you stood behind the curtain, watching the ring, he would stand behind you, leaning down periodically to whisper something in your ear, either asking if you noticed a detail about the match that he liked or suggesting you might try something similar to what the wrestlers were doing. Even when you had a totally clear head and were utterly focused on work, you couldn't help but get shivers up and down your spine each time his lips would brush against your ear.
Bryan was standing next to you tonight and he noticed out of the corner of his eye when you started to blush while Claudio was whispering to you.
The Bunny had been ringside for the last Dark match and as she came backstage, you told the boys you had something you wanted to talk to her about. You kissed them both on the cheek and jogged to catch up with Allie. Claudio and Bryan watched you walk away and as soon as you were out of earshot, they started scheming about that night.
Your match on Dynamite was fairly quick but you still came backstage full of adrenaline, breathing hard. There was no blood, but your eight minutes had been intensely physical. William Regal had sat on commentary and he followed you backstage through the heel tunnel when you exited.
Between the tunnel and gorilla, there was a little dark spot where no one could see you. William grabbed you by your wrist and held you there. You were still panting, and you couldn't see him in the shadow, but you felt the creamy soft fabric of his three-piece suit press against your bare stomach. He hooked a finger under your chin, pulling you up into a short but ferocious kiss. His other hand grabbed you by the ponytail and yanked lightly as the kiss ended.
"You were spectacular tonight," he whispered against your lips. You started to grin. "I want to give you a reward back at the hotel, okay sunshine?"
"Okay," you breathed, unable to think straight while he still had a fistful of your hair.
Regal released you. "Good," was all he said as he casually walked into the public of the backstage area with the rest of your coworkers.
That night, you wondered who would come knocking first. You took a long hot shower as soon as you got back, and as you were standing in front of the mirror wearing just a towel, inspecting your bruises, a knock came at the door.
You answered to find Wheeler standing in the hall, holding two tallboys and smiling at you. You stepped out of the way without a word, granting him entrance to your little hotel room. He put the beers down on the first flat surface he could find and then turned to you. Before the door to your room had completely swung shut, he was pulling your towel off, wrapping his hands around your waist, pulling you into a passionate kiss.
You moaned softly into his mouth. Yuta was an eager lover and a great kisser. His energy always made you feel wanted and loved. You knew how intense and violent he could be in the ring, but in bed he was attentive, curious, always looking for new ways to pleasure you. Nothing brought him more satisfaction than drawing new sounds out of you or making you cum.
As you were deepening the kiss, another knock came at the door. Yuta pulled away and frowned. You stroked his cheek to comfort him, picked up your towel, and grabbed the door.
It was William. He also came bearing gifts, though you could not see what was in the small black bag that he was carrying. He looked over your shoulder and saw Yuta standing in the entryway to the room. He smiled devilishly at you. "You already have your hands full, dear," he said with a chuckle. "Maybe I should come back another time."
You put your hand out over his to stop him from walking away. Whenever you touched his hands, you loved how big and rough they were. You wanted them on your body. He raised an eyebrow at you and without a word he let you guide him into the room.
The three of you all walked separately into the room proper and stood looking at the bed, the men both doing the mental math of changing their plans from a one-on-one session with you to a group game. It wouldn't be the first time that the boys had shared you, but it usually took some adjustment to figure out where everyone would be comfortable.
Just as you were opening your mouth to speak, you heard your hotel door open again. You furrowed your brow. Your room was a single, you weren't sharing with anyone. You leaned over to look around the corner back at the doorway and saw Bryan and Claudio stepping inside. Bryan was holding a key card and grinning at the sight of Wheeler and Regal.
"Well, well, well," Claudio started to laugh a huge belly laugh. "How does the saying go? Three is a crowd, four is a party?"
There was an armchair in the corner of the room, facing the bottom of the bed. Regal took his little black bag and put it on the floor next to the chair and sat down, legs spread. He patted a knee and you walked over to him, as if in a trance, and sat down in his lap. He put one of his large hands on the back of your head, pulling you into a deep kiss. You whimpered softly and you could hear a low growl come from Claudio at the sound.
The other three men all started to step out of their shoes and socks and get comfortable, readying themselves for whatever happened next. But Regal only pulled you in closer. Your towel was still wrapped around you, but it was getting loose. He kept one hand at the base of your skull so you couldn't pull away, not that you would have wanted to. As the kiss continued, your body naturally fell more into the line of his body. You turned your hips and opened your legs until you were straddling him. He let go of you for a second to reposition his hands, using one to open your towel the rest of the way and the other to steady your hips, which rolled against him happily.
"That's a good girl," he cooed. The hand that had opened your towel now pressed against your sternum. He could feel your heart pounding as you looked down at him from your perched position. "Now, what would you like to do first?"
You knew that the correct answer was always to take care of William first. In the Blackpool pecking order, he was a Lord in and out of the ring. "I want to taste you," you whispered. You could feel your cheeks flush scarlet as you said the words.
"What was that, petal?" Regal roughly held your face in one hand, forcing you to make eye contact with him.
"I want to taste you, sir."
Regal relaxed both of his arms, letting go of you and letting them rest on the armrests of the chair. He smiled at you, satisfied, and nodded. You slid down between his legs until your knees rested on the carpet. The towel fell to the floor behind you and you couldn't help but shiver. Your hair was still wet from the shower and the air conditioner was blasting. William let you undo his belt and open his gray pants. Feeling generous, he even lifted his hips slightly to aid you in pulling his pants down enough to grant you access to his cock.
He was wearing tight briefs, bright red with a white waistband. You ran a hand over him through the red fabric and let your mouth follow behind, exhaling to warm him with your breath. He watched you closely, his intensity enough to make you forget how crowded the room was. You pulled down his waistband and freed his erection, wrapping one hand around it firmly and placing your lips around his tip.
William let his head fall back and he moaned his approval as you went to work, moving your hand in time with your head bobbing up and down to take as much of him as you could in your mouth. As he grew at your touch, you started to gag but you didn't slow down. Not until another knock came at the door and you froze. Regal's head snapped up and he immediately put both hands on either side of your head and encouraged you to keep moving. "Don't stop now, sweetheart. Young Wheeler will answer the door."
You continued to suck off your head coach and you could hear Wheeler behind you, opening the door. You knew it would be Jon, but your suspicions were confirmed when you heard him laughing. "Great minds think alike," he said as he clapped a hand on Bryan's shoulder.
Regal could feel you getting distracted and he held your head down as he pushed himself into the back of your throat, holding you tight in place as you gagged around his girth. He leaned down so he was whispering against your head. "Are you ready to begin now, darling?" You moaned around him, spit building up around the base of his cock as you continued to choke on it. He let go of you and you came up for air, gasping as the spit fell down on your chin and dripped onto your chest.
You stayed on your knees and looked up at William. He was already using his own hand to jerk himself off with your spit as lube. "Give me my bag," he told you softly. You handed it to him and he patted you on the head. "Good girl." From within the bag he pulled some warming lube and a shiny silver butt plug. "This was the trophy I brought you. Do you like it?" You nodded eagerly, licking your lips. "Since you've been so good tonight, I will let you pick who gets to put it inside you."
He handed you the butt plug and the lube and you used his knees to steady you as you stood up and turned around. Wheeler was standing back by the door after letting Moxley in. Bryan was sitting up against the headboard, fully dressed and ankles crossed. Claudio was sitting on the edge of the bed, wearing just his joggers, his shirt thrown on the floor with his shoes and socks. Mox was standing next to him.
You stood bedside and held out your offering to Bryan, who smirked as he took them from you. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood next to you. "Good choice," he complimented you. He was only an inch taller than you, and though he was sometimes loathe to admit it, he liked the way the rest of the group towered over you both, but he was grateful to still have some height on you.
He instructed you to get on the bed, and you crawled on on all fours, facing your ass out to him, sticking it up in the air as offering. He smiled and caressed you softly before spanking you. The sound was crisp and clear, it filled the whole room. So did the moan it elicited from you. You heard him open the tube of lube and put some on his hand. He was gentle with you at first, letting the substance warm up to your body temperature as he rubbed it on before he started to finger you in preparation for the toy.
Claudio leaned back on the bed and fell into your line of vision. He reached out and held your hand as he kissed you. "You look so beautiful like this, baby," he told you. You loved to hear him praise you in that gorgeous accent of his. He kissed you again and you continued to moan at Bryan's movements. Just as your eyes fluttered shut, you felt empty, then the pressure of the tip of the butt plug pressed against your entrance.
"Ready?" Bryan asked you as he rubbed his clean hand over the cheek he had spanked previously. Claudio stopped kissing you long enough to let you give your consent and then you squeezed your eyes shut again as you felt him push the plug inside you. You had taken bigger, but it still never ceased to surprise you how good it felt to let these men fill you up in any way they saw fit.
Mox walked around the bed to join Bryan behind you. You heard him unzip his jeans. He pulled you back by your hips and your feet fell to the floor so you were bent over onto the mattress. Jon ran his hard cock up along your slit and coated himself in your juices. "I think she likes it," he said smugly. "She's so wet."
Claudio was sat next to you now, rubbing your back as Jon continued to tease you. Bryan slipped off his shoes and stepped out of his sweatpants before he crawled onto the bed, sitting up against the headboard on the opposite side as before, positioning himself so that your head was in his lap. "Please," you whimpered.
"Who are you talking to, little girl?" Regal barked at you from across the room. "Use your words."
"I want Mox inside me," you said as Claudio pushed your hair back out of your face.
"Well don't tease the poor girl, Jonathan. Give her what she wants."
Without another moment of hesitation, Mox pushed inside of you. The combined sensation of being filled by the plug and letting his cock enter your pussy was enough to blind you for a moment. Claudio chuckled as he leaned down to kiss your shoulder. Mox was always fast and rough. He knew how much you liked to be used like you were his doll, and he got off on it and got off on getting you off. He continued to fuck you as Bryan pulled down his underwear and revealed his erection to you. Your face was so close to it he could feel your breath. You were still being rocked back and forth by Mox's thrusts, so Bryan helped guide your lips onto him and he held your head as he thrust up into your mouth.
You could feel Mox speeding up as he dug his nails into your hips and held you down into the mattress. "Fuck her throat, Bry, I want to hear her gag like a little whore," Mox growled. He was slamming into you even harder now and you clenched around him. He knew his words turned you on, and Bryan was happy to oblige. He fucked your mouth until you were both sloppy with your saliva.
Mox pushed down on the small of your back as he continued to pound into you. He was close, you could tell just by his movements. He came inside of you and collapsed onto your back, breathing hard. Claudio watched you as you continued to pleasure Bryan. "Such a good girl," he breathed, as if he was in awe of your talents.
Mox pulled out of you and started to walk away. You saw him walk to the bathroom out of the corner of your eye and you heard as he turned on the faucet. Bryan eased up his movements, sensing it was time to switch positions. Claudio stood behind you and slowly eased the butt plug out of your ass. You sighed at the sensation of it being pulled out of you, but before you could feel empty, Claudio was lifting you up off the bed. He flipped you over and laid you down with your head on the pillows. As he stood over you, he stroked your cheek with one large hand and smiled.
"I'd like nothing more than to fuck that pretty little ass of yours," he told you. "But I want you to tell me what you want next, princess."
"I want you both inside me," you said, grabbing Claudio and Bryan's hands at the same time. "I want you to use me. I want to be your fuck doll."
Claudio visibly shivered at your words. He stripped down to nothing and jumped over you to flop on the bed beside you. You started to move to get on top of him, but he turned to his side and grabbed you with both arms, pulling you effortlessly until you were sitting in his lap, your back pressed against his strong chest. Bryan positioned himself in front of you, between Claudio's legs. Claudio lifted you up and you got in cannonball position, hugging your legs up to your chest to give both men access to your holes. You leaned back, resting your head next to Claudio's. He held your weight up for you and lined himself up with your ass. The plug had prepared you so he slid easily inside. You could feel the vibration of his groan in his chest and hear it as he pressed his mouth against your ear. "Amore mio," he started to gush in Italian. "Sei molto bella, amore mio, sei andata molto bene."
You turned your head and caught his lips with yours. Though you hated to stop him from gushing, you needed to kiss him more. As you rested with Claudio inside you, you closed your eyes and continued to kiss him and you felt Bryan press himself against your pussy. You felt Claudio react as Bryan slid inside. Taking both cocks made everything simultaneously tighter and more slick.
Claudio held you by your hips and Bryan loosened your grip on your legs to let you drape them over his shoulders as he crouched in front of you. Supported by both men, they started to move you slowly, letting you get acclimated to the new position. You hissed slowly as you felt them move inside you and Bryan chuckled under his breath. "Such a good girl," he remarked, almost more to Claudio than to you.
They both started to move more deliberately, finding a shared rhythm as they used both of your holes and brought you closer and closer to your own climax. You could barely think straight, you were so overtaken by physical sensation. As your eyes started to flutter shut you felt Bryan's hand clasp lightly around your throat. He knew how good you felt. You forced your eyes open to look at him and he smiled at you. "Cum for us," he ordered you. You felt one of Claudio's hands slide forward to rub your clit and you gasped. Both men laughed as they continued to fuck you and you let your orgasm take over your whole body.
The feeling of your pussy tightening around him was too much for Bryan, who pulled out to cum on your stomach. Claudio thrust up into you a few more times before releasing his load inside your ass.
You collapsed next to Claudio, your entire body still shuddering and shaking from one of the most intense orgasms you have ever felt. Claudio wrapped his arms around you and spooned you tenderly as he kissed your shoulder. "Brava la donna," he whispered.
As you came back to reality, you looked around the room. Mox was fully dressed, boots still on, standing in the corner. Bryan was putting his clothes back on, watching as Claudio still laid naked with you in bed. Regal was smiling at you from his arm chair, still touching himself. Wheeler was standing to the side, behind Moxley. He still had his clothes on and his eyes were burning with such fire. Though he had been patient and let everyone take their turns with you, you knew he needed you as badly as you needed him.
"Are you ready for more, sunshine?" Regal asked you from his throne.
You bit your lip and nodded. Claudio slid out of the bed and you propped yourself up on your elbows, preparing for what was next. Your pussy was still throbbing with pleasure and you watched as the three men who had already finished made room for Wheeler to step forward. You smiled at him. The two of you were the closest in age of anyone in your group, so you had always felt a special bond with Wheeler. Even still covered in the cum of three other men, when he made his way towards you, you knew that you belonged to him. He could feel it too. He loved to watch you giving and getting so much pleasure from your teammates, but just as it was in wrestling, he watched so that he could learn and he was always excited to try new techniques.
"You look so goddamn beautiful," Wheeler told you, his voice raspy with desire. He said it as if you were the only two people in this room, in the entire hotel, or on the entire city block. Nothing else mattered to him but you.
"Come here, baby," you whispered to him. He took his clothes off and you could see he was fully erect. You patted the bed next to you, inviting him to lay down on his back. Once he was comfortable, you slunk over to lay between his legs and started to kiss the insides of his thighs. You saw the goosebumps raise on his skin and smiled at the effect you had on him. You wrapped one hand around his base, but instead of taking his length in your mouth, you started with his balls, sucking lightly and relishing all of the sounds that Yuta made. When you saw his back arc off the mattress, you moved your focus to his tip, swirling your tongue around him a few times before you wrapped your lips around it and started to suck.
"Fuck," Wheeler exclaimed involuntarily, his hands flying to tangle themselves in your hair. You smiled to yourself and took his whole length in your mouth, gagging slightly as he hit the back of your throat. Instead of pulling away though, you pushed harder, making yourself gag more as you held him there. You heard him start to breath harder and felt his fingers clench around his fistfuls of your hair and you knew you were doing your job well. When you continued your movements, you were surprised to feel Wheeler stopping you. "You're too good at that baby, but I don't want to cum in your mouth."
You understood immediately and you moved to straddle his hips. You didn't put him inside you immediately though. First, you let his cock slide along your slit, mingling your spit with your juices. You were still wet from cumming, but getting to taste Wheeler had gotten you all worked up and ready for round three. He held your hips and held you tighter as you rocked against him. You needed to put both hands on his chest to steady yourself because your legs didn't have enough strength yet to lift your weight enough to line Wheeler's cock up with your entrance. Yuta rubbed your thighs when he noticed they were shaking, then he reached his hand between you to help guide himself inside.
You relaxed down onto him, letting him fill you to the hilt. He didn't move right away. He wanted to live in this moment. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you down so you were laying on him with your arms on either side of his head. He started to kiss your neck as he rocked his hips against yours, gently at first, but with a growing need and intensity. Your clit was pressed perfectly against the front of his pubic bone and you knew it wouldn't be long until your second orgasm overtook you. He sensed it too, he could always read you like a book, so he held your hips tighter against his and continued to rock your bodies together as he sucked harder on your neck, trying to leave his mark on you as a souvenir.
You tried to moan his name, but your voice failed you, the pleasure mounting inside of you was too much. All that came out was a whimper. When Wheeler felt you start to cum on his cock, he pushed back against you lightly, encouraging you to sit up just enough to give him room to start thrusting up into you. It didn't take long for him to finish. Between the physical pleasure of feeling himself inside you and the warmth of pride in his gut he always felt when he made you cum, it was all too much.
As your body started to melt into Yuta's you felt him stroking your back lovingly. But there was still one more thing left to do, and none of the men would let you forget it. Yuta hugged you tightly and flipped you both over and to the side, sliding you on the bed slightly until he had positioned you on your back with your head falling off the mattress. You took in your new perspective and saw Regal standing over you. Without hesitating, you opened your mouth wide and stared up at him. Even upside down, you could see he was beaming at you. Wheeler remained laying between your legs as Regal jerked himself off into your mouth.
You hummed in delight as he finished on your tongue and you swallowed his load.
As Regal pulled his suit pants back up and started to fasten his belt, the only other sound in the room was your labored breathing. You laughed as Wheeler helped you sit back up on the bed and get comfortable. Then you addressed the whole room. "Guys, that was great, but we really need to figure out some kind of shared calendar or something."
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kayfabebabe · 10 days
Moment of Forgiveness
Here’s the sequel to Aftermath - (You can read that RIGHT HERE) - that nobody, including myself, asked for. This is set after Regal’s betrayal and ‘The Attack’ whilst Bryan is, also, away from the group. 
This has literally been collecting dust in my drafts for over a year (Yikes!) 
Blackpool Combat Club  WARNINGS - Angst. Oh, the Angst... Mention of injuries. 
~ ~ ~ 
This was a ridiculous idea.
A truly absurd venture that was only going to create more questions than provide satisfying answers. Wheeler had spent the entirety of that morning trying to think of the perfect excuse to not visit Regal, but it was a fruitless effort. Why was this such a difficult task? Every other member of their faction had found the courage to see Regal, even Mox had faced the older man without incident. And yet, the mere prospect of standing in the same room as Him caused an anxious buzz beneath Wheeler’s skin. 
It had been weeks since Regal turned his back on them. Not just Mox, but the entire Blackpool Combat Club. The pain from that night still lingered, growing tenfold and lodging itself firmly behind his ribs as he watched his, once, mentor attacked from backstage. What was he supposed to do? Wheeler stood dumbfounded by the monitor whilst Bryan rushed out to the ring, followed by paramedics until Claudio led him to their shared dressing room. It didn’t stop Wheeler from replaying the moment in his head, over and over again. Since that night, their faction had been broken. Splintered. Bryan remained painfully distant and his absence could be felt everywhere. An echo of a chuckle was missing at the end of a joke and a favoured mug sat untouched on the counter.
Claudio seemed completely unbothered by the trip. His fingers tapping a rhythmless tune on the steering wheel and cursing beneath his breath at other cars in an array of languages. Normally it would earn, at least, a light chuckle from Wheeler, but his mind was caught up in his own thoughts to find the humour of it. Claudio, of course, noticed. 
“Do you know, Yuta, that I was the last man to step into the ring with Regal? I was the one to break him beyond recovery. To end his career...” 
The history between all of the older men was well-known to Wheeler. He could feel the ghosts of their shared memories during training sessions or, sometimes, in the middle of matches. When Wheeler first joined the Blackpool Combat Club, it was jarring to step into a group with such tightly-knitted connections and it took months for him to feel less like an intruder. To feel like he belonged with them. Wheeler could now step into their locker room and his presence was immediately welcomed, getting pulled into whatever conversation was happening between the stablemates.
“He forgave me before I understood fully what I had done. You see, behind the facade of a villain is a gentle man who forgives the mistakes of others. No matter the magnitude of them. Perhaps we shall permit him the same grace.” 
There was a flicker of an emotion behind Claudio’s eyes that Wheeler couldn’t quite place. Grief? Remorse? The car lapsed into silence again and remained that way until they were parked outside of a familiar house. There was no turning back from this decision unless Wheeler wished to be deemed a coward. He anxiously chewed on the inside of his cheek as he trudged up the drive and, before Wheeler could talk himself out of it, he knocked on the door. Everything was still. Time slowed with the steady thud of Wheeler’s heart deafening him to the approaching footsteps, eyes widening when the door was, finally, pulled open. There, standing tall with head raised, was his eldest mentor. William Regal. 
The same man that slid the brass knuckles across the ring to MJF. The same man that abandoned them without a logical explanation. The same man that broke their trust. 
"Master Yuta. Please, come in." 
The house remained largely the same although Wheeler noticed every missing part of them. Mox’s boots by the front door, Claudio’s coffee beans sat beside the kettle, Bryan’s cardigan slung over the back of a chair. They were gone. Any sign of the rest of the BCC had been removed and all that was left was a cold, empty house. No longer the welcoming refuge that became their secondary home. The only other change to a formerly familiar surrounding was the cane being held tightly in Regal's right hand. 
"May I interest you in some tea?" 
Wheeler silently accepted the offer and watched as Regal slowly moved around the kitchen, momentarily leaning his hip against the counter. This all felt surreal. Too many memories of lazy Sunday afternoons after weeks of touring bubbled to the surface. Regal would make tea for each of them: Matcha made with oat milk for Bryan. Earl Grey in a fine china cup for Claudio. English breakfast with 4 teaspoons of sugar for Mox. Chamomile with a squeeze of lemon and extra honey for Wheeler. 
“You may ask your questions, Wheeler. Whatever they might be, you may ask them…” 
Straight to the point. William placed Wheeler’s cup in front of him with an empty smile before seating himself in the chair opposite the younger man and leaned backwards. His hands cradled his own drink and fingertips absentmindedly traced over the raised design that decorated the side of the cup. A minute sign that Wheeler wasn’t the only nervous one. The silence dragged on as the older man carefully searched for his words with a crease deepening between his brows. 
"Have you ever been to the circus, lad?"
Regal's gaze never left Wheeler's as he delicately placed two sugar cubes into his own teacup and stirred. Lesser men would shrink under his Lordship’s gaze and, at once upon a time, so would Wheeler. 
"When I was younger, they would have all sorts of beasts and creatures that, these days, you could only see in a zoo or on the telly. They'd even have tigers..."
His Lordship had a natural knack for storytelling; one that he often took advantage of during long car rides or moments of quiet backstage. His voice was soft and warm, edged with a roughness that only came with age. He would never admit to anyone, but Wheeler had missed listening to Regal. Late at night, when Wheeler’s mind was too loud to sleep, he would try to recall those stories that his former mentor shared. 
"I always thought it was particularly cruel to keep such magnificent beings locked away, only brought out to be pranced around a ring for entertainment. There was one tiger, I remember, kept pacing his cage. Back and forth. Back and forth in this space that was barely bigger than the tiger itself, but it kept moving. Back and forth for hours."
Where was this story going?
"It didn't know how to do anything else. You could take away the bars and the cage and place that tiger in the middle of the jungle where it was meant to be. It would still pace."
Finally, William's eyes dropped down in favour of watching the wisps of steam rise from his cup of tea. Pieces slowly fell into place for Wheeler with the echo of Claudio’s voice in his head. The illusion of the Gentleman Villian was gone and the man sat opposite Wheeler was softer. Less imposing. Wheeler’s eyes fell back to the handle of the cane resting against the side of the table. Fragile. 
"The cage has long since gone and, yet, I still pace. I believe I grew complacent with you and the others. Everything was too good. So..."
"You had to create chaos."
It was an unsatisfying answer. Wheeler had expected more. So much more. The kitchen fell back into silence and Wheeler tried to accept Regal’s rationale for his illogical behaviour. How did the others find it in themselves to forgive him? Claudio and Bryan seemingly never held anything against Regal for his betrayal. They were confused, yes, but not upset. Their forgiveness was immediate and without question as if Regal simply forgot to pick them up from the airport or something more trivial. Mox, however, was livid. Wheeler witnessed firsthand Mox’s anger towards the older man in his heated arguements with Bryan about Regal. 
Until, one day, Mox forgave him too. 
“I think I understand, Sir...” 
A blatant lie. Wheeler heard the uncertainty in his own voice and he knew that Regal heard it too. He wanted to. Wheeler wished that he understood his Lordship’s actions in the same way that Bryan and Claudio did. And, perhaps, that want to understand is the first step towards forgiveness. 
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daddyhausen · 2 years
• kinktober — day fourteen : begging — william regal •
Tumblr media
{ masterlists } | { kinktober 2022 }
{ warnings } — 18 + { minors do not interact } fem!reader, power dynamic, age gap { of age }, overstimulation, restraints, use of sex toys, edging, orgasm denial, female orgasm, squirting
{ word count } — 331
{ pairing } — fem!reader x william regal
{ genre } — smut
{ taglist } — @stxrrlightwrites13 @boutmachines @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @baysexuality @legit9thlunaticwarrior @slut4kennyomega @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @damnnhausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @nicoleveno14 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
he sat at the edge of the bed, simply observing
fully clothed while your skin was void of clothing
he’d bound you to the bed
your wrists secured tightly above your head, suspended against the bedframe
the same with your legs
although not bound normally with your legs spread
he had bound them together
a vibrator wand nestled between your thighs
the bulb of the toy teasing your clit
a soft buzz reverberating through your core
“ready to listen now, sunshine?”
he questioned, cocking an eyebrow,
twiddling the remote in his hand
increasing the speed when you did not provide him an answer
your whimpers ripped through your throat as he toyed with the settings
one minute your orgasm was right on edge, the next it was being ripped away from you
“darling, if you had listened to me i would have let you cum by now”
you peered over at him through glassy eyes, the thrum in your cunt intensified as he turned up the speed again
“please sir! please let me cum! i’ll be good i promise”
he simply scoffed, a small chuckle leaving his lips
“i don’t believe that, darling” he turned the vibrator onto the highest setting
“if you wanted to cum that bad, you wouldn’t have touched yourself without my permission”
he let the vibrator run on the highest setting for a couple of seconds before turning it down again
“i promise sir i won’t do it again! i need to cum please please!!”
you could say he felt the smallest bit of sympathy for you
allowing the vibrator to run untouched until you spilled over
despite your wetness sweeping from between your thighs he kept the vibratory at max speed for the next few seconds
adoring the way your body squirms and convolses with pleasure
eventually turning off the toy much to the mercy of your cunt
“now…” he paused, unbinding your wrists and ankles
“are you going to behave for me, sunshine?”
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wammbam · 4 months
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maybe bryan should have expected it. with all that has been happening and all he knows about mox and regal. how the two of them are- maybe he should have expected regal to reach out right as mox starts to lunge with a snarling mouth and grab the back of his neck.
prequel to more like house cats than monsters
read on ao3
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wildchildvdm · 2 years
Ladyship's Masterlist
Hello there this is my very first masterlist I ever did. I will pin it on my blog so you can read: enjoy.
Wattpad: MamiOfInfamy
AO3: MamiOfInfamy
OCs Round Up: Here
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could you do sexual punishments with william regal please??? i really loved the ones you've done already
Sexual punishments W/Regal
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Warnings: This includes intense sexual situations, and is assumed there is a safe word involved. Remember to always practice safe BDSM
Taglist: @fiskers7136 @peachmango-kombucha @kcloveswrestling @bellalutionn @xkennyxomegax @tummyyellin @legit9thlunaticwarrior @auburnwrites @damnnhausen @blaquekittycat @thesusbunny @writtingrose
Most of the time, Regal has a tight grasp on your behavior
But he knows owning a pet includes dealing with their bad behavior
You knew you had acted up, and you knew the moment you both got home you would have to deal with it
‘Sit right here,” his voice wasn’t angry but it left no room for argument
You hadn’t even gotten undressed as you kneeled next to the chair in your room
Once he finally sat down he had a pair of scissors and a dog collar
‘Sit up’
He would carefully cut down the front of your shirt, then the middle of your bra to expose your breast.
‘Head up’
Simple commands without letting you get a grasp of how he was feeling
Would put the collar on just tight enough to make you feel every breath
‘So disappointed in you love,”
As soon as he pulled his cock out you knew what to do
He doesn’t fuck your face, instead he would ouch down on your head to feel you sputter and choke on him
When you finally got him to cum he would have you completely undress and tie you egal spread on the bed
He also set up a camera in front of you and inserted a vibrator
‘You get one hour. If you can hold out then I’ll fuck you, if you cum before that every remaining minute in the hours will count as one spank. Let’s see how long you last.’
He then starts the camera, turns the vibrator on, and leaves the room.
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tatsueigo · 2 years
You can't see love, you can feel it
Fandom: All Elite Wrestling
Pairing: Jon Moxley/Wheeler Yuta
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Prompt: @wrestleprompts Week 2: "It was you the whole time"
Wordcount: 2154 words
AN: Sorry for being late, but the week has been bad and I wasn't able to finish it sooner.
It's a 5+1 fic, 5 times in which Jon does something gentle for Wheeler and the latter thinking it was one of the others. The one time Wheeler finally understood it had been Jon the whole time.
AO3 link: You can't see love, you can feel it
Lately strange things had been happening to Wheeler. The very first time he noticed something strange, was as he got back to the Best Friends' locker room after his match against Bryan Danielson. The second time instead, he had been in Blackpool Combat Club since ten days, but he still wasn't accustomed to the change of pace in the trainings. The third time he had rested because of a headache, the fourth time it had been before he had departed to fly to Japan. The last time instead, he had been down with the flu.
"Guys, do you think someone sneaked in here? You all were ringside for my match, so how is it possible that there is an ice pack on my bag?"
Wheeler reached a hand to move it and hopefully find a clue on who it may have been, but he found nothing. He glanced over at his stablemates, but neither of them seemed to know anything about that. It was really strange, but he still decided to apply it to his right shoulder, getting help from Chuck to wrap it around, so it would stay in place. He stood up, determined to go to catering to take something to eat, like a protein bar or something like that. It didn't matter to him that he was still half naked and sweaty, he had to wait at least twenty minutes before he could take the ice pack off.
Jon Moxley, the actual guy who had done that sweet gesture, looked amazed at the black haired guy, as soon as he got to catering. He seemed so interesting to his eyes, wrestling and personal wise. That was the reason he had agreed on by wanting someone like him in their stable and everything seemed to be going according to their plans.
"Jon, come on! Don't stay there, looking int-" Bryan had finally found him: they were about to go back to the hotel, since he had showered and Jon himself wasn't set to have a match or promo.
"Hush, Bry. You and Lordship can go ahead, I'll stay here a bit longer." Jon didn't leave him the time to finish his sentence, without averting his gaze from Wheeler.
"What or who is so important that you want to stay here, mh?" The American Dragon followed his gaze, finally recognizing the wrestler he had just won against and soon-to-be protegè. "Oh... Wait, did you leave him the ice pack? You are suddenly so soft, Jon." Bryan teased him, giggling.
"Fuck you, Bry, it wasn't me." Even by denying, there was a hint of a blush on his cheeks.
"And... you are blushing." The giggle became even more, making Jon only more irritated than he already was.
"You stop it, Bry, or else..." Jon flipped him off, hissing at the mocking.
2. "Lordship, can I have some suggestions over teas I could prepare for our young boy?" Jon scratched the back of his head: Wheeler had been with them for ten days now, sometimes all three of them would put him through so much hard training that the 25 years old would just crash in bed and rest a bit. Their training was definitely harder than Best Friends' and it was clear he still wasn't accustomed to it.
"He normally drinks fruit tea, I have bought him some Cherry Blossom tea, you could try to make him that one. It should remember him of Japan, so he should like it." William looked at him baffled: ever since that boy had entered their stable, Jon had been very considerate of him. It was quite remarkable how much he cared about young Wheeler.
Jon nodded and thanked him, before going to the kitchen and prepare the tea, which he easily found in Regal's collection. The old man probably had the hugest tea collection in the whole world and he could probably go to the Guinnes World Record. When it was ready, he went upstairs with it, entering Wheeler's room silently and left it on the nightstand. Wheeler would surely never think it was him, it was more likely he would thank William for it.
Wheeler woke up not too long after, the smell of Cherry Blossoms invading his nostrils. Still half asleep, he turned his head and noticed a cup of tea. This time too, no note whatsoever, but given how much William liked tea, he was almost sure it had been him. He took the cup in his hands, gulping down some of the beverage, humming happily. He had taken the right choice by asking to enter that stable: he felt really at home there, they were mean with him during training, but it was for his own sake and to forge him into a better wrestler.
Drinking the tea woke him up a bit more, so that he decided to stand up and reach the others downstairs. In the kitchen he first noticed their Lordship, who was busy cutting some vegetables.
"Thank you for the tea, Lordship." Wheeler mumbled, sitting at the kitchen aisle.
"You are welcome Sunshine." William smiled and covered Jon, who surely had an explanation as to why it had to seem like wasn't him.
3. "Guys, I'm going to lay down in my room for a bit. My head is aching way too much right now. Can any of you wake me up for training, should I be late?" Wheeler hated the headaches he sometimes got, but the best he could do was lay in bed and rest. Still, he didn't want to miss training, even if he maybe should.
"Go rest for a bit, sunshine, I'll make sure to have one of them call you in that case."
Jon perked his head up as he heard those words; it was strange, but from the very first match they had, he waqs feeling kinda strange towards Wheeler. Jon was slowly feeling more and more attracted by him and he always felt the urge to do something for him. Jon stood up from his chair, searching in the meds cabinet for some pain meds. He grinned when he found some Tylenol, which would hopefully help the young boy out. He waited at least ten minutes before he got upstairs, Tylenol in one hand, a glass of water in the other. Only after making sure Wheeler was sound asleep, he silently entered the room and left everything on the nightstand. He slightly caressed his black hair for some seconds, before going to the door. Once there, he stopped, murmuring quietly.
"Sleep tight, young boy."
Wheeler opened his eyes after one hour, had to blink many times to focus on what was on his nightstand. A little smile appeared on his lips, as he thought it might have been Claudio. The Swiss had joined them not long before and had directly taken him under his wings. The newcomer was always so gentle and caring after all. After taking the meds he joined his stablemates in the living room, sitting next to Claudio.
"Thank you for leaving me the Tylenol, Claudio."
"You are welcome Yoots, hope it helps." Claudio shot a glare at Jon, who had previously disappeared and now seemed relieved, but recieved only a shrug in exchange.
4. It was about time: Wheeler would fly to Japan the following day to stay there almost one month to take part in the Best of Super Junior Tournament. For as much as Jon was proud of their youngest member, he already knew he would miss him. He had seen him leaving his backpack in the kitchen and go to sleep, so he hadn't waisted time to find some vegetables in the fridge - no, actually veggie's snacks Bryan probably still didn't finish - he smirked taking like five of them, which he put in Wheeler's backpack, before going to sleep too.
Wheeler didn't notice anything strange until he was at the airport, waiting to catch his flight, while searching for his kindle. He smiled as he noticed the snacks and gasped, sending a message to Bryan.
-Thank you for the healthy veggie snacks, Dragon! - He just loved how considerate his teammates were of him. In Blackpool Combat Club everything was so different...
-Gotta be sure you have enough for the travel, Wheeler. - Bryan grinned towards Jon: would he really still deny it was him? Did he really think they would never understand?
"Shut up Bry, whatever you are thinking, it's a no." Jon growled at him.
"You'll admit it one day, Jon."
5. If there was something Wheeler hated, was being sick. Being sick during Sakura blossom season was even worse for him.
"We are about to go, Sunshine. Should you need something, don't hesitate on calling me. Take this Tylenol and make sure you rest plenty."
William, as well as the others, was a bit concerned, but they weren't plannin on staying out too much. While out, they took some groceries, together with more meds for young Wheeler. Jon avoided entering the supermarket, since he didn't like to stay in small crowded places. He waited outside, pacing around a bit, until he noticed a particular tree which had probably blossomed the day before. He found some branches on the floor, which he took and carefully put in the bag he had with him, with the hope they wouldn't break.
As they finally got back home, Jon disappeared upstairs, ready to leave the branches on Wheeler's cushion, next to his head. After doing that, he left him a kiss on the hot forehead. This time he hid behind the almost closed door, peeking in, curious. The young boy - his young boy - seemed to be able to sleep peacefully and that kinda relieved Jon. Jon who was still feeling the urgeof laying there with him, hold him in his arms and just cuddle. He had never felt like that with anyone else before and he wasn't even sure what to do about it.
It didn't take much time before there was some movement from Wheeler, who slowly woke back up, looking confused. When he crashed into bed he was sure there weren't branches of any type over his cushion. He took one of them and nuzzled it, inhaling the scent of cherry coming from it. He smiled happily, the smell calming him fully down. Wheeler's thoughts went to Bryan, who was good at gardening: maybe it had been him?
+1 It was movie night in the BCC house: Wheeler was sitting between Jon and Bryan, while Claudio and William were sitting on individual sofas.
They had settled to watching an action movie, leaving some comments here and there. Wheeler looked at his Lordship and his stablemates, deciding to test something; he wanted to see if he could find out who had been leaving him all those things in the past, who was so caring of him. He wasn't sure it had really been each of them, maybe it had been just one the whole time.
Given that Claudio had joined them way after the first episode happened, it was most unlikely it was him. During the movie he settled himself as comfortably as he could, letting his head fall on Jon's shoulder, snoring slightly after a bit. He wasn't really asleep, he just wanted to test and see who of them would bring him upstairs to his bed. The others all looked at him as they heard the first snore, smiles on all their lips. They had had hard training sessions that day, so it was no wonder that their youngest member had fallen asleep. The end of the movie wasn't that far away, so before worrying about who would bring him to bed, they watched it to the end, at a low volume to not wake him up.
"Who should bring him upstairs?" Asked Claudio as he stood up and stretched.
"I can do it. Good night y'all."
Jon decided to ignore all the gazes he could feel on his back as he stood up, Wheeler bridal style in his arms and got upstairs. He was so focused on not tripping on the stairs, that he didn't notice the grin Wheeler had. Laying him down, Jon ruffled his hair and only when he was about to go, Wheeler opened his eyes and stopped him by grabbing his right hand.
"So it was you all this time, Jon?" Wheeler wasn't angry, he just wanted the truth. He would be more than happy if he was right.
"I..." Jon blushed a bit, not able to keep the secret anymore. "Yes, it was me all along. I started growing interest on you from the first match we had against each other." He admitted, sitting next to him.
"You did a great job to hide it, I wouldn't have expected it was you and I am positively surprised. Thank you for taking always so much care of me, Jon."
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sydsaint · 2 years
Cutiepie Wheeler 💚💚
*gif credit to @superkickhausen *
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Summary: After a night of partying the reader relies on Wheeler to cover for her when Regal confronts her about where shes been.
It's around 4 in the morning when you return to the hotel carrying your heels in your arms and purse in your mouth. You gently attempt to turn the doorknob with a finger while still being as quiet as you can. Having left before everyone got back to the hotel, you have no clue who from the BCC you're rooming with for the night. 
On the other side of the door, the knob turns and you hold your breath. "Wheeler, oh thank god." You sigh a relief when a sleepy Wheeler opens the door. 
"Y/N? It's like 4 in the morning." Wheeler yawns. "Where have you been?" He asks as he lets you inside. 
"Hey, yeah, sorry Wheeler." You apologize and kick the door shut behind you. "I was out partying with Ricky, Daniel, and a couple of other people." You explain. "The time kind of got away from me."
Wheeler nods and walks back over to his bed to sit back down. "I can see that. I told Regal that you went to the gym when we all came back to the hotel." He informs you.
"Really?" You reply and set your stuff down. "Thanks so much! I honestly don't know what I was going to do if I was bunking up with someone else tonight." You admit with a small laugh. 
"Yeah, no problem." Wheeler nods with another yawn. "Are you going to bed now?" He asks you while letting himself fall back into bed. 
You shake your head and pick up your suitcase from the floor and unzip it. "I'm going to rinse off really fast then I'm heading to bed, I promise." You promise Yuta with a small smile. "And hey, thanks again, Wheeler. I know that you don't like lying to my dad about stuff." 
Wheeler nods and you slip into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once you're done you head back into the main room and find Wheeler sleeping once again soundly. You snuggle into bed and fall asleep as well. 
The next morning you are up early with Wheeler despite having partied pretty hard last night. The two of you head down to the gym and meet up with the rest of the BCC. 
"Y/N, good morning my dear." Regal is the first one to greet you when you get to the gym. 
"Morning, dad." You greet your father with a small hug. "Good morning, Bryan, Jon." You add with a small smile. 
Mox and Bryan share a small look before they both nod at you. "Mornin'." Jon greets you. 
"Yeah, morning," Bryan adds. 
You raise a brow at your elder BCC team members and their odd behavior. Everyone heads into the gym and gets to work on some basic training and drills for the day. 
While you're doing deadlifts with Wheeler you notice Bryan and Mox chatting with Regal and all of them glancing your way. You get an uneasy feeling the way that they are glancing at you and rack your brain for any reason that either of them could know you weren't at the gym last night. 
"Crap, they're coming over here." Your eyes widen when Regal turns and walks your way with Bryan and Jon at his side. 
Wheeler looks up from his deadlift and over to you. "Y/N? What's wrong?" He asks you. 
Before you can answer, Regal comes up to you with Bryan and Mox. He steps in front of you with a stern look on his face. 
"Y/N, dearest." He confronts you sternly. "Bryan here was just showing me an interesting set of photographs from last night." He nods to Bryan who's holding his phone in his hand. 
"Oh?" Your heart pounds in your chest. "Photos of what?" You swallow nervously. 
Regal sighs out of his nose and looks down at you with that stern and demanding look that you know so well. You squirm under his gaze and eventually can't take it anymore. 
"Okay! So I wasn't at the gym last night!" You give in and grit your teeth at your father. "I went out with some friends from work!" You admit. "Happy now?" 
You stand in silence and wait for the inevitable chewing-out that you're about to receive from your dad. He's always hated you going out alone, even after you turned 18. You're his golden girl, his favorite daughter, and he'd die if anything were to ever happen to you. 
"She wasn't alone, Regal." Wheeler suddenly chimes in. "I met up with her after everyone went back to the hotel." He lies to his mentor's face. 
Regal looks a bit surprised at Wheeler's claim, but he turns back to you with another stern look. "Is that true, Y/N?" He asks you. 
"Yeah." You nod and glance at Wheeler out of the corner of your eye. "I left early but Wheeler was always planning to meet me later in the night." You add to Yuta's lie in order to bolster its believability. 
Regal glances between you and Wheeler before he sighs with a nod and walks off again. You watch him walk off with Bryan and Jon before you turn to Wheeler and breathe a huge sigh of relief. 
"Oh my gosh!" You jump over to Yuta and into his arms for a hug. "You are my knight in shining armor today, Wheeler!" You praise him as he wraps his arms around your back to reciprocate the hug. 
Wheeler chuckles and lets you go from the hug. "It's no problem, really." He rubs the back of his neck. "I got your back." 
"Come on, let's go grab some breakfast." You reach out and grab Yuta's hand and drag him off the gym floor. "My treat. DAD! Wheeler and I are getting breakfast!" You shout at Regal as you drag Wheeler off. 
Jon and Bryan both laugh as they watch you drag Wheeler off. "I didn't see that coming." Jon chuckles. 
"Me either." Bryan agrees. "I honestly didn't think that he'd lie for her." He admits. 
"Aw, Yuta's had a crush on her forever now." Mox chuckles. "It was just a matter of time before he started lying to stay on her good side. And she'll realize that she's into him as well eventually." He adds. 
"Yeah well, it better be sooner rather than later," Bryan replies. "Or else she's just going to keep getting herself into trouble." 
Mox chuckles again and shakes his head. "Yeah, or she'll start dragging him along for the ride." 
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faggotmox · 3 months
title: little league series: briar patches rating: pg i guess for some swearing pairing: Jon Moxley/Bryan Danielson, background Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta, Eddie Kingston, William Regal word count: 1182 warnings: adults being shitty to kids from afar summary: The whole family shows out for one of Briar's first baseball game in the national little league (you know the league that does the little league world series). There's a few parents on the other team that don't have much nice to say.
[link to ao3]
There was nothing better than the hot summer days spent watching little league to Bryan and Mox. Of course their son had been a natural athlete, and Briar had gravitated towards sports on his own. To make things even better the whole family liked to show out. Briar had a lot of uncles. Claudio and Yuta sat together happily while Mox and Eddie sat one bench below them and on the other side of Bryan was Regal.
“Ha. Look at this kid.” A parent from the other team piped up as Briar walked out to bat.
“Pip Squeak.” Another one chimed in.
Bryan glanced over his shoulder before trying to shake it off. The words did sting for Bryan specifically. Instead he focused on how cute his son was as he walked up to the plate. Briar glanced up to find his family and smiled. This was their son’s first year playing in an ultra competitive league, after two years with his previous coach Briar was recommended to play on a serious team. Bryan worried it would take the fun out of everything but Briar was having a great time. At this age Briar was still small too, much smaller than his teammates.
“Strike one!” The ump called out as the ball went past Briar.
“Shake it off, pal!” Eddie shouted over everyone else, clapping his hands.
Bryan smiled at that. Uncle Eddie was Briar’s number one fan in every walk of life. They had a special connection that Bryan was happy about even though he didn’t really care for Eddie much before his son was born. The nice moment was interrupted by the snickering parents behind him.
“How did this fuckin’ kid make the national team?”
“Does he even meet the height/weight requirements?”
“Strike two!” The ump cut through the chatter. The parents behind them cheered.
“Embarrassing. Swing at something at least.”
“Imagine getting that kid on your team? Like damn. It must suck for the coach.”
“So true.”
“Hey. I know y’all ain’t talking about my nephew?” Eddie looked back between Regal and Bryan to level them with a look.
“Tiny Tim’s your nephew?” One of them cracked and that made both Mox and Bryan jerk to get up. Regal kept Bryan seated while Eddie put a hand on Mox’s shoulder. Yuta and Claudio were glaring at the other parents now too.
“I suggest you keep your comments to yourself, gentlemen. We’re not the family to fuck with so shut the fuck up and watch the game.” Eddie squeezed Mox’s shoulder and nodded towards the field.
“Ball one!” The ump called out. “One ball, two strikes.”
“C’mon.” One of the other parents groaned again.
“Focus, Briar!” Regal called out, shifting in his seat from annoyance at the still snickering parents.
“You’ve got this, son!” Bryan shouted out, also trying to distract himself.
“Ball two!” The ump’s call again.
“Does he even know how to swing the damn bat?” One of them snarked again.
Before anyone had a chance to react there was a loud crack from the field. Briar’s perfect swing propelled the ball high and far. The ball soared and soared through the air as Briar watched with a huge grin as the ball dropped behind the fence. The bat was carefully sat down before Briar jumped up and down, his feet starting to carry him to first base as he turned towards his family to wave.
Everyone on Briar’s team was on their feet. The cheers from the stands were louder than the boo’s as Bryan watched his son round the bases with triumph. The announcer took to celebrating the achievement.
“Number 7 Briar Danielson has hit the first home run of the season for the league. It’s worth noting that this is Briar’s first year participating in the national little league, and is also our youngest member. Congratulations, Briar, on hitting the first home run in this national league season!”
Briar decided to add a little flair by doing a cartwheel onto home base, making sure his hand hit the plate.
“Show off! Boo!” The parent behind them called out again.
“What a jerk doing a cartwheel.”
Everything calmed down in the stands and the dugout. The next batter came up to start things going again. Bryan glanced down as he felt Regal knock into him. The other man was pulling out the pair of brass knuckles from his pocket and nudging Eddie with his foot. The pair stood up.
“Gentlemen.” Regal addressed both men and their group of fellow parents as he put one foot on the bleacher and leaned against his knee. “You’ve been saying some rather rude things about my grandson. Even after we told you to shut the fuck up.”
“Told you we ain’t the family to fuck with.” Eddie reaffirmed. “I think you owe us an apology.”
“Seriously? Just watch the game.” One of them started sitting up straighter.
Regal allowed the brass knuckles to dangle from his hand on the inside of his knee. No one else could see as Regal started to shake out his hand like he was about to put the knuckles on. Claudio took that as his cue to stand up, using his height and build to scare.
“What’re you gonna do? Beat us up at a little league game?” The nervous laughter made everyone on Bryan’s side of the dispute smirk.
“No. We’ll just wait to jump you in the parking lot, and I’ll let my son kick your fuckin’ head in.” Bryan was on his feet now as well.
“Who the fuck are these guys?” One asked, somewhat quietly as he tried to gauge how real they were all being.
“I’m not trying to get involved.” One of the parents from Briar’s team spoke up, having walked up on the scene unfolding. “But you should know all of them are professional fighters. Like…they’re serious.”
“Oh…” One of the parents looked around nervously. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.” He nudged his friend.
“I’m sorry too. We’ll shut up.”
“Thanks, Gene.” Mox grinned up at the other man as he held up his hand for a high five. “I didn’t want to spend tonight scrubbing their blood out of our clothes.”
“No problem, Mox.” Gene smiled, always somewhere between nervous he’d be murdered but also has a huge crush on Mox.
“I’ll buy ya a beer for that, Gen-o.” Eddie settled back in his seat.
Bryan went back to watching the game for a while. Everyone else settled back in. Briar went back out onto the field, making sure to wave at his family as he went.
“Mox,” Bryan nudged his husband as he leaned in. “Briar’s going to think this was funny.”
“We should definitely tell him about how his grandfather just flashed his brass knuckles because some dude made fun of him.” Mox chuckled, then put his arm around Eddie’s shoulders. “Thanks, Eddie.”
“I’ll kill a motherfucker for looking at your kid wrong. You’re lucky I didn’t lose my temper.” Eddie grumbled as he watched Briar make a leaping catch. “Atta boy!”
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Yours To Tame--Ch. 3
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Chapter 3: Rampage
           Bryan hadn’t hesitated to catch Morgan. The moment she pushed off the turnbuckle. He knew that she wasn’t going to make it. She’d under-rotated and he couldn’t just let her slam face-first into the canvas. He stepped into place and caught her over his shoulder, his arms tight around her as momentum carried them backward. Bryan tucked his chin against the curve of her neck as he took the brunt of the bump high on his shoulders.
           The moment they landed, Bryan loosened his hold so that she could roll away. She let out a huffed breath and flopped over to his side. He turned his head to make sure she was okay.
           As she moved to sit up, he saw what looked like faint bruises on the line of her throat and beneath her jaw.
           “Thanks,” Morgan said with a grateful smile as she pulled herself up to her feet. “I told you I’m not good at top rope stuff.”
           Bryan laughed as he rolled back onto his shoulders, kipping up with little effort. “And I told you, it’s all about confidence. And remembering how to rotate all the way around.” She rolled her eyes, and Bryan grunted. “Do it again.”
           She looked up at him with surprise in her dark eyes. “What?”
           He put his hand on the middle of her back and pushed her toward the corner. “Do it again. And get it right this time.” Morgan stumbled a few steps, turning back to him with her grey eyes wide. She opened her mouth to speak, but he snapped his fingers angrily. “Stop stalling and just do it.”
           “Yes, sir!” she spat at him sarcastically. His breath caught in his throat as she turned and pressed herself back into the corner. Bryan watched as she stretched her arms out, draping them on the ropes in an eerily familiar posture. She looked at the opposite corner, and he could see the focus as it settled over her features.
           Morgan took two smooth steps before picking up speed on step three. She vaulted up to the second rope on step six, using the rope as balance as she stepped up, put her foot square in the middle of the top turnbuckle, and pushed off. Bryan didn’t wait for her to even try to rotate before he stepped into place to catch her.
           She let out a loud huff and flailed over his shoulder. “Fuck,” she swore as she fought her way out of his hold.
           Bryan turned, dropped her onto her feet, and pushed her roughly back toward the corner. “Again.”
           Morgan flipped him off and started off toward the opposite corner, running almost at full speed from the first step. She stepped up to the second rope and reached out for the top one to balance. Bryan stood against the ropes, arms folded over his chest, and watched as her foot slipped out from beneath her. She slammed into the top turnbuckle chest-first, whimpering as the wind got knocked out of her.
           “God damn it!” Her voice echoed through the near empty arena, underpinned by the thump of the ring as she stomped back across. She threw herself in the corner, scowling.
           Bryan stood to the side and watched as she tried again, slipping and falling against the top turnbuckle once more. Morgan turned to stalk back across the ring, but he stepped into her way. “Stop it. You’re never going to get it if you keep doing it like that.”
           She tried to get around him, but he blocked her at every turn. “Again!” she snapped. “Again!”
           With a faint growl in his chest, Bryan reached out and settled his hands on either side of her face. His thumbs pressed into the curve of her chin to force her to look up at him. His hold was steady, his eyes sweeping over her face. Up close he thought he saw the faint bruises along the underside of her jaw. He would have sworn they looked like fingerprints.
           “Stop,” he ordered firmly. “Stop thinking so hard.”
           Morgan tried to pull away, but Bryan kept his grip on her. Tight enough to hold her still but not enough to hurt. He guided her to look him in the eye. Absently, his thumbs stroked gently along the bruises. For half a moment, she tried to fight him. Then she settled into his hold as if she had given in.
           “Get out of your head, Knox. Stop thinking,” Bryan hissed softly. “Just do it. The more you think, the more you get caught up. Now, try it again. And don’t think about it.”
           Bryan gave her jaw a gentle squeeze before turning her back toward the corner. “Let it come. One heartbeat. Then another and another until you’ve done it.”
           He kept his eyes on her as she took a deep breath, walked into the corner and pivoted to put her back against the turnbuckles. She glanced at him with clear grey eyes. He hesitated for a fraction of a second before nodding. The moment she lifted her foot for the first step, Bryan knew she would land the move without question.
           Five steps. A sixth onto the second rope. The seventh against the turnbuckle. A push off and arch into a rotation. Smooth landing on the balls of her feet, knees bent. She let out a whoop of excitement and turned to him with a wildness in her eyes. Without thinking, she raced toward him and threw her arms around him.
           “I did it!”
           Bryan surprised himself by laughing. “You did. Now don’t do it against an opponent—no matter who—until you’ve practiced it a hundred times. When you can do it without fear or failure a hundred times in a row, then you’re ready to use it in a match.”
           “Thank you,” she said with a smile.
           Bryan sat at a table near the edge of the catering area backstage with a plate in front of him. Jon Moxley sat next to him, a plate of his own piled high with whatever it was they were serving from the chafing dishes along the table.
           “Regal was looking for you earlier,” Moxley said around a mouthful of food. “Where were you?”
           “In the ring.”
           Moxley glanced up to see Bryan watching the far side of the room with a ferocity in his face. When he followed the line of his friend’s gaze, he saw Sammy Guevara. At his side was Morgan Knox, his arm around her. She looked straight ahead as they walked, and Moxley was more than a little perturbed by the way that Guevara had his hand settled on the back of her neck although he couldn’t explain why.
           After a moment, Moxley turned back to Bryan and sighed. “Seriously?”
           “Don’t start,” Bryan replied firmly.
           Moxley tried not to laugh. “I’m not starting anything, Danielson.” He reached out and slapped Bryan on the shoulder. “But… just… is Knox the reason you were in the ring?”
           “I thought you weren’t going to start?” Bryan had barely looked away from where Guevara and Knox had gone through the line and taken a table halfway across the room.
           “So it was!” Moxley replied with a muffled laugh. He leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. “You see what I see, don’t you?”
           Bryan scowled, his brows drawing together. He kept his eyes on the two of them as Guevara dug into a plate piled high with food. Morgan picked at a salad in front of her. For some reason, it pissed Bryan off in a way that he couldn’t really understand. He watched Morgan reach her fork out for a bite of the pie on Guevara’s plate only to have her fork yanked from her hand and sat on the far side of the table.
           “What the fuck?” Bryan snarled. For a moment, he thought he was going to get up and punch Guevara straight in the face.
           Morgan sat with her hands in her lap, head down as she looked at her plate. Her lips moved, but she never looked up. Something deep in Bryan’s stomach felt sour. Like he was going to be sick.
           “I don’t like that asshole,” Bryan said out of nowhere. He stared across the room as if he could force Morgan Knox to look up at him through sheer will alone. “He’s a fucking little prick.”
           Moxley let out a huff. “Congratulations. It took you two weeks to figure out what the rest of us knew within five minutes of meeting him.”
           “Can you stop acting like there’s nothing wrong here,” he snapped back.
           “What the fuck is your problem?” Moxley said with a returning snarl. “Yeah, Sammy’s a punk. Nobody’s denying that. Or am I missing something?”
           Bryan jumped to his feet and whirled on Moxley like he was about to hit him. “Open your eyes, Mox, and look. Really look.” He grabbed his friend by the jaw and pointed across the room, not caring who saw. “Fucking look.”
           It took a few seconds for Moxley to make sense of what Bryan was trying to show him. Once he saw it, he couldn’t unsee the fact that Morgan Knox sat at the table with a plate of rabbit food in front of her, the fork on Sammy’s other side, her hands in her lap, head down as she looked at the floor. Sammy barely paid any attention to her, tearing through the food on his plate as if he’d forgotten that Morgan was even there.
           “The fuck,” Moxley growled as he twisted out of Bryan’s hold. “Well… that’s not going to keep happening.”
           “You’re goddamn right it won’t,” Bryan said, the wheels of his mind already turning. “The next time I see fucking bruises on her that didn’t come from a match… I’m going to kill him.”
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allelitedweaming · 2 years
Welcome to an entirely too long smut fic about William Regal. Plot? Characters? Nah. But there is romance and sex!
William Regal x Female Reader
"You little crème brûlée, you. I'd like to crack you open and see what's inside."
You giggled but you could feel the heat rising in your cheeks. "You definitely have to use that on Excalibur tomorrow night."
It was date night. You'd arrived together in the city the day before taping because it was easier on you both if you didn't have to fly and work on the same day every week. And this time you had no other obligations, meetings, or photo shoots so you decided to go out. William was in a cream colored three piece suit with a purple dress shirt and brown shoes. You had on a sparkly red dress he had bought for you on your last anniversary. It was your favorite thing to wear when you went out together. Tonight you paired it with some sheer black stockings that you knew would drive him crazy in the best way. He loved you in stockings even more than bare legged because he liked to have something to take off of you at the end of the night.
William walked up to you, planted one foot between yours and bumped your knees apart with his knee. He put the flat of his palm on the inside of your thigh and ran it up your leg until his fingertips were just underneath the hem of your dress. You put your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself. "I'm not thinking about the man in the mask right now, cupcake. I'll give you three guesses what is on my mind."
Your mouth went dry. He still made you lose your head when he made it clear how bad he wanted you. "Dinner?"
He shook his head. His other arm wrapped around the small of your back and pulled you against him tighter.
"Sightseeing?" You gulped cartoonishly, trying to steady your voice.
He shook his head. It was as if the walls were closing in, but there was no doom, only impending pleasure and passion.
"Will, I got all dressed up. It would be a shame to just toss it all on a hotel floor." Even as your heard yourself say the words, you knew neither of you really cared. Yes, you'd spent time on your hair and makeup, but it wasn't for the people outside. It was for him. It was to have fun.
"That's not a guess." He slid the hand on the small of your back down to squeeze your ass.
Something still told you it would be even better if you made both of you wait. With him, the tension was delicious. He always wore his heart on his sleeve when he was needy for you. He didn't care how many people were around. And you wanted to be wanted. When you got back to the hotel that night you wanted to be needed. "You're thinking about how much you'd rather throw me on this bed and have your way with me." He went to kiss you and you put a finger to his lips. "But if you wait, I promise I'll make it worth your while."
"For you, my dear? Anything."
You went out and had dinner. You talked and laughed and got a lightheaded buzz from the pleasure of each others company. Afterwards, you walked along the canal hand in hand. It was dark and there were twinkle lights decorating the walkway, reflecting their starlight on the water. Every once in a while, you would catch Will staring at you, a soft flame burning just behind his eyes, and you didn't need three guesses to know what he was thinking.
As you turned a corner, there was a stretch of darkness between the lamp posts and string lights. William moved his hand up to catch you by the wrist and pull you back, spinning you into his chest. You got a thrill from being manipulated like you were his ring mate, the way he used his wrist control to put you precisely in place to receive his kiss, instead of forearm blows. You melted against his chest as he held your wrist there and kissed you deeply. A kiss that conveyed love and desire, joy and eagerness, passion and thankfulness. Your heart was fluttering in your chest. It was your turn to reach out and lay your palm on the inside of his leg, sliding it up quick and gentle until it was resting on his package. You heard him growl quietly.
"Ready to go back to the hotel now, love?"
"Yes, please."
He laced his fingers through yours and you walked back into the light, in the direction of the hotel. "You are the sexiest woman I have ever seen," he whispered. "It's a wonder I don't strip you down and ravish you on a park bench."
"You might be a villain, but you're still a gentleman."
He leaned down and bit you on the shoulder without missing a step. You yelped, but quietly, and started to blush. "You test those boundaries in a way no one ever has. You are everything."
As soon as you entered the lobby, the electricity between your bodies started dancing together. You got in the elevator alone and as soon as the doors closed, William slid his hand down the front of your dress and pinched one nipple between his calloused thumb and forefinger. You gasped and he smiled at you devilishly.
"That's good, love. I want to hear you tonight. I want to paint that hotel room with every single scream, moan, or whimper you're capable of. If you hold back even a little bit, I will know and it will only make me double my efforts. Alright, sunshine?" You nodded and he pinched harder. "Alright?" He asked again.
"Yes, sir."
The elevator reached your floor. He straightened your dress strap for you as he pulled away and gestured for you to enter the hall first. You obliged and he walked behind you, laying his hand on the back of your neck. His palm was warm. He let you unlock the door and walk in first, but then he held you in place by your neck. When the door clicked shut behind him, he turned the light on and quietly said, "I want you to get on your hands and knees and crawl."
You gulped and blinked at him a few times. Before he could repeat the order, you put down your purse and did as you were told. Slowly, you crawled towards the bed.
"Good girl," he said as he walked past you and sat down on the edge of the bed. He patted his knee. "Now come here, pet. Slowly." Again, you carefully followed his command, holding eye contact with him all the while. The way he was staring down at you was already enough to make you blush. "Beautiful," he whispered as you perched on his knee.
Suddenly, he grabbed you around your waist and bent you over his lap. His hand moved magnetically to start to rub your backside through your clothes. You gasped, but once you were in position you settled in quickly. At his complete disposal was your favorite place to be.
"I want you to use your words," he reminded you. "Tell me how you're feeling. And, as always, we will stop any time, if you need to." He always said this part aloud. There was no implied consent, even between the two of you who were so seasoned and experienced in pleasuring each other. Every single night was it's own brand new adventure and needed to be treated with the respect it deserved. "Are you ready to begin?"
"Yes. Please."
"Thank you for asking so nicely." He pulled your dress up and rubbed your ass through your stockings. With you exposed, he could tell through the sheer fabric you were wearing a lingerie set he had bought you as well. You heard him growl. "What a good girl you are, wearing all the gifts I buy you, that you know you look so sexy in."
"Thank you, sir," you said. You were smiling but your heart was in your throat in anticipation.
The pressure of his hand disappeared, and then, impact. The first one was soft. Testing the waters. You bit your lip but didn't make any noise. He rubbed where he had just spanked you and made a curious humming sound. His hand disappeared again. Impact, much harder this time. You couldn't help but yelp. "Much better," he told you, and you were proud. All you wanted was to be good for him. He pulled down your stockings and you felt the cool air on your skin, then the warmth of his hand, then cool air and smack. This one was even harder. You thought he would definitely leave a mark. He made you moan this time. You knew you were already getting wet for him. "Are you enjoying this?" He asked.
"Yes, sir."
"Like you enjoyed making me wait all night to get you back here alone?"
"Yes, sir."
He tangled a hand in your hair and spanked you again with his other hand. "I'm going to spank you five more times and I'd like you to count each one and say thank you. Do you understand?" You nodded silently, so he tugged softly on your hair. "Do you understand?"
The sensation was already enough to blur your vision. It felt so good to give yourself over to him this way. "Yes, sir." You swallowed hard. "Thank you, sir."
"Good girl."
He spanked you and this time you started to squirm at the stinging sensation on your skin and the throbbing building between your legs. "One. Thank you, sir." Another, this time on the alternate cheek. You could hear him breathing. "Two. Thank you, sir." Another. You whimpered. "Three. Thank you, sir." Your voice cracked and you felt his body react. Another. "Four. Thank you, sir." The last one was back to where he started and it was the hardest one yet. "Fuck." He left his hand to hold you after, the pressure was slightly soothing. "Five," your voice was thicker this time. You swallowed hard again. "Thank you, sir."
He let go of your hair and your head feel forward slightly. "Good girl." He put both arms around your middle and almost as if transitioning to a gut wrench, he tossed you further up on the bed like you were a sack of potatoes and stood looking over you. You were still barely half undressed, your hair was falling across your face in a messy curtain. You propped yourself up on your elbows to get a better look at him. He was smiling and palming himself thoughtfully through his trousers. Even through suit pants, you could tell how huge he was when he was hard. Both of you were breathing harder now. He reached across the bed to roll your stockings down the rest of the way, pulling your bare feet up and kissing their soles as he exposed them. It tickled, but you tried not to squirm. As he pulled your lace underwear down after them, he began to speak. His eyes were stormy and thoughtful. "You are the most stunning creature I have ever laid eyes on. How I came to deserve you, I may never know. But as long as you are mine, I consider it my privilege to get to see you, exposed as you are now, and to bring you as much pleasure as you bring me." You weren't expecting it. Tears started to sting your eyes. You were completely flushed, and the hot coil of arousal was still twisted in your stomach as you watched him watching you. He looked so distinguished, still fully dressed. The only indication of what had preceded was the stray lock of his golden gray hair falling down over his slightly drooping, scarred eyelid. He pushed his hair back out of his face and continued. "If you can, I want you to move up on the bed and pull your dress up out of the way, petal."
You nodded and while you did as he requested, he took off his jacket. He gripped your ankles in each hand and spread your legs to make room for him to get on the bed and settle his face between them, resting them over his shoulders and hooking his arms around your hips to hold you in place. First, he kissed your inner thigh. It was calculated and tender. You shivered at the contact, still sitting up enough to watch him. He stretched out one of his hands to lay his palm flat on your lower stomach to ground you and then moved to plant more calculated and tender kisses on your outer lips. "William," you breathed without thinking. He looked up at you and smiled. He unhooked his other arm and brought his hand up between his lips and yours to spread you open and look at you.
"Like a lovely flower," he muttered, one of his thick fingers making contact and spreading your wetness from your entrance up to your clit. You inhaled sharply at his touch, still watching him. "So wet for me already. You really are such a good girl."
"I'm yours, William." He smiled at your words. "Please," you whispered. He tilted his head down and finally started to lick, kiss, and suck at you. Slowly at first, but building up a rhythm, especially with his tongue right against your clit, moving side to side. You let yourself lay back, but not without running your fingers through his gorgeous locks. The sounds you made grew with the intensity of his movements. After thinking about this all evening, it didn't take him very long to make you cum, your thighs tightening around his skull, back arching off the mattress as you moaned his name again and again. He stayed between your legs, grounding you still with his palm on your stomach and sweet kisses all around your outer lips and thighs.
As you relaxed, he let go of you. You whimpered at the absence of his touch and opened your eyes, still in a post orgasmic haze. "Shh, shh," he reassured you. "I'm not going anywhere, sunshine." You could see he was standing up to take off his waistcoat and belt, as well as his shoes. "If you can, sit up love. I'll help you out of that lovely dress." You did, lifting your arms over your head to allow him to pull the dress off. Underneath, you were still wearing a thin, strapless black bra. "All night, I was thinking about getting you back here to have my way with you. I imagined taking you to your physical limits. You're so pretty when you let me hurt you, then care for you. But right now, all I can think about is how much I want to make love to you."
You reached out your arms to invite him to lay back on the bed with you. He laid on his side facing you and you scooted closer so you could trace his lips with the pad of your thumb. "I love you," you whispered. "And when I say I'm yours, I mean I'm yours."
"Say it," he rasped. There was something so needy in his eyes. He grabbed you by your hip and pulled you closer against him. You could feel his hard on through his pants against your thigh.
"I'm yours," you told him, kissing him softly. "I'm yours, I'm yours, I'm yours." He ducked his head to one side and started to kiss your neck. You tangled your legs with his, rubbing your feet against his and simultaneously pressing your hips together to give him much needed friction. You wondered how long he'd been hard and neglecting himself. Had it really been since you got back to the hotel? Your hands went instinctively to run through his hair as he started to suck on your neck, enough to leave a mark. You moaned. "Oh, William."
The sound of your voice saying his name made him pull you even tighter against him. He bit you where he left his signature and then lifted his head to kiss you on the lips. "Can I have you on top of me?" How quickly the tables had turned from him making you crawl to him to this. He was like clay in your hands, so soft and desperate. You tapped his shoulder to indicate he could lay on his back. He understood immediately and followed your lead.
You got up on all fours and started to unbutton his shirt, exposing a thin undershirt underneath. You smoothed your palm over his chest and kissed his chin. Then, with just as much care, you unbuttoned his pants. He lifted his hips to help as you pulled them down along with his boxer briefs, exposing his impressive erection for the first time that night. You leaned back on your haunches and looked at him. He would be naked from the waist down except that he wore garters with his socks. You saw the state he was in as a playground for you to get to bring him to the best orgasm you could, to bring him all the pleasure you knew he deserved, at least to try to pleasure him as much as he had done for you.
You steadied yourself with a hand on his hip and leaned over him, using your other hand to cradle his cock as your planted chaste kisses along his shaft. He hissed as he exhaled, already overwhelmed by the contact he'd been waiting so long for. When you had kissed from the tip down to his balls, you returned to where you started and took him in your mouth, sucking eagerly at his tip and slowly working your way down until he was hitting the back of your throat. He heard you start to gag and his hand went to rest on the back of your head. Not pushing, but caressing your hair as he started to curse and moan your name. You moved back up and repeated the process until you gagged again and his cock was covered in your saliva. You pulled your mouth away, but replaced it immediately with your hand and spread the spit up and down with a few firm pumps.
When you looked back up at him, William's eyes were darting around, as if he wasn't sure where to look. At your hand working him, your beautiful face with your chin glistening with spit, or your body. You turned and swung your leg so you were straddling him, hovering just above him so he wasn't touching you yet. You put your hand back in position to help guide him inside you. His hands moved to hold your hips, but he didn't try to steer your movements. His eyes were almost glassy with lust and awe as he drank you in. "Are you ready?" You asked him sweetly.
He nodded and you slowly lowered yourself down, running his tip up and down your slick slit before pushing him to your entrance and sinking down until he was completely inside you and you were sitting flush against his body. He threw his head back, digging his nails into your hips now. You laid both palms flat on his chest to steady yourself and leaned down to kiss him tenderly. He deepened the kiss instinctively, opening his mouth into yours, and you felt yourself moan from deep in your core. You knew how badly he needed to be inside you, but in truth you felt something even more intense than your first orgasm as soon as he penetrated you. You rolled your hips against him and kissed along his jaw until your heads were side by side and your lips were at his ear. "I love you," you whispered as you began to ride him.
His nails dug into your hips now, as if he was a vessel full to capacity and accepting your words meant he had to pour the energy out somewhere. You knew that tomorrow you would have small crescent shaped bruises where his fingers had been, and you were glad. "I love you, darling. Fuck." He was already unable to keep a steady rhythm with you. You knew he wouldn't last much longer.
You kissed his neck, then his ear lobe. "Come for me baby, I want you to come in me," you whispered right against his ear.
Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around your middle and flipped you on your back, continuing to thrust in and out of you at an even more erratic pace. He held one of your legs around his waist and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, clinging to him tightly. He felt so good inside of you, his weight on top of you felt so comforting. He locked eyes with you and you felt your stomach knot. "So beautiful," he said. His voice was thick and sweet as a dark caramel. Almost burnt but still delicious.
You kissed him. You could tell he was close and you realized you were too. He must have sensed it at the same time because he moved his hand to slide between your bodies and angled his thumb to rub your clit. You arched your back and pressed your chests together. "Oh, fuck. I think I'm going to--" you gasped and moaned, feeling your second orgasm of the night roll through you as you clenched around his passionate thrusts.
He followed shortly after and collapsed on the bed next to you. Both of you were red faced, panting, hair clinging to your faces and necks with sweat. He pulled you against his chest anyway and kissed the top of your head. "We get to have that much fun, and the room is still charged to my business account."
You laughed and kissed his chest. It was as if you were in a love cloud. Nothing bad could ever touch you here, as long as you never had to leave this bed.
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kayfabebabe · 1 year
Kaleidoscope Eyes
This is for @regalityandcoffee and nobody else 
For the past couple of months, I’ve really been struggling with writing burn-out and I’ve been trying to take a lowkey break. However, this popped into my head after a conversation with Ana and I had to write it before my motivation disappeared. So enjoy? 
(Plus I’m very sorry for any spelling mistakes - It’s literally 4am here.) 
William Regal X Female Reader  WARNINGS - NSFW. Spicy. Semi-public sex. This is actual filth. Possessive behaviour. Accidental voyeurism (?) 
~ ~ ~ 
“I’m sorry. I’m here with my...” 
Sweet relief. You tried your best not to immediately reach for William as he appeared at your side and glared down the length of his nose at your... friend. Truth be told, ‘friend’ was too strong of a word for this stranger standing in front of you. He had crept closer when William excused himself to the bathroom and, since then, you’d been politely listening to him boast about his business success. Something about this man seemed wrong. He didn’t notice the tension obvious in your body when his hand rested on your shoulder or as he leant too close to your ear. 
William, however, had noticed.
On his way back from the bathroom, William caught sight of this unknown man standing barely an inch away from you. Something hot and ugly began to grow deep inside of his chest, threatening to break through his ribs and spill out in view of everyone. William would never admit to being a jealous man, but his actions spoke volumes. He quickly crossed the bar, tangled emotions driving him forward until he was beside you and he could slip an arm around your waist. If William’s hold was slightly tighter than normal, you didn’t complain. 
“I don’t believe that we’ve been introduced.” 
There was venom laced in William’s words despite the smile lifting the corners of his mouth. A stark contrast that silently told the stranger to back off which he, thankfully, heard and quickly scurried away. The simple presence of William had calmed the building anxiety in the pit of your stomach. You tucked yourself securely against William’s side and stretched up to peck a kiss to his cheek, one hand trailing down his chest. 
“My knight in sh-...” 
Your words are cut off by strong fingers gripping your chin and pulling you into a rough kiss. It’s possessive and heated. Any thought in your mind quickly dissolves into a pleasant static as you try to push closer to William, hands sneaking under his suit jacket. The kiss skates the fine line of becoming too harsh as William nips at your bottom lip then soothes the spark of pain with his tongue. You lose yourself entirely. Even when William breaks the kiss, you feel as if you’re floating above your body and the only thing stopping you from crashing back to Earth is the hand beneath your chin. 
William asks you a question, but you nod your head without hearing it and you allow him to lead you away from the main bar. If you were more coherent then you might’ve thought about the consequences of leaving the event early like this. It seemed important at the start of the evening. Less than a minute later, you were being dragged into a small bathroom then crowded against the door and William’s mouth was pressed urgently against yours. You fall, deeper and deeper, into the clouds of desire fogging your mind. 
Desperation sits heavy in William’s lower stomach when he blindly guides you over to the sink counter. You followed without hesitation. Neither of you give a second thought about locking the door or the possibility of being overheard by someone walking by. All that mattered was each other. Your fingers tug insistently at William’s shirt until he spins you on the spot and presses himself against your back. After all of this time, William still marvels at how beautiful you look in these moments. Maybe you’ll let William record you someday. He watches his own hand reach beneath the hem of your dress, bunching up the loose material around your waist, then slip into your underwear. 
“Eyes open, Sweetheart.” 
As soon as your gaze lands on the mirror in front of you, a high-pitched moan falls from your lips and your hips jerk forward. Fuck. Your reflection is a picture of pure debauchery. A dark blush is spread across your cheeks with your mouth hanging open and your thighs are already trembling. Behind you stands William, nearly a head taller than you and eyes dark as his fingertips draw feather-light shapes over your clit. Blindingly bright sparks of pleasure dance up the length of your spine. 
It doesn’t take long for the itch under William’s skin to grow unbearable and he withdraws his hand, mesmerised slightly by the shine of your mess on his fingers. From a few kisses, you were already dripping for him. Unbelievable. With his clean hand, William unbuckled his belt and pulled his cock free as he bent you forward at the waist.
“Please... William, please!” 
How could he deny you any longer? Tugging your underwear to the side, William teased the head of his cock over your clit before slowly pressing inside of you until his hips were flushed with your ass. Both of you took a moment in a futile attempt to catch your breath. A part of you felt like you couldn’t move, stretched and full, but you wanted - needed - to rock your hips or reach for William. Or anything. Everything began slowly as if you were moving through molasses. The deliberate roll of William’s hips set your nerves alight. It was too much and not enough at the same time.
Out of the corner of his eye, William saw the door pushed open and the stranger from earlier take a step into the bathroom before freezing on the spot. Anyone else would stop and hurry to cover themselves in embarrassment. However, that ugly feeling deep in his chest made his top lip lift in a snarl and his hips slammed harder against your backside. The sound that the new pace tore from you was borderline animalistic with your hands flying down to grab the edge of the counter and raised up onto your toes for some leverage. Barely a moment later, the stranger was hurrying off into the main bar again, red-faced and humiliated beyond reason. You didn’t notice at all.
“Fu-... Ah, Will… Pl-Please!” 
All too soon, William felt that familiar heat building in his lower stomach so he reached between your thighs and roughly circled your clit. It’s just enough to… Your vision goes completely white as your mouth drops open in a silent scream and you throw your head back onto William’s shoulder. The universe screeches to a halt. The only thing that you can hear is the deafening thud of your heartbeat and the low, breathless grunts of your lover. It takes another handful of thrusts for William’s hands to clamp down on your hips and his cock to twitch inside of you. You make no effort to stop the pitiful whine that falls from your mouth at the sensation. 
“Are you alright, Flower?” 
The only response that you could muster was a sated smile over your shoulder to William that quickly morphed into a frown when he pulled out. You felt boneless. Most of your weight rested on the counter as there was no way that you could stand on your shaky legs without crumbling to the floor. That was… new. William was never shy about being rough during sex, but this time was different. It felt more… frantic. You remained on the counter whilst William cleaned his mess that had dripped down the back of your thighs and helped you to stand, leaning back heavily on his chest. 
“I think that’s enough excitement for tonight...” 
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rawiswhore · 1 year
Steve Regal x Fem Reader- "Red Negligee"
"Three's Company" was the highest rated show on television in the late 1970's.
It was a sitcom notorious for featuring women walking around wearing short little negligees and nighties as well as sometimes wearing these lingerie teddy rompers and other skimpy outfits.
Despite that 1980 was the beginning of a new decade, "Three's Company" was still on the air even though Suzanne Somers had left the show and the sitcom was still fresh in our minds, not to mention still featured women bouncing around in short nighties and negligees.
Because of the show's popularity as well as teddies (not bears) and babydoll nighties being popular lingerie at the time, in 1980 you invited wrestler Steve Regal to a hotel room.
This isn't the same "Real Man's Man" Steve Regal during the Attitude era who would later on be William Regal, this Steve Regal was American with long blond hair.
As Steve lounged in the hotel room's bed, he had his long blond hair hanging down.
While Steve Regal laid on his back on top of one of the beds in the room, you slowly sauntered further into the hotel room dressed in a short feminine nighty/negligee where the bottom of it reached your upper thighs.
You couldn't decide if you wanted to wear a short nighty/negligee or a teddy/romper that was a mixture of a spaghetti strapped chemise with short shorts attached to it, or even wearing a spaghetti strapped camisole with matching short shorts that weren't attached to the top.
Steve's mouth spread and formed into smile as he watched you slowly stroll further into the hotel room dressed in that babydoll negligee.
You had a grin on your face as you slowly walked into the room to show off your negligee.
"I couldn't decide what to wear" you brought up to him. "A teddy or a negligee"
To quote the movie "Road to El Dorado": "both is good!".
Or even better...if you shed your negligee off to reveal that you're wearing a teddy, and you don't mean teddy as in bear. (come to think of it, this would be a good idea for a fanfiction!)
"And I mean teddy as in one of those teddy rompers" you explained "with short shorts attached to the chemise"
He knows what you're referring to.
With a grin on your face, you slowly crawled on top of the bed Steve was laying on, where you slowly crawled closer to him.
"As a valet, I'd love to shed my dress off to reveal a short negligee to your opponent" you told him when you laid right next to him. "Or I'd shed my dress off to reveal a teddy underneath as a distraction"
You could wear a negligee or teddy romper to the sexiest male wrestlers like Michael P.S. Hayes in the early 1980's (who I almost wrote this fanfiction about), Paul Orndorff/Mr. Wonderful and eventually wrestlers like Tommy Rogers from the Fantastics, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Terry Taylor, Marty Jannetty and even the British Bulldogs Davey Boy Smith and the Dynamite Kid.
Steve enjoyed hearing those ideas for sure, but professional wrestling was mostly family entertainment during the majority of the 20th Century.
"Or even better" you added excitedly with a smile on your face. "Walking to the ring wearing a short little negligee or a teddy romper, like what those women on 'Three's Company' wear!"
Underwear as outerwear.
"I hope I wouldn't be arrested for wearing underwear on in public!" you said, which made Steve chuckle. "Some teddies look like outfits people could wear in public, like spaghetti strapped camisoles with short shorts not attached"
Really, there are worse things than you being in a wrestling arena wearing a babydoll nighty or a teddy romper and you even said that to him.
Not to mention, there was the sexual revolution of the 1960's and 1970's, where people supported birth control, abortion, sex before marriage, pornography and even public nudity and sex in public places.
Professional wrestling has always been a reflection of the times, just look at the Attitude era reflecting the late 1990's and even early 2000's, the Ruthless Aggression era having the 2000's written all over it, and Women's Extreme Wrestling hypersexualizing the women during the 2000's as well as filled with edgelord commentary objectifying the women and saying things that were rather racist.
You actually thought of having a "Three's Company" related wrestling gimmick when the show was on the air, but cartoonish sports entertainment wrestling really didn't start taking off until the 1980's, when the World Wrestling Federation blew up in popularity.
Your "Three's Company" gimmick you brainstormed could involve you being like Chrissy Snow, wearing pigtails or a ponytail while the rest of your hair hangs down and you bounce around in babydoll negligees, teddies and even sometimes wearing nothing but a towel, as well as wearing strapless rompers and denim short shorts and a top with no bra underneath and your breasts jiggle under your top.
Another idea could have 2 female wrestling valets who have a male wrestler they lead to the ring.
The possibilities are endless.
Rowdy Roddy Piper was a rising wrestling star in the late 1970's and early 1980's who resembled John Ritter, "Three's Company"'s star.
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