#Winx Club Griffin
griffinswitch · 22 days
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Griffin is canonically bi… whichever it is lol
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48glowsquids · 7 months
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Small update for that one young Griffin post I did a while ago. Camera quality was bad then so I'm posting a better one.
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teeswinx · 2 months
About Darcy, what is she like in your rewrite??? Like, backstory and everything else you want to tell
Darcy is, personality wise, essentially the same as she is in the original (first seasons) of the show. She uses charisma and words to win against people more so than she uses force. She’s still the Witch of Darkness but, because of focusing more on developing mind-manipulation powers, she is not particularly efficient in close offence combat (she lacks “melee magic” skills, if you will). Her relationship with Griffin (her guardian) is complicated and the pair rarely see eye to eye. Griffins expectations of her (to be the next headmaster) weighs on her. Ironically enough, despite being the “cool minded master manipulator” out of the Trix, she is easily provoked and manipulated by any prospect of “winning” against Griffin (or being able to fulfil her expectations…)
Her family is a very long line of powerful witches, and she’s the only one out of the Trix with living birthparents (though she objects to attempting to speak or interact with them after they let Griffin take her away to Cloud Tower). Griffin sees her younger self in Darcy, both the good and the bad, and she believes Darcy will come around eventually (she sort of does?)
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feelsl1kemagic · 3 months
Feels Like Magic: Winx Rewrite World Info Part 3
The Nature of Magic:
Today, I will be explaining how the magic works on Flaemterna!
It is very much a sentient being of its own and is worshipped just as much as The Great Dragon herself. Mainly because some believe Magic is The Great Dragon herself. Most worship because to them, Magic is Magic, it's its own being separate from The Great Dragon, one that ties them all together. Even through different dimensions and realms.
There are five branches of Magic:
White -> Light -> Grey <- Dark <- Black
White and Black magic are the extremes of the scale. Both types of magic are technically illegal, but it is known that there are still those who practice. Black magic corrupts the soul to the point of madness while White magic bleaches the soul to the point of blankness. Blankness meaning a person becomes a shell of their former self. They stop feeling. They stop remembering at a point. Until all they are is gone. Madness, being their emotions become unstable to the point that every little thing results in an overwhelming display of emotion. They become erratic. In the end, they become driven by the extreme of their emotions.
Light and Dark are supposed to be taught together at every school, so the children are taught to balance them both. Some schools tend to lean more one way than another. Like Alfea and Cloud Tower. Alfea leans more toward Light magic, and Cloud Tower leans more toward Dark. Light magic focuses more on precision and outcome, while Dark magic focuses more on emotion and intent.
For example, S2-Ep.11, where Flora is distracted and asked to perform a spell and mispronounces it, causing the cats to grow in size. This is an example of Light magic if one does not focus on precision and outcome.
An example of Dark magic I would give is S2-Ep.8. When Darkar transformed his minion into the monster. He didn't exactly use a spell more like he used his magic and kind of just described what it should do. In my AU, he was focused more on the emotion and intent. He used his want of chaos and his intent of a distraction to transform his pet.
Grey magic is the very balance of all magic. Not many can maintain the balance and thus lean more towards one type of magic, but everyone who is blessed with magic is born with grey magic that mold and transforms as they grow. Linphea is notorious for bearing Grey magiced individuals as Linphea as a whole believes in balance due to nature and its balance in their eyes.
Fairy/Faerie and Witch Magic:
Now we go into what makes a fairy a fairy or what makes a witch a witch. As we've seen, someone can go from being a witch to a fairy and from a fairy to a witch. Not everyone can do this, but a good chunk can. It is because of the nature of their magic predominantly but also just because that's what Magic decided in a way.
When children start to show signs of magic, parents do a ritual to see if they are a fairy or not. At the end of the ritual parents or guardians will see a flash of their child's wings if the child is to be a fairy, if no wings are seen they are deemed witch, wizard, etc. If a child's wings flicker, that means they could be either fairy or witch, wizard, etc.
Usually, this ritual is done at the same time as another that reads the kind of magic a child has. I.e. Light, Grey, Dark.
Therefore, there are Light Fairies, Grey Fairies, and Dark Fairies.
And of course there are, Light Witches, Grey Witches, and Dark Witches.
Fun Facts!
• Flora, Bloom, Aisha, Stormy, and Darcy are all capable of being either a fairy or witch.
• Faragonda and Griffin have both used White and Black magic, respectively. But both vowed never to again after the fall of Domino.
• Mirta and Flora are double enrolled. Mirta would take online classes for Alfea, but this changes when she transfers and instead takes online classes for Cloud Tower. Flora takes classes for Cloud Tower as a way to keep her education as rounded as it was in Linphea.
• Rivan and Helia have magic as well, but Rivan never sought to learn how to use his while Helia does.
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writingisartdarling · 6 months
I just plain and simple wanted to write down some of my headcanons for Winx Club, because as I've said before I have had a very big obsession with it (well at least some of the characters) as of late.
So, here we have some of my Winx Club hc's:
Headmistress Griffin's past with Valtor: I've seen a few of these as I've scrolled on Tiktok, Tumblr and ff.net but I wanted to explain how I see it. So as it is in the actual show, Griffin was fighting alongside Valtor and the Ancestral Witches, but Griffin and Valtor also had a relationship. To put it short, they were lovers. It was lust. Perhaps it was partly just a way to make people jealous and get more powerful, at least in the beginning, because Griffin was quite young when it all happened. Over time she started realizing the weight of her decision and because of that she wanted out of it. Away from him. I could also imagine their relationship becoming toxic over time, which also prompts Griffin to escape. How she managed it was because of her old friend Faragonda, who Griffin had obviously parted with when she joined Valtor. Faragonda always wants to help when she can and she never believed Griffin truly was as evil as she made herself look by turning against the entire magic dimension. So Faragonda was quite happy to be able to be of help to Griffin and help her return to the light and persuading the others to let Griffin join the Company of Light even if it was very difficult. When Valtor found out about all this, he was obviously angry and felt betrayed and thus he always held Griffin accountable for their misfortune and would count days until he could break her like she did his heart. Of course, Griffin was heartbroken too, when she made the choice to part with Valtor but she keeps telling herself she doesn't and will never truly regret it. I imagine when Valtor tried taking over the magical dimension in season 3, Griffin took it almost personally. She was afraid of what he'd do to her when he found her or what she'd do if she saw him again , and she tried her best to seek shelter from/with Faragonda, who offered it more than gladly, knowing it would be extremely hard on Griffin to have Valtor return. This is too, in addition to her close friendship with Griffin, why Faragonda was so worried about Valtor having done something to Griffin when she and Valtor fought in season 3.
Why Faragonda has no wings: This is also one I've seen here on Tumblr I think, but I do love it so here we are. I headcanon that during the Company of Light's fight against the Ancestral Witches on Domino the witches tore off Faragonda's wings. Yes, the worst thing to happen to a fairy. When it happened, I like to imagine, it was probably Marion who only barely managed to save Faragonda from the witches but she didn't make it in time to save the fairy from getting her wings torn off. And the queen still blames herself for Faragonda losing her wings. Now, if a fairy is strong and experienced enough, they could fly without wings but it would take a lot of practice and skill. It took Faragonda a while to recover and then learn the art of flying with no wings, but she did learn it and now does it without problem. She does not hold her friend accountable for losing her wings and will forever remain thankful to Marion for saving her life.
Faragonda and Marion's friendship: I already mentioned in the first one that Faragonda and Griffin are very good friends but I like to think that Faragonda was quite close with Marion too before she was supposedly killed by the Ancestral Witches on Domino and then they rekindled the friendship after the Winx saved Domino and Oritel and Marion. I think they went to school at Alfea together and when they got older and Marion married Oritel, Faragonda remained Marion's friend and avid supporter. After tens of years of not seeing each and thinking they never would again, the two women were very relieved to be able to call the other their friend still and they now go on walks in Alfea's gardens when Marion is visiting and she, vice versa, invites Faragonda for tea sometimes. Marion is especially grateful to Faragonda for being there for Bloom when she herself couldn't. Faragonda simply tells she would have dlne the same if the roles were reversed.
The fact that Darcy looks almost identical to young Griffin: Yes, they look alike and yes they are related. At least in my headcanon they are! In the first hc I talked about Valtor and Griffin's relationship but I did not mention that I also think that during her time with Valtor, as his lover, Griffin fell pregnant with his child. When she found out, she realized what a grave danger it would be to both her and the child. At this point Griffin was already thinking of parting with Valtor. So, in her panicked state she goes to Faragonda to see her in secret from Valtor and everyone else. When she tells Faragonda, she is, knowing Faragonda, met with support but also dissappointment. She asks for Faragonda's advice but she doesn't know how they could keep the baby a secret and that Griffin wouldn't have to get rid of it or give it up. But Faragonda promises Griffin that she will meet her soon and in the meanwhile come up with a plan or at least try to. When they meet again, Faragonda tells Griffin about an ancient spell that could possibly speed the pregnancy so that Griffin could have the baby now and then they would figure out where to hide the baby. (I know, a terrible and weird explanation, it sounded a lot better in my head.) It takes some convincing but Griffin agrees. So they barely manage to do the spell but luckily in the end they succeed and then Griffin basically has the baby about 7-8 months before it's actual due date. The problem is now that they have to figure a way to keep the baby a secret. Griffin spents the following days trying to figure out how and when she eventually comes up with a solution, she presents it to Faragonda. A forgetting potion, which when drank makes the drinker forget of a certain thing forever. She wants Faragonda to drink it so that she would forget Griffin's pregnancy and the baby completely. Faragonda doesn't like the idea and thinks it would be too dangerous. But Griffin is adamant, because she knows that if Valtor were to somehow find out (of course she doesn't doubt Faragonda but she knows how cruel the man can be) she would never be able to part with him and the baby would not have a life she wants for her. But Griffin can't bring herself to forget the wee baby, not her own daughter. She would take the secret to her grave if needed. So Faragonda promises to drink the potion and it is only many, many years later that Griffin confides the secret to her. Meanwhile, Griffin has to watch her daughter succumb to evil and darkness and make wrong choice after another without there truly being a way of saving her without telling revealing truth.
Oop. These got super long and tedious and probably make very little sense, but hopefully not! Let me know if you want more because I think I might have some left still and I would be more than happy to share them with you.
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fleurotica · 2 years
"lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship"
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bifairywife · 2 years
winx club meets a major reboot
like fanfiction-wise anyways cause i've had these ideas for a winx club reboot ever since this march (14?? i think?? or maybe a lil earlier)
this post is more of an interest check. feel free to drop in the comments/reblog your thoughts about it and/or read a bit more about it <33
this is mostly a spoiler-free detail dump of stuff that i have listed out for my reboot:
First stop are the characters. I'll be using the main girls: Bloom, Stella, Musa, Flora, Tecna, and Aisha. All the members of Trix: Icy, Darcy, and Stormy. Also the main guys: Sky, Brandon, Riven, Timmy, and Helia.
I won't be including Nabu here. If I'll be completely honest a part of me does want to include him. But I don't want to overwhelm myself because I'll be using a lot of characters already. This could be subject to change but I don't think it'll happen anytime soon.
All couples in the original cartoon will be initially together here. So a big and fair warning: all the original couples will be breaking up or have broken up in this reboot of mines.
Other characters I will include are: Faragonda, Griffin, and Saladin. (for “volume 2” there will be more familiar characters but I’ll keep them under wraps for now cause I gotta finish volume 1 first hashajhshaja)
The first volume is mostly character-driven. Not much plot, more on vibes and exploring the characters. (I’ve given some changes to the background of a few characters. Like Bloom not getting adopted by Mike and Vanessa, she was assigned from one foster home to another. And Stella’s parents staying divorced but still have a decent relationship with both.)
I'll be starting from scratch. Like I mentioned earlier I have a major reboot in mind so it's a new retelling of the cartoon with familiar characters with new arcs/storyline.
In connection to #3, I do have plans to mix them up. There'll be f/f, m/f, and m/m pairings. There will be a possible poly relationship too. (As much as I have been fond of the familiarity of the original ships when I grew up watching the show, I want to offer a new take for them to give not only a sort of fresh start for these characters but also for the audience - it’s a risk but I’m optimistic about it)
A couple changes to the characters’ wardrobe. I have customized the outfits that can look good either animated or live action (imo anyways). Moodboards will be uploaded soon .
A couple of changes with physical traits. Like Bloom having freckles, Musa’s hair is dyed black, Tecna’s hair being naturally bleached blonde, and Stormy being blasian/black American and Asian to list a few.
I'm gonna hold on to the other details to myself as a sort of ✨surprise factor✨ in the future ahsjahshhaa
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trashcankitty12 · 2 years
Did you ever thought about what could've happen if Griffin never switched the sides and stays with Valtor instead? And do you have any headcanons for that?
I have and I don't think it would have went well.
For one, Griffin doesn't seem the type to condone genocide/complete world domination, which was what the Ancestral Witches were going for.
I think if she would have stayed longer, she may have convinced Valtor to leave with her, probably by finding a way to break whatever hold the Ancestral Witches had on him.
(After all, from the context clues we were given in the series, the Ancestral Witches were abusive to Valtor despite calling him their son, and Valtor doesn't strike me as the type to put up with such abuses if he can find a way out of it. In fact its implied the main reason he didn't go into business for himself was because they had a hold on him somehow.)
I don't see them going to the Company in this version of events though, as they would have been just done with the fighting and the squabbling and neither would want to risk being caught by either side of the war.
I mean, if they're caught by the Company: Potential Death. If caught by the Ancestral Coven: Definitely Death.
So I see this version of them deciding to hide away on Earth.
Getting away from it all.
Maybe being archaeologists on Earth?
Just because everyone assumes magic on Earth is dead, doesn't mean there wouldn't be artifacts or magic books or diaries on Earth. And I can see Griffin and Valtor uncovering so much of Earth's secrets.
Hell, in this version of events; maybe the Winx run into them during their Season 4 era of bringing magic to earth? Like during their search for Roxy, they find Griffin and Valtor and the two end up assisting them... For a price.
(They know Bloom is Marion and Oritel's daughter. They kept in touch with some of the goings'-on with magical dimension because I can't see Griffin just cutting contact with Ediltrude and Zarathustra completely. Or with Faragonda.)
So they have Bloom pardon them for their "past" so the two can visit the Magical Dimension as they please. And they help fight off the Black Circle and bring Earth back into the Magical Dimension.
(And look at all this stuff we discovered about Earth Magic! Isn't that worth something?!)
Great... Now I may have ideas for an au...
Or an au of an au I already have.
I didn't need more ideas.
(Thank you though. Seriously!)
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junpr · 2 years
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She's done so much for us
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crazy-queen-winx · 23 days
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supercap2319 · 3 months
"I have to meet Silva at the bastion in fifteen minutes." The tone in Sky's voice was a good indicator that he wasn't looking forward to another Specialist training session. To be perfectly honest; he wanted to skip it for today.
The bed shifts as Y/N joined Sky and laid down on his chest, feeling Sky's breathing going up and down as they laid their for a few minutes and stared at the ceiling. Sky put an arm around Y/N's body and pulled him flushed against his body.
"You know a lot can happen in fifteen minutes. We could schedule in a quickie so you won't be so grumpy when you meet Silva." The smile was ever present. I'm his boyfriend's words as Sky let out a chuckle. "I suppose shagging for a few minutes wouldn't be so bad."
"Good. Because I've been itching for more of this gorgeous body of yours." Y/N smiled.
Sky chuckled and leaned his face towards Y/N's, and they shared a kiss.
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griffinswitch · 2 months
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Don't even ask why.
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48glowsquids · 1 year
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Almost done with this one too. Just gotta add shadows eventually.
(Excuse the bad camera quality. On vacation and away from my desk and lights.)
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ghostsprobably · 8 days
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i just finished their redesign videos so here's the young versions of griffin and faragonda >:3c
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^^^(their true dynamic)
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kifkay · 2 months
the Cloud Tower headcanons
out of the three Magix schools, Cloud Tower has the biggest roster of scholarships and waived tuition fees.
witches are oft mischaracterised by the public. because they draw their power from strong, negative emotions, people incorrectly assume that witches must be either miserable, evil and/or drudging through a miserable existence. because of those biases, many talented young people never even pursue a witch’s education.
the Cloud Tower has been historically a very generous institution, hoping to draw in more students and combat those believes. Under Griffin’s leadership, the amount of given out scholarships is as big as ever and is specifically geared towards financially compromised students, or students in bad life situations. 
Every first year student at the Cloud Tower gets to choose a new name for themselves. It’s a ritual meant to symbolise rebirth; a way to let go of the past and embrace your new life.
of course, you’re not required to go by that name after the “initiation” - but that’s the name your coven siblings will remember you by.
in the last couple of decades, the idea of a self-sufficient, all-powerful witch became extremely popular. if before witches came in covens, nowadays, most prefer to do their bidding alone. this is why most Cloud Tower students are more versatile than fairies, but less powerful since they spread themselves thinner to try and learn a bit of everything.
in order to earn their enchantix, a fairy has to make a sacrifice to save a person from their homeland. in order to go through their final transformation, a witch has to prove their relentlessness and determination; willingness to achieve a goal by any means possible, at the expense of oneself.
the requirement for the final transformation is deliberately vague. it can be grandiose and self-destructive - a last stand, you, engulfed in blazing fire, shielding your friends with all that you’ve got - because worlds be damned, your loved ones are your first priorities. or it can be as uncomplicated as standing up to your shitbag father and trashing your old house; that asshole won’t keep you down any longer. all in all, there’s no right way to be a witch.
student spend their first three years of college on campus. their fourth year, the school finds them an internship. future guardian witches are hired by “hero-for-rent” organisations and sent on supervised off-world missions, alchemists and potion-makers are interned in Linphea, teachers are sent off across dimensions. they come back once every semester, to report their progress, and on graduation. similar system in employed in both Alfea and Red Fountain.
some fairies and witches definitely have beef with each other, and stereotyping/hate-mongering is ripe on both sides - BUT. so many of them are dating each other. just so many. you guys have never been in an (almost, there are still guy and non-binary witches/fairies) all girls boarding school if you think those bitches from Alfea and Cloud Tower are anything but gay.
Griffin is in an attrition war with the fairy-dating witches. they keep sneaking their SO’s into the Cloud Tower, who then have to be rescued because the castle is kind off sentient and keeps trying to eat the intruders-
it’s just annoying to be constantly dealing with! so Griffin literally puts anti-fairy charms on the school grounds.
(but then Griffin also has to call an emergency meeting with the entire school and reiterate that she is not actually homophobic - just against trespassers without entrance permits - and to please, stop sending hexes into her office-)
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writingisartdarling · 6 months
I can honestly imagine Griffy having the best dance moves and then she teaches her niece (aka Fara's daughter) to slay on the dance floor against her mother's wishes because to quote her "every woman should know how to move 'em hips".🤭 I can just seeee it!!
Just had to share this thought with you @griffinswitch @darkpoisonouslove because well I'm sure you get it. Griffy's simply gotta have the best dance moves in all of Magix.
And no, I'm not doing this instead of reading for the final exam I have on Friday...
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