#Winx club Morgana
floral-butterfly · 2 months
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nostalgia-babi · 2 years
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❀ the major fairies
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charmixpower · 1 year
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Winxtober Day Seven: Legends
The book Bloom had been reading was open to it's first page. "Long ago, when earth still had magic, there was a queen. Morgana the Fae."
I think it's very interesting how the earth fairies, if earth is like it is here, all became literally myths. Also think it's neat if Bloom knew all of them religiously and was super interested in which parts were real and what was embellished
My reference:
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Low key wanna rewrite winx club where Selina and Bloom are best friends from the start.
Both orphans adopted by the Peters tho they aren't able to adopt Selina until she starts high school.
Prior to that she was passed onto different foster homes.
The legendarium is a book of fairytales and myths that is the only thing Selina was found with, having been left at a fire station.
Mike's fire station.
I'd have it that while Blooms biological family guarded the dragon flame, Selina's guarded the legendarium.
Because Selina getting a hold of it because Eldora left it behind one day on accident is just... Nope.
Especially because only the two of them can use it.
I'd have it that when Bloom tries to read it it's full of gibberish, tho she believes Selina when she says she can read it.
Bloom has been having dreams about a masked woman since she was a child but one day the dreams stopped.
Selina had a pet snek called Arthur, named after King Arthur.
Neither Bloom nor Selina unleash their powers till Stella and Nutt show up.
Which is when Selina realises she can hear Arthur speak.
However Stella's not the only one who shows up, Morgana and Eldora do.
Morgana is the Queen of the earth fairies, I find it highly unlikely she wouldn't have sensed their magic and come running.
And Eldora because she was visiting Earth and was curious.
In this the wizards of the Black Circle haven't occurred yet... Kinda
For the whole reason I love Morgana and the earth fairies and love the idea of her being a mentor to Bloom and Selina and they get a baby sis in Roxy.
The kinda is because earth fairies are going missing, have been going missing for years but no one knows why.
The wizards haven't made their presence known for now.
Though fairies are being a lot more subtle with their magic which is why Earth has forgotten their existence.
Roxy knows about magic, her mother's identity and is around 12.
With Selina and Bloom being 18 and Stella 19 because this is her second go at freshman year.
Tho I'd have it Stella ended up retaking the year because she has to be taken out of school a lot for family issues.
Her parents officially divorcing that year.
And her having to piece things together and ultimately not having enough credits to move to the following year.
The staff were supportive in helping her make up those credits but Stella oppted to just retake the year.
Morgana takes the group to get house, Roxy's at school and Klaus is out. Bloom does demand that her parents are present.
She is very much on guard, especially around Selina who's gripping her hand in fear over what happened.
Mike and Vanessa both hug their girls and while hey magic exists it's a better explanation from Morgana and fits with some stuff the girls did as kids.
Tho Selina wasn't adopted as young as Bloom, the two were inseparable friends as kids.
The story of Bloom being found in a burning fire and Selina's werid book come out.
Eldora asks to see it and is fascinated that it's the legendarium itself.
Gushes about that for about 20 minutes and no one has much idea what she said but get the gist of it.
She asks if she can study it but Selina declines, it's very important to her and also as she points out Eldora can't read it.
Only Selina can for some reason.
Tho disheartened, Eldora says its cool and teaches her how to shrink it.
Artoo, a puppy at this point and Arthur have some werid beef going on.
Tho Selina can only hear onside of it and relays it to the others and it's hilarious.
Stella asks if they wanna go to Alfea which is when it's revealed that Selina is a witch.
Stella takes the news well despite her own prejudices about witches though she is concerned about Selina going go Cloud Tower.
Morgana reassures them both as does Eldora who's an old friend of Griffin.
While their is a prejudice against witches, their are good witches as their are bad fairies.
Bloom is still unsure but Selina wants to give it a try. They both talk about it and agree.
They are both enrolled properly by Morgana, no sneaking in.
Stella promises to keep an eye on Bloom and for them both to regular check in with Selina.
Bloom ends up dorming with Stella and the rest of the winx.
And Selina rooms with Mirta and Lucy.
The dorms in cloud tower contain less students due to too many instances of fights breaking out.
That at most witches prefer to work alone.
Selina and Mirta hit it off well and despite sneering at them both and rolling her eyes at times, Lucy warms up to them both.
And becomes very protective over them.
They are suprised that Selina has a fairy sister but accept meeting Bloom in magix.
The two sisters run over and hug each other, it had only been a week but it was the longest they'd ever been apart.
Introducing their friends who slowly but surely started to bond.
Though the trix come over and have to be all high and mighty about ooo a bunch of freshys are slumming it with a bunch of fairies.
"So what at least we can make friends"
"like I could care less, friendship is for losers."
"If you can't care less than why are you talking to us?"
"Oh so you think your better than us, you should be begging to join our coven."
"Why would I? No friends, not being able to see my sister and walking around in... Those outfits. I'll pass."
Bloom, internally so proud of Selina who had always struggled standing up for herself and the rest burst into laughter.
"I'll say, monogrammed outfits aren't my style but I can appreciate them done right. This, nothing short of a fashion emergency and... Is that your initials glued on?" Said Stella, chiming in.
"You little!"
Before any of the trix could try anything though, Flora caused vines to trip up Icy, and she fell into a table, getting a milkshake all over her.
"You! You'll pay for this!"
Everyone looked at Flora who smiled sheepishly.
Oh this was gonna be quite the year.
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Beyonce as Morgana
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Aya Cash as Nebula
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Laverne Cox as Diana
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Noah Centineo as Aurora
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Jamie-Lee O'Donnell as Sibylla
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Khary Payton as Arcadia
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Alaqua Cox as Maia
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crazy-queen-winx · 28 days
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1v31182m5 · 4 days
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dragonfly0808 · 2 months
Imma Just… Leave This Here
The Land of Eternal Youth
The Queen of Tír Na nÓg
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The Portal Tomb
Just in case you wanna get an idea of… some stuff…
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spilledmilkfkdies · 24 days
I think all Major Fairies should combine their efforts to bring Duman back, take turns smacking him across the head, and then kill him again. For Closure reasons.
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riven-acid-mage · 3 months
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On Mother's Day, not only Morgana came to Roxy, but also Nebula. Could this mean they are in a relationship? Perhaps Morgana failed to get along with Klaus and they reunited with Nebula.
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calissarowan · 5 months
I was just thinking about Bloom’s wager against Nebula. I mean, she won and got the wizards that trial, and Morgana said she’d given up revenge, but…what if she’d lost? If Nebula had defeated her, would Bloom have kept her word? Would she have gone into Sibylla’s cave and taken the wizards to Nebula? A deal is a deal, after all, and Bloom made Nebula keep her end of the bargain. Would Bloom just have walked into the cave and told Sibylla that she had bet the wizards’ lives and lost, so she had to take them to Tir Na N’og to face whatever horrible punishment Nebula had dreamt up? Sibylla would have definitely not been happy about that, but we’ve seen that she doesn’t interfere, so maybe she’d have to give in and give Bloom the wizards. So then rustic fairies show up in the wizards’ cave and say they have to come to the throne room, and Bloom has to miserably explain that she has to take them to Nebula. How would they react? I imagine horror, anger, and fear. And Ogron would probably feel really guilty, since surrendering to the Winx was his plan, so this is only happening because of him. Gantlos would be scared out of his mind for Duman, because he’s so sick and can’t face whatever Nebula’s planning. But they don’t have any magic, and Ogron said he was willing to abide by the Winx’s judgement when he surrendered, so they don’t really have a choice. So Bloom just has to Zoomix them to Tir Na N’og, and Nebula’s there waiting with warrior fairies, who probably grab the wizards as soon as they see them, and Bloom just has to stand there helplessly watching, because she made a deal, and she’s bound to keep her word. Nebula would probably gloat about having the Fairy of the Dragon Flame as her errand-girl, and Bloom would have to stop herself just attacking, because she won’t win a fight against these odds, so she just stands on the beach and watches Nebula drag the wizards away to do things she doesn’t even want to think about to them.
But! Maybe, later on, after she’s gone back to the other Winx, feeling guilty as hell, Tecna points out that she agreed to take the wizards to Nebula. She didn’t say anything about making sure they stayed in her grasp. So, realising she’s now free from the terms of the deal, Bloom rushes back to Tir Na N’og with the Winx, and they transform and burst into the throne room, action-hero style. And Nebula’s furious that they’ve interrupted the wizards’ punishment, but Bloom just attacks, and the Winx win the fight, because they’re the Winx and no way are they leaving the wizards here. Maybe Roxy even manages to get through to Morgana, appealing to her conscience over what she’s doing. Either way, the wizards are rescued and Bloom spends like an hour apologising while she heals everything Nebula did to them, and Sibylla probably gives her a lecture about betting people’s lives, because that is such a bad idea, and things could have turned out far worse than they did, and then everyone just passes out and sleeps for at least a day, because they’ve all had such a day that they just can’t face anything else for a minimum of twenty-four hours.
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butterfly-winx · 2 years
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Morgana, queen of the Fey Court of Earth
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glakery · 2 months
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artist: Hoxyyy.wx
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This might not be her final design but this is what I’m going for with Morgana! The leaves on her dress are actually brimstone butterfly wings matching the one on her necklace and headpiece! Enjoy :)
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Winx but Selina is introduced in the beginning because she's criminally underrated and I hate how her story ended.
Selina and Bloom grew up together.
They were inseparable.
Where their was Bloom their was Selina. And where their was Selina, Bloom was right behind her.
They met as kids, Mitzi was bullying Bloom and Selina sent her pet snake after her. Sending her running away screaming.
Bloom thanked her but once the crowd was gone Selina was a lot more shy and smiled.
They ended up playing in the sandbox together and Selina introduced herself as simply Selina while Bloom introducer herself as Bloom Peters.
Selina was an orphan, she was in a foster home though she wouldn't be their for long.
She got tossed around a lot in the system.
Her snake was named Arthur, after King Arthur and the knights of the round table.
A story she happily told Bloom who listened intently.
They would play everytime they saw each other and a few times Selina would run to Blooms when things got rough.
A lot of her foster homes weren't great.
Mike and Vanessa adored Selina, she was basically their second child.
Vanessa packed Bloom two lunches and was always asking how Selina was. Mike would take them both to the park and ruffled both of their hair.
They tried hard and we're able to adopt Selina when she and Bloom started high-school.
Selina had burst into tears and hugged them both and Bloom when she found out, her adoption certificate is framed on her wall in her and Blooms room.
It was a bit of a right fit with two teenage daughters but Selina fit into the family like she always had.
Selina and Bloom Peters were both daydreamers.
Bloom read stories about fairies and Selina about witches and fairytales. She had a big book of them, that she took with her everywhere.
Vanessa had tried to discourage her from doing so but after Selina telling her it was the only thing she had from her birth parents she stopped.
Mike had found Bloom in a fire, Selina had a book of fairytales and myths, some she knew and others neither her or Mike had heard of.
It was just something she lived with.
The book was old, and a name written but it was smudged, if wasn't Selina's and she and Bloom often sat and tried to decipher who had been it's previous owner.
As they got older, Selina became more confident but Bloom was very much the overprotective sister.
Despite them both being the same age, Bloom was a few months older and took the big sis role to heart.
And even though Mike wasn't sure about having a snake, Arthur found his place too and Mike was often found talking to him and giving him treats.
Mitzi remained a nasty peace of work but both girls stayed strong.
Though Bloom was starting to have some bizarre dreams. About a woman in a mask.
She managed to draw an image of the woman but neither Selina nor her parents recognised her.
The dreams went away as fast as they came and in time Bloom forgot about them.
Final exams were coming up after all.
Both of them, with a lot of cramming passed.
And spent their days reading and going to the park, sometimes hanging out with Andy and his friends.
It was all fairly peaceful.
Until they got attacked by some creatures and a blonde girl came and saved them.
Bloom unleashing her magic to save Selina and Selina unleashing hers to save Bloom.
Both looked at the other in shock, but before the blonde girl, introducing herself as Stella could explain.
Two women stepped out of the shadows, the first Bloom recognised as Morgana Star, one of the more frequent customers of her mums florist shop.
She was the wife of the owner of the Frutti music bar, a place Andy had snuck the girls into to watch the bands perform.
The other woman was older, though neither her nor Selina knew her name though they did recognise her.
"We need to speak with you girls, about all of... This."
"Yeah, because... What the hell! What just happened?!" Yelled Selina, Bloom was just looking at her hands in stunned shock.
Morgana softened "me and my friend will explain everything to you both. But we need to go, lest more appear. And you, young lady are coming with us." She directed that last part to Stella who smiled sheepishly.
"Sure thing Miss M."
"More?!" That snapped Bloom pit of it, "we..how can we trust any of you?" She glared "Well... They did save our butt's" said Selina and Bloom sighed but knew she was right.
They needed answers and these women were willing to give them.
"... Alright but I'm calling our parents, I'm not going with you guys alone." Said Bloom, regaining the fire in her eyes.
Morgana nodded "of course, I'm sure they wish to speak to you both as well. Tell them to meet you at my address, your mother should have it as I've had a delivery recently."
Bloom did so and taking Selina's hand, they left.
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yukii0nna · 3 months
Headcanons for the Winx Club x DC crossover
Damian being the Fairy of Plans. He mostly doesn't use magic unless he has to. He does like Roxy though.
Roxy being into anime (more of a personal headcanon but it fits)
Flora has complicated feelings about poison ivy when she meets her.
Lex tries to use pollution magic for his own gain. You all know he would, just admit it
Chandra seeing Captain Marvel/ Billy and going "Is any one going to adopt that?" And just taking him under his wing .
Not exactly au really but Superman getting to Marvel properly apologize for what happened with Luther.
Aisha meeting Aquaman, that is all
Raven finding out about the trix and having some opinions. This also qualifies for Chandra as well.
Morgana teaching the next generation of Earth fairies after her redemption arc.
John Constantine helping with the magic surge.
Stella bonding with Supergirl by complete accident.
@zexal-club @punkeropercyjackson @insomniac-jay @bakawitch @theautisticcentre
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