#Winx club Eldora
Low key wanna rewrite winx club where Selina and Bloom are best friends from the start.
Both orphans adopted by the Peters tho they aren't able to adopt Selina until she starts high school.
Prior to that she was passed onto different foster homes.
The legendarium is a book of fairytales and myths that is the only thing Selina was found with, having been left at a fire station.
Mike's fire station.
I'd have it that while Blooms biological family guarded the dragon flame, Selina's guarded the legendarium.
Because Selina getting a hold of it because Eldora left it behind one day on accident is just... Nope.
Especially because only the two of them can use it.
I'd have it that when Bloom tries to read it it's full of gibberish, tho she believes Selina when she says she can read it.
Bloom has been having dreams about a masked woman since she was a child but one day the dreams stopped.
Selina had a pet snek called Arthur, named after King Arthur.
Neither Bloom nor Selina unleash their powers till Stella and Nutt show up.
Which is when Selina realises she can hear Arthur speak.
However Stella's not the only one who shows up, Morgana and Eldora do.
Morgana is the Queen of the earth fairies, I find it highly unlikely she wouldn't have sensed their magic and come running.
And Eldora because she was visiting Earth and was curious.
In this the wizards of the Black Circle haven't occurred yet... Kinda
For the whole reason I love Morgana and the earth fairies and love the idea of her being a mentor to Bloom and Selina and they get a baby sis in Roxy.
The kinda is because earth fairies are going missing, have been going missing for years but no one knows why.
The wizards haven't made their presence known for now.
Though fairies are being a lot more subtle with their magic which is why Earth has forgotten their existence.
Roxy knows about magic, her mother's identity and is around 12.
With Selina and Bloom being 18 and Stella 19 because this is her second go at freshman year.
Tho I'd have it Stella ended up retaking the year because she has to be taken out of school a lot for family issues.
Her parents officially divorcing that year.
And her having to piece things together and ultimately not having enough credits to move to the following year.
The staff were supportive in helping her make up those credits but Stella oppted to just retake the year.
Morgana takes the group to get house, Roxy's at school and Klaus is out. Bloom does demand that her parents are present.
She is very much on guard, especially around Selina who's gripping her hand in fear over what happened.
Mike and Vanessa both hug their girls and while hey magic exists it's a better explanation from Morgana and fits with some stuff the girls did as kids.
Tho Selina wasn't adopted as young as Bloom, the two were inseparable friends as kids.
The story of Bloom being found in a burning fire and Selina's werid book come out.
Eldora asks to see it and is fascinated that it's the legendarium itself.
Gushes about that for about 20 minutes and no one has much idea what she said but get the gist of it.
She asks if she can study it but Selina declines, it's very important to her and also as she points out Eldora can't read it.
Only Selina can for some reason.
Tho disheartened, Eldora says its cool and teaches her how to shrink it.
Artoo, a puppy at this point and Arthur have some werid beef going on.
Tho Selina can only hear onside of it and relays it to the others and it's hilarious.
Stella asks if they wanna go to Alfea which is when it's revealed that Selina is a witch.
Stella takes the news well despite her own prejudices about witches though she is concerned about Selina going go Cloud Tower.
Morgana reassures them both as does Eldora who's an old friend of Griffin.
While their is a prejudice against witches, their are good witches as their are bad fairies.
Bloom is still unsure but Selina wants to give it a try. They both talk about it and agree.
They are both enrolled properly by Morgana, no sneaking in.
Stella promises to keep an eye on Bloom and for them both to regular check in with Selina.
Bloom ends up dorming with Stella and the rest of the winx.
And Selina rooms with Mirta and Lucy.
The dorms in cloud tower contain less students due to too many instances of fights breaking out.
That at most witches prefer to work alone.
Selina and Mirta hit it off well and despite sneering at them both and rolling her eyes at times, Lucy warms up to them both.
And becomes very protective over them.
They are suprised that Selina has a fairy sister but accept meeting Bloom in magix.
The two sisters run over and hug each other, it had only been a week but it was the longest they'd ever been apart.
Introducing their friends who slowly but surely started to bond.
Though the trix come over and have to be all high and mighty about ooo a bunch of freshys are slumming it with a bunch of fairies.
"So what at least we can make friends"
"like I could care less, friendship is for losers."
"If you can't care less than why are you talking to us?"
"Oh so you think your better than us, you should be begging to join our coven."
"Why would I? No friends, not being able to see my sister and walking around in... Those outfits. I'll pass."
Bloom, internally so proud of Selina who had always struggled standing up for herself and the rest burst into laughter.
"I'll say, monogrammed outfits aren't my style but I can appreciate them done right. This, nothing short of a fashion emergency and... Is that your initials glued on?" Said Stella, chiming in.
"You little!"
Before any of the trix could try anything though, Flora caused vines to trip up Icy, and she fell into a table, getting a milkshake all over her.
"You! You'll pay for this!"
Everyone looked at Flora who smiled sheepishly.
Oh this was gonna be quite the year.
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daydreamsia · 1 month
I finally got through season six, just to know mor about Selina, but she really is such a nothing character. It's sad we never got to see her transform, she could have secretly been a fairy all along. Her being an evil fairy would have been something new, or even her staying a witch after switching sides.
Acheron should have had some longer screentime than just half of the second to last episode. But with him having a spark of the Dragon Flame he felt like another version of Valtor in a way.
I'm also SO fed up with the Trix now. A shame they don't stay locked inside the Legendarium. But i really love their dark witch transformations (just not Icy's hairstyle).
Daphne being corporeal again - eh, i don't really care about her, for that she and her struggles should have gotten more importance. Her marrying was also too much for me tbh.
Thoren, Roy and Nex don't add a lot either, besides relationship-plot (and maybe me now shipping Roy and Nex). Both Aisha and Daphne should have just been allowed to stay single imo.
Eldora is... kinda annoying but i also don't care about her all too much either. She got a Mythix wand and warned the Winx a few times, but that's about all the importance she added.
Other than that, the season had so much unnecessary filler, it could have been half as long and still would have been able to tell the same stories.
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charmixpower · 1 year
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Eldora has been completely changed. Once a powerful fairy and even a member of the company of light a while back. However, after receiving a strange premonition one day she moved to Earth. Some years after she meets Mike and Vanessa and helps her set up her flower shop. Afterwards when they adopt Bloom, Eldora is given title of “fairy godmother” by Bloom and is the resident babysitter for her and her friends. It’s during this time that she seals her magic away and begins to age normally.
Anyway don’t mind the fact that Vanessa’s in like a completely different art style
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witch-ix · 6 months
History of Magic on Earth
Magic on Earth was bound to a small island close to Ireland – Tir na Nog. In the middle of it bloomed the Blossom of Life – the magical core of Earth, from which the terrestrial fairies were born.
The island was locked away from humans because the fairies feared them greatly. The key to Tir na Nog was the White Circle. Kept safe by the leader of the fairies.
In 476 A.D. the Sorcerers of the Black Circle, a group of five men who practiced dark magic, came to Tir na Nog. They burned down the Blossom of Life with black flames, ensuring no new fairies could be born. Most of the fairies where killed, others got their wings cut off.
The fairies could imprison the leader of the Sorcerers, Acheron, in the weapon he had created to capture magical creatures and drain their Magic – the Legendarium.
The fairy of Wisdom, advisor of the leader of fairies, was able to use the White Circle to flee into the future. It sent her to the closest day in time, which had a huge output of magic (the day Daphne brought Bloom to Earth). It was a warm summer night in 1986. She was also able to safe two very young fairies whose wings had been cut off.
In doing so she trapped the four remaining Sorcerers in Tir na Nog. Not knowing they wouldn’t age even a single day, since the island had that effect on humans.
To this day the White Circle remains to be the key to Tir na Nog, where the magic grew to be wild and uncontrollable, since the core had been destroyed. Thus, turning the White Circle into a powerful magic weapon.
Terrestrial fairies were born genderless and with wings. Their magical power was connected to the moth of their birth.
Air magic connected to spring months – March, April, May
Fire magic connected to summer months – June, July, August
Earth magic connected to autumn months – September, October, November
Water magic connected to winter months – Dezember, January, February
Besides the connection to the element of their birth season they could choose an additional power source, which was connected to their personal interest most of the time.
Terrestrial witch/ers are terrestrial fairies whose wings have been cut off. Through that the connection to their element was destroyed, making their magic more destructive and volatile.
The stronger and more skilled a terrestrial witch/er becomes with their magic, the more transparent their physical bodies become – they get more and more replaced by their raw magic, until they are fully ethereal.
The Blossom of Life bloomed once every hundred years, but could never regrow.
In 1987 it regrew in the garden of a sickly pregnant woman. Her daughter was born healthily, the woman though died anyway. The young girl however, is the first human born with magic.
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sailorplanet1997 · 4 months
my ranks based on each seasons from Winx Club
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season 3 is at ALL times my favourite, best storyline, transformations, villains, strongest attacks, it's perfect season 2 is a improvement from season 1, Bloom got corrupted a few times, Aisha started to appear, same for the pixies, the winx earning Charmix, it's the 2nd best after season 3 season 1 is where everything have started, some scenes are rather boring but i actually like season 1 since it's the history about Bloom and how she started at Alfea thanks to Stella, it was the first season so i'm letting some flaws slide season 4 is quite good too and the last season they didn't messed things up too much, a story plot based on Roxy, the villains are great too and the only season the Trix didn't appear in any of the episodes season 5 is not bad but could've done better, it should've been based on Aisha instead of Bloom, i liked the harmonix they went on a quest to find something so they can earn their sirenix, i just wished it lasted a little longer and some things don't make sense, that's why it's in the decent list season 8 is not that bad compared to the lowest 2 of the ranks, the mission is for real this time, going on a another planet to save the day and eventually to try to get the primestar, the transformations are good in their Cosmix form but the first Sirenix form looks terrible except Bloom, i wished they went with the season 5 Sirenix form, Crystal Sirenix form not too bad but nothing can beat the Sirenix form in season 5, they're lazy with Valtor, the animation looks weird as if it's made for kids, what's with the whitewashing? the specialist and the winx looks like little kids, even Kiko looks kind of weird there, why didn't Roxy and Daphne appear? and what's with their voices? the plot is quite good, the specialist appears a little more, Cosmix is good but i have so many questions why they've changed season 8 so much? very close to "thin ice" list but the plot is the reason i decided NOT to put it in the "thin ice" list season 7 is quite bad, they could've done better with Roxy, not make everybody looks the same with Butterflix, the plot looks like it's made for little kids since there are NO real battle compared to all the other seasons, the villains didn't do much except travel into the past and let others do the fight instead and i could've put it on the last list but atleast it's not too dark, the mini world is stunning, each had their own times to shine and i was SO glad Riven completely dissapeared with just a few flashbacks untill season 8 came out season 6 is the worse of all, too dark, too dramatic, everything have to be about Bloom, i wished we saw more of Selina's history with Eldora and Bloom, the way of earning Bloomix is poorly made except Flora and Bloom, everybody is so dramatic especially Musa and Riven, and speaking of Musa, she's the MOST useless winx in general, especially Mythix, Flora is the only possibly flawless person in season 6 except her drama with Helia about the plants, she went to Mythix on her own first before the others did, she was the first one earning her Bloomix form, Flora is one of the less who earned her Bloomix well, the other being Bloom, she's still the peacemaker from the group and this time it was Flora's idea to go after Bloom in gardenia and i do love her redemption when she defeated icy TWICE and healed Helia from the freeze, i possibly vibe a little with Tecna but the other 4 winx i don't vibe with them in this season
these are all the ranks based on each seasons from Winx Club i like when it have its dark sides in the series, especially in season 1, 2 and 3 but season 6 is too dark, the LEAST balanced season from all the other seasons with so little to no fun times, it's for that reason i like this season the LEAST season 7 is the most kid-friendly season from all the other seasons based on the plot, like there's so little to no battles in most episodes, it's only like saving the other animals from the disasters instead of the actual battles like in the first few seasons season 8 have a terrible animation compared to the earlier seasons, i can't stand most of the voices neither, i could've ranked it either lower or higher on the list but i just can't stand the animation
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eliserael · 1 month
of an infinite cycle
Winx Club Rewrite
Here is what does NOT EXIST in this AU, which exists in canon (not everything is mentioned here but the major things are — I will probably update it later though, after I learn/remember another piece of info from Winx Club).
The Pixies and Selkies — It’s as simple that I don’t like them. I remember quite vividly that whenever the pixies played some role, things would always go worse one way or another and I don’t want to deal with that. And, well, the selkies are just pixies underwater, so yeah.
Charmix and similar seemingly random powerups (c’mon, it’s just overrated purse).
The Water Stars also don’t exist here (but the Council of Elders does, though it is so different, it may as well not exist).
Transformations end with Enchantix (there’s more to it, but no further transformations like in canon).
Dimensions and planets got completely reworked (I, myself, have a massive problem to distinguish what exactly is its own dimension and what is just a planet).
The Ultimate Power that all the major villains want doesn’t exist in any way, shape or form.
The Company of Light never existed because it couldn’t be even formed timeline vise.
Roxy, Selina, and Eldora don’t exist (well, Roxy maybe will be implemented on later date, depending on the plot, but she will be from Tir Na Nog for sure).
The next post should be about the Dragon and the Phoenix and “other” universal mythology which is in some way present in practically all cultures across the Magic Dimensions/Magix (Magical Dimension will be called Magix in future posts).
Note 0.2: The Ultimate Power plot device is actually one of the main reasons this AU came into being in the first place. I was trying to figure out what would Darkar’s whole deal be if there wasn’t anything like that. And then it occurred to me that most of the antagonists in Winx Club are after the same shiny plot decide, which is also never properly described…nice.
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magixfairyix · 2 months
Short Story: Winx Club OC, Iorda
The song Scylla from Epic's Thunder Saga is so friggen good and it reminded me a lot of my OC, Iorda from my Winx Club fanfictions, and her character development over time.
Spoilers for Iorda's lore in S.S.S, my fanfiction.
A lot of angst. The lyrics are the bolded and italics
(This song is so powerfull omfg love it)
♪ We only care for ourselves ♪
I made friends here at Cloud Tower. Throughout my time in Magix—the Magic Dimension, even—I have learned to enjoy it.
The war against the Army of Decay is over. The Trix are in Light Rock. I am moving from Cloud Tower to Alfea. I am a fairy after all, even though it... is easier to use negative emotions.
I know the Winx, though.
I'll be fine.
♪ Deep down, we're lonely demons from hell ♪
At least at Cloud Tower I didn't have this much difficulty with magic.
I have to use positive emotions.
I miss my friends.
Someone whispered under thier breath as I passed them today. They called me a witch. It hurt more than I expected it to.
I can use positive emotions.
♪ Drown in your sorrows and fears ♪
Valtor is fighting against us. The Trix are back.
I thought I was done.
I thought I was done having to fight against the Trix. The only reason I'm in this world is because I have a role to play as their balance: the Fairy of Dark Arts.
If I wasn't that I wouldn't be here.
I wouldn't know my friends.
It hurts so much but I will use that need of fulfilment.
Eventually, the battles will end... right?
♪ Choke on your blood and your tears ♪
Shards of my frozen wings fell down my body.
Eldora's diary.
My head drooped forwards.
My throat was sore from screaming.
I wanted them to kill me.
♪ Bleed 'til you've run out of years ♪
I didn't want to die.
I tasted blood in my mouth. The warmth of it leaked out of my stomach into my hand. Shadows wrapped around me, a portal swirling behind the person standing above me.
The Legendarium was locked...
The fight should've ended...
All my bones broke.
I screamed.
The person disappeared through the portal.
My eyes were shut.
♪ We must do what it takes to survive ♪
What did I do wrong? What the hell did I do wrong?
I used positive emotions. I have been using them for years. I did everything right!
I should be staying a fairy!
My wings shrivelled off my back.
Not becoming a witch!
I cried.
♪ Give up your honour and faith ♪
I've almost lost all of my fairy transformations. But I am fine with it. I have made peace with it, and now I just have one more pair of wings to shead.
The Winx and Trix are at Alfea.
We're friends now.
Pyris screams at me for taking the Trix's side from across the clearing, that I was deluded and gullible and weak and gullible.
That I should've helped her kill Icy.
She lunged at me.
I fought back.
♪ Live out your life as a wraith ♪
The Council of Magix didn't trust the Trix. I didn't trust them. I would have to take their place if anything happened. I vouched for them.
Someone is doing something.
Not Pyris, she's in Light Rock.
Someone else.
Sky's father blamed the Trix, the Council blamed them.
I took one last look behind me as I was led into the portal to Light Rock. Darcy looked at me.
I gave a reassuring smile.
♪ Die in the blood where you bathe ♪
Half my thoughts were mine.
Half were Lilith's.
The possession hurt.
My anger was mine.
Towards the Coucnil.
Towards Amaryll.
She called me a witch.
Towards Ame.
She blamed me for all the battles.
Tied me to a chair.
Cut me across my face.
The Winx and Trix stood in front of me. All of us were in Ovrum. They wanted me to stop, after all, one of the Council members were dead. So many of them were dead.
They got in my way.
Ame wasn't dead though.
She needed to die.
The Winx and Trix would stop me.
♪ We must do what it takes to survive ♪
Still on Ovrum we fought.
I wanted them to stop holding me back. Lilith was only burying my control, not influencing me like she first did hours ago.
I lunged to stab Darcy.
Deep down I knew she was trying to help. All of them were. If another presence was in my mind it would stop Lilith.
She wouldn't avoid it.
I stepped to the side and stabbed the blade made from my magic—dark and hard—into my stomach, falling down to my knees.
I cried.
I bled.
I felt something in my mind.
I fell unconscious.
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camillecreates410 · 2 years
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Fanart of Stella from the winx club. When I was drawing Stella I thought it would be cool if she had other rings, that could turn into a scepter.
Stella is the princess of Solaria, and she loved by the citizens of Solaria and her parents. She doesn’t have many friends in Magix, because she’s royalty and people would try to get close to her to get to her parents. Her closest friend is Diaspro the daughter of the marquess and marchioness of Eraklyon. Stella has never met any of the other prince and princesses of other three kingdoms.
Stella other “friend” is Chirmera the Countess of Solaria. Chirmera’s mother is engaged to Stella’s father. Stella tries her best to be kind to Chirmera but she tired of being treated badly by Chirmera.
Stella goes to earth to give Eldora a letter from the Lynphea butterfly garden. Stella was attacked by a ogre and his ghouls , but she was saved by Bloom a earth girl with magic. Bloom quickly became Stella’s new friend.
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Last member of the Gardenia Gang.
So the last post I made about this au was giving a brief overview on 4/5ths of the Gardenia Gang so this post is going to be about the 5th member who they are and why I picked them.
First off the last member of the Gardenia Gang is Diaspro. I picked Diaspro since I've started liking her more and more after reading the Winx Club Loops link here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11320673/1/Winx-Club-Infinite-Loops and the series of A fable, Agreed Upon link here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2165049 
The in universe reason for why Diaspro gained the group is after the events of the third season Diaspro wanders the Magical Dimension after her Banishment from Eraklyon she does end up on Earth as eventually the rumors and gossip of her actions got a bit too much so she took a sabbatical on Earth, she is not in Gardenia when the events of season 4 happen, She does arrive in Gardenia when the events of season 5 kick off when the Winx and co leave Earth to fight Tritannus. (Side note Roxy is considered part of the Winx and is with them earning both Harmonix and Sirenix.) This also means Diaspro isn’t doing her thing of screwing with the meeting about fighting Tritannus.
Diaspro meets up with Levina who is dealing with her issues of loosing an arm and her frustration that Bloom never showed up to visit her in the hospital is still raw so the two end up bonding  and end up getting along like a house on fire. It's actually Diaspro sticking around that gives Levina the last little bit of ambient magic she needs for her magic core to stabilize and for her to become a caster. It's them figuring out that Levina is now able to cast magic that gives Selina the idea to get Eldora involved that snowballs into a mentorship program being started up in Gardenia. Levina is in this program mostly to get a better hold on her magic so she stops shorting out electronics on accident. This also sets up the plot for the season 6 plot that gets bumped back to the timeframe of season 7.
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emsartwork · 6 years
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Winx characters from Earth!!!!
Macy, Mitzi, Morgana in civvies with husband klaus, Morgana in fairy form, Nebula, Diana, Aurora, Sybila, and Eldora 
hcs and lore for my ridiculous version of winx below the cut
Macy- yes thats macy , yes she only appeared in one episode(but shes so cute i had to draw her), yes i made her a scene kid. Macy is pretty similar to her in show personality, shes a sweet heart, pretty quiet, and likes plants, she has a new hobby every month or so tho, and is into anime and shit lol (also half of her scene clothing might be hand-me-downs from Mitzi’s emo phase but shhhhh)
Mitzi- I didn’t want to make Mitzi the bombshell cheerleader type popular girl, so instead I went for self important, pseudo intellectual, hipster girl with a quirky fashion sense and “better than you” attitude. She’s a writer and is majoring in journalism. 
Civilian Morgana and Klaus- After Morgana steps down from her queendom, she and Klaus manage the Fruity Smoothie Bar together and are looking to expand to a second location sometime soon. Morgana doesn’t really use her powers very often(partially she can’t), but will do little magic light shows for Klaus because he loves them. They are still horribly in love and have a date night every chance they get and Roxy has an instagram devoted to every sickeningly sweet and gushy line or smooch her parents share in front of her. 
Queen Morgana- So basically most magic user/magical creature were imprisoned in Tir Nan Og just before the dark ages (300 CE or so) the wizards of the black circle had a couple issues with some of them escaping and re-enforced the barrier after the renaissance so that nothing could get in or out if it have even a smidge of magic. (the winx were able to get in since the barrier started to deteriorate after time) Morgana, in a last ditch effort attempted to force her way through the barrier(her magic would be ripped out of her in the process) her three generals and Sibylla (sibylla is a judge more than a general) didn’t want her to be with out protection so they put their most powerful spells inside four glass marbles, which were then encased in an iron locket Morgana wore. 
Her generals, and the rest of the magic users in Tir Nan Og focused on the weakest part of the barrier and Morgana forged her way through, she had to use Diana’s gift to grow a plant boat for her to get to mainland europe. Morgana started to experience slight losses in memory as a result of going through the barrier(which erases all magic, including the memory of it), and started keeping a journal so she wouldn’t forget her purpose. She spent a couple years wandering the earth with out any direction trying to find any magic users who had escaped the wizards, but didn’t have much luck. She knew the more magic she kept around her, the more of her memories she would keep but She used Aurora’s gift to make a compass that would point her in the direction of fairy magic which after a couple MORE years of nothing, leads her to baby bloom, who had the faintest trace of fairy magic on her. but like. you can’t really recruit a baby to fight a war. 
Morgana has about half her memories now and sticks around in Gardenia with a vague sense she should be doing something important. She uses Sibylla’s gift to try and cast a memory spell and put her mind in order, but it only helps a little, she remembers she had magic, that she left her friends, and that the locket she’s wearing is important, but not much more. This is about the time Morgana meets Klaus, and as she forms an attachment her memory slides away even faster until the only thing she remembers even slightly related to magic is that her locket is important and must never leave her. 
After Roxy is born with semi-intact magic (the wizards can’t really detect it, but it needs to be kick-started because of the lack of environmental magic that’s important to a fairy’s development) Morgana opens her locket to put a lock of roxy’s hair inside the locket which reacts with Nebula’s gift creating a spark of a memory in Morgana and she just KNOWS she has to get back to whoever gave her this locket. She, roxy and klaus find their way to Tir Nan Og, where the barrier has deteriorated enough that some magic is leaking through, allowing Morgana to realize she won’t be able to come back out after she goes in. She uses Nebula’s gift to bring peace to Klaus and Roxy’s memories, effectively erasing herself from them, and returns to her kingdom, much to the relief of her people.
NOTE-  All of the earth fairies here are in a transformation called Danix (named after the creator Dana), its generally Earth specific, but could be attained on other planets. Fairies who have earned their enchantix will bind their powers to a source of magic on earth (such as the sacred bud in the amazon, the north or south poles, Tir Nan Og, the source of the Nile river etc.) this can be a very dangerous and time consuming process, which is why any fairy that achieves it is automatically part of the royal court. This transformation gives the fairy additional powers, and increases durability and magical stamina. however if their source dies or is injured the fairy suffers the consequence as well. 
Nebula- Nebula has bound her magic to the source of magic found in Trondheim, Norway, which is generally considered the war source, its powers cover strength, metal, and physical magics. She is also bound to the source of peace in Lake Itasca in the USA, which covers prosperity, fertility, and emotion magic. She is one of the only fairies to have more than one power source. She initially was only going to be the major fairy of war, but Morgana could see that ending badly considering Nebula’s aggressive and hot headed nature and encouraged her to pursue the peace source as well. 
Diana- She’s bound to the sacred bud which is the source of all of earth’s wild magic. It’s located some where in the Amazon Basin but since it’s the source of wild magic the bud tends to change locations. Diana has the basic nature powers of plants and the like, but also holds power over animals and water. She’s fairly antisocial, preferring to live with her source than in Tir Nan Og. She is also very impulsive, and often jumps before looking.  
Aurora- Aurora undertook one of the more dangerous bindings of the north pole, which is the source of ice, wind, and light magics. She lost her fingers and toes to frostbite during the binding. Aurora is very cold and pragmatic, offering a counter balance to both nebula and Diana. 
Sibylla- Sibylla is bound to the source in the sibillini mountains, specifically to one large tree, its the source of order, justice, and binding magic. Sibylla was born blind, and tho not even sure if she could hear her eyes, has chosen not to use her healing powers in order to make sure she doesn’t fall prey to visual biases. 
Eldora- She’s technically bound to the source in Alexandria(source of mind, information, and paper related magics) and is the major fairy of learning. She was one of the major fairies who weren’t trapped in Tir Nan Og. She and the other fairies mounted rescue attempts, but as they started to be picked off, decided to lay low. Eldora was actually part of the 7 fairies who fought Acheron. During Acheron’s height of power, he used one of the items trapped in his book to curse Eldora. The Red Shoes are very dangerous, feel like hot coals, will literally dance you to death, and you can’t really take them off. Eldora survived by amputating her legs below the knee, faked her death, and went into hiding, believing all of the other fairies to be either dead or trapped. She lost access to her powers after creating and losing her Mythix wand, but regained them after getting the wand back. She usually prefers a wheel chair, but her fairy form substitutes prosthetics.  
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Winx but Selina is introduced in the beginning because she's criminally underrated and I hate how her story ended.
Selina and Bloom grew up together.
They were inseparable.
Where their was Bloom their was Selina. And where their was Selina, Bloom was right behind her.
They met as kids, Mitzi was bullying Bloom and Selina sent her pet snake after her. Sending her running away screaming.
Bloom thanked her but once the crowd was gone Selina was a lot more shy and smiled.
They ended up playing in the sandbox together and Selina introduced herself as simply Selina while Bloom introducer herself as Bloom Peters.
Selina was an orphan, she was in a foster home though she wouldn't be their for long.
She got tossed around a lot in the system.
Her snake was named Arthur, after King Arthur and the knights of the round table.
A story she happily told Bloom who listened intently.
They would play everytime they saw each other and a few times Selina would run to Blooms when things got rough.
A lot of her foster homes weren't great.
Mike and Vanessa adored Selina, she was basically their second child.
Vanessa packed Bloom two lunches and was always asking how Selina was. Mike would take them both to the park and ruffled both of their hair.
They tried hard and we're able to adopt Selina when she and Bloom started high-school.
Selina had burst into tears and hugged them both and Bloom when she found out, her adoption certificate is framed on her wall in her and Blooms room.
It was a bit of a right fit with two teenage daughters but Selina fit into the family like she always had.
Selina and Bloom Peters were both daydreamers.
Bloom read stories about fairies and Selina about witches and fairytales. She had a big book of them, that she took with her everywhere.
Vanessa had tried to discourage her from doing so but after Selina telling her it was the only thing she had from her birth parents she stopped.
Mike had found Bloom in a fire, Selina had a book of fairytales and myths, some she knew and others neither her or Mike had heard of.
It was just something she lived with.
The book was old, and a name written but it was smudged, if wasn't Selina's and she and Bloom often sat and tried to decipher who had been it's previous owner.
As they got older, Selina became more confident but Bloom was very much the overprotective sister.
Despite them both being the same age, Bloom was a few months older and took the big sis role to heart.
And even though Mike wasn't sure about having a snake, Arthur found his place too and Mike was often found talking to him and giving him treats.
Mitzi remained a nasty peace of work but both girls stayed strong.
Though Bloom was starting to have some bizarre dreams. About a woman in a mask.
She managed to draw an image of the woman but neither Selina nor her parents recognised her.
The dreams went away as fast as they came and in time Bloom forgot about them.
Final exams were coming up after all.
Both of them, with a lot of cramming passed.
And spent their days reading and going to the park, sometimes hanging out with Andy and his friends.
It was all fairly peaceful.
Until they got attacked by some creatures and a blonde girl came and saved them.
Bloom unleashing her magic to save Selina and Selina unleashing hers to save Bloom.
Both looked at the other in shock, but before the blonde girl, introducing herself as Stella could explain.
Two women stepped out of the shadows, the first Bloom recognised as Morgana Star, one of the more frequent customers of her mums florist shop.
She was the wife of the owner of the Frutti music bar, a place Andy had snuck the girls into to watch the bands perform.
The other woman was older, though neither her nor Selina knew her name though they did recognise her.
"We need to speak with you girls, about all of... This."
"Yeah, because... What the hell! What just happened?!" Yelled Selina, Bloom was just looking at her hands in stunned shock.
Morgana softened "me and my friend will explain everything to you both. But we need to go, lest more appear. And you, young lady are coming with us." She directed that last part to Stella who smiled sheepishly.
"Sure thing Miss M."
"More?!" That snapped Bloom pit of it, "we..how can we trust any of you?" She glared "Well... They did save our butt's" said Selina and Bloom sighed but knew she was right.
They needed answers and these women were willing to give them.
"... Alright but I'm calling our parents, I'm not going with you guys alone." Said Bloom, regaining the fire in her eyes.
Morgana nodded "of course, I'm sure they wish to speak to you both as well. Tell them to meet you at my address, your mother should have it as I've had a delivery recently."
Bloom did so and taking Selina's hand, they left.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
If you were to rewrite Selina as a better villain, how would you do it?
This ask has been here forever but tumblr hindered me a couple times when I tried to answer it. I hope you're still here, anon, because I finally wrote it all out in a separate document to make sure I won't lose it again. Third time's the charm.
Here are some spoilers for my Winx Club rewrite when it comes to Selina's full backstory and some of her plan in season 6. I have purposely left some points vague so as to not reveal everything I have in store but I tried to fully explain Selina's motivations, her arc and her thematic presence in relation to Bloom specifically. It's quite long so it's under the cut:
Selina’s mom was the Nymph of Earth. She wanted to protect her daughter so she left to make sure the Ancestral Witches wouldn't trace her to her daughter (they were going after all the Nymphs). After they were trapped, she went after the Wizards of the Black Circle. She was desperate after the Wizards caught Morgana because Selina and Roxy would be next. The Wizards were trapped in Obsidian but Selina's mom died, leaving behind only the source of her Nymph power.
Eldora was communicating with Selina’s mom and when she disappeared, Eldora showed up on Earth. She found Selina and decided to take her under her wing. She is the one who explains to Selina what happened to her mom after Selina figures out that her mom must have had magic. Selina wants to be led to her mom’s body but Eldora never managed to find it. She just knows that it will probably be by an underwater volcano. Selina swears she will prove herself worthy and will inherit her mother's Nymph power. She watches over Roxy for a while, especially after she cuts ties with Bloom. She despises being so different from everyone else (while Bloom clings to that even though she despises it as well) because Eldora makes her feel like she can’t be both a fairy and a normal person. It is hard to be around Bloom whose parents are so supportive of her obsession with fairies. And she can’t reveal her magic even to her best friend. She can’t pretend to be normal because she has trouble controlling her powers. She has a lot of anger and it interferes with her magic. She swears she won’t let Roxy go through the same. Selina will bring back the Earth fairies and help fix the damage the Wizards caused so that Roxy doesn’t have to bear that burden. She will not give up on that so Eldora agrees to take her to the Library of Alexandria where she can research the Nymphs and look for a way to save the Earth fairies.
Selina finds the Legendarium and takes it, hoping it might help her. Acheron promises to do that for her if she frees him. He tells her he was the one who created the Legendarium but Eldora was afraid of something so powerful–so unique–so she stole it and trapped him. Selina figures that he can indeed help her if he created an original magical artifact like the Legendarium. Acheron helps her with her fairy lessons but he’s only manipulating her to leave Eldora. Selina is unwilling at first because her mother trusted Eldora but Acheron tells her that Eldora could have trapped the Wizards of the Black Circle in the Legendarium just like she did with him so that Selina’s mom wouldn’t have had to sacrifice herself. (That’s not true – with Acheron trapped in the Legendarium, the only way to manipulate the book is if he grants you the power, which is the case with Selina.) He tells Selina that Eldora’s only teaching her magic because she feels guilty about what happened with Selina’s mom which Selina believes easily enough. And his lessons are much more fruitful anyway. Selina runs away from Eldora and goes to look for the underwater volcano where her mother’s body should be but it turns out that it’s not on Earth. It only confirms to Selina that Eldora doesn’t know what she’s doing. The dark magic Acheron’s been teaching her has been a lot easier to master, too. With time Selina figures that being a witch suits her better and that won’t be a problem when it comes to becoming the next Nymph of Earth.
Now that she’s cut ties with Eldora, Selina thinks that she doesn’t have to stick to Eldora’s rules so she wants to contact Bloom. She uses the magic mirror she pulled out of the Legendarium to see how Bloom’s doing only to hear the Trix explaining to Bloom her own backstory and origins. Acheron doesn’t believe the Dragon Fire can be controlled by someone who’s stolen it from its rightful owner so Selina suggests waiting to see how things go for the Trix. Meanwhile, she goes back to the Library of Alexandria to do some research on the Dragon Fire and Domino. Once the Trix prove it can be done, Selina needs to find out how they got their hands on the Dragon Fire. The power of the magic mirror doesn’t reach into Light Rock monastery but through observations of Bloom Selina learns that she needs the Whisperian Crystals in order to extract a spark of the Dragon Fire from her. Right as she’s planning on stealing the Crystals from where they’re currently stored, the Trix escape and get them back. Selina can’t attack them while they’re around Darkar and the Winx are always around when the Trix leave ShadowHaunt to steal the Codex parts so she doesn’t want to risk getting found out by Bloom. She’s not sure how to feel about the fact that Bloom has the god power and she has to steal it from her in order to achieve everything she’s wanted after it turned out that they could have stayed friends since Bloom is also a fairy, even if she’s not from Earth.
With the Trix getting sent to Omega, Selina looks to Domino in hopes that she might be able to draw some of the Dragon Fire essence in the core of the planet. But then the Trix and Valtor leave Omega and she thinks it might be easier to proceed with her original plan. Acheron warns her to stay away from Valtor, though. Only when Winx destroy Obsidian and inadvertently free the Wizards of the Black Circle, Selina rushes back to Earth to make sure Roxy is safe. She does so disguised as a minor snake goddess that she pulled out of the Legendarium and merged with (the way she did for the Trix in og s6) but when Winx show up she disappears because she can’t risk getting recognized by Bloom. She gets progressively angrier that because of Bloom she has to keep her distance from Roxy and can’t be there to help her. She knows what it’s like to collide with the terrifying side of magic. She hates Bloom’s approach to introducing Roxy to her origins because she can relate to how much pressure it is to bear the responsibility of bringing back the magic of an entire planet and freeing the Earth fairies. And while Bloom’s planet had suffered even worse damage, Bloom’s mission was originally just to find her own family. Selina hates Bloom’s actions when it comes to Roxy because it reminds her too much of what Eldora was doing with her – grooming her to fill the role of the next Nymph of Earth in case the Wizards ever got free. Bloom is shoving all that responsibility on Roxy’s shoulders when Selina was working hard to be the one to restore Earth to spare Roxy the same pressure that she herself felt. Not only could she keep Roxy away from most of the horribleness of the situation, but she could also carry out her own mother’s legacy. But now Bloom and the rest of Winx have taken that away from her.
Next thing she knows, the Trix are once again impossible to reach in the Andros underwater prison until they’re not. They’re working with Tritannus and Selina’s father gets mutated which makes her even more desperate to obtain her mother’s Nymph powers to help him (and everyone else Tritannus mutated) only for those to be taken by someone else in a consequence of Winx’ actions on Earth. Bloom getting Daphne back after she saved all the rest of her family and planet as well is the last straw for Selina. She had considered many times just walking up to Bloom and asking her for help. She could tell Bloom still missed her and she thought that there was a good chance Bloom would agree to give her a spark of the Dragon Fire but Acheron always convinced her that after the trauma of having it ripped away by the Trix, Bloom wouldn’t agree. Now Selina no longer cares about asking. Bloom somehow got to be both the princess of Domino and the guide that helped Roxy save Earth even though Bloom isn’t even from Earth. Selina wants to steal the Dragon Fire from Bloom like Bloom stole all her goals and dreams about her own future and that of Earth.
The good news is that the Trix are finally on the loose and Selina can get close to them but she has to be smart about it. The best way to be close enough to both Winx and the Trix to accomplish her plan is to sign up for classes at Alfea. Her fairy magic is at the perfect level of power for her to be accepted. Once Winx show up–and they will–the Trix will follow, that much is sure. Flora’s power of talking to plants is a bit of a problem for Selina because it could reveal her plan to the fairy so she tries to get rid of Flora but once Winx lose their magic to the Legendarium, that is no longer a problem. Selina allegedly rekindles her friendship with Bloom while she purposefully allows the Trix to catch her going behind Winx’ backs. She knows they’ll be intrigued and blackmail her into helping them with their plan (but she has to make sure that they won’t kill Bloom before she’s done with her which requires her to strike a very tricky balance between being useful to the Trix but not too useful). It will allow her to manipulate them into allowing her to merge their powers with those of Legendarium characters which will give her control over them. That way she can use the Whisperian Crystals and steal a spark from Bloom’s Dragon Fire. Getting found out by Bloom earlier than planned is not ideal but doesn’t matter much in the grand scheme of things.
Selina’s main struggles in season 6 actually relate a lot to what Winx are going through. She’s afraid that she will be powerless to protect what is dear to her and because of everything that happened and Acheron’s manipulations, she believes that Winx and Bloom specifically are threats to everything she loves. Ever since she cut off contact with Bloom, she’s been lonely. Of course, most of that was Eldora’s fault because she was the one who kept her away from Bloom but Selina herself felt that Bloom could no longer understand her so it would be better for them to go their separate ways. It made them both lonely and miserable but Bloom found her friends and other people who care about her. While Selina estranged herself from Bloom and Eldora, Bloom stuck closely with Winx and kept in touch with Faragonda (even when Faragonda wasn’t honest with her, Bloom still believed she had her best interests in mind). Bloom’s had much better guidance in Daphne than Selina’s ever had from Acheron who’s isolating her very similarly to how Avalon was manipulating Bloom (something that Bloom notices once Selina’s true motivations are revealed but Selina can’t understand when she feels like Bloom is trying to take away from her her last means of having power and agency). And while Bloom is also angry at Selina for the pain she’s causing the other Winx, she understands what Selina has gone through when she didn’t have Winx of her own to pull her out of her loneliness. She doesn’t want to fight Selina when they are both living out their worst nightmares – Acheron has left Selina powerless while Bloom is once again isolated and lonely in her uniqueness of being the only one who can stop Acheron since he was freed with her power. With Bloom fighting Acheron on her own and refusing to hurt Selina, Selina has to count on the rest of Winx for help and protection and she finally gets to experience some of the love that helped Bloom overcome her loneliness. She still has a lot of negative feelings towards Bloom to work through when it comes to what happened on Earth and Bloom getting back her family while Selina’s mother is dead but she decides to try studying at CT because she feels that the community there might be just right for her. She doesn’t want to go back to Eldora or stay at Alfea which is strongly connected to her past mistakes in her mind. Besides, she likes being a witch since it doesn’t come with the pressure that being the second to last fairy on Earth put on her and Griffin’s left a good impression when she was also staying at Alfea with CT being overtaken.
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charmixpower · 1 year
Okay, so Selina the earth fairy as an antagonist
S6 did this by, for some insane reason, by making Selina Bloom's childhood friend who's always had magic which doesn't work on literally every level. So I'm going to try and come up with some ideas that make parts of it work
Selina the earth fairy that was taught by Eldora:
Tbh this is the easiest option
Selina is an earth fairy from the old days along with Eldora. During the WotBC attempted wiping out of all magic users they fled to Tir Na Nog and live under Morgana and Nebula
The Legendarum is a book created by ancient Faries that Selina's family has been in charge of caring for for generations
When the fairies of vengeance are released Selina is soooo excited to help kill the Wizards and the Winx, and their leader Bloom take their revenge away from them by complaining that they shouldn't be allowed to kill the people that tried to WIPE THEM OUT
Selina is pissed, and her teacher Eldora, the woman that saved her life, going on about how forgiveness is the way isn't helping
Season 5 teaches her about the rest of the magical dimension, season 5 teaches her about the Trix
The Trix are blinded by their desire for revenge and make the perfect pawns. They don't care what they lose as long as the winx don't win
And Selina assures them, the Winx will not win
Selina the earth fairy that was Bloom's friend:
This one is a very elegant solution me thinks and it's the FUN one.
Selina and Bloom are childhood friends and the main targets for Mitzi's bullying. Bloom has kind parents, Selina does not, and for eight hours a day they have to listen to people talk badly about them. Mitzi never puts hands on them but they're social pariah's and deal with constant verbal harassment and false accusations
First year of highschool is more of the same and Selina is prepared for it to be them against the world again in their second year, and then Bloom never comes to class
Selina is alone to deal with the bullying she at least had a confidant in Bloom to at least tolerate it with, and now she's alone
Mitzi tells everyone that Bloom was sent to a school that caters to the mentally ill to finally convince the 16 year old that fairies aren't real, and Selina makes things worse for herself by defending Bloom
They text each other, not often and Bloom won't tell her what new school she's going to but they still text. Selina comes over when Bloom goes back to earth (and goes home before the Trix show up)
And then the next year Bloom goes to Mitzi's Halloween party with her new, cool, pretty, friends. Bloom excitedly tells her about it, she's finally going to make Mitzi the butt of the joke and all Selina can think is that she's been replaced
That's not fair though? Bloom is allowed to be happy at her new school so she bites her tongue and pushes down her resentment and rejects Bloom's offer to come with
Next year is...fine. Bloom comes to her graduation party, and she's a bit mopey that she didn't graduate with honors like her new friends but is over all more excited to hear about Selina's college plans. Bloom goes on a trip in the middle of summer and comes back glowing because "the mistake in my grades was fixed and now I have honors!" And it sounds like a lie but Selina doesn't bother calling her out on it. I mean? What if she's telling the truth
Then season 4 happens, and then it's revealed that Bloom is a fairy
Not only did Bloom replace her with better, prettier friends, but she also lied to Selina about being a fairy. Lied to her face about everything related to magic because apparently Bloom never trusted her
And Selina burns with resentment
Selina stops responding to Bloom's texts and avoids her. Everyone asks Selina if she knew, if Bloom told her, who those aliens are, and all Selina has is half truths from the stories Bloom spun her to respond with
Seeing Mitzi become a fairy, unaware of the dead magic that run though her, unaware that the power Mitzi was given comes with a price no one should have to pay, Selina is furious. Incandescent
Magic returned to earth and Selina can float small objects. She's one of the few people that after the earth's magic core was repaired gained magic and she's on the bottom of the scale of power in a group categorized by how they're not as strong as those who can use magic without the core
Hatred fills her lungs like smoke
Season 5 Selina sticks to herself. Bloom usually isn't on earth like she was last year and this Diaspro chick who came from a different planet to help earth get caught up with the rest of the dimension is on the TV all the time talking about Bloom. Selina hates the fact that this woman who met Bloom though a knock-down drag-out fight knows Bloom better than Selina ever did
Did Bloom ever think of her as a real friend?
(Bloom couldn't take the one person that was her friend though all of that calling her a liar, she comes to regret this)
Eventually, while stumbling around the woods, far away from faces that could mock and lie to her she stumbles across a book. The Legendarum. It promises her power, Bloom's regret, importance. All she has to do is open it, anyone with magic can, her strength doesn't matter with the Legendarum doing the work for her
How could she ever refuse?
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Avalon because I got very distracted.
His armour was cool so for the most part I kept it similar. It is Paladin armour but it’s really old Paladin armour that hasn’t been changed since magic-proof fabric was made easy public access. Also that pendant thing is a Paladin’s seal and it’s required for a Paladin to have it visible at all times when in public (it’s sort of like a police badge that you can’t hide but Paladins are far better than police)
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drops-of-moonlights · 3 years
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The “antagonists” of the first half of AU!S4, aka the group that were TRYING to DO THEIR JOBS before an ARC OF STUPID FAIRIES went in no thoughts, head empty and fucked everything up. That’s their version, anyways. Ogron, Duman, Anagan, and Gantlos, the Black Circle 4 and Yllidith and Eldora, the Black Circle leaders! copypasted info on them below:
Long ago, around the time of Alexander the Great’s Big Ol’ Conquest of Everything In Europe, several magis got together and formed the White Circle, a magical organization that overseed the usage of magic over all the planet. However, they believed those that didn’t use magic unfit to govern anything, considering themselves superior due to their use of magic and promptly started conquering everything, forming a rapidly expanding empire that, while had a nice facade of benevolent rulers, they also frequently used hypnosis and manipulation to force peasants to support and adore them. Two of the higher magis in said organization (Yllidith and Eldora) saw all the horrible things they were supporting, and promptly (and quietly) left the hub in Tir Na nOg in the pretense of travel to not only see the full scope of the atrocities, but to also find other magis to join their cause. They both achieved Ascendix during their trials and managed a decent following (which included the seven Pleiads, the most powerful fairies of the known parts of Earth at the moment), starting a full on revolution. They managed several victories and several losses, and managed to siege the White Circle’s head figures into Tir Na nOg Castle, sealing the island completely with no way to escape. Several followers of them escaped, however, and finding and capturing them took several decades. Naming themselves the Black Circle, they started to regulate and hide any developing magi they found in their way, leading to the ambient magic of the planet to stagnate and weaken. They also cut off any connections and communications to the other worlds, as they did not fully trust them. While they’re technically all inactive, they still help guide any new magi that pops up. During the War proper, they ended up developing a ritual that would block a magi‘s access to their powers permanently without severely weakening them or having to damage their Aura, essentially cutting off their access to any magic. It was only used as a last resort with the more devout followers, however, and they’ve had to use it once or twice in case the magi they tried to guide turned on them, still scarred by the White Circle’s actions. Their four most trusted magi are Ogron, Anagan, Duman and Gantlos, who over the years have developed a deep enough bond to earn Believix. They had discovered Roxy and tried to guide her through her now-magical life, but the Winx interfered due to several miscommunications and rumours that arose in the Naerys System shortly after contact was cut off.
On to each person!:
Ogron is the leader of the Black Circle 4, the remaining fully active members of the society. He’s diplomatic and tries to solve any issue with talk first, but will not hesitate to become hostile if the situation requires it. His Source is Water, mastered to the capacity of controlling blood aided by his Auxiliary Fauna Source, and his title is Sorcerer of Redirections, due to the way he uses his magic. He’s the second-youngest of the Black Circle 4, surprisingly.
Duman is the second-in-command to Ogron and his most trusted partner. He has a short fuse and temper, alongside a more taunting attitude. His Source is Fauna and has mastered shapeshifting, with his title being the Witch of Therianthropy. His Auxiliary Source is Poison, used more with the animal forms that require it. He’s the second oldest of the Black Circle 4.
Anagan is the most outspoken and outgoing of the 4 due to being the youngest, with a more playful attitude that carries through even in battle. His Source is Electricity with an Auxiliary and he’s the Witch of Lightning Speed. He has mastered the Spell of Speedix, making him the fastest of the entire team and being the reason for his title.
Gantlos is a quiet mountain of a man, the main physical attacker of the group. He’s more gruff and snarky than the rest of his team, and seems to be attached enough to his hat that it carries through transformations. His Source is Sound and has a very good control over the earth, with his title being the Sorcerer of Vibrations. He’s the oldest of the 4.
Yllidith is the co-founder of the Black Circle and its figurehead, who only appears when situations turn for the worse. His life has left him jaded and cynical, but still tries to believe in any magi that he has to help. His Source is that of fire but he has also mastered control over light, hence his title of Fairy of the Black Circle’s Sun. Before the formation of the group, his title was Fairy of the Rising Sun.
Eldora is the other founder of the Black Circle and figurehead, who tends to reside mostly near Gardenia. She still has a more hopeful outlook and frequently visits the town to not only seek potential magi but also to see the progress of the world in general. She used to know Bloom, Mitzi and Selina when they were kids, as she’s Selina’s grandma and she let them play in her garden. She has not seen them in years, however, and has a feeling one of them might be a magi outside of Selina. Her Source is that of Flora, with an Auxiliary of Earth, and her title is Fairy of the Black Circle’s Spring, previously the Fairy of Meadows.
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