#With One Day Left I'll Break All the Destruction Flags
prnsn001 · 8 months
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With One Day Left I'll Break All the Destruction Flags: "Serves You Right!" RTA 24 Hour Record
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tiiimezombie · 1 year
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kahixxi · 6 months
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 1 year
also do you have any villainess manga recs you have been reading?👀
(rubs my hands mischievously)
My preference for villainess manga is very particular, I mostly enjoy the ojou-sama type more than reencarnations of nice girls!
Okay, first! The shoujo villainess manga!
With One Day Left I'll Break All the Destruction Flags: "Serves You Right!" RTA 24 Hour Record
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Alexandra recovers her memories from a previous life 24hours before she's denounced! She learns she's the villainess and only has 24 hours left to fix her future! This was an interesting pick, the protagonist is very interesting and although its very forward in the beginning everything starts to be more complex as the hours pass by.
Also she has rly nice boobs
The One Within the Villainess
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Emi, a nice girl, is reincarnated in her favourite character in her VN! The villainess Remilia! Remi however didn't disappear, she existed trapped in her own mind, seeing how Emi lived her life through her body. She came to like her a lot! When Emi is inevitably condemned Remi takes control of her own body once again, the story is about how Remilia takes revenge of everyone that wronged Emi. She even kills various gods, she's amazing.
Some other shoujo mangas that are also interesting!!
The Beloved Daughter of a Crime Family Was Reincarnated as the Daughter of a Gangster in an Otome Game. ~ Highest-Ranking Villain, That Doting is Unnecessary! ~
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The Condemned Villainess Goes Back in Time and Aims to Become the Ultimate Villain
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Endo and Kobayashi's Live Commentary on the Villainess
(this one had an anime recently!! The girl is a huge tsundere it's cute <3)
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Now!!! One of my favourites! Yuri villainess manga!
I'm in Love with the Villainess
(this one will have an anime next season!)
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This is everything I want in a villainess manga, OHOHOHO ojou sama tsundere lady with blond hair and ringlets and devoted reincarnated heroine that absolutely loves her! There's also discussions about sexuality, classism and magic tournaments!! their relationship is very cute and i absolutely love them with all my heart <33
The Fed Up Office Lady Wants to Serve the Villainess
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This villainess is on the colder side but she's still quite charming!
This one below is on hiatus right now... But the anime comes out soon this year too!
The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People
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This one has an interesting setting, it really sit out to me! At first glance it's your typical nice girl villainess manga but with a twist! I really liked it... The found family is strong in this one
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voidwritesstuff · 2 months
The Stars have names.
(Part 1) A/N: this is a proof of concept for an original series of mine.Originally it was going to be a youtube series, but after writing this im not sure if thats the format i want to go with. Anyway,ill post this here and be done with breaking the immersion (if everything goes well, I'll post the other parts) Cw:abusive household, abusive parents, cults,body horror,religious imagery and pregnancy imagery.
>reblogs appreciated and encouraged.
I don't know if posting this here is a good idea, but I've realized I'm only putting people in more danger if I keep this to myself. My name isn't important,I know I’ll join them eventually, and by then I will have lost my sense of self. But let's get the main bits of information on the table. I’ve known my friend Orion for most of my life, he is originally from the town of Cometa, to this day he’s never told me where this town is,but I get the feeling I'll find out soon enough. 
That should've been the first red flag. One I never recognized until recently.
The second red flag was a little more subtle. He's always been enthusiastic about sharing his knowledge of space,it was his special interest and I always listened because I wanted to be a good friend. It was the way he spoke about it though,there was a casual, almost personal tone to the way he talked about stars, but especially about the planets.
“I know you’ll think it's silly, but they have real names. Not the ones we gave them, Venus,mars,saturn…It's hard to explain,My mom’s better at it but she isn't allowed to talk about it”
When I asked why she wasn't allowed to talk about it, Orion would shrug and say it was “grown up stuff” and he stopped mentioning it as we grew older.I didn't notice it when we were teenagers, I thought he had “grown out” of it somehow.
How wrong i was. How so very wrong I was.
I was supposed to go to Cometa town next summer, Orion was spending the holidays with me and my family, and before he left he had given me one of many manuscripts from the church his town has. I told him I wasn't interested in religion,but he begged me to read them, and I wanted to be a good friend- He's heard me ramble about every single character I found hot many times throughout our friendship,so I figured I could give in and read it.
After all, it's just religious text, isn't it? I remember sitting down one morning,we were snowed in and the sky was dark- I’ve never seen clouds so thick… And yet somehow one single ray of sunlight spilt into my room. It was unusually warm when I extended my hand towards it, and just as I was about to begin reading the lights went out.
Didn't think too much of it, it snowed like crazy, so there I went to sit on the sunny spot in my room for some proper light. The shadows seemed so much darker then, but I just took it as my eyes getting used to the ridiculous amount of light I was being exposed to. 
Isn't it crazy how much we deny odd things that happen to us? The text started as any religious text often does,with a long shpeel of poetic words, but then it turned into a journal. There are no dates, so god only knows when this happened-But it does seem quite modern for…Well you’ll see. I’ve also gone and added numbers to each part, it was hard when I first read it- and hey if you're going to go down a spiral of madness then at least I'll leave some road signs,I'm on my way out anyway. Consider this red flag number three, and your one and only warning to stop.
Church of Santa Madre de Luz Divina
Tale of Mother Sun. 
The stars have names
Not ones that mortals can utter.
Not in any language that you may speak or invent.
For these gods,us your makers, speak in tongues of divine creation,
destruction, light and darkness, that which lies beyond your minds
Broken from the ties of the planets that birthed us.
You behold my light,the one of your mother.
Of the supernova that gave birth to humans.And may the Harvester, though forgotten in time, 
come to reap your souls.
Only then shall you know the names of your gods. 
It may not look like it
But we have a plan for you.
[Entry 1] I had that dream again. I was floating in darkness for hours,days,millenia…There was nothing around me- I knew there wasn't anything for miles and miles. And then…light. Blinding light,searing heat that oddly enough didn't hurt my skin.
 I could only see things zooming past me, I could feel eons going by in the blink of an eye.
The darkness wasn't empty anymore,there were thousands upon thousands of little lights.I realized then, i was in space. But I didn't feel cold, I didn't lack oxygen. 
In a way, i breathed with the universe. I could feel the pulse of supernovas, of black holes eating and eating the darkness and turning it into,or taking it into, something I couldn't comprehend or fathom to.
Frozen in time, I couldn't move back or forth, to and fro, I simply floated and watched the existence around me begin to circle me. 
Yet it wasnt me,not me specifically. I turned to look behind me, because before me there was nothing- Like a sunflower bending to the light above.
And i woke up. 
The therapist said moving would help,that Cometa Town was perfect for someone like me. I want to trust Dawn’s word, she lived there most of her life before moving to Argentina. I guess she outgrew that town,i can relate to that
 Dawn had also said that these dreams meant that I was too stressed, feeling like the world was coming undone around me. And she wasn't wrong, after that fight with my dad i couldn't stand being around him. Piece of shit.I don't understand why my mom still thinks I should make up with him. I don't understand how she can still forgive him even after everything, he threw eggs at our door,he had threatened to beat up his parents,my grandparents, and back when they were still together he would argue with her until she couldn't stomach it anymore and puke.
I don't want to end up like her, compelled to forgive and live beside someone who has sucked away all life from me just because I seek acceptance.
Mom promised that Cometa town is nice,and i trust her word,or i try to- But i know she wouldn't’ve moved so far away,countries away, if this town did not speak spanish,she never puts in the effort to do something difficult.
Lord knows there are days where she makes me feel like a burden,every time i talk to her it feels like she’s ignoring me. All the praise I get usually are just one worded responses,an adjective she throws at me without looking up from her phone…
And as much as I try to hate her,I can't. In a way she’s still my mother, I spent months in her stomach,growing. It makes me wonder if I had not been born a month before I was supposed to,would she pay attention to me? Of course it’s a silly claim,but almost after twenty years of being left aside, I’m starting to grasp at straws.
I guess Dawn was right,I need to get some fresh air-I doubt i’ll get a break anyway, i still don't have enough money to move away. Still, here I go. Goodbye Argentina,Hello Cometa.
[Entry 2]
I fell asleep on the plane,no dreams, only peaceful rest… But I have to admit that it felt odd,like a part of me was missing. I felt so cold when I woke up,I usually feel cozy. Maybe it's just the AC of the plane…
Either way,I called dibs on the seat next to the window. I can see the clouds. It gives me vertigo, but in a fun way-Like I could be flying through the clouds like i was the sun… That image gave me peace, hope. It makes me excited to get to my new home,hang up all my posters and paraphernalia. 
I may even find a group of people to play D&D with on the weekends…
Maybe this extreme move is going to help.
[Entry 3] Cometa town is so pretty, gardens and gardens of flowers,there are parks with weekly fairs! It's good to know mom will have a place to sell her clothes, and I won't go hungry. I understand now why the therapist recommended this place- Aside from having a university of arts (with a career in film, How lucky!) And it has a cool name too: “Cosmos University of the Arts”.
 i will miss Dawn though- maybe i can find a replacement here? I don't know if it'll be the same…fingers crossed? Oh! and The sunset here was just as beautiful too, i can actually see the stars here. I begged my mom to eat dinner outside by the sunflower garden we have and she accepted. No TV,no background sound,just me and her…it's nice.
It would be nicer if she didn't call me by my deadname,though. I’ve told her plenty of times I go by Nova now, but hey- she still doesn't believe im bi,let alone accept I change my pronouns often, so maybe i'm just asking her for the wrong things.
But a new home,a new place, the same old sky… Maybe I should keep that in mind instead.
[Entry 4] Well, the dream came back.
But it's longer now, different. 
I saw that same darkness, that same explosion of light, but now when I turned I saw the sun (I expected it,it's the only thing that made sense). I expected the light to burn my eyes, but it didn't. Dream logic? I don't know.
Aside from actually being able to see what's behind me,I noticed something there, growing. Like a seed, looking for something,writhing. The sun was only a shell for whatever was growing in there. Yknow what it reminded me of? A baby, growing in the womb of her mother,kicking and feeling out the warm home she finds herself in. There was no better place for her, I was sure of it, I could almost picture what she looked like. 
Body made of divine light, elegant hands that have the opportunity to create,to destroy, I dare say even…artistic. The art of bringing beautiful things to life, the willpower to destroy the imperfections,the mistakes, even if it means throwing out a whole art piece and start from scratch
She's adorned with pure gold that glimmers like endless stars, clothes made of the softest fabrics the world could offer.
Yet..i couldn't see her face, it was either hidden from view or just consuming my whole range of sight. 
massive, she was massive, and i was about the size of a vein.
I saw her,whatever she was, take me in her hands and lay me to rest on her chest. I beat her heartbeat, I ate of her blood…it gave me such a rush. I felt..unstoppable, I felt myself breaking out of the shell I forced myself into just so I wouldn't get into trouble,that I would not be hit with my mother’s glare of disappointment that I don't fit her standards for “Being born a woman”.
When I woke up I felt…dizzy, I felt something churning in my stomach,my forehead felt too warm and it throbbed in a way that made me light headed,the sunlight that was falling on my face had this sparkle to it. 
Mom came over to ask me if I was alright,it was probably around mid-day when I woke up,which meant that lunch would be done soon and that she was waiting for me. I told her I felt ill and I wondered what had I eaten the night before for me to feel like my body was organizing a mutiny against me. And then I turned to my nightstand, saw my sketchbook opened and stained with chocolate from the wrapper I had tossed on it carelessly the night before.
. . . I need to stop eating sweets before going to bed.
[entry 5]
The dream’s been on my mind as of late, so I've tried to push it to the side by signing up for Cometa town’s university. I thought the bureaucracy was going to be endless,thankfully it wasn't- It was quite easy honestly, just asked for my personal data like name,birth date, ID and the like, it even had a “Preferred name” box i could fill up- It made me happy to know i wouldn't have to use my deadname. 
Aside from that I've tried to distract myself by walking around the town, it has a very low crime rate so my mom’s not worried about letting me wander off. It's a nice change from the constant fear of being robbed i had back in Argentina, doesn't mean I don't miss my home though. I miss it terribly,but there's not much I can do but to wait for winter break to visit them again (well,it's winter break for the town- back home it's a ripe,ripe summer. I'll be cooking my ass off while the town lives it up in the snow,lucky)
But back to the walk i took, i wrote down a few places i’d like to visit next time The mall (obviously, it has a bunch of stores,fast food restaurants and even an observatory- I’d say it's a weird addition to the mall but i don't complain, i really like seeing the stars), Also the parks it has to offer, the town center and the one thing that caught my attention  the most was this church- I wouldn't know the exact architecture style, but its grand,well decorated and so,so tall and old. I think I saw a telescope peeking out from one of the windows in the main tower. 
Hopefully I can visit it soon? Maybe tomorrow will be fun. 
[entry 6] After lunch I went to the church, the place was mostly empty (i figured, i mean i did go right after i finished eating lunch) and honestly it made it all the more personal. Hell,even the priest wasn't there roaming around and doing whatever priests do.
But I did meet someone there, they had male features, a chiseled face, olive eyes and pretty reddish brown skin. They were dressed in goth clothes (and fashionably so) so it didn't surprise me to see them at the church.
 And in my ogling I noticed their jacket was packed full of patches, I could see the one on the right side of his arm, it read “Still a planet” With an embroidered image of Pluto. I couldn't help but snicker at it They introduced themself as Callum,they looked at me like I was some sort of long lost friend  and asked me if I was new around town. I told them that I was and that I had moved in just a few days ago. I could notice the slight hispanic accent in their voice and I asked them if they spoke any Spanish, they said yes and we got to talking in my mother tongue. 
It made me happy to know they liked my vest, I couldn't help but think that a punk and a goth went hand in hand. Both appeal to the darker side of the world, for them it was the macabre,the things that go bump in the night. And for me, it was all about how the system was always against you,how the world seems to orchestrate in a way that no matter what you do, you’ll always be on the wrong side of things. Damned if you do,damned if you don’t.
Callum was fun to talk to,I appreciated that since I haven't been able to meet my neighbors yet. I mean I just got here,but I wish I had someone else to talk to that isn’t my mom or includes me sending a text to my friends back in Argentina. 
Here's one of the conversations I had with my new “Acquaintance”  (translated from english to spanish to keep my privacy. wouldn't be surprised if i left it open some day and my mom reads it out of curiosity):
“So..Why visit the church of all places?” they had asked me as we entered the large cathedral
“Well just getting to see the town really, but i saw it and i knew i had to enter and at least take a peek- I like making art, and i was hoping to draw some of the things around the place” “You make art? that's cool” They smiled with this child-like excitement “I make murals, i go to the university here” “Dude no way,I signed up for the studies in film career!”
“Then we’ll see each other more often, that's good” We introduced each other properly then, they told me about their family and I told them why i moved away- I skipped a few details because i couldn't exactly just drop the fact that i had to move because my father was a manipulative piece of shit. 
When we got to the altar section, I hadn't noticed until then that the Vitraux behind the pedestal were not of God or Jesus, instead they were of these massive beings of cosmic light. 
And right in front of me was her.
Being of divine light, hands extended towards me, holding the world in their palms, her face got lost in the bright burst of light portrayed on the glass. Shades of red,orange and yellow spilled across my face and in my half blinded state I could swear I saw bright eyes staring back at me. It made me jump back out of reflex, i blinked the light away and turned to see if Callum had seen me embarrass myself like that- 
But they weren't. 
They were staring at another vitraux, a being of pure darkness and ice, candles of blue flame serving as shoulder pieces with their melted wax with gold jewelry over its shroud. And in the center of their chest,like a ribcage, stood the alchemical symbol for Pluto. Underneath it was a simple plaque that read “The Harvester” It gave me the idea to see the plaque beside it, “Father moon”. Above it stood a vitraux of a male figure with a shawl of stars, a crown of night and time on his bursting face of moonlight. He was holding his hands close to his chest where the alchemical symbol for the moon stood carved in pale gray as he grasped an old sun clock.
Out of curiosity I looked back at the one in front of me, I could still see The Harvester and Father Moon in the corner of my left eye. The plaque underneath the divine lady of sunlight read “Mother Sun”
“You’ve seen ‘em too?” Callum asked out of nowhere, I jumped from my spot as if I was broken from a trance. They looked at me with what seemed like fear and utter dread.
“Excuse you?” They pointed at the vitraux i was looking at “Her,You've seen her” With how they looked at me, i knew lying wouldn't do me any good “Yeah” I Had replied with a slight tremble in my voice “I have” My eyes couldn't meet theirs, I was too ashamed and startled. In my avoidance I noticed that Callum’s jacket had an embroidered patch of Mictecacihuatl, the lady of the dead in Aztec mythology.
“How?” they asked,sounding adamant that they get an answer.
“dreams, you?” something in me pushed me to answer,even if i felt like their question was a little too weird and out of pocket “same” 
I blinked at the sordid nature of it. How could I dream of something that I have never seen before? But before I could question that bitch of an existential crisis,We heard shuffling steps from behind us, we turned to see a priest- Old,old man with a wrinkled face, dark black eyes that gleamed with..satisfaction? “May I help you with something?” The old man asked, His voice raspy and with a warmth that felt too unnatural- Like he's trying to overcompensate. I raised my brows in surprise,his voice sounding so familiar, like I heard it in a distant dream.
“No” Callum sounded harsh, they took my bicep and began tugging me along out of the Church,but before they left my sight i read the two other plaques beside Mother sun: “Sister star” and “The Oracle” They didn't speak a word until we were well away from the church, they sat me down at a bench and looked at me like somebody had died. 
“I thought there was enough of us already” They whispered, afraid that the trees would grow ears and listen “What?” “There's 3 more others just like you, like us.-Probably more” “Callum, you're not making any sense” “Listen to me,Nova. The stars have names”[entry 7] I came back home late after that, Callum insisted on walking me home and we did so in silence. It felt uncomfortable, like the lack of literally any spoken word was digging under my skin and getting into my bone marrow,expanding it uncomfortably. 
Before our weird ass conversation,I actually got along with Callum, like i’ve known them all my life or even well before that…It was odd but..comforting.They’re the first friend i've made since moving here.
They bid me goodbye with a kiss on the cheek, I didn't think too much of it since it's a common way to greet each other back in Argentina- Us latinos are a mixed bag of customs after all. 
As soon as I stepped in, My mom was up in arms about where I had been. She was cooking as she yelled at me for being out so late, I told her she needed to calm down and I reminded her about how Cometa town had almost no crime rate. 
She glared at me and told me i was just as irresponsible as my father, it made me so angry, it scorched me that she would compare me to my dad, only to turn around and tell me i should make peace with him- She still somehow believed that it was my fault that i fought with him, and not that he looked at me in the eye and said “You're the worst daughter a father could ask for”. It was a petty argument, i don't remember what we were fighting about anymore, In that moment,rage blinded me and I just wanted her to hurt, and before I could wallow my rage,she yelped and jumped away from the oven.She had burnt herself with the flame of the stove.
After that i went to my room, i was so mad and so,so tired. I am exhausted from having to dance on the edge of being a golden child and a scapegoat martyr. I would never be enough for her, and that was starting to dawn on me. 
I get that she was worried,that she feared something happened to me- But there are better ways to say so. It makes me sad she never seems to treat me like an actual human.
[Entry 8] I fell asleep as soon as I went to bed.I had consciously forgotten about Callum’s explanation, but a part of me didn't.
As i drifted endlessly on the edge of sleep, i remembered everything my new “Friend” had told me
“ Listen to me,Nova. The stars have names. Not the ones we gave them,Venus,Saturn,pluto. None of that bullshit. They are gods, born from the planets we know, they're only shells of shattered womb,they have no life in them.” “But there's life on earth” I had said “Because they needed a place for their servants to live. Thats us” “And why should I trust your words?” Callum seemed a little amused at my flabbergasted expression
They scoffed before continuing to talk “The whole town is in on it. They are a cult,im sure of it” “How do you even know this stuff?” “I moved here three years ago, my family and I had been practically chased off from our home in Mexico. The bosses of my parents had fired them, I suddenly became the worst student in my school and got kicked out. My buddy Byeol and Archie had been offered a scholarship to the university of this town- This very public university.  A scholarship.” they made a pause to steady themself, it felt like they were just word vomiting right now. “Did nothing weird happen to you before you came here?” They continued with a slight anger to them, not directed at me but at whatever was supposedly tugging the strings of this weird cultish plot. “Nothing that feels too much like a coincidence?” I remembered how Dawn had been raised here, how she said the homes here were really cheap,especially to immigrants.Something about a benefit from the state. At the time I doubted it, this country is as capitalist as it gets-Not to mention its clear distaste for non natives. But then we checked and it was an actual thing,so I didn't think too much of it since I just figured my biases had gotten the better of me. 
“How do you know this?” I asked.
“I know this because I saw it. In my dreams” They raised a finger before I could manage to retort “Let me ask you this, have you heard of any of the gods we saw at the church?” “No,but it could be a niche religion” “Okay then,what about your dreams?” Truth is I was ready to jump on the conspiracy bandwagon,Too soon? maybe. But my mind was looking for a reason to doubt all these good things in my life, a part of me wouldn’t let me accept the nice things that came to me. There is a reason I go to therapy after all.
“see?” Callum added,taking my silence as the answer they needed. “Why would you tell me this?” “Because you're the missing piece. I told you there’s more of us, my friends all had dreams with the gods we saw back there”They answered “I could see you were staring at Mother Sun, so that must be who you see in your dreams, am i mistaken?”I shook my head. “I don't know what they're planning”they continued,sure there was something else unraveling, “i don't know why they want us but it can't be good. This town is too perfect, it makes me sick. Nothing good can come from this,i can just feel it”
I sat there in silence and looked at the floor. I didn't know if I could believe them.A cult? really? And why was I the missing piece? “Then why don’t you leave” “We have nowhere to go, all the times I’ve tried to convince my family to get out something big like a promotion would happen and suddenly my word wasn’t enough”
My heart sank to my feet. ‘No matter what you do, the game is always rigged ’ I thought. “And you haven’t told them about all this?” “I did, but they say that it’s just a product of how our leave from Mexico unfolded”
They say that when you wear rose colored glasses,all red flags are just..flags. Me included, I felt like their whole speech just now was the ramblings of a madman. But they had just enough credibility to them that it made it hard for me to fully reject it.
I sat there in silence for a while,processing everything I had been told. I don’t know if Callum was staring at me,I completely zoned out for a few good minutes. All I could see was that goddess,I could feel her tugging at me somehow,she was eager. A sigh made me snap out of my thoughts, I looked up to see my companion’s face and for a moment I swear they looked incredibly gaunt “Sorry,I know it's a lot to dump on you” they had said with a soft voice and a meek look in their eyes.
“thats the understatement of the fucking century” They scoffed and offered to walk me home as compensation for the wild ride. They also gave me their phone number just in case.
And truth be told I was ready to leave it all behind and make a mental note to never talk to Callum again.
But then I had to fall asleep.
I found myself in the dark expanse again, I knew the drill of creation and destruction, worlds coming and going,and when I stood before the planets spinning around me, I started to notice something. Each planet had a massive crack in the middle, they were creaking and groaning with pain. I could hear their labored breathing as whatever was crawling out of them began to split their shells apart. Like tearing open the placenta that held them. The celestial bodies that house them scream in pain and agony, a horrible choir of death as beings of immense scale rise before me.That same man made of moonlight and time rose from the smallest natural satellite, he was the first one…
I saw him and the sun behind me dance in eternal bliss, with each step I could feel the ripples of space bending, breaking what remained of the planets that only followed the orbit of the giant,divine woman. Though I could never see their faces, there was no face to see. 
Or perhaps I was afraid of what I would behold if I stared at the sun for too long.
Mother Sun looked down upon me and I turned away. I could feel her burn a hole through my skull, only stopping when Venus splits open with a screeching choir,birthing a woman with the face of pure starlight, grand insectoid wings that flutter curiously. Then Neptune cracks open with a tidal wave, allowing a large female figure to slither out of it. She had past and future in her eyes- were those her eyes? her face was a gossamer shine that reflected fractals and fractals of what could be or had been. 
And long forgotten in time, Pluto is the last one to be born. Cold in the endless vacuum, creaking of bone against bone, feeding from the corpse of his mother, A shrouded figure stood impossibly tall, curling into itself. 
More were missing, I Knew that-She knew that. 
But I couldn't see the other planets from just how bright she shone in the black void. 
Unwilling to look at her, I tried my best to fight her. I wouldn't let her burn my eyes, I don't want to face whatever turned its wretched gaze upon me. I would rather be disintegrated into ash, because when she forced my head to snap to her, using her massive hand to twist me like a doll, I saw my face in her shine. 
I woke up screaming,tears falling down my cheeks before I managed to be conscious enough to let them flow. [Entry 9] My mom ran into my room,asking me if I was okay. I told her I had a nightmare, and that I'd be fine. I never talked about my dreams,so she wasn't surprised I didn't want to talk about it. She hung out with me in the kitchen as I made myself some tea. I didn't have the strength to look at her bandaged arm,did I cause that? When she saw me a lot calmer, she returned to sleep. And I decided I had to talk with Callum about all this. 
Before I knew it, I was sneaking out of the house and embarking on a midnight adventure with a person I just met, to talk about eldritch beings and horrors. Life really is the gift that keeps on giving.
They took me to a restaurant. “Nebula Dinner”,read the perfect, 50s style neon sign. By this point it's like the town wasn't even bothering to hide it…
“So..”They began once we sat down in the booth placed on one of the corners of the establishment “Do you believe me now?” I snarled at how smug they sounded “Yes” “Good,because it's only going to get worse”
“jeez, how sunny” They shrugged and put their forearms on the table,leaning in a little and using them as support “Tell me about the dream”. And tell them I did, I spared no detail, and it felt oddly nice to be able to share this with somebody other than my therapist. They listened attentively and even went so far as to hold my hand when I began tearing up again. “..why? why us?” I had asked with what little voice I had in me.
“Your guess is as good as mine”They replied, trying to sound nonchalant about it,but I could tell that in a sense, this was like reliving his own trauma. “Look, My dreams started a few months before I moved to Cometa, same with Archie,Byeol and Sammira. Tell me if that's not a cosmic coincidence” I flinched at the word “cosmic” and they apologized. 
To my credit, I did try to process everything I had heard. And I failed miserably at it. My brain ran itself in circles trying to reconcile with the idea that gods existed, and that for some damn reason I was suddenly chosen by one of them. 
I still couldn't shake off that feeling, like i was breathing alongside somebody, my head buzzed and i still felt like my brain felt like it was being pushed into two different directions. The images are so clear even when it had been just a few hours since I woke up.
A sigh left me as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes,I could have used some more rest-But the thought of having to face that thing again terrified me. “I like god do not play with dice” I quoted, hoping that one of my many vocal stims cheered me up. “And i do not believe in coincidence” They had finished, smiling at me “V for Vendetta”
“You know it?It's a bit old” “I have the compilation of the whole series back in my house,” They answered, clearly enthusiastic about it. “Hey,let me get you something to eat, my treat- We shouldn't be thinking about this without food in our stomachs” “It's like two am” They shrugged and said “Early breakfast,i guess” And I couldn't help myself and said “What about second breakfast?”“I don't think he knows about second breakfast,Pippin '' They answered without missing a beat, accent and all. Suddenly all the tension in the air dissipated as we both laughed,I shook my head at the absurdity of it all, and I gladly accepted the offer of food. 
Even though I knew there were a lot more things we needed to discuss, I let it pass by. I needed to feel normal again for a few minutes, and I wouldn't deny this moment.
Callum waved over one of the late night staff, Her name was Solana and she was Callum's older sister. They introduced me to her and we both ordered something to eat after she handed us the menu.
We spent the night talking about comics,movies and games. It felt nice to be a normal twenty something again.
[entry 10] Callum had spent the night at my house, they promised they would sneak off in the morning. It was sunday so my mom would leave to work at the fairs in one of the parks. They said they knew how hard it was to deal with these nightmares, and they wanted to keep me company through it all.
If I had not experienced the worst nightmare of my life, I would've said no. But I didn't want to spend this night alone, I didn't feel safe being on my own. I feel like these dreams will eat me whole, and I can begin to feel something crawling inside my chest already. 
When i woke up Callum was gone as they said they would, they had left me a text saying we could hang out later or grab lunch. My home didn't feel safe anymore,it felt like the sunlight was so bright it was eating away all the color,all the life my house had.I accepted their offer in a heartbeat, at least walking through the town I could forget and ignore the shifting shadows out of the corners of my eyes, and how uncomfortably familiar the sunlight felt on my skin, like it was trying to embrace the deepest part of me and for that it needed to tear and carve through my skin,my muscles and straight past my bones.
My new friend wasn't faring any better, they felt incredibly cold to the touch, they avoided being in the shade for too long and they had ripped off their patch about Pluto and we did not talk about our dreams,or what this “cult” might be up to. And it wasn't even out of worry that we could be eavesdropped upon. It was pure,sheer fear of what it would mean if just like the planets, something was growing inside of us. 
There was a pull underneath my skin, i could feel it writhe under my intestines,slithering and weaving itself through the pores of my sternum…And as much as i tried to push it away, it would only fade when during our walk we came across a second church,identical to the one we had seen on saturday. “Another one?” I asked confused
Callum nodded“To the other minor gods,Madame Jupiter,Sir Kaos,Professor Mercury and Saint Saturn”
“Those are weird ass names” I tried to joke,relieved that i suddenly felt like myself again “I didn't choose them” He chided “But yes,weird” “I'm kind of curious to see the inside” “That's how horror movies start. We’re latinos,we’re supposed to know better” They joked with a slight smirk
“Well i have some white in me,my grandma’s italian, I can be a bit stupid,as a treat” “If you die in there i'm not retrieving your body” “mean”
Making fun of it did help to ease the tension that had been growing like a weed inside of me.It felt like me and Callum had known each other our whole lives, that there was no need to put our words through a filter. I was going to tug them along to see the interior, but we saw one of the nuns come out from the church, she was looking down at the ground,minding her step. Then she looked at us for a few,long seconds and smiled wide. She raised her hand to wave at us, and we looked at eachother and promptly walked away. 
What disturbed me the most is that i felt like i knew her,I knew the sound of her voice even when i have never heard her speak. Just like the old priest I saw at the other cathedral. I felt like i had heard her call my name, which one i didn't know, it made me dizzy trying to figure it out and i was already dealing with feeling watched- Callum kept glancing back and i knew then i wasn't the only one that felt like that
Honestly,If i had not dreamt what i did,i would have chalked it up to paranoia…
But then I looked up straight at the sun. I expected the shine to burn my eyes,but it didn't. I had hoped I'd blind myself for a split second just to confirm something that wasn’t clawing at me at that moment.
Dread settled,my chest felt tight and I felt like the gold light that spilled across this world cupped my face and forced me to face its creator.
The sun was staring right back at me, beckoning me closer.
[entry 11] I woke up a few seconds after,I felt something cold against my back, hard like wood and somebody holding me. Slowly I blinked my eyes open and met the face of Callum, they looked concerned,sweaty, and I could see past them a gray ceiling of carved rock and stained glass.
“How are you?” They had asked,voice shaking.
“Im,..okay? what's up with you?” Before they replied, I heard a raspy, gravelly voice say “Ah,so good to see you're okay” The unnatural welcoming in this male voice made my bones uncomfortable, I felt them pushing against my joints trying to escape. I wanted to peel each strand of my muscles only to distract myself from it. 
There stands the priest we saw at the church with the vitraux of the main gods of this cursed pantheon, he opens his arms and says “Our Mother can be quite stern if she wants to, sorry for that. But i have the feeling you’ll soon grow on her” He made a pause,to then clear his throat “Sorry, I meant to say she’ll soon grow in you” 
I turned to Callum, who tried to put themself between me and the priest “Callum, what the hell is going on?” Callum turned back briefly to me, they pursed their lips and their eyes looked wild with their pupils as small as a dot “Remember how i said I didn't know what they were planning?” I nodded “...I have the feeling we’re about to find out”
The old priest smirked, his eyes glimmering like the ones of a predator “Don’t worry,we won't hurt you”
“You should hear him out” Came a woman’s voice I knew quite well. Dawn stood there in the same clothes I had seen her wear in our last session together,with a smile so big like she was a kid in a candy store. “I know it's hard to accept good things,especially with everything you’ve been through,but this community welcomes you,both of you, with open arms” She offered a hug,spreading her arms. Her face twitched as if it hurt to grin like that but she couldn't stop.
 It reminded me of how sometimes people would feel euphoria when experiencing something divine… We both began to hear multiple sets of steps,we’re surrounded by nuns,townsfolk. They all seem to revere us,and it dawns on me.
“After all, how dare we strike our own gods?”Finished the priest. They had handed me this journal,my journal, to write everything since my midnight meeting with Callum. They say that I had written their holy texts once before, and that they eagerly await the gospel of their mother…
I don't know why they returned me home,why keep up appearances? they had us at the church… 
But then in came my mom,all excited telling me about how she had a really good day at work, how she could give me some money to buy myself something pretty. I wouldn't put it past them to harm my mother if I told her about all this? Would she even believe me? Right now i can hear them outside my window, it's a gloomy day, rainy and horrible,almost pitch dark, they hide in the shadows, they are whispering and awing at my writing. Callum is here with me, just as scared as I am. 
“Why?” I ask out loud,hoping for an answer, and I get none. 
My mind drifted for a second to Callum,their family,their friends.
Oh no, There's more like us.
More…vessels? seeds? What are we? Who the hell are we?
 I feel now the sun shining down on me. its warmth uncomfortably pressing under my skin,through tunnels already carved straight to my soul. I turn to Callum, they sit in the darkness at the edge of my bed,their back against the mattress, their head hung low. The hood of their jacket is pulled up, I can't see their face, and I don't think I'd see any if they turned to me. 
I can feel her crawling up my nerves,up my spine. My head feels dizzy and my face feels incredibly hot like I'm feverish. ‘You’re loved here,don’t you see?’She whispers ‘You won’t be ignored here, you won't be a scapegoat,a martyr. You can be that golden child, the saint you know you are’
Tears begin to fall down my face,staining the pages of the journal. She makes it sound so sweet. 
‘Finally you can rest. Why fight against the system?Why don’t you..we join it? we can change it together. We can make something out of ourselves’
I look at Callum, shivering and talking to themself under their breath. I can’t hear them,but I can see their breath condensate.
“I think we’ve known each other for a while” They finally said,soft voice barely carrying over the whispering horde outside.They offer their hand towards me as I hear the creaking of bone against bone, scraping like nails on a chalkboard. Their teeth clack together as if there's no gums,no tongue to soften the impact.I see that their fingers are thin and their skin is barely sticking to their bones.I take it,finding solace in their touch.
I don’t want to be alone. Not again, not ever again.
“We do,don't we?” I replied. 
Everything seems clearer now,like sunlight after a storm.
“Do you know my name?” “I think I do,do you know mine?” “i do” “it's good to see you again,Harvester” “it's good to bask in your radiance again,Mother Sun”
[entry 11]
“Church of Santa Madre de Luz Divina
“Heed my words oh servant
For my light will guide your path.
Like it always has during eons past.
I never left,for you still revolve around me
Even if my body hangs limp in the sky.
Like a child within my womb,you writhe and call for me.
Heed my words, you who have waited for our return…
The stars have names.
Not those you could even fathom to pronounce.
We have walked amongst you now.
We have lived what you have.
So welcome this new era.
Welcome us anew.No longer forgotten
And don't fret
for we have a plan for you”
[End of journal] I can see her, through the dark. The sky is looking back through the gloom.
Her light burns me.
My mother is calling. 
But I can't give in,not yet, not now. There's four more documents like this,I can transcribe them if any of you want to kamikaze yourself into insanity with me. I’ll be here waiting,patiently. Either way,I know now that no matter what I do, the sun is always watching me,the moon knows all my secrets and in the cold night outside I can see the harvester waiting for me, tapping on his scythe with his candles burning blue.
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freyalise · 1 year
that anon question about litrpg got me thinking about the iterative nature of isekai (and anime/manga as a whole i guess). do you have a favourite and least favourite genre convention?
the secret knowledge is that all literature is iterative because it's impossible to produce art in a vacuum. the other secret knowledge is that iterative doesn't necessarily imply forward progress but rather that cultural trends can be tracked in different vague directions
least favorite: i feel like it's the isekai free space but my least favorite has got to be every single time isekai depicts slavery. a whole lot of fantasy as a genre has issues with depiction of slavery but fantasy manga and isekai in particular have issues with showing slavery as just something that happens with no ethical exploration in pre-industrial fantasy societies. this topic frequently comes up about isekai in particular because of how often the protagonist either tacitly or actively endorses the institution of slavery (with special dishonorable mention to rising of the shield hero here).
that being said, even so-called "more ethical" isekai has its issues with this. in that time i got reincarnated as a slime, which by the way is one of my favorite media franchises, the fact that the orcs are prisoners of war forced into involuntary labor is more or less glossed over because rimuru is really nice to them! plus there are a lot of recent manga where the main character can tame intelligent monsters and it's not slavery you guys they just look 99% human and obey their every command and are more or less incapable of leaving it's fine main character-kun just treats them so well so it's okay.
i'm not really asking for every isekai protagonist to start cutting down slavers (though they fuckin should) but i think that if an author is going to depict slavery in their story they should be prepared to grapple with that ethical dilemma at least a little bit
most favorite: i want to say that in a different post i talked about characters that have to grapple with their previous lives and deaths in their new world, so i won't go in-depth into that. instead, i'll say that i'm a sucker for stories where the main character is isekai'd to a setting where they have foreknowledge of disastrous events and have to rely on their wits to avert that disastrous future. you see this a lot in otome isekai from korea specifically since "book enjoyer gets isekai'd as the villainess/mob character" is a super common trope over there, some of which actually get anime (why raeliana ended up at the duke's mansion)! ofc this happens a lot in manga too (with one day left i'll break all the destruction flags: 'serves you right!' RTA 24 hour record, my next life as a villainess: all routes lead to doom!), but i find that manhwa tend to tell a more in-depth story due to the faster release cycles. i'm thinking about things like marriage of convenience (which isn't an isekai, but i'm counting it here nonetheless) or master villainess the invincible!
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orange-orchard-system · 9 months
thank you for recommending The One Within the Villainess in tags you left in a reblog!! I immediately went to read it and it's genuinely such a nice story, thank you for making us discover it!! ^_^
I'm glad you liked it!! It's a very enjoyable story, I think, due to the unique motivations of the main characters. I originally just got into it as a revenge + villainess reincarnation manga, but I think now my favorite part of it is just how genuinely it takes the concept of, well, plurality, though I don't know if the author knows it's a real thing or not. A fair amount of reincarnation stories I read don't really delve into these kinds of possibilities, so it's quickly become one of my favorites.
If you enjoyed that story, I'd also recommend With One Day Left, I'll Break All the Destruction Flags, which takes a very different direction with the plurality in it (in fact, just saying plurality shows up in it is a spoiler – hope you don't mind!), so be prepared for something a little darker if you read it. There's also The Old Man Reincarnated As a Villainess, which has some similar themes to TOWTV, though last I checked it's more along the lines of plural-adjacent or possibly some complicated median system situation, depending on how you view it. In terms of general reincarnated villainess comics, I can't recommend The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass enough! It's an excellent manhwa*, even if I haven't found any plurality present in it (yet; never can tell what future updates/chapters I haven't read yet will bring!).
There are other stories of this kind I read from time-to-time, but I'm awful at remembering the names of them
*Korean form of/term for this kind of comic; compare to the Japanese manga and Chinese manhua
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moonliched · 1 year
quanstion wan: do you like cold weather or hot wetaher
Quanshon too: what your favourite art thing to doooo colour? Line? HrmmMMMm???
Shqaunsh 5hree: do u wtahc anime or read mbaga would u recommeen d any to a poor boi like me
aaah quastions! quansjeirijans
hot weather bc cold weather here usually means rain :( i love sketch layer n lineart!! colouring is the devil. i like manga n manhwa, currently i'm enjoying The Villain Discovered My Identity, and also I’m Sick and Tired of My Childhood Friend’s, Now Girlfriend’s, Constant Abuse so I Broke up With Her😭😅 also With One Day Left I'll Break All the Destruction Flags: "Serves You Right!" just finished, that's a good one. i'm rly into isekai genre!
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honeymouthedtales · 1 year
i got tumblr just recently and followed you here too bcs i still wanted to see ur asks >< idk if you or anon read manga which would be a bit of a more rigid structure since villainess tropes there are set almost entirely in otome games, villainesses in question being the crown prince fiance--but i really like the concept of "The One Within the Villainess" although it focuses less on court and more on the revenge part
"With One Day Left I'll Break All the Destruction Flags: 'Serves You Right!' RTA 24 Hour Record" (the titles are so long lol) is only 16 chapters but the villainess pulls a reverse on the nobles and their typical condemnation event in that genre almost too easily
The next recommendation is not really villainess but more on being a female leader as your birthright despite being exiled but "Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn)" is also an exciting read. I don't know much of real world war politics so maybe there are some sensitive themes or inspirations that flew over my head, though. I should maybe reread to double check, but it's quite long.
Always love your work <3 hope to see you more on my uh feed? idk what to call tumblr i just really got pissed off with the recent headline I saw about an alleged AI startup to be using twt content so I quickly jumped ship ㅜ.ㅜ
I read Akatsuki no Yona and I really loved it, I even watched the anime with my roommate back then...
I haven't read the other two but I definitely will. I've read so many villainess webtoons that at this point they don't surprise me anymore so I really cherish the ones that go a little out of the structure, but at the same time I really like the "villain redemption" trope so I keep reading them even if the plot is not that original. I haven't read many villainess manga though and that's because it's harder to read them on the phone, but I'm willing to make that effort so thanks for the recs!
(I hope that ai startup you read about fails, I'm so tired of people trying to profit from someone else's content...)
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With One Day Left I'll Break All the Destruction Flags: "Serves You Right!" RTA 24 Hour Record (On going) ✨
残り一日で破滅フラグ全部へし折ります: ざまぁRTA記録24Hr
AMAGI Nozomu
[Disclaimer: picture and story not mine and they belong to their rightful owners]
Alexandra is the duchess of the Kingdom of Tarraconensis. It was only the day before the absolution event that she realized that she was the villainous daughter of an otome game! It's clear that she'll be denounced and her engagement will be broken tomorrow.
But I don't want to be condemned honestly! I'd rather show my eyes to the people who despised me! With only 24 hours left, Alexandra begins to make a breakthrough in her desperate situation
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terezis · 5 months
I absolutely LOVE The Holy Grail of Eris, so glad you picked it up! Is there any other series you have considered picking up? And do you have any manga recommendations? ^.^ Thanks
i have no plans to actually pick these up but i HAVE thought about taking a look thru the untranslated volumes of these two series. they’re both one-shot anthologies which is great because it’d making translating them a much smaller time commitment than a full series would need. LOL maybe if i get really bored one day
i also want to pick up the shugo chara sequel when it comes out this summer but i know in my heart i'm not going to have the time or stamina for it. but twelve year old me, who was obsessed with shugo chara, demands it
AS FOR RECOMMENDATIONS… you've probably read some of these. but
solving queen ophelia's mysterious death is a very short and sweet murder mystery with a similar tone to holy grail of eris
tearmoon empire story, much sillier than eris, but it does touch on some of the same story elements
with one day left i'll break all the destruction flags, if you like scarlet you'll like alexandra i think LOL
the apothecary diaries, completely different setting/ plot/ premise but i think they are tonally similar. mystery solving. also it's a classic
fiance's observation log of a self-proclaimed villainess, i just like this one. i think it's neat
the one within the villainess obviously
also i REALLY LOVE this one-shot "i'm not cut out to be a princess, so i'll elope with the villainess!" from one of the above anthologies it's so pretty and charming… only 36 pages but it feels like a full novel... full series when…
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prnsn001 · 8 months
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With One Day Left I'll Break All the Destruction Flags: "Serves You Right!" RTA 24 Hour Record
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saiyef · 2 years
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With One Day Left I'll Break All the Destruction Flags: "Serves You Right!" RTA 24 Hour Record
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prnsn001 · 8 months
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With One Day Left I'll Break All the Destruction Flags: "Serves You Right!" RTA 24 Hour Record
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prnsn001 · 8 months
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With One Day Left I'll Break All the Destruction Flags: "Serves You Right!" RTA 24 Hour Record
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prnsn001 · 8 months
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With One Day Left I'll Break All the Destruction Flags: "Serves You Right!" RTA 24 Hour Record
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