#Wolf Lake Memorial Park
rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Lake County was established on February 16, 1837.
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hotyanderedaddies · 8 months
Yandere Werewolf Park Ranger Helps Search for "Lost" You
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[Yandere! Werewolf! Park Ranger x Missing! GN Reader]
"The search for missing hiker Y/N is still on going. The hiker has been missing for the past week and park officials are diligently searching..."
Park Ranger Wolf (yes, he finds the name ironic too) is Lupine National Forest's best tracker. Whenever a hiker goes missing, local law enforcement enlists his help.
The park ranger knows the forest like the back of his paw, knowing every twist and turn of the trails and able to track down any lost hiker with ease.
Ranger Wolf's werewolf senses permit him to hear the smallest footstep, crunching leaves and twigs alerting him to movement. And humans often wear deodorant and/or perfume, so all he needs is something to get a sniff of, and he's able to sniff his way towards his darling target.
He lives and breathes the forest, and even lives in his own personal cabin that he built with his own hands in the middle of the forest, resting right by the lake.
When you went mysteriously missing one morning, after going on a hike that you didn't return from, the local precinct immediately contacted Ranger Wolf to see if he could track you down.
Your family, eager to find you, provided the werewolf full access to your place, pleading with him to grab whatever he could so that he could get your scent memorized.
He happily shoved his nose into your pillow and underwear and deeply inhaled, instantly getting your scent committed to memory.
"I promise, I will find Y/N," Ranger Wolf told your parents, even placing a reassuring hand on your mother's shoulder.
Ranger Wolf would spend day and night out in the forest, the locals feeling slight relief knowing that he was on the case.
Since he had his cabin located out in the woods, he would stay out in the wilderness twenty-four/seven, only venturing back into town to pick up supplies and give a brief update to the police.
"Still nothing," he'd tell them, "but I won't give up."
"Thank you, Ranger Wolf," the police officer would say, "we really appreciate your help. I'm sure you'll find them in no time..."
"Darling, I'm home!" Ranger Wolf called out as he entered the cabin, doing all of the locks that only he had the key for as soon as he was inside.
You jolted up from your seat and backed against a far corner in the windowless cabin that you were trapped in.
"They're still looking for you," Ranger Wolf chuckled as he began to take off his work uniform, "but don't worry, my love. I keep telling them that I have this territory handled, so no one will come here and try to take you away from me."
The large werewolf snickered for a second, his massive fangs gleaming in the faint light from the lantern that illuminated the tiny cabin he made the two of you share.
"I'd love to see anyone stupid enough to try to take you away from me," he growled.
He paused when he saw you huddled in the corner.
"Oh Darling," he frowned, "it's been a week and you're still afraid of me?" He held his large arms out towards you. "Why don't you come here and give Daddy his kiss?"
You didn't move.
"Darling?" Ranger Wolf/Daddy repeated, his voice deepening slightly, moving his fingers in a beckoning motion. "Come here, please."
You shook your head, trembling in your spot. You really wished that you hadn't strayed away from the trail and had gotten lost last week, only to be found by Ranger Wolf who'd immediately dragged you to his cabin to be his. He never lets you leave.
You're his.
"Come. Here," Ranger Wolf growled, narrowing his eyes at you as he grew impatient.
Not wanting to get punished again, you swallowed hard and took shaky steps across the floor towards the waiting werewolf.
Once you were within arm's reach, Ranger Wolf reached out and yanked you into his hold, cuddling you against his chest as he happily nuzzled you.
"Oh Darling," Ranger Wolf cooed, "I love you so much and I'm so happy that you're here with me. I promise that I'll take good care of you, and once you love me back, then I'll consider taking you into town. Then everyone will see what a cute couple we are: the lost hiker and the park ranger who saved them."
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crappymixtape · 8 months
because of you • part two
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PART I • PART III • PART VI • PART V • EPILOGUE // REQ -> @sattlersquarry ❝ an enemies to lovers fic with Steve? 💙 maybe they have to put aside their differences to fight upside down stuff and realize they actually have a lot in common 👀 • 18+  | ( 3.3k – little bit of king!steve, mostly angst with a dash of fluff, enemies to idiots in love, steve x reader )
B E C A U S E O F Y O U • P A R T T W O 🎶 theatre, etta marcus
‘Stealing a Winnebago’ had been easier than you’d assumed, but the getaway execution went exactly like you thought it would. Absolute disorganized chaos and the way Steve peeled out of the trailer park dumped you into Robin’s lap for the first mile. Made you even more skeptical of whatever half-assed plan these people had frankensteined together and now? You found yourself browsing the clothing section of The War Zone.
What in the hell were they thinking coming here anyway? From Eddie’s retelling of what happened under Lover’s Lake it sounded like not one of them knew anything about hand-to-hand combat, let alone guns. Couldn’t even land a punch, but thought they could handle this? Walls of rifles on display, rounders full of bulletproof gear and cases upon cases of bullets and god, you wanted to leave.
“Hey,” Nancy’s voice pulled your attention away from the tactical vests you were staring at, her eyes wide and earnest as she looked over at you. “If I go over to the counter, you gonna be okay?”
“Oh, totally,” you lied. “Yeah, was gonna go look over here anyway,” and you thumbed over your shoulder at more vests.
“Okay, good.”
She gave you a small Nancy-Wheeler-smile and left you there alone in a sea of camouflage. In the middle of a store you’d never have set foot in before all this and making you second guess yourself. Second guess what was seemingly more and more a stupid decision to go along with all of this and you huffed a sigh in frustration.
“Should’ve stayed in the trailer,” you grumbled under your breath, fighting the urge to just walk out, but apparently you weren’t the only one wandering around all the puke green clothing.
“Huh, didn’t know you had good ideas.”
The sound of Steve’s voice made your hands ball into fists, nails pressing half moons into your palms.
“Do you ever have anything nice to say?” you sneered and he had the audacity to be so causal. Didn’t even look up from the tactical vests he was flipping through and tossed one into his cart.
“Not to you I don’t.”
Anger rose in your chest like a pot boiling over, so hot it made your cheeks burn as you glowered over at him.
“What’s your problem?”
“Don’t have one.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yep,” and still he didn’t look at you. Picked a bomber jacket off the rack and piled it on top of his vest and it was the last straw.
Stalking over to his side of the rounder you got right up in his face, dug a finger into his chest and said, “Liar.”
His eyes flickered at your accusation, sardonic smile pulling at the corners of his mouth as he looked down at you and warned, “Don’t say things you can’t prove, Princess.” And he leaned into your finger. Waited for you to fold. Tsked at your attitude and the sound of it triggered a memory so strong you felt like you’d been sucker punched.
Your second ever interaction with Steve Harrington happened the week before summer break.
You heard it while you were walking back to school from grabbing lunch at the diner. A high, sharp whistle followed by car horn and then—
“Owwww, damn baby!”
And you recognized the voice right away.
Tommy Hagan. Leaning out the passenger window of Steve’s BMW. Wolf-whistling at you and being a dick and you tried to ignore them, but then they were pulling up next to you and slowing way down.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Tommy purred at your back, your mouth twisting into a scowl at the sound of Eddie’s nickname on his tongue. “You need a rid–” he started to ask, but his question cut short when you turned around.
Mouth dropped open in shock for a split second as he realized who you were, Tommy quickly recovered and started to laugh. That obnoxious, hyena-like laugh that made you want to punch him and he smiled and whistled again.
“Shit, Stevie! Who knew the freak had an ass on her!”
“You kiss Carol with that mouth, Tommy?” you shot back, Steve stifling a snicker from the driver’s seat.
“Bet you could do for a kiss, baby,” Tommy tsked, pouted his lips at you and grinned, “Always so damn sour.”
“Yeah? Wanna find out why?” you threatened and it made Tommy grin even wider. Shark-like. Predatory.
“Park it, Stevie,” Tommy didn’t bother looking at his friend, eyes locked on you as he opened the passenger door and jumped out of the car while it was still moving. Walked right up and crowded over you, eyes narrowing as he leaned in, “And what if I do?”
Your stomach lurched, heart leaping into your throat as you stood your ground. You didn’t think he’d take the bait, but you also didn’t shy away. God, you wished Eddie was there. Tilting your chin up in defiance you glared him down.
“Tommy, c’mon man. Just leave it,” you heard Steve’s voice from over Tommy’s shoulder, tinged at the edges with desperation as he ran up on the two of you, but Tommy couldn’t have cared less.
“Well? What’re you gonna do about it, toots?” Tommy pushed again, toes of his shoes knocking against yours as he stepped even closer, towering over you and it hit you like a ton of bricks how in over your head you were.
“Tommy, just leave–”
“I didn’t ask you, Harrington!” Tommy snapped and you took the opportunity.
Grabbing a fistful of his shirt in your hands, you yanked Tommy down into you and drove your knee into his crotch as hard as you could.
“Oh, fuuuuck,” he choked out, folded in half and hands covering his junk as he dry heaved and you took a big step back.
“Coward,” you turned and hurled the word at Steve and watched it land heavy as his face shifted. Brows pinching together and mouth dropped open, but nothing came out as he struggled to say those two little words. I’m sorry. To tell you he wasn’t like his friend, but his silence betrayed him.
“You bitch,” Tommy grunted at you as he tried to straighten up, one hand still over his crotch.
“Don’t move! I’ll–I’ll get you expelled!” you threatened and it made him laugh. A mean, mirthless thing.
“No fuckin’ way. My mom’s on the school board, who’s gonna take your side?”
And you looked back at Steve for a split second, silently asking him to step in and do something, but he stood frozen in place. Still unable to go against his ‘best friend’ and what little belief you had left in him was shattered.
You were done with Steve Harrington.
Shaking your head, you fought back the tears burning at the corners of your eyes and ran up the path to the cafeteria doors. Disappeared behind them with a loud, metallic slam! and left Steve alone to drown in the deafening silence.
Don’t say things you can’t prove, Princess.
It was like no time had passed, like you were still there in that parking lot with Tommy towering over you and tsking at you just like Steve was doing now, but this time you didn't run away.
“Don’t call me that!” you shoved at his chest and he stumbled back a step.
“Don’t call me a liar!”
“All you do is lie, Harrington! Your entire life was built on lies,” you could see his pulse fluttering against his neck. Watched his jaw tick as he clenched down on the words he wanted so badly to throw at you, but you didn’t give him a chance. “Why are you even here? You don’t give a shit about Eddie. You don’t give a shit about anyone, you’re–”
“Enough!” you flinched as his shout drew the attention of a couple older guys looking at the hunting gear. “You don’t know anything about me, okay? Not a god damn thing,” and the second part was quieter, but they way he held your gaze after punctuated it heavy.
He turned away from you, hastily pushing his cart back toward the cashier counter and walked out the double doors, but you weren’t about to let him have the last word.
“Hey, I’m not done!” you shouted after him across the parking lot. Sharp and biting and it made him spin back around, arms flung out at his sides in exasperation.
“Oh, yeah? Fine. What else you got?”
“Well, for one, I’m not going to sit here while you lord around like King Steve. This isn’t high school. No one here gives a shit about any of that.”
He squeezed his eyes shut at his old nickname. Sucked in a breath and let it out slow to try and steady himself.
“I’m not like that anymore.”
“Seriously? Do you hear yourself? You’ve been a dick to me since I set foot in Max’s trailer! And honestly? I’m not surprised! You think I don’t remember all the shit you put me through, put us through in school?” you shot back and he opened his eyes to glare over at you.
“Like I said, Princess–”
“I said don’t call me that!”
“–you don’t have any idea what this is. What we’re up against. None. You’re in over your head.”
“Okay? And what, I’m supposed to sit here on my hands and say, ‘It’s fine! Steve Harrington and all his little friends will fix this’?? You’re out of your mind!”
“And you think you can?” he shot back and your heart rate thrummed heavy in your ears.
“You know, Eddie says he trusts you now, but hell if I will. No fucking way,” and as you turned and cut past him back to the Winnebago he had to jog to keep up.
“Hey! Eddie almost killed me! With a fucking beer bottle!”
You huffed a laugh and kept walking, shaking your head at the accusation and incredulous at the lengths he was going to prove his point.
“Why should I believe you?” you called over your shoulder, “You’re probably just gunning for a headline: Steve Harrington, Hero of Hawkins!”
“Headline?? I–are you kidding me? You think I’d do all this for a headline??”
And finally you stopped at the bottom step of the Winnebago and Steve seized his chance.
“You really think I’m that superficial?” he shot at your back, but you didn’t turn around. Didn’t even acknowledge him and he spent what little patience he had left. “Hey! I’m talking to you!”
But you were already gone. Frozen in place with the world growing dark. Tree line ahead of you blurring. Unfocused and liquid like water and the ground swam under you as a voice echoed in your mind.
I see you.
The sound of Steve still talking behind you turned to fuzz, crackled like radio static and faded away into ear-splitting silence. Deafening and swallowing you whole and then you felt it. The ground falling out from underneath you and you were drowning in the dark and the voice that echoed in your mind pulled you even deeper.
Resisting will only make it worse.
Steve glared daggers at your back. Anger hot and fuming and fueled by the fact that you had the nerve to ignore him and god, he wanted to prove you wrong.
“Are you trying to piss me off? Cos its work–” but the words died in his throat as he came around to face you. “Oh. Oh, shit,” with a quick glance over your shoulder he saw everyone else finally coming out of the store and he didn’t wait to call for help.
“Munson!! Eddie!” Steve yelled over your shoulder at your best friend before grabbing your shoulders in his hands and squeezed at them. Leaned down to try and meet your unfocused, far away gaze and when none of it worked he felt his chest grow tight.
Not again.
“Hey, hey! Look at me!" panic clawed its way up his throat as he shook your shoulders, "Stay with me! Munson–hurry up!”
Your eyes were glazed over, tears gathering at the corners as your whole body started to tremble. Breathing stuttered and caught in your throat. Lips parted and trying to pull air in, but it wasn’t enough and Steve felt his hand twitch. Wanted to press it to your cheek to try and ground you, reach you and bring you back, but then Eddie was finally at your side and shoving Steve out of the way.
“Sweetheart! Can you hear me? Shit, shit, shit. What happened?? Honey? Look at me!” Eddie cradled your face in his hands. Did what Steve couldn’t. Voice ratcheted up, his usual low timbre a high pitched thing driven by fear and hearing it doused any remaining anger that had settled into Steve’s chest and replaced it with something else.
With helplessness. Regret. Remorse.
With the slow realization that everything he’d just said to you wasn’t worth it. Remembered how Nancy had yelled at him, just like you, outside of the gym. You’re bullshit! And his throat squeezed with guilt for messing it all up again because he was bullshit. He was a liar and you were right. Had he learned nothing?
He looked at you, your face contorted with fear, and he felt something new flicker within him. A feeling blooming at the pit of his stomach. One he was so certain couldn’t possibly exist when it came to you, but as he stood there watching Eddie try to shake you back from the dark he wasn’t so sure anymore.
“Steve, help me!” tears cut down Eddie’s cheeks as he called to him and pulled him hurtling back to Earth. Desperate. Pleading. Begging him to do something and it shook Steve back into action.
Heart pounding in his chest, adrenaline coursed through Steve's body and fought off the fear that had threatened to trap him in choke hold.
“Max, gimme your Walkman!” he shouted over your shoulder.
The rest of the group had started running back to the Winnebago as soon as they’d heard yelling and when Steve asked for the cassette player, Max knew time was running out.
“Shit,” she hissed under her breath and broke into a sprint, scrambling to untangle the headphones from around her neck as she hurried to get to you. “Here! It’s still Kate Bush, is that–”
“Doesn’t matter–Munson get these on, hurry!” Steve, snatched the Walkman from Max and crammed it into Eddie’s outstretched hands.
“Please, please, please,” fell from Eddie’s lips, desperate, praying that this would work as he fitted the headphones on and pressed them against your ears, “Please.”
Blinking heavy, you strained your eyes against the black. Against the suffocating dark you suddenly found yourself in. The stand of vivid, green ash trees lining the parking lot replaced by gnarled branches, dark and leafless. Bright yellow buttercups snuffed out by thick, wet vines that snaked their way across the ground under your feet.
You weren’t in the parking lot of the War Zone anymore, not really, and as you breathed in the sickly, ashen air your heart stopped in your chest.
The Upside Down.
“Eddie? Eddie!” you shouted into the dark, red lightening cracking the sky in two, and when no one answered you knew you were utterly alone.
Panic gripped you like a vice as you thought of Chrissy. Of Fred and Patrick and dread filled your stomach. Utter hopelessness and grief and when you whipped around to run you felt something tangle around your leg. Wrapping up, up, up and pulling you down, down, down.
You braced for it, ready to break your fall with your hands, but you never hit and instead found yourself lifting into the air. Unhinged laughter filling your ears as more vines snaked around your arms and legs and you swore you were going to be sick.
It was
“Why isn’t it working?? God dammit, work!” Eddie was yelling at the Walkman, his composure unravelling as Chrissy’s last moments flooded his mind. “Is she gonna die? She can’t die!” he pleaded and his voice cracked, a sob caught in his throat, “Please don’t let her die!”
“Hey hey, hey! Get a hold of yourself. That’s not gonna happen, okay? It’s gonna work,” Steve gripped Eddie’s shoulders, looked him in the eye and tried to reassure him, but when he glanced over at you he knew he couldn’t make that promise. “Please work,” he whispered, “I’m sorry.”
Where are you going? You can’t leave. Not yet.
Vecna’s voice was everywhere. Flooding every part of you and you feared you would never feel joy again. Would never escape this. Would be stuck here forever screaming into the void, hanging on Vecna’s every whim.
I would like very much to show you where I’m going. Please, take a seat.
And the vines yanked you down, squeezed tight around your wrists and legs and held you fast against the ground, rocks digging painfully into your back.
“Please, let me go!” you pleaded into the dark. “Please, I–” but your mouth went dry as a shadowy figure appeared through the ash. Coming closer and closer in the dark with each heavy step and when it finally stopped, feet at your head, your blood ran cold.
Wet, sinewy skin. Muscles exposed and stretched taut. Eyes that pierced your mind and knew every single one your thoughts. Knew all the dark things spiraling there and made them worse. Clawed at you with spindly, protruding hands and long, dagger-like claws and suffocated you with the smell of something rotten.
Of decay.
Of death.
Reaching a hand down, Vecna held it over your face, inches away from touching you as you struggled against your restraints, but they constricted tighter with your every move.
“Please,” you were crying openly now, tears cutting paths through the ash that had settled on your cheeks, but he ignored you.
I want you to tell your friends, I want you to tell them everything you see. Everything I show you.
“No, please!”
Tell them!
“No, I can’t–”
Tell them everything!
And then your head felt like was being cleaved in two. White hot light fracturing the black sky into thick shards and your screams were the only thing you could hear as Vecna pried open your mind and poured into you his vision for the future...
Hawkins in ruin.
Four gashes in the earth. Cavernous. Hot and angry and full of fire.
Your family. Lying scattered across your lawn. Motionless and still and limbs bent wrong.
Tell them!
Your friends hanging in the air just like Chrissy, Fred, Patrick.
Eyes empty, slack-jawed and lifeless, bones snapped like twigs.
Tell them!
Eddie and Robin and Nancy and Steve and–
“NO!” you screamed, the sound pulled painfully from your lungs as you felt your legs give way and collapsed into yourself.
“Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa–”
Steve scrambled to grab hold of your shoulder and barely caught you before your bare knees hit the pavement.
You heard birds chirping. Sunlight filtering through the backs of your eyelids as you kept them squeezed shut, but the air was clean. Smelled fresh and as you slowly opened your eyes you realized you weren’t choking on ash anymore.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Steve was still holding onto you, your hands pressed into his thighs as you braced yourself, the feeling of nausea overwhelming.
“I saw him,” you whispered, only Steve could hear you and you started to cry.
“Him?” Steve asked unnecessarily, glancing up at Eddie. Hoping, no praying, if he asked maybe you’d give a different answer. One that wouldn’t involve death and the end of the world and everything hinging on this stupid fucking plan, but he knew.
Everyone knew.
Eyes glued on their feet. Arms folded over their chests and uneasy with the weight that had settled over the group.
crappymixtape™ • steve harrington masterlist // stranger things masterlist ♥️ reblogs and comments keep me going, friends! ily! ♥️
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marticoresims · 11 days
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A little project that was supposed to be just for fun, but felt so cool I decided to give it a little more character, make it CC-free and share it.
I adore the original townies of the base game. At some point I noticed that some of the adults share similarities with teens and kids - so I figured out how to merge them into whole families, based on their shared face templates, genetics and/or last names. Sadly, some last names were lost in the process, so I kept a few of them alive in street names.
And there are two things that annoy me about this town. First, FIVE (5) Sims use the 7th face template (Marylena, Melissa, teen Ivy, Orlando and Chandler). Second, the names Ivy and Orlando are doubled. But well, they're townies originally!
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There are 12 families, that's quite a lot for a starting neighborhood, but many of them are single Sims (often single parents), so they have the potential to merge.
The families:
Bendett-LeTourneau Marisa Bendett and her daughters Sophie and Meadow, Brandi LeTourneau and her kids Alvin and Chloe.
GilsCarbo Goopy GilsCarbo is married to Marylena Hamilton (now GilsCarbo) and they have a teenage daughter named Ivy.
Cox Kennedy, Melissa and their two sons: Orlando and Chandler. They own a dog named Otis. Chandler is not Kennedy's biological son, see Melissa's memories for details.
Copur Ivy Copur and her roommate Abhijeet Deppiesse.
Tellerman Jan living alone, next door to her brother Komei.
Tellerman Komei, Christy and their daughter Brittany. There's a new baby on the way!
Centowski Orlando and Ricky living alone as teenagers after both their parents passed away.
Sims Benjamin Cox (Kennedy's brother), his fiancé Amin Sims, and their cat Heidi.
Sims Joe Sims (Amin's brother) and his daughter Marsha.
Lillard Brandon and his a lot younger sister Tosha.
Hogan Andrea and her teenage son Randy.
Bruty Sandy.
Other population notes: Anything other than the Pleasantview game folder has been cleared out of character files, so there are no vanilla pets, social groups, garden club members etc. All service Sims are Maxis because they belong in the Pleasantview folder. The only typically Maxis pets are Otis and Heidi that are replicas of the original adoption pool pets made in CAS. Other than that, if you call the adoption center, the game will spawn brand new strays and pets to adopt (NoStrayRespawn will prevent it). So don't panic if your game freezes for a few seconds! The only dog that already exists is a beta wolf named Bob. The alpha wolf is also to be generated and his name will probably be Balin. Since the townies are now playables, I made a few townie children, teens and adults. They are CAS Bin Sims. There's also the founder Sim that I needed as the first playable to spawn all the townies on the lot (his name is Deighton Freeman) and Nerissa Bee who's supposed to be the clothing store owner. This neighborhood has no subhoods. Feel free to add them if needed.
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Townieville landscape: Made on the Sedona map but in lush, the town gives (as one of my viewers pointed out) the Blue Ridge Mountains vibe! So it could be located in North Carolina or Virginia.
All the houses are Maxis, just furnished by me. Some of them have been reconstructed on the inside so the families have enough space. Four families live in an apartment building that I built from scratch.
There are many needed community lots: a town pool, a clothing store, a convenience store, a game arcade, a tiny bistro, a park, a graveyard. Some of them are built by me and some are Maxis lots from the bin (often edited by me). There's also a lake beach on the hill, close to the Sims family.
The town revolves around a big hospital building where Brandi and Marisa work as doctors.
Hope you like it! Happy Simming!
Credits: SimsWiki, because the hell would I remember everyone's eye color lmao
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whiteravengreywolf · 14 days
Wish You Were Here - a Wolfwren fanfiction
A/N: Hello everyone! I'm back with another story in the Life of the Wolf, the Wren and their Cub series! This time they are taking a little vacation to Krownest! Here is the beginning and if you enjoy it you'll find the link to the full story at the end!
It took about a year for Uschi to finally convince her mother to take her to Krownest. It wasn’t just that Sabine didn’t want to go back there. The place was charged with a lot of memories, some of which she wasn’t sure she was ready to confront. But it was also Uschi’s inheritance, and the girl deserved to play in the snow for a little while before she was too old to enjoy it to its fullest. So, despite her hesitation, Sabine packed up everything they needed in the shuttle and they journeyed to the New Kleyman system.
Uschi was positively vibrating in her seat as they pulled out of hyperspace and approached the frozen planet. Shin had been driving, as if to spare Sabine, to let her focus on her emotions, but once they approached the orbit of the planet, Sabine took over, driving them down toward the Wren stronghold.
Uschi gasped when they broke through the clouds and she saw the snow for the first time. It smeared down the slopes of grey mountains like rough brushstrokes, powdered the leaves of trees and carpeted the ground. The lower they descended, the shinier it seemed. They flew over a frozen lake, and the stronghold came into view, drawing another gasp from the girl. It was made of glass and concrete, jutting out of the mountain and standing like a stack of boxes on the edge of the lake.
“Is this where you grew up?” Uschi asked.
“It’s so cool.”
Sabine brought the shuttle on the roof, where they used to keep their small fleet of ships, and she parked it there. Once the landing pads rested steadily on the roof, she cut out the engines. While Uschi unbuckled her seatbelt and rushed out of the cockpit, Sabine wasn’t so quick to move. She took a deep breath, hands rubbing at her knees like she wasn’t sure she would be able to get up. Shin placed a hand on her lap, drawing her attention.
“I can keep her occupied, if you need a moment.”
Sabine sighed, but gave her a small smile.
“I’m fine.”
Shin stared a second longer at her, as if trying to deciphering how much Sabine was lying. Enough to be concerned, but not enough to call her out on it. She gave a little nod.
“Alright,” Sabine said, finally, as she stood up. “Let’s get her inside before she freezes over.”
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princesssarisa · 4 months
"Faerie Tale Theatre" Posthumous Reunion: The Stars' Final Resting Places
Some people might think I'm obsessed with death. A minor hobby of mine is to research celebrities' final resting places, via the website Find a Grave and the YouTube channel Hollywood Graveyard. And I like perusing themed guides to famous graves. For example, Hollywood Graveyard's videos themed to Christmas, Halloween, the cast and crew of The Wizard of Oz, cast and crew members of The Twilight Zone, etc., or Find A Grave's "Posthumous Reunion" pages for famous movie and TV show casts, sports teams, etc.
I decided to create a similar guide for the cast of Shelley Duvall's Faerie Tale Theatre. Sadly, all too many stars of that cult classic series are no longer with us. Here's a guide (with links to Find a Grave pages) to the various places where those stars are buried, in case anyone here might like to visit a few someday.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @thealmightyemprex
Aughaval Cemetery – Westport, Ireland
*Joseph Maher (Narrator, Cinderella/Sultan, Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp)
Blue Grass Memorial Gardens and Mausoleum – Nicholasville, Kentucky, USA
*Harry Dean Stanton (Rip van Winkle, Rip van Winkle)
Eternal Hills Memorial Park – Oceanside, California, USA
*Karen Black (The Sea Witch, The Little Mermaid)
Fairview Cemetery – Linden, Michigan, USA
*Max Wright (Prince Heinrick, The Dancing Princesses)
Fir Grove Cemetery – Ada, Oregon, USA
*Bridgette Andersen (Gretel, Hansel and Gretel)
Forest Cemetery – Circleville, Ohio, USA
*Conchata Ferrell (Mother, Thumbelina)
Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Hollywood Hills – Los Angeles, California, USA
*Carrie Fisher (Thumbelina, Thumbelina)
*Fred Willard (Paul Pig, The Three Little Pigs)
*Brock Peters (The Ogre, Puss in Boots)
*Pat McCormick (King Fredrico, The Princess and the Pea)
Forest Park Lawndale Cemetery – Houston, Texas, USA
*Shelley Duvall (series creator and hostess/The Miller's Daughter, Rumpelstiltskin/Rapunzel, Rapunzel/voice of the Nightingale, The Nightingale/Snow White's Mother, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
Genola Rural Cemetery – Los Angeles, California, USA
John P. Ryan (Hendrick Hudson, Rip Van Winkle)
Green Hill Cemetery – Muskogee, Oklahoma, USA
*James Noble (King Rupert, Cinderella)
Hillside Memorial Park – Culver City, California, USA
*Leonard Nimoy (The Evil Magician, Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp)
*Dick Shawn (The Emperor, The Emperor’s New Clothes)
Hollywood Forever Cemetery – Los Angeles, California, USA
*Paul Reubens (Pinocchio, Pinocchio)
Holy Cross Cemetery – Culver City, California, USA
*Chris Penn (Will Tussenbrook, Rip Van Winkle)
Lake Lawn Park Cemetery and Mausoleum – New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
*Severn Darden (Farmer Silas, The Princess Who Had Never Laughed)
Lincoln Cemetery – Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, USA
*Jean Stapleton (The Giantess, Jack and the Beanstalk/The Fairy Godmother, Cinderella)
Mount Shasta Memorial Park – Mount Shasta, California, USA
*Brandis Kemp (Mama Bear, Goldilocks and the Three Bears/voice of Nadine Wolf, The Three Little Pigs)
Mount Sinai Memorial Park – Los Angeles, California, USA
*Frances Bay (Granny, Little Red Riding Hood)
*Georgia Brown (Maggie, The Emperor’s New Clothes)
Mountain View Cemetery – Oakland, California, USA
*Jack Fletcher (The Wizard, Rumpelstiltskin)
Queen of Heaven Catholic Cemetery – Hillside, Illinois, USA
*George Kirby (The King, Puss in Boots)
Polizzi Generosa Cemetery – Palermo, Sicily, Italy
*Vincent Sciavelli (The Priest, Pinocchio)
Riverside Cemetery – Old Saybrook, Connecticut, USA
*Art Carney (Morty, The Emperor’s New Clothes)
Riverview Cemetery – Hamilton, Montana, USA
*Hoyt Axton (The Ranger, Goldilocks and the Three Bears)
Rose Hills Memorial Park – Whittier, California, USA
*Keye Luke (Imperial Doctor, The Nightingale)
Saint Charles Cemetery – East Farmingdale, New York, USA
*Ray Sharkey (Grand Vizier, Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp)
Saint Peter Churchyard – Blackland, Wiltshire, England
*David Hemmings (Narrator, Thumbelina/The Reindeer, The Snow Queen)
Saint Voldoldymyr Ukrainian Cemetery – Oakville, Ontario, Canada
*Gregory Hines (Edgar, Puss in Boots)
Valley Oaks Memorial Park – Los Angeles, California, USA
*Stephen Furst (Peter Pig, The Three Little Pigs)
Westwood Village Memorial Park – Los Angeles, California, USA
*Eve Arden (The Stepmother, Cinderella)
*James Coburn (The G**sy, Pinocchio)
*Doris Roberts (Mother Pig, The Three Little Pigs)
*Tim Conway (The Mayoral Candidate, Rip Van Winkle)
*Frank Zappa (Attila, The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers)
*Lu Leonard (Mrs. Toad, Thumbelina)
*Gena Rowlands (The Witch, Rapunzel)
William Henry Lee Memorial Cemetery – Los Angeles, California, USA
*Beatrice Straight (Queen Veronica, The Princess and the Pea)
Cremated, Ashes Held Privately or Scattered
*Robin Williams (Prince Robin, The Tale of the Frog Prince)
*Hervé Villechaize (Rumpelstiltskin, Rumpelstiltskin)
*Christopher Reeve (The Prince, Sleeping Beauty)
*Treat Williams (Prince Andrew, The Little Mermaid)
*Brian Dennehy (King Neptune, The Little Mermaid)
*Klaus Kinski (The Beast, Beauty and the Beast)
*Roddy McDowell (Narrator, Rapunzel)
*Christopher Lee (King Vladimir, The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers)
*Dana Hill (Princess Amanda, The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers)
*Vincent Price (The Magic Mirror, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs/Narrator, The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers)
*David Warner (The Innkeeper, The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers)
*Jeff Corey (Father, The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers)
*Jack Riley (Sexton, The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers)
*Ned Beatty (The King, Rumpelstiltskin)
*Roy Dotrice (Peter Vanderdonk, Rip Van Winkle/The King, The Dancing Princesses)
*Zelda Rubinstein (Old Woman, The Dancing Princesses)
*Burgess Meredith (Mr. Mole, Thumbelina)
*Lee Remick (The Snow Queen, The Snow Queen)
*Lance Kerwin (Kai, The Snow Queen)
*Linda Manz (The Robber Girl, The Snow Queen)
*René Auberjonois (King Ulrich, The Tale of the Frog Prince/King Boris, Sleeping Beauty)
*Sally Kellerman (Queen Natasha, Sleeping Beauty)
*Barrie Ingham (Finance Minister, The Emperor’s New Clothes/Tutor, The Princess Who Had Never Laughed)
*Richard Libertini (King Murray, Sleeping Beauty)
*Alex Karras (Papa Bear, Goldilocks and the Three Bears)
*Katherine Helmond (Jack’s Mother, Jack and the Beanstalk)
*John Vernon (Father, Little Red Riding Hood)
*Mako (Gardener/Minister, The Nightingale)
*Billy Curtis (Barnaby, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
*Rae Allen (Aladdin’s Mother, Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp)
*Howard Hesseman (The King, The Princess Who Had Never Laughed)
*Jackie Vernon (Phlegmatic Jack, The Princess Who Had Never Laughed)
*Albert Hague (Nicholas Vedder, Rip Van Winkle)
*James Earl Jones (Genies of the Lamp and the Ring, Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp)
Donated to Medical Science
*Ian Abercrombie (The Royal Cobbler, The Dancing Princesses)
Unknown (Not Publicly Revealed or No Information Online)
*Carl Reiner (Geppetto, Pinocchio)
*Alan Arkin (Bo, The Emperor’s New Clothes)
*Peter Risch (Bruno, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs/Herald, Puss in Boots)
*Lou Carry (Bertram, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
*Stephen Elliott (Father, Beauty and the Beast)
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csny · 5 months
Alaska: Igloo, Kodiak bear, Iditarod sled dog race, Denali
Hawaii: pearl harbor, pineapple
washington: Space Needle, apple, mt st helens, rainier national park
oregon: roses, lighthouse, crater lake, oregon trail, hiking
california: redwood tree, white water rafting, gold, golden gate bridge, silicon valley, yosemite national park, wine country, sierra nevada mountains, hollywood, joshua tree
nevada: silver, las vegas strip, hoover dam
idaho: gemstones, potatoes
montana: rocky mountains, glacier national park, grizzly bear, bison
wyoming: yellowstone national park, old faithful geyser, bucking bronco
utah: great salt lake, zion national park, skiing
arizona: lake mead, grand canyon national park, montezuma castle, turquoise, saguaro cactus
new mexico: pueblo, yucca plant, carlsbad caverns
colorado: rocky mountain national park, columbine flower, elk
north dakota: oil, wind energy
south dakota: crazy horse memorial, the badlands, mount rushmore
nebraska: chimney rock, bald eagle, train
kansas: tornadoes, dodge city, sunflower
oklahoma: tomato, wheat, osage shield
texas: cattle, prickly pear cactus, oil refinery, the alamo, NASA Johnson space Center
Minnesota: lake of the woods, wolf, deer
iowa: prairie grass, corn
missouri; Hog, gateway arch
arkansas: razorback hog, banjo
louisiana: crayfish, mardi gras, jazz music
wisconsin: dairy
illinois: Willis tower, tractor, lincoln
michigan: copper, iron ore, automobile manufacturing, motown
indiana: Car
ohio: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, tires
pennsylvania: street mill, liberty bell
new jersey: constitution
maryland: blue crab
virginia: mount vernon
north carolina: wright brothers national memorial, tobacco farm, great smoky mountains national park, appalachian mountains
south carolina: fort sumter
georgia: peanuts, peach
florida: oranges, kennedy space center, alligator, everglades national park
alabama: cotton, civil rights movement
mississippi: magnolia
tennessee: country music
kentucky: horse racing
west virginia: coal
new york: apple tree, financial market, statue of liberty
massachusetts: american revolution
vermont: maple syrup
new hampshire: fall colors
maine: acadia national park, moose, lobster
And don’t make me repeat it!!!!!!!
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earthling-wolf · 14 days
What D&D Alignment is Chase Hunter from Echo?
if you don't know the details of this project, check here
What D&D Alignment are the characters in Echo?
I am doing a The Loading Crew-style DnD alignment analysis of the main characters of Echo, starting with protagonist Chase Hunter, Chase is a college student who returns to his hometown of Echo to spend time with his childhood friends when he was a kid he was possessed by the ghostly simulacrum of Samuel Ayers which through the years has slowly chipped away at his personality until he became the ridiculously average guy that he is now, he is passive and indecisive so I give him the starting alignment of TRUE NEUTRAL
"Upon arriving in Echo, Chase initially resolves to finish his school project while also spending as much time as possible with his friends as a group. He is somewhat nervous to be reunited with Leo in particular after their unclear standing and lack of contact, but is relieved to find that the wolf is simply happy to see him."
LAWFUL GOOD for going on this trip (lawful neutral for the school project, neutral good for spending time with his friends)
"On Sunday, Chase and his friends visit Southwest Adventures. After returning from the amusement park, Leo approaches Chase with the idea of reuniting as a couple, to which Chase is hesitant but not entirely opposed."
NEUTRAL GOOD for the amusement park, NEUTRAL for the talk with Leo
"The following day, Chase and his friends visit Yeeyah River so that he can go for a swim and get some footage of Lake Emma for his project. Upon returning from the water, Chase finds that things have become tense; he arrives just in time for Flynn to verbally condemn each member of the group for seeming to make light of Sydney's death, or in TJ's case, for staying silent about what he witnessed during the incident. Flynn then storms off as the rest of the group splits off in different directions. This forces Chase to pursue one of his friends, who he will then continue to spend time with throughout the week."
LAWFUL NEUTRAL for working on his project
"On Carl's route, Chase stays at Carl's mansion to utilize the records of town history cataloged by Carl's mother to complete his project. He also bonds with Carl over shared memories and is surprised to find Carl occasionally seeming to come on to him. Chase is skeptical of Carl's claim that his house is haunted, though he discovers that Carl sleepwalks and witnesses a variety of unnatural phenomena as the week progresses. Throughout the week, Chase has the option to try and help Carl through his anxieties beyond the haunting. He and Carl also reconnect with a friend from high school, Raven. On Saturday, Chase and his friends meet up at Lake Emma to seek closure for Sydney's death. To break the tension that arises, Chase wades into the lake and his friends stop arguing to join him in the water. After Chase nearly drowns, however, painful memories reassert themselves, and the group fragments once again. In the chaos of the group's scuffle, Chase leaves with Carl."
LAWFUL NEUTRAL for working on his project, NEUTRAL GOOD for bonding with Carl and Raven, and 2x LAWFUL GOOD for everything at the reunion at Lake Emma
"Later, Chase finds himself trapped in an unfamiliar house with Carl, Raven, and Jenna after falling unconscious in Carl's mansion. The group soon finds that they are in some sort of "game" that an unknown presence has set up to capitalize on the centuries-old conflict between two of Echo's ghosts: James Hendricks I, Carl's ancestor, and his betrayed former lover John Begay, Jenna's ancestor, each of whom is possessing his respective descendant. To escape the "game," Chase and his friends are forced to find articles relating to the history of James and John to expose the truth of their story. Eventually, Jenna physically attacks Carl, causing him to temporarily be freed of James' influence. At this time, Chase can choose to encourage Carl to accept James' help or fight it off."
2x LAWFUL NEUTRAL for generally being a team player and trying to keep the peace for the sake of their collective survival
"Should Chase tell Carl to let the ghost help, Carl will increasingly become more callous toward his friends, especially Jenna. At the end of the route, Carl knocks Chase out. When he awakens, he finds that a James-possessed Carl has killed Jenna and Raven and plans to set the mansion aflame to destroy all historical records that could expose his history as a serial killer pedophile. Chase manages to free Carl from possession and escape from the burning mansion with the help of the spirits of James' victims, but Carl is seemingly left despondent by his possessed actions."
2x NEUTRAL GOOD for saving Carl
"If Chase tells Carl to fight off the ghost, however, Carl remains his normal self and assists the group despite Jenna's increased aggression. Carl is later overcome with anxiety and runs off, forcing Chase to follow him into what seems to be a distorted recreation of their college campus. Upon finding Carl, the ram informs Chase that he has "figured out" his anxiety and that he needs to choose how to live his own life without others making choices for him before revealing that they have been hallucinating the whole experience and have been in Echo the whole time. The two then return to the mansion, where Chase breaks Jenna of possession by promising John that he will reveal the truth of James' actions to the world. In an epilogue, Chase and Carl attend college together once again (though purely as friends) as Chase puts the finishing touches on his project on Echo's history."
4x NEUTRAL GOOD for going after Carl and then for going back to save Jenna and Raven, LAWFUL GOOD for honoring his promise to John
"On Leo's route, Chase reconnects with Leo over the week. He discovers that since he left for college, Leo has struggled with his loneliness and feelings of having peaked in life. He also finds that Leo has taken on more aggressive tendencies, frequently getting in fights with Clint and arguing with Duke. Chase also meets Leo's neighbor, Kudzu. Eventually, Chase and Leo decide to rekindle their romantic relationship. Should Chase decide to check Leo's texts, however, he finds that Leo has been lying to the rest of their friends to keep Chase separated from them."
despite how bad they are for each other, the act of trying to genuinely bond and start a relationship with Leo is still NEUTRAL GOOD
"Regardless of whether Chase discovers this and confronts Leo regarding his actions, the hysteria begins on Saturday. Chase and Leo are attacked at the diner by Brian and Duke, who kill Janice in front of them and kidnap the two. After spending a day trapped in Brian's trailer, Chase is freed by Kudzu and convinces the raccoon to help him rescue Leo. After the duo successfully save Leo, they attempt to flee Echo with TJ and Carl only to be teleported to the lake by a strange monster. Throughout this time, Leo begins exhibiting increasingly possessive behavior toward Chase, which disturbs the otter greatly. This culminates in Chase and Kudzu briefly separating from a violently jealous Leo to find Jenna, only for Chase to be kidnapped by Brian and taken to the mines. Chase manages to escape the murderous bear by appealing to a voice in his head for help and makes it out of the mine with the help of Flynn, who he runs into on the way."
2x NEUTRAL for confronting Leo, 4x NEUTRAL GOOD for trying to save Leo and the rest of their friends, 2X LAWFUL GOOD for stopping Leo from killing Clint, 2x CHAOTIC NEUTRAL for leaving Leo's house without warning, and 6x NEUTRAL for all the times where he (tries) to escape captivity
"Flynn and Chase reunite with the rest of their friends, who have decided to try escaping Echo by hopping aboard an apparent ghost train that passes through the town. Before they can do so, however, Leo confronts Chase about their relationship. Should Chase tell Leo they will figure things out later, the wolf pulls Chase off the train after boarding, accidentally severing the otter's legs from his body as the train passes over them. Leo then kills Kudzu and takes Chase back to his house, where he cuddles him until he bleeds to death as the otter reminiscences on their relationship."
2x NEUTRAL for trying and escape the town (in both good and bad endings)
"Should Chase break things off, however, Leo will allow Chase to escape the town with the rest of their friends but stays behind himself. Chase is devastated by the wolf seemingly abandoning them and grieves the horrors of Echo as the train arrives in Payton. Two years later, Chase and Kudzu, who are now a couple, pass through Echo to briefly visit Leo. Leo reveals to Chase that he has cried for him every night since they parted, but he has finally moved on- even removing his anchor bracelet. Leo tells Chase that he must figure out how to continue living without Chase in his life, though the otter tearfully affirms that someday they will meet again."
2x NEUTRAL one for each year of time-skip where Chase presumably just tries living his normal life trying to cope with his new trauma, NEUTRAL GOOD for the whole meeting with Leo
"Chase's behavior on TJ's route varies greatly from his actions throughout the rest of the game. In the early days of the route, Chase hikes with TJ and does yardwork for Janice alongside him. During this time, Chase experiences an odd sense of warped perceptions, as well as a steadily increasing attraction toward TJ. On Thursday, Carl reveals that he has discovered what appears to be the start of a treasure hunt set up by Sydney before his death. Despite Chase's reluctance, TJ insists that he, Jenna, and Carl work together to complete the hunt to gain closure."
NEUTRAL GOOD for the hike and generally trying to bond with TJ at the beginning, LAWFUL GOOD for helping TJ with the Janice stuff, LAWFUL NEUTRAL for the initial agreeing to the treasure hunt
"As the group continues the treasure hunt, the clues they find begin to take on more sinister tones that seem to implicate Chase for an unknown crime. An increasingly paranoid Chase eventually decides to find the final clue by himself and upon reading it, replaces it with a false letter. When the group goes to collect the final letter the next day, Chase accuses Carl and Flynn of having set up the hunt to hurt the rest of the group and leaves with TJ. At this point, Chase's feelings toward TJ become borderline obsessive, as he jealously fumes over his interactions with Julian and gets into a physical fight with Flynn. This culminates in Chase attempting to kiss TJ against his will in a nearby forest, causing the lynx to run away. Chase proceeds to stand alone in the forest for hours before returning to the motel after being threatened by some sort of supernatural presence."
8x CHAOTIC EVIL for the following: needlessly incriminating Flynn, indirectly and remorselessly causing Carl to break his leg, fighting Flynn at the motel, being a creep to TJ in the forest
"Upon returning to the hotel on Saturday, Chase is ushered into the bathroom by an unknown entity that convinces him that Flynn has discovered his secret and the only way for both him and Echo itself to survive is to ensure that he doesn't tell it. Chase takes a nap, during which he dreams about drowning Sydney as a child. Upon waking up, Julian informs Chase that Flynn has taken TJ to the lake to try and draw the truth of Sydney's death out one last time. Chase rushes to the lake and confronts Flynn over the true version of the final treasure hunt note, which depicts Chase himself drowning Sydney as TJ cries. Flynn begins to assault Chase over the note, but he and TJ manage to fight him off as Chase drags the gila into the lake and holds him there until he drowns. Chase exits the lake and comforts a distraught TJ, asking him to try and forget and resolving to "protect" the lynx from now on as the route ends."
4x NEUTRAL EVIL for Flynn's murder and later covert up
"Flynn's route begins with Chase chasing the gila down to confront him following his outburst at the lake. From this point, Chase spends an extended amount of time with Flynn, Carl, and Flynn's roommate Daxton, and enters a sexual relationship with the Gila. As Chase works on his school project and learns more about Flynn, he agrees to support the lizard in confronting TJ about the truth of Syd's death. Flynn repeatedly questions Chase on his odd behavior when it comes to his decision-making, though he claims to be unaware of what the gila means."
NEUTRAL GOOD for the bonding, CHAOTIC NEUTRAL for his relationship with Flynn specifically in regards to how he deals with Leo, LAWFUL NEUTRAL for the project
"On Thursday night, Chase follows Flynn to a nearby gay bar called The Smoke Room. Here, Chase can choose to have sex with Flynn amid the other patrons or simply walk out. Regardless of his choice, Chase feels horrified by the establishment and leaves. The next day, he attends a barbecue alongside his friends (except Flynn) and Daxton. Chase has the option to talk to Leo about their relationship at this point, which affects the wolf's behavior later in the route."
CHAOTIC NEUTRAL for spying on Flynn's phone and sneaking out, NEUTRAL GOOD for the stuff at the barbecue
"On Saturday, Chase arrives at town hall to support Flynn in confronting TJ. Shortly after however, Leo and Jenna arrive, Chase, having secretly informed them that Flynn was once again verbally assaulting TJ. Chase then condemns Flynn himself, claiming that Flynn had manipulated him throughout the week. Before things can come to blows, however, TJ finally speaks up to reveal that on the day of Sydney's death, he saw "two brown figures writhing in the water." In a panic, Chase runs into the town hall's reading room while his friends are distracted by the sound of gunshots outside and he is locked in the room by Flynn for questioning- only to be bitten by a nest of black widow spiders and fall unconscious."
2x NEUTRAL EVIL for trowing Flynn betraying to keep his secret, 2x CHAOTIC NEUTRAL for running away
"When Flynn and the others return, Chase is found alive but badly injured by the spiders. His personality is noted by Flynn to be drastically different and more in line with his childhood self, as he becomes more whiny and snarky. Flynn attempts to confront Chase over TJ's testimony, but the otter informs Flynn that he remembers nothing. The group manages to defend Chase against Duke and the rest of the town who wish to execute him in hopes of ending the hysteria and unsuccessfully attempt to escape the town before being teleported to the lake by a mysterious being. After escaping the lake, Chase accompanies the rest of his friends sans Flynn, Carl, and Daxton back to Leo's house to recuperate."
no ding, he kinda does nothing the rest of the route
"In the epilogue, an older Chase meets a pair of paranormal investigators in a mostly abandoned Echo. He reveals to them that he got his big journalism break by covering the story of the hysteria, but could never live up to this legacy and no longer works in the field. Chase has also taken up smoking at this point. He then shows the couple the entrance to the mines before leaving the two on their own after indirectly being accused of having involvement in Flynn's death."
5x NEUTRAL one for each year of just living his life, CHAOTIC NEUTRAL for ditching Cam and Dev
"In Jenna's route, Chase attempts to spend time with the fox and the rest of his friends only to find that Carl has gone missing. Chase aids in the search efforts throughout the week alongside the rest of his friends, spending time with Jenna in particular. Depending on if Chase told Jenna he was bisexual at the start of the game, he may enter a sexual relationship with her over the week. Chase also ends up centered in a conflict between Leo and Jenna, who are at particular odds with one another over Jenna's role in their breakup and ongoing estrangement."
2x NEUTRAL GOOD one for bonding with Jenna and another for looking for Carl
"On Friday, Chase has a dream about the death of an old man in a hit-and-run incident, as well as his childhood self opening up the doors of the same van during the events of Route 65. He then receives a call from Micha, who informs him that Leo is wreaking havoc on Jasmynn Street in search of Carl. Chase arrives just in time to get involved in a physical conflict between Leo and Brian. Chase then takes the concussed wolf back to the hotel for Jenna to provide first aid, where Leo deliriously reveals Chase's habit of drunkenly texting him about getting back together while at college. The trio then witness what appears to be The Embrace comforting Leo before Brian arrives and abducts them."
2x LAWFUL GOOD for trying to deal with the Leo situation
"Chase awakens in Brian's trailer alongside Leo and Carl, followed shortly by Jenna and Micha. Duke confronts Chase over his potential role in the ongoing hysteria, then leaves the group at Brian's mercy. As Brian tortures Chase by sewing him to Leo's side, a mysterious creature matching Jenna's description of her childhood "Guardian Angel" appears and seemingly kills the bear. The group then exits the trailer and stumbles across the van from Chase's dream, where Chase is numbly shocked to find out about the full events of the night he and Leo got together. Chase also discovers the body of the old man from his dream and identifies him as Samuel Ayers, who he realizes is the presence that occasionally speaks to him internally."
no alignment because the only thing he did was dig Sam's body and that was because of possession
"Reuniting with TJ and Flynn, Chase accompanies the group into Heather's house to rescue Carl. If Chase earlier agreed with Jenna regarding her feelings toward people who don't want to be helped and expressed a negative view of their shared past, Jenna convinces Flynn to kill Heather before stealing her diagrams of the dam and destroying the town by opening the floodgates as Chase and the others look on in shock from the road outside of Echo. Should Chase have been more optimistic in his responses, however, he will accompany the others to the dam to stop Heather's plan of flooding the town (though he ends up being more of a bystander in the ensuing confrontation.)"
2x LAWFUL GOOD for trying to help save the town
"In the epilogue, Chase escapes Echo with the rest of his friend group. Chase reports the discovery of Sam's body to the police and has a meal at a diner in Payton with the others as Jenna apologizes for her behavior. Should Chase have shared a romantic relationship with Jenna, he eagerly accepted her offer to let him invite her out on a "proper" date later on. As the route ends, Chase attempts to determine whether he is still inhabited by Sam's presence to ambiguous results."
LAWFUL GOOD for reporting Sam's body
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year
final cress thoughts!!!!
i absolutely inhaled that book holy shit lol. got winter at the bookstore today because shipment just arrived and i gotta say it's HELLA chonky. i am EXCITED. of course fairest will have to come first
since the plan has been explained to us the readers, that means it's DEFO gonna go wrong (note: it did - sybil ambushed them)
god why is cress married to everyone. first thorne now wolf
rolling my eyes sighing bile is rising in my throat. i CANNOT take this alpha nonsense. admittedly when cress says it in a brightest star of a constellation way, that's cute. unfortunately the omegaverse connotations cancels it out completely
OMG CINDER AND KAI FINALLY. I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR SO LONG. rip to everyone that was reading these as they came out because i can't imagine how PAINFUL it would have been to wait two years for them to see each other again as opposed to me just binging the books across like 3 weeks max by the time i finish the series
respect for torin holy shit that must have been SUCH a hard choice for him to make to not only let the prince go but to reveal his tracker chip
I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT THE PLAGUE IS BIOWARFARE. i'm a genius. but the mutated strain was just genuinely a coincidence judging by levana's reaction LMAO
was absolutely baffled why tf thorne was kissing cress before i remembered the promise he made. i feel sickly and nauseous. get off that minor rn
as much as i hate thorne. gotta admit that the shooting scene was badass
wonder who the queen is married to
i respect every ounce of rebellion in erland's bones. yeah piss off the queen!!
grossed out by cress and thorne some more. please man keep pushing her away. literally his responsibility as an adult. ew
holy shit scarlet actually lost her finger
it's nice to properly meet winter
something very strange seems to be going on with winter. master and pet lunar stuff?? weird af. wants to be besties?? girl are you even understanding the situation?? also has she never met a ranga before??? is she HIGH????? and what's with the role playing games??? she's somehow more delulu than cress, acts even YOUNGER than her actual age than cress does
winter seems to THINK that she was friends with cinder. interesting. once again i want cinder to get her memories of pre-fire back real bad
winter is a SIMP for jacin
OH I'M SO DUMB HOW DIDN'T I REALISE THAT SHE WOULD BE DELULU BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T USE HER GLAMOUR. respect for winter has increased. this means that ALL the time scarlet spent thinking about how beautiful winter is was the truth LMAO. gay gay homosexual gay. is it too much to hope for a polycule?? they'd literally be like parks and rec. "i'm wolf andthis is my gf scarlet, this is her gf winter, this is winter's bf jaycin".
ofc a lake on the moon is gonna be called artemisia lake LOL. now we've had one moon titan and one moon goddess reference. chang'e when????
NOT FARAFRAH. i bet you all found it downright HILARIOUS when i went on about how much i love farafrah back in one of the other posts
ngl think it's too early for cinder and kai to be eating each other's faces. kai got over his issues REAL fast lol. idk how i feel about it but willing to see where winter takes us
i didn't even think of the implication because i don't consider kai and levana legitimately engaged so i find it HILARIOUS that the silly family tree of kai being engaged to one woman and then making out with her niece. reminds me of ouat
revolutionary cinder ftw
speculation for fairest:
i did the maths and realised that since levana is like 30 and cinder is 16 then she was about 17 years old when she decided that cinder just had to go. I'M 17. cannot imagine killing a 3 year old. cray z. and then she was even YOUNGER than that when she killed her sister for the throne. ALSO insane. that will be one deeply disturbed mind to dive into in fairest
read the blurb and don't exactly have anymore thoughts other than trying to figure out who the in universe equivalent to her REAL husband would be since we're defo getting backstory on that. since she's the evil queen then it must be winter's father "the good king", however because of the blurb i reckon it's some kind of "mirror mirror on the wall" figure. idk what exactly that would entail. some kind of royal adviser???
speculation for winter, because i don't want to forget everything i'm thinking by the time i'm done reading fairest:
mother reveal for cress - i don't remember if any lunar scientists have been mentioned or named yet, but i WILL be keeping an eye out. i suspect someone who has something to do with the wolf soldier hybrids, she might even know wolf. regardless hope the bitch dies
father reveal for cinder
from the way jacin calls garan linh's device an equaliser, it's DEFINITELY gonna be reproduced in this book, ESPECIALLY with winter going all delulu, and the way cinder is concerned about becoming like levana
jacin pov chapters now that miss marissa doesn't have to make his motivations and loyalties ambiguous
ngl i HATE prequels, ESPECIALLY when they're about the villain of the story, and i often skip them. i'm a bit apprehensive about going into fairest, but i want to have the proper reading experience of tlc, and it's important to the story. putting my personal feelings aside and hoping for the best!!
@eddisfargo @francforever @winterrhayle @winterpinetrees @shellyseashell
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mask131 · 1 year
Given people tend to have a short-lived memory on the Internet, let's recall together one of the ridiculous moments of Putin's Russia's propaganda against Europe. It is something that happened very recently, and for once it is not an ideological or social conflict or propaganda. No, it is a meteorological one - a story that might seem laughable and absurd, just a good joke on its own, but a story that shows us how deeply buried in lies and falseness and a complete detachment from reality the Russian propaganda is. This highlights the sad truth of how Russian media became a mass-fake-news machine and is ready to twist and turn every little fact of life to serve their own "Russia is the greatest, the rest of the world is Hell" view.
This happened in the winter of 2022-2023. If you are not in Europe maybe you didn't hear about this, but it was all over here. If you do not recall, this winter was actually colder than the one of previous years - which notably caused a certain problem because there was an economic crisis going on thanks to the Ukrainian war. There is this big price inflation all across Europe, coupled with the fact we don't get the Russian oil and gaz anymore - and this slightly colder weather mixed with the more costly every day life and the lack of heating fuels were all used by Russian propagandist to announce that Europe was going to face its harshest and coldest winter yet, and that thanks to the Ukrainian war, they would all freeze to death. If you listened to the words of Russian information channels, it was as if ASOIAF's "Winter is coming" was happening in real life.
Putin notably used a sentence referring a very popular Russian fairytale (though it is actually a folktale also heavily present in Europe, especially in France where it is part of the Roman de Renart) - "The wolf's tail will freeze". For Putin, Europe was the wicked and greedy wolf, and this harsh icey winter would weaken Europe the same way the wolf who was tricked into fishing with his tail got trapped in the lake of ice...
Let's begin with a "little lie", well a big one, but still lesser compared to the others that follow in this post. Mid-March, Olga Skabeyeva (one of the famous propagandist news anchors of Russia) claimed that due to the rise of prices, a third of the inhabitants of France was forced to give up on hygiene and beauty products. According to her, a third of French people didn't use shampoo or deodorants anymore, a third of French people didn't clean their teeth anymore - they even had to abandon toilet paper due to it costing too much! And of course, Skabeyeva concluded that this was all because France gave too much money to Ukraine, leaving its own people "poor and dirty"... Note that this actually plays on a widespread stereotype French have among foreigners: the reputation of French being dirty for only taking a bath once a week or so. I don't know where this stereotype of the French that doesn't take care of their personal hygiene comes from, but it exists.
If you are from Britain, you probably heard about Olga Skabeyeva's famous comments about the poor state the harsh winter and economic crisis of England had left people into. Mid-January she affirmed on Russian television that the common British folks were forced to eat dog food and cat food because human food was too costly, and that now English households cooked on their radiators, since they could only afford one heater for the whole house. This was backed up in early March by her claims that British restaurants, due to a lack of animal meat, were forced to serve squirrels to their clients, and that they would go on to trap other animals found in parks. Many British people argued back that yes, there was a big and harsh crisis, but no it wasn't as bad as the propagandist claimed and no, nobody ate squirrels in restaurants. [I unfortunately cannot find back the source but I recall seeing around the time this made the news, that the propagandist actually took one true info - something about indeed people killing squirrels somewhere in England for health and ecological reasons, or maybe some public figure joking about possibly eating squirrels - and then twisted it into "all British restaurants serve squirrels now". That's typical of propagandists - take one grain of truth, make it a whole beach of lies.]
And then we reach Germany. This time I have sources to back up, exact sources I will bring to you. In fact, if you want to know more about the crazy world of Russian propaganda, I can't advise you enough to check out this very informative and eye-opening series: Arte's Fake News. Arte is a Franco-German binational channel that brought this program - originally a web-series, that also aired on television. "Fake News", of its full title, "Fake News: Russian propaganda for beginners", is a series created and hosted by Marsha Borzunova, the representative of a group of anti-Putin Russian journalists that exiled themselves. Now, from the town of Riga, she and her crew created these videos that study, debunk and explain the various aspects of Russia's propaganda.
And one of her videos covered the topic of "European winter as seen by Russia". She talked of Putin's "wolf's tail" comment, she talked of how Russian television channels claimed that Czech figureheads publically said that to survive winter they will burn "everything they get their hands on", and even burn Ukraine down... And she also brought up the "Berlin problem". During the last months of the year 2022, Russian newspaper multiplied reports that due to the lack of oil/gaz and the extreme temperatures of winter, Berliners were cutting down almost all of the trees in their public parks. Which of course, is something that never happened. But these newspapers listed an American article from Bloomberg as their sources - and when you go look at the article, you realize how heavily the propagandists twisted the original words. The Bloomberg article was about the energy crisis in Germany, indeed, and how wood-fueled heating systems were now preferred and demanded over gaz-fueled heating systems, but that was it. The article did mention public park trees being cut down as an example... as an HISTORICAL example. The article speaks of the cutting of the Tiergarten trees in WORLD WAR II!!!
To add salt to the wound, there is the existence of a television show in Russia called "Antifake", designed to debunk fake news and denounce propaganda. Not Russian one though - the point of this show is to destroy the "lies of the West" and reveal the "truth" about Europe. Which is, as you can guess, a pile of absurd and shameless lies in favor of Russia. Antifake most notably fed into the whole "Europeans are freezing to death" thing by having their reporter living in Germany, a woman called Yulia, do a live interview from her apartment in Munich - and she appeared in this interview wrapped into a big, heavy winter coat, fur-lined hood over her head, despite being inside. Because, as she explained, the furnace had been cut for the night and in the morning, and so she was waiting for noon to have the sun heat her apartment into a more bearable temperature. An interview that becomes absolutely ridiculous when you know that at the same time, in Munich (Yulia's town), it was mid-october, it was a sunny week with 18 degrees outside (I'll let you do the conversion if you are American). Nobody in their right mind was wearing a coat inside their house, and nobody wore heavy coats outside either, and there was no furnace cuts. Even more hilarious is the fact that the emission showed background videos recorded of European heavly clothed, sharing food at some charity stand in a freezing morning... Except that when you look at the signs in this supposedly "German sight", you see everything is written in cyrillic, and that's because these images were recorded in the town of Opotchka, in the Pskov region, not "near Berlin" as they wanted the audience to think. Speaking of Yulia - you might have heard of her outside of the "Antifake" show, because she made herself quite famous in Germany, even viral. She went viral because she posted a video of herself smiling and dancing with a Russian flag... In front of a group of Ukrainian refugees in Salzburg. She became known as the "Russian harasser of Ukrainians fleeing the war" in Germany.
Borzunova also mentions the cyber-war of fake news to conclude her look at Russian's fantasies about a winter of misery in Europe: on Twitter, there was a trend that spread, a hastag #AgainstSanctions. This hashtag was shared and posted by many Europeans of various countries, complaining that the sanctions taken against Russia were ruining their life. The trend was simple: post a picture of an empty plate, with a message written on a piece of paper onto the plate, directly demanding to your local politician to stop the anti-Russia sanctions.
Here's the thing however: this "trend" was reported by Russian institutions and medias. And while the posts of this hashtag do exist, when you look just a little bit deeper you realize how fake it all is. All the accounts that started this trend only have one post in total: the AntiSanctions post. All these accounts were created on the same day. AND their profile pictures are those of public figures - ranging from CNN news anchors to Bollywood actresses.
Anyway, if you want to check the video about all of this, you can go look at it on Youtube. I personally watched the French subtitled version, even though there is a German-subtitled one (thanks to Arte being Franco-German), and Borzunova speaks in English, so you can still listen to her comments and understand her explanations without reading French or German:
If the video above doesn't appear, here is the link.
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rabbitcruiser · 8 months
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(California) Western Monarch Day 
California Western Monarch Day, known informally as Western Monarch Day, was established by the California State Legislature in 2004. The day celebrates the annual migration of the Western monarch butterfly during the winter months—from about October through March—to California's central coast, the only major overwintering spot in the world for the butterflies. The holiday was established with the understanding that it would positively impact tourism and educational programs. Indeed, many visitors come to the area during the migration, boosting tourism at a time of the year when it is otherwise sluggish.
Events are held around the state of California on the day or on a nearby date. In past years, an event has been held at the Mile Square Regional Park in Fountain Valley, California; a "citizen science butterfly count" led by the Irvine Ranch Conservancy has been held at the nearby Limestone Canyon, and the largest celebration in the state has been held at the Pismo Beach State Monarch Butterfly Grove in Pismo Beach. One of the most popular destinations for butterflies in the state, and one of the largest butterfly colonies in North America, Pismo Beach regularly has over 20,000 monarch butterflies clustering in its tall eucalyptus trees.
In addition to Pismo Beach, monarch butterfly groves can also be found in Nipomo, Los Osos, and Morro Bay. In Nipomo, at the Monarch Dunes Butterfly Habitat, up to 60,000 monarchs visit each winter, and make their homes in a grove of blue gum eucalyptus trees. There are two groves in Los Osos: Monarch Grove Natural Area and Sweet Springs Nature Preserve. Monarch Grove Natural Area is made up of 18 acres and is located at the end of Monarch Lane. Sweet Springs Nature Preserve is made up of 24 acres and is located on the Morro Bay estuary. It has been managed by the Morro Coast Audubon Society since 1989. In nearby Morro Bay, Morro Bay Golf Course Monarch Butterfly Grove can be found at the center of Morro Bay Golf Course. Monarchs sometimes come to the grove of eucalyptus trees by as early as August and cluster themselves low on the branches.
As monarchs can't survive cold northern climates, they migrate to warmer climates, sometimes traveling a distance of over 1,000 miles. One of the only insects that migrate, they do so twice a year—like birds do—traveling to a warmer climate and then back again. Western monarchs live west of the Rockies. During the summer months, they can be found in canyons or near rivers in the West, Southwest, and inland in states from California all the way up to British Columbia. A few can be found on the coastal Pacific Northwest as well. Numbering in the tens of thousands, they migrate west and south, mainly nesting in California's central coast. Eastern monarchs, which far outnumber their Western counterparts, live east of the Rockies and migrate south to the high mountains of central Mexico. Monarchs can also be found in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, New Zealand, and on some islands in the Caribbean; those butterflies do not migrate.
Monarchs start as caterpillars. They subsist only on milkweed, a plant that produces glycoside toxins. The caterpillars are immune to the toxins, but predators are not, and are deterred from feasting on the caterpillars because the toxins get stored up in the caterpillars' bodies and make them taste bad. The caterpillars grow and molt for two weeks, form a chrysalis in which they complete metamorphosis, and turn into butterflies. As butterflies, the toxins are still in their systems, still protecting them.
Most adult butterflies only live for a few weeks. During that time, they subsist on nectar from many kinds of plants, search for mates, and look for milkweed on which to lay their eggs. The last generation of monarchs hatch in late summer, and they may live as long as eight months. They don't reach sexual maturity right away and instead make the fall migration. Despite never making the journey before, they know exactly where to go. They remain inactive during the coldest months, but around March, they become sexually mature and then mate. They die soon afterward, and their offspring finish the migration back north.
Between the 1990s and the end of the 2010s, the monarch population declined by about 90 percent, largely on account of habitat fragmentation and loss. Both urban development and intensive agriculture took a toll on habitats. In addition, herbicides killed the milkweed and nectar plants the butterflies feed off of, and insecticides killed the monarchs themselves. Lastly, climate change altered weather patterns and the timing of migration. Because of the drop in monarch numbers, it seems all the more pressing to have a holiday dedicated to them and to the beauty and the mystery of their yearly migration.
How to Observe California Western Monarch Day
Many events are held on or around the date and can be attended if you are able to travel to California. You could check to see if an event is being held at Mile Square Regional Park in Fountain Valley, where in past years butterfly experts have educated and answered questions, and native plants have been available to plant. You could see if the Irvine Ranch Conservancy is hosting a "citizen science butterfly count" at Limestone Canyon. The best place to go for an event is Pismo Beach State Monarch Butterfly Grove in Pismo Beach (the event may be held on a nearby Saturday). At this event, there are butterfly talks and educational booths for adults, and art activities for children. The biggest part of it, of course, are the thousands of monarchs that can be seen hanging in clusters from eucalyptus and pine trees. The grove usually opens in October and stays open throughout the month of February, and docents can be found giving daily talks. You could also visit other butterfly groves today, such as the Monarch Dunes Butterfly Grove in Nipomo, the Monarch Grove Natural Area or Sweet Springs Nature Preserve in Los Osos, or the butterfly grove in the Morro Bay Golf Course. If you can't travel to California, there are still ways you can celebrate. You could take part in the National Wildlife Federation's Garden for Wildlife program, and plant a habitat garden with milkweed and nectar plants for returning monarchs to enjoy. Planting locally native species of plants is the best. Look over some regional guides so you know what to plant in the area you live. You could take part in Butterfly Heroes, another program of the National Wildlife Federation, which is designed to help kids and families raise awareness about declining populations, and to help them to get involved in helping monarchs and other butterflies. The National Wildlife Federation is working to save and restore monarch habitats, and more could be learned about it. You could also learn about the number of Western monarchs in California with Western Monarch Count, encourage your mayor to take the Mayors' Monarch Pledge, or could watch a documentary about monarch migration.
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meydia · 2 years
🎥 CREEP (2014)
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14 Nov 2022 | Day 7/∞: Creep (2014) Trigger warnings: murder, creepy behaviour, stalking, drugging, SA mention
The classic found footage film and one I've been meaning to watch for a while! Josef is classically unhinged and it was delightful to not know whether anything he said was the truth or not. There seems to be sincerity only when he is in control of the situation. I quite honestly hoped that this would go down a Hannibal/Will Graham route, though it didn't - and still, it felt like I was watching a romcom half the time featuring a funny little guy and a stalwart videographer who can't get said funny little guy out of his head.
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Simply put, this is about the horror of answering Craigslist ads and encountering.... someone you don't want to encounter. Aaron answers Josef's ad and agrees to record him, believing that Josef is a terminally ill patient who wants to leave his son with a memento of who he was. They go on a walk and find a heart-shaped lake - romantic! great date idea josef - and then go to a diner where Josef reveals he took photos of Aaron. Uh oh! They get drunk and Aaron, unsettled by Josef, drugs him. Then Josef's phone rings and Aaron learns from Angela (Josef's sister) that Josef is dangerous. He tries to leave and, after a scuffle, succeeds. Then begins the courting; Josef sends him videos, gifts, a heart-shaped locket. Diversity win, the creep is bisexual! Then Josef asks Aaron to meet him at the park and of course he thwacks him in the head with an axe. Oh yeah, and Josef likes to wear a wolf mask and become a persona he calls Peachfuzz. Actual depiction of ending is as below:
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I do think that there was potential for the film to explore Josef more rather than turning it into straight, outright horror - it could've been a silly horror-adjacent romcom featuring a guy who doesn't know he's creepy. I've read some reviews on tumblr saying that he shows some aspects of bpd. It would've been really interesting to see him not be a killer and genuinely have a friendship with Aaron, who is genuinely kind of receptive to a connection (also Aaron is totally a repressed queer man by the way he definitely saw something in Josef I don't make the rules. that hot tub dream was sus af). It seems like the filmmakers were considering this idea - here are alternate endings that came with the DVD I think that I haven't seen floating around tumblr yet:
That first one would have been sweet!!!! I mean it still could've ended badly after, but hey. It is what it is.
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Another idea worth addressing is that Aaron isn't a stupid protagonist, guys - also people in horror films are classically not making the best decisions, they're fucking scared! He tries to be polite to Josef because what else do you do when you're in someone's house in the middle of nowhere! What if he's being genuine, amirite? What do you DO if someone dumps some crazy crime that they've committed on you when you've got a whiskey in you? Anyway, Aaron is, surprisingly, nice, which was, I don't know, comforting to me in some way. Like Josef said, he was a nice guy.
Also the idea of found footage films are fascinating to me. I know this gets played with in Creep 2 a lot more, but it's also crazy to think about recording and how it has become such a huge part of our lives. It's our media. It's our digital memory bank. And Josef uses it to document his murders, and the lead up to the murders. You know? A versatile record.
Lastly, I fucking loathe the idea of tubby time. nononono
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ohchristmasbri · 1 year
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3 Movie Inspired Fall Dates: If you're on the lookout for delightful date ideas that encapsulate the essence of fall, look no further. We've curated a collection of enchanting fall movie date ideas that will not only kindle your love but also make the most of this captivating season.
Fall offers a plethora of opportunities to infuse romance and coziness into your movie dates. From outdoor screenings under the stars to creating fortresses of comfort indoors, these fall movie date ideas are bound to create cherished memories that capture the beauty and magic of the season. So, grab your favourite blanket, pop some popcorn, and let the autumnal cinematic adventures begin!
MOVIES ON THE GO: Step 1: Park somewhere scenic at night Here are some suggestions: - Near a lake or ocean - Near a graveyard - In a forrest or park - Parked at a lookout Step 2: Bring a fully charged laptop and some DVD's or a downloaded movie Step 3: Bring blankets, pillows, warm drinks, and some good snacks
HAVE A THEMED MOVIE MARATHON: Step 1: Choose something to watch This could be movies by the same director, series, or movies with the same creature like vampires, zombies, etc. Step 2: Choose snacks that are themed to what you're watching Below are some suggestions...
Blood Orange Slices: Serve slices of blood oranges for a fruity and appropriately themed snack, referencing the idea of vampires' affinity for blood.
Vampire Bite Cookies: Make sugar cookies shaped like vampire bites, with red icing to represent blood.
Garlic Parmesan Popcorn: Garlic is a common vampire repellent in folklore, so make garlic parmesan popcorn as a nod to this trope.
Red Velvet Cupcakes: Bake red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, resembling blood and fangs.
Zombie Finger Hot Dogs: Wrap hot dog sausages in crescent roll dough, leaving a small section exposed to resemble a zombie's finger.
Brain Dip: Create a dip in the shape of a brain using cream cheese or hummus, and use red beet juice or raspberry sauce for a bloody effect.
Eyeball Cake Pops: Make cake pops shaped like eyeballs using cake crumbs and frosting, then decorate with edible markers or icing for the details.
Full Moon Cookies: Bake cookies in the shape of full moons and decorate them with white icing to mimic the moon's glow.
Werewolf Paw Prints: Create cookies or brownies shaped like paw prints, using chocolate chips for the claws.
Moonlit Trail Mix: Make a trail mix with a combination of nuts, dried fruits, and chocolate chips, symbolizing a moonlit journey.
Bite-Sized Sausages: Serve mini sausage links as a nod to werewolves' love for meat, with toothpicks for easy snacking.
Howling Hot Dogs: Wrap hot dog sausages in croissant dough, shaping them like crescent moons or wolf howls. CLICK HERE FOR MORE SUGGESTIONS: Such as Tim Burton-themed snacks, Halloweentown-themed snacks, and more!
FALL FLAVOURED NIGHT: Step 1: Choose a festive fall movie or series Step 2: Buy, eat, and make food with only festive flavours Here are some suggestions... Pumpkin Pie: A classic fall dessert made with pumpkin puree and warming spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves.
Apple Cider Donuts: Soft and moist donuts with a hint of apple cider flavor, often dusted with cinnamon sugar.
Butternut Squash Soup: Creamy and comforting soup made from roasted butternut squash.
Caramel Apple Nachos: Sliced apples drizzled with caramel sauce and topped with chocolate chips and nuts.
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds roasted with various seasonings, such as cinnamon and sea salt.
Cinnamon Apple Chips: Thinly sliced apples baked until crispy with a dusting of cinnamon.
Sweet Potato Fries: Baked or fried sweet potato fries seasoned with a touch of cinnamon.
Caramel Popcorn: Popcorn coated with a rich caramel sauce for a sweet and crunchy treat.
Cinnamon Swirl Bread: Soft and fluffy bread swirled with cinnamon and sugar for a sweet and aromatic treat.
Spiced Apple Cider Muffins: Moist muffins made with apple cider, diced apples, and a hint of spices.
Pumpkin Cupcakes: A sweet treat made with pumpkin puree and warm spices.
Maple Glazed Almonds: Almonds coated with a maple glaze and toasted to perfection. ---
COZY FORT: Step 1: Build a fort in your living room Use blankets, cushions, and fairy lights. Create a snug space where you and your partner can escape into a world of movies and comfort Step 2: Add a touch of nostalgia by watching some of your favourite childhood movies or opt for heartwarming romance films that match the cozy atmosphere View my list of movies here
Step 3: Don't forget to make a tray of fall-inspired snacks, like caramel popcorn and pumpkin treats
Here's to autumn's embrace, to cinematic tales that thrill and delight, and to the memories you'll create with every movie night under the harvest moon. Happy watching and snacking!
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Postcards from Snagglepuss
As if Free Ice Water wasn't impetus enough to stop, to begin with
WALL DRUG STORE, WALL, SD: Our motley motorhome crew, stopping at such a legendary roadside venue built on the offer of Free Ice Water for the sake of parched and thirsty motorists heading towards Mt. Rushmore, Yellowstone even--obviously not to be confused with Jellystone there--and offering plenty more, to begin with. Just killing a few hours in what was hoped to be relative obscurity until, as we headed to the Back Yard of Wall Drug, just as an audioanimatronic T. Rex was going into his routine--
"So, uh, how exactly did you find us?" asked Huckleberry Hound.
We had just stumbled upon Peter Potamus, starched safari jacket, pith helmet, the whole ball of wax even. "If I may just explain ..."
Never mind that the weather for the Badlands region of South Dakota, where Wall is situate, was pretty warm at the time, our company was warming up to what Peter Potamus was about to say.
"I just thought it would be a surprise to mention to you all," Peter explaineth, "that we of the Magic Divers have a little underwater ceremony forthcoming." Which certainly brought surprise unto Hokey Wolf, Ding-a-Ling, Wally Gator and Squiddly Diddly, themselves part of the dive troupe. "To which Huckleberry Hound and Snagglepuss are the honorees."
Which had Huckleberry asking Peter what we were being honoured for, to begin with.
"If I could just let Hokey explain," Peter remarked. Then to Hokey:
"You see, boys, the Peter Potamus Magic Divers have chosen to initiate you into Honourary Membership of our diving circle, a part of our madcap little dive experience! Which will no doubt allow you, if you so desire, access to our diving adventures, as if Snagglepuss wasn't something of a diving addict in his own way!"
Which had yours truly noting that winter at the La Jolla diving compound for the group, as well as a few days with Peter at a remote Polynesian atoll via the Magic Balloon and return--"Oh yeah, Snagglepuss; now that you mention it," Peter responded, "wasn't that atoll especially fascinating from a diving standpoint?"
"Heavens to Cousteau!" saith I. "And what about our times in the Florida Keys over the last couple of winters, including that excursion to Theater of the Sea to illustrate why places of that ilk aren't exactly the best for swimming among dolphins?!"
"Thank you for reminding me!" Peter remarked. Continuing:
"Now, as for the locale: There happens to be a rather charming lake up by Stillwater, Minnesota called Square Lake, which happens to be popular among Midwestern divers for its sheer clarity. Its depth averages about 30-40 feet, with its deepest spot 68 feet below the surface. And such is where I plan to hold our underwater initiation and welcome ceremony with our diving troupe!"
"It's certainly glad," Wally Gator observed, "to get back underwater in the dive getup, don't you know--even if such is in such an esoteric place such as Minnesota. But believe you me, such is bound to beat that kiddy pool I was given at the City Zoo under Mr. Twiddles, until he lost his memory and the zoo started falling apart!"
"Oh, and let's not forget," Hokey Wolf added, "when we were diving Lake Minnetonka for our TV series!" To which Peter thanked Hokey for that little aide-memoire there.
Over some buffalo burgers in the Western Art Gallery Cafe did the conversation and the planning continue--and for some reason, Augie Doggie found the buffalo burger rather intriguing, if the taste was a little different than hamburger. As did your correspondent.
At any rate, we were somewhat stunned to find Peter Potamus' Magic Balloon in one of Wall's several backstreet parking lots for the benefit of Wall Drug visitors, to which Wally, Squiddly, Hokey and Ding repaired to with Peter as a sort of "advance party" for the Square Lake ceremony. Peter mentioned that he'd be calling the other members of the troupe to have them be ready to assemble at Square Lake Park in a couple days' time, he'd supply the gear and all that....
"Golly, Snag," Chuckleberry remarked. "Now that's going to be an experience, even if it means travelling for a couple of days out via I-90 for the most part!" Enough to inspire us to get our trusty Thermos bottles and fill up with Wall Drug's legendary 5-cent coffee. Which, even for a Thermos bottle, was quite the bargain.
And just hope for the best all the way for the next 550 miles or so.
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werechicken · 1 year
tell me abt,,,,, ur fursoner
Hooo howdy did you open the floodgates:
The fursona depicted in the icon is my werechicken, Perdue. She claims she was cursed by Baba Yaga in a Krogers parking lot but actually she got that way by making a party drink out of werewolf blood and Nesquik which interacted with all the hot wings in her stomach and now she’s a werechicken and can’t change back. She can’t run very good, but she can punch really hard, jump really high, and lay lots of eggs every now and then, also a healing factor. Eating one gives the imbiber some of her healing factor for an hour as well. She has a set of different hoodies that have words that telegraph her mood, and she’s banned from most grocery stores because she tried to sell her own eggs without a commercial liscence. The eggs always seem to carry an eerie warmth.
Other fursonas include:
Cannabun: Croyd, a rabbit who got in a car accident and the presiding surgeon was a wolf who, as a joke, replaced their GI tract, lower jaw, left eye, and left adrenal gland of a cat. The poor thing is strung on immunosuppressants while being forced to eat live meals, and doesn’t have a good, long life after.
Gutslut: a calico rabbit named Narcisse who crushed on pred types and thinks of them as walking embodiments of transcendentalist poetry. Gets flustered when a pred opens their mouth near her faaaace, and may have a death wish.
Azra: a dull gold freshwater mermaid that lives in lakes and devours swimmers, but is very polite and has to reset her jaw to speak when being rudely interrupted. Will often abandon eating someone if they can interrupt her by speaking to them enough, forcing her to reset her jaw one time too many and making her mouth sore. (Screaming does not count, be calm and ask questions).
Esther Bonnie: a human turned into a rabbit like fairy by a cadre of faerie hunters who ate her name and flensed her skin off in chunks, sewing the pelt of her predecessor to her steaming meat and turning her into a rabbit girl, and forcing her to be Quarry for their hunting ritual. After a decade of being chased, killed, and revived and chased again. she tricked them into letting her go and “giving her a year and a days head start” as a means of making the most challenging Hunt. Now she’s back on Earth and trying to is absolutely lazy to make up for being made to run for ten long-ass years. She has vague memories of being a drummer in a band and her favorite video game was the missle command cabinet at the pizza place she frequented. Is absolutely clueless of all technological advances from the last 40 years (abducted in 1987, faerie time stretched ten years over 40).
There are others, including a werewolf named The Blue Devil whose fur is that comic book blackish blue coloration, and a vampire who just casually eats people as friendly as you please.
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tripcapture00 · 3 months
Spiti Valley Bike Expedition: Explore the Himalayan Landscapes with Our Exclusive Package
Spiti Valley, nestled in the remote Himalayas of Himachal Pradesh, beckons adventurers with its rugged terrain, ancient monasteries, and breathtaking landscapes. Our exclusive package invites you to embark on an exhilarating bike expedition through this untouched Himalayan paradise, promising an unforgettable journey of discovery and adventure.
Riding through Scenic Routes
Begin your expedition from Manali, traversing through the picturesque roads of Lahaul Valley and crossing the challenging Kunzum Pass at an altitude of 4,551 meters (14,931 feet). As you ride, marvel at the changing landscapes—from lush green valleys and meadows to barren desert-like stretches characteristic of Spiti Valley. The thrill of biking through high-altitude passes and narrow mountain roads adds to the excitement of your adventure.
Exploring Ancient Monasteries and Cultural Treasures
Spiti Valley is renowned for its ancient Buddhist monasteries, perched atop hillsides and nestled in tranquil valleys. Visit key monastic centers such as Key Monastery, one of the largest and oldest monasteries in Spiti, known for its impressive architecture and religious artifacts. Explore Dhankar Monastery, precariously balanced on a cliff, offering panoramic views of the Spiti River below. Immerse yourself in the spiritual ambiance and learn about Tibetan Buddhist culture and traditions from resident monks.
Camping amidst Himalayan Serenity
Experience the thrill of camping under starlit skies amidst Spiti's pristine landscapes. Our package includes overnight stays at scenic campsites in villages like Kaza, Tabo, and Langza, where you can unwind after a day's ride and enjoy the tranquility of the mountains. Enjoy delicious meals prepared by our team, featuring local flavors and ingredients sourced from the region, ensuring a comfortable and rejuvenating experience amidst nature's splendor.
Wildlife Encounters and Natural Wonders
Explore the biodiversity of Spiti Valley, home to rare Himalayan species such as the elusive snow leopard, ibex, and Tibetan wolf. Keep your camera ready for sightings of endangered Himalayan birds and other wildlife in their natural habitat. Marvel at natural wonders like the towering Dhankar Lake, nestled amidst snow-capped peaks, and the surreal landscapes of Pin Valley National Park, known for its unique geology and diverse flora and fauna.
Embark on a thrilling bike expedition through Spiti Valley Bike trip, designed for adventurers seeking to explore the Himalayan landscapes off the beaten path. Whether you are captivated by ancient monasteries, enchanted by rugged terrain, or drawn to the spiritual tranquility of the Himalayas, Spiti Valley promises an enriching and unforgettable journey. Let us guide you through this Himalayan gem and create memories that will last a lifetime, ensuring every moment is filled with awe, adventure, and exploration of nature's wonders.
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