#Workplace Accident Claims
coremcenterusa · 4 months
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Your general well-being, financial situation, and health can all be significantly impacted by work-related accidents. Making a workers’ compensation claim might help you get the benefits and financial support you need to heal from an injury you sustained at work and move on. Nevertheless, navigating the workers’ compensation system may be challenging, and submitting a successful claim necessitates paying close attention to specifics and following guidelines. If you opt for Workplace Injury Compensation, contact Core Medical Center.  Here, we have experts who can help you make Workplace Accident Claims.
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nnctales · 9 days
Understanding Construction Accident: Causes, and Legal Recourse
Construction accident is a critical concern within the construction industry, often leading to severe injuries or fatalities. With the construction sector consistently ranking among the most hazardous workplaces, understanding the nature of these accidents, their causes, and the legal implications is essential for workers, employers, and legal professionals alike. This article explores the…
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Actually, because I'm still riled up about this:
If you tell your kid to change their behavior, without having a conversation as to how, here's a few problems you might encounter:
- their change in behavior changes their daily routine, and you take issue with this/comment on it/etc, leaving them feeling like trying to fix the issue only made it worse and/or you're just a tyrant who's never happy with anything.
- they start avoiding all conflict with you by hiding what they're doing or avoiding you--the problem, in their mind, has shifted from 'how to be better at X' to 'how to not have my parent be unhappy with me, because that makes me feel awful' (this trend may well continue into adulthood, btw. Not great for any future relationships!)
- they genuinely try to change, it works for a while, and then, human-manner, there's a failure point and you end up having this conversation again. You still act like you don't trust them, like they never put the work in at all, and they learn that they can't afford to fail or be human around you. They don't trust you with their struggles, and they know you don't trust them. Fun little family environment you've made here.
When I make a mistake at work, I apologize and my boss asks me what could help me do better, and what problems I've been having, and how they can help. When I hurt a friend or loved one by accident, I apologize and we hug and we talk about how to fix it.
At no point do they claim I'm not really sorry or that they won't trust me again until I've proven I can do better, because that's not how adult conversations are supposed to go. That's not how communication is supposed to go. And I'm an adult. Why is this person giving their own child less grace, less consideration, less care than I get from my boss in one of the lowest-paid departments of my workplace? It's just. I can't fathom it.
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shmaptainwrites · 6 months
Hi hi thoughts on Wilson dating a first responder who comes into the hospital time and time again after calls and such?
Also lemme claim this emoji 🧸
yayyy you picked an emojiiii hehehe and bestie this was so good i blurbed it 💀🫡 also it’s unedited cause i’m lazy
Pairings: James Wilson x GN!Reader
Warnings: mentions of gun shot wound, injury, surgery
Wilson rarely found himself in the ER, but an easy way to get doctors moving around to places they weren’t used to going to was a nurse’s strike.
Today he was doing his “nurse-doctor rotation”, as they were calling it, in the ER. It was interesting working in the high pressure, fast paced environment when he was used to slowly forming connections with his patients and those who counted on him. Right now, he was probably just a blurry face to most.
“We’ve got another one coming in!” an occupied doctor called and Wilson rushed over, saying he would attend to it, gathering the information from the first responders to create a chart while they wheeled the patient in.
“47 year old male, GSW to the shoulder, went into V-fib on the way here, we shocked him and his rhythms are normal again.”
“Any preexisting conditions you found out about?”
“Penicillin allergy.”
Another doctor came to deal with the gunshot wound and Wilson kept scribbling down more information on the chart, but paused when the firefighter addressed him.
“You don’t look like an ER doctor.”
He looked own at his clothes, the dress pants and a button up with a tie and his white coat. They were right about that.
“I’m not usually,” he chuckled nervously. “You know the strike and everything.”
“Wilson, what are you doing!” Cameron came and took the clipboard from him. “I told you, you can’t be writing charts anymore, no one can read your chicken scratch, this is the ER, people’s lives depend on this.”
Wilson could feel his cheeks begin to heat up at Cameron’s assertions in front of the very pretty firefighter.
“Yo! Twinkle-Toes! We gotta go!”
You looked back at your crew and then back at Wilson, wishing him good luck with the rest of his shift before jogging back to the engine.
At least he wouldn’t find much of a chance to embarrass himself further and he thought it was a shame he’d probably never see you again.
A few weeks later…
“Did you get those patient files from Mercy? They were supposed to send them yesterday, but they’ve been delayed,” Wilson sighed, leaning against the reception desk.
“I don’t think they’ve come in yet, but I’ll double check, just give me a second.”
“You’re an angel, thank you,” Wilson flashed her a grateful smile which seemed to put her in a good mood which always sped things along.
“Hi, sorry, I’m looking for Winston Green. He was brought in a few days ago, firefighting accident. I’m his coworker, I just wanted to come visit.”
Wilson turned his head over to the voice speaking to the other receptionist and had to blink a few times to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating.
The pretty firefighter, just like the last time, only now in civilian attire.
You turned your head and noticed the doctor staring, a smile making it to your lips when you recognized him.
“Dr. Wilson, fancy seeing you here.”
“I could say the same for you,” he chuckled.
“Everything back to normal now?” you asked and he nodded.
“Back over in oncology. That’s where I like it. And you can call me James.”
“James,” you tested out the name, liking how it made him smile when you said it.
“I-I don’t think I caught your name. I mean I could call you Twinkle-Toes but I feel like that’s a workplace nickname,” he joked.
“Right, Isaac is always calling me that in front of people,” you rolled your eyes before properly introducing yourself. “I’ve gotta admit I didn’t think I’d be seeing you again.”
“Neither did I. I’m sorry it ended up happening because your friend is in the hospital,” he said sympathetically and you thanked him for his kind words just as both you and Wilson were given the information you needed from the desk. “I could walk you to your friend’s room if you’d like, it’s on the same floor as my office.”
“Sure, I’d like that,” you smiled and walked side by side with the oncologist, who eagerly asked you questions about your work and what it entailed.
You were both a little sad by the time you reached your colleague’s room so you decided to take the next step and see where it might take you.
“Hey, I don’t know if you’re free later or something, but I have the day off if you wanna grab dinner?” you suggested.
“Dinner sounds nice,” Wilson nodded.
You pulled out a pen from Wilson’s pocket protector and grabbed an old receipt from your purse, scribbling down your name number before handing it to him.
“I’ll call you,” he smiled, accepting the paper. “Maybe over dinner you can tell me how you got the name Twinkle-Toes.”
“Oh, I think that’s maybe more of a tenth date story,” you patted his arm and tucked the pen back into his pocket.
“You predicting there’s gonna be ten?” he asked.
“I think I’d like for there to be ten,” you smiled, and leaned in to kiss his cheek. “I’ll see you tonight, James.”
Wilson turned away to head back to his office with his hands shoved into the pocket of his white coat and a faint pink tint to his cheeks
Wilson wished he could say getting woken up in the middle of the night by a cane rapping on his door was an uncommon occurrence, but since his last divorce it seemed more and more regular.
He tiredly walked over to the door, unlocking it and pulling it open, seeing House standing on the other side.
“House, go away it’s 3 A.M.” Wilson groaned.
“Sorry, I can’t. Trying to avoid the team.”
“And you think hiding at your one friend’s apartment is going to do anything other than just make me suffer along with you?”
“Best case scenario, they leave us both alone, worst case, you get them to leave us alone.”
“No,” Wilson shook his head, “Best case is you leave and go home right now.”
“What is that shirt you’re wearing,” House deflected, noticing a difference in his friend’s sleep attire. “Is that a fire department shirt?”
Wilson looked down and nodded his head.
“Where’d you get it from?”
“Does it matter where I got it from-?”
“He got it from me.”
Wilson turned his head around and saw you standing by the hallway leading to the bedroom. You walked up to him and pressed a kiss to his cheek before looking over at House.
“So it’s your shirt?” House looked like he was about to have a field day.
“No, I got it for him as a gift,” you chuckled. “Any chance you’d be inclined to carry on this conversation another time? I have an early shift tomorrow.”
“You’ll answer all my questions?” he asked.
“Honey, I wouldn’t-,”
“Done,” you nodded and put your hand out for him to shake. “I run into burning buildings for a living, I think I can deal with some invasive questioning. Plus, you’ve met my colleagues they’re a handful and a half.”
“I guess I’ll leave you two lovebirds to it,” House winked and you wished him a polite goodnight before Wilson shut the door and followed you back into the bedroom.
“Be careful on your shift, okay?” he said once you were all curled up in his arms again. “I need to see how this thing plays out with House.”
“Glad you’re so concerned for my safety,” you teased and he shut you up with a kiss. “Sorry I came out, but I thought you could maybe use a hand getting back into bed.”
“You’re probably right,” Wilson sighed while sinking further into the bed. “He’s easier to negotiate with when you have something he wants.”
“He seems like an interesting guy, I’m excited to finally get to know him,” you admitted with a yawn.
“Really?” Wilson seemed surprised. House was an acquired taste for most, he wasn’t sure he’d met anyone who actually genuinely wanted to get to know him more after meeting him, well aside from himself.
“Yeah, he’s your friend. We don’t have to get along as well as you guys do, but it’ll be nice to know a bit more about him.”
Wilson kissed you one more time before encouraging you to go back to bed so you could get a little more sleep before your shift, having a feeling, deep down, you were going to be around for the long run.
Wilson often passed the ER on his way out of the hospital to get to his car. Today was no different, he had swapped out his white coat for a jacket and a scarf and was planning on going to grab something for dinner and maybe head over to your fire hall to drop in for a quick visit before going home.
“Hey, hey, have you seen a Dr. Wilson around?”
Wilson turned his head at the sound of his name, noticing one of your colleagues speaking to a nurse.”
“He works in oncology, he’s not usually-,”
“I see him. Yo James!” Isaac waved and he quickly made his way over to see what was happening.
“Isaac, what’s going on?” he asked.
“Look, man, there was a fire,” he started. “Twinkle-Toes and I ran back in to grab this kid that was trapped, but the structure was deteriorating and before I knew it I was pushed to the ground and a beam had fallen on their leg.”
“A beam?” Wilson’s heart sank to the pit of his stomach. This couldn’t be happening.
“We just came in, they’ve gone to surgery for it already. Everyone will be okay, but…just some recovery time I guess.”
Wilson could see how guilty Isaac felt so he felt the need to reassure him on your behalf. He knew it’s what you would have done, you were just doing your job and looking out for your friend.
“I-I’m gonna stay,” Wilson said. “I’ll keep you posted, okay?”
Isaac nodded and reluctantly went back outside to meet up with the rest of his team while Wilson went to talk to Cuddy about what OR you were in.
He felt a small sense of relief knowing Chase was presiding over your injuries, knowing you were in more than capable hands and while he couldn’t go into the OR, he would stand in the observation room until the procedure was completed.
“Chase, how’s it looking?” Wilson asked through the intercom.
“It’s a pretty bad set of fractures, but we’re going to set it with some pins and after some time and PT things should be all healed.”
“What about going back to work?” he asked, knowing how much your job meant to you, anxious to hear the answer.
“I can’t say for sure,” he admitted. “But if you keep a close eye and make sure all my post-op instructions are followed I’d say there’s a pretty good chance things will go back to normal.”
Wilson sighed in relief which made it much easier to wait until the surgery was done and meet you in a recovery room after calling Isaac to let him and your team know that you were okay.
When you awoke after the anesthesia has worn off, you smile a little at the sight of Wilson sleeping in a chair across from your bed, his jacket and scarf draped over the armrest. He looked so peaceful you didn’t really want to wake him up, but you knew he’d give you a hard time if you didn’t.
“Hey, you’re awake,” he grinned, rubbing his eyes awake. “How are you feeling?”
“Loopy,” you chuckled.
“That might be the morphine,” his hand came to hold your cheek, his thumb gently brushing across your cheekbone. “You had a pretty big fall. Or should I say a beam had a pretty big fall on you?”
“I’m alive, that’s all that matters,” you assured him. “And hopefully I can go back to work? Did the surgeon say anything about that?”
“Obviously not right away, but he feels pretty confident if you follow all the necessary PT and healing instructions you’ll be able to go back. Just can’t get away from running into danger, can you?”
“Why do you think I started dating you?” you teased and he laughed, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead.
“Of all the times you’ve come into the hospital I have to admit this is probably my least favourite,” he sighed. “Try and just bring us patients next time, don’t become one.”
“I’ll try my best, they don’t call me Twinkle-Toes for nothing,” you pinched his cheek. “I’m glad you were working that shift in the ER that day, though.”
“Me too,” Wilson reached over and gave your hand a squeeze, finding it funny how emergencies now made him smile.
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What the Ace Attorney Villains Could Get Charged With (to the best of my research) (in America laws)
Game One
!Disclaimer! I know nothing about law take this with a grain of salt I was just bored.
Frank Sahwit
Burglary - This one is obvious. He was a thief. He stole stuff. How many charges exactly depends on how many he admits to or can be traced back to him.
Breaking and entering - At least one charge from Cindy's case, potentially more depending on any other burglary charges.
Assault and battery - Hitting Cindy with the Thinker. The assault may or may not be aggravated depending on whether it was technically intended to be used in a way that would readily and likely cause death.
Second-degree murder - This one could potentially be brought down to voluntary manslaughter. It depends whether he intended to kill Cindy when he hit her, and if he was in enough emotional distress that hitting her would be semi-justifiable.
Incrimination - In pinning the blame on Larry, he did this.
Fraud - Even if pretending to be a newspaper salesman to steal from people didn't constitute fraud, Payne stated this as his job. This means he lied about his job to the court by saying he was a newspaper salesman. Which is fraud.
Redd White
Incrimination - This is when he tried to frame Maya, and when he shifted the blame on Phoenix. This may lead to two charges.
Obstruction of justice - In incriminating Maya, he tampered with the crime scene. Plus, blackmailing a judge is probably illegal and probably falls under this.
Corruption - He was a corporate official, which makes some of this other stuff constitute corruption, mostly the blackmail.
Blackmail - Speaking of, he could be faced with countless charges of this, depending how much could be tied back to him.
Assault and battery - Punching someone in the face multiple times is illegal, kids. So is hitting someone on the head. If Frank gets aggravated for the thinker, so does he. Phoenix's assault probably wasn't aggravated, though, as I doubt his rings/fists would be ruled a deadly weapon considering the intent.
Intimidation - His threat for an "accident" to happen to Phoenix is more than enough to be considered a threat of violence.
First-degree murder - His murder of Mia was completely premeditated. There's little he can do about this.
Criminal threat - Threatening to injure or kill someone is bad. And using flowery language like "accident" doesn't negate it.
Wiretapping - While he didn't actually put the wiretap there, it can be inferred he ordered it. This makes it conspiracy, so there is some shared guilt.
Conspiracy - The wiretapping was a joint effort between him and April. He may try to claim otherwise, but its degree of success is debatable.
Workplace abuse - It's a real good sign when your secretary fears you murdering her like you did to that defense attorney a couple days ago, Redd, I'm sure you could never get in legal trouble for that.
Dee Vasquez
Racketeering - Oftentimes, people in organized crime are automatically found guilty of this. This being charging someone for a service they haven't requested (think mafia "protection").
Blackmail - This one is also pretty obvious. Jack Hammer.
Obstruction of justice - This is her tampering with the crime scene when she moved the body. Also potentially when she tried to kill a lawyer involved with the case.
Attempted murder - By proxy, two charges, when she ordered her goons to kill Phoenix and Maya.
Voluntary manslaughter - Hammer was trying to kill her, she's got that justified self-defense plea. Not that it matters much, because...
Countless other mafia-related charges - We don't know the exact details of her mafia connections, but she's entrenched enough to have goons. We can safely say she did a lot of illegal stuff in organized crime.
Intimidation - Mafia goons trying to kill you is pretty intimidating. That and the threats of erasure.
Criminal threat - See above threats of erasure.
Conspiracy - She works together with Sal Manella in the obstruction of justice.
Manfred von Karma
Forgery - He's known to forge evidence constantly.
Obstruction of justice - See above. Plus, tazing lawyers and stealing their evidence is pretty frowned upon. So is intimidating witnesses.
Assault and battery - The evidence room fiasco. Potentially aggravated depending on the actual voltage of the tazer and if he lied about it or not, but given they didn't die, probably not.
Theft - He stole evidence from the evidence room.
Intimidation - Brandishing a taser at someone is generally considered this.
Corruption - Being a government official, most if not all this stuff constitutes corruption.
Incrimination - Due to his conspiracy with Yogi, he is guilty of attempting to frame Miles by proxy.
First-degree murder - He sees a gun and a man he doesn't like in the elevator, and he does think about it before doing it. Thus, it is premeditated and first-degree. Also, given his conspiracy with Yogi, he may also be guilty of murdering Hammond by proxy.
Child abuse - Both Miles and Franziska could push for this, even just with what we have explicitly stated. Depending on interpretation and how poor of a guardian he was, this charge could have some serious ground to stand on.
Emotional abuse - Pretty much the same hat as the child abuse charge, only less uncertain.
Criminal threat - I don't know what you want from me, man. He threatens everyone all the time.
Torture - I haven't played investigations yet, but from what I'm looking at, he psychologically tortured a guy, so. That's pretty non Geneva convention certified of him, even if this isn't a war.
Workplace abuse - Again, this is hearsay because investigations, but he's pretty crappy to his subordinates, it seems.
Solicitation - He heavily encourages Yogi to kill Hammond and frame Miles.
Conspiracy - He provides Yogi with the means to kill Hammond, so while there is technically no mutual agreement, he's also guilty of this.
Damon Gant
Corruption - As a government official, a great deal of his crimes constitute corruption.
Forgery - A great portion of the conflict of his case comes from the forged evidence he made.
Obstruction of justice - Most of the rest of the conflict of his case comes from the evidence he withheld.
Blackmail - Quite a severe case of it, at that. Multiple years against a single person is nothing to sneeze at.
Incrimination - That's what it was when he made it look like Ema killed Neil.
First-degree murder - He thought about killing Neil long enough to consider the pros and cons of doing so, and went through with it. That's pretty premeditated. A good lawyer may be able to get him down to second degree for Goodman, but it's highly doubtful considering.
Conspiracy - He had Lana hide Goodman's body, and while there was blackmail involved, there was still a mutual agreement. Thus, conspiracy.
Concealment of death - There are a few different names for this, but it's when he had Lana hide Goodman's body. It was unsuccessful, but there were still significant steps taken to have it happen on both their parts, so he may get a partial sentence.
Criminal threat - He makes so many threats.
Workplace abuse - I think using a pipe organ to punish your employees violates some international laws or something. Speaking of which...
Torture - Of the audio variety. Seriously this guy is the police how did this fly for so long that is BAD.
Vigilantism - This is actually very interesting. Despite the fact that he is a member of law enforcement and Joe Darke did kill multiple people, he still used illegal means to bring him to some form of justice. Depending on how much he wanted Darke convicted, it could be argued that his actions constitute vigilantism.
Assault and battery - One case of assault against Goodman, and two charges of battery against Neil and Goodman. Assault is the threat of violence and the means to follow through, and battery is the actual act of violence; seeing as Neil was unconscious, he could not have been threatened. The assault was aggravated, as a knife is a deadly weapon.
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seamuswrynn · 1 month
Could you speak on what your siblings were like back in the day?
I was the youngest of four and grew up with two older sisters and an older brother. Their names were Moira, Eileen and Declan.
Moira was a very hard woman, but I suppose you had to be if you wanted to get by. Her being a decade older than myself made it difficult for us to find any common ground; I was a deeply sensitive child too, which did little to advance our relationship. Declan was far less fond of her than I was for reasons I cannot fault.
Ultimately, however, I do not blame Moira for her actions; to be a Wrynn is to be born doomed. I came to understand that when I learned it was not a workplace accident which reduced Declan to a crippled shell of whom he once was, but Moira's own fury. I then understood that to be a Wrynn is to be born of cursed blood; I cannot possibly fault Moira for inheriting my father's temper or my mother's desolation when there was little virtue to inherit in the first place.
I loved Eileen deeply and I still do; I know she loved me as much as I loved her. She was the most intelligent and exhilarating woman I knew. Illness claimed her when I was quite young, leaving her bedridden and occupying the only room we had when we were younger. However, I would often spend the night with her, and she would be sure to express her appreciation of my company. :)
She was a woman who was in a lot of pain, and that she decided she could share not just her pain but her love with me. She felt I was the only person who understood her, and that is the greatest honor to me. Her death was untimely, and it was only once she died that I could truly appreciate everything she did for me. I miss her deeply.
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chamerionwrites · 2 months
A fun fact is that what “counts” (at least for the purposes of receiving a PTSD diagnosis) as a traumatic event has changed with each version of the DSM, and currently reads thus:
Exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence in one (or more) of the following ways:
Directly experiencing the traumatic event(s).
Witnessing, in person, the event(s) as it occurred to others.
Learning that the traumatic event(s) occurred to a close family member or close friend. In cases of actual or threatened death of a family member or friend, the event(s) must have been violent or accidental.
Experiencing repeated or extreme exposure to aversive details of traumatic event(s) (e.g., first responders collecting human remains; police officers repeatedly exposed to details of child abuse).
Insofar as I can tell this means that - definitionally speaking - you can get PTSD from learning that your friend was in a car accident*, but not from. Say. Severe bullying in childhood or in the workplace; witnessing the drawn-out death of a loved one from cancer; being raised in a cult that tries to control your every thought and emotion; verbally and/or emotionally abusive relationships; etc…..
*Obviously I’m not claiming that this can’t be traumatic - just that where we’re choosing to draw the boundaries here seems hilariously arbitrary.
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
AITA for almost abandoning my boss to human traffickers?
My (25m) girlfriend (26f) was killed by my boss a few months ago. I can't really talk much about my job as its a pretty secret thing but it's rather dangerous. My girlfriend had been a loyal employee until a big accident rendered her sick, and I cared for her in the basement of my workplace until she eventually started trying to kill me and my coworkers. My boss (35????m) tried to threaten me into killing her, but I didn't, so he killed her himself. I was pretty upset about this but I didn't resign because I actually do believe in what we do.
Yesterday one of my coworkers brought her girlfriend in our office and the latter tried to kill us, so my boss killed her as well. He then proceeded to make a rather insensitive joke about her death.
After work, I went to a pub next to my apartment to talk to a barmaid who's been really nice to me. She promised me she knew a way for me to move away from here for good and made me stay with her until closing to show me. She brought me into the basement of the bar and there was an alien a man there who claimed he could help me move. My boss then barged in and claimed the person was actually a human trafficker. The man attacked my boss, and everyone was yelling around me and it was overwhelming me so I let him do it. I let the man kidnap my boss and left the bar but I came back shortly after when I realised what I'd done. I helped my boss escape so he's fine now but I'm not sure it was right for me to even let him be in this situation. AITA?
EDIT: My boss and I are having an affair now so I guess he's not really mad at me or anything.
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ginzburgjake · 2 years
There’s a fucking ghost in the Archives.
At least, that’s the simplest reasonable explanation Martin can put forward if asked. Nobody will bother to ask, probably, but in the depths of his mind, Martin still knows: there must be a damn ghost haunting the Archives he works in, and Martin has no idea what to do.
Okay, so maybe he’s being slightly paranoid. Maybe the new job is getting to him, a bit, what with the unexpected transfer to a dusty old basement full of dusty old papers and taped, label-less boxes. But there’s no denying that, apart from the general creepiness of the place and a feeling of being constantly watched (which he will not explore further, thank you), there’s something… well, weird going on.
It all starts with a pen. You see, Martin has a favourite pen — black ink, sits in his hand perfectly, presses onto the page at just the right angle. When not in use, it rests innocently inside a tall froggy cup, along with a few other pieces of stationery. So imagine Martin’s confusion when, one day, he returns from the lunch break to update his notes, takes a seat at the desk, holds out a hand to grab his pen, only to find — nothing. His pen is gone. He searches around his workplace, on the floor, in the drawers, even looks under the unassuming, grey carpet. Both Sasha and Tim claim they haven’t borrowed it, and no-one else could have entered or left the Archives without passing by Sasha’s office.
Martin is, understandably, sad, although not too surprised — his mother always told him off for getting his head stuck in the clouds. Probably misplaced the pen by accident, it happens. And he wouldn’t think anything of this unfortunate event — if not for the fact that when he comes to work next day, the pen is back. It is, once again, sticking out of the froggy cup, as if it’s always been there. Martin picks it up to check — and yes, it’s definitely his pen, with the ink halfway spent and the tip demonstrating a clear evidence of Martin’s nervous chewing habits. He decides it must be Tim pulling a prank (not even a clever one, mind) and lets the issue go without bringing it up. Still, something uneasy gnaws at Martin’s mind until the end of the day.
It becomes something of a regular occurrence — objects disappearing and turning up hours, days later in random places. Usually it’s office supplies — pens, pencils, a ruler, a stack of highlighters, sticky notes, and once even a roll of two-sided duct tape. Less often it’s case files or personal belongings. And never — food. At first, Martin seriously considers bringing this up with Tim or Sasha, forcing one (or both) of his colleagues to come clean, because the constant re-arrangement of everything is starting to drive him insane. However, it soon becomes evident that his friends also fell prey to the mysterious kleptomanic forces; Sasha’s hairbands go missing from her desk and are then found in the trash bin, along with Tim’s fidget cube. Tim complains that his collection of small superhero erasers is out of order (Martin has no way of knowing whether it’s true), and Sasha struggles to find her colour-coded paperclips.
Every morning in the Archives from then on begins with hunting down the essentials and then keeping a close eye on them, never leaving any treasured possessions overnight. Sasha uses her clearance level to access the tapes and staff recordings to confirm that nobody enters the Archives except for the three of them. It’s a pity the basement itself has no cameras, and Elias is no help in the matter whatsoever. Thus, the small archival crew has no other choice but to cope.
Life continues like that for a while, and Martin even gets used to the oddness of the whole situation. Then, the whispering starts.
It’s like someone is muttering unintelligible nonsense under their nose, too quiet and far away for Martin to catch the exact words. He can’t even say where the voice is coming from. It appears suddenly, akin to a gust of cold wind, and passes by before Martin registers its presence properly. He hears it for the first time around mid-September and promptly falls out of his chair, turning his head from side to side in alarm. The incident is just spooky enough to convince him that it’s awfully late (which it is) and he really should go home to lie down.
The next time happens a month later, and Martin, who absolutely forgot about the previous encounter, has to spend several long minutes on his knees, cleaning up a rather large stain of spilled tea on the break room floor. The whispered rantings proceed to greet Martin every two weeks, occasionally bringing the feelings of cold and damp weather, even though Martin knows for a fact that the heating works just fine. Neither Sasha nor Tim report any similar experiences, so Martin keeps his ghost idea to himself, waiting for a better opportunity to bring it up. Frankly, the perspective of meeting a real ghost excites him almost as much as it is terrifying. They do study paranormal stuff, but it’s not like Martin has ever seen it before. He’s not entirely sure he wants to find out what a potentially vengeful ghost might want with his poor soul, especially considering that two previous Archivists disappeared without a trace, and one of them left a quite concerning amount of blood behind.
So Martin puts up with the chills, and runaway pens, and a weird odour of salt well into the winter. He brings extra sweaters, makes more chamomile tea to calm the nerves and helps around to relieve some of Sasha’s stress. It’s fine, good even, with the company he finds himself in, and the whole ghost thing ultimately doesn’t bother him that much.
That is, until January 25th, when he comes to the document storage to retrieve a couple of unnamed boxes and sees… oh shit.
He sees what can be nothing but a blue, transparent, floating hand.
part 2 >
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coremcenterusa · 4 months
Your general well-being, financial situation, and health can all be significantly impacted by work-related accidents. Making a workers’ compensation claim might help you get the benefits and financial support you need to heal from an injury you sustained at work and move on. Nevertheless, navigating the workers’ compensation system may be challenging, and submitting a successful claim necessitates paying close attention to specifics and following guidelines. If you opt for Workplace Injury Compensation, contact Core Medical Center.  Here, we have experts who can help you make Workplace Accident Claims.
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Thank you, Mr Chairman, I’m Jeff Cleghorn, sixth generation Georgian, live in Butts County, army veteran, retired lawyer, and have been a gay rights activist for the last three decades.
I served on the board of directors of Georgia Equality and Lambda Legal,and am a past president of the Stonewall Bar Association. I have long advocated for the equal dignity of gay and lesbian Georgians and Americans.
SB88 is necessary because queer, gender identity transgender activism, and the transgender medical industry, are aggressively targeting children of all ages including inside school classrooms. This is a belief system that many people, me included, do not believe in.
The gay rights movement succeeded because we changed hearts and minds, and we did it the old-fashioned way: by telling the truth about our lives. And today, gays and lesbians live in every Georgia county happy and content to love our families and be good citizens. I have long known and worked with many transgender people, and I know that they only want to live their lives in peace, free from mistreatment by anyone. And I’m glad trans Americans and Georgians now have every legal right as the rest of us with the Supreme Court recently expanding Title VII to include workplace protections for transgender.
But, as a result of piggybacking transgender activism on the gay movement of yesterday, transgender activists never did the work. They skipped right over the changing hearts and mind part. Instead, they stridently declared the “LGBTQ+ is now a single identity," and that some people can be both sexes at the same time, while other people are neither male nor female, and some people are born in the wrong body, and some women have a penis. and there are 58 different genders, and as many pronouns.
SB88 is necessary because the former gay rights movement has been hijacked by those pushing this dishonest gender ideology on children. This is about much more than helping kids with gender dysphoria, most of whom will grow up to be gay or lesbian if left alone, according to every study ever conducted on the subject. This is about indoctrinating kids into a belief system that is not real.
Tens of millions of dollars are spent each year by groups like GLSEN and the Trevor project specifically targeting kids with this ideology. And queer activists push this belief system that gender and sex and sexuality can mean whatever someone says they mean, and there should be no boundaries.
Parents have every right to know if this stuff shows up in their child’s school. No one had ever heard of a transgender child until recently and today we see tens of thousands of young females soliciting GoFundMe donations online to amputate their healthy breasts or to have “gender affirming hysterectomies."
15 years ago, there were only two or three so-called gender clinics. Today there are hundreds, including more than 50 paediatric. The skyrocketing thousands of percent recent increase in kids claiming a trans identity is not by accident and children are being harmed.
There are more than 52,000 members of a Reddit transitional group, mostly young lesbians, and gay men with gutting stories of regret, sterility, loss of sexual function, early onset osteoporosis, and vaginal atrophy as the transgender medical industry is laughing all the way to the bank.
SB88 is needed because they are proselytizing this queer, sex, sexuality ideology to children. Activists and schools have no business interfering with the parent-child relationship.
Do not let schools teach kids to keep secrets from their parents. These are not Georgia values. Thank you.
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simonwaltersperth · 2 years
Simon Walters is a Perth-based solicitor, specialising in motor vehicle accident injury compensation claims, worker's compensation claims, personal injuries claims and public liability claims for over 40 years. Injuries can change your life forever, which is why it's important to seek the right advice for compensation for them. Simon Walters’ Practice understands the challenges of navigating the law to claim compensation, and we will help you every step of the way. Description automatically generatedWhether you've been injured at work or in a road accident and have made a claim or have any questions, call us today for a free, no obligation consultation and speak to Simon Walters. https://simonwalters.com.au
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ravenspeakrp · 23 days
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Welcome to Raven’s Peak, Chayya, we’re excited to have you! Roberta "Robby" Darling (Human, Ella Purnell) has been accepted. Please be sure to stop by the CHECKLIST for the follow list, tags to track, and other reminders.
NAME: chayya PRONOUNS: she/they AGE: 30+ TIMEZONE: EST
FULL NAME: Roberta “Robby” Darling SPECIES: human AGE: 28 DATE OF BIRTH: June 5 GENDER IDENTITY: demigirl NEIGHBORHOOD: downtown OCCUPATION: medical examiner’s assistant, medical technician WORKPLACE: Sheriff’s Office, local hospital POSITIVE TRAITS: independent, kind, intuitive NEGATIVE TRAITS: insecure, anxious, prone to self-pity LENGTH OF TIME IN RAVEN’S PEAK: 2 weeks FACE CLAIM: Ella Purnell
TRIGGER WARNING: sibling death (car accident death), demonic possession/themes of content issues, exorcism/themes of religious trauma, infidelity
Robby grew up knowing she wasn’t the favorite of her family. Even she hadn’t been everything she was and is, she never would have been able to compete with her perfect older sister, Alessandra. Alessandra got straight A’s, captained the field hockey team, had an All-American boyfriend, sat up straight and attentive during mass. And Robby…did her best. She worked hard at school (managing a solid B-average throughout), had her own little clutch of friends, and… Mass was hard. You try being not quite straight and not quite cis in a strict Roman Catholic family. Not that she ever told her parents any of that, but it always seemed like they…knew. At least, it felt like they did, to Robby.
Despite the tension of Ally’s perfection, the girls were close. There was only a little over a year between them and among Ally’s picture-perfect everything else, she was a stellar older sister. She included Robby, helped with her homework, leant her clothes. Through it all, despite how different they were, Robby and Ally remained best friends, thick as thieves. Robby followed her to the nearby state university after graduating. Ally settled down just outside of their hometown, Robby continued on at the university for her masters. Ally married that All-American boyfriend and had a baby girl of her own, Robby got a job, to her parents’ bemusement, as a medical examiner’s assistant. 
And when it happened, it was just one of those awful tragedies. No rhyme or reason. One minute Ally was driving from work to daycare to pick up that little girl of hers, and the next, she was dead. Robby stepped up as best she could, as much as she knew how, for her niece and brother-in-law and parents. But she had her own mourning to contend with – her own grief and insecurity and anxiety. That’s when her demon found her.
They’ll tell you that most possessed humans don’t remember their possessions, unless the demon wants them too. Well, Robby’s demon must have wanted her to. She remembers every second of her possession: all the terrible pain, every awful thing the demon did wearing her face. At first, no one in her life noticed anything amiss, and Robby despaired (Did they really all think her so horrible?) And when they did realize, her parents simply wanted to disown her, cut her off from them forever. Until the demon went for one last trick: sleeping with her sister’s widowed husband. 
Whether the man was sick with grief or had been a creep all along, Robby will never know. All she does know is that after, he confessed his sins and claimed he had been tempted by a demon seductress. Usually that line is just a coward’s excuse. In this case, though, it was the truth. Her parents, in their holy fervor, believed him and sought the Church’s permission for an exorcism.
And just like that, Robby was back to herself. Mostly. There was so much to sift through and process: still the death of her sister, all that her body had been used for, for nearly a year, and her own insecurities about how exactly a demon was able to breach her. That sort of thing would have never happened to Ally. She ended up staying in a psychiatric ward for a few months, attempting to reckon with all that had happened. It was the first time she received mental health from someone who wasn’t faith-based and it helped (Even if they didn’t believe her about the demon. They believed that she believed it.)
She was released and was looking forward to just moving on with her life. But her family couldn’t. Her parents and brother-in-law were, to put it frankly, incredibly uncool about it all. Robby couldn’t be sure which they were more upset about, the demonic possession or the stay in the mental hospital. Either way, they told her they thought it would be best if she didn’t see her niece anymore. Robby didn’t see any reason to stay around them, then. She planned and prepared and, soon enough, picked up and left.
She isn’t sure how she came to find Raven’s Peak, really. Maybe it found her. Maybe it felt her reaching out for answers about that possession, what it meant for her, why she sometimes thinks she can still feel it whispering from her ribcage.
Prefers to go by Robby, but if you get very close to her she may reveal that her childhood nickname was Birdy.
When speaking to her, you may detect a slight New Jersey accent.
Robby has been experiencing “flashbacks” since being released from the psychiatric hospital. She isn’t sure if this is a trauma response or some leftover bit of the demon, festering inside her.
While she is obviously aware that demons exist, Robby has little knowledge of other supernatural beings. Though, she does have a sense that there is more. After all, if demons are real, what else could be?
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mightyflamethrower · 9 months
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A robotic malfunction at Tesla’s Giga Texas factory resulted in a violent encounter where an engineer was attacked by one of the company’s robots, resulting in significant injuries and leaving a ‘trail of blood.’
According to the Daily Mail, while working on software programming for non-functional Tesla robots, the engineer was suddenly pinned against a surface by a robot tasked with manipulating aluminum car components, with its metal claws inflicted an injury that left an ‘open wound’ on the worker’s left hand.
“Two of the robots, which cut car parts from freshly cast pieces of aluminum, were disabled so the engineer and his teammates could safely work on the machines. A third one, which grabbed and moved the car parts, was inadvertently left operational, according to two people who watched it happen. As that robot ran through its normal motions, it pinned the engineer against a surface, pushing its claws into his body and drawing blood from his back and his arm, the two people said,” The Information reported.
Quick action was taken by Tesla workers who intervened and triggered the emergency shutdown button to halt the malfunctioning robot and prevent further injury to the engineer.
This incident came to light through a 2021 injury report filed to Travis County and federal regulators, which Daily Mail reviewed. Tesla is legally required to report such incidents to ensure the continuation of state-provided tax incentives.
Despite claims by Tesla that the engineer did not require time off following the event, an attorney representing the factory’s contract laborers suggests otherwise. Evidence hints at possible underreporting of workplace accidents, casting doubt on the official records.
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Daily Mail reported:
The injury report, which Tesla must submit to authorities by law to maintain its lucrative tax breaks in Texas, claimed the engineer did not require time off of work. But one attorney who represents Tesla’s Giga Texas contract workers has told DailyMail.com she believes, based on her conversations with workers there, that the amount of injuries suffered at the factory is going underreported. This underreporting, the attorney said, even included the September 28, 2021 death of a construction worker, who had been contracted to help build the factory itself. ‘My advice would be to read that report with a grain of salt,’ the attorney, Hannah Alexander of the nonprofit Workers Defense Project, told DailyMail.com. ‘We’ve had multiple workers who were injured,’ Alexander said, ‘and one worker who died, whose injuries or death are not in these reports that Tesla is supposed to be accurately completing and submitting to the county in order to get tax incentives.’
Elon Musk has yet to issue a formal statement in response to these allegations.
Just recently, Tesla revealed the second generation of its humanoid robot, Optimus Gen 2.
Optimus Gen 2 stands at a height of 5 feet 11 inches and weighs in at a light 121 pounds, shedding 22 pounds from the first model. It’s not just its frame that’s been upgraded; this robot can reach speeds up to 5 mph, which is a substantial 30% increase in velocity.
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theoddcatlady · 9 months
Problem Child
TW: Child Abuse
As a social worker, you’re bound to come across some really messed up stuff. I’ve been at this job for nearly twelve years and I’ve seen everything. Joel was raised in a kennel with a dog, he were so small I thought he was two years younger than he really was. Andrea went into a doctor’s appointment only for the doc to find out the kid had contracted chlamydia. Sophia who had been tied to a bed and beaten to ‘get the devils’ out of her. Fynn had been choked for enough time by his stepdad to have permanent brain damage.
But all of those kids have homes now. They were adopted by loving families. I send them cards on their birthdays. Joel is obsessed with Disney and went to Florida with his mom during summer vacation. Andrea now speaks regularly at sexual abuse seminars and helps other victims come forward about what they went through. Sophia wants to be an astronaut, Fynn is beating the odds and making us all proud with all he’s accomplishing.
I can’t say the same for Bonnie.
Bonnie only crossed my desk recently, her original caseworker had retired and no one else wanted to do checks on her. I couldn’t imagine why until she was sent back into the system. That’s when I cracked open that file and gave it a long read.
No one knows where Bonnie came from. They found her in the backseat of a car that had been in an accident, the driver appeared to have suddenly swerved and ran into a tree. It killed him instantly. However, when the driver was ID’d, he didn’t have children that age. The girl wasn’t one of his relatives, and she was found in a worn out carseat that had the name ‘Bonnie’ scrawled on it in black crayon.
As much as it irks me to say this, she was the perfect case for an easy adoption. Blue eyes, blonde hair, six months old and perfectly healthy. Exactly the kind of child that anyone would want. It’s no surprise to me that a lovely young couple brought her into their home within a week. I even found a newspaper clipping announcing that the Johnson’s family has grown by one. Cheesy, but cute.
But not even three weeks later and Bonnie was sent right back into the system, with no explanation other than ‘she’s a handful’. I did some digging and it does seem that the perfect Johnson couple were not nearly so perfect. A well check revealed that the garbage can was filled to the brim with wine bottles and Mr. Johnson had been fired from his workplace for embezzlement.
I actually looked them up to scrape up that last fact, I had gotten far too curious.
The next couple seems to be an even better fit, the Morrisons. They’d already adopted three year old Lily the year prior and they were excited to grow their family again. Mrs. Morrison was a teacher, Mr. Morrison was an accountant. Lily was a happy, healthy girl.
Well, she was.
Two weeks after Bonnie joined their perfect family, Lily was diagnosed with leukemia. This was out of nowhere. It worked fast. Before the year was out the family had shrunk, and the Morrison family had to buy a coffin that should never have to be made so small.
Everything fell apart after this. Mrs. Morrison started having an affair with one of her students, Mr. Morrison came home to them in bed and in a rage he shot them both. The teenage boy didn’t survive but Mrs. Morrison did, although she’d never be able to walk again. During the trial it came out that Mrs. Morrison felt like she was no longer in control of her actions, she claimed she was sleepwalking when she seduced her student and brought him into her bed. Funny part is, Mr. Morrison said he had no idea where he even got that gun- he didn’t own one, and it wasn’t registered to him either.
Obviously, little Bonnie had to be sent back into the system while her parents were sent to prison for statutory rape and murder.
I wish I could say it got easier for her from here… but it didn’t. Not at all. It got worse even. Not every house was as perfect as the Morrisons could’ve been. There are so many ‘parents’ out there that are in it for the paycheck. Frankly, they got what they deserved when Bonnie entered their house.
I was on the computer all night to see the path of destruction that laid in Bonnie’s wake. Housefires. Unexpected deaths, some explained, some not. Illness. Erratic and violent behavior. The most saintly of people became depraved maniacs, devolving into sexual deviants that sold their kids to sickos and downloaded terabytes upon terabytes of illegal porn. Big brothers began gutting cats and big sisters were found with their wrists slit in the bathtub. Parents threw children out the window on the second floor. Jobs were lost. Homes destroyed.
And the only thing in common with each and every one was Bonnie.
The last house probably had it the worst, the Raders. This poor couple hadn’t a damn clue what they were getting into when they adopted Bonnie, they’d already adopted three other ‘problem’ children who came from abusive pasts so they probably thought that Bonnie would be nothing new. Nothing unexpected.
Mr. Rader went into work last week and killed nearly every one of his coworkers with a shot gun. No one was spared and it ended only when he turned the gun on himself. The only survivor had managed to hide herself in the closet and she said that he didn’t say a word until everyone else was dead. Then she heard him start to scream uncontrollably, the screaming grew louder and louder until it was cut off by the final shot.
I can’t say the rest of the family had it easy. On the same day, Mrs. Rader drowned the youngest child in the bathtub, while the older children ran down the streets, naked and wailing. They finally managed to flag down a neighbor and told her, and I quote, ‘Mom’s gone crazy, she’s going to kill us all just because of Bonnie!’
When the police finally got home, Mrs. Rader had hung herself off the shower rod while Bonnie was busy drawing flowers in the basement. It was like she didn’t even know what was going on upstairs.
I’ve seen a lot of children, many who might be concerned ‘problems’. But Bonnie takes the cake. This child is a jinx in human form and I have no idea why.
So this is why I’ve agreed to foster Bonnie. I cannot let this child go into another home knowing what I do now.
Bonnie is one of the most beautiful children I’ve ever seen, dark golden curls and those wide eyes are such a bright blue they make the sky seem drab. She’s quiet, always says please and thank you, and I’ve yet to see any typical trouble making behavior- stealing, hoarding, lying, destroying.
I questioned her about all her previous homes, how her entire life she’s never spent more than seven months in a house. At the time we were enjoying dinner, and Bonnie looked up from her mac n’ cheese to ask for some applesauce. When I poured her some applesauce in a bowl, she took it and then she started talking.
“I’m a very bad thing. I can’t do good things, no matter how hard I try, and everyone around me gets hurt because of it. I’m sorry, I’ll try to do better this time.”
I pity this child. I don’t know if I trust her, but I do pity her. I only hope I can avoid the fate of Bonnie’s other families.
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junosartsthetic · 2 years
Joseph Joestar part 3 would send you a dick-pic via email. To your work email. While you’re at work. And laugh hysterically when you come home mortified and horny. 
He’d claim it was an accident. That he didn’t mean to get you all hot and bothered at your workplace. That he meant to send it to your home account. That it was a joke. That he doesn’t know how to use new technology. But you and he both know he damn well knew what he was doing. 
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