#World Water Day
politijohn · 6 months
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miyrumiyru · 6 months
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Today is World water day!
here are some tips about how to save our precious water.
Reuse water - If used water is clean enough, give plants the water!
Check twice - Turn off the water when not in use.
Take shorter shower - Focus on shower with the awareness.
Don't use generative AI - They are causing huge consumption of water and other energy when generate something.
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markruffalo · 2 years
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Nothing you do to lend a hand is ever just a drop in the bucket.
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grasshoppergeography · 6 months
World Water Day
World Water Day, held on 22 March every year since 1993, focuses on the importance of freshwater. It celebrates water and raises awareness of the 2.2 billion people living without access to safe water. The theme of World Water Day 2024 is ‘Water for Peace’. Read more about related issues and possible solutions on UN's website.
The more people talk about these global issues, the more action will be taken - on personal and on governmental level as well. Just like last year, we decided to contribute to the campaign with posters you are free (and encouraged!) to share on social media. Give people the chance to talk about the importance of freshwater.
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Find all posters here (MEGA folder) or on our website.
Key messages for World Water Day 2024 (from worldwaterday.org)
Water can create peace or spark conflict. When water is scarce or polluted, or when people struggle for access, tensions can rise. By cooperating on water, we can balance everyone’s water needs and help stabilize the world.
Prosperity and peace rely on water. As nations manage climate change, mass migration and political unrest, they must put water cooperation at the heart of their plans.
Water can lead us out of crisis. We can foster harmony between communities and countries by uniting around the fair and sustainable use of water – from United Nations conventions at the international level, to actions at the local level.
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murasakinocatt · 6 months
Um feliz dia mundial da água! já bebeu água hoje?
Happy World Water Day! Have you drunk water today?
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saspitite · 6 months
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"Water is a human right" Heavysaurus collaborating with Viva con Agua on World Water Day.
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murderousink23 · 6 months
03/22/2024 is National Bavarian Crepes Day 🇺🇸, National Goof Off Day 🤪🇺🇸, National Puppy Day 🐶🇺🇸, World Water Day 🚰🇺🇸
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subby-sab · 6 months
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Today is 22nd of March.
Today is World Water Day, International Seal Day, International Goof Off Day, National Bavarian Crepes Day.
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ilblogdellestorie · 2 years
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Solo lo 0,5 per cento dell'acqua sulla Terra è utilizzabile come acqua dolce, e il cambiamento climatico riduce l'accumulo di acqua terrestre di un centimetro ogni anno.
Sono dati dell'Agenzia dell'Onu per la meteorologia che avverte: nel 2050 cinque miliardi di persone avranno problemi di accesso a risorse idriche. Significa che, secondo le stime del Water Grabbing Observatory, nel 2030 il 47 per cento della popolazione mondiale vivrà in zone a elevato stress idrico, che si traduce in elevatissimo stress sociale.
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officialhexrpg · 1 year
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March Contest: Watery Ways
It's easy to take our quick access to clean water for granted, but every drop counts! Find your way through our Watery Ways and save as much water as you can along the way. - The Atrium
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raurquiz · 6 months
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#worldwaterday #DiaMundialdelAgua #statrek #voyager #thirstydays #enterprise #xindi #aquatic #insurrection #picard #data #anij #startrekbeyond #intodarkness #startrek57 @TrekMovie @TrekCore @StarTrek @StarTrekOnPPlus
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world water day
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Water is essential for life, and we must conserve and use it efficiently. If we don't, we'll suffer severe consequences. Remember, prevention is always better than cure. #worldwaterday #savewater #saveearth #preventionisbetterthancure #sacredtrinitydigiagency #chennai #india #liveinawareness
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tonybannerblog · 2 years
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On World Water Day I want to give a huge pat on the back to our favorite Water Champion. He’s been at it for a long time, and progress has been made as a result of his efforts. Thanks, Mark, for doing and inspiring.
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It's World Water Day today!
As we are seriously off-track to meet SDG6, this year is about accelerating change. The more people talk about global issues, the more action will be taken - on personal and on governmental level as well. We decided to contribute to the campaign with some posters you are free (and encouraged!) to share on social media. Give people the chance to talk about the importance of freshwater. You can find more info and all the posters here.
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