#Worth Counting
skalidra · 28 days
Out of curiosity, what kind of hairstyle does Slade from your fics have (more specifically the Worth Counting AU Slade)? Doesn't he have a long enough hair to be wearing a ponytail, or is it longish (like he had in his rebirth run) or maybe completely short? Does he have a full beard or a goatee with/without a mustache? I can never decide which version to go with while reading your fics, he keeps shape-shifting in my head. Byw can't wait for part 8 to be posted!!
I like floofy-haired Rebirth Slade's hair the best! I think it makes him look, in Wintergreen's words, 'annoyingly young'. That is usually what I'm picturing for hair, if I picture it at all, but admittedly upon reflection my mental images tend to just be face-focused. In fact, apparently they are mouth-to-eyes focused because I had to go make a decision on beard, too.
I suppose it is. Technically. A goatee. I do like Slade with a somewhat small beard that covers mostly just his chin, with no upper lip involvement, that does not go out along his jaw. It has just never occurred to me that it should be called a goatee, I always describe it as a 'neatly trimmed beard' and don't think about the specifics.
I guess the answer to 'what is it' is unhelpfully: I don't know my brain doesn't do specifics on facial hair. Whoops.
(Thank you! Two chapters of it down. Starting to work on three.)
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darkwood-sleddog · 11 months
Because @staff is too cowardly…
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mwagneto · 2 years
genuinely about to cry at the word for france in te reo māori. so like. almost every country name is just the english name but altered to only have letters that exist in te reo (so like canada = kānata, norway = nōwei etc) except france that is literally just fucking. wīwī. as in ouioui. imgoing to fucking die
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radioroxx · 3 months
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this post but its the deltabunes
(versions w/out text)
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nugget-child · 1 month
Osamu “I have no such taste in men” Dazai
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ruporas · 11 months
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the blank ticket in your hand is just waiting to be filled in.
happy birthday vash! (ID in alt text)
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yeehawbvby · 1 year
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It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake!!! :)
inspired by this
tip jar
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hollowwish · 2 months
You guys do realize a lot of watcher fans complaining about the six dollars don't just need to "cancel their disney+ or hulu subscriptions." They're the people who ALREADY can't afford streaming services. It's not that they should be supporting independent creators over big corporations, it's that they literally cannot afford to do either.
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harmonysanreads · 2 years
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ohshinytrinketsmine · 2 months
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skalidra · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: DCU (Comics) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jason Todd/Slade Wilson, Slade Wilson/Original Male Character(s) Characters: Jason Todd, Slade Wilson, Minor Characters Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Slade Wilson, Alpha Jason Todd, Developing Relationship, Rough Sex, Biting, Knotting, Overstimulation, Choking, Minor Slade Wilson/Unnamed OC, Feelings Realization, Manhandling, Sadism, Masochism, Light Dom/sub Series: Part 6 of Worth Counting Summary:
Slade is very sure of one thing: He's too much for most people. He's intense, he's possessive, he's a selfish bastard and he's never pretended otherwise. No one can handle him when he's at his worst. The kid is no exception, and it's better if Slade proves that to them both. All he has to do is let loose, be everything he can be, and the kid will back off. It might as well happen now.
‘Busy?’ the text reads, when Jason picks up his phone from the kitchen counter.
Jason hesitates for a second. He's just cleaning up his apartment a little, so he's not really involved in anything, per se. He just finished the dishes; there's other things to do, but nothing that can't be postponed. It’s only about five; he’s not intending on leaving for patrol for at least a couple more hours, and he doesn't have anything related to that that has to be done, either. Depending on what Slade wants — depending on how long it’s going to take — he's probably free.
Yeah, he can— He can be free. For Slade.
He taps his thumb on the back of the phone. Takes a breath. ‘No.’ he sends back.
The response comes back almost immediately.
‘Open your door.’
Read more on Archive of Our Own!
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rawrsatthetree · 2 months
I’ve seen people compare Julian Devorak to Astarion, and honestly I think you’re all embarrassing wrong.
Gale Dekarios is Julian Devorak.
Astarion is Count Lucio
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herewegobebe · 3 months
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Key talking about the iconic and beloved 'Lucifer' dance practice video 😅💞 [x]
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trensu · 1 year
It's Will that gives him the idea.
"we don't really celebrate father's day anymore," he had said awkwardly, "but I can't hang out anyway."
"why not?" Dustin demanded. He was gonna end up bored and alone because he didn't celebrate the holiday and everyone else had plans. he had been counting on Will to keep him company.
"I'm gonna get Jonathan a new record and I want to listen to it with him," he said.
"can't he get his own records? C'mon, we could go to the arcade or something."
"no, Dustin," his tone took on a stubborn edge that made Dustin pause. "He's my brother and I love him, and he's the only guy besides Bob who's ever even tried to look out for me. So I'm sorry but I'm gonna be busy on Sunday."
Dustin didn't argue after that but it did get him thinking which is why on Sunday morning he biked all the way over to Loch Nora and started banging on Steve's door.
"what do you want, Henderson?" Steve sighed the most dramatic put upon sigh Dustin had ever heard.
"you're not my dad--"
"wow you really are genius!"
"shut up, shut up, listen to me!"
"okay, geez, I'm listening."
"you're not my dad and I don't want you to be my dad. I don't even really want a dad! Lots of dads aren't even that great and my mom already has the single parent thing down. But you taught me how to do my hair and how to talk to girls - even though that advice sucked, I didn't need it to get Suzie at all - and you're gonna teach me how to drive--"
"woah, hey, no I never said I'd do that, wh--"
"--and you've saved my life but I think we're even because I've saved your life too."
"Henderson don't you have anything better to do than harass me in my own home?" Steve said. he was using that exasperated tone he got when he knew he wasn't keeping up with what was going on but didn't want to admit it.
"actually no I don't but I'm here for a reason," he reached into his backpack and took out the gift he clumsily wrapped with scraps of brown paper bags. He shoved it into Steve's hands. "You're basically the only adult male figure in my life. And I appreciate you."
Steve squinted at the gift and then at Dustin and at the gift again before he said fussily "is this a prank? If something gross explodes from this, I swear to god, I'll--"
"Just open it, Steve!"
"Fine, fine, keep your shirt on," Steve said and tore off the paper. He blinked and in a softer tone said, "Oh."
"I don't know if you even like making models but I know you love cars and this kit looked just like yours, so yeah."
Steve stared at the kit some more. Dustin started to fidget. It was always better to be honest with your feelings but maybe this was too much for Steve. Maybe Steve didn't like him as much as Dustin did. Steve was not as enlightened about these things as Dustin.
"I've never made a model before."
Dustin hunched his shoulders and tried not to feel stupid or hurt. He should have expected this. They weren't even related. This was probably too weird. He reached out to take the gift back.
"it's fine, I can return it, whatever."
Steve raised the kit out of Dustin's reach.
"Hey, this is mine," he said.
"you don't even like it!"
"I never said that! I'm just gonna need a dweeby little nerd to help me build it. You know anybody like that?" Steve asked, batting his eyes innocently.
"you're such a dick," Dustin grumbled, fighting back a grin.
"watch your language!"
"shut up, you're not my dad."
Steve laughed as Dustin shoved his way into the house. Hours later, after much shouting and ribbing and one incident of spilled paint, a small model of the beemer was left to dry while Steve forced Dustin to watch the baseball game on TV with him. It wasn't the worst thing ever, and after Steve mentioned the statistics involved, it got way more interesting ("of course you'd like the math part, you weirdo" "you don't understand the stats do you" "shut up and watch the game, Henderson"). When the paint was dry, Dustin followed Steve upstairs and watched him carefully and deliberately place the model between a couple of sports trophies.
"yeah, I guess it looks pretty cool," Steve said with exaggerated nonchalance. "Now beat it, kid. your mom's gonna freak if you're not home when she gets back from work."
"can you give me a ride?"
"ugh, fine."
Dustin grinned. This had been, hands down, the best father's day ever. From the look on Steve's face when he placed the model, Dustin was pretty sure he agreed.
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hellenhighwater · 29 days
when you went to law school, did you only have a bachelors in graphic design? i heard you could only do lawschool if you already did university and got a degree. i’ve been interested in law for years but the length of time and price threw me way off. im 23 now and just starting in an engineering degree and now im second guessing myself again 😭
I feel like maybe I'm not following this ask precisely, but yeah, I had a double-major Bachelor of Fine Arts when I went to law school. In most states of the US, you need some kind of bachelor's degree to apply to law school, and you get a Juris Doctor at the end of it. If you then also pass the Bar Exam, and pass the character & fitness review, and the Professional Responsibility exam, then you're licensed to practice law and can call yourself an attorney.
Some attorneys go back and get legal Master's degrees, but it's not a prereq for the JD and is usually more about specialization than anything else. Most people do not start their JD with a Master's.
So if your engineering degree is a Bachelor's, not an Associate's, then yeah, you could go to law school afterwards if you did well on the law school entry exam, which is called the LSAT. The Bachelor's doesn't have to be in prelaw necessarily, it can be whatever.
Also, it's not unusual for people to add "lawyer" as a new thing on top of an existing career. Because the field is so broad and touches so many areas of expertise, many people chose to go to law school after working in an industry and deciding they want to also practice law in relation to that field. It's not a bad thing to put the Bachelor's degree to work for a while before deciding if you want to do the law thing.
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skylerskyhigh · 28 days
Cut Yourself On My Glass Plate
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This took a good amount of effort. But its worth it. I'm proud of this.
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