#Y'all Starscream is HARD to write!!!
cosmicswritings · 10 months
#also this is me just wanting a happy sparkling megastar au where starscream carries because#there are absolutely no happy megastar aus where starscream is a carrier it's always the other way around -ESPECIALLY tfp#like carrier starscream is usually seen as a punishment or to make him seem weak...same with submissive/bottom starscream tbh#kajdfl;ajf #like i hate how a lot of carrier starscream megastar is like this bad - traumatic thing for starscream whereas when it's the other way#around it's a good thing - same with making him sub and people don't realize the weird message that conveys
bro you LITERALLY put one of my biggest issues with megastar into words. I didn't know what the issue was and why I got weirded out by a lot of content but this is it. Especially 'when it's the other way around it's a good thing' part. People either make sub starscream the worst thing possible or talk about it like it's the worst thing to ever happen to his character and then flip things around with him and make him dom/sire and then suddenly he's not weak anymore. I wish people would put in more effort into making carrier/sub Starscream a good thing rather than making it this shameful, taboo thing that he's ashamed of. I really don't mind how people ship Starscream but like you I've noticed a ton of weird vibes. People can do what they want but you honestly just explained my issue with a lot of it.
putting this all under a cut --
In a funny way you put MY words words into words . THANK YOU.
this isn't the case for everyone, but it's something i've seen a lot. i've seen people who will write fics with starscream carrying with megatron and it's the worst experience for him, but then the other way it's like supposed to be good or even to show that starscream is powerful, or isn't weak or whatever.
It's so hard to find fics, or aus, etc. that have starscream carrying that don't push this idea that it's something truamtic and it's even worse to find people who don't see it that way but in conjunction see carrier megatron as the only 'acceptable' and non traumatic/abusive forms of sparklings and mechpreg in megastar. I don't think people know how weird it is to act as if starscream carrying (or lbr even subbing) by default is a bad thing and that it is the worst thing in the world so the fix if is to flip things around.
and then it's also unfair to megatron to portray him like only one way as a sire. like i hate that so many people portray him as a brutish, harmful and abusive person when he's a sire, when in reality i just find him being a very soft, nervous and caring sire...like do y'all hate him that much?? Do you hate him that much that you just rely on those unfair tropes for him, same with starscream.
but then when it's the otherway around suddenly it's all good. all the abuse, hatred, etc., is all gone??
#like on one hand yeay - carrier starscream#but the few i see of carrier starscream in megastar it is just god awful and terrible for him and it's unfair to megatron too#and it's like 'carrier starscream is weak and it's inhernetly bad so we're gonna make it like that - but then we're gonna switch things aro#*around so now - mech preg megastar is acceptable as long as it's this way#idk - how else to explain it#cleary this doesn't apply to everyone#some people are normal abt carrier starscream#and they are normal about sire starscream#but i can't count the amount of times i've read someone's conent esp jettwin content with like#carrier starscream in a megastar sense and it's god awful#it's just ... they go out of their way to portray meg as a brute and starscream as abused#but then flip it around#where megatron is carrying#and it's like....everything is good - it's all fixed#no abuse and or anything#and that makes me sad#sometimes i think people unknowingly deal with a lot of interanlized homophobia and misogyny when it comes to starscream#esp when portraying him in certain ways or pushing ideas that#portraying him in certain ways is inherently harmful or makes him weak#and that's another reaosn why i do hate#a lot of these tropes#like imentioned above people are so fucking unfair to megatron#and make him seem like a brute and like he can't make a good sire#when starscream is involved#and that's just weird#my take away is - i think if u take a character like starscream - and act as if him being submissve or in tf case even a carrier- is#inhernetly a bad or harmful thing to him by default#and that it makes him weak and shit#then that's not really good#i also don't mind carrier megatron
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cosmics-beings · 1 year
it can be a struggle wanting to talk about how it can be *somewhat annoying* when other people act like only tfp starscream is femme/gnc and gay (queer) because i see people tend to just lean into that version of him being queer when all the others are. just because they are bulkier doesn't take away like their femininity or queerness. Like a lot of people don't really mention like g1 starscream or idw starscream when talking about overall queerness and femininity qhen discussing starscream and it makes me upset. G1 was the blueprint and idw starscream really really carrried and I don't like that a huge chunk of people tend to write them off because of how they look.
but on the other hand, there are a lot of ignorant people who are super homophobic and femmephobic toward tfp starscream - that includes other queer people. i've seen tons of people act like tfp starscream's portrayal or fans making him queer and feminine is somehow 'heterenormative' or something fetishistic and that's stupid. like a lot of people are ignortant and just plain stupid when it comes to a lot of their critiques toward tfp starscream and people percieving him as gay/femme or whatever.
like the amount of people who shit on queer fans for hc'ing him as gay or making him queer/femme coded (or even making him submissive in ships - which isn't at all equated to femininity/queerness but that is just something done. and people hate it but like will do the same trope in their ships?) and stuff and really amplifying that in fanarts is just...idk go outside, meet other queer people off line. i think that a lot of the 'omg y'all are making this skinny character overly feminine so you're just heteornormative and fetishy' comes form queer people who just do not interact with quere groups offline because like irl and projecting that onto people's views of tfp starscream is weird
but then it's like where is the middle ground. i do feel that some tfp starscream fans tend to completely ignore or discount the other starscreams because they aren't skinny or slender, and to them that doesn't equate to femininty or like the 'pretty feminine guy' perception they've had. i've seen a lot of times other starscreams equated to being more masculine compared to tfp star and that just makes me sad. just because the other stars are bulky does not mean that they aren't feminine or queer or whatever. but at the same time it's very hard to have these conversations without cishets or queer people who wanna look good for cishets shitting on tfp starscream and shitting on people who percieve him as feminine and queer/gay coded.
the point of this is that, tfp starscream is not the only queer, gnc, gay starscream - they all are. but people, including other queer people, are flat out homophobic toward tfp starscream and tfp starscream fans by the way y'all will outright shit on other queer folks and call them heterenormative/fetishy (or even my favorite one '*insert tfp starscream shit/perception just exists for straight gay people*) just because they tend to amp up a lot of tfp starscream's femininity or whatever. and trust me i do sometimes have issues with tfp starscream portrayals esp when it comes to people assigning certain body parts to him because he is more 'feminine' , while other more 'masc' bots have other parts, but that isn't what this is about.
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karlachstresstoy · 2 years
It's so fucking funny to me that there are people that love TFP Starscream so much they baby him so hard "he's done horrible shit but it's fine he's my baby 🥺" and hate Megatron with a burning passion because "he abused Starscream" like losing air from laughing so hard funny, my guy was constantly going behind Megatron's back to be the leader and trying to kill him and y'all think Megatron would just take that? 😂
Really saw someone write "I want to kick Megatron's ass for abusing Starscream relentlessly", I don't know maybe he should've stopped trying to kill him and take over his place as the leader?
I love Starscream a lot of, he's one of my favorite characters (Soundwave superior tho) but this shit is ridiculous, in fact I love a lot of the decepticons and don't really have characters I hate, I guess that's why this shit is so funny to me
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autobot-ratchet · 2 months
Cyberverse season 4 part 2!!
okay NOW we're getting into the shit I have truly never seen before let's go
dfjdkjs god the most tepid applause imaginable for Sky-Byte's haiku, I couldn't even see the faces of anyone in the crowd but I can feel their heavy sighs in my soul
THEY JUST MADE TRYPTICON A DECORATION... personally I would launch the bitch into space or something but alright
hgdfjksal they really had Optimus read an ad... not even the Primes are free from capitalism
oh right, hey Astrotrain, I take it you can no longer hold Megatron prisoner on account of the whole going down in flames thing you got going on rn
wait "THEY'RE" coming??? not Megatron????? oh lord lmAO also rip Astrotrain
ooh I didn't realize both parts of this season would have unique intros hell yeah
love the implication that Soundwave has sicced Laserbeak on Teletraan X more than once
tHE GHOST OF STARSCREAM... honestly I know that's not the big threat but also I wouldn't put it past this show to find a way to incorporate Starscream's ghost into this somehow
happy to hear Roddy with his normal non-edgy voice again lmAO welcome all the way back hon
aww omg Roddy's the first one to say yes to the dinobots asking everyone if they wanna see them combine that's so cute
he's just fine with getting tossed around like a ragdoll because their combined form is cool omghfjksdl I love Hot Rod sO MUCH
me, watching these Tarns beat up this other Tarn: lol Bee: Help him! me: oh fine 🙄
if we're making Tarn a good guy I am going to laugh so hard lmfAO
okay I figured our one Tarn that we just rescued was going to be a good guy that all the other Tarns would try to kill but they're all fighting each other??? just kind of indiscriminately??????
they're just watching them fight lmfAO same honestly. also I thought Percy's eyes were fixed but they're still greyed out so it looks more like he just cleaned up the burn marks that his eyes exploding caused and the eyes themselves are still gone. fair enough
honestly I do think it's funny that A. alternate Megatron died offscreen and B. even though he's dead, we're still having to suffer the consequences of his warmongering bullshit in the form of his oh-so-perfect super soldiers doing war on each other because it's all they can do. like truly Megatron IS the war in this show, it's equal parts funny and fascinating
get bubbled idiots
get gravitized idiots
I'm sorry, I'm trying so hard not to roll my eyes at good guy Tarn, I said in the tags of a reblog once that it's totally fair and sometimes even better to write a transformers character to be different than their previously established versions of themselves, and I meant it and it applies even to this, but also I am so personally biased against Tarn because of how much the MTMTE fandom tried to "poor little misunderstood meow-meow" him lmfAO I'll be good and grumble in my corner to myself about it
I do like that Thunderhowl is getting to be relevant again, he defs felt like one of the most underutilized new guys that Cyberverse gave us
ooh, interesting, I like this inviso-world, Cyberverse is good at coming up with cool environments
is Tarn not a good guy am I validated YES LMFAO I was fully prepared to eat humble pie and live with a version of Tarn that is misunderstood and just wants to stop the violence but it turns out I don't have to because I am the most valid transformers fan alive
aww I like the gang teaching Sludge a new word lmAO usually in media everyone just rolls their eyes at the dumb guy and moves on but it's sweet how they take the time to explain and help him understand, good for y'all
I was originally not all that into Tarn's voice when he was pretending to be good, but now that he's shown his true colors and can sound evil and threatening, he sounds right lmAO that's Tarn, that's a good voice for him
aww come on, y'all, all you non-Tarn Decepticons don't have to listen to this guy, be your own mechs
HELL YEAH SHADOW STRIKER, GET EM I wanna see all the Decepticons fight back against Tarn come on if I am truly the most valid transformers fan you will do this for me
I honestly love Soundwave and Shadow Striker in this show, they're so good at doing sneaky shit together and I love that for them
I also love Hot Rod stepping up as leader whenever Optimus isn't available, he's done that multiple times even before the quintesson invasion
also I'm just noticing does Tarn have like. cunty eyelashes lmfAO my dude's got eyeliner wings
"Decepticons attack? Who are you to tell us what to do?" I SIMPLY CANNOT STOP WINNING
"Thanks, not-crew!" oh sHUT THE HELL UP LMFAO
honestly I haven't typed up much for this battle scene because if I did I'd be stopping every five seconds to be like "FUCK YEAH" this rules lmAO
holy shit I don't think he could've gotten his ass any harder than that lmAO
oh shut up right now don't have Hot Rod be the one to give the eulogy fuck oooOOOFFFFFF
so I guess now we've just got a bunch of Tarns just hanging out
oh damn, Optimus is stepping down. honestly good for him, he deserves a break and everyone else can take care of themselves and each other
fdsjk Shadow Striker joining in on the group hug with just one awkward hand on Hot Rod's shoulder
aww omg THAT WAS GREAT... I'm so glad I went back and finished this lmAO Cyberverse was a weird little show with some funky pacing and also I wish they hadn't fucked over Drift but I still love it very much, it's definitely a fun little cartoon for IDW 1 fans lmAO there are so many elements from the first run of the comics sprinkled throughout this show and I appreciate that greatly, I hope more future Transformers continuities play around with things like post-war Cybertron, Autobots and Decepticons gradually becoming okay with each other, and some new and different enemies to fight. what a fun watch, I'm glad this got made
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lazypanartist · 2 years
Requests Open!
Hello, one and y'all! I'm pleased to announce that I exist in both physical and mental capacity, and due to this, I will be taking requests!
Requests currently limited to RotTMNT, Young Justice, Batman Beyond, and Pokemon
I will be writing romantic, platonic (friendship), or familial pieces for any characters that I can for these series. Please note that I am not limited to the listed characters, I merely believe that I'd characterize them best. (Read; they're my favs)
I do
x reader, x Character
poly ships, gay ships
male, fem, enby, gender neutral reader!
I DON'T do
incest, T-cest, or faux incest (step siblings, whatever.) That's gross.
No gross age gaps, either
Pokemon x Pokemon. Not my thing
On that note, beastiality of any form. It's nasty
I'm open to doing just about any writing style!
Short or long fics
Multi-chapter might be hard because I have no project management skills, but like I said, I'll try!
Baron Draxum
Cassandra Jones
Casey Jones
Young Justice (Seasons 1-3)
Bart Allen (Impulse)
Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)
Tye Longshadow
Eduardo Dorado Jr. (El Dorado)
Kaldur'ahm (Aqualad/Aqua Man)
La'gaan (Lagoon Boy)
Violet Harper (Halo)
Roy Harper (Arsenal)
Cameron Mahkent (Icicle Jr.)
Klarion Bleak
Lex Luthor
Black Beetle (probably just familial, idk)
Batman Beyond
Terry McGinnis (Batman)
All I can think of rn. I'll be checking my askbox all the time, just in case ^-^ If I don't get to something quickly, it's probably because I have school/other responsibilities.
Hotrod/Rodimus Prime
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dynespark · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Found some stuff. I think y'all will like it. Take with a grain of salt on the second one. No hard source for that yet. - There will be a double-sized Transformers: Till All Are One annual in December, by Mairghread Scott and Sara Pitre-Durocher. The question of the series, Scott said, is who should rule Cybertron: Windblade, Starscream, or Elita? So there will be an election, filled with plenty of "dirty tricks." - John Barber said that there will be a Transformers annual called "Thundercracker in: Starscream: The Movie," which will give Thundercracker a budget to actually produce a Starscream movie. As Thundercracker has learned about Earth from TV, he wants to begin a screenwriting career, even though all he's learned is terrible writing.
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