clemblog · 5 months
Caine’s Lesson - Part 5
Pomni watched in fear as The Fudge Monster charged down the main road to get to them.
No. No. No. No. No!
She’d done so well-
This couldn’t happen to Lou-
She’d been so brave-
Things seemed to fall in slow motion as it lunged at the pair, grabbing them and sniffing at them.
“NOT CANDY… CANDY!” Boomed the monster, his grip slowly releasing Pomni.
She was falling. Lou was in the clutches of her kingdoms devourer.
It was over, wasn’t it?
But then everything began to move in slow motion. A gun shot rang through the atmosphere, the fudge monster reeling back in pain with a pained screech.
“Go on boys! Another shot and Princess Lou will be out of that beasts clutch in a jiffy!” Called out a familiar voice. Pomni found herself being caught by a soft but strong figure. Now she was on a horse? The gentle arms who’d caught her now wrapped around her, keeping her steady as she got her barings.
“It’s alright Miss, my lads will get Lou down unharmed. My names Gummigoo, this is my mare Tang, she’s a gentle girl. She’ll get you to safety.”
“That’s me! What’s your name?”
“I’m P-Poms-“
The two were interrupted by further gun shots and the crash of the Fudge Monsters arm falling to the ground. Max quickly pulled her up onto his own horse whilst Chad continued to shoot at the Fudge, giving the group a better chance at escaping unscathed.
“Alright boys! Off we go!”
The three gummy horses charged off into the open land, the groggy groans of the fudge monster not far behind.
“W-Wait a minute! You’re the bandits who stole the kingdoms syrup-“ Spoke up Lou, eventually. Her grip began to loosen on Max in her anxiety.
“I’d recommend holding on Princess.” Began Max, quickly.
“We’ll explain when we get to safety Princess Lou.” Murmured Gummigoo, focusing on the road in front of him.
“I-I think we should listen to them Lou-“ Stammered Pomni, trying not to focus too much on Gummigoo’s arms around her.
Get it together Pomni, he’s just riding a horse.
“They did save us afterall-“ She added, quickly.
The group fell into silence as the bandits focused on out witting the fudge monster that was slowly pursuing them.
It gave Pomni a chance to think.
Gummigoo was still alive!
He just- didn’t remember her-
Maybe that was for the best…
Hopefully this time he wouldn’t glitch out of the world- And loose his sanity-
Maybe… They’d have a chance this time… To be friends.
Kinger wasn’t sure if he should be doing this… But in one of his moments of clarity, he needed to talk to Caine. One of his oldest friends. Something was wrong in the circus. Everyone was going up the wall. His poor sweet Ragatha… The young lady who’d been there for them when he’d lost his Queen. She was ruining herself over worry for Pomni.
So, he had to say something. For her sake.
Caine used to have a point of access in the circus. Where his residents could get to him if they needed to. He’d long since stopped telling everyone where it was, but Kinger remembered. Sometimes- He remembered where it was right now- So, he’d head in.
“I-It’s gonna be okay Ragatha- P-Pomni will come back! You’ll go get her or-or Caine will bring her back- Then! You get to hug her and hold her and she’ll never disappear again! You can tell her how you feel- And she’ll obviously reciprocate- Because she’s just so wonderful how can you not be with her- She compliments you perfectly and you can make her so happy- She doesn’t have to worry about being in the circus ever again! You’ll talk to Caine- You’ll get Jax to back off- Kinger will be so happy for you that’ll he start to remember things better again! Y-You just gotta get Pomni back!
And everything will be okay!”
“Woah.” Gasped Lou, as the group began to encroach upon a large looking ranch far from the kingdom.
“Princess Lou!”
She quickly jumped down from Max’s horse, running over to her surviving citizens.
“My gosh! I thought you where all gone-“
“Never Princess Lou!”
“We’ll always stay kicking for you!”
Gummigoo helped Pomni off Tang with a gentle hand.
“S-So- This is some kind of safe ranch?” Asked Pomni, curiously.
“You’d be correct Poms!” Nodded Gummigoo. “To be honest, my family have never been sure about that Caine god, so just in case we’ve been building our lives out ere!”
Pomni nodded along at this. “Guess that worked out then-“
“It sure did! Now, come on! Come meet Ma. She always greets the new members and something tells me you’ll be a good old member to have with how you protected Princess Lou out their-“
“Oh- Are you sure-?” Asked Pomni, gently, she tried to keep a level face as she remembered the lack of an asset for said individual in the deep clipping parts of the world.
“Of course! She always greets everyone! And by everyone, crikey, I mean everyone. My Pa always said her heart was too big for her chest.”
Pomni snickered at this gently.
“I think that’s true for a lot of moms-“
“Oh definitely, now come on, Ma don’t like to be kept waiting!”
“Ma! Meet Poms, we found her helping Princess Lou. She’s got a pretty nifty set of bandit skills if you ask me!”
“Oh my! What a pretty lass you are! Welcome to Croco Ranch, Poms. I’m Lullyloo, but you can call me Ma. Everyone does!”
“N-Nice to meet you Ma-“
Pomni couldn’t believe she was here- Was this world developing in assets as she made her way through..? Would it keep going as long as she was here? She really hoped so- Cause she’d stay here forever if so.
She felt alive here.
She missed the feeling.
Part 6
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snakedice · 6 months
me fr
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 8 months
The Stranded and The Scaly.
Chapter 13: The Wolves.
Day 8
Chapter warning: Gore descriptions, violence, Body horror?
The gopher had finished eating, but now Geoff needed to find something to munch on before he got hangry. He wasn't a nice guy when he was hangry.
He turned and began his walk to the shore; fishing would be an easy way to get the food he needed. After his mutation, it almost felt like an instinct.
However, his thoughts drifted to Ezekiel. He had been gone for most of the day, and the sun was starting to set now, painting the sky with gorgeous hues of pink, orange, and yellow. If only Zeke was here to see it! Geoff hoped his little buddy wasn't too upset about his disappearance-- all he wanted to do was explore the cave! He didn't know he'd get caught up in a crazy cave-in!
As he walked, he thought it was weirdly quiet.... and lonely. He'd been walking for a little less than 10 minutes now, maybe he could take a break to snuggle with his little gopher? Geoff stopped and looked around, the gopher was nowhere to be seen. The gopher was gone. A spike of fear shot up his spine, and stress began to creep through his mind. That little guy was alone in this forest of mutant freaks, and it was peak prey.
Weak and defenseless.
Geoff turned and took off the running through the forest. He kept his eyes peeled for any sight of that chubby, pink beast.
He couldn't believe he just left it behind, what was he thinking?! God, he was so fucking stupid sometimes! Of course the gopher wouldn't follow him when he walked away. It was blind, for crying out loud!
Geoff ran as fast as his long legs could take him, taking note of any tree, shrub, or rock the gopher could be hiding behind.
He'd never forgive himself if that ugly little cutie was dead because of HIM.
A raspy howl could be heard echoing throughout the forest. Geoff ran faster.
As he crashed through a clearing, he was met with a sight that turned the blood in his veins to ice.
There was a pack of grotesque, mutant wolves.
And they were feasting on a mutant gopher carcass.
The freezing feeling he had previously felt in his veins was gone. All gone.
Blazing heat traveled up his spine from the tip of his tail directly into his brain.
He was seeing red.
His heart was pounding out of his scaly chest.
He couldn't keep a single coherent thought in his head.
The vicious predator within him had broken loose, and now it was taking over.
Geoff was still hungry, after all.
There was nothing he could do to stop the growl that tumbled from his throat, or the ear-splitting roar that followed.
Those mangy mutts messed with his little buddy, and they were gonna PAY.
With no control over his body, he charged forwards and lunged at the nearest wolf. Razor-sharp teeth pierced the canine's furry skin, blood sprayed. He just couldn't stop himself as he tore the wolf apart, ripping off chunks of it's flesh and scarfing them down.
From the corner of his eye, Geoff saw the rest of the pack retreating. If they thought they could just run away, they were dead wrong.
Geoff quickly abandoned the mutilated wolf corpse and bolted towards the others. They may have been fast, but they were no match for his far superior speed.
With a quick flick of his tail, he sent half the pack flying, wounding them enough to keep them from running in the process.
With half of the pack wounded, Geoff began to blindly swipe at the other half with his claws and tail, breaking their bones from the sheer force of the attacks.
The second all the wolves were downed, Geoff went into a frenzy.
He tore into each wolf, barely caring about the mess he was making.
The pungent scent of blood pierced the air, and the metallic taste filled his mouth.
It was nearly euphoric.
Geoff snapped back to reality, his head now clear of the predator instinct. He was shaking. He stared down at his clawed hands.
Blood. His hands were dripping with blood.
As he took a moment to survey the area, that was all he saw. There was blood soaked into the grass and splattered on trees, bits of fur and flesh strewn about, it was a massacre.
Geoff felt weak, he wanted to vomit, but he knew what would come out. He was scared. Scared of himself, scared of what he had become.
Geoff stumbled backwards and collapsed under what he hoped was a blood-free tree. He dug his claws into the ground and threw his head back as he gasped for air. This couldn't be happening.
He felt like he could pass out at any second, he dug his claws deeper into the earth.
He could only hear the rustle of trees, his ragged breathing, and his pounding heart.
But just then, he felt something soft and warm nuzzle against his arm.
Geoff's eyes shot open and he stared in the direction of the sensation.
The little gopher had somehow found it's way back to him. His gopher..
It climbed into his lap and he immediately grabbed it, holding it close against his chest. He curled around the gopher protectively as his chest heaved.
Tears began to spill out of his eyes and pour down his face. He was so relieved. The carcass belonged to a different gopher, his little buddy was alive.
Little buddy.... Oh, God.
He needed to find Ezekiel.
Using the tree as support, Geoff got to his feet with the baby gopher curled up in his arms. He gave it a gentle, affectionate squeeze and began his journey back to the cave.
Ezekiel paced around the cave, clutching Geoff's lucky hat close to his chest. Geoff had been gone for hours. He had looked everywhere for him, but he'd lost Geoff's scent AND his tracks.
He'd lost Geoff, the love of his life, the only person who trusted him. He could hardly believe it.
Suddenly, footsteps. Slow and heavy footprints.
There were only two of them, so they couldn't belong to any animal.
But... he KNEW those footprints, he'd heard them before. He knew that rhythm.
It had to be Geoff.
Ezekiel whipped his head around, but the sight his eyes fell upon made his heart sink.
Geoff stumbled into the cave, dripping in blood and looking miserable. The blonde boy let out a pathetic whine and fell to his knees, letting his eyes meet Ezekiel's.
Ezekiel wrinkled his nose at the scent Geoff brought in and rushed over.
"Zeke, buddy... I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry..."
Zeke quickly hushed him and helped to maneuver him into a position where he was laying on his back, but Geoff refused to let the gopher go.
"You look sick, I take care. Just like before."
Ezekiel gently brushed Geoff's messy bangs away from his eyes and recieved a look of pure trust and vulnerability in return.
Ezekiel knew exactly what he needed to do now.
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sprite-writes · 2 years
Yours (and Ours)
Leonard “Bones” McCoy/Reader (Original Female Character)
Summary: McCoy hated surprises, and being interrupted. Though for the right person, he supposed he could make an exception.
Word Count: 2,214
A/N: Guys im so sorry this chapter took so long LOL sometimes writing is hard but worlds biggest shout out to my beta @lightninginmyeyes who I could not have finished this without <333 also masterlist is coming soon !! anyways enjoy <3 
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Breaks were hard to come by in the medical field. Being a doctor was all gas, no breaks. Patients' demands were high, and staff demands were even higher. Most of those in Science Blue spent most of, if not their entire day, on their feet. 
Leonard McCoy, most of all.
Chief Medical Officer was no small feat. Most days he wasn't, just a doctor– he was a nurse, a therapist, a leader, and whatever the hell else was demanded of him. 
Without a doubt, breaks were hard to come by. 
So, on the rare occasion when the medbay breathed for a moment, and he could slip out for an indulgent walk and a much needed cup of coffee, he thanked god for the opportunity. With a loop around the mess hall and a replicated coffee, he felt like a new man. Far too soon, he was back in front of the medbay, strolling in, greeting Chapel with a nod and as much of a smile as he could muster. His head nurse returned the smile…a bit too cheerfully for the day they were having. Leonard elected not to think about it too much. God knows he had enough on his plate. He punched in the keycode to his office, ready to tackle this new bout of paperwork. 
The thing is, McCoy was used to his office being a particular way. He kept his lamp on the left side, his family photo on the right, with a box of tissues and a cup of pens. Everything had its place and was accounted for.
So the box of colored pencils and stack of paper laying atop his things was a fair shock to him. So was the woman sitting at his desk, in his chair, looking very much like she belonged there. 
He faltered for a moment as he took in the sight and gained his bearings. 
“Uh, Sunshine?” he said with bewilderment. He glanced at his watch to double-check that his coffee run hadn’t stretched to the end of his shift (which was impossible anyways) and confirmed she should have been on the bridge by now and certainly not sitting in his office, in his space, amongst his things. 
At the sound of his voice, the woman's head shot up, her focus broken from the papers laid in front of her. 
“Oh hi, Len! I was wondering when you’d be back,” she said casually, like it was routine for her to be there. With no explanation, she returned to the task of, well, whatever she was doing. 
Leonard stood, thoroughly perplexed. It was midday, and he knew for a fact an operations manager would not have nothing to do around this time. From her silence, it would seem that he would be getting no answers unless he asked for them. 
“Not that I’m not happy to see you Sunshine but, uh, aren’t you on shift right now? And how exactly did you get into my office?” he inquired with more patience than he would have offered anyone else. 
She lifted a red colored pencil from the paper and thoughtfully tapped it to her temple 
“Technically, yes, I am on shift, but I decided this is part of my job, and Kirk hurt my feelings earlier this week so he owes me a moment away.” He finally approached the desk and peeked at her handiwork. “And Chapel let me in, by the way – said you wouldn't mind.” 
Her movements slowed to a stop, and she looked up at the doctor with the biggest, prettiest eyes he’d ever seen.
“You don't mind, do you?” she asked. Usually, he would have, but he decided right then, that he did not actually mind at all. 
“I’m more curious as to what this,” he gestured to his now messy desk, “is all about?” 
She beckoned him to come closer, and he found himself sitting in the obligatory guest seat…at his own desk. Sunshine held up a glossy piece of paper, folded in half with blue and pink bubble font across the front reading, ‘Get well soon!’
He stared for a moment, his eyebrows drawing together.
“You’re…writing cards?” 
“Yeah!” she nodded. “For the engineers who got affected by that gas leak. That rash looked… not fun. Thought it might cheer them up, maybe.” 
He would never say it out loud, for fear of losing her friendship forever, but at times like this, Kirk may have had a point about her being a bit…kindergarten teacher. 
She laughed at his sort of scrunched-up expression. “Listen, I know what you’re thinking and you’re right! It's a little silly, but the engineers that were on that dock were all Ensigns! Like, fresh out of Starfleet! They probably miss their families, and now they have a nasty purple rash to worry about. I just thought they might like a card.” 
McCoy could say for certain that he had never met anyone quite like Lieutenant Sunshine - and realized he never would again. This was incredibly kind, and wholly unnecessary… and a very Sunshine thing to do. Though one important question still lingered. 
“And you’re doing this in my office because…?”
She shrugged. 
“Well I could do it in my quarters, but I figured you could use the company.” She paused. Before adding sheepishly, “And I wanted the company.”
McCoy coughed to cover up his surprise. Though, he wasn’t sure what else he was expecting. Sunshine was known for being candid with her feelings. Most of them anyway. His cheeks dusted pink. 
Sunshine, oblivious to her friend's blushing, tossed a colored pencil and a card his way.
 “You should sign this one, by the way. A little birdie told me you yelled at Ensign Barlowe while taking her vitals, and I’m sure she’d appreciate a card from you.” 
He internally damned Scotty, who was not only probably the ‘little birdie’ but also definitely put her up to this. 
He stared down at the card, forcing his head to stop running a mile a minute, and finally mustered a scoff. 
“I’m not signing an apology card because an Ensign couldn’t sit still on the Biobed.” 
Sunshine shook her head and giggled. God, what a sound, he thought. 
“It’s a get well soon card, not an apology card. And I’m not scolding you, Len. That day must have been stressful. I mean, fourteen engineers all turning purple? Crazy. I could never do your job.” 
He shook his head. He was pretty sure Sunshine could do anything she put her mind to. His mind wandered briefly to what it would be like, with her by his side, decked in Science Blue. His heart stuttered at the image. 
He wasn’t sure why, but he found himself scribbling ‘feel better’ onto the bottom of the paper, and tossing it back to her. The smile that bloomed on her face told him it was the right decision. 
He leaned back in the chair and watched her thoughtfully. The sound of her voice played on repeat like a record in his head. He found himself ruminating on every pretty syllable she spoke. 
“Kirk hurt your feelings?” he blurted, remembering how she got here. Sunshine paused, surprised by his suddenness. An unreadable look passed over her frowning face.
“He just said a dumb joke, it’s nothing to worry about. Promise.” Her smile returned, just as quickly as it left. Leonard tilted his head. He was expecting her to launch into a story of which he would hang on every word and that would give him fuel to berate Kirk with later. Just how badly did Kirk fuck up?
“I can practically hear you thinking, you know. You’re such a worrywart.” Her eyes playfully flicked from her cards to him. “Like I said, it’s fine.” 
“You sure? If you’re mad enough, I could schedule him for a measles vaccine. Maybe a booster shot too.” 
Her laugh echoed around his office and illuminated it like a fire. He smiled, finding hers to be contagious. 
“That’s gotta be malpractice, Len. Hard no from me.” She shook her head. 
“Malpractice? I’d be doing him a favor. That man avoids healthcare like it’s the plague.” 
Sunshine rolled her eyes. “Whatever you say, Doctor.” 
She looked like she belonged, he thought. Sitting in his office, in his chair. He allowed himself a brief moment of peace, as he sipped his coffee and watched her switch colored pencils. He was content to just watch her like this, without conversation or reason. Unfortunately, nothing can last forever. His eyes drifted toward the ticking clock. 
“You know I have to get back to work eventually, right?” Not that he wanted to leave, at all. In fact, if time allowed, and if he didn't know Chapel would be beating down his door soon, he would stay cooped up in his office with her for hours. 
She laughed. “Yeah, I know, CMO. I’m starting my rounds soon too. All I could squeeze from Kirk was 15 minutes down here.” 
Leonard blew a raspberry. 
“I wish I could get 15 minutes away.”
Her head quirked. 
“Don't you have some time? Chapel told me you weren't busy, or else I wouldn't have bothered you.” She paused and received the pointed look from her friend. “Okay, I probably still would have, but with more poise and apologeticness - but that's beside the point!” Sunshine began stacking up her cards and putting away her colored pencils. “Chapel specifically said you weren’t busy when she let me in!” 
The gears in Leonard’s head turned. He was very, very far from not being busy. The Medbay had been as bustling as ever this shift, and the only reason he left in the first place was by Chapel's suggestion, who swore she could handle things for a few minutes. 
Damn it, Chapel. 
“Len? Everything alright?” 
When his eyes pulled from the ground, Sunshine was right in front of him, with a questioning smile. Leonard felt blood rush to his face at their proximity. She smelled like… well, sunshine. And flowers. And just… good.
“Yeah, fine,” he said gruffly. 
“Walk me out?” 
“Of course.” 
He dared to place his hand on the small of her back as he led her out, and if he paid just a little more attention, he would have seen her cheeks redden at the contact. 
They exited in tandem, with Sunshine rambling about wishing rounds were any other day, and how the last thing she wanted to do was run around the ship checking up on complaints that ‘could easily be solved in an email.’ 
“Well,” she said as they reached the entrance. “Thanks for letting me hide in your office for a few.” 
He waved his hand. “Anytime,” he said with lighthearted sarcasm. 
She placed the cards on the reception desk and snorted, “You’ll regret saying that, McCoy.”
He replied, with all sincerity, “I doubt that.” 
They were both quiet for a moment, looking at one another, eyes glossing over with adoration. 
Sunshine had always admired the doctor's strength, and his drive to help others in all circumstances. 
Leonard would forever be in awe of her kindness and her unwavering spirit.
A cleared throat broke both of their gazes. Sunshine flinched, nearly dropping her papers. 
“Chapel! Hi! Thanks for letting me use Len’s office.” She laughed nervously, awkwardly dropping the stack of cards on the desk. “You’ll make sure the engineers get these?”
Chapel glanced between the two knowingly. Both of which now refused to make eye contact. Leonard was suddenly very interested in the linoleum floors and Sunshine in the plain white ceiling. 
“Of course, Lieutenant,” the head nurse said politely. Sunshine thanked her again before acknowledging Leonard. 
“Have a good shift, and, um, see you later!” she blurted before hightailing out of the medbay like it was suffocating her.
The Doctor watched her go with the sudden sinking feeling that he’d done something wrong. And as usual, when these feelings began to well within him, he took them out on whoever was closest, or, in this case, responsible. 
“Really, Chapel?” 
He leaned over the reception desk. 
The woman in question stared at her manicured nails without a care in the world. 
“Really, what, Doctor?” 
Leonard gritted his teeth impossibly hard and blew a long breath out of his nostrils. 
“You didn’t think to, oh I dunno, warn me before letting someone in my office in the middle of the work day?” 
He wasn’t angry at her, not really. He was more frustrated with the feelings that clawed up his chest whenever he heard Sunshine’s laugh or the constant feeling to reach out for her -
No, he wasn’t really mad at Chapel. 
But that wasn’t going to stop him from acting like he was. 
“It’s just Sunshine,” the woman shrugged. “Would you have preferred I turned her away?” She finally met Leonards's eyes with just as much ferocity as he was giving her. 
“No,” he gritted out, “but a warning would be preferable.” 
She rolled her eyes and returned to her work. 
“Just trying to move things along, Doctor.” 
He stomped away before his head nurse could add anything else. 
He returned to his office, palms sweating, and tried not to focus on the smell of her warm, floral perfume now hanging in the air.
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hopelesslygaysstuff · 8 months
New chapter coming out soon!! If you haven't already started The Art of Healing, it's my prequel to Sparkling Scarlet, but can be read as a standalone story!
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bsd-verse · 2 years
Spoiler for chapter 106
Just saw the raws of the newest chapter and oh my god-- Aya is back!! I'm happy to see her and also I'm glad it was mainly a pov change, don't get me wrong I wonder what will happen with Meursault girlies but I can't help but also wonder about the others ngl so even though it was a short chap like previous ones, I enjoyed it
also raws
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petri808 · 2 years
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Awww Cheng protecting his baby brother 🥹
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iamhereinthebg · 4 months
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。Anemoia 。
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crowscadence · 2 months
BSD fans it’s almost that special time of the month y’all know what that means
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jackofallrabbits · 3 months
Signs of Life (70250 words) by JackOfAllRabbits Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Five Nights at Freddy's Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Eclipse (Five Nights at Freddy's)/Reader Characters: Eclipse (Five Nights at Freddy's), Daycare Attendant (Five Nights at Freddy's), Michael Afton, Vanessa A. | Ness, Alien Eclipse, graphic violence - Character, Blood - Character, Threats of Violence - Character, manhandling - Character, experimentation - Character, gore - Character, Angst - Character, reader is an excitable scientist, Captivity - Character, sort of a sequel fic, degradation - Character, forced drug use - Character, Electrocution - Character, no use of y/n - Character Series: Part 2 of The Stardust Chronicles Summary:
A new scientist has been hired to the Faz Co. research facility in the heart of the desert where any number of secrets can be kept. You are full of curiosity and are especially interested in a particularly fascinating subject that Faz Co. is holding.
A certain dangerous alien. Will you get too close for comfort? Is it worth the risk?
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damntheyare · 5 months
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still the best fanfic but
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apollos-olives · 1 month
i fucking hate yaoi
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caesarflickermans · 1 month
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Birds of the Capitol | chapter one
The Capitol rebels were awaiting a spark to light a fire across Panem. No one expected a tribute from District 12 to inspire them once more. Their anticipated plan was finally coming into motion, but at what cost? And how had they found each other? Plutarch Heavensbee came from an old Capitol lineage. But something caused him to abandon his privilege for a better vision of Panem. Caesar Flickerman was the mere host of the Hunger Games. But his proximity to the tributes was a worthwhile tool for more forces than the regime. Virgilia Snow once married the President. But her silent existence by his side had long been corrupted.
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Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Mother Miranda (Resident Evil)/Reader Characters: Mother Miranda (Resident Evil), Reader, Original Characters Additional Tags: Resurrection, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Slow Burn, Body Horror, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Animal Death, the dog does not die, Reader-Insert, Corruption, Goddess/Follower - Freeform, Hurt/Comfort Summary:
Miranda flew, fast and frenzied, feathers failing as she flailed through the sky, shooting across it; a comet with human hands and a halo of molten gold. Yes, even as she died, Miranda flew. She flew until she fell instead. - Miranda is a God, but even Gods can die (it simply doesn't take). When she crash lands in an empty field, too far from her followers to draw power from them, she has no choice but to allow a lone Shepherd to nurse her back to health. Slow-burn romance with Miranda making some morally questionable decisions, per usual.
Link is to chap 1 but chapter 2 just got posted
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ell-arts · 3 months
The next chapter for The Veil is 85% done.
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reginarubie · 3 months
Just read your new work and as much as I adore anything you write I must confess seeing the past jonsa tag hurt me. I just adore them and have been patiently awaiting for the day the jonsa inspires you again! I hope this doesn’t offend you, it was meant to be a compliment. I’m just awful at wording, like I meant your my go to jonsa author of choice so seeing that tag just left me with feels that your moving on but I know experimenting and dabbling in other ships are great for authors!! I don’t know I’m just in my feels I guess?? So many talented Jonsa authors have become in-active or deleting their works, discontinuing, etc and while I know it just part of life and I’m glad some still continue to write or are SELF PUBLISHING!!! (Although sadly they won’t share their official works-I hunt it down one day) I just feel an odd pang in my chest when another one goes down like dang I just wanna hold you all and never let go. God this sounds like I have abandonment issues, I’m just going stop now before I embarrass myself even more
I am your to-go Jonsa author? That like made my day, so thank you! Also don't worry, you are neither pathetic, not have your embarassed yourself. You have just shared in our common love for Jonsa, which I still believe will be the open endgame of the books, tbh, and I could not appreciate you more for it.
Of course I love experimenting and for a long while I have been uninspired in Jonsa, mostly because I have been hyperfixated on Aemondsa (which I think Jon and Aemond share so much traits it's ridiculous), but I have not forgotten all my wips for Jonsa, to which I mean to return in the Summer (I am a perfectionist, procrastinator so unless I am on the wave of hyperfixation I am never quite satisfied enough with my work to share it, but the updates shall come soon).
You know what else shall come soon, because my muse actually is never satisfied with just one story and just one ship at time?
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A new Jonsa story I have been keeping under wraps, a season 7/8 rewrite with specks of book canon as well.
Look, I'll even leave the edit I've done for it, and the summary. I plan to get it out by the end of June with the first chapter, so prepare your popcorns, seatbelts and fav comf food because I'll be back on my Jonsa shit again. And it's gonna be epic!
A song for wolves,
The South has a new queen, a dragon queen who wears her name like a true Targaryen. Mother of the Dragons. Mother of monsters. Dark mother, brought ruin, death and fire to the Realm, and put to torch her enemies. With Fire and Blood she has torn at the lioness of the Rock and the whole world shall bend the knee to this foreign conqueror, or endure become ashes. And yet, to the North a new enemy rises. House Stark. The ancient kings on winter, the last defence against death and ice; battered, exiled and tortured they rose again in the name of the King in the North. A bastard deserter and his sisters; a Lannister's wife and a girl. “They are Starks, and the northerners never forget,” When winter comes... You'll hear no lions roar... No stags grazing the fields... No roses growing in the meadows... No snakes in the sand... The krakens will freeze where they swim... The flayed men will rot and wither... No trouts swimming in the river and no falcons flying in the air... Not even the dragons breath will warm you in your halls. Only the wolfs howl in the night... Winter is coming.
As always, hope you stay tuned, and yes the edit's got better since I started to make them, but alas no, those clips, music and quotes do not belong to me, we all knew how things would go if they did.
As always sending all my love ~G.
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