#YEAH I DO but she refuses to acknowledge the they part bc she thinks they/them pronouns are [ableist slur]
finnlessshark · 2 years
i have this very odd feeling that 2023 is gonna be the year my mother disowns me again..
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nom-nommmm1 · 6 months
Hi Oli,
I love your Lords Of Chaos stories so much, so could you write one for me? :)
I was thinking about Pelle x Fem reader, where she's Euronymous sister, and they have to keep their relationship a secret.
Xoxo and also I just saw that you write for some niche fandoms I really love, I can't wait for more stories to come
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Masterlist + taglist
AHHH HI ANON!! I’m so happy you like my stories! You’ll never know how much it means to me 🫶 also I’ve had ‘dirty little secret’ by The All-American Rejects stuck in my head FOR A WEEK truly amazing timing anon. But anyways, I look forward to see you request other fandoms soon. Also I didn’t know if you wanted to make this a smut or fluff so I’m gonna do fluff bc I’ve been in such a fluffy mood lol, request another if you’d like smut and I’ll gladly do it ❤️
Content warning !!: sweet!pelle x fem!reader, fluff?? There’s a suggestive part butt they don’t actually do it, kissing, hair pulling
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The doorbell rings as the tussling of keys can be heard from Euronymous’ hands. “I got it!” I shout, opening the door to see Pelle standing there awkwardly. “Hey Pelle! You’re just in time, we’re all about to head to the movies” I say looking at the blonde haired boy, his cheeks turning a slight pink tone. “Oh yea uhm..Euro texted me” he says avoiding my gaze. He shuffles away from the doorway, letting Euronymous and I out. We all proceed to get into Euros car. “So are Faust and the guys meeting us there?” Pelle asks after a few minutes of nothing but the sound of the radio.
“Yeah, they’re just gonna be a minute since traffic’s pretty bad on their side” Euronymous says, putting his foot to the gas as the light turns green. Pelle nods, staring out the window, looking around at all the passing cars. I look at Pelle, he looks..tired? “You alright?” I ask. The blonde looks at me, seeming somewhat surprised by me breaking the silence. “Yea I’m fine y/n” he says looking back out the window to avoid the conversation.
The car pulls into the movie theater parking lot, we all get out walking up to the register. “Hello, what movie are we seeing today folks?” The cashier asks politely. “Three tickets for this movie please” Euronymous says, placing the money on the counter,pointing to a movie. “Of course, the concessions are inside” the cashier says handing us our tickets. Euronymous nods in acknowledgment, holding the door open for Pelle and I.
Walking up to the concessions counter Euro turns to us. “What do you guys want?” He asks pulling out a 20 dollar bill. “Popcorn and a slurpy?” I ask. “Sure sis, what about you Pelle?” He asks turning to the blonde. “Oh- I’m fine with whatever,” he says quickly, almost taken out of a trance. “Alright, you guys can sit down while I pay for this stuff” Euronymous says, pointing to the tables next to the bathrooms.
I nod walking over to the table, Pelle following close behind. We sit down. I look at Pelle, taking in his features as he refuses to look at me. “What’s wrong?” I ask putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Nothing y/n” he says moving out of my touch. Euronymous comes back with a handful of snacks. “Come help me get the rest guys” we all grab our own snacks and drinks. “Sorry you guys are going to have to share popcorn, I was two bucks short to get another” Euro said as we walked down to our designated auditorium. “It’s fine Euro” I say as we take our seats.
The theaters lights dim as music from the projector plays, the movie is finally starting after what feels like an hour of previews. I go to reach for the bag of popcorn accidentally putting my hand on Pelles, immediately pulling away. “Sorry” I say quickly before turning back to the movie. The movie continues on, the main character jumping out into the frame of the projector screen.
The audience chuckles as they say a joke as a criminal swings at them. I take a sip of my slurpy taking a brief glance at Pelle. I look away as I see his eyes look over to me. I lean to Euronymous, whispering in his ear. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom, I’ll be back” he nods as I get up from my seat, walking down the dimly lit movie theater stairs.
I walk into the bathroom, splashing water in my face, starting to sob into my hands. After a few minutes I hear slight knocking on the bathroom wall, a figure slowly coming into my line of vision. The figure comes closer to me, rubbing my back. “I’m sorry we have to do this” the figure says. “What..?” I ask looking up, at first confused but soon my confusion is clarified as I see Pelle, still there rubbing my back.
Pelle frowns, wiping my tears away. “I can’t stand to see you cry, but you know why we have to keep this a secret, right?” He asks coming closer to me. I nod looking into Pelles warm brown eyes. “I know, Euro won’t allow it” I reply sniffling. Pelles frown grows and he wraps his arms around me, putting his head in my neck giving me a small kiss.
“Just wait a little longer, we can convince him” Pelle says brushing my hair out of my face. I nod again looking at him glumly. “Hey it’s okay, I promise” he says smiling, waiting for me to smile back but I don’t. Pelle then puts me into a kiss, my eyes widen in shock but I kiss him back passionately. I wrap my arms around Pelles neck. Pelle kisses me harder, putting his hands on my waist, picking me up. “Pelle!” I yelp feeling his hands on my ass, lifting me up.
Pelle places me on the bathroom counter, pushing me against the mirror as his lips attack mine. “I missed this” he mumbles into my lips, coating them with our saliva. I giggle pulling onto Pelles hair. He moans in my mouth, biting my lip and touching up on my body. He’s about to undo his pants before we hear a voice of a staff member. “Get out of there before I call your mamas!!” The staff member screams banging her mop on the floor. Pelle and I bolt out of the bathroom making out to our movie auditorium. “Remember, keep this between us” Pelle says before opening the door for me.
“Of course” I say walking in. “Alright, I’m gonna wait out here for a few minutes so they don’t think anything” he says giving me a quick kiss before shutting the door, smiling.
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Alt acc: @nom-nommmmworkspace
╰┈➤@mxqlss @roseroseluvrr @bkaulitzz @adellaonly @m3tal-chick
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atopvisenyashill · 6 months
there’s a few potential sansa romantic endgames that i think have some textual basis and i think all of them come with a lot of issues wrt sansa being able to publically claim these relationships which is why i think sansa will say her children are “fathered by a wolf” because regardless of Who she’s with or even the legality of it, she’s going to be actively concealing their identity AND YET she needs to have children.
i think especially that even though arya’s love life is guaranteed to be less complicated, sansa will feel obligated to take this “burden” of ensuring their line onto herself; she wants arya to have the freedom to go where she pleases, be with who she pleases, and follow her passions and that is not easy to do if everyone is expecting you to come home and start popping out kids. I consider them a sort of reflection of ned and lyanna in this way in that sansa, second born and not meant to rule, uses her newfound power to let the wild, youngest girl (but not youngest child) in the family follow her passions wherever they may take her.
this is all kind of weird with the nixed time jump but considering that george has talked about writing stories from arya’s pov about her adventures, I think it’s going to be fairly important in story regardless of their ages that arya will attempt to offer to stay home and marry and have children as a way of helping to protect sansa’s very shaky claim on winterfell but that sansa encourages arya to do whatever she wants. to travel, to help shepherd the boatloads of refugees from the various wars to wherever they want to call home, to settle displaced northerners in other parts of westeros as well, to get involved in the lives of the people arya is helping and agree to help them liberate their own homes by using her skills (crucial here that arya is A leader but not the SOLE leader), or to go out into the woods and be a secret not-quite-an-outlaw (bc sansa isn’t outlawing anything that could hurt arya’s lil crusades, probably is helping bankroll arya) to bring justice to the smallfolk, like whatever it is arya wants to do with her life, the point is that she offers to give it up and sansa refuses to take the offer.
and then we have the idea that her kids are fathered by a wolf. not elizabeth-ing herself here exactly because she’s having children but never publicly acknowledging a father or a husband or even a lover.
i think the candidates most likely are jon snow and theon, with both brienne and podrick as like “i’m not saying he’s gonna do it but i am saying they make a lot of sense narratively” and aegon vi as a huge long shot but still undeniable contender. if briensa does go canon everyone owes me five bucks each tho. i think the options other people float are not just wildly unserious they also clearly don’t think sansa will be The Ruling Lady Of Winterfell, but some much more minor or less emotionally resonant title and i just do not vibe with that shit at all. harry the heir, sandor, sweetrobin, tyrion, littlefucker, like never mind sansa never once showing any real interest in these guys and NONE of these dudes being satisfied by the idea of being her secret husband, if sansa says to arya “yeah i’m marrying tyrion” arya is going “blink twice if you’re being held hostage and you need me to kill him” but it’s too late because jon snow is already unsheathing longclaw and bran is attacking with every raven in winterfell. it’s not fucking happening and imo it’s unserious to pretend like it could happen in canon. (and if it DOES happen in canon you will find me rocking up to george’s house in jersey and demanding to know why he’s so weird about teenage girls). i think margaery is a huge long shot here (and not just bc it would make them both canonically on screen gay) because i don’t think she’s gonna live to the ending, and jeyne poole is too traumatized at this point in time for me to feel confident in putting her in the same category as brienne and pod.
(theon’s trauma is WHY i think he’s still a contender - post reek theon is going to struggle a lot with figuring out where he’s supposed to be, who he’s supposed to be, and who he can trust as he puts himself back together, and that lends itself nicely to the idea of a secret husband/lover imo. once again, we are talking extreme trauma bonding here - that’s just the only way i see sansa’s romances going).
if you’re asking “who do you think arya is winding up with” it’s gendry. i don’t doubt that there were some plans for edric dayne, arya, and gendry but i think gendry was always going to be her great love here, that she’s always going to turn down the idea of marriage to him but gendry doesn’t care so long as they are still together. there’s a neon blinking sign over gendry’s head that says “endgame material” and i think it’s unserious to pretend it’s not there too!!
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antianakin · 10 months
I used to love Ahsoka as a character and I thought she was a really interesting foil/parallel to Anakin but at some point I started to disconnect with her character and be all ‘huh that doesn’t seem right’ and for ages I couldn’t figure out why/what it was specifically that was bothering me that wasn’t just *gestures at post-Wrong Jedi!Ahsoka as a whole*
From airing of tcw s7 onwards and also a little before that in some (but admittedly not all) parts of rebels she just doesn’t act like a Jedi.
Like we’re clearly supposed to think that she does and she uses the Force to do things and she uses lightsabre combat and sometimes she even listens to what the Force is telling her(!) but she doesn’t act the way a Jedi would or should most of the time. She doesn’t use or express their teachings or philosophies or act in any way according to them even when she says she does* or the narrative implicitly claims that’s what she’s doing
(*when she’s around Kanan this gets a bit less notable bc she does act more Jedi-like around him and I can’t figure out whether that’s deliberate or accidental or what it’s supposed to say or mean about them both if it’s intentional)
Before that she was fun and also flawed and I think if they’d kept those roots while either showing how she’d manage to overcome/learn from those flaws or that she hadn’t managed to move past them at all but was still trying her best then she would have stayed interesting! But instead her character gets flattened and her flaws get narratively erased (while still being very much there just not acknowledged in any way and/or presented as though they’re not flaws at all) in favour as propping her up as The Best Jedi TM and making her feel like a caricature of an ideal rather than a real character.
Like I am mid-Ahsoka show right now and she doesn’t even feel like the same character! Everything that made her interesting is just gone and the narrative constantly implies that she’s right even when she very clearly is not???
Writers challenge! Accept that characters have flaws and should have flaws to make them interesting and help drive the plot rather than making them perfect bc they’re your favourite!
Yeah, I don't even mind Ahsoka growing OUT of her earlier flaws (which are primarily the same ones that Anakin was given, like impatience and overconfidence/arrogance) and into different ones that reflect her new experiences and maturity. But it also would've been great to see how those flaws she started with, the impatience/impulsivity and the overconfidence/arrogance sort-of grew WITH her.
Like the way the Wrong Jedi arc shows her refusing to trust the Council LONG before she has any reason to do so and going off on her own to try to prove her own innocence which just makes her look more guilty and pushes the Council into more of a corner while also trusting ONLY the person who ended up framing her in the first place. The way that her more childish impatience and overconfidence has sort-of grown into the more dangerous impulsiveness and arrogance in the Wrong Jedi would've been so so interesting to look at if anyone writing it had been willing to acknowledge that she was in the wrong.
And you could keep going with that in later arcs and have her still be sort-of mistrustful of authority (especially Jedi authority), inclined to believe in her own superiority of opinion, and impulsive in her judgments. That's generally what we see in season 7, especially regarding her behavior towards characters like Mace and Obi-Wan. She believes she's right ALL THE TIME and this would be FINE if the narrative actually supported the idea that she WASN'T. Ahsoka can think she's right, but the audience should understand that she isn't. That's how her flaws got portrayed in earlier seasons of TCW and why I tend to prefer them to later ones. And this would've been a great place to follow up on her comment about not trusting HERSELF. Maybe Ahsoka has sort-of wandered away from mindfulness since she left the Order and so instead of continuing to look at the mistakes she made that caused the Order to mistrust her, she just starts blaming the Jedi for everything. And when she starts making accusations at Obi-Wan, have him point out that not only is she not being fair, but she's not being HONEST, with herself or anyone else. Because truly, it's not the Jedi she doesn't trust. It's not the Council playing politics that she's afraid of. It's her own flawed judgment leading her to her own destruction.
And there's SO MUCH you could do with that moving forward into Rebels, to showcase Ahsoka's continuing struggle with trusting her own judgment and how she's grown since Order 66 and into her place as a rebel where she HAS to trust herself more, but she still doesn't entirely trust herself to be a JEDI. Perhaps her uncertainty over Anakin's fate has a part to play in that. Instead, they just made her a spy despite the fact that a LACK OF SUBTLETY was one of her major personality traits in TCW and never once was she shown doing any kind of real spy work and we don't really see her doing any in Rebels either aside from a few conversations with Hera. We have no idea how she ended up growing into that role or WHY she took on that particular role rather than something that would've fit her existing skillset better. Ahsoka's position within the Rebellion is one of the places I think they really faltered with her because it could've been utilized to genuinely help her character move forward and develop her more as a Jedi survivor. Instead, she's just kinda... there and her entire narrative tends to revolve around Anakin, a problem that persists and actually got worse with the Ahsoka show.
I don't truly mind that Ahsoka is perhaps not acting much like a Jedi, at least not all the time, because that could be a really easy way to give her a journey BACK to being more like a Jedi. Much like the Kenobi show had Obi-Wan acting very out of character and unlike a Jedi in order to have him go on a journey to reclaim that identity and become the wise Master we all know and remember, they could've done something similar with Ahsoka. Let the narrative embrace that she's not acting like a Jedi as an intentional choice so that she can move forward from there and BECOME a Jedi again. This is also an arc that Kanan himself is sort-of going on, so it would've been pretty easy to parallel them a little in Rebels if they'd been willing to represent Ahsoka as anything other than a literal angel come to earth.
The problem with the Ahsoka show is that it DOES give her flaws, but the flaws it chooses to give her are the opposite of what they should be. (This paragraph might get a bit spoilery, so if you're trying to avoid spoilers until you finish the whole show, just skip this paragraph.) Instead of showing Ahsoka as impatient/impulsive and somewhat arrogant, they show Ahsoka being too UNFEELING. Ahsoka's primary flaw in the Ahsoka show is that she's too detached because her feelings regarding Anakin's fall have apparently caused her to pull away from connecting to anybody on a deeper level or something. And they choose to show this by having her literally recite Jedi philosophy of non-attachment and have Sabine push back against it. So now it's not just that Ahsoka is too unfeeling but that she's too much like the Prequels Jedi, the BAD Jedi who FAILED. And only once she lets go of those Jedi philosophies holding her back (and instead explicitly chooses to emulate ANAKIN, the dude who let himself be consumed by selfishness and greed and betrayed everybody and threw an entire galaxy into tyranny) is she able to move forward in her relationships. Instead of recognizing that Sabine is impulsive and arrogant and letting that shine a light on Ahsoka's own flaws so that they can BOTH work on them more, it just chooses to justify Sabine's impulsivity and arrogance instead and Ahsoka needs to accept Sabine as she is and support her completely no matter what horrifically selfish bullshit she does. Moral of the story, never hold your loved ones accountable for anything they do wrong!
Long story short, I think Ahsoka was 100% at her best in her bratty teenager phase in early TCW when the narrative actually was willing to admit she HAD flaws that she had to work through and her character has been completely flattened ever since they decided to pretend she no longer has any flaws and is just always right about everything (except for when she's acting TOO MUCH like the wrong kind of Jedi).
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hiyyihrts · 5 months
I’ve been watching all the interview, and I still think I’m missing some & more will likely come over the coming weeks.
It’s very interesting that some interviewers got 6 episodes and some got 4. From watching the interviews, I think I have some theories
- Luke has subtly confirmed Colin’s extra curricular activities multiple times now.
- it seems like it might take longer than we thought to get Pen & Colin on the same page, and that they will make mistakes - which people have theorised could mean that Pen doesn’t tell Colin until after their engagement.
I would love to know if you have any?
Putting a page break here in case no one wants to see spoilers or things Luke and Nic have confirmed in interviews already!
Yeah I’ve come to accept the fact that rake Colin or something like a version of rake Colin is inevitable (which is okay nobody come for me!!) I know they’ve said that the both of them are going to make mistakes which I hope isn’t just miscommunication things bc I really am not a fan of that trope (but I will accept anything they do lmao) but that’s what makes it so angst-ridden, if they don’t talk about their feelings and keep dancing around them, etc.
I think I’ve said this before but I think it’d be a fun twist to have them both kiss and continue to compromise one another while still claiming they don’t feel anything for the other, and with Debling being Pen’s endgame in mind while she’s still flirting with the idea of Colin (I know that Debling leaves after ep 4 I think so they won’t drag that out very much at all) HOWEVER I love the idea of them both refusing to acknowledge that they do care for one another, and Pen thinks Colin is just going to marry her or be with her out of gentlemanly obligation when in fact he’s madly in love with her and wants to prove to her that it’s not just fun and games for him.
Hence my next point, which Nicola confirmed in one of the new interviews: a mirror scene.
[More Spoilers for Mirror Scene]
So there is confirmation that Colin undresses Pen in front of a mirror, and I would LOVE if it’s a scene of him slowly undoing her dress and kissing each part of her that becomes more exposed while he whispers what he loves most about her, whether it be her body, her mind, her spirit, etc. I love the idea of them doing something so intimate and soul baring like that for the both of them- Pen being exposed in her most vulnerable state and feeling those explicit emotions for the first time, and Colin baring his heart and soul to the woman he loves and is desperately trying to make her see that he loves her for her and her entirety as a person, not just out of mere obligation or lust. I can’t articulate all the thoughts I want to about this but y’all get the point.
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arithmonym · 22 days
Been thinking about your ace cam fic where she initiates and is like hm yes i am good at being a scientist. And then is like YIKES WAIT NVM. Bc ive lived that experience several times lmao and you wrote it super well in a way that i feel like fits them. It Stuck with me.
Anyway Im reading this autostraddle article you reblogged and looking at the consent chart (screenshot included) and Im curious about where you feel she falls on that chart. I interpreted it as “willing consent (when i care about you even though i dont desire you right now)” but yeah im curious about your meta on it
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(fic link, for context.)
that’s a difficult question!! i don’t think there’s a straightforward answer; and camilla is an unreliable narrator in this fic, so that confounds the issue.
the way she narrates the encounter prior to her withdrawal, i think “willing consent” is the closest approximation: she doesn’t desire palamedes, but she’s making the choice to have sex with him because she cares about him, and they’re both hurting in the wake of dulcinea’s rejection. she doesn’t expect to get anything out of it except the reassurance that she and palamedes are still bound tightly together, but she doesn’t expect to be harmed by it, either (…so long as she can stop herself from thinking about how it might affect their necro-cav dynamic, which she prioritizes more than any romantic or sexual relationship they could have).
from a meta perspective, the setting of chapter two is very intentional: it’s where camilla trained as a child (first for her own benefit, then for his), and it’s where she first started to internalize the societal messaging that her autonomy was less important than her his.
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(i took gymnastics for a few years as a kid, and the rope climb made me cry sometimes. i could do the other skills fine, but i struggled with the coordination required—not to mention the attention of my peers as i failed. this is camilla, ashamed she wasn’t better (at a task that objectively means nothing vis-a-vis “being a good cavalier”), because she’s grown to a point where she bases her self-worth on being useful to him.)
(then, at the end, she’s lying on her back on the mat, staring up at the bell, exactly like she’s just fallen off the rope. again. introjected conditions of worth go brrrrrr.)
the paragraph under that chart clotheslined me, because whoops, been there, done that, and i think it rings truer to what’s actually happening with cam in this fic:
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even as she refuses to acknowledge it, camilla knows that she’s making a mistake. she doesn’t want to desire palamedes. she doesn’t want this to become a part of their dynamic, she wants this to be a one-off that they never speak of again (because she doesn’t really want it to happen in the first place)—but she’s also terrified of losing him. her decision to initiate rather than pull away is 100% informed by the fact that dulcinea has just rejected palamedes, and cam perceives something as simple as prioritizing her own wants/needs as a rejection, on a day when that’s a very sensitive subject. this tips the scale more towards the “unwilling” side, IMO, but it’s a huge grey area (badum-tsss, sixth house pun).
TL;DR: i think consent gets tricky in the context of cavaliers and necromancers and how all-encompassing that relationship can be!! i love all interpretations of campal, but i thought this one was worth exploring (especially as this fic is also me processing that i’m on the ace spectrum, and it reflects the struggle to work out my own boundaries with sex).
bonus: screenshot from when i first brought this fic up with my friends.
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sunlightandsuffering · 5 months
please that’s so funny 😭 imagine it’s a lecture and it’s the first one eren actually pays attention to and he’s so cocky telling her about how he’s great at giving orgasms
she rolls his eyes and he’s so offended as if their relationship hasn’t mainly been her giving him bjs and hjs and he is quick to be like “babe let me eat your pussy to show you 😫🙏”
he has to wear her down bc she’s so firm on not letting him touch her (yes she gives him bjs so her refusal to let him touch her doesn’t make much sense but not letting him touch her is all she has to keep her head high ok!)
I went in a very different direction writing this anon lol !! I might come back to your idea more tho bc it is amazing and superior, I just wasn't feeling smut as much when I wrote this 🤣🤣
Mikasa, in all her years of knowing Eren has never seen him really put effort into classes. He excels effortlessly, doing the bare minimum and somehow managing to pull A’s every time. She’d thought university would be a wake up call for him, but to her great chagrin so far business classes have been a breeze for him, and gender women’s studies is no different. A typical class will involve him dozing off in his chair, or inscribing poorly drawn penises into his textbook for kicks. 
Peak Eren behaviour. 
But today, well she’s never seen him look so alert. He even brought a notebook to class, and had been the one to wake her up this morning, urgently shaking her awake, already dressed and holding her backpack out. Then, to her shock, he’d sat down next to Jean and pulled not one but two different coloured pens out of his bag and a clean notepad, like he was actually going to take notes. Then, as their friendly blonde professor takes her place at the front of the auditorium, queuing up the lecture, he starts writing in said notebook. 
Mikasa is equal parts proud and horrified. 
Because seeing Eren do school work is well unsettling, almost alarming, what could possibly make him–
And then she looks up, and the title of the lecture is emblazoned on a hot pink slide, black bold lettering, ‘The Female Orgasm’. 
She looks over to Eren, understanding dawning over her and like he’s attuned to her, at that exact moment he looks up, notices her gaze and then the fucker winks. Mikasa isn’t on the receiving end of his attention all class, no matter how she tries to catch his eye, hell, even Jean can’t distract him from the lesson. 
He takes notes with such vigour that Mikasa actually wants to read them, watches him take out highlighters and more multicoloured pens. 
Eren’s note taking is so distracting that she forgets to take her own notes. 
By the time class is over Mikasa herself has barely grasped any of the literature the professor had spoken about, fucking frat boys. “Well that was a good lecture,” Sasha comments as they pack up their stuff. I think it’s really interesting that there isn’t one unifying model on the female orgasm, that we’re so variable isn’t that cool Mikasa?” “Yeah, great,” She responds, her gaze focused on Eren who is still diligently taking notes, and before she can stop herself she’s marching right over, breaking her usual rules of not acknowledging him. “Mikasa,” Jean perks right up at her presence, a sly smile overtaking his face, “Did you like the lecture today? I found it very informative.” Before she can respond Eren responds without looking up from his colour coded notes, “I’m sure you did Kirschtein, you wouldn’t know where the clitoris was if it smacked you in the face.” Jean gasps in outrage, rearing up for a come back to knock Eren out of the park but Mikasa speaks before he can, “Eren what the fuck are you doing?” At this, he frowns up at her, “I’m taking detailed notes.” 
He gestures to his alarmingly well written notes where Mikasa sees not only titles, but sub-headings as well, each marked in different shades of green, fuck there’s even a diagram. 
“Why?” “I think that’s obvious Mikasa,” Sasha says from behind her shoulder, teasingly grabbing Mikasa around the waist before looking down at Eren over her shoulder, an evil gleam in her eyes, “He’s got a lady friend he wants to use them on.” Eren shuts his notepad protectively, “As a matter of fact Sasha, yes, yes I do.” 
Mikasa’s brain stops working for a second, cataloguing the fact that she has slept over at his house for the past three nights in a row, and thus there are very few girls that Eren could be talking about. And after a very obvious wink at her, Mikasa comes to the unsettling conclusion that Eren plans to use his new knowledge on her. 
It is both arousing and terrifying all at once, because they’d learned a lot this class, science and literature combined, experiments that probably weren’t so ethical anymore giving them more knowledge than anyone could ever get today. And yet, most interesting from the lecture, and what Eren has highlighted in bright pink combined suspiciously with a terrible little dancing doodle that looks an awful lot like her, is the fact that women do not have a refractory period. In simple terms, this means they can orgasm as many times as their body will allow, with no waiting period, unlike men where chemical reactions have to occur to get them ready again. 
Limitless orgasms are a very achievable possibility, in theory. 
In practice, she doesn’t know and judging by that mischievous little smile on Eren’s face, he’s going to make sure she finds out.  So, Mikasa does what must be done.
She snatches Eren’s notebook and sprints out of the lecture hall like her life depends on it, she’ll deal with the fall out later.
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groovebunker · 14 days
firstly, thank you for answering all my questions <3
I finished their story. Idk why I feel so heartbroken.
I'm soooo happy their story ended in the loveliest thing ever. And the one by one confessionals as if dragrace kinda scenario of the family. All of those got me laughing my soul off, esp poor Gracie. Like imagine she saw them doing—okay, too mature for baby Gracie there. (idk which timeline in this, but bc I'm just in s1, my mind is there so Gracie is still smol). Yetta (whom I never met YET), the reassurance they give to Claire. Like that's the most parental figure she'll ever got since her fucked off family refuses to have Claire. (I'll give her everything I have fr. Claire is just that important).
Back to heartbroken. I think it's because it's finished. Nothing to distract me again lol. But, my head is lightheaded still. Thanks to this fic. Got a little over dramatic and listened to ton of heartbreak songs since I'll miss them. Ao3 authors who created the 100 stories will feed me through this pain. (I know you're the most who created those, hallejuah to you.) Small fandom problems (used to it, why do I love impossible fandoms?) Or might be bc I feel like some problems might occur to their life and then Claire might fled? I know deep down she won't, my overthinking is just killing me. I mean a small argument that morning and Claire is already hanging on a thread. Thank you, sandwich, made by Francine.
So, yeah. You can see how I love your story. Only if someone will understand me like you do lol. I might mouth off someone with my now thoughts about them (until canon ruins it. canon always ruins things. been there, done that lol)
To end off, I admire your acknowledgements. I hope you're happy with your decision and have a wonderful wonderful day (I'm not telling you, I'm just wishing you'll have it. if not, I'm cursing the soul of the person who made it bad).
Merci beaucoup <3
this has made my DAY. i'm sorry you're so sad you finished but there's still so much fun stuff to explore in the tag (pls read vignettes from the kitchen and the couch, it's the fic that made me want to write for them and it's phenomenal). there are also a few short (pwp) pieces in the wwyd universe up on ao3 and rumour has it, there might be something new soon to celebrate its first birthday 👀
the first part of the last chapter is one of my favourite parts of the whole fic - especially sylvia being told and just sort of shrugging. yetta & cc are such a brotp to me - it's a theme in some of the other stuff i've written for sure. i just love them so much.
honestly, finishing it made me so fucking emotional so i get it. canon does get quite batshit towards the end of the show but what can we do? (write tons of fic about it, apparently). feel free to mouth off at all times, i love talking about them so much.
all things are possible through the squad, honestly.
thank you so much 💖
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
I'm loving your theory lol, although even if he survived, that wouldn't explain mike knowing him since they were 5 😔
There's a lot of things that don't add up. Like in all fairness, Will himself doesn't appear to have any memories of being at Hawkins Lab, nor do his friends and family ever mention him being there pre-s1 from what I can tell? And so, how would that work?
And even though it's a popular theory that El recognized Will from the lab in s1 (definitely possible still), wouldn't she have brought it up in some capacity after meeting him officially in s2? Or even now that they're literal 'wonder twins' by s4? Even if Will forgot and she remembered him, wouldn't she feel compelled to say something?
It would only make sense if they both forgot because their memories were repressed in some way. Which isn't even a reach bc they are the characters with the most memory/memory loss references. El's s4 arc was legit her recovering a repressed memory related to the Hawkins Lab Massacre. And so would it even be a stretch to assume that if Will had been there too, being the only other kid to survive presumably, he would've also had to have repressed it somehow? Most likely not even by choice?
Out of all the supporting and conflicting parts of this theory, what has me stumped most of all is Brenner.
Brenner shows little to no interest in Will.
You could argue that he did in s1, because when Will went missing he took an interest in the case, even went to Will's house to the shed to see it for himself. He was presumably also involved in the government cover up regarding Will's body.
Though beyond that, they don't have any sort of relationship, which is weird?
You could argue maybe Dr. Owens and Will do, especially by s2 when Will was technically involved with Hawkins Lab after returning from the upside down. And so it's not like he doesn't have a connection to the lab at all. There are even parallels of both el and will being filmed with a bunch of people watching them from another room intrigued. Like the potential is there. But something is definitely missing.
Is it possible because of the events of the Hawkins Lab Massacre, with El literally banishing Henry, Brenner kind of blocked out any sort of regard for Will's potential abilities? Like yeah sure he survived the Massacre just like El. But instead of Brenner wasting his time on 'the boy that survived', he'd probably rather focus on whatever the hell El just did and how he can use that to his advantage.
That's the only way I could really understand it? Them being fine with wiping his memories and sending him back into the real world to combat some of the bad press they were dealing with?
What I do like about this theory, is that right now currently, we don't know for certain why the hell Will was targeted by Venca in the first place, and so this could answer a lot of those questions nicely.
Will went missing roughly 3-4 years after the massacre, and so Will, being Twelve, and a survivor, would've understandably been next in line since Eleven refused to join him.
Still doesn't explain how Joyce or even Jonathan wouldn't have known. I get that it's possible Lonnie could've been sending him to get tests done, but from what I could tell the situation for the kids at Hawkins Lab was more on a permanent basis?
Like I could see it if he was only there on a volunteer basis similar to s2, but otherwise, I don't see how everyone would forget or never again acknowledge how Will spent a good portion of his childhood in a lab.
It starts to fall through at that point.
Even still, I think I'm sort of 50/50 right now. A lot of the evidence supporting it is staggering, like this was something people were hypothesizing about pre-s3.
And so me literally stumbling across a lot of this evidence on my own in a matter of moments upon rewatching, and without anyone influencing me to start that theory, like... it's kind of surreal.
I'm only now discovering that there is in fact discourse about Will as Twelve within the fandom on here, but in all fairness, the evidence supporting it has been enough to intrigue even the most casual of viewers. Things like the birthmark reference, the rainbow ship feeling like a reference to Hawkins lab, or how El and Will have been paralleled in intricate ways since the very first episode. It's got somewhat of a good foundation as a theory because there is evidence of people picking up on those hints from the beginning, and taking time to ask others if they thought it might be hinting at something. So I do feel I can give it that.
There would definitely need to be a lot of answers.
I think certain details like Will having a birthmark on his right arm, and all these other little things hint at this very likely having been an idea from the beginning, which is a cool thought.
It would mean that even if now we don't think there's enough evidence to support it, or that theres too much contradicting it, if they did in fact come up with this from the beginning, then there's probably a proper explanation for a lot of it, assuming it has always been in the back of their mind.
I've been thinking about rewatching the show from this perspective recently, to see if anything jumps out at me.
It was honestly terrifying uncovering the Twelve theory in a matter of moments though. Like just literally rewatching those scenes, I felt like I was watching them for the first time. I was shocked. It didn't take much to convince me, it was almost too on the nose.
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jacquesthepigeon · 2 years
Yeah I mean. Chloe and Lila's rage is usually targetted at a specific few who they know are their enemies, whether by their own design or by proxy of being in the way. Marinette because she refuses to fall or stand for their bs, the classmates who figure them out (too little too late but i digress) or fight back, and anyone else whose a direct obstacle in the way that they can't "work around".
But Adrien has this bad habit (called bad writting) where he will target anybody whose immediately within the vicinity with his ire. Scarabella, doesn't think, attacks first like a psychopath. Uncanny Valley, stupidity not befitting of how long he's supposedly been a hero, hardly caring of the consequence until they tell him to come back then it doesn't matter anyway. Chat Blanc doesn't count for the most part, him trying to cataclysm Gabriel could honestly be considered somewhat heroic if we didn't know he has know idea what it would actually do. And the thing is, with how volatile we know he can be (counting from season 3 and beyond), the narrative has always had a tendency to show this as a momentary lapse in judgement instead of what it actually is. A personality flaw that has gotten progressively worse and more obvious as the seasons continued, that is apparently never going to be resolved or acknowledged. That's why Adrien is ultimately the worse out of the three.
While I’m not arguing that he’s worse, I do think it’s become a serious problem with his character having a hair trigger and attacking anyone even after supposedly feeling bad about cataclysming Hawkmoth (something I feel is OOC based on his previous and later actions). I only compared it to Chloé and Lila to show “hey why is this supposed hero character trying to rack up a body count surpassing the supposed worst of the worst”.
The show keeps including these scenes and they’re supposed to portray just how hurt or protective adrichat is but all their doing is beating his character to death. I can’t say people are exaggerating his violent behavior anymore bc it’s a consistent trait by now. I remember I was once going to make a post about how ridiculous it is to portray him as a murderer in waiting but then I remembered canon has had him intentionally try to kill four times! I was foolish enough to think he’d change after accidentally cataclysming HM and realizing how serious it is but no! Let’s have him try to do it two more times in the same season! And it’s incredible just how much of the fandom eats it up and doesn’t think it’s kinda messed up.
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roseworth · 1 year
Finding out you watched tangled the series sent me into a reblog spree from your tangled tag because I recently finished it for the first time. so now I'm curious give me all of your fix it thoughts on the bad writing
hello im so sorry for ignoring this for so long but i forgor </3 but i love tangled the series so much it just makes me want to rip my skin off because of how much it sucks
the thing is. there is so much potential. if it was just a bad show i wouldnt care but the problem is it could have been such a good show <////3 i love every character and the plot lines were ALMOST there every time and it could have been so good i could fix this fucking show hhghghjghhjghgmhgjhjg
like right off the bat theres all the shit with the proposals that i LOVE. i love eugene and rapunzel both trying to propose to each other like 5 times but neither of them could ever get the timing right <333 but the problem comes in with. literally everything surrounding it. the idea that the marriage would trap them pisses me off bc at first i assumed it would be like. they eventually realize that marriage isnt a trap and its not the end of their lives. but thats not what happened. instead it was like "yeah the marriage is us accepting that our adventures are over and we're settling down" ?????????????? and everything chris said always makes me think like. can someone please check on his wife oh my god
THEN we've got varian. literally such a great character, his villain arc is the best arc of the whole show !!! but!! then it was over. honestly i think that varian was one of the characters that made it out relatively unscathed with no stupid choices for his character. but even then thats mostly because he just kinda got ignored after season 1. he didnt show up at all in season 2 except in a hallucination, and im not THAT mad about it bc obv they werent in corona so its not like there was really any place for him but like. please. anyways he got a quick redemption arc in season 3 but the worst part of that was that it was a little rushed so he made it out ok. but the problem comes in with the fact that chris got pissed off that everyone wanted to talk about varian so he refused to give varian anything interesting to do overall. but the problem is that there were already seeds planted earlier in the show to give him more to do (like everything with quirin and the letter) that got dropped bc they didnt want to deal with it
and CASS. oh my god. ive talked about her villain arc a hundred times because it makes me so fucking insane. it could have been so good. like you can go back to pretty much the first episode in season 1 and see cracks starting to form in her & rapunzel's friendship and there was soooo much to work with. but. "gothic was my mom but she kidnapped and abused you instead so you stole my destiny" what the fuck are you talking about. talk about being overshadowed! talk about being forgotten and never taken seriously!! talk about ANYTHING that youve already been upset about in the show!!!!!! what the fuck!!!!!!
and then fucking. the dark kingdom stuff at the end of season 2 with eugene:( :( :( i was a little excited for the dark prince stuff bc ! it could be fun!!! he found out that hes the prince of a dead kingdom and his mother died because of the stone thats the opposite of rapunzel! there was sooooo much there that just got forgotten :( we never even found out how the queen died or her fucking NAME. why did we abandon all the dark kingdom lore at the end of season 2 :(((( i love the dark kingdom its such a fun concept and i want more of it but like. go girl give us nothing ig. the kingdom got completely abandoned and forgotten about within 25 years! lets talk about that!!!!! fuck lets acknowledge ANYTHING about dark prince eugene !!!! and on that note i wish they had done a little more with the fact that edmund had been protecting the moonstone for his entire life just for someone to take it and leave and now his life's purpose means NOTHING.
also it pisses me off that season 3 became The Cass and Rapunzel Show. there were so many other characters with problems but everything else was ignored bc look! cass and rapunzel!!! like can we PLEASE focus on anything else for like 5 seconds.... why was the finale entirely just cass and rapunzel's fight :( everyone was dead on the ground and it was "and now cass and rapunzel are gonna spend 3 seconds handling it" like please..... you have a beautiful cast of characters that want to affect the plot so badly let them help
as a rapunzel fan i think that one thing that annoys me a lot about the show is that. rapunzel can never be wrong. i get that shes a disney princess and its a disney show so they cant make her TOO bad but like,,, all her weaknesses are the shit you say in a job interview. "shes too nice" "shes too upbeat" "she trusts people to much" i wish she had actual problems. like she tends to accidentally be selfish and focus on how she feels without thinking about how it affects other people!!! thats something they could have thought about more instead of making her always right about everything. and the fucking episode on season 3 where eugene says "cass abandoned you you need to let her go" then she goes back in time and changes his past and then hes like "yeah you shouldnt leave cass behind!" NO HE WAS RIGHT THE FIRST TIME. cass literally took the moonstone and left she doesnt want to come back why is the lesson here that rapunzel shouldnt let her go
and oh my god. lance im so sorry for what they did to you. he is SUCH a fun character i love him so much he should have had so much to do but NO he gets one lance-centric episode and a few lance-and-eugene-centric episodes in season 1. then he never gets focus ever again. he gets the moment in the season 2 finale where he starts fighting the ghosts (and i love him so much i love that moment) and then he never affects the plot again. hes so fun because he and eugene have basically the same backstory except lance never had The Moment where he chose to give it up so its so fun to see his approach to just. everything in the show. but we never get to see him!! he gets ignored and shoved to the side so that there can be more hookfoot centric episodes. i will forever stand by the fact that theres something about hookfoot could've been a lance episode. ALSO ALSO ALSO the episode that was pitched with the broken window at the orphanage :( :( :( :( :( i mourn it every single day i wish it had happened. he doesnt get taken seriously as a character even though they had sooooo many opportunities to! then i literally love that he adopts kiera and catalina at the end but. it doesnt get any focus. we dont get to see him getting closer to them (okay we get a little bit of it but STILL there should've been more) so it feels so unearned. i love their little family so much but give me MORE. NOW.
okay im gonna stop now but i have so many thoughts about this show i could fucking fix it. there is so much potential and i love every character so much and i love the version of the plot lines that only exist in my head
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aprillikesthings · 7 months
I might not finish this one tonight, we'll see, but the last one was a cliffhanger and I no longer remember how it resolves!!
[edit: I did finish]
s1 ep9 no princess left behind
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awww I know she's being evil but still
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You know damn well Hordak would want to know it was actually Catra, you manipulative bitch
it'll be easier to do these now yayyy
wait they buzz a lot. hm. like, constantly.
Angella: I never should have let her leave this castle
That's....a little much
"As a leader of the rebellion" you haven't been doing shit lately tho that's actually been Glimmer and Adora but whatevs
OH SHIT i just remembered one of my fave moments in the entire show is in this episode. hghhhh anyway you'll see lol
The buzzing in the headphones is A Problem. >:(
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"sorry for eavesdropping on your crying :D" you know it was Sea Hawk's idea to pose dramatically
Okay I'm just amused by this screenshot (after Sea Hawk lies and says he's an inspector and Scorpia appears to buy it)
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just. look at her.
"Harmonious teamwork with Entrapta can be...a challenge." and Entrapta NODS she knows this about herself it's fine
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it's not YOUR black garnet >:(
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i love her
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i love her (example 2)
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bow's emotional intelligence wins the day (...and also wins them intelligence in the sense of information)
(actually the scene later reminds me of situations where you're just sort of polite to a dude in a situation where you can't leave, like working a cash register, and he just tells you his whole life story and you're just like...I didn't ask...why are you doing this.)
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I mean, she's not wrong
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Does anyone have just like, a list of every time Adora does this kind of self-sacrificial shit
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this is gonna backfire on you so bad
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*squints* am I the only one seeing parallels to "conversion therapy."
"this isn't the REAL you, I'll make it so you were like before" (aka when you were faking being cishet)
also HAS SHE DONE THIS BEFORE I forget I think they talk about it later??? fuck
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more face-touching!
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that's the power of love, bitch!
(also how many screenshots have I accidentally saved to "documents" instead of clipboard? they used to all auto-save to my desktop and I've never cleaned them out, which means I have literally thousands of images on my desktop, which I never look at, ahahah)
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--and my heart rate just shot through the roof lol
no you don't understand
this moment is one of my absolute faves in the whole fucking show
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She's SO FUCKING PISSED, and she's realized that Shadow Weaver will never ever reward her efforts, and she hates Shadow Weaver SO MUCH, and she'd rather help Adora in revenge at this point, fuck it all
And think about it--handing Adora the sword means Adora's going to leave again. And she still does it.
ALSO Catra didn't overhear that Shadow Weaver was going to try and wipe Adora's memory. I'm...not sure Catra would've helped them leave if she'd known that. Oof.
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(yeah yeah it's technically because she hates Shadow Weaver but also bc she likes Adora, she's just refusing to acknowledge that)
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Her expression as she watches Adora transform is something else. She still (understandably) sees She-Ra as part of what took Adora away from her. She also knew damn well what Adora would do the moment she got the sword back.
It's such a fantastic character moment, and ALSO, bonus, it's hotter than hell.
so good
Oof, I forgot that's why they abandoned Entrapta there--they really did think she was dead.
Anyway I rewound and watched the sword-dragging scene again
A few times
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thekimspoblog · 7 months
More chatting about BCS w/ @brilliantalpaca
Them: I read the whole thing, Ill reblog it later because there is some stuff I want to give my two cents on
But this is wild to me
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Hello? He graduated from law school? Why is blud in charge of the mail?
Me: I mean OP is right; Jimmy isn't OWED a partnership at HHM. The problem is that when Jimmy and Kim ACCEPTED that the firm wasn't going to promote them and struck out on their own, HHM still interfered. I do think Jimmy has a bit of a NiceGuy complex, but not nearly as badly as Walt did. "NiceGuys finish last, so if you're pulling ahead you were never really that nice" is definitely a theme of BCS. But "Who is watching the watchers? Who gets to decide who the gatekeeper is?" is also a theme. Plus... Kim is a god and when she asks for something, you give it to her or you die. Granted, Howard and Chuck had no way of knowing that last part, but still.
Them: The whole middle part is so cracked
Cooked with gas
In any case, and considering Jimothy started a law firm inside a beauty parlor, I think he would have been happy at HMM the second he stopped to push a cart, at least for a while
Like, I dont think the man is ambitious for power or a title or authoritas, but for respect
Thats why he leaves the firm at... You know, the cocobono table place, sorry its been a while
So I think if his brother had respected him a little bit more, well
Me: On the one hand, he just wanted to work next to his brother and his girlfriend. But like... he got that opportunity with Davis and Mainn and he hated it. That place was stuffy; he needed his freedom. It's one thing for Chuck to say "I don't think my brother would be a good fit at my firm. Even if he is talented, his eccentricities are a liability; I don't want to hire him"; I mean that's basically the same conclusion Kim reached. The problem is we never see Howard do any actual work, so the impression we get is that HHM siphons off labor from its employees, then refuses to compensate them adequately or even acknowledge their role as contributing partners. And again, there was definitely some sort of discrimination going on with the way Chuck penalized Kim for associating with Jimmy.
Them: They also put him an intern-copter on his ass, which would sit badly with anyone
And Chuck actively tried to prevent him to practice
Which is very messed up
Me: Again, I can't really blame them. Frankly Jimmy should have treated Erin with more respect; she had worked there longer and even if she was kind of passive aggressive about it, she was just trying to show him the ropes.
Them: I can't blame them either, but thats because I know Jimmy
In any case, trusting the narrative at one hundred percent and confusing Jimmy with a poor little meow meow is something I'm guilty of
Ill admit that
When he usually makes his own bed
Me: Under normal circumstances, I would say wanting to get someone disbarred for sabotaging you is pretty understandable. But again, Chuck started it by stealing Mesa Verde. Jimmy loved Chuck, but he wanted Chuck to admit that he too could be a bit of a hypocrite and a sleazebag. That he wasn't better than Jimmy. And the truth is he really wasn't.
Them: He really really wasnt, he just dressed it up better
Chuck is such an university profesor its insane, they nailed him
Me: To by a hypocrite is to be human. And honestly I think you're an irresponsible lawyer if you CAN'T acknowledge your own biases.
Them: I also didnt realize that yeah, we never see Howard doing... Work on his own, huh?
Like he's there at meetings, with Chuck at the Mesa Verde hearing
But what does he *do*
Me: I assume Howard does actually do quite a bit of paperwork. But this is a tv show, so if they didn't want us to see him as a symbol of the owning class, as a wage thief, they should have framed the story differently.
Them: It is implied, if not stated, hes riding his dad coat tails, right?
I dont know, he may actually just... Be there
Well, no, hes at court at times
Because if we didnt had anything, you know, to a point that becomes a conscious choice even if hes a secondary character ok a tv show
Me: The main reason I'm inclined to cut Jimmy some slack is that on some level, Jimmy knows that he's just plain bad at making choices for himself. He wants to be bossed around, just by someone he trusts. He spent half his life outsourcing his ethical code to his brother, and the other half just following whatever marching orders his wife gave him. So at least in the later seasons of BCS, the best defense to the idea that Jimmy is a bad person is simply "That part was Kim's idea; you want to complain, take it up with management". Right or wrong, he's a man who can biblically submit to his wife; that kind of puts him in a whole other moral universe.
Them: The show also makes ir very easy to fall into the "Jimmy logic hole", where everything he does gets justified by a slight that happened six episodes ago
Me: But like I said, this is why him going to prison is kinda fucked. Instead of growing the hell up and thinking for himself for once, Jimmy surrenders and turns his agency over to the ultimate daddy; the government.
Them: Lel true
Thats actually a good reading
Me: I think it's best to think of Hamlin-Hamlin-McGill-McGill-and-Wexler as just one big firm that ended up cannibalizing itself; neither half of the entity ever became fully independent from the other, and eventually fighting over clients sunk both halves of the business. Kind of fitting with the theme of wildflowers growing on an unmarked grave, I like to think about Iris's relationship to that business and that building. This big, bombastic story we spent six years chronicling, in just two short decades nothing will be remembered about it besides a "how I met your mother" anecdote. George Hamlin wanted to build a family business... well, he got one.
Them: The causes of the firm's undoing bring writing on its own foundation
You know, George Hamlin bringing his son and Chuck bringing his brother
Kim getting dragged into the drama of the whole thing and doing what she does in the show
Me: yes exactly
Them: It all becomes inevitable
Me: Instead of having a long(er) life in prison, my timeline ends with Jimmy dying at age 69 from a heart-attack while fleeing a protest-turned-riot, being remembered as a beloved patriarch martyred for a righteous cause. It's a happier ending than what Vince and Peter would leave him to, but it's still supposed to feel a little perverse: this was the path Kim put him on when she got him out on parole, and on some level she knew this. Iris blames their mother for what happened, and they're not wrong, but at this point remorse is an emotion that doesn't come easily to Kim anymore. She gave him the best life she could, but nothing lasts forever. Still, nothing is set in stone. Jimmy will be a martyr for Kim's revolution if he lets her make him one. But saying "no" to her - AND MEANING IT - is the hardest thing to do. Especially when he knows she's right; that Iris is going to inherit a police state if the parents don't act preemptively.
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adasknife · 8 months
Hello lovely!!
How do you think modern Aeons see Ada? I feel like they don't really know her. They're not paying attention to what she's saying or doing. They base their opinion of her on how she acts towards Leon and they will always justify her actions instead of wondering WHY she's acting that way.
She's 'nice' to Leon: omg yes true love uwu she saved his life see she's not a villain!!!
She's 'mean' to Leon: lmaooo you go girlboss point a gun at him yes end his life!!!
BUT if someone suggests Leon doesn't want her because of the latter, they act like crybabies.
She's like a doll to them, a vessel for them to pour their projections on. They don't wonder about her aspirations or fears. It's all so superficial to them. I don't see this happening to any other character (well a lot of ppl baby Leon but most acknowledge his rights and wrongs, and ppl call the other characters out on their bullshit, but with Ada it's just... you can't say a bad thing abt her or you will be crucified, but they cant even form a proper argument against someone who dislikes her, its always stfu hater r#acist and jealous). Like I like Ada but sometimes she pisses me off lol. All of the characters do. Why is it such a taboo for Aeons to admit Ada fucks up too?
I think most, if not all, Ada Wong 'fans' are Aeon shippers first and foremost. That's why they're refusing to acknowledge that Campom is getting rid of the romantic aspect of Aeon in the remake: if Ada isn't with Leon or Leon isnt chasing after her, she loses her charm and they have to acknowledge the 'ugly' parts of her character, bc they NEVER hold her accountable for anything. She's done some questionable stuff but they're always like "omg yes mother slay queen go be a criminal babygirl do your thing". Like they never stop to analyze her. It's so dehumanizing that her own 'fans' do not care to analyze her outside of her being the sexy aloof spy who is the Love Interest and acts mysterious and looks sexy. They are the ones perpetuating the stereotype about her. Bc they don't care to know her. They know everything they want to know: that Leon wants her, and thats enough for them.
Sorry for the long message, you're one of the few ppl on here who actually offers a different, realistic, HUMAN analysis on Ada.
i don't know about the modern aeons a lot. i only know one decent enough, and they seem to respect ada but of course aeon is their main thing. the ones that i do know less of but their reputation is very high and mighty. yeah. unfortunately, they don't really seem the... biggest fans of her. i can respect the motivation for her. especially with those who baby leon.
i mean, imagining shipping aeon and suddenly you get people shitting on ada because she manipulate him. blah, blah, that sort of thing.
those are the one who definitely just defend her for the #girlpower which once again. can't argue against that. ada is allowed to use leon, but they definitely rank up her mean heart. i think it's double down the comments against ada or they just really like that specific dynamic.
but that's when you mention the other thing, the ada needs leon to 'really' manner to the story.
that's another sad yeah to some fans and i feel like it's accidentally. like, i certainly hope none of these fans actually do it on purpose. or disliking characters. like, i have seen people who hate leon and people who hate ada (y'know disliking her character not disliking her for race or jealousy), and i follow both to get an understanding on why people hate them. i dislike and like living in an echo chamber, but how will you get the understanding of the characters?
i feel i am rambling now so, i'll try to hurry up. aeons want a validation of the past self of the ship. imagine wasting years of your life, begging for ship to become canon and re6 comes along and destroys it again. like, i follow an aeon shipper and a couple aeons get angry at the idea of shipping a different person with leon or even an oc.
like, i don't hundred percent think that they project themselves in ada. they want to understand her as well, but they are bias of believing ada needs leon. when... she never did. in re6, helena is telling leon to go with ada and leon rejects it. even he never needed her.
helena is like an aggressive aeon shipper, she thinks she understands their story, but who knows it better than them two. and that's where the flaw of the writing comes to place and the fans have to write it in to fill in the holes. making theories that leon is an alcoholic for missing ada or that he is happier in death island because he got the 'pussy'. (comments in aeon videos)
like this is messy, it's unfortunate that ada doesn't get many thoughts of fans. like jacksepticeye said, "they'll make cute babies." or the pieces of writing of ada repeat that ada protects leon with the bias of the OG games while speaking about the remakes.
i try in this blog to avoid leon (sometimes i fail and that's fine.) so ada can shine as a bad and good character. i don't worship the ground that ada walks over. i think she is hot. i think she is good but the writing/fans think that kindness is only meant for leon. i just hope fans adore their female characters as much they claim. the ugly and the pretty.
i hope aeon shippers think the same. i hope they aren't always horrible and try to understand half the ship they love
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bonesandthebees · 10 months
Anyway, I’ve talked a lot about Tommy without talking about Him, so let’s do that.
I was expecting Tubbo to be part of his group, but having him be there as just Tomys friend is so funny. It’s also adorable. (And it probably says a thing or two about how stubborn Tomys is, since he probably refused to go without him). Their dynamic very much gives “Your majesty, this is my emotional support best friend”.
Having Jack as a guard is giving me Stars flashbacks. Probably as intended. It’s funny that he is now Tomys guard instead of Wilbur’s. I was not expecting Puffy, but I probably should have. She’s there to make sure Tomys behaves, but she still has a lot of work to do about the etiquette. She also gives me the vibes of someone who deserves a raise.
Side note: did Niki or Quackity come with extra entourage? Like Niki was a baby, but Quackity was similar in age. Or is this unusual? (Also, I love the throne and crown, I’m sure that doesn’t have any ominous relation to certain tags on this fic)
Anyway, Tomys first impression reflects very badly on Sam. As we learn in chapter 3, everyone figures out why Tomys is there. And he’s clearly a bad first choice as a heir. (As in, if Sam were to die right now, Tomys would do terribly compared to Niki or Quackity).
He comes off as just a kid, which he is, but that’s not something you can be in this situation. None of the other kids got to have a normal childhood. On top of that Tomys is kinda a little brat, for a noble child at least, and not in the way those kids are normally brats.
But Sam seems rather fond of him. He’s very patient with him and all his blunders. I think he’s a kind king, but *looks at chapter 3* he’s not the brightest. It becomes very clear, very quickly that Sam did not think this true at all.
Like part of his decision process is wanting to decide something for himself because he’s self aware enough to know Phil is pulling the strings, but not smart enough to actually do it himself. So he brings Tomys and is all secretive, but then he didn’t talk it through with anyone and missed so many implications because he’s just living in his own world. But then he doubles down which is incredibly childish, but he wanted to make a desicion for himself and refuses to acknowledge that it’s backfireing (which is a very worrisome quality to have in a King).
Though I think some of it might just also be actually indecisiveness and wanting to buy himself more time to chose because he clearly doesn’t know who to pick based on how he asked Schlatt. He’s just digging himself a bigger hole and I’m scared he’ll double down further and will pick Tomys in the future just because Phil doesn’t want him to (can you tell I do not like Sam? Very good writing job on that, btw).
no literally I was trying to figure out a position for tubbo that wasn't 'personal servant' just bc I didn't feel like doing that for this fic, and when I couldn't come up with anything I was like "...it's clingyduo tubbo would come just as his emotional support bestie" and then I thought back to how in historical movies you always hear about nobles having their ladies in waiting/companions/friends showing up with them everywhere like an entourage and I was like huh that would work
lol yeah after stars I'm a bit of a sucker for writing jack manifold as a guard again. he's just so good in that type of role, although I'd say he's going to have a smaller role here than he had in stars (though who knows I also didn't think stars!jack would play a very big role and look how that turned out). and of course tommy needed an adult chaperone so I thought of puffy. she's so tired of this shit.
yes, niki and quackity both came with entourages of their own although I'm not going to mention them bc I can't think of characters they'd be and I don't like throwing ocs into my fics for more than just a few lines here and there. except since niki was brought to the palace so young she essentially came just with her nanny and some guards, and when she was eventually given ladies in waiting they were provided by the palace not by summerdam. quackity was a little older so he showed up with a tutor, guards, and probably a private servant. still working out details on backstory stuff you know how it goes
yeahhh the thing is tommy's immaturity is pretty prevalent right off the bat, and while he's not overly bratty by noble kid standards, by potential future heir to the kingdom standards he's terrible. and it says something about sam's ideas towards leadership that he only just met the kid and has a bit of a soft spot towards him, because he doesn't know tommy. not at all. but he thinks he does.
i'm glad you don't like sam. he's meant to be a very messy character in rose. someone who so clearly wants to be good at this game he's playing but is just so blatantly not which causes problems for everyone else around him
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novantinuum · 10 months
3, 7, 8, 17
Thank u Fwex uwu
3- screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr
Okay so this isn't a tumblr thing, but I HAVE to describe this absolute chaos I saw on reddit once-
Basically there was this like... mega BotW Mipha stan who was super into Mipha/Link, and somehow by the end on one reddit thread I briefly glanced through ended up deciding to headcanon that Sidon was ,,, I GUESS??? Mipha and Link's secret love child which-
H-how... does that even work lmafo. I am scared. It just CAN'T work, because Sidon is like... toddler shaped by the time the Calamity in Breath of the Wild history happens. (And Zora age slower than Hylians anyways, so for all we know he'd been alive for like 10-15 years already.) It'd certainly make for... uh, a wild AU I guess, but it was definitely a convo that I was thinking This about as I scrolled past it:
Tumblr media
7- what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
So I don't think fandom has made me outright HATE a character, but there's definitely characters or ships that have been soured for me because of fandom tomfoolery. I think the notable ones here are...
-I kinda am like, really ambivalent about the Tenth Doctor (Also the recent Ten Take Three going on rn, who I refuse to call the Fourteenth Doctor lmafoooo) because of years of being sick of everyone being all "omggg the show just isn't as good now that Ten isn't there," and shitting on the Doctors who came after. Like, I used to LOVE him but now I'm just. Eugh. Whatever. It's almost as if I feel it's my duty to be absolutely neutral about him to balance out all the tumblr girlies screaming about how Tennant being back now is going to "save" the show or whatever.
-So very sorry, as I WANT to like it as a chronic multishipper, but Link/Sidon is a ship that has been utterly spoiled for me after all the drama that came from Sidon getting a canonical wife in Tears of the Kingdom. I simply do not want to be part of a shipping community that is that bitter when canon doesn't go their way- like, yeah we all want Nintendo to give some gd representation crumbs, but what else did you expect? Like after a certain point you really do just have to acknowledge that certain pairings are never going to happen bc of company bias and just enjoy your own headcanons for your own mental sanity. And the raging misogyny that came out of people about Yona was disgusting.
-Tragically, Fiddauthor (Stanford Pines/Fiddleford McGucket) was tremendously soured for me due to a loud fringe group of shippers who were very hostile to anyone who dared have headcanons about the two characters that weren't: they are both trans and gay. Like you dare to headcanon Stanford Pines as asexual and aromantic? You want a nonbinary Ford? You dare to headcanon Fiddleford as bisexual instead of gay? Death for you. Hate anons for you. It just got so suffocating that I had to basically drop the ship, which sucked because it was one I was SO passionate about back in the days.
8- common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
King Rhoam is not a good father, nor an abusive monster, but a much more tragic, nuanced third path right down the middle where he and Zelda were close once but he decided to sacrifice his relationship with her in order to campaign for what he believed was more important- the survival of Zelda and all of Hyrule through the activation of her sealing powers. Aka I believe he had to choose between being a good father and being a good king, and in an ironic turn failed at both at once bc he simply didn't have all the knowledge he needed to make the right choices. (His wife wasn't there to provide council to Zelda when it really mattered, and he literally had NO understanding of what she needed.)
To be fair I understand why many in fandom choose to vilify Rhoam in fic, as he does provide a notable moment of antagonism in the Breath of the Wild memories, and it is VERY easy to project one's own personal "bad parent" trauma on such a character while making fan content, but I am wholly of the opinion that making him a one note "shitty father with no redeeming qualities" is perhaps the most narratively boring option as far as canon interpretations go.
17- there should be more of this type of fic/art
Gen fic. This is my answer for every single fandom I've been in. There should always be more gen fic.
Also porn that involves tentacles. This is a wholly self-serving request. Yes, I AM in fact a rapidly swinging pendulum. I want either gen fic or HARDCORE PORN and there's zero in between.
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