#YEAH ok it’s a dinluke fic
sobedoodles · 1 year
My favorite Mando Fanfic updated…that means I return to tumblr to scroll through the fanart tags😀👌
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emmalostinwonderland · 11 months
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Happy Wednesday once again! I actually got some shit done for my FTH2023 fic this week, so I treated myself to working on the DinLuke Bioshock AU this afternoon. Here's some angst for ya!
(I know there's not meant to be context on these, but I've been learning lately that Bioshock 1&2 were not as popular across the board as I thought, so... yeah. This fic is set in the late 1950's in the fictional underwater city of Rapture. This scene is set in Persephone, the prison area from the second game. Johnny is 'Johnny Topside' who later becomes Subject Delta, the playable character in Bioshock 2. Ok carry on.)
"So. What’d they stick you in here for, pal?” “His partner was in bed with Fontaine.” “You shut your damn mouth,” Din cuts in, barely noticing he’d even opened his mouth until the words are already out. “Don’t go discussing other people’s affairs like you know a fucking thing about them.” The guy in the cell across from him cracks a lazy smile. “Well, well. He does speak.” Din just grunts an acknowledgement. “My name’s Johnny,” he continues, “What do they call you?” Heaving another sigh, Din pushes himself off the back wall and moves to sit on his cot. “He ain’t shared his name, but pretty much everyone calls him Mando,” says the guy on the left, evidently still feeling particularly ballsy. “Mando, huh? Let me guess… Army?” Goddammit. “Marines.” “Well, ain’t you special. Listen, Mando, I met a fair share of people here in Rapture between my arrival and getting tossed in this cell. Even more since then. Every so often they pull me outta here to do plasmid testing at Fontaine Futuristics.” Din’s eyes fly open again at the mention of that name. “No shit?” “Yeah. I’ve met the man himself more than a few times. So. Is your boy really in bed with him?” Din closes his eyes and flashes back to tossing out the patrons who couldn’t accept the rules. He thinks about the relief on his husband’s face after they were gone. His heart aches all over again. “No,” he eventually answers, “Luke would never. He has a code. And we made vows.” Johnny seems to consider that for a moment. “People like that are hard to come by these days, Mando.” “...Yeah. I know.”
Tagging @babygirlbridger @materassassino and @malakia215 - plus anyone else who wants to play! Tag me in your posts, I don't wanna miss anything <3
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elijahmiles · 2 years
your special little star wars guys, pazhan and/or dinluke for the ship ask ajsdghas ok i'm done now i promise ♥️
HIIII i got another dinluke one because yeah clearly i did (king of dinluke as decreed in ritual combat) so i will talk about my favorite guys...my beloveds...paz and han. HUH??? you're thinking and I KNOW I KNOW but i promise it makes sense
what made you ship it?
honestly it's mostly because of like. by association. i adore the dynamics of the ot squad with the mando squad, and also happen to ship luke and leia with other people more. i also really love han as a character and feel like he's written off a lot of the time by virtue of harrison ford, but i think there's so much there esp post rotj. with paz, i wanted to explore his character and was heavily inspired by valhalla and norse paganism as a parallel for mandalorian religion. and then it was like haha wouldn't it be funny if a irrelgious devoted funny guy smuggler met a religious devoted reserved warrior and here we are almost 20k words later
favorite things about the ship?
okay like. they are both very different and also very similar- paz is serious, deeply religious, honorable, comes from a renowned heritage. han is a back alley smuggler who (originally) only cared about his own skin. but they are both super devoted and care deeply about their loved ones. han comes to be selfless, to see faith in a new way and to be vulnerable with someone again, while paz learns to choose things for himself, to seek comfort in peace and relearning what glory and honor really mean. and while i said han was irreligious, he's not, really, in my head he's from a religious minority on corellia, and so what if they both had faithful backgrounds that manifested in different ways with what the empire put them through, and what if they found in each other a new way to see the world and their lives in it, and what if-
unpopular opinion about the ship?
considering it's just me here in pazhan hell, there's really not any unpopular opinions? it's more like me as a door-to-door salesman of pazhan, asking you to just give it a chance, please, i promise it makes sense, here take a free sample, and then read my fic, please please please
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materassassino · 2 years
Very drunk Star Wars gang!!
- Cee
Ok THIS I do need to finish because it's my favourite kind of fic: humorous character interaction. Literally just Din and Luke hanging out with Chewie, Han, Leia and Lando on Chandrila and them all getting sloshed. Again, it's a bit of a relic before I developed my ideas for DinLuke so it needs fixing but definitely coming back to this one.
Also Din learns the extent of his husband's sluttiness, lmao.
“You did what?!” Din exclaims. That’s it. He needs to drink. He pours himself a shot of [booze], waves irritably at everyone until they obediently close their eyes (except Luke, because he doesn’t need to), tugs up his helmet and knocks it back. It burns on its way down – he really isn’t used to this stuff – and he replaces his helmet, shaking his head and blinking tightly.
“I didn’t do anything!” Luke protests. “She kissed m– OW!”
That was a well-aimed kick under the table.
“It’s not like we knew!” Leia protests, scowling. “Besides, it was a ploy.”
Luke rolls his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, just to make Han jealous.”
“I got to scratch ‘twins’ off the bucket list,” Solo says with a crap-eating grin that Din sorely wants to punch. He simmers with it. The idea of Solo getting to kiss Luke fills him with an unbridled possessiveness he’s never felt before.
Lando laughs, head thrown back, one hand on his stomach. “What are you saying, Skywalker? The only person you haven’t kissed at this table is Chewie?”
wip ask game!
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themirokai · 3 years
POI 01x21: Many Happy Returns
Ok look obviously this episode had important and serious developments in John and Harold’s relationship whether you’re reading it as romantic or not. But let’s just talk about some fun shippy stuff, yeah?
1. Kill me with this little wave John Reese. Yeah hon, we all know you’re “trying to impress the boss.”
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GIF by @5disilk. Original.
2. The PINING look on this mfer when he checks his phone for the umpteenth time and no messages from Harold.
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GIF by @mdtome . Original.
You know John did not need to hold on to Harold’s arm all the way to the car. I know it. John knows it. Harold knows it. But here we are.
4. Immediately post-rescue John is furious with Harold not because of Harold’s reasoning for keeping him away (he didn’t know that yet), and not because he was mad that Harold was working a number without him. He was furious because Harold had put himself in danger and John almost wasn’t there in time. 🥺 Just knock me over with a feather.
5. Do we need to talk about Harold buying John an apartment? No. No we do not.
Side note: I’m still relatively new to online fandom. My OTP is Mystrade. The other ship I’ve written fic of is DinLuke. You know what those ships have in common? Approximately 7 minutes of shared screen time between them. I am used to my ships having absolutely zero, zilch support in canon. So to ship something where there is just so damn much on the screen is wild to me and I am going a little nuts for it.
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poisonedyouth · 3 years
37 + 38?
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Hi Ella! Thanks for the ask! Ok, let's see...
#37 - Opinions on the Jedi?
They did make some really bad decisions, but they were really pushed to their limits, and I think they did the best they could in a crappy situation, which is all anyone can be expected to do. So yeah, they've had some major fuck-ups, but overall, I would support them.
#38 - Fic recommendations?
Alright, I don't really get a lot of time to read fics, but I know a couple.
In Sacrifice, Peace, by @ilonga is sooo good if you want some angst.
There's From A Certain Point Of View, by @kckenobi, I'm not sure if I've read it myself yet, but my sister says it's really good.
And @chaos-company has heaps of amazing fics if you want to browse.
#39 - If you wrote a 'fix-it fic', what would you write about?
I'm not much of a writer (tried it a few times, didn't really work out for me) so I mainly just stick to art instead, but if I were to write one, probably a disaster lineage stays together sort of thing? (ie. Ahsoka stays in the Order, Anakin doesn't turn to Dark Side, etc.) Or maybe like a dinluke thing, that'd be cute.
(From this)
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thewriterowl · 3 years
Are there any modern au Dinluke tropes that you really enjoy, apart from the ones you've already written of course? ^^
Modern? Hmmm...good one. Let me think.
So, I dunno why (though @drooliesblog can attest to this) I love Baker!Luke. I think it is my favorite job for him, potentially more so than him as a teacher. There is just something soft about it that I really like. And I love bread, omg, I love bread. I also think I like this cause while Luke will always be small and have great arms, I like that maybe he has softness to him physically. A soft Luke with a sexy Din is a dream (I'm not saying Din having an 6-pack but I just want to live through Luke and so I want to see someone who is not just perfectly built get with someone hot--cause it just doesn't seem to happen...well not with women and hot men and i need some way to help my insecurities, dang it).
Annywaaay...so yeah, I think there is something super cute about that.
Of course, while that's my favorite I love him as a teacher, librarian, paramedic, etc. etc.
Them being neighbors is *chef's kiss*. Maybe they live in a place that gets snow storms and they are snowed in their apartment and Luke help provides food for Din and his son.
Din being ridiculously good at engineering stuff, so he helps Luke with his stuff (like a broken oven) in return for honey bread and cookies. This could be his job or something he's good at.
Oh man, the idea of Trainer!Din with Baker!Luke who is looking to lose some weight/gain muscles (which he doesn't; he's healthy! but he's insecure) and the flirting that will take between the two of them. Maybe Din showing off by easily picking Luke up, pinning him down in sparring, etc. Din also gets all sorts of goodies.
Loooove the Hockey!Din trend happening. He is super sexy as that. Maybe Luke is not really in the sports scene but his nephew, Finn, wins tickets to meet the team and his parents can't come so Luke takes him and they meet and Luke is like swooning over the grogeous captain who is so kind to his nephew. maybe Din is swooning right back when he sees Luke include Grogu in things, getting the two kids as friends (it's all about the kids lol)
Maybe CIA/FBI either with Luke as a witness, or they are both agents (so we can get some Javier action). Look, I'm a 30-something year old white girl...you know I am in the stereotype of being way to into true crime and murder and serial killers. Something of them working together is great. I was never too big into Criminal Minds (the idea of it, yes, the execution often left me wishing for better) but Luke as Reid and Din as Morgan would be amazing too; working together, flirting often, as they catch terrible people. That is nice.
I dunno why, but I'm not too big on Luke being an actor. However, he can be a voice-actor, I am very ok with that lol maybe he does stuff in cartoons Grogu watches and maybe there is a fan meet and greet and Din takes him to meet Luke.
Professors are amazing for them too! Ugh, I dunno if I could settle on what they would teach in truth. I can see them do so many subjects. But they're from different departments and maybe need to do some sort of research or project together (or there is a department rivalry as that is possible) and they meet and it's just sooooo nerdy and romantic. They meet in the library or coffee shops to figure things out, both just pulling their hair out over their students (they share their horror stories and the worst test/paper responses they ever had). They just have to spend so much time together and they sort of flirt in the language of academia.
Farmer's Market meet-up? Din new and taking Grogu to the farmer's market and meets Luke???
Ugh, so many possibilities. So, so many.
I will say I am secretly working on a Modern AU multi-chapter fic as I finish up Sunlight and Hope XD I hope for that to be the next story.
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mediawhorefics · 2 years
STOP omg you've gotten me so exited now!! have been scrolling through your blog and realising how dumb I am to only just now notice you like sw LMAO
im gonna be honest my old jedi fallen order hyperfixation has flared up recently so ive been spending all my time consuming anything with cal in it, as well as replaying the game for the 3rd time. have you played jfo??
and omg I don't know if I can pick just one film!! I had covid recently and binged all of the films and they all have their ups and downs. and I haven't watched any of the animated shows BUT I've been meaning to when I have the time :D
character-wise, my faves will always be luke, din, poe, grogu, cal seeing as my previous hyperfixations have been finnpoe, and then dinluke, and then jfo. BUT ALSO obi wam kenobi coming out soon and all the hype surrounding it is making me love anakin and obi wan even more ahhh
tell me about your faves too!! I'm super interested :))
hahah yeah i do blog about it a fair bit but it's more prevalent on my personal blog for sure! but i have been saying for YEARS that it's an absolute tragedy that hp aus are the popular aus when star wars aus should be IT !!!!!!!!!
ok so i'm not a gamer at all, never played anything in my life basically, but i've watched people play jfo on yt a fair bit so i'm totally with you re: cal. he's SO precious, i love him <3 him and bd-1 are too much and thrilla was SUCH a good villain. impeccable vibes.
that's totally fair re: the movies. they've all got their pros and cons. there are only a few that are personally really not to my taste (yes i mean rise of skywalker) but i mostly love them all! and the animated shows are so good. the only ones i haven't seen yet is bad batch & resistance, but clone wars and rebels? chef's kiss ! i'm personally a revenge of the sith stan first and a human second haha. but a new hope & rogue one are up there too. and anything vader related in rotj is everything to me.
solid solid character choices. i love it!!!! i'm also a big dinluke supporter (and a luke skywalker IS gay truther). i actually started an ~undercover cop type dinluke fic a while back where din is like an undercover new republic agent trying to take down a Mandalorian crime sendicate and luke owed a lot of money to the hutts to pay off his aunt's medical bills and his debt was sold to the mandos so he's working off his debt there and then .... romance happens. i should pick it back up at some point, it had potentially haha. also finnpoe.... we could have had it all rip. thank you oscar isaac for your service.
my own personal fav is and has always been anakin. he is my space drama queen and i'm SO excited to see him in kenobi!!! but other favourites include din, kanan jarrus, luke, ahsoka, padme and my man obi. i was a prequels kid so I'm a bit biased towards those characters though ahah. i mean anakin & obi wan's relationship is everything. their relationship changed the fate of/influenced 20 years of galactic politics who ELSE is doing it like them????
anyways, i'm super obsessed with it, i could probably talk meta all night haha.
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haeroniel-doliet · 3 years
Hnghhh why does it require e f f o r t and p a t i e n c e and p r a c t i c e to get good at art????? I need to be good immediately and things i want to see appear at a snap of my fingers.......
Read more for what became an accidental full rant about why ive yet to post anything besides that one thing idkkkk
Aka im TRYING to be good and practice little by little but its BORING and difficult to not get immediate reward.... Also because for whatever reason i really dont wanna watch tutorials so im tryna be all self taught kinda and im OBVIOUSLY making a lot of mistakes like its part of the process but its FRUSTRATING
Basically im on my 6th??? Idk restart attempt at the same fennec portrait and its. Okay. Its at a point where im like nice as long as i suffer over the details here itll be decent ish. Probably.
But its not REWARDING.....
I know i want to do screencaps and character and face studies to get to the point of good art i wish i could be but .... I also just wanna draw like fun fic scenes and silly doodles of characters like some of the cool artists i follow do but i CANT because im not GOOD ENOUGH yet. ;(((((((
Yea i could post sketches or whatver i manage in a night but like who the fuck wants to follow that? Nah... I just idk. I DONT KNOW i dont know what my art goals are (i do, but DO I??)
My brain also obviously doesnt work very well visually which is GREAT so like, any original work its a lot like 'i'll know its right when i see it' but getting next to no other direction and you just gotta be like right. Okay uhhh my anatomy skills are stunted from when i was like 16?? Perspective?? Detail?? WHATS THE COLOR SCHEME
Never mind that i just... Dont understand the program or brushes that well idk why. Krita should be good and im too stressed to experiment different softwares.... BLEGH
i just. Part of me aches to go back to traditional for a bit but i just, dont have the means to make the scale of work i want ro produce with traditional materials yknow?? Maybe i should try just sketching scanning and then lining on computer again idk. At least for some of these face things.
Ok so my GOAL is to always have a very recognizable face. Like. I guess i cant hold myself to photorealism standards because hahahhah id die! But like, i want the face to be looked at and go ah yes! Its that guy! That actress! My friend! Me! Whoever! But like, recognizable. Because i know i CAN thats what i do! Thats all ive been good at !!!!
And like yeah i could hone that, yknow? Work on face studies and mini portraits of all my favourite actors and scenes and shit. Cool right?? Yeahh that could be sickaroni macaroni. People like faces they can recognize and good refined work. I can do that
But i want to be MORE
Id love love love to make like. Scenic paintings. Concept art level atmosphere and color and light and presence and as tory telling yknow?? Id like to substitute the literally colorless fog inside my head into vivid scenes. Id like to try and take the fics that in my head are set in ??? Space with some movement here and there and just idk emotions? Into fleshed out SCENES with backdrops and accurate anatomy and WEIGHT and like, everything incredible that i admire in true art.
But thats hard, yknow? I havent really ever done backgrounds and what i have have been so flat. I dont KNOW how to do that (here i would be willing to have a teacher i think but. Im tired. I cant even seek out a short term therapist for myself how am i gonna find the kind of teacher i want?? Because of course i want them to teach me how to achieve whata inside my dreams and not what they know how to do ykno)
Yeah so i want to try and paint screencaps in the meantime. See if i cant struggle my way to fit this putty of skill into a square box. Like i think i can paint. Digitally? Somewhat idk?? Maybe if i just. Keep trying itll work out?? Start with simpler ones and build up to complexity??
But also. If im juat trying to get myself to love art again, why am i trying to throw myself in the deep end of struggling with something im not good at?? Shouldnt i be just refining what i already know? Like. A character! Standing. Maybe in a cooler pose if going crazy. Refining basic anatomy. How does fabric work? How does hair work? Can i make expressions seem realistic?
Next step, could i make a picture of someone without direct reference?? Like. Could i draw maybe a wee dinluke holding eachother or whatever and like. Just. Do it?? Without doing a version of photoshopping two pics of the actors through art together. Idk.
Also NONE of this makes sense to anyone outside my head and im SORRY
Like i dont even have a resolution at the end here!!! Im just FRUSTRATED!!!
I wanna draw, i wanna have results and success and rewarding experiences. But i also want ro challenge myself and do super complex shit and like really push myself to learn impressive difficult shit and be proud of down the line.
Im so tired. I cant even feel ok drawing without having someone on call with me to alleviate the immense pressure of frustration and anxiety and stress and struggle!!
I just. Wanna enjoy it
Okay fine i need to find a show or smth to 'watch'
And tomorrow? I might whip out a sketchbook thats been last used 8 years ago and. Ignore everything in it hahhaha its bad
But no im gonna. Im gonna draw scenes. With minimal reference
I might make a face collage i definitely wanna for pascal and mar camel
But im gonna put PENCIL to PAPER and get to the roots of MY HAND CAN DRAW just give her a chance, and get your brain outta the game.
Ok so fuck me this rant has to end here or ill never stop
If you read this (i dont expect ANYONE to have) send me like a message or whatever lol imma need to ask if youre ok <3
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thewriterowl · 3 years
God bless the hashtag owl inbox I found so many beautiful AUs and headcanons.
The idea of a The Last of Us AU .... my god, can't wait.
Priest Din is hot as hell ...
All the AU about Vader / Anakin.
This place is amazing, is like a DinLuke wonderland.
Victorian Era AU is one of my favorites so far.
Lord Djarin .... my god, dressed in elegant clothes watching his handsome gardener plant flowers in his garden.
And Luke who is shy and worried about their social difference but can't help but be in love with him.
God, can we have some headcanons about this Victorian Era please?
Oh man, ok, let me think of Victorian Era...so something I like in the theme or Victorian Era is this horror/fantasy element. I've written (though it hasn't been updated in a bit) a Tony/Steve fic of this time as a Dark!Cinderella type thing with a Fae element. That stuff is my jam. But this should be original...so instead this would have LOADS of pining.
Luke is a twice-orphaned poor soul who is very talented with gardening to the point he is hired for the Djarin Estate to tend to the massive gardens that the mysterious lord put in for his young son. He makes everything bloom and get filled with so many colors that the young lord, Grogu, is constantly happy and just wants to be outside whenever he can. He is constantly grinning and follows after Luke like a puppy. The child doesn't speak but Luke can seem to understand him and teaches him all he can about botany and gardening.
Not much is known about the master of the house, lord Din Djarin, only that he showed up one day, with enormous wealth, and a mysterious child, and claimed his right to the estate. He is very selective on who he hires and seems to trust no one.
Luke, however, does notice a man watching out from the windows from time to time, gazing at the work and how his son is doing. Though, recently, Luke has felt the stare on himself often too.
Because of Grogu, they eventually begin to talk. Luke is fascinated and enamored with the handsome and quiet lord. But he keeps that to himself. He's a poor commoner without much talent or looks or personality to ever earn the attention of someone like Lord Djarin.
Yeah, Din is pretty enamored right back. Luke is beautiful and soft and amazing with Grogu. He's made everything around the estate beautiful and seems to always have a pleasant smile on his face.
Din starts to woo the younger man. At first he buys him items for his work, to make things easier...but then he starts to buy him journals and botany books, claiming to help with his interests. Then Luke's garden house he lives in is getting updated and he has amazing sheets and pillows, rich food and sweet bread...then he is earning days off where he can sleep and just spend time with Grogu and Din...then he's getting clothes and jewels and Luke is becoming very confused.
Din confesses his feelings for Luke in the garden. They probably sleep together for the first time there too.
Luke is all flustered and overwhelmed because he isn't anyone--why would a Lord want him?? He tries to pull back, worried that he would damage the man's reputation but Din won't have it. He could care less what others think. He's not dependent on others. He wants to marry Luke, so he will. He does not need permission from some backwards society to do so.
Luke still has a tendency of calling Din Lord Djarin...often times in bed which is something they both like lol
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thewriterowl · 3 years
okay so like what is your IDEAL dinluke fic
like you’re scrolling ao3 and you see these tags on a fic and you click on that shit so fast your mouse catches on fire
that kind of fic
ooh, good question
Ok, so I know this might not always be the best thing to look out for, but I am really not all that into Top!Luke or Dark!Luke. I will not necessarily avoid these, but those tags can make me keep scrolling at times. So if it says Bottom!Luke and there is no mention of him being dark that is a plus.
I love schmoopy fluff (as in little to no angst, with mostly flirting and humor; kinda like the one-shots I’ve done) or dark romance. Now, I don’t need to like disturbing dark--but I just have always had a big guilty pleasure with possessive/protective Tops. So if I see the tags of Possessive! Din or Dark!Din I am very much intrigued.
Basically, I write what i wanna read in hopes others will go “oh yeah! me too!” and write it as well XD adoration for Luke, either stupidly cute or a bit on the darker side. I wouldn't  mind dark one-shots either but I am just warming up to making them myself
I will say, I have seen about three fics with the story on Luke being jealous and maybe five fics with Luke being dark...but not really anything with Din. So seeing a bit more of that would be appreciated.
As for something like a plot?
For dark: I am very interested in seeing a Sith!Din or a very “i’m totally cool with being king let’s take over” Din with...well still basically the same Luke lol fast burn is appreciated at times cause of how slow so many fics can be (which are good--but sometimes it’s great to read fast burn)
Fluff: Love at first sight is a weakness of mine. Partly cause it makes writing the fast burn easier, but also cause it’s sweet and I just feel like Luke is that type of person. Bring me the cliches and tropes. Oh, coffee shop AU? Is that a Bed & Breakfast one I see? We grabbed the last thing at the grocery store at the same time and whoops, guess I’ll share it with you? My kid got lost in the museum/park/zoo you work at and you found them and taking care of them and now I need to find a ring in the gift shop to propose with? BOOKSTORES?? Yes, I likey. (didn’t mention one of the big ones as i may be writing a one-shot of it myself for tomorrow lol)
Sooo, yeah lol 
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thewriterowl · 4 years
Do you have a standard writing process? Particularly with long fics? I start out plotting everything to some degree and then start writing but then usually what happens is I get too excited to share it so I start posting before I finish and then my mental health just kinda goes "and we're not finishing that"
Hello! Well I try to sort of do the same--that’s how I did it with Stars. But yeah, getting all the details out can burn you out quicker than what’s fair :/
So what I’ve sort of learned to do (especially coming out from What the Stars Let in, since that thing was nearly 500 pages in like three months) was the following:
1) I had major focus points already confirmed in my head: I knew Din and Luke would have an arranged marriage, I knew I wanted Luke to share his story to the Mandalorians, I wanted Luke to fight Dark Troopers, I wanted Din to have a moment or two of jealousy, I wanted there to be a “betrayal’ from Din, I wanted Luke to sacrifice himself by stopping and moving a cruiser, i wanted them to be separated, I wanted Din to have a moment facing darkness, and then I want them together. Besides a bare skeletal structor of a story (din and luke fall in love in an arranged marriage) i focused on story-points I wanted to see happen and made it a goal to get to one....and then get to another and it made me more excited for the plot point coming next rather than trying to rush to that ending.
2) For the scenes I was really excited about I wrote a rough draft instantly. I pretty much had a draft of Luke stopping the cruiser and then “dying” since chapter two because I knew I wanted that to happen. Same with the Dark Trooper chapter. Of course a lot of details were added or changed as the story progressed but i was able to really plan things because not only did I know I wanted those scenes, I had them written out so I could figure out how to foreshadow things in regards to them easier.
3) Although I am influenced by my readers and I try to keep things “Realistic” in the story (aka, why I didn’t turn Din dark though it was a temptation) I write what I want to read. This, of course, can hinder the writing process cause you’re putting a lot of extra love into it because, being honest, i want it to inspire others to write things like it so I can read something next so if it is not well received then it can be a bad sucker-punch...but I was just like, i gotta get these moments out there regardless of the response.
4) This isn’t the best advice...but I wrote when i wanted to...basically I am mostly working from home and in a job I loathe who has drained me of most all my happiness for the past three years and has used me something bad, but I’m shackled to them cause money. Well...I write on their time now (not on my work computer lol) so I sort of had this momentum of MASSIVE writer’s spite. “Oh, you’re gonna call me in to work on my day off AGAIN????? well, ok then...tomorrow from 8 till 5, I’m writing this space-dad fic and only answering some emails”. Maybe not risk your job for a fic...but i would recommend see if you can find some sort of spite to influence you case man, that stuff works maaagiiiic. 
5) Push through the block but not necessarily in a way that burns you out. If you can’t write out the chapter you are currently on, then don’t. Skip five or more scenes ahead and just start there and then go back later and tie things in. You do not have to write your fic in chronological order, so don’t shackle yourself to it. You on a scene with Din and Luke talking about the Force, it’s needed and important, but eh, you’re not feeling it? Go on and write their love confession scene. Or their fight scene. Or something you actually DO wanna write. Go read fics, maybe go and talk to artists and writers about general things and chat. Talking to others about things, not necessarily in detail, can be huge.
6) Bringing in the things I’ve said before; this is not something you need to write chronological--so don’t. The writing can be a fun puzzle. Write the parts you want first (aka the corners as many start with as they do a puzzle) and then start connecting things. I found it a lot easier and a bit more fun to do that way.
7) If possible, and this can be hard, try to be a chapter a head of your updates. With a good chunk of Stars, I was like seven chapters ahead of myself. Not so much with this new one (and for sure not with Little Bird) but it sort of releases some worry and pressure off of you. If you have an idea for a fic, try to see if you can upload it once you have two or there chapters written (not edited, that can come as you get read to upload) and it makes you have a deadline but one that isn’t looming.
8) I also gave myself a deadline. I wanted to update at least once a week. This may not work for everyone, so it’s just about figuring out what works for you...but I think I would recommend you set up a realistic goal on how often you update.
9) Just focus on one chapter at a time as you upload. A multi-chap fic can be so easy to get lost in (I may not update some of my Avengers fic) and that’s fine. It’s disappointing and sad, for yourself, but it happens and it should not be a burden on you. You’re writing these things for fun and if it doesn’t work out, well sucks...but there was no harm or waste to it. Some free content just won’t get finished. Happens every day and it’s all good. You just take up the next wave of inspiration and try to get it finished.
10) Ensure you have fun and keep other fun projects available. That mental stuff loves to take away fun, passionate projects. it’s a miserable monster that just wants to suck you dry from it. Take yourself from the project on occasion and write a one shot (these things are miserably hard for me) and use it as an exercise. It challenges you in a different way, gets you to do something new, and can give you and your mental-monster some whiplash so that it can’t instantly take it away from you.
11) If you lose your hyper fixation/love for a pairing, don’t grip on to it for the sake of a fic. I love DinLuke now and I don’t see that changing anytime soon...but when/if it does, I’ll need to just step back and let it go and wait for it to hit in another wave later. Just enjoy the fandom as a fan and you should have a lot more joy and ease in taking part of projects that way.
Those are my little tidbits that’s helped me with stuff so far at least!
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