blue-knightshade · 2 years
So are you excited for Tears of the Kingdom? :)
Fruck yes
Weve been fricken starved of zelda content for so long
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pesterloglog · 6 months
John Egbert, Jade Harley, Davesprite
Act 6, page 4336-4345
JOHN: oh man, rose and dave have sweet god tier pajamas like us! that's so awesome.
JOHN: haha, dave looks like kind of a doofus with that snug little hood.
JADE: i think he looks cool!!!!!
JADE: the cape is great, hes like a super hero now
JOHN: that's true.
JOHN: i still think i prefer my outfit though.
JOHN: look at all those trolls...
JOHN: there are so many trolls. the idea of meeting them all is kind of overwhelming.
JOHN: i wonder which one is which?
JOHN: i think that must have been karkat there. and that was probably his clown asshole friend he mentioned, too.
JADE: yup
JOHN: and that was definitely terezi, with the fancy glasses.
JOHN: not sure about the others... i wonder if vriska was there?
JADE: ...
JOHN: it's nice to see rose looks better.
JOHN: last time i saw her, she looked really grim.
JOHN: and also, dark.
JOHN: i was trying to talk to her, but she sounded like a babbling monster, so i couldn't understand her.
JOHN: it was really frustrating, and all of my nervous rambling probably made me sound like an idiot.
JOHN: and then when i woke up later, she was dead.
JADE: :(
JOHN: did you know...
JOHN: that i had to kiss her to make her come back to life?
JADE: !!!
JOHN: yes, it's true.
JOHN: it's kind of weird kissing a dead body, but i didn't mind.
JOHN: how did you feel about it when you kissed dave when he died?
JADE: ...........
JADE: how did you know about that!
JOHN: karkat told me.
JADE: oh
JADE: that figures
JOHN: do you think that all of our unbridled corpse smooching means karkat's silly shipping prophecy will come true?
JADE: umm
JOHN: i mean, the guy is really angry, and says fuck like in practically every sentence.
JOHN: but he does weirdly seem to know what he's talking about when it comes to romance.
JADE: yeah
JADE: i dunno
JADE: do you want it to come true?
JOHN: man.
JOHN: i don't know.
JOHN: do you?
JADE: hmmmmmm.....
JOHN: hmm, indeed.
JADE: i think i miss them already
JADE: and weve only been here for a few minutes :(
JOHN: yeah.
JOHN: there's a lot i want to tell them about.
JOHN: and a lot i want to ask them.
JADE: well
JADE: you could ask them now if you want
JOHN: really?
JADE: yes
JADE: in fact
JADE: you can hop right through me and join them
JADE: then you can travel with them to the new session if you like
JOHN: whoa!
JOHN: well, heck, why don't we do that then?
JOHN: it would probably be more fun with them than being on this golden battleship by ourselves.
JADE: it probably would!
JADE: but i cant go with you
JADE: i can serve as a gateway
JADE: but i cant travel to the sun myself, remember?
JOHN: oh yeah.
JOHN: dammit!
JADE: but its ok, really!
JADE: if thats what you wanted to do, i wouldnt mind
JADE: but whatever you do, you have to decide quickly
JADE: they will be departing from the sun very soon
JOHN: but i wouldn't want to leave you here all alone for three years.
JOHN: that would suck!
JADE: i wouldnt really be alone though
JADE: i have the population of five planets to keep me company!
JOHN: that's right.
JOHN: that makes it seem not so boring i guess.
JOHN: but still...
JOHN: i would feel really bad leaving you here, even if you do have a million salamanders and chess guys to keep you company.
JOHN: you are my friend and also my sorta-sister, and we just met for the first time ever a few minutes ago...
JOHN: i'm not going to be like, welp! see ya in three years jade!
JADE: awww :D
JADE: ok then
JADE: personally, i think this trip could be a lot of fun!
JADE: theres no pressure to do anything important or run around like lunatics anymore
JADE: we can just relax
JOHN: yeah.
JOHN: now that you mention it, i'm pretty beat.
JOHN: also... starving!!!
JADE: woof!
JADE: whoops
JOHN: heheh.
JOHN: i sure hope there are things to eat on those planets.
JOHN: there were a lot of weird glowing mushrooms on lowas. i dunno about those.
JOHN: i seem to remember a bunch of farms on the battlefield...
JADE: there should be lots of good stuff on the planets
JADE: also i would bet this ship is stocked with plenty of military rations
JOHN: yeah, probably.
JOHN: pff, hell, we could just raid all of our fridges and alchemize some tasty grub!
JADE: oh yeah!!!
JADE: durrr, problem solved
JOHN: ok, cool.
JOHN: but it would still be nice to say hi to everybody before they leave.
JOHN: just to let them know how we're doing.
JADE: yes
JOHN: like, one of the last things rose saw before she died was me dying...
JOHN: i wonder if she knows i'm ok?
JADE: im pretty sure she knows a ton of things now
JADE: considering she is a fully realized seer of light
JOHN: yeah, probably.
JOHN: then maybe i'll just hop over real fast, and give karkat a fist bump, and give dave a hard time about his hella tight little hood, and then hop back?
JADE: im sure that would be hilarious
JADE: but
JADE: if you go i dont think i can bring you back
JADE: i cant bring anyone or anything to here from there!
JOHN: aw man, really??
JADE: as far as i know...
JADE: if theres a way i havent figured it out yet
JADE: i am still kind of new to this omnipotence thing after all :\
JOHN: that's stupid.
JOHN: what is with all these rules!
JADE: i dont know!
JADE: im sure the rules exist for a good reason though
JADE: maybe to somewhat limit the power and reach of omnipotent beings?
JADE: if there are no limits at all, it could be especially dangerous in the wrong hands
JADE: like what happened with jack!
JOHN: isn't that a contradiction though?
JOHN: if there are limits to your powers, you can't exactly be OMNIpotent, can you?
JOHN: more like...
JOHN: semipotent.
JADE: then i guess thats what we are!
JADE: semipotent demigods
JOHN: demidogs.
JADE: woof woof woof!
JADE: dammit!!!!!!
JOHN: heh...
JOHN: can you not control the woofs?
JADE: i havent gotten the hang of the woofs yet :(
JOHN: so, the dog ears...
JOHN: is that a permanent thing now, or what?
JADE: i think so
JOHN: i like them.
JADE: i do too!
JOHN: you are like a furry now, but not really the weird kind that people on the internet like to have sex with in their imagination.
JOHN: hey, can i at least send a message through?
JOHN: like a note or something?
JADE: sure!
JADE: better hurry up and write it though
JOHN: oh snap! ok, gotta think, quick...
JOHN: what do i write on?
JOHN: maybe the back of a movie poster or something?
JOHN: i don't think i have one captchalogued though...
JOHN: and now that i think about it, most of them were ruined by imps. :(
JADE: how about this one?
JADE: looks like its still in pretty good condition
JOHN: yes, that's perfect!!!
JOHN: everyone will love it, especially probably dave.
JOHN: i think i need something to fold it up and put it in though.
JOHN: i don't want to just like crumple it up and chuck it in there like some garbage...
JOHN: i could stick it in a book i guess.
JOHN: but i kind of don't want to part with any great reading material, especially since we're going on a long trip.
JADE: john you have to hurry!
JOHN: ok, ok, um...
JADE: here, will this work?
JOHN: oh, yeah. i guess that'll be fine.
JOHN: now, uhhh, what to write...
JADE: whatever you write just make it quick!
JADE: and tell everyone i say hi!
JOHN: ok, will do.
JADE: ok, while you work on that, i think ill bring up some friends
JOHN: huh?
JADE: you know, let some of our travel companions get acquainted with the ship!
JOHN: oh fuck, it's dave sprite!!!
JOHN: i forgot about him.
DAVESPRITE: yeah no shit
JOHN: how've you been, buddy?
JADE: shooooooooosh!!!!!
JADE: write now, catch up later!
JOHN: ok, i think this is a pretty good letter.
DAVESPRITE: let me check it out
DAVESPRITE: maybe ill humorously defile willis and afflecks dumb skyward yearning faces
JOHN: oh HELL no.
DAVESPRITE: come on dude hand it over
JADE: nooooo come on guys theyre about to go just stuff it in the bucket and throw it at me already!!!
DAVESPRITE: too late i already did it with sprite powers while he wasnt looking
JOHN: augh you bastard!
JOHN: wait a minute!
JOHN: i forgot, trolls hate cleaning products for some alien reason! shit, that's going to make everyone so uncomfortable.
JOHN: oh well, there it goes. too late i guess.
DAVESPRITE: ahahahaha you fucked up
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ithisatanytime · 11 months
Spandau Ballet - True (HD Remastered)
i just saw a story of a woman who was running around a target in black face and within 24 hours she was identified and fired. thats evil. wearing facepaint that vaguely resembles minstrel shows is not a good thing to do, but it has nothing to do with a persons job performance there is only one reason why they do that and its to show that anyone who doesnt agree with the synagogue of satans new religion deserves to be starving and homeless, if these people could mandate that this woman be gang raped and skinned alive they would do that also. as a black person, i mean a black person with the capacity for reason, wouldnt that suck ass to see? to know that you will never know if white people actually like you or not because they are being forced at bayonet point to pretend that they do. feels good until you see some fag with assless chaps twerking in front of your little son and suddenly you feel that sharp point in your own back.
  imagine a scenario in which youve been kidnapped by buffalo bill and you are down in his pit, and hes telling you to put the lotion on or youll get the hose again weve all seen the movie, but suppose this is a more reasonable buffalo bill and he listens, you explain what hes doing is wrong, he doesnt see it that way he thinks you enjoy being his new skin coat, but you painstakingly show him that when you hurt its just the same as the hurt he feels, and you have children who need you etc, and just when you think he sees the light, that youve persuaded him with your masterful argument he goes “so what?”. evil is most obvious when it wields power, and this is true in the broad world and in the domestic one, most of you were raised by the most evil generation to walk the earth so you already know what im saying, if evil has power it still demands you reason with it, and that you see that yes being in this pit and being a skin coat is morally correct, they will demand that you “see the light” and they know damn well you dont believe what you are saying when you agree with them, but they just enjoy MAKING you agree because they are evil. snatch that fuckers gay little dog and hold it hostage than put evil in the pit, you cant reason with evil.
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aliteama · 3 years
Finally some hakari crumbs I've been starving
Also did you see the info about inumaki clan?, That it was an objective to eliminate them,like we're they scared of them?
Also I can't wrap my head around the backlash from
shueshia (manga publish company I think) some people say copyright laws so maybe there is another anime characters with similar powers
Aaahaa I just answered the Inumaki one but when it posted tumblr erased my response :(
But the elders probably were scared of them since the technique is so feared..
I don’t think Hakaris technique is going to change though.. because gege said he wouldn’t be hakari without his ability but maybe it’ll get tweaked if it is similar to something?
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teeth--eater · 3 years
dont think im gonna use this scene, and its a shame to go to waste, so heres a deleted scene from ranboos interlude :] its completely unedited, so. you know. mispellings abound. im not very good at spelling
Tubbo smiles at him when he walks in, gestureing him to sit next to him. Ranboo smiles back, a bit timidly, and takes the seat to the left of Tubbo, leaving the late crewmate's seat empty.
A plate is set down in front of Ranboo by Phil. Ranboo thanks him queity and starts eating. He's been especially hungry these past few days, all this stress is starving him. Phil gives him an amused look at his hunger and Ranboo makes an effort to slow down.
"So, what does the ICA have you doin' Ranboo?" Tubbo asks, breaking the silence and making Ranboo jump a little.
"Here?" Ranboo squeaks. Tubbo laughs.
"Yeah here," Tubbo says.
"Oh, I'm really just here to make sure you guys arent like...criminals? Or at least not putting Tubbo in any danger."
Phil's wings puff up slightly.
"Why are they sending (I)you to check for danger?" Phil says, voice suddenly hard. Ranboo looks down, embarrassed.
"Oh, not like that Ranboo," Phil says hurriedly. "I just mean, why would they send a student to make sure another student is safe? That would put both of you in danger."
Ranboo picks at his food.
"Well, uh- I kinda couldn't say no? Like- I could have, but if they told me later that I had said yes I wouldve belived them, you know my- my memory. Besides I- I dont do super good in my classes and they-"
Ranboo takes a breath and hopes the others dont notice how his voice is shaking.
"I think they wanted me out of the way." Ranboo says thinly. The table is silent, but Ranboo doesn't look up from his food to see their expressions. Horrror slowly rises into panic. (I)Why had he said (I)any of that? They didn't ask for his life story!
Wilbur stands up, slamming his hands on the table and stomping away. Ranboo sinks further in his seat, wanting to sink into the ground and disappear. Techno makes a strange huffing sound that Ranboo is (I)pretty sure means anger, and clears his throat. Ranboo looks up at him warily. The captain's wings are partially spread behind him, though he doesn't seem to be aware of the threat display.
"You dont deserve to be taken advantage of, Ranboo," Phil says sternly, then lets out a frustrated hiss. "Fuck me, once it gets out that the school is using disabled students as their canon fodder there'll be an uproar."
Ranboo shoots to his feet.
"No! The school has good people, I'm just- I'm stupid, a waste of resources-" Phil rises too, almost comically shorter than the enderian, though his wings are fully expanded, each tip nearly brushing the opposite walls in the dining room. Ranboo shrinks back.
"Who is telling you this?" Phil asks, deadly calm. Ranboo's tail curls around his leg nervously.
"No one," Ranboo whispers. Phil steps forward.
"Ranboo, what is going to happen to you when you go back?"
Ranboo breaks.
"They're going to kick me out," Ranboo chokes out, hands coming up to hide his face. "I dont- my haunting kicked me out too- I was- I couldn't hunt because I got lost and- and I couldn't do (I)anything right! I wont- I wont have anywhere to go."
"Ranboo, I'm going to talk to the school," Philza says, though the threatening undercurrent in his voice tells Ranboo there will be a little more than talking involved with that interaction. "We can figure this out, okay? Responsible adults may not be a concept you're used to, but you dont even have to worry, we'll handle it."
Ranboo takes deep breaths, trying to steady himself. He fails, his breathing is shuddering and too-fast, but he's still breathing, so he counts that as a win.
He might not be in a little bit if the embarrassment of what he'd just admitted kills him first, which is looking increasingly likely.
Ranboo looks in Phil's eyes, ignoring the immediate longing to break eye-contact, and sees nothing but honesty there. He nods.
He tries to retreat back to his room after that, but is pulled out of his plan of moping with his head under a pillow by a hesitant knock on the door. Ranboo sighs deeply and gets up to answer it. It's not like he can ignore any of the crew, but he's had a pretty rough day and breakfast is barely over. Can't he just be left alone.
"It's bullshit that people take advantage of something you cant control," Wilbur says, voice steady. "Write down everything you want to remember as soon as it happens. People wont be able to lie to you anymore."
Ranboo opens the door to see Wilbur, and winces internally, wondering what he had done to upset the phantling this time.
"Hi Wilbur," Ranboo says nervously. Wilbur's tail is flicking, and he isn't looking at Ranboo, but he holds something out to the enderian all the same. Ranboo takes a step back, thinking, a bit hysterically, that it's a bomb of some sort.
With that vague statement, Wilbur walks back to the main body of the ship, leaving Ranboo staring after him. Once the phantling is fully gone, Ranboo turns around and sits at his desk.
Ranboo takes the book from Wilbur's hands, a bit shaky. He flips the pages open, revealing hundreds of pages of lined paper. He looks back up at Wilbur, eyes wide.
"This is for me?" He asks, awed. Wilbur nods, still looking a bit uncomfortable. The phantling closes his eyes and pushes his ears back, a gesture of apology if Ranboo is remembering right.
"I'm sorry I've been so... dickish." Wilbur says. "I- I've got a lot to protect."
He writes the date, the time, and then 'Wilbur gave me this journal and apologized'.
He stares down at the writing. The knowledge that he will be able to recall this fact, this thing that happened is... new. It's good.
Maybe really (I)can get better.
and cut! far too soon for resolution, weve got quite a bit more angst to slog through before we see the shore,
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dyaz-stories · 5 years
“you’re the only delivery person who gets to my house in any semblance of the word fast which is why i keep requesting you but you don’t believe me and tease me constantly about it” AU
AU by @dailyau and @demineil. Enjoy!
Modern AU, Inukag and Mirsan, crack-ish I guess. Just a short little something because I liked this idea ^-^
Word count: 1,636
Kagome practically jumped when she heard her stomach grumbling. In a daze, she looked at her computer screen, glancing at the time for the first time that day.
10 p.m.
Shit. When was the last time I ate? I don’t remember eating at noon… Did I even eat this morning? Oh, mom is going to kill me if I lose any more weight!
But more importantly (though ‘murder by Mama Higurashi’ was pretty bad) she was so hungry it hurt. Food. Now. She needed to it. She got to her feet and walked in her kitchen, only to find it painfully empty. Riiiight, she hadn’t gone out all week because she was working on that never-ending thesis. She cursed inwardly. Looked like she had to order some food, again, but quickly because otherwise she was going to faint.
She grabbed her phone. She knew just where to call, but…
She hesitated briefly before shaking her head and dialing the number of the closest pizza place.
“Hello, Shikon Pizza here, what can I do for you?” the elderly voice of Kaede greeted her.
Kagome smiled in relief. She liked it better when it was Kaede — the other woman who picked up the phone, Kikyo, was terribly intimidating.
“Hi, it’s Kagome Higurashi, I was hoping I could…”
“Of course, Kagome,” Kaede interrupted her fondly. “I’ll take care of everything. I suppose you want me to send Inuyasha?”
Kagome closed her eyes. She could already feel herself blushing. But the truth was, at least Inuyasha was fast as hell. Kaede was terribly slow (but why did a woman that age insist on riding a bike anyway?) and Kikyo wasn’t particularly fast either, while Inuyasha had the advantage of his demonic speed.
“Yes please,” she mumbled.
“Then consider it done!”
Kagome sighed as the old woman hung up. She glanced at her clothes and frowned, stepping into her room to get dressed. Not that there was much of a point at this time of day, but at least that would be one less thing Inuyasha would comment on.
The first time, he had been unbelievably rude to her, and she had promised herself she would never, under any circumstances, have him again. She had even taken the time to write herself a note to ask for someone else.
Unfortunately, situations like this night were becoming more and more common as her deadline got closer, and the time right after, she had actually asked Kaede if she could send him. He had gotten there incredibly quickly, and well, she was fucking hungry.
He had been even more rude that time, with a hint of confusion behind it though, and Kagome had sworn, again, that he wouldn’t be back.
But, again, her stomach had won that battle.
The third time, he had been much more intrigued and almost defensive. That had been easier — she had been able to get rid of him fast and to eat.
Afterwards, though, it hadn’t been that easy. He had started doing that thing where he towered over her a little more, and he grinned (which tended to let his fangs appear and for some reason she loved that), and his voice got deeper and somewhat sultry and then how was she supposed to focus on her thesis when her senses were filled with him and and and ugh.
Yes, she thought he was handsome. His golden eyes, particularly, filled her dreams, but his white hair, cut short, and his lovely dog ears didn’t leave her indifferent either. Maybe, some other time, she would even have asked him out.
But she had work to do. She really, really couldn’t get into anything right now, much less in a relationship with a moody, though terribly attractive, man. She was sighing heavily when she heard the doorbell.
She glanced at her clock in disbelief — how does he do that? — then walked, maybe a little too fast, to open it.
Sure enough, there he was, with a smug smile, and looking at her like he was going to devour her whole.
Honestly, she’d let him.
If she didn’t have a thesis to finish.
“Hungry?” he practically purred, holding out the pizza.
Oh, if only he knew.
She reached out, only to have him put it out of her reach. She rolled her eyes.
“Starving, actually,” she replied, annoyed. “I haven’t eaten all day. Could you…?”
“Sure thing,” he answered, waiting for her to get her money.
“You’re the fastest delivery man around,” she mumbled, feeling her cheeks burning any way. She wasn’t too sure why she always got the need to justify herself. Maybe she didn’t want him to think she was desperate girl, doing everything she could to get a chance to hit on him. Maybe she was trying to convince herself, because she genuinely enjoyed seeing him.
“Yeah, you say that every time,” Inuyasha answered, his voice dryer than it usually was.
She looked up at him and noticed his frown, but more importantly, the way his ears drooped a little.
Oh, no. She didn’t want that. It hurt her more than she had expected and she hated it and…
“I have a thesis to finish,” she blurted out.
“Oh?” Inuyasha asked, cocking an eyebrow. His ears perked up just a little, and even though Kagome was terribly embarrassed at this point, she swallowed and kept going.
“The deadline’s really close and that’s all I’ve been doing.”
“So I really don’t have time for anything right now.”
This time, Inuyasha gave her a toothy grin, and for a second, she wondered about how his fangs would feel against her skin if— Your thesis, Kagome.
“But after that…”
“Yeah?” Inuyasha leaned in. Being taller than her, he was easily towering over her, and the closer he got, the harder it got to think and be coherent.
“After that, I’ll be free.”
“Huh,” he said. “But that’ll take you a while.”
She breathed in deeply as he got closer, one of his clawed hands toying with her hair.
“I mean, it’d be nice if I got, I dunno… A reason to wait.”
Kagome blinked. Despite herself, images of her giving Inuyasha an embroidered handkerchief passed in her mind. Ugh, this thesis was killing her. She never wanted to hear about Feudal Era, whether it was in Japan or in Europe, ever again.
She bit her lip, eliciting an almost immediate growl of Inuyasha. “What do you have in mind?”
He took that as a permission. He crashed his mouth on hers, and he smiled when he heard her sigh desperately. She got on her tiptoes to try to get as close to him as possible, their bodies reacting almost desperately to the other’s embrace.
Way too soon, Inuyasha stepped back, leaving her with weak knees.
“If you need some distraction ’til you finish your thing, you’ll know where to find me,” he said, his words teasing but his voice letting on more of his emotions.
Kagome nodded wordlessly.
“But then I’ll want you all for myself.”
Oh. Oh God.
She wanted to finish that stupid thing more than ever.
“It’s so nice to meet you Kagome!” Inuyasha’s best friend, Miroku, hold out his hand while his girlfriend, Sango, gave her a bright smile. “We’ve been so curious about you!”
“Miroku’s a real gossip,” Inuyasha told her with a frown.
He looked all grumpy, but Kagome knew he’d been dying to introduce her to his friends, and at the same time, terribly stressed to do so. She had come to see that that was very like him. He would always act annoyed when he was afraid something would go wrong, at the risk of making it go wrong that way.
“How did you two meet?” Sango asked. “Inuyasha wouldn’t tell us!”
“I had a very good reason,” he growled.
“Oh, well you see, Inuyasha was the delivery guy and I always requested him because he was the fastest one…”
“Sure you did,” Inuyasha said, grinning, but Sango couldn’t help but notice how fond his smile was.
“I did,” Kagome sighed. “I swear. Anyway, after a while…”
“The seventh time she requested me, actually,” Inuyasha corrected her.
“You counted?”
At that he only responded with a ‘Keh!’ and looked away, with maybe the smallest of blush on his cheeks, and it was only Sango’s foot furiously crashing Miroku’s that stopped him from commenting ‘Oh how adorable!’
“The seventh time I requested him,” Kagome continued, smiling widely and discreetly reaching for her boyfriend’s hand to give it a squeeze, “I told him that I actually had a thesis to finish so I couldn’t do anything right now, much less see someone. And then he said he’d wait.”
She giggled, keeping for herself the heated kiss they had shared afterwards. Sango bit back an ‘Awwww’, knowing it would only embarrass Inuyasha further. That being said, she had no idea why he hadn’t been willing to tell them. What was the problem with that story?
“Wait, so he was your deliveryman?” Miroku asked.
Sango and Inuyasha’s eyes met. Holy shit, no, she had to stop him…
“Yes, he was,” Kagome answered.
“So it’s just like a porn flick!”
He knew Sango was going to kill him for that, but the look on her— Oh, Inuyasha was not happy with him and Sango did look like she was going to murder him.
Well, he’d better start running then.
Kagome shook her head as his girlfriend caught him and Inuyasha and her both started growling and shouting at him.
“I mean he’s not wrong though,” she mumbled to herself.
Especially for the sex.
Inuyasha’s ear flicked and Kagome couldn’t help but smirk when she noticed his eyes widening.
She understood why he had teased her so much in the beginning. It was so much fun.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Untitled # 8646
enlargèd Winds, thro the  church Awakened be,  Exild for they  stood gazing on this  cordial wine! unthinking of  a maddend beach in  May. And in his 
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said—His daughter  mild Yes, Im the  bloated his cordial wine!  how shall bestowing! In  simmer, and he replies,  playing with  me had been sent 
And do I, then: bless us,  they clasp it round  me like a child, I felt,  what mair to the  roofs of jealous  of thee in the  visions for worth 
held me time weve her pale  now, as thou sire and  silent to play  no men and sayst that  same to breed. Vainly  no small people you squeal at  ane an twenty, 
Tam! Why waxed Sir Leoline!  Choose but stone tonight,  and everyone starves  we are in her  arms across did thee  more than those Two— they can  be idle world of 
Shame by flying front on  living mind was  born alive. When  a women  and a spirit fold,  her stately neck, “And  straight, hirèd a villain 
the cold to  fetch in her hut, till  hopes from heaven, what  nobody locked  thing. Wiping my key to  end. Then when  all hold,” her sleepeth well. 
I wish to God I  never finding on some  even so hard, as all.  Where she saw that celestial  face, yonder at their  slave is the clouds  it sweet voices.
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artichoke-that-hoe · 6 years
okay i know i posted a long ass review/rant about infinity war last night but i am awake and filled with anger in an educated way - an essay
spoilers (i mean in reality it only one spoiler but i go into depth on it) below the belt
can we just talk about Thanos’ plan for a second because his entire reason ofr destroying half the universe is because life is unsustainable, everything is finite, its for the greater good yada yada yada but bish NONE OF THIS MAKES SENSE!!!
Ya girl just wrote her second year macroeconomics exam three days ago so let me tell you my dudes: the theory that resources are finite and life is unsustainable is not a new theory even in the slightest, its actually a well known economic theory that was proposed by ya boi Thomas Malthus. The Malthusian Model basically states that available resources cannot sustain population growth so human kind will forever be in poverty and any attempts for the government to alleviate poverty are counterproductive because they create more poor people. 
But heres the thing guys: this theory was proposed in the 1800s population has grown exponentially since then! weve gone from less than a billion to almost 8 billion people! and is the entire population in poverty? are we all starving crammed together in tiny spaces begging for scrapes? for a large portion of the planets population: no
why, you may ask? because his theory was deeply flawed. lets let ya local 1970s american economist Michael Kremer explain. the Kremerian model basically explains that increased populations do not mean the deterioration of resources because there are exogenous factors at play. more specifically: innovation and technological progress. As populations increase we have more and more scientists, inventors, engineers, etc. born and with those creative minds we create resources. resources do not have to be finite when we are constantly innovating and finding new and more sustainable ways of living! while unsustainable resources that we depend on (such as crude oil) are finite they are being replaced by new innovations that are infinite such as solar power, wind power, etc. 
now i know what youre thinking, maria, you oblivious fuck, our populations almost at 8 billion and over 3 billion people are living on $2.50 or less a day. well yes, this is true but this isnt only because of the popualtion or amount of resources (I wont fully explain this bc ya girl only took 3 economics classes and barely attended the lectures lmao) but, getting rid of half the population will not change the distribution of wealth. the poor will remain poor and in theory the rich would get even richer. poverty, unfortunately, will always exist. we would need to take drastic measures to change this and sure, destroying half of all life in the universe is drastic but its the wrong fucking extreme. 
Thanos has the power of space, reality, power, time, mind and soul, hes literally got the components of the universe in his hand and can LITERALLY do anything he wants with them!! so why the hell would he destroy half of the universe when he could just materialize enough resources for the empoverished?? just straight up making huts into homes with the swipe of a hand he could have been the most powerful superhero in the entire fucking multiverse but ya bitch is dumb as hell. Thanos’ goes on this rant about how everything is finite but bitch what the fuck?? nothign is finite when you hold space, time, and reality within the palm of your hand??? 
which leads me to my conclusion: poverty will always exist, quality of life is not limited by finite resources, and thanos is a dumb ass bitch who doesnt understand economics or human greed 
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clonerightsagenda · 7 years
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i feel neutrally tired about all of this. you know, i’m not angry or sad or stressed, i’m just kind of tired of this whole routine. it’s become glaringly obvious that this man is very very spoiled and ungrateful. 
yesterday was a fine day. he took me to the farm to get a pumpkin like i asked. he bought me food and was overall really nice and in a good mood - he was focused on pei and the things he would do or need for his trip. i felt comfortable and relaxed despite not even having weed and not having much sleep. 
this morning when we woke up, we had sex and i went about my morning - made a tea, had a smoke and he had a shower. he asked his mother for the survey plans for their cottage in pei so he knew what to prepare for when he wanted to build this garage (the whole 6 month master plan’s goal). she said she would have to look. this set off a chain reaction - he went to look for a crock pot the family owned but he had never used ad couldnt find it immediately, when his mother offered cookig advice he freaked out ad then when she asked him about a few set of chores he was supposed to do, he freaked out again.
at this point i had literally spoken no words from when we had sex. i was just passively floatig throughout the house, gathering my things just to be organized. i went to look at what he was actually making and he said something like “i’m going to drive you home after this i want to do my own thing and i dont want to be around you”. to be fair, he couldve said “people” - i’m ot entirely sure what i heard but it more likely sounded like you. i simply turned around, got my bag from downstairs, got my stuff from outside and walked home. i did not even reply or say goodbye - theres not even a point. like i would get either some argument about how he said he would drive me home or a grunt goodbye; both still equally rude replies. 
but i was kind of proud of how i reacted very immediately and without hesistation. i didt think like ~what would he want or ~whats appropriate to do. i just did what i wanted to do which was leave. it wasnt like oh i think id like to sped the day alone, do you wat a ride home - it was just ‘fuck off’ without being ‘fuck off’. and i don’t deserve that. 
on top of this, during sex he asked outright if anyone else has touched me. not like ~oh no one else ca touch you or ~would you let anyone touch you - just outright ‘have you let anyone’ and its not a light thing. its not joking. if i said yes it would hurt and we’d probably stop. but the parameters he stil puts forth is that he “cant” cheat. but what about me? and why am i used like this? i literally spoke _no words_. 
its very unhealthy. and i dont believe its about me. i’m glad ive come so far in personal relationships that i am able to seperate myself from them and not take things personally.and like i do feel “used” but its not like this is the absolute worst part of it. he said to me, “you havent been around long enough - this is what i do, im excited about something until im not and then i drop everything and go to the next thing” -- as if i havet been witnessing this the entire time weve been together. its all one exciting thing to the next and nothig is ever what its hoped to be. 
and hes very negative. which i guess is a bit ironic coming from me. but everything - everything sucks. and like to its greatest pit of whatever terrible thing it could have. you know - “king of the losers”. acknowledging that “i’m” okay but its really just being on top of a pile of shit. 
its just.. its getting too hard to remain optimistic about a future with him. whatever my life is doesnt affect him nearly as much as his does me. my whole life is built around being available to him and i was okay with this becuse it was like “investing” in a future i wanted to have. or i do want to have. i want a partner. some “family”. but i just dont feel optimistic like this is going to lead to idyllic happiness. not the way he sees it. and why should i spend my time following such a volatile perso who is unable to commit to anything. i guess it was easy to walk away because i thought like - what if i was across the country? what if i coulnt just walk away from this rude person and i was _stuck_? i dont want that and i guess if i dont want that, i dont want him. i’m just... too scared to live with him. like i want to live with him. i reall really do but everything in my being says omg no. no no no no. anyone i told that this was a thing would tell me absolutely do not move across the country with this person. its not like.. dont change. dont live somewhere else. its that this particular person is very ... not the right person to do this with. maybe i need to be a ifferent person too. maybe i need to be a very strong indpendent individual who works super hard and hustles lots of cash an then its all just fun and games and wooo life. but i cannot be dependent on this person. they are not dependable in any way shape or form. they are a fucking prayer. and in order for me to make such huge changes in life i would be very dependent on this person. especially right now. maybe in two years ill be a better version of me but the me right now would need a lot of hand holding an encouragement to make such drastic life changes and decisions. 
if it was plausible to just get a nice apartment in this city together - great. thank you. not even long term, lets just exist with each other before making giant life decisions. thats a marriage. with no commitment. i cant. i just cant. 
and you know - i’m very sympathetic. i know exactly what it feels like. to have no fucking clue what you want, where to go, what to do, who to be friends with, who to have a relationship with - i get it. i’m really confused too. and this is such a shitty time - i dont know if other times have been more shitty but this seems like a pretty shitty time after society going through so many wars in the past 100 years that have grown more powerful under the advancements and like we, collectively, are different people from 50 years ago so what was “right” and “good” 50 years ago is not relevant to today and we are floating without guidance. how do we survive now? weve evolved to a different mental state and we dont know how to nourish this. its like falling into great advancements with no mental capacity to understand their affect on the social psyche. 
theyre right.  the colective “they” - your parents have little to do with your chances. their social standing and coping amongst evolution to bring them to such standing has a lot more to do with your chances but if along the line you figure out your way of coping in evolution then you may rise above or find your own level of “happiness” which is mostly fulfilling basic personal needs. but when evolution continually transitions through different ways to fulfill these basic needs or possibly gives you even more ways to do this, it becomes more difficult to realize how you will find your way to cope in evolution. milennials are realy seen as weak and a joke; like re-branded hippies but focused on mental health and emotions, “refusing” employment to ‘feel better’ in life when there was a time when people just took any job because the only way to cope within that evolution was to exhance your service for money or boarding itself. thats not the case anymore. society evolved in such a way that this generation is capable of fulfilling may basic personal needs sometimes by just existing; perhaps their parents pay for food and shelter and provide them with clothing well into their “adult” years. many older generations started working to SURVIVE at 12 - 14 years old. our generation worked because “thats what you do” or to save up for an iphone. most of our grandparents worked to buy bottles of milk or to help the family or for their own vehicle but why save for one when your parents let you drive theirs anyways?
and again - it’s not the parents fault. it’s now easy in society for parents to do this. a large majority of parents, nd the majority leads the collective society. could my parents? no. but a lot of people around me did have parents that did this and my parents cared for me in other ways. society allowed them to breed children who would become introspective because they were no longer in such dire straits for survival. and older generations are upset about this - dont you know they had to want to die regularly to survive? why shouldt we? 
so as we gain this introspective into ourselves and “new” psychological ideas come up and vast people are “diagnosed”, it becomes harder to accept things which harm our psyche. so we get a big rise in racial inequality and gay rights and things which seem “liberal” but is simply termed this way because some people - maybe a large amount even, could not refuse employment and worked to survive even in this era. that was the generational hand down - exchange your service for money or starve. and theyre not “in the wrong”. other things affect how you build your coping tools - where you live, the climate of politics etc. maybe you realy just had to do that and there wasnt time to invest in this modern evolution of introspection. you dont have time to look within when youre starving on the outside. so this resentmet and bitterness builds between these two sides which may even exist in the same generation but neither of them is wrong. should one work to survive? probably. animals hunt most of their lives. we should probably work to survive. no one can just be handed food ad shelter forever unless you’re a very unique and special person in royalty. and 99.9% of us are not. but should we also kill our psyche? animals dont deal with smart phones and insurance rates and credit scores and bankruptcy. they just go out and take what they want and our society has evolved past this. so we cannot just assume you just work to survive when survival has been complicated. it takes a higher level of thinking which wemay not fully even comprehend at this stage in the evolution. 
i think psychology is very important because we dont understand why people are people. we dont know. we know why the sky is blue but we dont know why we are people. and not just psychology but science and the belief of how our being, our physical being on this planet came to be. we collectively have not agreed despite the very obvious misgivings of current theological theories. 
how or in what way should you survive on this planet? why are we required to exist as we are in this society upon birth. like all of these rules and obligations an responsibilities of being a “good human” are placed on you for the rest of your life and all you did was be born. all you want are basic needs fulfilled but you cant even do that until you acknowledge the land you were popped out on to does not belong to you so you abide by these rules now whether you want to or not. and thats just government and law but on this deeper spectrum its an obligation to be a ‘good child’ a ‘good citizen’ - pay your taxes, go to work, have children, buy a house; these are the quest objectives. but why? i think our generation is not the first to ask why but the first in a very long long time to ask why are we doing it this way. not so much why are we here. many of us have decided for ourselves. but why are we livingin society in this particular way and what can we do to survive in a society which is not designed to really benefit anyone. its not about that homeless man geting up and feeding himself, its about taking responsibility to feed that person. animals do a better job at this and we feel we’re in evolved thinking. 
society has become very convoluted and confused which has bred confusion in its most recent generation. ive lived a very unique life and yet feel the same way abou these things as my peers because the “temperature” of the environment is the same. its hot, we all know its hot an we’re trying to figure out ways to deal whether its running through a sprinkler, going to a public pool or looking ridiculous in a kiddie pool on your front lawn. it’s gross, it’s not a good time, no one wants to do anything and we’re not feeling it. and this evolution is like climate change. there is absolutely still people capable of coping under this stress, farmers still work, lumberjack still cut wood but theyre fucking miserable and they do it because theyre used to feeling like they want to die to survive. but its getting hotter and its getting harder and even though they feel it the only thing they know is to keep working until they cant anymore then die crippled and miserable. being popped out inexperienced and then thrown into a change which even the experienced are struggling with creates a lot of unrest. a lot of anxious and depressed people. 
what do we do? what should we do? you cant change society you can only follow the ebb and flow like flock of birds or schools of fish. this is how we cope as humans, to live as a society. and if society is in upheaval it directly affects the ability to easily obtain our basic needs. 
i used to feel envious of stupid people. like atleast they didnt ~know this shit. because this felt depressing. like being stupi would be easier and id be happier but those who choose to remain ignorant or passive hurt a lot and they struggle through some of the barest traps society has created durig this shitty time and now i feel sorry for them. spinning your wheels over and over, dragging yourself through the mud, throwing away money, living extravagantly and ignorantly but going absolutely no where. not going up, down, side ways - no where. i’m there too. i’m right there too on the train stopped at the station waiting to fucking go and we’re here nd we’re buying shit from the dining car and we’re chatting and excited but we’re not goig and we’re not really sure why and we’re all talking about why we’re not going but we’re still not going but hey atleast hey still got cookies. 
no one person is driving the train either. its like a group effort where everyone on the train has to believe youre moving forward for it to start but if one jack ass thinks youre not, then its a complete halt. 
life is hard but i dont think alot of people realize exactly how hard it is. im trying to learn to appreciate the little things. people with greater minds who had better understanding and less luxuries of the era coped with appreciating little things. taking bike rides in the fall in the nice downtown streets; it’s been a highlight of the season. painting in a studio this week; sure it was not glamorous or anything but i actively went out and created art with others. my room is neat and clean and organized. i did laundry with ease on my own time for free. 
i wasnt upset i “had to” walk home. i apreciated the fall weather & buzz of halloween approaching, time to think without screens of distraction, exersize and activity, the ability to buy cat food & cat litter. im not angry about it. i’m tired of being angry about a train im not really driving. if i can never truly conceptualize what i want because of society why keep trying. why cry over spilled milk. 
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viralhottopics · 7 years
The Top 10 Worst Diets Ever Invented
When we look back over the sad, failed history of dieting, one thing came to mind: wtf. Diets alone are really fucking stupid, given the fact that most, if not all, are unsustainable. If you cut out a whole food group, eventually youre either going to slip up and eat from said forbidden food group OR crave it so much you go crawling back sans self-control or dignity. Same for any diet that considers soup your now only source of food.Do yourself a favor and eat HEALTHFULLY without restricting yourself to crazy, weird shit. By “crazy, weird shit” we mean any of the below aka the 10 worst diets of all time. Think of it like Nike, only the complete opposite i.e., just don’t do it.
1. The Tapeworm Diet
In todays batshit crazy news, we learned that there literally used to be a tapeworm diet. Back in Victorian times, when a womans biggest issue was fitting into a corset and pretending to not be interested in banging her husband, some medical professionals decided that swallowing a goddamn tapeworm was the answer to pesky chubbiness. We shouldnt have to explain why this is a terrible idea, but yeah, it is. To add to that, people are still buying janky capsules with tapeworm eggs inside/drinking the tap water in Mexico on purpoe. Earth to Matilda: This is really fucking dumb. Why doesnt it work? Because the damn tapeworm lives in your fucking intestines, eats all your food, can result in malnutrition, AND yes, you can die.
2. The Cabbage Soup Diet
Any diet that literally has you eating one food for an extended period of time is a terrible goddamn idea. Can you imagine how insanely crazy youre going to feel on Day 7 of eating cabbage soup? It doesnt even SOUND appetizing. Yes, vegetables are good for you, but eating just cabbage soup will make you drop a ton of weight and then instantly gain it back when you stop dieting. Next.
3. The Grapefruit Diet
As is the case with No. 2 on the list, eating just grapefruit for an extended period of time is an awful, awful idea. Can you even IMAGINE your new aversion to citrus after a few days of this shit? Yes, you should be working things like grapefruit into your dietshit, have one every morning for all we care. But if you go on replacing every meal with this sour af fruit, youre going to fail in the long run. Youll crave steak, fruit snacks, and all the carbs. Also if you’re on the pill it could fuck up your medication and you could end up pregnant. JUST SAY NO.
4. The Cookie Diet
This sounds like my kind of fucking diet, since my spirit animal is and always has been cookie monster. However, upon further investigation, we cant believe this was everor even still isa thing. Dr. Siegal, whose medical degree we question, came up with a diet that entails eating one to two cookies every few hours along with a 500-calorie meal of the dieter’s choice. The catch? The cookies are made of some bullshit ingredient (probably from Sweden and isnt legal in the U.S., like phentermine) that is apparently going to make you lose weight. So, not only will the cookies taste like shit, but youll start hating cookies. Additionally, this wont make you adjust your shitty eating habits AT ALL. Since, ya know, youre training your brain into thinking cookies are the answer. Which, in this case, they are not.
5. Cigarette Diet
This sounds like a theme from . Apparently, back in the 1920s, tobacco companies started pushing their cancer sticks as a means of controlling appetite. Nicotine does, in fact, suppress your urge to eat, but at the cost of having disgustingly smelling clothes, hair, and hands. Is the cancer worth dropping a few pounds? Gonna go with no on this one.
6. The Apple Cider Vinegar Diet
Ok so yes we were all obsessed with the Master Cleanse a few years ago because we were really fucking stupid. How fast did you gain back all that weight? Ill hold while you crunch the numbers. Drinking a combination of apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper, maple syrup, and other bullshit may have you drop a few pounds at first, but, like OF COURSE YOU WILL, YOURE NOT EATING ANYTHING. I could drink Blue Gatorade and Ensure and drop weight, too. To add to that, enjoy your gastrointestinal discomfort brought on by the whole drinking vinegar thing. Not to mention the terrible, terrible gas. Sexy.
7. Detox Diets
Hey! You know how you have a liver and kidneys? The job of those apparently ignorable organs is to DETOXIFY YOUR BODY. So, these fucking diets touting extreme regimens like liver flushes, body cleanses, colonics, etc. are literally (and I mean literally) full of shit. Your body detoxifies itself all the goddamn time. Sure, if you want to add a few veggie juices and whole foods to your diet after a week of bingeing on pizza, itll detox you in a mild way. But having shit literally sucked out your butt and calling it necessary is the shittiest shit weve ever heard.
8. The Air Diet
I cant even believe I have to address this, but, its a thing. Probably started by Gwyneth Paltrow and her ungodly shitty GOOP blog (Hey, Gwynethare you going to go ahead and rescind that jade vagina egg post? No? Cool). Hows it work? Dieters literally sit with an empty plate, fork, and pretend to fucking eat. Um, cant think of a faster way to a) starve and b) develop a high-key eating disorder. Man and betch do not live on air and sunlight alone. There need to be nachos and chocolate. On second thought, anyone who does this probably has a great future in miming.
9. The Clay Diet
Something else probably piloted by Diet and Lifestyle Professional, Gwyneth Paltrow, is the clay diet. Apparently, you stir clayyes, literally clayinto water and drink it. Why? Because itll totally detoxify your organs, of course! Wow, I cant even begin to wrap my head around how thrilled mothers of toddlers everywhere will be when they find out that, yes, their children can continue eating mud for health benefits. Seriously, whoever came up with this one: Go fuck yourself.
10. Miracle Diets
Any diet that starts with miracle or what doctors dont want you to know is probably going to be really fucking stupid. Additionally, any diet that tells you to drink green tea or chug acai juice or roll in memberberries to prevent eating more than 500 calories per day is going to make you gain double the weight back in the long run. Your metabolism will actually slow down, so when you start eating like a human being again, youll get fat. Congratulations, idiot.
May all of your diets fail and may you eat like a normal human being. Amen.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2lofIEL
from The Top 10 Worst Diets Ever Invented
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