fatuismooches · 2 months
I love the little zandik at the academy, I love webttore, I love the grown-up dottore with gray hair and a little wrinkles. Ohh I can't😣😣
Cooked up some more Akademiya Dottore hcs for you anon...
Whenever he wore the Akademiya's hat with his uniform, you'd always steal it and he'd get mad, but eventually he gave up and let you hog it. It's probably a little big on you and as revenge, he'd make fun of you for looking dumb. Same with his clothes, for some reason you'd wear his Akademiya uniform to sleep sometimes? Zandik doesn't understand but every time he tries to pull it off of you, he's been unsuccessful, so he'll just let you be a strange little human since it seems to be working for your productivity... Centuries later he's learned to deal with a few shirts going missing and then you returning them after a while because they 'lost his scent.' (He wears the same outfit anyway, no big deal).
Thanks to you, there were quite a few times the professors actually listened to him. Other peers pretty much never vouch or stand up for him so it does make them think a bit when a student such as yourself does do it so vehemently. Zandik says you don't need to waste your time on it since he doesn't really care what they think, but he did manage to get a few more research opportunities thanks to you. In the beginning, he was pretty much clueless on how to express some sort of gratitude since he couldn't force out the words 'thank you' for the life of him. It was very funny for you to watch.
Group projects become so much better once the two of you get comfortable with each other. Both of you have been victims of doing all the work. You were quite excited to work with someone like him because you know of his intelligence and how he gets down to business. Meanwhile, Zandik was quite skeptical and annoyed to work with you in the beginning because he thought you were just another person who would end up leeching off him again.
However, he was surprisingly yet pleasantly proven wrong. He's especially impressed with your writing in the reports/essays, but he's never going to admit that. At least not now. The synergy between you two and your minds is something he doesn't know how to deal with at first, having dealt with so many of the opposite situations, but it's one of the biggest things that Zandik grows to be appreciative of.
When the semester is over, all students need to leave/clear the dorms until the next semester begins. Most return to wherever home is, but of course that's not something Zandik has, so most times he manages to rent out a place for a while. When you met him in the beginning he would just disappear to Archons knows where and then come back as if nothing happened next semester.
It takes a long time for him to tell you. When he does, he claims that he regrets it due to how often you show up to bother him, but in reality, he finds himself lonely without your company. As even more years go by, eventually he "invites" you to live with him. ("Invites" as in he never directly says it. Just drops subtle hints so you would ask him first instead). You're just happy to be able to cook for him more often (and 24/7 cuddles!!) (Just me trying to push my domestic Zandik and Reader agenda).
Just frequently being with each other but not needing to interact with the other. Both of you just do your own things in the peace of knowing the other's there.
Doesn't like when you ask others for help when he's literally right there. Please ask your genius scholar bf first. It doesn't matter what the problem is. Just ask him otherwise he'll get huffy and glare at you. No, you're not wasting his time by doing so. Rather, you're wasting both his and your time when you decide to go to other people first!
Coming home from expeditions. For some reason despite how tired you are, you want to feed stray kitties. It becomes a sort of tradition for you two.
This one was said a while ago, but I'll bring it back again (x, x, x) but you needing to wipe Zandik's hands because he keeps breaking pens and splattering ink everywhere. Whenever you see he gets a little too excited, you swipe the pen and start writing light-speed so he doesn't try to steal it from you for being 'too slow.'
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echojedis · 1 year
My headcanon for Tech and Crosshair’s dynamic is that they get along very well- Crosshair happily sits and listens to Tech’s infodumps because he appreciates having some company without the pressure of having to contribute to the conversation
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celestialrealms · 8 months
diavolo is such an interesting, multifaceted character but tragically I legitimately feel like I cannot talk about that without getting a ten paragraph essay from lucifer/demon bros fans about how he's an evil abuser actually + secretly the main villain
so anyway he's my little meowmeow and he's never done anything wrong in his whole life
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orphiclovers · 1 month
Am I the only one who sees the similarities between Park (insert name cuz I forgot) from the Yoo Mia SS and 1863 Han Sooyoung??? Like omg
Park Jinsang, Yoo Joonghyuk's terrible creepy boss. When he takes Yoo Joonghyuk away from the rest of the team to talk one-on-one, when he's sitting in the supervisors chair and smoking with a cold expression while looking at YJH, his split personality where he pretends to be nice around the team but is cruel to Yoo Joonghyuk... I ABSOLUTELY saw 1863 Han Sooyoung parralels. I don't know if they're delibarate but they make me crazy.
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chanrizard · 2 years
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Channie’s “Room” 🐺 Ep. 179
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snekboisworld · 2 months
Okay, can we take a minute to talk about how gay Dr. Henry Jekyll is? Like seriously this man literally created an entire alter ego by some mad science just because of some 'dark urges' he felt, that he refused to elaborate on even in his own 'let me tell you everything before I die' note to John. That is peak queer behavior for the 1800's.
Even if he wasn't his staff probably thought he was. Just put yourself in their shoes. Your master has this secret male friend that comes at all hours of the night, only has a key to the back door and at least once slept in the same bed as the doctor before sneaking out said back door in the early morning. And you were told to obey him and he often comes over by the back door when the doctor is 'away' even though you know damn well he went to his cabinet, reachable by the back door, and didn't say anything about leaving. That is so queer coded behavior. Like baby doll, doctor, you dumb dumb scientific genius you're making it so easy to call you out.
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mojo-yous · 3 months
(You just got coming out’d)
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networksupported · 11 months
@sorceryparable (continued)
> not that i blame your guy. i would also hate to be in here if i didn't have to.
he manages a sort of reedy whine- and, in true cas fashion (or perhaps true cat fashion, it was hard to distinguish the two) looks incorrigibly proud of himself for it.
> then again, whoever 'she' is- uh- i don't wanna know her either. whoever gets that amount of stress put on their pronouns is not someone id wanna...you know, meet in a dark alley. not that there's any of those around. don't wanna run into her in the employee lounge, if you get my drift- no, that doesn't have nearly the same ring to it.
> whoever 'she' is sounds scary as fuck. there we go. that's what i'm tryna say.
the next three notes are almost a scale- and, failing that only slightly, are not...wholly horrible to hear.
> oh, god. well, telling you now, 'pleasant' and 'musical' are not words ever used to describe me. so. sorry. in advance. um.
more by luck then judgement, he almost manages to harmonise with batt for a whole four seconds. that, or he simply excels at also playing with no real key or signature to follow. probably a mixture of both.
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osakunt · 1 year
Two weeks ago I went out with this dude I’ve known and have liked since middle school. The dialogue and everything in this piece is taken from what occurred that day. With me and him being hood rats, the dialogue is definitely something. Lmaoo this is pt 1.
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“Wanna go to target and walk around then go to the movies ?”
You look over at him with a small smile, while waiting for the light to turn green. He looks over at you and blinks a few times before answering.
“Yea……..Wait what’s at Target, (y/n) ? HmmMM ?”
“Nothing(?) it’s Target. We got a whole hour and some minutes left before the movie starts sooooo…”
He squints his eyes at you thinking that you’re trying to set him up. All you wanna do is just take the boy to Target, man.
The drive to Target definitely took most of the time because you told him you’d pick him up and him living on the East side of town would take at least a good fifteen to half an hour with traffic to get to his place.
With that one Target being on the North side, it most definitely did take a long minute to get there. With the weather being rainy, traffic was slow so yea, time was burnt just with the drive there.
“Put your jacket on. It’s drizzling and I don’t want you getting sick”
You look at your back seat, contemplating if to put it on or not.
“Nah. I’ll be fine. It’s not raining, raining”
As you two walk the parking into the store, he speaks up and gets closer to you.
“Switch sides with me. I don’t want you walking on the outside”
You look up at him with your lips pursed - trying not to cackle.
“Ohhh ?? A gentleman, I see”
“Girl, always. Now get on my side”
“I’m fine here though”
The mischievous smile on your face is seen by him. Causing him to sigh.
“Bro - just switch”
Giving him a hard time is your pass time. You’ve known him since middle school, so he knew very well that you could be hard headed.
You switch sides with him just for him to start walking two steps behind you. You didn’t mind but it did make you feel a bit weird because you have all these thoughts running through your head.
As you renter the building, you guide him straight to the men’s section. All he can do is follow and try to keep up with his fast you’re walking.
“Their shirts are nice. I got this one from here”
He looks down at the black Kakashi shirt you have on that you pairs with sweatpants and J’s.
“Shirt does go hard though. Ohhhh this yo section right here” he goes to the other side where the anime shirts are waiting for you to react at the shirts displayed.
“Mmmh. They don’t have good shit today”
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You two had been in Target for little too long now. All he can do is follow. Next thing he know you were in the book section.
He goes straight, grabbing a book saying how good it was while you went to where the mangas were. You look to see what volumes you had and trying to see if the store had the ones you wanted.
Since you stay going to that specific Target you have the volumes they have available so you just grab a Dragon Ball Super volume.
“You read ?” Kuroo looks at you with furrowed brows along with a questionable look.
“(Y/n)” he pauses before grabbing the manga out your hand and skimming it.
“Since when do you read ??? I’ve never seen you read. See you cappin’”
“Motherfucker, how you gonna tell me what I do and don’t ! I’ve been reading” you whisper shout not wanting to be extra ghetto at Targét~
“…..okay okay. Nah cause I believe you. I can see your punk ass reading”. He continues to skim through the book before giving it back.
“See I would read but -……. Uh uh. I don’t have the patience”
You roll your eyes knowing he was trying to get smart. You look back to the shelf one more time expecting for a new volume of something to magically appear before he interrupts.
“Where’s the bathroom in here ?”
“The front. Go ahead. I’ll stay here. If you don’t find me here then go to the Lego section”
Just as said. You had moved to the Lego section. When he did find you he had a shirt in hand. He unfolds it and smiles at you
“Imma get it”
You turn your head to the side trying to figure out what the graphics are on it. He notices you’re having a hard time with the blurred picture.
“It’s Ali, girl”
“…..wait, unfold it again ……pfftt ohhhhh okay I see it”
He shakes his head while you giggle at how long it took you to make out the picture.
Y’all browse the Lego section talking about how cool it would be to build a set and how pretty the car Lego sets are.
You check the time - seeing it says 6:30, you ask him if he’s ready to go. Nodding his head “yes” you two start walking to the check out area.
Walking behind you, you look up at him when he gets your attention.
“You better grab something. Their AP is gonna think we stealing”
His anxiety of him thinking that people are thinking that you two are stealing, was honestly a relatable feeling.
“No cause tell me why, when I go into a store and I don’t find what I want, I still grab something so they don’t think I’m sus” you both smile agreeing that the last thing y’all need is for someone to thing you out here doing sketchy things and out of all places, Target.
“Still grab something” he looks at you all serious after just smiling.
“Kuroo, I got the manga. Calm down”
Once at the self check out he offers to pay for your things. You’re hesitant to let him do so because you felt some type of way when someone paid for you. At the end he forced it on you.
“Just pass the book. I’ll pay for it. I’m not taking “no” for an answer”
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pockettwinzz · 30 days
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onewingedangels · 5 months
I think ff/7 reb/irth devs need to stop talking about the game and let just wait for it to actually come out in the end of the next month
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teddybeartoji · 23 hours
HIIIIIII MICKEY!!!! for the spicy selfship asks:
10 for mihime
26 for misho
luv uuuuuuuu 💜
10. any erogenous zones?
OHH I LOVE THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!! INNER THIGHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HER'S ARE SUUUPER SUUUUPER SENSITIVE AND IT'S THE CUTEST FUCKING THING IN THE WOOOORLDD!!! i love teasing her hehe:33 i like resting my hand on her upper thigh even when we're not yk.. actually Doing Anything, like when we're just out and i looove to see her blush bc of it:333333333 her lower tummy is a soft spot too!!!! like when i kiss it or just kind of trail my fingers over the skin there, she's already melting into the mattress and aaahh she looks sooso pretty like thatt:((( i love her sm
but i knew i was in trouble when she figured out that my neck is super sensitive too........................................... she loves torturing me by just pressing THEE lightest kisses on like the pulse point and my jaw and hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhh i really fucking love her
26. what's your f/o's stamina like? do they last long or finish quickly? can they go for multiple rounds?
OHHHMYFUCKING GOD SHE'S KIND OF INSANE ACTUALLY. LIKE HER STAMINA IS SCARYLY GOOD??????????? LIKE??????????? I CAN'T KEEP UP??????????? HELLLO???????? SHOKO GIVE ME A MINUTE?????????????????????? she can go for SO many rounds jfc i am getting a little tired just from thinking abt it ahashgaghshag DON'T GET ME WRONG THOUGH I AM ACTING WEAK ALRIGHT IT'S NOT LIKE I'M JUST GONNA SURRENDER!!!!!!!! I WILL MAKE HER FOLDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONE DAY. I WILL BE THE LAST WOMAN STANDING!!!!!!!!!!!!
... one day..
spicy selfship asks
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 6 months
You know how your fingers get all wrinkly when you stay in the pool or bath too long? My index and middle finger look like that rn 🙈
Also, I have gotten a ton better at aftercare of myself and it has made a huge difference 🥰❤ Thank you for all you kindness and care of us. ❤ You are truly amazing. 😍🥰
And your posts are hot as hell 😏😉
- I'm a little teapot 🫖 😁
Awww hehe hi sweetheart…! Ehehe I hope you had some fun with those fingers of yours 💞💞 I am so glad to hear that you are working on your aftercare habits!! And it’s so good to hear that it’s helping you 🥰 Thank you for your kind words. They mean a lot. I certainly try! Thanks for stopping by and giving an update!! This has made my day ♥️ Hope you have a lovely rest of your day/night!! 💞💞
Talk with Me ❤️‍🔥
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unhingedlesbear · 10 months
If I see one more person say they hate Mark because he's "boring" I'm gonna have to turn into a horrible creature and start maiming for real.
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ratstuckinamarble · 8 months
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@lulughoul my ship may have been sunk but I'm sinking with it. If anyone wants to pay me a visit you can find me at the bottom of the ocean.
...I am already getting overtaken by marine organisms.
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olliecoded · 2 months
like. i GET it! fatphobia and diet culture are absolutely horrifically hard biases to unlearn because they're so ingrained in us from day one. it's an active process every day to try and be better than u were the day before. but it's like some of u aren't even fucking TRYING!
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