cabbage-shack · 7 months
I am LIVING for the head cannon going around that Xie Lian has actually lost it centuries ago and his beautiful husband, Hua Cheng the Crimson Rain Sought Flower Ghost King himself, is actually a putrefied abomination/horrific creature of the night and he just doesn't see it.
BUT! Why leave the other calamity ghosts out of this fun filled horror fest??
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acidkoipond · 3 months
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They can be a little evil as a treat
🔥 🔥 🔥
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the-magicians-ravens · 7 months
god bless the elmax and ronance authors and artists out there. truly you guys are doing the most-est
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evilsartcorner · 1 year
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unbeeliever · 4 months
Everyone's talking about the carriage scene and not about the visible tears in Colin's eyes as he watched Penelope dance with Lord Debling
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Emma(Tdi)/Damien/Axel Think about it Emma gets partners that love and value her *and* she gets protection from Chase(In my eyes Axel despises the man and Damien does NOT vibe with him)
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silly-ouma-thinker · 1 year
Has anyone ever talked about how important the concept of hand touch is in Shuichi and Kokichi’s relationship because
Exhibit 1 and friends:
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Okay maybe it was only mentioned 2 or 3 times BUT it’s a huuugeee part in how their friendship developed. It doesn’t even have to be them explicitly holding hands. It’s holding wrist, reaching out, intertwining, brushing hands, linking fingers, pinky promises, SO MUCH POTENTIAL THAT CAN BE EXPLORED THROUGH A SIMPLE HAND TOUCH!! DO YOU SEE MY VISION?
I go INSANE every time a physical touch is involved. Kokichi is probably not a big fan of a touchyness that involves him rather than him poking anyone else, so it’s something else how he just… lets Shuichi grab him and tend his wound. Did he intend that? Was it a spur of moment? Well who knows! But his intention is to make Shuichi worry his heart out! And can I mention how we all just agreed the finger he cut was the ring finger because you’re all geniuses. Also I think everyone knows of that one panel where Shuichi catches a falling Kokichi.
Looking at it more, “he can’t hide the warmth of his hand” IT FEELS LIKE THERE’S A DEEPER MEANING TO THAT I JUST CAN’T FIGURE IT OUT!! Was it knowing he’s alive? The tenderness of his touch? The feeling of not knowing and always being drawn in? I just love the parallel to the FTE. In fact, the entirety of their character can always be paralleled against each other. Design, personality, moral. They hold each other and balance each other.
TLDR; More contents of their subtle hand touch. Please. If anyone else has more of these moments that I missed I’ll be more than happy to see hehe.
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davyjoneslockr · 8 months
mista #23 go i simply must know
(For this ask game)
AGH it was so hard to find a decent screenshot but. This is as good as I’m gonna get
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I love this fight a lot and this moment is one of my favorites and the color palette is awesome and. Well he’s covered in blood. What else could you ask for <3
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canonically47 · 1 year
persona is not my fandom nor my interest, but a secret third thing (my fandom-in-law)
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purrvoke · 1 year
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now hol up⎯⎯⎯⎯
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tennessoui · 2 years
I was reading a fic in a different fandom when one of the characters referred to another as “pretty bird” and I literally had to stop reading because that is an OBIKIN endearment and no one else can use it ever. Congrats on being the only person legally allowed to use that phrase ever again
I don’t think you people understand that when you say things like this they immediately go to my head which is a problem cause soon it won’t fit through doorways
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blazingstarship · 2 years
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“Activating Field Spell: Speed World 2!”
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delacately-divine · 1 year
I want to find the Zayn Malik to my Selena Gomez
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glitter50000 · 2 years
SaB season 2 spoilers (in the tags as well)
Kirigan’s grisha army watching him kill a whole camp with one sweep of the Cut in ep.6
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(Vatra, the inferni, straight up saying “it’s like the earth ate them up” after that like damn girl)
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despairforme · 1 year
Do you ever miss Kyota?
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❝ Yeah, of course. He was my best friend, yeah? Ain't seen him 'fer like three years now. ❞ Not only had they been best friends, but he'd also dated him, for two years before they ( Kyota ) ended things, and Nnoitra got together with Grimmjow. It was ironic that it was Nnoitra cheating on Grimmjow with Kyota that had eventually marked the real and final end to his relationship with Grimmjow. Did he have regrets about sleeping with Kyota that night? Yeah, maybe. At the same time... His relationship with Grimmjow had already been fucking dead. Somewhere along the way, Grimmjow had LONG stopped loving him. It had been so evident from the lack of... Well - everything. No affection. No attention. A growing distance between them. So when Kyota randomly, out of the blue, texted him... Yeah, Nnoitra had said ' sure ', and met up with him at a bar. He hadn't gone there PLANNING to sleep with him. He'd just wanted to meet up with an old friend. But, when it came down to it, Kyota was just as perfect as he had been back when they were dating. Just as hot. It had been impossible for Nnoitra to resist the temptation when the offer for sex was right there. He hadn't gotten laid in fucking months at that point. That's how COLD his relationship had gotten. So yeah, he'd slept with Kyota. That was... The last time he'd seen him, actually. That sucked. Nnoitra wished Kyota wasn't like that. That he didn't disappear all the time without letting him know what was going on. He was pretty sure he wouldn't have gone back to dating him, but - having a nice fuck-buddy would've been sweet. Not to mention, even without the sex, Kyota had ALWAYS been important to him. Always a good friend. The first person ( in his adult life ) to really accept him. Not every part of him, as it turned out, but it had been good enough. He'd been the first person to make Nnoitra feel loved. He'd also been the first to break his heart but that was fine. Nnoitra deserved it. He was an asshole. He knew that.
YEAH, he missed him. As a friend and as a lover. He'd love to see him again. Not necessarily to sleep with him ( though that would be a huge bonus ), but just to... Chat. Sit and have a beer. Eat his fucking delicious homemade food. See him laugh. Look at his pretty green eyes. See if he'd gotten any new tattoos. Tell him how things had been recently. He'd really, REALLY love that.
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n0tangeliccc · 1 year
I like when im just mindlessly scrolling through any social media and see a new rare pair to ship
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