frootbyethefoot · 1 year
persona 4 COULD have been a groundbreaking game in late 2000's early 2010's. it could have been a " mainstream " (mainstream in moderately sized quotes!) game that showed complex, flawed queer people as the main characters. but it doesn't. it heavily implies its characters are queer, changes its mind, and then produces some of the most homophobic and transphobic writing you've seen in a long time. persona 4 wants to make something beautiful so bad but it feels like its too afraid to actually do anything and ends up going back to its old homophobic/transphobic tropes.
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bookishdaze · 19 days
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Review. More like Rambling and Word Vomiting.
I saw it last night. Finally. After so long!
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I personally thought it was good, and a solid addition to the POTA franchise. I don't think it's better than Dawn or War, but I'm willing to bet that by the time the full trilogy is out, Kingdom is gonna be looked back upon as a good beginning to Noa and Mae's story, the same way Rise, despite being most people's least favorite of the Caesar trilogy, is still an amazing intro to Caesar's story.
Some nitpicks. Despite the movie being 2.5 hours long, I felt like the final act came too fast? Like, I understand what people meant with the pacing issue. Suddenly we were in the 3rd act and I was like "Wait, we're here? It's done?"
Now, onto the characters! Let the fangirling commence!
I loved seeing how his journey and character started and where he ends by the end of the movie.
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Him going from "That is the law" to "That is the law. But the law is wrong" was so satisfying.
And him being able to call the eagles to him by the end was great to see. By the way, THE SINGING SCENE WITH THE EAGLES???? LIKE???? It could've been so corny but I LOVED IT???
I'm so glad this movie answered the question of whether apes can sing. Yeah, I know they are only humming, but I'LL TAKE IT. APES CAN SING. YESSSS!
He was just a really nice character to follow. I can't wait to see how he'll be like in the next movie after the events of this one transformed him.
I also think he is the kind of protagonist we need after Caesar. I love Caesar, but Noa is....hmm, I guess you could say softer? More naive? I'm sure he'll get tougher as the movies progress like Caesar did, but I like this change.
I am a Mae defender. Yes, she did betray Noa in the end. I expected her to tbh. And I understand why she did it. She was right in that Proximus getting his hands on those weapons would've been disastrous.
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She has probably been taught all her life nothing but bad things about the apes. She was not going to switch sides just because she met Noa. We still got two whole movies after this. She probably won't have her "redemption" until the 3rd movie. I can honestly go on rambling about her, but I'd rather save that for another separate post.
I really like him. He's great and funny. I love seeing how he talks about humans and his hopes for humans and apes.
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Right before he dies, he reminds Noa "Together, strong." His final words and his necklace as a gift to Noa serve as a reminder. A reminder of a hopeful future where apes and humans can coexist. (And then Noa passing along that same necklace to Mae? Bringing a reminder of that hope for peace into her world? Ugh. So good.)
Also, "He was my village." LIKE. DID HE LOSE HIS PARTNER? MY HEART.
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I thought he was cool. He gave my mother and I a jump scare at the dinner scene where he slams his fist. Also, the way he was just in awe of the gun after Lightning dies. He has his priorities.
Soona and Anaya
Those two were so cute, and I loved their friendship with Noa.
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Anaya broke my heart. In the beginning at the tunnel scene, he's all like "Anaya is not scared." But at Proximus's kingdom, he looks terrified at the dinner scene, and before he goes on the mission to climb the wall, he goes "Anaya is scared" and didn't want to go. Poor guy. He pulled through in the end though.
Although *puts on tinfoil hat* this makes me wonder if this foreshadows how his fear will lead him to make a big mistake in the future movies. Similar to what happened with Winter.
Soona was so sweet. Although I'm disappointed we didn't get more of her with Noa. I saw an interview where Soona's actress described a moment where after they are reunited, they kind of make known their feelings for each other or something like that. But...it didn't happen?
Mae and Noa
Alrighty, I'm gonna briefly put on my shipping goggles on, bear with me, because one has to be a teensy bit delusional for this type of stuff, BUT....
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I sensed a....vibe? Not a romantic vibe. They are nowhere close to that yet. But I felt like there were tropes and scenes between them that simply imply a romantic path is a possible direction for their relationship. I will make a separate post about them. I wanna wrap this up, lol.
The ending
I liked the ending. It has me so excited for the future of this trilogy. Now that the humans are able to communicate with others, what will this mean? How will Mae be torn between her people and the apes? Same with Noa? I need to know naooooo
8.5/10 stars (I ain't done rambling about this movie yet. But it's my birthday, and I gotta go out and have some dinner, hehe).
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verosvault · 6 months
Dimension20 "Burrow's End"
Episode 8
Timestamp: 15:11
Video Length: 4min. & 52sec.
I can't fully explain how powerful this scene is to me. One thing I love about Dimension20 is the fact that they're never afraid to roleplay the hard situations and the hard talks. It's-
I love how Tula has this hard conversation with her mom and she isn't afraid to tell her mom that she has an obsession with power and control. Ava really seems like she's at a loss for words, and it's understandable, because she's being called out on it....and it's hard. It's because Ava feels so much guilt and shame for losing Ken. The same feeling that Tula probably feels for losing Geoffrey. Ava chooses to feel guilty and tries to forget what happened... while for Tula, her losing Geoffrey is a constant reminder to her that you have to always be careful because so many bad things can happen? It's like- ugh. I don't even know if what I said is right..but that's... that's how I feel and it's so strong.
I wish I could have a talk with my IRL mom like this. In a way that she can just understand and apologize. Which, Ava didn't apologize right away, she did it later on. But I don't even think my IRL mom has apologized to me for so much. She just guilt trips me and says that she failed to raise me...or whatever. And I'm like...if I could have a talk with my mom like Tula did with Ava, and my mom actually just sat there and tried to actually understand what I was saying, I really feel like my own relationship with my mother would grow. 🥲 It's crazy how they have these types of talks in a show like this!! It's SO REAL and they're just playing a game of D&D! It's insane!!
And like- Viola standing up for Tula! Ugh! It was SO NICE! I LOVE Viola and Tula's relationship SO MUCH! How Viola sees Tula as a role model for her own self! I'm- It's so amazing! Tula and Viola are definitely my faves this season! I just can't with them! Rashawn did such a GREAT JOB with this season and I want to see her in more seasons! She gets so involved and attached and I can't even explain how much I enjoyed her in this season!! 😭✋
Also, Lila trying to comfort Ava near the end because Lila felt a little bad for her. Ava was getting cornered, but...the reason Ava gives for thinking and feeling that way...it kind of makes sense? Even though it's not the best thing to say or even think about and put onto yourself mentally. About like, when something bad happens, just finding someone to put blame on or saying that you haven't done enough or telling your own kids that when they lose someone. That's so tough. It's not right. But I can see why someone would feel that way. It's like- always wishing you could've done more. Because if you did more, then things like that "won't happen". But the truth of the matter is that sometimes things are just out of our control...and we have to have an understanding of that. Sometimes there really just isn't anything that could've been done. :/ As sad as that is...that is basically what Thorn was describing to Ava. Sometimes, life just HAPPENS! And you can't do anything but stand and watch.
I love how this season is scary but is also able to explore these super interesting family themes! I love it so much! It's so relatable in multiple ways and it's insane because these are stoats! It shouldn't be this relatable but it really is! I love watching shows that involve strong family dynamics! (One of the many reasons why I also love "The Umbrella Academy"!)
Family is strong! And it's so cool to see a family grow mentally, emotionally, and physically! My relationship with my family isn't the best. But it's cool to see the people inside of a family trying to talk things out and improve their relationships with each other so that they can finally bond and become stronger! 🥺 The messages here are so strong and powerful and I don't even know how else to say it or explain it in words! 🥺🥺🥺 This has been such a strong, and heartfelt season! 😭✋❤️
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majaloveschris · 8 months
Why nothing makes sense, part 8.
Comic Con and Wedding Ring Edition
So before I start this part of the Why Nothing Makes Sense series, I'd like to say that I'm not saying there wasn't a wedding or that this isn't real. However, I'm going to explain why things don't make sense to me and why I think this might not be real.
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So before we jump into this amazing Comic Con weekend, I'd like to go back to the DM Boston airport sighting. So that picture of them coming back from Portugal happened (according to that "anon") after their honeymoon and wedding. So we could all see in that picture that Alba was wearing no ring. This was obviously very weird to a lot of people, since if you are newly married, why wouldn't you want to wear your ring? We got explanations from anons, like they wanted to keep the marriage private or that they only had a commitment ceremony. After the thousands of articles and the comic con, we can all agree that both of these explanations are bullshit. So why wasn't she wearing a ring? Where was hers? If this is real and they got married, then why didn't she have hers on?
People love to throw around "they are private" excuses, but they aren't. They never were, and they never will, because they want to sell this relationship. Since Alba stepped into his life, he has forgotten that he is a private person. And he is still pretty private about everything except her. If they were private, there wouldn't have been Instagram stories uploaded or articles about their wedding, or he wouldn't have worn his ring, or even if he had, he wouldn't have talked about their wedding. This whole shitshow is everything but not private.
After people started questioning this whole ring thing, he suddenly appeared to wear one at the Comic Con. I think he was showing the ring much more on the first day but appeared to hide it more on the second. The ring alone looks cheap and not very fitting. I'm not only saying this based on the pictures, but I talked to someone who's met him (yeah, I have evidence they met), and they said it looked rather yellowish than gold, and it was clearly too big for him. He looked unhealthy, and I don't really understand the "he looks the healthiest and happiest he's ever been" comments because I don't really see it.
Then we got that amazing interview. So the whole thing started with the lady saying that he's been working a lot in the past 2 years, and if there was a personal project he was working on right now, This question was clearly planted. I doubt that he or his team didn't know about the questions prior to the interview. Even if they didn't know about this question, he could've said anything else. Saying he's getting ready for fall and immediately changing the subject, or he could've started talking about Dodger. He needed to talk about her; he needed to talk about the wedding. He said it was really, really great. Now call me disputatious, but he always said how much he wants to settle down, get married, and start a family. So if she is the one, if she is the person who makes him happy, etc., I would assume he would've said something like, "It was the best day of my life" or "This was everything I've ever wanted, and I'm so happy" not that it was "really, really great". Then he continued that they "kinda had two ceremonies, one on the East Coast and one in Portugal". What does "kinda" mean? You either had two ceremonies or not. And why did he say East Coast and not MA? Everyone knows he lives in Massachusetts, and there were like a thousand articles about them getting married, so there isn't really anything to hide at this point. Then he mentioned his wife's Portuguese, which we've all also known, and I don't even want to mention the awkward "Go Portugal!" thing. He also said it was wonderful and beautiful, but a lot to organize. Then he said they've been enjoying life since then, and he mentioned autumn and seemed excited and happy to talk about it. He turned back to "their" life, and his face changed again. It seemed like he didn't even take himself seriously when he said that they were "reflecting". I think he only mentioned the last sentence so he could change the subject and start talking about something. It felt like he was trying to remember everything he had to say and share.
People said he looked happy talking about the wedding. I mean, he didn't look desperate or sad like every other time we saw them together. I care more about actions than words, and him smiling while talking about the wedding won't make me forget how he acted during the NYC pap walk, Disney, that awkward car kiss, or the Boston airport photo. I also think that you can see that as soon as he changed the subject, he looked happier. He looked way more excited to talk about autumn and Dodger than about his own wife and their kinda weddings. And he definitely talked much more about it.
He didn't share new information; everything he's said we already knew about the weddings. There wasn't a fan who asked him about her during the interview; they knew the questions prior, and even if they didn't, he didn't have to talk about her. So then why? People won't start liking her and shipping them just because he talks about her, and what if some people think they didn't get married? They seem to care so much about what people think about this, which I don't really get since if this is real and they are happier than ever, then why do they keep trying to convince people that it is? They are supposed to be private, yet they act like they are selling something. They keep trying to fill gaps and make this more authentic, but it's not and never will be. Those things that make this whole thing really fake for me and for a lot of people are already out there. You can't change what's done, and no matter how hard they try, those inconsistencies and bullshit are out there and will stay there. They can try to explain and fill the gaps by "randomly" mentioning it or publishing an article, but again, why would they do that? Why are they doing all of this if this is genuine and they have nothing to sell or prove?
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mydearzero · 2 years
hi hi hi! i cannot get over the idea of someone cooking eddie a really nice meal for the first time and he’s caught off guard. he walks in, sees the food and the person who cooked, and just… relaxes, any anxiety he had from that day dissipates. he almost cries because he didn’t have this growing up and this is one of the kindest things someone has done for him.
eddie being doted on is so near to my heart. the boy really deserves it🥰
Hi, thank you so much for your request! It's a little short, but sweet.
Marinara Sauce | E.M. x gn!Reader
Summary: Eddie's day couldn't get any worse. Everything was going to shit, until he found reader and Dustin in his trailer cooking him dinner.
Starts with some Angst. Fluff, hints at some underlying romantic feelings.
Gender neutral reader
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Eddie's day couldn't get any worse, honestly. He flunked another math test, had to cancel Hellfire because he hadn't been able to prepare due to studying for said math test, and now his van wouldn't start.
"Great, just great." He muttered to himself as he hit the steering wheel. He ran his ring-clad fingers over his face a few times before finally breaking down. How was he ever going to get out of Hawkins when he couldn't even finish high school?
He wasn't stupid. He understood the material when he put in the effort. He just had a hard time studying and paying attention when there were much more fun things he could be thinking about, like a new campaign.
He did great in school up until junior year. He could've finished middle school with his eyes closed and hands tied behind his back, so why was it he couldn't anymore?
Ever since his accident (read: attack by demon bats) 7 months ago, Wayne had been putting in more hours to support his nephew's recovery. Eddie had told him often he didn't need any extra help, but Wayne insisted. Eddie couldn't be more grateful. Still, his uncle couldn't come get him, so either he fixed his van or he'd have to walk home.
He sighed as he got out and popped the hood. Nothing seemed to be amiss. He put the hood back down and returned to the driver's seat. He tried one more time to get the engine to start, and nearly started crying when it finally sprung to life. "Thank god."
He quickly drove home in fear of the van dying once more. He wasn't particularly looking forward to the microwave meal waiting for him. Maybe he'd finally learn to cook sometime soon.
Eddie parked the van next to the trailer hastily. His brows furrowed when he noticed the lights were on inside. Wasn't Wayne at work? Wasn't he supposed to come home late? He brushed it off and stepped out of the vehicle.
As soon as his feet hit the ground, Eddie was sure his nose was betraying him. What the hell smelled so amazing? Did his uncle suddenly gain the talents of a chef overnight?
He opened the door and turned to put his jacket on the hook next to the door. "Hey Wayne, I don't know what you're making, but that smells so go- You're not Wayne. What are you doing here?"
You grinned as Eddie complimented the food you'd prepared for him with a little help from Dustin. "We knew your uncle would probably be working, and since you haven't had time to work on your campaign, we thought we'd cook you dinner so you can have all the time in the world to get caught up!"
Eddie almost melted at the sight before him. "Is that?" Eddie pointed at the dish.
"Homemade spaghetti with Marinara sauce and meatballs? Yeah, it is. Dustin said it was your favourite." You gestured for him to sit on the couch, bringing him a loaded plate and a cup of soda.
Eddie felt all anxiety and stress from the day wash away in an instant, glancing at you with nothing but love as he took the first bite. "This is delicious. I think I'm gonna marry you. And we'll adopt Henderson. I'm not letting you leave after this, you understand that, right?" His eyes were nearly filled with tears at the taste of homecooked food. When had the last time been he'd actually eaten a proper cooked meal?
You laughed from the kitchen as you made Dustin and yourself a plate. "I'm glad you like it, it's my neighbour's recipe for the sauce, she's from Italy, so you know it's gonna be good." You ignored the comment about marrying you, even though it made your heart flutter and blood rush to your cheeks.
You handed Dustin his plate and sat next to Eddie on the couch. "You deserve it, Eddie. You studied hard. It's not easy to just ignore everything that happened and go back to the way things used to be." Dustin spoke with his mouth full.
"I still failed, though," Eddie mumbled dejectedly as he stabbed one of the meatballs.
"What grade did you get? You needed a C- to pass, right?" You asked. Eddie nodded. "I got a D. So I wasn't even that far off, but still, that's a fail. I'm never gonna get out of high school."
"Is there any way you can get extra credit?" Dustin asked. Eddie shrugged. "There's this extra assignment that if I were to do well on it, it would bump my grade to a C. But I just know I won't do well on it, so why bother."
"I could help you if you want? I can come here after school and cook dinner while you work on the assignment. Then we can look it over together afterwards." You suggested. Eddie gaped at you. "You'd do that for me?" His thoughts filled with all the steaming hot goodness you'd prepare for him as he studied.
"Of course, Eddie. You're one of my best friends. I only want what's best for you. If that means hanging out with you after school, I mean, that's only a bonus."
Eddie put his head on your shoulder, his plate now empty and on the table. "That would mean the world to me." He smiled up at you. You didn't know what you did to deserve the look of pure adoration, but you'd take it. You grabbed his head and placed a quick peck on the top of his head.
"Suddenly, my hunger is gone. You guys are gross." Dustin grumbled. "You watch out, Henderson. I'm gonna be your dad. I can ground you."
All three of you laughed. Sure, you were all still healing from the trauma the Upside Down caused. But you were healing together. Slowly but surely, you'd get there. Together.
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legayfuck · 5 months
okay but the way that noah and eva were SUCH GREAT CHARACTERS that NEVER DID ANYTHING is so upsetting. I know we all wanted a team e-scope comeback and wt TOTALLY COULD'VE DONE THAT like
and there's definitely possibility for people to get eliminated fairly late in the game, like sweeden sour, rapa phooey and of course double eliminations
first, I'm going to talk about the relations between the members of team e-scope
there could definitely be an expansion on the team e-scope relations. eva and izzy could have a very dynamic friendship- they're both some of the most threatening competitors while also having contrasting personalities. this friendship could've been used in island when they were both returning contestants. eva would recognize that they're both targets because they both skipped challenges and izzy really just went along with anything. she and eva definitely got along and they would be a killer alliance.
if eva made it even like a couple of challenges I think it would be good. just push trent and bridgette back once and move the no pain, no game challenge to after hide and be sneaky. there's the whole trent and heather plot in search & do not destroy, heather, leshawna, and eva could all have immunity in hide & be sneaky which would lead to bridgette's elimination, and then eva loses in no pain, no game. that would give enough time for at least a little use of eva and her rivalries with other characters. ALSO why was izzy in an alliance with heather? put her in with eva cmon. anyways. in hide & be sneaky, the guys could use eva's hate of bridgette to their advantage. anyways I'm going on a tangent here. NEXT
noah and izzy had at least some sort of thing going on since haute camp-ture. izzy with the 'throwing some shrimp on the barbie, that means you noah!' and the whole 'he kissed a guy!' thing definitely leads you to believe that at least izzy thinks they're friends, even if she just annoys noah. then in world tour, while he spent most the time calling her a nutcase, she carried him around a lot it wasn't like he hated her, he just didn't want owen dating her because she didn't treat him right.
noah and eva are a good team-up. noah's the brains and eva's the brawn, that's alliance material. they know each others strengths and neither really have friends. well, noah has owen but that's basically it. and owen isn't the most strategic person in the game. and both have a lot of enemies.
I'm going to talk about potential of the characters as if eva was in world tour and on team chris because that would make sense with canon
I feel like eva could be used so well. She didn't like being famous, so she was all in it for the money. She was straightforward. She was not playing any games. SHE WANTED THAT MONEY. I think Alejandro would see her as useful and keep her around, but he knows he has to get rid of her before the merge. Plus, she's so great for an antagonist. She has a lot of drive and could have a rivalry with literally anyone. She could have beef with tyler I mean realistically. he was a killer bass. also, I feel like she could have an alliance with alejandro. she doesn't seem like someone exactly all for alliances, but she understands a deal when she sees one- alejandro is a powerful competitor and she knows it. betrayal later could be AMAZING and I'll get to a point with that in a minute
and we all know the noah story, we've heard it a million times but it's true, he's a great character. He has a rivalry with alejandro, was labeled 'the schemer' or whatever even though he did nothing, he's really smart like they could have used that. he also had a lot of rivalries with people that were just not used. he didn't like alejandro, he didn't like sierra, he didn't like duncan, and he definitely had potential for relationships (positive or negative) with other contestants. he could still be eliminated at the same time, but at least let him do something.
okay. so I know we all love blaineley. well I actually don't really but we all love blainerific. HOWEVER. HER ASS DID NOTHING. I would bring back either eva or noah. eva, if having that alliance with alejandro, would be mad as hell. and post-merge, she could interact with members of team amazon. noah also is against alejandro and has a lot of potential for relations with other competitors. then I would have them last a little longer than blaineley did so they ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING anyways that's my little rant about eva and noah
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taylortruther · 2 months
Rae I was just having thoughts about You're Losing Me a while ago, and it really is just such an enigmatic song yk. I can never explain the way it made me feel the first time I heard it.
Just sumn about hearing all those wonderful, romantic, idyllic love songs about Joe for five whole albums and then just. YLM hits you like a truck because till then we still hadn't processed it all. Joe had been painted as this perfect, calm supportive partner who can do no wrong and Taylor is happy and it will always stay that way...and then April 9th happened.
Public perception is a crazy thing, and it's even crazier how nobody even DARED to speak the words that thy could've broken up before they did...but the red flags were there all along. It reminds me of the line in sotb "I don't speak, afraid to jinx it" and now that song is in the denial playlist. Truly everyone was in denial for like a month after the news dropped and we weren't even IN the relationship, I can't imagine how bad it was for Taylor herself.
Someone on Twitter quoted the breakup announcement with "Isn't this the guy she wrote Lover for? Yeah, we're all screwed". Amazing how much her own songs made everyone believe everything was okay till the very last moments.
I think especially what YLM strikes me as is a song centered around not wanting to throw away a "good thing" i.e. the Do I throw out everything we built or keep it?
YLM is so horribly bleak imo, because it's not hopeful AT ALL. The last line is very literally her "making the decision" that unless he chooses her, she's done. And to think this was written in 2021?? Had she already accepted the truth back then? Did the denial stage start even BEFORE that? Was she sitting in the dark room for an year and a half?
The thing that hurts the most about a song like this with all the lyric parallels, is watching something you thought was gonna last forever turn out to be so disapointing in the end. Not WANTING to lose something you've built with so much love, even when you realise that the love has disappeared. The shattering of a mirage. All the We survived the great war imagery on Midnights to My heart won't start anymore for you. Her paralleling her own past songs will always break me. The silence that only comes when two people understand each other to You say 'I don't understand' and I say 'I know you don't'.
Of course the fandom believed at a point that they were endgame, but SO DID SHE. That is what makes the song harder to digest because it really feels like a personal letter to her fans, released ONLY for us months before it was made available to the public. I stand behind the theory that Midnights was the Denial album, and YLM (the bridge between Midnights and TTPD) is her waking up.
i know this isn't the point of your ask, but bear with me! i would argue that many fans realized some songs were describing dark or heavy moments - but, call it parasocial if you like, the fandom just wanted to believe they were working through those issues, not that the relationship was unhealthy or bad. (and no one wants to be labeled as a hater, which, maybe we can work on as a fandom now lol.) for example, i thought hoax and renegade were troubling, the line "your integrity makes me seem small" rubbed many of us the wrong way, we all clocked "maybe it was her"... meanwhile, unfortunately there were lots of theories about how it was "all in her head," which fortunately i think we can all put in perspective now. OK BUT MY POINT IS, it also makes it easy to imagine (as you said), that when you're IN the relationship itself, the good parts might overshadow the bad. you could cling to something that is beyond saving because there's still comfort or hope, and denial is extremely strong. denial can feel like hope tbh.
i think ylm really shows that she was trying so so hard, for so so long, that she was running out of steam in late 2021. and he wasn't make it easier for her, because he wasn't making his needs or true desires clear.
ANYWAY good thoughts, i enjoyed this ask!
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animentality · 6 months
If there was a canon interaction between Tav and Durge in game, what do you think it would be? Where/When, the context of their interaction, etc? Would Durge be tadpoled? Would Durge still be an enemy or would they be a companion who needs help to destroy Orin?
The Dark Urge should be able to join your fucking party.
It's so annoying that I can't fuck that dragonborn, first off. He is so sexy and his voice is so fine, like this is the dungeons and dragons GAME.
And I don't get to fuck a dragon?
My choices are BookTok Vampire or Brooding Goth Gamer Girl? Boring.
No dragonfuckers on Larian's goddamn team.
But on a more serious note...
I actually would've been intrigued by the dark urge as a companion.
Because they could go either way, just like the other companions!
You could encourage them to embrace their urge, or to reject it.
You could convince them to reject Bhaal, or accept him, just as you can encourage Shadowheart to accept Shar or reject her, just as you can convince Lae'zel that she must submit to Vlaakith or break free.
I honestly would've adored the Dark Urge as a companion.
He's a good boy, at heart. I could fix him.
How great would it be too, if you find out that one of your companions is the evil mastermind of the plot too?
It's already really cool finding out that you, the dark urge, were the mastermind.
But having it be a close companion, maybe even one that you romanced, would've been so cool too.
So anon, I think Tav and Durge could've been friends, lovers, allies, or enemies.
In fact, I think it'd be great if you as an evil Tav, encouraged them to be evil, and then you're shocked when they leave your party and join the Temple of Bhaal after killing Orin, and then they become your new enemy.
Like of course.
The Chosen of Bhaal doesn't need friends or loved ones, remember.
Plus we already have Astarion for the whole, evil together forever ending.
I think having one of the companies be a big boss at the end might be sick as fuck.
To get back to your question...an amnesiac Dark Urge and a Tav could be super sweet, actually?
A Dark Urge who's scared and confused and needs you to help them understand what's happening to them...or a Dark Urge that you feed and control and intimidate and bully into submission...until it bites the hand that holds its leash?
Yeaaaah, man.
Tav x Dark Urge could be so good...not as good as Durgetash, but...but it's there...
So to sum up anon...yes, I think the Dark Urge and Tav could've had a lot of canon interactions. I think a tadpoled amnesiac Dark Urge could've been amazing. I think a Dark Urge who might reject Bhaal, or join him and try and kill you would've been so cool.
But alas.
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tookerthetookiest · 1 year
Arven x reader
Arven and the reader are preparing to fight the last titan, as one thing ends, something new may start.
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You and Arven had finally gotten to the last titan, the Fasle Dragon Titan. Not gotten to, more like getting to, as you were in the nearest town stocking up on potions, revives, ingredients anything that could help really. Seeing as this was gonna be the last and hardest titan yet, you had to be properly prepared.
"Ok that's pretty much all we needed, anything else you might wanna get?" Arven asked looking in your direction. "Maybe some PokeBalls, I've been wanting to catch something new to put on my team!" You responded. "Well alright, let's g-" "OH. MY. GOD. ARVEN LOOK!" Giving him not a second to react, you grab his hand and pull him towards a shop's window.
Inside were some pokemon toys, and barely in sight was a red bone toy. "WOULDN'T MABOSTIFF LOVE THIS!" You shouted excitedly. The pure look of glee and the visible sparkle in your eye sent an arrow straight through Arven's heart. He could've sworn he fell more in love with you at that very moment, but he just couldn't risk ruining a friendship as good as this one. He just couldn't believe how much you must care about his precious dog, to have seen something hidden away that was perfectly to Mabostiff's liking.
"(y/n)!! Arven!! Hey you guys!!" A very familiar voice rang from across the street. You both turned to see, Nemona. You gave a smile, while Arven displayed a very fake, very annoyed smile. 'She always finds a way to mess up a perfectly great mood' he thought to himself.
"Oh looks like I may have jumped in at the wrong time." She laughed. "Hm? Why?" You questioned, "Your both on a date and I totally interrupted." 'Finally she realized what she- wait... DATE!?' Arven's thoughts jumbled as he noticed a warm sensation at his hand, he looked down noticing both your hands intertwined. You also realized and rose your hands, still not releasing his. "NO NEMONA IT'S NOT-" You tried to say "Don't worry, we can hang out some other time! I'll just leave you to love birds to enjoy some time together" She gave a wink and walked away to go do something else.
You and Arven both stood there flustered, he quickly removed his hand saying a quiet 'sorry'. Your hand stayed in its position for a second, then slowly moving to your side with a sad expression on your face. He noticed and began to panic, "Eh! Is something wrong, is it what Nemona said!? It's ok if you don't like me back!" He paused, you looked up with curiosity. "Like you back?" He became nervous, 'Shoot, I'm screwed now' "Sorry, I understand if yo-" " Arven I LOVE YOU TO!"
He was shocked, you love him? YOU LOVE HIM?? His excitement got the better of him and he picked you up, spinning you around then pressing into you for a hug. You both laughed and smiled as though there was no tomorrow. "Can I?" You asked, "Please do" Arven replied, eager for this to happen.
You both shared a kiss, it lasted for what seemed to be an eternity. This just may be the strength that'll help defeat the last titan.
*Pokemon coming out of pokeball noises*
"ARVEN! >:("
And that's that! I've had this idea for so long now but was to busy to actually write it. I think it turned out great, especially Koraidon/ Miraidon coming out at the end and disturbing your kissy kissy.
Remember to leave some requests!! I have an amazing time writing for Pokemon so please go ahead!
As always, Have a great morning, evening or night!! 🌅🌙☀️
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thedecoy-if · 1 year
Honestly, the way you're acknowledging that MC's original world is still turning while they're stuck at *squints at notes* .. Eternia. Eterna? It's 5am and I forgot. Anyways, the way you're acknowledging that just. It just make it hurt all the more, man. I don't really know how all this will pan out, but MC is going to be faced with some really tough choices down the line, what with being stuck between two worlds. Maybe even two lives, if they start adjusting to their life in Angsty Kidnapper Land.
Unless... they turn out to be some sort of realm walker...
Ahahaha. Anyways. Incredible game!! It is such fun. You know how many times I've replayed the demo? Four times. Four. I keep going back just to pick all the 'furious, on the warpath' options. Hell-hath-no-fury MC is the BEST. It's incredibly cathartic, watching MC being rightfully pissed about their situation, watching them freely express their anger. I tend to keep more aggressive emotions like anger to myself, so it's very refreshing. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that I'm using your story as some odd way to cope with my own life's trainwreck state. It's amazing <3
Honestly, this Eternia place has terrible manners. Hells upon hells, MC woke up in a dungeon. After getting kidnapped. And they expected MC to take it well.
A dungeon. Really? A dungeon? How 'bout a bedroom? Is that so hard? Really? If they're concerned about security, I'm sure it's not hard to post guards outside of said bedroom? Maybe put up a few wards if that's a thing there?
Azzy even knew that MC was an average citizen!! An ordinary(?) human! The man practically recited MC's profile on the spot! Honestly, how the hell was plopping MC into a cell supposed to endear them (and their cause) to MC?
They could've been going for an intimidation tactic but. MC's someone they're going to be closely working with, and with the current state of affairs, it seems like they might be doing so for quite a while - so it would be better if they started off on a good note, no?
A good note that is certainly not waking up to a dungeon in a strange land. And a good note that is absolutely not getting stared/glared at very angstily by some knight with a crush(?) on your doppelganger.
Yes, this is for you, Theokins. Honestly, the nerve of him, acting like MC's at fault for having the same face as S. I understand that the man is hurting, but damn.
That line in the bar, when MC tries to escape and Theo 'says the word prince as if MC had somehow tainted it' - ugh. Whatever Theo's feelings about S are, MC has nothing to do with it. He may be doing it subconsciously, but his callousness/Sad Boy-ness with MC is getting on my nerves. I happen to like this MC a lot, thank you very much, so I'm feeling very protective of them.
I have a feeling know that MC getting caught in the crossfire of people's feelings/expectations for S is going to be a running theme in this story. Which in turn will probably definitely come with a healthy heap of identity crises. Joy. I can almost feel the internal hair pulling I'll be doing.
I do hope that we'll have chances to bully Theo at least a little bit in the future, though. I usually play the genuine, good natured MC, but they just can't let Theo escape scot free from the consequences of his attitude, no? :D
TLDR: The Kidnapper Squad absolutely sucks at the hospitality and tact aspect of kidnapping. Surprise surprise.
Anyway. Don't get me wrong. I've griped and rambled through 90% of this monstrosity of an essay, but I completely adore this story. The way it sparks genuine emotional reactions from me - it's great fun. The first time I played the demo, I was going through the scenes with extremely vivid ramping indignation. I was even gripping my computer mouse tighter and tighter, wishing I could just chuck it and nail [insert kidnapper squad member here] on the head with it. The range of emotional reactions you allow the MC is, frankly, impressive - and it's immersed me into the story in a way that few stories are able to do.
I'm very excited to see what comes next! Of course, take as long as you need - pieces of art aren't made in a day <3 Thanks so very much for creating this story and sharing it with us. You're awesome! I'm sorry if this... letter...? rant...? Ran for far too long (it definitely did). I just got very excited. And I tend to go on and on when I am. :D
I hope you have a very nice day! <3
Oh my gooodnesss I love long asks mostly because it makes me really happy that you got invested in the story!
Firstly, I'm so glad you liked the story and thank you for the kind words! I'm really happy it resonated with you. I tend to keep any negative emotions to myself as well, but I knew I wanted to give readers the option to be as feral and as angry as possible. An angry MC is basically what I'd hoped I'd be in that situation instead of the reality (scared and very obedient lol...). MC is a totes new yorker, i had to squeeze in the angry NYCers that tend to be our stereotype lolol
And yes, these Eternans suck. I say this a lot but I am happy they've gotten people angry. They're supposed to! They went about 'kidnapping' MC in the worst way but I find the whole thing kind of funny, especially considering they just throw MC in a room anyway like you could've done that in the first place!?! They get better, I promise!
Theoden is.....interesting. 'Sad Boy' is honestly the most perfect way to describe him. He's like a moody teenager. His relationship with S is super complicated and I'm excited to get into it, considering what they have is not at all straight-forward (evil laughter).
And don't worry, bullying Theoden is coming hehehe
You're def right about expectations and identity crisis. One of the major (internal) conflicts MC deals with having to separate themselves from S. It's also something the whole kidnapper squad has to adjust to, and it's definitely not easy. Especially if you're romancing them. Even worse if MC starts getting comfortable and actually enjoying themselves at Hotel Kidnapper.
Thank you for the nice words and I'm so happy you loved the story 🥺 the fact that you played it four times means so much to me! I hope you like what I have planned.
and please, I'm always happy to hear long rants (especially if its just ragging on Theoden lol).
Thank you!!
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alfiely-art · 5 months
please talk to me about vivia (all the numbers)
Vivia time!!!
My first impression of him had a lot of squealing. I thought he was adorable and wanted to get him all the books he wanted. I assumed he was gonna be one of the first detectives we worked with because his personality wasn't super obvious, so I thought they'd want to showcase it immediately so people didn't get bored of him. They did not do that but i did not get bored, let me tell you
Some headcanons, like Makoto and Yuma he is ALSO schizospec. You're welcome guys. Improving media one silly at a time. Anyways I also think that, despite him enjoying laying in uncomfy spots, he likes fuzzy soft plushies and pillows. Just to hug em while he naps.
One complaint I have is that his warnings about Yuma bringing disaster and bad things just... is sort of dropped? Mainly because he only gets a focus in chapter 4, and chapter 5 immediately starts the investigation and you don't have vivia and the others. That plotline should have been introduced earlier, I think. Vivia could've been giving all these cryptic warnings and such in the previous chapters, and chapter 4 could have resolved it better. Because. I mean. Vivia isn't wrong, Yuma has brought a bit of death to Kanai Ward. Literally. However I love every single other bit of Vivia's character. He's so cute and sweet, and chapter 4 was so emotionally charged- he's like the Shuichi we never got.
As for my favorite pairing, it's actually Yuma and Vivia. I know the fandom really likes Vivia and Yakou, but I see it as more one-sided? Yakou was suuuuper focused on revenge to even think about possibly being romantically involved with anyone else. Yuma and Vivia get a cool anime fight and a clash of ideals and... honestly, both sides do have their merits. In chapter 4 and 5 it shows both sides being valid in some capacity. Of course, Yuma always chooses the truth, but like... both sides truly are understandable. Also, the height difference is amazing. 10/10.
Overall, Vivia is a really great character. It just sorta seems like the game thrust everything for him into chapter 4, which... sucks. You could say that for the others, but they didn't have as much going on. Yakou had some slight foreshadowing, even. Vivia didn't. He does acknowledge this in chapter 3 though, that was funny. I love him, he's a cute goth boy. I'd sit and read with him <33
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litaeque · 1 year
(I'm obsessed with this omg...) hi! if possible, could you make a hinomori siblings x reader? the reader is their younger sister and has depression and adhd, how would they react? what would it be like to live with them after they find out?
thanks a lot for reading! have a great day:)
oh? this actually caught my attention and its very interesting i hope you enjoy and have an amazing day anon!
character/s: shiho hinomori & shizuku hinomori x platonic younger sister!reader
cw/s: angst, suicidal imagination, very unhealthy coping mechanism, kinda ooc shiho (?)
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having depression and ADHD, is not what shiho didn't really expected to hear even if you tried to hide it, she wont let it get unnoticed expect her to keep an eye of you every second
shiho will keep this a secret for now since she didn't want shizuku bother you even more especially when you're going through... this.
shiho would always keep on eye of you either be on school or even at home, she would always watch over you despite on how busy she is
she probably see shizuku looking at her sometimes but she isnt sure anymore wether she should tell shizuku now or..
that's when she decided suck it up and told shizuku now so she can be aware of what she's doing and atleast respect you're privacy.
when shizuku found out about this she was really worried for you what could've happened to made you feel this way?
well for you.. you get more distracted more often always spacing out, not eating much, bottling up your emotions, staying up so late, not having enough rest.
you feel horrible, you don't know what to do anymore ... you just desperately wanted to be set free.
your not even sure anymore it feels like your stuck in one place every single day and every second, you felt like choking yourself, or maybe even ending your life later or tomorrow?
that was untill they talked about it to you
" [name].. you've been like this for over a month now is something bothering you..? "
if you weren't this depressed you probably could've seen shizuku close to tearing up, shiho was awfully quiet too..
you feel bad..? not for yourself but to your older sisters.. your not even sure
" no, im alright no need to worry about me. "
you just stared at them both giving them the sign to get out of your room
shiho understand what you meant and pulled shizuku out of your room, as much she wants to help you get out of your depression she knew better and let you have your space for now.
shizuku gave you a worried and frowned look but she understood you wanted space but.. she dont wanna see you like this anymore..
if you get better or not they'll both make sure that you won't go end up like this again.
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youranemicvampire · 1 year
Thoughts and opinions on The Little Mermaid (2023) with SPOILERS.
First of all, i'm so happy to be able to watch it. I've been waiting for it since 2019. And the casting announcement was the reason i became a fan of Chloe x Halle
The casting is perfect! I'm really a sucker for a good casting so....
Halle Bailey is everything Ariel. TBH, it feels like she's not acting that hard coz her expressions and voice are naturally Ariel. She's born to be a Disney princess. I could not imagine another person playing this role. From her face, features, physique, height and voice. She's a whole package.
Jonah Hauer-King is indeed charming. When his casting got announced, i never doubted him coz from his looks, he also has this Disney and Princely face. And i even like his version of Prince Eric better than the animated one.
Melissa McCarthy is great. She is actually terrifying lol but my complaint is that her make-up is lacking and then i found out that a straight person made it. I don't see the Drag in her face. It should have been better. Way better. They should have hired a queer make-up artist or someone in the Drag scene.
I know we all hate Awkwafina, but she actually has this annoying bird voice that is right for the role.
It's my first time to see Jessica Alexander act and whew! I think i might have a new crush. And she's bisexual??? I stan!
I don't have that much say for the other casts, but they are all great and visually amazing.
I expected a lot of changes, but i think it's good that they only changed the things that are necessary. It felt more genuine.
It's not that dark! It was just the right level of darkness for the scenes that are meant to be dark. The day scenes are actually colorful.
I saw a take about the sea creatures not being animated and expressive enough, but i think it's more of the CGI limitations, not the movie itself.
Having said that, Flounder could've been better. Still cute tho.
Halle and Jonah's chemistry is amazing. I'm a hetero-hater, but i was gushing in the theatre. Ariel and Eric are the best Disney live-action couple 💯 And Jalle's friendship offscreen is cute and wholesome.
I'm also a big musical fan so this live-action is special to me because they actually casted a singer and not just a basic one. What i hated about other Disney live-actions is the autotune. It's so annoying.
One of the minor issues i have is that i wished they didn't release too many stills and clips. I was kinda pissed on the "Under the sea" part coz i already saw the majority of it on social media. I wanted to be surprised because that scene was so fun and magical.
They should definitely have a sequel, a prequel, and a mermaid sisters spin-off. It would be a waste to only see them once especially Halle and Jonah's chemistry. The sisters are also too beautiful not to have their own stories coz from how they look, they have really different identities.
People complain too much on animal designs, but ignore the mermaid tails of Ariel and her sisters.
I'm also proud of Halle's acting coz i watched her on Grown.ish and her acting skills and confidence really improved by miles. Even when she lost her voice, she was very expressive. She didn't even have to try that much.
For me, this is the 2nd best Disney live-action so far. My first is still Maleficent.
Idk if I still need to say this, but the soundtrack is on-repeat after I watched. I actually want to rewatch the whole thing with subs coz i can't understand the British accent. lol
Halle Bailey needs to be in more musicals. I just can't get enough. Jessica Alexander should also be in more villain roles. Sapphic villain specifically 🥵
I also liked how Ariel and Prince Eric were longing for each other's world you know. It's a story about freedom really, not wanting to be boxed, and wanting to explore no matter how dangerous it is. It's such a queer allegory. And it's special knowing the original version of Hans Christian Andersen.
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bejeweled-13 · 7 months
I've watched Edward Scissorhands once before and it quickly became one of my all time favorite movies. I watched it again tonight and cried like never before.
I hate the ending, let me just say that. I think one of the worst things the Boggs could've done is just leave him all alone and pretend like he never existed. He'd never really been shown love before, at least not like that. I just can't imagine being given a loving and understanding family, a home, nice food and a bed, and falling in love and then everyone just turns on you and the people who still do love you leave you to your own devices because apparently it's 'safer'.
I understand that for the premise of the story, specifically the ending, to actually make sense, this is the resolution that needed to happen. However, that is probably one of the worst betrayals someone could ever receive. Being left all alone in that dark mansion and having no one, deserted by the people you love. They could've moved up there, away from the neighbors who hated him so much. They could've visited him in secret. But no, they just left him all alone.
It's such a beautiful movie and it's so emotional but I truly hate that that is how it ends. I think for a movie or a book to be my all time favorite it needs to be perfect in every way. My favorite movie is The Truman Show because I truly feel that every aspect of that movie is absolutely exquisite. Unfortunately I don't feel the same about this one. The ending just really irks me and it's really unfortunate since it's such an amazing movie despite that (the actors are perfect, the storyline is great, Johnny Depp is perfect as always, etc).
I'm sure people feel differently and that's totally okay. We all have our own opinions on what is considered a good or bad ending of a movie or a book. For me personally, I like happy endings and I just would've loved to see the Bogg's have a happy ending with Edward.
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gaia-ki · 1 year
A Plague Tale Requiem - Thoughts (SPOILERS)
I've just finished playing A Plague Tale Requiem and well…it became my favorite game ever. lol
It was a perfect sequel to Innocence and it improved in all aspects compared to the first game, even where I didn't think it was possible.
The gameplay was smoother and felt more nautral, I loved the new way we had of controlling the rats, which I found a bit too hard in the first game. Loved all the new ways of killing enemies, including the crossbow, and how all the weapons just felt instinctive to use.
Also, I thought that Sophia's prism was a very creative way of avoiding the rats.
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The visuals were even more stunning than Innocence, which was BEAUTIFUL.
In Requiem, though, literally every scene was straight out of a painting. I spent so much time wandering around and trying to catch every little detail and glimpse of this beautiful world.
I was particularly impressed by chapter 9: such a big space to walk around compared to all the other chapters, and it was just as beautiful and full of details as the others.
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The music was perfect in every moment and was fundamental to convey the strong emotions of the story, exactly like the dubbing that was just amazing. (When Hugo said 'I love you' to the tree my heart sunk in my stomach lol)
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The story was very well written even if (of course) it leaves you with a bittersweet feeling at the end. And I think that's how Amicia feels at the end too: the plague has been stopped but… yeah, you already know.
The new companions were written flawlessly and you grow to care for them exactly like it happened in Innocence with all the kids.
It's insane how this game is capable of making you see a character in all his facets, and makes you appreciate characters that you first considered enemies. Like it happened with Arnold but even with the rats themselves: they first were a threat, and later they become an asset to help you go forward in your path.
Also, the very last scene where we see the new born baby bearer of the Macula, suggests that, if there will ever be a sequel (I HOPE), it will probably take place in a more modern setting, given the sound of the mechanical respirator we can hear in the back. And I don't know how to feel about that😅.
Because, obviously I would love another great game and to know more about the story, but at the same time I want Amicia, Lucas and Sophia to be back!😭 I'm not ready to leave them yet.
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And this brings me to the only sour note about Requiem: why didn't they bring Melie back?
They told us in the finale of Innocence that she left the group because she was scared of Hugo basically.
And this left a big scar on Amicia, like we can see with Sophia: when Sophia sees for the first time what Hugo is capable of, Amicia is terrified she will leave them, exaclty like Melie did… (part number 324234232 where my heart broke).
Amicia can handle when strangers look at Hugo fearfully, but Melie was her friend and they built a strong bond during the first game.
All the kids were like family, that's why it felt so wrong when she just left… no goodbyes, no last scene.
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She was clearly torn apart by the pain of loosing Arthur, and she couldn't help but blaming Hugo for it, but I really hoped that when this wound would've healed a little, she would've come back to the only friends she has.
And now, more than ever, that they have both lost the only brother they have, they could've been there for each other and understand each other like none else could.
That's the reason why I hoped to see her again until the last frame of the game, but also simply because I grew attached to her character and I missed her. *sigh*
But yeah, if the hypothetical sequel will take place in the future, there is less than 0 chances of seeing her again. Of seeing ANY of them again, for that matter.
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Bottom line, this game was ridiculously good and it broke my heart from start to finish, when I was just trying to hold back tears (unsuccessfully).
It's a shame A Plague Tale isn't more known, because it deserves the same recognition as games such as The Last of Us.
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P.S.: favourite funny moment, Silent Lucinda, and Hugo being terrified of goats ever since. lol
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crisiscutie · 3 months
I’m sorry you’ve been feeling defeated! I can imagine why but the lack of engagement definitely doesn’t have anything to do with your lack of talent. You have such a gift with writing! I can imagine it can have a lot to do with people being shy >\\< especially given the context of your writing. It’s raunchy but my gawd it’s the perfect level of raunchiness if you know what I mean. I’m super excited to read the continuation of the deviated fluffy AU and all ur future works. Don’t doubt your gifts as a writer I appreciate you
Thank you!
I understand the shyness aspect and felt it myself at times. But it feels like people just don't care at all. Read more for the rest.
I think the idea of "engagement" is often misinterpreted to be a tall order. No reasonable writer or blogger expects people to comment on every single thing they create, start conversations with them, or write an elaborate essay or even a paragraph about their works. It would just be great to receive a few words now and then or some feedback on how the content is delivered. For people like me, it's quite rare to get that kind of engagement. I just want to hear something, anything. Anon or not, I would love it.
It becomes so easy to start thinking that what you wrote isn't good or if what you wrote makes little sense when all you have is the void. Think about it, when you keep throwing things into the void and getting crickets in return, you too will start to think if it's worth the effort anymore. Believe me when I say it's a ghost town when it comes to the actual content. One of my recent fics/scenario I wrote has almost 100 likes so far, and yet only two reblogs as an example. Likes don't tell me much. For all I could know, people could've ACCIDENTALLY pressed the like button due to the nature of tumblr being mostly used by mobile users. Reblogs are great because they make a difference in gaining more visibility for the work. The same idea of giving a few comments also applies to reblogs; occasionally doing so is both appreciated and helpful for visibility. And no, I'm not talking about the "algorithm and how it devalues likes" doomer stuff, both likes and reblogs help it.
Honestly, I really enjoy discussing characters, the AUs, analyzing them or other canon things, and sharing my thoughts on the things I write when those rare asks come and I would love to see more of these... A lot of these things I write aren't made out of thin air, you know. It would be amazing to hear more stuff like your favorite Sephy or if you enjoy a certain type of story or darling I've written, etc. I want that sense of connection and community, but it feels like I'm just a writing machine most of the time. I was hoping for something more meaningful... And I've tried, with posts like the ask games, polls, blog updates or the musings, but nothing seems to work, really.
I do think most writers or bloggers want a feeling of community, which is one of the reasons why they post their works. And I don't think it's unreasonable to want that.
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