ticosanchezz · 1 month
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Digital Babies/In-Training
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digi-lov · 6 months
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Gigimon EX2-001, Gummymon EX2-004, Viximon EX2-003, and Yaamon EX2-006 Alternative Arts by Takase from EX-02 Theme Booster Digital Hazard
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nuclear-smash · 2 years
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Impmon and the boys
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mcauley-art · 8 months
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31- Image
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these things are soo fuckd up
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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Ai, Mako and their Digimon Parther picspam
(Japanese and English dub names)
1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th pics = Ai and Makoto / Ai and Mako (both of them are 4 years old) in Digimon Tamers
5th pic = Ai, Mako and Impmon
6th pic = Yaamon (baby form of Impmon)
7th pic = Impmon (default child/rookie level)
8th pic = Beelzebumon/Beelzemon (ultimate/mega level of Impmon)
9th pic = Beelzebumon Blast Mode/Beelzemon Blast Mode (alternate ultimate/mega level)
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lopmonappreciation · 1 year
Digimon the owl house Au: Lilith Clawthorne and lilithmon
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Fresh: kiimon
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In training: yaamon
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Rookie: impmon
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Champion: blackgatomon
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Ultimate: ladydevimon
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Mega: lilithmon
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mat2modblog · 1 year
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Speaking of Chronomon Destroy Mode, I was NOT actually expecting to see Chicchimon, let alone any of its line, maybe we actually will see Chronomon in Holy or Destroy Mode. Also there’s another pusurimon too. That’s twice now. There’s even a freaking KETOMON.
Not entirely sure which digimon is behind the pusurimon and pickmon and in front of the demimeremon though. Outside of this close-up, there’s a cupimon in all the copypasted instances of the babies instead (they’re not in the same arrangement) but that’s not a cupimon, it’s weird.
And then when Quartzmon shows the inside of the sphere, it’s this  exact arrangement copy-pasted instead with a few more digimon.
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tabsterfm · 8 months
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Here's Kiimon and Yaamon again, this time named Ruby! Joining her is Smokey Quartz, passing the torch to her as she starts her grand adventure to become the champion of the demon realm in the XC dimension or something, idk.
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Rest easy, Ruby, for you will wake up as peak tomorrow.
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poke-gurumi · 2 years
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I continue to know absolute beans about digimon, but that doesn't stop me from making them! (Or stop people from commissioning them) Meet *checks notes* Yaamon, Xiaomon, and Gigimon! 💜🤍🧡
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tangledbeast · 1 year
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Yaamon, I see you in there!!!
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lazuli-bloom · 2 years
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more dumb sketches with Gramble and Yaamon because I still think it’s funny/cute.
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digi-lov · 1 year
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ST-14: Advanced Deck Set Beelzemon
Yaamon ST14-01 and Impmon ST14-02 by Nakano Haito, Candlemon ST14-03, Witchmon ST14-06, and Wizardmon P-077 by p!k@ru, Phascomon ST14-04 and Porcupamon ST14-05 by koki, Baalmon ST14-07, Beelzemon ST14-08, BeelStarmon ST14-09, and Beelzemon: Blast Mode ST14-10 by sasasi, Ai & Mako ST14-11 by Toei Animation, Rivals' Barrage ST14-12 by Kenji Watanabe, Death Slinger EX3-071 by Shin Sasaki, Impmon BT2-068 by yuuki., and SkullSatamon BT8-079 by Hisashi Fujiwara
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melancholywally · 7 months
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Digimon Anime Evolution 21/?
Impmon and its original evolutions from Digimon Tamers. It is known as the partner Digimon of Ai and Makoto (eng: Ai and Mako) in the Digimon Tamers series and as one of the Seven Great Demon Lords. Meramon and DeathMeramon were initially used in the D-Power V-Pet; this was later changed to Wizarmon and Baalmon in the 20th anniversary Vital Bracelet.
Stages: Baby I: Keemon Baby II: Yarmon (eng: Yaamon) Child: Impmon Adult: Meramon Perfect: DeathMeramon (eng: SkullMeramon) Ultimate: Beelzebumon (eng: Beelzemon) — Mode Change: Beelzebumon: Blast Mode
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janethepegasus · 1 year
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And here’s the rest of them! Digivolution lines for the side characters’ partners!
(names under the cut!)
Diavolo’s Partner
Fresh - Botamon
In-Training - Koromon
Rookie - Vorvomon
Champion - Lavorvomon
Ultimate - Lavogaritamon
Mega - Volcanicdramon
Barbatos’ Partner
Fresh - Zurumon
In-Training - Pagumon
Rookie - Ghostmon
Champion - Witchmon
Ultimate - Wisemon
Mega - Anubismon
Simeon’s Partner
Fresh - Pyonmon
In-Training - Bosamon
Rookie - Angoramon
Champion - SymbareAngoramon
Ultimate - Lamortmon
Mega - Diarbbitmon
Luke’s Partner
Fresh - Poyomon
In-Training - Tokomon
Rookie - Patamon
Champion - Piddomon
Ultimate - MagnaAngemon
Mega - ClavisAngemon
Solomon’s Partner
Fresh - Dodomon
In-Training - Dorimon
Rookie - Dorumon
Champion - Dorugamon
Ultimate - Dorugreymon
Mega - Dorugoramon
Raphael’s Partner
Fresh - Reremon
In-Training - Viximon
Rookie - Renamon
Champion - Kyubimon
Ultimate - Taomon
Mega - Sakuyamon
Thirteen’s Partner
Fresh - Kuramon
In-Training - Tsumemon
Rookie - DemiDevimon
Champion - Devidramon
Ultimate - Phantomon
Mega - Beelstarmon
Mephi’s Partner
Fresh - Keemon
In-Training - Yaamon
Rookie - Impmon
Champion - Boogiemon
Ultimate - Matadormon
Mega - GranDracumon
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months
Crossover Idea 4
 DC & Digimon crossover where the Batfam have digimon partners, and an entrance to the Digiverse via the Batcomputer.   Alfred meeting Thomas and Martha when they were younger via getting dragged into the digital world and staying in touch into their adulthood. Why did Alfred willingly move into Gotham? It honestly couldn’t be much crazier than the rest of the things they went through as kids. 
 Bruce probably learns about the digiverse when he was 8, after his parents’ deaths, via Alfred taking him to meet their partners. He wasn’t expecting to get a friend but honestly he really needs one.   He definitely spent part of his training trip in the digiverse, using the time difference to his advantage and learning how to fight not-human things. Which comes in handy more than a few times. 
 Each child he takes in keeps finding their way into the digital world until he gives up and brings them himself. It wasn’t like he could stop any of them from continuing to be vigilantes, but at least this way they’re not alone.   It’s like an open secret of Gotham that the batclan have some sort of creatures, most think they’re some sort of familiars or something similar. Which I suppose isn’t too far from the truth. Sure is a surprise to outsiders like say the Justice League though. 
Some Digimon info: 
In-Training Form (Baby form, usually small & weak) Rookie Form (Form usually stayed in)  Champion Form (More powerful & usually larger form) Ultimate Form (Another power increase, takes even more energy) Mega Form (Trainer & digimon form into one being of extreme power) Crest (Item that assists in digivolving from champion to ultimate forms) Digivice (Item used to read cards, give info on digimon, and/or enter the digital world depending on the series) Digital Field (An area with a barrier of fog where the digiverse and physical world have weakened and let things through)
Alfred (Crest of Sincerity) Gurimon | Gammamon | Tuskmon | Triceramon | Azulongmon
Bruce (Crest of Loyalty) Tokomon | Tsukaimon | Devidramon | Cyberdramon | Machinedramon
Barbara (Crest of Friendship) Yokomon | Sparrowmon | Coredramon | Hisyaryumon | Slashangemon
Dick (Crest of Hope) Yaamon | Impmon | Xiquemon | Huankunmon | Xiangpengmon
Jason (Crest of Reliability) Poromon | Hawkmon | Aquilamon | Garudamon | Beelzemon
Cass (Crest of Knowledge)  Salamon | Gatomon | Swanmon | Karatenmon | Kuzahamon
Duke (Crest of Kindness)  Tsunomon | Kunemon | Seasarmon | Okuwamon | AncientSphinxmon
Steph (Crest of Honesty)  Minomon | Wormmon | Hudiemon | Eosmon | TyrantKabuterimon
Tim (Crest of Courage)  Poromon | Muchomon | Owlmon | Halsemon | Vajiramon
Damian (Crest of Patience)  Pinamon | Falcomon | Shurimon | Crowmon | Ravemon
Terry (Crest of Light)  Tsumemon | Demidevimon | Pipismon | Regulusmon | Megidramon
Jarro (Crest of Love)  Puyoyomon | Jellymon | Mantaraymon | Whamon | MarineAngemon
Honestly there’s probably more (I know there’s more kids lol) but honestly their potential partners and friends and whatever else is up to you all lol; These are just my current ideas/thoughts (There’s links to each digimon on each different one lol- though if a link doesn’t work I apologize) Gimme any thoughts and ideas you have tho lol
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