#advance deck
digi-lov · 2 years
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ST-14: Advanced Deck Set Beelzemon
Yaamon ST14-01 and Impmon ST14-02 by Nakano Haito, Candlemon ST14-03, Witchmon ST14-06, and Wizardmon P-077 by p!k@ru, Phascomon ST14-04 and Porcupamon ST14-05 by koki, Baalmon ST14-07, Beelzemon ST14-08, BeelStarmon ST14-09, and Beelzemon: Blast Mode ST14-10 by sasasi, Ai & Mako ST14-11 by Toei Animation, Rivals' Barrage ST14-12 by Kenji Watanabe, Death Slinger EX3-071 by Shin Sasaki, Impmon BT2-068 by yuuki., and SkullSatamon BT8-079 by Hisashi Fujiwara
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pixelpastry · 8 months
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Stardust falls as the path opens up to a book and deck made with care ✦
✦ Join us for some fun and new facets of the arcana :o) zine is free/PWYW, but all proceeds will be given to Care for Gaza.
✦ Itch.io ✦ Ko-fi
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enpr-ss · 1 year
GeminiTay made the advancement [Cursed Gem] Etho made the advancement [Cursed Gem] Grian made the advancement [Cursed Gem]
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iersei · 10 months
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a jack ransom for @phillycheesesteakcore !!
i just like rendering spacey stuff <3
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The Trekblr Discord has arrived!
hello tumblr trek community my friend wanted somewhere to rant about trek as I make them watch it for the first time and I thought a server for this community would be the perfect place!
Anyone is welcome can’t wait to see y’all there!
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thresholdbb · 1 year
Captain Janeway: If you’re saying I play favorites, you’re wrong. I love all of my crew equally
Earlier that day…
I don’t care for Suder
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sniffanimal · 8 months
Hi! I saw your recent reblog with the tag about that being why your made your "achievement deck". I'm just curious what you mean by that, it sounds useful :)
yeah! soo I had a deck of ~125 cards custom printed that have little tasks on them that are themed after Minecraft achievements!
they're uhhhhh super bootleg so I'm not mass producing them but I am happy to put the files in a drive folder for people if they wanna see them/print their own (ko-fi donos appreciated lol). it cost me about $32 to get them printed and shipped from a producer
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the tasks range from quick and simple like "sing a song from a musical" (Let it Go! advancement) to things a little more time consuming, like "make an underwater diorama" (The Deep End), to ones to get you out of the house, like "visit a marina and make a list of cool boat names" (Ahoy!) to ones that might be a challenge like "do something for someone without them finding out" (Sneak 100). Some are ripped off of the RPG journal's Side quest Deck but a lot are my own devising.
my plan is to eventually do all of them and journal about my tasks! maybe try and do them all in one year!
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scarletfasinera · 26 days
I suck at Marvel Snap
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I have been drowning in quicksand for 4 1/2 years.
Happy Birthday to me. If I ever amass a fortune it would go to proper funding and fight for legislation for safe humane abortions and safe humane assisted suicide.
Until then, I will shut the fuck up and smile at the table. Just like home just like family just like culture.
Shoutout to the Uber rides where the drivers waxed poetic about how hope is a harmful meaningless lie and useless and I should stop it “no offense” and I quoooooote.
Shoutout to the 47 year old for the sobering conversation, I hope it scares me enough to get up get out and get something by any means necessary fuck family. Thanks man.
Thanks mom for these past 4 years you broke my heart while I was trying not to break yours. It’s not your fault none of it, you’re not a victim you’re a survivor. I pray God grants her a thriving life.
so many chances ya know. so much trauma most before age 10 lollll fear and self loathing. “What a waste, I’m sorry.” On a slab of rock buried if these customs cont to exist.
whatever happens happens, it is what it is.
attitude gratitude regardless. 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
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nightmareinfloral · 1 year
wilson kids fucking it up at the rave
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digi-lov · 7 months
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ST-17: Advanced Deck Double Typhoon
Gumimon ST17-01, Terriermon ST17-02, Lopmon ST17-03, Gargomon ST17-05, Rapidmon ST17-06, Rapidmon ST17-07, MegaGargomon Ace ST17-08 and Magnamon ST17-13 by Tonamikanji, Wendimon ST17-04 and Cherubimon ST17-09 by koki, Henry Wong ST17-10, Double Typhoon ST17-11 by Takase, Giant Missle ST17-12 by Kazumasa Yasukuni, Willis BT8-091, Henry Wong EX2-061, Terriermon EX4-032 by Nakano Haito, Terriermon Assistent EX4-033 by Minato Sashima, and Antylamon EX4-057 by Hisashi Fujiwara
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wizardsaur · 2 years
What's your Craft anchor?
when skepticism gets to you, or you drift away from your practice - what part of your magic do you find the most grounded & unwavering?
Mine is tarot. No matter how long it's been, and often regardless of the reader, tarot is about as consistent as the moon cycle for me. Clear definitions, recognisable patterns, easy-to-track progress.
No matter how weird I get, I will always find time for my cards. And when doubt is growing in me, I recall all the times that Tarot has been hauntingly accurate & given priceless guidance.
I could probably identify myself as a skeptic in several aspects of Magic/k, but I couldn't discredit tarot if I fucking tried.
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enpr-ss · 11 months
Etho made the advancement [Call Life Alert!] Etho made the advacement [Not a Happy Camper]
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alphagodith · 1 year
do not order from ‘the gaming goat’ online store. there was a chain of physical stores that broke off from them and those are probably fine, but i have had the most HORRENDOUS experience with the online/vegas part of tgg compared to literally every other business i have EVER dealt with.
tldr; i preordered an item and not only did i never get it, but the company didn’t even look into why until an entire two weeks after it released, despite people constantly asking for updates, only to discover there was some kind of error months ago and they never actually ordered any of the limited-print item. full story under cut.
i preordered the beelzemon advanced deck (st-14) from them in january. it released on march 23rd. now this part is partly my fault for not reading the fine print before i placed my order, but their policy on preorders is really sketchy to begin with- no refunds, only store credit if you cancel, and more importantly, NO ETAS. no etas means they can just keep saying ‘it’ll get there eventually’ and you never actually get your purchase at all.
when launch day came around, i checked my order status and saw no updates on it, and the only means of getting one manually was discord (never a good sign- any professional business will either have on-site communication, email, or both). i was not the only one asking about it, and the only answer we received was that they hadn’t received their shipment of decks yet. they claimed that their special way of ordering that got them lower prices than other stores made things take longer. at the time, i was like okay, that makes sense i guess, and continued waiting patiently.
a few days later, all the local stores in my area have the decks in stock. people all over the country are opening decks online and having a blast, and i’m sitting here wondering why my preorder still hasn’t even been sent out from the place i bought it from yet. cuz y’know, typically the entire point of a preoder is ensuring you get the item on launch day, or asap, without having to wait in line or risk stores not having any in stock. so again, i politely ask for an order update. they say they don’t know, and remind us that they can’t give etas because of their special ordering method. now i’m starting to get suspicious. what kind of commercial shipping doesn’t come with tracking of any kind? they should be able to tell us the shipment is in transit or delayed or stuck in customs or SOMETHING, but they are always very vague and just say ‘not in yet’. and again, this is a highly coveted preorder item, any respectable business would be EXTRA on top of something like this. at this point i’m like okay i’ll just cancel my preorder and buy a deck from the stores that actually have them, and discover that is not an option. my funds are totally tied up with tgg while the item i ordered is selling out from everywhere else. as an additional fun note about this, digimon pre-built decks don’t get reprinted. when the stores run out of these, the only way i’ll be able to get one is buying second-hand at a considerable mark-up. very very not good.
so i can’t do anything other than wait and hope that the order comes in. i’m fortunate enough to have the funds to buy some decks from local stores despite tgg still having my money, and at this point i figure if/when the preordered decks arrive, i can sell them to make my money back. i have what i wanted so i’m placated for a bit over a week.
then it’s two whole weeks after launch. many stores are now sold out of the decks. people keep asking tgg what’s going on and are either ignored entirely (while tgg answers OTHER people’s questions, so it’s not that they didn’t see them/were too busy) or given the usual weirdly vague non-answers. so now i’m getting PISSED. the no refund/no eta policy coupled with the dodgy responses to inquiries are forcing me to come up with theories on what is actually going on with my order on my own. i even ask them straight up if they actually ordered the decks or not, and guess what? sudden silence in response. a simple yes or no question and they won’t answer. so at this point i conclude they never ordered the decks at all, and the real reason there is no eta is that their ‘preorder’ is actually a ‘kickstarter’, in that they don’t order the decks until enough people have ordered them to make it worth it for them to get a large quantity at once. that’s already incredibly scummy to do without clearly labeling the item in their store as such, but now that launch day has passed, the chances of anyone preordering an item that is already out is basically zero, meaning if tgg haven’t reached their goal of preorder numbers now, they literally never will, and those of us who already payed will NEVER get what we payed for. so i’m furious. i have given the company every chance to give me SOME kind of explanation for the unreasonable delay and have just been brushed off every time. i post my theory on what’s going on in their discord for other customers to see and then, knowing it likely won’t work cuz of the posted policy on the tgg website, issue a dispute claim with my bank to try and get my money back, since it’s looking like i’ll never get what they agreed to sell me.
then, mysteriously, a few hours later, an announcement is posted in the discord. two whole weeks after the decks were already supposed to have arrived, of customers begging for updates, tgg contacted their distributor and found out that someone on the distributor’s end supposedly made an error and typed the order in wrong, telling the system to send 0 decks instead of whatever number (tgg loves not specifying) they supposedly asked for. after the utter lack of professionalism and transparency, can you really blame me for not trusting tgg that this is somehow not their fault? and even if i did believe them, that is still no excuse. they could have checked up on the order literally any time, such as all the times people asked them to after launch, and any SENSIBLE business would have checked WELL BEFORE launch day to ensure they had the product on the way so they would be READY for launch day. so NOW they give a brief, insincere apology and offer either refunds or to sell the decks for their base manufacturer price instead of traditional retailer price... when the decks get reprinted. which doesn’t happen with digimon. also their explanation of the discount was so horrible that another customer had to explain it for everyone. to my ears, it sounded like they were saying they would charge MORE than we had already payed if we agreed to wait. another important note about all this- this announcement was only on their discord, in a regular channel, pinging everyone like it always does. super easy to miss. nothing to specifically let folks who actually ordered it know something was up, and i did not get any kind of notification about my order being screwed up in my email, despite having checked that option. so who the fuck KNOWS how many people are just never going to get what they payed for cuz the company that fucked them over in so many ways isn’t even going to bother telling them! so of course i slam the refund button as hard as i can. then, half as a joke to try and make light of this whole shitshow, i ask ‘any eta on the processing of that refund?’ and you know what the guy tells me? ‘i clicked the button five minutes ago, idk’. and this person supposedly runs a business?!?! you can literally google refund etas and find out it takes 2-5 days for a debit charge. and these assholes have the audacity to say they ‘just want to help’ and get defensive when people are rightfully enraged at the situation.
so yeah, i’m not canceling my dispute until i see the money i wasted back in my bank. and i am never, EVER dealing with tgg again, nor preordering. always check the refund/cancelation policies of any store the first time you shop there, folks. and don’t do preorders.
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canadian-riddler · 1 year
I don’t get why people clamour for Valve to do hardware updates.  like people have been asking for a Steam Deck 2 since almost right after the first one came out.  and the Steam Deck is a year and a half old.  these are the same kinds of people who deride Apple for releasing a new phone every year.  do you want a device you can use for years without replacing it or do you want the newest hardware?  you can’t have both
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tumblhurgoyf · 2 years
Sultai Poison Spells
New list. Still a little janky but definitely more consistent and robust.
4x Whisper of the Dross 3x Thirsting Roots 3x Bring the Ending 4x Prologue to Phyresis 3x Drown in Ichor 3x Mesmerizing Dose 2x Hero’s Downfall 3x Infectious Inquiry 3x Malicious Malfunction 3x Vraska’s Fall 4x Viral Spawning 2x Vraska, Betrayal’s Sting 2x Island 3x Swamp 2x Forest 4x Dismal Backwater 2x Shipwreck Marsh 2x Deathcap Glade 2x Jungle Hollow 1x Dreamroot Cascade 3x Thornwood Falls 2x Mirrex
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