#Yandere Adrien
aphroditelovesu · 8 months
Yandere Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Adrien Agreste Headcanons (Poly!Romantic)
❝🐞 — lady l: hi!! I finally wrote this and it's set in an au where they eventually discover each other's identities to make more sense. I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! ❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, stalking, polyamorous and unhealthy relationships.
❝🐞pairing: yandere!adrinette/ladynoir x gender neutral!reader.
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Everything was always very complicated between them. Marinette in love with Adrien and Adrien in love with Ladybug, both unaware of each other's identities and feelings.
Marinette always remained hiding her feelings for Adrien, too embarrassed to say anything and Adrien continued to yearn for Ladybug. This continued for a long time, until your arrival in their lives.
You were a new student and felt out of place after leaving your old school and your friends. You hoped to make friends at this new school, but you were afraid you wouldn't be able to do so. But luckily, or unluckily, you met Marinette first and she introduced you to her friends, who immediately liked you.
Marinette liked you, at first sight, you were so kind and sweet. She almost fell right there and it confused her, but she couldn't help but admire you.
Adrien became interested in you after a few conversations, and you caught his interest and attraction. He had something about you that made him attracted, and curious, an unknown feeling that he wanted to feel more of.
It wasn't difficult to notice their interest in you, Marinette constantly stuttering and blushing when you were around and Adrien, although shy, loved flirting with you and seeing you blush.
It wasn't easy to admit their interest in you, Marinette was still in love with Adrien but she really was in love with you, therefore, she didn't know what to do. Adrien was more resolute and acted in the way he knew how wanting to declare himself because he could no longer keep his feelings to himself.
Adrien was the one who first noticed Marinette's interest in you and he was surprised to notice that he didn't have a problem with it. If it were anyone else, he would have, but not with her. Because Marinette had a habit of stalking you incessantly, it didn't take long for her to realize that Adrien liked you. She was curious and excited, not jealous like she thought she would be.
They talked and decided to act quickly, both confessing to you. You were surprised and flattered and accepted, and finally, a romance happening.
Marinette is very jealous and overprotective, always wanting to know where you are and she will be very worried if she doesn't know. She will go so far as to use her Miraculous to look for you, even knowing the consequences.
Adrien is possessive, getting jealous very easily, and doesn't react well to it. He doesn't like it when you're with someone other than him and Marinette and will use intimidation to make someone stay away from you, whether with money or even his Miraculous.
They have always been very protective of you and at any sign of danger you will be quickly hidden and protected. They already talked about giving you a Miraculous, but Adrien considered it too dangerous. There was always a chance you could get hurt and he wasn't going to allow it.
You are spoiled intensely, clothes made by Marinette and bought by Adrien, jewelry, food, expensive and extravagant gifts to the simplest ones, like roses. You will never lack for anything as long as they are by your side.
They want to see you happy more than anything and will do everything to make that happen. They can't even think about the idea of ​​you being akumatized, the idea alone sends them into a frenzy at the thought of it happening to you. No, they have to be sure that this will never happen.
Marinette is very kind and soft, a mask of her true stalker and extremely jealous side. Adrien is kind and calm, always with a smile on his face and ready to make you smile, but he acts very strangely when you don't do what he asks.
They know they shouldn't use Miraculous for selfish reasons but when it comes to you, they won't care. Marinette doesn't care about ruining herself for you and Adrien has been ruined for a long time.
You are theirs and anyone who tries to get in the way will suffer the consequences. After all, you didn't just belong to Marinette and Adrien, but also to Ladybug and Cat Noir.
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donat-senpai · 5 months
Can you please do a platonic Yandere Adrien, Luca with a reader who wants to be in a relationship not with them but like in general, what would they do if they tried to ruin her relationship when she got one and she found out🙏
Please don't read this if you are uncomfortable with the yandere!
Pairing: Yandere! Adrien x Reader, Yandere! Luka x Reader
tw: platonic obsession, deception, manipulation
Thanks for waiting! I continue to work on fulfilling requests. BUT I have to inform you that I will no longer accept new requests for ladybug. I don't feel inspired by this fandom anymore.
-The day you confessed your love was the worst day of Adrien's life.
-Your best friend, your closest person, almost a family member suddenly ceased to be important to you.
-You started canceling appointments with Adrien to go on dates with your boyfriend/girlfriend.
-Adrien was so disappointed and angry. But not on you. You will never be to blame. This terrible man has entangled you in order to ruin everything.
-The first thing Adrien wanted to do was use Cataclysm on your boyfriend/girlfriend. It would be easier that way. Faster. But he didn't want to scare you.
-Adrien needed to be cunning.
-He stole tests from the principal's office and planted them in your boyfriend/girlfriend's bag.
-Your school is prestigious. Such an act will not be forgiven.
-The news of the expulsion of this parasite (as Adrien mentally called this person) made you cry. Adrien was very sorry, but he had to do it.
-A little later, you found one of the tests in Adrien's bag when you wanted to get his notes. It fell out and went unnoticed. Until this moment.
-He realized what happened when he saw the disbelief on your face and the damn test in your hand.
-You asked him accusingly what that meant. Adrien ran through ideas in his head in a panic. Classmates came to the noise
-And he came up with…
-They (the pest) must have planted it. They were jealous and wanted to frame Adrien.
-His classmates quickly supported him. (He always knew that his good reputation would come in handy someday)
-How can kind, dear Adrien be capable of such meanness?
-Your mistrust hurt Adrien. How could you doubt your best friend? That person is a bad influence on you. Perhaps you shouldn't date them anymore.
-You felt ashamed
-It’s hard to leave, but your friend is there. He will help you write a goodbye message for them. He'll even send it for you.
-Adrien will free you.
-Your friendship will be safe again.
-Three days. For a whole three days, Luka waited and hoped that you pranked him.
-Hope disappeared when you introduced Luka to your boyfriend/girlfriend.
-Luka still didn't understand how this happened. He was always there.
-Your happy face brought joy to Luka endlessly. He allowed this relationship to exist.
-He was ready to endure and listen to conversations about this person as long as it brought you pleasure.
-But the days passed, and you smiled less and less.
-Of course, your new boyfried/girlfriend became the problem.
-Luka began to unobtrusively push you towards breaking up. Why do you need a relationship in which your partner only upsets you?
-The guy’s patience finally ran out when you came in tears and said that you saw Him/She hugging someone else.
-If Luka were not a restrained person, he would have akumatized to take revenge. But you needed comfort.
-For the next couple of days, Couffaine stubbornly thought about getting rid of the obstacle once and for all.
-Your ex gave him the idea himself.
-They persistently tried to contact you. You didn’t want to communicate with him/her and gave Luka your phone so that he could delete the messages. Luka used this against him/her.
-Luka convinced you to block your ex on all social media. And the letter from the mailbox explaining that he/she hugged his cousin was replaced with another one - with threats. It was not difficult to fake the handwriting following the example.
-Photos taken without your knowledge were thrown into your school locker.
-No one could ignore something like this. Your parents finally went to the police.
-Luka invited you to stay with him while the trial is ongoing. His family didn't mind, and yours decided that a change of scenery wouldn't hurt.
-The guy felt bad that he had to scare you. He mentally promised to compensate you for all the ruined days.
-Everything was going great until you found all these damn pieces of paper. Copies of your ex's fake letter. Dozens of unsuccessful attempts to forge handwriting.
-Why? Why did you open this box? Why did he forget to throw it away?
-Luka was terribly upset. But he knew what he had to do. He has to correct his mistake.
-He pushed you into the closet, snatching the letters from your hands, and locked the doors.
-Luka hastened to get rid of the evidence.
-He'll think of something. Without proof, no one will believe you. He will say that you had a fight with him and after everything that happened, you are simply confused.
-He will tell you over and over again that there were no letters until you both believe it.
-Luka did all this for you. You will understand this. He will always protect your friendship.
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indigomarina · 8 months
Fanfic Idea
Ugh! I had this idea to write a fic about what-if Marinette was evil instead of Gabriel! But now with the whole Shadybug and Claw Noir special coming, I feel I have to wait, so things like 'Good Gabriel's good guy name' and what he calls who makes heroes (currently I'm calling them champion but I don't know anything) are more accurate to the show!
Essentially, it would've been in this universe, so no Shadybug. Instead, her name would've been Miss Fortune (I've been in this fandom since the beginning, I've always wanted that name to be canon). She takes the image of a shy sweet girl Marinette Dupain-Cheng but when things don't go her way, she becomes Miss Fortune.
Luckily, Paris has a hero in its corner, the amazing Chat Noir who battles the evil Miss Fortune. However, he also has an ally in the form of Papillon, a mysterious benefactor who helps him by sending him champions.
Adrien will still be our innocent sunshine child, but he has a whole lot more on his shoulders, trying to stop Miss Fortune from wrecking havoc and eventually becoming Guardian.
As Chat Noir, he and the champion have to work together to fight Miss Fortune. I have this system where Miss Fortune has a anti-charm (like Anti-bug) and if the two destroy it, the world healing begins.
Alya is still how she is in the show. Except she despises Miss Fortune. Her blog is towards Chat instead and she insults Miss Fortune anyway she can. She wants to rid the world of Miss Fortune, unaware she's her best friend.
Chloe would be a much better person (she still has some of her original flaws, so she would be not be like Zoe), liking Adrien like a brother and treating Sabrina like a real friend. Of course, Marinette doesn't see their relationship as platonic so she targets her. This version of Anti-Bug would've have Papillon give Chloe the power of the original Ladybug miraculous until Chat decides to give her the bee miraculous to use.
Lila would've been a person who always told the truth and while not all of her stories from canon were true, she does have some real amazing tales. This attracts Adrien to her (again platonically) much to Marinette's chagrin. One story is that Miss Fortune stole her bag once and Chat Noir got it back for her. Marinette thinks Lila is lying and Chat doesn't remember Lila specifically but he does remember giving someone back their bag.
So she briefly becomes Miss Fortune to embarrass her but this just inspires her to become Volpina and her and Chat briefly work together to take her down.
Gabriel is a much better father here! He's still busy and Emilie is still dead. But he's allowed Adrien to go to school and have a less stricter lifestyle. He still misses his wife but goes on a more healthier path instead and tries to move on while helping Chat Noir as Papillon.
Zoe would've been a person who acted nice when in reality, she's a massive witch. She still has feelings for Marinette but Marinette takes advantage of these feeling instead. She assist Miss Fortune also, not liking when things don't go her way. Half of Chloe becoming akumatized episodes would be Chloe either needing the bee miraculous or her helping Chat as a champion. Zoe would play dumb when confronted but some people start seeing the truth through her and Marinette's lies.
So Marinette likes Adrien to disturbing degrees. Finding her strange since kindergarten, Adrien at best can be civil towards her. In the Animan episode of this AU, he would've weirded out by Nino's crush on her but would've still helped him, because he's a good friend and he feels he would be a good influence of her.
He and Miss Fortune jokingly flirt with each other sometimes, but they really hate each other with a fiery passion.
Adrien is bisexual in this fic. Who is Adrien's partner? Luka. Instead of liking Marinette, he takes a shining to Adrien instead. Adrien is smitten as both himself and Chat Noir. Luka would be a frequent character in season 1. Often times, Chloe and Juleka (and sometimes Nino) would try pairing them together frequently.
Marinette used to have a crush to Luka and he used to give her a chance but with all the lying and her accidently making it clear she likes Adrien, he also can now only be civil to her.
Chloe is also bisexual. Nathaniel initially has feelings for her instead of Marinette in 'Evilluastor'. Season 1 would plenty of cute moments. Not sure I should write whether they broke up but are on good terms or have them be in a poly relationship with Marc and Kagami.
Down the line, Chloe gains feelings for Kagami. Marinette in this AU, never lets go of her mean feelings for Kagami and instead Kagami enters the scavenger hunt in 'Ikati Gozen' with Chloe, causing the two to bond. Kagami never has feelings for Adrien (but I'll say it again, Marinette doesn't see it that way).
That all I have to write, bye!
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aestheticpluto · 1 year
Yandere Headcanons [Yandere Ladynoir]
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Ladynoir X GN Reader
Ladybug is possessive and Manipulative yandere she isn't dumb but she also a bit delusion while Chat noir is more of Delusion and obsessive he wants your attention to be on them and only them they both deeply care for you make sure sleep on time, eat on time Not only this but they also linger around as Adrien and Marinette
When you first shift to Paris you saw them fighting with an akuma you were amazed since in your [hometown name] didn't have hero's so it was an new experience, ladybug fall for lot slower and chat noir
I- mean c'mon Marinette is obsesses with Adrien so for her to developed a new obsession it takes a bit time while Chat Noir/Adrien falls for you instantly he is a touch-starved boy so any type of attention or affection is enough to make his heart flatter
When you got capture by an akuma they both will freak out trying multiple ways to get you back in their arms but if you got hurt or even a scar they both will not hesitant to kill that person permanently removing him/her from the world
They both hate to see you with someone else , Marinette will throw hand if she sees you with Chloe and don't even get me started at Adrien he will also get furious if sees you with his best friend Nino like- out of all people Nino chose to spend time with you he didn't expect this type of betrayal from his best friend.
Escaping them is hard like- they are the Paris most powerful hero's and even if you do manage to escape no one will believe you 'Ladybug and Chat Noir kidnap you pff- nice joke' so no point soon or later they will find you and keep you back where you belong.
''Don't worry darling, I'll never your side''- Ladybug
''Take out all your anger on me, as long as I get your attention, I don't care''- Chat Noir
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miharuki · 5 months
At the beginning of the year, I managed to log into my account, so I'm already starting, here's a plan so you can see what I'm currently writing: (credits to someone whose name I forgot Sorry:()
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As a minor/not legal, when I block tags like ‘Tw smut’ ‘smut’ ‘lemon’ etc, why do people not tag that? And if you write that at least put a warning and a keep reading! It’s really annoying
Edit; replaced right with write because I’m dumb
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catarsis96 · 7 months
Quise escribir otro yandere y practicar este tipo de fanfics, espero sea del agrado del lector. Gracias por leer mis otros drabbles.
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Advertencias: Yandere Alucard Tepes x Reader femenino. No acepto o consiento cualquier comportamiento dañino, obsesivo y/o posesivo cualquier otro. Esto es sólo una ficción.
Alucard no había sido egoísta en su vida. Pero cuando lo fue por primera vez él mismo se sorprendió de serlo. Fue como un nuevo descubrimiento de sí mismo, de algo que no pensó que había en su ser..
El sentimiento de querer que tú solo te interesaras en él y en su amor, lo volvió loco, no necesitabas a nadie más, no necesitas convivir con tus amigos y tu familia, podían hacer una nueva familia juntos, tan grande como quisieras, porque solo debías estar con él, amarlo, adorarlo, como él hace contigo.
Su amor por ti era tan grande que lo hacía querer poseerte en el momento en que estuvieran solos.
Sabías que te amaba, te lo había dicho, pero fuiste tan ingenua y rechazaste lo que te ofrecía, a él lo enfureció. ¿Cómo podías no amarlo? Él era perfecto y mejor que un hombre común, tenía todo lo que pudieras desear, te daría todo lo que le pidieras, pondría el mundo ante tus pies si se lo pidieras; pero fuiste tan tonta y decidiste rechazarlo.
Y ahora, como consecuencia de tu decisión, Alucard te había secuestrado, llevado con él a su casa y puesto en lo más oscuro de su castillo.
"Corazón mío." La puerta de acero chirrió, lo miraste entrar, viste sus ojos dorados, parecían brillar con un toque de oscuridad.
La poca luz de las velas lo ayudaban para que pudiera apreciar tu belleza, aunque no las necesitaba ya que su vista le hacía apreciar muy bien todo.
" Hace mucho frío esta noche. Te traje unas mantas para que puedas cubrirte." Adrián caminó hacia ti, dejando en el suelo las cobijas.
"¿Cuándo me dejarás salir de aquí, Alucard?" Preguntaste, estabas molesta y al mismo tiempo triste por lo que él hacía. 
"¿Me amas, al fin?" Ahora preguntó él, mirando entre tu ser.
"... No."
"Entonces aún no podrás dejar este lugar"
"¡No puedes tenerme aquí! ¡No puedes obligar a alguien a qué te ame!"
Alucard ignoró tu grito, estaba caminando hacia la puerta por dónde había entrado momentos antes, sentiste que tus esperanzas de salir de ese frío calabozo se iban con él.
"¡Alucard, por favor!'' 
Escuchó que le llamaba, pero ya era tarde cuando la gran puerta se cerró.
Sabía que estaba haciendo mal, su lado humano se lo decía, pero aún así la tenía retenida. Solo quería que lo amaras, que fueras tan devota a él. Y si tenía que hacer esto para que cambiaras de opinión y le dieras lo que quería, entonces lo haría. Haría cualquier cosa para que dijeras que estarías con él para siempre, voluntariamente o no.
Amar era una locura letal para los vampiros.
Ahora entendía a su padre.
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wisteriasymphony · 2 months
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Baby I'm Yours.
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alenachelk · 3 months
Felix loving Adrien and wanting the best for him is certainly sweet, but what if he shows him sadistic love? wanting to take everything from Adrien, destroy his life, point out his insignificance and break him. Reduce his self-esteem to zero. Make Adrien dependent on him.
Watching his suffering, his pain, his tears causes great awe and excitement in him.
This way he seems even more beautiful. Even more exciting, forcing him to go further, take more, appropriate it all. To experience those facets that were previously inaccessible to others. No one but him. Felix likes to take the best, take it and break it. Felix loves his cousin very much and he will never let him go.
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sfigatino · 8 months
D2 Lukadrien?
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Happy cringetober day 11: yandere! Thank you @talkstoself for the pose and ship (sorry it took so long to get done), and thank you to @leafweaverryn for the idea to do yandere lukadrien!
full list here
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sodapoppss · 5 months
So four received Yandere agent 3 love letter and well...
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They are both Yanderes for each other What did you expect?
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aphroditelovesu · 9 months
Yandere Cat Blanc love letter? ❤️
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My love,
Did you know how my passion for you burns like the fire of a thousand suns? From the moment I laid my eyes on you, my troubled heart only found peace in your presence. You are the light that illuminates my dark life, the reason my existence has a purpose.
However, sometimes jealousy takes over me, my love. I can't bear the thought that anyone else would dare look at you, talk to you, or worse, steal you from me. All I want is to keep you safe. With me. Every moment I spend away from you is an unbearable torture, as if I were being ripped away from my very being.
I promise I will never let you go, my beloved. I will never allow anything or anyone to hurt you. If anyone tries, I will be like destruction itself, destroying any obstacle that dares to stand in our way. It's my love, but it's a love burning with an indomitable intensity.
I know that my love is intense and that my actions can seem strange and even terrifying. But please understand that everything I do is in the name of this overwhelming love that consumes me. I can't bear the idea of ​​losing you, of seeing you in the arms of another, of living in the darkness of loneliness that awaits me without you.
I ask you, my love, to save me from this pain that torments me. Accept my unconditional love and allow me to be the one to light up your world. I swear I will do anything, face any challenge, to protect you and keep you safe. We are meant to be together, and I won't rest until you believe in it like I do.
With all my love,
Cat Blanc.
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donat-senpai · 13 days
Can you please write a platonic Yandere Adrien with (best) friend reader. Reader also has a miraculous, Adrien finds out. Kinda like a scenario
Please don't read this if you are uncomfortable with the yandere!
Pairing: Yandere! Adrien x Reader
tw: platonic obsession, stealing other people's things
Adrian sighs heavily. Lately, too many problems have been piling up on him. He didn't get a moment's peace at school. His father was constantly demanding something. And Hawk Moth seemed to never sleep. He added work for the heroes at the most inconvenient times. During a recent attack on the city, another person joined the famous hero duo. A little later, Adrian (or Chat Noir, to be precise) learned that Ladybug had nothing to do with it. This made him worry. Who is this person? Can they be trusted? And where did another Miraculous come from that doesn't belong to the guardian of the box? Too many questions filled the blond's head.
You greet Adrien with a joyful hug. The boy finally relaxes and forgets all his worries. In your presence, he feels calm. You excitedly start telling him about a new game and make him promise to play it with you this weekend. Adrien looks around the classroom. Every classmate is busy with their own thing. Once (when he had just started going to school) they used to tease you with jokes about being long-lost sibling. You two had just become friends too quickly and easily. Adrien sometimes joked himself that you were actually an Agreste. A bright glint distracts Adrien from his memories, and he notices a new pendant on your chest.
"What’s that?" Adrien asks.
You don't immediately understand what he's talking about. But when you catch his gaze, you start to stammer.
"Oh… Umm… just a piece of jewelry," you answer awkwardly.
"I’ve never seen you wear it before."
"I found it recently in a shop. Just some junk. Doesn't matter," you laugh nervously and change the subject.
Adrien raises an eyebrow in surprise. You've never behaved like this before. So… strange. It's like you're hiding something.
The villain throws Chat Noir into some trash cans and moves further into the city center, leading Ladybug away. Cat Noir groans in pain and tries to stand up, not very gracefully. A new hero lands softly next to him and extends a hand.
"I thought cats always land on their feet."
"Ha. Very funny," Chat Noir grumbles, but accepts the help. Chat Noir's gaze stops at the new hero's Miraculous. It's a pendant. The jewelry reminds him of something, but he can't remember what exactly.
"Let's deal with this quickly. I still need to make it to the book fair," the hero heads towards the noise, not waiting for his partner.
Chat Noir freezes. There’s only one fair in the city today. And Adrien was already planning to go there with you. A strange feeling washes over him. Now that he knows the new hero will be there too, he’s not so sure if he should go. Although there will be hundreds of people. The chance of revealing someone's identity is practically zero. Even if he accidentally starts scanning the crowd.
Ladybug was delayed. The heroes found themselves in a disadvantageous position. They barely escaped. Chat Noir was in a panic. He admitted that he hadn’t come up with the best plan. But the idea was reliable if they wanted to throw the villain’s minions off their trail. The minions ability will not allow them to find specific heroes if the heroes exchange Miraculouses and become new heroes. They needed to buy time until Ladybug showed up. That was what Adrien thought as he handed his ring to his partner behind the door.
He shuddered at the thought that if they wanted to betray him and reveal their connection to Hawk Moth, now would be the perfect moment. But they obediently handed him their pendant. Adrien almost thanked them but restrained himself. It was best not to talk too much without the magic of the Miraculouses. After all, Adrien was a famous model and it wasn’t hard to recognize his voice.
He finally looked at the other’s Miraculous and felt a shock. In his fingers lay a very familiar object. He couldn’t help but recognize your pendant. He had looked at it too often since he first noticed it. You were the new hero. Adrien panicked, wondering if you would recognize his ring. You rarely paid close attention to his hands. The hero (it can’t be… it’s you!) knocked on the door and asked him to hurry. Adrien decided to put his inner turmoil aside. The city needed saving right now.
The next day, Adrien watches you more closely than ever. You act as usual, which leads him to think that you haven't figured out Chat Noir's identity. A whirlwind of emotions overwhelms him. He's angry that you haven't told him anything. He understands you because he kept his secret the same way. And he's scared. What if one day you can't handle a villain? What if Hawk Moth finds out too? What if all of Paris learns your identity? Adrien starts to have a small panic attack. Nino jumps up and tries to help. Adrien is gasping for breath and can't explain anything.
Adrien sneaks into the empty locker room while you and the class are swimming in the pool. It's one of the rare moments when you take off your pendant. It turns out that not all Miraculouses are as convenient as his ring or Ladybug's earrings. He never thought about how lucky he was before. He quickly finds your locker and breaks into it. The lock is so flimsy that Adrien feels a bit ashamed of how easily he was able to open it. He grabs the pendant and goes to hide it in his bag.
Adrien mentally prepares himself to comfort you. If he lost his Miraculous, he would be horrified. He thinks about what words he could say to console you. Adrien wonders if you would tell him your secret if you had nothing left to lose. He wants this. This will prove your trust in him.
Adrien thinks about what to do with your Miraculous now. He would like to use it sometimes along with his ring. But that would completely ruin your opinion of Chat Noir. Maybe he should bury the Miraculous in the forest or throw it into the sea so that no one could find it.
Now, you don't have to worry about the villains. And Adrien doesn't have to worry about your safety. Protecting Paris is no longer your job. Ladybug and Chat Noir will handle it together.
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celestiall0tus · 1 month
Tales of Bloody Bug and Chat Noir - Chapter 38 - Shattered
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Alix paced around her room. She grumbled and fretted over her meet-up with Marinette soon. She knew this day was coming, but she wasn’t ready for it. She tried to work on an excuse, but nothing came to her mind. There hadn’t been any Akumas out since the incident with Mayura. Thankfully there hadn’t been anymore sightings of Mayura either, but she didn’t dare count her chickens before they’ve hatched. Mayura could very well still show up at any given moment.
            “Alix, are you ready? We need to head out soon,” Tikki pointed out.
            Alix sighed. “Yes, but first, Roarr, you’re staying here.”
            “What? Why?” Roarr demanded.
            “If Marinette is hoping to get you back, I don’t want her seeing your jewel on me and attempt to take it by force if need be.”
            “I suppose, but why don’t you want me with Marinette anyway? I didn’t think she was a terrible holder.”
            “You didn’t?”
            “No. She was quite nice. Silly and erratic, but nice.”
            Alix hummed and looked at her phone. She went back through the messages at Death Noire and Bomb Bee being around as backup while Gallic Chick would slip into Marinette’s room to look for whatever they’re looking for. She frowned, tossed aside her phone, and pulled out her kwatagama.
            “We’re going somewhere else first before we meet with Marinette. Tikki, spots on.”
            Tikki disappeared into the earrings and transformed Alix into Bloody Bug.
            Bloody Bug slipped out and headed into the Louvre. She headed to the statue of Joan of Arc Listening to Her Voices and pressed the kwatagama against the symbol. She tapped the portrait of her older self as she materialized.
            “Hey, mini me. What’s up?”
            “I… I need some help.”
            “Alright. What’s going on with ya?”
            “I’ve got to meet with Marinette, and I just know she’ll want her miraculous back. But the thing is, I don’t know what to do. Yes, I know what she’s done, the effect she has on others, but I’m still hesitant. Especially with her kwami saying she wasn’t that bad. I don’t doubt the kwami, but I just… I don’t trust Marinette. I mean, yeah, I get that no one gets better without help, but I don’t think she has it her to be better. And I just… I don’t know what to do.”
            The older Bloody Bug hummed. “Well, have you heard the saying: keep your friends close, but your enemies closer?”
            “What of it?”
            “Well, if you truly believe Marinette to be trouble, keep her close. Don’t completely shut her out, rather keep her within reach. You’ll be able to keep a closer eye on her this way. If she does turn out to be real trouble, you’ll be one step ahead of her.”
            Bloody Bug hummed as she looked at Roarr’s miraculous. “If I do this, any number of things could happen.”
            “Never said it was without risks, mini me. It’s the sad thing with our line of work. We have to make those calls that could mean life or death. The best thing I can offer in that is to never hesitate or show mercy. I watched hesitation and mercy destroy the people I loved. If you go through with this, there can be no hesitation, no mercy. You must be ready to act as the situation demands. Do you think you can do that?”
            Bloody Bug snorted. “It’s not always a matter of can or can’t, is it? There are some things in life you just do, right?”
            “And what will you do?”
            “Something stupid.”
            Bloody Bug headed out to Wang Fu’s massage shop. She slipped in through the window into his room.
            “Bloody Bug, what a surprise. To what do I owe this visit?” Wang Fu asked.
            “Here to ask for some big favors.”
            Wang Fu chuckled. “What else is new? Come, sit, and tell me what you’re planning now.”
            Bloody Bug complied and sat across from Wang Fu. “Ok, so I had spoken with another ladybug holder, getting their guidance. I’m supposed to meet with Roarr’s recent holder, and I have a hunch she wants Roarr back. To have a second chance like I’ve offered to others. However, she’s crossed me, and Adrien doesn’t want anything to do with her. But when I spoke to an old ladybug holder, she suggested to keep your enemies close. So, I was sorta thinking of giving her a new miraculous, but no elixir. That way if she does in fact turn on us, we can take her out easy enough.”
            Wang Fu hummed. “It is risky. Are you sure you want to do this with the peacock holder out there?”
            “She’s quiet so far. It unnerves me, but if we’re lucky, maybe we can keep another person from being used. Providing that is the goal of the peacock. It’s hard to tell right now.”
            “Very well. We’ll see where her loyalties lie.”
            Wang Fu pulled out the miracle box and put it on the table. Bloody Bug looked it over at the slim choices.
            “Not much left, is there?”
            “Sadly, no. You and your team have most of the miraculous. And, with all due respect, but as long as the peacock is out there, I will be holding onto Wayzz. Understood?”
            “That’s fine, old man, but with so few, could I give the rest out?”
            “Not to more shady people I hope.”
            “No. I have two friends I know I can trust with a miraculous. The third is Adrien’s cousin who told Adrien he was looking for the peacock miraculous. I believe he will help us against Mayura. But that would leave a miraculous left over, wouldn’t it?”
            “Why not let Adrien choose who that one goes to?”
            “Yeah. Yeah! I’ll do that. And for these ones, can I give them elixirs?”
            Wang Fu nodded and retrieved four bottles.
            “Oh, uh, the rabbit miraculous may or may not be in possession of that Luka boy.”
            Wang Fu furrowed his brows and shot a look at Bloody Bug. “Fluff is currently active?”
            Bloody Bug gave a nervous smile. “Sorta. Kinda. Yes.”
            Wang Fu sighed. “This will be trouble. Fluff has a natural talent for creating paradoxes.”
            “Oh, I’m aware. I’ll try to keep a close eye on her and Luka.”
            “See that you do. Last thing any of us want to be dealing with is a reality shattering paradox.”
            “Has that ever happened?”
            “If it has, it has never been recorded. The only creature that’d know if Fluff, but even then, you’d be lucky to get an answer from her.”
            Bloody Bug grimaced as Wang Fu placed five elixirs on the table. She gathered them up into her yo-yo along with the remaining miraculous jewels. She headed out to Mylene’s house and tapped on Mylene’s window. A moment passed before Mylene drew back the curtains and opened the window.
            “Bloody Bug? What are you doing here?” Mylene asked.
            “Move aside. I have something for you.”
            Mylene stepped aside as Bloody Bug slipped into her room. Bloody Bug opened her yo-yo and took out an elixir and the dragon miraculous.
            “These are for you,” Bloody Bug said.
            “Me? But why?”
            “Because I trust you. As does Death Noire and Bomb Bee.”
            “But why? You don’t know me.”
            “We do. Tikki, spots off.”
            Mylene’s eyes widened as Bloody Bug reverted to Alix.
            “So, what do you say, Mylene? Will you fight at my side?”
            Mylene hesitated, then nodded.
            “Good. This necklace will be your miraculous. Guard it with your life. The elixir will make you stronger. Oh, and Gallic Chick asks that all heroes don’t use basic super suits. Something about inspiring fashion designers for the Heroes Day bullshit.”
            “Got it. So, I’ll see you on the field?”
            “And at school tomorrow. Tikki, spots on.”
            Alix transformed back into Bloody Bug and headed out to Liberty. She slipped into the hold where Rose and Luka hung out watching TV. Rose perked up when Bloody Bug approached.
            “Bug! What brings you here? I thought you had a meeting with Marinette tonight,” Rose asked.
            “I do after this.”
            Rose tilted her head as Bloody Bug tossed Luka an elixir, then gave Rose the dog miraculous an elixir. Rose’s eyes widened as she grinned.
            “My turn?”
            “Your turn.”
            “Wait. Why are we getting these so suddenly? What’s about to happen?” Luka asked.
            “We’ll see. This could be the best decision of my life, or the biggest mistake that will condemn us all.”
            Rose and Luka exchanged glances as Bloody Bug slipped out. She headed for the Agreste mansion and through Adrien’s open window. She landed in his room as he sat up on the couch.
            “Bloody Bug? What’s going on? Is there trouble? Or are you here to hang out?”
            Bloody Bug didn’t answer. She placed the horse and monkey miraculous’ and two elixirs on the coffee table.
            “Bug, what’s going on?”
            “When you see Felix next, give him one of these, and the other to someone you trust. The old man is letting us give out the few remaining miraculous.”
            “How many are left to give out?”
            “Just one.”
            “And who is that going to?”
            Bloody Bug took a deep breath. “Marinette.”
            “What? Why? She’s crossed you. She assaulted me! How can you forgive that?”
            “I don’t, but I agree with a previous ladybug holder. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. We’d benefit more from keeping her closer than shutting her out. Maybe we can even get through to her.”
            “We? Or do you mean you?”
            “I do mean me. The last thing I would expect you to do is interact with her, hero or otherwise. It’s why I tell you now so you can be prepared. I want to see where her loyalties lie, and so we don’t create a monster to replace Mayura or, well, Mayura is the real monster here. Hawkmoth is debatable. Regardless, that’s the last thing we need to be doing.”
            “I still don’t like it.”
            “Yeah, well, I don’t either. You think I like the idea of letting that bitch close enough? You think I like the idea of having to socialize with her in any capacity? You think I like having to possibly deal with obsession over you and try to not lose my shit? No, but I’m doing what must be done. For the city and for you.”
            “Me? How?”
            “Think about it. Lila stopped pursuing you. Granted she’s lying saying she’s in a relationship with me, but she doesn’t bother you as much as Marinette, right?”
            “What if I can accomplish the same with Marinette? What if I can break through and get her to let go? You’d be free of her. You wouldn’t have to look over your shoulder, always on the lookout for her. Sabrina wouldn’t have to worry about Marinette hurting her. You’d both be free. Is that alone not worth this risk?”
            Adrien’s face softened at the idea. “Well, I suppose it doesn’t hurt to try. But what if you can’t? What then?”
            “Then we make her eat cement. Simple as that.”
            Adrien sighed. “Alright. We’ll give this a try. What’s-?”
            Adrien’s phone buzzed. He grabbed it and looked at his messages as his face paled. Bloody Bug looked over at the screen as bile rose in her throat. A string of photo messages came from Gallic Chick that showed Marinette with a perfect Adrien look alike. A few pictures showed the pair talking before they got intimate.
            Adrien took a shaky breath. “I… I… are you…-.”
            Bloody Bug snatched the phone away. “How is this possible? How could she have any of this? I mean, oh fuck!”
            “Don’t think about it, but I’m going to have Gallic Chick delete those later.”
            Adrien whimpered.
            Bloody Bug gagged and snapped Adrien’s phone in half. “Alright, so, that’s a problem.”
            “Did you have to break my phone?”
            “Did you want to see a copy of you, uh, make paper snowflakes with your stalker?”
            “Make paper snowflakes? What does that mean?”
            “Don’t worry about it. Back to my original question: how is this possible? You don’t think it was Mayura��s doing, do you?”
            Adrien considered. “Actually, I do.”
            “Why? What does she have to benefit from this?”
            “Wasn’t she able to create monsters from our emotions? After all, she said she loved the smell of fear as she created those monsters. Is it possible she’s trying to fuel that obsession to harness it later? Create a horrible monster to destroy everything?”
            Bloody Bug’s breath caught as she remembered the stories the other Bloody Bug shared about Chat Blanc. The utter destruction and devastation that was caused by Hawkmoth giving a sentimonster an Akuma.
            “Fuck. We can’t let Mayura have that. We need to nip this in the butt.”
            “What are we going to do though? If she’s got a monster that looks like me, we don’t know how much that obsession has been fueled already and for how long. What if she’s had that thing for months? What if… what if that explains all the looks, the attempts, the everything? She’s wanted to get close to me because of this monster. She’s wanted me because she’s… she’s….”
            “Breathe, Adrien. We’re still here. You’re not alone. You have us and Stompp.”
            “But Stompp can only protect me for five minutes. What if Mayura discovers that I’m Taureau and uses that against me?”
            “Only five minutes? I would have thought you’d have gotten some passive that’d protect you more.”
            “What do you mean?”
            “Well, with Tikki I learned I can make small things like gadgets, charms, and what nots and be a fountain of creative inspiration for anyone near me.”
            “Wait, really? Stompp? Where are you?”
            Stompp floated down from the second level of Adrien’s room. “You called?”
            “Is it true that I get more passive abilities at the next stage Bug and I are at?”
            Stompp’s eyes glazed over in thought before his eyes widened. “Oh! Right! Sorry, I’m not used to being at this point with a holder unless it’s a Guardian in training or just a Guardian. Yeah, no, if we’re transformed, you’ll be completely safe. Nothing can control you.”
            “Really? You’re serious?”
            “Yup. Can’t believe I forgot about that.”
            “I can,” Trixx, Mullo, Sass, and Roarr said.
            Adrien tilted his head as fox, mouse, snake, and tiger kwamis materialized around Bloody Bug.
            “Rude! I can’t help I forget things. Besides, it’s not like you all remember everything either,” Stompp shot back.
            “We remember the important things like that,” Roarr commented.
            “Look, if you all want to fight, you can all stay here. I need to deal with a Marinette,” Bloody Bug butted in.
            “What will you do?” Adrien asked.
            “First, find your doppelganger and destroy it. After that, we’ll see. Wish me luck.”
            Bloody Bug headed off to Marinette’s house. She landed on the rooftop patio and leaned against the railing. She waited for Marinette when Gallic Chick appeared before her.
            “You need to put a stop to that down there!” Gallic Chick hissed.
            “Did you see where it went?” Bloody Bug asked.
            “Yes. Some purple-blue ornament beside her bed.”
            Bloody Bug nodded and moved towards the trapdoor.
            “How are you so calm? How aren’t you livid?”
            “Oh, make no mistake. There’s a storm brewing unlike any you’ve ever seen but getting angry won’t help me here.”
            “What? Why? What are you planning?”
            “Oh, something stupid. For now, you all can head home, except Death Noire. She’s all I’ll need for this as backup.”
            “What? No! We-!”
            “Please, trust me on this.”
            Gallic Chick glared at Bloody Bug, then sighed. “Fine. I’ll get the others. Good luck.”
            Bloody Bug smiled and tapped on the trapdoor. She moved away as Marinette opened it and she slipped into the room. She curled her nose at the stench. She gulped to hold down the bile that clawed its way to her throat. She turned to Marinette’s bed and saw the trinket that Gallic Chick told her about along with Marinette herself.
            “Uh, Bloody Bug, I was hoping we could-,” Marinette started.
            Bloody Bug hopped up onto the bed and took the trinket.
            “Wait, please! Don’t destroy that! It’s-!”
            “It holds the key to your… ‘love’, doesn’t it?” Bloody Bug cut in.
            Marinette gulped and nodded.
            “You admit to it? Good. You make this easier. Now, let’s talk plainly and without any lies. I know you want your miraculous back. Even more now that Bomb Bee is back in action. Is that correct?”
            Marinette nodded.
            “Well, Marinette, there is a chance we can overlook your past grievances, but some things will need to change.”
            “Like what?”
            Bloody Bug didn’t answer as a shadow fell over them. They glanced up as Death Noire glared down at Marinette. Marinette gulped and nervously waved at Death Noire.
            “Death, would you like to name any conditions for Marinette to have a miraculous?”
            “Yes. You are either to break up with Luka Couffaine, or abandon your obsession so you may love him truly,” Death Noire hissed.
            “But… but I do love Luka! He just is very… distant?”
            Bloody Bug narrowed her eyes as Death Noire hissed. Marinette flinched, then took a deep breath.
            “It’s true, I swear. I want to love him, but he’s so closed off. He’s nothing like-.”
            “Say it and I’ll spill your blood!” Death Noire roared.
            “Easy, Death Noire. Marinette, you must let go of your love for Adrien. I have no issue giving you a miraculous so long as you can leave him alone. I don’t want a repeat of Heart’s Design. Do you understand?”
            “But I love him! He’s my everything. How can I let him go?”
            “Figure it out, otherwise you don’t get a miraculous.”
            Marinette considered and nodded. “Very well. I’ll do it. I’ll let go. And I’ll love Luka more than I could ever love Adrien. That I swear.”
            “Let’s test it.”
            Marinette raised a brow as Bloody Bug threw the trinket up to Death Noire, who destroyed it with Cataclysm. Marinette shrieked as the feather floated up and was caught by Bloody Bug’s yo-yo. Bloody Bug released the purified feather and pulled out the goat miraculous.
            “We’ll be keeping an eye on you. If any of us see you abusing these to get near Adrien and break your word, we’ll take them away. Do you understand?”
            Marinette nodded.
            Bloody Bug threw the miraculous at Marinette, then slipped out of the room. She headed to a far-off rooftop with Death Noire. She started for home when Death Noire stopped her.
            “I don’t like this. How do we even know she’ll give up her obsession over Adrien? How do we know she won’t just redirect all that to Luka? How can we trust her word even now?” Death Noire demanded.
            “We don’t, but it’s clear now Mayura is targeting her. Let this be her chance to redeem herself. To prove she can be better. Besides, it’ll do us no good to shut her out just to create another monster.”
            “Not when it puts my brother in jeopardy!”
            “Not possible. He has you and now Rose.”
            Death Noire eased up. “Rose? Rose has a miraculous now?”
            “That’s right. And both her and Luka have taken the next step up the food chain and stand with you on equal footing. And, if all else fails, you know you can turn to me. You need only say the word.”
            “Fine, we’ll see how this plays out. But if Marinette slips up, help me get her away from Luka.”
            “I will.”
            “You better. Luka, he… he really admires you.”
            “And yet you push Marinette to either be with him or leave. Why not just make her leave him?”
            “I guess… I guess I hope that maybe she’ll actually love him. That’s all he wants. He just wants to be loved. He knows you won’t love him the way he longs to, so, I just… I just want him to be happy. I want him to feel that love he craves.”
            “I’m sorry I can’t. If I could, I would. I mean, your brother is a looker.”
            Death Noire hummed. “So, let’s say Luka would be interested in a purely platonic, physical relationship with no romance and Rose was ok with it. Would you be interested?”
            “I mean, I guess? Why ask? From the sounds of it, Marinette is going to attempt to salvage her relationship with Luka.”
            “Just curious. You know what they say, right?”
            “Which saying?”
            “Oh, you know. Curiosity killed the cat, but… satisfaction brought him back.”
            Bloody Bug narrowed her eyes as Death Noire shot her a knowing, playful look. She opened her mouth as Death Noire ran off. Unease clawed as Sass, Mullo, Trixx, and Roarr perched on her shoulders.
            “Should we be concerned?” Trixx asked.
            “Which part? There’s quite a few things to be worried about. Like Marinette likely already working with Mayura,” Mullo pointed out.
            “That Luka is likely screwed more than he already was,” Roarr added.
            “That Mayura is likely targeting teens because your kind are very emotional and unstable,” Sass remarked.
            “Don’t forget Adrien,” Trixx added.
            Bloody Bug sighed. “Enough. I get it. We’re playing a dangerous game right now. And we likely just played into Mayura’s hand, but I had to do something.”
            “I agree. It’s better to try and fail, than to never have tried at all,” Sass remarked.
            “Exactly! You can learn from failure. You can’t learn if you never try,” Roarr added.
            “And you’ll need every ounce of knowledge against this foe,” Mullo commented.
            “Right. Well, let’s get going. It’s been a lot in a short time and I’m ready to rest. And to see what may come with the next day.”
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amusedyan · 2 years
Drabble Yandere alucards darling refusing to take care y/n breastfeed their newborn baby because the baby looks exactly like alucard and she just cant stand looking at her/him.
I freakn love your posts.
Trigger warning for postpartum depression and mentions of rape (non-descript)
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You weren’t sure what you thought would happen when the baby was born.
Beyond Adrien’s delight and planning and excitement...you had just...waited. Children were something you were sure you’d have one day. But under these circumstances, prisoner of an obsessive dhamphir who raped you and called it love, the idea of a child had been a nightmare.
But the idea had become the fear, the dread.
You’d sit with your hand over your growing belly and close your eyes. It would grow and grow, and you had no say over it- one more thing you were helpless against.
And then you’d gone into labor. Of course Adrien knew what to do, had been preparing for it. You’d felt vulnerable and out of control and in more pain than you could imagine. You’d screamed and screamed and screamed, wanting someone to hear and come and help you.
But they didn’t.
And all you had to show for it was a captor smiling like a fool and little...fleshy thing, with his blonde hair and golden eyes blearily looking at you from his arms.
You had held it and thought is this it?
And then it had opened it’s mouth and cried.
“He’s hungry,” Adrien had laughed, and if what you had felt was nothing before, it was now emptiness. 
It was one more fucking thing that just...wanted something from you.
And...and you couldn’t do it. All you could taste was bile, rising in the back of your throat,
And you shoved the wailing thing into Adrien’s arms and threw up in your own laugh, the sound of the infant’s wailing only spurring on your disgust.
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ramen8008 · 11 months
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This is 100% satire btw
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