#Yandere Benny
yandere-toons · 2 years
If it’s okay could you maybe do platonic and romantic headcanons for the spaceship man in the Lego Movie? (I think his name is Benny)
Yandere Benny the 1980-Something Space Guy (Platonic & Romantic Headcanons)
A.N. - Request more Legos, please. I'm rewatching the tetralogy.
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Benny asks time and time again to build a spaceship together, as combining his favourite activity with the person he clings to the most is his idea of the best day ever. Telling him no will result in Benny moping, then reappearing five minutes later to raise the same question with fresh pep.
His mood sinks if they are not as enthusiastic about it or are focused on other things. He buries his sadness before long and lies about his passion for building a spaceship, pretending that it is merely a whim and that this rejection did not crush him emotionally.
Benny floats over his friend's shoulder and, no matter what they are doing, finds a way to connect it to spaceships. He is not trying to be disruptive, but he also does not stop to think while crafting a spaceship out of their belongings and listing all the worlds that he wants them to see.
Benny is fine and dandy with having other people in the picture. He barely notices anyone else during the frequent conversations with his partner, where he does most of the talking, but his understanding of his partner wishing to go places and do stuff without him is lacking.
He always gives a chipper “yeah!” when asked if he understands; however, his actions betray him when he floats after them to ramble about aerospace engineering despite being told it was a solo trip.
The slightest trace of positive feedback from his partner on his want to build a spaceship will lead Benny to construct a special spaceship for them. He takes from the surrounding environment regardless of who may own it, and not meeting this spaceship with a warm reception will provoke an outburst in Benny.
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pucker up buttercup
Yandere florist x reader
Tw: mentions of physical abuse in sexual settings, implied drugging and somnophilia, stalking, implied possessive behavior and controlling nature, mildly nsfw. Not proofread 🌺
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🌷Benny was the quiet kid of your school. You didn't know much about him, except he was a good student and apart of the gardening club. That was all, but Benny? Oh he knew you very well..
🌷you were stunning. You had such amazing hair that he wanted to play with every night before going to sleep, those stunning beautiful eyes that always ghosted over his form in the cafeteria, and your voice that always managed to make him rock hard down there
🌷 recently your family had gotten a wide assortment of flowers for an event. Thinking they were pretty, you asked for the florists name or any social they might have. They handed you a card with the info, and with that you looked up the account on Instagram.
🌷 scrolling through their posts you found a familiar face you'd see every day in the school halls. What was his name again? Benjamin? Beanie? No.. oh yeah! Benny! You didnt know he had such a good eye for aesthetics, especially flower arrangements. But that has to be expected since he spends all his time gardening
🌷the next time you saw him, you walked right up to his table on campus grounds. A bit far from the other outside lunch areas. He froze when he saw a familiar pair of shoes, looking up at you slowly with those big blue eyes
"you're a florist right?"
"how much for a dozen roses and half a dozen tulips?"
🌷you became a regular after that. He'd wait anxiously every day for you in the plant nursery after school. He always gave you such cheap prices, claiming you were his friend and he only did favors for them. You thought he was sweet, so when you heard rumors about him being caught sneaking around the girls locker rooms and stalking a classmate? You shrugged it off,most likely empty gossip
🌷if only you paid attention to the red flags sooner.. you would have realized Benny's real nature. When he asked you out prom night, you agreed, he was sweet and you weren't seeing anyone at the moment. Who knew, maybe this would be the start of a beautiful relationship?
Pros with Benny:
🌹atleast he's a very generous lover. Spoiling you with what he could afford, since he came from humble beginnings he's always wise with the money you both have
🌹 he's completely devoted to you! Never looking at anyone else with love or lust, always worshipping you both in bed and outside it
🌹you learn new things. Like natural remedies, plants and their names, their usefulness to make nearly everything. Even drugs (He's vegan.)
🌹he wants to settle down and raise a family with you as soon as you graduate college! He gets tipsy and love drunk thinking about it too much. He'd make an excellent father. Kind of.
The cons:
🥀 randomly, he'll get very aggressive in bed. Biting you till your skin bleeds, slapping your chest and ass, degrading you with the most vilest words. Not to mention he seems to really like choking you till you almost pass out
🥀he doesn't know how to take no for an answer, he'll go scarily quiet and his eyes will turn dull. A complete contrast to how he usually is. Surely a little intimidation will make you change your mind no?
🥀 he's possessive with your time and love. If he ever notices you staring at anyone a little too long, who isn't friends or family he knows of, you bet there'll be missing person posters by the end of the week
🥀he forbids you from going into the basement. Saying it's his private nursery and you should respect his privacy, even if he doesn't respect yours
🥀 randomly you'll feel sleepy after Eating anything he makes you, growing drowsy and the last thing you can remember is feeling clammy hands hastily unbutton your pants and shirt
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ballad-of-birdy-lamb · 5 months
My IHNMAIMS masterlist!!!
My requests are open at the moment!!! Request list Rules for requesting Following requirements
I've got nothing else but love for you - Ted x GN! reader romantic headcanons
I need you to run to me, run to me, lover - Ted x Female! Reader romantic headcanons
Oh good god, let me give you my life - Ted x GN! Reader romantic comfort fic
My fading voice sings of love - Ellen x fem! Reader romantic headcanons
You'll never know how easy you are to need - Gorrister x GN! Reader romantic headcanons
The psychology of fear - Yandere! Gorrister x GN! Reader romantic headcanons (read tw before reading)
It takes strength to be gentle and kind - AM x GN! Reader romantic headcanons
He said he'd cure your ills, but he didn't and he never will - Yandere! AM x GN! reader romantic headcanons (read tw before reading)
Your love is sunlight - AM x GN! AI! Reader romantic headcanons
Your love is sunlight pt.2 - AM x GN! AI! Reader romantic headcanons
This is all for now, more will be added once I get more requests and have more time!!
Thank you for supporting me, I am very grateful to write for this fandom!!!
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ooo-yeah-baby · 7 months
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Potion Pt2
Yandere Benny Weir x reader
I only right sfw, feel free to request! Not proof read.
Benny fiddled with the pink bottle in his pocket as he approached the *object* of his obsessèd affection. 
"Hey, Y/N." He said, sliding into the seat next to her in science class, the first class of the day for the two and they were the first ones in the class for some convenient reason; Ethan and Rory were also in this class but they hadn't arrived yet. 
"Hey, Benny!" She smiled, setting her phone down. "Where's your sidekick?" The girl joked, nudging him with her elbow. 
"Looks like he's not here yet." Benny shrugged back,  a tint of pink flooded to his cheeks and a tingly feeling went to where her elbow had touched him. 
He noticed the water bottle sitting on the table in front of Y/N; the perfect tool. 
"Hey, do you mind if I take a drink?" He pointed to the water bottle. "I'll take the lid off so you don't get my cooties." Y/N giggled a little, he loved her giggle;
"Sure." Then she slid the bottle over to Benny. " I put lemonade in it though so be warned."
Benny nodded in response, slowly undoing the lid and taking a sip. Y/N returned to her phone,  no longer paying attention to the boy next to her, giving Benny the chance to slip just a little bit of his potion into her drink, then screw the lid back on. 
"Thanks." He said as he slid back in his chair, trying to act nonchalant. 
"No worries," Y/N didn't even look up from her phone. He was in the clear. 
Benny spent the whole rest of class waiting for Y/N to take a sip of her drink. Just a sip was all he needed for his plan to start taking effect. 
Eventually, towards the last few minutes of class, she took a drink from her bottle. Benny grabbed her chin, making her turn to look at him just before a pink flash went through her eyes. 
She was his. 
After that all he had to do was find ways to gradually feed her more of the potion until it was gone. 
The more he gave her the more she started to love him back. She was like putty in his hands, much like he was putty in hers. 
He loved her so much he started to get ahead of himself, they were already dating but he wanted more. Benny couldn't stop the lingering feeling of not wanting anyone to talk to her, not even Ethan. 
And Ethan knew exactly what Benny was up to. It couldn't've possibly been a coincidence that right after Benny made the love potion, the two began going out. 
It was like the two were playing capture the flag with Y/N as the flag. Back and forth the two would try to get Y/Ns attention, Benny often achieving more than Ethan. 
But really, what could Ethan do? He didn't have any magic. He didn't know how to break the spell. He couldn't do anything. 
Except, he could tell Grandma. 
It'd be hard with how territorial Benny was being at the moment though. Benny wasn't even letting him over to his house. He'd use excuses like;
"Oh! We're getting new flooring!"
"Sorry, we're not home now!" 
And sometimes just blatantly telling him he can't come over. 
And all the while Y/N was consuming more and more of Benny's potion. 
After a few weeks, Ethan was finally able to get Y/N alone. 
"Ethan?" He had pulled her from the hall into the janitors closet. The pink in her eyes was blazing. Ethan grabbed her hand, hoping to see a vision. 
What flashes through his mind was confusing- a view of date and hearts and P.D.A. At the end of the vision Ethan could hear a few words and then Y/Ns eyes changed back to their original color. Ethan coudnt make out the words though. 
During this, Y/N was getting worried. 
"Ethan... I should probably get going now... Benny is probably looking for me." 
"Don't go to him!" Ethan shouts. Y/N flinches. 
"What do you mean?" 
"It's... hard to explain... but just stay here for a few more minutes..." Y/N nodded but her agreeable nature didn't last long. A few minutes later Benny could be heard yelling for Y/N out in the hall. Her eyes flash and she reaches for the door handle. 
"Y/N please! Just a few more minutes..." Ethan held her arms tighter. Then, the door opened. The two fell out of the closet, Ethan landing on top of Y/N. Benny stood above them, a deep scowl on his face. 
He grabbed Y/Ns hand and yanked her up, shoving Benny to the side. 
"Stay out of it." He said as he walked away with Y/N wrapping herself around his arm. 
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misstycloud · 1 year
Can you do a yandere firefighter if that’s possible??
GN reader x Firefighter
TW- thoughts about jumping through a window. Burning inside building.
Was this it? you thought. Were you really going to die in an apartment fire, and so young as well? You hadn’t even had time to start collecting that crazy amount of cats into your home. All because your dumbass neighbour left the stove on.
You had been catching up on some TV shows in your bedroom with headphones on, so you didn’t perceive any danger until the burning smell attacked your senses. You connected the dots and rushed for the door and threw it open, but the fire had already spread through your floors hallway and blocked your exit.
Loud sirens screamed in the distance and pierced the ears of everyone unfortunate to be close. You backed away from the flaming hall and closed the door to separate you and the inferno for as long as possible. You needed to find another way out.
The windows! But when you looked down you only saw stone hard concrete 100 feet away. Right, you lived on the highest floor. How could you forget that? You certainly couldn’t jump, if you did you’d turn into mush for sure. But what choice did you have? It was that or burn to death, being turned into a pancake sounded less painful in a way.
You cringed at the thought. Perhaps you should make sure there was absolutely no other escape before resorting to that. But before you could start searching for other possible exits, the roof collapsed and spread ashened rubble on the floor. The fire was now licking at your walls and furniture, devouring it.
The suddenness of it shocked you and had you fall backwards to avoid being crushed. Coughing you tried to make your way to the window. It was getting hard to breathe. The smoke infiltrated your lungs and irritated them.
“Ah!” You cried.
Something hit you in the back and brought you down. It was heavy and you couldn’t get it off you no matter how much you tried. No, you thought. If you were stuck how were you supposed to pancake your way outside? There you laid wheezing on the ground as the different moments of life passed through your thoughts.
Your vision was getting hazy and the world around you was starting to disappear more and more. It was painful, the smoke. It was stinging your throat and made it sore. In your delirious state you could do nothing except call for help. Just as everything turned dark, you thought you heard the sound of footsteps and a voice scream something. If it wasn’t for the smoke and the fact you were going to die, you might’ve taken it for your name.
A beeping noise awoke you. You tried to open your eyes, which were still groggy from sleep. There was a particular smell hanging in the air. It was a mix between a bunch of different things. Mostly noticeable a little bitter, with undertones of the artificial fragrance contained in soaps and cleaners. Definitively a kind of treatment facility. Must be a hospital, you thought.
Your throat killing you and felt like you hadn’t had an ounce of water in weeks, while travelling through the desert. The inner walls were scraping each other like sandpaper. You desperately needed something to drink. As on cue, a tan hand reached forward with a cup in its grasp. Your still adjusting gaze landed on a new figure you hadn’t realised were a simple three feet away.
The sight startled you somewhat and you would’ve moved back if your body would listen to you, you were completely won out. The man was a stranger, but there was something slightly familiar with him. Although you couldn’t put your finger on it. At least he let out a comforting aura through the warm smile, signaling he meant no harm.
He wasn’t bad looking, honestly. Though he was no model he sure had his good traits. The soft-looking curly dark hair being one of them.
“How are you feeling?” He asked gently.
You drank the water he’d offered you and coughed a few times before answering,“Um….fine..”
“I’m glad. The doctors told me you would be okay after they gave you all those medical stuff and rest, but I couldn’t keep myself from worrying y’know. Although you do have a sprained shoulder-“
As he said so, you realised the right side did feel a little funny. Shifting it you quickly accepted it really was sprained and you held in an uncomfortable hiss.
“-but it’ll heal within a few weeks since it wasn’t too serious. It’s lucky I found you and managed to get you out in time or your condition could’ve been worse than this and that would be awful.”
His everlasting rant about you and you well-being would’ve went on seemingly forever if you hadn’t cut him short. You put up a finger to halt him.
“Yes, yes, thanks for caring but did you say that you got me out? Like from the burning building I was stuck in?” You asked with furrowed brows.
The man sighed softly, almost a little regretfully and moved his eyes to the floor and then back to you. “Ehm, yes, it was me. Though there’s nothing to thank me for. Just doing my part. And besides, it’s you so...hehe” the last part he whispered quietly to himself.
You blinked in silence and stared emotionally at him. “Wow, thank you for saving me. I-I don’t know what I would’ve done if it wasn’t for you…��� Actually meeting your saviour was more overwhelming than you ever thought it would be. Now it finally hit you properly what could’ve gone down less than 24 hours ago. You believed you could come to terms with your death; that was a lie.
Who could do that? Especially if it was in the way you thought you’d go. You lived however, and it was all because of the same young man seated next to you. You didn’t even know his name, so you asked. “Well, I’ll continue to thank you no matter what you say. So thanks again Mr-…?”
“Oh, you don’t have to use any formality with me.” The dark-haired man waved off any attempt of custom. Then he continued, cheeks turning a little red this time, “You can just call me by my name.”
“For real? I don’t know your name though.”
Your saviour bashfully ran his fingers through the thick waves on his head and nervously licked his slightly chapped lips. “Eh, I don’t think you remember, but we have met before.”
“We have?” You spurred your brain to let you recall any meeting with this guy that you forgot. Sadly your mind was not cooperating today and left you blank.
“Yeah, we actually went to middle school together.” He revealed and gave you a dopey smile.
You and him went to the same school? You didn’t think so. Someone like him would not be easy for many to forget and that applied to you too. Scanning his strong muscular frame, you were certain there was no one who fit that description. Did he mistake you for someone else? That could explain it. Once more looking at his brown hair and eyes, you said “Are you sure? I’m pretty sure I would’ve remembered you in that case.”
“You probably wouldn’t.” He chuckled and gestured to his body, “I didn’t exactly look like this back then.”
“What, you weren’t one of those soccer or basket boys taking up the entire room?” You snickered at the thought of him being one of the schools meatheads. Despite him definitely having a lot of meat he didn’t come across as the stereotypical asshole type.
“No, I was quite the opposite actually. More like the silent shy type.”
You hummed in response, adding a nod to it. “I still haven’t gotten your name though.”
‘What? Did he say Benny? Like the same Benny that got a boner during a PowerPoint presentation??’ You honestly couldn’t believe your eyes. Could the man in front of you truly be the same as the tiny boy you’d seen in your youth. If so, then shit has changed a great deal under all the years since then. The Benny from the past was but a small fragment of the one currently facing you.
You awkwardly laughed, scratching the back of your head stiffly, “Ahhh, now I remember. How have you been, it’s been so long?”
Benny smiled at your interest towards him and the fact you still knew who he was. It would hurt if you didn’t. He started feeling giddy inside as he began revealing what he was doing for the last decade.
“I’m good, not been up to much except work. Takes up time since you have to be ready and in shape too. I don’t have many hobbies either, hehe.”
While he explains, you notice that his gaze never strays away from you. Not even for a second. Most people tend to avert their eyes when in a conversation simply because it’s uncomfortable after some time, but it appeared that he was not like most people.
“Right, you’re a firefighter of course!” You did a little applaud to congratulate him on his success.
“Thank you, (Y/n), your praise is all I need.”
Before you could inquire more about what he meant a doctor had swung open the door. He greeted the two of you and proceeded to ask you the normal questions; how you were feeling and such. Then he explained your condition and what happens to people who experience smoke inhalation. Thankfully with the right treatment and time you’d be as good as new. Therefore they saw no reason to keep you there, giving a paper containing a prescription to…Benny..?
“Make sure they get the rest they need and fresh air. Avoid anything that may cause an irritation to their lungs.” The doctor ordered before turning to you. “You got a good boyfriend there, kid. He’s a keeper I’ll tell you, completely out of his mind when he brought you here, cares a lot for you.” With those words, the medic parted with you and closed the door behind him firmly.
You immediately confronted your saviour, “Why’d he think you were my boyfriend, did you say that or something?”
Benny put his hands up in surrender, “No no, of course I didn’t say anything like that! They must’ve assumed it.” He defended himself.
You sighed, admitting it could easily just be them who put a label on your relation to each other. It wasn’t his fault. Yeah, why would he even claim to be your part enter to begin with? That didn’t make any sense. It’s not as if you were close back then and like hell there were any benefit from it.
Grabbing the sheet of paper from the brown-haired man, you sped read the words. “How am I supposed to heal at home if I don’t have one.” You scoffed. Now you had to find a place to stay, that was easier said than done. You could potentially stay at a friends but you didn’t want to dump all the healthcare stuff on them.
Apart from the lung coughing, you also couldn’t use your arm for a while. Not until your sprained shoulder has healed which would mean they’d be forced to help you out with different things. A deep voice woke you from your thoughts.
“If you don’t have a place to stay you can stay at my apartment!” Benny offered a little too fast, his tone made him sound like he was feeling bad for you but his face betrayed him. The expression on it was way too bright; it creeped you out somewhat.
“A-are you sure? I don’t have any money left so I can’t pay you, and you heard what the doc said, you’d have to take care of me-“
“- I don’t mind.” He stated firmly. “Really, I wouldn’t.”
You stared at him in shock. “No, you can’t actually mean that. We barely know each other, there is no-“
“(Y/n), please.” Grabbing you mildly by the shoulders, the young man spoke “Let me take care of you. It’s no biggie, I promise. And you don’t have to pay me, I want to do this for you. So please don’t resist, okay?”
Damn. What other choice did you have? Your apartment along with all your stuff was burnt to a crisp. You had no money and couldn’t work in your state. You didn’t wish to admit it but Benny was the best alternative; if not the only one.
That paired with the assures look he was giving you, there seemed to be no option than to yield and that’s how you found yourself nodding along to his proposal. You pursed your lips and turned your eyes to your clasped hands, at the same time the firefighter lit up with joy and laughed. “Thank you for giving me a chance. You won’t regret it, I’ll make sure of it.”
Sorry this is shitty, Just tried to whip up something.
I’ve been bombarded with exams and it never seems to stop, it’s the reason I haven’t been able to post lately.
Can’t say when the next post is going to be but I’ll try to come up with something!
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midnightw4tch3r · 2 months
❝𝐈𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐰, 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐭
𝐈𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧, 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐰, 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩❞
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urfaveisayandere · 1 year
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Benny from Benny Loves You is a yandere!
Requested by anonymous!
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benny-luvz-u · 2 years
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LETZ B FRiENDZ!! :•D /nf
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Felt like making an intro post!
My name is Benny, I’m physically 15 but I’m 4-6 as Benny
I’m a non-delusional IRL of Benny from Benny loves you!
I’m an eclectic Shinto witch, most of my magick is love related or justice related (such as back to sender)
I’m diagnosed with severe autism, pathological demand avoidance, dyspraxia, hypermobile joints, C-PTSD, DID, chronic GAD and OCD.
DNI: basic DNI, discourse
I am LGBTQ and MOGAI! I have a qpp that I love very very verrrrrry much!
Pronouns: he/vey/it/ix/x/wan/star/pyon/splat
Let’s be friends! :•D /nf
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benny-loves-her · 2 years
(Thinking of her, kicking my little feet around, screaming /pos)
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M'sorry, i mean benny:D stupid autocorrect
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Whoever this anon is I immediately love you, silly goober
Tw: suicide mention, abusive, power imbalance, human pet, yandere oc
depending on how unstable Benny is, you get multiple answers
The beginning of the relationship: he'd be desperate, doing everything he can to win your affection. Going over budget on gifts and practically following you everywhere, begging for a second chance
Midway: where he starts to develop aggressive tendencies: he'd simply knock you out and tie you onto his bed. Putting on a collar when you want to use the bathroom. Say goodbye to leaving the house, because now he treats you like a human pet. Gross mf
Near the end of his sanity. Let's say you got tired of him and his abusive behavior, so you somehow managed to escape. No doubt you've called the police so he's on the run. Hunting you down as you think you finally ended that chapter. Only to wake up one night with him hovering over your bed, knife in hand and getting ready to stab. Till death do you both part right? (He killed himself soon after)
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ballad-of-birdy-lamb · 6 months
I might start writing for I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream if I get my hands on the story
Edit: just updated my request list lmao
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faetima · 5 months
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𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞. .
. . one day you receive an odd text from an unknown number. you try blocking the number, but it doesn’t work.
oh well, it’s probably just someone pranking you.
// tws ; lil bit of cursing, stalking ; gn reader ; modern au, yandere au
a/n: sorry for the weird formatting!! tumblr wouldn't let me format it correctly :(
also sorry for the random bigger text, it keeps changing random letters and numbers to be bigger for some reason??
aconties — symbolize hatred and that you should be cautious.
aconite - veil
always forever - cults
jealous girl - lana del rey
suki suki daisuki - jun togawa
yes or yes - twice
saccharine - jazmin bean
stalker’s tango - autoheart
an unhealthy obsession - tbrso
candy coated suicide - night club
i wanna be your boyfriend - hot freaks
i’m a slave 4 u - jazmin bean
the red means i love you - madds buckley
body - mother mother
red lights - bang chan, hyunjin
playlist <3
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‎‎‎unknown number has started a chat !
18:12 december 12th, 2024
unknown number
hello, my aconite. :)
who is this?
unknown number
oh, dont worry about that.
youll know very soon, my beloved aconite. <3
read 18:20
you have blocked unknown number !
your block was unsuccessful ! please try again later .
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‎‎‎unknown number has started a chat !
13:27 december 13th, 2024
unknown number
hello, my aconite!
how was your day today?
sent 13:27
unknown number
sent 16:43
unknown number
please reply. i know youre online, aconite.
please stop
who is this??
unknown number
i told you before !
haha, my aconite is so silly. never remembers anything.
like your math homework yesterday, hm? completely forgot to do it!
so cute.<3
read 17:38
you have blocked unknown number !
your block was unsuccessful ! please try again later .
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‎‎‎unknown number has started a chat !
12:12 december 14th, 2024
unknown number
who is that boy?
unknown number
the one sitting across from you.
he keeps looking at you.
he keeps touching you. its pissing me off.
who is he?
he’s my friend
unknown number
well see how long that lasts. :)
read 12:48
you looked up from your phone, glancing towards bennett, and then around the small cafeteria which was packed with people, a shiver running down your spine.
whoever was texting you was here, and they were watching you.
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‎‎‎unknown number has started a chat !
12:58 december 17th, 2024
unknown number
my beloved aconite, arent you supposed to be in class rigjt now?
right ***
ignore that.
and, most importantly, arent you supposed to be paying attention?
come on darling, on your phone in the one class i so happen to be in?
you can do this in chemistry or something. dont do it just when i so happen to be near you. i know for a fact you dont do this in any other class.
anyways, see you later ❤️❤️
read 13:02
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you have started a chat !
09:27 december 18th, 2024
Huh? Wht happened? R u ok?
Huh?? Wdym?
Just block him
Well I dont think u can do anything abt it besides that
Bc u dont hv any proof that he has any malicious intent
So uhm maybe just ignore him
Maybe hes just trolling u
read 10:01
you let out a sigh, putting your phone face down and burying your face in your arms.
what could you even do at this point? you didn’t have any proof they had any bad intent, and you couldn’t block them.
this whole situation was starting to freak you out. it didn’t help that you were pretty emotional and easily scared.
maybe you should look on the positive side. hey, someone finally has a crush on you!
you swallowed hard, breathing rapidly, heart racing. you buried your face deeper in your arms, scared of what was to come from this whole situation.
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you exhaled shakily, a small fog appearing from it. you were shivering, the outside cold pinpricking your skin like tiny needles.
choosing fashion over warmth probably hadn’t been a good idea, but who cared? you liked dressing up. it was worth sacrificing your comfort for something you enjoyed! plus you would’ve been cold either way. it would be heated enough in the classroom anyway.
at least you hoped it would be.
you walked at moderately fast pace to your school, putting in your earbuds. you scrolled down your playlist on spotify, finally finding the song you had been craving to listen to. you clicked the play button on it, refraining from humming along to it.
you found yourself repeatedly glancing behind yourself, even though each time you looked no one was there. every time there was even the slightest of rustling able to penetrate through the sound of the music you were listening to, you’d jump, paranoid.
ever since you had received the first message, you had been on edge, and for good reason. this whole situation was extremely different from what you experienced in your day to day life.
before this, you hadn’t even known of anyone liking you romantically. it wasn’t that everyone hated you or something, you were just pretty shy, which led others to socialize with and notice you less.
a lot less.
it was a bit disappointing, but at least you had a few friends.
you had been lost in your train of thought too long. as you walked forward mindlessly, you hadn’t noticed a figure also walking in front of you.
you crashed into the person and staggered a little before regaining your balance.
luckily the person didn’t fall or anything, but instead stood rigid like a stone wall.
you gasped out a few apologizes, repeatedly saying “sorry”.
but you immediately shut up when the person turned around and when electric purple eyes met your own.
you swallowed hard, freezing as the person scowled at you.
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“watch where you’re going,” the person muttered, still scowling at you. her loosely braided hair—a shade of bright purple, similar to that of an aconite, with some lighter purple highlights within it—fell down the front of her shoulder, and she pushed it back. the motion itself was filled with pure elegance and grace.
”i- uhm, sorry,” you mumbled, your neck getting hotter as you lowered your head a little in shame.
the girl rolled her eyes.
even that was full of daintiness and fluidity.
she sighed the slightest bit, seeming to soften a little.
”it’s fine, i guess. just watch where you’re going in the future.”
she mumbled those words quickly before turning and walking away briskly, pulling out her phone and rapidly texting someone whilst walking.
the sharp clicking of her heels was the only thing heard in the crisp and cold morning air.
suddenly, your phone buzzed. you took it out, hands trembling the tiniest bit.
‎‎‎unknown number has started a chat !
07:54 december 19th, 2024
unknown number
where are you?
youre in class by this time.
read 07:54
unknown number
answer me.
read 08:01
unknown number
stop fucking leaving me on read.
read 08:04
you have blocked unknown number !
your block was successful !
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22:39 december 20th, 2024
unknown number
youre going to regret this so, so much my pretty aconite.
im going to pick all your petals off.
one. <3
your message was not able to be sent ! you may have been blocked by the recipient . if not, please try again later . if the problem persists, please contact customer support .
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a few days had passed since you had blocked the number.
now you sat in class, chin placed in the palm of your arm. you felt eerily drowsy, but knew it was just because of how bored you were. the teacher droned on and on about some sort of math formula. you didn’t bother listening, knowing it would only make your head hurt if you tried to understand what was going on.
you were snapped out of your sleepy daze when the teacher said something about a “group project”. she said there would be groups of three or four, and that groups would be predetermined, but you could request to be put in a group with someone else.
the person sitting in front of you passed you the slip to request to be put into a group with someone.
you passed it to the person behind you after realizing what the slip was for.
you just had to be assigned a group project in the class you had no friends in. it could’ve been in literally any other class, but no, instead it was in the class where you barley knew anyone.
you didn’t put anyone on the slip because you barley knew anyone in the class, and the people you knew probably were already going to put someone else on the paper.
you put your head down in your arms, closing your eyes, listening to the erratic chatter around you.
what you didn’t notice was that, on the slip, someone had already put your name down alongside theirs.
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you sighed softly, finally done with school for the day. you opened the door to your house, and were hit by the strong and unmistakable aroma of your favorite meal. 
you stepped into your house, closing the door quietly and setting your backpack down. you greeted your mom, who greeted you back. she stood in the kitchen, cooking your favorite meal.
”can you go to the store for me? i need salt for this, but we ran out,” your mom stated, gesturing towards what she was cooking.
you nodded silently, turning to leave. you opened the door, closed it, and started walking to the store.
upon entering, you couldn’t help but notice how empty it was. usually there were at least a few other people, but right now you could only spot around four.
you walked around the store but, even after ten minutes of sauntering around, couldn’t find the salt for some reason. maybe you were going blind or something.
you decided to ask an employee, timidly walking up to one and tapping him on the shoulder.
he turned around, bright purple eyes meeting your own. a scowl, which didn’t quite seem to fit him, adorned his pretty face. his hair was a dull shade of purple, and light wispy bangs fell on his forehead. his skin was extremely clear and pale like porcelain, and looked as if it could shatter any second. the resemblance to a doll he bore was uncanny.
”what?” he snapped, glaring at you through his bangs.
”uhm, sorry to bother you, but, uh, do you.. do you know where the salt is?” you asked, fidgeting a little with your fingers.
he let out a long, deep sigh.
”yes. follow me,” he muttered, already walking towards the isle.
you followed in suit.
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tentatively, you looked up from your hands to see who was in your group.
the first person you laid your eyes upon was a girl with light blue hair tied into an elegant and sleek ponytail with a black ribbon with golden streaks. she had a small beauty mark under one of her eyes, which were a pale shade of blue, matching her hair.
sitting beside her was a guy who was a bit taller than her. he had green eyes and messy honey-yellow hair that was tied into a ponytail with a scarlet red ribbon.
you moved your gaze to the last person.
he seemed oddly familiar, like you had seen him somewhere before. you couldn’t quite remember where though, maybe at park or store?
he had feathery bangs which fell down his forehead in a almost perfect matter. his hair itself seemed to be styled in a jellyfish cut of sorts, and was a dim shade of lavender. his eyes matched the color of his hair, and were narrowed to form a scowl on his pretty face. his skin was eerily pale, almost like porcelain.
the boy who you were just looking at let out what seemed to be an annoyed sigh, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes at something.
the blonde boy spoke up first.
”so, uhm.. hi. i’m thoma.”
following in suit, you all said your names after him.
thoma spoke again.
”do you guys have a phone number or something we can use to contact each other with for the project? i already have ayaka’s, so i just need you boths’.” 
scaramouche shook his head.
”i don’t have access to my phone right now,” he muttered, still scowling
”we, uhm, we can use instagram or something to message each other?” you said, the slightest hint of nervousness lacing your voice.
”sure,” ayaka said.
scaramouche and thoma nodded in agreement.
you all wrote down your usernames on a piece of paper.
once you got home, you took out your phone, typing all their usernames into the search bar and following them one by one. after doing so, you added them all to a group chat.
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you have started a chat !
18:12 december 27th, 2024
hi. ig.
shut the fuck up.
pls stop
sorry. ig.
okay anyway
there’s two parts on the project
i was thinking we could split up into teams of two and then each do one part or smth?
idk man 😭😭
That sounds good.
i call dibs on working with ayaka 😛😛
1 user disliked
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you stood in front of his house’s door, rocking back onto your heels and then up onto your toes, nervous. you clutched the bag you were holding—of which was filled with notebooks and various school supplies.
you were anxious, waiting for scaramouche to answer the door. it had only been a minute, but to you it felt like ten.
you couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. you didn’t know why or how or when or where, just that you had a bad gut feeling.
but you shook it off, knowing you had to work on the project.
all of the sudden the door opened, slamming against the wall in a violent manner, making you flinch a little, torn out of your thoughts.
you glanced at the doorway, laying your eyes on the indigo-haired boy.
”uhm, hi,” you mumbled, swallowing nervously.
”hi,” he replied, voice and face blank; devoid of any emotion, “uh, d’you wanna come in?”
you uttered a small okay, walking inside after he shuffled a little to the side.
“we can work in the living room, i guess.”
you nodded silently, following scaramouche as he walked to the living room.
upon arriving, you placed your bag—which you had been clutching so hard your knuckles had turned white—down. you both sat down on the ground, and, after taking your things out, started working on the project.
scaramouche was sitting slightly behind you, doing his part of the project. once every few minutes, he would lean his head over your shoulder—face almost touching it—in order to see what progress you had made.
your heart beat much, much faster every time he did it, face getting hot.
and of course that didn’t go unnoticed by scaramouche.
around an hour after working on the project, you asked scaramouche where the bathroom was.
”straight, then go left,” he said. he didn’t even glance up at you as he told you where to go, just continued writing on the notebook splayed out in front of him.
you got up, walking out of the living room and straight like he said.
only problem was you didn’t quite remember if he had said to go right or left after going straight.
you decided to go right, and came across a door. assuming it was the bathroom, you opened it.
you really wished you hadn’t after you saw what was inside.
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after you had opened the door and seen what was inside, you really wished you hadn't.
inside there were hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of photographs. they were plastered all over the walls, overlapping each other. they covered the ground, the walls, the ceiling, everything. the only things in the room besides that were a bed, a desk, and a computer monitor, which was lit up.
the bright screen blared at you, enticing you to come look.
the monitor displayed pictures of a house, probably running from security cameras or the like.
but it wasn't just any house, no.
it was your house.
your room.
your kitchen.
your living room.
your fucking house.
a wave of dizziness and nausea hit you. you felt sick to your stomach, leaning on the doorway for support.
then you heard something clattering behind you, falling to the floor.
you looked behind you, eyes wide.
scaramouche was standing there, frozen. he had dropped his phone to the ground, which had a photo of you working on the project opened on it.
”why the fuck are you in my room?” he burst out, almost yelling at you.
his room?
you became even more still than you were before, if that was even physically possible.
”y-you- your room?” you uttered, voice audibly shaking.
scaramouche just glared at you, hands fisted up.
then he took a step toward you.
you, in turn, stepped backwards.
the slightest rusting of paper was heard—presumably some of the photographs getting crushed underneath your feet.
he walked closer.
you backed away.
it was a vicious cycle which eventually ended when you bumped into a wall. some photographs fell down to the floor from the motion.
scaramouche cornered you in, staring at you with an unknown glint in his eyes.
it was a combination of everything you had made him fucking feel—obsession, anger, lovesickness, loathing.
he leaned in towards you, mouth almost touching your ear from how close he was. his hot breath fanned across your neck.
”well, since you’ve already seen everything, there’s no point in letting you leave now, hm? not when you’re right where i want you, my beloved aconite,” he whispered, pulling away. scaramouche grinned.
he stared at you with a mixture of emotions in his eyes, but the most prominent was limerence.
 “you’re finally all mine. my aconite.”
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ooo-yeah-baby · 1 year
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Yandere Benny Weir
I only write sfw, feel free to send requests, possibly gonna do a p2, not really proof read, short
"Benny, this is insane." Ethan frantically followed his best friend back and forth in the small room. "You saw what happened last time you made a love potion. We almost died!" 
"That's different. That was pheromones, this is an actual potion." He said as he grabbed a few more random bottles from his grandma's shelf. He handed his book to Ethan opened to the page with information on his plan. "As long as she keeps ingesting it over time, nothing bad will happen." Benny put the final ingredients into the pink, weird bottle then turned to Ethan. "If youre so worried just check it to make sure." Benny had a wide, almost creepy smile on his face. 
With a huge puff Ethan took the bottle from Benny and conjured up a vision. Y/Ns pupils shifted to hearts as she stared at Benny, but nothing inherently bad happened. 
He handed the bottle back to Benny; "It... didn't really seem that bad." 
"What happened?" Benny questioned. 
"Exactly what's supposed to happen. Y/N feel in love with you. But, well... don't you want her to actually fall in love with you? Isn't this like- fake emotions?" 
"It's just... a precaution?" Benny responded. "In case I can't charm her with my good looks and charisma." He brushed his hair back and attempted some kind of smolder.
"There is no way this is morally okay." Ethan pressed, shaking his head. "I know you've already made the potion but I really think you should just get rid of it. It's not right." 
Benny thought for a moment. "You know... you're right." He set the bottle on the desk then turned back to Ethan. "I'll ask grandma to help me get rid of it." He assured his friend. 
Ethan left shortly after and Benny raced back into his grandma's room to get the potion back. A twisted smile grew on his face as he walked out of the room. 
You'd finally love him just as much as he loved you. 
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 8 months
Yandere Frat Bro x Shy! Fem! Reader
TW: Drugging, dubcon, spanking
Part two
“Do I have to go to this party? I’m not very good at interacting with people,” You say, putting a sweater over your dress to cover up the cleavage.
“Yep! I’m not letting you stay in the dorm all week anymore. Come on, they have a library they barely use at the frat house. You can hide out in there if you really don’t want to interact with anyone,” Your friend, Cassidy, says, grabbing your hand and walking you to the party. “You’ll have fun. I promise.”
The frat house is covered in lights with a banner saying “Welcome Party Goers!” hanging over the balcony. The loud music and drunken conversations make you nervous.
“Cassidy, why are people looking at me?” You ask, buttoning up your sweater.
“It’s nothing. People are just shocked to see you outside the dorm. Come on, someone special wants to meet you,” Cassidy replies, walking you through the crowd of people. “Alright, she’s all yours.”
“Cass, what-oh, hi. Who are you?” You ask the tall tan boy with ginger hair, brown eyes, and freckles in front of you.
“Ben, but I’m sure you’ll be used to saying my name by the time this party is over,” Ben says, wrapping an arm around your waist and leading you to the library. “We’ll have so much time together.”
“Oh…yay,” You mutter, shrinking in Ben’s grip.
When you go into the library, Ben locks the door behind you.
“Don’t look so panicked. We’ll have a nice fireside chat,” Ben says, sipping out of his red cup. “Here, have a drink.”
Ben takes your red cup and pours half of his drink into your cup. His eyes are staring at your cup.
“It’s ok. I don’t have any harmful germs,” Ben says, guiding you to a velvet couch.
You hesitantly drink what’s in your cup and cough as the harsh mixture goes down your throat. Suddenly, your body starts to feel hot. You try to unbutton your sweater, but your hands are too sweaty.
“Do you need help unbuttoning your sweater?” Ben asks, looking at the fireplace.
You slowly nod your head, and Ben’s hands are already groping your body while taking your sweater off.
“You’re lucky you’re with me. If any other boy saw you like this, they’d ravage you like a little lamb. Good thing you have me to protect you forever,” Ben states, rubbing your body as your head rests on his shoulder.
“Ben-Benny, I want your shirt off. It’s heating up too quickly,” You ask, cuddling Ben.
“Aw, sure thing, baby," Ben replies, removing his shirt and throwing it to the floor.
Your hands wander on Ben's chest, and the redhead boy chuckles.
"Enjoying the view?" Ben teases, leading your hands lower and lower.
You kiss Ben on the lips and trail down his neck.
"Oh, baby, I think you want more than my shirt off," Ben flirts, unbuckling his pants.
Ben peels the straps of your dress down and unveils your boobs. He rubs your nipples, making your hand go to your crotch. Pleasure fills your body as Ben's touch fuels the paced rubbing of your pussy.
"Ah, ah, ah, Y/N. You don't get to cum from your fingers in my presence. Let's move those panties out of the way so I can work properly," Ben says, pulling your hand out of your panties.
You whine as your hand leaves but quickly hold Ben's hand as his fingers enter your vagina. Your moans echo through the library, and the dress falls to the floor. You can't help but kiss Ben's neck as his finger move in and out of your pussy faster.
"Oh, it's ok, baby. You'll be cumming soon," Ben says, his free hand groping your ass. "Your pussy is gripping my fingers so tightly. Are you going to let my fingers go?"
His teasing sends you over the edge, and you cum all over his fingers. His hand stays in you for a minute before laying your head on his chest. He opens his mouth and sucks off your cum from his fingers. Ben slides down the couch in ecstasy, and you take the chance to put your hands down his tighty whities. His hips buck from your hand, and he seals any moans he has with a kiss. Tongues twist, and saliva is drooling down mouths as you jack Ben off.
"Faster," He moans, taking his pants and underwear off. "Make your boyfriend cum and make a mess of your fingers."
You do as he says and speed up the pace of your hand. You don't know if it's the light from the fire, but seeing Ben's body glimmer from the sweat is driving you up the wall. Ben releases an animalistic moan, and he spills his sperm on your fingers. You lick your hands clean, making your body shiver.
"Why does it taste so good?" You ask, your free hand going to your naughty pussy again.
Ben slaps your ass hard, and you moan like you've been in a chastity cage for a lifetime.
"Didn't I tell you no masturbating in my presence? Your pussy needs to learn to listen. Bend over the couch and make your ass perky in the air," Ben commands, his words sounding more slurred than when he was drinking.
You obey him, and soon, a sole finger traces your labia and clitoris.
"Benny, I want it," You beg, wiggling your ass if that would give you mercy.
"Nope," Ben laughs, spanking you. "Aw, your pussy is so puffy and wet. How about I lick it all up?"
Ben's tongue slowly goes from your tailbone to your pussy, making sure to give your vagina a flick. Your hands move to his head, but he swats them away.
"Hands on the couch, now," Ben instructs, making your pussy drool.
Ben takes a singular lick, and you twitch. Ben smirks at your reaction and gives your fat pussy a long slow lick. You practically collapse from the pleasure but find a way to keep your legs from giving out. Ben licks your pussy slowly two more times, then shocks your system by doing it rapidly.
"Yes, Ben, more! More, more, more, more!" You moan, struggling to keep your hands on the couch. "Fuck, make me cum!"
Ben gives your pussy a big smooch, and you're cumming and squirting all over his face and the couch. He flips you over, and almost knowing what to do, you spread your legs for Ben. He sticks his cock in your cum covered pussy and begins to ruin you all over again. The sound of skin slapping together is almost like a hypnotic trance to you as the pleasure builds up inside of you.
"Look at you. You can barely keep yourself together with my six inches in you. I wanna empty my balls into your pussy so bad," Ben rambles, keeping a steady pace of thrusts.
"Uh-huh, yeah, empty your cock into my pussy, Benny," You moan, holding your legs open.
"Keep calling me that, baby," Ben moans, speeding up his thrusts.
"Benny! Benny! Benny! Benny!" You chant, sending both of you into overload mode. "Oh, Ben, baby, I love you!"
"Y/N, I love you too! God, I wanna fuck you this good forever!" Ben screams, shooting a continous stream of cum into you.
He thrust for a couple more minutes, letting you cum on his dick. When you do, he pulls out and immediately kisses you.
"I'm so glad you decided to be mine. Don't worry, I'll take you shopping for a plan b tomorrow morning," Ben says, immediately cuddling your body.
You start to cry, and Ben soothes you by rubbing your back.
"You did so well, darling. I know you're a virgin and occassionally masturbate from time to time, so having a cock in you must've been hard. Aren't you glad I gave you my drink to relax?" Ben says, repeatedly kissing your head.
"Yes, I'm so glad, Benny Boo. You did great, too," You compliment, hugging Ben.
And so, the beginning of an interesting relationship began.
Let me know if you want a part two in the reblogs or comments.
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allied-mastercunt · 4 months
killer ai enthusiasts, unite
hiya. i'm nosferatu (any pronouns) or rat for short and to put it simply, i like making tiktok angry, so i decided to make a sideblog for i have no mouth and i must scream... and write fanfiction about fucking the big bad killer ai, daddy the deranged himself. or itself. (gotta love how ted used he/it for am in the book) and the humans, of course. but we all know we're here mostly for the killer ai.
i write for everyone:
Ellen (they could never make me hate you)
but since they can differ a lot depending on the source (book ted vs game ted, for example) you might wanna specify which version you want. or don't and let me decide.
If you're looking for morbid, disturbing and uncanny shit you wouldn't ask anyone else for, i'm your ghoul. don't count on much comfort, though, this is not a comfort blog.
i love yandere AM. ask me about yandere AM. please.
pokedex entry about me:
mary, elizabeth or nosferatu (rat for short)
very queer
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benny-loves-her · 2 years
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(Benny loves her so much it’s driving him mad!! I want to scream!! Heart)
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