#Yandere Josuke x Reader
thornybubbles · 2 years
JJBA Yandere Scenario: Jealousy (The JoJos: Josuke, Giorno, and Johnny)
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Jealous Josuke is an emotional wreck. He’s rage and paranoia personified.  He wants to be a good boyfriend. He really does, but every time he sees you with that guy, he feels like he’s going to lose his mind. He’s in constant flux between flying into a rage and having a full on panic attack. You love him, right? So why hang all over that guy so much? Are you cheating on him? You wouldn’t do that to him, would you? He sure hopes not because he doesn’t know what he’d do if that was true. He’s pretty sure he’d go insane though. Every moment you two aren’t together he’s wondering if you’re with that guy or not. His imagination goes wild, taking his thoughts to places he doesn’t want them to go. 
Are you in love with that guy? 
Are you going to leave him? 
Are you cheating on him? 
Are you cheating on him right now? 
Are you cheating? 
Are you cheating? 
Are you cheating on him?!!!
It was lunch break. Josuke had left the classroom to roam the mostly empty halls. He couldn’t sit in the classroom with Okuyasu constantly asking him what was wrong. He needed to be alone to think. He needed to decide what to do. He just needed to calm down first. It was proving very difficult to do so, though, as thoughts of you in the track star’s arms kept popping into his thoughts. He rubbed his temples, trying to ease the headache that was forming. HIs hair was a mess and for once, he didn’t even care. 
He was startled by the feeling of a hand touching his shoulder. He whirled around and his bloodshot eyes locked onto the form of Yukako. 
“Koichi is worried about you.” She said with a stern tone, almost as if she was accusing him of something. 
It took a few moments for her words to sink in for Josuke. 
“Huh? Worried? Why?” Josuke asked. 
Yukako ran her fingers through her long black locks in a casual manner before she answered. 
“You’ve been acting like you’re on the verge of a mental breakdown for days now. I’ve noticed it as well.” she said. “What’s going on, Josuke?” 
Josuke sighed. First Okuyasu, now both Koichi and Yukako? He guessed he wasn’t really hiding his feelings very well. Well, he wasn’t really trying to.
“I think she might be cheating on me.” he blurted out before he could stop himself. He gritted his teeth and his hands began to tremble. Just saying it out loud made him want to go on a rampage. 
Yukako noticed the way his fingers twitched and the way his jaw tightened. She knew that level of fury all too well. She sighed and crossed her arms across her chest. 
“You mean your girlfriend? Cheating with who? With that muscle head from the track team? The one with the terrible bleached hair? The one I always see her talking with when you aren’t around?” she said, bracing herself for what she suspected would come next. 
Sure enough at the mention of the hated rival, Josuke’s rage exploded like a volcano. He slammed a fist into a nearby locker, caving the door in to the point that it popped off of the hinges. He stood there panting heavily for a moment before summoning Crazy Diamond to fix the door. He didn’t know whose locker it belonged to, but he figured that a random student shouldn’t have to pay for his tantrum. 
Yukako felt a drop of cold sweat run down the back of her neck. She wondered if her own tantrums had that same effect on those around her. Poor Koichi. She waited for Josuke to look calm enough for it to be safe to speak to him again. 
“I’m not the type to interfere in the problems of other couples, but seeing you like this upsets my Koichi, so I’ll give you some advice…” she began. 
Josuke thought Yukako was the last person to have any business giving anyone advice on romance, but he listened to what she had to say anyway. It wasn’t like he was coming up with any solutions on his own. 
“Kick his ass.” she said simply.
Well, he should’ve seen that coming. 
“Let me rephrase that… Give him a warning. One warning. Tell him to stay away from what’s yours, and if he can’t follow that one, simple request… kick his ass.” she said, her eyes and voice taking on a steely edge.
Josuke mulled over what she said. It was such a simple answer, he wondered why he hadn’t thought of it. Of course he couldn’t just beat some dude up for no reason… but he did have a reason, didn’t he? That lowlife spent way too much time with his babe for his liking. Always stealing her time from him… giving him a warning first made things fair… Surprisingly, Yukako’s advice made perfect sense.
“Don’t just think about it, Josuke. You need to confront him. Tell him to back off and enforce it if you need to.” 
Yukako turned and started to walk back to the classroom before turning back to him and adding, 
“And then you need to talk to her. Remind her of who she belongs to. If you don’t set her straight… you’ll lose her.” 
Those last three words chilled Josuke to his very core. He stared after Yukako as she walked away from him. Putting the jock in his place made sense, but was Yukako implying that he needed to… “get rough” with you? Josuke wasn’t sure that he would, or could, take things that far. He did plan to talk to you about it though. He was going to have to explain to you how you made him feel whenever you spent too much time around other guys. More than that, he had to make sure that all these fears of you cheating on him were just in his head and not a terrible reality. 
Josuke made up his mind. He was going to take Yukako’s advice. He’d find out where that bleach tipped jock hung out and confront him after school. He’d have to be careful, though. If he ended up having to pulverize him, he didn’t want word of that getting back to you. You were understanding, kind, and open minded, but he didn’t think you’d be happy to hear that he’d beaten one of your friends to a pulp. Why were you friends with that guy anyway? Wasn’t he enough? 
Josuke shook his head furiously. No, he couldn’t go thinking like that again. He’d work himself back into a frenzy. He needed to think clearly. He was going to have to be patient and wait. He’d feel a lot better once he’d made sure that scumbag left you alone for good. He was going to hate it, but he needed to avoid you until then. As much as he needed to bury himself into your embrace, he wouldn’t be able to control himself around you. He was still angry and the last thing he wanted to do was blow up in your face, blaming you for doing something he still wasn’t sure you were guilty of yet. He just didn’t know what he’d do if he found out anything funny went on between you and that piece of shit. He would go insane. He’d go insane and it would be all your fault. 
He spent the rest of the school day twitching with barely restrained fury. 
Finally the end of the school day came and Josuke couldn’t get out of the classroom fast enough. He spotted you briefly but was careful enough to stay out of your range of sight. He spotted his true target talking to a group of boys coming out of the gym. That was him! The guy you were (might) be leaving him for. There wasn’t anything special about him. Sure he was a bit on the buff side, but Josuke’s muscles were just as good! Besides, it didn’t matter whose muscles were bigger, Josuke could still win in a real fight. All this guy could do was run. What could a mere high school athlete do against someone who fought with the most dangerous people in the world on a daily basis? What could he do against someone with a Stand like Crazy Diamond? Nothing! That’s what! And Josuke was going to prove it! Tonight! He waited for the other boys to leave before he made his move. 
“Hey, you!” Josuke called to the track star. 
The boy cast a confused look at Josuke, not understanding the cause of the hostile tone he was being given. Josuke told him to meet him at sunset out in the rice fields, describing the same one where Jotaro had taken him to hunt the rats, explaining that he had something important to talk about. Those fields were far from prying eyes. No one ever went out there except the farmers during harvest and planting season. There wouldn’t be any witnesses to what Josuke was going to do to the chump… if he had to. (He really hoped he would have to.) The boy agreed to meet Josuke, already feeling that the delinquent was challenging him to a fight for some unknown reason. The boy rose to the challenge eagerly, refusing to be intimidated by Josuke. 
Josuke stood in the middle of the field, staring out at the horizon as the sky changed colors. The sun had fully dipped behind the treetops, but its light still hung in the sky, not wanting to give up the fight against the nighttime so easily. Just like him. He wasn’t about to let some lunkhead steal you away from him. And he wasn’t letting you go for anyone else either. He wouldn’t give up. He wouldn’t give you up to anyone!
“What’s this about, Higashikata?” 
Josuke looked over his shoulder at the boy, his expression a cold look of contempt. 
“I want you to stay away from my girl. Don’t hang around her. Don’t talk to her. Don’t even look at her.” Josuke said simply.
What he did next would depend on how the boy responded. If he agreed, there wouldn’t be any problem. If he didn’t, well…
The boy gave Josuke a confused, disgusted look before letting out a sharp bark of a laugh. 
“Oh my God.” He said. “I never pegged you to be one of those types of boyfriends!” 
Josuke turned to face the boy fully. 
“What the hell’s that supposed to mean?” he demanded, his anger starting to simmer to a boil. 
“It means that you’re an asshole, obviously.” the boy scoffed with an obnoxious roll of his eyes. 
“What kind of boyfriend I am isn’t any of your concern. I told you to stay away from her. So what’s it gonna be? Are you gonna leave her alone, or am I gonna have to get my point across in a different way?” Josuke said in a warning tone. 
“I won’t have to leave her alone.” the boy said with another scoff. “If you’re this pathetic and clingy, she’ll end up leaving you anyway.” 
Josuke felt something inside of his mind give way and a flood of the most horrible thoughts and feelings rushed forth like a tidal wave. None of it showed on his face though. Only a slight look of disdain as he raised his chin slightly to look down his nose at the subhuman pile of dogshit in front of him. 
The boy fell to his side as his right leg snapped like a dry twig. The lower shin bone jutted out of the flesh of his leg gruesomely. The boy screamed, clutching his ruined leg and writhing in pain. Crazy Diamond hovered over the boy waiting for the mental order to break his other leg. 
Josuke sighed, closing his eyes in mock frustration. 
“Man, you really know how to say the wrong thing, don’t you?” he said, ignoring the boy’s screams. 
He was answered with more screaming. Josuke just stared at the boy, his blue eyes empty and cold. Normally, he wouldn’t be able to handle the sight or sounds before him. He didn’t like watching people suffer. This was different though. This wasn’t a person in front of him. It was a thing. A nasty, squealing thing that was trying to take his happiness away from him. It was a worthless speck of filth that wanted to dirty up his world. He wanted it to hurt and scream and bleed and DIE!!
“All you had to do was say that you’d leave my girl alone. That’s it. I don’t think that was really too much to ask, was it?” Josuke said, his voice as expressionless as his face. 
“But I’m feeling a little bit lenient today, so I’ll give you a chance. I’ll let you go if you can outrun me, but the trick is that you have to do it on that broken leg. I’ll even give you two chances, but only two, because you don’t really deserve three. If you fall over, or I catch up to you, then you lose and I punish you. Strike one, I break your other leg. Strike two, though, I break your spine. So you better be able to get away from me or you’re gonna permanently lose your title of track star.” 
The boy stared up at Josuke through terrified, tear-filled eyes, unable to process the madness of what he’d just been told. 
“On your mark…” Josuke said. 
The boy braced himself in a stance as best he could on his shattered leg. This was insane! He knew he couldn’t get away, but he had to try. 
“Get set…” 
The boy wobbled dangerously, his leg throbbing with pain and bleeding everywhere. He felt like he would throw up any moment.
The boy flopped over, unable to even stand on his ruined leg. 
Josuke shook his head. 
“Didn’t even make it past the starting line. I thought you were supposed to be good at this.” He mocked. 
The boy tried to crawl away as Josuke loomed over him. His left leg arched upward in a grisly way as Crazy Diamond stomped down on his kneecap, reducing it to powder. Another round of tortured screaming issued forth from the boy. Josuke just looked on with an uninterested gaze. 
“Ready for round two?” Josuke asked. 
The boy stopped screaming and began to shout at Josuke. 
“You insane fuck!” He cried. “You psychopathic piece of shit!” 
The boy didn’t have any clue just how Josuke was putting him through this torment. He was just standing there! How could he hurt him without even touching him? 
Josuke raised an eyebrow. 
“Hey, I’m giving you a chance here and now you’re gonna swear at me? Not sure if you deserve a second chance. Maybe I should just break your spine anyway?” 
“Go ahead if you think it will do anything!” the boy screamed at him in a moment of defiance. “Paralyze me if you think it matters, but when I’m lying on a hospital bed, I’ll make sure everybody knows that it was you that did this to me! Everybody will know what a fucked up monster you are, including that girl of yours. She’ll hate you! She’ll be so sick of you for what you did that she’ll leave you and--” 
He was cut off by Josuke’s fist slamming into his jaw, cracking it. 
“YOU JUST DON’T KNOW WHEN TO SHUT THE HELL UP, DO YOU?” Josuke thundered, his face contorted with so much rage that he looked downright demonic. “LET’S SEE IF YOU CAN KEEP RUNNING YOUR MOUTH THROUGH A BROKEN JAW! HUH?! YOU GOT SOMETHING TO SAY NOW?! YOU SACK OF SHIT!!!” 
What did this guy know? You weren’t going to leave him! You wouldn’t! You couldn’t! This loser didn’t know what he was talking about!!
He wanted to keep hitting him. He wanted to pummel his stupid face until there was nothing left of it but scraps of meat and bits of bone. He wanted to splatter his brains all over the ground and soak the dirt with his blood. But he didn’t. Somehow he managed to reign in his anger. He knew that if he kept hitting him, he would kill him. Not that he cared about the punk’s worthless life, but his reputation (especially with you) would be in shambles. His friends would never forgive him. His mother… he didn’t even want to think about how she’d react. You, though. You would hate him and fear him. He couldn’t live with that. 
So instead, Josuke had Crazy Diamond methodically torture his rival. His spine was broken, as promised, but so were his ribs, his arms, the tiny bones in his hands and feet, his fingers, his toes… each bone was slowly and methodically shattered, until the boy was begging for it to end. That’s all Josuke needed to hear. 
He allowed Crazy Diamond to heal the boy and the Stand did so, though reluctantly. The boy was stunned. Taking full advantage of his now healed legs, the boy clamored to his feet and started to run. He was grabbed by Crazy Diamond. 
“Ah! What is this?” He cried. “What’s happening?! Something’s got me!” 
He struggled to break free from the invisible hold, but it was too strong. He shrank in on himself as Josuke approached him. 
“Y-You were breaking my bones without touching me… Then suddenly I’m healed and now I feel like I’ve been grabbed by something I can’t see! How are you doing this? W-what the hell are you?” he said with a whimper of terror. 
Josuke glared at him. He was afraid. Good. Maybe now he’ll finally listen to reason. 
“Doesn’t matter.” Josuke answered. “All that matters is whether or not you plan to keep pressing your luck. Are you going to leave my girl alone or do I have to give you another round of pain?” 
“I-I’ll l-leave her alone. I’ll do what y-you say. Just… please… l-let me g-go…” he stammered, exhaustion evident in his voice. 
Crazy Diamond released the boy, and he dropped to his knees. He looked up as Josuke stood in front of him. 
“Now, you’re gonna go about your life pretending that this little encounter didn’t happen.” Josuke warned. “If word of what happened today gets out, I’m not gonna be happy with you. Especially if my girl finds out about it. If I find out that you talked, I’ll find you. And you won’t like what happens when I do. Do I make myself clear?” 
The boy nodded. 
“I won’t tell. I w-won’t tell anyone.” he stammered. 
Josuke’s expression suddenly brightened. His lips stretched into a deceptively friendly smile. 
“Good! Now run home, and forget all about this.” 
The track star did just that, putting his well trained (and now unbroken) legs to good use. He ran the entire way home.  
Things had been very strange for you for the last few days. First of all, Josuke seemed as though he was actively avoiding you lately. When you spoke to him, he always seemed to have a manic look in his eyes, as well as a need to rush through the conversation in order to get away from you as soon as possible. Okuyasu told you that Josuke was acting like that around him and Koichi, too. Today was really strange, though. You hadn’t seen Josuke all day and for the last half of the day, Yukako kept giving you suspicious looks. You had no idea what you had done to have her keep looking at you that way, but you made it a point to stay out of her way for the rest of the day. For all you knew, you probably accidentally gave Koichi too many compliments or something. You were more worried about your boyfriend and what you could have done to make him act like he wanted nothing to do with you. You were going to have to talk to him about it. You had a terrible feeling that he might be planning to break up with you. 
Imagine your surprise, when Josuke showed up at your window later that night. He looked disheveled and had a wild look in his eye. His precious pompadour was in a disarray, long, loose, strands had broken free and dangled in his face. Curious, you let him into your room. Once he climbed all the way into your room, he was all over you. He grabbed you up in a tight embrace and planted a desperate, needy kiss on your lips. When that kiss ended, he kissed you again, and again, and again. 
“I missed you.” he whispered. 
“I can tell.” You quipped. “Here I was, thinking you were sick of me.” 
Josuke let go of you. 
“You thought I was sick of you?” he asked, sounding surprised. 
“You’ve been avoiding me for days now.” You explained to him. “Every time I talked to you, you acted like you wanted to be anywhere else but near me. You stopped calling me and you wouldn’t pick up the phone when I tried to call you. Your Mom would answer and tell me you were busy. Then, today I didn’t see you at all. Is there something going on, Josuke?” 
Josuke gave you such a desperate look just then. He grabbed you by the shoulders and led you to the bed where he made you sit. He sat down next to you and grasped your hands. 
“I need you to be honest with me.” Josuke said. 
You gave him a concerned look but nodded your head. 
“Sure, Josuke.” You said, growing worried. 
“Would you ever leave me for someone else?” He blurted out, not even hesitating to confess his worst fear to you. “Would you cheat on me?” 
You stared at him in disbelief. That was why he’d been avoiding you? Did he suspect you’d found someone else? Had he truly lost his ability to trust you? What on earth had happened to make him feel this way?
“Josuke…” you began.
“Just tell me the truth!” He shouted, a frightened, anguished tone to his voice. “Please, babe! I need to hear you say the words!!” 
You sighed. He needed confirmation of your loyalty. It hurt your heart to think that he felt that you would do something so deplorable as cheat on him, but that miserable look on his face made it impossible to hold it against him. For someone that seemed to be as tough as diamond, his heart could shatter so easily. 
“Josuke, I love you to pieces.” You say plainly. “I don’t know what I could have done to make you lose your trust in me, but I’m sorry. I would never do something like that to you. I’d never even dream of it.” 
Josuke seemed to deflate like a balloon and collapsed against you. You almost fell over from the sudden weight. You put your arms around him and held him close. His chest was heaving and you could hear his breath hitch. He was crying. 
“Jojo?” You asked, using his nickname for once. Sensitive as Josuke was, he hardly ever cried. It took something really bad to make him like this. It must have been bothering him a lot. 
“Thank God.” he sobbed. “I thought… I just don’t want to lose you. You’re the only thing in the world that makes me feel sane anymore. When I’m with you, I can feel normal. I don’t have to think about how it feels like my life’s gone to shit. I get so tired of how crazy everything is now. I just want to feel like a normal human being again!” 
His words caused a thrill of discomfort to shoot through your very soul. That sounded… well… not very healthy. You opened your mouth to say something to him but you found yourself suddenly staring up into his tear streaked face. He wore a manic expression that chilled you to the bone. 
“Promise me that you’ll stay with me forever!” he said. It was a demand. There was no option to deny him. 
“I-I promise, Josuke.” You stammered, shocked at how unhinged he was behaving and beginning to fear for your safety. 
“You’ll promise what?” Josuke ground out, his voice taking on a threatening tone that caused goosebumps to break out across your skin. 
“I-I promise to s-stay with you forever, Josuke!” You said. 
He sighed in relief and closed his eyes tightly, before crushing you to his chest. 
“I knew. I knew you wouldn’t betray me like that.” he said. “I just had to hear you say it. I had to be sure. I knew you’d tell me the truth. I knew you’d never lie to me, would you, babe?” 
“Of c-course not…” you said, terrified of what he’d do if he didn’t like your response. 
“Of course you wouldn’t.” He said, holding you so close that it was starting to hurt. 
“If you did… if you lied to me… or tried to leave me… I’d lose my damn mind.” he said, his voice shaking and sounding completely unhinged. 
“Then… I just don’t know what I’d do.” 
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Jealous Giorno is going to do anything he can to bring your attention back to him. He’ll be like a peacock spreading his feathers in a not-so-subtle attempt to earn your affections. He’s had his eye on you since he became Don, and seeing you always hanging around that lowly con man set his blood on fire. He made it a point to use whatever methods were at his disposal to find out exactly what kind of men you found attractive. You liked men with long hair? He stopped wearing his hair in a braid, letting the long, blonde locks flow over his shoulders. When he found out what your favorite color was, he had all of his new suits tailored to be in various shades of that color. After a while, he noticed, to his delight, that his efforts were having an effect on you. 
“I see you started wearing your hair down, sir.” you said, feeling awkward about starting a casual conversation with the most powerful man in Italy. 
Giorno turned to you with soft eyes and a gentle smile. You were actually speaking to him! Though, he didn’t care for your formal tone. 
“You may call me Giorno, if you like.” He said. “Do you like it? My hair, I mean.” 
“Uh, yes… it looks very nice.” You stammered, trying to keep your composure but failing miserably. Your cheeks felt like they were on fire. You were embarrassing yourself in front of a very dangerous man and you hated yourself for it. 
Giorno felt like his heart had sprouted wings. Your shyness was very unbecoming of someone in your profession, but to him, it was the most precious thing he’d ever seen. 
“No need to be so shy.” He said, teasingly. “You don’t have to be so stiff and formal when you speak to me.” 
He motioned for you to sit, waving to the ornate chair in front of his desk. 
“Here, sit. Would you like some tea?” 
You timidly took a seat as you were told. 
“Yes. Thank you.” You answered. 
This went on for a while, with Giorno making subtle changes to himself in order to gain your favor. But he was becoming frustrated. No matter what he did, you still stubbornly stayed by the con man’s side. Why? What was he missing? What else did he need to do? You couldn’t actually be in love with that low life, could you? What could a man like that possibly give you that he couldn’t? What could possibly be keeping you by his side?
A little more research into your life and he found the answer. Ah. So you were the con man’s bodyguard. And… you were a Stand user. How interesting. Once he found that out, GER seemed very interested in meeting your Stand. Giorno realized he wasn’t the only one with a crush. 
Giorno decided to get in touch with your current employer to see about discussing an exchange. Money solved most problems, didn’t it? It shouldn’t be too hard to convince your boss to relinquish your services to him. 
Once Giorno had the con man in front of him, it took so much effort and all of his sense of professionalism to keep from scowling at him. He was a wormy, greasy snotball of a human being with a cowardly disposition. His nervous eyes flicked around the room to where Mista and a few other gangsters in Giorno’s employ stood up against the walls, staring back at him menacingly. 
A suitcase was placed on Giorno’s desk in front of the con man. He eyed it suspiciously but made no move to open it. He looked up at Giorno with worry in his eyes. 
“If I give you my bodyguard, then I won’t have anyone watching my back” the con man whined “I’ve scammed a lot of people in my day and some of those guys are dangerous. Dangerous and pissed off at me. I can’t afford…” 
“Why don’t you actually look at what I’m offering you before you complain about what you can’t afford?” Giorno interrupted, trying his best to quell his growing irritation. 
The con man glanced from Giorno down to the suitcase. Timidly, warily, he loosened the latches and slowly opened the suitcase. His eyes lit up like the New York skyline. 
“You can have her.” he said, digging his hands into the cash. He pulled out stacks of bills and looked at them like they were rare works of art. Giorno’s eyes darkened at how easily swayed the man was. He was just another greed driven criminal that viewed human lives as nothing more than tools or products to be bought and sold. Of course, Giorno was no better. He was the one buying you after all. Still, to think of you working under such a man made his skin crawl. 
“Then I suppose we have no more business together. You may take your leave.” Giorno said, wanting the speck of living filth out of his sight as soon as possible.
The con man put the bills back in the suitcase and slammed it closed. He snatched it up and grinned at Giorno.
“With this much cash I won’t need a bodyguard anyway! I’ve got enough money to buy my own personal army now! It’s been a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Giovanna!” he chirped happily.
“The pleasure is all yours, I assure you.” Giorno muttered under his breath. 
If the con man heard him, he didn’t acknowledge it. He held the suitcase under his arm and started for the door. 
“Don’t know why you want to spend so much money on her anyway. She’s a great bodyguard, but not good for much else.” the con man said over his shoulder.
“What do you mean by that?” Giorno said. His eyes narrowed dangerously. 
“Bit of a prude. Not interested in having any fun, if you know what I mean.” Said the con man while making a lewd gesture with his hands. 
Girono felt his teeth grind against each other. 
“Yes I think I know exactly what you mean.” he growled. “I believe you were on your way out.” 
The con man cast him another grin and left. 
Giorno snapped his head in the direction of his second in command. 
“Mista,” he said. 
The gunman gave a nod and headed for the door. 
“What? Really?!” came a cry of surprise by one of the other gangsters. “But he took the money!” 
He was a rookie in the group, but he should still know better than to speak out of turn. Giorno affixed him with a glare that had him snapping his jaw closed and staring at the floor. The two thugs on either side of him sidled a few inches away from him. The rookie seemed like he was trying to become one with the wall, but he didn’t say anymore. 
Giorno turned away from him. He would discipline that fool later. 
A day passes, and you get the word that your boss has been murdered. It’s assumed that one of his past victims finally caught up with him. It wasn’t long after that that you were contacted by Giorno. Now, you found yourself sitting in front of Giorno as he offered you a small smile. His eyes were alight with something that resembled glee. You couldn’t imagine why he seemed so happy and you weren’t about to ask. 
“It’s come to my attention that you are in need of a job,” he said. “I’ve decided to offer you a place by my side… as my bodyguard!” he said, adding the last part rather quickly. 
You looked up at him and he had such a calm, placid look on his face. His eyes though, had a strange urgent look to them. It was almost as if he was trying to mentally will you to say yes. You thought for a moment, weighing your options. The thing was, you really didn’t have any options. Your original boss was out of the picture, and as much as you didn’t like the man, he paid well. And strangely, nobody else had been willing to hire you within the organization. They kept saying things like, “You don’t have the credentials” or “You don’t have enough experience”. Lies. Not only that, but they all seemed very nervous about your presence. They all seemed like they just wanted to get rid of you. You don’t know what could have happened to cause your reputation to plummet so severely that no one would hire you, but it put you in a very bad position. You owed people money. You owed very dangerous people a lot of money. You looked back up at Giorno. 
“When do you want me to start, Mr. Giovana?” you asked. 
It seemed like the entire room sighed with relief, even though only you and Giorno were in the room. 
“I’m very glad to hear it, though I believe I told you to call me Giorno,” he said. His smile was friendly enough, but there was a slight edge to his voice that made you feel that the request was actually an order. 
“I’m sorry, Giorno.” You said, correcting yourself. 
His smile brightened. 
Once you were actually in his employ, your life suddenly took a turn for the better. Everyone you owed money to, suddenly dropped any obligations you had to them. Your bills were paid, and even your groceries were bought for you and delivered to your door. You were provided with expensive and opulent jewelry, clothing, and anything else you could possibly want or need. No one else that you worked for ever went this far for you. And as much as you appreciated what he was doing for you, you were starting to feel a little suffocated. 
There was another problem with your new job. As time passed, you could feel yourself developing feelings for Giorno that went well past what was professional. You stifled it as best as you could but with every moment you spent by Giorno’s side, it became more and more difficult. Developing feelings in a job like this was dangerous. Love dulled a person’s sense of reasoning, and you couldn’t afford to lose focus. It could cost you your life. Not only that, but there was always the risk of losing the one you loved. You didn’t think you could handle losing someone you were really in love with. Furthermore, you didn’t want to die and leave a grieving loved one behind.
Giorno seemed adamant about developing a friendship with you though. You thought it odd. He wasn’t like anyone you’d ever worked for. When he asked your opinion on something he seemed genuinely interested in your thoughts. Sometimes he would even make changes based on your opinions alone. 
Giorno seemed to have three sides to him. One was the cold, business like persona he presented to his underlings. The second was the persona of the old friend that he showed only to his closest and most trusted allies. The third was the persona he showed only to you. This side of him was the strangest. He would only reveal this side of himself when it was just the two of you and on days where there were no pressing matters to deal with. He would talk with you for hours about all kinds of things. Eventually, these conversations between the two of you began to get more revealing. 
One night, when the two of you were alone, Giorno opened up to you about something he had never shared with anyone. He told you about his neglectful mother and his abusive stepfather. He told you about wanting to find out who his real father was and even showed you the picture he had in his wallet. The image of the mysterious man gave you shuddering chills that resembled the one you got whenever Giorno gave someone that certain glare that he had. After being told something so intimately private, you found yourself opening up to him as well. You told him about your own lack of a father and your drug addicted mother. You told him about how as a small child you would scream and beg for her to feed you only for her to stare you dead in the eyes while she wordlessly jabbed another needle in her arm. You told him about how you came close to starving to death many times. You told him about how you found your mother dead from an overdose one day and had to live on the streets. Then one day, you got so sick you thought you were going to die, only to miraculously recover and find that you had developed your Stand. From there, you began using your Stand to do odd jobs to keep yourself fed and rent an apartment. You eventually got swept up into mob business and the rest is history. 
You never told anyone else that story, not because you didn’t want anyone to know about your past, but because you didn’t think anyone else would care. Giorno cared. He told you about how he got involved with the mafia in the first place. He told you of how he met Bruno Bucciarati, and how he planned to rid the streets of illegal drugs. He vowed to you then and there that he would make sure that no other child would have to endure what you went through due to your mother’s addiction. 
From there, the relationship you had with Giorno became less and less professional. Of course the two of you maintained a respectable distance from each other when around others that weren’t a part of Girono’s inner circle but, behind closed doors, when it was only the two of you, Giorno seemed to revert to being a needy child. He started making more and more physical contact with you, and for once, you allowed it. It wasn’t the first time a boss of yours tried to get physical with you, but their touches disgusted you and you refused them everytime. Giorno’s touches were so innocent and timid. It was almost as if he was afraid you would strike him if he got too close. He never did anything to make you uncomfortable and his touches were always gentle. He would only ever touch your hand, or hug onto your arm in the beginning. Eventually he got bolder and would embrace you in full hugs or lean up against you, resting his head on your shoulder where he would end up falling asleep. The level of trust he put into you if he was willing to fall asleep in your presence was touching. In this line of work, trust was something you didn’t sneeze at. 
Giorno never attempted to cross the line with you. So when he ever felt the need to initiate physical contact, you would freeze up and let him do so at his own pace. You treated it as if you were being sniffed by a deer or rabbit or any other skittish and easily frightened animal. Giorno was certainly frightened. He feared rejection. Your rejection. So you made it a point to never push him away. And for his part, he never gave you a reason to. It was safe to say that your feelings for him had fully developed past a simple crush. 
Apparently you weren’t the only one who felt that way. One night, you entered Giorno’s office to find that the lights had been dimmed and there were candles everywhere. Giorno’s desk and the other furniture  had been rearranged to make room for a table and chairs. On the table was a lavish meal with wine and even dessert. Giorno sat in one of the chairs, looking at you expectantly. He wore an opulent version of his usual suit (in your favorite color) and his hair was impeccable. It framed his face beautifully. The ringlets that usually adorned his forehead had been loosened and hung in curly strands against his face. You blushed at the sight of him. 
He proposed to you that night. You were surprised, but you didn’t hesitate to say yes. That’s how you found yourself on a yacht headed out to a private island with him for your honeymoon. Little did you know that once you got to the beautiful and sprawling villa he had set up there, you would not be leaving. Now that Giorno finally had you, he decided that he no longer wanted you putting yourself in harm’s way for him. You were his bodyguard no longer. You were his wife and he wanted you to live in luxury and safety. So he would clip your wings and put you in your gilded cage. You would be cared for and provided for and have nothing but the best of everything at your fingertips… but you would never know freedom again. 
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Jealous Johnny is hostile and passive aggressive. 
“What the hell is he doing here?” Johnny spits as you bring your friend to the camp. 
Since you joined up with Johnny and Gyro in the Steel Ball Run race, Johnny’s mood has improved greatly. You’ve given him a new lease on life and make him feel like he’s actually got something to live for again. It helps that you talk to him as a person and not just treat him like a helpless invalid. 
So when that rancher starts showing up at all the races and taking all your attention, it gives him such an uncomfortable, sour feeling in his belly. Don’t you know that guy isn’t just a fan? His crush on you is so painfully obvious it’s sickening! Why can’t you see how he’s manipulating you? Always buying you expensive dinners and clothes and things! You’re in a race through wilderness and rugged plains, for Christ’s sake! What do you need a velvet shawl for? All that jewelry will make you a target for bandits! It’s so obvious to Johnny that the rancher is trying to steal you away from him!
Johnny doesn’t know how to handle his jealousy. He becomes moody whenever you aren’t around and Gyro worries that he’ll go back into a depressive state. Johnny’s demeanor always brightens when you’re back with them though. Of course, when you keep talking about your fancy fanboy, Johnny starts getting snappy. 
“Do you ever stop talking about that guy?” He grumbles. “Why don’t you marry him already, since you like him so much?” 
“He’s already asked me to.” You say. Johnny almost falls off of Slow Dancer, while you and Gyro laugh your asses off. 
Johnny doesn’t think it’s so funny. Once he gets himself back in the saddle correctly, he sends a glare your way. 
“Tell him no!” He all but screams at you.
Both you and Gyro stop laughing to give him looks of shock. Johnny takes a few minutes to compose himself before he explains. 
“At least… at least wait until the race is over…” he said, not making eye contact with either of you. 
“Well… that was the plan.” you responded, giving Gyro a confused look. The Italian just shrugged and returned your expression. 
“Besides, I don’t even know what I’m going to tell him. I’m not even sure I feel that way about him.” 
Johnny didn’t respond. He stared straight ahead at the road over the top of Slow Dancer’s head. Her ears flicked nervously, as if she could sense her rider’s feelings. Johnny’s mind was churning with all manner of unpleasant things. The thought of what you would do after the race was always on the forethought of his mind. Gyro would go back to Italy, that much he knew. There was always that part of him that didn’t want Gyro to go, but Johnny didn’t really feel it was his place to keep his mentor away from his previous obligations. You were a different story. You were in the same boat as Johnny, disowned by your parents and all alone. You didn’t have a reason to leave once the race was over. Where would you even go anyway? 
The rancher was a problem. If you decided to marry him, you’d have a reason to leave. You’d run off with your rich fanboy… and he’d never see you again. He’d be all alone… just like always. Johnny felt his heart clench. For the rest of the day he’s unable to even look at you. 
When you had the gall to bring your rancher friend to the camp, Johnny was not happy. When you suggested that the rancher join up with the group for the duration of the race, it took all of Johnny’s self restraint to keep from shooting both you and your rancher fanboy. Fortunately, Gyro seemed skeptical about the idea as well. The Italian pointed out that they didn’t need an extra party member. Not only that, but they had no reason to trust the rancher. Gyro thought it very suspicious that he was always in every town they went to. He thought that the idea of the rancher being merely a fan of yours was too convenient of an excuse. 
Good ol’ Gyro, always coming through! Johnny thought. 
But the rancher pulled Gyro aside and had a long conversation with the Spin user. The longer Gyro spent talking to the man, the less of a suspicious scowl he bore. By the time they were done talking, Gyro was smiling. In a matter of moments, Gyro was loudly welcoming the newcomer to the group. Johnny made no attempt to protest. He just fumed in silence. 
Dammit, Gyro! He thought. You were supposed to be on my side!
Johnny’s insides felt like they had turned to lava. His stomach and chest burned and this time it wasn’t due to Gyro’s cooking. It had been a few days since the rancher had joined the group and it seemed that both you and Gyro had been won over by his charms. Johnny was forced to watch as you and Gyro trailed along beside the rancher, hanging on his every word. Johnny rolled his eyes at the sight. You both looked so pathetic following him around like puppies. What’s worse is that he seemed to be the only one doing any work anymore. 
“Sure, I’ll put up the tents all by myself!” he yelled, bitterness very clear in his voice. “You guys can just have your little chat. Just let the guy in the wheelchair do all the work. That’s fine.” 
You and Gyro seemed to break out of your trance, realizing just how long you both have been neglecting your chores. Gyro went about setting things up for the nightly meal while you started gathering firewood. Johnny sighed to himself, satisfied that things were starting to go back to normal. That’s when the rancher took it upon himself to walk over and start helping Johnny with the tents. 
“You know, I get the feeling you don’t like me very much, Mr. Joestar.” he said in an irritatingly good natured tone. 
“Oh, you noticed. Here I thought I was hiding it.” Johnny said sarcastically. 
The rancher had the nerve to laugh at his response. Johnny scowled and turned away from him. 
The rancher began to ramble on about things Johnny didn’t care about, but at some point, the conversation turned to you. 
“I guess I haven’t been hiding my crush on your friend too well.” He said. “I know how you must feel, but I assure you I have no ulterior motives.” 
Johnny stopped what he was doing to glare at him. The rancher just beamed at him with the biggest smile he’d ever seen. 
After a moment, Johnny’s glare faded and he sighed. 
“Can you blame me for worrying though?” Johnny said, all hostility gone from his voice. Fine. He’d play along. Just until he knew what this guy really wanted. 
They talked for another hour or so until Gyro called them to come to dinner. Johnny sat, slowly sipping at his stew. The rancher turned out to not be the kind of person he thought he was. His motives were genuine. Wouldn’t you know it? He was actually a decent person. He was probably one of the nicest people Johnny had ever met. He had begun to understand why you and Gyro liked him so much. 
And Johnny still despised him. 
Nice as he was, the rancher still planned to get you to marry him. He still planned to take you away. Johnny would never forgive him for that. If not for that, Johnny may have been willing to forget about his plans to get rid of him. Ever since the rancher joined the group, a dark plan had been forming in Johnny’s mind. He wasn’t sure how he would pull it off without alerting the suspicions of either you or Gyro, but he was sure that by the end of the week, he’d have something figured out. 
His plan came to fruition when you found yourselves traveling down a trail that bordered a rather steep cliff. It wasn’t an especially long fall… but it would do the trick. Johnny had to be careful though. He could use Spin or his Stand and you wouldn’t notice, but Gyro had far more experience in using both. He would notice… well he would if it weren’t for the fact that Johnny had been practicing and perfecting his own Spin technique and testing it to see if Gyro would detect it. At first Gyro noticed every single time and wanted to know what Johnny was trying to do, but Johnny would always have a convincing excuse. Eventually Gyro stopped noticing. Even when Johnny was trying to get him to see, Gyro never did. The technique was subtle. Just a slight tipping that would cause whatever was affected by it to go slightly off balance. All it took was to affect the hooves of the rancher’s horse. The man was a decent rider, but not to the level of the three of you. His horse wasn’t as disciplined as a race horse normally was, either. It wouldn’t raise any suspicions if his horse suddenly got a little clumsy. 
“Whoa, boy!” The rancher “Steady now!” 
Johnny turned back to look at him, making an effort to feign concern. You and Gyro turn around, too, just in time to see the rancher lose control of his horse as it stumbles over its own feet. Both horse and rider plummet over the side of the cliff. 
You scream. 
Gyro swears. 
Johnny doesn’t make a sound. He doesn’t even blink.
He remembers people would always talk about traumatic events happening in slow motion. That didn’t happen here. One second the rancher and his horse were there, then they weren’t. It happened so fast that no one could have done much to stop it. Exactly how Johnny planned it. 
The three of you ride up to the edge of the cliff. You start crying. Gyro mutters something in Italian. Johnny just stares impassively upon the body of the man he just murdered. He should feel sick and horrified by what he’d done, but he doesn’t. He feels justified. Accomplished. Satisfied. It isn’t until he sees you dismount your horse to run from the scene that he feels anything that could be considered guilt. 
Gyro places a hand on his shoulder. 
“Go to her, Johnny.” He says solemnly. “I’ll… I’ll take care of things here.” 
Johnny looks into his mentor’s face seeing no trace of suspicion or accusation. He only sees the slightest hint of grief. He couldn’t imagine why. Gyro hadn’t even known the rancher that long. He supposed that it was just sadness at the situation that Gyro felt. Regardless, the only thing Johnny cared about was that Gyro didn’t suspect a thing.  
He steers Slow Dancer in the direction you ran to. He finds you sobbing into your hands while leaning against a tree. He rides up on Slow Dancer and slides off of her to plop onto the ground next to you. 
He doesn’t get a chance to say anything before you’ve flung your arms around him and are soaking his shirt with your tears. He pulls you closer, trying his best to not grin. He missed this. You and him being close. 
“I’m sorry,” he says. 
Johnny doesn’t know why he said that. He isn’t at all sorry for what he did, and he isn’t sorry for your loss either. He’s glad your annoying fanboy is gone. Though, “sorry” is what you’re supposed to say in situations like this, right? Though the longer you cry and wail, the more annoyed with it he gets. It isn’t your crying that bothers him so much as the reason you’re crying. Why were you shedding tears over that guy? You’ve known Johnny much longer. He should mean more to you than that guy ever did. Why are you carrying on like this for a guy that was little more than an acquaintance? 
It wasn’t that Johnny didn’t care about your feelings, he just wanted you to remember your feelings for him. You did have feelings for him, didn’t you? Maybe that was the problem? Maybe you needed to be reminded of just how important Johnny was to your life? Maybe he needed to show you just how much you needed him? 
Yes, Johnny knew how selfish and awful he was being, but he didn’t care. He’s always been selfish for as far back as he can remember. It’s probably part of the reason people kept abandoning him. You would never be allowed to leave him though. Even if you didn’t love him… even if you hated him… Johnny would make sure you never abandoned him like everyone else. The dark determination within him had never burned brighter.
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dippindotsdio · 11 months
#1 Crush
Here's the full version of Pink in the Night. I also changed up bits from the little part I posted a while ago so don't be confused because it's not word for word anymore, enjoy!
Warnings: possessive & obsessive behavior, typical yan stuff Word count: 3.6k Gn reader, sfw
[More under the cut]
You met Josuke at a young age, your mother and Tomoko were very close friends so it was only a matter of time before you two were introduced to one another. You and Josuke grew close rather quickly and ever since then you've been best friends (matter of fact he's been your only friend for a majority of your life.) He's the only person who seems to get you in this vast world.
As you two grew older, he began wanting to be at your side more and more. He would spend the night often during the summer, or you'd spend the night at Tomoko's although you were still scared to go to another's house then. He didn't mind though of course.
Whenever you were struggling with homework, he'd be there happy to help and explain as much as he could. When you woke up terrified because of an awful nightmare and woke him up out of fear, he'd be ready to reassure you that everything was going to be okay then help you go back go sleep. And on the days where you felt down and misunderstood by others around you, he'd be there and listen to you. He would always be there for you.
You were very appreciative of how patient he was with you, even as you two grew to be highschoolers. He seemed to be the only person who really wanted to understand you. Others were often too pushy with you, overly critical, or never bothered to understand why you didn't like certain things or acted certain ways. It was nice to know that not everyone wanted to fix you.
Whenever you had asked why he was so attached to you out of all people, he'd always respond with the thought that you were fun and your sense of self was unique, as well as your view of the world. He thought you were absolutely perfect as you were. So much so that he often had a look of pure adoration in his eyes when it came to you and it made your heart swell with unknown feelings whenever you happened to notice.
At this point Josuke hadn't realised he developed a "little" crush on you yet. He just knew that the friendship you shared was something special, something irreplaceable. It was a bond he'd do anything to keep. You two shared so many memories after all. All of your birthday parties were spent with one another, many of the holidays you'd see him, and of course at school you'd be together. You two were inseparable!
During these times you also came to the conclusion that you really didn't need anyone else. Josuke was like your soulmate. He liked you and you liked him. You trusted him more than anyone else in the world. It'd be hard for someone else to gain your trust or develop such a deep bond with you as he did. No one could ever compare.
Some days you'd miss school for reasons that were mostly out of your control. At first Josuke didn't mind because he knew he'd be able to see you the next day, but he was so lonely without your company. He could only ignore the feeling that was building up in his chest and restricting his breathing ever so slightly for so long.
During junior year he grew to hate those days. Why would you leave me? It was like he couldn't breathe properly when you weren't around. But he wasn't alone of course, people liked him and he had more acquaintances than he'd like, but none of them were you. His obsessive nature thrived and all he could do was think about you. He spent his time in class daydreaming about coddling you and how he should've been at your house playing games with you and what not. Of course you missed him plenty too, but it was no where near what he was feeling. Everything you felt for him was no where near what he felt for you.
This is also the year he begins to get more touchy. He starts holding your hands more, having his arm around your shoulder, embracing you, touching your face, brushing your hair... Whenever you two worked on homework together and you got everything right, he'd give you little side hugs. After being so affectionate for some time he began to realize that his feelings for you were more than just friendly. Why it took him so long, no one knows!
As for you, his constant presence never really bothered you, you liked the attention he gave you. You would even say you actively seeked it at times. Sometimes he was overwhelming though, mostly when he praised you over simple things. It felt belittling but you'd never voice how you felt about it. Other than that you thought it was nice...he was nice. Your mother often teased you two about when you were going to get together which made you flustered. Josuke just looked at you with those lovesick eyes of his and a saccharine smile as you stumbled over your words.
Now that you two were old enough to go out on your own, that meant Josuke could take you to the rollerskating rink. It was something he wanted to do for a while and it quickly became one of your favorite ways to spend time together! He loved watching you skate around and occasionally pull him towards you so you two can skate along together. He watched a couple videos in advance and tried out some of the tricks, only successfully pulling off a few and the others leaving both of you a laughing mess.
Another spot you two would spend the day at was the park, it was a good place to find some peace from the world. Sitting on a bench with a tall tree shading you was such a simple activity but being there with him made you feel like nothing could ever go wrong in your life. The sounds nature provided you and Josuke's warmth was all it took to ease your mind.
During your senior year you started receiving letters. First, you found them in your locker, then a handful later they started appearing in your backpack...which was concerning. They were really sweet though!
- "Hi, I just wanted to let you know...I think you're so cute!"
You had not a single clue who they could be from. You rarely interacted with your classmates, with the few exceptions of working with someone other than Josuke on a group project and other moments of small talk with peers. Either way you didn't pay much mind to them, so why would anyone pay attention to you? It's definitely a prank by another student, you had thought.
You asked Josuke about who they could be from but all he answered with was "probably a secret admirer". You laughed at him and he simply looked at you with a familiar fondness in his eyes. You brushed off his strange demeanor and decided to move onto a different topic of discussion.
You wondered if they could've been from Josuke himself for a brief moment, but no way...the handwriting and choice of words was pretty different. And he'd probably be upfront about his feelings, right? Nonetheless you began ignoring the letters and only read them whenever they were decorated prettily.
- "every little thing i do you're on my mind...the way i feel lately is driving me crazy.."
- "i can't get over you i think about you all the time"
Over time you noticed the contents were becoming more and more...odd, to say the least. This person would go on about certain things you did or how much they loved you. They'd write way too much about your habits and how cute they found them. You laughed at some of them, some prank this was! Yes, it was definitely a prank, you kept telling yourself, trying to convince yourself no one was actually being a creep towards you. At least your senior year was coming to an end and those letters would stop.
Well that was what you thought. You'd graduated and been out of highschool for a few months now and still, those letters managed to show up. They were less frequent, but getting more uncomfortable.
"I wish I could be around you all the time. I love you so much. I love everything about you, the way you talk, smell, fix your hair, and your eyes, your eyes are so pretty. I want them to look at me for the rest of time. You're so pretty, I want you so bad, I want you all for myself. It's not fair... I hope you accept my feelings one day, [y/n]. I think I'd die if I couldn't have you." It was written messily with words like "love" and "you" written darker than the rest.
You were beginning to worry, obviously this person was someone who knew your schedule and was probably close to you. Josuke kept reassuring you it was nothing but when you began being refusing to leave the house and holed yourself up in your room out of paranoia, he offered to get rid of whoever was sending those letters. It should've been so obvious...but you trusted him, the sweet and thoughtful Josuke who you spent most of your days with wouldn't be this weird to you. You really hoped it wasn't..
- "i just wanna be yours"
Josuke didn't mean to freak you out as much as he did, he just wanted to know what your reaction could be to his unfiltered feelings for you. It made him a little disheartened to know you felt so uncomfortable but he understood that receiving those kinds of words from a stranger would be concerning. He could only hope that you would accept all of him when the time finally came.
You didn't know how, and he wouldn't elaborate either, but the letters did stop. You hugged him tightly with your head resting on his shoulder as you thanked him and told him you were forever grateful. His body tensed up and his eyes widened but quickly he returned the hug, relaxing in your arms. A delusional smile formed on his lips and a sweet warmth spread across his face. He held onto you with possessive hands, his grip ever so slowly getting tighter and tighter until you spoke once more.
"I don't know what I'd do without you." You mumbled.
Were you trying to kill him? His heart skipped a beat and time seemed to stop as you kept him encased in your arms. You had no idea what those words were doing to him, his mind was racing with utterly delusional thoughts of you. Thoughts of how much he knew you needed him now, how he'd do anything to make you happy, to protect you, keep you safe, and make you stay by his side for the rest of your life. He'd do it all with a lovesick smile on his face and pure obsession swirling in his violet eyes.
With the help of each of your moms and having saved up for months, you two were eventually able to move into a small but cozy apartment together and lived relatively peaceful lives. Well aside from Josuke beginning to show unmistakable signs of his possessive behavior towards you.
Since you two worked separate jobs he couldn't be around you nearly as much as he wanted to (even though you still spent a good chunk of time together.) He was always thinking about you. Wondering if you were okay, if anyone was getting close to you, talking to you, trying to take you away from him, or god forbid if anyone other than him was touching you. It drove him insane being away from you for more than a few hours, it was a miracle he could still work well with how much you were on his mind.
He'd hug you for a few minutes after especially long days and asked you how your day was while resting his head on your shoulder. You of course always indulged him which put the thoughts of you leaving him at ease. Oh how he loved having you in his arms... This was where you belonged, with him, in his arms, and safe from the world. He was so warm and so strong, he always made you feel nice...and it would drive him even more mad if you ever told him that.
He began thinking that you liked him back romantically because of how much you indulged in his behavior. He was never clear about his feelings with you, but he knew that you two were blurring the lines between a platonic and romantic relationship for a while now. It didn't help that you weren't clear about how you felt either, so of course he thought you liked him back! You must've been too shy to say anything, how cute.
Truthfully though, you weren't completely sure as to how you felt about him. Yes, you loved and cared about him more than anyone else in your life and he was basically all you knew at this point...your face would still heat up from all the affection and attention he gave you, even after so many years. Really there was no reason for you not to be romantically interested in him. So you left it at that, unsure but you wouldn't mind if he wanted to begin officially dating.
After a couple months Josuke grew tired and decided if he couldn't see you outside the house, then nobody could. He eventually convinced you to work from home, saying things like, "Y'know if I'm not there I can't protect you." And "Don't you remember how weird people can be?" For a moment you thought that maybe Josuke was being overprotective, you were an adult now, you could take care of youself. But another part of you thought he was right... You trusted him with everything in your heart, he knew you better than anyone else, he was just looking out for you.
He began feeling more at ease knowing that you were 98% safer now since you were home when he wasn't with you. He still felt like he couldn't breathe properly without you in the same room as him, but it was better than anyone else enjoying your presence.
As a way to prevent you from growing bored of staying home for so long, he made sure you two went out to other places (mostly the park) when there was time. It was nice to know that even as an adult the park still gave you a sense of normalcy (something you were quickly losing while living with Josuke.) Even if he was quickly falling into the depths of his obsession, he was still so thoughtful when it came to you.
Something about walking the familiar path to your little spot was so nice. No matter how hectic life got, as long as you were able to walk along it with Josuke by your side, you'd always feel like everything would be okay.
"I've always loved being here, y'know? I feel like this is my other home as stupid as it may sound." You started as you stared out into the lightly clouded sky underneath a shaded bench. Josuke turned to you with a hint of surprise in his eyes.
"It's not stupid, but I didn't know you liked it here so much. I kinda thought you'd get tired of it by now." He admitted. Sometimes you'd have a blank look on your face and it made him overthink, but really you were content, maybe even your happiest.
You let out a small laugh, "I don't think I'd ever get tired. It's too pretty here! The clouds always make me so happy...sometimes I wish we could be here all the time." A smile crept up to your lips and you glanced over to him. He met your eyes with everlasting adoration and reached out to place a hand on yours. You interlaced fingers and promptly looked away as your smile grew.
"You make being here so much nicer... You don't talk too much or talk too little and you know how to appreciate silence. I'm so glad I get to spend all this time with you, Josuke. I feel like...like this is how it was always meant to be. Just you and me, against the world!" You laughed and gave his hand a little squeeze, trying to hide the embarrassment you felt from sharing the last thought.
Josuke sat there looking at you, trying so hard to keep everything contained. You basically confessed to him, didn't you??? How could you say that and not expect him to think that you also loved him? This was it. This was the moment that made him realise it's been long enough for him to let you know how he really felt.
He simply agreed with you, that this was all fate and your conversation moved elsewhere. Your park date ended an hour or so later after you two decided to head back home and end the day with a movie night.
For the rest of the day, your words plagued Josuke's mind. If he didn't confess soon, his heart would crack, and like a breaking dam all his love would drown you. He was worried about scaring you away but he knew deep down you'd stay by his side, especially after what you had said earlier.
So that night he planned to give you his confession, and with it his heart, whether you wanted it or not.
You were about to go to bed after having finished the movie when Josuke grabbed your hand to stop you. You turned back and were about to question him but the look in his eyes kept you quiet.
"I'm in love with you, I think I've loved you ever since we were kids but only realized it in highschool...but these feelings- these feelings, they've just kept growing and growing and growing all this time" He reached for your other hand and delicately intertwined your fingers with his. "I can't take it anymore, the longer I keep all this inside me, the more I feel like I'll go crazy. All I can ever think about is you and how much you mean to me and how I need to be with you all the time." His breathing grew unsteady and you could hear the desperation climbing up his throat. "I want you to be mine...and I wanna be yours." He spoke softly but there was an unmistakable seriousness in his tone. He fixed his eyes on yours as he poured his heart out to you. It felt like he was staring into your very soul and you got a taste of the overwhelming, sickly sweet feelings he held for you. His eyes were so intense and darker than normal, you felt like the longer you gazed into them you'd begin to drown in all that love.
His confession made your heart flutter, hell it even made the skin on your face burn up like crazy. You never expected him to say something so....endearing? You were almost in shock, but of course the guy who doesn't want you spending time alone with anyone but him is in love with you.
You'd been friends this long and you two have already been crossing the boundaries of a normal friendship, why not accept his feelings? And you already told yourself if he ever said anything that you'd go with it, so that's what you did.
"I love you too."
His eyes lit up with something unrecognizable and he pulled you into a tight hug, making your body freeze at the sudden intense contact.
"I'm so happy. To finally hear you say it back... I love you so much." he mumbled into your shoulder. "I love you more than you could ever know, [y/n]."
All you could do was hug him back and try to contain a large smile but ultimately fail. You had a feeling this wasn't normal. You've been aware that the things he'd done may not have been completely normal for a while now, but you couldn't help but love his unhealthy feelings for you. It almost made you feel guilty.
You never understood why you were the one he loved so deeply, even after he explained, but you couldn't care when his arms always wrapped around you so lovingly. He made you feel so many things you've never experienced before and you loved it. The way he seemed to remember every single thing about you, got you the most thoughtful gifts, and how every time he touched you it was so sweet and gentle. All the heartwarming little things he'd say to you, and only you, they gave you butterflies and made your heart swell so much. He gave you all the attention no one else could ever give to you, and you were possibly obsessed with it as much as he was obsessed with you...
Josuke finally let you go after what felt like forever but gave you a look like he still had something he wanted. He broke eye contact and his lips turn up into an awkward smile, your expression turning to one of slight confusion.
"You're so cute, y'know? Sometimes when I look at you, and you give me that weird look, I just wanna kiss every inch of your face and see that pretty smile of yours." Your eyes widened and you felt your heart bloom further.
"You're too much, Josuke. I don't know if I can handle you being so...uh" You looked away to hide your growing smile but it didn't do much. He was absolutely ecstatic to see he had such an effect on you, seeing you smile so widely was all he ever needed.
"You are so cute."
--- I've reread this so many times to ensure it was as perfect as I could make it but I always thought there could be something worded better each time and at that rate I never would've posted this. I feel like this is kinda all over the place and I apologize if the writing is awkward at some points, this went on a lot longer than I intended. Yan josuke is so fun to write though. Also sorry for the strange/abrupt end, I had no idea how to end it.
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bygiornogiovanna · 2 years
Yandere! Jojo's (Part 1-6) x GN!Reader (Headcanons)
What will be our beloved yanderes reactions to their darling playing with their hair for the first time?
this is not proofread!!
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(🔝 y/n with jojo's xd)
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When it happend, you two were lying on the couch, his head prompt besides your thighs while you were watching a movie. You were playing with your hands anxiously for two reasons: One, the movie, two, the man laying next to you;
Subconsciously, your hand went in his hair, softly patting it. At first, it was only that, but it soon turned into you playing with his hair, loving how soft it felt;
Jonathan's eyes would widen, but he wouldn't say a thing. He scooted closer to you, a small smile on his face. Your soft hands in his hair felt heavenly;
He would definetly blush, just saying;
Even though, he couldn't help but wonder what did that mean? Were you finally accepting him?! He was in cloud nine at the thought;
Would not make a single comment, afraid you were going to retreat your hands from his hair. It would be a shame if he didn't cherish these moments;
He would want to lay his head on your thighs but he was afraid of making you uncomfortable so he stayed right there;
"I like when you play with my hair, Y/N. You should do it more often. Only if you want, of course."
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You two were laying on the grass in a park after you begged him to go on a picnic. Joseph didn't like the idea of taking you outside, but he finally agreed after some time. His head was laying on your stomach, both of you looking at the cloudless sky;
Even if you couldn't stand his annoying personality, you were starting to get a little more comfortable around Joseph. As he was telling you some random story that happend a week ago, you started playing with his hair;
Startled at the unexpected touch, he cocked a brow and got up from your stomach. He tilted his head;
"Huh, is there something wrong?" You asked, confused as why he sat up so suddenly. "What are you trying to do, hm?! Are you, perhaps, trying to kill me?"
Was he out of his mind?! You iust gave him what you thought he longed for since he kidnapped you and he was giving you that question?!
"No? I'm just playing with your hair?" You said, confused at his random question. "Nah, you really are trying to kill me! You think my heart can take that sweet face of yours AND your soft hands in my hair?!"
Was he serious?
Absolutely. You were his weakness.
You giggled at his awful joke, and pushed his head back on your stomach, continuing your previous activity:
"Come on, you loved my joke."
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You two were on your shared bed, you were being sat and he was laying down beside you, telling you something about his job. While listening to him, your hand subconsciously went into his black locks;
Since Jotaro isn't the affectionate type and you never showed him affection except when he forced it out of you, he would be surprised. A small blush would creep on his face and he would hide it by putting his arm on it;
A small giggle would leave your lips when you saw he shyed away, unusual for him;
"Yare yare daze"
He would probably stop time just for you to not see how hard he blushed;
100% the type to play it cool and act unbothered when you smile sheepishly at him, not daring to tease him;
After you played once with his hair, he would want to do it every time he was laying next to you or when you were cuddling. And he would not accept anything instead you playing with his hair;
"Yare yare, why did you stop?"
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You and Josuke were on one of the school's benches. He didn't keep you isolated since you still had school, but you lived with him. Anyway, he was laying on your thighs as you two were chilling during a break. You didn't have anyone besides him, Koichi and Okuyasu since Josuke tended to become jealous over anyone who talked to you;
He was playing with one of your hands, smiling at you and you couldn't help but look back at him. You always liked his hair, especially after finding out the story behind it;
"Can I touch your hair?" You suddenly ask since you were too scared to touch his hair, knowing how aggressive he got;
Raising a brow, he just blinked at you. You? Wanting to touch his hair? Just randomly?
"Yeah, just be careful with it." Was his response. As soon as you got his approval, you started playing with his soft locks. You knew how much time and effort he puts in his hair so you were extra careful;
Josuke blushed as he never felt your hands in his hair before. He blinked at you again but didn't complain. Who cares if you ruined his hair? He was getting attention from you! Without forcing you to!
He was beyond sad when the bell rang, signaling you two had to go back to classes;
"Please play with my hair more, I like it."
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Giorno and you were sitting on the swing in your backyard, everything between you as quiet as usual. You knew that he wanted you to initiate something between you since he didn't want to make you uncomfortable;
His hair was down from its usual style, making you curious. Maybe he was lazy to do it today. You didn't know why, but you felt the urge to braid his hair. It was long and pretty and it also seemed really soft from where you sat;
"Uhm...Giorno, can I...braid your hair?"
The question shocked him, not expecting you to actually want to initiate something between you two;
"Yeah, sure.."
Did this mean you were starting to accept him? Even return his feelings? Nah, that was too far;
"Can you come closer please?"
With another small nod, he got closer to you and turned his back so you could do your thing. A smile appeared on his face the moment he heared a gasp leaving your mouth when you felt how soft his hair was;
"You look so cute like this! You should wear this when you leave!"
If you were being happy, it didn't matter his friends would laugh at him. You were happy, so was he. Giorno would endure anything for you to return his feelings. Even if it meant all the teasing in this world.
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You would be lying if you said you weren't jealous of your...what should you call her? Girlfriend? Kidnapper? Girl that's obsessed with you? Let's go with girlfriend.
She was cool and good-looking, but what you were most jealous of was her hair. The green and blonde really suited her. You always wanted to touch it, but you didn't want her to think you liked her back or something;
Until one day, when she had her hair undone, laying on your bed only in a nightgown. You couldn't help but blush when she signaled you to come beside her so you two could cuddle;
She immediately buried her face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent.
"Can you play with my hair, darling?"
Say less.
You blushed again at her request. Even if you didn't want to, you had to since she would throw a whole temper tantrum if you didn't;
Your hands softly began brushing through her incredibly soft locks. You were surprised it was still this soft after so much bleaching and coloring;
She smiled in your chest, leaving soft kisses against your neck. Maybe Jolyne wasn't that bad;
"I love how your fingers feel in my hair, darling."
i hope you liked this. leave me any requests, if you want <3
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Yandere Josuke Higashitaka headcanon
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Josuke is a delusional and little violent yandere.
He really believes that you two are soul mates and in love with each other.
It's just a shame that Josuke forgot to ask your opinion on this matter.
This relationship starts where bad things usually start.
About friendship...
This is said by a person who doesn't have many friends.
At first you two are good friends.
But as time goes on, Josuke begins to fall for you and misread your singals.
So soon people will start to think that you are in a relationship.
Josuke doesn't even try to refute these claims.
Congratulations on the new "boyfriend".
Josuke would be a pretty clingy boyfriend.
He would like to be with you almost always.
If you give him physical affection it would be a little easier.
You can say "I love you" in the world's most sarcastic voice and Josuke will believe it.
All the people who talk bad about you get the same treatment as those who talk bad about his hair.
Abduction is not likely.
Maybe if you try to leave him several times.
And even then, it probably wouldn't be a permanent arrangement.
If you make Josuke very angry, he might become violent.
Nothing he wouldn't fix in a couple of hours.
You get kisses after it
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Could I just like make a request about the jojos having a darling who does literally everything to stay away. Like they come up with the dumbest excuses or do dumb stuff just to stay away
woot woot, this’ll be my first thing with Jodio hopefully I can write him correctly before doing headcanons. Sort of more of a reaction thingy but hope it satisfies, since I’m trying to get back into a groove of things.
His heart flutters hearing you stumble on excuses, he can tell you’re lying but he doesn’t mention this. Though he finds it in your best interest to have someone looking out for you, in the end. Whatever little thing you busy yourself with, he finds a way to come around. Sometimes it just happens to align with his father’s request to fetch something. Just maybe he twists things around to something you like, even if it only keeps you around for a few extra seconds.
The biggest trickster there is, it’s near impossible to try and get out of anything with Joseph. “Mmm, you already used that one” He gives you a quick wink. He knows where you hang out mostly, and can easily tell if you’re not the “ruffian” type. If you’re a bit snarky yourself, he does his best to make you slip up. Or if he’s really determined waste enough time that you don’t have to bother with that other “task” you had to do.
Blunt. To put it lightly, Yare Yare leaves his lips as soon as you stumble through an excuse. He knows how efficiently you may or may not get things done. Anything you’re usually not fond of makes him raise an eyebrow (immediate suspicion if it’s possibly just to impress some other person). It almost feels like an interrogation when he asks the sudden interest in whatever you spilled out. Forget trying to do anything dumb, fib or otherwise he’s not letting you do it. Even if you do manage to slip off and go out on your own, Jotaro is around somewhere.
Similar to Joseph he’s pretty on top of silly excuses, because he’s probably made up a thing or two himself. The best course of action for him is making up an excuse himself to get into whatever you made up on the fly. If you ask, he tells you he doesn’t know what you’re talking about. Even if it’s obvious he’s lying to you, he makes it nigh impossible to leave “hey that’s what you said you were doing”.
He definitely knows the ins and outs about you, so lying won’t likely get you very far. Besides every little excuse you do make, he seems to always have a counter for. It’s almost freaky, if you don’t know how much Giorno negotiates. Though there’s times he let’s you go on the basis of a flimsy lie. Rest assured though something goes missing and it always leads back to him. Anything out of the ordinary for you is promptly taken care of, “That’s a rather interesting way to try to keep away from me” He’d tell you in a friendly tone.
Like her father she can be pretty blunt herself, even insists it’s not a great idea to stray too far. The little excuses you make are intriguing to her, but she counters with her own plans. Sometimes she’ll get you lipstick and see if you’ll wear it out later, depending on what you told her you were supposedly doing that day. Little runarounds with you keep her on her toes making sure you don’t run off. Simple things like getting you to spend extra time with her, with her own little excuses. Eventually there might be a time your handcuffed to her bed, for a day or two. “Don’t you ever get tired of making up stuff? It’d just be easier being here with me you know, I’ve got your back”
He’s rather scary when you make up something on the fly to avoid him. His blue eyes bore into your soul, unless he uses spin there’s usually nothing much he can do. As he improves however, the space between the two of you slowly shrinks. Johnny makes it certain one way or another your attention is drawn back to himself. He notes everything you do, so if you don’t “have” something he either has an extra or absolutely knows you have an item. Similar likely happens with your horses habits. If he’s determined he manages to pin you under him. He merely mumbles “Stay” at a little too close for comfort distance.
Josuke (Part 8)
He’s curious at some of the excuses you make here and there. Or hearing about things you’d usually wouldn’t do. He’s not dumb obviously, so he asks if there’s a reason you’re avoiding him. The possible roundabout answers you give, don’t really satisfy. It is cute you’re nervous about it though. He may just simply ignore some of the things you tell him to try and keep your distance. Josuke wants to see you anyway, if he can’t he might try and call just to test if you’re at a certain place. “There’s nothing that can convince me to keep away” He’d tell you at one point or another.
“Li~ar, liar~” At least this is what happens when you come up with something on the fly. Admittedly he’s busy with trying to get rich, but since he likes you on a level enough to significantly care. The things you tell him don’t quite match up. It’s not really hard to tell you’re avoiding him, he might even put that out bluntly. He’ll show up randomly when you least expect it, he might swipe something from a friend or delay a meetup somehow. “I don’t really care about whoever else you hang out with ya’ kno~w, it only should be a me and you thing”.
“Just don’t get used to thinking you can avoid me all the time”
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ophelian-darling · 9 months
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𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬.
𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, Josuke Higashikata, Giorno Giovanna and Jolyne Cujoh - gn reader.
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : There's more than a way to say I love you, yet there are many too ways to say I hate you.
TW : Obsession, delusional thoughts, verbal abuse.
enjoy ♡
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𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐉𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫:
♡ : Thank you for everything you do for me, JoJo.
It fills him with blessing to know how much his words and actions are something with great meaning in your eyes. Faithful servant when in love- except that everything he does sources from the warmest atoms of his soul and from the deepest corners of his heart. Jonathan fights the world to see you happy, and rests with a smile when he earns the slightest curve of your lips; to him, it's the ultimate gift he can ever receive- your Love.
- You mean nothing to me.
Tears- everything that would wash him with agony strikes at once. the sensation of tearing the flesh of a heart open accompanies your words; deeply cutting and painful, causing all of his insecurities to float : Am I being useless again darling? Am I being a burden? Have you grown tired of me? He can't help it when he sheds these tears: He had lost all of your affection and care. the only source of warmth he had, now doused in the cruelest way possible. 
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𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐡 𝐉𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 :
♡ : I like you , you're awesome!
Just imagine it, that ghost of a blush coffined beneath a confident smirk and a glinting wink! Joseph catches a love fever once you state that his presence around you is enjoyable. He feels that he already aimed at the moon by gaining your trust and company- it meant that you were besotted with him in return, regardless of whatever you said about considering him as a mere brother or a dear friend. JoJo sees the colors of your eyes soften as you say so, it is surely, undoubtedly love!
- We're done.
a swift of a cut that it doesn't elicit any pain at first, then it's repeated again, slightly stinging, then it rolls down your tongue, fully sinking in his soul. How could you?! Was the thing in the middle of your chest a hard stone to not see or feel a fraction of his love towards you?! a heavy realization of being used falls on his head like a heavy anvil: the blood in his veins floats just right under his skin, painting anger as red, yet the pale dread underneath can't be helped. Why? He would scream at you, but the reasons were nothing of an importance, you just toyed harshly with his feelings. 
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𝐉𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨 𝐊𝐮𝐣𝐨 :
♡ : I'm always by your side. 
It ignites a pleasant warmth within his heart and shines through his eyes; it confesses his undying love and loyalty for you, regardless of whatever mean words he utter. No force on earth can banish him from you: From the depths of Inferno to the ends of earth and above in the heavens, He would remain with you forever, his lineaments engraved under your eyelids and in the darkest curtains of your vision. JoJo doesn't show it, but he's on cloud nine to know that you're staying as well- that he finally earned your love. 
- Nobody loves you, not even me.
He's already aware. Half of people fear him, the other hates him, and there were you, probably feeling something negative swirl inside you towards him, now confirming it with each spiteful letter you let out. Couldn't you just shut the fuck up and swallow it instead of saying it out loud? He spits, the words of you reiterating louder and louder in his mind that now he can't unhear. You've just ruined everything for him, he had peacefully thought that everything went well, that your protests and complaints were just a childish fit- but now, it's all so grotesquely real: you truly hated him, and for the first time ever, he has no idea what he should do. 
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𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐚 :
♡ : You're cute! I like your hair!
Nobody can stop him, the boy with a heart of diamond and eyes of warm seas! Everything in his eyes glints with beauty; especially you: everything about you is a well crafted detail, say your eyes, your smile or the contours of your face. The subject of his daydreams- they were made of spring rain drops and cotton candy, the enchanting human whom he had a silly intense crush on called him cute! Was there even a better time to be alive? to be praised by someone you adored was the epitome of being coddled beyond any wishes of a young man madly in love!
- Look at you, pathetic and ugly.
It's all that he can think of as a response. Your words take a slow effect on him; as if he was trying to process it in another different light, in a gentle way that didn't convey the clear in them. At first, He's at sixes and sevens for a few minutes: people who are in love together were supposed to have each other's back, to boost each other's confidence and accept them whatever and whoever they were- so why were you saying this to him now? obviously it wasn't a joke, your voice was too cold to warm the words into a playful comment, he would have accepted them if you were just a tad above expressful, not a doll that just stares back eerily. He should be angry, but it just melts in tears, all of his hidden insecurities emerge into existence, and not even Crazy Diamond is able to fix the shatters of his heart. 
𝐆𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐨 𝐆𝐢𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 :
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♡ : You mean the world to me.
Galatea to Pygmalion, Juliet to Romeo, Layla to Qays- You to Giorno. Romanticism wasn't something he was versed in, but in a blink of an eye, the world fell into a pink blur, filling everything with such amour a human never had in a little heart. GioGio ponders to himself that you were an Angel, a poor pure plumed creature that tripped and fell into the land of the stained; worth to be kept in a vitrine till the sun burns away. The smile that dances on his lips when he hears your gratitude, the joy he feels when his efforts of shielding you are finally noticed by you equate the flow of sweetness he tasted for the first time he saw you: Love.
- You're a monster. 
The gray flicker in his eyes blends with the greens of his irises; it doesn't reflect on your face that you just hurt him, while having the audacity to brand him as a monster. His patience contained all of your attitudes, he bottled up every evil word you threw at him and continued to offer more than he should for the sake of winning back some or little of your affection, but to no avail. The mayhem under his skin is concealed by force, consuming whatever left of his patience as he makes you toe the line. You're selfish- you always were, yet he can't help his love for you. 
𝐉𝐨𝐥𝐲𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐮𝐣𝐨𝐡 :
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♡ : Good Girl! 
Valentine, Friends and dates- High school sweethearts and kisses! Her world is a ridiculously colored picture of a sunny day; her imagination paints a world where she is with you and nothing could ever go wrong. How much would she offer to just touch the tips of your fingers with her hands? nothing less than what she is able to count! JoJo wanders around you in the excitement of a puppy around its master, waiting for a treat or a word of praise for pleasing them. She wants you to say it again, over and over again, to no end! A Good girl was a girl in Love! 
- How annoying you are. 
She had heard someone she loved before say this, but who were they? 
Remorse falls heavily on her like a dark curtain- She'd just ruined the best thing she ever had in life. She blames herself for being too clingy, too needy and too desperate- she carries the shame and burden like weights on her shoulders, staggering as the remains of her confidence seep through the fractures. Your sweet words and praises were brightening her existence; was she to be something if you didn't adore her? The talkative, open and daring Jolyne is now nothing but a silent, gloomy and wounded little girl, asking for a little of love and receiving none no matter how much she gave. 
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spicyicetea · 3 months
Side note from the current Yandere JJBAx reader I’m working on but still JJBA related. I’m currently watching part 4 and I just love everyone.
So here are my opinions on them and some relationship headcannons
Not all characters have relationship stuff-
I love how Jotaro is still himself but just… feels slightly baby girled. I also love how the first thing we properly see of him in part 4 is him 1- pitying a turtle 2-sucker punching Josuke moments later. With that being said, he’d totally be smitten for you. I may joke on how others are simps, this is my number one simp choice.
You probably didn’t obsess over him like the girls when he was younger but actually talk to him like a person, not just a set of hot muscles. He does like it when you talk about his hot muscles though ok… play your cards right and he might let you touch, but don’t tease him or he’ll back away. But, once you’re official, I feel like he’d quite like witty banter and teasing from his partner, as long as it’s clear you’re joking. No joke, probably fell for you after you mentioned a random fish/ocean creature fact.
“Huh? Oh you’re reading about starfish? I like starfish, even though they’re not actually a fish.”
“Marry me-“ “huh, what did you-“ “good grief, I said nothing…” 10/10 on my way to marry him as we speak.
Josuke, I wasn’t sure if I’d like him at first but he is my baby no.2. He’s such a sweetheart, so dependable. Just his reaction any time his friends are in danger is just perfect. Plus I love his mom. The way he’d defend your honour like he defends his hair. Anyone say anything out of pocket about you and they’re dealing with your very powerful boy. Totally brags to you about how he’s Jotaro’s uncle and that Jotaro asks for his help on missions soooo often. But then later asks Jotaro for date ideas and advice because he’s older. My man is a romantic at heart you can’t lie to me. 10/10 would make dinner for him and baby him.
Although Koichi isn’t my type personally, he’s such a cutie patootie. He’s so sweet and genuine that I imagine he’d just be a darling to eat lunch with and talk about your favourite shows or manga. 10/10, would walk with you too and from school.
Okuyasu… he is my baby. He’s stupid, strong and has a heart of gold despite looking like a delinquent… you guys can’t lie to me that is definition of a Himbo. You can’t tell me he wouldn’t drag you out on every little adventure he could with him and the others. He’d have you wearing his jacket when it’s cold and if you already have one he’d insist his is warmer and then wear yours so you can have his. Dinner dates at Tonio’s. Yeah 10/10 he might be a menace sometimes but he’d fight for you. Use your scary dog privilege wisely.
Speaking of Tonio… only slutty men know how to cook. (/J) 10/10 I love him, underrated husband.
Rohan is a self centred jerk… I’m going to aggressively make out with him and you can’t stop me. 10/10 (sorry I’ve only seen like 2 episodes with him so I don’t have much commentary)
I’ve only just gotten to the episode where we see him pulling up to his house after nearly hitting Koichi so I can’t really report on Kira yet… but a man who carries an arm around… yeah smash- 10/10 psychotic asshole.
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bimbosandbubbles · 1 year
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❀⤷Summer Frights!
Summertime Slashers m.list here
Starring Yandere Ghostface Josuke and Okuyasu
Synopsis-Your anxiety raises high when there’s been a slew of murders around your small town,rumored to be a copycat Ghostface terrorizing the town. Soon though your anxiety raises even higher when one night the Ghostface gives you a call around midnight.
Warning’s-murder,descriptive gore,dub con,non con,phone sex,multiple sex scenes,knife play,anxiety,heavy degrading,vulgar words,breeding,double penetration(oral and vaginal), mask kink,praising,pet names,unhealthy obsessive behavior,photos taken without consent,video taken without verbal consent, pussy eating, bondage,blood,biting,yandere,dacryphilia,humiliation,fear play,mentions of boxing Okuyasu and Med student Josuke.NOT PROOFREAD
Word count-10.8k/10,891(First fic and I went overboard)
A shaky breath falls from your lips, a apparent sign of the inner turmoil you feel inside. You thought that this wouldn't happen anymore..That this couldn't happen in your city. That the ever looming presence of death couldn't haunt you so early into your life..you're only a freshman college student,barely graduated from a small high school in Morioh. Why here? Why peaceful little Morioh? Why did a dumb copy cat of a serial kill have to terrorize this quaint town?
And why did you let the thought of Ghostface morning haunt your nightmares? They were everywhere! In the morning when you woke up,they were your very first thought. When you showered,you constantly wondered if they would be stalking from behind the curtains,waiting to mangle and mane your soft body. When you walked from class, you imagined the killer in black being anyone.
Like this very moment right now. You imagine the seemingly kind house wife who just waved at you secretly using one her kitchen knives to kill the poor victim you read about in a news article posted a mere week ago. A victim you considered an acquaintance before his untimely death. You had known him from high school simply because he did something completely unexpected to someone who looks like you. He had confessed,poured out his pure and untainted feelings for you. However,you didn't feel the same and gently rejected him,making sure to still encourage him to stay sweet like the way he was. Over the years the two of you only shared small hello's or encouragements for the future.
But now..he had no more future. For,he was dead,mutilated and found with ripped pages of fat fetish pornos in his emptied stomach that was bare of any bodily organ. The thought of his suffering throughout the ordeal made your skin crawl in fear. Was he screaming for help? Was he begging anyone from the closest proximity to stop his death? Most of all,did he plead for the killers not to hurt him,to spare him?
And because of those bothersome thoughts you couldn't help but think that anyone is guilty for such a sick crime. Every step you take,you look around your once peaceful route to home,wondering if one of these seemingly normal people murdered someone without remorse. The houses you once stared at in calmness and familiarity were now morphed into murder houses. Houses,owned by killers that could be waiting to torture their next victim in utter bloodlust. Nowhere and no one were considered safe to anymore.
You grip your book bag tighter to your shoulder,holding the cool leather material closer to your side. The baby blue sundress you're adorning being softly tugged by refreshing summer wind. The sensation being a reliever to your anxiety induced sweat. Which reminds you that it's really summer now. That you should be happy because you just left your last class of the semester and that you won't have to worry about class for three whole months. However,despite the beautiful sun beaming down at you paired with the perfect breeze you can't help but feel so gloomy inside. How could anyone be happy when someone was just murdered only a week ago? How could anyone be happy when your acquaintance was already the 5th victim of a copy cat serial killer?
Immediately your morbid thoughts are shooed away by a loud booming voice. "Oi,(Reader)! How can ya leave without saying goodbye?" You snap your head back,not being able to fight how a toothy smile once you see your goofy friend. " 'Yasu,I'm sorry! I was in a rush!" Your once eager feet stopped walking to allow the male to catch up with you. Though it's not like he needed you to stop,the man is fit,years of working out and boxing shaping his athletic body. Just as soon as he called out from a distance he's already stooped next you.
"So you were in a rush?" His raspy voice asks. "Mhm I was,I'm just kinda pent and wound up from school and.." You don't have the heart to finish what you were gonna say. But it doesn't seem like you need to because Okuyasu finishes it for you,"The murders." You find Okuyasu's bluntness is nice,because at least something is straightforward to you in this mystery of a murderer or murderers.
"Yeah. It's been kinda umm..scary for me at least." Okuyasu nods as he puts his long muscled arm around your meaty shoulder. "They got me feeling on the fence a little too,especially that last guy. I mean porno mags stuffed in there? Plus them being that weird feeding shit,the guy must've been a real sick pervert." Okuyasu says nonchalantly,as he massages the flesh on right shoulder.
You can't help but think that that's why he had confessed to you before. Because you were a fetish to him,something he got off to and that's it. Now that Okuyasu pointed that out to you can't help but feel a little less empathetic towards the victim now. Disgusting. "Yeah,that's weird." You dryly add. "But umm what'd you chase after me for? I know you didn't just come here to scold me for leaving so soon." Okuyasu's eye's widen like he's barely recalled something. "Right! Umm Josuke and I wanted to invite to a little party at the beach! It'll only be us and a few other friends."
At that,your smile slightly falters. The thought of going to a party with a serial killer on the loose scared you. "Umm Yasu I'm not sure..I just wanna stay home at the moment." Okuyasu already looks at you with pleading black eyes,"C'mon (Reader), we haven't hanged out in forever. Josuke gets ya all the time cause he goes to a stupid university with ya. So please,won't ya just go with us?"
You chuckle," 'Yasu the boxing gym is right by the university,I always talk to you for like 15 minutes a day before and after class." He whines,"But today ya didn't say goodbye,Josuke got you forgetting all about me. That's why you gotta go to this party!" You find his needy behavior cute—almost endearing so you humor him. "Hmm..maybe I'll go. But if I don't go then why don't you and Josuke come over after the party? Just knock on the door and I'll let you in." Okuyasu pouts before speaking,"But what if ya’re sleepin?" You smile at him as you touch the hand he has resting on your shoulder," I won't be,trust me." Technically your promise wasn't empty,ever since the murders you've been having a hard time sleeping.
"Got ya! That sounds good. But I gotta go Josuke's waiting for me with his fancy ass car." He moves his hand to let go of your shoulder but he's met with your pudgy hand gripping it to your flesh harder. "Wait,can you walk me home please Yasu? I feel safer with you around." It's true,the man's positive energy managed to make you briefly forget your dark thoughts earlier.
He stares at you in thought,looking at your needy expression. It's almost like he visibly melted at your words and expression. "Yeah I'll getcha home! Lemme just call Josuke so he knows." Okuyasu pulls out his cracked phone and quickly calls Josuke,"Yo bro,(Reader) wants me to walk her home so just pick me up in the front of her house. Alright bye." He stuffs his phone back into his pocket and tightens his arm he has draped over you.
"Thanks 'Yasu." You kindly remark. " 'Course gotta keep my girl safe." You brush off the usage of "my girl" due to the fact that Josuke and him use it only in reference of how protective they are of you cause of the years long friendship the three of you share. At least that's what you think,right? It couldn't be used romantically,not when Okuyasu and Josuke got new girls on their arms most of the time. However the thought of being Okuyasu's or Josuke's girl..or both is something you find yourself frequently fantasizing about. But that's just silly,dreamful thinking.
The two of you start walking and talking. Conversation flows easily with Okuyasu,it always does. It does too with Josuke but Okuyasu somehow always eases you. He's your comforter,he always has been.
"Welp this is my stop." Okuyasu's voice says. You nod sadly,not wanting to say goodbye so soon to your living comfort. " 'Suke's not here yet,why don't you come inside until he shows up?" Okuyasu doesn't even think before he exclaims,"Yes!" You giggle at his enthusiasm,unlocking the door as you do so.
You enter and Okuyasu does the same behind you,making sure to close and lock the door.
"So are you hungry?" He smiles widely,"I always am!" You smile,"Yes you are! I got some spaghetti and meatballs if that's what you want."
"Yes, I love Italian food! I'll eat whatever you got left if ya let me!" You scrunch your brows in mock thought,"Okay,I'll let you have the whole container." He makes a noise of celebration as he follows you to the kitchen.
The pair of you walk into the kitchen smiling and chuckling, though your happy demeanor falters once you see the sink filled to the brim with dishes. " 'Yasu you can get the food from the fridge,I got to work on the dishes." Okuyasu nods with no hesitation as he rushes to the fridge. You grab an apron that Okuyasu had given you for a birthday years ago with a cringy motto that reads,"A dolla will make ya holla!"
Once he find the spaghetti he puts it in the microwave and he smiles gleefully once he sees you putting the apron on to wash the dishes. "Ya still kept that old thing?" You nod,"Yeah,it's my favorite." You don't miss the small blush that paints his cheeks when you remark that it's your favorite. "Good,it looks great on ya." You smile and turn to make soapy water for the seemingly never ending pile of dishes you had to wash.
Okuyasu’s food is finished in the microwave the moment the beep is heard. He grabs his food and sits down on a chair by the island. You turn your back to him once the water is done and start washing dishes. "Do ya normally wear a apron when ya do the dishes?" You answer back,"No,just when I'm wearing something like a dress or something I like a lot." He hums in thought before you hear him messily slurp and devour the spaghetti.
He swallows before hitting you with another question,"So where are your parents? They're usually home by now." You scrub off a nasty dish while replying,"Umm well I kinda own the house now. Since the beginning of summer,they left and said I had the house to myself. I don't think they'll be back for a few more months. They said that since I'm a college student I deserve my own private space and used that as an excuse to finally travel,not that I mind of course,they deserve that break."
"So ya're alone for a few months?" Okuyasu asks. "Yeah I am." You confirm once more. "Then me and Josuke should come over more often." He quickly says. "And Koichi and his little girlfriend too." He makes sure to add. "Yeah,I could definitely use the company in that case." You warmly welcome the idea. Not only so you're not experiencing isolation but also so you won't make yourself a easy target for the killer.
There's a few minutes of silence—comfortable minutes ,one's where you just hear clanging of the dishes occasionally and your dear friend excitedly devouring the food you've made.  You've grown so accustomed to the silence that you can't stop the shocked gasp that falls from your lips once you feel a big calloused hand placed on your wide waist. "That was yummy,thank ya (Reader)."  He doesn't bother to move his heavy hand once he hears the little gasp instead he tightens his grasp on your squishy waist.
"O-Oh you're welcome 'Yasu. It's a thank you for walking me home." He smiles,"No need to thank me. Like I said I gotta take care of my girl." He emphasizes his words when starts tracing small circles onto the cotton fabric of your dress. "This is real pretty,"he pinches the material of the dress,"Looks really cute on ya. But you always look real cute."  Suddenly nothing else matters,not the dishes,not the fact that Josuke's coming soon,not even the murder that's roaming Morioh,all that matters right now is Okuyasu's touch.
You lean into his touch,"Thanks 'Yasu." Your words come out breathlessly. He hums in acknowledgement,his now two hands becoming his main focus. He squeezes the abundant flesh of your tummy that's hidden by your dress. "Ya're so damn soft." You can't help but let out a small whine at his gentle yet rough actions.
He leans against your back pushing his extremely tall frame against yours,black eyes leering at you. "Thank you 'Yasu." You can't help the awkward and repetitive response,not used to your friend behaving this way with you. Sure,he was flirty with you before but never this upfront with you. His touch advances,inching further up to your slightly exposed cleavage. " 'Y-Yasu.?" You can't help the panicked question. What is he gonna reach for?
"Yeah?" The grumble of his voice sounds erotic,almost like he's turned on right now. "What're you doing?" The question you asked held no malicious harm instead just innocent wonder. That must've snapped out of his daze. "I'm just trynna give ya hug,Josuke's gonna be outside soon so I'm saying a early goodbye." With that his big arms wrap around the whole expanse of your plush middle,his hard rock chest molds against your roll adorned back.
He leans down to give you a wet kiss on your neck,which makes you let out a shocked whine. " 'Yasu!" You exclaimed in embarrassment. "What?" He asks cluelessly. "You can't kiss me without telling me! It's embarrassing!" He smiles,"Yeah? Well Imma kiss you." He kisses your neck again,the attention on your sensitive neck making you giggle.
You slightly push his head away,"Now you know what to do if you wanna kiss me." He hums in acknowledgement. Soon a honk rings out from the front of your house. "Gotta go! Josuke's out front." He let's go of you which leaves you missing his warm touch.
" 'Kay say hi to him for me! See ya later 'Yasu." The male nods and rushes to the front door,the door slamming as he leaves. You leave the kitchen once he's gone to make sure to lock the door. And slowly you trudge back to the kitchen,"Time to do the dishes again."
To say the least you were beat after doing the dishes. It's such a easy labor required task however you dread it. But it's not only dirty cups or plates draining you,it's the constant anxiety you feel deep down. Plus the way Okuyasu was behaving with you was different..It made you question so many things. However,the energy for being thoughtful and curious was sucking up too much from you.
You had to take a nap,just a short one. You just need to catch up with your sleep. You wander to find your phone so you can put it on silent and not be bothered with the outside world right now. Surely,you find it and set it to silent,placing it on the coffee table next to the couch that you plop on.
You lay down and curl up like a baby. Sleep,you tell yourself. Go to sleep. Though you craved a nap,you knew that a nightmare might come to haunt your only escape from reality. You haven't been having them too often but when they came,they'd be terrifying.
You forcibly shut your eyes and just relax. Soon enough you find everything leaving,all that is here is just a dreamless peaceful abyss.
However peace can never last long when death is afoot. You wake up with a start,gasping for air and clenching your poor couch cushions in fear. Eventually though,you're able to calm down. You sit up and reach for your phone to look at the time. The screen glare's at you as your eyes struggle to adapt to the light,"12:00 am. How long was I out for?" As soon as you voice your confusion. You see your phone alert you that a unknown caller is calling. You do what everyone else does when they see an unknown caller alert— decline.
"I'm hungry as hell." You mutter. You get up and stretch,letting out an almost pornagraphic moan. Your attention is taken off stretching the moment you see your phone violently shaking. You roll your eyes in annoyance. Who the hell is this persistent? You grab your phone and instantly your annoyed attitude morphs into one of fear.
Ten texts and multiple missed calls decorate your lock screen. They read threats like,"Answer the phone slut!" Or "I'll fucking murder you if you don't answer right now." Your breathing quickens,"What the hell should I do?" You thought of calling the cops but immediately you think about the original ghost face killings. Ghost face was always near by when he made calls so..that means the killers might be very close to you. But this might be just sick prank call,right?
So you do the not so smart thing and try to survive instead. Hurriedly you call the number and find yourself met with the taunting ring of the phone. Finally,an alarmingly deep voice speaks on the other end of the line. "Imma make this simple for you. Start rubbing your pussy right now."
Your breath takes a pause in your throat. Did you hear that right? "W-What?" You ask. "I said start rubbing your pussy now. Don't be a disobedient slut." For some reason a bit of fear leaves you,being replaced with courage. "No." You state. The voice chuckles,"No? What,now you want to act all brave? I know that you tremble in fear every time you hear about what we’ve done in the news. So don't act all confident with me and just rub your pussy like a good slut."
You gasp in amazed fear. This was—it couldn't
be—Ghostface themselves or himself. The voice chuckles once more at your shocked display. "Aww you're so cute but you're so dumb! That's why I need you to rub your pretty little cunt for me,it's the only thing your little dumb brain can handle."
With a uneven breath you ask,"Do you want me to umm..get naked?" You could hear a smug smile once he replies,"Good girl! You're learning how to please me. Yes,I want you to get naked and I want you right in front of that window you got in front of the coffee table. I want you to have your legs spread completely wide with your back against the table,I wanna see ya just like that,got it?" See you? He could see you? The thought alone makes your blood run cold.
"I expect an answer every time I say something. Do you understand me?" You quickly cough up a small yes. "Good,now hurry up and undress." You couldn't believe you found yourself submitting so easily to a killer—a perverted killer who's getting off to your garnered fear of them. It makes you so angry—so enraged yet you found yourself obeying like some obedient pup all because of fear. Such a coward—such a pussy you are right now. However you can't bring yourself to scold your submissive actions any harder because absolute terror is overruling the anger your feel.
And that's how you find yourself bare of any clothing,nude and vulnerable for the eyes of a sick fuck. Your baby blue dress stays by your feet,a visual reminder of your embarrassing submission . A low groan is heard through the phone , a groan that sounds so lustful it has you curling into yourself. "Fuckkkk,you're so perfect. You're so fucking gorgeous. Spin for me,I want to see all of you." The demand leaves no room for arguments so you shyly—albeit awkwardly you do a little turn hurriedly . "Mmm,my perfect girl. Do another spin for me,slowly this time. I wanna look at what I own."
You obey his command once more,dying of humiliation the longer each turn took. What's worse is you don't know where he's looking from. Is he in the front of the window? Is he in a tree up above? You don't even know if it's just a he,it could be a them—the murderous duo who's now personally terrorizing you. "Good girl,now put the phone on ya table and put me on speaker. Now spread your legs for me like a good girl."
Once again you find yourself obeying him to the exact T. As you bend down to place your back against the table you wonder why he's doing this to you? Why you? Why your town? Why poor little Morioh?
You feel the cool wood make contact with the rolls that adorn your soft back. A little whimper leaving your insanely chapped lips once the cold table touches you. "Mmm,good girl,"he practically purrs,"Now I don't want you to start rubbin just yet. Play with those pretty tits,yeah?" The phasing of his last sentence made you queasy because of the sheer audacity to make that sound like a question when at it's core it's a order. A order that reminds you of your fear.
Your fingers slightly tease your blooming bud—the cool air teasing your nipple away from it's natural softness. It feels nice—good so good that you almost forget why you're doing this. Your other hand squeezes the stretch mark decorated breast on the side closest to your heart. The warm,gentle attention riles out a small moan from your mouth.
The man on phone coos to you,celebrating the obedience he didn't have to fight you on. "You're so gorgeous! So glad you're such a good girl for me and I didn't have to hurt your perfect body! My smart girl knows what's best for her,huh?"
You hum a response,too focused on the task that's melting in your hands. Your breast continues to be meddle with,each massaging motion feeling better than the last.
Somehow his already deep voice reaches a lower octave,"Stop. Start playin with your pussy." Lust oozes from the speaker. Untouched,evil desire is all you heard come out of him at this moment. Is that why he's doing to you? Lust? To own your body with the leash of fear he has snug around your neck? What a sick pervert.
You reach down,inching away from your sweaty chest—touching the wet arousal you're disgusted to have formed. You could call it a natural bodily reaction to the fondling your breasts received but you know—you know that his degrading praise had a hand in the layer of moisture that built up on your pussy.
Your fingers clip onto your aching clit,a rubbing motion starting on from there. Rub,rub,rub, and rub is all you can think about—your pleasure,the promise of cumming is what you deserve for being forced to put on a show for a murderer. "Atta girl,keep rubbin. Your pussy looks so pretty,doll! Fuck,just wanna stuff my face in there. Would ya like me to eat you out,huh,sweet thing?" His words are slightly labored this time,an almost groany tone releasing from his lips.
"Mhm!" Is all you mutter. A short answer,yet just the answer that the serial killer needed to hear. "Yeah? Want me to suck on that fuckin pretty clit? Want me to force my face in between those thick ass thighs? Yeah—shit,wanna have you on my face—don't wanna fuckin breath until you cum all over my face." His groans—oh my god his groans, your could feel your needy cunt clench around nothing. He sounded so good,so wanton,so needy! But you can't enjoy his sounds,not when he's taunting you like this—not when he and his partner murdered five innocent people!
But what if you just let yourself indulge for a second? Just a quick second and then you could go back to quivering in fear. Oh please—oh please just a moment to get pleasure from his desire of you. "Hmmph—Shit all I can think about is your cute ass sittin on ma face. I'll eat your pretty little cunt for days! Fuck—Fuck—put ya fingers inside! Wann' see your pussy stretched out."
You don't question the command—two fingers sink into your clamping hole. A keen frees itself from your gasping throat. Feels so good! Feels so good to have something inside,something to distract your empty pussy. You start making a up and down motion,each movement making contact with your warm sensitive walls.
"Ah—feels good!" You babble. It's embarrassing—demeaning how easily you gave into him—the pleasure he gives has you oh so sensitive. "Yeah,baby? Ya cunt feel good?" You furiously nod your head,knowing that verbal responses weren't the only thing he'd understand. He's watching you after all.
"Shit, you're so good for me! Ma lil slut—my good fuckin cock whore! Fuck—wish I could be in ya instead of your little ass fingers, I could make ya feel so much better—stretch ya out real nice and good,have ya screaming fa' me and scratching my back. Wouldn't I,baby?" You almost choke on your moans when you force out a response. " Y-You would! You'd mmm—make me scream!"
"Shitttt...keep talkin like that,sweet thing. Wanna replace your fingers so fuckin badly now—gonna make sure your little cunt is a cum dump once I'm done with ya! Gonna bred ya and ruin ya for anybody else—shit—fuck yourself harder right now."
You oblige and start reaching — wiggling fingers inching deeper for that wonderfully good spot. You feel so close if only you could find that small mushy spot that would make you see stars.
Almost like he could read your body language perfectly he says,"Ya're close aren't you? Ya gonna cum soon? Fuck—me too! Gonna cum—wanna cum with ya! Shit—need ya to cum now."
Almost like some magic word you find that special spot and a pathetic mewl comes out of your mouth. Your back arches out,the position forcing out your plentiful tummy out even more.
You huff and huff an attempt to catch your lost breath. The man has became silent, any sign of him being present is gone.
The air is only full of the smell of your sex and your constant puffs. Finally, he speaks up again,"Ya did a good job,sweet thing! Call ya tomorrow at the same time." With that he leaves you to sit in silence accompanied by the constant blaring reminder of his quick exit.
Your mouth gapes open,"What the fuck just happened?"
"(Readerrrr), ya there?" Josuke calls out. His concerned diamond blue eyes pour into yours. Your body flinches at the sound of your friend's deep voice. "Y-Yeah,just a little shaken up." You reply. Smoothly Josuke's sleeveless arms round your shoulders and coddles you closer to his chest. "Ya? Did ya have a nightmare before we got here?"
You accept his affection gesture—leaning in and pushing your pudgy cheek into his chiseled pecs. "Why didn't you tell me and Okuyasu,we could've taken care of ya way earlier." Chiding with him,Okuyasu pipes out,"Yeah! You can tell us anythin. We got ya back."
The thought of spilling your guts and telling them whatever happened only an hour ago crosses your mind—it's brief because you realize it's stupid. No way you'd put any of your friends in danger involving the terrorizers of Morioh. That's right—it's only been a hour since the call,only an an hour since you've dirtily indulged into his demands. But no—enjoying it meant they'd win and you can't let them have anymore power over you.
A part of you wonders what if? What if Josuke and Okuyasu came just at the stroke of midnight? Would they have been able to protect you from the murderers? But that what if is a distant reality—the real reality being is that your favorite duo showed up at your doorstep with snacks in hand and bright smiles. Stories of Koichi being forced into a embarrassing bathing suit by Yukako and Rohan screaming Josuke's head off when he buried him in the sand while he was sleeping on beach were exchanged with you.
Stories that kept the air light and distractive until the three of you sat on the couch to watch a movie. The polite custom of staying silent during a movie was driving you crazy,the silence leaving too much space in your head to think about what occurred.
You place a fake smile onto your lips," Thanks you guys but really I'm fine,I promise." To add weight to your adds you further snuggle into Josuke's chest and reach for Okuyasu's mangled hand,to which he gratefully accepts by gripping your hands in a no escape hold. "If ya say so." Okuyasu says. Josuke gives an annoyed look towards the unaware male,one that you've learned means that Okuyasu didn't say the right thing or he said something dumb. "What Okuyasu meant to say is if you want us to stay the night or just stay away longer?"
At first,the instinctual answer was no—strictly because you don't want to cause them too much trouble. Josuke constantly takes you places in his car because you're too fearful of the bus or walking too far away from home. Okuyasu was a already like a guard dog before the murders,but now he constantly wants to stick to you like glue no matter where you go. Of course there's exceptions of this happening like today but majority of the time that's what happens.
However,that first move to say no is gone out the window once they start touching you. Josuke starts thumbing at your back,creating soothing patterns all over the the hot skin. Okuyasu's big veiny hands are twiddling with your fingers like you're some dainty little thing to him. The touches feel good—comforting,making your poor little stressed mind let go.
"Okay." You mumble. "Yeah?" Josuke confirms. "Mhm." You hum into his chest. "Hell yeah! We haven't stayed over in forever!" Okuyasu exclaims. "Are we gonna sleep in your room?" The blunt man asks. Now that he's mentioned it,you're not sure where they should sleep. The suggestion of your room didn't really concern you all that much. After all these are your friends so won't do anything strange,right?
Sure,they are 6'1 and 6'4 men who's body weight mostly consist of pure hard earned muscle but besides that the thought of them sleeping in a room shared with you isn't really intimidating at all. In fact,it comforts you knowing that they're going to be with you in your room. You know you'd have incoming nightmares or a sleepless night ahead caused by that call,so two friends that happen to be men and very attractive are just doing what good friends do.
"Of course, you're gonna sleep in my room,silly! It wouldn't be a sleep over if you weren't." You happily exclaim. "Yeah!" Okuyasu leans over you to give Josuke a type of handshake that you don't even bother to look at. It fills you with glee to see the two of them so ecstatic to be staying with you. However,the feeling of glee doesn't overcome the impending sleepiness you start to feel.
"I think I should start setting up the bed for us." You state. Josuke's brow perks up in a inquisitively,"Us?" A rush of flustered heat floods through your body for the assumption that three of you would share your bed. You feel so comfortable with them it merely slipped out. "Um—I mean it's just cause I have pretty big bed and they'll be plenty of space for you two but I realize how silly that is now. Just forget it I'll
"No,No! That's perfect, me and Oku' won't mind at all. You're our friend after all." You catch many nice things about his interrupting sentence,especially the way his honeyed tongue says "our " with almost a possessive gripe. You brush over it though, no matter how odd it sounded—instead you choose to favor his laxness about sharing a bed with you.
"Uhh well perfect! Let me just set up then and I'll call you two up to bed." You offer a marshmallowey smile before you turn from the pair and walk your way up the stairs—missing the lust glazed stares of your trusted friends directed at your teasing dimpled cheeks peeking out from your loose cotton shorts. If only you could see Josuke and Okuyasu hissing as they adjust the semi's that's grown in their jeans.
You find yourself in your room,adjusting your bed for more room and comfort. You move your stuff animals and overly big pillows,setting it on free spaces throughout the room. That's it,that's all you had to do. Yet,you weren't gonna call them up. Not yet.
You stare down at the baby blue sun dress you took off during the call that you tossed on your floor in a crying haze once the killer hung up. The dress felt like a lingering memory of what happened and what's to come. "Call you tomorrow at the same time." The words ring in your head, a consistent reminder to of your impending doom. You'd be some type of sick sexual outlet for the killer(s). And then what? Once they were done with terrorizing you with calls would they come up from a secret hiding place by your house and tally you off as another victim of theirs? The 6th victim? Or worse would they violate you—ignore your agency—the word no and pleas of reason would mean nothing to them.
And now you're here,being such a coward. Accepting their plans for you like some type of sick puppy. You make yourself sick,the thought of just surrendering makes a deep pool of raging nausea roar from the bottom of your belly. How can you be so—so easily available? You just obeyed whatever he said and when you did stand up to him you just surrendered due to the deep rooted fear of what he and his accomplice could do.
Just how weak willed how are you? Listening to a killer that demanded you to touch yourself and actually doing it! Loving the way he praised you—guiltily indulging into the desperate groans
he howled out for you. And worst of all, actually feeling your heart and clit beat with the promise of this repeating tomorrow. How sick you are.
You swallow a wad of contempt mixed with saliva before your tongue sticks out to wet your flaky lips. You call out," 'Sukeeee! 'Yasu!! You can come up now!" They heard you as soon as you said the sentence because you quickly hear the stomping up the stairs.
During the short time you throw the dress in your closet and look back in a lost daze before you slam the closet door shut. You sigh,"What am I gonna do?" You don't have much time to think about the next step before Okuyasu zooms into the door frame. He's panting—big wide chest moving up and down in a seducing rhythm. "Told ya I could beat you up the stairs Josuke!" He proudly and rather cutely says.
Not even a second later Josuke is up behind Okuyasu, Josuke's shorter frame slightly being blocked by him. It's funny how someone even as tall as Josuke looks short compared to Okuyasu. The pompadour wearing man rolls his eyes,"Yeah,Yeah meathead I know I lost." Okuyasu doesn't even bother to hide his amusement,in fact,the man can't stop laughing. "Maybe you should become a boxer like me instead of being Mr.Future Doctor. That'll get you faster."
"Yeah and risk breaking this nose?" He points to his perfectly pointed and straight nose. "No,thanks." You giggle at their interaction,"I don't know 'Yasu, Josuke's pretty built for someone who doesn't box." Okuyasu dramatically slacks his jaw,"C'monnnn he's not better than babies." Okuyasu flexes his thick arms,posing them in a abstract Y position.
You smile and lean over to touch the hard mass of muscles,chubby digits feel up his biceps. "Ooo very hard 'Yasu!" The teasing compliment flusters the tall man,making him splutter out,"Course they are! I take good care of myself! I eat real good too!" You look at him,"I know, 'Yasu. Anyone can really tell how good you take care of yourself."
Josuke chuckles this time,"Well remember Okuyasu,this future doctor takes care of all your injuries because you always spend your money
too fast and can't afford an actual hospital bill." Okuyasu whines," Man you can't use that against me,I always get my money back anyways."
"Right." Josuke remarks sarcastically. You laugh once more before disputing the whole interaction. "All right,all right you both are just great the way you but you'd be even better asleep." The both whine out an okay and drag their feet to your bed.
You slide into the middle of the soft mattress but stopping halfway though to ask,"Are you guys fine with me being in the middle?" They don't seem to mind because they simply just shake their head. You nod and finally make yourself comfy in the insulated center of the bed.
However,comfort doesn't last long when both of the males turn their handsome faces towards you. You don't fail to catch their staring eyes drinking you in. You feel a pool of nervous saliva coat your mouth," 'Suke can you turn off the light?" The male nods and leans over to switch off the lamp placed on your bedside table.
The second the lights turned off Okuyasu boldly grips wraps his big arms around the whole expanse of your rounded front—thick hard muscle grasping your wide waist in possessiveness.  The actions so sudden a small gasp flees from you. " 'Yasu not so rough!" You exclaim in a flustered panic. He doesn't say anything in response,instead digging his scabbed extremities into the plushness of your pouch sitting above your pillowy hip bones and groin.
He nuzzles his face into your shoulder,instantly knocking out onto your flesh. Josuke and you share a glance of shock and amusement. You break the silence with a quiet giggle. "I forgot how easily he goes to sleep." Josuke nods,"I know right? He's just like a baby." 
You smile,"Yeah,wish I could go to sleep as easily as him." Bright diamond blue eyes peer into you,analyzing your very being. An inhale of breath is heard before," How have you been holding up?" The question rings into the air,almost like you don't want to answer it.  You can't tell Josuke—your protector,your friend,the guys who's ward off bullies by going in a blind rage of attack when bad things has ever been said about you—that the taunting ghost of Morioh called you to get himself off in some sick way.
He'd get only hurt and dragged into a unfolding mess. You can't do that to him! Sure,he's strong and tall,standing at 6'1 feet with some raging fighting skills. But could he take on the Ghostface? The man who mutilated a person you used to know so inhumanly. Not even to mention there's most likely two of them. No,Josuke couldn't know. For his sake.
"I've been doing okay. Just always nervous,ya know?" He hums in acknowledgment,long lashes kissing his cheek bones. His smooth yet textured fingers gently rub back and forth on a small patch of flesh of your cheek. "I know,baby. But me and Oku will take care of ya anyway you need. All you need is us,the rest of the world will just ruin ya."
You look up at him and catch his wrist in affectionate hold,your own fingers rubbing skin as well. "Mmm,I know you'll take care of me—the both of you but I just can't get this constant fear out of me. I'm so scared of them. " Josuke looks at you in thought,trying to find the right thing to say to comfort you.
"You're not their MO,they won't touch you."  You find comfort in how matter factly he states it,like he's completely sure that nothing will happen to you. "I know but it's just the last victim I knew. You remember that one guy in high school who confessed to me? That was him. And it's just so hard for me to actually grasp that he's no longer here anymore."
Josuke's gentle and somber expression melts away,twisting in a disgusted one. "That guy was a creep,(Reader). He just fetishized you,like you're some type of meat. And you're not,you're the most sweetest,most beautiful,most considerate person and that fucker was probably just jerking off to ya body." You're gagged by how easily he tore into the deceased man.
"But still—" You try to speak but you're cut off with a cold cut sentence,"No,I think he got exactly what was coming to him."  You stare up at the male, shocked by the discovery of just how cold and ruthless he could be. " Josuke..." you trail off. He looks at you,his angry expression fleeing from him the moment he does.
"I'm sorry I must scare ya talking like that." He stops rubbing your cheek,replacing the soothing touch with cupping it. You nod,"Yeah,I've never heard you so...cruel before." He leans closer to you,softly sighing. "I know but creeps like that just piss me off. I'm sorry, I won't talk like that in front of you again."
You peer into Josuke's pretty eyes,not missing the barely lingering murderous glint reflecting in them. It fills you with a pool of anxiety and a little drop of suspicion. But Josuke couldn't be one of the men plaguing Morioh,he loves Morioh after all! He talks about the city so beautifully—the people he loves that reside here. So naturally,you easily brush off the creeping inkling.
" It's okay,let's just not talk about it anymore." You assure as you lean into his touch. People could call it delusional or just pure ignorance to brush off someone's body and verbal language if they were acting like Josuke a few moments ago. But no,you feel in your heart that he and Okuyasu could never commit such heinous crimes. They could never..at least that's what you told yourself to help halt the booming alarm bells coursing through your brain.
Josuke nods,"Yeah,let's just go to sleep,m'kay?" You don't protest him,welcoming the suggestion of sleep. " G'Night 'Suke." He hums a response and snuggles closer to your neck. You close your eyes,attempting to drift off to a peaceful darkness.
Josuke's rhythmic breathing against the nape of your neck soothes you like a lullaby does.
"Sorry me and Okuyasu had to go to work. We tried to wake u up but u wouldn't budge. See you later tho and stay safe!" Is what you read as you groggily pour yourself some milk for the cereal you're about to eat.
"Ughgg I can't believe I slept in for so long..." you complain. It's now 4:39 in the afternoon and you find yourself dazzlingly eating not so good cereal.
You guess though,that at least this is somewhat normal for a person your age. To sleep long and be unproductive the moment summer break hits. But you're no longer a normal college student anymore,for the man taunting your innocent city is now personally bothering you.
You wait and wait and wait,doing things to keep your mind busy until the clock strikes 12. Time slowly yet quickly slips the your finger tips. It seems every time you pursue an activity the time goes the quicker. It's almost like the universe can sense your unrelenting anxiety and chose to pick on you.
5' o clock
6' o clock
7' o clock
8' o clock
9'o clock
10'o clock
11' o clock
Your face is crest fallen once you look down at your phone and realize that it's only one hour away from the awaiting phone call. Your chest tightens and suddenly all the air from your lungs flees. One breath,then another,and a third one before you slide down a wall.
It feels like the whole sky is resting on your racing chest. It's too much—it hurts it's so much.
You wheeze and try to compose your breathing. Slowly—extremely slow your compose yourself and once you do you immediately stand up.
"I can't stay here..! I-I have to go!" The thought of staying in your own house is too much right now. The thought of just sitting in your home like a sitting duck almost makes another panic attack ensue. You hurriedly grab your phone and stuff it into the pocket of the mid thigh length shorts you're wearing and slide on some sandals.
You rush out your door and start an instant pace away from your house. Further,you just needed to be further. It's now finally hitting you that there's no real escape! The police couldn't and wouldn't help,after all they haven't done much of anything to help with the disgusting crimes committed prior. Josuke and Okuyasu can't help you,they're just regular young adults just like you.
You're just screwed,so screwed. And you may have made yourself even more screwed by making the rather impulsive decision to walk away from home. But you honestly didn't make it too far,being only 10 houses away from your own. You pull out your phone from your pocket and it's barely 11:15. You could still walk back to your house..but then what? He'd call and tell you to touch yourself again and then you'd just do whatever he says?
That didn't sound good to you at all. However the choices are slim—go to the police force who won't do anything about or accept whatever they'll want you to do. Both of those choice sound horrible,however one has a more merciful fate. If you were to go to the police you feel that they would know but if you were just to be obedient,maybe,just maybe you'd have a sliver of hope to be unharmed.
With that you briskly walk back to your once beloved home. The overwhelming sense of dread constantly pokes at you. You'd just have to suck it up,no matter what they gave to you.
You wrap your ample arms around the protruding roundness of your stomach,gripping anything for comfort. Despite your poor attempt at comfort you still feel a sinking ball of anxiety fall lower into the never ending pit of your tummy.
You never thought that is ever growing ball of sensed doom could get any bigger,however once you arrive at your house and find the door to your house is barely ajar.  
Your heart booms and booms against it's confined cage. The hairs of the back of neck stand tall once you feel the familiar vibration of your phone shaking against your leg. A shaky hand reaches for the cellular device and you see the dreaded numbers.
Unlike last time,you made sure there's no room for blowing off a unknown number again. You answer,fear injecting your tone,"H-Hello?" You can practically hear the smile on the murderer's face,"Heya doll! You've been a good girl fa' us?" This voice...sounds different—raspy and deeper than the voice prior. This must the other half of Ghostface.
"Y-Yes." You answer. "Hmm...Don't sound so bummed out! It'll be good in a lil bit,okay?" You're off put by the shift in personality and tone. This Ghostface sounded nicer,less impatient and sadistic. Although the new voice is a scary find,it doesn't distract you from the slightly opened door to your home. "Did you come to my house?"
The question stands still,the man on the other line letting it cruelly marinate. "I dunno,why don't ya find out?"  A thin layer of anticipation sweat coats your face as you gulp down a wad of saliva. "I'm waiting inside,are ya really gonna make me be here all night?" It's whiny—his tone,almost childish. It reminds you of someone but you can't put your finger in it.
"N-No." You remark. "Yeah? Then,hurry inside. I gotta surprise for ya." Something told you that this surprise isn't something you'll be very glad to see. The images of someone's intestines lining your floor as some sick substitute for romantic rose petals—blood splatters coating the untouched decor instead of calming candles. Or worse,them waiting with knives in their hand preparing to torture you and mutilate your body.
What you find when you enter the invaded house isn't intestines,nor blood splatters. No,what you find is much worse than anyone's sick mutilation. Dozens of polariod pictures decorate the wooden floor. With each step you take it's like looking at a mirror full of past yous because all the images laid on the foundation are of you. Naked,clothed,changing,eating,sleeping—whatever a person's daily normal activities are all there right in front of you.
But what's really the icing on this fucked up cake,is the two bodies cloaked in black and elongated dramatic masks,standing there in the middle of splay of pictures. Ghostface.  The sights are so terrifying,so incredibly off putting that you don't know what to look at—the secretly taken pictures or the Ghostfaces that have ruined Morioh.
"Well are ya just gonna stand there or are ya gonna greet us?" The raspy voice rhetorically asks. If you weren’t suffering from shock you would’ve made the smart choice and walked over to them but you physically couldn’t move. Your body feels like a leaf struggling to fight the wind
— the trembling exuding from your nerves being unstoppable. “Aww she’s scared! We can’t just leave her like that.” The one who’s slightly taller says.
“Yeah,you’re right. Let’s make this easier for her.” The pair walk over to you and there’s so much tension. So much fearful curiosity on what’s going to happen to you. “P-Please…” That’s all you can mutter. Just please. Please what? Please don’t murder me? Please don’t hurt me? You don’t know what you’re asking for but you just wanted to stop whatever’s happening to you.
“ Josuke’s she’s pleading,I feel bad.” Josuke? Your Josuke? There’s no way you heard that right. A hard swat is heard,a harsh impact landing on the male’s arm. “Ya idiot! She was supposed to know after we were done! Fuck,you just ruined our plan.” The man you call a friend,the man who’s comforted you from Ghostface …is the one disturbing Morioh.
You want to be pissed,want to yell and scream and tell them what sick bastards they are. They only thing you can manage is a broken sob fleeing from your body. Hot tears soak your cheeks, the constant moisture never leaving. You can’t even bear to stand anymore,your knees giving out on hard wooden floor.
“Why?! Josuke,how could you?! Okuyasu why?! Just why?!” You cradle your hands in your face and just sob,letting snot and salty tears build up on the skin. Hard heavy boots stomp their way to your form and a gloved hand forces you to look up at a screaming mask.
“Don’t go pitying yourself. You should be thankful we did all this for you—because we love you. Don’t you realize how lucky you are to have two people so in love with you?” By now Josuke’s taken off his mask,allowing you to stare at his crazed expression. Okuyasu joins in,his bare face shown to you too,”Yeah! Me and Josuke are just doing this because we love ya! So just be a good girl like last night and everything should be good,m’kay?”
“You love me..YOU LOVE ME?!” You voice trembles with a mixture of rage and betrayal. “How can you even claim to love me when you hurt my community?! How do you even have the audacity to say such a thing when you’ve lied and manipulated me?! You two bastards are sick!” You’re about to stand up before Josuke’s strong hand shoots out and pushes your head down with a insane amount of strength.
“You’ve always been stubborn (Reader)…but if ya can’t see what we’re trying to do for you then fine. I didn’t want to be so rough with ya…only wanted to scare ya a bit and then fuck your poor little brains out but since you wanna be a bitch though we’ll do it the hard way.” Effortlessly,so easily he scoops you up and hauls you over his shoulder. You hang over his muscular back and scratch your dull nails through the fabric. It doesn’t seem to be effective and only manages to piss him off because he roughly spanks your slightly exposed bottom.
“Behave.” He warns. You whine at the impact but stop your physical protest. “Okuyasu go get the rope,she won’t stay still.” Chills crawl down your spine the moment he utters that and so…casually too. “Right.” Okuyasu stops following you two and goes back downstairs.
Josuke takes you to your room and plops you on the bed. You attempt to force out all the hatred and betrayal and..sadness you feel once you look at him in face again. He chuckles at that,seemingly amused by it. “You can never be mad at us—at me,you’ve always had such a soft spot for me and Okuyasu. So just accept whatever we give you,yeah?”
With that he pushes you flat on your back onto the springy mattress,his big hand cradling your wrists as he straddles you. He pulls something from his pants and once you see the reflective glimmer of a cool metal your chest starts racing up and down. “What’re you do—“ His gloved fingers mush your lips shut. “Shhh..just let me do it.”
He brings the knife down to your thin cotton tank top,the tip of the jagged knife circling your hardened nipple. “No bra?” He smugly asks. “Were you waiting for me and ‘Oku to ruin ya’re cunt?” You shake your head no and he chuckles. “What do that little phone call I gave you yesterday didn’t have ya pacing in excitement? Didn’t have your pretty fuckin cunt clenching around nothin?”
You ignore him yet he’s still amused. “It’s okay,sweet thing you don’t have to lie to me. I know how your body feels.” He continues his gestures,making sure the cool blade nips at your erect nipples. A small whine falls from your lips at the cold contact—sounds are pulled from you by the attention on your bare breasts. “Shit ya sound so good,ya know that? Fuck needa see your pretty titties.”
He quickly cuts open your shirt with the weapon,not caring about how dangerous the swift motions are. Josuke practically drools once he his dilated pupils lock onto your chest and tummy. “Fuck,Okuyasu better hurry up before I take you for myself…” His veiny hands grip the pillowy flesh rested on your chest,his flat finger nails digging into you.
Okuyasu comes barging into the room with a coil of rope and a cam recorder. “Noo you started without me!” He impatiently sets the items onto the bed and rushes over to hover over you. His eyes light up like a little kid in a candy shop once he lays eyes on you. “Ya’re so fuckin gorgeous (Reader)!” Impulsively his hand reaches over to touch your boobs,not even bothered by the fact that Josuke’s hands are over them.
“ Josuke move your hands,I wanna feel.” He complains. “Whatever…” He arises from his straddling position and walks over to the other side of the bed. Happily Okuyasu takes his spot and hops over your laying body. His face dives into your chest and whatever he’s doing feels so unbelievably nice. He suckles like a baby being nursed on your exposed nipples,rotating from your left to right one. He mushes and massages eagerly,loving the way you feel.
“You taste…so fucking good! I wanna know what that pretty cunt tastes like!” He pops off your tits so crudely but you can’t bring yourself to care. All you can even get out is small whimpers and grips on his hair. “Yeah,Okuyasu eat her cunt! I’ve been thinking about that since I called her. It’s so fuckin fat Okuyasu…and her little clit just throbs whenever you give it any attention.”
“Shit really? You’re a real lucky bastard Josuke,gettin to see her cummin on her fingers.” Josuke chuckles,”I think you’re the lucky one,you’re the one who gets to taste it first.” Okuyasu doesn’t argue that so he hastily pulls down your shorts and panties. “Spread your legs,baby.”
You do as he says,allowing him to slide off your clothes. He quickly slides down your body,making his way to your cunt. He pushes your thighs apart and whistles an appreciative tune. “Mmm..you weren’t lying,her pussy’s so pretty.” Without any warning he nudges his nose against your clit. Affectionately teasing the throbbing button.
He spreads apart your pussy lips even separating your thick pubic hair that’s stuck to the moisture of your cunt. He dives in with zero hesitation,wrapping his mouth around your hammering clitoris. You writhe and moan at his attentive behavior—everywhere,his tongue felt everywhere.
It felt like you couldn’t catch a break, every few minutes you were gasping and moaning,arching your back away from the bed. Okuyasu spits down your pussy as he sits up to look at you. “You look so fuckin cute. Josuke you gotta film this…look at her face—fuck I got so much pre cause of it.” He immerses himself back in between your legs this time scissoring two of his fingers into your accommodating walls.
His free hand clenches the hanging fat above your cunt,the harder he licks the more his grip becomes more rough. “Look at me,sweet thing..Look at the camera.” Josuke points the camera down at you with one hand,the other rubbing a painful looking bulge fighting against the fabric of his pants. You whine and whimper,” Y-Yasu! Don’t stop!”
Your encouragement only makes the tongue in between your legs move more passionately. It feels so good! So good! So good,that you can’t fight back the cascading tears falling from your eyes. “Shit—you feel so good that ya’re crying,baby? Yeah? You like Oku’s tongue on your sweet cunt?” The male leans down and lick away the salty tasting liquid from you plush cheeks. “Mmm..just everything tastes good about you.”
“Aaah! ‘Gnna cum! G’nna cum!” Slur after slur Okuyasu continues his aggressive attack on your sensitive pussy. You push away from his mouth,using your hands to uproot you from your place on your back however you’re met with big hands digging into the flesh of your wide hips. “Nu uh,don’t move away from him! You’re interrupting his meal. We can’t let ya do that…” Josuke sets the camera down onto bedside table and reaches for the discarded rope.
He swiftly bounds you by your wrists and softly pushes you back onto the bed. “Now be a good girl and take it!” He exclaims. By then Okuyasu seems to have found a special spot that would take you over the brink of pleasure. He curls his digits against the mushy spot and a loud hysterical scream falls from your lips.
You see black spots taking over your vision. You can’t hear anything,can’t even see,a mind numbing orgasm taking over all senses.
You’re so incoherent that you don’t even know how you’re sprawled out on your hands and knees. “Ya’re gonna take this dick,doll? Hmm,you want this fat cock hitting ya cervix?”
You look behind you and find Josuke positioned behind you.
“W-What??” Okuyasu hushes you by pushing the tip of his pre cum covered head against your lips. “Just enjoy it,doll face..Just enjoy it.” Is all you hear before the tip of his mouth enters your mouth.
You mumble around his tip right before Josuke mercilessly thrusts inside of your cunt. Your lips pop off Okuyasu’s tip in a surprised moan. “ Gentle! Be gentle! Fuck—omg!” Your moan against Okuyasu’s inner thigh,the toll of Josuke’s rough treatment becoming more obvious.
“C’mon baby,don’t ignore me! I need you…” Okuyasu whines. He nudges your mouth to his once more and this time you’re ready for it. You curl your tongue around the expanse of his shaft. You set a constant motion,bobbing your head halfway down his cock and jerking off what you can’t fit in your mouth.
Josuke seems to like the pace you’ve set and gyrates his hips into you each time you pull away from Okuyasu’s dick. In and out,in and out,that’s all you can think—feel about. It’s so euphoric,feels so new. Each time Okuyasu’s thick cock burns the back of your throat,Josuke’s cock deliciously drags against your clamping walls.
The man behind you has a death grip onto the fat of you wealthy hips. “Fuck,I’m gonna cum in this pussy! Gonna claim this pussy as mine! Shit!” His labored breath quickens the deeper and deeper he goes into you.
Okuyasu groans and forces your head further down his cock. You gag and grip the sheets as your back of your throat is constantly touched by his oozing tip. It’s too much! It’s too much to have them both focusing you on you at the same time.
You try to pull away to express the intense overstimulation you’re facing but a rough hand keeps you still. But what really sends you over the edge is when you feel two fingers reaching over you and circling your clit. “Mmhm! You’re so good,baby! Taking me so well!” Okuyasu compliments.
Josuke groans and mutter babbles of praises. It’s a mantra of noises,diluting the idea of time for you. You’re not sure if it’s been hours,minutes or mere seconds.
But still you find yourself so close to the brink of sweet paradise. “Such. A. Perfect. Fucking.Cunt.” Each word is emphasized with a balls deep thrust. You moan on Okuyasu’s cock,gripping the sheets underneath you.
You’re so close,so close! You could feel your orgasm creeping up on you! “Mmmf!” A shocked whimper is muffled by white hot liquid overflowing in your mouth. You don’t even have to process it before Josuke tightens his grip on you and mounts you like a animal in rut.
“Shit m’ gonna cum in ya! Want ya cunt to take every single drop!” He groans and leans against you,punching your cervix with the head of his fat cock. That’s when you can’t hold it anymore and you slump forward,finally letting go of Okuyasu’s member from your oral hold.
Josuke fucks you throughout your orgasm,every single thrust paired with filthy words. Finally at his last thrust his hips still as he releases a huge load into you. He huffs and huffs against your back,Okuyasu mimicking his actions as well.
And you can barely keep your eyes open—the vision offered to you being slowly whisked away. From then your whole surroundings disappear and everything doesn’t exist anymore…
Not even the fact that Morioh’s killers made you theirs…
Reblogs are greatly appreciated! So are comments!<3
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sl33paholics · 1 month
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Josuke Higashikata Dating / Relationship Headcanons!
(He's so baby lowkey)
Song: Always Forever by Cults
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How does he realize that he's in love?
He always finds himself fumbling and stumbling over his words whenever talking to you. Josuke always tries to keep his conversations between you two as SHORT as possible.
He cheeses up whenever your name is mentioned. A huge smile appears on his face, teeth showing and everything. Josuke experiences the butterflies! His heart races so fast, and he's red to the ears. Josuke even tries to get his friends to stop talking about you around him, gets him all jumpy and scared.
Josuke often finds himself daydreaming. Whenever it's so hot Josuke can't focus, or the lesson is too long and boring, he can imagine himself sitting next to you. Just goofing around, passing notes, and cracking jokes. It's only until his teacher slams on his desk to make him snap out of it.
The lovestruck boy feels a longing and yearning for your presence whenever you're not around. If you gotta get to your classes, he'd watch you disappear within the crowd as he wished for you to stay a bit longer.
Without a doubt this man would be jealous as FUCK whenever you're around other people than HIM. Josuke could chuckle and giggle around you and the other person, but as soon as you leave he can't help but have the urge to punch the wall.
What would Josuke do in his private time with his partner?
I can see Josuke enjoying quiet time. He's so energetic around his friends and at school, just being with you throughout the night, watching movies, or talking to each other in general. The boy loves the peace and intimacy together.
Playing video games can be a big factor. Competitive video games always get Josuke pumped and in the mood to overthrow you in any way possible. Just don't be surprised when his mom walks in and shouts at you two to be quiet 🤭
Swapping out and exchanging music tastes. Josuke is going to fein over showing you music like Prince (since it's his favorite artist) the two of you would be listening to people such as David Bowie, Whitney Houston, Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Wonder, and many more all evening.
Cooking together. This. Boy. Can. Not. Cook. For. Shit. Josuke is always relying on you for assistance on whatever meal he wants to make, but he's not embarrassed to learn from his partner to improve on his own skills in the kitchen 🧑‍🍳
Most importantly, CUDDLING. Oh, how much Josuke loves to be intimate with you while watching TV before lights out. He craves physical touch, so expect to be in his arms all night.
Does he see having a future with you? Where would your relationship take y'all?
I can see Josuke being so head over heels for you. I mean, you're his first ever serious relationship. The boy is only 16. Only time would tell what could happen as the years go on.
Despite being very popular at school, he's sticking to the loyal code. As if Josuke wasn't already overwhelmed by the girls huddling around him beforehand, now he's confident to shoo them away and show you off. Intentional or not.
It would be nice to celebrate anniversaries. Josuke has always been infatuated on surprising you on the day with gifts! Maybe not expensive ass gifts, but possible handmade that he did with his mom 🥰 or jewelry that he can afford (if he can learn how to save up 🙄)
His mother hounds Josuke about his relationship, but not in a bad way. Tomoko wants the best for his son (and lowkey doesn't want him to end up like Joseph), so she's heavily involved in what you two do. Sure, it's very annoying, but Josuke knows his mother doesn't mean any harm.
Josuke can see himself years down the line having a family with you. He's really that lovestruck and delulu, so you have to remind him that you guys are only teens and don't know what life has for the both of y'all at the end of the tunnel.
Josuke just really loves you <3
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sanjisluvbot · 1 year
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Extra disclaimer : I will not do smut for minors, I can give you a little kiss or something but that’s it.
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Isekai Yandere Strawhats 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Strawberry fields josuke x black fem reader Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 ( maybe )
Miguel O’Hara x Black Fem Reader Pt1 Pt2?
Isekai Yandere Strawhats CH 2 1
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Sanji x Black Fem Reader GOOD DAYS
Isekai BNHA x Black Fem Reader
Don’t Drink The Tea
Nami x Black Fem Reader Time well spent
Zoro x Black Fem Reader Time apart
Yander Josuke x Black Fem Reader ( Aged up )
Portgas D. Ace x Fem reader live
Isekai Yandere Strawhats x BNHA Black Fem reader
Isekai Platonic Yandere Strawhats
Getou Suguru Hopes And Dreams
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Platonic Yandere Todoroki
Bakugo X black Fem realtionship HC
Bucciarati x Black Fem Reader relationship HC
Isekai Yandere Strawhats x Distrustful reader
One piece:
My hero academia:
AKI X Black Fem Reader
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Katsuki Bakugo:
Todoroki Shoto:
Jotaro Kujo:
Josuke Higashikata: Strawberry fields
Gojo Satoru:
Fushiguro Megumi:
Nanami Kento:
Sanji: A prince’s wish
Eustass Kidd:
Trafalgar Law:
Portgas D. Ace: Live
Hatake Kakashi: The student becomes the teacher
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tasteofgummies · 1 year
Cw: mentions of murder and kidnapping
GN (fem aligned, kinda) reader! X JJBA
You could say JJBA was your comfort show, when things went wrong, when the world was overwhelming, you could always find a safe haven in the bizarre adventures of your favorite characters. Sometimes you rewatched your favorite episodes, or read some fanfic. And as sad as it sounds, you really feel close to them; yes, friends could help, but why bother? You know they won't be as great comforting you as fictional characters were. You weren't harming yourself or others, you were taking you meds and doing the things you were supposed to (most of the time) but you still feel alone some days, and you know that it's not a hole anyone can fill completely, wholely, perfectly.
You finished the episode, and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat before bed, you fed your cat and ate your snack while mindlessly scrolling through Tumblr.
Of course you had other interests, and liked other characters, but lately you had been in an extremely severe jjba brainrot, you didn't worry too much, it just happened sometimes.
However, this was the first time you had this inmese, beyond human desire, this crave for content, and it was the first time you dreamt of it so often, and also the first time you felt like they were watching you at all times, you found yourself doing all kind of silly things thinking that someone may be watching, how dumb, right? But the dumbest thing was when you saw shadows near you, or heard noises that disappeared once you went looking for the source, you even called your landlord to inform him about the noises in the walls, thinking it could be a rat problem, but you were left looking like a fool when no one else could hear them.
You put your used dishes in the dishwasher, thinking to yourself that you would finally wash them tomorrow (something you've been saying the whole week) and headed to your room. You put your phone in the charger, and think about meeting up with a friend tomorrow, you need to get out, this lonely apartment is messing up with your head.
3:06 a.m
You wake up scared, you vaguely remember your jjba related dream, but you're too frightened to pay mind to it. The noises, the noises are so loud, and so clear now. You slowly move to lock the door, trying to be as silent as you can be, and you sigh in relief when you notice your cat is sleeping in your room, safe.
Should you call the police? You can hear the loud footsteps, and the sound of your furniture being moved, of drawers being opened and rummaged through. You curse yourself, how could you be so stupid? The feeling of being watched was probably a thief stalking you to get inside your house, the noises must have been that too. You should definitely call the police, but what if they hear you?
It's so loud, this thief must be a really big person, you have no chance if you have to fight.
Did they hear you? Oh god, they're coming closer, you scan the room to try and find a weapon to defend yourself with, you fail.
It's the end, it's the end, you're getting murdered, or worse, you're getting kidnapped, oh my god, you can feel it, they're seconds away
The door is forced open, you freeze, you cry, you can feel your heart stop. It's so dark, you can't even see the face of the person that will take your life, they're probably mad they didn't find anything too valuable
"It's you! I'm so glad I found you" they said, happily, getting close to you, he turns on the lights, and you can see their face. Otherworldly beauty, they look just like- wait,,,
"Wait- but you're not real..."
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thornybubbles · 1 year
Yandere JoJo Headcanons: What Makes Them Dangerous (Josuke)
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Josuke’s unstable emotions and anger issues are a big factor in what makes him so dangerous. Unlike the previous Jojos, Josuke does little to hide how possessive and obsessive he is. He’s perfectly normal most of the time, but if he feels his hold on you is threatened in any way, he loses his mind. He considers the attempt to try to come between the two of you a worse crime than insulting his hair, and considering how much he values his hairstyle, that’s really saying something. 
Josuke’s jealousy is another factor in how dangerous of a yandere he is. Outside of his small friend group, Josuke is suspicious of anyone that tries to get close to you. It gets even worse if you start spending too much time with someone other than him. He starts imagining all kinds of horrible scenarios where you cheat on him or try to leave him for someone else. His violent tendencies come out in full force then. He’ll go after anyone he thinks is taking up your time. Why would you want to spend time with anyone else anyway? Isn’t he your boyfriend? Isn’t he enough? What more could you possibly want from him? What do those other guys have that he doesn’t have? What does he have to do to get your attention back on him? Who does he have to kill??!!
Josuke’s main danger factor though is how unpredictable he is. One moment he’s all lovey dovey, smiling, and happy, the next he’s giving some unfortunate fool death glares while holding onto you just a bit too tightly. It’s almost impossible to tell what will set him off. A simple glance from you in the direction of another guy may be all it takes to have doubts, fears, and suspicions swimming around in Josuke’s muddled brain. If you don’t find a way to soothe his fears and insecurities, things WILL get violent. It’s your fault for making him feel this way, Reader. You know how crazy you make him, so why are you looking at other guys? If you’re not careful, Josuke may decide to teach you a lesson, instead. 
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dippindotsdio · 1 year
Pink in the Night
A part of some nonsensical yandere Josuke I've had written for a while. This has been in my drafts for too long...
Gender neutral reader. Obsessive (and probably ooc) Josuke.
Josuke's feelings were blossoming for you with every passing day and every moment you were in his presence (which was basically 24/7 now). He feared if he didn't confess soon, his heart would crack, and like a breaking dam all his love would spill out. He was worried about scaring you away but deep down he knew you'd stay with him. He's all you have after all.
That night he gave you his confession, and his heart, whether you wanted it or not.
"I'm in love with you, I've loved you so much ever since we were kids and these feelings- these feelings just keep growing and growing and growing. I can't take it anymore, the longer I hide my love for you, the more I feel like I'll die. All I can ever think about is you and how much you mean to me. My heart beats for you and only you." He spoke in such a soft but stern way. Your hands were intertwined and he looked deep within your eyes as he poured his heart out to you. It felt like he was staring at your very soul and you got a taste of the overwhelming, sickly sweet feelings he held for you. His violet eyes were so intense and dark, you felt like the longer you gazed into them you'd begin to drown in all that love.
Nonetheless his confession made your heart flutter. The skin on your face had warmed and you swallowed nervously. You'd been friends this long and he'd already been crossing the boundaries of a normal friendship, why not accept his feelings? Even if you weren’t sure what you felt was love, you still liked him to some extent.
"I like you too..."
He pulled you into a bear hug and buried his face into your shoulder, making you freeze at the sudden intense contact.
"I'm so happy...you have no idea how happy you've made me right now.." he mumbled into your shoulder. "I love you so much, [y/n]."
All you could do was stand there and hug him back. His words brought a small smile to your face and once again you couldn't help the quickening pace of your heartbeat.
You didn't understand why he gave you all his attention and love but the way his arms were wrapped around you so tightly, oh it made you feel so loved... He made you feel things you've never experienced before and you loved it. All the sweet little things he'd say to you, and only you, they gave you the sweetest butterflies. He gave you all the affection no one else could ever give to you, and you thrived in it.
Josuke finally let you go after what felt like forever but gave you a look like he still has something he wanted. He breaks eye contact and his lips turn up into an awkward smile. You can't help but smile back as you wondered what was up with him.
"You're so pretty, y'know? Sometimes when I look at you, I just wanna kiss every inch of your face and see that smile of yours."
[I finally posted the full version which you can find here if you liked this bit!]
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bygiornogiovanna · 2 years
Yandere! Jojo's (Part 1-6) x GN! Reader (Headcanons)
What if darling wants to go to a pool during a hot summer day?
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He would be surprised by your request, but he wouldn't deny. He knew how hot it was outside so he decided you both needed a pool day;
He would buy you the best quality swimsuit and would make sure you won't get sunburnt;
If you tried to escape, it would be nearly impossible. He had guards surrounding every pool's exit or possible exit (like gates you could climb, etc) and you were always in his sight;
However, if you didn't use it as an excuse to escape, you two would have a really fun day.
If you know how to swim, he would push you once or twice in the pool. You would grab his arm and pull him with you the second time, just to see his surprised face;
"Hm, you really are mischievous to pull me into the pool, darling"
If you don't know how to swim, he would purposely take you in water so you could cling onto him and would also splash little bits of water on your face, just because;
Overall, you had fun and you made sure Jonathan would know that. Maybe he wasn't that bad;
"Darling, come here to reapply the sunscreen! You don't wanna get sunburnt, do you?"
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At first, he found your request weird. Why would you need to go to the pool when you had all the conditions with him? He gave you an AC so you wouldn't die and cold drinks. Wasn't that enough?
You thought that staying and explaining him why you wanted to go to the pool was too hard since he was stubborn as hell, so another idea popped in your head;
"Oh, fine Joseph, I thought that you would refuse since, you know, you don't know how to swim and you are too embarrassed by it. It's fine, really."
He frowned at your words and almost immediately told you to go get ready. You smiled contently, knowing that Joseph hated when somebody doubted him;
Joseph would be so motivated to prove you he can swim that he would forget to wear sunscreen;
Of course, since he didn't trust you that this wasn't one of your plans, he told the people from Speedwagon Foundation to stay around, just in case;
If you did try to escape, he would be even more upset than before. If you didn't, however, your day of relaxation at pool wouldn't be a relaxing one at all, from obvious reasons;
Joseph would definitely push you into the pool when you were just testing the water, even if you did or didn't know how to swim. When you would give him a deadly glare, he would apply the Secret Joestar Technique;
If you know how to swim, he would challenge you to a swimming competition. If you didn't, he would mock you:
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It would be hell convincing him to let you go to the pool. Thankfully, he finally agreed, with the condition that he, Polnareff, Avdol and Kakyoin come too. It was kind of obvious he wouldn't let you go, but as long as you were going, you were fine with it;
In his mean way, Jotaro would take good care of you at the pool. He wouldn't let you out in the sun, would keep an eye on you so you wouldn't trip, fall and hit your head, etc;
"Yare yare, come here, you will get sunburnt and I don't want to hear you complaining tomorrow."
Escape? No chance. His friends were always watching you, even Polnareff who wasn't even watching his back. They were all keeping an eye on you so, even if you thought about it, you surely discarded that thought;
He would refuse to enter in the pool or even take his t-shirt off. Only after Polnareff and Kakyoin pushed him in it, he finally took it off. It wasn't the first time you saw him without his t-shirt, but you still felt a little blush creeping up your face;
You were laying on one of the chairs when you suddenly feel two hands picking you up. You were expecting to see Kakyoin or Polnareff, but you were not expecting to see Jotaro picking you up and going with you into the pool;
Even if you knew how to swim, you still clinged onto him, taking him the strong smell of his cologne and cigarettes. You always loved how he smelled;
If it wasn't for his warmth, you would shiver since your body was burning from the sun and the water wasn't exactly as warm as your body;
Still in his arms, you would splash a little water on him, quietly giggling. Jotaro looked down at you and contained his smile, trying to look tough;
"Do you want me to throw you under the water, hm, Y/N?"
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It wouldn't be that hard to convince Josuke, since he already rambled to you about how Okuyasu and Koichi drove him mad because of how many times they asked him to go to the pool;
Even though, it still was quite a task to convince him you would be okay since he and his friends would be there too and that you weren't going to hurt yourself in any way;
"Are you sure you want to go, love?"
After you managed to reassure him that you would be fine, the next day you him, and his friends (Rohan too) would be at the pool, participating in a big water fight;
Josuke would be extra careful, the idea of you using this excuse to try and escape appeared in his head, so he somehow made Rohan use Heaven's Door and write that today you couldn't get outside without Josuke;
At the pool, Josuke, being the delusional protective boyfriend he was, would make sure to scare everybody that would even look in your direction. He wanted to make it clear that you were all his;
At the same time, he would be the one to start a battle between you, him, Okuyasu and Koichi. You four would play with the waterguns Koichi brought and you would find out that his friends aren't that bad at all;
If you know how to swim, be prepared that he would 100% pick you up and jump into the pull with you. If you didn't, he would still do, wanting to prove you that you need him He would love the feeling of your arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders, scared that you would drown;
It would be a funny day. But the day after that wouldn't be that funny since both of you forgot to wear sunscreen and you are as red as a tomato;
Again, he would use this to his advantage since he could heal you, another proof that you were dependent of him and that you needed to be taken care of;
"Auchhh, Y/N, my back stingssss."
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Wouldn't accept going to a public pool, since they were dangerous for you and he couldn't risk you trying to escape (even if it would be almost impossible). Instead, he would order someone to immediately buy the best quality and the biggest pool they could find in the shortest time and also made a note to himself to make a pool in the garden;
Sighing, you would accept his 'offer' (like you could argue with him) and would tell him to at least invite the boys over so they could have more fun. He would just nod and kiss your hands, telling you to choose one of the swimsuits he bought for you a few days ago (He figured you would want to go swimming).
The next day, you would wake up excited to spend the day and get ready early. When the time for their arrival has come, you would be jumping around the mansion happily, Giorno just smiling at your childish happiness;
"The one I bought isn't that big, but I promise I'm going to build a real one for you"
You honestly didn't care, you just wanted to swim and stay in water so you could cool down;
When the boys (and Trish) came, you were so happy that you almost jumped on them. They all had their stuff and soon installed themselves on the chairs Giorno bought;
You and Narancia were the first to jump in the (not-so-small) pool the blonde bought, soon followed by Trish, Mista and Bruno. The only ones left were Giorno, Abbacchio and Fugo, the white-haired man sipping from his wine;
You called for Giorno, and when he said he won't come, you Narancia and Mista came up with a plan. You three got out of the pool and ran to the blonde, the two boys picking him up and throwing him into the pool. Everybody started laughing, even Leone let a small smile on his face;
"Oh, amore, you will see"
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It was pretty easy to convince Jolyne to come with you at the pool, since she was also dying because of the heat. You just told her to go and she immediately agreed;
She would make you two get matching swimsuits, to show everybody that you were hers;
Wouldn't want to invite neither of her friends, being possessive over you even with them;
"Oi, be happy we are going, you don't need other people when you have me"
Jolyne would be skeptical about you not trying to escape, so she would keep a very careful eye on you and would always stay by your side, even when you go to the bathroom;
Would take great care of you, not letting you stay in the sun for too long and not letting you forget about reapplying sunscreen;
Like her dad, she would pick you up like the girlboss she is (i couldn't help myself, i had to write it) and would go into the pool with you, also loving the way you cling onto her;
Would 100% jump over you after getting out from the pool, soaking wet, while you were chilling in the sun;
"I love spending time with you, my love"
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unhappytimeleaper · 9 months
This is part of my just random blurbs I post on the servers I’m on but no one understands so I’m forcing it on all of you.
Truly unedited thoughts. Gender neutral reader; no age is mentioned but the idea is reader is around Kei age.
This blog is 17+ please have your age in your bio or tagged; any ageless blog and below the age asked for will be blocked at the end of the week.
No warnings outside of yes, it is vague but it is still yandere and possible spoilers for part 8 of Jojo
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Kira himself was weird. At least hard to deal with, his narcissistic nature and OCD being one side that you could manage, within small doses, but the other being his naturally cold demeanor made it much harder. Somehow, you did manage to keep some form of a friendship. It was always hard when you would bring things up, and he would brush it off or tell you to just cut them out. You had him; why waste your time with others. Correction, you occasionally had him; you knew he was fond of his own personal time and interests, plus sometimes you just need a break from his personality. Sure, it made him a little more grumpy when you called this out, but amends usually were made quickly, and you'd fall back into your routine with each other. In his own weird way, Kira knew she was more fond of you than pretty much any other person outside of his family, even if it was hard to tell. Something you probably only ever learn from his sister after his disappearance.
Josefumi always felt abandoned and left out less you were around. You checked in on him in conversations, invited him to plans, walked alongside him, and overall did your best to consistently remind him that he had value. Was it wrong for him to be sort of selfish when it came to you and how much you seem to want to be with him? It meant something special to have you around, even if only as a friend, and it wasn't like with Sakunami. Josefumi was, after all, who you always turned to as a close friend when Kira and you were doing your own thing. Although his brutally violence fighting was something you shouldn't forget, or could really as the aftermath of some of them had been burned into your mind, he overall was a kind and caring young man you admired a lot and took pride in being friends with. It wasn't hard to see his crush, a very apparent one, but nothing could ever come from it as soon as he up and vanished.
Enter Josuke, or Gappy, nicknamed by his two front teeth. An odd fellow who appeared from nowhere with what seemed no memories. Not to say he wasn't smart, but he lacked a sense of self and the world around him. And despite this. Not knowing who he is, who anyone is really, he notes there is something strange about you. Not in a bad way, but like your fates are connected. That he cares for you even if he doesn't remember who you are. And despite everything, those feelings from both Kira and Josefumi only seem to be brought more and more to the front as you spend time. There is no memory of who you were to them; they are all separate people after all, but the care he has seems deeply burned into his soul. Something he doesn't want to lose, no matter what it takes.
You knew this wasn't them even as you learn and piece together this was the two friends you had lost. Gappy was someone new, and you couldn't push the life you had in the past with "them" onto him. It crushes you to be around him at times, you admit to yourself. The loss of both Kira and Josefumi was devastating; after all, even with the troubling nature they both could have, you did care for them as friends. And Gappy himself wasn't bad; he had many good traits and was fun to be around, but it's not like he could fill the hole in your heart. But even with the distance you tried to put in, acknowledging to him it's nothing he did or didn't do, you just needed space. Time. One day, maybe things would heal more, and you'd be able to truly befriend the new boy.
Distance isn't possible, though; the feelings of Kira and Josefumi, even without memories of who they are, are ingrained in a way he can't understand or explain. Like an invisible string connecting those they held dear to each of his fingers, he can't see what makes them special; he just feels it to his core. And he can't let it slip away, let you slip away when you hold the secrets to his past and to the weird drumming of his heart. Please, just stay a little longer? His drive is relentless, and while he can play cute to keep you around if what it takes, he does have other means he'd be willing to try if you keep pushing him away.
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Which joestar do you think would be the worst yandere? And why
Pick your poison! I like to think the Joestar’s all have their little traits that shine the most based on their personality (so whose the worst can depend on what you’re uncomfortable with). Going to do just the og verse jojo’s for this 1-6.
Jonathan : Very sweet almost intoxicatingly so, but he tends to end up a bit overprotective/just a bit babying. Insisting he does things for you, if you have some issue somewhere else? Why not let him resolve it. Don’t fret over too much he has the means to take care of you. There might be a time or two your room might be locked if you’re a little more stubborn than usual
Joseph: What is this thing called “personal space” ? It almost sounds like a foreign language to this man. He totally didn’t mess certain things up so you happen to meet up with him. Not sure why your date stood you up? He couldn’t possibly give an answer other than they’re not worth your time since they didn’t bother showing up. He should take you to this great place he loves going to after a long day.
Jotaro: Stalking type usually, and mows past anything that he might feel gets in the way of you and himself. He’s used to punks, so he’s not afraid to pummel someone if they don’t get the message to scram. When it comes to classes, he’s glancing at you every so often, maybe there’s a “doodle” or two in his notebook. Need to walk somewhere? He’ll walk with you. If you’re hiding out to be alone, he ends up finding you. You’re probably the reason he learns any building’s layout in the first place. Clubs or class cleaning doesn’t stop Jotaro either, he’ll wait as long as it takes. Being sick at home doesn’t stop him either, usually there’s some kind of hot soup/dish that’s good to eat while sick sitting in your room somehow. (Not to mention potential kidnapping later down the line if you’re not really cooperating)
Later Parts like 4 and 6, he’s pretty similar in dropping you off things even if you never once told him your address. (He has a decent memory of these things). Similarly Jotaro has any phone numbers you have in his contacts, and he’ll have a talk personally with anyone that he isn’t fond of approaching you. He tends to have you in the back of his mind while out on his studies, or writing a paper, and yet again drawings somewhere he’s compelled to place them. Every so often he checks in on you (whether you want this or not doesn’t matter). Broken down car? It’s either replaced swiftly or he’s driving you places himself. Maybe he somehow (forces) nudges you to live with him.
Josuke : He’s head over heels for you, and similar to Joseph he’s going to take any opportunity to squeeze himself into your life. He just so happens to have some leftover lunch from that place you like? You looked sad when they had sold out of your favorite meal there, so why doesn’t he help with that? Speaking of, maybe your eyes are drifting somewhere else. He steals any potential love letters to a crush and rewrites them, making it look like you’re confessing to him. He may also leave one of your favorite treats you like in its place. It’s an enigma to you how he found that out.
Giorno : He’s the don of the Italian mafia, he’s almost constantly worried about you. So if he has eyes on you, it’s almost immediate you lose autonomy whether born in Italy or a tourist. He’s clever in his ways to trap you, whether you’re resistant or not doesn’t matter. (he does think you’re cute with a strong head on your shoulders). There’s some of that charisma he possess all the same just like his father. Even if it doesn’t work on you, it makes others around you to trap you easily. Giorno likes to think he gives you a lot of leeway with voluntarily coming to him. He’ll meet you casually in coffee shops or wherever you’re willing to shop at. The bill is covered without you having to say a word. Any cash you used is miraculously brought back to you somehow. The blond isn’t afraid to get his hands a little dirty however when it comes to you. If he has to take something for you to step into his arms (whether it’s your ability to walk around outside or someone close to you) he’ll do whatever it takes.
Jolyne : Sure she stalks somewhat, but like her father she can be bold in taking care of the competition. She’s not afraid to hold your hand or finding a way for you two to do so. Eavesdropping is something she does occasionally, and anyone that wants to stomp on your heart is going to get stomped themselves. She does delay you with stone free (or outright captures you) if Jolyne doesn’t want you to leave. It’s impossible to shake her off, no matter what you try to do. Of course she made a copy of your apartment key, what if there’s an emergency? Maybe she wanted to make you breakfast. Huh? What do you mean she can’t just walk in unannounced? Don’t be ridiculous.
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