#Yandere Kaigaku
echantedtoon · 4 months
Been thinking about this for a while now and I don't know if it counts as yandere but it is how the demons take a bride (or husband for the lady demons unless you also want to imagine that it's a lady.)Yeah. I know old trope but I really like this trope and I wanted to make headcannons for the Upper Moons. I think they'd all have a certain main element fueling that desire for their specific Bride(or Groom for the ladies).
When it comes to the lady demons like Nakime I'll leave Y/n's gender up in the air for anyone to interpret if the ladies also get a wife or if you prefer them to get a husband.
Warnings for yandere-ish (???) themes, kidnapping mentions, possibly death mentioned, mentioned wounds and scars, mentioned illness, mentioned bad vision, etc.
If any of these warnings upset you pls don't read. I will be including Daki/Ume in the line up as part of Gyutaro's part but she will be strictly PLATONIC yandere!! Absolutely NO romance between her and reader!! And her parts will be minor.
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-You have to be a very specific kind of person to attract this man's attention. I think it'd most likely be one of two things that guarantee his bold interest. 1. you are a reincarnation of his wife or 2. you remind him of someone he used to love long ago but never could have especially if you were close to/was with Yoriichi. But whatever the case he finds himself taken by your familiar being.
-He doesn't even know why he bothers with it. But he can't help but watch you from afar. The old feelings resurfacing. He tells himself that it doesn't matter anymore. Most likely you wouldn't remember him even if you were a past lover, and even if you did you'd most likely believe him dead by now or want nothing to do with him.
-He is perfectly content with just watching you live out your life. He's learnt so much about you through just secretly watching. He learns your favorite tea, you love long walks at morning, you work just around the corner at a tailor shop.
-He's content until it no longer becomes enough. He starts to wonder. Do you still smile the way you used to? Do you still wear the same sweet perfume you did back then? He walks into your work one day in disguise. You weren't there being so late, but he ends up buying a Jacket you personally tailored.
-Muzan definitely knows about you. He knew the exact moment Kokushibo saw you. He just doesn't care and sorta lets Kokushibo get away with it being his most loyal demon. He doesn't allow his obsession to interfere with his missions and in turn Muzan is idgaf.
-He is a very traditional man and believes in courting a woman before marriage. In his mind you both are still married/together, he just needs to make you aware of it again. So he starts leaving small gifts for you when you're not around.
-At first you're confused but you think it's just a harmlessly sweet gesture from a secret crush. A few flowers on your doorstep every other night, maybe a small gift of a necklace or hair pin, however your quickly get freaked out when the gifts get TOO personal.
-You came to work one day and was freaked out when your boss handed you a decorative vase an 'admirer' left you for you after he overheard you mentioning it. (You only ever mentioned it once to you boss in private with no one else around.) Your boss is also slightly confused since they also hadn't mentioned that to anyone.
-You freak out more than ever when you come home and find a pair of wedding rings and a shiromuku(wedding kimono) laid out perfectly on your bed.
-Kokushibo sees nothing wrong with his behavior. As in his mind you both are still together, you are still his woman, and he's going to reclaim what is his own. This is just letting you know what he expects. He can't comprehend you'd be against this.
-He's not allowing you to go, especially after he lost you last time to his brother's affections. Whether these affections were platonic friendship or romantic lovers is up to you, but his internalized inferiority, jealousy, obsession, and greed won't allow him to let you go.
-You shriek when you first see him reveal himself. He doesn't understand why you're reacting like this. Don't you recognize your husband? You can't get away. He's holding you to him in an embrace as you freak out.
"Death may have stolen you from me..but I will deny the reaper of his claim to you once again."
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-Again you have to be very specific for these men to even consider taking you as a bride. For Douma, it'd be because of the way you make him actually feel things.
-However this ends up happening or when it does is entirely a thing all of its own but for the sake of not making this a mountain of a post, we'll leave that part up to whatever you interpret for now.
-The problem is that he has legit NO idea of what he's even feeling. He's never felt adoration, anger, happiness, etc so how is he supposed to know what this fluttery strange feeling in his chest is?
-So for a long while even he's not aware of his growing obsession with you. He just knows these feelings are not bad. He knows these feelings are coming from you. So somehow he deduced that you are the problem for his new predicaments.
-For this reason he has you looked over by the cults resident healer in case you're using some kind of sickness or chemistry stuff on him. Gets more confused when you are perfectly fine. Nevermind that demons couldn't get sick.
-You become weirded out by how clingy and stalkerish he's suddenly become overnight. He's not even aware he's doing it and if he is he doesn't care really. He just knows you're the cause of the fuzzy warmth in his chest and he's starting to like it.
-The only chance for you to escape is now while he's still confused on what he's feeling. Afterwards it's too late.
-EVERYONE notices his behavior and there's a mixed reaction to it all. Some congratulate you which you're so confused on and some express their happiness to their founder. Douma is just even more confused at it all. Eventually someone notices his confusion and asks him about it, then proceeds to explain what's he's feeling because he's not so sure himself.
-This revolution is mind blowing to him. He's literally the shocked Pikachu meme.
-In his mind as he thinks about it, technically he's been already courting you for nearly a year now. Showering you in affection and gifts and treating you like the goddess you were. So the next logical step would be marriage and that thought actually has him giddy at the thought of you in a shiromuku.
-You've been giving him subtle hints that you're uncomfortable the entire time but he either flat out ignores it or it just flies over his head.
-He randomly wakes you up in the middle of the night and asks if you're not busy the next day.
You blink at the shadowy creepily happy smiling figure too tired to comprehend the gravity of the situation. "I think?"
"Alright." He's silent for a moment. "I made us an appointment with a local priest."
You mumble a nothing response, still on the brink of sleep.
"Just remember to take the day off," he presses. "Hello? Are you there?"
"Uh huh." Your eyes won't even stay open.
"It's settled then. We'll get married tomorrow." He claps happily as he makes his leave. "Go back to sleep now, Lotus blossom."
He leaves and you breathe a sigh of relief as you snuggle into your bed again-
You jolt up. Did he say married?
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-Akaza has never, has not, and never will harm a woman. He himself is unsure of his past where this stems from but he feels a familiarity to something deep but distant when he first meets you.
-You either are dealing with a similar illness Koyuki experienced, or you're a demon slayer whom had to retire due to injuries. Let's go with the second option for this one.
-Akaza had randomly heard recently that a demon slayer had to retire and was currently in the area he was in. He's always looking for a good fight so it's not a no brainer he'd seek you out. What he doesn't know was that this particular retired slayer was a woman. He doesn't realize this even when he first sees you until you horrified and scared seeing a demon in your home confirms that you are indeed the person he's looking for.
-Akaza is shocked. Not at the fact that there's a lady slayer (he's seen plenty of strong lady slayers) but at how you look. He's never seen a woman covered in so many wounds and scars even amongst other slayers. He's so stunned he asks you about it. You're more confused on why he doesn't outright end you, but you answer his question to avoid provoking him. An entire gang of demons has ganged up on you and if it weren't for a Haishira you'd be dead. However your current state left you unable to continue.
-He's angry. About a lot of things. How dare those lowlifes! HE'S obviously not gonna be getting a fight here. There's no way to release this anger- You're stunned as the angry demon just leaves without another word, but he takes it out on some rocks some miles away.
-Akaza ends up swinging by much to your growing horror and worry. He never comes close or makes threatening actions towards you, but you've seen him multiple times staring into your window or you'd see him in the distance barely visible through the darkness. It always freaks you out.
-Akaza doesn't mean to scare you, he just can't help but be curious about you. He finds himself thinking about you and your poor condition a lot. For some reason it pangs his heart seeing you limp about knowing it's permanent to your walking pattern or get angry when he sees people stare at you funny. He even ended a man who insulted your beauty by calling your battle scars unattractive not that you had any idea. He just..feels an odd need to give you care. It feels so... familiar. Second nature.
-He's just so entranced by you. Your smile, your gently nature, your kindness- Despite your losses and bad treatment you still treat everyone so gently. It makes his heart race with something so familiar yet so foreign.
-Reality shatters for him when he hears of your arranged marriage. After returning you had to move back with family who were all horrified to your condition. Their logic was that you needed to get married like a sensible woman and you should be grateful someone was willing to put up with you as a wife.
-In Akaza's view no one would ever treat you like you deserved. He knew he could care for you like he did for-... Someone that makes his head fog. HE CAN'T LET HIM TAINT HER SMILE. If you needed a husband to provide for you then he's happy to step in. Don't be surprised when you wake up to him carrying you out the window.
"Anything that is gold is often buried beneath where everyone's minds skim over without a second thought. You won't have your gold tainted to rust by another."
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-Let's be fair. Gyutaro (and Ume/Daki) were never treated as an equal. He was always treated like a piece of garbage (and Ume a pretty doll) so he's gotten used to the fact that he's just destined for that.
-So he's surprised when his sister just starts yapping about another girl in her workplace. It's not out of the ordinary for her to talk about other girls mostly complaining about them or demanding he do something about it. But he's surprised that she's not complaining but gushing about how she made a friend....What?
-Gyutaro.wav is confused af
-She proceeds to proudly gush to her brother about how this girl 'actually knows her place' and 'knows how beautiful Daki is without even needing to know her.'
-Gyutaro.exe is VERY confused af
-She notices his blank stare and scoffs in annoyance. "She's visually impaired you dolt! Honestly it wouldn't be much of a difference if she was actually blind." Oh. Well now he's less confused. Turns out you're new to the house Daki is currently working in and she had originally planned on eating you outta jealousy, however changed her mind when you complimented her voice.
-Daki.wav is now confused. She was used to being complimented on everything from her beauty to her hair to her walking even but her voice? It was then she learnt you weren't blind but you might as well be with how bad your vision actually was seeing everything in colorful blurs. This confuses her. Confused her enough to spare you that night and instead you both just sorta awkwardly talked casually. You politely asked her what it was like to be a famous oiran and if she had any tips for make up as you couldn't see well enough to tell if yours was good.
-You had spoken to her without fear, or condensending, or even any flat out adoration. It was just as if she was another person on the street and not a cannibalistic monster. Honestly it was ..nice. Hella confusing but actually nice for once being treated like another. She decides she will not eat you. After all it wouldn't harm anyone if you couldn't see the red flags in front of you, and you believe her anyways when she said she's beautiful.
-She decides you are her default friend and you now listen to all her problems and tantrums whenever she wants. You gently listen awkwardly sometimes with a frown after you hear she had punished another worker. However there's very little people here nice to you and her reputation alone has kept troublemakers away from you so you decide her friendship is worth more than the cons of not having it.
-She's very territorial over her one friendship. Almost toxically so. If you want something you had BETTER get it within the day or there's hell to pay! If there's a customer you don't particularly like he had BETTER find another girl. No is not an option. Even the house master is scared of her so all complies.
-Gyutaro has legit no idea of what to think of this but his logic is whatever his precious baby sister wants she gets so if you make her happy being her friend then he'll leave you alone and leave her too it. He hasn't met you yet tho. Most of the time he's either out hunting or asleep dormant in Daki's body. Sometimes he heard you two talking but tuned it out as it was mostly boring or his sister complaining to you again. You two completely meet by accident.
-One day he came back from hunting, the two had to split as it'd look suspicious if she suddenly disappeared, so as usual he went to go clean up the mess. The two were just talking when the door suddenly opens and they both freeze as you stand there smiling. Turns out you had just come to say good night to Daki and didn't even see the demon in front of you. However you are barely able to make out a second blurry figure in the darkness. It prompts you to apologize for interrupting her and her customer to which both relax from their tense posture remembering you couldn't actually tell there was a six foot something demon in front of you.
-Daki is prompted to scoff and explain that it wasn't a customer but her brother visiting. In turn Gyutaro is stunned as you genuinely smile his way and greet him like he was another friend. It quickly becomes awkward as he just stares. His brain can't compute a girl(a pretty girl at that) was smiling and talking to him normally. He answers in grunts and quickly leaves the awkward scene.
-Is later shocked weeks later when his sister informs him that you sometimes ask her how her brother is doing. He's not used to having anyone think of him so nicely even as a second thought. The way he reacts gives Daki the idea of making her brother come out to again meet you. (She forces him out and doesn't let him merge until he meets you again.) He's shocked at how you still genuinely are kind to him offering him tea and asking if he'd like to hear you play the shamisen.
-Man becomes fastly smitten by you. With so much touch starvation and affection denial he has it was inevitable. You suspect he might like you by the stutters of his floundering voice but out of respect to your friend you remain casual and never bring it up to either of them when they visit you.
-You've got two demons utterly obsessed with you for both two different reasons. Daki is unwilling to lose her only friend. In her mind NO ONE is allowed to be friends with you! She's the best! So she's your best and only friend! She's very possessive over things she sees as hers and you're no exception. She even was jealous of Gyutaro's affections for you at first but quickly realized it would be easier to share her big brother with you. They share practically everything else anyways. She still gets annoyed when he takes your attention for too long tho. You were her friend first!
-Gyutaro is obsessed with the way you treat him. The way you don't back away from him when he gets close. The way you smile at him. The way you don't treat him like the scum of the earth. He's a very possessive man, even more than his sister. Any visiting customers you have are never seen again. Any present or past he finds out about are quickly taken as his dinner for daring to touch what's his.
-If he doesn't get them then Daki will. She eliminates any threat within the house. Any servant who stares at you with disdain or someone who gets too friendly is swiftly delt with.
-You're hella confused when the house master says he is cursed with many runaway workers.
-Both absolutely FREAK when they return to the house and You're not there anymore. Daki realizes this first when she goes to see you and finds you GONE! All of your belongings are gone and your room is empty. Practically tears the house apart looking for you and calling your name. Her panic wakes up her brother concerned she's in danger but also freaks out when she informs him you're GONE! She goes to the house master after not finding you anywhere else and DEMANDS they tell her where you are with murder in her eyes.
-Turns out a man had bought your marriage contract after watching a show of yours playing the shamisen and singing. You were relieved to be leaving and had left with him after waiting for an hour to say goodbye but your friend never showed up.
-Daki ends the house master in a rage as her brother appears. It's not too hard to find you being lead by your soon-to-be husband leading you towards the train station. Had they been ten minutes late then you would've been completely out of the E-District.
-Instead you're quickly absorbed into Daki's belt as her brother violently rips the man apart in a blind rage. You aren't going to leave your best friend behind and he wasn't going to let another man have your hand.
"I'm your friend! Don't you get that?!"
"I'll cut down anyone who tries to hurt my precious sister or take you from me. You're mine."
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-This man and Kokushibo are similar. Both have inferiority issues against younger brothers(Ik technically Zenitsu n him aren't brothers but bare with me) being better than them in swordsmanship one way or another. With Yoriichi and Kokushibo it was more complicated. Between Kaigaku and Zenitsu it was that ONE Thunder Breathing technique he never conquered.
-His inferiority and greed has caused him to make so many bad decisions (if you've read the manga or read his wiki then you know what I mean). He's not one to want to be out done even if he has to resort to underhanded tactics.
-You both met when he was still human and training under Master Jigoro. You were a simple healer often just helping patch him and Zenitsu up after training. He's annoyed and often doesn't give you a second thought that is until Zenitsu starts running his mouth obviously. He asks you to marry him ten minutes after you both just met.
-Kaigaku has known you for a few years longer than Zenitsu because he's older and came to train here before Zenitsu but you both have never been close before. He's short with you when you talk otherwise he's usually quiet. You talk to him anyways even if he never answers back. You're used to it.
-He hates how you just patiently laugh off any and all attempts Zenitsu makes to you. Why are you tolerating that idiot?!(Nevermind you also tolerate him and his stupid attitude.) He gets jealous of your interactions and how Zenitsu is just finding over you before he meets Nezuko. He barely sees you after his final selection and becoming a slayer but his furious mind boils over at the thought of you spending more time ALONE with Zenitsu before he too goes to his Final selection.
-With both Zenitsu and Kaigaku gone, and Jigoro insisting he can take care of himself, you're reassigned to a different residence where multiple slayers pass through. Ironically it's where Kaigaku is. All good and bad feelings punch him at once seeing your smiling face again as you stitch up his most recent wound.
-He likes you so much and how you treat him, but he's internally enraged when you share that kindness with anyone outside of him. Hearing you speaking to him about Zenitsu and your other patients only enrages that boiling point. However it only reaches that point when you inform the ever silent man about your own slayer fiance you met through your patients.
-You're sad when one day Kaigaku stops showing up for a long while. News of his betrayal and Jigoro's death really hadn't reached a lot of people with all the Haishira and slayers training for the final fight in the Infinity Castle. Your slayer fiance included.
-You do however receive news of your fiance's mysterious gruesome death at the hands of a demon. You're more heartbroken when you also hear of Jigoro's death. Devastated and crying your heart out over your loss. However those sobs turn to screams when you're face to face with blackened eyes of death as a sinister smile.
"What are you crying for? It's his own fault."
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-(Ok. Bare with me. Ive never written for her before and even researching her backstory this is probably not going to be very long and ooc. Take as platonic or romantic.) Let me start by saying that she does not get out much. Like at all. So you two really don't meet face to face.
-She discovers you by accident when she opened a door in a busy street and happened to see you sitting on the side of the road also playing a biwa for money.
-She hasn't seen another fellow biwa player for a while and decided to keep the doorway open for a while to listen.
-You are not very good with the biwa. Your playing isn't bad it's just not the best. Nakime knows this but considering she's never met another person or heard another instrument for a long time she can't help but get interested. Learns quickly that you are a lot better playing the shamisen than the biwa and always opens a small window or doorway on nights she knows you're gonna be sitting on your corner playing.
-She starts to think about teaching you how to play the biwa and doing a duet as you play your shamisen next to her biwa. Starts to really like the idea of permanently having your company in the castle.
-She doesn't really abduct you until after a show a drunk patron steals your instrument and smashes it on the ground laughing at your crying face.
-A loud strum of a biwa is heard as both you AND the drunk man is teleported. You're shocked to suddenly find yourself on a platform with a woman sitting right across from you. The drunk man was also teleported. She teleported him to where she knew a gang of newly turned hungry demons were.
"Apologies for the sudden introductions however it seems you need a change of residence."
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-(I don't like him too much but ik there's a lot of people who do and can't find content for him same as those who like Nakime so I'll include him too for all you Gyokko fans.) Mans is a baby. Very sensitive to his projects being insulted even if they deserve to be called that, most either are 'too dumb to notice his great skills' or always insult him. When in reality his art is so gruesome that people can't help but he horrified by it or insult him. The only one who seems to get him is Douma which is why he gifted him the pot but they aren't really friends.
-He meets you by complete accident. He was out too late and ended up deciding to hide in a pottery worker's shop. He likes to sneak around and spy on other artists anyways. His pot was sun proof and all he had to do was duck inside and wait until night again. However he wasn't counting on being bought.
-You had come in looking for a new vase to decorate your table after your old one accidentally broke. You happened to spot Gyokko's and completely fell in love with how pretty it was! The purest white you've ever seen with beautifully perfectly painted flowers and leafy vines. The pottery worker doesn't even remember making this piece but a paying customer was a paying customer so he sold you Gyokko's vase.
-Gyokko is absolutely offended by the pottery worker claiming his vase as his own and plans to end him later...But he also is very intrigued by the bold compliments you gave so he decides not to end you yet.
-When night comes he sneaks out to find quite a sight. Turns out you are also an artist sorta. You make custom jewelry and clothing for people, and baskets on the side. He's intrigued and extends his body around to look closely at all of the fabrics laid about, and written patterns, and little pieces of jewels ready to be put together for a simple but pretty piece to wear.
-He ends up going from the back of your shop to the front finding a lot of finished pieces of yours displayed and ready for sale. He's very intrigued by the kimonos. All of the patterns are individually sewn on. Cherry blossoms, storks, flowers- All are sewn on thread after thread by hand. It's like a canvas but made of fabric with thread as the paint. He's seen a LOT of kimonos but the attention to detail and precision to the likeness of the real thing was truly remarkable. For a woman.
-He decides since you really hadn't been a nuisance and complimented his work then he'll not end you for taking his pot. Instead of taking his pot with him, he leaves it and teleports to a different pot that way he can still sneak into your home without a problem.
-This goes on for two years. He'll pop in every so while when you sleep and look around for an hour or two before leaving. There was always different dresses displayed with different beautiful scenes sewed into them or he'd see one you were working on on your workshop bench. The needle paused in sewing the stripes of a tiger or the veins of a leaf.
-One day he comes back but hides in the pot because you're working late and tending to a customer who needed a dress for a ceremony. As you both talk the customer compliments 'your pot' and asks why you never put flowers in it. You answer- "I don't want to damage it by filling it with water or having rose thorns scratch it's inside. Besides it's beautiful enough by itself."
-As if this man didn't have enough of a big ego- This happens around the start of the second year and he ends up fond of this fellow artist. He gets the idea of gifting you another case to gage your reaction. This time you find a deep blue pot with waves painted onto it. You're unsure of where it came from but you might up moving it by the first vase mumbling to yourself about how pretty it was! Man's ego skyrockets.
-You are confused when you thank your friends for the pretty gifts only to be told they didn't make any of the ones you have. You get more confused when you start finding pots left on your doorstep two or three times a month. You never see who leaves them but you're so taken by how each one is so pretty that you never complain. Just assuming it was a secret admirer. Gyokko's ego boosts higher when he sees you had gotten two big shelves and placed them up to be displayed. He loves seeing you light up when you look at them excited for when the next one arrives.
-You're happiness seems to be improving your work too as Gyokko ends up find you making full on landscapes on your dresses. He notices you've suddenly become happier and giddier lately and blushing even but he doesn't think it's anything other than your adoration for his craft.
-Confused when one day he finds no new dresses being made except for an absolutely beautiful shiromuku in the process of being made. He assumes you've been paid to make a bride her ceremonial dress. He has absolutely no idea of the real reason behind this behavior until he comes back earlier one night and is shocked to find YOU wearing the dress to try it out as another friend of yours does your makeup testing out what colors would look best with you in the dress.
-Seeing you in your own homemade bridal piece and your face dolled up is like he's looking upon living artwork. He's in awe as you both giddily talk about your wedding-..Wait. Wot? You're telling your friend all about how the pottery maker you had originally bought your first vase from had fallen for you and came forward to be your secret admirer leaving all of the vases as gifts.
W H A T?!
-Gyokko is ENRAGED!! How dare that lowlife claim his precious skills as his own!? More so how dare he use it to trick this beloved artist into letting him marry you?! He was claiming all his hard work!! He's becomes more enraged when you mentioned that your fiance wanted you to retire from your craft and be a stay at home wife after you marry. A mantra of "Oh over his dead body" is repeated over in his head as he temporarily disappears to take care of a problem.
-Soon after your friend leaves you're smiling at yourself in a mirror only to freeze in horror and shriek out as something monstrous comes clawing out of the first ever face you've ever gotten. People are horrified and shocked when they find your fiance dead and you no where to be found.
"Art is a beauty in of itself. However there are few people who can truly appreciate you as such."
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Hoo boy that was a lot. I'm gonna do a part 2 with Hantengu since that guy needs to be tackled along with clones on his own post and a part 3 with the lower moons. Hope you all enjoyed this.
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crazytea5 · 1 year
Hi hi! Could i request some yandere! Kaigaku x childhood friend! Reader? Maybe they grew up together or trained under the former thunder hashira (whichever you like best!!) also im really sorry about your rabbit, hope youre doing alright :((
of course you can! (Pls note I’m doing Headcanons for this since you didn’t state if you wanted a story or Headcanons) The only issue is that I haven’t read the manga in over a year so I can’t remember a lot about him but I’ll try and don’t worry I’m doing fine since I’ve started to recover from it. let’s start the Headcanons now tho and look on the bright side of life!
Yandere Kaigaku x childhood friend (female) reader
⚠️ warning! ⚠️
~Kaigaku and you trained under the former thunder Hashira with Zenitsu.
~You were a young child when both your parents started to fight. Now little did your parents know that there was a demon that would kill any parents it believed were abusing neglecting or any of that kind of stuff.
~the demon would pretend to be a normal human mother. And that’s how they found you. They had seen you get skinnier and skinnier with lots of dirt on you and greasy hair that was almost always put in a ponytail that was clearly not taken out a lot and as the days progressed the demon seen the cuts and bruises on you due to your parents most recent fight so that night she killed them while they slept so as to not waken you.
~they knew a person that would want a child.
~that person was none other than the former thunder Hashira who really wanted someone to train and make into a fine demon slayer.
~did this demon know that this child would become a demon slayer? Yes. Did this demon nor care and just wanted you to be safe? Also yes.
~the thunder Hashira trained you and two other young boys. (Please note that he doesn’t become a demon in this universe)
~now Zenitsu seemed to be afraid of you but you didn’t know why… but little did you know that Kaigaku had been Threatening Zenitsu and saying stuff like “If you ever touch reader get ready for a world filled to the motherfucking brim with pain.
~this went on for years until you got a s/o…
~that night Kaigaku snuck into your house and killed you s/o and kidnapped you.
~now you have 2 options be his obeying wife or get killed and turned into a doll.
Hi I’m finally done part 1 I might make a part 2 don’t know yet if I do it’s most likely after I reread the manga and fix all my mistakes!
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mizading · 1 year
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Characters: Muzan, Gyutaro, Sekido, Urogi, Karaku, Gyokko, Kaigaku.
A/N:  I would like to thank Yoshinohirmet for the request! I thoroughly enjoyed adding to my Yandere Upper Moon series. As for my readers, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the love. Take care of yourselves and enjoy <3
Warnings : Verbal abuse, Physical abuse, violence, obsession, Yandere themes, etc. 
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Muzan ・❥・
Muzan, a man with a twisted secret.
You’re the one chosen to take on the role of the demon's wife.
Muzan's obsession won’t be known.
As far as you know, you’re only here to maintain his facade of a perfect family.
Your only job is to help him live a "normal" life and keep his true identity hidden.
Deep down, a twisted spiral of obsession consumes Muzan slowly but entirely.
Although you serve a purpose that benefits Muzan, it’s merely an appropriate excuse for Muzan to get close to you.
Something about you is as intoxicating as his desire for the blue spider lily.
He himself can’t explain his unhealthy attraction to you.
Each day, he loses more and more control over this dark passion that burns inside.
Muzan needs you entirely. He’ll tell you lies until his last breath, just to keep you dependent.
You need him; you’re merely nothing without Muzan. You serve no purpose other than being his.
Muzan prefers to silently watch and stalk.
Seeing you exist and your movements, untainted by the presence of another, satisfies his desire ever so slightly.
Muzan just loves the way you exist naturally when nobody is around. Everything about you is fascinating. The way your eyebrows furrow while reading, the way you bite your lip when focusing, how your right eye is a bit wider when you smile—he loves it all.
In your eyes, you disgust Muzan. You serve no purpose other than being his "wife". He barely speaks to you, let alone acknowledges your presence.
At least, that is what you believe.
Muzan will slip one day. He can’t keep pretending that his body doesn’t yearn for you. He’s slowly losing control.
Muzan's spiral of hidden obsession will eventually engulf you both.
Gyutaro ・❥・
You’re the only thing that Gyutaro has—the only possession of his that is worth anything.
If Gyutaro doesn’t have you, he has less than nothing.
Nights would be spent with him obsessively touching and admiring you.
Over-the-top praise would be whispered in your ear as his fingers shakily traced your supple skin.
Gyutaro has a meal schedule set in place for you.
He desperately needs to see you in the best condition possible; he knows more than anyone what it’s like to almost die from starvation.
Gyutaro treats you as a trophy to show off, his little pretty lover.
Although he doesn’t take well to other men or women staring at or touching you.
One gaze that lasts too long from another sends Gyutaro into a blinding rage.
Gyutaro has a lingering fear that you'll see someone who meets your unattainable level.
He won’t ever have the only thing that he has in his pathetic life taken from him.
Gyutaro secretly craves your acceptance—just a small reassurance that he isn’t the scum of the earth.
Deep down, he fantasizes about being attractive and finally being able to proudly call himself your lover without utter shame and embarrassment.
Gyutaros strength is the only thing he has an ounce of confidence in.
He may never be able to compare to something as small as your hand when it comes to looks, but he can protect you proudly.
Gyutaro will gladly give up his life for you over and over again.
Sekido ・❥・
Not a soul was safe from Sekido’s wrath, but you were somehow the exception?
You were on a mission with other demon-slayers when you first met him.
Your existence hypnotized Sekido; every movement of yours made his own existence worthless to him.
All that mattered in the moment was you.
Your comrades were killed in no time; as for you? He didn’t lay a single hand on you.
All attempts to hurt Sekido were futile.
Sekido doesn’t want to take you by force, but he will if he has to.
Sekido would take you into hiding. For now, he wants you to himself with nobody to interfere.
Months would be spent with him in the forest.
Days consist of him admiring you, trying to figure out what's so special about you.
Why do you make him feel this way?
Sekido wouldn’t force physical contact until his emotions were too much to bear; he'd hold out for as long as possible.
Once he actually gets his hands on you, it’s hard for him to control himself.
Sekido isn’t exactly gentle with you; he has too much pent-up anger, but he tries.
Disobeying in any form earns you verbal abuse or physical restraint.
Don’t test Sekido; he can’t always control himself.
Urogi ・❥・
You make excitement run its course through Urogi’s body.
Such a beautiful specimen you were through his eyes.
Urogis feathers can’t help but ruffle at the thought of you belonging to him.
His sizable wings would wrap around you tightly, preventing you from leaving as he dragged you to a new location.
Somewhere, the two of you could stay together for as long as you both live.
Seeing the fear in your eyes, hearing your screams, and watching your hopeless attempts to escape makes his fire of excitement burn brighter.
Urogi knows that such a smart and beautiful person as you would soon understand that he is what's best for you.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, could ever come close to his love.
Attempt to escape, and you’re wrapped in his soft but chilling wings again.
"Can’t you see how good I am for you? Keep up this bad behavior; you’re making things much more exciting."
Urogi wouldn’t use any of his abilities on you; he doesn’t need to.
His physical strength alone is enough to keep you his. It’s much more entertaining this way.
The way Urogi scans your body using his blinding yellow eyes with a soft but chilling smile on his face makes you weak in the knees.
He’s expresses nothing but joy and excitement, no matter what you attempt to do.
There is something awfully off about Urogi; he knows this, and you know this.
Karaku ・❥・
Karakus's obsessiveness is only natural; it goes hand in hand with pleasure.
There have been many that Karaku has been fond of, but nobody could dare touch your level.
The way your little face scrunches up with determination while you swing useless slashes at him drives Karaku crazy.
Your hopelessness is so precious to him.
Karaku pays an awful amount of attention to your body; the way you maneuver fascinates him.
Karaku thoroughly enjoys touching you unexpectedly; he simply does it to see the way your body reacts.
You’re basically Karaku's doll, his new porcelain doll wrapped in plastic.
He’ll do anything in his power to make you completely dependent on him and him alone.
Karaku breaking and molding you into his little dependent doll is only a cover-up for how much he needs you.
If you need him, he won’t ever have to worry about the one thing he needs most escaping from his grasp.
It takes much effort to make Karaku the slightest bit unhappy.
Throw a tantrum? He thinks it's cute.
Hurt him? He enjoys pinning you down, Karaku will put up with all of your antics.
The only thing that can manage to set off Karaku is trying to escape.
Attempting to escape his grasp drives him mad; why would you ever try to leave him?
Karaku will hunt you down until the second he takes his last breath.
Gyokko ・❥・
You were the first thing to make Gyokko pause in awe, besides his own vases.
A mere human with beauty that puts one of his vases to shame? Gyokko couldn’t wrap his mind around the phenomenon.
Gyokko spent a couple of weeks stalking you from the shadows.
He needed to capture your beauty somewhere, and that somewhere was on a vase.
Gyokko spends hours studying your features, painting out every little detail of your existence on an empty vase.
Your essence needed to be captured permanently.
Gyokko wants nothing more than to show you his work—just something, anything that’ll impress you.
All he wants is your validation—to make you pause in awe just as much as he did when he first laid eyes on you.
Deep down, Gyokko knows better; he shouldn’t dare show himself.
He has just enough sense left to acknowledge his form, half of his body encapsulated in a vase, and a terrifying face as a cherry on top.
Gyokko only has enough confidence to watch you silently from the depths of the night.
By now, there are at least fifty vases, all in your name.
Gyokko quenches his heart's desire for you by admiring you on his vases; it’s almost as if you’re really there.
Somehow, someday Gyokko will have you posing right before his eyes as he paints every inch of you.
Kaigaku ・❥・
On the outside, Kaigaku is seen as an arrogant narcissist.
What lies inside is someone insecure, who craves your acceptance more than anything.
Kaigaku ingrained your low worth compared to him into your head.
This is the only way he knows how to keep you by his side for as long as you live.
If you continue to stray, Kaigaku will resort to physical violence.
He knows no better; this is the only way in his clouded mind.
There are moments where Kaigaku gets slightly vulnerable.
This typically only happens after a battle.
Kaigaku will spend hours on end begging for your acceptance.
The demon only wants to hear that he still has a purpose, even if it's minor.
His vulnerability is hidden once more the next day.
Kaigaku will return to his verbally abusive ways, denying anything that happened the night before.
Kaigaku's only worry is that you'll see through his facade.
He can’t bear the thought of you seeing him for who he truly is.
Until that day comes, Kaigaku will force you to be by his side.
With him, you are nothing more than his puppet.
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Hi! Could I request separate headcanons for Yan!Tanjiro and Yan!Kaigaku for reader who's like Raven from the original Teen Titans series? Thanks and make sure to take breaks!
Ooooh! Cool! So she’s dark and emotionless! I did Starfire so I can do Raven! Let’s gooo!
Yandere! Kamado Tanjiro
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Tanjiro is a polite, considerate boy so he doesn’t have the gut to pull you out of your comfort zone but he has fall in love with you very fast so he admires you from a distance
Tanjiro leaves you a witchcraft and/or horror-mystery book at your door every night with a complimentary note attached. He knows where you live because he stalks you
Tanjiro doesn’t care how much you try to scare or shun him out, he’ll keep coming right back with delusional love falling out of his twisted lovestruck eyes. His obsession is so overwhelming, he has become more scary then you
Tanjiro is very protective towards you. You don’t want anybody around, not even him so whatever you say is what he’ll make sure you have. That way, you may just fall for him too if you appreciate his dedication
Yandere! Inadama Kaigaku
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Kaigaku can relate well to you and he feels understood for once, he loves that concept. Your dark, rude demeanour has him rolling in delight at how you don’t take shit from anybody. He wants to be around you all the time, he needs you as he clings onto you
Kaigaku barks and shoos aggressively, the second he hears you sarcastically answer somebody. You want to be alone, and he’ll draw his katana if he must to ensure people are afraid of him and know you belong to him
Kaigaku is very delusional with how you view him. He genuinely believes you love him too since he is the only one able to be around you for longer than a few seconds. He constantly rants his rotten heart out to you, processing your words as signs of love
Kaigaku is willing to shed blood for you. Those annoying exes of yours will disappear all so suddenly whilst bringing you back evidence with their ugly hearts. You should have freaked out but you aren’t and that flares up his love for you
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sunflower-author · 9 months
Hihi! Could i please request some (romantic) yandere!Kaigaku from KNY x reader? Prefferably fluff but if you want something else thats okay!! (maybe the reader is a childhood friend of sorts? Idk man leaving it up to you, hope ur having a great day!)
This is fluff but a bit of angst, but not really... idk how to explain it
Also, this will be after Kaigaku kidnapped his darling human, and when his darling starts to develop Stockholm syndrome.
This is a bit fast, sorry it was rushed (a lot) and the ending is a bit unfinished.
"Hey Darling," Kaigaku says, wrapping his arms around his human from behind his human.
"Yes? Kai?" you say, slowly looking up from the book you were reading, giving him your attention but not looking at him.
Feeling his grip tighten slightly, confused you turn to face him. Never has he ever flinched or made any of his movements seem unintentional.
"Sorry... It's just that... that was the first time you called me Kai, since... well since we were kids, and before I... well I took you..." he says, overjoyed but in shock.
"Huh... I guess your right about that," Thinking about it.
"I missed you calling me that... you wouldn't understand how hard it was for me when you were calling me upper moon... or demon... I always would wish that things could go back to the way they were... you know... back at the orchard..." He says softly hugging you.
"Going back... to relive that... it would almost be a dream come true..." you says in a small hushed voice, setting the book down.
"Almost?" Kaigaku asks, pulling back from the hug, and looking at you curiously. 
"Well... back then... even though you and I were close... you had this sense of pride or ego... of course back then, I would never tell you that... but now... for some reason you are more modest and humble of things..." you say slyly at him.
"On my last mission, when I was still human... I was faced with death... and my thoughts in that moment were not just about my survival, but I also just wanted to see you one more time... it was that moment when I realized just how much I care about you... and when I was turned into a demon... I made a promise to myself that I would keep you safe from all and any harm..."Kaigaku says, looking down in shame, knowing that what he did was wrong.
"So I see... that was the reason why you kidnapped me..." you say, looking down unsure on what to say fully.
"I told you from the beginning that I love you, that was the reason I took you," he says looking up at you.
"But Kai... you have to know that if you're trying to keep me safe right now... it's impossible..." you say, grabbing one of his hands to hold. He just looks at you confused about what you just said.
"I know you hate when I say this but it's true your a demon... and I'm a human... humans need sunlight to survive, just look at how much paler I got, over that past... I don't even know..." He takes your hand pulling it closer to him, inspecting your skin.
"I know... you right, I knew that the sun would be an obstacle for us... which is why I talked with someone, that could turn you in to a demon..." He says, looking up to see your reaction.
Hearing those words you began to panic, quickly moving you arm back from his grip, he surprisingly lets you. "You... want to turn me... in to a demon..." You ask worried.
"I do... but if you don't want to... I won't..." He says in a serious tone, while looking at you.
"Really?... you won't turn me, because I don't want to be turned?" you ask him, taken aback by his words.
"Darling, I love you so much, I would do anything for you to prove it... just as long as you won't leave me..." You could hear the hurt in his voice, as he mentioned you leaving.
"Please Kai... can we just talk about something else right now?" you say, not wanting to continue this subject.
"Right... sorry my love... actually the whole reason I came to bother you was to bring you a gift," he says as he gets up, walks out of the room.
When he comes back he is carrying, a small bamboo basket with a lid on top of it. Setting it down in front of us, he sits on the opposite side of you. "Go ahead open it," he tells you.
Cautiously but curiously you open the top of the lid, only to find the basket filled with peaches...
"Is this...?" You ask dumbfounded.
"It's peaches, for you... it's actually from the orchard..." He says, looking at you to see your reaction.
"The Orchard?... like..." Not even be able to continue the sentence overwhelmed by all the emotions and memories that just flowed back into your mind. You just look at the peaches smiling grabbing one in your hand, and tossing it up and down, like you used to.
"How is the orchard?" You ask, scared of what the answer would be, you haven't visited the orchard since Jigoro...
"The orchard is still growing and thriving, so you don't have to worry about that... you know the small family that lived a mile away from the house?" He asks you, as you nod your head remembering the family.
They were a small family that often would help harvest peaches, just as long as they can a basket for free. 
"They took over and expanded the orchard to grow more fruit like pears, apples, and oranges," Kaigaku says, taking a peach as he bit into it.
Slowly biting to the one in hand, it's nice and fresh, perfectly ripe tasting the sweet flavor, of the peach.  After never having peach or any type of food since you've been here, it taste all the more flavorful.
"Do you like?" Kaigaku asks, eating the rest of the peach.
"It's even better than I remember, but can demons truly eat human food?" You ask, wondering if demons can eat human food.
"Demons can eat human food, but it doesn't give us any energy, so it is just like eating air for us," Kaigaku explains.
"So why did you eat the peach," You ask curiously.
"I knew that you wouldn't take the first bit, so just to show that there was no harm, I took a bit, and I would never waste something that I used to love," Kaigaku says explaining.
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viridwns · 1 year
what does kaigaku think of darling?
( I can image her crying bc of dakis death bc she lost the only person she got semi close to 😭)
Love all your work and keep up the amazing work!! <3
Masterlist (this is about the miscommunication story)
Thank you sm for the support <3
I love this question, so lets dive into it.
(Also, it's midnight where I live and I'm tired, so sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes)
Warnings (all very minor): yandere themes, talk about manipulation tactics to keep someone in an unhealthy relationship, mentions of religion, God/worshiper dynamic, mentions of stockholm syndrome, talk about grieving, talk about death
Muzan wouldn't let darling know about the death of an upper moon or any demon that didn't die by his hands.
Mainly these 3 reasons
1. Less escape attempts/giving up entirely on escaping
He has manipulated darling into thinking demons are immortal. They can only die by their creator's hand.
This is to install fear into darling to make her think that even if she managed to escape, no one would be able to protect her.
2. Fear/obedience
Muzan wants darling to fear them. He doesn't need her love (although he would like it at some point, he just doesn't realize it yet.) He needs her obedience, the others need her obedience.
They don't mind a little fight, but Muzan needs it to stay by a little fight. He can't have her think she would be able to overpower them.
3. Stockholm syndrome/seeing Muzan and the demons as higher beings
Muzan wants darling to beg for him, to pray at his feet. He wants her to know how much better, how much stronger he is than humans.
He wants her to realize that he and the others are superior, that she should kiss their feet and be grateful to be at their side.
They see darling as someone higher than humans but still far lower than them.
If he could make her see all that, that she is in the presence of a God, maybe she'll start to reciprocate the feelings they have for her.
If they can make her see that there is no one better than them and more able to protect her, grand her wishes, she will be at their side willingly.
Muzan needs her to be thankful, grateful. Willingly putting all that she is at his feet, giving him her life.
If they aren't able to consume her literally, they will do it figuratively. Taking all that darling is and making it theirs theirs theirs.
Now back to the question.
Darling isn't really allowed to communicate with other demons besides the upper three and Muzan.
There are some exceptions, of course, she is allowed to be around the other higher ranks (not alone of course) and Muzan thought that being with Daki would expose darling to more positive talk about him from Daki.
So yeah, darling and Daki had a little bond, not big enough to call it friendship, but it was something.
And that something will make darling notice that Daki is never around anymore, as is her brother.
And when Muzan shuts her up when she's asking questions she knows something is wrong.
Either he killed them (which she finds highly unlikely) or something happened to them.
Getting introduced to Kaigaku (more like the upper three showing that he can't touch her, look at her or even breathe in her direction.) is the last piece of the puzzle she needed to realize that Daki and Gyutaro had been killed .
Especially because Kaigaku can't shut up about how great he is and accidentally slipped up on how he would never get killed by a demon slayer, unlike Gyutaro and Daki.
Darling would be shocked at first, because she didn't think that was possible or that there were humans that slayed demons.
And when the shock fades, yeah, she would feel a bit sad.
Her gal pal, her demon she had at least some kind of bond with (beside Nakime) was gone. Daki was the only one who didn't hurt her or force her. She could be mean at times and she could be a bit too persistent with some things, but knowing darling was Muzan's, Daki never really dared to actually pain darling or make her upset.
Darling would shed a few tears and maybe even get mad at Muzan for replacing Daki with that guy.
It won't be long-term, though. The sadness will fade, and she won't really miss Daki, just her company.
Now how she would react to Kaigaku.
Darling wouldn't be allowed around him much because he is male.
And second of all, because he hasn't been a demon for that long, darling can see his human traits very clear.
She can see the coward hiding behind all that big talk. She even gets disgusted by him at times when he's gloating and tells her that she's 'evil' because she doesn't agree with him.
(It's a wonder he didn't get killed already)
Darling knows he will sacrifice others to save his own skin, that's why she doesn't really like him.
But then again, she doesn't like any demon.
Her opinion on him is not related to Daki's death. Darling just goes with a 'tolerable scale'. Daki and Akaza are a bit higher than the rest, but she still doesn't willingly want to be around them. It's more of a: a rather be around them then be around ...
Kaigaku's opinion on darling isn't really there? He finds it strange that the upper three and Muzan himself have a 'human pet' as he calls her.
Kaigaku sees darling as a form of protection if ever needed; he can literally use her as a shield to get away from Muzan or even threaten to kill her when things escalate. (In his mind, it works, but we all know that he would be dead in seconds.)
Kaigaku does take an interest in darling. She isn't a coward (unlike him) and knows things about the higher-ups that no one else does...
Kaigaku doesn't dislike or like darling, but she sure is useful to him and will make himself acquainted with her for those reasons.
I hope this answers your question!
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echantedtoon · 3 months
This is a sorta sequel to my Yandere Demons And Brides posts. Basically just headcannons of the demons of Y/n managed to escape.
Warnings for yandere themes, kidnapping mentions, possibly death mentioned, panic attacks, Hairou shooting himself, entrapment, mentioned wounds and scars, regular demon Slayer content, Douma/Karaku/Enmu IS his own warning, possibly some innuendos, etc.
If any of these warnings upset you pls don't read. I will be including Daki/Ume/Zohakutan in the line up as part of Gyutaro/Hantengu's part but she/he will be strictly PLATONIC yandere!! Absolutely NO romance between her/him and reader!! And her parts will be minor. Nakime is short and like last post I left her Yn GN while the others I wrote as female Yn.
Buckle up guys. This is gonna be a BIG post with all the demons from the last two posts. Especially Hantengu's part.
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-How you managed to escape him? Who knows? He's Upper Moon One and that's nearly an impossible feat.
-After reclaiming you as his wife, he expects you to take your place as a dutiful wife should. Which is why he's very disappointed when you're just acting scared and always refusing his advances instead of greeting him like a good wife should be!
-He's only allowed to have you because Muzan allows him too for being so loyal and efficient. But that means he can't pause his duties less his master changes his mind. So maybe that's why you were able to find an opening to escape the house he trapped you in. The one he expected you to clean for him and come to take care of for your lives together now.
-He's not shocked by your want to escape him but he is certainly surprised when he discovers the desperation you had smashed a boarded window open he had made sure to tightly close off. The wedding ring he always forced you to wear around him discarded on the floor amongst the broken glass and boards of wood. He didn't think you were strong enough to get it open.
-He has a mixed reaction. He's disappointed that you managed to leave, frustrated too and annoyed, surprised as said you were able to get out, but mostly disappointed. He's not angry. He's got very good control of his anger, if anything he's just disappointed that you would rather try to escape. Deep down he's very upset with himself, a Deep sting of rejection like all those years ago stinging him.
-Its doesn't matter however. He's patient. And it's not like you'll be able to outrun him for long.
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-Remember how I said that you're best chance to get away from him is when he's still confused about his feelings in the last post? If you choose to escape then, then he won't bother. Not at first at least. He'd still be too confused about everything and not know what was going on to go after you until he finally realizes it or someone explains it to him. By then you might hide well enough to never see him again.
-However if you managed to escape after- Bravo! Somehow you managed to bypass Douma and his cult. Only one piece of advice to give you-
-RUN! Run as FAST and as FAR AWAY as you can! Because a Douma with emotions is actually emotionally and mentally unstable.
-When you aren't there and no one can tell him where you are, he feels scared and panicked like never before. He's almost hyperventilating as he tears apart the compound desperately calling your name ordering his cult to search the compound and comb through the nearby forest and mountainside for any signs of you to no avail.
-When he realizes that you left him he goes through a rage he's never felt before. It's so overwhelming that he kills(absorbs) any and all cult members he thinks even remotely causes you to get away. A bloody scene that for once might make Muzan pleased with his existence. He doesn't stop there he tears apart his room to satisfy his anger throwing and smashing anything he can get his hands on and leaving claw marks all over the walls.
-After he eventually comes down from his rage, he feels numb for a while before he starts crying. He's sobbing uncontrollably and curled up in your bed hugging your pillow to him. A wave of sadness and betrayal stabbing him in the heart over and over.
-Why did you leave him?! Did you not feel loved enough?! Did he not give into every whim you wanted?! He stays there unable to control himself or answer his questions until nighttime. Hope you have a good head start because as soon as sunset hits, he's coming after you and this time you wont ever leave him again.
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-To be fair he'd probably be the easiest demon to escape from outta all the upper moons. It's still NOT easy to do so but because Akaza doesn't harm women let alone the one he's in love with, he'll not do anything to actually harm you other than keep you isolated and trapped in one spot because he's afraid anyone would harm you if he let you wonder around.
-He allows you to go outside (only at night and with him so he can watch you-) since he knows being cooped up can't be good for your health. This might be your only chance.
-Someone might not see being cared for is a bad thing but Akaza seems to almost infantize you. You won't be able to do anything yourself. Want to cook? He'll do it! You can burn yourself! Want to go for a walk? He'll agree with him but halfway through he's seeing you limp with your bad leg and just call it quits before just carrying you all the way home. Want to bathe? Ok but he's waiting for you right outside in case you slip and hit your head! He doesn't allow you to do anything yourself and if he does, he's right there or just outside the door in wait.
-You're best chance of escape is just crawling through a window during the day and legging it as far as you can. If you do do this, expect him to have the biggest panic attack in his life when he sees the open window. Hyperventilating as he pictures the most horrible worst case scenarios of you running into a bear or rogue demon without him there to protect you. Or worse- WHAT IF YOU ENCOUNTER DOUMA?!
-Hope you know a good hiding place because once he catches you, you're never being left alone again.
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-You literally couldn't escape her with her teleportation powers but let's say you did for the sake of this post. Sneaking out by diving through an open doorway she opened for another demon or Muzan.
-Its was a surprise really you made it out. Like Kokushibo she's very good at controlling her anger and wouldn't really be anger even. She's just disappointed and a bit annoyed her Husband/Wife(whichever you wanna go by with the lady demons like last post) would still insist on being childish and trying to run away again.
-She'll be impressed you made it as far as you did but be weary of sudden doors whisking you back home to an annoyed demon 'wife' again.
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-You could've simply gotten away if you had boarded the train with your soon-to-be husband and never saw either demon again as they never left the Red Light District.
-Good luck escaping Daki's belt and the underground home they keep you in. You're too scared to fight back so you remain casual and polite out of fear (and to try and think of a way to escape).
-It won't be easy. They take turns in rotation. Daki loves dressing you up and chatting with her like always like nothing changed. Gyutaro will hold you to himself and feel relieved just having your warmth against him. If they aren't around then Daki has her talking belt minion guard you or she puts you in a belt for a while. It's rare for all three of them to be busy at once but it has happened more than one time. They don't think you can escape the hole in the ground anyways.
-Well you do. One day while they were all busy. Clawing your way through one of those thin tunnels until you reach the surface freed. You're alive. Dirty, a little thin, and scared out of your mind. But alive and free for now. You better get out of the E District because of you do stick around they'll catch you sooner or later.
-Both have a similar reaction when they come home and discovered you gone. Daki throws a massive half tantrum half crying fit. She tears her talking belt minion to shreds blaming it for your escape. It's ok. She'll make a better one later when she calms down but right now she'll cry and throw a fit while demanding her hyperventilating brother fix this as he usually does.
-Gyutaro has a similar reaction to a emotional Douma. He'll tear apart your underground home, and when he can't find you he'll fall into a hyperventilating mess of emotions. He's absolutely pissed off. That's his default emotion after all so it's his first reaction but he'll start falling into a mess of tears and crying as realization jabs into him. He knew he was ugly. He's so ugly even a practically blind girl would eventually run away from him. He's a blubbering crying mess like his sister for a while until both are calmed down enough to think with clear heads.
-Hope you were able to make it to that train because you don't have just one but TWO demons coming after you.
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-Possibly the second easiest one to escape from. All ya have to do is yeet his pot off a cliff side or something but the problem is he'll quickly teleport back to you angry in another pot.
-Your best bet is to use flattery and his own ego against him and to your advantage. Tell him how honored you were to receive such beautiful pots from him. Listen to him sing his own praises. His guard will lower as you both talk to each other about his pots, art techniques you both use, and anything else involving art or himself in some way. Honestly if he wasn't a demon and kidnapped you, you probably wouldn't have minded the conversations.
-Play along as his little mise. Holding still as he carved your likeness into a vase or allow him to watch as you shakily work a needle and thread too closely. Eventually his guard will be down enough for you to escape.
-While he's not sun proof his pots are. While he's gone, turn the pot he uses to get inside your home upside down and place the heaviest object you can on it to help delay his entrance as you run into the daylight.
-Oh he'll be furious and throw a fit about you leaving and how you treated his precious vase, but he's more preoccupied by the fact that his precious muse has vanished into the wind. Luckily for you, he's the easiest demon to hide from. Just stay away from vases and any art studios for a long while. He's sure to be close by looking for you.
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-All I can say is good luck. While Kaigaku isn't the brightest, strongest, or emotionally adept demon he's definitely not someone you can easily trick or escape from. You can't get more than a few yards away at most before he notices you walking away from his distracted form and barks a demand for you to return to him immediately!
-Doesn't help he also keeps you in the Infinity Castle where lots of demons watch you with hunger. They only don't eat you because you're around Kaigaku's side at all times and no one wants to tussle with Upper Moon Six, especially if it was Kokushibo who brought him in. Kaigaku is smug about having you always paraded around on his arms.
-You have to use the same tactic for him as you did Gyokko. Compliment him subtly and every once and a while. Keep it casual however. Doing it too much with cause him to get suspicious and catch onto your plan. However a compliment here and there that sounds like a genuine observation will boost his ego and slowly but surely let his guard little by little down around you. To the point he leaves you in a room he marked as his own when training with Kokushibo.
-He's absolutely terribly shocked and PISSED when he discovers you gone and later learns that you had taken Nakime off guard by diving into an open doorway as she wasn't looking. Oh now he's not just pissed, he's ENRAGED!! You'd better run, run, run. Because as soon as the sun goes down a cursing black rage filled shadow is hunting you down even if it takes him all eternity.
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-(again couldn't find a gif of him) Outta all the lower moons Hairou would be the hardest to escape from. Not only can he teleport using shadows, but he has guns, and summoned shadow wolves on his side.
-He can get overwhelmed by his emotions and have a panic attack from the PTSD and end up shooting himself. That would be the ideal time to flea, when he's too overwhelmed by emotions to really take in his surroundings and know what's going on. You have to be quick though because he can recover pretty quickly after the gunshot.
-If you're somehow able to escape from him some other way he's having the worst panic attack of both his human and demon existence. It'll take him all night and many rounds of ammo before he's actually able to get his head together enough to really get a hand on the situation.
-You must get creative as you run however. He'll track you down using his shadow wolves like a pack stalking down a deer.
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-Hes actually the easiest Upper Moon to escape from. It's just a matter of timing and how you execute it is all.
-You're best bet is to use his own delusions against him and do your plan when he's by himself without any clones present to stop you. Act sweet to him. Tell him you're glad you're 'husband' is home and that you were going to run out and grab him something to make for dinner and to just make himself comfortable. He's so delusional and thinks you're just being a sweet 'wife'(nevermind you two aren't married) that he believes everything you say.
-Wont even put up a fuss as you smile casually and wave at him before walking out the door on your way to town to 'buy ingredients' only you skip right past the town and you don't walk you freaking RUN!! Run, run, run as fast and as far as you can before he realizes that you aren't coming back.
-He's so delicious that he doesn't suspect anything. In fact he takes a nap and wonders about the house for hours waiting for you when you don't show up once it's night time is when he knows somethings up. He doesn't believe you ran away however. No. To the day he died Hantengu believes his poor wife was abducted by another demon or slayer.
-Hope youre far away because he's ripping himself apart and sending his clones out to search for their poor 'wife.'
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-He may not look it but he's very concerned about their 'wife.' He doesn't know what happened to you and he doesn't care. He wants you back and he wants you back NOW!!
-First thing he does is yell at Hantengu for twenty minutes about stupid he was to let you go by yourself all defenseless and weak. Next he's ripping up himself and Karaku to get the others and ordering them in the scariest most threatening tone ever to get out there and FIND YOU! Even if it was the last thing they did.
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-Crying, blubbering mess. He knows you weren't happy with them but did you have to run away? Did they do something wrong? No. It must be because something awful happened to you because they weren't there. You'd never run away from them!
-Most emotional outwardly and on the verge of an anxiety attack the entire time they're looking for you. Once they find you(if they do) he's holding onto you and sobbing into your dress about how sorry he is.
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-Man is molting in anxiety. He's making panicked turkey noises while he's looking for you. He thinks it's a game at first thinking you're just playing chase but when it becomes clear you're actually GONE he's running around like a headless chicken panicking.
-The most likely to spot you from up above so be sure to stick close to trees and outta sight because if not then you'll find yourself swooped up by a freaked out harpy and flown back to the others...that is if KFC man finds you at all.
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-Is surprisingly the only one that's thinking clearly. He's the clone of Relaxation so he's going to be the calmest one in this situation. But he's still panicked and scared like the others desperately searching for you.
-In a moment of arguing the others blame him for you possibly running away with how he always acts towards you. He has six other clones yelling at his face making him feel very guilty and wonders if it was his fault. He promises to make it up to you and never do it again once they find you. IF they find you.
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-THE most likely to find you. He comes out in a last resort when Hantengu and the five other clones are unable to find you. Forces Sekido to absorb the others and let him take over searching with his wood dragons. He can just take shelter and continue looking for you during the daytime with them too.
-Eliminates any and all obstacles in his path until he finds you and entraps you in the mouth of one of his dragons before dragging you back home to everyone's relief. Be prepared for an earful and to be under close observation for the rest of his time alive because Zohakutan will be coming out more often after this.
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-Very resentful that Hantengu was dumb enough to let you wonder off by yourself and like Sekido he'll spend a few minutes yelling at him for it too before joining in on yelling at Kataku and going to search for you.
-Be prepared for him to be out a lot more now too to guard you and make sure you don't try anything like this again.
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-Like Nakime it's going to be nearly impossible for you to escape someone that can teleport to you and shift the mansion around to keep you from escaping. You're best bet is to crawl or jump out the nearest window at the first opportunity.
-Kyogai can't go far from his mansion because that's where most of his power lies so your best chance of truly getting away from him is so flee as far from the mansion as possible. Depending on if it's night or how hurt you are from jumping out the window he might catch up to you.
-He's not the worst demon to be trapped with but his desperation for genuine connection makes him certainly very possessive and he isn't willing to let you go that easy.
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-How did you manage to get out of the personal train car he locked you in? He's literally a part of the train and can control how much freedom you have.
-Turns out insomnia is one helluva drug.
-Enmu is not easily fooled. He will not be fooled by flattery, tricks, or challenges. And you're certainly not as strong as him. The best bet is the element of surprise. Pretend you're having one of your naps. He'll sometimes forget your body doesn't work with sleep like a regular person, so when you suddenly tackle him out of the way as soon as he opens the door, he's taken off guard. Take this chance and RUN!!
-Stay away from train stations and trains. You'll probably be able to avoid him as his main body is literally infused with a train. I'm fact stay away from train tracks and towns with stations all together. You never know if a train whistle is just Enmu around the corner.
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lesbianasfuckwomen · 10 months
Sanemi is uppermoon 2
Sanemi's food preference is slayers.
Sanemi's BDA is using wind he can create blades that soldify while attacking a target, but when a person try's to grab it, it becomes a gas form again. The wind can become anything he wants it to become. He can also fly. Sanemi's blood can also poison humans much like marechi to demons.
Sanemi remembers everything from his human life
the most psychotic uppermoon
His character is a lot like douma from canon
Sanemi does not give a shit about his rank, and doesn't find any use in it either.
He is usually a really happy guy, in fact he's pleasant to be around. Thats not the psychotic part about him though is if you bring up Genya, he will act like the most harley quinniest thing you've ever seen.
He acts like a Yandere with Genya (NOT IN A ROMANTIC WAY)
After Genya left, he commited his life into finding him
Sanemi turned Genya into a demon so that they could live together forever. (Doesnt he care so much for his brother? 🥰)
He and Giyuu have an Akaza - Douma relationship
Loyal to the demon king
He hangs out with Kanae a lot.
Sanemi faces against Kokushibo, Genya, Ume, and Kaigaku in the infinity castle.
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Can i request non yandere headcanons of giyuu,obanai,muichiro and kaigaku with a s/o who is like yui komori from diabolik lovers? Like reader is sensitive,shy, sweet and positive even in the worst situation and has especial Blood that make humans and demons stronger ,and has a very dark past related to kidnapping and abuse from some demon bastards
Sorry. But four is too many, three is my limit so it’ll be cutting one out, sorry again.
Iguro Obanai
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Positive souls are a rarity to come across in this cruel world, so when he gets to meet you, his heart is truly touched and he tries his best to get closer to you as he develops a big crush on you and your cute friendly demeanour
Obanai will appear before you to help you at the drop of a hat. You don’t need to ask him or pay him back, your consideration and appreciation is enough for him as he runs across Japan for you. What man wouldn’t make the person he loves happy?
Obanai is the type to constantly remember everything you tell him and knows you, almost better than you know yourself. He knows every single like and dislike, and takes special care to give you what you deserve. He is stubborn enough to fight against your politeness and purity when he must
The way you always behave uplifting, no matter what. Rather you be badly injured or him in a grime situation, your spirits are unbroken and he feels so inspired by that. Your determination, your commitment, just the way you are. He doesn’t want to let you go so he must protect you
Tokito Muichiro
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It’s his nature to be cold so he didn’t notice your sensitivity until much later, until he starts becoming your friend by Tanjiro’s influence. He remembers how rude he was to you and apologises frantically after he spends more time with you and your truly benevolent heart
Muichiro wants you to be apart of everything going in on his behalf so anytime he goes out, even to something so mediocre, like the fleet market, he asks you if you’d like to join. You may want something or want to hang out, and he can’t turn that down
He relates a lot to your shyness and, most of the time, he’d rather avoid social interaction so at situations like those, he drags you away from the crowd so you two can chat in privacy and he can watch you happily geek over your favourite topic with lovestruck eyes
Muichiro is freaked-out and very against you trying to make him swallow the droplets of blood your wounds drip, but when you manage to make him do so, he feels like his strength and skills have been tripled. He is very thankful and feels flustered that you’re doing your best to support him
Inadama Kaigaku
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Kaigaku may not be the nicest out there but he is able to softens up when he realises that he is being far too harsh. Your gentle sweet expression has his heart fluttering and him sitting besides you, hoping you’ll forgive his cruelty
Kindness and care is something he’s had before but something he isn’t that fond of since all others around him annoy him. But you’re a entirely different story, he lets you spoil him with your natural good-nature and he spoils you back. You deserve being loved
Kaigaku is so unbelievably protective over you, that you may forget your own slaying skills. You’re so full of love and sunshine, and he wants to keep that preserved so he fiercely defends you every discussion and pulls you away from any threats he sees
He wants you to feel comfortable with him so you do open up about your horrifying past of abuse and torment at demons’ hands, he is trying his best to control to his rage over the injustice towards a angel like you, as he nods quietly and gently pats your hand, that’s laid in his
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kyojurismo · 1 year
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→ you must be 17+ to follow me as i produce and interact with nsfw content.
→ i keep my inbox always open, but if you want to send a request check if i’m accepting them first or else i will delete them ( nothing personal guys ).
→ don’t follow me if you’re lgbtphobic, racist, ableist, terf or invalidate non-binary ppl and misgender others for fun. i don’t tolerate any kind of hate towards me and my followers, so i won’t hesitate to block you.
→ i age up characters if needed, so don’t follow me if you’re against it and don’t send hate comments about it.
→ pls don’t spam my inbox & dms as i easily get anxious, i try my best to answer as quick as possible so all i ask in return is respect.
→ i’m shy and really awkward most of the time, but i enjoy interacting and sharing opinions w others, so you can hit my inbox whenever you like !! i’d like to make a couple of friends here hehe.
DEMON SLAYER: kamaboko squad | the hashira ( including kanae ) | yoriichi tsugikuni | muzan kibutsuji | upper moons ( except kaigaku ) | enmu | kyogai | lady tamayo | yushiro | hinatsuru, makio & suma uzui | koyuki | dilfs edition?
INUYASHA: inuyasha | kagome higurashi | sango | miroku | sesshomaru | kikyo
JUJUTSU KAISEN: yuji itadori | megumi fushiguro | nobara kugisaki | maki zenin | toge inumaki | yuta okkotsu | noritoshi kamo | satoru gojo | suguru geto | nanami kento | toji fushiguro | ryomen sukuna | choso
MY HERO ACADEMIA: izuku midoriya | katsuki bakugo | shoto todoroki | eijiro kirishima | ochaco uraraka | denki kaminari | tsuyu asui | kyoka jiro | fumikage tokoyami | tamaki amajiki | hitoshi shinso | shota aizawa ( eraser head ) | nemuri kayama ( midnight ) | emi fukukado ( ms. joke ) | keigo takami ( hawks ) | rumi usagiyama ( mirko ) | yu takeyama ( mt. lady ) | kaina tsutsumi ( lady nagant ) | toya todoroki ( dabi ) | himiko toga | atsuhiro sako ( mr. compress )
SPYxFAMILY: loid forger | yor forger
★﹒YES & NOs
I WRITE: fluff | angst | hurt | comfort | smut | female, male & gender neutral readers | modern au | dom!reader | yandere | child!reader | headcanons | short & long fics
I DON’T WRITE: non-con | incest | pedophilia & big age gaps | specific reader ( unless it’s from an emergency request & i feel like i’m able to write for it ) | bullying & abuse from the characters | a/b/o au | eating disorders | suicide
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lovelikanroji · 1 year
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> only yandere blogs (it's alright if you write for yandere occasionally, just not only yandere)
> anyone without a proper pfp and a header/banner because i will assume you're a bot and you will get blocked.
> basic dni criteria
> this is a kny blog only so i will only write for kny
> romantic and platonic relationships
> angst (to the best of my abilities at least), fluff, comfort
> gn and fem reader
> light suggestive (kissing, hugging, physical affection etc.)
> poly relationships (ex: obanai x reader x mitsuri)
> specified scenarios (ex: platonic hashiras with a demon thats like nezuko)
> nsfw or heavily suggestive fics
> pregnancy
> cheating
> specified readers (ex: tall reader with curly hair)
> male reader
> oc x character
> yandere
> simping is a constant thing here
> i am a multi-shipper
> i scream about the kny episodes bc usually i'm not ready to see them animated (esp the backstories, they break me like nothing else)
> i call everyone by nicknames (lovely, bby, bestie etc) but if that makes you uncomfy please let me know
> please don't tramadump
> i will answer asks when i can!! i still have school and a life outside of tumblr (also i have another writing blog) so it might take a while but i'll get to it eventually
> writings are when my inspiration fairies drop by (read: every once a month or so), occasionally i have an idea spree and post a lot one after another but that's really rare :')
> spam liking will get you blocked, reblog stuff at least every 3-4 posts
> i've read the manga so if i ever post sth with spoilers i will tag it + write it on the post
> please don't repost or translate my work, reblogs are welcome but reposts are not and will get you blocked
> Giyuu, Shinobu, Mitsuri, Obanai, Sanemi, Uzui (+ his wives), rengoku
> tanjiro, zenitsu, inosuke, kanao, genya, nezuko, muichiro (platonic only)
> akaza, daki & gyutaro, tamayo, yushiro
> Gyomei (i just can't bring myself to write for him i'm sorry)
> Aoi (see reason above)
> muzan, douma, gyokko, hantengu, nakime, kaigaku
> kokushibo & yorichii (at least until i get their personalities right)
> shinjuro rengoku
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if you still have questions feel free to send me an ask!!
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mushroomly · 1 year
Request Rules
Headcanons: 3/6
Oneshots: 0/3
I will not work on more than 6 headcanons and 3 oneshots at a time. At nine requests for headcanons, I WILL delete requests. At six requests for oneshots, I WILL delete requests.
Unchanging Rules:
No nsfw. I'm asexual and I don't feel comfortable writing it.
There will be no mentions of specific physical traits unless it's about height (I like writing short reader lmao). You are you! I won't make you feel excluded if you don't fit one trait! The whole point of reader inserts is that they're you!
First come, first served, unless I see a really great request. I don't want my messages spammed with requests, and I don't want stress. Additionally, if the requests button says "closed," don't request.
If I say requests are closed, please know it's for good reason.
I only write for female and nonbinary readers. If you don't specify pronouns, I will choose.
No "reader was abused by parents and has trauma." I don't think abuse should be romanticized. No matter how much an author may try, some people aren't going to realize that this isn't romantic at all.
I will write gxg.
I will also do polygamy.
I'm sorry, but I will not write Trans reader. My sex assigned at birth was female, and I identify as female. I don't know what being trans is like, so I feel that I should not write about it.
I will do romantic and platonic. Additionally, if a character is specified to be only platonic, respect that decision.
I will do child reader!
I prefer fluff over angst.
I dislike writing arguments between characters. I will now be taking one shots requests. They will not be very long. When requesting (headcanons and oneshots) be as specific as possible.
Other rules (may be subject to change):
No yandere. I just am unsure of how to write it well (and I'm not sure about romanticizing that behavior).
No modern aus. I don't like writing them.
Akaza Kokushibo Muichiro Tengen Kyojuro Giyuu
Obanai Mitsuri Shinobu Genya Gyomei (platonic only) Muzan Daki Gyuutaro Zenitsu Tanjiro Inosuke Nezuko (platonic only) Kanao Rui (platonic only) Nakime Enmu
Characters I will NOT write for:
The lower moons (besides Rui)
Ubayashiki (any one)
If you see a character not on this list and want to see them written, please ask me before requesting!
Thank you for visiting my blog and respecting my rules and boundaries!
If you have nothing kind to say or dislike something about my writing, please keep it to yourself. Constructive criticism is ok, being rude is not.
I have two other roleplay blogs: @onemoonsixeyes and @chanterelleofthewoods; feel free to visit them! My reblog blog is @mushroomlyreblogs
I’m in EST, so please keep that in mind!
Have a lovely day!
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xjulixred45x · 11 months
Kimetsu No Yaiba/Demon Slayer
Yandere! PLATONIC! Giyuu Tomioka x Komori Reader(ft, Kianna of @nunezs-stuff )
Kaigaku, Genya and Obanai/Mitsuri x Yui Komori like-Reader
Kaigaku x GN Reader
Kaigaku x Reader from our times
Kokushibo with son!reader
Kokushibo with His son in Kimetsu Gakuen
Yandere Giyuu Tomioka x Kianna! Reader: live...
Yandere! Platónico Giyuu Tomioka x Komori Lectora(ft KIANNA,OC de @nunezs-stuff )
Kaigaku, Genya y Obanai/Mitsuri x Lectora como Yui Komori
Kaigaku x Lector género Neutro
Kaigaku x Lector neutro que viene de nuestro tiempo
Kokushibo y su hijo/lector
Kokushibo y su hijo en Kimetsu Gakuen
Yandere Giyuu Tomioka x Kianna! lectora: vive....
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echantedtoon · 8 days
MINE: Upper Moons
Yandere Upper Moons if you had a significant other or if they found out you were in love with someone else. No duh that they'd most likely kill them but this is a more in depth dive into it.
Warnings for mentions of cannibalism and death.
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-As stated before in other posts he's a very traditional man. Back in his day if you had a rival for the affection of a woman you'd duel them for her hand like an honorable man which is exactly what he did when he found out you already have a fiance.
-The terror and horror on your fiance's face when the second most powerful demon cornered him in the streets unsheathing his blade as he challenged him for the woman was one Kokushibo would never forget.
-Although he really didn't care for the man, he made his death swift and painless if only to avoid it being long. It was over within seconds. So even as you scream and cry as he carries you away, he doesn't see anything wrong with what he's done. After all he won you fair and square in his mind.
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-(we're just gonna skip to the part of where he actually feels things now) Actually doesn't know what to do at first when he finds out you have feelings for someone else. He's never had emotions before so he's not sure how to process that he feels angry, jealous, and heartbroken so he'll avoid them. He may not know how he feels yet but he knows your lover makes him feel bad things so at first all he does is avoid them outta confusion hoping the bad feelings will go away.
-Eventually someone notices his behavior and will explain it to him after he vents. It's then that he decides that in order to remove the bad feelings and to have you all to himself, he eats him. Calling him into his private chambers only to absorb him completely but not before putting him through agony. After all it's only fair that he feels bad for making HIM feel bad.
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-Now it depends on if your lover is a man or woman. If it's a woman then he might nicely try to convince her to leave you but if that doesn't work he'll simply just take you or just continue to watch you from afar since he can't bring himself to harm a lady.
-However if it's a man like Kokushibo he'll challenge him to a fight to the death for you. No is not an option. Either he can he honorable and fight him or Akaza will chase him down and end him that way. Either way you're lover is dead before it's even sunrise. He'll apologize for making you cry countless times and promises that he'll make you so much happier afterwards but he doesn't regret his choice and would do it all over again to have you.
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-Enraged, jealous, heartbroken...but not surprised. Of course a beautiful woman like you would already be taken by someone else. It's only natural you'd be married or engaged already. It all really depends on how he feels that determines what end your lover meets. If he just doesn't want to waste time on him or leave you then he'll convince Daki to do it or have her go sick her belt on him. However if he's enraged enough he'll track him down himself and brutally torture him before killing him or maybe just straight up kill him quickly. It really depends on how he's feeling in the moment.
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-(This is written as platonic! Don't get weird.) She ended up liking your company a lot and you having a lover would only pull your attention away from her! She's very selfish and spoiled so she'll do what needs to be done to get her way. She'll most likely just kill him or get her belt to eat him but if she's upset enough and cries then Gyutaro has no problems going to murder the man who made his baby sister cry. After all what Daki wants she gets.
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-It depends on if he's still human or demon when he does it. If he's still human he might lead a demon to where your lover is staying or he'll kill him and stage it to look like a demon attack. If he's a demon then he'll simply kill and eat him but not before raging at him blaming him for you not being in love with him. He might even bring you his head afterwards as proof of his conquest and how much he would do for you.
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-She doesn't believe in dragging it out. Honestly she wouldn't even outwardly react. So she could be absolutely angry and you not even know it. However your lover is earning a one way trip through a door to where a crowd of newly turned hungry demons are waiting.
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-It depends entirely on which one of them catches you that determines his fate. If it's Hantengu he'll kill him but be so delusional that he'll blame it on everyone else except for himself. Sekido will electrocute him to death. Karaku will send him flying so high the impact will kill him. Urogi is like a bird of prey catching him before dropping them from the sky. Aizetsu will be the only merciful one stabbing him in the head or heart to make his death a quick one. Urami will either crush him or eat him. Zohakutan while unlikely to do the deed will most likely sick a dragon on him.
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-Whoever it was just earned then a one way trip into one of his vases or as an ugly horrific art piece that is if he doesn't decide to eat him. He might construct an art piece dedicated to you titled 'Parting Is A Sweet Sorrow's and rejoice in how it makes you cry and scream out.
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haikiria-san · 1 year
Hello, I'm Haikiria and I write Headcanons, Drabbles and Imagines from Demon Slayer!
Request: 0/5 OPEN
What I write for:
Character x Reader
Female and Gender Neutral Reader
Romantic and Platonic
Hurt/Confort, Angst, Comedy, Fluff
What I NOT write for:
Violence and/or abuse
Anything disgusting
Male Reader
Really sensive topic's
Characters I NOT write:
Shinjuro Rengoku
Ruka Rengoku
Muichiro's Parents
Tanjiro and Nezuko's Parents and Siblings
Genya and Sanemi's Siblings
Naho, Kiyo and Sumi
Ubuyashiki's Children
Respect, be respectfull with EVERYONE
I not post soo often, and understand this
Anything about smut in my blog, please
Ageless and minors blogs CAN interact
If you send me a request when they're closed, I will ignore them
Especific the gender of the Reader if you want, and if not, I'll make them GN
I will write LBGT+, so RESPECT the them please
If you broke this rules you will be blocked
Recurrent posts:
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chee-shep · 1 year
Can I ask what you mean by 'tone down' yandere Kaigaku? 👀 Like, what's wrong with it?
I think I made him a bit too aggressive and maybe too obsessed, though I guess that's how a yandere should be. It's hard for me to put it into words but part of me might go back in his character settings and try to get him slightly more chill. To be honest with how he is right now, I might not make him publicly available.
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