#Yandere Space Wolves
kit-williams · 9 months
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
@bispecsual I decided to write another using my favorite scene from a movie I really adore (yes in this technically Captain Arkyn would be one of the brothers but I decided to just make 7 others)
tw: kidnapping
Captain Arkyn looked at his boys. "Now remember. In and out. Do not give them a chance to scream or else we have to awkwardly explain what is going on. And we don't need the Inquisition on our asses. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes Captain." The seven of them spoke as he let them out into the city to go collect their mates.
Arkyn walked over to the pilot and slapped his shoulder. "Aye a real trooper ye are."
"This makes us even Captain." The pilot only grunted as he took the time to woo his mates... usually but he owed Arkyn a lot for helping collect his recent mate.
"Of course Bjorn..."
Volak saw his little husband flirting with another man and it made his teeth itch as he could hear his laughter, "No I don't think I could give you a kiss. I'm such a bad kisser." He says, Volak knew that was a lie but he watched his little husband continue on, "Oh okay just close your eyes."
Volak quickly and quietly snuck up behind the other man and knocked him out as he took his place for that kiss causing the smaller man's eyes to flutter open. "Volak?! What are you-" Was all he managed to get out before a gag was pushed into his mouth as he grabbed the now thrashing man and started to rush towards the ship.
One Bride down.
Algir slunk closer to the house with his bride and purposefully left the gate open so their hound would wander out allowing him to lure them out. Algir sat near a window and started to whimper and whine like their hound. "Charlie.... it sounds like Rigby wants to come in."
"Well Rigby can wait I'm still cleaning up his mess."
Well Algir had time at the very least....
Baldun had a feeling that his little bride would behave as he walked up to her door and knocked. He gave the little girl who answered the door a warm smile and knelt down, "Hello little one. Would you call your big sister for me?" He watched her nod.
"Sis! Sis! It's Baldun! He's back." She said oh so happily as she gave the Space Wolf a hug and Baldun held her close looking at his little bride as he gave her a predatory smile watching her flinch to a stop.
Baldun's eyes seemed to glow so very predatorily as he beckoned with a single finger for her to approach. A gentle kiss to the side of her head. "Little one. Go pack up your things." He said before whispering to his little bride, "You try to run and I will make sure you will never see her again. So you either come willingly or I take her instead." Baldun looked at her and watched as tears started to roll down her cheeks and he licked them away. "Go pack what you need. Any heirlooms you wish to keep. I'll wait right here... oh and dearest... I'll know if you try to run."
Two Brides down.
Olgus' and Svat's little husband and little wife were as thick as a pair of littermates as they walked arm in arm just singing something. It was Svat who let out a sharp whistle and his little wife was looking around for the wolf whom had basically trained her to listen for it.
"I know what I heard!" She huffed as she pulled him closer to the alleyway.
"I know but that could have been anyone. I miss Olgus just as much as you miss Svat but they're gone off to go save someone else. Listen just treasure the memories I mean hey we can always boast to our families that we survived being fucked by a space marine." Olgus' little husband joked.
"Or you could enjoy being always treasured." Svat said scooping up his little bride as she squealed happily and gave the space marine messy drunken kisses.
She didn't notice how her friend struggled against Olgus as his senses weren't as impaired and he knew something was wrong but...
Brides Three and Four were gotten.
"Charlie... he sounds so distressed." Algir could hear their sickly mother say as Algir had turned up the whimpering and whining to include some distressed barking.
"Alright I'll go let him in." They said as they walked to the back door and opened it. "Rigby?" They said before stepping out and Algir should have waited just a little bit longer before he messily grabbed his little bride. But they managed to let out a half distressed cry before he rushed off with them.
Bride Five aquired.
Rune Priest Odus looked down at his little bride as she was part of a local watch as there was now growing suspicions... someone had gotten messy or someone was seeing what they were doing. But he admired his little lamb as she was trying. She practically jumped out of her skin when he simply said hello to her. Her nose was rosy from the slight chill. Oh Odus was going to spoil her rotten, her being his soft little bed mate... she jumped at her own shadows even. "Oh Odus I thought you were gone."
"Yes well I managed to get away for but a moment and I had to come make sure you'd be okay and tell you goodbye." He said playing his role as if he wasn't about to snatch her up. He practically melted at how she smiled at him and the way her hands were so small in his.
"I'll miss you Odus... I'll try to be a bit braver for you." She said looking down and blushing giving Odus the perfect opportunity to summon a spider spirit and when she looked up and saw the space marine hand sized spider on his chest... he watched her jaw drop... her entire body tense out of horror before she fainted. He could smell that she had pissed herself too but Odus hardly minded as he hummed softly dismissing the spirit and picking her up as he rushed off.
Bride Six obtained
Hvold was excited to grab his bride as he went to her usual spot under the bridge. He could see her sitting close to a small fire she no doubt made. He could see the tremble of her form as she was cold and Hvold was going to insure that his darling would never have to survive like this again. Oh yes he admired her for being able to survive like this but now being her mate he'd show her how good of a provider he was.
"Hvold?" Her soft voice fluttered across the wind as he walked closer. She got up and hugged the warmer man slightly disbelieving that he came back for her like he had said. She was so use to disappointment. "You... you came back for me." She looked up at him with wet eyes as he just nodded.
"Of course I did. I told you that you were my mate and as your mate I refuse to let you continue to survive out here." Hvold said looking at the tattered backpack on her back as he just picked her up and radioed Arkyn.
Bride Seven gotten.
Arkyn grinned as the seven space wolves rushed into the ship. Though Baldun had an extra little female but Arkyn knew that before as his bride needed... encouragement to come willingly. She'd make a fine mate for someone else when she came of age or find a husband amongst the chapter serfs. His eyes roamed the humans there as most of them looked scared. "Bjorn get us out of here." Arkyn ordered as the ramp slid shut causing the distressed mates to watch the way out close and they were sealed to their fates.
What had happened tonight would be chalked up to a strange coincidence of kidnappings or murders that no one would dare to suggest that it was the Space Wolves doing. Even though it was their doing as the several sobbing humans seemed to cry harder when they got to the ship and realized no one was going to help them in fact their captors were being congratulated.
There was a bit more sobbing on the ship that night but in time they would accept their places as mates.
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bleedingichorhearts · 6 months
𝕳𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖉:
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𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: I’m sure he planned it out.
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams, @egrets-not-regrets.
𝕬𝖈𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖊𝖉𝖌𝖊: Be 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 for/of yourself. Even it’s just a tiny cut. I also don’t ᴄᴏɴᴅᴏɴᴇ these 𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜.
TW // Slight SMUT/NSFW? Yandere Themes.
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Glittering white stretched across the landscape for miles. The sun casting a warming glow against it as it slowly set across the horizon. Its lasting rays giving warmth to my bundled up body.
Looking down, I watched the snow crunch underneath my boots before continuing on. My breath becoming steady clouds into the settling day while I thought about how long it would take me to get back home.
My estimate would be not for a few hours at least, as I was one to lose track of the time, and wander farther than I should.
Though, It wasn’t unusual for me to venture far out from the property borders of my home. I would always do a “routine check,” but decided that today I was going to push it a little and discover what lies just beyond my usual route, and it proved to be very… peaceful.
The snow was smoothed out perfectly, no slush to be seen from winding roads. The sun was casting its last earthly glow of the day, creating a beautiful ambience of warm and cold colors against the shimmering snow. There even was the smallest of critters running about like the snow fox, hares, and oh! Now even a lynx!
Slowly maneuvering myself down on the ground as not to startle the lynx. I watched as the small feline slowly stalked up to a plump bird on its branch. How its big, fluffy paws didn’t make a sound on top of the surface of the snow. It's praying eyes keeping track of its next dinner, sometimes pausing to make sure the bird didn’t spot them, then the lynx sprang! Catching the bird between its maw. A successful catch for the feline to sedate its stomach until their next hunting session.
Startled by a sudden peculiar sound. The lynx snapped its head up, its ears twitching while looking up at me before running off with its catch.
Confused, I looked back, the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. My eyes scanned the treeline for anything suspicious like a leopard or a mountain lion that could be blending into the environment; stalking me, but I didn’t see anything. No movement.
Slowly getting back up on my feet. I carefully kept my eyes on the treeline with uncertainty. Trying to figure out if I should go investigate it or not. Should I be like a stupid person or a the lucky one in those horror survival movies?
Wiping off some excess snow from my coat. There could honestly be a predator in there trying to lure me into its trap, but what if there was a hurt animal and I just left it to die? To bleed to death? Wasn’t that dishonorable or something? To leave something; someone to bleed to death?
I sighed, another warm cloud passing through my ski mask before I carefully moved toward the tree-line. My mind, telling me just to go back home, and forget about the potentially injured animal. It was long gone by now. No use in saving it, but I pushed through the unforgiving thoughts. Every sense, and nerve ready to spring out of there at the slightest movement.
Going forth, I nearly tripped over something in the snow. Noticing how this thing barely moved when I did. My foot buzzing at the unexpected impact. Looking back, I followed the rather big object I have tripped over up to an even bigger object, posted on a trunk of a tree. It looked like it was shaped like a very big human was just resting here, underneath a blanket of snow. Unless this was a very oddly shaped tree? Bush even?
Stepping a little closer. I brought my hand up to wipe off some of the snow off the object. Feeling how smooth it was under my gloves rather than a rough texture of a tree or some prickly bush. Wiping off some more. My heart jumped in my chest when I noticed it was armor, and not some weird tree or bush. This was Astartes armor.
Quickly wiping off more layers of the snow off the armor. The armor color was like a light blue-ish gray with a wolf-like insignia on its pauldrons meaning I just have found a suit of a Space Wolf, but why was it all the way out here in the middle of nowhere? Wouldn’t their brethren take it? Was there even an Astartes inside of the suit?
That was something I really didn’t want to check, but what if his warband didn’t know that he was missing? What if they have been looking for them? I didn’t want to leave his warband hanging, if he had one.
Slowly sliding my hand onto the sides of the helmet. I stood there tense for a moment. Calculating my options, wondering if this was a really good idea or not. What if he was simply sleeping? It really wouldn’t be out of the books for a Space wolf to do so.
Inhaling, I held my breath and quickly took the helmet off. Fully expecting to have a skeleton in the armor or decaying body jumping out, right at my face, but there wasn’t.
Instead, there was a living, breathing Astartes inside that looked to be an older one than the young ones I've seen around. He had this long platinum blonde hair tied back into a man bun to keep his helmet from catching on it, and had the same color of platinum blond for his classic full beard that fit absolutely perfectly on his masculine face.
Damn, the people weren’t lying when they said they looked like Vikings, and very handsome too.
My breath caught double time in my throat as the Astartes' eyes flew open while I took a step back in surprise. His icy blue eyes staring down at my smaller form despite him being sat on the ground. He still towered by another head or two.
His mouth slowly opened to show his absolute canines that looked like they could shred through flesh. His pink tongue swiping across them before he shot forward.
I didn’t have enough time to even attempt a run away. His teeth piercing through my clothing with ease, aiming for my shoulder while my body landed backward onto the snow, little shimmers of snow flying up. A silent scream leaving my mouth. Shocked of how quickly this Astartes came forward.
Was I going to die by this Astartes ripping out my throat? Was I his next feast? Was he going to leave me to bleed? Why the hell was I dumb enough to check out a damn noise?!
It wasn’t until I felt the pain of him completely latched on my shoulder. His teeth piercing through my skin, did I get out of my shock. My hand desperately pawing at the Astartes armor above me to let me go. A whine leaving my throat as everything became dizzy; foggy.
Lycus didn’t let go until she went limp underneath him. His tongue shooting out between his teeth to lap at the bloodied mark he left on her between her clothing while purring. He didn’t think he would find his bonded right in front of him. Her sweet scent waking him from his slumber, but then again. He has found her before, wandering her set perimeters around her nest.
He rumbled, savoring how her blood tasted on his tongue while he lifted his bonded from the ground, picking up his helmet while he was at it, and carrying her back to her nest. Wondering why she was so far from it. Not that he's complaining much. He got a good opportunity out of it. One that neither of them can let go.
He was waiting for the day he could just snag her, and she made the perfect moment to do so. To sink his teeth right into her skin and claim her.
He knows that he should’ve done it properly. Sniff around for her soft spot. Pamper her before doing so, but he’s seen the eyes the other pups that looked at her with. He felt the need to do it quickly before any one of them even had the idea to advance before him.
His head came down to nuzzle the top of her head. His tongue running over his teeth to resist bitting her again while making sure that his mark took effect, and if it didn’t?
He wouldn’t mind nibbling a little bit more into her soft flesh. Marking her up all over the place to ensure it. Preferably with her crying out beneath him, but he can go both ways. It’s not like he was going to leave her side now.
She was his as he was hers, and that’s not something he’s willing to let go.
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All of your Time | Yandere Hybrid SatoSugu
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The thing about introverts is that they need to recharge
They need time by themselves to be able to handle more interaction
They greatly value their lonesome 
Whether to enjoy their imagination without distraction or to put themselves nose-deep in their field of interest
They have a safe space – a time or place meant to belong to them and only them
It’s why you didn’t go out on the unplanned drinking escapade when your boss and his partner offered
“No, thank you I have something to do tonight.”
Unbeknownst to you, you smashed their hearts into a tiny million pieces with that polite sentence
Though it wouldn’t be the first time
The only time they could get you to agree was when they made plans with many of your friends at a significantly later date
They decided to be nice about getting your affection so why was this so hard
Why was it taking so long to get any of your free time
“Sugu! I’m tired of waiting! Why can’t we just take them now!?”
“We both decided to be patient with them…you’ve already said you didn’t want them to hate you. Right?”
“So we’ll be taking the long way…for now.”
He says that but their patience is running thin
And like a starving pack of wolves, they need something
“Oh yeah (Y/n) kind of really needs their alone time.”
They decide to do some digging as to why this keeps happening
by they I mean Suguru eventually gets an answer from your friend
“They make plans with themselves all the time. Honestly, we’re just lucky the days we do hang out don’t fall on the dates they’ve already picked out.”
Why must their darling be oh so fickle?
They decide to go to their other plan 
One they’ve crafted after many trips with you home where they stayed 3 meters behind and you didn’t know they were there
Passing by an ally you always do stopping at a familiar sound
“Oh my! Two cute friendly kitties in one day? I must be dreaming!”
You aren’t and when you return home you’ve got two fluffy cats that refuse to leave your side
Finally the perfect turnaround of seeing you composed and restrained at work
Then seeing you fawn and coddle them when they transform into cats in your home
Suguru and Satoru had gained their wealth through several means
Privilege, hard work, physical prowess, and agility that made them a force to be reckoned with in the underworld
Suddenly their ability to transform into their ‘lesser forms’ comes in handy when they feel the need to have more of your time
This time when you cancel going out with them they’re not too hurt
Knowing you're already running back home to be with them
It’s the perfect little plan that lets them have see so much more of you:
“Awww my little Nightsky~your like my little guardian! Even when I’m in the bath you watch after me, thank you!”
The black, purple-eyed cat purred in contentment as you let your fingers massage the cat’s head. Readjusting your robe you slipped into your slippers and made your way to your bed. On your way, you lightly rubbed the cheek of your white cat who was sat on his cat tree aggressively flicking his tail. 
You cooed,” Don’t be jealous Cream, it’s just that you get a little crazy whenever I let you in while I’m taking a bath.”
The cat meowed indignantly. Chuckling to yourself you grabbed your phone from your nightstand. Plopping on your bed you started scrolling through unanswered messages sent to you. In your peripheral you watched the cats mew at one another before beginning to playfully wrestle.
“Be careful on the cat tree, you two.”
They seemed to ignore you subsequently rolling off the perch and onto the floor. Having seen them do this exact action before you didn’t bother looking away as you read the messages from your friend in your department. Your lips pursed as the string of messages ended with a voice note.
“Hey, those two are still asking about you. Why don’t you give them a chance? Maybe they just want to be your friends?”
Sighing you prepped yourself to make your own voice note, unaware of both your cats’ attention solely directed towards you.
“If they do want that–and I highly doubt that–don’t they feel off? Like did you see how that grumpy old man gets so mousy when they’re around? I just don’t think I’d want to associate with that.”
After ending and sending your voice note, you hold your phone as it pings with messages from your friend. Holding in a giggle you tap back your response. Conveniently Cream and Nightsky are at your side rubbing their bodies and tails in front of your face as they both sprawl out on your forearms.
You scold them but you have no plans to move them instead continuing to text your friend. Occasionally kissing your cat’s heads you continue to inform them–your friend—of even more dirt you’d found on your overly-friendly employers. It lightly amuses you how it looks like your cats are reading the texts as well though you're sure it’s your fingers quickly moving that they’re so entranced by.
A ping goes off and you quickly shoot up to throw on some clothes. The cats look curiously as you crazily hop around before snatching your keys. You smiled at your approaching cats,” Okay boys! Our delivery gal got caught at the gate. So I’m going to go get food be my good boys!”
Blowing kisses, you disappear with a slam and locking of the door.
Your footsteps disappear down the hallway. 
And your apartment is silent. 
For a little while.
“Geez are we really that off-putting?”
Standing and looking longingly at the door is the pouting and naked, Gojo Satoru. An owner of the company (Y/n) is currently employed at and the only white-haired man who was rubbing his face into the intimate threads of their robe.
Suguru Geto, also stark naked and the CEO of that company was sighing and holding the bridge of his nose, “ Perhaps we really won’t be able to convince them otherwise.”
“Why don’t we just take them now? Burn the condo and sweep ‘em off their feet?”
“Because I know you know they’d hate that.”
Satoru lifted his head with a sadistic smirk and shrugged his shoulders,” So? They’ll get over it!”
Suguru put a disappointed hand over his face if only to hide the smile that tickled his lips. “They’re not like me…or you…we have to be gentle. Too much shock and we’ll ruin them forever.”
Satoru whined, abandoning the robe he snagged to join Suguru on the couch. Posturing himself right above his husband, “C’mmmooonnn! They’re strong enough, they can take it!”
The ravenette wasn’t swayed, teasingly turning his head as he rested he his chin on his hand. “No ‘Toru too high a risk.”
“Then why don’t we take another approach, Satoru lightly turned Suguru’s head towards him flashing his award-winning smile,” How about we work a different angle.”
Suguru’s brow quirked in intrigue.
“One where we happened to be their perfectly timed saviors.”
“Do you really think that’d work?”
“I say we try it! Otherwise, I’m back to Plan: A!”
Suguru couldn’t help but laugh bringing the man down to nuzzle his own nose. Planting a kiss on his lips, he opened wider as Satoru dove in. Pulling away after a minute Suguru cutely mimicked his cat form as he batted his eyes,” Am I forgiven for me and (Y/n)’s time in the bath?”
Satoru sucked his teeth. “You almost made me forget you slimy snake! How dare you?!”
Suguru shrugged with a smirk on his face, sending a scolding look when Gojo growled and angrily clutched at his hair. The tension was released when they both let out boisterous laughter. 
The apartment wasn’t silent anymore.
And you’d returned from getting takeout a while ago.
“What the actual f–!”
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libby-for-life · 5 months
Could you do a yandere lucifer x yandere lilith x adam oneshot, please
Maybe adam goes back in time to eden and realize he wants nothing to do with those two. But lilith and lucifer noticed the change and decided to do something about it.
.....mmmmm. Oh, this feeds the soul!
Adam fucking hated this. That bitch cyclops just had to kill him, didn't she? And now? And now he was in some cruel twist of irony and he was back in the Garden of Eden. He was back with her and Lucifer and he couldn't stand the sight of them.
He had already seen the glances they'd been giving each other. Acting as if he was stupid and couldn't feel the sexual tension between them.
Well, he already had his week of existential crisis and his meltdown. Now? Now he just wants to avoid all of them altogether. They want to have their shitty love story? They can have it! Just don't expect Adam to watch it!
With that in mind, Adam decided to ignore and avoid them. They can get kicked out of Eden for all he cares. Just as long as they aren't near him.
Lilith notices it first. She was always trying to find a way to avoid Adam. He wasn't cruel or mean, he was just...well, to be blunt, boring. He seemed so much like a...an empty vessel more than a man. Lilith was put off by it and always found excuses to be away from him. He believed her every time and she shoved the feeling of guilt for lying but....she couldn't be with him.
Then she realized she hadn't seen him in two weeks. Seeing Lucifer in secret had never been easier. She found it...odd. Usually by now, he would be calling her name and clinging to her like....like the monkeys that swung in the trees. Sometimes...it was far too tight and she just wanted some space.
Now, as she basked in the afterglow of what she and Lucifer just did, she couldn't help but question it.
"Hm?" Lucifer replied, looking at her with the most caring and loving eyes. Lilith couldn't help but smile.
"Have...you seen Adam around? It's been a while." Lucifer cocked his head. Probably because Adam was never really brought up in the conversations they had.
He hummed before answering. "Now that you've mentioned it, I haven't seen him. That's odd. He'd usually be looking for us by now."
They both shared a look. Well, she supposed it didn't matter. Adam must be doing his own thing.
Another week passes and now Lucifer is getting worried. "You're both under my care." He said to Lilith. "I don't want something bad to happen to him. I'm going to go look for him." Lucifer searched Eden and found him on the other side of the garden. Far away from Lucifer and Lilith.
He was sleeping under a pile of animals. Wolves. All of them were huge compared to Adam’s slimmer frame. He looked so peaceful. See? Lucifer told himself. You were worried for nothing. All the same, he walked over to wake him up. Adam would be overjoyed to see him!
Adam woke up to someone poking his cheek. He mumbled and snuggled back into Metallica's fur. A baritone laugh made him sit up. Lucifer. He stood over him with a gentle smile. Adam ignored the feeling of nostalgia when he saw that smile directed at him and instead leveled the archangel with a blank look.
Lucifer looked down at him with surprise. What, Adam's no longer vying for affection and you can't understand it? Tough titty.
"Uh...I was just checking up on you! I haven't seen you in a while! How are you?"
Adam held back a scoff. He's been avoiding them for three weeks and only now has Lucifer decided to check up on him?
"Fine. You can go now." Lucifer tilted his head and flinched. "You...want me to leave?"
"Yes. You're bothering me." Adam said standing up. He was smaller than his former angel form but he was taller than Lucifer. "You know what? I'll just leave." And Adam walked away with the rest of the wolves, leaving Lucifer to stare back in shock.
"He just left? He didn't want you there?" Lilith questioned, completely taken aback. This was NOT the Adam she knew.
"I was surprised too. He said I was bothering him." Lucifer looked down in thought and a bit of hurt came across her vision. Lilith hugged him and looked up at the sky in thought. Perhaps she should try? Adam was always happy to see her!
It took her a while to find him but she caught sight of him climbing a fruit tree, oranges, and she smiled. He had a look of determination on his face. A wolf pack surrounded the tree and she smiled and petted one. "Hi, Adam!"
She should have known better than to startle him. Lilith watched with horror as Adam lost his grip due to surprise and fell from his branch.
Quicker than what she thought possible, she ran forward and caught the First Man in her arms. Adam clung to her in surprise and a bit of fear crossed his features.
"Well, that could have been a nasty fall!" Lilith said, letting out a laugh. Adam was a bit smaller than her by a head so it didn't feel awkward to hold him like this.
Lilith watched in fascination as a red blossomed over Adam’s cheeks and he looked away. "C-can you let me down?"
Lilith held back a smirk but let him go. "Are you okay?"
"Fine." All traces of his blush were gone and Lilith looked at his indifferent face with shock. He...had never looked at her that way before.
"I'm going to go now. Don't follow me." Lilith was too stunned to do anything but gape at Adam as he walked away with the wolf pack. This was DEFINITELY not the Adam she knew!
"He's different. I didn't know how, but he is." Lilith said to Lucifer. "What do you think made him change?"
"I don't know. But we're going to find out." For the next month, they followed Adam and observed him. He seemed the happiest with animals and played with the wolf pack constantly. Adam would run when they approached so they stuck to following.
He seemed so...carefree. Happy. The two of them would smile as they watched the First Man just live his life and was perfectly happy with being alone. But...things really changed when Lilith and Lucifer saw Adam touch himself for the first time.
They were watching him sleep, when did they start doing that, and watched as Adam’s penis became erect. What was he dreaming about? Lilith and Lucifer couldn't help but blush when they saw it.
Adam woke up to his problem and he sighed. With a blush staining his own cheeks, he grabbed his penis and began stroking himself.
A moan tumbled out. They didn't realize how...sensitive he was. Lilith bit her lip as she watched slender fingers grip his manhood and rub it. He was...cute doing this. Lilith's blush deepened when she accepted that thought.
Lucifer was watching with hooded eyes as Adam went on all fours, ass up and head down as he touched himself. He had been turned on before but this was something else. It was on par with Lilith. A glance at her told him that she was turned on as well. Her face matched his. The face of someone watching prey and Lucifer bit his lip as smirked.
"Are you liking what you're seeing?" Lucifer asked and Lilith turned to him, eyes burning. "Yes."
"I am too." They both watched as Adam’s form arched and cute whimpers left his plump lips. He came on the ground, thighs trembling from being in that position for so long.
They watch him get up and walk away, presumably to wash himself. Then, Lilith turned him and gave him her look. The look she gave him was one of want and desire.
"I want him."
They decided to ambush him while he was bathing. They watched with smiles as he played in the water and swam around. Lilith bit her lip as she walked from the bush she was watching from and slipped in. Silently moving forward, she stood behind him as Lucifer's naked form came into view of Adam.
"Lucifer?!" Adam cried out and Lilith smirked at the blush that creeped all the way behind his neck and ears. Adam was so cute flustered like this.
"Taking a bath? Mind if I join?" Lucifer said, slipping into the water. "Uh—um," Adam stammered and backed up. Right into Lilith's awaiting arms. She hugged him from behind, pushing her breasts over his shoulders so that his face was cradled between them.
"I'm going to join too."
"Hu?!" A high whimper left Adam making the two others smirk. Aw, he's embarrassed!
"Hm. I think you missed a spot." Lucifer said, swimming forward. Adam watched him with a furious blush as the archangel brushed a hand over his toned stomach.
"Wa? Missed? I didn't miss anything!" Adam protested as the two chuckled. "Why don't I show you then?"
Adam would have jumped if Lilith wasn't holding him so securely because Lucifer licked a strip of his stomach with a devious smirk. Lilith cooed and kissed his cheek as Adam hid his burning face to the side. He was really quite sensitive!
"No! Wa—mm! I—ah!" Adam protested but Lucifer kept licking up and up his body and Lilith bit his ear at the same time teeth found their way on a nipple.
"Ah~!" Adam moaned loud and clear. They continued exploring his body as Adam writhed in Lilith's grip. "Oh, isn't he just the cutest?" Lilith said as she bit alongside his neck. Adam's breath met her breasts as he tried to hide from Lucifer's piercing gaze.
"He really is," Lucifer replied. "Carry him to the bank? I think we'll need to give him the attention he deserves."
Lilith scooped up Adam easily and he hung in her grip loosely, far too lost in his pleasure to realize they were moving. Lilith sat down and placed Adam on her lap before kissing him.
Adam's eyes widened in surprise and she easily took control. Making sure that she held an arm around his waist, she brought him close.
They broke apart, a string of saliva the only thing connecting them as she stared deeply into his eyes. She smiled when he whimpered in confusion.
"Lucifer. Want to try? He's a good kisser." Lilith watched as Adam’s face was turned to the side and Lucifer kissed him deeply. She moaned. Watching as Lucifer dominated Adam was...exhilarating.
He also said he wanted to try having sex with him. Lilith was confused at first as to how but Lucifer explained it to her and she was determined to see it for herself.
Once they broke apart, Lilith shifted Adam until his face was lying on her breasts. He looked at her with a small and wobbly smile, his eyes glazed.
"Aw. Did Lucifer make you feel good, Adam? What him to make you feel even better?"
"Yesh..." Adam slurred making the two coo at him. Lucifer bent down and licked at his pink bud. Adam's eyes widened but Lilith was quick to shush him and allowed him to bury his face in her breasts as Lucifer tongue fucked him.
Moans and whimpers filled the air, even more so when Lucifer entered him using something much bigger.
"Ah! Ah! So...big!" Adam moaned out, drooling on Lilith. He slumped in her grip and Lilith smiled and kissed his forehead. "That's it. Be good for us. No more running away. Understood?"
Adam nodded, far too lost in the sticky folds of his pleasure to understand Lilith fully, but the First Woman was happy nonetheless.
"That's right Adam," Lucifer growled. "You're ours!"
"Y-yours?" Adam slurred out. "But...why?"
Lilith tilted her head. "Because we want you."
"Ah! D-didn't want me, mmmm, before...."
Lilith winced. She really did hurt Adam by avoiding him. Well, he won't have to worry about it anymore.
"Then how about we prove it to you that you're ours?" Lucifer said before increasing his speed.
Adam clutched onto Lilith and cried tears of pleasure. Lucifer must have been hitting that special place called the prostate. Apparently, it made Adam feel immense amount of pleasure.
"Lucifer! Lilith! Yesh! Yesh!" He slurred out and moaned high when he came. He passed out, his face slumping into Lilith's breasts making the First Woman hug him close. Lucifer slipped out and kissed Adam’s neck before kissing Lilith.
"Wow....he felt so good!" Lucifer said and Lilith nodded eagerly. She gently transferred him to Lucifer so he could hold their Adam. She stretched and began washing off the semen. "He's ours now," Lilith said as she sat back down. "Ours."
Lucifer nodded and they both shared twin looks of possessive desire. Adam was theirs and Heaven help anyone who tried to take him away.
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Who I think would be the least to most difficult Yandere to deal with from the Wolf Pack in Twilight. Let's talk about the worst aspects of them that make them dangerous.
(Yes, I am having a brainrot right now.)
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, clinginess, manipulation, guilt-tripping, stalking, agression
Least to most difficult
Embry Call
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Embry is "probably" the most harmless shape-shifter from the entire pack and that is mainly thanks to his shy, reserved and considerate nature. In comparison to most of his fellow wolves at least. He is pretty much the only wolf who is too scared and way too embarrassed to approach you directly after he's imprinted and he gives everything way too much thought. You can't even guess how much thought, care and practice has gone into the moment where he finally dares to start a conversation with you. He wrecks his brain and his nerves even more when he plans to ask you out. Obviously he's still obsessive, possessive and clingy but those traits of his are toned down thanks to his quiet and somewhat flustered personality as he cares about how his darling perceives him. A rejection would be the worst thing that could happen so he's very careful with the way he acts around you and the people you love most. He doesn't want to ruin any meaningful bonds you have with others because of him, wants to be accepted by those people if he could have the best possible scenario.
It is important to mention that he's still a little creep who stalks you for the first few weeks, unable to approach you with his jittery nerves. Whilst this dies down for the most part if you two are a couple and you understand and accept the situation that you're in as his imprint, bad habits hardly die down fully. He's not someone who falls very easily victim to negative and violent thoughts so it's safe to have him with you when you hang out with your friends or fellow family members. He gets jealous after a while sure but surprisingly enough he gives you a while to notice that he's in a slightly uncomfortable position with the lack of attention. Believe me, there are people who have way worse jealous reactions in comparison to Embry's more needy tugs on your clothes all of a sudden as he tenses up when the lack of attention starts affecting him. In general he prefers to not stick out or make a scene. It's within his own comfort and yours too. That results in Embry being able to not come over as a pushover or someone unneccessarily overbearing unless he senses that something is wrong.
The fact that he is somewhat aware that some of the stuff he does stalking isn't something he should do also pays off to him being as considerate as he is. Even if he has a hard time accepting this, Embry knows that personal space matters to you at times too. He could spend every waking second with you but before he risks you growing annoyed and tired of him, he at least makes the effort to leave you alone for a bit. What contributes to him caring so much about your own wishes too is his talent to stay in tune with your own emotions. Embry is very sensitive around you and for that picks up your current mood and it always affects him too. It allows him to be great at comforting you silently when you feel down but on the negative side it also means that you can't keep stuff hidden from him since he senses it when you're lying or are nervous about something. He relies on you, opens up about his own feelings which he normally never tells anyone, and for that reacts very emotional and desperate if he fears that you might leave him. Can you really leave him despite knowing all that?
Seth Clearwater
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Seth is in all honesty such a sweetheart and devotee but there are a few things that play in him not being at the bottom of the list. His young age and the naivety when it comes to imprinting are two major parts in it. He has so much to learn about shape-shifting and about the world in general, has only heard stories about imprinting so that leads to him romanticizing everything about it when he finally finds his other half. You're his entire world the moment you locked eyes with him and ever since that moment, Seth has been unable to leave you alone. I'm not kidding, he follows you everywhere and wants to be always with you as he sees this as sort of normal. You're his imprint, he's supposed to stay with you and protect you. Telling him to leave or asking him for some time alone rarely ever works and the only thing you earn are tears blurring his eyes as the thought of leaving you hurts and scares him as his young age leads him to heightened separation anxiety. There are no bad intention of guilt-tripping you behind those tears but it manages to make you feel bad most of the time anyways.
You often find yourself gullible around Seth as he's so easily emotional. If Embry gets influenced by your emotions, Seth exhibits them even stronger than you. If you're happy, he is too but if you're sad, he's even more so. He's terribly sensitive so if he really notices that you're deeply miserable, he starts crying in most cases as he's unable to hold his emotions in. He never means to do anything harmful by being such an open book but his strong emotions coupled with his need to stay with you all the time can be mentally exhausting at times for you. On a positive side note this is what allows him to handle his jealousy better than some of the more experienced wolves though as he's joyful when you are, even if you're not paying attention to him at the moment. Be careful though, he's still one of the youngest of the pack so in moments where he does get furious, he has more troubles not keeping his emotions under control and channeling all of his negative feelings onto the person who elicited them in the first place. This gets especially out of hand if he has shifted.
Seth finds himself relying on you far more than he should, especially in the relationship since he's younger than most other members of the pack. This means on the one hand that you can manipulate him the easiest but it also means that he greatly panics and doesn't know what to do if you're emotionally hurt besides crying with you and acting overbearing. In the worst case he has a meltdown because he experiences your emotions so much stronger. Something that isn't even directly his fault but also plays into his placement is his sister. Leah has yet to find her imprint and remains incredibly bitter about Sam has imprinted on her cousin so I imagine her being very adamant to not let Seth suffer from any pain now that he has found his imprint. If Seth loves you too much to fully blame you from any pain he goes through because of separation, Leah will blame you and cause you to feel bad. At the same time she also realizes that her brother is a tad bit too obsessive and tries to teach him how to love someone in a more normal fashion if you're too soft for that.
Sam Uley
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Surprisingly enough, Sam ranks fairly low on this list. I think that is mainly because he's very mature for his age and the fact that he was the first one to shift and had to explain and help everyone who shifted after him is a huge attribute to this. He's the alpha of the pact so that automatically forces him to take up more responsibilities than other members as he makes the decisions most of the time and additionally his pack tends to be a rowdy bunch so he has to remind them at times to snap out of it and act their part. With the most experience stocked behind him, it's perhaps unsurprising that Sam is aware about the fact that his imprint bond causes his feelings to dwell on the borderline of being unhealthy. So he makes the effort to control himself in order to not overwhelm and scare you away from him, he's very careful how much of his emotions he exposes around you. Sam has to stay in contact with you though as any distance for too long physically hurts him. He might be considerate but be aware that he won't leave you alone for too long either.
His experience and practice as the first wolf of the current generation enables him to be able to spend time with you around people without feeling all the time jealous or possessive. It's not a safety hazard to go out with Sam in public places as he lets you spend time with friends or interact with random strangers. He actually puts trust in you unless you prove him otherwise and that trust comes with more freedom for you as you know that he won't interfere unless you signal him so or unless he thinks that something is wrong. You're actually able to talk and rationalize with the alpha if something does bother him and both of you can negotiate certain stuff simply because he acknowledges your own feelings and wishes and tries his best to find a middle ground where both of you are comfortable. Sam leans more into the protective than possessive side and since you're his imprint, he sees it as his responsibility to guarantee your safety and happiness. I feel like especially because his father has given him and his mother troubles, he'd be very determined to make you happy.
Now that we've shaded enough positive things about him, let's talk about the bad stuff which is precisely the fact that he's the alpha and feels like it's his responsibility to make you happy. Because this leadership really shows at times in the relationship because especially if his darling isn't someone who speaks up, Sam will take pretty much control over it. He's very dominant and whilst he isn't domineering and only makes decision which he thinks are best for you, if he has set his mind to something it is very difficult to convince him otherwise. Yes, he is negotiating but only if you agree to his conditions or otherwise he won't let you leave. If something is an absolute "no" in his mind, it'll remain that way and there's literally nothing you can do. If you go against him even if he forbids you something, you'll truly experience all the reasons why he's still dangerous. If you go against a rule he has set, you'll lose his trust and not only that, Sam will grow very strict. Restrictions are suddenly interfering with your life as you fully experience him taking full control for a while. Until you've earned his trust back.
Jared Cameron
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We're now entering the zone where things get out of hand, starting with Jared. Now, you might wonder why I've placed him above Sam because on the surface, Jared appears to be rather harmless. He's extroverted and constantly cracks jokes to elicit laughter or a smile out of you. Truthfully speaking though, Jared's problems already start with his perception of the imprint bond. He sees nothing wrong with it and he never questions his thoughts and his actions as a result either. Separation from you is literally one of the worst things you could do to him as he experiences pain and a few of the worst mood swings you'll see. He constantly switches back and forth between moping on the floor in misery to growling at other pack members, irritated and unmotivated. You always have to stay in some sort of contact with him or otherwise he'll ask you immediately why you couldn't come over to him or at least call him or send him a mail. To avoid all potential troubles Jared might experience if you aren't with him, you oftentimes are forced to spend entire days with him. Without a break.
Now, Jared cares about his darling and wants them to be happy with him but if they ever ask him for a short time alone, he'll only end up with a mix of confusion and hurt. He can spend every second with you because you're his imprint, you should feel the same, shouldn't you? The previously mentioned misunderstanding of his view of the imprint bond gives you only more of an headache because Jared is literally unable to understand or accept that you want your privacy at times too and want to spend time without him. Both of you might have gotten into arguments about this a few times already yet you got nowhere as Jared is always too dense to comprehend what you demand from him. What do you know about the imprint bond anyways? He's the shape-shifter, not you. This particular mindset is something that he goes by rather strongly and makes the situation only worse at times. You're human, you don't understand what's going on right now and just like that, Jared has written all your arguments and opinions off as your lack of understanding of his world.
With him around, it's impossible to have a decent conversation with others as he despises it when your attention isn't on him. He starts distracting you and if you try to ignore him or shove him away, he'll only get worse. There are also times where he just doesn't like a person for no rational reason and for that is always very wary and on guard around them. If they get anywhere near you, he'll glare heavily at them. It can or can't go well with him when you're with others he doesn't feel safe around. The moment he pulls you closer to him and you realize the growl vibrating inside his chest, you know it's time to leave though because you're not risking it as soon as you know what he is. Jared is willing to resort to emotional blackmailing if he sees the need for it and once you have him kneeling in front of you, hugging you and sobbing to not be mad at him and to not leave him, you'll find yourself stuck. Once he has realized that something works on you to convince you to not do something, he remembers it and uses it again. Especially arguments are always cut short for that reason as he hates getting in conflicts. Let's just stay happy like this.
Quil Ateara
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Quil is almost similar to Jared in a few ways. Both wouldn't necessarily appear all that dangerous upon the first few glances. Quil himself is a very cheerful and happy individual and that only intensifies upon imprinting on you. He's charming and he's constantly complimenting you and in a few ways he's actually a bit better than Jared is. He is handling his jealousy better as happiness is something that makes you look only more beautiful so he just endures it for a while before he starts making sarcastic jokes, something you'll hopefully realize and turn around to give him the attention he so sorely craves. Quil is often taking you outside too because whilst he also enjoys just being somewhere with you where no people and no other distractions are, the city offers the chance for fun dates which he wants you two to have so there won't be such a big isolation factor. Physical separation from you is not something he can deal with at all though and even if he tries, he's unable to do anything after a while as your absence pains him greatly. You often have to come back to get him back on his feet.
Quil harbors a similar mindset as Jared in which he thinks that you probably react the way you are because you don't understand what's going on but differently from Jared, he tries to sympathize with you. Or at least give you the illusion of doing so, a strategy to appease you in order to not get into an unnecessary argument with you. That's a problem with Quil. He backs off and follows your wishes for a while so you calm down before he goes to break them again and act the same way, trying to justify his behavior by saying that he slipped up and that it isn't that easy for him to stay away from you thanks to the imprint bond. He's much more likely to use manipulation on you and it's frightening to think how much he actually calculates behind his happy grin. Technically speaking Quil's darling experiences more freedom than Jared's darling would but the main reason why Quil is higher is because he's far more unpredictable. Jared is with his behavior very frequent to the point where you can anticipate his reactions, Quil on the other hand is much more sly and frankly spoken, scarier.
This man takes matters into his own hands if he sees the need for it and that is a very frightening aspect. Sure, he won't kill or hurt humans unless he's given a good reason but whilst all the previous shape-shifters wouldn't go necessarily much against humans because it's their job to protect them from vampires, Quil will. He's almost apathetic to someone who has harmed or hurt you in any way or form as in his eyes, only someone truly evil could hurt you. It's difficult for such people to gain any forgiveness from him. Even if you forgive them, even if this is a person you still want in your life, if they fail to convince Quil, it's over. He will cut all ties you have with that person and even if your sadness breaks his heart, he views the connection with such a person only as toxic and as a guarantee to get you hurt again. Better cut ties before it hurts more. He doesn't shy away from using threats and intimidation to get the message across and the worst part about it is that he's lying to you. He tells you that he doesn't know why that person is suddenly avoiding you whilst comforting you all at the same time.
Paul Lahote
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I think it's obvious why he's placed that high but let's jump straight into the mess that is Paul anyways. His temper is already short as it is so just imagine what it's going to be like once he imprints on his s/o. Paul, from the moment his world has shifted upon looking at you, acts incredibly possessive and dominant, jealous and aggressive. Being with you isn't just something he wants, it's something he needs and whether you like it or not, he's from that point on always sticking with you. Partially he might understand your point of view but at the end of the day, he's feeling incredibly entitled and even desperate as he just can't be away from you. He can't! Why can't you understand that? His entitlement is very difficult to handle as he essentially sees himself due to the imprint bond as the only one who is meant to protect you and who can protect you. So instead of being fully grateful if someone else helps you, he's pissed off that they interfered with a bond they couldn't even begin to fathom. You're not a victim to his ire but he's slightly mad when you ask someone else for help since that should be him.
As his possessive and protective obsession spikes his anger issues into space, you see yourself faced with multiple problems once you know what Paul is. His emotions are out of control as even the smallest thing could set him off at any time. One wrong glance from someone, one insult that is whispered behind your back or even a joke from a friend of yours that comes over wrong in his head. He tends to get angry over even the small stuff which you would usually brush off and don't pay too much attention too. He can't just ignore it if someone teases you or says something rude to you, even if it comes from someone you're close to. Not even to mention that his possessive side leads to increased jealousy to the point where he growls even at your close friends. He seems to trust no one with your safety besides himself. His overprotective behavior makes him on top of it all very overbearing as he's constantly hovering around you and makes a big fuss over you as soon as he realizes that you're in any sort of pain. He gives you even less space in such cases as all his instincts scream at him to take care of you.
There's definitely a big isolation factor alongside his limited patience. Paul does practice to control his temper but the amount of times he suffers from a relapse is saddening as much as disappointing for you as his feelings always get the better of him. In order to prevent anything bad from happening, you have to spend most of your time alone with him which Paul doesn't mind but you definitely do. You constantly have to neglect other people as Paul consumes almost all of your time for himself because otherwise he can't be reasoned with. You know he's very sweet and funny if he's alone and has your attention only on himself but the moment anyone else is around you two, he always seems to be on guard. Even his own pack members aren't an exception to that. If you want to do something alone, you need hours to convince Paul who doesn't want to hear any of it. You need to call him though multiple times an hour or otherwise he'll come running after you. Once you've left his field of vision, he's worried sick as his irritation increases every minute.
Leah Clearwater
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We've nearly arrived at the top of the list now and the second place goes to the only female shape-shifter in the pack: Leah Clearwater. But why? Well, I feel like there's one big event that pretty much influenced her life and changed her personality. That's the day where Sam, her ex-boyfriend, imprinted on her cousin Emily and broke up with her. She was happily in love before her heart got torn apart and she hasn't forgiven Sam nor Emily fully for it. Worst is that Sam is now her alpha and she's seeing him and Emily being happy together far too often which only worsens her heartbreak. Even if Emily is his imprint, she can't get over it and it isn't until she locks eyes with you for the first time that she's for the first time able to understand why Sam made the decision he did. You're happiness, you're a cure and an absolute joy in her grim life and Leah knows that she'd do anything to keep you safe and happy. Alongside with the imprint bond comes a feeling of pressure unlike anything she has experienced before though as with the sheer ecstasy comes also stress and an overwhelming tightness in her chest.
Leah is insecure. Insecure and terrified. Whilst she has now gotten over Sam, the pain and the previous heartbreak now shifts into something else. Insecurity, fear and paranoia that somehow she'll lose you too. She doesn't want her heart to be broken again since she knows that she'd never recover if you would reject her and it's this paranoia and fear that turns her into this bitter, possessive and jealous woman. Sam and Emily have shaped her and she'll never recover from those issues throughout her entire life which means that she'll never learn how to deal with her emotions. Worst is that she doesn't even try, differently from some other wolves. I mean, even Paul tries to control his anger issues even if he fails but Leah never seeks treatment to better herself. She has better control over her ability to shift anyways and with the rest of her broken emotions, she doesn't see the need to practice to better herself. Instead she lets her fear guide her to act incredibly possessive and overprotective. She wants to do well but her reactions are always far too extreme as soon as she notices that something is wrong with you.
Her open insecurities are her main problem in the relationship as she's quite often worried that you'll find someone who you like more than her. Believe me, she knows that she is hard to be around but she can hardly reason with herself as her feelings always take control over her. She might not be as openly aggressive as Paul is but she'll definitely scare people away from you too. She gets very easily jealous and that can even apply to family members and closest friends of you, even if she knows herself that you value them only platonically. There's little to no respect she shows someone as soon as they've triggered her as she insults them in a bitter tone, poison seething through her words. She never apologizes to them either as her pride holds her back and she only feels guilty when she realizes that she's hurt you by acting so rude. Leah wants to shield you from feeling even an ounce of the pain she had to go through but that unfortunately leads her to cutting people out of your life as soon as they've made you cry. She doesn't care what their motives are, she'll never forgive them. They just have to stay away from you.
Jacob Black
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Did you see this coming? Jacob and Leah are at the top of my list for the exact same reason. Both used to be very deeply in love with someone but both were rejected because that person loved someone else. I give Jacob the price of being the most difficult one though because I feel like he'll exhibit everything in an even worse way than Leah. Why? Because at this rate Jacob just doesn't care anymore. Paul cares about his darling and tries to control himself, Leah ocassionally cares and feels guilty, but Jacob just doesn't anymore. He's done with being hurt, done with being left behind for someone else. Now he has finally found his imprint, the person most important to him and he decides that he'll never allow history to repeat itself. That's why he's willing to go very far and use very low tricks to manage to get close to you as fast as possible as he's in a desperate rush right now as every person around you is suddenly turned into a potential rival in his eyes. He feels bad about it if he sees that it has a negative effect on you but he shoves it all away as he prioritizes his own needs.
Jacob is sure that if you give it a try with him, you'll soon forget about the sadness you experience. In his mind you two only need each other and no one else is really needed. He definitely lives after this philosophy as he makes you his absolute priority and neglects and ditches everyone else and expects you to do the same. If you don't do the same and actually meet others and prefer to spend time with them instead of spending time with him, he'll hold it against you and even more against the person who has such a bad influence on you. He pushes anyone away from you who hurts you even once or whom he simply dislikes for being close with you and since he's so incredibly clingy and no one really likes him with his sultry and rude attitude he always has around others, your social contacts begin to wither away. He's openly mentally unstable and very toxic to the point where everyone around him notices. Yet no one is able to reason with him and make him listen. Not his pack, not his alpha and not even his own father. If Bella tries to help him? That'll just end in a disaster as he has lost all sympathy for her.
From all shape-shifters, Jacob is also the one who uses guilt-tripping and emotional blackmailing the most without shame. Leah uses emotional blackmail sometimes too but not nearly as much as Jacob does. As soon as you start going against him and question the undeniable control he wants to have over your life to feel a little bit more secure, he's always resorting to it. Whether it's him justifying it all with the imprint bond or blaming Bella for having broken his heart previously and having made him this way, he does everything to take your mind elsewhere and stop you from protesting, stop you from leaving him. He can lose his cool for a moment and start shouting at you if you prove to be stubborn although at this point he has probably already started crying in hopes that tears will tug at your heartstrings. There's a point where he snaps though and that's probably when he's just unnerving as he threatens to hurt himself if you try to leave him. Do you want to risk it? I can tell you that he'll definitely start neglecting taking care of himself until you come back to him.
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another-lost-mc · 2 months
OMG THE ZEE FIC!! There's just something about yandere demon ocs that make me feral 🤭
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Oh no, handsome demons being obsessed with you~
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If the demon brothers and side characters can be a little sketchy, so can the OCs.
cw: yandere-ish themes and behaviours including stalking, implied violence and non-con magic/drugging to influence mc.
Karasu shares Levi's brand of obsessive jealousy and desire, easily concealed by his impressive connections and his naturally shy, passive demeanor. Being a social introvert has its advantages, after all. The amount of information as his disposal through the technology he created makes it easy for him to observe MC safely from a distance while gathering information about anyone else who attempts to get close to them.
Zee would be similar to Lucifer or Barbatos I think. Smart enough to know how much he can get away with, and he has enough restraint not to draw attention to himself in the process. Plus, like the other two demons, Zee has his own little tricks and conspirators that naturally help him avoid detection while keeping tabs on MC.
Azra and Belial are infatuation-at-first-sight types, where Azra is more jealous and Belial is more possessive when it comes to their love interests. Unfortunately, they both have poor impulse control and rely on their trusted associates (Zee for Azra, Shaitan for Belial) to keep things from getting out of hand and help them clean up any messes along the way. They're a weird combination of Mammon, Satan, and Asmo when it comes to their very boisterous affections for MC (and barely-restrained anger at anyone who gets in their way).
Tenebris has Solomon's magical tricks and Diavolo's nearly untouchable privilege. He's less inclined to use magic on MC, instead choosing to use whatever means necessary to quietly chase away or dispose of his competition. There's probably no surprise that he feels confident about escaping any real repercussions should his actions be discovered - his brother's not going to punish him the way he might any other demon (and if Diavolo is secretly taking part in the scheme, who could blame him, it's a fair compromise they both benefit from).
Simeon and the angel OCs have their sweet faces, pleasant personalities and natural charisma to help lure MC into their grasp. They're the wolves in sheep's clothing that stalk the tasty morsels in the flock. And what's even better - or worse, depending who you ask - is that many of the angels are willing to cooperate.
Metatron and Asmo will seem similar with their bubbly cheerfulness and how touchy-feely they are in MC's personal space.
Seraphiel, Gabriel and Uriel will seem similar to Lucifer or Satan with their calm, methodical approach to dealing with obstacles (and the incensed frustrations they hide behind sweet smiles, resolved later with sharp blades and split knuckles behind closed doors).
Habuhiah has Solomon's brilliance and Beel's warm, protective demeanor. She is calm and reliable, using her knowledge of magic and herbs to create to sweeten MC's affections for her and no one else. She spends most of her time working alone and far away from the Celestial Halls, and when MC visits, it's the perfect excuse to spend time together where the other angels are less likely to interfere.
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shini--chan · 6 months
R, U and Z from the yandere alphabet for finland please?
Yandere Finland - Ophanim
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Ra - Would they stalk you? How closely would you be watched while under their care?
Yes, like a ghost more or less. The thing is, he wants you to know that you are being watched. Timo wants you to become jittery and scared, that you feel his eyes following you. Should you not notice him so fast, then he'll help you along a bit. Furniture will be moved around the place you live and things will go missing only to reappear a few days later. Food would be taken out of your fridge and the bed you made in the morning would be rumpled. 
Terrorising you wouldn't be the primary goal in mind here, even though he is a hunter at heart, so don't worry. All of this would be to get to know you better. People only show their true colours in high stress situations, and this would just be one of many ways of cracking all your barriers open. Also, you would be seeking comfort because of the nerve wrecking experience, and he'd be happy to sooth your worries. If he'd go far enough, maybe you'll feel more comfortable in his living space than your own and end up moving to his place. Aside from that, there would be a novelty in the experience of visiting your home both officially and unofficially. 
When you are permanently with him, then matters would be very different. Home is where the heart lies and he wants your heart to lie with him - so, he'll try to make you as comfortable as possible. Though, he'd still watch you closely, and play it off as being besotten. Reflections would be commonly used to watch you discreetly and he'll set up a lot of motion-triggered cameras in the garden. The excuse would be that he likes to watch wild life. 
Ullr - How would they deal with competition? How do they deal with threats in general?
He'd first check how deep their commitment to you goes - asking subtly or not so subtly how they feel about you. Maybe he'll spirit you away for a week or two, a short holiday, and then inquire again. Limerence is intense, but once contact is broken it doesn't last long, so there is the hope a separation will solve the problem. 
If not, then maybe he just has to demonstrate that you are his. A hand on your waist, his jacket on your shoulders, the two of you going arm in arm down the street - all ways of showing you are his. Timo could even arrange for the competition to stumble upon him showing affection to you, be it simple teasing, giving flowers or outright kissing. 
Should all that not work, then he'll encourage you to break that poor fool's heart. If you are so important to them, then surely they will listen to your work. Of course, accidents can always happen, and people go missing constantly. If a bear or a pack of wolves comes to like the taste of that waste of space, then he is not to blame. 
Zelos - How does their jealousy look like?
Timo can be very direct when it comes to his feelings, and would be fast to confront you when it comes to his jealousy. Due to being aware that his feelings for you are very "intense" and him being territorial by nature, he'll want to make sure that no misunderstandings are afoot before acting on his jealousy. 
Though, displays of his jealousy would start small, like keeping you closer in public and doing what he can to absorb most of your attention. Should the green-eyed monster grow bigger and stronger, then he would start getting passive aggressive. This would worsen the longer he is left to stew in his negative feelings. 
It could culminate in him issuing a test of loyalty. Should you pass, then all is well, for the time being. If not, then maybe you need some time alone to reconsider your choices. 
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mirai1269 · 3 months
Yandere Shenanigans: Adventures of Little Bro
Part 4 Baby!!! (Rough draft)
TW: Guns + uncensored swearing
Oh crap, he’s coming to get me, HE’S COMING TO GET ME!! what do I do?! What CAN I do!
Leon only started to walk faster and more aggressively towards Newt, he remembered one of his messages to his older brother saying “call your brother.” but why does he look like he’s about to be kidnapped? Reme told him about everything didn’t she! Dammit!
“L-Leon what do you want?!”
“No time to talk, we need to go, you aren’t safe here.” He says, about to grab him.
“Wait, STOP!”
Suddenly, both men turned their attention to the sudden sound.
“Not another step, Leon!” Reme shouted, the gun aimed at the dead center his chest, where his heart beated rapidly.
“Step to the side, and let him pass.”
Leon then stepped to the side of the wall, making enough space for Newt to slip by. He then joined Reme’s side as she kept her aim on Leon, making sure he doesn’t try anything.
“Leon, you are going to tell him everything that happened and where his brother is.”
With trembling lips and dialated eyes, Leon tried to get the words out his mouth. Newt then pulled out the pink strands of hair and his brother’s phone.
“I picked these up from the crime scene, I know you had something to do with my Brother’s disappearance and Vincent’s murder, tell us everything!” He spat out, tears of hate threatening to spill.
“Ok! Ok! I’ll talk, just please don’t shoot, I’m not here to hurt you.”
“Say that to Vincent and my Brother!”
“The reason why I did that is to save you and your brother from him. Look, I’ll admit, I went crazy when your brother chose to marry Vincent over me, I’ve known him for over 8 years, and that ASSHOLE comes in one day and takes what should have been mine!” He says with fists white and shaking.
“So you killed Vincent out of spite.”
“No no… well, there was spite in this, but that’s not why I… ugh!” He paused as he really didn’t want to spill the secret, but Reme’s gun wasn’t gonna stop aiming for him until he talked. “I lied to you and your brother. I said I was ok with who he chose, but I couldn’t handle it! I thought as long as he was happy, I was happy too, but that wasn’t the case, so… sigh… I stalked your brother as soon as he got married…”
Newt was supposed to be shocked, but this is the least offensive thing he’s done so far.
“It was harmless… not really… at first. It was just for his safety, to make sure that Vincent wasn’t doing anything. I wasn’t going to do anything unless he was in danger, I swear!”
Newt didn’t believe that last statement for a bit, after all, the more you bottle it all up, the more violent the explosion is going to be.
“Look, there was something going on with Vincent. He upped his security around the house, placed more cameras, hired more guards. I also heard him frantically mutter ‘I must protect him’ so he probably figured out I was stalking them, but that wasn’t it.”
“Well if that wasn’t the case, then what the hell was it!”
“Because the day I did it, the security all just… stopped. The guards and cameras disappeared, it was like he had never been paranoid at all. You would think that on a special day like his birthday, he would increase security, but he didn’t, which scared me. And what scared me more was that he wasn’t reading my messages, who knew what he was about to do to you guys!”
“So why did you kill Vincent! AND WHY DID YOU KIDNAP MY BROTHER!!!”
“BECAUSE IF I DIDN’T DO IT NOW, VINCENT WOULD DO IT HIMSELF!!! Look, I don’t know why Vincent suddenly lowered the security, but when he did, it was the perfect opportunity to... to…”
“The best way to keep a rabbit from being eaten by wolves is to keep it at home…”
So that’s what that memory was about. Vincent wasn’t entirely innocent in this, but that doesn’t mean he deserved such a violent murder, right?
“You… you didn’t kill Vincent just because he was going to kidnap my brother, right?”
“No, I could have just taken him when he came outside, or just knock Vincent out, but I was blinded by rage. I shot him 3 times, one bullet for every reason I hated him. I hated his spoiled and narcissistic attitude, I hated how he treated you two, and the thing I hated most… was he how he stole Everything from me!”
Newt got it, he understood that anger, he understood what it was like to have everything taken from, to become one big old wrecking ball because of it. But in the end, did it make anybody happier? Did it even save his brother?
Wait! His brother!
“Leon! Where is my Brother!”
“That’s the part that confused me the most, after I knocked him out and took your brother, there was a glow in the sky. I didn’t think of it much, but then that glow became brighter, until I saw what looked to be a UFO. I ran in another direction, but the ship spewed arms and snatched him!
You’ve got to be kidding me. After he though he understood him, understood Why he did what he did, he’s now turning it into nonsense!
“Shoot him in the leg Reme, that’ll get the truth out of him.”
“No! We are NOT doing that. Leon, tell us more about what happened.”
“Are you kidding me Reme! He’s talking bull crap about Aliens, he’s got to have him somewhere like in his basement.”
“Didn’t I tell you to listen to everything I said?”
“I swear, I don’t have him, he was taken from me by the aliens!”
“And what did those aliens look like?”
“Fuck this!” Newt said, snatching the gun from Reme.
“NO! DON’T!!”
He didn’t hesitate to pull the trigger, to be relieved of his anger, to finally get the revenge he so desperately needed.
click… click click click click
In terror, Newt looked at the gun refusing to fire, coming to the realization that it was empty the whole time.
This was the rage Leon was blinded by, the rage that made him fire the gun, the rage that killed Vincent, and he was repeating history despite knowing it was the same rage that only caused suffering... I’m really stupid.
Leon, realizing there were no bullets, got up and pounced on Newt. Knowing that the plan was screwed, Reme started running as fast as she could while he was still distracted.
“Reme, HELP-AGH!”
Leon didn’t hesitate knocking out the smaller man in one punch, but he couldn’t focus on Reme now, he needed to get somewhere safe. He was about to run into a store, ignoring the concerned shopkeeper, but he felt a familiar tug on Newt.
He wasn’t about to lose again, he grabbed onto Newt will all his strength, even to the point where wrapped his whole body around him, but the arms were too strong, so it lifted them both up higher into the air.
Reme watched as the two were sucked up into the sky, trying to process what she just saw
“What the hell.”
Writer’s Note: Sooo…. Guess who’s still a beginner in writing action & suspense scenes… Also guess who still can’t write Reme 😐 I was going to add a flashback that explored Vincent and Newt’s rivalry, but this part was getting long enough. Also, plotting is hard, especially when multiple characters have multiple emotions and motives in them.
Anyways, eat up! 🍽️
*sluprs it up like spagetthi noodles*
Thanks for the meal! It was delicious!
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norel-ravenclaw · 1 year
The Haunted Mansion
Ikepri AU - Part 3
Tumblr media
Fandom: Ikemen Prince (otome game)
Featured characters: All 13 plus allusions to unknown new trio
Genre: Paranormal Tragic Romance
Rating: 14+
Word count: Part 3 - 2900
Description: Ikepri Haunted Mansion AU - The regional princes have had an awful time getting servants to stay at their grand manor. A young woman takes the job and quickly discovers why no one else applied. Despite the strange occurrences, she finds home and even love among them. But tragedy seeks to cut short the possibility of a happy ending. Be warned, this is a story for those who like a twisted sort of satisfaction.
WARNINGS: | lots of violent death, killing, and suicide (nothing too explicitly gory) | mxw | polyamory | yandere | toxic relationships | angst | dark goth vibes | seriously, only read this in a good headspace |
Mr. Silvio Ricci was the wealthiest man in the hemisphere. He had governed the land by the sea for many years, but when the papers went to his brother, he left to go exert his influence elsewhere.
And this led him to the cursed mansion at the edge of the land. Deserted by its guardian beasts, the people were in need of a new governance system, and he was all to happy to so easily invade.
He was silver haired, blue eyed, and always decked in expensive fabric and jangling jewels. Precisely the sort of eccentric one might expect to purchase a manor of death.
The place came with a few gardeners who would not stay long, a devil of a butler, a pretty maid, and... as the flashy lord called him, a mangy mutt.
Rio Ortiz and the new lord of the manor got along like two wolves who were certain there was not room in the pack for the other.
Even so, Miss Emma found that he was rather like an abused dog. Rough around the edges, quick to bite, but in need not of a kennel, but of affection.
Now, after the horrible incident between her second fiancé and the vanished brother, Luke's manic worryings had began to influence her. She too now thought she saw shadows of the lost brothers. She, too, whispered conversations to them, whether to comfort herself or because she really thought they were there, even she could not say.
Despite these odd proclivities, Miss Emma was kind and gentle, witty and diligent. And all who met her came to admire her.
Just so, the new Lord Silvio came to like the one woman who could match him. The one who could see through his bite to hear the whimper in his bark.
And he fell, hard. He showered her with gifts and jewels. So many jewels.
Determined to make her the new mistress of his new land, he acquired a (rather gaudy) ring of sapphire and pearl.
However, he and Mr. Ortiz were desperately at odds with one another. The latter was like a ferocious guard dog towards the lovely lady, and thoroughly disapproved of the haughty lord trying to claim her.
Fearful that indeed, Silvio's intention was more to punish him than out of genuine affection, Rio dared to take drastic measures to protect his damsel.
One night, as the new lord held a stunningly ostentations banquet, he made his way to the centre of the vast dining hall to make an announcement.
He held up a velvet box with a sapphire ring, offering it, and his love, to Miss Emma.
But no sooner had she risen from her chair in shock, a tragedy occurred.
The grand chandelier in the centre of the grand space, where the jewel-decked lord stood... fell.
All of the candles in the space went out at once. A great blessing (or strategy?) to hide the guests and the poor, poor lady from the distressing sight.
Within seconds, Rio was there to whisk her away from the scene.
And thus ended the brief but brilliant era of the Ricci's ownership of the mansion.
Alas, poor Miss Emma began to spend more time up in the attic, going there to read and pace and stare at the never used white dress and a row of rings.
There grew a sort of shrine. A yellow diamond ring, an odd clay figure, a cookbook, a romance novel, a belt with wolf's fur, a pair of whiskey glasses, a ruby ring, a small teddy bear, and now, a sapphire ring.
From the small attic window, she could see many of the wings of the mansion, watching at midnight as lights would come on in unused rooms. Figures would pace in offices and libraries.
She was sure of it.
Not long after the tragic and spectacular death of Lord Silvio, another wealthy man approached the place.
His own inheritance he'd given to his sister, but now felt too adrift. He sought a new home and new purpose. And helping the Rhodolite region recover from its leadership troubles seemed an appropriate use of his hard won skills.
His name was Keith Howell. Tall and broad shouldered, awkward as he was elegant.
But there was something decidedly odd about him. Even Mr. Noir would stare at the man as though something was amiss. Something...
He was often kind and sweet and indeed overly apologetic. But then, sometimes...
Miss Emma discovered that he had another side to him. Late one night, she found him in one of the ballrooms.
"Mr. Howell. Were you playing the organ in here?"
He turned to her in the dark room, the moonlight catching on his golden eyes.
"What are you talking about? You were the one playing, weren't you? Why would you try to trick me after all I've done for you?"
Although he smiled, there was an edge to it that made her freeze like a doe.
"I.. did not mean..."
He approached her, getting far closer than usual. Lifting her chin with a finger, he said, "It's naughty to play tricks."
She watched him leave, but a few moments later, a loud chord of the organ trilled, sending her off at a sprint.
She liked Mr. Howell, but sometimes, it was like he was a different person entirely.
While she liked him, her ever faithful guard dog Rio, did not. He did not trust the man at all.
And within a month, the whole region stirred with the news that yet another murder had happened at the manor.
The man was found stabbed in his study, botany books and ledgers all around.
The lady was numb as the police came in force, investigating the place high and low for days. Countless interviews of her, Rio, and Sariel.
She wondered if Keith had been killed by someone on business at the mansion? While he was often obsequious, he could at times be... forceful.
Even so, a stag antler necklace made its way to her little shrine.
There she sat and pondered it all.
Chevalier had been murdered by Clavis in a fit of rage.
Nokto had lost a duel.
Jin had fallen victim to poison meant for another.
Leon had been killed by Luke in a fit of madness.
Silvio had likely been murdered by a jealous guest at his own party.
Luke had disappeared to god knows where, never to return.
All the others, Clavis, Yves, and Licht, had died in tragic, if mysterious, accidents.
But, of them all, the murder of Mr. Howell bothered her in a unique way. Somehow, this felt more... wrong.
As her mind swirled with conundrums and grief, the evening moonlight rose, and mist coalesced in the attic. The temperature dropped enough to make her shiver.
The sight of a pair of bright blue eyes staring back at her in the mirror made her scream bloody murder.
The very image of Silvio was reflected there, dalmatian fur and all.
"He did this! He killed us!"
His voice was distant and echoey. She could not understand.
"What? Who killed you?"
The apparition raged, slamming his fists against the mirror as though he was trapped inside it.
"That damn dog! It's in the chest he brought! Find it!"
Her mind raced. "Dog... Rio? The chest he brought?"
She recalled that Mr. Ortiz had evidently arrived to the mansion with only a single small trunk. All his worldly possessions had fit inside.
Her heart clamoured. Could her overprotective fellow servant had possibly killed both Lord Silvio and Keith?
Horrified by the possibility, she rushed to his room. He was not around.
And so she slipped in, standing on her tiptoes to get down the small trunk off the top of his wardrobe.
And... oh, poor dear Miss Emma when she saw what laid inside.
A beautiful old coat, finely made. A velvet box. A dagger sheath, gilded in gold and sapphires and citrine.
And the sheath's intended occupant. With bits of blood not properly cleaned off of it. Fresh enough to not have oxidized to near black as old blood ought to have.
"Oh! Miss Emma! What are you-"
He froze, horrified beyond words as she slowly turned around, her face soaked with tears, and trembling hands holding a dagger.
Scrambling to not lose her favour, he rushed to her. "Y-you must understand! That Silvio was a horrible person! He only wanted to punish me, he didn't really love you! And Kieth was dangerous! I couldn't bear the thought of him hurting you!"
She shoved him away, letting the knife clatter to the ground. "I loved them!" she screamed.
Silence fell over them.
"I did... I loved them all. They were strange and sometimes scary but they were kind and I trusted them and I... loved them all."
She fell to her knees, as did he.
They cried together. "I just wanted to protect you! Oh, Emma... could you have ever loved me?"
Rage and grief filled her eyes. "I did, Rio. I did."
She got up and stormed out of the room, and he collapsed onto the ground, sobbing. His hands balled into fists just inches away from the cursed dagger.
Darkness fell over the mansion that night. A darkness that would never again lift in the light of day.
Unaware of Emma's secret hideout and shrine in the attic, the obsessive attendant went up into the darkness.
A rope was hung.
As the clock struck one, his body swung.
Once again, the police arrived. This time, Mr. Noir had to lock her in her room as she screamed and cried.
He presented to them the dagger, and the body of the murderer.
And it was over.
Everything was over.
As Miss Emma wailed and raved into the day, she found her way up to the attic, unaware of what had happened there in the night.
She fell to her knees in front of the mirror. Lying beside it was the wedding dress.
Manic to the point of madness, she stripped her clothes and put on the slightly yellowed dress. She took the three rings from the altar and put them on whatever fingers they would fit.
Diamond, ruby, and sapphire glittered in the dim light of a single candle.
She wailed their names. All of them.
Until she saw them in the mirror. She was no stranger now to such apparitions.
"Leon! Chevalier!"
Rushing over to it, she clutched onto the frame, her tears obscuring their sadly smiling faces.
"Simpleton. Stop struggling."
"We love you. Never forget that."
As their faces faded, she screamed.
"Come back! Don't leave me alone! You all left me alone! I can't..."
Once her sobbing left her gasping for breath, exhaustion overcame her.
And through the new silence, a steady sound could be heard.
Tap. Tap. Tap of a cane.
"Little rabbit, it's upsetting to see you like this."
She whirled around to see him perched casually on top of an old chest, his legs crossed.
He smiled at her. "Would you like to hear a story, bunny?"
With a tiny nod of her head, he grinned, and began.
"Once upon a time, these lands were distant from early civilization. Pagan druids were the only ones who dared come so far into the nothingness. They performed profane rituals and spells here, intended to curse the souls of evil kings and warriors. Trapping them in this valley until the end of time.
"But when the cemeteries and crypts were built out here, those poor souls were captured by the same ancient spells. The restless ones were confined to the land, including that of this mansion."
Gilbert sighed and smiled the most chillingly dark smile the lady had ever seen him wear.
"Did you have any idea? Your little dog became the 999th soul bound to this place. Funny, that miserable poor sap before him counted for two souls. Did you know?"
He stood and plopped a hand onto her hair, smoothing it down. "The curse is said to be breakable once one thousand souls have been damned here. I wonder if it's true. Anyway, why don't you wear that dress of yours to the party tonight, little rabbit?"
His red eye glittered, and so did his other eye, ghostly blue underneath as he lifted away his eyepatch. "Yes. The one you hear every night. You should join us. They're so miserable without you."
"...Who is?"
"Who do you think? Me! And the others too, I guess."
With a twirl of his cane and a twisted sort of smile, he turned to leave.
"There's always room for one more~"
Poor Miss Emma's head spun. Whatever was the apparition talking about? He wasn't real, he never had been! Right...?
She paced and cried and sobbed. She put on the stag necklace from the altar and flipped through the cookbook.
She muttered to herself with the strange little clay figure, teddy bear, and the fluffy wolf fur clutched to her chest.
And then she saw it.
A rope coiled up off to the side that hadn't been there before. Tied on one end was a perfect loop for a noose.
And thus the heartbroken lady spun into the darkness once and for all.
She knelt there in the attic, tears marring her face.
She knew that voice. As well as any other. She loved that voice.
But she was tired of his mysteries and deflections. Sitting in a pool of white fabric, she looked up at him in the doorway.
"Tell me who you really are, Sariel."
Frozen momentarily, his walls crumbled. "I suppose you deserve the truth."
He knelt in front of her, agony evident in his violet eyes.
"I made a deal with the devil ages ago. My father. When I found this place, I simply stayed here. Then a local lord, the princes' father, was destined for hell, and I decided to stay and look after his sons. However fantastic, that is the truth."
He gently tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "It may forever be my greatest regret that I could not protect you, my dear. But it will be my honour to care for you here. Come now, let us leave this dreary place behind."
He helped her to her feet, keeping an arm around her shoulders to steer her out the door so that she did not catch sight of her body dangling from the rafter.
He took her back to her room and threw open the armoire. "Let's get you dressed for a ball, hm? You'll be the Belle of the ball tonight and every night."
Tired and dazed, feeling numb at last, she agreed, letting him help her into a fine gown. He fixed her hair and adorned her in jewels to accompany the three stones she still wore on her elegant hands.
And together, they descended the stairs, the music and voices of the party louder than ever.
The doors opened for them, and the crowd fell into whispers.
And standing at the front of that crowd were many familiar faces.
She gasped, tears welling in her eyes. Just as she was about to run to them, a man in black stepped in front of her.
"Ah! Gilbert!"
He smiled at her. And it seemed somehow more genuine than ever before.
"Welcome, little bunny. This party tonight is just for you. Won't you let me have the first dance?"
"...I suppose the host ought to have the first dance."
As they whirled on the dance floor amidst dresses of all styles and eras, he grinned at her.
"How happy I am to have you here to play with, at long last."
A man in red tapped on his shoulder. "Might I cut in?"
He smiled at her as brilliantly as the sun, pulling her into his arms without waiting for a response.
"I'm so happy to see you looking so happy, sweetheart," he beamed.
Tears not of grief, but joy glittered on her cheeks. "I can't believe you're really here!"
"Yes. We're here. And we're all together, Em."
But as they spun to the music, her smile faded.
She knew.
Her voice was small.
"Leon... I'm dead aren't I?"
He took a breath, holding her tightly. And yet a kind smile made its way to his lips.
"Today may have been the day you died, but you have brought all of us to life in a way we never knew even while still alive. You have brought us such joy, and I promise you, this is not the end."
He kissed her forehead tenderly. "Together we will make an afterlife worth living."
... The End ...
(From where every suitor was going to have a belle. Too much hassle killing off THAT many people lol)
Sariel Noir. He had lured each of the victims into the castle over the years, desperately hoping to placate the vicious spirits of his many masters. But now, his own soul grew ravenously restless. He required a mate of his own to tame and soothe his tortured soul.
The castle was host to precisely 999 spirits.
But there was room for one more.
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yanphobia · 2 years
Cleithrophobia - Chapter 2
Cleithrophobia: The fear of being trapped.
Pairing: Yandere Male Drider OC x Reader
Warnings (for the entire story): Yandere, Horror, Graphic Discriptions of Injury and Death, Spiders, NonCon Touching, Possible NonCon (depending on reader's interpretation), Implied Female Reader (although it doesn't really factor too heavily into the plot), Extreme Dead Dove Do Not Eat
Chapter 1 Index Chapter 3
Author's Note: Wooow it's so nice to meet all of you! I was in the process of moving to a new city last week and didn't have the time to check on this account. But seeing how much support I've recieved in that time has been a great surprise ❤️ I'm going to be posting one chapter every weekend and this story has about ten chapters planned for it. Don't ever hesitate to say hi (or give me reading recommendations because I always love a new story!) Thank you so much for reading, and I hope that you'll enjoy this next installment!
This story was inspired by cobalt-sphinx's Drider x Reader from Quotev.
You were startled awake by Stan’s frantic pounding at the door. You bolted up and immediately regret it as pain floods through your shoulders and back. After last night’s encounter, you had immediately hidden yourself, terrified that that thing would break into your meager little cabin and attack you. You were on high alert, jumping at every sound outside of your window. As the sun began to rise, you must’ve passed out, still wearing your clothes from the night before. 
And now you’ve overslept, judging by Stan’s knocking. You open the door and step outside. 
“Stan, I am so, so sorry! I didn’t mean to oversleep.” You figured he’d be angry, but instead he looked worried. He took in your disheveled state but didn’t comment on it, most likely out of politeness. 
“...It’s fine, no worries. But I need your help. The new rabbit hutch we just built was torn into last night and something got to ‘em. Think it was a coyote. Anyway, today I’m gonna teach you how to reinforce fences so it don’t happen again.” You felt your stomach turn as he spoke. You knew. You knew exactly what had happened last night. 
You remain silent while he shows you exactly what to do. After a brief lesson, the two of you get to work. 
“’S a damn shame, too. Those where some premium New Zealand Whites. Now, granted, there were only the two, but I was looking forward to breeding ‘em. Great meat, ya know? Delicious.” 
“...Stan, exactly what type of animals live around here?” 
“Oh, tons. You mean the bad ones, though, right? Bears, wolves, mountain lions, coyotes, wolverines even. They can be nasty when they want. Thankfully they don’t attack often, just so long as you respect their space.” 
“...And... anything else? Are there any, I don’t know, myths or urban legends or anything about something really crazy living in the woods?” 
“I’m sure! These lands are old, ma’am, and have been home to some very strange folk over the years. Native Americans, you know, and then settlers, all with their own superstitions,” Stan laughed lightheartedly. “But none I ever heard, not even a Bigfoot sighting. Guess that’s natural, though. The way stories and things just get lost over time.” 
As Stan left to reinforce the turkey fences, and you finish up work on the chicken’s, you thought about what he had said. Things really do get lost over time, you thought to yourself. You certainly had. Once, you had dreamed of a happy life for yourself, with a career that you were passionate about and a family that you cherished. You had wanted to begin your life as soon as possible and quickly began creating it without a second thought. But as you matured a bit, and as each goal came closer to fruition, the doubt began to creep in. You fell out of love with your chosen field of study and stayed up at night worrying that you would spend your life working a job that you despised. When your partner, Alex, began describing your future together, excited at the prospect of marriage and starting a family, you only felt smothered. You were being forced, you quickly realized, dragged into an existence that you did not want and could not escape from. 
Thinking about this made you uncomfortable, and so you forced it out of your mind. 
The day passed without any further incidents, the next one as well. Well, it did until night fell. You had been walking towards your cabin, eager for a hot shower and a bit of relaxation, when you heard the panicked squawking of the chickens. They were out, everywhere, and hysterical. A quick look told you that the gate enclosing the designated area for them and one of the coups had been unlatched, allowing their escape. You quickly rushed back to the house, throwing open the door and calling for Shadow. 
“What’s wrong?!” Laura asked, startled by your sudden appearance. She had nearly dropped the dish she was washing. 
“Chickens got out. Don’t worry, I can handle it!” you responded quickly, although you knew that Laura would never miss the opportunity to help out. The two of you and your herding dog were quick to start gathering the chickens when you noticed that a few had been scratched up. Immediately, you knew who the culprit was. He had tricked you at first, admittedly, by simply opening the gates instead of tearing into them, but when Laura noted that two of the chickens were missing, you felt your fury grow stronger inside of you. 
It was a game, you realized, just a sick game that monster was playing until he decided to kill you. To kill Laura and Stan. Maybe even more. It wouldn’t happen, not to such lovely people. You had brought this farm to his attention, and you wouldn’t allow him to hurt anyone because of it.  
You found yourself slamming your cabin door open, grabbing a flashlight and a bowie knife, and charging into the forest. You didn’t even hear Laura’s desperate calls for you to come back. 
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killacharacterbingo · 10 months
Prompt Master List
(Updated as prompts are added)
If any prompts don't make sense check this post: A prompt explained and A prompt explained II
Switching Places
Near-Death Experience
Dumb Ways To Die
Blood Loss
Your Worst Fear
Hard Choices
Dead On Their Feet
Hero/Villain Swap
Tomorrow Isn't Promised
Car Accident
Presumed Dead
Canon Compliant
Never Meet Your Heroes
Dictionary Death
Friendly Fire
13th Reasons Why
Musical Death
Survivor's Guilt
Conversation With Death
Collateral Damage
Test Subject
Pulling The Plug
One Punch Can Kill
Medical Malpractice
The Blip
Cast It Into The Fire
"I Have The High Ground"
Once Bitten Twice Shy
Bleeding Blue
To Be Or Not To Be
Car Crash
Mugging Gone Wrong
Into The Woods
Death Of The Soul
Dormammu, I’ve Come To Bargain
The Cake Is A Lie
Even Heroes Die
With Great Power 
Sacrificed To The Gods
“Sometimes Death Is Better”
"I Finally Have Something To Leave Behind"
Natural Disaster
Mistaken Identity
Ten Years Later
Not So Secret Monologues
180 - The Character Doesn't Die
Final Destination
Raped To Death
Chronic Illness
Outed As A Spy
Bulletproof Vest
Sung To Sleep Forever 
A Soft Epilogue 
Wait For Me In Valhalla 
“I Was Saving My ten” - pain scale
“There’s A Boat Jack” 
Married Life Montage 
“You Have Your Mother’s Eyes” 
Russian Roulette
Guinea Pig
Karma’s A Bitch
Toxic Gas
Famous last words
"Hey, i think we're going to be okay after all!"
"I'll always come back!"
In another's arms
"You can rest now..."
A long time ago
Falls through the Ice
Asthma attack
Pushed to the Limit
Commotio Cordis
Death row
Breaking the 4th wall
Wikihow to Die
Time loop
“If I can’t have you…”
Cardiovascular collapse
Allergic reaction
Erased from existence
Dead all along
Dying alone
Blood from the mouth
Patient zero
Old age
Fatal Weakness
One moment stretched into a thousand
Origin story gone wrong
Area 51 raid
Trapped in a tiny space
Hanahaki / Hanakanjo / Hanauso
Death by ordinary illness
Hit and run
Mercy Killing
Plane crash
Brain death
Death by seduction
Death bed confession
Organ Transplant
Their Legacy Is continued
Bound By Fate
Running out of time
Can’t breathe
Shot down
Saving Throws – DnD
Smoke inhalation
Death by coconut
“Help me!”
Climbing accident
Blood-stained tiles
“You weren’t meant to be there”
“I love you”
“No… not like this”
Dug their own grave
The AO3 Curse
Deathly kiss
Going through hell
Meeting at the gates
Return from Hiatus
"watch out for the flying blades!"
Left for dead
Strapped to a bomb
Hunger games
Order 66
Murder on the dance floor
Come to terms with death
“It’s okay”
Keeps dying
Letting go
Neuromuscular blockade
Unfriendly pet
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy
Faking their own death
Post traumatic amnesia
Schrödinger's paradox
Arbitrary hilarious death
Lack of Oxygen
High altitude
Diving deep
180 - the character becomes the killer
Angel of death
"You're going down with me!”
Never got to say goodbye
Graphic gore
The end of the world
Uploaded to the server
Sheep in wolves' clothing
Adrenaline crash
Alternate universe ending
Acting on instinct
“I miss you…”
Those left behind
Wind phone
Life support
Time Paradox
Temporary character death
Death during childbirth
Life flashing before your eyes
… Needs a hug
Returning home
Internal bleeding
Death of the universe
Last person alive
“Sorry I have already tried and failed at it.”
“I told you so”
Should have seen it coming
Bad Aim
“Kill me instead…”
Warning shot
Canon died a brutal yet Necessary death
On the run
Not guilty
Knocked over by the wind
Killed by a garden gnome
“Did you fall? Or did you let go…?”
Bleeding from the ears
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kit-williams · 9 months
War wife
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@bispecsual here you go your space wolves
I think I'm getting the hang of doing x reader (still not my favorite as I'd prefer to make OCs but hey its an exercise in just writing)
Not 100% happy with this but happy enough
Tw: Yandere behavior & Plot
"Why hello Captain Arkyn." You cooed up at the space marine Captain as he always made a beeline to you. The now dubbed 'work wife' as the space wolves under him have openly said 'Where is Captain Arkyn's wifey?'
"Hello elskling." The timber of his voice seemed to shake the air around him as his voice dipped an octave in his greeting. "How is my aspiring Captain doing." He picked you up and just easily buried his face into the crook of your neck and you could hear the deep inhale. It was hard to stop the blush that danced over your cheeks... the butterflies that fluttered in your gut... oh you were a hardened veteran of 3 battlefields you shouldn't be getting all flustered but it was an Angel of the Emperor!
You wrapped your arms around the man and you let out the sigh as his hands felt so tender on you even in his power armor. "Come now Arkyn I'm very far off from being a captain and you shouldn't be all affectionate with the kids around." She spoke and could hear him snicker.
"The kids are fine I'm certain my boys are focused on other things then what daddy is doing right now." Arkyn growled out showing those enlarged canines of his. He drank in her groan of embarrassment but he could smell what he was saying was doing to her. A heady smell... not sweet it was salty... but thick like a musk... it was distinctively yours and he was addicted to it. "I'm feeling quite thirsty elskling."
You let out a shuttering breath as you could practically hear the lapping noise. This was the second battlefield you've met Captain Arkyn on and you two had left off on a good note. Well you survived that first note and even if it had been nearly a decade since that first encounter.... Captain Arkyn treated it as no time had passed at all. "Arkyn..." is all you manage to say on a shaky exhale.
Oh but for Arkyn time had passed and it drove him mad. For the Space Wolves it was a horribly kept secret that they indulged in the finer things in life... and they didn't leave it at just mead... they enjoyed their women too. For those with mates it's always a scent that drives them to pick their next mate... a smell that all the pretty little mortals all share in common regardless of if they can give the Brother children or not. Oh yes another horribly kept Fenrisian secret as half of the serfs and a quarter of the brothers were just offspring of other space wolves.
Arkyn just thought your scent was a fluke. You were a happy little thing... a tenacious little vixen... a courageous elskling. And he had driven himself mad at the fact he let you get away. He had spent 3652 days in his bed alone without you!!!! Oh he fixed that once he found out you were there. You looked older... it hurt him that he missed three thousand days of yours... three thousand days you could have been smiling at him... having his pups... thousands of days of laughter... tears... hopes and fears... sighs of delight and sighs of being fed up with his antics. Something in him snapped when he saw you again.
You... you just kept on surviving with your little misfit band that seemed to kept swapping in and out of members. You were thankful for Arkyn being here after the last of your original friends died in your arms. And here you thought Arkyn just wanted to relive the magical moments from back in the day but you were so thankful that he was there to hold onto you. And he always had a knack of holding onto you.
"RICO!" You screamed as you watched the man turn to mist as Arkyn's massive hand wrapped around your chest as he grabbed you and ran toward the Land Speeder. "They're all dead... they're all dead!" You screamed as you shot back at the damn heretics!
Thank the God Emperor for your helmet as when Arkyn jumped into the Speeder your head all but smashed into the armored chest. "Hang on!" He howled at you as all that was keeping you from flying off of the Speeder was his arm.
His mind was racing just like the Land Speeder was as bolters exploded out of the barrels. But a part of him was howling with laughter as it couldn't have lined up better! He really had to thank his Brothers for helping him. Oh yes he was a fool for letting her go the first time but they were here to help!
"Arkyn where are we going?!" You connect to his private vox line as you realize you're not heading back to camp and are seeing more space wolves and space marines around.
"To meet up with the rest of the Vlka Fenryka and let them know what has occurred."
"Alright when do you think I'll be heading back to the guard outpost?" That seemed to be said as he patched you to the rest of the wolves with him. It went silent for a beat before they all started to laugh.
"Oh she's a funny one Captain!"
"Oh when do I go back?" One said in a mocking tone as they laughed harder at the look on your face.
"Arkyn!" You looked up at the expressionless mask unaware of the enamored look on the man's face as his hand just moves so gently over what he can without crushing you. "Arkyn what are they talking about!?"
"Oh it seems yer man is tongue tied."
"The past ten years lassie... you're all that he could talk about."
You leaned away suddenly feeling very trapped and afraid as they speak like what is about to happen is just normal. But the fact you couldn't see their faces just made this a bit more horrifying.
"Really I don't know how he could have fucked you and let you go. It's like what I did with my little wifey. I fucked her so good that she didn't even realize that I snatched her up. "
"I've got a little husband this time around..." You hear one of them start but you soon only focus on the sound of breathing coming over the vox and realize it's Arkyn's breathing and the sound of chops being licked.
"You let Rico die...." Is all you could get out.
"He was too close to you elskling." Arkyn said as if it was the most logical thing.
You would often like to say that you were a fighter. You would fight against anything until the bitter end but you just shut down as you barely listened to the Fenrisian though you had a feeling it was about you. And when you woke up next... you'd be in Arkyn's room with a pretty new collar.
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bleedingichorhearts · 6 months
𝕸𝖔𝖏𝖊 𝖅𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖔
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𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: These dudes are just big ol’ drakes(dragons) right?
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams, @egrets-not-regrets.
Moje Zlato - My Gold (Slovak)
Zlato - Gold (Slovak)
𝕬𝖈𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖊𝖉𝖌𝖊: Be 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 for/of yourself. Even it’s just a tiny cut. I also don’t ᴄᴏɴᴅᴏɴᴇ these 𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜.
TW // Yandere Themes, Google Translation, Language, Lil Angst?
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“Is your fathers Space Marine coming soon?” One of the group members asked. Knowing that he was bound to come soon enough.
“No doubt.” I responded, looking up and down the street. Making sure it was safe to cross before walking it. The streetlights lighting up our way through the darkened roads. The nightly cold biting at my coat.
It was silent for a moment while we walked down the sidewalk towards an abandoned warehouse that was hosting a party inside of it before someone smacked their lips. “You know, it’s kind of weird that he follows you everywhere.”
“Yeah, I have noticed that too. Ever since you came back, he’s been by your side like he’s paranoid or something.” Another agreed. “Maybe he likes you very much?”
“He is my father's Astartes. He’s been there from the start.” I mentioned, spotting the party fire just outside of the warehouse. Music blasting from inside of the warehouse, sending a small vibration through my body. Just what kind of speakers did they have here?
“No, no, no. I mean it in a different way.” They responded, shaking their can of alcohol in their hands after drinking it all.
“In a different way?” I questioned, looking back at the young, brown-haired male. His green eyes slightly dilated. Already buzzed.
“I mean—”
“What he means is the Astartes possibly would like you as his mate or whatever they call it.” The girl besides the male interrupted. Flipping her black hair back over her shoulders.
“Me and Dorvenos? Never happening.” I scoffed. The thought of him having me as a “mate” was… disturbing. I practically grew up with the dude.
“What? How are you not entertained by that idea?” The girl questioned, sounding surprised by my answer. Her hands on her hips.
“He’s my father's Astartes.” I responded, shifting my weight. “I might as well be dating my uncle.”
“Oh, you’re not! Your uncle wouldn't compare! Besides, I didn’t think someone such as you would be able to resist such a package.” She grinned, brown eyes clouding over at the simple thought.
“Really? Package?” I deadpanned and folded my arms, raising my eyebrow up at her. Ignoring that uncle part. Snapping her lewd mind back into reality.
“Well, who wouldn’t want to be d*cked down by an Astartes? At most, a Salamander? They are bigger than average.” She informed. “Not to mention he is older and more experienced. I bet his c*ck would—”
“Yeahyeahyeahyeah, I get it. Just— no.” I quickly cut her off. Unfolding my arms and waving my hands at her to stop her.
“No? Have you seen him! He is the total deal! Anyone would be satisfied with getting some Astartes c*ck.” She said, throwing around her hands then pointing at me. “Maybe you need to get laid?”
“Sarah.” I groaned, putting my hands on my face that lit up in embarrassment.
“What? Maybe you need to realize what you are missing out on.” She said, taking a hold of my arm, locking it with hers and leading me to the bonfire. “And maybe you'll change your mind up on the Astartes.”
It wasn’t even an hour in before everyone in the group was drunk and having a blast. Neon lights were flashing everywhere. The music was thumping and bodies jumping, I was surprised this old warehouse hasn’t crumpled to pieces yet.
Sipping on my drink, I watched the party around me. Its poor, and bitter taste leaving my tongue in shambles, but that's what I get for going to a low-quality party filled with horny, raving teens. Though, what could make this party better would be some Noise Marines, and some Space Wolves. Now that would be a sight to see.
Taking another sip from the cup. I noticed a familiar red visor entering at the very back of the warehouse. The lights of the party covering just enough of their armor colors, but his height was not to be mistaken for a regular human.
I observed as the red visor searched through the dancing party before locking onto my own eyes, sending a shiver down my spine as my mind instantly went to Dorvenos. Here to take me home now? Ruining my pinnacle of fun?
Leaning off the wall, I strained my neck before downing my drink. It’s bitterness making my tongue feel like I drank some sand instead as I coughed. Damn, just how much did these teenagers spike their drinks?
“EVERYBODY RUN! THE POLICE ARE HERE!” Someone suddenly shouted as I threw my cup in a nearby trash. My adrenaline kicking in seeing how everybody instantly started clearing out, bodies meshing together in panic of escaping the police. This is something I could use against Dorvenos. For a moment, at least.
Looking around for the said Astartes. He was having a hard time trying not to step on anybody. His visor coming up to check if I was still where I was. Giving him a tiny salute, I blended into the crowd, following their movements out to an exit that didn’t have police waiting for anyone there just yet.
He watched as his little Zlato walked from him. Her little form sliding passed others as he slowly came forward through the crowd himself. A frustrated huff coming out of him.
He doesn’t understand why she was always running away from him. Why she was always angry at him. Angry at him for being too close. Angry at him for just being there and that wounded him.
He doesn't remember where he went wrong. He’s been patiently waiting for her return from college as her guardians stated he couldn’t go because it was Astartes restricted. A place he wasn’t not allowed in, but why couldn’t they choose one with availability for an Astartes? He knows there were others that provided the same education to his little Zlato just as the ones she went to.
He also didn’t know when she would be back. She didn’t announce it. He only knew when her scent wrapped around the home, but when she did come back. She wasn’t the same since the day she had left for that college. She didn’t greet him happily. She didn’t really acknowledge him and if she did, he would become her object of anger for reasons he doesn't understand.
She would grumble at him to leave her alone. Telling him to-do something better than trying to get to know her again. She would avoid him any room that he entered or lounged in, walking right passed it, and if she had to enter it? She would be quick about it. She hasn't outright yelled at him yet, which he was thankful for, but it still didn't dismiss her sudden... change.
He knows when the younglings would go out to do their first missions tasked to them. They don’t return remotely the same just as he didn’t with his. Of course, they were trained to handle the particular types of situations, but he knows the humans were more fragile to wound. To affect. Maybe that's what happened to his little Zlato while she was away? Something happened to her in that college. Something that he wasn’t there for her for.
He wasn’t there to provide for her. He wasn't there to protect her, and that thought hurt him too. That he wasn't there for her.
My little Zlato, please, return to me. Let me wrap you up in my fire: my warmth once more. To protect you from the cold I couldn't do before.
Please, my little Zlato. Return to me. Trust me, love me once more, just as you did before.
Please, my little Zlato.
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Okay, so, I actually wrote this as a thread weeks ago for @grtr3's sangyaoFES on twitter, but there were a lot of little hiccups that needed to be edited. Still not... totally pleased with it? But it's as pretty as it's gonna get.
Anyway! A common joke is that Nie Huaisang's donghua design post timeskip is such a perfect sad-eyed tragic ingenue that it's a lucky thing no one ever got hit with it full force with his grief before he started the Headshaker ruse or else there'd be a whole lot more yanderes about.
So of course I have to take a silly idea and play it in full seriousness.
Title: The Wolves in the Hall Ship: implied past and maybe ongoing SangYao Tags: Mixed Canon, Crack Treated Seriously, Awakenings, Accidental Public Grief, Everyone Discovers They're A Little Bit Yandere, And Experienced Yandere!Jin Guangyao Is Having Absolutely None Of It
Considering it was both his first public appearance since the funer- his ascension, as well as his first inter-sect conference since the same, Nie Huaisang was holding up surprisingly well under the scrutiny of the other sects. 
He was still pale and underweight from his period of mourning and he seemed to still be somewhat mentally distant -never quite looking at anyone, just the space they were occupying- but he had participated in all the formal introductions and the gift-giving to the hosting Jin sect and even the required toasts near-flawlessly.
After months of checking in on his mental and emotional state, it seemed Jin Guangyao had been overly concerned.
Or so he thought until the dull roar of the chatter and clinking plates and cups throughout the banquet hall unexpectedly began to die down.
Gently shooing away the maid who had come to ask him about whether or not to switch the type of wine yet, he turned to find that, gradually, more and more people were stopping eating or conversing to stare in the direction of the Nie delegation's seats.
Or, more specifically, to stare at Nie Huaisang, who was sitting stone still, face stark white, chopsticks still held in an upheld hand-
-and silent tears slowly trickling from widened green eyes as he stared at the bowls on the tray in front of him.
As he and most of the other occupants of the room watched, the Nie sect's new second in command put a hand on his leader's shoulder.
Startled out of his trance, Nie Huaisang's head jerked up as if he was a spooked deer, the tears streaking his face and lingering in his eyes glittering in the light of the lanterns and candle torches positioned all around the room and soft mouth opening on a gasp.
Jin Guangyao was very sure he did not imagine the collective inhale all around the room.
His hands reflexively clenched in his sleeves.
Unlike most of the guests and hosts in attendance, he had known of the vast and stark difference between Nie Huaisang's dramatics for observers and his state of genuine distress for years. It had been a secret Nie Huaisang himself had let him in on mere weeks into his tenure with the Nie sect, the way he used one to hide the other.
And now someone on their staff had blown that secret open and public, and it seemed the wolves were scenting blood.
"Ah- I'm sorry," Nie Huaisang was mumbling as he checked his sleeves for a handkerchief to wipe his eyes. "Haha, how embarrassing- on the first day, no less-"
Jin Guangyao noticed a few people starting to lean forward in their seats at rapt attention.
That his father was one of them made a deep possessive disgust bloom in his chest like the peony embroidered on his clothing, and his jaw clenched a little as he began to make his way around the edge of the hall, unnoticed.
He was halfway to the section where Nie Huaisang was sitting when it seemed the Nie disciples had picked up on the change in the air as well, judging by the way some of them began shuffling closer to their sect leader, eyes sharp and metaphorical hackles raising.
Once he was close enough to see the tray's contents, it was immediately apparent why Nie Huaisang been so openly caught off guard.
Jin Guangyao had expressly directed the kitchens to prepare braised pork belly with mustard greens, mushrooms, and wheat noodles, wanting to give Nie Huaisang something familiar and comforting for his first major public appearance.
Instead, the large center bowl held spicy beef and venison stew with glass noodles and eggplant.
One of Nie Mingjue's favorites.
In fact, it was what he'd ordered to be prepared during the last banquet the man had ever attended, looking to appease his increasingly volatile temper.
It could have been a simple mistake, someone having gotten their notes crossed from the previous event.
Or, he thought, restraining himself from glancing in his father's direction, it could have been deliberate. 
A cruel point to be made.
Either way, he would be sure to investigate.
But that would have to wait until later, as there was a much more pressing matter at hand.
"Xiansheng," he interjected politely to the second in command, keeping his voice soft enough that it wouldn't echo in the near-silent hall, "Perhaps it would be best for Nie-zongzhu to be escorted back to his room for a little peace and quiet to recover."
The second, a man with whom he'd never actually been friends, but had shared a mutually respectful relationship when other disciples had been much more condescending and rude, glanced around at all the staring spectators, then nodded and reached out to take hold of Nie Huaisang's wrist to stop his increasingly anxious searching.
A soft wave of murmured gossip went up at the gesture -more likely than not at the difference in size between the second's hand and the wrist he held- and Jin Guangyao bit his tongue to keep his ire from becoming evident in his expression. 
This vulnerability was something that belonged to him more than anyone else, even Nie Huaisang's own sect. He would not share it with the likes of anyone in this room.
Not even Er-ge.
Especially not his father.
"Lingyun, go with them," the second said, and one of the other disciples, a young man with a serious face but a bright gaze that spoke of an eagerness to do his assigned task well, saluted and stood.
"It- it's fine," Nie Huaisang said, his voice still faint and slightly wavery. "I'll be alright with San-ge, you don't need to go hungry on my account."
As the second had done before, this 'Lingyun' directed a distrustful glance towards the crowd. "I do not mind half a meal. But if Zongzhu prefers it, I will return to the hall once Zongzhu has been settled."
That seemed to be a good enough answer to placate his nerves, and when Jin Guangyao held out a hand, Nie Huaisang accepted the offered assistance. Once he was on his feet, the second let him go so the younger disciple could step in on his other side.
The movement broke the spell that had fallen over the banquet hall, and the two of them quickly herded Nie Huaisang out of the room before anyone could raise a protest to his leaving.
As he shut the hall door behind them, Jin Guangyao could feel the sharp prickle of many irate and envious stares piercing his back.
For once, he didn't care. Enjoyed it, even. Let them all chug vinegar that he was the one Nie Huaisang trusted to care for him while in such a state, rather than any of them.
They wound their way through mostly empty halls and were halfway to the wing for the visiting major guest sects when Nie Huaisang made a soft wounded noise and leaned against him. "San-ge, I'm sorry," he murmured, audibly trying to restrain himself from breaking down again. "I swore I would do well by Da-ge and not make a fool of myself on this trip."
Jin Guangyao put an arm around his waist to steady him and, once their escort said nothing about it, gave him a reassuring squeeze.
"It's not your fault," he said soothingly. "If anyone should apologize, it's me. I was sure I'd ordered a different dish for you, but-"
Nie Huaisang gave a small shake of his head, and though he made no verbal response, it was clear by his body language that he wasn't holding Jin Guangyao responsible for the error.
A relief.
A maid, young enough that she was likely a new hire for the banquet, met them at the door of Nie Huaisang's room and bowed. "Will Nie-zongzhu be requiring anything from the infirmary or kitchens?"
"A mild sedative and some chrysanthemum and wolfberry tea," Jin Guangyao said. "And something easy to eat that does not have beef or eggplant."
She bowed again and bustled off towards the kitchens.
Once she had disappeared around the corner, Nie Huaisang gently patted his disciple on the arm. "You can go back to dinner now."
Lingyun looked at his sect leader's still-unsteady hand, expression tightening in concern, but when Nie Huaisang gave him an encouraging little push, he nodded and bowed. "By your leave," he said, then turned to go.
Once they were alone inside the room and the door was closed behind them, Nie Huaisang turned to rest his forehead against Jin Guangyao's shoulder. "San-ge..."
"Shh." Jin Guangyao reached up and unfastened the younger man's guan, then began unpinning the bun of braids to let them fall.
The simple act of removing the most obvious sign of the sect leader position seemed to also remove the last of the anxious tension Nie Huaisang had been carrying in his body. He sighed, low and exhausted, and allowed Jin Guangyao to embrace him fully once the guan and pins had been laid aside.
This soft, quiet, completely earnest trust was another gesture that Jin Guangyao had absolutely no intention of letting anyone else experience, and though he was sincere in his caretaking, he couldn't resist reveling just a little bit in the warmth between them and the feeling of his fingers sliding through the loose sections of the other man's hair as smoothly as water.
"Come on," he finally said, walking backwards towards the bed and tugging Nie Huaisang along with him. "Boots and belt off, and I'll help you take your hair down the rest of the way."
"Okay," Nie Huaisang murmured, pulling away to begin removing his outer layers.
He'd just sat down on the bed and pushed off his boots when there was a knock.
"I'll get it," Jin Guangyao said when Nie Huaisang moved to stand. "You just stay put."
It was the young maid, with a tea tray that had a surprisingly large array of various dumplings and buns and sweets. "The meat ones are duck or pork only. I asked one of the cooks to open a few to double check," she said proudly.
He motioned her in to set the tray on the bedside table, then as he walked her back to the door, he handed her two silver taels from his sleeve. "One for you, one for the cook you spoke to. Thank you for your diligence," he said with a placid smile. "And let them know I said you could have two pastries as well."
Beaming, the girl bowed extra low in thanks, then left.
Jin Guangyao closed the door and returned to Nie Huaisang, who was looking at all the food with apprehension.
"You're going to help me eat this, right?"
"If that's what you prefer."
"Of course it is. There’s no way I can finish it myself, and you probably haven’t eaten at all yet, have you?”
Having undergone such an upsetting night and still concerned for him. Yet another small luxury he jealously hoarded.
“I have not,” he said as he turned and poured tea for Nie Huaisang, then handed him the cup and one of the small sedative vials from the tray. He allowed himself to steal a fleeting kiss on the cheek in the process, and took gratification in the small tentative smile it earned.
Slipping off his own boots, he took a seat behind the younger man and reached for a comb to begin unraveling the braids.
"I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow," Nie Huaisang said after swallowing the dose of medication and taking a sip of tea to chase away the taste. "I should... I'm supposed to make up for causing a scene, right? Isn't that how it goes now?"
"You would be surprised how many don't bother," Jin Guangyao replied, managing to keep the bitterness out of his voice.
Though, in this particular case, he didn't want Nie Huaisang to make such an offer. There were too many, his father in particular, who would be all too happy to take advantage of it after what they'd witnessed tonight, and he had no intention of letting that happen.
"Simply apologize and say that you are yourself again and will be conducting your part of the discussions with the appropriate decorum."
And while Nie Huaisang was thinking about how to word his apology, Jin Guangyao would be thinking about how to keep a pack of scavengers from touching what was his.
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gryphons-n-kelpies · 1 year
Well, we already know Morogh's yandere tendencies but....What about Alec's? Mmmmm... *insert a thoughtful emoji*
Is good at hunting for long periods of time, silently, with good eye sight and hearing. So he would follow you around. Literally
Likes to inhale your scent when he is close by
Bares his teeth at other suitors, growls at other wolves
Will try to convince you that everything he does is to keep you safe
Since you are childhood friends. No sense of giving you space and can walk in without knocking (bathroom is the exception)
Somehow... that guy who flirted with you that one day... his car has been totaled by some rabid dog
Will playfully bitemark you in places he knows people would see
Somehow, the famous themed cafe as well as the bar is completely destroyed. Darn, guess you cant go there anymore
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I think we should have lists of AU ideas of CoD. Like just for fun, this is a joke.
AUs of if the MC had actually physically fought one or more of the S rank princes in the prologue.
Menace MC AU because I’ve seen all lot of people talk about this as an AU.
MC gets turned into a child AU because a couple of the event stories have had this.
One or more or all of the consorts get turned into a child AU since I saw people talking about this
AUs where one of the CoD characters who doesn’t have a consort path yet has a consort path. Thoma, Violet, Sherry, Hawke, Dewi, Teto, Zev, Kieran, Hardie, Lunas.
In the prologue the MC’s eye are changed to red to make it look like she is from their world and from Avari. AU where MC’s eyes were changed to green instead to make her look like she was from Akedia. AU where MC’s eyes were changed to purple instead to make her look like she was from Luxure. AU where MC’s eyes were changed to blue instead to make her look like she was from Quelsum. AU where MC’s eyes were changed to yellow to make her look like she was from Invidia. AU where MC’s eyes were changed to grey to make her look like she was from Voleri. AU where MC’s eyes were changed to brown to make her look like she was from Ira.
AU of if the MC was a vegetarian. AU of if the MC was vegan. AU of if the MC had a food allergy. AU of if the MC was lactose intolerant. AU of if the MC was allergic to nuts. AU of if the MC was allergic to gluten.
AUs of if each player got to choose what kind of cat the MC’s cat familiar is. AU of if the MC’s familiar was a dog instead of a cat.
Pokémon AU where CoD has Pokémon
Mermaid AU where one or more or all of the consorts are mermen. Also if Violet was a mermaid because she’s gorgeous.
Centaur AU because lol why not I just made that up off the top of my head, where they are all centaurs.
AU where the MC is a cryptid. Or an AU where the MC is not a cryptid but pretends to be a cryptid. Whichever is funnier.
AU where Guy and Jasper are the same person with two forms/versions who talks to himself. Idea credit to @onedayimgonnasnap
AU where Roy is a yandere because I saw some people talking about this.
AU where Lou is a yandere because I saw some people talking about this.
Steampunk AU because a Nightmare Battle used this as a theme.
AU where Lance is a wolf man. AU where Lance is a werewolf. AU where Lance is a furry.
AU where Knight was raised by wolves. Idea credit to @bitchkay
AU of if Guy didn’t have a dragon familiar but could just turn into a dragon instead.
AU of if the consorts all had wings like they do when they’re in their Hallowed Eve/Halloween costumes.
AU where the MC is self aware she is in a romance game.
AU where one or more or all of the consorts are self aware they are in a romance game.
AU where they are in space in a sci fi setting because why not. AU where they are all pirates because why not. AU where they are all space pirates because why not this is a joke.
AU of if the MC was an alien.
AUs of if the MC and a consort or some of the consorts or all of the consorts visited Earth.
Spoilers AUs of consort paths:
AU of if at the end of Roy’s consort path he ran away but the MC didn’t catch up to him and he made it off the Isle of Colde.
AU of if at the end of Fenn’s path when the MC was in prison she just immediately told the Headmaster why she left with Fenn instead of sitting in prison for days thinking about it.
AU of if in Lynt’s consort path the MC really wasn’t romantically interested in him and didn’t fall in love with him so he just married Hannah and she was happy for them, friends with them. AU of if then she dates Tino instead.
AU of what if Idina died.
AU of if at the end of Grayson’s consort path Joel died.
AU of if at the end of Lance’s consort path Lance didn’t get to/catch Lyle in time and Lyle fell off the cliff. AU of if then Lyle becomes a zombie because why not.
Edit: adding more AU of if Lou convinced the MC to join Iritum.
AU of if someone killed Guy so the magical energy/power Guy gave to Jasper went out of Jasper and back into Guy so Guy didn’t die but Jasper died instead.
AU of if the MC was a detective. Idea credit to @onedayimgonnasnap
AU of if the MC was a yandere to one of the consorts. Idea credit to @wrathfulwitch1
AU of if the MC was a runway model since one of the earlier event stories had Lynt and the MC model some clothing from Akedia.
AU of the consorts dressed like Victoria’s Secret Angel fashion show runway models.
AU of CoD characters doing the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
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