#Yandere deity
heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Stoner Darling: Man..... These edibles ain't shi-!
[realizes the stare around them are actually eyes and they can't move]
Yan Entity: Human... You've returned... I apologize again for polluting your crops with my seed, but I missed your presence.. I hope you stay long as I've become fond of having you
Stoner Darling, internally - paralyzed in the creature's lap: what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
Yan Entity: oh... you have to go already? You break my hearts so... See you soon
[Blinks and is back on the floor of their kitchen laying next to a batch of homemade edibles. They sit up and stare at the plate - slowly picking up another cookie]
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Anjinth Comes
Yandere Male Eldritch Abomination Deity x Gender Neutral Reader (CW: Violent noncon, blood, major character death, heartbreak, broken reader, religious themes, cult, paralysis, venom, oviposition, mild choking, breeding, tentacles, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.)  Word Count 2.2k (So sorry that this took me so long. So sorry that this is so fucked up, more fucked up than the eel one tbh. Reeeallly need something fluffier to balance these last two out.) 
The psychic scream for help released by Anjinth the Shadowed was not heard by many. It was only possible due to the thinning in the barriers separating the planes of existence and only a very few gifted in magic could perceive his call.
Of the handful of people who could, almost all of them discounted it as either a hallucination or a demon trying to lure them in with pleas of help and promises of power.
In fact on all of planet Earth you, and you alone, could both hear his call and were willing to assist him.
Anjinth told you all about himself. That he had originally come from the same realm of man, from deep within space, and had molded Earth to his will. But he had been bound and sealed into a realm of shadow and despair from which he could barely even talk into our world. He could only manage to do so now because the walls between the worlds had thinned ever so slightly.
He told you everything that you would need to do to release him from his prison, and he promised you power, immortality, and land that you would be able to rule under him. How could you resist?
So for years you made it your unyielding mission to bring him back to your world.
Luckily you slowly amassed a small cult to assist you. You had convinced enough people of your cause, getting them to see that the current world needed to be united under one unquestionable ruler.
The first thing you had to do was either find the pieces of magic crystal that summoned the portal that he was kicked through or to make a replacement that was tuned to the same frequency.
Since the pieces of the old one were crushed and scattered you had to make a new one. This was easier said than done.
But eventually you and those working under you managed to collect enough lapis lazuli to build the structure. It was high quality.
You were not a particularly gifted mage though, so enchanting the lapis gate and attuning it to the reverberations of the void realm where Anjinth lay waiting was beyond your capabilities.
But you were not alone in this and many of the Anjinth cult members had abilities and specializations that surpassed your own.
Your boyfriend, Zereff, was one such cultist. He was perfect, he was just as dedicated to the overthrow of the current world's corruption and disorder as you were and magical enchantments and attunements just happened to be his strong suits.
With the help of your beloved everything was almost ready for the day of reckoning when Anjinth would finally be released from his prison.
All that was required now was the summer solstice and it wasn't a long wait.
When the solstice came the entire congregation joined hands around the portal and began chanting a spell in unison, the runes etched into the crystal glew with a strange purple light, and eventually the portal opened, twirling and dark.
A gleeful laugh could be heard from the other side, you recognized it as the laugh of Anjinth, you had heard it a few times when he saw fit to speak to you.
You and your boyfriend, as leaders of his cult, stepped forward and knelt before the portal.
You did not know exactly what you had expected this ancient and powerful being to look like, but it certainly wasn't what you saw clamber out of the void to stand before you.
He was humanoid, but the proportions were off. He was easily over 9 feet tall, but his arms were strangely long. And there were four of them. You were too in awe to count but you could tell each of his hands had more than five fingers. His nails were black and pointed.
He was clothed in black robes that sparkled like a clear dark night.
Anjinth had long dark black hair that seemed to be in constant motion as if from a very slight breeze.
Sharp horns sprang from his head, but instead of curving upwards they curved downwards.
Tendrils made of shadow extended from his back and constantly writhed.
The being's legs were human enough, but he had a strange scorpion-like tail that looked like it was tipped with a scythe made from obsidian.
But the most striking features were that he seemed to have no mouth or eyes at all. Where his mouth should have been there was nothing and where his eyes should have been there were bandages.
At least they seemed like bandages, but they must have been part of his body as they appeared to be like his pearl white skin, not fabric, and tiny little malformed hands grew from them in random spots, and they moved and grasped, as if seeking something unknown.
Despite a lack of eyes he looked down, regarding you and your partner.
"Thank you, esteemed acolyte. I had been locked up for countless years, and now I shall bring the world to order under my command!!"
A lack of a mouth did nothing to stop him from communicating verbally.
His voice was like several men speaking all at once in near perfect unison, it came from everywhere and nowhere all at once.
Anjinth gestured for you to approach him and spoke as he did so.
"Come now, we shall consummate our union, you shall be my mate and forever be at my side!"
You looked at your partner and then back at Anjinth with confusion. He knew you had a partner already. And that wasn't the deal.
You were supposed to rule under him, not be at his side.
"What? No, I was supposed to just rule under you… l-like a general or something! I am already with Zereff!"
The words tumbled from your mouth and were filled with obvious fear. Disobeying such a powerful cosmic horror was not something many would do.
He regarded you silently for a moment before stating angrily, "You WILL rule under me, as my mate. It is your reward for being so wonderful and dedicated, it was how I intended our deal to work from the moment you answered my contact!"
His arm elongated to an impossible length as you trembled at his wrathful words. He lashed his elongated arm right into the chest of your love and ripped out his heart.
Zereff fell to the floor lifelessly before he tossed the body aside like useless trash. The other members of the cult kneeled and looked away, not daring to defy their lord.
You ran to wear the crumpled lifeless corpse of your beloved had landed but were intercepted by the shadowy tentacles on Anjinth's back.
Though they seemed forged of shade they felt fleshy and were stronger than any iron, they pulled you close to the one you had worshipped for years, though you were unable to meet his eyeless gaze as tears dripped down your face.
"There, I fixed your problem for you. Now you no longer have any other mate to take your loyalty for me. Only minutes in your realm and I am already solving problems for you, how lucky you are to have me here!"
Your sorrow turned to fury at those words and you lashed out at him, punching and kicking wherever you could make contact. You did not care if you died, at least if you did you would be back with your only love.
Instead he just chuckled as if what you were doing was utterly adorable.
"So cute, but really we need to make our union official and seal it in sex and I might hurt you if you keep moving like that. So stop."
Words were not enough to deter you, if anything you lashed out only more fervently.
Suddenly there was a great, though brief, pain in your side. He had stabbed you with the tip of his obsidian bladed tail and injected you with something.
Your entire body tensed painfully before going completely limp. You were nothing more than a rag doll held in his tentacles.
Anjinth held you in front of him and began using his claws to tear your pants and underwear away, you certainly wouldn't be needing them for a long while.
He disrobed and, still in full view of all of the frightened cultists present, spread your ass cheeks with two of his hands and began to prod and knead your hole with his free tentacles.
His cock was strange, it protruded from a genital slit, all thick and slimy with a hint of a knot at the base.
He took you in his arms and turned you around so that your hole was presented to him like a bitch in heat.
Anjinth rubbed the tip of his cock on your entrance teasingly, as if mocking you for being able to do anything about it.
Under the effects of his venom you were unable to form words, managing only to produce a garbled whimper in protest.
"Oh, what am I thinking, you are too small and fragile! I better use lube!"
Once more his arm stretched out and went for the corpse of your lover. He covered his hand in his thick dripping blood and covered his cock and your hole in it, massaging it into you.
Wetting your cheeks with fresh tears was all you could manage to do. He wasn't sadistic, but he was angry you had defied him and he knew he had to thoroughly put you in your place as his mate.
This would be both a lesson and punishment.
You could feel his slimy tip lined up with your hole before he plunged down to the base in one smooth motion, causing your stomach to bulge with the outline of his cock.
You braced yourself for the pain that would come with being impaled by a cock that was at least 16 inches, as thick as your arm, and lubed only by sticky blood, but no amount of anticipation could prepare you for how excruciating the pain was.
It was otherworldly, far beyond just the physical sensation of having your hole stretched to its limit. It was like he was willing the pain into you, like you could feel his anger in every movement of his cock.
Cries of pain caught in your throat as he violently rage-fucked you, one set of arms moving you up and down his length like a living cock sleeve and his other free arms.
His tendrils snaked all over your body, feeling every part of you, slithering under your shirt and teasing your nipples before making their way to your neck and choking you. This wasn’t supposed to happen, none of this was supposed to happen. He was supposed to come into the world and unite humans with order. Some of his tentacles began entering your pained hole along with his cock, stretching you even wider. But just when you thought you could not possibly be opened up any wider the base of his cock began thickening, he pulled his tentacles out as his dick tied you to him. A few moments later he was pumping you full of what you thought was semen but was actually just lubricating fluid for eggs. You could feel large round masses being deposited deep within you as he moaned. Anjinth sent the other cultists away, commanding them to do various tasks, and they scampered away quickly. They were eager to no longer see what had become of their former leader. Once alone Anjinth sat down on the throne you all had made him with you in his lap facing towards him. The paralytic he had drugged you with had worn off but all you could manage to do was sob and babble incoherently as your new lover rubbed your back and pressed your face into his warm muscular chest. You were still firmly knotted to him and the tip of his cock twirled about gently inside you, as if trying to comfort your pain, even as a mix of Zereff’s blood and his own inky black lubricant leaked out of you and all over his thighs. “Shhh, it’s okay. Now that you are without that bothersome inferior and know your place I won’t have to be violent with you again~ You can just sit back and be by my side as I breed you full of my spawn everyday for the rest of eternity.” Just as he promised from the very beginning you would rule under him, it would just be a bit more literal than you had anticipated. 
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intynidad · 1 year
Cult leader reader tho😳😳😳
Tw: cult stuff, yandere stuff, tell me if i miss anything
The dancing flame of the central bonfire casted an abnormal red glow, its flickering light captivating the crowd gathered around the wooden stage. Conversations and whispers filled the air, their voices blending into a soft murmur, until an abrupt hush fell over the scene as the sound of approaching footsteps reached their ears.
All eyes turned in unison, drawn to the figure that emerged from the shadows. It was you, stepping into the spotlight, and a wave of anticipation rippled through the onlookers. The atmosphere crackled with curiosity and intrigue as they eagerly awaited your next move.
Your presence commanded attention, exuding an aura of mystery and allure. Whispers of intrigue swept through the gathering.
You raised your hands, a commanding gesture that effortlessly silenced the murmurs of the crowd. The air grew still as all eyes remained fixed on you, awaiting your next move with bated breath. It was as if a wave of anticipation washed over the gathering, each person hanging onto your every word and gesture.
“Thank you all for joining me at this conference in the name of our almighty leader. I promise you that they are the shepherd that will guide you pathless lamb into pure glory.we can join now as one, in soul and body”
You looked around as the people looked at each other and started to whisper once again
You took out your hood letting your face enjoy the cold of the autumn breeze
After weeks of tireless efforts, tirelessly roaming the town and spreading the word about your deity, you were both surprised and elated when, seemingly out of nowhere, a significant number of new followers appeared overnight.
It was as if the very essence of devotion had taken hold and multiplied exponentially. Word had spread like wildfire, reaching the ears and hearts of individuals who were yearning for something greater, something to believe in. They flocked to your cause, drawn by an invisible force that resonated with their deepest desires.
Strangely enough, as you observed the newfound followers who had gathered, you couldn't help but notice that their attention seemed more focused on you than on your deity.
Their eyes followed your every move, their gazes filled with a mix of admiration and curiosity.
You broke character for a second.
“I'm very glad that my deity finally has some more followers. Most people look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them about them and his whispers. Just out curiosity what made you all come to this gathering today?”
Out of the crowd a few hands raised
“I wanted to come here to see if that way i had more chances on ask you on a date!”
“Me too, let me tell you you look even cuter in person!”
A roar of agreement started around the crowd.
“I though i was the only one!”
“I heard that for joining you had to kiss the leader and give them your blood and honestly i'm down for both”
“They can sacrifice me anytime,lol”
You rarely ventured into town, consumed by your mission to gather followers for your cult. When you did visit, people described you as a ghostly presence, one that seemed to enchant and intrigue rather than repel.
Your aura and mysterious nature fascinated the townsfolk, drawing them in with a sense of captivation.
Tales of your interactions spread, emphasizing the profound connections and understanding felt in your presence
You stand there, stunned
You managed to do what your deity asked you but all of these people were joining the cult for YOU not for the promise of salvation that your deity offered…well you did what they asked you to do,so as long as they do his biding i guess there is no problem?
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slumber-lexifer · 1 year
Addon to cult yanderes and monster reader what if, the deity also falls in love with the monster their cult abandoned them for
[I hope this is what you wanted gnxgn]
As monster y/n is being pampered by the cultist, at the camp with bunch of cabins around each other in the same spot, in the deep forest that was your home for awhile, but the allure of cooked food was irresistible, and here you are sitting in the middle of camp, as all the yan cult members are brushing your fur, and braiding it, till there was a bright light, in the sky over the camp,all the members stop, what there doing.
as golden, particles that shine fall gently, to the ground up the steps to the worship and sacrifice area, that use to have stone carved, of the old god forgotten in rock, the members mumble about if its there, old once deity they worship return, that wasn't worth of praise, Of something like you that deserve to be worshiped "stay behind here y/n we will approach our unworthy deity" the leader of cult says walking up the steps
even if you got claws and teeth taller, then most humans, as yan cult members investigate, the golden dust in the worship area,leaving you behind down the steps were the camp fire uselly is, with other yan cult members,surrounding the golden dust it starts moving, emerge rises out of the, dust it
was 10 feet tall figure white skin,humanoid with no features, genderless,with to big white eyes, it morph a mouth of it's, physically body that moves like fluid, to morph its mouth it speaks "traitors you deserve death as you forsaken me and l want to see the culprit who manipulated you to worship them instead" it shouts in anger as it grab the throat of the yan leader "speak mortal" it spits out as yan leader, try choke out a word,as there damage wind pipe wont allow it, the deity inpatient snapped his neck, as it drops the floor, it looks around, looking for you,
till it sees you.
It disappeared "were did it go you" you turn around behind seeing nothing as something pick you by behind off the scuff of neck you try kicking biting "let go it hurts stope it" you cry out "l shell see why they are so infatuated with you and abandoned me for some looking rat" you fall on the ground, as it drops you,turn on your back quickly to get away, face it tilting your head up, it kneels to look at you closely.
It's eyes go soft it frowns
It never saw, anything more beautiful, it caress you face it hums "lm sorry my dear if l was acting inrational my dear l guess the got me something precious you eill be my mate now instead was expecting you be some sly human who snaked in the eyes of follows who forsaken me for" it growls the last part out, it gets up ,picking you up as it cradle you, of cause your confused in this moment, it speaks "you all shall be punish a week in the void but you did bring me my mate so one food and fight over it" it use it hand to appear, a portal underneath most, of the cultist, that disappeared in the hole,
it looks down to you "your my fluffy precious mate l do anything to redeem myself to you l shouldn't of grab the scruff of your neck so harshly so what do you want" you tale wagging,as your still being held, to it chest it's warm, you eyes shine with excitement "happy meal" you fist the air excited, it looks confused "you mortal what is a happy meal" it pointing to the shaking cult member "well sire it's a foo- "then make it for my mate they get what they want" the cultist nods running off it looks down to you "we shall get to learn about each other l am syron you can call me yours"
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yandereforme · 7 months
Twin Yandere Dieties, Axdon and Amis, who loved you in another life and weren’t willing to let you leave in this one.
You were originally a reluctant visitor to the temple, who only came due to pressure from friends and family, but you were interesting enough to draw their attention. They loved you deeply, but they didn’t always pay very much attention to you, and were manipulative and dismissive towards your concerns about the relationship.
Things came to a head when you caught Axdon with another person. You stopped visiting them all together, angry and heartbroken. This was what started their descent into a yandere mindset. Both Axdon and Amis missed you, but you wouldn’t accept their gifts, straight up ignoring the Axdon’s gifts and being cold to Amis after you found out they knew about the affair. The twins were starting to go crazy due to the lack of your love, causing major disasters to start up in different parts of the country. Finally, you agreed to meet up with them again in the temple. They were sitting waiting for you when they heard the scream, your scream.
They held you while you died, neither noticing the binding spells around them until it was too late. In anger, Amis cast a curse condemning that family line to always be marked for their sins, with a red mark on their body, similar to the silver and gold their lover had gotten for them on the small of their back, but this mark would cause pain when touched and work as a brand/mark of their crimes. Axdon cursed the family to always endure tragedy, and never live a happy or blissful life until you were returned to them.
(The reason you were killed? Revenge, plain and simple. They blamed you and your twin gods for the disasters (which were the gods faults) and decided to destroy the threat by killing you and encasing the gods in a ritual object(I’m thinking a knife or pot))
Fast forward several hundred years later, to modern times when some European archaeologists discovered and accidentally released the gods, who immediately released hell on earth. After a few days, they brought in a translator of the dead language the gods were speaking, and managed to discern that Axdon and Amis would not stop until all who were marked were brought to them to kill. Amis decided to make it easier on the mortals by keeping a counter of the amount of people left.
Fast forward again, it’s a post apocalyptic world following the gods’ return. There are only three marked people left(the number went up a month ago, making both of the gods’ angry.)
You, your little sister, and your newborn child are the last people to have the mark. You saw your family slaughtered around you, and ran. You watched in horror, as those ‘gods’ killed and tortured your family one after another. You may have not cared for your family, may have been angry with their treatment of you and your sister, but this? They didn’t deserve to suffer this.
Now, the father of your baby, your now ex-fiancée, was standing smugly with a new girl on his arm as you and your sister were brought in chains to the gods. You held your baby close to your chest, not making eye contact with the gods, until one got closer and you heard them singing under their breath a song you knew vaguely, a song you used to hum when working, but-
“Your singing it wrong.” It took a second for you to realize what you said. You could hear the gasps behind you, and you moved in front of your sister, shoving the baby into her arms as you did so.
“You little-“ One started before the other cut them off. “How should I be singing it then?” The voice was cold, making you shiver, but you steeled your nerves and looked up at the bastards. If you were going to die, you might as well not be a little bitch about it.
You cleared your throat, and with hatred in your heart and eyes, you started to sing. It was a song of unrequited but undeniable love, but you channeled your anger into it, making it as if the singer was angry at being made to fall in love.
You watched as the gods grew still as you sang, how their looks of explosive anger and sadistic cruelty changed to shock and awe. You could feel your sister shifting behind you, but you didn’t look away from the cruel gods, not even after your song ended.
“Where is your mark?” The second one asked coolly. The guard nearest to you grabbed you, eager to show it off, but the first one growled and he let go. You glared as you shifted around to show it off, turning to face your sister. You could hear two sets of footsteps grow closer, and see your sister’s frightened expression.
The guards had carved a whole into your shirt, showing off your mark on the small of your back. You knew your mark was different than the others, and had heard the guards joking about if this made you more important to be killed, and meant they would get paid more for helping to bring you in.
You could feel their hands tracing your mark, and you were surprised by how nice it felt. Your mark usually burned at touch, but this felt almost relaxing, something that would have made you smile if not for the situation at hand.
“It can’t be…” the angrier twins voice was hushed, almost reverent. Suddenly, your baby let out a whimper, and you grabbed them into your arms as quickly as you could, but you could hear the stillness behind you.
You turned around with your baby in your arms. You could see the little red mark on their arm, amid the bruises you knew the guards caused. You saw a hand reach out to the baby and pulled away, keeping your sister behind you. Suddenly, you had a desperate, wild idea. They seemed interested in you right? Maybe they would spare your sister and child if you went with them, or at least grant them a quick death.
“Leave them alone. I- I’ll let you kill me and do whatever you want just, leave them be, please.” Your voice shook and you hated yourself for it. The twins looked …. Shocked. The angrier one looked devastated, while the other one looked contemplatively at you, your baby, and your sister
You felt the shock of a guard kicking you down to the ground, but you only had a moment before the gods struck. One of them grabbed the guard by the throat, while the other rested a hand on your face, turning it upwards towards them.
“We will not kill you, nor your siblings. No one will take you from us again.” You couldn’t understand what was going on. You could vaguely hear the crowd murmuring behind you, and the sounds of the other god slowly torturing the guard who kicked you, but you could only really focus on your blood roaring in your ears and the worried, almost tender look the the god in front of you was giving you.
What the actual fuck?
Note:in case you didn’t realize it when you read it, you are your own reincarnation. The gods started to figure it out with the song, but your mark and its coloring confirmed their suspicions. Also, you don’t know their names when you meet them after being reborn, but Amis was the one humming. If you want to request anything with them, let me know!
Also, I’m running on jet lag and so tired so idk if this is terrible
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crimsonteaaddict · 9 months
CW: reader is described as male presenting and is called a good/naughty boy but that is the extent of the gendering, suggestive themes, nsfw, minors dni
Imagining a Santa coded deity who would bring gifts to those he favoured once a year and make coal of those who harmed the iitems of his affection.
This deity was a large a man, he wasn’t defined by any means but he had plenty of muscle on him and stood about 7 feet tall. Though the deity once visited people (of any age as all of his obsessions to now have been platonic) every year, after word got round that “if you were good, Santa would bring you a gift” the deity no longer felt as enthralled with new beings being born and once his previous obsessions died off, he no longer found himself making new ones. That was until he grew bored once again of simply watching the humans get corrupted, sure they still pretended he was still around and gave him a fictional wife (even though he found himself preferring bratty men), but it wasn’t until he decided to focus on one random human rather than all 8 billion of them. That human was you.
Maybe it was because you were male presenting, or the way that you were unable to hold back the snark of your lip when someone said something rude, or the way your eyes would roll when you were displeased. But the large deity found himself not just wanting to visit you once a year but every night.
It wasn’t hard for him to ensure you wouldn’t wake during his nightly visits, even as he dangled his big fat full balls over your face lining up his tip with the little part of your lips. His precum dripping from the tip of his cock and onto your lips just from the feeling of your hot breath on him.
You met the man for the first time (awake) on Christmas after waking up and leaving your room to get a glass of water, there he stood. A seven foot tall wall of a man, he had long sliver hair with braids scattered throughout it, his jaw was sharp, and his face was riddled with small signs of age, you would have guessed he was probably forty but of course that guess would be wrong. He was in a deep maroon suit that was fitted carefully to his large body, the suit was clearly well worn but not yet in need of replacement.
The man beamed gently his cold look changing upon realizing it was just you, strange considering you’d never seen this man before. Was he a robber dressed as Santa Claus? No way, if he was he wouldn’t be seven feet tall, and making your apartment look so small. There was no way.
“Santa Claus?” You let the question escape your lips quietly confused but it had to come out.
The man smiled taking a step towards you. His face shifted a bit as the deity glanced at your sad tree. A beautiful golden box sat almost glowing under the tree you were almost pulled towards it. “Naughty boy, you’re not supposed to see your gifts t’il morning,” a teasing wicked smiled crossed his face. “Only good boys get treats. Are you looking for a punishment, or will you be good for me?”
A/N: I was gonna post this on Christmas, I never did because kept thinking of writing more but In I settled on leaving it here, enjoy
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princessanonymous · 1 year
Ah, Look Up At All The Puppeteers
"Do you truly wish to see him, Harry ?" Asked professor Dumbledore grimly.
Harry smiled tightly. "He's the only one that's able to answer our questions, professor," he reminded the old man with a sigh. "I'm the only one he deigns to answer. I don't wish to, but I must."
The headmaster sighed but nodded and looked at Snape who held a cold and uncaring gaze. The three of them walked through the halls of Hogwarts, passing different secret passageways. They arrived at the door. It was hidden from the public in a remote area. Adding to that the Fidelius charm and the Notice-me-not charm placed on it, the chances that a random student could stumble upon this room were practically nonexistent.
Still, Harry would have preferred for this place to not be in a school full of children. Sadly, professor Dumbledore held great confidence in the wards and barriers around and in the school, no matter all incidents in the previous four years that proved him wrong time and time again. This was one of the esteemed wizard's greatest flaws.
The sound of incantations being uttered by the men brought him out of his thoughts. The two adults were carefully opening the door. He was glad, he realized absentmindedly, that the spells around the door could only be removed in the presence of two wizards. It was a smart protective measure.
The door opened and Harry stepped into a candlelit room. The headmaster and the teacher stood back. They didn't step in, but their eyes remained focused on the figure in the room.
Harry followed their gaze. There, in front of him, sat a man. His black long hair flowed around him elegantly. He had sharp features and a long slender body covered by a simple forest green smoking jacket and black pants. He was peacefully sitting crossed legged on the floor. His eyes remained closed, but Harry knew he was aware of his surroundings.
Harry waited for the man to acknowledge him. He didn't, even after a long minute. He sighed audibly and narrowed his eyes, realizing the other wouldn't talk in the presence of the two others. The teen sighed and turned around resolutely.
"You two can leave, professor Dumbledore," Harry assured with a bit of reluctance, "I will be fine."
The old man looked hesitant at the idea while Snape looked too eager to leave him behind with the prisoner. Harry nodded at the headmaster, gesturing for the door.
When the door finally closed, the man— no, the  deity opened his eyes. They were green, a green so similar to his and Harry despised it. Despised how the god did it on purpose, how he took this form just to mess with Harry.
The being smiled. "Darling," he greeted, "you came to visit."
Harry narrowed his eyes and leaned against a wall. While the gestured appeared casual, Harry wanted to distance himself from the god as much as possible. He looked at the floor beneath the deity. The engravings of the Hallows were still there. Wasn't it ironic that the same Deathly Hallows the god created had been the key to his imprisonment ?
"I'm not here to chat," Harry snapped abrasively.
Death tilted his head to the side curiously. "Oh, well that is quite unfortunate. Still, any time spent with my child is positive, I suppose."
Harry gritted his teeth as his temper flared. "Stop calling me that."
"It is merely a fact," the being reminded lightly, ignoring Harry's anger. "Your parents had trouble having a child so I graciously—"
"I know," he cut him off. He didn't want to hear about it again. He didn't want to think about it. "And then you killed them."
Death kept a calm face. "It had to be done."
He clenched his fist as anger thrummed through his veins. "It didn't! You know it as well as I do !"
"Hmm..." The deity lightly tapped a finger on his chin before smiling viciously. "I must admit they were in my way. They would have held you back. You will understand eventually."
"How could I possibly understand my parents' death ?" He demanded angrily as he took a step forward. Death's smile widened.
"I am still here, child," he reminded with a warm smile.
Fury roared through his mind as he took several other steps forward. "You aren't—"
The teen stopped and looked down. Harry stepped away when he realized he had almost stepped into the triangle. Had he done that, the deity could have taken this opportunity to use the breach in the barrier as a way to escape.
"Well, I at least tried," said the god lightheartedly as Harry glared at him. He had set him up.
But that made him remember to keep his temper in check. He shouldn't get so riled up. Resentment grew inside him like a tumor. He had to get back on track.
"I came here to ask you something," Harry announced as he crossed his arms.
The deity smiled maliciously and stood up abruptly. Harry tensed, realizing the god had been waiting for it. He didn't know if this was a good sign.
"Reports from hospitals informed us that people aren't dying. A woman has been found in severe pain, but still alive despite her head being severed. The situation seems to be worse in the muggle world."
Harry stared at the god of death who simply mirrored his actions.
"What have you done ?" The teen demanded.
Death smiled, then grinned, quickly the grin became a chuckle and eventually ended into full on laughing. Harry stared at him, dumbfounded.
Harry clenched his fists. "You have something to do with this." That wasn't a question. The teen just knew it.
"I do." Hr had stopped laughing abruptly.
The wizard blinked, surprised by the admission. His eyes narrowed as he tried to regain his composure. "How ? How can we fix this ?"
"Why do you care so much ?"
People were suffering from incurable, painful illnesses, but death never came. Harry didn't know what the god was doing, but this was simply cruel.
"You can't just leave people writhing in pain because you feel like it," Harry argued with annoyance.
"I can." The god of death whispered slowly. His eyes glowed in the dimly lit room and his face darkened as he smirked viciously. "You see, I am above these people. Their livelihoods remain in my hands and I could extinguish each and everyone of them at any moment. This is my play and I can do as I wish with any of these pathetic mortals."
The god stepped forward slowly, but remained confined in the pattern engraved on the floor.
"This place may confine me physically and reduce my powers, but it cannot fully contain me. I will raise chaos upon this world, starting with each of your little friends. Tell me, how long will it take before your little bushy haired friend loses her mind under my torture. And what about that redhead ? How do you think I should break him ?"
"You can't !" Harry gasped as he took a step back. Images of his friends dying came in mind. He couldn't— he wouldn't let that happen.
"You could stop me," suggested the god lightly. "Take this world as yours, child. You have the power to do so."
Harry's heart was beating quickly and his eyes eyes were focused on the man's identical ones.
"Deep down, you are aware they are below you. You are my child, my essence flows in your body. I want what is best for you. This place — this world — is not even an ounce of the amount you deserve, but it shall do for now.”
Once again their conversation reverted to this. Harry sneered at the mere idea of becoming like Voldemort. Because that was what he associated with the god's suggestion. He didn't want to be a ruler. He just wanted to be Harry.
"I could teach you so much, child," the deity now crooned happily at the idea.
Harry refused : "I don't want any part in your sick fantasy."
"Then you will lose everything you hold dear." He spoke with a careless tone, showing how the  thought didn't bother him at all.
He gritted his teeth. "How can you even profess to care about me when you threaten me in such a way ?"
"I am not the villain of this story," the deity said smoothly. "But if you want to play victim now, I'll be just the monster you need. Until you understand. Until you realize I am doing this for you. It might take time, millennia even, but I am willing to wait. Millennia are nothing but a blink of an eye for beings such as ourselves."
Harry trembled. Tremors wracked his body. Death's eyes, the ones that so resembled his with their Avada Kedavra green color, gazed into Harry's. They both observed each other intently.
"What do you choose, child ?"
61 notes · View notes
youryanderex · 6 months
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Yandeity, a term for yanderes who are deities, yandere deities, deity yanderes, deities of yanderes, deities of obsession, obsessed deities or (yanderes) obsessed with deities or a diety.
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Inclusive of people with npd, deitykin, godkin and the like
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Sorry for lack of ids
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strawsojuberry · 7 months
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699 notes · View notes
daengtokki · 1 month
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serial killer!Kim Seungmin/afab reader
WC: ~10k
RATING: mature/explicit/mdni—contains: rough sex, manipulation, strangulation, blood, implied drugging, murder
SYNOPSIS: you walk into Seungmin’s life, and disrupt everything
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The smell of smoke reaches his nose, and the craving comes on so suddenly, and so strong…he hates this, not being able to control something so small. He doesn't have much control at all, if he thinks about it. He hasn't had any real control in years—just the illusion of it. The first chance Seungmin gets, he disappears into a convenience store, and he walks back out with a pack of cigarettes clenched in one hand. He bites down on a fresh book of matches as he bounces it against the heel of his palm, eyes still carefully scanning the streets as he unwraps the plastic and pops one between his lips.
The sound of the match against the striker strip is enough to calm his nerves, but the first slow drag quiets his mind and numbs the itch in his limbs. The part of his brain that doesn't shut up when it's time likes to smoke lately, it seems, so he listens. More of his illusion.
Just as he pulls in another lungful, you breeze past him, head down, eyes glued to your phone. Seungmin can see exactly what you're doing—looking at a map as you walk, probably a little lost, and you’re mumbling quietly. Scolding yourself, maybe, but taking your time and obviously trying to keep it together. He wonders just how lost you are, but he doesn't move right away…he’s smarter than that. That itch returns very quickly, despite the cigarette, and his legs shake a little with the anticipation of following behind. Lucky for him, you stop and duck under the awning for some shade, and probably to get your bearings.
He likes the way you look.
You feign confidence, and you really are doing a great job of fitting in and acting like you know where you are—where you need to go. If anyone else was nearby, they wouldn't even suspect you needed help. And you’re pretty. Seungmin thinks you probably don’t know that, not here, so out of your element. You are, though.
Just as he moves to approach you, you lift your gaze, and your eyes find his. Seungmin freezes for a moment, then slowly takes the cigarette from him lips. “Hello,” he smiles and turns away a little to blow out his smoke. “I’m sorry, I can…” he discards it, then turns back, hoping your eyes are still on him.
He was a little rushed this morning, his hair dryer broke, and he spilled an entire iced coffee on his way out the door. Going out today didn’t seem like the best idea, but he figured he would at least make the attempt, and try again tomorrow if he had to. Seungmin is very glad he tried today. You still look up at him with keen, hopeful eyes when he turns to face you again.
“…put this out.” He tries English—it’s the only western language he knows. “Do you need help reading your map?”
Still, you stare…silent. If you don’t speak English or Korean, he’s out of luck, and he’ll have to drag himself back home, alone, and crawl into bed until tomorrow.
“Yes…thank you”
He sighs internally, and smiles softly at you. Once again, his looks (and his fluent English) get him what he wants. Seungmin doubts you would have taken the help if that first look didn't get something moving in you. He could see it in your eyes. “Where are you headed? I might be more useful than that map.”
Still, you hesitate for a brief moment, “...my apartment. I took the bus, and I missed it coming back. But I think I’m almost there. I’m just a little anxious, and I’m being stupid…”
“No, you’re not. Have you been here long? In Seoul?”
“About a week”
“No, not stupid. What’s the address?”
/ / /
“Stay close, we can probably get the whole way across.” He looks back at you, and slows enough for you to catch up to his long strides. “No, maybe not,” he takes your wrist in his hand, and it’s unnecessary, because you stop with him. It’s a good start…the first touch. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you glance at him, and then to his hand wrapped around you, “I think I know where I’m at now.”
“You think?”
“I think”
“I’ll take you to your building. You don’t have to invite me up…promise.”
It’s another two blocks before you finally see it, and the sight of it is a relief. Seungmin can almost feel the tension leave your body as you approach it, but there’s a long moment of silence between you when you finally get there.
Eventually, you unfreeze yourself and speak,“thank you for your help…uh, what should I call you?”
“Thank you for letting me help. You can call me Seungmin.” He smiles shyly when he says his name.
“Seungmin, is it okay if do?”
“Do what?” He already knows what you’re getting at, but he cocks his head and bites his lip.
“Invite you up. I’m sure you have better things to do, though.”
Seungmin loves the flush in your cheeks when you ask. The nervous energy that left you returns, and it gets his blood pumping everywhere it needs to—his heartbeat jumps, and he hopes his cheeks pink up a little bit, too. “No, that’s been my best offer all day.” He knows he can’t do anything here, but this is also an unusual feeling—visiting the home of a potential victim. It's not necessary, and it's very personal...and it's a little bit awkward.
“This is cute.” Seungmin stands in one spot, and examines the tiny apartment. It’s simple, and still a little plain, but you’ve barely had time to settle. He can picture the twin size bed you’re sleeping on, and how the two of you would barely fit; the commotion you’d make…the mess. The thought sends a jolt of pleasure through him, and he feels himself getting hard as he watches you stare so intensely.
“What?” He smirks. You smile back, so Seungmin lets his grow a little wider.
“Do you want some coffee? You look like a coffee person.”
“I am, I would love some”
/ / /
“You’re a long way from home,” Seungmin says over the rim of his mug, casually scanning every part of you as he does—your bare feet shuffling on the area rug; your legs, easy to admire in the tight leggings you’re wearing; body sinking comfortably into the squishy couch. He sits up and turns himself toward you a little more. “May I ask why?”
“Work. But I think I’m very under-qualified for the position…I took it to get away from my old life, and my ex.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. Bad breakup?”
“Bad enough…I’m sure things could’ve been worse”
If he can find out when the break-up happened, Seungmin can figure out just how vulnerable you still are. “If it was worth coming this far, I’m sure it was bad.” Reaching out right now and grabbing your throat would be so, so easy. It would be nothing; his hands would wrap perfectly around your delicate neck. He can almost feel the snap of your hyoid, your pulse as it speeds up; slows down; stops completely. Vulnerable, but still guarded—soft, sad eyes, and nervous fingers tapping against the mug, turned slightly away from him.
Still, when you look at him again, you light up a little. “My turn…what were you doing smoking outside a GS25 all alone this morning? I’m very glad you were there…just curious.”
“Oh…” Seungmin actually laughs at that—a genuine laugh. He wasn’t prepared for such a blunt question. “People watching, I guess. I like to observe.” He notices your eyes wondering over him, the same as he did to you, only you’re a lot little less subtle about it. “What is it?”
“What do you do for a living?”
A living. What does he do for a living? He doesn’t do anything except survive day to day within his careful, tedious routine. He’s a trust-fund baby, thank god. Seungmin can’t imagine having to work a day job, deal with the public, wear a mask every moment of the day just to get by.
“I make music…write, produce. Independently. Nothing major, but it pays the bills.” It’s not his usual lie, but it seems fitting for you. It’s not even a lie, because Seungmin does make music—music that has ever seen the light of day.
“You sing?”
Seungmin nods, puts on another shy smile for you. “Yeah, I do. Mostly for myself, though.” He’s not used to fielding so many personal questions so quickly, because by now, someone has their mouth on something. Or something in it. The thought gives him another twinge in his groin, and he almost whines along with his sigh.
Now is probably a good time to get more information, but his dick continues to distract him. “Uhm, what was your promotion? What do you do?” Not this information, but he has to start somewhere.
“Nothing very exciting. Customer relations for a cosmetics company. I don’t like it very much, but it pays well enough, and I’m here now.”
“Is that where you went this morning?” It’s almost too nosy, but he goes with it. “Sorry, that’s not really my business.”
“No, it’s okay. I was coming back from Dongguk University. I’m taking language classes."
He takes the opportunity to switch to Korean, “good…so you don’t speak any Korean?”
And all you can do is stare back, clueless. “I think I caught a word,” you laugh when he grins at you.
“I’m going to have so much fun with you”
An exchange of phone numbers, the promise of dinner, and Seungmin is on his way back home. Empty handed, yes, but he already has a plan unfolding in his mind. A few times before, he’s deliberately taken his time—did the cat and mouse thing, or more appropriately for him, a dog with a bone. It’s usually not by choice, though. He may have to find another in the meantime; something quick and easy to hold him over. Rushing things with you won't satisfy him.
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“Wow, this is…great,” the girl turns and gives Seungmin a heavy, confident look. She only has one thing on her mind, but he’s alright with getting straight to the point. “How about the bedroom?” So why does the eagerness almost turn him off? It’s a stark contrast to what you just gave him, and to what anyone else ever gives him. The dates he picks up don’t want coffee and conversation.
There is no foreplay—not a single touch until his pants are undone and on the floor, but she goes for his shirt, and Seungmin grabs for her wandering hands.
“What’s wrong…self-conscious?” She slips one under and runs her fingertips across his ribs.
He has to tilt his head to the side to avoid her lips. “No, I’m not.”
“You are a little skinny, but that’s okay”
The gasp the girl makes when he grabs the side of her neck, the little bit of fear in her eyes, is what finally gets him completely hard. He squeezes, just enough to not be threatening, and she relaxes for a moment.
“Sorry…sorry, just teasing,” she smiles a little, and her eyes dart from the window, and then back to him.
“Get on your knees”
She does so without hesitation, but Seungmin turns and walks away before she has a chance to touch again. There wasn’t much prep for this, so he has to be careful, and he has to be quiet, so he stares absently into the drawer of his bedside table for a few long moments. Handcuffs could be helpful, but the gag might be even better. He opts for the handcuffs, and when the girl sees them dangling from his finger, she smiles. “Okay, I like kinky…are those for me?”
Seungmin nods, and very gently secures one of her wrists. The other end snaps around the bedpost. Now she reaches her free hand toward him and gets a handful of dick, and he lets her touch.
“Are you gonna be a tease now? Take these off.”
A hand comes down fast, and again she gasps as he tightens his grip around her throat. She grabs for him and claws at his skin, but it does nothing. His grip still tightens, even as her nails cut and a thin line of blood starts to form. Seungmin relaxes, and then lets go.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” She coughs and pulls at the cuff, but it's not going anywhere. “Get this off of me. Now."
None of this is new for him, and most of the time, his jobs aren't easy. Last time, he was lucky. "No," Seungmin laughs and pulls his shirt over his head, but just as he's about to return to his drawer for something new, he hears his phone buzz in the pocket of his discarded jeans.
"Take these off…please"
"Not yet, relax"
"But you will? What are you gonna do? I'm sorry I teased you…please, you can do whatever you want, but—"
"But? I can do whatever I want, but what?"
The fear in her eyes is enough of an answer, but another buzz of his phone distracts her for the briefest moment. "Please let me go. We can just pretend this never happened.”
Seungmin goes for his phone this time, "no, I don’t do that," and stares at the number for a few seconds before recognizing it, because he didn't add you to his contacts. He's not even sure he should.
Hi! I just wanted to thank you again for being so kind. I haven't had any really nice interactions with anyone until I met you today. And there is a place a block way from me that I've been wanting to try since I got here, if you're still interested.
Seungmin doesn't catch himself grinning, but his guest does. "Good news?" She asks. "Look, this was just a date gone bad. I'm not into whatever kinky shit you're into.”
He's bored. To be honest, he's been bored since he got this girl back to the apartment, so this may not do the job as well as he was expecting—he’s already starting to get soft. But letting someone go? Seungmin doesn't do that. The phone gets tossed onto the bed as he makes his way back to his drawer, and this time, he knows what he needs. The girl gasps and screams as soon as she sees the glint of the blade against the lamplight—the gag definitly would have helped, but it's too late now. The neighbors are mosty likely at work, at least.
The rattle of the cuffs against the bedpost is annoying, and Seungmin thinks for a moment that it might actually break. "You need to relax, and you need to be quiet. This…" he gestures to her antics, "this is not helping either of us."
"Fuck you, you're gonna burn in hell"
That's the last thing she says. There is one more reach, and one more scratch of her nails (right across his cheek), but she gives in as soon as the knife slides neatly between her ribs. One last hitch in her throat, one last exhale, and the light fades from her eyes. Exactly what he needed.
"I know"
/ / /
I am still interested. I wonder if we're thinking of the same place.
He sends that off and thinks, but the first text is more of a challenge to acknowledge.
I'm glad I could be your first.
It doesn't sound quite right to him, but maybe that's a good thing. He sends that, too.
Now he looks to the lifeless body on his floor. The blood has soaked through her clothes, and onto the area rug where she was kneeling. Seungmin suddenly remembers why he hates doing things this way. Okay, no blood for a while, he thinks as he begins to conceal the body. He has a long day ahead of him now.
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The week passes slowly, and Seungmin spends it hidden away in his bedroom. He wrote a little, and he forced himself to sing last night, but aside from that, he's just existed beneath the warmth of his blankets. One more text came from you a few days ago, but he hasn't bothered looking at it yet. Ignoring his phone has been a test for himself, and he has done pretty well at not thinking about what you said.
That can't last forever, though. Seungmin doesn't think you're going to lose interest that easily. He knows you won't. And besides, he's hungry. It's time to get out of bed.
I'm free all day on Thursday
Fuck, today is Thursday. Seungmin sits up in bed and stares at the screen, thinks…wonders if chasing you will be worth it in the end. What if he spends all of this time on you, and it doesn’t fill the need he’s expecting it to? What if it’s just like the last one? He starts to type.
I am free today. I'm sorry I took so long to reply. I understand if you made other plans.
No, it can’t be as bad as that one.
Lunch. Maybe a walk, if it's not to cold for you. Back to the apartment. It's not time, though. The feeling hasn't quite returned yet, and it won't feel right if he does this now. Maybe today isn't the day.
I'm still free. Let me know when!
But lunch wouldn't hurt. Seungmin needs you here, in this apartment, if he's going to do this right. He needs you comfortable with him.
I can get dressed and head to your building. Half an hour? Meet me outside.
/ / /
You dressed up for him. He's still a half a block away, and you’re turned in the opposite direction, but he can tell that you put some thought and effort into your outfit. Seungmin looks the same as he typically does; black jeans, black sneakers, a Carhartt jacket over a loose fitting t-shirt. Not much effort, really, but…
"Hi!" You examine him, not so subtly, starting from his dark parted hair, all the way down his long, slender legs. The smile on your face grows when you meet his eyes again. "How was your walk?"
Now it's beginning to feel like a date, and it’s very obvious that you’re attracted to him. There’s no doubt you would’ve looked at him the same had he arrived in the sweatpants he had on in bed this morning. "Very nice. How was the trip from your apartment?"
Seungmin gets a genuine laugh out of you. “It was great, I was very excited to get down here and see you.”
Excited to see him. Okay. Seungmin is used to the attention, but he isn’t as used to the cute, innocent flirting. He sees your cheeks blush before you drop your gaze.
“You lead the way”
He nods, and brushes by you very gently.
Lunch is perfectly normal; a real date. Seungmin learns a little more about you, and you learn a few more exaggerated, somewhat true things about him. The breakup between you and your ex was recent—only six weeks ago. The move was actually the catalyst for ending things. You confessed to him that you’re still unsure if it was the right thing to do, but you are beginning to like living in Seoul already. Maybe because of him. You thanked him again for his help, so Seungmin starts to wonder if simple kindness isn’t something you’re used to. Getting it from him seems a little ironic.
“Would you like to take a walk?” The second part of his plan already seems to be in motion, because you walked right by your building without even realizing. “There’s a nice park I like to visit about a half a mile that way, and a cafe a little closer, actually.”
“Either sounds good"
“Or, my apartment is closer than both. And I have a very nice coffee bar. And a regular bar, if you prefer.”
He hears your soft laugh, and he can picture you blushing again. A no wouldn’t surprise him, though—going straight to his apartment was beginning to feel like a stretch, but he has to ask. After all, you did invite him up fifteen minutes into knowing him.
"Are you gonna make me a homeade latte?"
"Whatever you desire"
/ / /
Seungmin waits for you to give him a surprised look as soon as he leads you through his front door, just like everyone else does, but you don’t. You’re quiet as you take your shoes off and look around, and you don’t make a sound until he speaks up.
“Make yourself comfortable. I’ll get the espresso machine going.”
“You must do good work”
“I wouldn’t say that. My dad left me a lot when he died, so I can’t take any credit for it.” Why did he say that? He had no reason to tell the truth, and yet, it slipped right out.
Now you do give him a look—a sad, apologetic one. “Well, I’m sure you still do good work.”
Seungmin keeps his mouth shut as he flips a switch and grinds the coffee beans. You don’t say anything else, but he watches you watching him carefully from the corner of his eye as he works. He makes one for himself, too, and as he walks to join you, a reflection on the hardwood makes him stop in his tracks. A small, silver earring is shining up at him, and he silently scolds himself for his sloppy cleanup. How did he miss that all week? He did stay in bed for most of that time, but he has never, not once, left something behind. It looks clean, at least...no blood.
“What’s wrong?” You look to where he’s looking, and you see whatever has him frozen. A small silver hoop earring.
“Uh, nothing…” he sets both coffees down on the table and tries to ignore it, but he can’t. Besides, you’ve seen it, and he can’t just leave it there. Seungmin wonders if he left something even more damning in the apartment as he bends to pick it up.
“One of your dates lost something?” You say it casually…just an observation, “I assume you have a lot of them coming and going.” But Seungmin looks ready to defend himself.
“No…no, I don’t. Not that often, really.” He slips it into his pocket. “How is your drink. I can make another if it’s not quite right.”
“It looks good,” you pick it up and hold it under your nose, “smells good,” and take a slow, careful sip. It’s hot, but just the right amount of hot. “It’s very good, thank you.”
He sits down, and his knee grazes against yours. You hold still and watch his hand run down his thigh, follow his arm up to his shoulder—to his neck, where his loose t-shirt reveals some collarbone, soft and tan. Seungmin is staring right through you, and he doesn't seem to realize it. The movement of his eyes is hypnotizing, and they're so big and dark, you feel like they could swallow you whole.
Just when you think he's going to reach for his coffee, his hand lifts toward you, and everything moves in slow motion—Seungmin's tongue pokes out to wet his lips, he bites down on it a little…and his fingertips just barely graze the far side of your neck.
You shake free of your trance and move back.
"It's alright," you take another long sip of your coffee and avoid his gaze, but you can feel him staring at you. Hard. You look around his big, well decorated apartment and suddenly wonder how you ended up here with a man you hardly know, inches from him, his eyes eating away at you.
He's not sure why he went for that touch. Curiousity, maybe. Your skin looks soft, it is soft, and though he has no overwhelming urges at the moment, he still wants to to know how your skin feels squeezed against his palms, and pinched between his fingers. The image gives him a pleasant twinge in his stomach, and he doesn't even think about the possibility of his dick growing in his jeans right here and now. Today, nothing will happen, and if he scares you off now, he’ll never get you here alone again. It’s not a risk worth taking.
“I am…please forgive me. I don’t know why I did that. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”
“I don’t.” It’s a little bit of a lie, but he seems sincere. It’s easier to relax and take a deep breath now that he’s up and making a little bit of distance between you. Still, you admire him from this angle—his long, slender legs, perfect in proportion to the rest of him. Broad shoulders, and a strong looking back that you can see when the light hits his white t-shirt just right.
His face is soft, his jaw is strong, and his skin pretty, but not quite perfect. Seungmin looks like a piece of art come to life, and he’s here with to you. Talking to you. Staring at you. Reaching out to touch you.
There has to be something wrong with him.
“Are you okay?”
“Hm? Yes, I’m okay”
“I asked if you wanted to see the balcony”
There is no doubt he caught you admiring him. The grin on his face warms your cheeks…it warms your entire body. “Yeah, sure”
The balcony is in his bedroom.
Very cautiously, you walk through the doorway, but you’re not sure why you’re still on edge. So far, Seungmin has been sweet and thoughtful…maybe a little odd, but not so odd that it should concern you. Regardless of how handsome he is, maybe he really doesn’t go on many dates, or even get out of this apartment very often…his room is dark and moody, maybe more of a reflection of his mind than anything else in the apartment. Everything looks expensive—the high windows, the lighting, the music equipment in the corner. His bed is oversized and covered in soft pillows, and an old stuffed dog sits right in the middle. It looks like it’s seen better days. Seungmin doesn’t stop to show you around, though. He heads straight for the balcony.
“You’re not afraid of heights?”
You shake your head.
“Good. It’s a nice view.”
It is a nice view, because he’s almost at the very top. The wind gusts a few times as you stand there, and the air is chilly, but Seungmin stands to your side and blocks most of it. His eyes burn into you again, and you’re starting to like it.
“I should probably go.” Another lie. There is no reason to leave, and you don’t want to, but if you do stay, something will certainly happen.
“Oh, of course…I can call a ride for you”
And you want something to happen. Being in his room, within falling distance of his bed, is driving you a little bit crazy. His big, soft eyes are driving you crazy. But you barely know him, and you’ve barely settled into your new life. Feeling vulnerable isn’t new, but you’re extra vulnerable right now, and you know what can happen when you feel that way.
/ / /
Someone else will come along, and he’ll be fine. Eventually, he’ll come across another perfect one, and when he does, he won’t drag his feet and fuck things up. You were right here, inches from him…more than within reach, and Seungmin is not used to failing at getting his way. Maybe he missed something. Seungmin isn’t completely aloof when it comes to emotions and reading them on people, but he doesn’t typically bother with it, and he isn’t the best at it.
Fortunately, he doesn't have to dwell on it too long. You send him a text right before he begins to doze off that night...
Thank you for lunch today, and the walk…and coffee. Sorry I ended everything so quickly, it was nothing personal. I would like to see you again.
Okay, everything is fine. Just a little overreaction on his part. He just…scared you off? Came on a little too strong with the neck touch, more than likely. It didn't seem like much, but you're obviously a little reticent.
I would like to see you again
No reply to that, but a heart pops up next to his message after it sends.
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He drags himself to the other end of the street, but he's tired. Sleep hasn't come easily the past few days, and the nightmares that come and go have returned…the same ones—the old shed, the soft, rain soaked ground, and the earth covering his father's hands when he reaches out for Seungmin. There's more, so much more, but it always comes in pieces. Maybe tonight he'll get another piece.
For now he focuses on the woman entering the bar, and he's certain he's going to lose her in there on a busy Saturday night. The urges have returned, and the sleepless nights haven't made things any easier, so he has to do something, and this half-hearted chase helps a litte bit. You haven't said a word since Thursday, and if you don't by tomorrow morning, he might just come and find you himself. If that's the case, he doesn't even need to pursue this one—he can go back home, take a hot shower, make a strong drink, and finish his nightmare.
His heart jumps into his throat.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sneak up on you”
It’s you. It’s your soft, lilting voice, and your pleasant accent. He turns and your eyes connect, but his heart still continues to pound. “Hi, what are doing so far from home?” Very far. He ventured a little further out of his comfort zone this time around. Running into you this far from home can't be a coincidence, even if Seungmin doesn't believe in things like that.
“You first”
“Oh, uh…trying to be social, I guess”
“It’s alright, you don’t have to tell me the truth.” You smile at his smirk. “A few of my classmates dragged me along, but I’m over it already. I don’t usually stay up this late.”
“I can ride home with you, if you’d like. Unless I can convince you to have a drink with me first.”
You think about it, but not for very long. Part of you wants to make up for last time, and for struggling to text him back. “Yes to both. Can we try a different bar?” The other part wants to remain strong.
“Of course, anything you want”
“Your bar?”
But the former part is bigger.
It's a quiet ride back to his place, but it's not an awkward quiet. Seungmin is relaxed, body turned sightly toward you, and you can tell he's watching every subtle movement you make; the fidgeting of your fingers, and the bounce of your knee, the occasional shift to adjust yourself and pull at your sweater. You can't quite figure out what he seems to see in you, and maybe that's part of your hesitation—being a clueless foreigner with a native drinking up every little thing, emphasis on little, that you have to you offer.
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He walks ahead of you as you head for the elevator, and it's another opportunity to look at him in the harsh light. The leather jacket he's wearing is a bit big, but it doesn't hide the broadness of his shoulders. Just as you move your eyes down, he begins to take it off and reveal even more. His muscles move delicately beneath the black t-shirt as it slides down his arms, this time a more form-fitting one, tucked loosely into his black jeans. Tiny waist, narrow hips, but just enough ass to grab.
The elevator opens and he turns to you, "don't worry, I won’t keep you up too late."
When you arrived, he did all of the things guy's don't actually do on your dates: pay for the ride, open the door, hold a hand out for you. It was a little bit cheesy, but you're not going to complain about his good manners.
"Do you mind if I change? I can smell the smoke on me."
You shake your head at him, make yourself comfortable on the couch, and listen carefully as he moves around in his bedroom…the slide of a drawer, a door softly opening and closing. He's not in there long, and when he comes out, he looks like a different person.
Seungmin’s face is so striking, and it’s like that no matter what he does to his hair, but he definitely combed everything back with his fingers while he changed. It’s parted just off to the side and pushed away from his eyes, save for a few lose strands, and his eyes are so pretty and intense. The outfit is completely different—a loose fitting t-shirt, a thin white one this time, and sweatpants. It looks so out of place, because the three times you’ve seen him, he was dressed a little more than casual.
A silver Chanel necklace still hangs around his neck, and you wonder if he just forgot about it. “Better?” You stand and take a step toward him, he moves a little closer, but heads toward his small, but elaborate bar.
“Yeah,” he smiles and beckons you . “What do you like to drink?”
“What do you think I like?”
“Oh…good question, let me think,” he very patiently scans over his selection…
Ice in the shaker, cherry soju, coconut vodka—he gives it a shake, never breaking eye contact until he has to grab a glass and pour—he stops and looks around, thinks, then grabs another bottle from under the bar. As soon as he twists the cap off, the sweet smell hits you. Seungmin tops it off with cream soda, and drops in a cherry before sliding it toward you. Then he pours some for himself, minus the soda.
“Is this me as a cocktail?”
He sips his, and you can hear a little laugh from behind the glass. “First impression? Yeah. Is it good?”
“It’s good, it’s sweet…goes down easy”
“Oh, I hope so”
The whole room warms. You feel like you’re on fire. You know you’re blushing, and you might even be grinning like an idiot, but you can’t pull yourself away from his stare. Seungmin bites down on his bottom lip and a smirk slowly tugs at his mouth, and it’s now that you notice how plump and red his lips are. His cheeks turn a little pink, too.
All you can do is clear your throat and shift in the bar stool, but thankfully, Seungmin still has the reigns. He finishes his drink in one swift movement, and you take one more sip as he rounds the bar. The warmth of his hand on your thigh, you do feel that, but everything else is either numb or pulsing with nervous excitement. He spins you to face him, but his hand doesn’t move—it squeezes as he leans in and whispers in your ear.
“Stop fighting against it…just…” he sighs, and it turns to a soft moan. You feel like you could melt right out of this stool and onto the floor. “Don’t make me beg.”
Fuck, your mind went from nothing to everything you want him to do to you, and everything you’ve been wanting to do to him. But you haven’t done anything yet, and you don’t have to. Seungmin hasn’t come off as that type, but god…the way he’s looking at you and gripping your leg. He gently pushes your thighs apart until he can put himself between them, and your eyes drop to the growing bulge in his sweatpants.
“Seungmin…uh, fuck…um”
“What? Look at me. Eyes up here.”
The ease at which he makes you listen is surprising. He has you now. The smoke-tinged smell of his skin, the vanilla of his cologne, and the sweet smell of booze on his lips. His eyes soften, and you can’t even begin to imagine resisting that look—from here you can see the little bit of black eyeliner starting to smudge. You don’t even feel yourself reach up and wipe your thumb at the corner of his eye, not until he smiles and wraps his fingers around your wrist.
“I’ll take care of you. I’ll give you what you need.”
No answer will come out, so you squeeze your thighs and hope he can read the look in your eyes. He does. Seungmin grabs your hips and pulls your body into his, lifts you, and doesn’t hesitate once he has you in his arms. He turns and takes you right into the bedroom, and the feeling of being outside of your body is intense. You can feel your legs wrapped tight around his hips, and your arms clinging to his shoulders…you can hear his soft grunts as he keeps you steady against him. He pulls you close right before he drops you, and you get a taste of his skin before you hit the bed.
“Keep your eyes on me”
He pulls his shirt over his head, and you study every inch of him while you can. A long, lean torso—his muscles underneath flex with every shallow breath; his bare shoulders—you count every freckle as your eyes move down his arms; his hands grab his waistband and pull, and his cock bounces out, bigger than anything you’ve taken before, and you’re not even sure he’s fully hard yet.
Seungmin laughs at your reaction. “I’m usually a little more subtle…but,” he stops and looks you over, and his voice turns so sweet, “take something off for me. Please.” He’s never this needy, and he doesn’t usually move so fast, but he’s aching for it. Nine days of teasing him was far too long. “Yeah?,” he purrs as you sit up and slide out of your oversized sweatshirt. “Much better….” He strokes himself as he climbs onto the bed.
As soon as your tank top makes it over your head, and your breasts bounce free, you feel your nipples harden even more. Seungmin groans like a horny teenager. “Good…lie back for me.”
The steadiness of his hands is what you expect from him, though. You know he’s experienced, and you know he wants all the control. He unbuttons the skirt and pulls, leaving you in nothing but your panties—you wore cute ones, the lacy ones, just because. Of course you weren’t expecting to get anything tonight, but you’re so glad you did when you see Seungmin smiling at them…but then he snaps out of his trance.
Fuck, he mumbles and moves back. You watch him hop off the bed, and take another chance to admire his naked body, but he doesn't take long getting into his drawer, grabbing something, and returning to you. The condom is out and on him before you even realize what he was doing, and your panties are gripped and pulled down.
"Open up for me," he coaxes your shy legs apart until he has an eyeful of your throbbing, swollen cunt—good—and his tongue slides hungrily into you, making you gasp. "Soaking wet for me already?" Seungmin looks at you for an answer.
You nod and cautiously run your fingers through his hair, and he leans into it before getting back to work, but he just teases you. Licking and sucking just enough to make your hips move against him for more. You relax and enjoy it while you look around the dark room. The curtains are pulled shut, but you can see a little slice of city through the balcony's sliding door. The built-in shelves in the corner are over flowing with books, records, little trinkets you can't quite make out. There’s a bouquet of fresh purple flowers poking out just enough to see. You reach up and slide your hand across a silky pillow, and your fngers close around it.
"Oh…right there," you whine and take another fistful of hair. "Seungmin, god."
He laughs again, takes your words to heart, and doesn't hold back.
Your eyes squeeze shut, and you try hard to keep your body relaxed as he works, but all you want to do is thrust into him, make more fiction…finish…come hard. Seungmin moans and the vibration runs through you.
He stops, and lifts his mouth off of you completely…
…and he laughs. "Not yet, not yet."
"So mean," you whimper, "why…"
You force your legs closed, but Seungmin doesn't like that. He grabs each knee and spreads you open again, and he slides himself between your thighs until his cock grazes your sensitive clit.
“Relax…” he comes down and bites the skin on your hip.
“I am,” you lie back and look to your left this time; at the desk, the instruments, everything he uses for work. The bedside table is bare except for a lamp, a pair of glasses you’ve never seen him in, and a silver bracelet…it matches the necklace you feel tickling you as he moves his lips up your body. “I am.” Your fingers tangle in his hair as he gets closer and closer to your throat, your neck. He bites down gently, and the pressure as he pushes himself in is so much more than you prepared for. He doesn’t tease—but he does at least take his time. After a few patient movements, he pushes in, and you whine in pain as he moans in pleasure, pulls out, laughs softly as he pushes in. Again and again.
“Fuck, you feel good”
“Slower…slow down,” your own voice echoes in your head, and you don’t feel like you’re all there. But you watched him make your drink, and he didn’t put anything in it. It’s stupid, but maybe it’s just him, and this room.
“Slow down? Oh, I’m hurting you.” He pushes in and stops, “I don’t wanna hurt you, but...you look so good stretched around my cock,” and pulls out carefully, “so wet.”
“You’re not hurting me…”
“I am”
It takes so much restraint, but Seungmin listens to you, and he’s patient as he pumps in and out. Every few strokes, he moves a little faster, and he knows he finally finds a good pace when you whine for him and squeeze his arms.
“Yeah, you like that?” He whispers and you nod, “you take it so well, fuck.”
His gentle affirmations keep you wet, and the sound you make together, the mess of arousal dripping out of you as he works—Seungmin pushes your thighs apart and takes in every little detail.
It does hurt, and it feels so good at the same time. “Please…”
The soft movements of your breasts distract him, and he takes them in his hands and squeezes. The look on his face is dazed, so full of pleasure. So lost.
“…don’t stop.”
"No." He’s not stopping anytime soon, not when it feels this good. “No, I’m not,” Seungmin speeds up, "I'm gonna break you in two," and slams hard into you, and no, he doesn’t stop, even when you cry out in pain. One hand falls down on your mouth, and the other pushes your shoulder into the bed, making you scream out again, but it’s muffled by his palm.
Your hands jump up and squeezes his forearm, and the other scratches at the hand covering your mouth. You can still breathe through your nose, but just barely. Seungmin doesn’t relax, and he doesn’t let up when you grab his side and dig in. Everything goes numb, but your skin prickles with goosebumps. You’re outside of your body again, looking down at the struggle, and the ceaseless pounding of his hips against yours. Every move he makes knocks even more air out of your lungs. Maybe if he comes, he’ll stop, or at least loosen his hand and let more air into your lungs. Time slows down, and lights pop up in your vision. You’re getting dizzy, and your heart was threatening to explode before he attempted to stifle your moans. Your chest starts to burn as you exhaust yourself.
There’s nothing you can do. Seungmin is stronger than he looks. Fingers squeeze into his arms one last time before the feeling disappears, and you think he finishes just as you let the rest of your body relax. Sleeping, that’s what this feels like. Falling asleep…feeling so tired you can’t possibly keep your eyes open any longer. Something in you needs to say his name one last time when the pressure of his hand is finally gone, but so are you.
/ / /
Seungmin can barely hold his body up, because he can’t remember the last time sex felt that good; the last time he came so hard. It takes a moment for enough blood to return to his brain, and for the post-orgasm bliss to subside enough that he can speak, but when he does, he finally realizes how silent you are.
“Hey, sweetheart…look at me,” he runs a soft thumb across your brow, and wipes away a stray tear running down your temple. Seungmin freezes, and the air catches in his throat. “Open your eyes,” he whispers, taps your pink cheek, and caresses it with a softness he isn’t used to giving out. Nothing happens. He pulls at your chin until your lips part to listen for the movement of air. Still nothing. “Fuck.” The shakiness of his voice surprises him. He climbs off of you and collapses onto his pillows, but his eyes don’t leave your still body. “I didn’t. You fucking idiot, you didn’t…” he’s up again and walking on unsteady legs, still weak from the exertion. Back in his sweatpants, Seungmin climbs onto the bed again and straddles your waist. Your cheeks are still flushed, and your lips, also still very alive looking, stay ever so slightly parted. Still, no air passes through them. He knows his own strength, and he prides himself on his control, but sometimes he does lose himself in the moment. But he kept his hands away from your neck. He very specifically forced that on himself, because this wasn’t the plan tonight.
“Hey,” he moves a piece of hair away from your damp forehead, places his lips against yours for the very first time, and he fills your lungs with air. Once…twice. Nothing. He tries one more time, and after, kisses you softly before returning to his spot on his pillows. The puppy plush falls onto his lap, and he grabs it, “you see that, Daengmo?” he says, and points its face toward you, “I still can’t do anything right.”
The first gasp for air feels like nothing—a useless, struggling breath like you’re still trapped underwater, but your eyes somehow open and see nothing but a blue tinted darkness. Hands clench something soft and slick…silky. Still corporeal after death, that’s the only thought you can create. The second breath fills your lungs and you cough it out, hard. So hard you sit up, and he’s there, holding your face, whispering your name. You try to push back, but you don’t think you actually move. Seungmin’s grip tightens on your shoulder, and he lets you fall back on the bed.
“Stay awake for me,” he says.
“No…no, stop”
“I’m not going to hurt you…I promise”
“Seung—” you feel yourself slipping again, and then his hand is on your bare chest, sliding up and down your sternum. It feels good, and you finally feel like you might be alive. “Seungmin?”
“I’m sorry”
And then you’re truly awake. The memory hits you suddenly—the hand caressing you is the same one that was clamped across your mouth. The other pinned you down onto the bed, and you can feel the sore spot where it's going to bruise. You somehow find the strength to move your arms and pull yourself away, but the burning of your thighs, and the leftover pain from the sex makes you shake and collapse.
Seungmin watches quietly as you scramble back up and gather your discarded clothes.
“You need to lay down. Please, get under the covers and get warm.” He finds your sweater, and holds it hostage. “I know I scared you, I'm—"
“Scared me?” Somehow, you manage to find and slip back into your underwear and tank top, but your skirt is nowhere. Why are you even looking for your clothes? You should have been up and running for the door, but your mind is nothing but static.
“No…I mean, what just happened is not what I intended. I lost myself.”
Finally, you go for the door, clothes or no clothes but it’s, unsurprisingly, locked. That’s an unbreakable habit of Seungmin’s. “Please let me go…please.” As much as you want to cry, nothing happens—but your throat tightens and it’s hard to breathe again, so you do the only thing you have left in you—collapse onto the floor and wait. "This can't be happening, not to me...no, everything felt right," you say to yourself, to the door.
“I can't let you leave, I'm sorry.” He hears himself speak so softly, and it's as if it's coming from someone else, from somewhere else…not him. “You shouldn’t even be here right now. What’s wrong with me?” He mumbles the last part to himself, but it comes out louder than he intends.
You stare wide-eyed at nothing, forehead against the door, breathing deeply as you do everything you can to not have a full-blown panic attack. The adrenaline is quickly running out. But you hear the rustle of blankets and sheets, and then you sense him getting closer. His fingers close around your shoulders, very cautiously, and he pulls you against his chest.
“I’m going to pick you up, okay? And then I’m going to take you to the bed. That's all."
If there’s something you can do to save yourself, you can’t seem to think of it, so you give in and let him put his arms around you. And he does exactly what he says—places you gently in the spot he prepared a moment ago, and then pulls the blankets over you. He moves back a little bit, and stares. The strong, sweet scent of him is all around you now, but you manage to keep your eyes closed and off of him.
“I’ll be right back, I’ll get you some water”
They remain closed until you hear the lock, the door, and then him locking it again from the outside. He won’t be gone long. You’re up and scanning the floor again, trying to remember if you had your phone in your pocket. No…you left it on the bar, right next to your empty glass. The balcony…you have no clue what you expect to find out here, but you go out and look left, and then right. And then 25 stories down. The closet. It's spacious and neat; tshirts, jackets, shoes. The black and white windbreaker he was wearing when you first met him briefly catches your eye, but you close it quietly and head for his bedside table. You heard him slide the drawer open and shut right before he walked out. Maybe there's something in there. “Oh…” The inside of it is neat and organized, just like everything else, so you get to see exactly what’s in there with one quick glance: a small knife, concealed in a black sheath, a few small syringes pre-filled with a milky liquid, handcuffs, nylon rope, a gag…"what the fuck"…lubrication, and several more condoms. “This can’t be happening.” A moment later, the lock clicks again, and without thinking, you grab the knife, quietly close the drawer, and climb back under the covers.
There's a bottle of water under his arm, and a mug in his hand. "I am going to drink some of this so you know I didn't put anything in it…and then I would like you to finish it," He takes a long sip before handing it to you, "The water bottle is unopened, don't worry."
Something is different about him. As soon as you woke up, something felt not quite the same. Even his voice, which was so serious, and a little bit solemn before, seems lighter and higher. You stare into the mug and take a deep breath, smelling the chamomile, the spearmint, and the orange. Seungmin finished nearly half of it.
"I'll take another drink," he holds his hand out for it.
"No…" you sip it very cautiously, and then take a longer drink. The taste and the warmth does help, and you finally take a full, deep breath. Seungmin rounds the bed as you sip, and you watch him carefully. If he opens that drawer again, he'll know you have the knife…and unlucky for you, that's exactly what he does. Maybe he heard you. Maybe he can just read it on you.
But he's quiet as he looks, and his expression doesn't change. He just closes it again and sits at the edge of the bed, naked back facing you. You find yourself admiring him again…his neck, his shoulders…stupid. He slides back and relaxes against the pillows, but he keeps a good distance. The bed is big enough for that.
"You have my knife?"
The way he asks isn't accusing. It isn't threatening. It isn't even rude. He asks as if it's just the next part of the conversation. When you don't answer, you see him nod his head from the corner of your eye.
"If it makes you feel safer, you can hold onto it. If you want to use it, I probably won't try to stop you."
"How long are you going to keep me locked in here?"
"I'm not going to let you go home alone in your state, not this late. You can leave in the morning."
"You're lying"
Seungmin sighs and turns on his side, and he looks at you—you look at him directly for the first time since coming back, but you're both silent. Just like his voice, his gaze is softer, and less intense. It’s also full of confusion, like he doesn’t know what to make of you; as if he’s wondering why you’re in his bed right now. His eyes start to close. At the same time, your eyes grow heavy, and it feels just like before. It feels like you can't possibly win against the sleep, and your thoughts wander as you drift; now you'll die, no more waking up.
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The sun coming in through the balcony window warms the room. The light slices the bed right in half, and when you open your eyes, the first thing you see is his sleep tangled body—the legs of his sweatpants are pushed up almost to his knees, and his skin glows in the sunlight. He's sound asleep on his stomach for a few more moments, but then he mumbles something that you can't quite make out. A groan, but it's not a good groan. It isn't until right this second that you remember the situation you somehow ended up in. Locked in with him…whatever he is…a murderer? The drawer screams experience, and that experience screams serial killer, but last night didn't seem like an experienced killer. You suppose not every time can be perfect.
What are you even thinking? You pull the covers away and move to sit up, and it's then that you feel the knife, still tucked safely beneath the pillow. So Seungmin didn't sneak over as you slept to retrieve it, because you assume he actually did put something in your tea—something he himself also drank. Both of you fell asleep together, and now you have to wait for him to wake, and hope he meant what he said a few hours ago. No, you idiot. Where did he put the key? It's probably in the pocket of his sweatpants, so you move closer to him as carefully and as quietly as possible.
He doesn't stir. You stare down at his sleeping face as you slip your fingers into his pocket, and again, you admire him—the lips you never got to kiss, soft and pouty. His cheeks, his nose, all perfect and screaming to be touched. Seungmin must hear your thoughts, because his eyes open to you, and his hand clamps down on your wrist. Ice runs through your veins and your stomach drops, but instead of pulling away and retreating to the other side of the bed, you lean forward and press your lips to his, because…you don't know why. But Seungmin kisses back, and he means it—every nibble and lick, every soft moan coming from deep in his chest. You return the intensity, and something about his kiss feels good, but still…
“Oh…right,” Seungmin licks his lip and keeps his chin high, because he knows exactly how sharp his knife is. It grazes his throat, and your shaking hand doesn’t do much to relax him. “How could I forget?”
“Where’s the key?”
“I told you I’d let you leave, I meant it”
“Give me the key.” Now, of course, you can cry. Tears stream down your cheeks, and your hand shakes even more.
“Okay…okay,” he digs in the pocket you were going for, pulls out a leather keychain, and one gold key hangs from it. “Please don’t cry.”
You snatch it, but keep the knife against him until you’re too far away to reach. He doesn’t get up when you do. He doesn’t move when you grab the clothes you finally find on the floor, try the key, and sigh with relief when it works. It’s possible that he finally moves when the door shuts behind you, but you’re dressed and gone before you have a chance to find out.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
I first imagined (un)lucky reader as fearful of their gift, but picture gremlin reader with that same power. An agent of chaos in alignment with none - given blessing by a deity of fortune upon winning its heart with their unruly ways. Inevitably catches on to some extent and all hell breaks lose for everyone, but namely reader's human yans. Gremlin reader is just having a field day watching it all unfurl.
Gremlin sets up a chair and umbrella in their front lawn, wearing their finest maid outfit as they draw a line on the pavement. A neighbor walks out as they take their seat, throwing on a pair of cat ears to top of their robes
Neighbor: What are you doing??
Gremlin Reader: Waiting. Check this. [Reader turns on their side, skirt hiking up to upper thigh as they shift. Stripped stockings on full display - the shadow hiding in their hedges to frame this one in a lifetime experience peers out to get a better picture. As their silhouette ghosts over the line - a flying motorcycle helmet crashes into their skull, knocking them out cold.]
Gremlin reader, scribbling on their notepad: hm, that's a first. So far it's been sports balls, bricks, and a printer.... Still need to send flowers up for that last one
[Yan luck deity in a council meeting]
"You are disrupting the very balance of our reality - for one mortal?"
Yan luck deity: Not just any mortal - observe. [Presents a video of reader sobbing in front of a vending machine, cradling their haul after the machine dispenses half of its load instead of their single bag of chips.]
Gremlin Reader: This - is so much bigger than me. I'd like to thank my manager, God, the guy I pocketed that two dollar bill off-
[Gremlin reader, holding a tide pod-
Yan luck deity: DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!
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yourlocaltreesimp · 3 months
hello! I read your yanlinks and wanted to know if can be possible some hc of the links (+deity and dark link) with darling taking mask as their child? like I always wanted to hug and punch the goddess for what the poor kid suffer, imagine that traumatized kid just being take of that doomed world and just the reader just ‘this my child now, he will have the childhood all of you deserve but had’ so they better accept it. sorry :( if you can’t is okay
ofc i can do this
thank you for sending this in-
so i didn’t do headcannons (so sorry) but I’ll definitely write more with mask ((i had too much fun)) and could make hcs!!
Also, funfact, my hotel had to evacuate while i was writing this
TW: Yandere content
There are few times you were separated from the chain anymore. As the trip progressed and their mental states began to spiral, you began to notice more and more how much they’d begun to infringe on your time. There was always one of them there, vying, hoping, tripping over themselves if they could just be of use to you. It was because of that you couldn’t leave. There were always eyes on you and a hand lingering somewhere on your skin.
A loving quirk, you may call it.
And you’d be willing to dismiss it if it were simply a matter of chance— there are plenty of them and one of you, it seems perfectly reasonable there’d be someone near you at all times… right?
The time you’d returned from bathing without telling them only to find Wind backed into a tree explaining he didn’t mean to lose sight of you says that thought is wrong. Time hardly ever yelled. Never at you and never again in your presence, but you’re reminded thinking back to that just how dangerous these boys are beneath their sweet smiles and reverent gaze.
And you may think that they simply wish to protect you. The woods are dangerous, afterall. The woods crawl with creatures that intend to bite. To take you and harm you.
Wind spent the rest of that night crying and huddled into you. He had not much more than a sliced lip, but he certainly was shaken. The others didn’t do much to hide their glares, after all they were justified.
Weren’t they?
They just wanted to keep you safe.
It’s exactly those prior events that made this specific circumstance so… unsettling.
You were alone.
The woods were quiet.
There were no monsters.
Your legs were shaky and weak beneath you as your hands pulled you up. The bark on the tree you’d used for support was wet and the earth smelled of fresh rain. The back of your clothes stuck to your skin, the cold seeping in.
Slowly, the world began to move at a pace that made sense. You didn’t realise until a gust of wind had shook the gnarled trees that the air was stagnant and dead.
Nor did you realise the sound of a hiccuping child, crying over the buzz of cicadas.
Internally, you struggled. This is the exact kind of fae trap you’d expect waking up in Hylia knows where, it’d be dumb to go blindly walking into that.
But the worst that could happen is you move from one cage to another, so your get began to tread across the muddy ground.
You certainly weren’t expecting what you got.
A boy. A link. Curled up at the base of a tree, crying. The sight was rather painful to bear, his fragile shoulders shuddering as he tried to choke everything back. his face his scrunched up, and he bares a snarl that is missing a few teeth when you kneel to help.
“Hello Li…” You trail off, quite unsure how he’d react to seeing you know his name when he was already quite unhappy at being interrupted.
“Hello, little one” You settle on that, pulling the sleeve of your shirt up and over your thumb to wipe the tears and snot off his face. He’s backed into the tree as far as his legs can manage to push him. You pause to gather exactly who you’re looking at, and if there’s anything to guess by the bright green tunic, ocarina and collection of masks, this is the young time you’d originally thought him to be.
“Are you alright? What happened” You try your hardest to soothe him, but it’s clear the distrust has already been so deeply woven within him. He just shakes his head and shoves you away.
So, without much else to do, you set up camp.
You talk aimlessly as you work, noticing that despite his stubborn silence, the young Link (Mask, as you decide to call him) was awfully perceptive. You hope, somewhere in his little mind, he can gather through your subpar attempts at starting a fire and your light-hearted ramblings that you’re not a threat. That the food you made was not poison and you were someone he could rely on.
You saw what the world had done to those boys.
Maybe you could help this one meet with a better fate.
It’s hours into the night before he’s cheered up. He chews happily on some chicken skewers you made, the world easing its grip on him. He recounts his own tales about Epona and Navi, ones Time wouldn’t usually be vulnerable enough to share. And even then he never spoke with such the same spark. This little boy in front of you, beaten down as he was, had so much life in him.
You would not let anyone take it from him.
Not Hylia, not the people, not whatever evil incarnate found him, not even the world.
He does nod off in time. It’s far later than you’d expect his little body to endure, but he falls asleep slumped against you. It seems with just the notion of safety, he gave out.
He’s just hardly light enough to carry, so you were able to unpack his bedroll and drape whatever fabric you could find to make a blanket.
The world goes sickeningly still again. The wind stopped and it felt as though the forest died. A voice, too loud and too encompassing cuts through the dead air. It’s multiplied and shifting, as though it can’t tell how it wishes to portray itself. It’s thousands of people.
But also just one.
“Hello, Little one” It mimicked your tone in every manner from soothing to mocking. You reach slowly to your side to grab your dagger.
“You needn’t be frightened. I have no need in harming you” The voice comes from in front of you instead of behind you. Your breath is stagnant in your lungs the moment you think you’re caught— that Time had found you.
No. He had not.
But the deity had.
He stands, impossibly tall and almost incomprehensibly grand. He has no pupils in the vast whiteness of his eyes, but you know he’s looking at you. You know because something in you freezes up. He sets down his sword with a thump, the intertwined metal heavy and ebbing a sense of power equal to the man who wields it. You purse your lips to start saying— something, but he holds up a single hand in dismissal.
“I know who you are. I know why you’re here” He kneels across from you, the fire licking each contour of his bold features. He’s comparable to many of the great roman or grecian statues, striking and yet too perfect to be human. The warm light casts his skin in a warm highlight to almost convince you that his body, his vessel holds warmth, but it’s the cold moonlight and the shadows that creep around his edges that remind you who it is you’re speaking with.
“You truly must forgive my… abrupt course of action. The others left me without much time.” He quiets his voice, eventually managing to mimic something close enough to human. It’s uncanny, but ignorable.
“So… you know about-“ You choke on the thought, “the others?” It is quite odd that despite this being some split into the past he knows not just of you, but he knows you— your situation.
“The hero never truly ridded of me, you know.” His lips curl halfway between a snarl and a smile, “I was always there. Watching. Observing. Learning.” As he speaks, his words feel as if they curl around you, cinching in.
“If I hadn’t taken you when I did, it might’ve been fair to say you would’ve been stuck.” Each syllable is sharp. Concise.
“What do you-“
“I’m sorry if you’re not feeling well. Time travel truly isn’t something the mortal body is accustomed to. Especially into such an obscure timeline. But I had to be sure I kept you safe. Hidden.”
One cage for another.
“There are no monsters in these woods anymore, my flower. Don’t worry. I ensured it” He whispers, that menacing grin branding into your mind.
But there was a monster in these woods.
Because not always are they agents of evil and incapable of causing anything but harm.
Sometimes they bare their teeth in grins. They take you and harm you. They hide their worst intentions behind sweetened tones and good intentions while they hold a knife to another.
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intynidad · 1 year
I love the cult Yandere fics you have done! They’re really well written and a joy for me to read!
I’m curious what you think what would happen if the reader came down with a terrible illness? How would the cult members feel or react?
Thanks for reading this and I hope you are having a wonderful day/night ^_^
Im glad you guys liked the yandere cult serie! This might be a little short
Warning: not really yandere but just in case?? , mention fainting, cult things, looking at somebody sleep
It was a seemingly ordinary evening within the cult, with most of the followers diligently tending to their tasks in the fields. However, a sense of curiosity and concern started to circulate among them as they noticed your absence.
"Have any of you seen our esteemed leader, Y/N?" a young woman inquired, her brow furrowing with worry. "They are usually up and about by this time."
A discussion ensued among the group, each member expressing their willingness to check on you. Voices overlapped as they debated who should have the honor and responsibility of ensuring your well-being.
"I believe I should go and see if they are alright," one voice asserted confidently.
"Why should you be the one to check on them?" another voice chimed in, challenging the first.
A third voice joined the debate, its tone filled with determination. "I have a closer bond with our leader. It should be me who goes to inquire about their well-being."
The exchange quickly escalated as more voices joined the fray, each passionately arguing why they were the most suitable candidate to fulfill this important task. The once calm and serene atmosphere in the cult now buzzed with the intensity of their determination to reach you.
"No, I should be the one to go!"
"Wait, I've known our leader the longest! It's my duty to check on them!"
The voices blended together, rising and falling in a cacophony of competing interests. Each follower believed they possessed a unique connection with you, and their ardor to fulfill this duty was evident.
The fields that were buzzing with work a few moments ago came to a halt, that is until a lone figure emerged from the central tent.
“Oh great leader!We were worried about you!”- one voice exclaimed with glee and with that, the fight stopped and all of the followers were around you.
As the cacophony of voices surrounded you, a disoriented feeling washed over you. Your head felt hot, and your stomach churned with unease. Strangely, you couldn't recognize any of the voices that were engaged in the fervent debate.
You tried to make sense of it all, desperately searching for familiar faces or even a trace of recognition. But amidst the fervor and the overwhelming flood of voices, it seemed impossible to pinpoint a source of familiarity.
The last thing you remember was a series of screams as you closed your eyes and your legs gave up
When you woke up you where in your bed, a damp cloth on your forehead and a note by your bedside…well several notes one your bedside
You picked one that was written in a more formal way and didnt had any hearts drawn on them
“Dear leader, i am the medic on duty, at the time im writing this letter you been asleep for 2 hours and i can’t stay on your tent any longer without the rest of your followers skinning me alive.
Please take the glass of water next to this note and take some of the herbal medicine i prepare, ill check on you when i get the time
I love you
Rest well”
You decided to ignore the last part of the note and take your medicine unaware of the abnormal large shadow that extend next to your pillow.
After taking the herbal medicine, you went back to sleep unaware of the darkness that started to consume your tent, only when you were sleep a figure emerged from the pool of shadow and tower over your sleeping form
“My poor little lamb…” the figure says in a almost undetectable whisper.
Their clawed hand looms over your cheek but as it got closer it just went right through it
“Not yet” the figure says “but soon”
Since they managed to contact one of the followers with the promise of you as a prize if they worshiped him, things were finally starting to change
The chains that bind them to their realm were ever more weak, after all they couldn’t project themself as a shadow into your realm before…
They gave you one last look and a small “kiss” to your forehead (even thought it went right through you), you deserved to rest
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lwolfcat429 · 1 month
Raising Zeus's child
(stay with me)
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Imagine these; (reader is/can be both or neither genders but I will be using female pronouns, please change if wanted)
You are a single, unmarried, person in Greece, everyone else's lives are normal but yours, you didn't have sex with Zeus but you do end up raising his kid, the woman he originally had sex with found out Zeus wasn't gonna stay for her so she just... Didn't keep the baby, I mean, she kept in until it could talk and walk before leaving it...
but luckily, or unfortunately, you stepped in and took her place, though you didn't want kids you couldn't leave him there either so you took him in. At this point he could talk so when you tried to figure out where his parents were he had informated you his father was "that man" and pointed at the statue of Zeus, at first you thought it was cute before slowly realizing the boy... Looked... Like.. a younger... Smaller... Zeus. It clicked and now for your own safety your keeping the child, you raise the child as your own, and doing everything in your power to be seen as good in all the gods' eyes in case they came to get him whenever
"hey little buddy, where your mommy? " --R (reader)
"she weft me " --COZ ( child of Zeus)
" oh no, I'm so sorry... What about daddy? Where's daddy? " --R
" his that man mama keeps telling me... " --COZ
" awe.... Oh my-- " --R
" buddy!-- hey tiny immortal person, we do not climb trees, no no we do not. You can play with sticks safely, you can play with the leafs, you cannot climb a tree because you can fall, get hurt and no one is happy, hmm, yeah. So please come down and eat some bread, then you can throw leaf's as much as you like " --R
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yandereforme · 7 months
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dia-oro · 2 months
The best way to stop a fight internally in the group is at readers hand, imagine a clash of opinions very loudly between two links and reader just… “ok, Ok! Let’s agreed to disagreed in this one, you’re are all Babigirls so stop this Now” and just like that…. Both man just stop working. one time with twilight and sky you call them ‘malewife’ and just… two hours of both suffering a Error 404, two weeks later they are “sorry I gutted that thief that try kidnapping you… I’m still your malewife ?? 🥺🥺”
wind is having his best life there teasing his big brothers there.
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