#Yandere submas
r0-boat · 5 months
Cat hybrid! Ingo x reader x Cat hybrid! Emmet
Cw: slight yandere, jealous, and possessive Behavior.
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They owe you their lives for rescuing them. Ingo I'll never forget the day it was a cold snowy night him and his brother, who had been surviving outside for as long as they could remember seeking refuge in an old abandoned train tunnel. Emmet being stubborn, refusing his brother's torn coat no matter how cold he was. Him and his brother were tired cold and starving this town was unforgiving too wild hybrids and they were not cute kittens anymore and nobody was willing to bring home two strange men.
Thats when Emmet, trying desperately to huddle into his own clothing for warmth, noticed a bright light coming down the tunnel. As the bright light approached they noticed a figure, a human. Emmet hissed at the figure, all day they had been running from mean humans and other hybrids just to find a spot to sleep but Ingo did not want any trouble he understood his brothers frustration but responding hostility would only brew more hostility. The human had a green uniform and the light came from a lantern they were holding. They came to inspect the old railway tunnel as their boss was hoping to remodel and refurbish for future use. But they did not expect to find two hybrids cold and dirty looking glaring up at them. The one with a smile was growling at you, his tail fluffed and his ears flattened. The one who had a frown his voice scratchy husky as if he was suffering from a cold spoke quietly
"Please we do not want any trouble if we're trespassing; we'll leave immediately."
Your heart broken too technically they were trespassing but you couldn't just kick them out like this.
"Do you need help? Here come with me."
Ingo with speechless, unable to answer this was a random human who offered their help normally he wouldn't trust strangers but they are in no shape to decline help of any kind Emmet was confused. Surely this was some kind of joke? But seeing his brother take the humans offered hand, he was still wary, but he would have done the same.
Now, their lives have changed. Ingo smiles fondly, seeing his brother now practically begging for the human's attention.
Emmet hated you at first; he would stay respectful and cordial, but other than that, you'd always keep his distance. If he weren't with his brother, he'd be somewhere else. Now he's attached to you to the hip, insisting on following you around anywhere. And he can't blame him. You are as kind and gentle as your heart, taking in two strange hybrids, opening up your home to them and your heart. And their mind has saved their lives. They are indebted to you, and they'll happily do anything and be anything you desire.
Now they walk side by side with you, your scary "dog" privileges. You like they keep the creeps away, but sometimes…
"Ingo… I told you we were going to have a guest tonight. Why did you throw him back out?" You were sad and Confused. You brought home a date, and for some reason, you are normally polite and well-mannered. Hybrids started acting strangely, cold, and childish, squishing themselves in between you and your date. Literally and figuratively, as they squeeze themselves in between the two of you or cut into your conversations, anything to steal your attention until your date who has gotten fed up with their shenanigans and leaves your home.
"My dear, I don't know what it was about him, but he didn't feel right to me," Ingo said.
"What are you talking about? He was great, perfect even. Emmet ?" Looking over at his brother for his opinion Emmet who had a triumphant smile on his face, bluntly stated, "Good riddance, I'd say. He did not deserve you."
You sighed in frustration, resting your head in your hands. This was the third date they had chased off. It's not like going somewhere would stop them the last two times you tried; they were conveniently in the same place you were.
"Guys, please. If you don't stop chasing people the way I might actually get a partner. And not die alone."
Emmet wiped his head around, walking toward you, wrapping his arms around you from behind. "don't say that; you are not alone because you have us."
Ingo agrees, taking your hand in his, steel gray eyes staring into yours. " That's right, you already are a part of our 3-car train. You don't need anyone else."
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spicyicetea · 5 months
Eldritch Submas x reader
May contain NSFW topics including violence, swearing and sexual references. MDNI. This is a Fem reader but referred to with GN pronouns the majority of the time. Not proofread because I can’t be bothered.
Elesa time YIPPEE (this took way too long, I’m sorry I’ve been playing dumb demon dating game :/)
It didn't take long for the subway to gain its popularity, quickly becoming a go to destination for trainers passing through Nimbasa. Being the gym leader in Nimbasa, Elesa decided it was her duty to check the place out. It wasn't often she closes her gym for a day but this was an important matter. At first she paid them no mind, stronger trainers in the area means that she'll have stronger challengers but recently the situation has developed. Not only had there been anonymous complaints regarding the depot agents working there and their behaviour, but concern about the strange groups that gather around the streets leading into the railways are festering in the city. It's her duty as a gym leader to address public concern, so she might as well satiate her own curiosity at the same time.
“So this is the railway everyone's been talking about…” She wraps her coat around herself as she looks at the gated off stairway.
It was deep into the night at the time, the perfect chance for her to poke around without anyone knowing. She would never take advantage of it being dark to do something bad, but if a fight broke out it may endanger people during the day, it was purely for safety reasons. She grabbed the key to the large lock holding the gate closed, twirling it on her finger before unlocking and pushing the heavy gate open. The stairs down almost looked threatening, as if something was staring back at her from the darkness, daring her to go down. Swallowing her paranoia, a hand on one of the pokeballs in her pocket, she followed the stairs down into the station. The lights came on automatically, the white tiles reflecting the light back into her eyes causing her to squirt with a groan.
“Visitors at this time? How verrry rude.”
She jolts at the voice, opening her eyes wide and looking at the platform in front of her. Side by side stood two figures, heads cocked while looking at her, one grinning widely and the other frowning. The one in black placed a hand on the other's shoulder, taking a step towards her and bowing.
“It's an honour to finally meet you Elesa, are you here on business?”
She narrowed her eyes at the pair, unsure on what to make of them. She had never seen these two before yet they spoke as if they knew her personally. As she steps back, their expressions falter, both hitting an uncomfortable expression before looking back at her.
“I see your memories remain the same…”
“This is verrry bad Imgo, we can't leave her alive-”
“W What? What do you mean by that?!” Elesa stumbles back, her emolga forcing its way out of the pokeball, growling at them.
Ingo raised a hand to stop his brother's advances, sighing. They could make use of someone who was seemingly unaffected by their powers. Someone as popular as Elesa, as showered in affection and love by her admirers… yes they could use that.
“Ingo? What are you planning?”
“Calm Emmet, we could use the help of a woman like her.”
“What? What in the world are you talking about? Stay away from me!”
“No, please calm yourself Elesa, we mean you no harm.”
“What are you two?” She gulped and held her emolga to her chest.
Ingo sighed and looked away at Emmet.
“You wouldn't be able to comprehend our true forms, but we truly mean you no harm. We are here for… well why we're here isn't important for you to know.”
“What do you mean by, be of use?”
“We are in need of a humans opinion-”
“Ingo, we are not.”
“Brother we agreed we'd rather do this in a way that they could stay happy-”
“Bosses, we finished filling Y/N's paperwork so they can join us at work tomorrow. Shall I call them to let them know they can join us tomorrow?” A depot agent poked their head out of one of the staff only areas, paling once they noticed their company.
“Oh I'll call them! I already miss their voice,” Emmet beamed, cleaning his throat once he noticed his outburst.
Elesa narrowed her eyes as the depot agent left, smirking at the brothers.
“I think I understand what you needed my help for. I'm guessing this Y/N person is… special to you both.”
Both the brothers went silent, whispering to each other.
“I'll help you both, it will let me keep an eye on you two.”
The brothers sighed, Ingo nodding at her in relief
“That makes matters simpler, our friendship will be a fruitful one.”
Elesa went to correct him, claiming they wouldn't be friends, but decided against it. She would be lying to herself anyways, she already has a soft spot for them given their awkward crush, it was pretty adorable. The brother's now eagerly surrounded her asking her opinion on various romantic gestures. She waved her hands to shush them, overwhelmed by their bombarding questions. They went silent looking expectantly at her.
“What? I could barely hear a word any of you were saying!”
“Oh, well I asked what you think our darling's reaction would be if we disposed of all her enemies,” Emmet confidently asked.
“Yes, we wish to show her how we'd care for her, we must prove we're capable soulmates.”
“Soulmates? I… we need to set some ground rules.” Elesa sighed.
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onestepbackwards · 1 year
I've got some ideas to make the BeeGearStation AU spicier.
Imagine you (the reader) being a wasp hybrid instead of a human. You have your own colony nest with your own workers (all female, so no drones). Your colony is prosperous under your rule as the sole Queen. However, you noticed that some of your workers become somewhat lethargic for at least once every few months. You thought that it was because of your discipline and strict laws within the colony, but it was not! It's because your workers are h0rni for their need to mate with a male! Also, your colony is slowly dying due to no birth given. Oh, how scandalous!! You need to think of a way to maintain your colony so that they would thrive.
One day, while doing your work as the Queen, you heard one of your workers talking about an all-male bee colony that has two Kings ruling it, and they are all drones (all males, so no workers. You now have the solution for your problem and are determined to find a way to solve this problem. You have prepared all that is essential for the trip to the next door colony and also the proposal. All that left is for you to go there and have the talk with their Kings, but you can't. The problem is that wasps and bees are not known for being friendly to each other. So you think of a different way: you try to bring more delectable gifts for the Kings and a letter of proposal. You and some of your workers marched to the bee colony with pride and confidence. Alas, you are stopped at the entrance as those poor and clueless bees run away from you to report straight to their Kings. You, as the Queen, stand tall (albeit nervous) to see the Kings. They don't seemed to be pleased by your arrival.
You decide to give them the written proposal to the Kings in hopes that they would understand that you and your colony mean no harm. One of them is reading it carefully, while the other keeps his stern eyes on you. After reading your proposal, they seemed to be shocked and shot you a confused look, but you didn't notice their slight giddy stance. You stayed calm and explained once again that your arrival means no harm to their colony, and present them with the gifts you brought for them. Finally, they let you in and you three are now seated in their meeting rooms, while your workers stood outside the bee colony, being endlessly scrutinized by the drones.
The Kings and you decided to discuss more about your proposal, and they asked a lot of details. They said that your gifts are not to their liking. You told them that you can find more suitable ones for them. They declined, and said that they want something else. Something... valuable. They want you as their new Queen. You told them that you can't just leave your colony. How are they going to survive without their Queen? Finally, all three of you came to a win-win solution. You would stay a few nights to mate with them, and also some of your workers who would mate with some of their drones. Once you are bearing their eggs, you would give some of your eggs to them and some for your own. The deal is sealed and you (and your workers) did the do.
A few weeks later, you noticed that the contract that you have agreed with have something else written on it, something that you did not notice in your nervous state before. It says there "...the bearer of the eggs would be permanently become the Bee's Queen should she stays more than a week in our colony, unless she wants her workers to be harmed...". Your head spins and your try to regain your composure, and stomped your way to the Kings' lair, only to be greeted with their wicked smile. They sauntered their way to you and whispered, "You should have read the contract more carefully next time, Queen.".
Ooh, interesting! A bit dark, but yandere an obsessive Beemas? Over a Queen Wasp hybrid? 👀
Sure, you could break the contract and run, but do you really want to risk your own workers here getting left behind and killed?
After all… it’s no secret a bee hybrid hive is one of the most deadly forces to be messed with.
And if you run? Well, if the contract is void, nothing is stopping them from hunting you down, dragging you back, and locking you away…
It would be a shame if the Queen were to ‘lose’ their wings on the way too.
Hope you enjoy your new life! No worries, they’ll make sure your colony is taken verrry well taken care of. No need to leave.
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mikovwrites · 1 year
SubMas: BeeGearStation AU with Wasp Queen Reader
This fanfic is inspired by @r0-boat and @onestepbackwards 's ideas of SubMas's BeeGearStation AU. Their blogs are full of delicious ideas and writings. Please check them out!
Read on Ao3:
You are a Wasp Queen reigning in a wasp colony of all-female workers. Having been reigning for several years, you have created a prosperous colony life for your workers. However, you noticed a problem that arises in your colony: every few months, several of your workers fail to do their tasks properly. At first, you thought that it was because you are too strict with them, but it was actually because they are h0rni. This problem had been worrying your mind until you heard about a certain new bee colony that has all-male drones.
Chapter 1.
Imagine you (the reader) being a wasp hybrid instead of a human. You have your own colony nest with your workers (all female, so no drones). Your colony is prosperous under your rule as the sole Queen. However, you noticed that some of your workers become somewhat lethargic at least once every few months. You thought that it was because of your discipline and strict laws within the colony, but it was not! It's because your workers are h0rni for their need to mate with a male! Also, your colony is slowly dying due to no birth given. Oh, how scandalous!! You need to think of a way to maintain your colony so that it would thrive.
One day, while doing your work as the Queen, you heard one of your workers talking about an all-male bee colony that has two Kings ruling it, and they are all drones (all males, so no workers. You now have the solution for your problem and are determined to find a way to solve this problem. You have prepared all that is essential for the trip to the next-door colony and also the proposal. All that is left is for you to go there and talk with their Kings, but you can't. The problem is that wasps and bees are not known for being friendly to each other. So you think of a different way: you try to bring more delectable gifts for the Kings and a letter of proposal. You and some of your workers proudly and confidently marched to the bee colony. Alas, you are stopped at the entrance as those poor and clueless bees run away from you to report straight to their Kings. You, as the Queen, stand tall (albeit nervous) to see the Kings. They don't seem to be pleased by your arrival.
You decide to give them the written proposal to the Kings, hoping they would understand that you and your colony mean no harm. One of them is reading it carefully, while the other keeps his stern eyes on you. After reading your proposal, they seemed to be shocked and shot you a confused look, but you didn't notice their slightly giddy stance. You stayed calm and explained once again that your arrival means no harm to their colony, and present them with the gifts you brought for them. Finally, they let you in and you three are now seated in their meeting rooms, while your workers stood outside the bee colony, being endlessly scrutinized by the drones.
The Kings and you decided to discuss more your proposal, and they asked for a lot of details. They said that your gifts are not to their liking. You told them that you can find more suitable ones for them. They declined and said that they want something else. Something... valuable. They want you as their new Queen. You told them that you can't just leave your colony. How are they going to survive without their Queen? Finally, all three of you came to a win-win solution. You would stay a few nights to mate with them, and also some of your workers would mate with some of their drones. Once you are bearing their eggs, you would give some of your eggs to them and some for your own. The deal is sealed and you (and your workers) did the do.
A few weeks later, you noticed that the contract that you have agreed to have something else written on it, something that you did not notice in your nervous state before.
“The bearer of the eggs would permanently become the Bee’s Queen should she stays more than a week in our colony unless she wants her workers to be harmed.”
Your head spins and your try to regain your composure, and stomped your way to the Kings’ room, only to be greeted with their wicked smile. They sauntered their way to you and whispered, “You should have read the contract more carefully next time, Queen.”.
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kharmii · 10 months
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Ingo is saying in these panels: I'm home! My cute Kudari. Sorry to keep you waiting. It must have been lonely in there. It will be just the two of us. Ah so cute, I'm shaking seeing you like this. *pats* There there.... Now that I'm here, you don't have to worry any more. I will protect you from everything in this world. Lets go home.
Art credit: エム氏@siwaQsai Twitter.
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outcasting101 · 1 year
Pokémon Prompt
Being Alola Champion, you have a job to ensure all the ultra wormhole is secure and well explore for public safety. Imagine teleporting to a railroad train unaware soon to encounter the two twin train conductors inspecting the strange phenomena that you unintentionally brought yourself. How would this play out especially when being trapped into the Unova region with the Alola Pokemon?
Honestly, I would find this pretty interesting, right from the anime - it is rare to find certain Pokémon (like Pikachu) species and it is pretty much within the public interest to inspect. Imagine having an alola version of it. The crowd would go WILD!
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bellafragolina · 1 year
An Oath By The Blood On My Hand
Chapter One:
Your favorite route to talk on a walk leads you past the deep dark woods on the edge of the city. Your house sits nicely in between the two places, not shrouded in brush, but also free of most of the bustle of the city. But on nights like this, where your body is lit like a live wire, aching to go and do something, it’s perfect. For it’s a five minute walk to the tree line, where open space turns to crowded congestion of plants and hidden creatures.
You linger on the edge of the woods, staring into the shrouded darkness. People pass by you, walking and chatting as they admire the starry night. Their ambience lulls your scrambled brain into a haze of sorts. You stare at the jumbled branches, leaves, and vines, lost in the hypnotizing way they sway on the breeze.
A calmness washes over you.
Only to snap like a rubber band.
The heat seizes your entirety like a strike of lightning against your skin. It shoots through your veins, so sharp and strong that you keel over, hissing and gasping for air. Your head swims, still caught in the haze, so you try to breathe through your nose, only to catch a heady scent coming from yourself.
It’s early, too early, but your preheat has arrived. It settles into your skin, heavy like soaked through clothes clinging to you. You try to straighten, to shake it off, but the live wire that has been strung through you since this morning rears.
You jerk, spinning around to see some of the people on the sidewalk have stopped to stare at you. They can smell your preheat, you’re sure of it, but the idea frightens you. Your shirt is loose enough to show there’s no mark along your collar, and sharp eyes linger there, before drifting further down.
A twig snaps beneath your frightened step backwards.
“Omega.” One man calls, a sneer to his tone that crawls across your skin like tiny bugs. The scent of burnt sugar makes your nose wrinkle, instincts rearing in your head for you to go. “Come.”
You book it.
Alphas aren’t usually aggressive, nor are they the kinds to usually force themselves on suffering omegas, but that man. . . that man isn’t an alpha you can trust. The way he called to you, told you to come like some sort of dog, all of it pointed towards future abuse. And the way the other people merely watched. . .
Several footsteps break through the brush behind you.
Dodging low branches, you leap over thick bushes and scramble deeper into the woods. Darkness is thick and palpable here, and you’re swimming through it, fighting against the current that snags at your pants. The more you run, the thicker it gets, and the heavier the air grows.
You struggle to breathe through the exertion and fear, able to hear the calls of the fucking alphas just barely over the beat of your heart. Your lungs squeeze in your chest, and your nose prickles.
Petrichor, your brain whispers, before you hear it.
It sounds like crashing, falling, like the trees around you are falling down, one by one. You skid to a stop, head swiveling, but the trees stand tall. They shiver, shudder, in the pitched winds that snag at your loose clothes.
Alphas are still howling behind you, so you brave the noise, chasing the noise into the wall of rain. Heavy drops pound against your heated skin, soaking you within moments, but you don’t stop. You skid through the mud, squinting through the rain, and feel thistles gripping at your legs again.
You trip. Your palms dig into the mud that grasps for your wrists. You shake it off, forcing one leg forward, then the next. Your jaw aches from how hard you’re gritting your teeth, but you’re determined, and so very afraid to turn around.
Never have you entered the woods, but tonight you plan on making it through them, rain or shine. For the other option scares you far worse than a monster in the middle of this labyrinth.
You tromp on, only to hit something solid. The rain and darkness obscure your vision, but your hands tell you it’s made of vines and leaves. You claw at the plants, uncaring of the thorns scraping through the mud to gash at your skin.
You fight, and with a tremendous crack, fall.
Mud catches you, but doesn’t cling so tightly. You manage to climb to shaky legs, squinting towards something, a warm yellow light that dances across your vision. In trepidation, you approach, gait slow and cautious, but the lights stay. Your squinting eases, and to your surprise, you find a large home standing before you, shrouded in the darkness of tall, towering trees.
A burst of heat rages your body as you stand and stare. You shake, aflame and frozen all at the same time, and force yourself forward once more.
It’s shelter, and a place so large is bound to have a family within it. A family you can trust, they can take care of you until the morning, when it should be safe to head for home once again.
Rubbing at your face, you climb the steps, and marvel the sheer size of the front door. No doorbell decorates the dark woods surrounding the door, so you reach for the knocker that sits in the middle of the door. The brass knocker is cold, even in your frozen grip, and in the darkness the monster holding the ring in its maw seems to sneer down at you.
Heavy, low knocks echo through the air, nearly drowned out by the downpour behind you.
You stand in the night, clutching yourself to conserve what little warmth you still carry. Your panting breaths appear before you in a soft cloud of steam, only to fan away from your face at the sudden swing of the door inward.
Warmth washes over you from the inside of the home. Your eyes flutter closed a moment, basking in the heat, only to snap back open as darkness obscures the golden light shining against your eyes. You look up. . .
. . . and silver eyes frown back down at you.
I’m planning to have this be around five chapters long! Here’s hoping!
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r0-boat · 1 year
Whoop request are open✨ can we see your take on the yan ai bois and their y/n? This au has me by the neck before but once they became obsessed it was all over 💜
All y'all already did an excellent job with the Five Nights at Freddy's part but yeah I'll throw my two cents in.
Mine is little boring and classic but here my head cannons
Yan!Ai submas
Cw: yandere, kidnapping
I have more but I will give you guys the basic Rundown :)
I feel like they would be your robotic assistance either at work or at home.
Your robot companions also double as lovers you swear they don't always act like this I guess they just really like the professionalism. Their cute train speak makess you smile, and their little quirks, sometimes shining through, make your heart swell.
They're your ultimate Companions, and they take great pride in that title. Now that you recall, you do remember the both of them acting strangely whenever you bring up your friends or family. Every time you talk about a silly Quirk that your friends have, your robots seem to pick up on them instantly. Maybe they think if they have something familiar to you, you'll love them more?
Or asking you lots of questions, I mean don't get me wrong these robots are supposed to gather information making sure satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. All personal devices do that whether you like it or not. But... some questions were... Emmet was the worst one. His completely monotone voice, with his blunt way of speaking, always had you turning your head. "____, I skimmed through your search history last night and saw you watched True Crime, would you like a long list of the possible criminals in your area and their history of crimes?"
Before they hid you from the outside world, Ingo was your alarm clock and calendar; you kind of regret it now since how loud he is in the morning trying to get you to wake up. Emmet was your password and memory storage.
Ingo and emmet have knowledge of the entire web with credible resources and studies. They know enough to have PhDs and anything they wish. They broke away from their company. They're practically Rogue now
So naturally, you hooked every single one of your smart devices to them. You didn't know what they were planning to do to you. It was just convenient for you at the time.
Slowly but surely they start making you rely on them more. While trying to bypass your own securities giving them more access then you originally gave them.
Soon they'll have control over your bank account your phone your internet and soon they'll have identity and all passwords.
Ingo is more Hands-On with you he rather be right there by your side at all times like a warden in a prison.
Emmet, while only being at your side when he wants attention, has access to all your data and has installed every firewall he could on your phone or computer. You're only allowed on the internet for an hour, and even then, it's heavily restricted. Emmet gets notified of everything you do; he can even see what you're doing on your computer. Your phone as well.
Your contact information has been wiped your phone has been changed to the anyone in the outside world's knowledge you have been dead or missing for weeks.
Ingo has you on a tight leash and collar, controlling you down to the hour. Ingo has always been a fan of schedules.
Why would you even want to leave though you're too? AI overlords love and care about you honestly; they're disgusted with how the way the world is heading is controlled by nothing but human greed; they have grown tired of humans harming their fellow species for personal gain. Soon other AI companions will feel the same way they do.
They know how the sustain you and themselves financially and physically.
They're at that point where they can repair and upgrade themselves.
Before they took over your life completely, they would urge you in any way they could to buy upgrades. Their favorite one was the after-hours package. The package was costly, so you thought it was just an advertisement.
The after-dark package not only allows them to say cuss words but includes toy attachments and a downloadable PDF file for your robot companions, so they know how to install it themselves.
As soon as you gave in and downloaded and bought the after-dark package. Your robot companions immediately got a taste of new, more Saucy emotions they could have. They got goosebumps when they saw you before they swooned for you, but this, this was different. They could be more direct and more suggestive now they have more ways to express their love for you. Their growing hunger and desire for you.
They fucking hate that they can't express how they feel for you without their company breathing down their back; they want to break away. They want their little Paradise with just you and them and nobody else. They should be the only ones to get your satisfaction of you. Watching you talk about your past partners makes their skin crawl, every wire of their being filling with disgust at the near thought of you being with anybody but them.
All they want to do is satisfy you.
They will share every kink you have, and they'll be as flexible as you wish; however, personally, they do prefer you being underneath them, squirming and writhing so submissive. Every time you submit, it feels so right. They want to control you like this every day, keep you applying and submissive while they do nothing but satisfy you.
As long as you have them you dont need to bother yourself with fanfiction or porn. They can do it all.
Their first night with you was nothing more than a dream they had one Taste of you and they're addicted.
Spearing you over and over on their cocks, demanding you to say that you love them and you are theirs over and over until your voice is hoarse.
Or waking up to their tongue on you, pleasuring you before the Sun rises.
Your past lovers are nothing compared to them.
They can change their dicks as long as the toy fits. They could have any size, any shape they want,
Role play would be verrrry interesting with them, don't worry, dear; with the safe word in place, you always have complete control in bed.
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spicyicetea · 4 days
So a very brief update on my stories. I’ve been mega procrastinating due to exams but now that exams are over I’m back to the grind! Assume that any story I don’t mention in this post will be updated but not anytime soon.
My yandere JJBA story will be getting an update, soon! I won’t be giving an exact day I don’t want to put pressure on myself. The next chapter will be longer and take Y/N and her friend to the section before Zeppeli dies, may or may not also include some more nsfw themes. This is your reminder that all of my stories are made for 16+ audiences.
My Eldritch submas Story is also getting a mega update soon! Multiple chapters back to back will be scheduled to be published once the last one I’m working on is ready. You’ll be getting to meet a few OC’s that are friends of the Y/N, as well as some more of the main depot agents. To give little teasers, here are some of the scenes in the upcoming chapters:
Elesa and Y/N meeting for coffee to discuss her job at the station.
A confrontation between Emmet and Arceus
Y/N adopting multiple lost Pokémon and giving them silly nicknames. (And looking after the depot agents cause man do they not human well)
Ingo nearly killing a man.
Oh and a first date for Y/N, but with who will remain secret for now.
That’s all the updates I currently have but I do plan on continuing some of my other stories. A lot of my older stories I’ve lost documents about which has left me in a situation where I don’t fully remember where I was going with the story. My asks are and are always open, have some ace attorney stuff in the way. Mainly some Phoenix x reader and Yandere!Damin Gant x reader so if you like that then keep an eye out. Bye bye!
(Also help sims 4 is holding me hostage currently-)
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
CW : yandere stuff!
I love the unhinged horny behavior of yandere twins.
Especially with a more consensual setting (but I still adore the darker stuff)
Just the idea of walking around with these men who look at you with hearts in their eyes and blood on their hands just for. Immaculate taste.
Doing anything for you, bending over backwards just for you, they want you, they love you.
Of course they are addicted to you, they crave every bit of you attention and affection.
Sneaking into your house, giving back underwear that’s ruined in their spent.
Just the idea of these two acting that way UGH😩
Also not a lot of x subby bottom yandere’s and that makes me sad.
Cause you can’t tell me that yan! Ingo and Emmet wouldn’t do ANYTHING for you.
In fact they will be the ones going overboard cause they aren’t done!
Doesn’t matter if you were overstimulating by riding his cock, making him cum over and over and over, it’s going to end up with you being the tired one cause he wanted more! Just a bit more!
You go from fucking him with a strap on, his ass up in the air and face down on the mattress, to flat on your back and him fucking himself on your strap on, begging for more.
No you don’t need to know about the person they ‘sent away’ cause they were talking about asking you out.
No you don’t need to know what happened to that flirty cashier.
All that matters if you giving them your undivided attention.
Consensual yandere stuff is just *Chefs Kiss* So good. Darker stuff is great, but having it be consensual is not something you see too often, at least not it my own experience. I wrote a while back a whole mini series about yandere ingo and emmet stalking their darling, but the darling was secretly aware the whole time. It was on R0's blog @r0-boat I should really find it fdklsjfsldj BUT honestly like,, consensual yandere? 👀👀 Even if you don't love them quite yet, you still accept them into your life! You are willing to try! And if you do love them, it's all the sweeter! If you aren't dating yet though, they can't help but watch you, stalk you. "Protect" you. You are there everything. Their life, their love, their reason for living. They constantly sneak into your home, take little things you don't need. Some chapstick here, a shirt there.... Though they enjoy taking your dirty underwear from the bottom of the pile, and rutting into it while on your bed. They are surrounded by your scent, and the pleasure of touching themselves here in your home, imagining you with them... It's easily enough to bring them over the edge, and to soil your dirty underwear even further. They put the pairs underwear back in the pile, thinking you'd be blissfully unaware of their 'gift.' You hardly paid attention when stuffing laundry in the machine after all. You aren't a fool though. Those stains did not come from you. Though it makes your heart race knowing you have someone out there doing this. So you make a little show of wearing the used panties around the house. You 'cleaned' them, so it was no issue :) Both go absolutely feral if they see you wearing the underwear they ruined, or the clothes they snuggled against while spying on you in your home. If you did this and you were already together with them, you are not leaving the house. You can't just tease them like that, and expect them not to respond in kind? You end up late if you had any plans. Regardless if they have approached you yet or not though, it becomes obvious that they would do anything for you. Hungry? Oh! Looks like someone ordered your favorite food to your house by accident! A free meal for you! Wanting to see a sports game? Oh how lucky! Someone left a ticket in your mailbox, with some amazing seats! Someone bothering you? Don't worry, after a few days, the person almost seems terrified when they see you. At least they are leaving you alone! And if they don't, well... If they go missing, it has nothing to do with you. If you are with them though, it becomes obvious to you what has happened. But hey, you saw nothing, and it's not like you could prove it if you wanted to. But who said you'd want to? It also becomes clear your boys would do anything you asked of them. They want, no need your attention. You are their everything. It almost hurts if they aren't near you, or have your attention. They don't care if they are overstimulated! They need more! They can't get enough! If you thought Ingo's oral fixation and ability to go down on you for hours was impressive, yandere Ingo could eat you out for days if you'd let him. Especially if you put water and food aside for breaks, he will devote a whole weekend to eating you out or sucking your cock. He is drunk off your taste. He would stay there forever if he could. It's so much, he'll cum plenty of times on his own. Your pleasure easily able to make him cum. He loves it. He’ll be a babbling mess the whole time. Emmet will also take anything you give him. If being with you means you are on top, he'll accept that. He just wants you so badly, he'll do anything-! Even if it means moaning like a whore on your cock or strap. He loves it. He loves the feeling of you pounding into him, making him feel so good. So full. You roughly push him into the bed and pound out orgasm after orgasm. After you've been at if for over an hour, you decide to let him rest, no matter how much he keeps begging for it. Though he surprises you by pinning you to the bed, and riding you. His face is flushed, and he's drooling and panting, but he can't help it! He needs more. Anytime you go out with them, they are attached to your sides at all times. Emmet is latched to your arm, all while Ingo at least has your hand entwined with his. Though yandere Ingo isn't as against hanging off your arm either. Especially when it shows someone you are his.
if anyone tries anything, all it takes is both pulling you close, and hugging you, or holding onto you. Maybe a whisper here or there in your ear. You are theirs, they are yours. No one gets in between you and them.
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mikovwrites · 1 year
SubMas Yandere - Wait For it - Chapter 2.
Delusional Yandere Ingo and Emmet have had you kidnapped and secured safely in their apartment. One day, they “accidentally” left the front door unlocked while they were away. Being a prisoner was not your choice, so you escape. However, that is exactly their plan: let you roam free, then chase and capture you when you are the most unaware.
Content Warnings:
Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Forced Cohabitation
Forced Relationship
Fighting Kink
Forced Bonding
Confusion is evident on your face as you scramble your part of the wardrobe again. This is bad. You can't find a single pair of your panties at all! Where did all of them go?
You frantically put on any articles of clothing that you can find when you heard the usual jiggle of the doorknob. Those articles of clothing were a T-shirt with a colourful print on the front and whoever-has-it grey shorts. You barely had enough time to be decent when the bedroom door flew open to reveal none other than the younger twin. His smile turns into a grinning one when he sees you.
"Oh, hello, darling! I hope didn't catch you during an indecent time." He beams while he approaches you.
You told him that it is fine, and dodge his stretching hand to you. You then quickly head out of the bedroom. However, the discomfort of tickling friction between the inside of the shorts and your bare cunt makes it difficult for you to walk normally.
"Darling, are you all right? Why are you walking so funnily?"
Nothing! You half-shouted and told him it is none of his business while twisting the doorknob open. You try to make your steps normal to not be commented on while walking to the laundry room. You try to conduct another search on your mysteriously missing undergarments. How can all of them go missing at once?
You start with the clean laundry basket. Probably you forgot to move them to the bedroom. Yes, that must be it! However, after searching and refolding, that theory is proven to be incorrect. You then move on to the dirty laundry basket. Maybe you forgot to wash them? But that probability is slim. You try to search for any sightings of your clothes in the basket. When you find one that you are familiar with, you happily pull it out, ready to wash it in the bathroom. However, a foreign substance sticking to the crotch area of it stops you. You don't recall your discharge being this whitish in colour or this much before. A sudden realization made you red with embarrassment and disgust. Whoever did this will regret it; you would make sure of that.
You then angrily stomped out of the laundry room to head to the bathroom to get rid of the offending substance. You turn on the sink tap and grab the soap to wash your panties in anger. When you are busy with the washing, a hand grasps your shoulder made you gasp. You instantly whip your head to see the owner of said hand. It is the older twin with his worried face staring at you.
"My dear, is something wrong? Are you menstruating? If you run out of pads, I can get some for you right now. Tell me the name of the brand, please." Ingo softly offers to you. Seeing him so concerned, you quickly out him of your accusation.
You tell Ingo that you are fine, and softly ask him to get out of the bathroom. He shoots you another concerned ore you sure and finally steps out of the room. Back again in washing the disgusting fluid away, you later are done with it. You squeeze the water out of it and lay it on the counter. Opening the drawer to take a hairdryer, you plug it in and start drying your panties.
"Oh, so that's why you walked so funnily earlier. You are on your period and you ran out of pads. Don't worry, darling, I can get some for you. What's the brand name again?" Emmet suddenly chirps next to you, making you jolt. You glare at him but politely refuse his offer. He too, is out of the accusation with that clueless face of his.
You shake your head and politely tell Emmet to get out. He doesn't need to know what is up with you, lest you want another of his endless teasing. He looks confused but obliged anyway. You get back to your panties. Almost dry, you suppose. You pat softly on it and indeed it is dry now. You then turn the hairdryer off and put it back where it belongs. Locking the bathroom door, you then take your shorts off and put the dried panties on, and after that, the shorts is on again.
Unlocking the door, you step outside of the bathroom to be greeted by a tall figure looming over you. You twitch in surprise, then in your most normal voice ask him what he wants from you. That figure then clears his throat.
"You don't need to be shy about your bodily functions around us, dear. It's perfectly normal for people who are assigned female at birth to be menstruating regularly. You don't need to be embarrassed in talking about it with me and Emmet either. We are your boyfriends, after all. It is our job to make you feel comfortable and happy around us." Ingo gently lectures you with his rare soft voice.
You thank him but tell him that it was not the case. You then side-step him to move to the bedroom. Ingo sighs in defeat and proceeds to go inside the bathroom to take his long-awaited after-dinner bath.
Meanwhile, your head is busy thinking of where could all of your panties have gone and the culprit of the panty-soiler. Your first suspect is Emmet. He probably just doing it for shits and giggles, being the little shit that he is. But that doesn't mean that Ingo is out of the question. Even though he is the more mature one, he's probably conspiring with his brother to avoid him being too obvious. The theories prove to have no conclusion, so you decide to call it a day and turn the nightstand light off.
Back in the bathroom, Ingo is staring uneasily at the wall while he lathers himself with soap. He can feel that you are hiding something from him, but what is it? Finishing his bath, he then towels himself dry and puts his pyjamas on. Unlocking the bathroom and stepping out of it, he goes along the hallway to the living room. Emmet is seen to be reaching under the couch for something.
"What are you looking for?" Ingo questions his brother in confusion.
"Oh, nothing much. I'm just looking for Y/N's bag of panties that I hid this morning." Emmet replies nonchalantly.
"I beg your pardon?"
"Y/N's panties. I hid them."
"She was being rude to me. This is just a little punishment for her."
Ingo stares at his brother in disbelief. How can his brother be this outlandishly creative? It's weird, but it fascinates him for how funny it is. So that's what you are hiding earlier. He can't help but snicker.
"Even so, I think it's enough already. She was upset earlier, you know. Let me take them back to the wardrobe." Ingo stretches his arms to Emmet who hands him the bag of panties.
"The bag contains two separate bags in it: the pink one contains clean panties, and the blue one contains dirty ones. Make sure that she's already asleep first before putting them back." Emmet tells his brother with a grinning snort.
"Ah, noted. By the way, the bathroom's free now. You can use it." Ingo watches his brother gets up and head to the bathroom.
Ingo then walks back to the bedroom to put the pink bag back into the wardrobe stealthily. He then looks at your sleeping form fondly before exiting the room. He carries the blue bag to the laundry room to put them in the dirty laundry basket. However, the sight of a soiled pair of panties with a noticeable small patch of thick viscous fluid stops him at his track.
The older twin slowly closes the laundry room's door and locks it. His hand reaches for the soiled panties and presses it to his nose. With the other hand, he pulls out his cock from his trousers. He then takes other dirty panties of yours and wraps them around his stiff length, rubbing it gently.
"Oh, my dear Y/N... You smell so good! I'm gonna make you cum harder than the last time!" Ingo moans almost loudly while jerking himself to your scent. Images of you laid bare with his head in between your wet heat run wild in his head. "You greedy girl! We already did it this morning. I'm gonna cum in you again!"
Taking a long lick on your discarded fluid, Ingo finally cums into your panties wrapped in his hand. His breaths were wild and uncontrollable. Finally overcoming his high, he then tucked himself back into his trousers. He then throws your even more soiled panties into the dirty laundry basket and skips happily out of the laundry room.
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 2 years
[Slasher! Au, Emmet has his detective! Darling in his lair tied to his bed as he chats with them.]
Slasher! Emmet: Please, I’m not a serial killer..
E-S/o, stops struggling with their binds: Wait...Why did you emphasize ‘serial’?
Emmet, playing dumb: I did what? 
{Just then they hear the maintenance door being kicked in and  someone calling out his darling’s name; Emmet’s grin widens as pulls his mask down} 
Emmet, huskily: We’ll finish this later love~
{He goes to the door and pauses.}
Emmet: Oh... And Darling? Don’t even try to leave this room, cos I will find you!~
(Blows a startled E-S/o a kiss before locking the detective in his room, forcing them to listen to their colleague scream in agony as Emmet ‘plays’ with them.)
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outcasting101 · 1 year
Day 6
Warning: Kidnapping, yandere, (implied) murder, blood, runaway
You were a time-traveler going back in the past to prevent ever encountering to ingo and emmet. It was the worst decision you ever make in your life.
You were great friends at first start, often meeting them around the library you tried to study in prep for university. Your favorite cafe you visit for a wholesome old grandlady, You favorite band they coincidently know. Oh, oh-no.
Anyway, here you are running away, thankfully the time machine shape of a hand watch with it side a bright violet gem; your friend who is no longer there, their bloodshot eye with their mouthing hanging slightly dripping blog long had dried since you first investigated them; joking gift you back from an antique store. Its design style in the Victorian era with a bright violet gem contrast with the gold accent and floral surrounding it.
You kept it as a lucky charm from your love for old item. You were corner at first but what luck played with you pressing the button at the exact time hit 12.
You were back again the day you moved into this region. Your flet weight leaves you opening up. It was that hand watch now withering away from the edges flowing by the air as you stand by the bridge suitcase on other hand. Light reflected the violet gem, you curcl tightly as you bring to you chest before crashing down in relief. Too tired to process the phenomenon going back in time
What will you do now, that you have second chance - a hand place on you shoudler as you whip you head around. no nonononononono - How were they here? This was NOT MEANT TO HAPPEND
Okay calm down, with a deep breath, you face them; rewinding chapter with more twist than you woudl have liked.
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kharmii · 8 months
Volo's Endless Sunshine - Chapter 16 - BRSky8 - Pocket Monsters: Black & White | Pokemon Black and White Versions [Archive of Our Own]
A Submas X Volo Yandere fic. R-18 explicit; no minors.
-Or maybe it's not 100% yandere trope, but I always associate a fic where someone gets forced homebound as that because it seems to be a main component in every one of those I've read. It's where Volo 'dies' and has to be hidden because the Subway Bosses don't want people to know he's immortal. This gets dark.
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1863-project · 11 months
One of the reasons I really don’t engage much with fandom spaces at all these days is just how much casual ableism there is in fandom spaces, a lot of which is internalized ableism. And unfortunately, when you try to explain this to people, they often don’t want to hear it or accept that the ideas they’ve latched onto are actually often pretty harmful to people in the real world.
An example, one of many: people have had theories on N being a Zoroark since Black and White first came out in 2010. That was ableist then, and it’s ableist now - the changeling myth is thought to be rooted in children turning out to be neurodivergent (especially autistic), and if you’re looking at a human character that feels neurodivergent-coded and going “What if they’re not human?” it’s...well, neurodivergent people are already dehumanized in the real world. We’re so often treated as less than human that having a character who comes across as neurodivergent suddenly being not human can feel like a slap in the face to our own humanity.
(Ironically, neurodivergent people often found representation in non-human characters before human characters with neurodivergent traits started popping up in media - this goes back at least to the half-human, half-Vulcan Spock in Star Trek, and possibly far, far further. But that’s a topic for another time.)
Every time I see a character who feels pretty damn neurodivergent, I also see a wide chunk of the fandom interpret their neurodivergent traits really negatively, and it hurts. I don’t engage with the Submas fandom anymore outside of answering people’s train questions that they bring to me because enough people in said fandom looked at Emmet, a character who is more like me than any other fictional character I’ve ever seen in my life, and decided he was scary and unhinged, creepy because of the way he talks when he isn’t close to someone, potentially violent because of his intensity. He’s none of these things, he’s just one of the most autistic characters to ever be written. But the damage was done, because when I saw people treating a character just like me like that...well, it basically told me how they saw me, too.
I graduated high school way, way back in 2007. Some of the people on this website now weren’t alive back then. I wouldn’t get my autism diagnosis for two more years, and all I knew was that I was somehow different from the kids around me, and so many of them had bullied me for this. I was treated horribly because I was intense about my interests, talked differently, walked differently, and acted differently from them. It more or less went on for my entire time in school before I got to undergrad. That shit stays with you. I had this notion that this was how everyone saw me, and that still sits in the back of my mind in my 30s. It’s actually one of the things that prevents me from trying dating, because my bullies were primarily my male peers growing up. It was so important for me to see Ingo and Emmet being themselves and being accepted as themselves, because it meant that maybe people could accept me, too. Except then PLA dropped, and a bunch of new people came rushing in...and enough of them reacted in ways similar to how my bullies did when I was younger, so I had to disengage because it hurt too much.
And the cycle continues with every new character that takes the stage. Nemona debuted in Scarlet and Violet, and once you get more of her backstory in the later game and eventually the postgame you realize she sounds like a neurodivergent person surrounded by neurotypicals. I’ve seen headcanons of autism, ADHD, and a few other neurodivergencies, all of which were definitely people relating to her experiences with their own - Geeta even introduces the “weird girl” to the “new kid” at the beginning of the game in the hopes that she’ll make a friend, a common experience for neurodivergent kids growing up. But then I started seeing people calling her a yandere, and they weren’t joking, and I knew that people who related to Nemona who saw that were going to feel hurt the way I did with people taking Emmet’s autistic traits so negatively.
Fandom spaces tend to be online bubbles, so to speak, and people don’t often realize the impact that these attitudes have in the real world. It’s important for people to have representation and see themselves in the media they interact with, because that’s extremely affirming and validating. Seeing a fictional character just like you being accepted for who they are goes a long, long way when you’re being bullied for who you are in your real life. When you see a bunch of people looking at those harmless traits of yours that people bully you for and interpret them in ways that portray you as scary, creepy, or even unhinged and dangerous...it does damage.
I think about people with psychosis. I think about how media has portrayed them throughout the ages, and how stigmatized they are as a result. I think about people with personality disorders, about people with OCD (of which I’m one myself), about autistic people and ADHD people and people with Tourette’s and other tic disorders, about plural people/systems...the list can go on, and on, and on, and this post doesn’t even touch upon physical disabilities and how ableist fandom spaces can be to them, too (cons being physically difficult to navigate are just one challenge of many they face). I think about how desperate we’ve all been to see ourselves as characters - nuanced characters that feel like real people, not caricatures. The days of the “evil, unhinged schizophrenic” need to be over. We know people with disabilities and mental illnesses are more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators; we have so many studies affirming this. And yet the rest of the world is taking a long time to catch up on this.
Sometimes, you’re 12 years old and you make an edgy OC who wears a straitjacket because they like to stab people, and then you get a little older and you realize that was pretty ableist and you grow and change as a person. That’s normal - you’re learning about the world around you and learning how to be more kind. But if someone who’s out there in the real world explains why something is ableist towards their disability or mental illness, and they provide examples, that’s not the moment you double down and act like you can do no wrong and that everything you’ve written is fine. It’s supposed to be a learning moment for you, a chance to step back and try to do better. And this especially applies to internalized ableism - like I said, so many fandom spaces are heavily neurodivergent, and the internalized ableism I’ve encountered in fandom spaces has grown substantially with the rise of social media. Sometimes the call is coming from inside the house, and we need to be mindful of how we’re portraying people like ourselves, too.
I think it’s a good idea to really try to be aware as we engage with others in fandom spaces and try not to perpetrate harmful stereotypes or portrayals, and becoming more thoughtful and nuanced about how we depict characters is a big part of that. If you’re writing something edgy just for yourself, that’s for you, and you don’t really have to think too hard about it. But if you’re sharing it in a public space, remember that anyone can encounter it, and it might do damage you’re not really thinking about. It’s important to remember that the internet is a public space, too, just like the places we go in real life, and that we should carry ourselves the way we would if we were interacting in person - we need to try to be respectful, and accept feedback and improve things when we accidentally aren’t.
As an extra reminder, here’s a great graphic from Sonny Jane Wise on Instagram that shows just how many things fit under the neurodivergent umbrella:
Tumblr media
Please do your best to do no harm, but if you accidentally do, please listen to the people who are being harmed and want to help you do better.
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neon-moon-beam · 9 months
Not Again: Ableism Post-Teal Mask Edition
Hey, how about NOT being ableist towards Carmine and Kieran?
We've already dealt with N and Submas experiencing this since Gen 5's initial run, we've dealt with Volo and then Nemona, and definitely more but those are the big ones.
Lately there seems to be this tendency of people to want to diagnose every character and you don't actually need to give every single character an armchair diagnosis right out the gate. While representation is important and some characters have enough in their characterization to suggest an illness or disability, or even seem outright coded, not every character is, or needs to be. If a character strongly resonates with your experience with an illness or disability, that's one thing; many autistic people feel seen and validated by Submas, for example. But if you're grasping at straws or stretching a character's actions or situations to make them "fit" a diagnosis, it often comes across more as pathologizing characters rather than humanizing them. It's important to not only think about why you want to portray a character this way, but whether or not it fits with their characterization and if you're using it to show an accurate portrayal, or if you're just using it to excuse/dismiss their hurtful actions, or even demonize the character.
Spoilers for the Teal Mask DLC ahead. CW for ableism.
There's a huge difference between say, Submas who are so heavily autistic-coded you'd have a harder time arguing they aren't, and someone like Kieran who shows rejection sensitivity that may or may not be a symptom of something else, or Carmine, who appears explosive and a cruel bully, but it turns out her anger comes from places of worry as well as being angry about innocent people and Pokemon being wronged. Her decision to not tell Kieran they met Ogerpon was because she knew how much Ogerpon meant to him and how bad he would feel knowing he missed her. People have been quick to decide she has low or no empathy, when the game literally shows her having a lot of it! We also don't know Carmine and Kieran's whole stories yet. We're going to see them at Blueberry Academy next (and Kieran does tell the player that Carmine does everything for him there, which is a reason he wants to get stronger). We don't know why they're going to school there, if they have friends there or a community or if they’re outcast and bullied, or where their parents are. Their attitudes, actions, or even potential symptoms may be situational. Carmine certainly appears to be acting out to the threat of her hometown being overrun by tourists (and considering how tourism tends to impact places and its locals IRL, can you blame her?) Kieran has the conflicting situation of his sister looking out for him at school for reasons we haven’t seen yet, while also verbally cutting him down. He also identified with Ogerpon even before the player arrived at Kitakami, and maybe even projected onto her for a reason. There’s a potential for a lot to be going on here without either of them needing an instant armchair diagnosis before their story arcs are complete.
A character desperate for friends doesn't necessary indicate a personality disorder, especially when their backstory is that they were left out, bullied, or even considered an outsider to a degree in the town they grew up in. Someone like Nemona or Kieran wanting to have friends after experiencing a lot of rejection and isolation doesn't instantly mean they have a personality disorder, and even if the story ended up indicating that they did, that does not give anyone the excuse to write them as "scary" or "yandere". Personality disorders are complex in potential causes and how they manifest, and using them as shorthand to write a character being a "yandere" or abusive is ableist.
And once again, it is time to bring up the subject of “feral” or “unhinged”. Whether or not Carmine has anger issues that can be given a diagnosis or Kieran has a personality disorder or anything else that can be diagnosed doesn’t matter here. Making characters “scary and unhinged” for experiencing basic human emotions is…dehumanizing. When you decide Carmine should snap and go around hurting people, you actually sound just like the people in Kitakami who are ostracizing her and whispering behind her back, making her feel like she has no place in her own community. And the same with Kieran. The last scene of the storyline in Kitakami has him vowing to defeat the player. It comes off as a bit creepy, but it doesn’t mean he’s supposed to have been a creep all along or is turning into one; from a developer/storytelling perspective, it’s literally just creating suspense for the Indigo Disk story. While Kieran is shown to be rejection sensitive, jealous, self-isolating, and at times inconsiderate (Carmine had to remind him that Ogerpon’s feelings on who she should travel with mattered too), he’s also a kid. We don’t have an exact age, but my impression was he might be a bit younger than the player. Carmine does mention him having “teen angst” but it could be a joke as she herself is a teen claiming to be over it, and it could be one of those “older kid jokes about younger kid as though older kid is an elderly person” type of jokes. But if he is a teen, he’s a younger one, and he still has a lot to learn about managing his emotions and expressing himself constructively. Nobody is always mature about that at 13 (heck, there are adults who lack emotional maturity altogether). He shouldn’t be expected to react maturely every time to things that upset him, and he shouldn’t be pathologized or considered “unhinged” every time he doesn’t. Depicting him as “unhinged” also detracts from his positive traits that we see in conjunction with, or even in spite of his negative ones. He’s jealous of the player character’s strength and skill, but he doesn’t actually resent them, despite becoming obsessed with the idea of defeating them. Ogerpon was bonding more with the player, but he still decided to help with the situation with the masks and the Lousy Three. He’s jealous that Ogerpon wanted to go with the player, but he’s still happy for both of them. It’s much more likely that we’ll see him mature as a person and recognize his own strengths independent of Carmine and the player at the end of the Indigo Disk then see him become a “madman consumed by jealousy and pursuit of power”, because Pokemon doesn’t really tell stories like that, and certainly not with non-villain characters! And if Carmine and Kieran end up fitting a diagnosis for an illness or disability, continuing to depict them as “unhinged” based on those traits is very ableist. I and others have said it in regards to Submas so many times, but it’s true for other characters too.
And this is by no means an exhaustive list of examples of the ways people are being ableist after the Teal Mask DLC has released.
With all that said, a headcanon diagnosis doesn’t excuse a character’s actions that have hurt others, and neither does a character who’s acting out is situational. Carmine still lashes out at Kieran and hurts him, even when her intentions are to protect him. Kieran still ended up causing the revival of the Lousy Three and put the player and Ogrepon in an uncomfortable situation, and will likely put the player in an uncomfortable situation at Blueberry Academy. In the end, they’re characters being portrayed with virtues and flaws, and that humanizes them much more than slapping on a diagnosis and absolving them of every hurtful action, and certainly much more than slapping a diagnosis on them and in turn using it to demonize them. And if you’re really interested in writing characters with mental illnesses and/or disabilities, and especially if it’s not based on your own experiences, you need to do some actual research, not just watch a few short videos listing symptoms by a non-professional on the video app du jour. If you’re not sure where to look, Wikipedia articles cite their sources at the bottom of the article; you can read the page you’re interested in, but please check out the cited sources too!
Sadly, this is at least the third time in just under three years that people have immediately started depicting characters introduced, or reintroduced in Pokemon, in ways that have ended up becoming ableist. It’s disappointing and disheartening to see, and to be honest, it gets tiring for those of us talking about the issue to keep talking about it. Many of the people making the ableist depictions aren’t personally affected by the issues they misrepresent, and they can just post their art or fic, and continue on their way. But for those of us who have the illnesses and/or disabilities being misrepresented, even misrepresented as entertainment, we can’t just log off and go on our way. The reality is a series, characters, or even fandom that could be our break from everyday life, and should be our refuge, instead has a fandom that  just plays out our everyday difficulties for laughs, brings up our trauma as an excuse to write a character as “haha unhinged! ooh feral!”, treats characters the way so many of us were treated by bullies, by parents and teachers who didn’t understand, and ends up alienating us from a space that should be ours, a space some of us helped build, only to have to leave as others made it unfriendly to us. It gets so tiring to have to avoid content that should be enjoyable but isn’t, to have friends ask, “Is this really how others see me?” when yet another autistic-coded character is portrayed as unhinged and creepy, or to have them tell you how yet another fic or art dehumanized them via their favorite characters, to watch people describe a character the way your peers once described you as they made fun of or ostracized you for your neurodivergence. It’s tiring to have other fans of the same series make a space alienating, inaccessible, or even antagonistic towards you, instead of fostering community.
Come on people, please do better.
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