#Yarrow speaks into the void
badd-ddog · 10 days
you ever eat a perfecty ripe pear when you're stoned out of your mind?? transcendent. this is what makes me believe in a loving god
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storiesbyrhi · 9 months
Mean Eddie????? Do tell.
Mean Eddie was this drabble.
Currently, it's 3k. But that was written in one sitting and hasn't been touched in months. Here's a small snippet just for you. Not proofread or anything. I think it has potential, but I'm just submerged in Burning Yarrow.
Love youuuuuu.
An Indianan summer was bearable compared to other places you’d spent time, but the wild grass was making your legs itch and you’d not found the stream your map of Hawkins promised. The sun was high in the sky, burning down on you as you stomped your way through paddocks and wooded areas. All you needed to be able to call it a day was one last plant sighting.
Blue monkshood was becoming rarer, soon to be endangered. If anyone could find it though, it was you.
Working for the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, you spent your time travelling the state to catalogue native and introduced flora. You’d been a bugs and flowers kind of kid growing up, so a semi-nomadic lifestyle where you could list more plant types than friends very much tracked.
A second away from changing direction, you spotted a small flash of blue behind the swinging branches of a black willow tree. “Oh!” you puffed happily. The willow grew along the bank of the promised stream, alongside a patch of monkshood.
Sitting down near them, you pulled your backpack off and fished out the composition book you’d been using for notes. Longitude and latitude. Patch count. A polaroid. It was tranquil as you worked. The wind moved through the trees gently. The stream trickled next to you.
It would be easy to think you had stumbled on a secret little fairyland oasis, if not for the obvious signs of a careless human population. Rusting empty beer cans stuck out from the stream’s mud. The backseat of a car had been ripped out and deposited a little further upriver. And, in an act you considered void of romance, supposed declarations of love were carved into the trunks of trees.  How cruel it was to scar a living thing just to prove a love infinite. No, the blue monkshood wasn’t alone.
Nor, as it were, were you.
He had watched you pop out from the woods on the other side of the field. You’d made your way through it, then down the embankment, only to plonk yourself in the dirt to scribble away in a notebook. He’d stayed silent and still, feeling annoyed to be disturbed, then guilty for being so possessive. All of Hawkins knew about the little make out spot by the willow tree. It was hot property, second only to Skull Rock. Still, he didn’t want to share.
There was a time early in your career you were startled easily, but all the skittish deer and surprise lizards and swooping birds made you tough. When the man stood from where he’d been sitting back to a tree, you glanced over with calm and curiosity. You looked at each other.
He wore ripped jeans tucked into old boots that looked like they’d seen a battle or two. His Metallica t-shirt was a couple of sizes too big for him, but the rings on his hands and chains around his neck drew your attention away from that. They caught the sunlight, glinting like jewels. The man’s hair was long and wavy, knotted curls peeking out from the bottom layer.
The second you opened your mouth to speak, he turned his back and started up a narrow but noticeable manmade path. He disappeared from sight as you frowned. “Rude,” you mumbled to yourself, turning back to your notebook and opening to a new page.
A quickly sketched drawing of the man was missing a lot of details, the few seconds not enough to commit many specifics to memory.  You wrote a line of question marks where the flora species name would normally go. Latitude and longitude: the same as the monkshood. Patch count: one. The sketch took the polaroid’s place. Finally, the notes: scarred, metalhead, rude, beautiful.
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teethcritter · 2 months
If you don't mind may I ask about Penny and her younger brother; personality, hobbies, relationship with parents, etc. They have fun designs and I'm curious. (PS. I like Penny's new design, it's weird but in a good fun way, also I'm assuming they were both made via ectobiology of some sort, is that correct?)
sure! yes they were both made with ectobiology as june and vriska r both trans so . not possible
fun rambles under cut!!
penny is a sweetheart and the witch of light !! she inherited vriskas luck ::) as a kid she excelled in school to the point where she was able to move up a grade. so shes extremely smart and she likes sports she pROBABLY plays soccer. me and my girlfriend havent really gone into the specifics of what sport she plays yet but. probably soccer.
her childhood best friend is rose and kanaya's son (yarrow) whos 4 years older than penny and kind of drags her into some shit when shes in highschool. yarrows in college by that point so he pretty frequently sneaks her into parties and stuff and she becomes veryyy popular bc of the new attention . regina george/heather chandler-y
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Her little brother is Lowel whos the mage of void! he partially inherited vriskas mind control but not to the same extent. he finds it much easier to control bees so thats. usually what he does. and birds. hes kind of a problem but its not his fault </3 as the mage of void hes haunted by what he should not know . so that can only go so well
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^ thats his friend ignore her
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tormented in his dreams ^
as for hobbies he likes baking quite a lot ! he takes after jane in that aspect:) he helps (does all the work) for sollux's beekeeping as welll he rlly likes animals and spends a lot of time with them for funsies . hes probably a good artist ? havent gone into that much but he seems like the artist type
hes always been MUCH more reserved and quiet than penny and only uses a typing quirk with people he doesnt trust as much .
...he types like this when he doesnt know someone...
hes slow to warm up to people but truly has a heart of gold when he does. when he was a kid he latched onto sollux VERY hard which turned out very awkward for him and vriska bc . well. theyre not on speaking terms. this kinda forces them to be a little bit?? but . its still hard.
he and penny are very close and shes the one who convinces him to talk to their parents about his weird dreams with his weird grandmother who tells him weird things about his mom
( as dream bubbles arent linear, lowel is able to dream abt things that happened decades ago IE aranea )
side note abt vriska .she has a really big character arc . but a slow and realistic one . the healing and recovering takes a long time and lots of people never forgive her or talk to her again bc frankly she doesnt deserve it . shes been given a second chance that she didnt want and her friends convinced her to take it and turn her life around. and she did:)
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elysiangroom · 3 years
sooooo re: your post what do you think about Void Entities / entities that claim to come from or be part of the void itself? just curious 👀
like i mentioned (i think. i just wrote it and i forget already what i put down) i don’t have much experience in that area!! Greyson is apparently some form of Void Goop but I think that’s moreso connected with some eldritch thing than Void (the place). I’m certain that those entities Are a thing (based on secondhand accts. i can likely get more into it if u want in a dm bc of how much i type) and i would LOVE to talk to any just to learn more!! 
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hiraknight · 4 years
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Peony is my favorite and I thought of a lot.
Peony is the youngest child on the Pale King and Queen and is known as “little prince”, “Peo” or “Silent Baby”.
Since “he” is the youngest, little attention goes to “him” and with that, “he” uses that to “his” advantage. With no one paying attention, Peony tends to wander and cause mischiefs by drawing on the walls, playing in the king’s workshop, interrupting important counsel meetings and messing with “his” other siblings. After causing enough trouble, the King created a Wingsmold just for Peony to keep “him” company and out of trouble, however that backfired once Peony put 2 and 2 together. Since Wingsmold can fly, Peony rides on his WM pet and begins pulling on leaves and breaking lamps for fun. Retainers can’t keep trace of “him”, Kingsmolds can’t seem to pin “him” down, and “his” siblings can’t get “him” to explain what’s going on and why is “he” acting out.
Eventually, The King learned that Peony really just want “his” father’s attention since Peony is always with either the Pale Queen (White Lady) or his personal Royal Retainer but never much with his father. The Pale King then set up a small play room in his workshop far from EVERYTHING touchable and breakable with gates, that way, Peony can come with him to his workshop and “spend time” with his father while his father works. It wasn’t the ideal way of spending time, but since Peony is the only one who REFUSES to talk weather in Higher Being, Void, or Common tongue, he is content with what his has.
Eventually he grew to love his older Sister, Cree, who’s also known for her mischiefs and follows her whenever she’s in sight (if he did want see the Pale King).
He avoids Echo because she tends to always have what he deems “bad ideas” or “☹️” .
Aloe is Nuetral as long as he doesn’t touch any of her writings.
Teria always wants to play with Peony’s Wingsmold...which Peony dislikes about his sister before him and avoids.
Phlox is the eldest brother and for that, Peony hates because he’s born with attention.
Hetz wants to be the Hollow Knight one day, so he always wants to train which fine by Peony because it’s easier to avoid him.
Nikko is very aggressive and that’s scares Peony.
Hepat studies a lot of magic which intrigues Peony and sometimes he’ll sit and watch his brotherdo his thing.
Yarrow is very clumsy and sometimes cracks his shell and releases “☹️” sometimes, he doesn’t know what that means other than don’t touch and tell father.
• Peony Cannot and Refuses to speak but understands Higher Being, a little bit of Void and no Common Tongue.
• Peony only knows one spell and it is similar to Abyssal Shriek
• Due to always escaping the Nursery cribs to cause trouble, Peony sleeps on the Pale Queen Branches.
Magic: 6/10
Knowledge: 4/10
Dislikes: Lack of attention
Likes: Stories
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author-morgan · 5 years
Phobia ☤ Alexios
twelve - first do no harm
“Be strong, saith my heart; I am a soldier; I have seen worse sights than this.”
Fate decrees two kindred souls from two different empires will find one another, and the spear shall be made whole again.
ZEUS UNLEASHES HIS wrath upon the morning sky in a flash of white light followed by the roaring crackle of thunder. In the wake of Zeus' anger, the Hyades beckon the assuaging pitter-patter of raindrops. The two somnolent travelers break and pack their small camp in the downpour.
They've ridden since daybreak through inclement weather and the approaching gates of Argos paired with slivers of blue sky are a welcome sight. They leave Phobos to rest at the gatehouse stables. "Follow me," Irene says, glancing over her shoulder. Finding Hippokrates' clinic would be easy even for a person who has never seen Argos before. All one had to do is follow those who were sick or injured.
Scores of sick and wounded -both soldiers and civilians- are waiting to be seen by Hippokrates. Others have no room in the main clinic and lay beneath tarpaulins, shielded from the wind and rain. Irene has never seen this many waiting patients before. Several novice healers tend to patients, but Hippokrates is not among them. Among the apprentices is Sostratos –he received his initial instruction under Theophilus in Athens with Irene before departing to seek greater knowledge.
A beldame is confronting Sostratos about something –her croaking voice is both hushed and raised. "Bitter old crone," Irene remarks as the Priestess of Hera leaves the clinic in haste, pushing past her and the Eagle Bearer.
The apprentice shifts his attention to Irene and Alexios, and his trepidatious expression fades, slipping back into a more aplomb composure. He maneuvers through the patients and greets Irene and her companion with a friendly smile. "Chrysis believes Hippokrates methods anger the gods and has accused him of impiety," he confides.
"We need to speak to him. Where is he?" Irene questions, looking around the crowded clinic.
"Near the Cave of Pan," Sostratos answers. Hippokrates had left several days ago to set up a clinic to treat those the Sanctuary of Asklepios had refused. Alexios and Irene exchange looks –they both know where they must go next. The princess thanks Sostratos and follows the Eagle Bearer back to the gatehouse stables.
ATOP A HILL to the southwest of the Heraion of Argos people are gathered before the entrance to one of Pan's caves. Alexios pulls back on Phobos' reins as they set up the winding road –passing a throng of weary travelers. "I thought they were exaggerating when they said people came from all over to see Hippokrates," he comments. Irene glances back at him and shakes her head. She has heard stories of people traveling from Egypt to seek out the famed physician's help.
The princess stops Alexios before he can interrupt the physician's description of the sacred disease and his proposed remedy. Hippokrates does not speak of the god's ill-will, but of impoverishment -proper meals and rest can help cure those not yet beyond his ability to save. A far cry from what the priests and priestesses would tell the sick. "Challenging traditions," Alexios notes, crossing his arms, "you must be Hippokrates."
"Yes," the physician answers, vexed by the interruption. "I am also very busy."
"We won't take you away from your patients for long," Irene amends.
Upon hearing the familiar voice, Hippokrates turns from his workstation, disbelief overtakes his consternation. "Irene!" He greets. She pushes forward the wrapped parcel from the Argos clinic and he accepts the supplies and tools with an appreciative nod. "What brings you here?" He inquires. The physician knows Irene is not here for sickness. She's perhaps the only person he has ever met that has never even caught a mild case of the sniffles. Their last encounter had been by chance, and he'd stitched a wound beneath her arm closed.
Irene glances over her shoulder at the Eagle Bearer. "Alexios seeks your help."
The physician glances at the misthios, eyes darting over him to find signs of illness or injury -he finds none. "He doesn't look unwell," Hippokrates notes, gaze lingering on the scars wrapping around his arm. "More like one of Phidias' sculptures come to life." Irene hides a faint smile, unable to keep her eyes from straying back to Alexios –it wouldn't be hard to believe he'd been carved from marble.
"I'm looking for a Spartan woman," Alexios explains. "My mother," he's quick to add, "she would have come to you a long time ago with an injured baby. I was told you may have helped her."
Hippokrates shakes his head and turns back to his workbench. His mind is burdened with the woes of his patients, and he cannot spare the time to recall every person who had ever sought his help. "Maybe the priests at the Sanctuary can help," he suggests, eager to return to his studies and patients, "they keep detailed records of all those who pass through."
The princess steps up next to Alexios, her hand brushing against his. "We've traveled a long way to find you, friend-"
"As do my patients," he interjects. "They need me." The physician sighs, leaning forward on the wobbling wooden table. "My notes were taken," he admits, turning back to look at the misthios. "If you retrieve them I will help you find what you seek." An Athenian commander had taken the notes –claiming his soldiers were more important than innocent civilians. Hippokrates could remember most of what he had written, but some finer details that slipped his busy mind.
Alexios leaves in search of the physician's notes in Fort Tiryns, but Irene elects to stay with the physician and his patients. "How can I help?" She inquires. Despite her prowess for violence, the princess has a natural affinity for the art of healing and medicine. Hippokrates will not let a spare set of practiced hands be wasted.
"I need a poultice for fever," he tells her, "if you wouldn't mind lending a hand." Irene smiles and goes to work, grinding white willow, elder and yarrow together with rose oil. Kneeling, Irene smooths a portion of the paste over a patient's forehead and lays a cut fig leaf over it. Next, she goes to the child the physician is tending, repeating the same process.
"The mercenary?" Hippokrates asks, curious to know why she was traveling with such unscrupulous company.
She glances down at the fevered girl –nose red and lips cracked. War and disease do not discriminate between the innocent and guilty. "I want to help him find his mother," the princess avows –just because she has no family does not mean others should face the same fate. Irene lays her hand on the girl's cheek and takes a deep breath. A heavy moment of silence passes and the girl's eyes open –a mix of sage and hazel. Her small hands are no longer clammy and the fever that had doomed her to an early grave recedes.
The physician sits back, astonished. "Are you Persephone?" The girl asks in a meek voice. Irene shakes her head and before she can speak a relieved mother is rushing to embrace her daughter. Irene rises and looks into her palms. Hippokrates follows her, filled with questions –though he supposes some are best left unanswered.
Alexios returns with another physician from the fort who claims to have memorized the notes before they were burned during the last battle. Their arrival comes too late for one man, but Hippokrates makes good on his promise. He tells Alexios about the night his mother came with a broken babe in her arms. He had still been young and such feats were beyond his experience. He had told Myrrine to seek help at the Sanctuary.
SHE GOES TO the temple while Alexios seeks out the priests –something innate is calling her there. The temple is void of worshippers and she strides toward the statue of Asklepios, passing plinths of ailing clay body parts and painted images of serpents. Irene approaches a twisted staff held up on a pedestal at the feet of the God of Medicine. It calls to her and though the voice in her head is that of a stranger's, there is something innately familiar about it –as though she has heard it before in dreams. Iron and bronze are cast to look like a crooked branch, a single silver snake curls around the top of the staff, its eyes piercing green jewels.
Her fingertips almost brush the relic when a priest comes to stand next to her. "The Staff of Asklepios," he interposes, and Irene quickly pulls her hand back. "Last wielded by a traitor," the priest vilifies, hands clasped behind his back.
The princess glances at the grey-haired priest –brows set in a deep furrow. "Apollonides of Kos." He speaks the name like a curse and the color seeps away from Irene's face. My father. "They say he is who taught Hippokrates before betraying Greece for Persia."
Her gaze shifts from the priest back to the staff. "What was Apollonides like?" Irene asks. It's the first time anyone has willingly mentioned his name and it fills her with hope.
"He was-" the old priest starts but then thinks twice about revealing anything, else Chrysis will have his tongue like Mydon. They've been ordered not to speak of the traitor or to any eagle-bearing mercenaries and their accomplices. "I don't know," he says too quickly and harshly for the words to be true. Hope slips through her fingers and her heart drops to her stomach. "I never met him," the priest lies, absconding from the temple.
Dejected and alone once more, Irene steps up to the relic and wraps her hand around the staff –all initial hesitancy gone. The emerald eyes of the serpent begin to glow and a surge of power and pain wash over her –flooding her veins as a tidal wave of white heat. Irene.
Strange markings illuminate the back of her hands, creeping up her arms in smooth arcs and lines. It is yours, the voice whispers, take it. She relinquishes the staff with a sharp cry and stumbles before collapsing to the white marble floor, shaking. The markings fade as quickly as they appeared and emerald serpentine eyes still look down upon her, though the light in them begins fading.
Alexios finds her on the floor in the temple, clearly perturbed. He kneels next to her and lays his hand on her shoulder. There's a distant, empty look in her eyes. "Are you all right?" Irene glances at him and nods –an unconvincing gesture. "We should leave quickly," he breathes, helping her to stand. Only then does she notice the blood on his bracers and hands –none of it his own.
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Ruling Planet Deity Archetype
He is a golden Sun god, handsome and strong, with a youthful face and body. He is often depicted with a shining smile as an expression of his warmth and boyish optimism. The Creator is a god of creativity and the ego, associated with the forge, the arts, and sculpture. He is also an embodiment of male fertility and fatherhood, and patron to young children, of which he is very much alike. At his worst, he is egotistical, selfish, self-centered, and arrogant, demanding what is not given to him. He is a god that thrives on love, praise, and attention, and in turn is endlessly generous, proud, and kind to children, artists, and those seek him out.
She is a silver Moon goddess, small and fragile. But what she lacks in size and light, she makes up for in emotional strength. She is the daughter of the Mother, and clings to her gravitational pull like a dependant child. The Child governs the tides, the oceans, and all bodies of water, pulling them back and forth toward her whenever she rises into the sky. At her worst, the goddess is needy, clingy, moody, temperamental, and childishly irrational. She needs comfort and security in order to settle her highly reactive moods. But in return, she gives us intuition, compassion, empathy, and all the emotions we feel.
He is a fat, soft looking young man in a modest cloak. He is most often depicted over a book or a scroll, writing or reading, to show he is a god of knowledge, communication, and intellect. But in myths, he is usually at the center of conversation, debate, or discussion, either teaching in a classroom or in a crowd of his peers. He is a patron of rational thinkers, philosophers, scientists, and anybody else engrossed in their studies. His dark side is his intellectual egotism, short attention span, and tendency to stir the pot out of boredom. But he is a god of intelligence, memory, and language, and gives mental gifts to those who worship him.
She is a beautiful goddess, much adored and sought after by the suitors who covet her. The Maiden is depicted as a young, lusty woman with long hair and pouting lips. A goddess of love, beauty, sex, and true femininity, she is sensual and seductive, with a want for beautiful mortals and all the finer things in life. Her darker side comes out when she isn’t desired, where she becomes vain, possessive, jealous, fat, and lazy. But when she is secure in the knowledge that she is loved, she is pure and lovely; polite, cooperative, diplomatic, sensitive, and open to compromise.
He is the torrid god of war, violence, and bloodshed, often depicted in battle as a heavily muscled man with rough skin and a thick beard. The Warrior fights first and foremost for his own personal gain, be it to win an item of his desire, attain some goal, or extinguish some enemy. At times his efforts are noble, heroic, justified in their brutality. But at other times, he rapes, pillages, and slaughters scores of innocent victims. He gives strength, conviction, bravery, independence, and determination to those who worship him, chiefly to soldiers, assassins, and hunters on the prowl.
She is the green Earth mother, goddess of female fertility, motherhood, pregnancy, family, food, home, and caregiving. She is depicted as a pregnant woman with wide hips and large, swollen breasts. All living things are her children, whom she loves and takes care of their whole lives long. But in this respect, her dark side is that she loses all rational sense when something threatens her child, and cries when they grow the nest and try to leave her. At her worst, she is coddling and manipulative, prone to guilt-tripping and cries of loneliness. At her best, she is protective, strong, soft, warm, and kind.
He is a nubile man who calls himself a fool, a comedian, a trickster, and a seducer. He sees and speaks the truth nobody else wants to hear through jokes and sarcasm and wit. His charm is in his frankness. He can say things nobody else can, and get away with it, because he can make the gods laugh at their own folly. The Jester is drawn center-stage and to parties, feasts, weddings, and theatre, where he parades his antics on stage to the amusement of the crowd. He is a patron of actors, musicians, travellers, and entertainers from all walks of life, worshipped to rid themselves of homesickness, stage fright, and pre-show jitters.
She is an old woman, close to the end of her life, draped in grey hair and sagging skin, criss-crossed with bulging veins and knobby joints. She is the grandmotherly patron of wisdom withered from experience; of the harvest; of elders passing down knowledge onto the younger mortals below. She teaches responsibility, preparing for the future, focus, and sensible choices. To some she is boring, ugly, restrictive, a harbinger of a slow death and the horrors of old age. But she is respected as the one who taught mankind how to harvest and preserve food, allowing them to survive in hard times.
The Healer is an elderly man, scrawny, with a short beard and a body covered in scars and bandages. He is said to be very kind, caring, and gentle, with delicate hands dedicated to his mortar and pestle. He is the grandfatherly patron of the healing arts, of medicine, tinctures, herbology, and surgery. It is said he hears more prayers than any other god, of desperate voices wishing for good health and to overcome what horrors they’ve fallen to. At his worst, he is useless, an embodiment of false hope in desperate times. At his best, he is a miracle worker, able to pull mortals back from the void.
His face is hidden, so we do not know if he is a young man, or an old one. What we know is that he is a disruptive, anarchic, rebellious man, set out to overthrow those in power and free the people from tyrannical leaders. Revolutionaries pray to the Usurper more than any other group, for he is the embodiment of their cause, no matter what it is. At his worst, he is a god of madness, chaos, mayhem, and destruction. He is both feared and hated for the disruptive changes he brings upon society. At his best, he is a symbol for freedom from slavery and subjugation, of revolution, and a leader for anyone who feels abandoned or alone.
She commands the veil that separates this world from the next. When we are born it is she who pulls out a droplet (a soul) from the sea of creation. When we die, she is there, easing our soul back into the waters of the afterlife, where we dissipate and become one with one other. She is a goddess of birth and death and rebirth, of magic, sleep, dreams, drugs and alcohol, and spirituality. Associated with death, she is frightening, foreboding, morbid, and macabre. But associated with birth, she is joyful, exciting, and a welcome sight.
She is a queen, a patron of royalty, money, precious metals and jewels, and seats of power. She represents those who reign safely from the throne rooms in castles in state capitals. To many she is an abusive, tyrannical, exploitive Monarch who exacts war and violence upon those under her control. But to others, she is a dedicated and faithful ruler who serves her people loyally. She and the Usurper are forever battling against one another, with him trying to overthrow her, and her trying to stay in power, the two of them locked in an immortal, unwinnable battle for all time.
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musingmycelium · 6 years
A prompt for DA Drunk Writing Circle: The flower prompt challenge for Solavellan with the flowers Gladilous, Yarrow, and Zinnia! (I'm sorry I gave you an angst bouquet!)
for @dadrunkwriting
Gladiolus- you pierce my heart Yarrow- cure for a broken heart Zinnia- I mourn your absence
Idrilla stands tall. Wind in her hair, against her armor. A conjured sword in her grasp held at Solas' throat. Blue eyes faintly glowing, the planes of his face are expressionless as time forgets the pair of them. Idrilla's breaths are even and deep, each one filling her lungs with the scent of spring. Heartbeats between them lasting lifetimes and Idrilla doesn't break her gaze from Solas' unfamiliar eyes.
Words as sharp as the shimmering edge of her blade. Pressing. There had been a time when they had sparred, practiced together and ended up in a similar position. Laughter and smiles and a blade disappearing to allow a soft hand. But that time has passed. Died. Idrilla's broken heart cured only by hardening it to a cutting edge. Ironic in so far as his advice goes. 
Deep in Solas' eyes something not far removed from remorse flickers. Vanishes just as quickly as it came and Idrilla knows his answer before he speaks. "Neither of us can." 
And time finds them again. Solas jerks back from her as if yanked by strings and Idrilla chases after him with her blade raised high. Just in time to avoid a crushing void appear where she stood not a heartbeat ago from the tattered remains of the veil around them. Brings her spirit sword down hard on Solas, the bright ringing of magic on metal fills the air around them.
Ducks sideways as Solas extends a hand towards her chest. Slices upwards and gets a hissed exhale. Solas stumbles for half a moment and Idrilla takes her advantage. Presses him back until Solas is entirely on the defense. And he is losing. 
And he lost.
Idrilla knows the chinks in his armor, from the inside out. Solas on his back beneath her as she kneels with the hilt of her blade held to the gap between the overlapping plates over his heart. "Dareth shiral vhenan." Words almost lost to the wind. Idrilla's eyes are dry as she activates the blade and feels it pierce the Dread Wolf's heart.
The glow fades from Solas' eyes. Bleeds from them as his heart weeps a crimson stain on Idrilla's hands. Blinks and when Solas' gaze meets her's Idrilla can see the pieces of the man she thought long lost to her. A ragged breath escapes Solas' lips and for the first time in years, Idrilla's eyes burn.
"Mala suledin nadas" 
So faint Idrilla nearly misses it. Wishes she had. Instead, she stands as the last remnants of light disappear from Solas' eyes and raises her blade over her head. Signaling her victory, her loss. 
Idrilla will endure. She will stand tall and rebuild and she will move on. But before Idrilla does any of those things she stands on a battlefield and she mourns.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
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Colour meanings 3
Edited by Crimsonwolf
Quick money, Moon magick, Channeling, Astral energies, Constellation, Neutrality, Stability, Lunar spellwork, Enhances psychic powers, Divination work, Gambling, Invocation of the moon, Clairvoyance, Psychic protection, Stalemate, Removes negativity, the Goddess, Fertility, and the Subconscious.
Planet: Moon
Day: Monday
Energy: Female
Silver: Removes negativity and encourages stability; dispels evil or negative influences; helps develop psychic abilities; attracts the influence of the Mother Goddess.
Magickal Purpose: Purity, Protection, Ice, Heavenly, Stars, Potential, The Cosmos.
Personality: A person who wants attention, clean, trendy, sharp with soft edges, glitter
Magickal uses: Moon magick, clairvoyance, divination(scrying), Astral travel, repelling spells.
PLANET: Moon/Mutable
DAY: Monday/Mutable
MAGICKAL TOOL: Crystal ball, Glass,Wand, Cauldron, Mirror (good scrying tools)
SCENT / OIL: Sandalwood, Wormwood, Myrrh, Lemon Frankincense, Honeysuckle, Anise, Cedar Heliotrope, Betony, Lavender, Parsley, Thyme.
PLANT / HERB: Rosemary, Woodruff, Mugwort, Marigold, Moon Flower, Mustard, Rue, Sage, Tansy, St.Johns, Betony, Burdock, Mint, Fern, Elder Flower, Heather, Lilac, Lily, Mint, Dahlia, Gladiola.
WOOD: Birch, Elder, Almond, Hawthorn, Ash, White Heather, Cedar, Coconut Elm, Hazel, and Juniper.
ANIMAL: Dove, Snowy Owl, Chameleon, Cat, Lizard, Magpie, Whale, Swan, Bear, Hawk(perception), Lizard, Cat, Dog, Whale, Wolf, Praying Mantis, Dolphin.
STONES: Silver, Opals, Clear Crystals, Mother-of-Pearl, Quartz, Moonstone, Pearl, Aquamarine, Agate, Geode, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and Abalone
Tarot: The Moon {clarity}
GOD: Bannik, Evander,Odin, Shamash, Thoth
GODDESS: Adrste, Ashtoreth, Carmenta, Dione, Egeria, Filia Vocis, Gaia, Gwendydd, Inanna, Kwan Yin, Mari, Namagiri
Brown- Earth energy. It is feminine in nature and related to its sister the
Moon and Saturn. Being a relatively balanced combination of Red, Yellow and Blue,
depending on the intensity level, it can be used successfully on Monday,
Friday or Saturday. Brown is one of the more complex colours, with varied associations.
Planet: Moon (tan browns), Venus (all), Saturn (dark browns)
Day: Monday/ Friday/ Saturday
Colours: Browns, earth tones
Used For : Spells to locate lost objects and improve powers of concentration
and telepathy, protection of the familiars and household pets, ground and centre
your conciseness with the earth, to attune with trees and communicate with their
Brown: Rituals of material increase, justice and retribution; eliminates indecisiveness; improves powers of concentration, study, telepathy; increases financial success; locates objects that have been lost, Animal Healing
Magickal Purpose: properties and associations for magick, dreams, witch craft and divination Mental, business, legal problems, ambition
Personality: Agreeable, extroverted, excitable, sociable
Magickal Uses: Personal creativity, career, legal issues, business
CHAKRA: Spleen Chakra
PLANET: Mercury/Mars
DAY: Tuesday-Physical Action Wednesday - Mental Action Sunday - Both Actions
MAGICKAL TOOL: Wand and Censer
SCENT/OIL: Dill, Lily of the Valley, Savoury, Honeysuckle, Sweetpea, Jasmine
PLANT/HERB: Fern, Lily of the Valley, Marjoram Savoury, Valerian, Vervain, Alstonia, Buckwheat, Calamint, Snapdragon, Flax, Senna, Wandering Jew, Mugwort, Rue, the same as the Red and Yellow for enhancements, Fenugreek, Gardenia.
WOOD: Hazel, Beech, Lemon Tree Maple, Lime and of course the Orange Tree.
ANIMAL: All of the RED animals, Swallow, Prairie Dog, Butterfly, Scallop, Bison, Butterfly, Catbird, Crane, Fox (clarity), Hawk, Martin, Prairie Dog and Squirrel.
STONES: Moss Agate, Carnelian, Alexandrite, Orange Sapphire, Quartz, Orange Calcite, Petrified Wood
TAROT: Eights.
GODS: Atlas, Janus, Terminus, Pan, Zeus
GODDESS: Athena, Bast, Carna, Diana, Lilith, Kali, Melusine, Minerva, Rhiannon, Syn
Intense concentration of all colours (or lack of them all), it absorbs light. Unlike other
colours, black reflects very little, if any, light back to the viewer. This can give
the false impression that black is the absence of colour. It is actually the absence
of colour reflection. Think of this colour as a black hole in space. It absorbs all
light with little or no reflection back, thus it becomes a receptacle or a transporter
for all that you do not need or want. Properly used, it can be one of the most
useful and powerful colours available. However, misused, it can cause disaster.
Planet: Saturn
Day: Saturday
Energy: Female
Colours: Dark blues, Black, Dark Browns and most dark colours
Used For: Meditation rituals, uncrossing rituals and spells to banish evil
and negativity, to break up a blocked or stagnant situation. The Crone, the
Black: Use in rituals to induce a deep meditative state, or to banish evil or negativity as in uncrossing rituals; attracts Saturn energy.
Magickal Purpose: Absorption, why it is used for funerals. The void of all colours, it has the ability to absorb Quiet power, self-control, restriction, depression sickness, but new changes, rebirth. Wisdom, Control, Resilience, Discipline.
Personality: Someone who often dwells in his own dark recesses.A loner, but through choice. A strong silent type but someone you don't want to deal with if crossed. A night person as the darkness seems to be their safe place, their solace and quiet space. The things that make the "black" person unique, has also the tendency to dwell on things and has more bouts of depression than most others. This person tends to keep a lot of secrets.
Magickal Uses: Banishing negative thoughts and situations, reversing, uncrossing, binding negative forces, releasing, removing confusion, contact with spirits, dark magick, defensive spells (can be used with RED to increase intent).
ELEMENT: Air, water, fire, earth
PLANET: Saturn
DAY: Saturday
SCENT / OIL: Holly, Juniper, Yew,Myrrh, Cypress, Pine, Apple, Yarrrow, Rowan, Vervain, Peppermint, Basil.
PLANT/HERB: Oak, Yew, Beech, Elm,Comfrey, Holly, Ivy, Horsetail, Reeds,Solomons Seal, Mullein, Cedar, Clove,Cypress, Rue, Betony, Elder, Fern, Yarrow,Cayenne, Dragons Blood, Mandrake, Flax.
WOOD: Oak, Ash, Aspen, Birch, Hazel,Rowan
ANIMAL: Bobcat, Dragon, Panther, Raccoon, Rhinoceros, Groundhog, Blackbird, Lynx, Bat, Owl, Jaguar, Praying Mantis.
FEATHER: Hidden secrets, changes.
STONES: Onyx, Jet, Obsidian, BlackQuartz, Black Star Sapphire, Agate,Tektite, Pyrite, Diamond, Moonstone,Galena, Pumice.
TAROT: Death, Threes and the Queens
God: Achilles, Amathaon, Atlas, Cernunnos, Ea, Eterna, Janus, Terminus, Odin, Thoth, Untunktahe
Goddess: Aradia, Ayizan, Carna, Cerridwen, Circa, Dakinis, Demeter, Diana, Gulleig, Habondia, Hecate, Herodias, Hlle, Kwan Yin, Lilith, Mari, Rangda, Syn
Rainbow - joy - combination of all colour correspondences
Blue-Blue transforms violence, anger, and hate. It soothes and cools. It
gives peace, calm, harmony, satisfaction, bliss, oneness, and understanding of the
spiritual realms. It is predominately feminine in energy, and is ruled by
either the Moon, Venus, or Saturn, depending on the hue. Many consider the Royal Blues
as belonging to the male energies of Jupiter. It is up to you to experiment and
decide which works best for you.
Planet: Moon, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter
Day: Monday, Friday, Saturday, Thursday
Energy: Female (sometimes male when used with Jupiter/Thursday)
Colours: Blue Whites/ Moon, Blues/ Venus, Dark Blues/ Saturn, Royal
Used for: Magick that involves honour, loyalty, peace, tranquillity, truth,
wisdom, protection during sleep, astral projection and spells to induce prophetic
Gold-The male half of the Cosmic or Universal Life Force, God-sun energy.
Intelligent action or action motivated by deliberation and knowledge,
usually with healing, money, or wealth in mind. Gold is related to orange and yellow, in
that it is a higher vibration of these two colours and any one of the three can actually
be used on Sunday (sun) with success. The choice here is for you to experiment
and decide which colour best suits your particular needs. Generally speaking,
orange vibrates to physical and mental action, while yellow vibrates to mental
action only (better attributed to Wednesday/Mercury). Lastly, gold would be indicative of
intelligent, quick action with a monetary emphasis.
Planet: Sun
Day: Sunday
Energy: Male
Colours: Gold
Used for : Spells to attract the power of cosmic influences, and rituals to
honour solar deities, to heal and rejuvenate your being, attracting happy, active
people into your life, to expedite money you know is coming to you, to impart
energy and intelligence to take proper action in a monetary situation.
Gray-This colour is unique, due to its aspect of neutrality. Gray can be used
to neutralise anything from a magickal act that not longer serves your best
interest, to the neutralisation of destructive energies in a passive non-karmic
fashion. It is a perfect balance of black and white, and therefore absorbs and repels. With
this quality, grey draws in the undesirable energies and then sends them out to
the universe for dispersal as neither a destructive nor constructive properties.
Planet: Moon
Day: Monday
Energy: Female and Male
Colours: Grey
Used for :To erase, cancel, neutralise, and return to the universe without
repercussion, to eradicate or jumble destructive forces, to attract neither
destructive nor constructive energies to your life (this includes people and
Green-Green really does bring the luck in cases of money. But be very clear
in your intent regarding money sought with this colour. If done with haste and no
specific intent it seems to fade quickly or trickle in a little at a time, just
enough to wet your appetite (refer to gold or brown). Green stimulates growth, plant life
or garden fairies. Green is an Earth colour and is used on Friday. Depending
upon the magickal system you employ, it may be used on Wednesday as it is a healing
day as well. Green used on Friday gives an emotional healing (matters of the
heart), while Wednesday emphasises healing knowledge.
Planet: Venus, Mercury
Day: Friday, Wednesday
Energy: Female or Male
Colours: Green
Used for :Spells involving fertility, success, good luck, prosperity, money,
rejuvenation and ambition, rituals to counteract greed and jealousy.
with the plant kingdom (darker greens) or fairies (pastels). The secrets of
are yours when you tune in to this colour. Use in conjunction with herbal
Orange-Orange is a combination of yellow/Mercury (mental agility) and
red/Mars (action-energy). Thus you have the best of both worlds, the energies of the
actions of red, yet the intelligence to know how to use this action. The over
aggressive nature of the colour red/Mars is now toned and tapered with the healing
wisdom rays of yellow/Mercury that nurtures the entire system. Sunday is the best
day for the use of the colour orange. It can be used on Tuesday or Wednesday with
success, depending on your magickal goals. If used on Tuesday, the emphasis
is on physical action. If used on Wednesday, it is on mental actions whereas
Sunday is a
balance of both.
Planet: Sun, Mars, Mercury
Day: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Colours: Orange, rarely red, sometimes yellow
Used for :Prosperity, energy building, attracts others in a positive way,
success, good luck and fortune. Builds energy, vitality and stamina.
Encourages fun
and discourages laziness. Enhances mental agility, accompanied by the
ability to
take physical action toward a desired goal. Energises the entire system.
Promotes a
happy-go-lucky appearance.
Pink-Pink is a lighter shade of red. It deals with spiritual, emotional love
rather than the physical form. Pink represents love that comes from the heart that
is freely given without condition, such as the emotions and feelings between
parent and child, close friends, or family.
Day: Friday
Energy: Female
Colours: Pink
Used for: Love from the heart without sexual connotation, purest form of
love, raises vibrations, love without selfishness, feminine, spiritual healing,
banish lower vibrations and hate, love of friends and family, affections, unselfish
emotions, to start a relationship.
Purple-Purple is the colour of expansion in all forms. If you want to do
something in a big way, this is the colour to us. Purple expands anything you desire,
i.e.., spirituality, business, money, health or love. The royal blues are less
expansive, dealing more with the emotional and spiritual levels of Jupiter. Therefore,
the royal or dark blues of often attributed to Saturn. A word of caution,
however: if you do not already have the items of your desire, do not use Jupiter.
Jupiter only expands and brings more of what you already have. To obtain the items of your
desires, use Sun, Sunday, Orange in order to manifest what you currently do
not have in your life.
Planet: Jupiter
Day: Thursday
Energy: Male
Colours: Purple, sometimes royal blue or dark purple/ Saturn.
Used for: Purple brings more of what you already have, in a bigger way.
high idealism, knowledge of the higher realms of magick, spiritual
protection and
healing, the becoming of your highest potential. Enhancement of power,
ability, male energy, protective energy, recognition in your chosen field.
Red-Red is a fiery colour that attracts and magnetises, but must be used with
discernment to avoid disastrous results. The shade of red used or considered
in your magickal act will be of extreme importance here. Stay with the lighter,
brighter shades of red and leave the darker shades for the more experienced
practitioners for now. The darker shades are for wars, battles, hate and
Planet: Mars
Day: Tuesday
Energy: Male
Colours: Red
Used for: Lust, physical desire, base energy, war, attracts and magnetises,
courage, enemies, danger. Red stimulates and energises. Cherry reds are for
physical and mental lovemaking, but without the brutal force of the darker
White-A pastel combination of all colours, white reflects light with little
to no absorption. Whenever in doubt in a magickal act, use white, which is the most
highly balanced form of spirituality possible. White contains virtues in
their highest form, and is therefore very protective. It is beyond the word or term
God/dess. It is the Creative Source itself, zero, the alpha, the light from
which all life springs, the female aspect of God, the Craft of the Wise, the full of
the moon, the symbol of the life giving Mother, and all female mysteries.
Planet: Moon
Day: Monday
Energy: Female
Colour: Silvers, pearls, creams, greys, whites, pale pinks, violets, blue
hues, etc.
Used for: Consecration rituals, meditation, divination, exorcism, and spells
involve healing, clairvoyance, truth, peace, spiritual strength, to confound
create illusions, contact spirit helpers, to build purity, balance the aura.
Yellow- Yellow is the colour of mental clarity, swiftness and accuracy. A
sunny, positive disposition with spiritual attuning to the healing forces of the
male energy (refer to gold).
Planet: Mercury
Day: Wednesday
Energy: Male
Colours: Yellow
Used for: To obtain knowledge, learn swiftly, gain insight into problems.
Yellow represents all institutions of learning, particularly upper level studies
such as sciences. Alters dark mental mood swings, enhances knowledge of healing,
ability to concentrate, retention of memory. Yellow attracts people, as it has a warm
compelling energy.
Days of the Week:
Colours: Silvers, greys, creams, whites
Moon: Emotions, protection, healing
Colours: All shades of red
Mars: Conqueror, power over enemies
Colours: Yellows
Mercury: Healings mental
Colours: Royal purple, royal blue
Jupiter: growth, expansion, generosity
Colours: Greens, pinks, pastels
Venus: Lovers and pleasure, affairs of the heart
Colours: Black, dark purples, dark blues
Saturn: Obstacles, to give or break, to overcome or block
Colours: Oranges, yellows, gold
Sun: Health, prosperity, leadership, joy, protection
Zodiac Candle Colours
Aries: Red
Taurus: Green
Gemini: Yellow or silver
Cancer: White
Leo: Gold or yellow
Virgo: Gray
Libra: Royal blue
Scorpio: Black or red
Sagittarius: Dark blue or purple
Capricorn: Black or dark brown
Aquarius: Light blue
Pisces: Aquamarine
Robe Colours and Their Meanings
Silver: Connects with the Goddess.
Gold: Connects with the God.
Green: Connects with the energy of the earth.
Blue: Connects with the energy of water.
Yellow: Connects with the energy of air.
Red: Connects with the energy of fire.
Pink: Connects with the energy of the heart.
Black: Connects with the energy of the universe and everything
White: Connects with the energy of the elements and balance
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jonfarreporter · 5 years
Men on the sidelines of American Life is focus of 2018 book
With all the news lately of people behaving badly, striking out or falling down, from the ranks of one of the former top correspondents of the New York Times comes a new book called, "Man Out - Men on the Sidelines of American Life," by Andrew Yarrow.
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The fact that the male population is not doing well is nothing new. Still, Yarrow has put together based upon a research project, an expansive view of men, from all walks of life and backgrounds that provides an uncanny insight.  
This reporter reached out to Yarrow, who is a senior fellow at The Progressive Policy Institute, a think tank founded 30 years ago in Washington D.C.
With so many issues facing men today, I thought it best to look at something very elementary to character and growth, the bonds of friendship, relationship, etc. I made reference to basic psychology class material as a reference for my question - Harry Harlow's primate study theory.
I asked Yarrow simply...
What role does bonding or the lack of it contribute to the problems men face today?
"As I write in my book, Yarrow replied. Many men’s growing disengagement from community and life, lack of stable relationships, and loneliness are major problems. The decline of once-strong male organizations like Rotary, Elks, and other civic organizations, as well as unions, has left a void in millions of men’s lives. The reasons for these stem from larger cultural and economic changes," he said.
"Many men’s relationships with, and attitudes toward, women are also troubled in many ways, Yarrow added. As I discuss in my book, many men feel that feminism has 'done a lot for women, but what has it done for me.'  And consequently, noted Yarrow, they feel that women are pushing them aside."
He noted that..."Conflicting ideas of masculinity—traditional roles (tough, not emotional, seeking sexual conquests, the provider) vs. newer ones (more emotionally open, gentle and caring)—also tear at many men’s sense of themselves and how they relate to women."
"Women’s talk of 'toxic' masculinity and the #MeToo movement have left many men angry and afraid, said Yarrow. Misogyny has been on the rise, as tensions between the sexes has risen among many groups."
Unfortunately, Yarrow mentioned. "There is a fringe group of men who want to have nothing to do with women (or, at least, nothing other than sex)—'men going their own way (MGTOWs), incels, known as 'red pill' followers."
He also noted that "online pornography has also drawn many men away from real-life women, as a number of studies have shown that male libido toward real women (as well as testosterone levels) has gone down."
"The decline of marriage has left many men lonely. Loneliness is also more prevalent among men, who are as Yarrow noted, less likely than women to form single-sex groups or have intimate friendships."
" As a result, he said, men are 3 1/2 times more likely than women to commit suicide and twice as likely to die from drug overdoses and alcohol poisoning. In addition, young men are much more likely to be hard-core gamers, people who spend many hours each day and night interacting with others only virtually.
So, yes, said Yarrow, 'bonding' (or the lack of it) is a big part of the problem."
I reiterated to Yarrow...
It seems to me, that much of the issues men have are related to a sense of bond, not only in their relationships to others, but also within the self. Morals, ethics, sense of duty, etc.
When the term “male bonding” is used it often stirs a negative reaction, from some, I added.
Similarly I know from the basics taught in college psychology classes that bonding with one’s mother, father and siblings is essential in forming a stable person. I pointed to the Harlow study from the 1950's.
"It’s funny that you mention the Harry Harlow experiment, said Yarrow. My mother, who was a psychologist, many, many years ago studied with Harry Harlow at Wisconsin."
While Yarrow did speak about bonding in particular, he focused on the current political landscape and economic climate. As he said...
"But, economics and culture (norms, values), also play a big role. Male labor force participation has been on a downward decline for 60 years, with a particularly sharp drop-off since the Great Recession (there has been a very slight uptick in recent months)."
"Wages for men in the bottom 75-80 percent of the income distribution have been stagnant or declined during the last 40 years. Much of this, as you know, said Yarrow, has to do with macroeconomic and policy issues.
And that means... “deindustrialization, globalization, the decline of middle-skill jobs, disparities in educational attainment, anti-union/labor policies, the growing power of businesses relative to workers and rising inequality."
Yarrow also noted. "The Internet - despite the many good things that it has brought, it has also isolated many people and enabled people (mostly men) to spew anonymous hate speech."
"I also talk about how values like responsibility and hard work have declined, he said. I show how many shallow relationships have come in the wake of the hookup and Tinder culture, how caring for others and for our country has declined, how anger has risen. More detailed explanations, and data, are in my book," he said in closing.
Overall, Yarrow's book has been well-recieved. Critics like Alexander Stern of RealClearbooks.com, essentially praise the work. But Stern points out. "Yarrow is careful to avoid both a conservative tendency to identify culture as the sole culprit and a liberal tendency to place all the blame on the economy."
In one review of Yarrow's book, Charles Fain Lehman said. "The impression that emerges from Yarrow's conversations is that these men (interviewed and spotlighted in the book) are unified by a sense of drift. They may have lost or left a job, have dropped out of college, but they intend to find a way back—eventually. Even the former prisoners to whom Yarrow spoke exhibit a sense of resolve to rectify their situation, despite soon finding themselves in front of a judge once again."
A timely study, well worth looking at, this reporter hopes more dialogue will emerge on this familiar but much needed-to-discuss subject. To learn more about "Man Out - Men on The Sidelines of American Life, by Andrew L. Yarrow, visit the following web site.
-Jonathan Farrell is a journalist based in the San Francisco Bay Area
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pussymagicuniverse · 7 years
Soak in Oshun Opulence
"When the Void looks into the mirror It sees Us.  When We look into the Void, We see the Mirror.  When We look in the Mirror We see the Void. When the Mirror looks into the Mirror...  It laughs!" (source)
Oshun is an African Goddess of rivers and other fresh waters. Water is a feminine element and connected to deep and sometimes hidden emotions. Oshun is the embodiment of an awakened woman, a woman who's sexuality is alive, balanced, and healed. She is the Goddess of sensuality, sexuality, fertility, creativity (of which all are linked). Oshun is also a Goddess of love, abundance, femininity, and prosperity, making her kin with Aphrodite, Venus, Hathor, and Lakshmi.
If I had to connect Oshun to Astrology she would remind me of a Leo: Regal, wealthy, refined, beautiful, golden, a Lioness. Oshun is all about beauty, but do not mistake her for being shallow. As her symbol is the mirror, we reflect, as we would in a clear pool of water, and we dive deep only to return and emanate the beauty within ourselves.
As women, we owe it to ourselves to gaze upon our physical reflection in reverence and appreciation, admiring ourselves, and explore deeper to do the inner work that will allow this beauty to effortlessly surface. A rich, happy, and beautiful inner world has no choice but to express itself on the outside.
*Any gender/sex can indulge in this delicious bath. It's benefits exceed all human perception of gender identity as all souls should strive to be balanced in masculine/feminine energies within. If men are looking to get more balance within their feminine sides and heal that part within themselves, this is a fabulous place to start. There is no shame in taking care of our bodies, no matter what! Oshun does not discriminate whom she gives her love and nurturing to as long as we come to her with respect and love.
Pre-Bath Ritual
First, clear your space. My favorite way is with Palo Santo. Let your intuition lead the way with all of this. Don't know how to tap into it? What's your first inclination? That's usually your intuition speaking. Trust yourself and let your higher self guide you. Alter and personalize this ritual however it fits for you. 
Dress in something sensual and sexy, preferably yellow or gold if you have it, but anything you feel good in will do. Put on some of your favorite soothing and sensual music. It can be upbeat-sensual as well. Either or, or both, and dance! Be and FEEL free. Dance in the mirror and smile upon your reflection. Put on a show for yourself. Do that for as long as you wish, and...
Feel free to continue dancing and singing as you prepare your ingredients. Drink some champagne or honey wine, another Oshun offering. I know some who would love to smoke their favorite greenery at this time, as that can be a ritual in itself. I'd choose one or the other and remain moderate, as you will be soaking in a bath and all senses will be heightened. Safety first, and you already know your own limits. Make sure you're hydrated with some water either way and/or don't make the bath too hot.
Light your incense and candles, remove the rose petals from their stems. Sing to the roses and thank them for their service. Draw your bath and begin adding in the ingredients.
As your bath fills, bless the water. The cell structure within water is changed by our thoughts and words and can be very powerful. This blessing can be very simple or detailed as you like. Feel free to sing to it whatever song you're playing or to recite/customize this incantation:
"I bless this water, this abundant creation ruled by the Undines, with love and gratitude for myself and the blessings I receive daily. Like water, I am abundant and pure. I intend this water to be purifying, cleansing, and full of love. I ask and affirm graciously that this water cleanse me of any chords or toxins from this day, week, month, or year –– and remove any spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical ailments or blockages from my body, mind, heart, and spirit for transmutation. And so it is."
*Note that all ingredients are for inside the water aside from the candles.
Fresh Rose Petals
Preferably bright-colored roses: pink, orange, yellow. It's not easy to find bagged rose petals, but I enjoy making a ritual out of peeling the petals of the roses myself. Remember to thank them and love them. 
Green, pink, and/or yellow for sensual lighting around the bath.
Flowers and/or essential oil. If neither are available, a chamomile tea bag will work as well! 
Raw, Organic Honey (1 cup)
Softens, smoothes, and detoxes. Honey is great internally and externally. The higher quality of your honey, the more you will receive from it!
Cinnamon Sticks (5)
Spiritually purifying, removes toxins, invigorates the spirit, and elevates the mood. Essential oil or ground cinnamon could be okay, but cinnamon sticks are easy to find, so try to get those! Cinnamon is also great for prosperity.
Olive Oil (2-3 tablespoons)
Great for skin (and absorbs, unlike coconut), helps fine lines and wrinkles, and even helps post-labor with regaining strength and contains minerals that help shrink uterus back to size post-baby. Olive oil is a miracle oil in itself and has too many benefits to list here!
A few drops of essential oil or feel free to light some incense outside of the bath for some aromatherapy while you dip. Or both!
Optional extras:
Yarrow Flower Essence
5 drops under the tongue before the bath. Or the flower itself can be added to the bath. Yarrow FE is beneficial for spiritual protection, healing and strengthening the aura, energetic boundaries, and helps with environmental wear & tear like radiation.
Rose Water or Essential Oil
For an extra boost of loooove!
Peacock feathers and/or Sunflowers
For decoration around the bath. You can also add the sunflowers to the bath if you wish. It is said that sunflower leaves in the bath remove negativity and is anti-depressant.
Butterflies are one animal that belongs to Oshun. If you happen to have images of butterflies to place in your sacred space or have a Butterfly-themed Tarot deck, why not do a quick spread in your ritual?
Oshun offerings include oranges, mangoes, papayas. Either places these on your altar (oranges represent prosperity as well), enjoy them ahead of the time or post-bath, or drop some orange essential oil into the bath.
In The Bath
Close your eyes. Relax. Take a few deep cleansing breaths. Think about all that you are grateful for, from major accomplishments in your life down to the smallest details of your bath. "I am grateful for the rose petals nourishing me in this bath." Etc. This quiet time will become a meditation.
At this point, the music should be soothing, whatever that is to you. R&B, ambient, nature sounds, solfeggio sounds, etc. If you go with solfeggio sounds, I highly recommend a solar plexus chakra video from the Meditative Minds YouTube channel I linked to. I've also made a Spotify playlist with HZ sounds and Spotify made Nature Sounds. If you don't already have yourself equipped, those are great places to start!
Don't worry about meditating. Don't force it. Naturally focus on your breath, let the thoughts and feelings flow in and out. Don't hold onto any of them. Let them pass. See what comes up, and release it. Allow the water to wash it all away.
Stay in the bath for at least 20 minutes and as long as you're comfortable. Your intuition will tell you when it's time.
Most of all, ENJOY. Yourself, your heart, your body, your mind.
I know, I know, more?! This is optional, but as a writer, journaling is important to me. So you can do something different that fits for you. But if you'd like to journal, reflect on how you felt pre-ritual vs. post-ritual, if any insights or downloads came to you during your bath, etc. Write from the heart, send gratitude to Oshun for supporting your healing along with all of the other nature elementals that contributed to your ingredients, and most of all yourself for taking this time out for some delicious sacred self-care.
Happy Indulging!
Once you've enjoyed some decadent Oshun-intended self-care, let us know your thoughts/experience with this bath ritual in the comments below!
Creatress-in-Chief of Pussy Magic, Samantha is a published poet, author, and editor from the Bay Area with immense passion for traveling and positively changing the lives of women through holistic healing and honoring our sacred selves: mind, body, and spirit. Find more info and her writing here.
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badd-ddog · 23 days
sometimes I think I'm bad at writing but then I see what kind of poetry people pay money to blaze. the confidence is inspiring if nothing else
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spenceraverywrites · 7 years
TGIFWRF: Febuary 16, 2018
Let me tell you about my Friday so far.
It's a sunny day in Fukushima City with barely a cloud in the sky. I had McDonald's for breakfast: a chicken sandwich with slightly spicy mayo and lettuce, a sausage McMuffin with cheese, and a hashbrown. I was a very hungry writer because I got home rather late yesterday, leading to me having to go straight to bed instead of supplementing my 4:30 dinner with more than cookies.
Today, once work is done, I'll walk to the train station and the head home. I might go treat myself to a little something at the second hand goods store: they have oodles of anime merch, and I can always find a new video game for language practice. Perhaps I'll snag a treat at the conbini, or maybe even pop in the grocery store for a bit. Whatever I do, it'll be relaxing and end my long work week well.
Now, let's move to the writing.
Today's generator is a tried and true friend: Seventh Sanctum's Envisioner.
Back when I was first starting as a writer, I used Seventh Sanctum for everything. It was my fallback when I was out of ideas, and helped me generate something interesting, which was always better than my nothing at all. Ironically, this is my first time to use this particular generator, so I'm kind of excited. Let's see what comes out of two clicks.
Ah, there we go! Let's see… the generator spat out this gem: The legend of Romulus and Remus envisioned as a post-apocalyptic natural disaster tale
I think this will be nice to write this afternoon. I've only got a few tasks to tend to, and writing will work me up for them.
Most likely, I'll never return to this piece. So, I'm going to write it as a short scene: a moment into two twins in a world lush with floral and void of fauna: or, at least, void of humanity.
Now grab a snack and a drink, kick back in whatever time zone you're in, and settle down: it's Friday, and we're getting ready for the weekend.
Here's our first ever TGIFWF piece.
Larch and Linden woke up to their mother's weight, laid across them like a thick, down blanket.
She growled low, then huffed, waking up at the squirming bodies of her children, and let out a booming howl just in case they had the mind to turn over. Just to tease, she did: rolled over and gently pinned them to the layers of blankets and pelts decorating their home, keeping the hard stone from being too hard, from being too cold now that the world was turning to Winter.
Larch was the first to react, digging her stubby nails into their mother's side and letting out human yips that pitched close enough to be a pups. "Yarrow, let us go! I've got to pee and unless you want wet fur, then you'll move!"
Yarrow snuffed a chuckle, and replied in kind, reaching out with her mind as she'd done since they were true pups: "Go and make water and come back. You need food before you go."
Larch was quick to return, creeping back into the cave hunched, nearly on all fours. Linden had shuffled herself away, dark brown hands tugging at black dreadlocks. She'd added a bit of decoration, new feathers from Uncle Valerian's sheddings. They made a bit of a crown around L
"Glad to see one of us is pretty," Larch said, plopping right back down on a blanket. Linden snorted and tossed her a cloth filled with breakfast: dried blueberries, a bit of, and more Spam since all the previous deer had run out days before.
"We're both pretty," Linden added -finally- in her quiet way. "That's the way twins work."
"Naturally, you got that from me," Yarrow teased in their minds. They all let out booming howls that devolved into giggles and snorts.
This was the peace of their lives.
As children -tiny children, back when Yarrow had to teach them Man Tongue- they'd imagine the world outside the cliff, outside the woods that lay thick enough to trap the sun. Cities made from metal and wood would spring up. Images of cars -Yarrow would send those, had show them what she knew of humans before The Fall- and children in sharp, expensive looking clothing, not at all like what Yarrow seemed to always spirit away for them.
Out here on End's Cliff, however, away from Cave Beneath the Mountain and upriver from Moss Stream, the twins knew only one thing: that life here was quiet, away from whatever bad had done the world in. From all they could tell, humanity just… wasn't. Green and navy and vivid color had overtaken the world: End's Cliff was lush when Winter wasn't present, enough to rival Eden's splendor.
Linden and Larch didn't know what they'd do if they met another human: they'd been at End's Cliff since before they could speak, and Yarrow had been Mother. Whatever Mother and Father or Science had given them life was gone, or at least somewhere that wasn't their little world.
Larch and Linden didn't care about that world though.
They knew only each other and their mother: a giantess of a wolf with fur the color of moonlight, now that Winter was approaching. Perhaps their mother knew more of the world that they credited her for.  Sometimes, they'd catch Yarrow give them looks as if she just knew, just knew that they'd find out what was in her brain. Both Larch and Linden hated those moments, and were determined to stay dumb and keep from Man's Land.
If other humans existed out there, good for them. The twins would always need their mothers: this mother. They were here pups and she was their Wolf.
They'd long outgrown needing her in the way of children, of course: the twins could hunt and claim their own kills with their glass knives and slings. They'd need those kills with the cold creeping into the rocks. Today, perhaps, if Linden brought back one of those fat deer, they could salt the meat together, and have a nice chat with their mother, maybe call for Uncle Valerian and Aunt Reed, ask her to slither from her nest one last time before Big Sleep. Maybe she'd suggest more tea, be a bit generous and go find them late Autumn apple, skins slightly wizened.
Those treats were enough to sustain them in their world of almost silence, away from people and up here on the edge of the world.
Larch's smacking came to and end, and Linden sighed and scarved down a couple handfuls of berries, picking up her poncho and stepping into her boots.  Yarrow caught her eye with that same sad look: how close was Linden to stepping out of this world, to eating some forbidden fruit and going to the other? Would the sustenance of her mother not be enough?
She didn't have time for that. The time to put away childish thoughts had come, and now, she needed to go and be Wolf, not Human.
"Ready?" Larch asked, brown cheeks flush. She looked happy, wrapped glass at the ready, rocks in her pockets and the new bow they'd found across her back.
"Yes," Linden replied, and she forced a smile.
It was time to move from the cave, and go out to hunt for Winter.
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badd-ddog · 2 months
i think about the "pass the detritus" meme at least once a week. it's always one of those weeks. i always want the detritus
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badd-ddog · 4 months
consider: nonbinary spock
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badd-ddog · 4 months
social anxiety is so dumb my neighbor was out mowing his lawn when I parked and I was focused so much on coming across as a well-adjusted human person and not a total freak that I forgot to focus on spacial awareness and bonked my head on my car door as I tried to close it. 0/10
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