#Year 1553
forfucksakesniall · 1 year
"Whispered Hearts"
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Summary: Lewis Hamilton has a secret girlfriend. During the Monaco Grand Prix, their relationship is revealed to the public, but they remain strong and support each other.
Word count: 1553
Trigger warning/Content advisory: Media scrutiny, privacy invasion, public attention, and intense emotions including anxiety and stress. Reader discretion is advised.
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As Lewis arrives with effortless charm, the cameras flash constantly, capturing his every move. Fans eagerly call out his name, seeking his autograph on their merch. With a grateful smile, he acknowledges their unwavering support, waving to the crowd.
Lewis Hamilton, the perpetual bachelor, guards a closely kept secret from prying media eyes. Behind closed doors, passionate and secret romance blossoms between Lewis and (Y/N), spanning over three beautiful years.
On the yacht en route to the grand prix, Lewis takes a phone call, his face lit up with anticipation. Curiosity ripples through observers, wondering about the person on the other end. If only they knew who filled those precious moments with him, their curiosity would soar.
✧ ・゚ : * ✧ ・゚ * ✧ ✦ ✧ * ✧ ・゚ : * ✧ ・゚ :
Hours earlier…
Awakened by shuffling and muffled voices, you groggily open your eyes. Lewis moves about the room, preparing for today's practice. Admiring him from behind, you appreciate his early rising and his need to fix everything early in the morning. This is what you get for dating a control freak.
The sound of the duvet shifting catches his attention, and he turns toward you, wide-eyed, realizing he has disturbed you. With a gentle expression, he approaches, settling beside you on the bed.
"Good morning, baby," he whispers, planting a tender kiss on your forehead, his hand cradling your cheek. "Did I wake you?"
"Its fine babe" you softly respond. His brows furrow, searching for a way to make it up to you, reading his thoughts like an open book. He knows how much you love your sleep and feels guilty for waking you.
"It was time to wake up anyway," you assure him, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. A smile graces his face, easing the tension.
"Since I've disturbed your beauty sleep, princess," he playfully teases, "I'll make you some breakfast."
"Good to know," you playfully tease back, anticipation twinkling in your eyes.
It's still early, and you cherish the time together before he leaves for the race. After breakfast, you find yourselves snuggled up on the couch, bodies entwined, surrounded by fluffy pillows. Wearing cozy pajamas, you wish this moment could last forever.
You discuss your plans for the day, and you reassure him of your unwavering support, letting him know you'll be watching him every step of the way.
"You can go outside and enjoy your day instead of being cooped up here," he suggests, a hint of worry on his face.
Cradling his face in your hands, you alleviate his concerns. "I want to be here with you, and besides, the streets will be busy anyway."
He pauses, contemplating his next words. "What if… What if you came to the race?"
You look at him, surprise and intrigue shining in your eyes.
✧ ・゚ : * ✧ ・゚ * ✧ ✦ ✧ * ✧ ・゚ : * ✧ ・゚ :
Lewis on the phone
"Hey baby, I'm here now."
"Hey, I just arrived too. The staff guided me into the paddock without attracting any attention."
"That's good. Um, are you feeling alright? I hope the cameras doesn't make you too uncomfortable. They are everywhere and—"
"I'll be fine, Lewis. Stop worrying, okay? Focus on the race, alright?"
"Yeah… okay. I love you. I'll see you later."
"Love you too, babe. See you."
Entering the Mercedes paddock, many unfamiliar faces greet you, surprised by their recognition to you. They address you by name, offering your favorite drink, even asking ypu things only you and Lewis knows. As if they already knew who you were.
Guiding you to Lewis's driver's room, you settle onto the couch, waiting for his arrival. It feels as if you been there so many time despite it being your first. But the truth, this is where Lewis FaceTimes you whenever he has a spare moment, talking to you before each race.
Suddenly, the door bursts open, revealing someone you've only seen on TV and heard about in Lewis's stories.
"Hey Lewis, I wanted to ask you about our ping pong rematch—" George's eyes widen in surprise, realizing he isn't speaking to Lewis but to Lewis's best-kept secret.
"Oh, um… you must be (Y/N)?"
Before you can respond, Lewis intervenes, placing a reassuring hand on George's shoulder.
"Let's discuss that later, George," he says, attempting to close the door.
George still manages to squeeze his way in.
"Wait a minute, you're always talking about her, and now she's here, and you're suddenly all shy," George cheekily remarks.
"Oh, so you talk about me at work, Lewis?" you playfully tease, a smile tugging at your lips.
"Now is not the time for that," Lewis deflects, trying to change the subject, but you and George exchange giggles.
"Well, it's nice to finally meet you," George says, pats back at Lewis's shoulder before leaving.
As Lewis closes and locks the door, safeguarding his secret, he apologizes for George's silliness.
"I'm sorry about him. He tends to talk nonsense when he's excited," he defends himself.
You can't help but giggle, knowing that George's words hold some truth, but you don't press the matter further.
Lewis takes a seat beside you, his hand reaching for yours, gently rubbing the back of it. Tension fills the air.
Drawing closer to him, you speak softly, "Hey, stop worrying about us. We'll be just fine." You lean in, capturing his lips in a tender kiss, deepening your connection.
He draws back slightly, cradling your face in his hands. "If at any point you feel uncomfortable, just let me know, and I'll arrange for someone to bring you back home," he assures, his words sincere.
The mention of "home" sends a warm wave of comfort and belonging through you, reminding you of the depth of your connection and the time you've spent together.
"I promise, and I know I'll be alright," you whisper, offering your reassurance in return.
✧ ・゚ : * ✧ ・゚ * ✧ ✦ ✧ * ✧ ・゚ : * ✧ ・゚ :
As Lewis heads out of the paddock, drawing attention to himself and creating a diversion, you seize the opportunity to slip away unnoticed toward the garage, seeking a better vantage point to watch him race.
Lost in your thoughts, you're approached by a girl, approximately your age, her Mercedes merch indicating she's a fan.
"Hi! Hello?" She greets you enthusiastically.
"I saw you coming out of the paddock. I'm curious, what kind of pass do you have?" Her questioning catches you off guard, and you find yourself unable to make up a lie in response.
Before you can answer, her friends join her, and Lewis's gaze shifts toward the commotion, realizing that you're being surrounded by a growing crowd of fans. Although you remain calm, Lewis's protective instincts kicks in.
As Lewis walks back towards you, attracting the attention of cameras and journalists, confusion spreads among them. They wonder why he's suddenly heading in the opposite direction, away from the garage, and they start following him.
Approaching the group, Lewis cheerfully greets them as he always does, diverting their attention from you. He positions himself slowly in front of you, blocking the view of the girls who are now asking for his autograph on their merch.
With a gentle push of his elbow, he signals you to step back and head to the garage. However, as you try to leave the crowd, the cameras and journalists have already made their way to you, envading on your personal space.
Lewis quickly realizes his mistake and looks to the security personnel for assistance. They swiftly intervene, pushing back the crowd to create a pathway for both of you. Guiding you with a reassuring hand on your back, Lewis leads you forward, your gaze fixed on the ground to avoid any unwanted attention.
"Shit," you overhear him mutter, his anxiety mounting once again. This was certainly not the outcome you had hoped for.
✧ ・゚ : * ✧ ・゚ * ✧ ✦ ✧ * ✧ ・゚ : * ✧ ・゚ :
The news spreads rapidly, like wildfire.
"Lewis Hamilton Spotted with Mystery Woman in Monaco Grand Prix."
"Lewis Hamilton's Secret Love: Who is his Monaco Grand Prix Girlfriend?"
"Lewis Hamilton's Monaco Grand Prix Surprise: Introducing his Secret Girlfriend."
Gossip sites churn out articles, each one vying for attention. Pictures capture the moment as both of you escape the crowd and head toward the garage.
Lewis is preparing for practice when he notices you are dazed and confused, absorbed in what you've read online. The information about you—your occupation, hometown, and mutual connections—seems to have spread with lightning speed. Lost in your thoughts, you don't realize that Lewis is kneeling in front of you until he takes your hand.
"I know this isn't how we wanted it, and... I.. I shouldn't have asked you to come," he rambles.
"At least we don't have to hide anymore," you reassure him, sensing his anxiety. "We'll figure it out after the race, okay?"
He continues to gaze at you, seeking reassurance that you're truly okay. Standing up, he leans down to plant a tender kiss on the top of your head.
"Be safe. I love you," you tell him, your voice filled with affection.
"I love you too, baby," he responds, his words carrying a heartfelt warmth.
He walks towards the car and drives away. After a few seconds, you finally gather the strength to rise from your seat and contemplate the situation.
You come to a realization that it shouldn't sadden you that they discovered your secret. It was inevitable, something you and Lewis would eventually have to face.
With newfound determination, you stand tall and position yourself near the monitors, eagerly watching Lewis's performance. A member of the garage team hands you a pair of headphones, allowing you to hear Lewis's communications.
"Go get them babe," you whisper to yourself, offering words of encouragement to your beloved.
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laurasimonsdaughter · 30 days
The King of the Cats
A fun little folklore plot that shows up in Scotland, Ireland and England is the death (and succession) of the King of the Cats.
The story usually begins with a man being told, either by a cat or a disembodied voice, to inform a certain person that another person has died. Both persons are called by their full name, usually strange names, which are unfamiliar to the protagonist. When the protagonist comes home he tells what a strange thing happened to him. Upon overhearing the message the house cat jumps up and declares that they are now the King of the Cats, immediately leaving never to be seen again.
There are other versions of this type of story, more widespread over Europe, where there cat may be a fairy or troll in disguise. Or there isn’t a cat at all, but a house gnome or elf instead, and the announced death is that of a relative or enemy. But it’s the concept of a King of the Cats who can be succeeded by a cat that is currently an ordinary house cat, that delights me so.
The name of the deceased Cat King and the successor differ per story:
In this version from Lancashire they are called Doldrum and Dildrum.
In Joseph Jacobs’ version, which is an amalgamation of several English variants, they are called Tom Toldrum and Tom Tildrum. (This version even includes a whole feline funeral procession.)
The oldest recorded version of this story is from the Beware the Cat by Baldwin (written 1553, published 1561). Only the dead cat in question (Grimalkin) is never called the king of the cats, and the cats receiving the message (Puss) is a female cat, who is sad to leave her home.
In this Scottish version the successor is unnamed, but the dead Cat King is called Old Peter.
The stories sadly do not say a lot about what it means to be the King of the Cats, apart from some mentioning a sceptre and crown, but Lady Wilde does have something to say about him in her Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms, and Superstitions of Ireland (1888):
A most important personage in feline history is the King of the Cats. He may be in your house a common looking fellow enough, with no distinguishing mark of exalted rank about him, so that it is very difficult to verify his genuine claims to royalty. Therefore the best way is to cut off a tiny little bit of his ear. If he is really the royal personage, he will immediately speak out and declare who he is; and perhaps, at the same time, tell you some very disagreeable truths about yourself, not at all pleasant to have discussed by the house cat.
Her second example has a content warning for animal cruelty, so I will put it underneath a cut, but it does imply that the Cat King might be capable of reincarnation…
A man once, in a fit of passion, cut off the head of the domestic pussy, and threw it on the fire. On which the head exclaimed, in a fierce voice, "Go tell your wife that you have cut off the head of the King of the Cats; but wait! I shall come back and be avenged for this insult," and the eyes of the cat glared at him horribly from the fire. And so it happened; for that day year, while the master of the house was playing with a pet kitten, it suddenly flew at his throat and bit him so severely that he died soon after.
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jordanemb · 2 years
joel miller - our little secret
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summary: you begin a secret relationship with joel while living with bill and frank
joel miller x female reader
warnings: making out
word count: 1553
It had been around 3 years since you started living with Bill and Frank and in those past 3 years, you have felt the safest that you had ever been.
Ever since the outbreak began, your life had never been stable and you were constantly losing the people you loved. You deeply missed the mundane things you would do in your life before such as running errands, going to class, and even doing laundry. 
You were ready to end it all until one day, Frank had found you trapped inside of one of Bill’s many traps and saved you. He always told you that he had been trapped the same way. 
At first, Bill wasn’t very fond of you. He didn’t trust you and believed that you would overtake his base camp one day due to your young age, although you would never think to do such a thing.  
Frank had always been welcoming and kind to you and it took Bill a little longer to warm up to you. 
Now, you felt as if you, Bill, and Frank were a little family. 
You followed the same routine everyday: Wake up, change, eat, do your various chores around the neighborhood, eat, and go to sleep. 
Not much had changed over the past few months until Frank had announced that he had been talking to a woman over the radio. 
This made Bill livid. 
He did not want to be in contact with anyone else. When he had planned his base, all those years ago, he planned for it to be just him. Then Frank. Then you. 
Bill didn’t want a random woman finding the location to his base and bringing trouble. He did not trust her one bit. 
“Come on, Bill,” Frank pleaded, “She could have the resources that we desperately need.”
“I don’t want to hear it, Frank. This is my home and I don’t want any outsiders coming in,” Bill said sternly. 
“We were outsiders once too,” Frank said softly, taking Bill’s hand. 
“That’s different,” Bill looked away. 
“Please, Bill, all I’m asking is that you consider it. This could be very beneficial to us. Think of Y/n, she hasn’t seen anyone besides us in a very long time,” Frank said, having the last word. 
A few weeks passed by and the day had come for the two outsiders to make a visit to your home. 
Bill had been reluctant to let them visit, but after Frank's endless pleading, he agreed on one condition. That condition was that they would not know of your existence. 
Bill did not know these people’s true intentions and he desperately wanted to protect you.
From what you had gathered from eavesdropping on Frank’s radio conversations with the two, there is a man and a woman coming to visit. The woman’s name is Tess and the man is called Joel. You were pretty sure that they were in a relationship from hearing the way they talk to each other, but it was never confirmed. 
Frank and Bill had set up a nice table in their front yard, aligning it with your window so that you could watch the exchange.
Even though the two were not going to see you, you still put on your nicest outfit which consisted of a simple black dress and a jacket to keep yourself warm. You put your hair back in a braid and put on some old lipstick that you had once found in one of Bill’s drawers. 
You waited patiently at your window until you heard the sound of two unrecognizable voices. 
Outside of the window, you could see a woman with long, light brown hair walking with an older man who also had brown hair. 
They all sat down and began discussing things which you deemed boring such as where their camps are and what they had to offer. 
You were about to get up and go find some other way to entertain yourself until you looked out of your window and made eye contact with the man, Joel. 
Your heart dropped as he looked up at you with a blank stare. You weren't sure if he even registered that you were there but you prayed that he didn’t.
You saw him open his mouth to say something, but then he looked back up at you and decided not to. 
His eyes stared straight into yours and he was not breaking eye contact until the woman he was with, Tess, tapped him on the shoulder. 
“Is everything ok, Joel?” She followed his gaze and you immediately ducked down. 
“Yeah, sorry, I just thought I saw something,” He said, shaking her off. 
“Anyways,” she broke the awkward silence, “We really appreciate this, Bill and Frank. I do hope we are able to help each other, but Joel and I need to get going before curfew.”
“Of course, please keep in contact on the radio, we are looking forward to it, right Bill?” Frank smiled at Tess, nudging Bill. 
“Sure,” Bill mumbled, not making eye contact. 
The two of them left as Bill and Frank began cleaning up the table. 
As soon as you were sure that the two were truly gone, you made your way downstairs and asked Bill and Frank how it went. 
Frank went on and on about how much he enjoyed the company while Bill stood there silently. 
You smiled at Frank's enthusiasm as you helped them clean up. 
A few months later, Joel and Tess had been regularly trading with Bill and Frank. It was a great help to you because they brought different foods that you never thought you would be able to eat again. 
Even though Bill and Frank were beginning to completely trust Joel and Tess, you were still not allowed to meet them. 
You kept asking them when you could, but they would always brush it off, going on about how unsafe it was for a young woman in this time. 
One day, Bill and Frank had taken a short trip to the paint store across town so you decided to go to the garden in the front yard to help out with the crops. 
“I knew I wasn’t buggin,” you jumped at the noise. 
You held the shovel that you were using in front of you to protect yourself.
“Don’t come any closer!” you tried to sound intimidating, “I’ll hurt you, I swear it.” 
“Darlin, if I wanted to kill you, I already would have,” the man stepped closer, his hand on his gun holster. 
“Joel,” you said, recognizing the man. 
“Now, what’s Bill and Frank hiding a pretty woman like you for? What’s your name?” he asked, taking another step closer. 
“Just wait until Bill sees you. You’ll be in trouble then,” you tried to sound threatening. 
Joel started laughing at this, “I ain’t scared of Bill. Now, answer my question, darlin.” 
“When I saw you, I thought I was goin crazy. But here we are,” he took another step forward. 
“Bill is coming back and he will hurt you,” you threatened again. 
“I’m not here for trouble, darlin, I just came to pick up my supplies,” he put his hands up. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” You saw Bill approaching behind Joel with his gun up. 
Joel gave you one last look and then put his hands up, “I swear I’m not lookin for trouble, Bill. I just need my supplies, as we discussed last week.” 
Bill inched closer to Joel with his gun raised, “Stay right where you are and I’ll get it. If I find out that you have done anything to Y/n here, you and Tess will be dead.”
“I know, I know, Bill. As I said, I just need my supplies,” Joel tried to sound calm. 
Bill grabbed the supplies for Joel and he made his way back to the QZ. 
A few months later, you were braiding your hair when you heard the very familiar voice of Joel from your window. 
It was another scheduled day for Bill and Frank to exchange supplies with Joel and Tess. These days had soon become the only things you were looking forward to because it was your only chance to see Joel. 
“Hey, darlin,” you heard from behind you. 
“Joel!” you exclaimed, walking over to him. 
Joel wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head. 
“I can’t get you out of my head. I had to see you,” he said. 
You blushed and looked up at Joel, “How did you get away?”
“I told them that I had to use the bathroom,” he laughed. 
Tess was still oblivious of your existence and Bill and Frank were becoming suspicious of you and Joel’s relationship. 
You kept denying it, but they still were still doubtful. 
You were envious of Tess because she got to be around Joel so much while you only had minutes with him once a week. 
“What are you thinkin about?” Joel asked, leading you to your bed. 
“You,” you smiled at him, sitting down on the bed. 
In response, Joel softly kissed you as you got on his lap. 
He pulled you in and a smile formed on your mouth. 
“I wish we didn’t have to hide,” you pulled away. 
“I know, darlin, I know.” 
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daeneryseastar · 4 months
so i don’t understand what is *so* hard to get about the idea that rhaenyra being crowned as queen *peacefully* would’ve at least introduced the baby-step process that women can inherit the iron throne, even if it doesn’t automatically lead to absolute primogeniture and prompt benefits being established for -all- women.
book-wise we have one (ONLY one) inkling of how rhaenyra feels about the succession, and it’s that she doesn’t wish to alienate any more allies than she already had:
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show-wise we have a vague and contradictory line of jace and baela’s sons inheriting the iron throne followed by luke and rhaena’s children inheriting the driftwood throne, which just seems like an inconsistency in the writer’s room, but why is that *such* an issue for those that support aegon’s claim to begin with? rhaenyra only has sons (biologically) at this point, so we really don’t know whether or not she would’ve named a daughter as her heir over a son, but this thought process derives from real history. eventually female heirs were allowed in certain circumstances but male children were *always* preferred (until recently). this still doesn’t change what her reign would’ve entailed had there not been war. rhaenyra is allowed to fight for the right her father granted onto her when she was 8 years old, aegon was not entitled to it simply because he was born with a penis and his mother raised him to believe that made him special.
jeyne arryn, one of her staunchest allies, point blank states what will happen to women heirs and ladies in their own right if the greens are allowed to repudiate the succession, because it’s something she -personally- had gone through:
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“in this world of men, we women must band together,” the green council states that they cannot rely on the eyrie for support due to is presently being ruled by a WOMAN. they knew what this would mean for women moving forward.
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if we were to look into the history of english monarchs the first (official) queen regnant of england was mary i, who ruled for five years, and didn’t make any changes to the rules of succession during her reign (any that involved gender, any battles she faced mostly had to do with religion). she was followed by her sister elizabeth i, who ruled for 45 years, and made no changes to the rules of succession. both of whom ascended as queen because there were no male relatives alive at the time, but each obviously proved that women were just as capable of men ruling, releasing at least some of the stigma surrounding that subject during their time alive. it wasn’t even until recently, during the reign of elizabeth ii (in 2013, specifically), that absolute primogeniture was enacted into law, ending the system of male-preference cognitive primogeniture. mary became queen in october of 1553, so it took 460 years for this change to occur.
rhaenyra is based off empress matilda, daughter of henry i, who would’ve been the first queen regnant of england had she not been challenged and deposed by her cousin, stephen of blois, in a war known as the anarchy; with it ultimately ending when a peace treaty was signed by both stephen and matilda, with her son henry ii named as stephen’s successor upon his death (which happened a year later). this war began in 1135, which was 878 years before the succession was formally changed and 418 years before england would actually see a queen on the throne. this is just to put it into perspective how one queen is not going to immediately enact change for the betterment of all women whilst attempting to rule an age-old abhorrent system, but saying that they had no bearing on succession laws and gender equality moving forward is wild.
not only did rhaenyra only reign for six months, she was in the middle of a civil war that had resulted in the deaths of four of her children (as far as she knew) at that point. among that the treasury had been depleted and sent to green loyalists, so she was taking over a country with virtually no money at hand. her reign was damned from the start, and her near broken mental state led her to make some bad decisions. from the beginning of her heir ship she was looked down upon for being a woman; her stepmother spread vile rumors about her virginity when was in her early teens, her sworn shield groomed and took advantage of her, her siblings were raised to hate her and view her as a threat to THEIR birthright and lives, her father was nigh on useless in protecting her against any of this due to his pacifist and pushover nature. she was usurped because she was a woman, and ultimately killed because she was a woman. denying the tragedy of her life is refusing to understand the deeper components of the story being told.
if women aren’t even able to hold offices of high power how is anything supposed to change for those in even worse circumstances? women didn’t gain semi equal rights by being silent and subservient to the men around them, they gained them by fighting back against the status quo; by marching, lobbying their politicians, lecturing those willing and unwilling to listen to their plight, causing civil disobedience, etc. we shouldn’t condemn those that do not have the will nor the ability to participate in these events, but refusing to understand their opposites and overtly criticizing how imperfect they are or blaming them for their suffering is not the way to go.
once again, rhaenyra is not a feminist, but she should be seen as a proto-feminist figure by us, the audience, for her will to stake her claim as the first woman to sit the iron throne. her usurpation and subsequent murder leads to the death of all dragons, a catastrophic consequence considering her parallels to the amethyst empress and the dire stakes at hand in regard to the second long night.
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tallteenturtle · 6 months
Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor
I fell down a bit of a heraldry rabbit hole recently and decided to spend several hours compiling info about the Penvellyn family off the wiki and then used online heraldry resources to analyze their individual coat of arms. Did the game devs intend the shields to be interpreted this way? Probably not. But if I dont over-analyze 20 year old childrens computer games what else am I going to do with my life??
Here are all the people whose portraits hang in the great hall along with info we learn about them from Jane (and occasionally Nigel), their coat of arms, and my amateur interpretation of the symbolism.
Randulf ( - 1401)
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“Randulf the Red, so named for his bright red hair, was considered a hero at the Battle of Poitiers. For his heroism, King Edward III awarded him with the lands in the region called "Penvellyn". That's how we got our name.”
Randulf's coat of arms says "IN HOC SIGNO" which translates to "in this sign (you will conquer)"
Comet; unknown in heraldry but refers to the family treasure
Red; Military might, warrior.
(putting the rest under the cut to save you much scrolling)
Odo (1354 – 1404)
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“Yeah, he isn't very exciting, really. Liked farming and cows. His son Milo is much more interesting.”
“Those Manuscripts are very old and brittle. They date back to the 14th century. Odo Penvellyn collected most of them. His father Randulf and son Milo were rather more interested in military victories than in book collecting.”
Odo's coat of arms says "PROSPERITAS" which translates to "success".
Milo (1376 – 1423)
Green; Hope, joy, loyalty
Deer/hart; One who will not fight unless provoked, peace and harmony
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“Milo inherited not only his grandfather's red hair but his military prowess. Milo was instrumental in the Siege of Caen and was awarded even more lands by Henry V.”
Milo's coat of arms says "VICTUM INVIDEO SILENTE" which translates to "the conquered shall envy the dead".
Hugo (1401 – 1466)
Comet; unknown in heraldry
Red; Military might, warrior
Teardrop; “One who has endured torrents”
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“Um, he had a lot of kids, and his dates were 1401 to 1466.”
Hugo's coat of arms says "CITO FIT QUOD DEI VOLUNT" which translates to "what the gods want happens soon".
Albert (1427 – 1508)
Bee; Industrious, diligent
Acorn; Antiquity, strength
Red; Military might, warrior
Green; Hope, joy, loyalty
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“He was very mysterious and the people of Blackmoor were afraid of him because he knew all these scientific things. No one knows much about him, though.”
Albert's coat of arms says "TIMENDI CAUSA EST NESCIRE" which translates to "ignorance is the cause of fear".
Edmund (1447 – 1499)
Book (open); Manifestation, knowledge
Blue; Truth, loyalty
Green; Hope, joy, loyalty
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“He was into cows. He did a lot of breeding of cows and sheep and got some kind of award from the King.”
Edmund's coat of arms says "UT SEMENTUM FECERIS ITA METES" which translates to "As you sow, so shall you reap".
Charles (1478 – 1553)
Hawk (Falcon): One who does not rest until objective achieved, purpose, goal-oriented
Red; Military might, warrior
Blue; Truth, loyalty
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"Ooh, ooh - Charles was a very famous judge and wrote very important books on law. But his boy, Garrett, drowned when he was really young.”
Charles's coat of arms says "MINIMA MAXIMA SUNT" which translates to "The smallest things are the most important".
Thomas (1526 – 1584)
Rainbow; Good times after bad
Moon; Serene power over the mundane
Sun; Creativity and enlightenment
Blue; Truth, loyalty
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“He was Charles's grandson and wrote a lot of poetry. He also had 3 wives: Catherine, Anne, and Mary. But not like at the same time. They died and he just remarried.”
Thomas's coat of arms says "AGE PRO VIRIBUS" which translates to "in all that you do, do your best".
James (1560 – 1650)
Eagle (2 heads); Joining 2 strong forces
Purple; Nobility and justice
Green; Hope, joy, loyalty
T is presumably for Thomas, no heraldic meaning
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“He never married but one day, when he was very old, a baby was found on the doorstep to the manor. He took her in and raised her as his own. That was Elinor.”
James's coat of arms says "ARS LONGA" which translates to "art lives long" (from the phrase, ars longa vita brevis - art is long, life is short).
Elinor (1626 – 1650)
Maltese cross; Blessings, protection
Red; Military might, warrior
Green; Hope, joy, loyalty
Blue; Truth, loyalty
Purple; Nobility and justice
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“Just that she was burned as a witch but it wasn't true and her father, James, died when he saw her die and then the family fled to France. I don't want to talk about this.”
Elinor's coat of arms says "AUDACES FORTUNA IUVAT" which translates to "fortune favors the bold".
Corbin (1670 – 1741)
Lion rampant; Courage, integrity, strength
Red; Military might, warrior
Purple; Nobility and justice
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“Uh…I dunno. He doesn't have a coat of arms in the Great Hall because he didn't live here; wasn't even a British subject. That's all I know.”
Corbin's coat of arms says "NUNQUAM DEDISCEO" which translates to "never forget".
This shield is notably absent from the great hall, and also is the only one to feature decoration on the outside of the shield.
Sun; Fountain of life, intelligence, innovation, creativity, enlightenment
Wheat; Faithful
Vines/Ivy; Strong and lasting friendship, academia
Philippe (1689 – 1777)
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“He made a fortune in the New World and bought back most of the lands that were confiscated by Cromwell.”
Philippe's coat of arms says "NOVUS MUNDUS" which translates to "a new world".
Penelope (1714 – 1783)
Fleur de Lis; Symbol of France
Purple; Nobility and justice
Blue; Truth, loyalty
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“I don't know very much about her, except that she was very loved by practically everyone in England, and there were a million poems written about her.”
“Those are mainly Penelope Penvellyn's collections of French novels. She was a patron to a raft of artists, and her salon was quite popular. She was quite the libertine, even kept her maiden name after her marriage.”
Penelope's coat of arms says "PULCHRITUDO IN OMNIA" which translates to "there is beauty in all things".
Martha (1739 – 1791)
Pegasus; Poetic genius and inspiration
Fleur de lis; Symbol of France
Lion rampant; Courage and integrity
Wheel; fortune, cycle of life
Purple; Nobility and justice
Red; Military might, warrior
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“She was completely daft - she'd wear really bizarre outfits and she was one of the first women to ride on a steam train.” (This is particularly impressive as the steam train did not exist until 10 years after her death. Oops!)
Martha's coat of arms says "SINE SCIENTIA ARS NIHIL EST" which translates to "without understanding, art is nothing".
Brigitte (1759 – 1833)
Unicorn; Extreme courage, virtue, strength.
Teardrop symbolism; “One who has endured torrents” gold means generosity or elevation of the mind.
The gear and atom are not traditional heraldic symbols but can represent progress and science.
Red; Military might, warrior
Green; Hope, joy, loyalty
Blue; Truth, loyalty
Purple; Nobility and justice
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“She never married and was bonkers for astronomy; she adopted her sister's son, Richard, who later got killed at Waterloo."
Brigitte's coat of arms says "LUDI SINE GAUDIO LUDI NON SUNT" which translates to "sport without fun is not sport."
"Brigitte with her eyes so bright, looks toward heaven at midnight on the longest night of year, that's the one she holds most dear. 'Starry friends,' she's often heard to say, 'how I wish that I could make you stay.' She knows though they can't remain, time will bring them 'round again."
Only shield to have white decorations on the colored background
Star; Divine quality from above
Dove; Loving constancy and peace
Compass; Direction
Purple; Nobility and justice
Richard (1787 – 1815)
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“He died in Waterloo fighting against Napoleon.”
Richard's coat of arms says "SI SIC OMNES" which translates to "if only this could last forever".
Edward (1809 – 1904)
Banner down center shield (the Pale); Military or defensive strength
Star; Divine quality from above. The specific star (nautical star) is not traditional heraldry but symbolizes finding way home.
Red; Military might, warrior
Green; Hope, joy, loyalty
Purple; Nobility and justice
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“He was a big explorer and went all over the world. He wasn't very close with his son, who was also an explorer. They'd only see each other by chance in weird remote places like Samarkand or Walla Walla.”
Edward's coat of arms says "BIS VIVAT QUI BON VIVAT" which translates to "Whoever lives well lives twice".
Knight (especially on horseback); The soul guiding the body; man’s journey through life
Lightning Bolt: Swiftness and power; spiritual enlightenment.
Unicorn; Extreme courage, virtue, strength.
I dont know what the warrior with the spear and sword means
Scepter; Emblem of Justice
Green; Hope, joy, loyalty
Blue; Truth, loyalty
William (1833 – 1901)
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“He was an explorer, just like his father. He was kind of a whiner, so I heard.”
William's coat of arms says "DIES PERDIDI" which translates to "another day wasted".
John (1873 – 1954)
Bend Sinister (the band across the shield); Sometimes used to indicate illegitimacy. If that is the meaning here that would be very interesting and explain why he wasnt close with his father
Red; Military might, warrior
Green; Hope, joy, loyalty
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“He was this huge naturalist and did a lot of exploration in the Amazon. I think there's a plant named after him. Or maybe a monkey; I forget.”
John's coat of arms says "PER AURES AD ANIMUM" which translates to "through the ears to the spirit".
Malachi (1894 – 1972)
Parrot and mouth not traditional symbols but probably represent interest in wildlife and linguistics.
Green; Hope, joy, loyalty
Blue; Truth, loyalty
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“He was a doctor of medicine and did a lot of research on icky skin diseases.”
Malachi's coat of arms says "NUMEN LUMEN" which translates to "divine light is my guide".
Alan (1923 – 1993)
Sun; Fountain of life, intelligence, innovation, creativity, enlightenment
Purple; Nobility and justice
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“He was my grandfather but I didn't know him because he died when I was little. I guess he was nice.”
Alan's coat of arms says "PURGAMENTUM EXIT" which translates to "garbage out" (referencing part of a programmers' saying "garbage in, garbage out").
Serpent; Wisdom
Red; Military might, warrior
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whencyclopedia · 26 days
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Edward VI of England
Edward VI of England reigned as king from 1547 to 1553 CE. Succeeding his father Henry VIII of England (r. 1509-1547 CE), Edward was only nine years old at the time and so the kingdom was ruled by a council of nobles, foremost among whom was Edward's maternal uncle, Edward Seymour (l. c. 1500-1552 CE) until he was replaced by John Dudley, the Earl of Northumberland (l. 1504-1553 CE). During Edward's reign, Protestant religious reforms continued as the Church of England broke further away from the traditions of the established Catholic Church directed by the Pope. There were also popular uprisings as the economy faltered and inflation was rampant. Edward's reign was short as he died of tuberculosis aged just 15. He was succeeded by his cousin Lady Jane Grey (1537-1554 CE) until what the majority of the people and nobility regarded as the rightful heir, his elder half-sister, was installed nine days later as Mary I of England (r. 1553-1558 CE).
Henry VIII & The Succession
Henry VIII married six times but it was his first three marriages that each produced a future monarch. With Catherine of Aragon (1485-1536 CE), Henry had a daughter, Mary (b. Feb. 1516 CE). With Anne Boleyn (c. 1501-1536 CE), there was another daughter, Elizabeth (b. Sep. 1533 CE). With wife number three, Jane Seymour, who was a lady-in-waiting at court, Henry had his first and last legitimate son, Edward, born on 12 October 1537 CE in Hampton Court Palace. At the joyous news, there followed 2,000 cannon shots let off in the Tower of London, bells rang out across England and there were 24 hours of parties and feasts but, tragically, Jane died 12 days after giving birth, most likely from post-natal fever.
As the first marriage was annulled to permit the second and Anne Boleyn was executed on charges of adultery, so each of their children was disinherited and it was Edward who became the official heir to the throne. As more wives came and went and no more children were forthcoming, Henry changed his mind in 1544 CE and declared that Edward could be succeeded by his half-sister Mary with Elizabeth next in line.
Henry VIII's health declined rapidly in his later years as the king became seriously overweight and suffered a badly ulcerated leg. The king died on 28 January 1547 CE at Whitehall Palace in London; he was 55 years old. Henry was buried in Saint George's Chapel at Windsor Castle, next to his late third wife, Jane Seymour, and he was duly succeeded by Edward who became Edward VI at his coronation in Westminster Abbey on 20 February 1547 CE. Henry, having split the Church in England from Rome to acquire his first marriage annulment and gone on a massive spending spree on palaces and wars, left his son an impoverished kingdom split over religious issues and, particularly, whether or not to press on with reforming the Church.
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thetudorslovers · 1 year
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And all the while there was little said of Anne, and little left of her but her child, the young Elizabeth, who had been declared a bastard but who was nevertheless acknowledged as the king’s daughter. Despite her youth and her mother’s shame, she was a valuable card in the diplomatic marriage game and in 1544 she was restored to the succession. A ‘very pretty’, bright and intelligent girl, prematurely cautious. When her elder sister Mary came to the throne in 1553, the 20-year-old Elizabeth found she needed that caution as never before. On Palm Sunday 1554 Anne Boleyn’s daughter was brought by river to the Tower of London, just as her mother had been almost eighteen years earlier. Suspected of plotting rebellion, she spent the next two months in the Bell Tower, followed by almost a year under house arrest in Oxfordshire. In 1558, however, the miracle happened. On Monday, 28 November, to the cheers of the London crowd and the roar of the Tower artillery, Elizabeth came through the gates to take possession of the fortress as queen. The bastardized daughter of the disgraced Anne Boleyn, with her father’s complexion but her mother’s face, splendidly dressed in purple velvet: Elizabeth, by the grace of God, queen of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith. Is it fanciful to feel that after twenty years, the mother in the nearby grave in the chapel of St Peter was at last vindicated?
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steddieasitgoes · 10 months
@steddiemas Day 8 Prompt: Hanukkah Traditions
Tags: Established Relationship, Jewish Eddie Munson, Hanukkah Traditions, Hanukkah Fluff, Eddie Munson Is A Menace, Good Uncle Wayne Munson
wc: 1553 | Rating: G
Read on ao3 | ao3 collection
Logically Steve knows there are other holidays celebrated in the month of December. He’s heard the conversations about family Hanukkah celebrations in passing walking the halls of Hawkins High. Noticed the way the house three doors down always put up blue lights instead of the traditional red and green. He even vaguely remembers learning about the holiday in grade school.
It’s just never something that has come up in his own life until now.
He hadn’t known Eddie was Jewish until two weeks into his hospital stay back in March when he caught Wayne mumbling in another language under his breath. Never one to shy away from opening his big mouth, he asked Wayne rather rudely what he was doing and Wayne, gruff yet patient as ever, explained the Hebrew prayer to him in English.
It was the first and last time either of them ever brought it up, probably because Eddie woke up the following day, and gone were the days of sitting in silence hoping for a miracle. Now their time was spent trying to keep Eddie distracted and entertained.
By the time December rolled around, Steve had almost forgotten about that night all those months ago. Eddie certainly never mentioned it and his time with Wayne was few and far between these days so it was easy to slip his mind.
That is, until two days ago when Eddie invited him to their first night of Hanukkah celebration Wayne had insisted on having.
“We usually don’t do much, but Uncle Wayne’s determined to celebrate it properly this year,” Eddie had said, tapping his fingers against the counter at Family Video. “Says we got a lot to celebrate this year and we should be thankful. I told him thankfulness is for Thanksgiving and he gave me one of his looks so I guess we’re doing Hanukkah now.”
The rambling went on for another minute or two before Steve finally cut him off, assuring him that he’d be there. Eddie left satisfied and Steve pretended to be sick and raced off to the library to research what to bring to a Hanukkah celebration.
He settled on a plate of Latkes which he probably should have left to the professionals based on the sad, soggy-looking potatoes that neither he nor the Munsons touched during dinner. It’s the thought that counts, right?
Other than the delicious sufganiyot and the small menorah set up on the kitchen counter, it’s a fairly typical visit to the Munsons. He’s sitting on the couch with Eddie, the usual bottle of beer swapped out for a mug full of wine. Wayne’s in his recliner, mug in one hand, TV remote in the other after he won it from Eddie in a heated game of rock, paper, scissors. A rerun of Gunsmoke plays on the television — more static than actual dialogue, but none of them seem to mind.
A winter chill wafts through the screen door, fanning the small flame of the lit Menorah candle. It flickers but stays lit and Steve catches the way Wayne smiles at the resilience. This time he doesn’t have to ask, he spent the last two days down a rabbit hole of research learning about what Hanukkah is about. He gets it.
“Eds,” Wayne says, pulling his eyes away from the Menorah. “You ever tell your boy ‘bout your first Hanukkah?”
“Wayne,” Eddie groans beside Steve. He shoots Wayne a warning glance before burying his head in his hands. “No.”
“No, you ain’t tell him or no you don’t want me to tell’m.”
“Oh, now I definitely need to hear this.” Adjusting himself on the couch, Steve leans forward, elbows resting on his knees so he can get a better look at Wayne. It’s not a hard feat given Eddie’s curled-up state.
Wayne lets out a gruff laugh and takes a slow sip from his mug of wine before setting it down. “His momma wasn’t Jewish. And his daddy, well the only thing good ole’ Warren ever worshipped was himself, so Eds here didn’t know a thing bout Hanukkah ’til he came to live with me after his momma got sick.
“Now I wasn’t much for celebrating back then, the war’ll do that to you, but I had this little kid living under my roof and I couldn’t do nothing. Not when everyone was talking’ ‘bout Santa this and Santa that. So I pulled out all the stops. Found my Bubbie’s old Menorah and brought it out. Sat Eds down and explained the whole thing to him.”
“I don’t know that I’d call it explaining,” Eddie says, finally joining the conversation. “If I remember correctly you told me that we were celebrating Hanukkah and when I asked what that was you said “the holiday we're celebrating” and that was that.”
“You were six what did ya want me to tell ya.”
“Uh, more than that!”
“Well, anyway,” Wayne says, shaking Eddie off with a hand through the air. “Eds wasn’t into it much as you might expect until the matches came out. Should have seen the way his eyes lit up when he saw the fire. I should’ve known better but I didn’t know what I was doin' back then.”
“You still don’t.”
“Let your uncle talk,” Steve scolds, playfully swatting Eddie’s arm.
“You see that burn mark on the curtain there?” Wayne asks, pointing to a softball-sized charred piece of the curtain.
Steve nods before giving Eddie a questioning glance. He had noticed the charred piece of fabric before. Hell, he even brought it up to Eddie months ago asking what the story behind it was. He remembers listening to him paint the picture of the memory — his first joint, a faulty lighter, a pair of jeans ruined fanning the flames.
Nothing at all having to do with a Menorah.
“Well, your boy, got so excited ‘bout lighting the match he let go of the thing and sent the flame flyin' through the air. Lucky I was standing by 'cause the curtain almost went up in flames. Trusty ol’ baseball cap from my high school days put it out before it got too dangerous.”
The annoyance he was feeling towards Eddie’s white lie drains from his body as the truth is set free. He can picture it. A younger Eddie, shorter but still larger than life. Mischievous as all hell, but ready to handle the important responsibility of lighting a match only to let his excitement get the better of him. It’s a side of Eddie he’s experienced quite a lot of in the last few months.
The only thing more dangerous than the horrors they’ve faced is an overenthusiastic Eddie Munson.
“Is that why you wouldn’t let him light the Menorah tonight?”
“You’re damn right. This place already took a beatin’ this year. Don’t need Mr. Arson over there sendin’ it up in flames.”
“Hey,” Eddie whines. “I was six! I am way more careful with fire now.”
“Didn’t you burn yourself yesterday?” Steve asks, gesturing to the blister on his thumb from where he caught his finger fidgeting with his Zippo.
“You know what,” Eddie scoffs. He throws his hands up in the air, nearly knocking them against the low-hanging rack of mugs before standing up. “The Maccaknees didn’t endure what they did for me to have to sit here and listen to you two make fun of me! Goodnight!”
Steve watches as Eddie stomps off down the hallway like a petulant child. If he wasn’t so in love with the giant dork, he’d probably find the entire thing off-putting. Hell, he probably should find Eddie’s tantrums at least a little unattractive but his heart hasn’t gotten the memo.
When the bedroom door slams shut, Steve twists on the couch until he’s facing Wayne. “Do you think we should tell him it’s the Maccabees not whatever it is he said?”
Wayne laughs, shaking his head. “Come on now, you’ve been ‘round long enough to know correctin' Eds ain’t ever a good thing. Best to let him think what he thinks.”
“I heard you!” Eddie shouts from behind the closed door. “Just for that, I’m lighting the candles tomorrow.”
The recliner creaks as Wayne slowly gets himself to his feet. The noise is enough to coax Eddie back out of his room — not that he was ever going to stay hidden in there long without Steve.
“What are you doing?”
“Checkin’ the extinguisher. Never can be too careful with fire in your hands.”
Steve laughs, earning a death glare from Eddie that only spurs him on more. “In that case, you better make sure the fire department is on the way the second you hand him the matchbox.”
“I hate you both!” Eddie groans, collapsing onto the couch in a defeated state.
Eddie manages to light the Menorah on Night Two of Hanukkah with no incident, much to the chagrin of Wayne and Steve. He manages to keep it up for several more nights until things take a turn on Night Six. Caught off guard by Steve’s hovering, the match slips from Eddie’s nimble fingers, igniting a stack of bills.
“Think you just made settin’ things on fire a Hanukkah tradition,” Wayne laughs once the flames have disappeared, leaving nothing but ash in its wake.
“The Maccaknee would be proud,” Steve teases.
“I hate you both.”
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palecleverdoll · 1 year
Ages of English Queens at First Marriage
I have only included women whose birth dates and dates of marriage are known within at least 1-2 years, therefore, this is not a comprehensive list. For this reason, women such as Philippa of Hainault and Anne Boleyn have been omitted.
This list is composed of Queens of England when it was a sovereign state, prior to the Acts of Union in 1707. Using the youngest possible age for each woman, the average age at first marriage was 17.
Eadgifu (Edgiva/Ediva) of Kent, third and final wife of Edward the Elder: age 17 when she married in 919 CE
Ælfthryth (Alfrida/Elfrida), second wife of Edgar the Peaceful: age 19/20 when she married in 964/965 CE
Emma of Normandy, second wife of Æthelred the Unready: age 18 when she married in 1002 CE
Ælfgifu of Northampton, first wife of Cnut the Great: age 23/24 when she married in 1013/1014 CE
Edith of Wessex, wife of Edward the Confessor: age 20 when she married in 1045 CE
Matilda of Flanders, wife of William the Conqueror: age 20/21 when she married in 1031/1032 CE
Matilda of Scotland, first wife of Henry I: age 20 when she married in 1100 CE
Adeliza of Louvain, second wife of Henry I: age 18 when she married in 1121 CE
Matilda of Boulogne, wife of Stephen: age 20 when she married in 1125 CE
Empress Matilda, wife of Henry V, HRE, and later Geoffrey V of Anjou: age 12 when she married Henry in 1114 CE
Eleanor of Aquitaine, first wife of Louis VII of France and later Henry II of England: age 15 when she married Louis in 1137 CE
Isabella of Gloucester, first wife of John Lackland: age 15/16 when she married John in 1189 CE
Isabella of Angoulême, second wife of John Lackland: between the ages of 12-14 when she married John in 1200 CE
Eleanor of Provence, wife of Henry III: age 13 when she married Henry in 1236 CE
Eleanor of Castile, first wife of Edward I: age 13 when she married Edward in 1254 CE
Margaret of France, second wife of Edward I: age 20 when she married Edward in 1299 CE
Isabella of France, wife of Edward II: age 13 when she married Edward in 1308 CE
Anne of Bohemia, first wife of Richard II: age 16 when she married Richard in 1382 CE
Isabella of Valois, second wife of Richard II: age 6 when she married Richard in 1396 CE
Joanna of Navarre, wife of John IV of Brittany, second wife of Henry IV: age 18 when she married John in 1386 CE
Catherine of Valois, wife of Henry V: age 19 when she married Henry in 1420 CE
Margaret of Anjou, wife of Henry VI: age 15 when she married Henry in 1445 CE
Elizabeth Woodville, wife of Sir John Grey and later Edward IV: age 15 when she married John in 1452 CE
Anne Neville, wife of Edward of Lancaster and later Richard III: age 14 when she married Edward in 1470 CE
Elizabeth of York, wife of Henry VII: age 20 when she married Henry in 1486 CE
Catherine of Aragon, wife of Arthur Tudor and later Henry VIII: age 15 when she married Arthur in 1501 CE
Jane Seymour, third wife of Henry VIII: age 24 when she married Henry in 1536 CE
Anne of Cleves, fourth wife of Henry VIII: age 25 when she married Henry in 1540 CE
Catherine Howard, fifth wife of Henry VIII: age 17 when she married Henry in 1540 CE
Jane Grey, wife of Guildford Dudley: age 16/17 when she married Guildford in 1553 CE
Mary I, wife of Philip II of Spain: age 38 when she married Philip in 1554 CE
Anne of Denmark, wife of James VI & I: age 15 when she married James in 1589 CE
Henrietta Maria of France, wife of Charles I: age 16 when she married Charles in 1625 CE
Catherine of Braganza, wife of Charles II: age 24 when she married Charles in 1662 CE
Anne Hyde, first wife of James II & VII: age 23 when she married James in 1660 CE
Mary of Modena, second wife of James II & VII: age 15 when she married James in 1673 CE
Mary II of England, wife of William III: age 15 when she married William in 1677 CE
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lizzy-tudor · 11 months
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From Princess, to Queen, to Duchess
Mary Tudor (March, c. 1496; London, England - June, 1533; Suffolk, England) was an English princess, the third wife of King Louis XII of France and one of the two sisters of King Henry VIII. Mary was also the grandmother of Lady Jane Grey, who would become titular queen of England for nine days in 1553.
Mary’s father, King Henry VII, betrothed her to Archduke Charles —later Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V — in 1507. In 1514, however, political tribulations caused King Henry VIII to renounce such engagement and arrange a match between his beautiful, charming and yound sister and Louis XII, the sick and french monarch of 52. Since Mary was already in love with Charles Brandon, the first Duke of Suffolk, she made Henry promise that after Louis died she would be allowed to choose her next husband.
The marriage with the french king took place on Octouber of 1514, and Mary performed her role as wife and royal consort with kindness and dedication until he died on January of the following year. Before Henry or the new King of France, Francis I, could use her as a pawn in another political arrangement, Mary secretly wed Suffolk in Paris, probably in late February. Henry VIII was infuriated at the news, but eventually the pair regained the king’s favour, with Suffolk paying him a large sum of money and perhaps with the help and intercession of Cardinal Wolsey.Mary and Charles had four children, two daughters and two sons: ⇒ Henry Brandon (11 March 1516 – 1522); ⇒ Lady Frances Brandon (16 July 1517 – 20 November 1559), married to Henry Grey, 3rd Marquess of Dorset, and mother to Lady Jane Grey; ⇒ Lady Eleanor Brandon (1519 – 27 September 1547), married to Henry Clifford, 2nd Earl of Cumberland; ⇒ Henry Brandon, 1st Earl of Lincoln (c. 1523 – March 1534).
Mary had enjoyed unprecedented freedom during her teenage years at her brother's court. Just fourteen when her father, Henry VII died, she spent the next five years almost completely unchaperoned, encouraged to participate in every event, celebration and feast, each planned to display the opulence of the english royal family. She shared Henry's exuberance for spectacle and, for some time, was one of the central ladies of the court, admired and sociable. Like him, she loved dancing, masques, and parties; they were also very close, with the princess being the apple of the king's eye. It's rumored that Henry's famous warship, the Mary Rose, was named after both his favorite sister and his only daughter with Catherine of Aragon.
Upon her arrival in France, Mary was proclamed, by the Venetian Ambassador, to be "handsome and well favoured, grey-eyed; slight, rather than defective from corpulence, and conducts herself with so much grace, and has such good manners, that for her age of 18 years—and she does not look more—she is a paradise." She was particularly admired by her contemporaries for her long red hair, which she had inherited from the Plantagenet lineage through her mother, Elizabeth of York, who had also been an celebrated beauty.
After her second marriage, the Duchess of Suffolk lived a quiet life in the country, retired from court, although she had been know to have attended the famous Field of the Cloth of Gold at Guines, near Calais, in 1520. Often referred to as the French Queen, she was known to dislike Anne Boleyn and in defiance of her brother was to prove a firm supporter of her sister-in-law, Catherine of Aragon, in the matter of Henry VIII's annulment of his marriage to his first wife.
Mary visited London for the last time to celebrate the wedding of her eldest daughter, Lady Frances Brandon, to Henry Grey, Marquess of Dorset, in 1533. After suffering failing health for some years, Mary Tudor died on 25 June 1533 at the age of thirty-eight at Westhorpe Hall, Westhorpe, Suffolk, possibly of cancer. Henry VIII had requiem masses sung at Westminster Abbey for the repose of her soul and she was given a magnificent funeral, which her husband did not attend. Her body was interred at the Abbey of Bury St Edmunds. The Duke of Suffolk quickly remarried again, in that same year, to his fourteen-year-old ward, Katherine Willoughby (1519–1580), suo jure Baroness Willoughby de Eresby. Katherine had been betrothed to his eldest surviving son, Henry, Earl of Lincoln, but the boy was too young to marry, and Charles, to eager to add the heiress fourtune to his own.
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edmundhoward · 25 days
“By the end of 1533, the percentage of traditional wills in Wiltshire is 66.6% but between the years of 1534 and 1538, the percentage increases up to 75%. The increase of the traditional wills between the given dates may indicate that Wiltshire did not support the supremacy of Henry VIII and theological changes in England which changes between 1539 and 1543, after the successful suppressions, the percentage decreases to 64.7%. By the end of 1548, the percentage of traditional wills decreases to 32%. From the evidence of wills, it may be inferred that Wiltshire resisted against the policies of Henry VIII but failed to continue.”
— Oğulcan Çelik, The Religion of the Gentry and Middling Classes: The English Reformation as Reflected in Wills, 1509-1553
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reeddraws · 9 months
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Daily drawing 1553: Happy New Year's Eve! Thank you so much for sticking with me this year! If you have plans this evening, stay safe and have fun! I'll see you all in the new year 😁
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Mascarell is the only town in the Valencian Country that is still completely surrounded by its original walls and has not grown out of them. Many cities preserve their Medieval walls, but all the others have expanded around them in the last centuries.
The name "Mascarell" comes from the Arabic word that means "encampment". The town was founded when the Muslim population was expelled from the nearby town of Borriana in 1310. The city walls date back from the year 1553. Right outside the walls, the town used to be surrounded by a moat as defence, but nowadays the moat has been turned into an irrigation canal.
Photos from Comunitat Valenciana. (1, 2)
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queenmarytudor · 3 months
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Mary I's Fight For The Throne
28th June 1553 - Mary deceives the Duke
Now Mary has decided to push her claim to the throne and contact her friends for help, she enacts the first step of her plan. Claiming she intends "to change her residence for the summer" 1, she leaves her household at Beaulieu and relocates to Hunsdon, closer to London.
This move not only gives her quicker access to news from court, but it also gives the appearance of her being oblivious to the plot against her. On the 15th June, Imperial ambassador Jehan Scheyfve reported "It is thought the Princess may also be summoned with the pretext of a visit to her brother" 2 and Mary appears to go with this rumour, as Northumberland writes later "we rather did think it likely that her grace would have come to see his majesty." 3
It is at Hunsdon Robert Wingfield, a man who later joined Mary at Framlingham, claims Mary "very shrewdly got wind of the aristocratic conspiracy aimed at her destruction, and being secretly informed by those most loyal to her of how near her brother was to his end, she took counsel for herself as wisely as she could."4
She successfully "made all her preparations in secret, and succeeded in lulling the Duke to such good effect that he really believed her to be so good and simple that he would be able to seize her person whenever he might care to do so." 5
As one can see by contemporary documents, Mary had at least some idea of a plot against her, later stating to the Council "we are not ignorant of your consultations and provisions forcible, there with assembled and prepared – by whom and to what end God and you know, and nature can but fear some evil." 6
On the 26th June at 9pm, the Duke of Northumberland visits the French ambassador. 7
King Edward shows himself at a window at Greenwich, "where many saw him, but so thin and wasted that all men said he was doomed." 8
1. Spanish State Papers, 20th July 1553
2. Spanish State Papers, 15th June 1553
3. A Collection of State Papers Relating to Affairs In the Reigns of King Henry VIII, King Edward VI, Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth From the year 1542 to 1570
4. Vita Mariae Angliae Reginae of Robert Wingfield
5. Spanish State Papers, 20th July 1553
6. The Reign of Mary I, Robert Tittler
7. Spanish State Papers, 27th June 1553
8. Spanish State Papers, 4th July 1553
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brighteststar707 · 9 months
Faye!!! Congrats on your two years 🎉 I'm so so incredibly happy that we met through good old Mysme I could CRY fr. You are so special to me!!
So I was thinking for a while but didn't want the slots to go, so I'm gonna come outta nowhere and SHOCK HORROR not pick either of my two husbands, Jumin or Zen.
But how about number 30, confiding in them, with Vanderwood. The little tease we got in V's route just made me smitten at the time. He literally is thrust into the RFA drama and I can't help but feel he'd connect with MC. Like lord help us Vandy, wtf is going on.
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Lola! Thank you so much for your message! I'm so grateful to have met you, you mean so much to me and I wish only the best for you <3
I'm pleasantly surprised by your request! It's a good event when I can write more than one fic for Vandy.
Picture this: It's V's route, Seven has saved you from Mint Eye, now you, V Seven and Vandy are in the cabin. Your relationship with V is.... not really existent at this point so this fic could be romantic when you squint hehehe
Love ya <3
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Confiding in Them
✦Vanderwood x Gn!Reader ✦ Words: 1553
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Time in the cabin feels like it has slowed down to a crawl. It is dark outside, and eerily silent. Inside, there are only the sounds of footsteps back and forth across the floorboards, and V’s harsh breathing in the next room. The repetitive nature of the noises has only added to the liminal feeling.
You had reassured the others that you weren’t tired, and then promptly fallen asleep on the sofa, still sitting upright with your jacket draped over your shoulders. When your eyes opened again, you weren’t sure how long you’d been asleep for, or where your dreams ended and reality began. Your life lately has been so strange, it has been hard to keep track. You had dreamt of car chases and cult initiations, the faces and voices of your loved ones so close and yet out of reach. How was that any different to what you had experienced over the last week?
Someone had covered you with a spare blanket when you were asleep, as well as lit a fire in the fireplace opposite you. It was warm, and you were still disoriented from sleep, so you stayed put, wrapping the blanket tighter around yourself and watching the fire dance over the logs.
You allow yourself, maybe for the first time, to process the fact that you managed to get away from Mint Eye and everything they had planned for you. In the (relative) silence of the cabin, with everyone else occupied, it starts to sink in. Back there, with a part of you constantly in fight or flight, it was hard to process the reality of your situation. You were just trying to survive. Now that you’re safe, it all hits at once.
The isolated compound, the flowery pink room, the wardrobe full of clothes made to your measurements. Ray, monitoring your conversations with the RFA, his kindness that teetered on the brink of desperation. The minty blue of his eyes, too vibrant to be natural. The silence in the hallways, so unsettling for a building so full of people.
“Oh, you’re awake.”
You jump and turn your head towards the speaker. You were too caught up in your own thoughts to hear him approach you.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” Vanderwood says. To his credit, he does actually look apologetic.
His voice is quiet, deep, and still unfamiliar to you. You have grown used to the voices of the different RFA members, have even started to find a certain comfort in hearing them. On the other hand, he is still practically a stranger to you.
You had very briefly met Vanderwood when he first got to the cabin to help Seven, but you had said little to each other since.
“It’s okay. I’m just a bit jumpy, I guess.”
“From what I’ve seen tonight and what Seven told me – which isn’t much, mind you - that’s not surprising.”
Seven has been keeping an eye on Vanderwood since he entered with a vaguely threatening air you haven’t yet seen from him, reminiscent of someone keeping their attack dog on a short leash.
“What did Seven tell you?”
He joins you on the sofa, sighing deeply before answering. He has been at V’s bedside, tending to him in his terrible state, since arriving, and he has good reason to be tired.
“He has kept most of the story from me. I know that that guy back there has been fed more different drugs than I’ve ever seen before and that you’re his…?” He leaves it open-ended and throws you a meaningful look. He’s still trying to fill the holes in his story.
“Don’t look at me, I don’t even know what we are.” Thinking about V too much makes you scared all over again, so you change the subject. “What else do you know?”
“Nothing except that you were there with them. He’s smart enough to keep RFA stuff away from agency stuff most of the time. I guess desperate times call for desperate measures, though.”
“You can say that again.”
You sound wearier than you mean to. The longer you think about everything, the more ridiculous it all sounds. You watch as a log cracks in the fireplace with a satisfying pop and feel Vanderwood turn to assess you for a moment.
“And who are you in all of this?”
“That’s a long story.”
“And I am a very good listener. Literally, it’s part of my job.”
You laugh. He doesn’t.
“Really, I feel like I haven’t talked to a single person since I arrived - Seven doesn’t count. I need a change of scenery.”
It isn’t that his voice softens, but he sounds like he’s choosing his words more intentionally this time he speaks. It makes him sound more sincere. Maybe that’s what encourages you to indulge him. Or maybe, you just need someone to help ground you now that you feel like you’ve detached from reality.
“Well, I was sort of… kidnapped and held hostage in this cult?”
His eyebrows disappearing into his fringe is the only thing that gives away his surprise. He scans you once over, a well-practiced look. He’s looking for any obvious damage.
“I’m fine, you say quickly, “Seven managed to save me before anything really bad could happen.”
He nods. “You can trust him with these things.” He thinks for a moment, before quickly adding, like a sudden thought that came into his mind “were you with the hacker?”
“You met him? What was he like?”
The questions tumble out of his mouth faster than he can stop them. Is this what he sounds like when he’s excited? You had heard him discussing the hacker with Seven earlier, asking questions with his eyes wide. Turns out it’s rare for someone to give Seven this much trouble.
“Strange. Kind of sad. I wish there was something I could do for him.”
Vanderwood’s enthusiasm vanishes.
“Then he sounds just like the rest of us.”
In the silence that follows, you both turn your attention back to the fireplace. The flames seem to have a life of their own, and your cheeks feel warm from the heat of it. Somewhere, from another room, you hear Seven’s voice. You wonder who he’s talking to, or if it's just to himself.
“So, if that guy,” Vanderwood gestures back to the bedroom where V is sleeping, “was drugged to oblivion by that cult, how did you get out okay?”
“He has a bit of a personal history with their founder. The whole RFA does, actually, but his is more… delicate, from what I understand. See, I’m the stranger in this equation.”
“Huh. I don’t know why I expected this to be simple. Nothing Seven involves himself in ever is.”
“They used to all be like a family once apparently. I’m still trying to understand it all myself.”
He puts his head on his hands for a second in a show of exhaustion. “Maaaaan…. how are you staying sane through all of this? Just hearing the gist of things is making me tired.”
You’ve been asked this question a few times, but you’ve never given the real answer any thought before. Next to V, who could barely stand upright and was talking to the air last time you were at his bedside, you were always fine. It felt wrong to even imply otherwise.
But now, when you think about where you were a week ago and how much has changed since then, you aren’t so sure. You can’t remember the last time you felt rested and, even though you’ve been reassured that you’re safe here, you’re scared someone is watching you. You can’t even think of walking down the street by yourself before you break out in goosebumps.
"Oh. I guess you hadn’t gotten that far yet, had you?”
“No… I guess not. Is it that obvious?”
He holds out a gloved hand in front of your face and taps your forehead once, lightly.
“You’re easy to read. Or maybe it’s just me.”
With only the flickering firelight on his face, his expression is hard to make out, but you find some comfort in his gesture.
“I feel like none of it is real. At least if you can see it, it means that I’m not making any of this up.”
He nods and you lapse back into a comfortable silence.
“Hey, I know it may not be much coming from me, but I think you’ve got some good people on your side at the moment.”
You’re not sure what possesses you to ask, “Is that including you?”
He seems to be stunned for a moment before he smiles. It transforms him into a brand-new person, and you can imagine what a different life might have looked like on him. Your anxiety gets pushed down by a wave of pride at managing to elicit that expression from him. You have a feeling it’s quite rare.
“Yeah, I guess it does.”
Suddenly, V groans loudly, startling the both of you. Vanderwood jumps back to his feet and quickly follows the sound to the bedroom door. Before he disappears completely, he turns to you and says, “Listen, I need to go back to playing nurse, but can we talk more a bit later?”
You smile.
“I’d like that.”
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anotherworldash · 8 months
Hi, it's been a long time. How are you xD?
Which post???
Wait a minute... O.o if it's SessRin, it's usually some sort of pedo allegations or something. Or you know .. the ol' ship war.. usually vs SessKagu or KohakuRin. No offense to them, all ships are valid and all fiction is just fiction after all.
Actually, I haven't been very invested in Inuyasha since 2010(?) when this blog was a InuKag, Inukik, and Narkik blog . but let me write a defend post for them since many attacks towards SessRin are from salty purists who cannot differentiate fiction from reality. And
I understand that reading comprehension has been very poor in the west, ppl keep bringing modern human moral standard to a story where the setting takes place in the feudal era or the fantasy era where many other races besides human exist soo...
Let the SessRin haters know that Sesshomaru is literally a dog demon so not only modern moral standards do not apply to him, it also does not exist because in feudal Japan, peasants usually marry as young as 16 y.o. (and Yashahime confirmed she marries him when she's an adult)
(don't get me talking about father-daughter relationship, grooming accusations and power balance because none of them are true at all. Especially when Sesshomaru never fed Rin, he told her to look food for herself. Parental figure PROVIDE basic needs for their child. Sesshomaru did not. They are just travelling companions who happened to saved each other before.)
Roasting SessRin over pedo debate is also useless because by the same logic, almost all Inuyasha ships are minor x adult , including InuKag, Inukik, Narkik , SessKago and even SessKagura (Inuyasha is 15 yo mentally but physically he is 150 yo. Anyway, Inuyasha is also a demon, modern moral does not apply to them)
(Inuyasha's age is confirmed in Inuyasha the Movie 3 where he was born in 1347. Sengoku-jidai aka the Japan warring period is the 15th century, 1543-1553)
Yes you did not read that wrong. Kagura is YOUNGER than Rin, literally! Kagura was created as Naraku's second incarnation AFTER Naraku gained the shikon no tama shards, which was originally in Kagome's body. Naraku waited 50 years after Kikyo's death for this power. So, Kagura is a one year old baby
Unironically InuKag InuKik and SessKagu and the rest are still valid ships despite the pedo-element because this is a story about demons who live in fantasy feudal era. And the most important point is, this is just a cartoon , no actual child or human is involved lmao
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