#Yes too true too true I am happ he is feeling the love
petew21-blog · 22 days
Teen Wolf - Alpha needs his pack, Pt. 4
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Sheriff Stilinski had to be late at work. Again. Sheriff can't have too much free time. Maybe that's why he chose to do the job years ago.
The events at Beacon Hill recently started to take an unexpected turn. Yeah there was crime before, but now mutilated bodies were turning up in random places. Sheriff's departement prohibited the inhabitants to leave their homes late at night for their safety and got back up colleagues from another town.
His colleague deputy Parrish was along his side for most of the time. Sheriff trusted him. After all, they both went through some seriously weird stuff in this town and could rely on each other.
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They were working late at night, staring into a computer, reviewing their case. Trying to find a good lead.
Parrish:"I feel that the person or group who's doing this is trying to confuse us and leasing us elsewhere"
Sheriff;"Yeah, but we won't figure that out until we go into the wrong direction."
Parrish:"Precisely. Now, look these bodies..." they both turned their heads to the side. They would have sworn that the glove next to them had moved. "Did you see it move too?"
Sheriff shrugged it off:'"You know what. It's late. We're tired. We're seeing things. Let's go home and figure it out tommorow. What do you think?"
Parrish "Yes, sir. Good idea"
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They left the building. Now standing next to their cars.
Sheriff couldn't help it but notice how much bigger Parrish's body has become. "You're working out again?"
Parrish:"Yeah, thought I could get more into it and maintain that routine. I don't wanna beckme one of those cops who feel tired all the time and have medium/bad bodies"
Sheriff felt a bit offended
Parrish:"Oh not you, sir. You look good. Actually really good for your age"
Sheriff:"Parrish, stop talking"
Parrish mid sentence:"Yes, sir"
Sheriff looked him up and down. It was true unfortunately. He didn't feel as good as he did before. He now felt too tired to do sports. He would love to work out, but it's different when you're young. Man, if only He were as young and as good looking as Parrish again.
Someone screamed in the woods. Both men instincively grabbed their gun and headed toward that direction.
When they arrived to that place, they found another body. But what was strange was the fact that it must have been dead for some time now.
A dark mist filled the place. It was so dark they didn't see each other
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Sheriff:"Parrish? Are you here? Parrish can you hear me?"
Parrish:"Sheriff? Sir, where are you? Sir, this is Parrish. Can you here me over the coms, over."
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Sheriff:"Yes I can hear you. What is that suppose to be again? Over"
The could feel a force fighting it's way inside of them. The mist entered their bodies.
Their eyes were dark for a second and suddenly normal again. But as if hypnotised, they got up and went back to their homes as if nothing happened. Not speaking to each other. Not doing anything. Just driving back home.
Sheriff woke up first. He was in a bed. How did he get there? And whose bed is this?
He looked around. The bedroom was nice and cosy. But he didn't recognise it. He got up. "Wow. That was way easier then I'm used to"
He looked down and found himself in grey sweatpants. Also, a very ripped body now instead of his own
"What the hell?" a young voice came out.
"Is anybody here? Hello?" he looked around and left to the living room where he found a mirror.
"Parrish, there you are. What happ..."
He stopped. His reflection did the same things as he did. How is that possible?
He tried to wave and so did Parrish
"I must be dreaming" he pinched himself on his new biceps and it hurt like he'll
He slapped his face and it did hurt again.
"Parrish, why am I you? This shouldn't be possible."
He got closer to inspect his face. His different eyes. His teeth. His jawline. His hair. Everything was different
He flexed his biceps. "Nice one, Parrish. That working out is paying off". He patted his abs and wanted to continue to explore a bit, but stopped
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"Jesus, Noah. What the hell are you doing? You would invade someone's privacy like that? No, I can't do that. I have to find my body"
A call came to his new phone. It was his number
Parrish:"Is that you, sir? Ehm ehm. Sorry I'm still getting used to your voice"
Sheriff:"Parrish? Are you at my place?"
Parrish:"Yes, sir. Your bedroom in your house"
Sheriff:"Ok, then wait there. I'm coming. I think this might be the direction to distract us from the case" he turned off the call
As he looked at himself in the mirror he found out that while he was calling with his body, he unknowingly took his left hand and held now his new dick. He thought about it for a sec.
"Ah what the hell. It's not like this will happen ever again. Might as well enjoy it. He'll wait a bit for me"
Sheriff wanted to respect his privacy still so he thought he wouldn't look at first. But you just can't not check out your colleagues dick when you have their body. Can you?
It was really nice. Shorter than his, but thicker. Slightly hairy, but trimmed.
Sheriff:"That's quite a package, son. You are a grower and I love that."
He was now edging on the bed. Wanting that amazing feeling to never stop. His old body isn't that sensitive anymore to touch. But damn. This cock felt nice
He didn't cum yet, when suddenly a woman entered the room:"Need some help with that? Stud"
Sheriff:"Oh, boy"
Maria got close to him and began sucking on his dick. He was really close so he shot the load almost immediately
She laughed. Sheriff:"I'm so sorry, I was really close before and then you just..."
Marie:"Finished you. And didn't have to work for it"
Sheriff smiled nervously remembering that he was suppose to leave already
Maria:"I think you should repay me now" and started throwing her clothes on the floor
Sheriff still on the ned:"Look I told sheriff I would leave. I really gotta go"
Maria:"Sure. And that why you were jerking off by yourself"
She got on top off him. Already naked. And horny.
Maria:"Since you're all dry now, you gotta use some other muscle, you big boy"
She sat on top of his face, not giving him a choice but to start licking. Sheriff was hesitant, but thought to himself:"Ahhh what the hell. Gotta enjoy being young"
Yet another anonymous request to continue our Teen Wolf story 😁
Could you do a story where Sheriff Stilinski swaps bodies with Deputy Parrish? Maybe the sheriff being jealous of the deputy’s muscles and youth.
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If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog! (no pressure! ❤️)
Thank you for asking sweetie!!!!!!!
I like to watch the WNBA. My fav team is the Indiana Fever. Yes bc of Caitlin Clark. She's the reason I got into watching WNBA games. So ofc I cheer for her. I'm sure if you've seen the posts I've reblogged about her you already know I'm a fan. I am also a big fan of Lexie Hull. I was before the break was over. I wanna go to a Fever game and get court seats and make a sign for her for her to sign! I don't think that will ever happen tho.
I sing to my dogs when no one else is home. My sister's puppy (Nash) fav song is Coffee by BTS bc he loves to be called baby! I don't know Korean so I only sing the English parts. I told my Mom this and she'll sing the English parts to him too!
I have BPD. I never really say what mental health issues I have on my blog. I have others too. But Ik you can easily tell I have depression and anxiety. And on occasion when I mention about hearing and seeing things. Those don't happe v often so I don't mention them much. I also get really paranoid. I had a doctor tell me I have Bipolar type 2. I'm not sure if that's true. I'm working on all of this in therapy. I really like my therapist. I've never worked with a therapist by myself this long before. And I keep the appointments! I don't cancel v often. I switch to virtual a lot bc it's easier for my mom. I don't drive. My therapist says she can see that I am making progress! Which makes me feel good! Bc I really am trying! I shared this not to make others feel bad for me but to show that it's okay to have mental health issues. And that asking for help is okay and you should not be embarressed.
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eastcoastzilla · 1 year
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I'm almost positive no one gets on tumblr anymore so I'm gonna use it like a livejournal from 2005
Crazy to think that person above in the photo is me + I am now 34. Wasn't I just 19 yesterday? How does time do that? Move so fast and not at all, all at the same time..
So much changes, yet also stays the same. Year 5 this Nov at Cowan - I would say I am content there. It works, it is steady, + that's all I can really ask for at this point. Everything in life is super unstable and as I get older I find myself craving that stability more and more. That feeling of peace; that feeling of everything being okay and knowing that whatever comes our way we will be okay. The old saying "we want for nothing" becomes more relatable in my 30's. Don't get me wrong though - I do NOT feel 34. Heck, I don't even feel 30. I still feel like I'm in my 20's. I think my a lot of my generation feels that way until they are in their 40s/50s and I'm okay with it. From working at a retirement home for 10 years, I've come to highly believe that age is just a number. (Check back in with me in five years to see if I have a new opinion. I bet I do.)
Material things don't matter. I don't need things to feel like I've lived a good life. I just want to be happy and find enjoyment with the person I love to share life with :). Things are scary and life can be fucking hard but I'm proud of how far we've come. Never asking for too much but it can feel like the odds are stacked against us/me. I try to remind myself that there are peaks and valleys. Writing shit out helps me get it out and move on - that's how I've always been able to process things.
Rinzler got sick right when we were going away to NY for my birthday. We spent 3 days thinking we were losing our best buddy of 12 years. He ended up pulling through and Perry hall animal hospital saved the day but it was super scary + eye opening. He's getting older and we are trying to appreciate the time we have with him here. It's why I wish I had a pet growing up so I would be more prepared to lose one since it's inevitable. At least we have him for now and he's a great light in our lives.
It's September and very soon it's the first day of fall. I'm super bummed summer is over - I'm always cold so I'm down with the heat! However I can't wait to camp soon.
Friends are grown up, moved away, married + doing the fam/kids thing. I love to see them happy and enjoy meeting their babies. Kae's boys are amazing - I'm always blown that she is a mom just because it will always feel like we are still 16 burning CDs for the first time.
Idk why but there's a weird stigma about people who don't want to have kids. Plus I wish people would stop saying "want". Of course I WANT to have kids. I believe I SHOULDNT have kids for my own personal reason that's no one's business but my own. So even though I have chosen not to at this time, it's not okay to assume that I don't get sad about not having kids or that I hate kids. Neither are true. Sometimes I have to not look too deeply at photos online because I will get into my own head and it will take off from there. I don't think that will ever go away. Maybe it's a natural thing - like a natural "maturnal" thing something within me that can't help it cos it screams HEY YOU SHOULD PROCREATE AND BE A PARENT. Whatever it is, it's le pits. There is an eternal, internal voice war going on in my head - should I feel guilty knowing that sometimes I can't spend too much time online or I get really sad about seeing all the mom photos, knowing I'll never be a mom.. I'll never get those firsts.. It's my choice to not have kids so is it even fair for me to get sad? Uh yes thats how you feel let yourself feel it - then I disconnect and stop looking or thinking about it until the next time I do it all over again. Idk, maybe it's something I'm supposed to work through? It's weird. Logically I know it's a smart decision for where I'm at, where we are at, and things directly relating to the happiness and fullness of the child in question. It's a decision I am content with but at the same time have so many thoughts on. Hopefully it'll get easier. Another part of me hopes that I will finally befriend a human being in my later years and we can chat about it like rory and lane. But clearly I just watch too much TV/movies. At least those are good right now. Except for the internet - XFINITY sucks ass.
That is all. Goodnight :)
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notyetbulletproof · 2 years
Anthony Bridgerton had resigned himself to the fact that he had to remove what he wanted (love and a life with it) from the equation if he wanted to be the Viscount his family needed. He needed to be perfect and he knew he wasn’t and he wasn’t ready to accept that he didn’t have to be. He was upset with himself for not already being perfect. That’s why he set out to find the perfect wife. A perfect woman to fill the role of the perfect viscountess to the viscount.
Perfection doesn’t exist or rather being without flaws is not real. Sure, deep down he probably knows that but knowing and believing are very different things.
It becomes very clear to Anthony much earlier than he anticipated that he cannot even believe what he is saying. That he cannot in good conscience continue with the ruse but he holds on to things he cannot break — 1) Not ready to accept feelings (both him and Kate), 2) Edwina does not want to end engagement (unaware of the true feelings of both her and Anthony), 3) Edwina would be ruined if he turned back now and the families would be thrown into scandal (oops about the second one), 4) Kate asked him to and he agreed. He made the commitment to see it through—- so he reverts to the plan.
The perfect viscountess for the perfect viscount he is gonna have to spend his whole life trying and trying to be. I mean Edwina even says “yes I will be your viscountess, I will marry you”. Side note: the proposals are so different because one is between 2 constructs (the diamond and the viscount) and the other between 2 people in love.
Only well, thankfully in this case, fate intervened and Edwina finally saw things as they were. And she very clearly pointed out (what Kate called from the beginning and Anthony had always maintained) that it -theirs (E+A) -was not a love match. BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT thing Edwina said (other than standing up for what she desired because yes girl come into your ownnn) was that IT IS NOT A ROLE TO BE FULFILLED. That she deserved love. They all did. That basically this idea that they had to fall into step and fill out these roles like they were check boxes on a piece of paper was hella toxic and took away so much from all of them. Denying them happiness because of who they all thought they had to be. Making them accept things or choose things they did not desire and for what? How much longer do they deny themselves? For how long can they do that before they snap? And if they had the choice to choose what they truly wanted, why the hell wouldn’t they take it? (We ignore the customs of the times k).
In the words of my people - WAKE UP YOUR GOD DAMN IDEA.
Anyway, I think a lot about Anthony’s struggle with perfection and the idea that he had that he wasn’t worthy of love so he would have to be perfect and thus infallible so he would be respected. And in being perfect, he and his family would want for nothing and maybe then they’d see why he’s the way he was and that he loved them immensely. And maybe then they’d love him back. And that made me sad because even when Daphne said what she said she never talked about earning love or them withholding it. She talked about respect. It made me sad he thinks they do not love him.
Yes the parallel to Kate and the similar feels of needing to be worthy of something is there but with different motivations and I have said before how those intertwine and so have many of us so we good on that front. ♥️♥️♥️
Today, this morning, I’m thinking of Anthony and his idea of perfection that he felt he needed to project. On himself. On others. “I demand too much of you. Of everyone really”. Like an ill fitting jacket. Like the one he put in where the cuffs were too short and the fit wasn’t right. It would do sure but WOULD IT REALLY? And I think about that same man looking at the woman he truly loves and saying proudly and bravely “I know I am not perfect but I will humble myself before you because I cannot imagine my life without you”.
And I just cry because I’m so happy for them and proud of their journeys.
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maldito-arbol · 3 years
im gonna send in an ask this time instead of commenting just for funsies! i wouldve read the chapter right away but. birthday shenanigans occurred. here goes.
love seeing my favorite scrunkly blorbo horribly traumatized. schist's fun.
SO THATS WHY U WERE CRYING OVER WITNEY. im. emotional. omg. you really out here making me cry over rocks this hasnt happened since rebecca sugar did their whole thing.
im picking up SO much fun unease about the crown throughout all of this like. oh no. remembering the core being connected to the crown. huh.
and oh. oh no. the core really is everywhere huh.
dumbass newt mom + Proper Lady newt mom my beloveds i.
IM GETTING SOME. DANG WHAT THE HECK. vibes. from this. just going DANG WHAT THE HECK at all of this. "nightmare fuel" SO TRUE. and witney being like never go in there and im like. oh no. oh no. marcy.
ok im. bruh ANDRIAS. yknow the hey bitch meme. thats me to andrias. yknow in darcycoreverse he broke his legs when the castle crashed. same deal. just. lol pathetic man. legs dont work? cry about it.
ok ok whats funny is at dinner i was just reminiscing on that mysterious gold ring i found in the creek once. when the. when the jewelry turns u evil with its Influence am i right. the crown is Her Precious now. this is gonna be fun
im. YES marcy not liking being called marmar so TRUE. i was wondering if thats what the title was gonna mean after you revealed the theme fdskghjdsfhsdl
ok ok thats all. im gonna cry over a green rock now
*rubs hands together evilly* ok let’s do this
Don’t you just LOVE when ur blorbo suffers?? I keep telling myself things are gonna get better for Marcy but we all know that’s a fuckin lie :)) it’s just too much fun tormenting her!!
FINALLY EVERYONE GETS TO FEEL THE PAIN I WAS FEELING OVER WITNEY!!!! Man it’s only gonna get worse from here, but at least she has Marcy now <3 maybe Rebecca Sugar is the reason I’m obsessed w tormenting rocks now ok i get it
Unease! Unease! Unease! Like i said, CMTO is a challenge of how much more uncomfortable I can make u with every passing chapter so I PROMISE you it’s gonna get worse ;3
Yunan and Olivia dynamic so good so fun we love lesbian newts
What the heck is right I kinda wish canon would explore more of the castle in depth so I don’t have to do it myself but by god i guess i will. In canon there’s already like what, four entrances to the basement???? One in/near Andrias’s throne room, one in Marcy’s room, one in what i assume is the wine cellar (the one they used in Sleepover to End All Sleepovers), and if we assume the secret library wing is connected to it, then there’s that one too. Just what the fuck. Also just based on the fact that the bottom portion of the castle is the widest,,,, that basement is huge folks architecture amirite hahA. Anyway yeah my headcanon that the castle is full of secret doorways and passageways is very much backed by canon (See Also: Olivia opening a secret door to the outside during True Colors) NIGHTMARE FUEL. promise we will be using these passageways later <3 hehehehehe
Witney telling Marcy Not To Go In There oh but…Marcy….isn’t that ur job now, Miss Boxkeeper….?
LEGS DONT WORK CRY ABOUT IT IM— oh it’s so great. I said I was gonna make Andrias suffer I’m making him suffer. But it also strikes just the right chord with Marcy that they both now have lost the function of a body part so have fun with that one Marce. Even better that it’s perfect for MORE friction between sasharcy!!! Haha!!!!! Yeah Sasha have fun inadvertently mocking your girlfriend when you’re trying to mock the stinky tyrant.
The crown is Her Precious….oh ur so right. I am once again reminding you lovelies that Sasha’s crown thing is me Projecting so I think you’ll be able to figure out the metaphor with enough info haha
I was WAITING for Marcy to hit a breaking point with the nickname since the IBYBF finale. Andrias is In Her Head at all times now, so Sasha calling her Mar-mar just reinforces all the different reminders of Andrias she’s giving off. It needed to stop, so we put a stop to it (or did we?). God I sure hope someone knows to tell Anne when she wakes up :’)
Have fun crying over green rock i will join you <3
Happy birthday again!! Super fun that my update lined up w your birthday like that, i hope you enjoyed!!
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onlymexsarah · 4 years
Imperfections (R.L)
Remus Lupin x UW!Reader (Under weight)
I read a lot of imagines with plus size readers, and i think it's something beautiful, but instead I've never read about a under weight reader, insecure of herself and her body, so here I am, with a Remus Lupin ready to cheer you up.
Prompts: “I wish you could see yourself with my eyes. So you would understand that I’m in love with you, all of you.”
Gif is mine🍃
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P.s.: English is not my first language, please if you notice some mistakes let me now🥰
Also, I’m not used to write one-shots, I’m writing a book rn, this is a new experience, but I hope you like it🥺
Transfiguration, you had to study for your Transfiguration lesson. You couldn't let McGonagall find you unprepared, so you would stay in the library one more hour while your schoolmates eat their lunch, beside you weren't hungry at all.
"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Asked your boyfriend standing up and looking you with hopeful eyes. Remus Lupin was the best boyfriend someone could ask for; he was clever, funny, cute and with always something to comfort you in your bad days. You haven't exactly his mind, due the fact that you always forget something about homework, lessons or Prefect's meetings; and didn't care how much time you forgot things, he would always reminder you them.
"Don't worry Rems, I'll catch you up later. Just need one more minute." You said smiling standing up to give him a soft kiss on his lips. True must be told, he didn't know that you forgot sometime to eat too, but it wasn't a big deal for you, it was a normal routine not eating to save time for studying or sleeping.
"I'll see you there, love." He smiled giving you a kiss more intense than the first one, and then you were alone looking the book in front of you studying until the last line.
An hour passed before you brought yourself in the Great Hall ready to eat. You saw Remus in the corner of your eyes waiting for you with the Marauders, but that day you weren't so hungry, and you knew that Remus would be worried for you, so you decide to sit with your housemate instead to not let Remus see your almost empty plate.
The chicken was delicious, you wanted so badly to eat more about it, but you were done with one piece, so you stand up ready to go towards your boyfriend. You didn't know what you must had done to deserve him in your life, to deserve his love. Not only he was the perfect gentleman, but he was extremely attractive, and all the girls in the school knew you picked the perfect mix that someone could find in a boy.
"You alright? You didn't seat with us." Remus whispered to you when you reached each other out of the Great Hall.
"Yes, don't worry. I had to tell Snape a thing about Potion. We are partners now." You rolled your eyes thinking about Slughorn and his idea to put you with Snape instead with Remus. 
You wanted nothing more than cuddle in Remus’ arms, those arms that made you feel protected, loved and safe. You wanted to lay with him, kiss his scars and telling him how beautiful he was, you wanted to make him see himself in the same way you saw him, because you knew how it felt avoiding the mirrors afraid of what you might see, or looking your body and see nothing else but imperfections. 
So now you two were on his bed, your face on his torso with his arm around you and the other hand in your hairs, listening his heartbeat like you would listen your favourite song. The other three Marauders left you alone, going around the school pranking people, and you were fine with it as long as you two had time for yourselves. 
“How about Christmas’ holiday? My mum are cooking turkey, with her special recipe.” said Remus looking the ceiling of his canopied roof.
“I’m not going to meet your parents. Not yet, I promised my father I will be with him this Christmas.” you tried to sound convincing, but the idea of meeting Mr and Mrs Lupin terrifided you. Not because you were afraid of them, but you were scared of the idea about them thinking you were not enough for their son.
“Why not?! My mum can’t wait to cry with you during one of your favourite films!” he said laughing. 
You looked the boy under you astonished. “You-you told your mum that? Remus Lupin I’m going to kill you!”
You started to tickle him under his armpits, making him wriggling under you. You were sure that the boys in the next dorms could hear you two laugh, but you didn’t care because seeing Remus laughing was the best thing you’ve ever seen in your life. 
You got distracted for a second, a tiny little second that Remus took as an opportunity, so he reversed your positions, finding yourself between the bed and him. With his hands he grabbed your wrists pulling them on the pillow still laughing. 
“You have nothing to worry about, love.” he whispered before kissing you. You smiled in the kiss, feeling the butterflies in your stomach as you were used with him. He interview your right hand with his, letting go the other that you brough in his hairs keeping him close to you. 
Your hands seemed to be made to fit together, his big one was holding your petite one still on the pillow while the kiss got more intense. With his free hand started caressing your hips, gently as a true gentleman, but it was enough to make you lose your mind. You wanted to go on, you wanted him badly, but when his hand fell on your hip bone, you froze. He was leaving little kiss on your neck, thing that would make you crazy few moments ago, but now the only thing you could focus on was his hand touching one of the part of your body where the bones could be feel more. You blocked him, almost brutally, shifting away from under his weight and putting your shoes on ready to go away. 
“Y/N what happened? Did I do something...?” he asked afraid to have done something wrong toward her, feeling his ears burn. 
“No, no. You didn’t do anything wrong.” you said trying to not let your voice break. “I’ve just remebered I have an essay for tomorrow.”
You ran out of his common room, without looking the Marauders that teased you about your time alone with Remus, and when you were alone in the hallway you stopped sitting on the stones floor. Why you had to be so stupid? You were almost there, you were almost done with your insecurities, and it was enough a touch on your hips to make you panicking. You knew that Remus loved you because your intelligence, behaviour and other things you still had to find out, but you also knew that once he will see your body, he will understand that he could have someone better. Someone who is not you. 
You seemed a child, and you still acted in that way the days later, when you avoided him in all ways. You sit at your table with your fellows, sitting with your friends (who were not the Marauders) during lessons and sneaking away before he could pull all his things in his bag. 
Were you on the wrong side? Yes. Were you a coward? Also yes. Could you stop it? No. Your body was the problem that you had since years, and it wasn’t Remus’ fault if he didn’t know nothing, you just didn’t open up with him yet.
So now you were in the Owlery, cuddling your and Remus’ owls like you were used to do every week. You heard a noise in the stairs, but it could be some student you thought, so you kept feeding Remus’ owl.
“So you’re alive!” you froze without glacing back at the boy. “Hardly to tell since we haven’t see you for days.” James Potter could be the funniest guy  of the school, but if you hurt his friends he would make sure that you pay for it, and so you didn’t know what to do; never James had spoken to you with such venom in his voice. 
“Now you see me.” you walked toward the door ready to go away from him, but he stopped you with his voice.
“You know, I told him so!” you looked him confused. “I told him to break up with you a week ago, and you know what he said? He agreed with me.” your eyes bacame wet, trying to not cry in front of him as a child. “He wants to start a new chapter of his life, but he can’t do it if you two don’t break up. Take a move, alright? I don’t want to see him with someone like you. Someone who clearly doesn’t care about him. Who-”
“Prongs! What is happeing here?” Sirius arrived with Peter interrupting James who was burning you with his eyes, if his voice wasn’t already enough.
“Y/N are you fine?” asked Peter worried to see you like that for the first time. You were the stronger one, the girl who never cry, but in front of him, right now, there was a girl...broken.
“Yes, she’s fine. We had just had a talk, she was leaving.” said James without looking away from you. It was clear that he didn’t want to see you again, and you didn’t dare to look at Sirius because you were sure that you would finde the same look in his eyes. Instead you gave a weak smile to Peter, the only one who seemed worried for you, and then you leave wiping away the few tears that fell on your cheeks.
“What the hell is wrong with you?! Remus would never dream to leave her, and surely you would never say something like that to him! You care too much about her too to hate her.” Sirius said angrily to his mate while the curly boy was sending a owl that Peter guessed was for Lily.
“We know her, it was the only way to make Y/N take a move. I bet that she is going to speak with Remus right now.” he smirked pleased with himself.
“I can’t decide if you are extremely stupid or a genius.” said Peter running a hand through his hair. 
“We’ll see, Peter, we’ll see.” 
James was right, you wanted to speak with Remus, if it was true that he wanted to break up, then you would give him the opportunity, even if the thought broke your heart. When you passed in front of the Great Hall you stopped confused seeing everyone inside, and looking your wrist watch you saw that it was dinner time. This meant that the Astronomy Tower was free, so you walked toward it forgetting about the dinner and hoping that you could spend a night alone with the stars. 
You were sit with your back leaning against the wall, looking the sky, when the door opened and Remus were relief to see you there. “Knew you weere here.” You glaced at him quickly, surprised to hear his voice as soft as you remembered. Wasn’t he angry with you? So why he was there, with a plate full of food in front of you with his kind smile. “I saw you didn’t eat anything tonight, so I brought you something.” he rubbed his neck with his free hand turning in a soft shape of pink that you couldn’t notice due the weak light of the moon. 
“Yeah, I’m not really hungry. But...thanks.” you gave him a soft smile moving uncomfortable in your position. Should you start to speak? Should you wait him to take the first move? You were on the wrong side, you had to speak first, so when he sat beside you shyly, you took a deep breath. “I know why you’re here...and I’m really sorry.” your voice cracked and you looked away. “I’m so sorry, Remus. H-he told me you were thinking about that since a week and it’s fine...” no it wasn’t. “I understand why you want to break up with me. I’m just sorry for how I was toward you these days, I wasn’t angry with you, I swear...” You wiped away the tears with your hands trying to compose yourself. You were not going to cry in front of him, you had no right to cry.
“WHAT? Who told you- Me breaking with- what are you talking about?” he asked astonished looking your confused face.
“James told me you are thinking about breaking up with me since a week...” you said uncertain. 
“Such a dickhead! I can’t believe he told you so, he saw me crying thinking about that YOU wanted breaking up with me!” he moved his hands in the air and you looked him astonished. He hadn’t realized what he said until his eyes met yours. “Well, I wasn’t literally crying... just you know, the full moon is in three days and I get a bit too emotional.” you looked him amused while he tried to find an excuse making you laugh. “it could have been few drops of water, it was hot so I was sweating too.” 
“Oh yeah sure. Few drops of water, yes.” you giggled looking him finding his beautiful smile while his eyes were on you. You had to tell him, you own him. “I have to tell you something, I know I have been awfull toward you, and it’s not your fault. Blimey Remus, I could never think a life without you, not say breaking up with you.”
He left a breath of reliefe keeping listening you carefully. “That night...did I put pressure on you? You didn’t want to...” he blushed without finishing his sentece.
“No, no, no. I want you! I can’t believe I’m saying this out loud, but you have no idea about the thoughts that I have when we are together.” You looked away shyly; taking a deep breath you stood up torturing your hands. “I don’t eat, and it took me to be under weight. The healers say I have to do more meals during the day but I can’t! I-”
He stood up, getting closer to you and wiping away the tears that were falling from your eyes. He wanted hug you so much, but he knew he had to leave you let out everything you kept for yourself for years.
“You know how forgetful I am, and with all the things that happen in a day I forget that I must eat, beacuse I’m never so hungry to notice it. This is why sometime I didn’t sit with you, because I didn’t want to let you see how little I ate...” you were looking down, ashamed by how you were.
He took your hands in his owns. “I know.”
Your eyes shifted on his face suddenly confused, did he know? “What?”
“Honestly, what kind of boyfriend i would be if I don’t notice that my girlfriend eats less than everyone else, or that she doesn’t eat at all? I kinda know how to recognize when someone has a secret.” he shrugged innocently. “But I’ve never said anything because I know you, and I know that you would tell me when you would be ready. I still don’t get the problem, though...”
How he could not see the problem?  “The problem is, that everyone think if you are thin then you have a perfect body. Well it’s not! I have not a perfect body, actually I hate it! With all the clotes on it seem that my body is ‘normal’ for the standard of the people, but without them...” you felt a strange anger inside you, anger toward the people that never cared about your feeling just because you were ‘thin’, without thinking that you could have not like your body. “Without them it’s full of imperfection! But of course, I’m thin so I must be happy, right? I am not, because be thin is not cool. People think that when you are thin you have no problems, I don’t know the others, but surely not when you are as thin as me.” 
You had walked away from him, too angry to stay still, and now you were taking deep breaths trying to calm down. Remus came in front of you slowly, understanding your all point. “Are you really talking abour imperfection with someone who has scars on all his body?” 
“You know that I love your scars.” you rolled your eyes looking everyshere but him and wiping away the last tears.
“And I love you. Again, I don’t see the problem.” his smile made you ask if you spoke english or not, the problem was evident.
“You are used to see me like that; clotes, make up, with my awesome personality and intelligence.” you joked a little. “But I don’t know if you will still love me if I show you everything. I mean, I don’t love me too, so why should you do it?” 
He felt sad suddenly, it hurted him see you like that; see you full of insecurities like him. For him, you were the most beautiful girl in the world, didn’t matter how much imperfections you had. “ I wish you could see yourself with my eyes. So you would understand that I’m in love with you, all of you. I don’t care about some imperfections, those are the things that make me understamd how much you are perfect to me.” 
“I love you too.” You whispered back, without knowing what to say. 
He kissed you softly, caressing your cheek with one hand and wrapping the other around you. You brought your hands behind his neck smiling, you have been such a idiot, avoiding him for days have been the most difficult thing to do; you needed him like the air. “And then, I’m curious about those thounghts of yours.”
He joked keeping his forehead resting on yours, and you blushed a little. “Sure, but now I’m hungry.” you took his tie pulling him down again to kiss him, knowing that he will always love you as you are. 
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angryschnauzer · 4 years
Superior Specimen - Chapter 8
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Summary: One night when you are following the Archaeology tag on instagram you stumbled across a fun looking dig… and an even more interesting Paleontologist who soon follows you back. Over the following weeks you start chatting and a friendship soon grows.
Relationship: AU Henry Cavill x Female Reader (No race or body shape mentioned)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
Warnings: Slow Burn, NSFW, 18+, Mutual Masturbation, Phone Sex, Drunken Piggy Back Rides, Oral Sex (Female Recieving), Drama, Theft, Amateur Heroics, Hospital Visit, Shower Sex, Oral Sex (Male Receiving), Blow Job, Fingering, Lavish lifestyle, Henry is loaded, The Shard, Expensive Gifts, Sixty nine, Unprotected Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Angst, Argument, Jealousy, Talk of car crashes, heroics, rough sex, use of safe words, Anal play,
I do not operate a tag list, but please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, as you will then be notified whenever i post something new.
I don’t have a masterlist, but all my works are on AO3, link here. Usually i post oneshots to Tumblr and AO3, and multichapters exclusively to AO3, but as this is my first henry story and its going to be a short series, i’ll post to both places.
Chapter 8
 On the tube an old woman had offered you a tissue and had whispered quietly;
 “He’s not worth crying over my dear”
 You swallowed and smiled weakly at her;
 “Unfortunately he was… he was just an idiot too”
 “They all are my dear, they all are”
 She got off at the next stop, giving you a pat on the arm before leaving the carriage, leaving you ride the rest of the way to Fulham Broadway on your own.
 You were on autopilot when you arrived, walking through the small shopping mall that had grown around the tube station, grabbing a pair of overpriced knock-off designer sunglasses from the concession stand to hide your puffy and red eyes, swollen from crying. As you stood in the crowd at the lights to cross the road, a stream of Ambulances and Police cars screamed past, lights and sirens blasting, but it was London, every day there was a crisis or accident and you were used to them. 
 The walk to your flat was quick, just a few roads from the tube, and you were thankful you’d brought your small clutch bag from the hotel room that had your phone, wallet, and keys in. Once inside you pulled off your clothing, everything Henry had bought for you, tossing it into a heap on the floor before you climbed into bed and curled into a ball, sobbing into the pillow.
 You woke to the sound of a metal on plastic crunch from the street outside, familiar with the sound and you knew it was vehicle vs wheelie bin, an all too familiar occurrence when collection day was on a Friday and people went out that night, so the street would still be littered with bins the following day. Staring up at the ceiling you heard the doorbell ring, glaring at the ceiling but refusing to move. You didn’t care if your bin that had ended up a casualty of a car not looking where it was going, so when the bell finally timed out you closed your eyes… only to be rudely disturbed by a loud knocking on the door a minute later, a muffled voice from the other side;
 “Princess… it’s me; Henry… please, just tell me you’re ok… I’ve got to know you’re ok…”
 You could feel your emotions rising within you; a heat, an anger, and as the knocking continued you grabbed the dressing gown hanging on the back of the door and was still tying it as you pulled the door open, but surprised to see state of Henry, his clothes a mess and his face blotchy;
 “What the hell happe…”
 Your words were cut short as he pulled you into his arms, hugging you tight;
 “You’re alright… my god, you’re ok…”
 “Henry, what is going on?”
 He let you go and started pacing;
 “I was an ass, I didn’t follow you, I was stupid… I tried calling you but you never picked up…”
 “I had it on silent… I didn’t want anyone to disturb our date”
 “And then the accident, I’d gone back to the hotel, I knew it was the closest tube to where we were...”
 “There was an accident, on the road outside the London Bridge Tube, a bus and council truck collided and ran into the queue… I stayed and helped the emergency services; I was trying to find you… but you weren’t there…”
 Your hand was over your mouth, tears pooling on your lashes as you looked at him, and realised he cared so much for you that he had literally pulled people out of the wreckage of an major accident because he thought he had lost you. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders you cradled the back of his head as he slumped to the floor, sobbing into your shoulder and the softness of your dressing gown. 
 Finally he pulled his head back, a weak smile on his face as he looked into your eyes, and you saw a different Henry, one that was fragile, one that needed you as much as you needed him.
 “C’mon, let me put the kettle on”
 Sipping on sweet tea as you both sat at the kitchen table, dunking Digestive biscuits in the deep brown steaming mugs, you looked him up and down;
 “You are a mess”
 He glanced down and realised his shirt and jeans were covered in dirt, grime, and in some places blood;
 “You’re right” he paused before looking back to you; “Look, I’ve got a suggestion… pack a bag. Comfy clothing, overnight things. We’ll head back to the hotel and collect our things, then head back to my place. I’ll cook dinner and we can talk… ask all those things we’ve both wanted to ask since we met, yeah?”
 He looked at you like a hopeful puppy, his deep blue eyes watery where he feared you would say no, but as you nodded he let out the breath he had been holding, and a genuine smile spread over his face.
 Henry opened the door to his place and stepped aside, letting you enter and look around as he shut the door, resting all the bags from the hotel room on the shiny white tiles that covered the floor. 
 “This is your place?”
 “It’s home for the next few months” he shut the door and wrapped his arm around you; “I gave up on having a permanent place about five years ago. I would always come back to a dust filled nightmare and a fridge that was a biohazard. I keep a PO box for any mail and a storage unit for my things that I don’t need when I’m away”
 You looked at him;
 “It sounds very… lonely…”
 He paused, considering your words;
 “I’ve never thought about it that way… but, you’re right” he wrapped his arms around you, his gaze intense; “I’m sorry I over-reacted earlier… about your flatmate. I was just… I don’t know, so focused I guess on this amazing thing we have now, and what we were talking about last night… how those I fall for push me away when I have to leave… I could only think ‘this guy will be around when I’m not’...”
 You reached up and cupped his cheek with your hand, realising in that moment that for all the bravado and confidence, beneath that Henry was just like you, like anyone else, and feared losing those he cared for;
 “I would wait… I will wait…”
 You pressed a kiss to his lips, and the pair of you just held each other for the longest time, before he pulled away;
 “What kind of host am I? I haven’t even offered you a cup of tea!”
 Laughing you followed him into the kitchen, looking around at the sparse worktops, all the cupboards pristine white. Even the appliances were just plain brushed aluminium. As the kettle bubbled away you pushed yourself up onto the central island, sitting on the marble countertop as you watched Henry move around the kitchen, opening the fridge and pulling out the carton of milk, sniffing it and cringing;
 “Okay, tea may be off the menu… the milk’s off”
 Pausing he opened the cupboard, shoulders slumping when he saw the empty tea caddy;
 “No tea either…”
 Leaning back you pulled your phone from your pocket and opened google maps;
 “This is Warwick Square, right?”
 You pinched the screen and zoomed out, jumping off the counter;
 “C’mon, there’s a Tesco Express just around the corner”
 Walking hand in hand around Pimlico with Henry, it dawned on you that you had never visited this part of London, the sights and sounds much like most of the city, but where each little borough had its own character. Once you reached the supermarket he grabbed a basket and picked up the few things he needed, before his hand hovered over the selection of biscuits;
 “Ok, make or break time to find out if we are truly compatible” his voice had an element of mischief in it as he spoke; “Milk or Dark Chocolate Digestives?”
 You looked at the selection before you set your hand down on the bright blue packet;
 “Trick question, we both know the true answer is Milk Chocolate Hobnobs”
 He laughed as you dropped the packet into the basket, wrapping his massive arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his chest;
 “I knew there was a reason I loved you” he turned to the row of refrigerators on the other side of the isle, unaware of what he’d said, and how your eyes were a little wider as you took in his admission; “Shall I make some burnt offerings for you tonight? I have somewhat limited culinary skills, but I can rustle up something with meat or fish…”
 Nodding you were still a little stunned, finally finding your voice;
 “Yeah, I’ll eat anything”
 He cocked an eyebrow and you playfully batted at his arm;
 “Oh shut up” you laughed
 Dinner had been nice. An easy dish of roasted pork, Henry had thrown in some potatoes and had let them roast with alongside, and a simple salad. The one thing he did have readily stocked in his place was alcohol, and between the two of you an entire bottle of vintage Pinot Noir had been sunk over the course of dinner, and as you watched him stack the dishwasher you spread out on the massive white sofa that dominated the open plan space. You couldn’t help yourself but you popped the button of your jeans, letting out a sigh of relief. 
 Checking your phone you reopened your roommates’ email and read it again, before hitting reply. You knew deep down you wouldn’t be able to get a mortgage, but asked that you be kept in the loop and would start looking for another place come Monday. Having hit send you saw another email, this time from your Manager, requesting that you attend a review on Monday morning;
 “Huh, so much for giving me a week off” you muttered to yourself, before looking up and seeing Henry approaching you, two full glasses of red wind in hand.
 “Everything ok?”
 Taking the glass you smiled;
 “Yeah, work want me to go in for a review on Monday morning”
 “Did they say what it was about?”
 “No, but I’m guessing ‘playing heroics and injuring yourself on the job isn’t in your job description, please don’t sue us’ is probably on the agenda”
 Settling next to you he rested a hand on your thigh, giving it a squeeze;
 “I’m sure you’re right” he sipped at the wine before setting it on the small table at the side; “Hey I meant to ask, does your roommate have an Instagram account or Facebook page?”
 “Yeah, I’ll pull it up. Its where he’s trying to do more serious photography”
 He nodded and tapped at his phone for a few seconds before setting it aside, raising his glass again and clinking it against yours;
 By the time the last dregs of the 2nd bottle of wine were drained from your glasses you were drunk as skunks and just an amorous. You were draped over Henry’s lap, his hand was attempting to sneak under your t-shirt as you curled one hand in his hair, wrapping a deep brown strand around your finger as you kissed him lazily. When his hand finally found your breast you moaned at his touch, his lips brushing against your neck;
 “I think we should take this to the bedroom”
 You giggled;
 “With the amount of wine we’ve had? Can you still get it up?”
 He pushed his crotch up against you;
 “Princess I’m already ‘up’, now I need to be in, and I don’t care which hole, I just want to feel you around my dick as we have some nasty drunk sex”
 You attempted to slide off his lap and land on your feet, but what really happened was you tumbled into a heap on the soft white rug, one leg still on the sofa as the other hit the coffee table and your ass in the air;
 “Help!” you cried out, giggling as Henry stood and swayed, before wrapping his arm around your waist and carrying you under his arm to the bedroom like a misbehaving poodle in Harrods.
 He dropped you onto the bed and in the light from the lounge you watched as he yanked his t-shirt over his head, and started to unfasten his jeans, letting out a sigh of relief when the massive bulge in his boxers was allowed more room to grow. With a growl be bent over you and pulled your jeans down your legs, your panties following suit, before flipping you over so you were on your front. He went to reach for your ass but had forgotten his jeans were still around his thighs, and he proceeded to trip-tumble onto the bed beside you. You couldn’t help but to giggle into the soft duvet, and it earned you a single spank on your ass that make you squeal.
 Rolling onto your back you looked at Henry as he huffed and puffed to take his jeans and boxers off, and you spread your legs as your hands strayed to your pussy;
 “Are you doing to fuck me, or shall I just get myself started?” you said with more sass than needed, but it earned you a low groan and you could have sworn you heard seams ripping as he finally rid himself of his clothes.
 “Cheeky wench!” Henry pounced on you, pulling your top over your head before fumbling with your bra, finally getting you out of it as he flung it across the room and you heard it hit something in the darkness; “I’ll show you, gonna fuck you so good you’ll have to sit on a cushion when you go into work on Monday”
 He flipped you over and pulled your ass up, and you instinctively arched your back and bared yourself to him, prone and ready, begging for attention. You felt his hands smooth over your ass before dipping between your legs;
 “Already so wet for me, you need me to fuck this cunt Princess? Fill you up with my cum? Or should I cum over your beautiful tits, so you can watch me as I spray my load on you, huh?”
 He slid two fingers into your soaked hole, stretching you as his thumb found your clit and he rubbed harshly at it, the wine making him lose his finesse but up his pressure. When he pulled his fingers out you let out a needy whine, only to feel him press his dick against you, rutting into your crease and smearing your juices over himself. 
 The friction was delicious, and you found yourself pressing back and eager for more, earning a low chuckle to rumble up from Henry’s chest;
 “You like that Princess? Like me rubbing my dick against your asshole?”
 “Oh fuck… fuck… more…”
 You felt him spit on your ass as he lowered his dick and slowly but firmly filled your pussy. As you were getting used to be filled so deep you felt his thumb press against your asshole;
 Suddenly Henry stopped;
 You turned, looking over your shoulder;
 “Look Hen, I may be up for some anal play, but lube… you gotta use lube…”
 You saw him look back and forth between your ass and his bedside drawers, as if trying to work out whether to forget the ass play and just fuck your pussy, or to give up your pussy for just a few seconds and get the lube. In the end the lube won, and he quickly slid out of you, leaning across the bed and yanking the drawer open, before pulling out a small bottle of Durex Lube. You saw it and grinned;
 “Ooh nice one. Make sure there’s enough for a tit-wank in the morning”
 Henry paused and looked at you, and you could almost see his brain short circuiting at what you’d said as it fought through the wine haze;
 “Fuck, if I didn’t want to fuck you doggy style quite so much I’d say let’s do that now…”
 He settled behind you and rammed his dick straight back into you, making you squeal as he filled you. You heard the quiet squeeze of the pump on the bottle before the cool gel fell on the crease of your ass and his fingers started to massage against your back door. He ran his finger around and around your brown rose, and you could feel yourself relaxing and trying to push back to get him to go further, making you whine;
 “Please Hen… do something…”
 He ran his thumb over your asshole and rested it on it before finally pushing in, holding the digit inside just up to the first knuckle, and that’s when he started to move in your pussy.
 “So. Fucking. Good. My dirty little Princess…”
 You whined for more, for him to go harder, deeper, and he did so with glee;
 “You want more? Fuck yes, take my dick, can feel your insides parting for me, you like my thumb in your ass? Like being double stuffed?”
 “Fuck…” your head was swimming, your chest resting against the bed as you snuck your hand between your legs and started to strum at your clit, urging your orgasm on as Henry turned into a feral beast behind you, fucking you raw and dirty, you pushing back for each thrust to feel him deeper and split you wider.
 Your orgasm happened without warning, screaming out his name as you came so hard he was sure if he hadn’t pulled his thumb out your muscles would have broken the bones in it. Your knees gave way and you slumped down onto the bed, Henry still deep inside you, fucking you as you lay spent on the bed;
 “So close… almost there…
 “Cum on my ass Hen…” you muttered as he railed into you, and you heard a groan as he pulled out of you, seconds later the splash of his hot seed landing on your naked ass, back and thighs.
 For a moment everything went quiet before you felt him wiping his cum from you, and he moved you in the bed until you were curled up in his arms, the little spoon to his big;
 “You’re fucking amazing Princess, I fucking love you so much” he slurred, before the two of you feel asleep in drunken stupors.
Chapter 9 >>>
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Marcus Alvarez x Che Taza Romero's daughter!Reader
Word count: 2k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💖
Author Comments: Just something I needed to write about, I hope you all enjoy. Gif credits: @fromthesixteenthfloor
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​ @sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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You spit your coffee turning over your barefoot, looking at your daughter through the american kitchen, without repairing in the mess you have done all around the tile floor. Lucia is painting in one of her color books and apparently she came out of the line.
“What was that, ah?”
She glances at you somewhat confused, pausing her important task.
“It's my new favorite word”.
The girl shrugs her shoulders playing the innocent one.
“No, it's not. And don' say that again”.
“Fuck”. She repeats challenging you, narrowing the big brown eyes.
“¿Qué dijo, señorita?” (What did you say?)
“You hea'me, mama”.
“Okay… Pack your things”.
“Where we goen'?” Her confusion comes back to her face, getting up from the chair.
“You're gonna say it to El Padrino”.
“No! No, mama! I'm sorre'!” She runs at you terrified, tangling her tiny arms around your right leg.
“I said ‘pack your things’, señorita”. There's no way back. Not even when Lucia starts to cry begging you with all her efforts.
Ignoring your daughter, you end your coffee as she put her case and her book inside the pink bag, with the tears wetting the shirt she's wearing. Sometimes is painful act like you don't care that she's sad, nor upset, nor unhappy, but she has to learn what se can say and what she can't. It would be easy if her father was there, with you two, but you can't try to fuck up the MC if you don't wanna be buried somewhere in the Sonoran desert. At least, you have your father who usually helps you with Lucia constantly. But Marcus is the one she loves. No one can mess with him is your daughter is around. And of course, no one can mess with your daughter without suffering by El Padrino. You know him since ever, practically, and when the Mayans killed Lucia's father, he promised you that he would take care of both at all cost. You didn't even love that man, so make him disappear was also a god's gift.
Your daughter is crying inconsolably while you tie up the seat belt around her body in the back seat. She stills begging you. Whenever she does something bad, you resort to Marcus. He always knows what to say and what to do with her. And you sometimes feel you shouldn't put that weight on his shoulders, but he seems so delighted when he does that it melts your heart. By turning on your car, you drive through the south border from Santa Madre to Santo Padre, and it only takes you some minutes where your headache starts to grow because of your child's weeping.
“Mama, plez', I'm sorre'”. Bawling full of pain, whilst grabbing her hand as soon as she gets out from the car.
All the bikes are parked there, what it means that the whole crew is inside the clubhouse. This is just getting better and better. Usually, when she misbehaves, the Mayans makes a completely show with it only to support your decisions to correct her bad behavior. Crossing the main door, as her cries get loud, the guys stare at you frowning in your daughter's direction. Leaving in the background whatever they were doing before you came, all of them cross their arms above their chests adopting that position they call “mad tíos”.
“Wha' happen', princesa?” Marcus asks with hidden curiosity.
“Mama, plez'”. She turns at you showing her best puppy-eyes reddened and filled with tears.
“I told ya', señorita. Now, tell Padrino”. You push her into the man, walking with small and slow steps towards him.
The girl has her head down, sobbing and shaking a little with her tiny hands tangled under her belly.
“What did you do, mija?” He says leaning with his arms supported on his lap.
Lucia turns at you for a second, waiting for a last minute redemption. However, you raise your chin pouting in a serious look. She sighs cleaning her tears with the back of her hands, ahead she looks at El Padrino.
“I ju—I just say som—somethen'… bad”.
The mexican nods thoughtful before the next question.
“About me?”
“No! ’Cors' no!” She shakes her head in a dramatic way, taking some more steps close to him.
Your father places himself by your side, giving you a funny look as you're trying not to laugh watching the heart-break faces the crew has.
“I sa-said… ‘fuck’”.
The Mayans continue the show, making a surprised sound before clicking their tongues in disagreement. Good Lord, it's costing you your whole life not to break in laughter.
“Why do I think you didn't just say it once?” Marcus gesture gets somewhat rude and angry, but with that calm position he always has.
“I said it… twice”. When your girl sees how disappointed is her true love, she tries to fix it.
“Dammit, mami!” Coco and Angel says, as the guys pretend that they're whispering about Lucia just to make her feel worse. You all are going to burn in hell.
“But 'am sorre'! I'll not say tha'gain! I promise!”
Marcus, lying on his chair, cross his arms on his chest putting his gaze away your daughter, but in you for a second.
“Wait outside and think about what you did. I'm gonna talk with mama in the meantime”.
Your daughter's cheek are being runned by some tears, so long as she nods.
“Can I hug you?”
You can notice who every heart in the room stops for a second, yours included. Sometimes is so hard to not comfort her that you feel extra bad. But she has to learn one way or another.
“No, mija. Estoy triste por lo que hiciste”. (No, mija. I'm sad for what you did). Marcus gets up of his chair, putting well on his kutte whilst turning to the Templo.
“Sit outside and think about what you did”. You say to your daughter as soon as she walks close to you.
“Mama… do ya' think he coul' be happe' if I draw somethen'?” Lucia asks you with a broken voice and her eyes on her foots.
“I don' know. Try it”.
This sounds like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, so she practically runs to your car to take her bag and get to work, sitting on the couch in the porch.
“Jeez, my heart…” EZ says, while you chuckles and the rest seems agreed.
“She only listens to Marcus”.
And that's true. Sometimes it bothers you and pushes you to the limit, but you're thankful for having him in your life. Passing away the men who continue with whatever they were doing, you close Templo's door behind your back resting it there. You're laughing slightly like he's doing also shaking his head.
“You're a good mother”. He says then, pulling away the main chair at the table, so he can support his body against the edge.
“Yea', I think so… But sometimes it just… It's difficult”. That's all you can say, because you're not sure how explain it, even if you know he understand you perfectly.
The man offers you a hand, lifted on air, tangling your fingers with his and coming closer till your chests meet. He kisses you, pressing your lips so dearly and gently that your legs are about to fail. Traveling your hands to both sides of the man's neck, his reach your low back. Having a deep breathe after some seconds, Marcus rest his forehead against yours, touching your nose with his in a soft caress.
“You know? I was thinking about tellin' Lucia that we're together”. The mexican says looking for your eyes, and noticing somekind of surprise in them.
“Did you?”.
“Yes”. He just say. “With respect and your permission, I'm already like her father”.
“Yea', you are, Marcus”.
“And it's been eight month since we started”. He adds. “What do you think about having dinner together, maybe… drop it to her”.
“Yes, we could”. Your lips are pursed in brief smile, kissing him again as much as you missed him after three days out of Cali.
“Outside?” Marcus gets up from the table, holding one of your hand and leaving a gentle kiss on the back of it.
“Yea', she thought you would be happy, if she draws something for you”.
El Padrino beams at you, walking towards the colorful glass door to cross it. He lets go your hand to continue with his steps outside, where your daughter is waiting for him.
“Are you gonna tell her?” Taza asks you, putting an arm on your shoulders.
“Yep. We think it's time”. You raise your eyes to your father. He looks good with the idea, knowing how much Marcus loves you and respects you.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
Salsa music floods the restaurant terrace, full of people, families and children that just meet playing and running around the tables decorated with white and small candles. It's a good temperature outside, and Lucia looks happy sitting in front of you, looking everything surrounding her. Drinking of her lemon soda by the straw whilst dancing her hips on the chair, you look at Marcus. You can't help but feeling terrified. You're nervous, not sure if it's going to end well or if it's going to be a chaos. Your daughter is extremely jealous with the mexican.
“So… corazón, we have to tell you something”. You say finally with trembling voice, even if the man is holding and narrowing your hand under the table.
“Are ya' gonna have a baby?”
You're pretty sure your mouth could touch the floor whilst your heart jumping about give you an attack. Marcus breaks in laughter, but you don't see the funny point on it.
“No, mija, we're not gonna have a baby”.
“Oh”. That sounded like a letdown.
“You would like it…?” You ask confused, leaning on the table, with your free arm supported in.
“Yes! It would be cool!”.
“Yes?” Marcus is confused too, with his gaze in your daughter's.
“Yea', I think I coul' sher' ma' dad”.
Sweet Jesus, you're about to die because of a terrible shame. The mexican is about to drown with his own saliva, coughing for a while.
“But, if it's not a baby, what is, mama?” Lucia turns her attention to you, waiting for another thing.
“Well, ahm… Marcus and I…”
“We're together”. He says, knowing that it's costing you a lot to tell her.
“Ya', I knew it”.
“Did you?” Frowning your eyebrows and licking your lips somewhat more relaxed, you twist your neck.
“Yep, you're too obvious, mama”.
You're sure that your boyfriend can't laugh louder than right now, covering his mouth with a hand because of her words. Lucia laughs too, as you chuckle having a sip of your beer.
“I hear' ya' tell tia Letti ‘fuck, we should get married’. That's why it's my favorite word, 'cuz I would like't too, mama”.
“Jesus Christ…” Your hands covering your face as you nail your elbows on the table, and your cheeks getting red as hell.
“Did you?” Marcus ask with some kind of mirth.
“Canna' go to play?” The innocence in her voice overwhelms you, while she's asking directly to her ‘new dad’.
“Claro, mija, ve. Te avisamos cuando llegue la orden”. (Sure, mija, go. We'll tell you when the food is here).
As soon as Lucia jumps off of her chair, Marcus turns at you without letting go your hand, and by supporting the other arm on the table.
“Did you?” He asks again very interested in your answer.
“Maybe”. You reply with pursed lips trying not to laugh because of the bashfulness.
The man, leaning above you and reaching one of your flushed cheeks, catches your lips between his in a sweet and silky kiss. Slowly, enjoying the peace that has just arrived to your life after having the agreement of your daughter.
“I'll keep it in mind, mi amor”.
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bubbashawn · 4 years
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author: This ask is from so so very long ago but I didn’t know how to write for pregnant!Y/N so I had to figure that one out lol. I did research on pregnancy and now I’m sure my mom had concerns.
synopsis: Shawn just wants to take care of you.
warnings: requested by anon. 1.3k of workaholic!pregnant!Y/N. It’s kinda angsty but ends fluffy because that’s just what I do and that’s just who I am. 😂
Everything hurt but you wouldn’t go home.
You had always been a workaholic and being eight months pregnant didn’t change anything much to your husband’s dissatisfaction. He told you no one would be upset if you took a maternity leave before you gave birth and if they did he would cover it, but you refused to sit around when all your limbs were able. That’s how you found yourself in another argument, same as the ones every other day, about taking some time at home.
“Honey, I just don’t understand why the hospital can’t switch your shifts for someone else? I’m sure your colleagues would be more than happ-”
“It’s not about that, Shawn!”
“Then what is it about? Seriously, Y/N!”
You were a nurse at Toronto Western and technically you should've started your maternity leave two weeks ago, but the idea of not working stressed you out.
Shawn has always been more than happy to pay for you on all fronts but you weren’t that kind of girl. You wanted to work for yourself and help pay for everything from taxes for your shared home in Pickering to paying the check at Monday dinners. You wouldn't let your husband pay for you even if you were carrying his baby.
“I don’t want to not work! I don’t want to feel helpless in the way of money! And I definitely don’t want to depend on you for that sort of thing!”
“Or anything,” your husband basically whispered, a sharp contrast to the yelling.
“What does that even mean?”
You hated to admit it but Shawn was right. Ever since you’d gotten pregnant you wanted to do everything yourself. It’s not like you didn’t trust him but you wanted the sense of control carrying a baby took away. You had told him that and he understood seeing he knew you better than you knew yourself.
“I just, Bub, I just need to be able to do things by myself.”
“But you don’t have to,” he looked at you for the first time that night, his eyes were rimmed with tears, “you are my wife and you are carrying our baby so let me be here with you. I’m here, okay? I know you’ve done things by yourself a lot because of the tours and my crazy schedule but I’m here now.”
“I don’t know how to let go.”
“Let go.”
It sounded stupid, Shawn just saying those words so you’d let go but they worked. He’d always been the one person who’d make you let go and that would never change.
“I’m sorry. I know I should’ve taken leave when I was supposed to but I’ve been so stressed and I threw it all into work.”
“Hey, honey?”
You hummed.
“I love you and I’m going to take care of you, eh?”
You hugged him as best you could. Shawn chuckled as your bulging stomach pressed into his body and your short arms could barely reach around his neck. This was everything you needed, just the tranquil silence of hugging your husband. As you finally let go the ache in your feet came back and the nauseating pain in your head started pushing against you but you let it this time.
“Bubba,” he hummed against your neck, “I’m really nauseous and my feet are tired. Can we go to sleep?”
“Mmm, nope.”
“Shawn, please. I actually can’t stay upright mu-”
“You need to take your vitamin B-6 supplements that I got you last week but still haven’t touched.”
That was true. Shawn had brought home all the pain relievers and at-home remedies he could find but you had brushed it off saying you were fine.
Your husband guided you into the kitchen making sure you were comfortable as he sat you down at the island. He kissed your forehead before going into the cabinet above the fridge and bringing over your supplements and a half full glass of water.
“Slow sips, yeah? If you drink too fast you’ll make it worse.”
You hummed in agreement and Shawn squeezed your hand before disappearing up the stairs. You followed his orders taking slow, small sips and eventually swallowing the pill. You had just shifted from your seat to put the glass in the dishwasher and the bottle back above the fridge when your husband snatched both items from your hand.
“Bub, I could’ve done that.”
“If you bend over or try to reach too high your blood will rush to your head.”
“When did you become an expert?”
He bashfully looked away, suddenly finding his tattooed hand much more interesting than your confused face.
“Itookadadclass,” he spoke so fast you didn’t process the words.
“I took a dad class,” he smiled shyly at your shocked features, “I’ve been going for the past couple weeks. I’m not writing a new album because then I’ll have to go on tour and I’m not leaving you alone with our baby. So, instead I used my newfound free time to go to a dad class.”
You couldn’t help but smile at your husband. It didn’t matter that you shut him out, Shawn still did everything in his power to make sure he was prepared for the day you let him in. You felt guilty tears start forming in your waterline.
“Bubba,” his thumbs were stroking your tears away, “I’m sorry for not letting you in. You’ve been nothing but perfect to me and I just keep pushing you away.”
“Honey, hey, I chose to do this, alright? I knew you’d want to do this alone but I wasn’t about to let you. So, it’s all in the past, eh? I have a bath running upstairs and then we’ll go to sleep.”
Sure enough, Shawn guided you into the bathroom pulling your scrubs from your swollen skin before undressing himself and slipping into the warm water.
“C’mere,” he made grabby gestures at your big belly, “relax, okay?”
And you did. For the first time in over eight months you felt completely relaxed. Your husband massaged your hips and slid calming strokes up and down your thighs, his silver wedding band leaving a trail of happy goosebumps. Your head laid back against his trained chest as his hands moved up around your belly.
“Yes, Baby?”
“Will you sing to me?”
He hesitated and you knew exactly why. About thirteen weeks into your pregnancy you had felt the first kick. According to your doctor, it was earlier than the average who don’t feel any movement until they’re sixteen to twenty five weeks in. It had been because of Shawn.
The two of you had been curled up on his white couch back at his old condo, your laptop sat on his thighs with Zillow pulled up. Shawn and you were looking for your first real home in Pickering. Some people said it was late in their marriage to buy a house but it made sense because your husband hadn’t really settled down yet, still touring the world every other year. His hand had been resting on your bump when he started singing a John Mayer song and the little baby kicked right into his hand.
Shawn never stopped singing around your belly until you were whining about being too sore from all the movement. He kissed you and apologized but didn’t stop singing to your baby whenever he had the chance,
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“It won’t, I promise I’ll tell you to stop if it does.”
With a kiss to your cheek he started singing, stopping to giggle as the baby kicked along to the beat. You two stayed there until the water was cold. You had completely forgotten about your cramps.
He pulled an oversized shirt over your head, an outfit you lived in when you were home, before lightly dragging you to your shared bed. You laid on your side, your belly on top of his abdomen, and your chin tucked happily under his.
You fell asleep happier than you had in awhile. Listening to Shawn’s whispers of love.
“You look absolutely perfect to me. I love you, Baby, oh and you too, honey.”
Well, almost whispers of love.
permanent taglist: @wholesomemendes @fallinallincurls @ashwarren32 @mendesficsxbombay @haute-shawn @turtoix @prncsnee @http-isabela
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hockeysweetheart · 4 years
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District 1 Luxury. 
District 1 is part of the Careers along side of District 2 and 4. They get fed better. Treated better And train prior games.  but they still have to put there children’s names in the reaping bowl. District 1 is a step under 2. As the Capitol liking them. Which says a lot because District 1 is the Reason for their Luxury items. Which if you know anything about the citizens of the Capitol they are over the top in Luxury.... 
Now It’s known that within the districts they are not allowed to use they  don’t have access to it all. Like In 12. They are not allowed to eat from the Harvest and 12 the coal is not all for them.  So I am sure in 1 they have the luxury life style but not as much as the Capitol gets...
Now here is the most intresting fact of all of this. District 1 was one of the first Districts to join into the second  rebellion... like They had every reason to Hate Katniss who’s the face.  Becuase she killed both of their Tributes last games and The male tribute in the 75th Games. ( As we find out the district’s really started war with the Capitol).  And plus with their  relationship  with the Capitol. you would think they would be a hard one to get on the rebels side.  And they were a part of the group don’t tell a soul to. That the break out is happeing.
Now during the war however they stay low. Basically cut off the capitol from them we are on  the Mockingjay’s side.
Okay I think that District 1 is the sneakest of all.  They played Snow’s Game. Showed him  I am on your side. Waiting for the Bomb to drop to turn against the Capitol. I am damn sure nobody was a fan of the Captiol’s control we can kill your children with no say. But they also had a ton experence with Winning to. and knowing the true Price of a Victor. 
This one quote really did make me think.  ( It’s after Katniss Finds out the real price that she was spared from).  After Finnick tells what happened to him and Katniss asked Haymitch is that what happened to you and this is Haymitch’s reply ...
"Oh, no. I was the example. The person to hold up to the young Finnicks and Johannas and Cashmeres.
 He didn’t say Enobaria or Gloss.  No  He said Cashmere’s name only.  from the higher arch Career Districts. (Yes I know 4 is a part of that but they were a part of the pack without being a part of the pack if you know what I mean).
"President Snow used to...sell me...my body, that is," Finnick begins in a flat, removed tone. "I wasn't the only one. If a victor is considered desirable, the president gives them as a reward or allows people to buy them for an exorbitant amount of money. If you refuse, he kills someone you love. So you do it."
But Cashmere is from District 1... But with Snow no one is safe. But she is a part of the whole Capitol-leaves-us-alone-because-we-do-what-they-say  and you give us a life of Luxury in return.  What did she do to make Snow want to turn her into a slave and sold. 
Now is the reason why District 1 started to turn against the Capitol. I mean they played the whole being a threat to the rest of Panem real well.  
Now This is noted. Of how pissed off Cashmere and Gloss are to go back into the area.  
  "Make him pay for it, okay?" she says.
   I nod, but I don't know what she means. Not until we're all sitting out onstage and Caesar Flickerman, hair and face highlighted in lavender this year, has done his opening spiel and the tributes begin their interviews. This is the first time I realize the depth of betrayal felt among the victors and the rage that accompanies it. But they are so smart, so wonderfully smart about how they play it, because it all comes back to reflect on the government and President Snow in particular. Not everyone. There are the old throwbacks, like Brutus and Enobaria, who are just here for another Games, and those too baffled or drugged or lost to join in on the attack. But there are enough victors who still have the wits and the nerve to come out fighting. Cashmere starts the ball rolling with a speech about how she just can't stop crying when she thinks of how much the people in the Capitol must be suffering because they will lose us. Gloss recalls the kindness shown here to him and his sister
Now I have to give it to District 1 of how Clever they were to play it.  
Dispite not knowing the Rebel plot they were  almost in a way willing to die for Katniss. ( Even tho she killed Gloss). But they never attacked Katniss. Sure they Killed Wiress. But if they had deep roots of Hating they would of attempted for her.  I don’t think they are brainwashed Capitol lovers. No I think they give Snow what he wanted to show Hey look I am keeping my half of the deal. But without Killing the one thing Snow wants dead but still  playing the games for all it’s worth.
 And In the Hunger Games. Maybe the Tributes say something In Katniss that they knew. She is gonna change this world. She’s gotta win. Glimmer. Poorly shot the Arrow and gave up after  a first chance let Cato climb that tree.  And I do think she could of easily booked it after the tracker jacker nest was fallen on her. ( Now no one knew she had the weapon that Katniss was after). But  maybe When she Shot the first Arrow she saw a look in Katniss’s eyes. I need the bows. ( But it was like she was Protecting the Bow and Arrows for Katniss in a way).  
Okay Marvel Killing Rue was A low blow. Here is me Looking the good in everyone. Perhaps he was trying to warn Katniss they are closer then you think. and Killed Rue in the process.  okay Unlikely. Anyone noticed how Distirct 2 took the credit for Rues death.  But again. Sure it was frowned upon everyone  Killing the yougest one.... But he did miss hitting Katniss tho.  And this happened without District 2 in sight.
The Alliance with Distirct 2. Prob under the simular agreement. Sure I will show you my worth. I will play the cards right. But I do it my way. Sure I may look like I am on your side. But your a fool for that. Be like I am basically safe because I am killing people I am showing you look what I can do. But at the same time playing the oh I cannot do that. 
Now why didn’t they just kill 2 to get over it...based on their track record they are the deadliest ones in the area. is it  becuase District 1 is like i will do this and that but all died in the process. is it because they wanted to warm up then stab in the back. but it was too soon. Because they are not blammed if it comes down to two careers for the crown. To kill the other. Maybe frowned upon in the Districts. Because for future Tributes.They got to keep the Career pack for years to come I guess.  And District 1 knows damn well they are under 2 as for the Captiol loving them.
If you have anything else to add to this feel free. 
All are my opinions what I feel. 
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fandomnom · 5 years
Shit Happens Series Part 2: Ambrose Spell: Ah Shit!!
Part 1
Zelda says, “It’s that you are hexed.”
You sighs and say “Just perfect. I sleep with a warlock and devil knows what bull shit happ-“
You stop in your tracks as you see everyone staring at you and you see Ambrose looking bewildered. You laugh awkwardly and say, “I meant like I slept with a long time ago duh.”
Sabrina laughs and Zelda says, “Smooth cover up, but not good enough.”
You rub your temples and Ambrose says, “Well, it wasn’t planned if that helps.”
You look down and Zelda says, “I don’t care if it was an accident or not. We need to get to the bottom of this hex.”
You clear your throat and say “It’s probably nothing.”
“Nonsense!!”, says Hilda
You crack your neck and feel uneasy. Ambrose squints at you and says, “There has to be.”
Sabrina says, “Y/N, we’re concerned about you. We really do care.”
You smile weakly as she hugs you. Zelda and Hilda start to read in the books after analyzing you. While walking around you are pulled really quickly and your mouth is covered. You finally are put in Ambroses’ room and he says, “Cut the bullshit.”
You look and laugh at him. He asks, “What are you hiding?”
You say, “Nothing.”
Ambrose puts on his robe and puts his hand on his chin. You cross your arms.
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Ambrose says, “Swear on the devil and your father if it’s true, no secret.”
You are about to swear on them when Ambrose interrupts you, “How serious is it if you would swear on them Y/N?!”
You stay quiet and Ambrose asks, “What’s wrong?”
You say, “It’s nothing. It really isn’t..”
Ambrose sighs deeply and says, “If it has to do with me, I recommend you tell me now.”
You say, “I will tell you when I am comfortable.”
Ambrose says, “This is too serious Y/N. You are hexed and it is badly. Your father and I being part of the antics means this has to do with both of us. Zelda and Hilda are smart. They will find out eventually whatever this secret is. It’s either that or we get it out of you.”
You get up and while walking to the door, you fall into a seat and can’t get up out of it. You scream and Ambrose says, “Tell me.”
You scream, “Ambrose let me go!!”
His eyes start to glow and his voice gets deeper. You look away and see Ambrose laying down unconscious. You scream. “Ambrose!!”
The Ambrose in front of you covers your mouth and says, “Tell me!!”
You start to tear up and start to glow in the eyes. You become angry and the tape rips into pieces. You break the seat and sway your arms into a form of a circle. You push it towards him and he screams and disappears. You run to he real Ambrose and he jolts up when you sway your hands over his face to wake him up. He holds you close to him and asks, “Are you okay?!”
You nod and say, “Ambrose I have a secret and I have hid it for many years.”
Ambrose looks concerned. You gulp and say, “It’s about u-“
Sabrina, Zelda, and Hilda burst into the room. Sabrina says, “You’re not a normal breed of the supernatural.”
You start to water up in the eyes and nod slowly. Zelda says, “You’re a mixture.”
Hilda asks, “What are you?”
You all walk into the kitchen and you sigh deeply. You all sit at the table and Zelda says, “Y/N, speak right now.”
You say, “I’m a witch, wolf, and a mortal.”
They all look at you in shock and Sabrina says, “That explains why your eyes glowed fighting that demon that was in the form of Ambrose!!”
They all look at Sabrina and Sabrina says, “I planned a trap that would expose strength in powers to evaluate what she was. I’m sorry Y/N.”
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You nod and say, “It’s okay. It had to be said eventually.”
Ambrose says, “If you are that...”
You say, “Yes I did the deed.”
Zelda and Hilda say, “Explain.” At the same time.
You say, “The real reason my father is partially because he made a deal if I didn’t have a kid I will be dead, but that’s not the whole truth. There’s more to the story. The deal was that, but I did have a kid. She’s ours Ambrose.”
Ambrose drops his jaw and they all gasp. Ambrose says, “That’s impossible. I’m a warlock it’s not possible to have children.”
Sabrina says, “I’m an older cousin and I haven’t met her!!”
Hilda asks, “Where is our baby Spellman?!”
Zelda says, “She’s pretty powerful. Isn’t she?”
You nod and say, “You have no power over my mortal side. I have no warlock mark on my body, so I was still fertile..”
Ambrose gets up quickly and paces back and forth. You say, “I don’t know where she went.”
Zelda says, “That explains the bastard haunt and her father as a demon saying that. It all makes sense. We have to find her. It’s the next quest.”
Sabrina says, “I will do anything for my cousin and I know she deserves a family that will love her. She must be so scared.”
Zelda asks, “How dare you get rid of your child?!”
You say, “My child was kidnapped from me. Blackwood his her somewhere and I can’t find her.”
You start to cry and Sabrina holds you close to her. She says, “We’ll find our little Spellman/ Y/L/N.”
Hilda says, “We will find her, but under one circumstance.”
You look at her and nod. Hilda says, “No more secrets.”
You say, “I swear across my chest and solemnly sweat to the Devil.”
You put a hand on your chest. Zelda says, “She May be part mortal unfortunately, but she is still family.”
Sabrina nods while smiling. Hilda says, “The thing is always be prepared to fight any demon or any dangerous spirit trying to come after you. That goes for all of us. We are all in this together. This is a dangerous mission.”
You all nod and then you don’t hear Ambrose. Sabrina asks, “Where’s Ambrose?”
You all then realize Ambrose isn’t in the kitchen anymore...
Should I continue?? Let me know if you want me to write more!!
Taglist: @mikariell95 @cvvlxx @pleasantdreamqueen @yugiohhetaliadork @artaxerxesthegreat
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babyloontrash · 6 years
Wedding Day (C.H.)
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Summary: Calum on a wedding day. Words: 4,5k Note: Don't hate me, please.
Today was the day.
It had been marked in his calendar for months. A large notice with the word 'WEDDING‘ written in all capitals and filling up the whole space for that day. As if there was any need for that. How dumb and ignorant he would have to be to forget about such an important day? There was a bunch of cute doodles it too, in a pink and red gel pen, the glittery kind. She was the one who put it all down, and he could still remember how wide were her eyes and how bright was the smile she wore then. Even just the thought of that moment made him smile. Figuring out the perfect date was not an easy task. Not when she had this day planned out pretty much ever since she was seven. Though there had been some changes made during the years. For example, she no longer insisted on having a bouncing castle on her reception, nor making each of the guests bringing a pet with them. Those were brilliant plans if anyone asked him, but she had just rolled her eyes and laughed when he brought this point up. Hearing that laugh had made his heart flutter and to be honest, he would have no problem with making both the bouncing castle and the puppies really happen.
She had stated that the only thing she really needed from him on that day to be truly happy is to not have him bail on her in the last minute. "If you won’t be there when I’ll be walking down the aisle, I swear to God that I am gonna find you and make you pay real bad for hurting me like that.“
He had no doubts that she would really be capable of doing that. She did not look exactly terrifying when she had said those words out loud, considering that she was rather tipsy and both of her arms were wrapped around his neck as she needed the support so she wouldn't trip, but he believed her. He knew his girl well enough. There was nothing she needed to worry about, of course, he would be there. He loved her and she meant the world to him. Always had and always would. Forget all the fame and the money he had earned, not even the awards he and his band won could compare to how amazing it was to have her in his life and to how happy he felt when she sent him one of those smiles that were reserved for him. Of course, he would be there.  Looking nice and sharp. Just for her.
They had only talked together on the phone last night. Her girlfriends had planned a sleepover of a kind and he was not allowed, naturally. She had sneaked into the bathroom though just to give him a call and ask how he was doing. She needed to hear his voice. It wasn’t like she had any doubts about the next day. Not at all. God, she had been waiting to marry and spend the rest of her life with him for so long. The scenarios of the guests not making it in time, the weather acting up, the cake not being as good as she had wanted it to and so on were filling her mind and driving her crazy. She wanted her wedding day to be perfect and he understood, allowing her to vent to him for as long as she needed before assuring her that it would be okay. Everything would be fine. Even if something would end up going wrong, it was not like it would matter that much anyway. Even if it would rain and her uncle got drunk and caused a scene, she was going to be a married woman on the end of the day and that’s what it was about. The love was the most important. Years later, she for sure wouldn’t even remember any of those things she was stressing about. Listening to all that did help her calm down. But maybe it wasn’t about what words were being said but about who had been saying them. He always seemed to have this soothing effect on her. There was something in the way he spoke that made her feel that yes, everything would turn out to be okay. And if it wouldn’t, well, she would always have him. "Don’t you dare to cry when you see me in the dress,“ she warned him playfully in the end, just before they were about to hang up because her friends had figured that she was missing and they got afraid that she's talking with the groom. "You know how puffy your eyes get afterwards and I can’t have you look like a mess on the pictures.“ He didn’t get to make any promises since the call had already ended, but truth be told, it would be rather unwise to make such promise anyway. Calum did not cry very often but he was rather sure that seeing her in her wedding dress, walking down the aisle would bring him to his knees.
As he put on his clothes he couldn't help but wonder about what would she look like, even though that he was going to see her in just a few hours. What dress would she be wearing? He remembered her liking bunch of these lacy ones. But that was long before the proposal even happened. Or maybe she would wear the kind with the skirt looking as if it was made of cotton candy... She always made fun of those, but then again, there was a time when she was joking about getting married to him out of all the possible people one day. Nothing was impossible. It didn't matter what dress she chose though, Calum was sure that she would look absolutely amazing. Little her always talked about how this would be her princess moment. Smiling, he went back to those memories in his mind. His fingers carefully buttoning up the shirt she picked with him specially for this occasion while joking about how if she wasn't engaged, she would have a great dilemma when trying to decide whether she wants to tear the shirt off or ask him to keep it on because he looked so good in it. Calum was right in the middle of tying his tie when  Ashton's head peaked into the room. "You ready mate?" He asked and Calum simply nodded his head. He didn't even hear him walk inside but that didn't come as a much of a surprise with how loudly the music was playing. Ashton went to complain about that right after he turned it off, telling him how he had spent at least five minutes in front of the front door, waiting for him to let him in. "When you weren't coming I had to use the spare key. Part of me got worried that you decided to stay at home... I mean, I wouldn't blame you. You know my opinion on this." Calum didn't let him tell anything else, piercing him with a glare in the mirror. "I know. I know. Sorry. My opinion doesn't matter. You love her and you want to do this." "Exactly. Just be a good friend and say that you support this decision." There was a moment of silence. "I am a good friend and I support you. No matter what. You know that," Ashton finally said and then smoothed the jacket Calum put on. "You look great. Very handsome. Girls and women of all ages are gonna get weak in their knees when they see you." In the whole world, there was only one girl that truly mattered to him though.
"I am not going to play wedding with you. It's dumb." He kicked the ball towards her in hopes that she would kick, or maybe throw it back so they could play with it instead. "It is not!" She argued and her hands settled on her hips. Such a stupid gesture. His sister and his mum did the same thing when they wanted no more arguments from him. The ball stayed just a few steps away from her. If she moved a little bit to the left... "It's not dumb," he said in the end. Anything to make her stand and look differently at him. He didn't like the expression on her face. She seemed angry with him and he didn't like that. "I just don't want to... How about we play the spy thing. I will play the villain." She clearly couldn't say no to that, right? Everyone always wants to play the cool spy. It's way better than playing a bride. What they do anyway? Walk with some flowers in their hands. That's boring. "The last time you were over and I played the goalkeeper, you promised that I would get to choose what we play next time." God. He really did promise that. "You were an awful goalkeeper..." "That doesn't matter! We played what you wanted and now it's my turn. Or do you want me to tell your mum that you are a liar who doesn't keep their promises?" The frowned expression was gone. Her chin pushed forward and she looked at him almost with a triumph. Calum let out a heavy sigh, kicking the little stone that was near his foot away."That's not true. You know that." "It will be if you won't play with me."
To be honest, it didn't turn out to be as bad as he thought it would. Not that he would ever admit it. They got to bring all the plush toys outside into the garden, her mum made them put some blanket on the grass first so they wouldn't get all dirty, and they set them down as the guests. It was a bit boring when she later disappeared to get ready and he was left alone, but at least he got to steal some of the cookies they had set on the table as a part of the following feast. He didn't understand what was happening at first when the small radio they brought out and left at the door started playing. She got a little bit frustrated when she found him not standing at the made-up altar but he quickly rushed over there, having to wait for a moment before she adjusted the tape and the song started again. He also had to promise that he didn't see her before. He wasn't really lying. He did not see much. Just a stupid piece of curtain hanging over her face. He wondered how she would be able to talk through the aisle with that. She somehow did though and he was honestly impressed so he stared at her in awe. She had to nudge him, muttering how he needs to put the veil away. It didn't strike him that he could simply lift it up, instead, he literally tugged on the curtain so the little tiara she was wearing fell down to the ground as well. She shot him a glare but then took his hands, smiling at him a little while she nodded her head every once and then as if the large teddy who played the officer was really saying something. Soon, they were both saying their 'I do' and the celebrations could start. He was looking forward that part the most because it would mean eating all the cookies but before that, the kiss thingy had to happen. They exchanged a look but soon Calum decided to push through it and pecked her lips real quick. He always made fun of how his first kiss was actually a wedding one.
When Calum arrived at the venue, most of the guests were already there. "Everything okay?" One of his mates asked him when Calum walked up to them. He blinked his big brown eyes at that. Wouldn't they stop asking him about it? Of course, everything was okay. More than that actually. He was thrilled. He couldn't wait for the ceremony to start. "Yes," he ended up answering anyway because the look he sent them clearly wasn't enough to make it clear. Calum looked around, examining the surroundings. From what he could see, everything looked magical. Exactly like she wanted to. The weather shouldn't be an issue either. He checked the weather forecast in the car and there was not a mention of even the smallest possibility of rain. She wanted to get married outside and while Calum was there when she was picking up all the decorations, he was surprised with how amazing it looked all put together. She really did a great job with all of this and when he sent her a text telling her that he just got there and that the place looked absolutely lovely, she sent him a heart emoji. That small red heart made him realize how quickly his own heart was beating. He turned down his friend's offer of taking a sip from his flask. It would take the edge off, they said but Calum shook his head immediately. He wanted his mind to stay as clear and sharp as it could be. There would be plenty of time for alcohol later. Calum greeted the people he knew, all of them exchanging smiles and sharing their excitement about this lovely day, and he also got introduced to a lot of people he didn't know until now. Finally, he spotted his parents and his sister while they were walking out of the large tent where would all the celebrations take place later. As soon as they got close enough to each other, his mum pulled him into a tight hug. She went on about how nice everything looked and how surreal this whole thing felt. She still remembered when they were just little kids, running around the garden half-naked. And now there was a wedding. Time flew so fast. He stopped her in her rambling before she started crying and she smiled brightly at him, nodding her head and assuring him that there won't be any more tears now. She stroked his cheeks with her thumbs and then kissed him before going off to say hi to someone else. His dad and Mali stood there with him for a while, and while he was always the type of person who enjoyed his family presence, right now there was only one thing he could focus on and he couldn't stop his mind from wandering in that direction.
"Are you sure that the boys won't get upset that we left them alone?" She asked and pulled the hoodie a bit closer to her body. It was a summer night but the breeze that was coming from the ocean was making her feel a bit chilly. "Have you seen them?" Calum laughed and shook his head before collapsing down onto the grass. "They won't even notice that we are gone," he assured her and then patted his hand on the spot beside him when she kept standing and just looked down at him. He said her name to call her over, motioning for her to come down again and after a moment she finally did. "Fuck you," he let out when she managed to lay down on his hand in the process. "Sorry," she laughed and once she was comfortable, she reached for his hand that he was keeping close to his chest now while looking at her with a hurt expression. "Don't be a baby." She rolled her eyes when he called her out on laughing at his suffering. She laced their fingers together, smiling in the dark at how warm his hand felt against hers and also at how well their hands fit together. Carefully, as if not to cause any more 'damage', she brought their joined hands up to her lips and kissed the back of Calum's. "Is it better?" She wanted to know but Calum struggled to let out any sound at all. Did she really just kiss him? He felt like a dummy for suddenly feeling so funny in the pit of his stomach. After all, he knew how soft her lips were. They had pressed against his cheek many times before but that was always a simple, friendly gesture. Somehow, the kiss now felt more intimate. Maybe it was because they were completely alone, in a dark of a park she loved to visit so much. Her grandpa used to take her there when she was a kid and this place held a very special spot in her heart. He knew that, and to be fair, that was probably the main reason he brought her here. He sneaked her out from the party she threw for them before they would be leaving for England the day after tomorrow. He didn't have much time. And for the longest part, he thought about not letting her know how much he is going to miss her once he would be gone... What would be the point in telling her how much she actually means to him when he was going to leave? Michael then came up with this "if not now then when" talk and Calum hated him for that from the bottom of his heart. His friend seemed to have a pretty good point though. If she wouldn't like him and this confession would go terribly, at least he wouldn't have to face her after for some time, and once they would meet again, the whole thing may as well be long forgotten. But if it would work out? If she smiled at him in the way that made his heart speed up? Then they could use these months to think about whether their friendship that had lasted for years was worth putting on the stake and they maybe could have their happy end as a couple. It was embarrassing how much time he had spent thinking about that during the past year. Damn. Calum had this whole talk prepared but his throat suddenly felt so tight that he doubted he would be able to let out any of this. All just because of her hand securely holding onto his and her breath tickling his skin. Love was dumb. Who came up with that shit anyway? She turned to her side, using one of her hands to hold her head up while she continued to hold him. "Are you really not going to talk to with me because of that? Come on..." She grinned when he remained quiet and she nudged his foot with hers. "Of course not." He quickly shook his head. "I was just... thinking." "Yeah?" Her eyebrows raised. "Up for sharing that with me?" "I don't know," Calum admitted and shrugged his shoulders. "It's sort of dumb." "Is it?" He nodded his head, smiling a bit when she made this 'mmmhm' sound. "Dumber than letting that Cole guy pierce your lip?" His brows furrowed and he gently pushed her away from him. "We agreed we don't talk about that. Ever." "You agreed. I know that I will never recover." The park was completely quiet except for her laughter and Calum knew that even if he wouldn't force himself to speak the truth about his feelings, he wouldn't regret leaving the party and spending some time just with her right here. Her hand left his and he looked at her curiously when she made him turn his face towards her. She brushed her finger over the spot where the piercing once been and shook her head slightly in disbelief. "I still don't know what the hell you were thinking then." "Guess I just wanted to be cool." "You are cool. Even though that you are in the stupid band...." She joked. "You love my band," He reminded with a serious look. He heard her swallow before she spoke out again. "Yeah. I do." Their eyes met for a moment and she parted her lips as if she was going to say something but in the end, she pressed them tightly together again for a couple of seconds. "I can't believe you are leaving to make music in London. I am going to miss you." There seemed to be a hint of sadness behind these words and Calum couldn't stop himself from reaching out for her and pulling her to his chest. "I'll miss you too." He said the obvious and she offered him a little smile in return. "I'm going to drown you in messages. You will be so annoyed you will just keep on wishing that the guy gives you a break." "You will?" "Yes! For sure. You will not get rid of me that easily. You made a promise. You are stuck with me for life." She started laughing again and Calum automatically felt so happy with himself for being the one to cause that. He didn't need to say more, she knew exactly what he meant. The wedding. By now, she had made her peace with the fact that he would never let her live that down. They both had so many embarrassing stories on each other that it was quite scary, actually. As long as it was just the two of them talking about it and they didn't reach the ears of any stranger, though, it was good. Just like now. They spent the next hour or two actually laying in the grass, talking and laughing their asses off, reminiscing about all the great times they spent with each other. There was only a one little small thing missing for them to be as happy as they possibly could be, and Calum couldn't believe that he was really doing this when he suddenly leaned his head in and kissed her. He interrupted her story about old Ms Brown telling on them that they broke into her garden. She hated being interrupted and he knew it but he simply couldn't stop himself at that moment. The sun started to come up and she looked so beautiful in that gentle light. "I am sorry," he started to stammer out, his face so close to hers that their lips actually brushed against each other when he spoke. There was no slap, no 'what the fuck are you doing' or any other negative reaction. There was no reaction at all actually, and Calum really started to wish for the ground to swallow him whole as quickly as possible. With his eyes closed, he started to pull away but a pair of hoodie covered arms stopped him. "No. Come here," she mumbled and gently rubbed her nose against his before kissing him.
He was standing at the same spot where it had happened years ago, a wide smile on his face as he thought about it. About how she started to giggle as they made out because his hand under her shirt tickled her. About how she then rolled on top of him and made him tilt his head back in pleasure when she kissed his neck. About how they just made out and cuddled until the sun completely came up and they both needed to go home. Calum was absolutely in love with her then and he loved her just as much now. He needed to tell her. His heart would burst if he didn't.   He fished his phone out of his pocket and then dialled her number. "I need to talk with you,“ he said into the phone in a shaky voice once she finally picked up. A part of him struggled to wrap his mind around the fact that this was really happening. "Babe, I’d love to but we really don’t have time… My heel broke so we quickly had to find some new shoes that would fit and now we are late and…  I know small things like this don’t matter. I swear I am not stressing out. We are running late. I’ll talk to you later after the ceremony, okay? Love you.“ "Love you.“ When the call finished, Calum checked the time. It made sense that everyone seemed to be at their places already as the ceremony was supposed to start in only a few minutes. It didn't appear that any of them knew about the little delay of the bride. Still, he needed to get in position too, so everything would be ready for when she would arrive. Shoving the phone into his pocket he started to walk towards the group of people that were waiting aside. He smiled at some of the bridesmaids that were already there and then spend the time while they had to wait chatting with the groomsmen. Suddenly, the two bridesmaids that were missing showed up beside them, saying that it's about time that they start. And so they did. The music began playing and they walked through the aisle to the cute arch that was put up just for this occasion and that was covered with flowers. If anyone asked him, Calum wouldn't be able to tell what song was playing when his feet carried him there, nor could he tell how were all the people in the seats looking at him. He moved automatically and there was just one person on his mind. Her. He couldn't wait to see her. He tried not to fidget too much because of the nerves and he searched for the faces of his family and his closest friends. They were all giving him their best smiles. They knew how he felt. Then a new song started and everyone's eyes turned towards her. He could feel the tears starting to sting in his eyes. He had tried to brace himself but it didn’t seem like he did a very good job. She looked wonderful, absolutely stunning. Some people seemed to gasp and he honestly didn't blame them.  She carried herself with such grace that it almost seemed as if she was floating through the air. There was a small, a bit nervous smile playing in her lips and he noticed how tightly she was holding on the bouquet that was made of her favourite flowers. When her and Calum's eyes met, she made the corners of her mouth turn up a bit higher before she shook her head a little bit. "Don't cry," she mouthed towards him but when she looked down he saw how quickly she was blinking her eyes. This was a very emotional day for her. For all of them. The aisle wasn't too long and yet, it felt like ages to Calum. Ages during which he couldn't stop himself from admiring how beautiful she looked as a bride and also thinking about his past and future life. When her father finally brought her over to where the officer was standing, he shot Calum a little encouraging smile. Calum's head nodded slightly in acknowledgement and then he swallowed thickly before looking down while her father handed her to the groom.
Fuck all the fame and the money he had earned, fuck the awards he and his band won. If it wasn't for them, he was pretty sure that he could be the one marrying her and the smile that made her eye crinkle would still be reserved only for him.
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withallthingslove · 5 years
avengers endgame spoiler-filled review
below the cut bc spoilers obviously
even after two viewings this movie is super overwhelming so I’m just gonna jump right in
- clint’s family disappearing was so haunting and traumatic omg
- i didn’t like the music choice over the marvel opening crawl
- nebula was so adorably intense when tony playing footbal with her
- carol is such a bad bitch she just carried an entire fucking ship through space
- steve running up to tony and holding on to him... that was content I didn’t know I needed
- the pepperony hug ughhh I’m not a huge gwenyth paltrow fan but she was so good as pepper in this
- honestly I get tony has been through a lot but he was such a dick back at the avengers compound. I’ve always preferred steve to tony and that scene really displayed why. Yes tony was right something bigger was coming, but his way of going about preventing it was proven wrong both times. I don’t consider ultron to be super canon because joss whedon sucks but tony’s first idea to try and solve it failed, and then the accords also failed and even rhodey regretted it. Infinity war was basically “hey yeah the accords was dumb af and steve was right and now the avengers are scattered.” Both tony and steve were selfish and made mistakes in civil war but the fact that it had been over three years and tony was still soooo angry with steve and holding a grudge just rubbed me the wrong way.
- I really felt for thor when they went to get thanos. Chris hemsworth’s acting in that scene was so good when he realized they had failed
- again who on earth put steve in charge of a support group. And while yes its nice to have some lgbtq representation marvel is way behind on that so to me it did not feel like enough
- paul rudd did so well in this movie and scott is such a good dad ugh
- 10/10 would die for morgan stark. She is soooo cute and it was hilarious when she was like “mom told me to come rescue you”
- i know a lot of people are mad at tony dying bc he could have “retired” but that scene with his daughter before steve, nat, and scott show up shows he could not. He still had a garage where he built iron man suits and suits for pepper. That’s not what someone does when they are out of a fight. That’s why he fell back into it so fast because he never left it. He was still tinkering and preparing and even when he retired he was still fully ready to go back
- i like professor hulk but at the same time i miss bruce
- tony and steve love each other so much it made me so happy when tony showed up at the compound. they’ve had their differences but there is real love there
- speaking of real love I will still never forgive joss whedon for taking clintasha away from us like yes their platonic friendship is great but UGH. They love each other SOOOOOOO much 
- tom hiddleston as loki always steals the show and i miss him so much. I was convinced he wasnt dead so I’m sad that he was still dead in the current timeline. But maybe since there is now an alternate dimension with loki and the tesseract he will show up again
- him impersonating steve, his side eye, just... *chefs kiss*
- the america’s ass comment... amazing, iconic, beautiful. And then steve’s “yeah I know” comment to his 2012 self. I’m so glad the russos let steve be funny
- I love how much winter soldier played into this one especially since it was the russo’s first mcu movie. The elevator scene... steve outsmarting the hydra agents. Secretary pierce showing up... and then steve fighting his past self was just *chefs kiss* again. The fact that he knows his own weakness is bucky and uses it against himself 
- not excited to see tilda swinton’s character because its just a reminder of marvel’s whitewashing but I appreciated it trying to explain the timeline/dimension stuff
- i also loved that at the army compound tony was able to get closure with his dad, something he deserved for a long time. I think that was another hint he was going to die because his arc was completing while steve’s.... the look on steve’s face when he saw peggy just broke me. absolutely broke me. Steggy was my first ship in the mcu and so steve and peggy hold a special place in my heart. The fact she still keeps the picture of tiny steve after all these years (a reference to agent carter)... they both moved on enough to enjoy life but never truly moved on enough to leave the other behind. And so while tony was getting closure, steve was being reminded of what he wanted most and couldn’t have. I also loved the tie in with agent carter and showing Jarvis this movie was truly a fan service to us all
- okay so rhodey/nebula: so ive never been a huge nebula person but i really liked her in this movie. I loved rhodey’s line about “you work with what you got” as far as their disabilities. I felt so bad for new nebula because old nebula SUCKKSSS and I hate she had to face her. I loved that in this movie thanos was wearing his armor because 2014 thanos was not as strong or secure with himself. His energy was SO different compared to the thanos we saw in infinity war so props to josh brolin
- natasha/clint: Well go ahead and rip my heart out. The audience knows only one of them is coming back but they have no idea. And they love each other SO FUCKING MUCH they both tried to sacrifice themselves to save the other person. That is true love. Jeremy renner is such an underrated actor and his reaction to natasha dying just killed me. But so did scarlett johansson’s acting as much as I hate to admit it because I’ve really stopped liking her as much due to her recent acting choices but she played that scene so well. And I will miss natasha romanoff forever. She deserved so much more and paved the way for all the other female superheroes in the mcu
- everyone crying over nat and especially steve broke me. They had such a special friendship, almost as strong as her and clint and I feel so many people forget that because of how natural they were together. And her last words to him were that she would see him in a minute and then she didn’t come back..
- i just realized i havent talked about thor and thats honestly because my brain blocked it out. I like that they explored his depression but dont like that he was made the joke of the avengers and I don’t think it was handled well. I did enjoy his conversation with frigga and by that I mean it made me cry. (also loki deserves a conversation like that too don’t @ me)
- And then sam says “on your left” and all the characters come and the music... poetic cinema
- thanos is a weak little bitch and as soon as wanda was beating him he was fine with his own troops dying just so he could get away
- sebastian stan has no business looking this good my god
- I forgot how much I missed peter parker
- I didn’t notice mbaku until my second viewing and honestly the wakandan characters were shafted like poor shuri we didn’t even know she was dusted until a few weeks before the movie
- I know everyone loves the scene of all the women characters carrying the gauntlet but honestly marvel has a long way to go before they reach equality and it honestly wasn’t enough for me
- side note pepper fighting back to back with tony was awesome
- ugh tony’s face when he realizes what he has to do and he looks at strange for confirmation... give rdj an oscar like my god. He knows that the past few years have led up to this moment and he is absolutely terrified and determined and I am tearing up while writing this because I am remembering it so vividly
- peter parkers goodbye had me crying why is tom holland such a good actor
- pepper’s goodbye BROKE ME... “you can rest now” I think that is the epitome of tony’s arc. For his entire storyline he has been trying to right his wrongs and save his friends and the world and that is so much for one man to carry on his shoulders and everyone knew it would be the death of him. I know tony stans are pissed off that he died, but I don’t see him just being able to retire. Obviously I didn’t want him to die, but his whole storyline has been leading up to this. He truly got a hero’s sendoff and was solidified as THE hero of the mcu. This era started with him and it ended with him. It was a beautiful sendoff for the character that started it all. And I don’t think rdj would go along with it if he didn’t approve
- Steve’s ending.... so I knew from spoilers what would happen and while it was something I wanted in theory I was pissed when I first found out. But it somehow worked. If you look at steve’s arc, he has always been a man out of time. For everyone getting mad he was hung up on a girl he kissed once, it’s pretty much confirmed in agent carter that he and peggy were on the DL for 3 years. she wasnt just a crush he knew for a few months. They loved each other and fought side by side for three years and time took him too soon. In age of ultron the only part I liked was steve’s vision where he gets a dance with peggy. As much as he moved on in the present, the possibility he missed with her always haunted him. You can tell in peggy’s video in the winter solider that even though she married and had kids, the thought of steve still gets her choked up. When she sees him as an old woman she immediately crumbles. They both have referred to each other as the loves of their lives. 
- So with that said, I don’t think it’s weird or out of the blue that he would suddenly decide to try and go back to peggy. They won, bucky is back and safe, sam is back and safe, he can finally rest, and he has the tools to go back in time. The way I interpreted it, Bucky 100% knew what he was going to do. The look on his face, the tone of his voice. He knew Steve was not coming back, and he also knew he deserved to have that happy ending. So while sam and bruce thought it would only be 5 seconds, bucky turned away from the machine, knowing steve wouldn’t show up there. I ship stucky too because I just want steve happy so while at first I was like “how could he leave bucky??” watching it on screen it made sense. Bucky approved of his choice, and while he was saddened by it, he understood it. 
- In my interpretation, I don’t think steve stayed in the main timeline. I think him going back created an alternate timeline where he married peggy, dissolved hydra earlier, and freed bucky earlier. At some point, those two timelines merged, and he wandered over to where he knew they would be. OR after peggy died, he used the technology to travel back to that timeline when he was old. Or my friend suggested he could have met tony stark in his alternate timeline and asked for his help. Who knows. He literally came back with a shield, meaning he was at one point captain america again in that timeline. I don’t think there is anyway he could just stay quiet for 70 years about bucky being tortured and peggy running shield that was secretly hydra. I refuse to believe that. If the russos come out and say that’s what he did, then I’ll backtrack and say I don’t approve of steve’s ending. But as of right now I’m okay with it. 
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siren-dragon · 5 years
FFXV Observation -- Episode Ardyn *Spoilers!*
Hello Everyone!
With the release of Episode Ardyn and the official completion of content for FFXV, I wanted to write my thoughts about the dlc down. And since the episode only came out today, there will be spoilers and everything will be beyond the cut.
Now be warned: this is just my personal thoughts and opinions of the new DLC content. If you don’t agree with it, that is fine; I only ask that you be respectful in your comments. Now then, let’s get started!
First of all, I just want to say that this Episode was beautiful and tragic, and I really loved it. While I didn’t get as much lore as I wanted (and I wanted the dlc to be WAY longer!) I did appreciate what we got. I have to say though, two really big highlights in Episode Ardyn has to be the music and the fact that we get to see a shirtless Ardyn. However, there were a few things with the story I found interesting and that was what I wanted to talk about.
Somnus Lucis Caelum:
Yes, the first thing I wanted to talk about was Ardyn’s “dear” younger brother; but please hear me out. In complete honesty, I really dislike this blatant hatred for Somnus. Don’t get me wrong, he did a lot of bad things- but we also have to look at it from his perspective too. In the Ep. Ardyn, Somnus actually tells Ardyn that he was jealous of him which is quite a feat for a prideful person. Now, as someone who has three siblings, I can kinda understand where Somnus is coming from. Even now, I sometimes feel pouts of jealous from my siblings despite us all being older. I can’t imagine how inferior Somnus felt when his older brother was literally the golden child of a entire nation.
However, this does not excuse his actions in regard to his treatment of Ardyn; what he did was cruel. What I do think is that Somnus did not know the the true burden of being king really meant. I feel like he wanted to have a chance to shine and show his people that he too wanted to protect them, even if it was in an extreme manner (*cough burning people alive *cough). But when Aera said that Ardyn was chosen to be king, I think that was the final push that sent Somnus over the edge. Even though they were meant to rule together (as talked about in the Datalog about the two blades being used together to symbolize their combined rule), Somnus finally had enough.
Yet when he was finally bestowed the Crystal and Ring, Somnus then understood the extent of what the calling of the king was and what Ardyn was meant to truly be. Somnus realized that he was never going to be the “True King” as that calling was for Noctis, and instead he pushed the only family he had left and was left with nothing but the guilt of what he did for 2000 years as his soul resided within the Ring of the Lucii. I’m not saying that Somnus was a good person and that he didn’t do bad things; he even says that he doesn’t expect Ardyn to forgive him as he knows he did terrible things. But let’s not forget that the two were once brothers and that once upon a time, they did not hate each other.
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       2. Aera Mils Fleuret:
Now then...let’s talk about Aera. Okay, so here’s the thing: I’m kinda on the fence about her. She is a very cute character and it is sweet that she loved Ardyn, but I don’t think she is as perfect as some make her out to be. To be fair, no one in this game is perfect and everyone has their faults, some bigger than others, but there is some information about Aera that I wanted make known. First of all, Aera is the Oracle- the First Oracle; who was chosen by Bahamut himself to represent the will of the gods on Eos. The actual quote from the Cosmogony is this: “In the distant past, Bahamut, the Draconian, descended to the mortal realm and graced the people of Tenebrae. From among them, he handpicked a pious maiden and bestowed upon her the power of the Stars and his trident. Using these gifts for the good of all, she became the first Oracle—she who joins heaven and earth”
I don’t doubt that Aera loved Ardyn, but that is the key word there. I think that she loved him, which is evident by when she died to save him- but I believe that when Ardyn became recognized as the Adagium, she put her love for him aside. She betrayed Ardyn and told Somnus information that was, for lack of better term, meant to be classified in regards to the prophecy and who was too be king. Granted, she felt guilt for that, but Somnus did not manipulate her into to telling him- she did it of her own free will. Also, we need to take into account Aera’s own calling as well: she is the Oracle and is known to be a pious maiden. What’s interesting there is that pious actually means to not only be “devoutly religious”, but it also means “making a hypocritical display of virtue”, or to be self-righteous. In the more archaic definition, it means to be dutiful or loyal, in this case; Aera’s loyalty to her calling as the Oracle and to the Astrals. She actually forsakes her love for Ardyn and regards him only as the Adagium and that he will never escape his fate. She puts the needs of others before that of the one she loves most in the world, which is brave of her to have done but also a horrid betrayal to Ardyn too.
While I truly wish we got to see more of Aera’s relationship with Ardyn and how they grew to love each other, she is not perfect. She choose her duty over the love of her life and forsook him when he became a “monster”. Now, that is a difficult choice and I commend her for choosing it to do what is right for the world, but I don’t believe Ardyn will ever fully love her again after that (based on that ending where he kills her and Somnus)- her actions put in motion events that had damaged A LOT of people’s lives just as badly as Somnus did. I understand that she was called to be the Oracle, but she still made a choice and has to live with it too.
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        3. Bahamut and the Astrals
Firstly, that title I just wrote sounds like a band name and it’s kinda of funny. But for heaven’s sake Bahamut, what the hell man? I admit, the dragon is a kind of a dick in the game, and that Ardyn definitely gets the short end of the stick with this. However, I can see some of where Bahamut is coming from.
They had a unknown illness that was ravaging the entire planet and the Astral’s didn’t know what to do and didn’t have the power to deal with it. And the Astral’s are sworn to defend the star at any cost, even if they must fight each other. So, I can see why they choose mortals to do their bidding for them, because humans are far stronger than we’re given credit for. Yet Bahamut’s folly was in not telling Ardyn that he had been chosen to bear the burden of darkness just as Noctis was meant to bear the burden of light. Ardyn simply wanted to help people, but Bahamut doesn’t explain that by containing the scourge within himself, he will eventually help the entire planet. Instead, he expects Ardyn to just suck it up and deal with what’s happened because that’s just the way it is.
I definitely think Bahamut is being very cold to Ardyn about everything, but you have to understand that what he says is that “so it has been ordained” meaning he too has no control over this. Bahamut even feels some pity for Ardyn too when he calls him a “pitiful creature” and I believe he knew that he was once a good man. But sometimes we have to do things that are unsavory because there is no other option- and Bahamut likely had no other option. It’s true that Ardyn was put through literal hell due to the calling he was given, but the Draconian actually compromises and allows Ardyn not only his revenge upon the royal family, but the reprieve of death too. He even warns Ardyn that if Noctis doesn’t kill him, he will just suffer forever in darkness and shadow; unable to die. If he truly didn’t care, Bahamut would have allowed the royal family to continue their existence and just have Noctis vanquish Ardyn with no consequences.
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         4. King Regis and the Crownsguard
So, one bit of information I found interesting in the game was that the royal family actually knew of Ardyn’s existence. Which mean’s he wasn’t entirely forgotten, just locked away like some weird national security secret. The fact that there is a unit of Crownsguard that is entrusted to respond at a moment’s notice if Ardyn should be released from his prison is interesting. Which means that Somnus actually put in safety measures to ensure Ardyn didn’t escape. Also, the fact that Ardyn doesn’t know what “Adagium” means or is when he first awakens probably means his name was replaced with that word and over time it became a legend- like a bedtime story you told misbehaving children. “You better be careful or the Adagium will get you,” seems like a fairy tale that would stay in Lucian history.
Now, I have to say that after the fight with King Regis, I believe that he was one of the strongest kings Lucis ever had. First of all, Regis is able to physically manifest multiple weapons at once from his Armiger, which you don’t even see Noctis do when he activates his Armiger (they’re all spectral weapons). Secondly, Regis was actually brave enough and strong enough to fight off against Ardyn by himself in order to defend his people which was really cool to see. All in all, it was great to see Regis in his prime and engage in full-blown combat (no matter how short lived it was).
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          5. Ardyn Lucis Caelum
I still have so many thoughts about this DLC, but I’m going to have to end it early and I saved the best for last. I have to say it was so much fun to play a Final Fantasy game from the villain's perspective. Ardyn is a wonderfully written character and I am going to miss seeing more of him; Darin de Paul did a magnificent job on this and he has truly managed to bring an amazing character to life. Now then, let’s talk about Ardyn’s story.
While I do feel sympathy for Ardyn, a lot of people have to understand that he is the villain and would likely never get a canon happy ending: which I am actually a bit pleased about. Happily, ever after endings are often unrealistic and it wouldn’t really fit with Ardyn’s character to have a happily ever after (that’s not to say one shouldn’t write fanfiction about it ;) After all that Ardyn experienced, it would be incredibly difficult for him to simply let things go and I think that is his main folly. He actually discards his humanity and basically goes “to hell with them” which is why I love him as a villain. Usually it is the hero that fights destiny, so I loved seeing Ardyn fight his fate while Noctis humbly accepts his.
Another thing I enjoyed seeing was the extent of Ardyn’s powers. Granted, we could have used that in the main game (maybe they’ll do a patch update) but it was a lot of fun to see all of his abilities. I honestly believe even Ardyn himself does not know all that he is capable of doing and is constantly evolving and discovering new techniques for him to preform. But it seems like there are abilities that are unique only to him as a Lucis Caelum; such as the way his armiger functions, the way he slows time as he “warps” or “shadow steps”, and even his illusions. Though ultimately, I liked that he was able to showcase all of these abilities without doing some extreme final-form transformation. 
Overall, this DLC has made me love my favorite character even more- even though it does not excuse his actions in the main game. He experienced so many horrors but that does not condone his actions. Despite how he was in the past, Ardyn is a final fantasy villain; and one of the best ones.
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I am certainly gonna miss seeing more FFXV content, but all good things do come to an end. Now it’s time to go and write fanfiction about the new content. ^_^
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mychemicalimagines · 6 years
Wolves,Imprints,Babies! Oh My! (3) Paul Lahote
Summary: Melissa Black grew up knowing that the Legends are true but what happens if they happen during her generation! Is she safe? What happens when she gets imprinted on by The Hothead of the Pack
Warning: Cussing. Gifs are not mine.
Tags: @supernova1737 , @anjana-fandoms28 @hey-sunshines
Chapter 1 1.2 2 2.2
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It’s been two weeks and my morning sickness is finally coming to an end. I haven’t thrown up much today which I am so happy for. I walk out of the bathroom when I hear the sounds of guys laughing. Today Sam wants everyone to patrol since a Redheaded Vampire has been seen running around on our lands. Paul is very unhappy about leaving me here but Sam says that they’re scent will mask mine and Emily’s so we will be alright. I walk down the stairs to mine and Paul’s home and go straight to the kitchen.
“Hey babe! You feeling okay?” Paul asks jumping up from his chair, walking over to me.
“I’m fine babe,” I giggle. “Are you guys getting ready to leave?”
“Yeah,” He rolls his eyes, “I don’t wanna leave you and the pup, but Sam alpha ordered me to go and you know I have to listen to that.”
“I’ll be fine babe,” I say and I stand on my tip toes and press my lips to his in a passionate kiss. I feel his lips curl up into a smile and kisses back deepening the kiss by putting his right hand on my cheek.
“Alright, time to go,” Sam says standing up from my kitchen table. Paul pulls away from the kiss and turns to Sam.
“Do i really HAVE to go-“ Sam cuts off Paul’s sentence.
“Yes, Paul.” Sam says. “Mel will be fine, our scent captures hers, no one will come here. ”
“Sam, she’s 3 months pregnant, anything can happen to her! No one is here to help if she gets hurt, Emily’s been with Leah! No one’s here!” Paul snaps a bit.
“Paul, you’re going on Patrol and that’s final!” Sam snaps back.
Paul sighs and turns around capturing my lips with his once again. He rubs my small baby bump and runs out the door. I sigh and walk to the kitchen. I’m hungry for some muffins. I wonder if we have chocolate chips.
Paul’s Point of View
We’re walking through the forest to get to Jakes house since he didn’t show up at Mel’s house. Well my house. I can’t believe the year we’ve had. I imprinted on the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, got her to be my girlfriend, now we’re having a little Pup. Life couldn’t be happ-
“Paul, you okay?” Embry asks.
“Yeah, just thinking about my pup” I answer as we get close to Jakes house.
“What if it’s twins?” Jared laughs.
“Oh then I’m giving one to you,” I say to Jared and we all start laughing. We walk out of the forest and Bella Swan runs out of Jakes out and right up to Sam and pushes him. I growl. No one touches our alpha.
“Easy!” Sam orders putting a hand out to us.
“What did you do to him?” Bella yells at us.
“Do to him? What did he tell you?” I ask stepping forward to her. Sam keeps his hand in place so I don’t get any closer.
“Nothing! He won’t tell me anything because he’s afraid of you,” she snaps.
I start laughing. Jake afraid of us? Really? He’s a wolf too! Jared and Embry start laughing along with me and Sam smirks. There’s definitely no way Jake was afraid of us. Bella gets a mad look on her face and I smirk a bit. She puts her hand back and punches me in the face.
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I get furious. No one dare punches me. I start to shake.
“Paul calm down!” Sam orders. “Think of Mel and your pup! Calm down!”
I stop shaking for a minute and calm down thinking of my wonderful girlfriend and child coming to earth in 6 months.
“Oh you have a slut waiting for you?!” Bella asks smirking.
I start shaking again. No one calls my imprint a slut! I shake even harder when she continues her rant.
“I bet she’s screwing someone right now” Bella says.
“Bella back up,” Sam says seeing me get ready to phase. She backs up a few feet getting scared now that I’m violent shaking. I phase, landing right in front of her. She falls back and growl a little bit to scare her.
“Bella!” We hear Jake yell.
I look up to see Jake jumping over his railing and running toward us.
“Jake run!” Bella gets up and starts running to Jake. I snort to myself. He’ll phase in a second. I was right! Jake jumps over Bella and phases making her fall to the ground again.
*What the fuck dude!?” Jake says furiously.
*Your Leech Lover punches me in the face* I growl *And called your sister a slut* I crouch down.
*I don’t give a fuck! Don’t you dare hurt her!* He snaps his jaw at me.
*Tell her not to talk bad about my Imprint!* I jump at him and tackle him to the ground.
Melissa’s Point of View
I pull out a steaming hot pan of muffins from the oven when I hear a strange truck pull into my drive way. Human howls can be heard as I lay the pan down on the kitchen table. I laugh to myself and Jared comes running inside.
“Are you guys hungry? Like I have to ask,” I laugh as Jared sits down.
“Oh and Bella, remember what you said to Paul? Mel’s the one inside,” Embry says to Bella and walks in the door. “Hey Mel.” He says kissing my cheek grabbing a muffin. Bella walks in.
“We have a guest? Who’s this?” I look at Embry then at Bella.
“Bella Swan, who else?” Jared says smirking.
“So you must be the vampire girl.” I say smirking.
“You must be the wolf girl,” she says.
“Well my boyfriend, my brother and my best friends are all one so yeah Im the wolf girl,” I smile and I look at Jared as he grabs another muffin. “Hey save some for your brothers,” I smack his hand,” Guests first, muffin?” I ask Bella.
She nods and walks over and grabs one.
“Of course Jake would find a way around the gag order,” I say walking back into the kitchen.
“He didn’t tell me anything” Bella tries to say.
“He can’t. It’s a wolf thing. Orders from the alpha get obeyed weather we want to or not,” Embry says. “Check it out! We can hear each other’s thoughts!”
“Will you shut up!? Those are trade secrets! Damn it! This chick runs with vampires!” Jared says smacking Embrys arm. I chuckle to myself.
“You can’t really run with vampires, they’re too fast” Bella says smirking.
“Yeah well, we’re faster!” Jared says leaning forward. “Freaked our yet?”
“You’re not the first monsters I’ve met,” She says.
I turn around, “Hey!” I snap with venom on my voice, “They are not monsters”
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“They’re wolves! How are they not monsters!?” Bella’s asks.
I walk over to her and glares. “Says the girl that dated a Blood Thirsty Vampire! These boys protect everyone on this reservation and get no thanks for any of it. I bet if your precious Edward bites a human he’ll get praise,” I snap.
She gets a angry and shoves me, I trip on my shoe lace and fall back smacking my head against the table with such force the table toppled over.
“Mel!” Jared shouts standing up running over to me.
Embry stands up quickly and pushes Bella back, as Sam walks in.
I sit up holding my head, Jared’s kneeling down in front of me. All I see is his mouth moving. I look over at Sam and I can see him yelling at Bella but I don’t hear anything. Oh no! I’m deaf again! I was born deaf and when I was 13 I got surgery to repair my hearing. Bella must of hit something loose in my head because I can’t hear anything anymore. I get up and I walk to Sam.
-I can’t hear- I sign to him.
-What do you mean?- He signs back.
-I can’t hear!- I sign angrily.
He turns to Bella and starts yelling again.
Paul’s Point of View
I hear Sam yelling inside of the house as Jake and I walk up laughing, when my head starts hurting.
“Don’t you dare put your hands on her again Bella. She’s pregnant! You already fucked one thing up!” Sam yells.
I run inside, “What’s going on?” I walk straight to Mel and wrap my arms around her
“Remember when Mel told you she was deaf as a child?” Sam asks.
“Yeah? She had surgery to repair it,” I say confused.
“Bella pushed her and she hit her head, I think one of the tubes came undone in her head” Sam glares viciously at Bella.
“WHAT!” I yell, “Why the fuck did you push her? She’s pregnant you dumb bitch!” I start shaking.
Mel wraps her arms around me and pushes her face into my chest, calming me down. I lift my hand up and cup the back of her head running my fingers through her ponytail.
Sam looks at Mel and starts moving his fingers in a weird way, i’m guessing sign language. Mel starts moving her fingers.
“Bella called us monsters and Mel yelled at her and Bella pushed her making her hit her head,” Sam says growling. I turn to Bella and Jake.
“Get the fuck out of my house,” I snap venomously.
Jake grabs Bella’s arm and pulls her out of the house.
“Embry, go get Sue,” I say turning to Mel.
She starts tearing up, point to her ears. I nod to her meaning I understand. Embry and Jared run out the front door.
“Sam, tell her that I’m going to get her an ice pack,” I say pressing my lips to her forehead and run to the kitchen. I search the freezer, moving all the chicken and vegetables out of the way. How much food do we need!? Well we are a bunch of wolves. Ha! Found it! I grab it, slamming the fridge door I run back to Mel. I see her moving her fingers and Sam replying.
“She said she has her old hearing aids but they haven’t been used in years.” Sam says.
Sue runs in with the boys, her being a nurse she’ll know what to do. After about ten minutes, Sue turns to me.
“Paul, tomorrow if her hearing doesn’t come back take her to the hospital. Everything else is fine. The baby is fine and the heart beat sounds wonderful.She just has a bump on the head but tomorrow she’ll need to talk about if she’ll need surgery again,” Sue sighs and hugs Mel, then leaves out the door.
“Will you guys be okay?” Sam asks, “Emily needs me to do something.”
“Yeah, Ill just text her,” I say to Sam. The boys leave and I lay on the couch with Melissa on my chest. I kiss her head and sighs.
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She sniffs and tries to fall asleep. I hold my phone behind her head and I look up how to do sign language. If I can’t talk to her, I’ll find the next best thing. She’s the love of my life and I will not have someone interpret my love for her except for me.
Thanks For reading! If you want to be tagged just let me know and i will tag you! if you have any concerns or questions please message me and PLEASE leave feed back! I wanna know if you like it!!
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*sneezes on michael* pls become more sick and die rn
Jeremy: *sobs* NO STOP
Rich: I fEeL iRrEllIveNt iLl jUsT LeAVe *puts gun up to head*
Jeremy: RICH NONONONO *hugs him*
Rich: wth mAn iM trYinG ro leT u aNh mIcheal bE alOne *still has gun up to head*
Jeremy: Rich please stop. I love youuuuuu- PLATONICALLY
Rich: wEll tO bAD *moves gun to stomach and pulls trigger*
Jeremy: Rich-
Rich: sh-shit that w-was a bad idea wasn’t it..*starts bleeding* f-fuck
Michael: omg rich!!! *speed dials 911*
Rich: hah.. *coughs up blood* t-thit
Rich: *coughs more* o-ok god well… nice kn-nowin ya…. *tries to breathe*
Rich: h-heh *smiles a bit and coughs more*
Jake: oMG RICH??? *sobs* DUDE BRO??
Rich: *hugs* i-its ok… *dies some more* ou-uch…
Jake: omg omg omg ok bro dude you’ll be fine right?? it’s like the fire??? you’ll be fine???
Rich: y-yeah…. *passes out from so much blood loss*
Heath vehicle people: *throws rich in the heath vehicle*
Jake: *intense sobbing*
Rich: *passes out still*
Heath vehicle people: *gets in front of health vehicle about to drive*
Jake: *stops the health vehicle* let me go with my bf pls
Heath vehicle people: sure why not kid don’t kill him though or else we will lose some money
Jake: *cartwheels into the heath vehicle with rich* babe omg awaken pls
Rich: *tumbles on over to Jake and hugs him still passed out*
Jake: omg rich ily bab *kiss*
All the healthy bros working at that heath place: *fixes rich*
(1 hour later)
Rich: *wakes up*
Jake: *hugs rich* omg babe you almost died I missed you
Rich: *hugs tighter* i-im ok *smiles*
Jake: *all the kisses* please don’t do that again rich
Rich: I won’t d-don’t worry *still shaking a bit*
Jake: *breaks the health place rules and lays next to rich bc he needs all the hugs*
Rich: *hugs* your great
Jake: *kisses our favorite short boy on the nose* so are you
Rich: *cuddles*
Jake: *gently cuddles and whispers v nice things to rich*
Rich: *falls asleep cuddling jake*
Nice classic time skip
Jake: *carries rich to Rich’s house*
Rich’s mom: WHAT’S THIS RICH
Rich: *wakes up* NOTHING MOM
Rich: *sobs a bit* y-yes dad I am..
Jake: rich it’s okay— *plays with Rich’s hair bc our boy* it’ll be okay
Rich: *sobs*
Rich: *holds back tears* yes dad
Rich’s dad: CALL ME SIR
Rich: yes sir…
Rich: *clings onto jake*
Rich’s mom: ARE YOU GAY!!!! *pulls out shotgun about to shoot jake*
Rich: *v v v scared* —- MOM NO
Rich: b-because I love him!!!!
Jake: *shields rich bc oh no*
Rich’s mom: *boom boom tries to shoot rich but oh damn she shoots jake*
Rich’s dad: good job wife you killed it
Rich’s mom: yeah
Jake: *passed out oops*
Rich: WHAT THE FUCK MOM *starts sobbing* YOU ARE ALL FUCKING BATHSTARDS AND IF I COULD YOU WOULD BE DEAD BY NOW *v sob* stay with me Jake… it’s ok….
Rich’s mom: FUCK U *trys to shoot rich but has no bullets* SHIT
(Rich’s parents run away)
Rich: s-stay with me… *calls 911*
Jake: *jake wakes up a little* I’m f-fine— rich I’ll be fine— *passes out again*
Rich: *screams to 911* GOD FUCKING DAMNIT HELP ME *starts sobbing over jake*
(Health vehicle people arrive)
Heath vehicle people: ugh u agian. Get him in the heath vehicle u are not coming
Rich: *slowly pulls out gun* do You wanna be the next one in the health vehicle?
Health vehicle people: OK YOU CAN COME JEEZ…
Healthy health people: *fix jake*
29 hours later
Jake: *jake awake* rich-?
Rich: *jumps-ish onto jake* I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD *happy sobs*
Jake: oW- *hugs rich weakly sksksk* I told you I’d be okay— *haha weak laugh*
Rich: *hugs tightly telling Jake jokes*
Jake: you’re so small and perfect… *boops Richard Goranski Bc that’s the tea*
Rich: *crosses eyes for a moment and blushes* your perfect too
Jake: I wanna sleep—- *woah Jake falls asleep*
Wreck it Ralph thanos hobo guy: *fortnite dances in* hey kids want a beverage *gives rich a “perfectly normal” drink* I’m a healthy health bro so you can trust me ok bye
Rich: ooooo drinks *drinks the drink* wait. This is.
Wreck it Ralph thanos hobo guy: MTN DEW >:)
Rich: *starts screaming and rolling around on the ground and overall dying*
Jake: *screams and wakes up to his bf having a seizure omg* rich?? babe??? bro??? are you okay??? *panic panic panic*
Jake: rich- Richard what’s wrong?? Tell me please- talk to me— what’s wrong-
Wreck it Ralph thanos hobo guy: *yeets himself out the window*
Rich: *stops screaming* hhh….* turns to jake crying and sweating* i-its back jake… it’s back.. *has a panic attack and moves closer to jake* j-jake it’s b-back *keeps crying*
Jake: rich- rich come here- it’s going to be alright- I love you babe- *kisses rich on the top of his head bc our boy*
Rich: *cuddles up to jake still sobbing a bit and shaking*
Squip(dark Kermit): OK first order of buisness. Ditch this goon.
Rich: WH-what!! Never!! *still sobbing and holds onto jake tightly*
Jake: *hugs onto rich tightly* it’ll be okay—- I’m here— you’re okay-
Dark Kermit: disgusting. You seriously want this… thing? Nah- go for… chloe?
Rich: n-no!!! He'th amazing!!!
Dark Kermit: mutters- optic nerve blocking on- fine. We’ll have to do this the hard way.
Jake: Rich? Why’re you yelling- it’s okay-
Dark Kermit: STOP WITH THE LISP! Jesus… you’re such a bad person.
Rich: *sobs* i-im not that bad…
Dark Kermit: why would this hooligan hang around you if you aren’t bad
Dark Kermit: yeah, just like you right?
Rich: … *silently crys* i-im not- not that bad……… im not b-bad..
Dark Kermit: your terrible. The lisp make you worse. And this whippersnapper. He makes you terrible. Cut him off
Jake: *hugs rich* I’m right here— I’m here-
Dark Kermit: ew push him off you
Rich: I-i can feel you i just can’t thee you… Kermit heth…. I can’t thee you please….. just…. *sobs*
Jake: I’m here- that’s all that matters- I’m here- it’s okay *all the kisses* lemme call up my homie Michael *calls up his homie michael*
Michael: yeah sup
Jake: I need mtn dew red
Michael: yeah come to my house
Jake: why
Michael: I’m comfortable
Jake: fine
Rich: d-don’t leave me!!!!! *moves around trying to find jake* don’t leave me!! *tears up*
Jake: I’m going to pick you up, okay babe? *bOOM picks up rich bridal style bc owo* *runs on over to his homie Michael’s house* MICHAELLLLL
Michael: I’m in my room, bitch
Rich: *clings onto jake*
Dark Kermit: ok I’m back from japan and my spa. What’s been happ- OH MY GOD YOURE IN THHE PRESENCE OF TWO LOSERS! GET OUT OF THERE.
Jake: *runs to our homie michaels room*
Dark Kermit: im done *starts to take control of rich’s legs
Rich: *clings onto jake tighter* he’s gonna t-take control *starts moving legs trying to get up* j-jAKE DON’T LET ME GO WHATEVER YOU DO WHATEVER I SAY DON’T LET GO OF ME *clings tighter*
Jake: *hugs rich tighter sksksk*
Dark kermit: jfc this is boring uh—- *makes rich punch Jake in the nose* thereee
Jake: *gasp-* ow— oW *cries*
Rich: I’M SORRY *sobs* I DIDN’T MEAN TO *sobs a lot and clings onto jake v tightly* PLEASE DON’T LET ME GO…. u-unless I hurt you agian…. I don’t want y-you getting hurt *v sob v sad*
Dark Kermit: *makes rich kick Jake in the ribs bc this is the tea* hah hah hah
Jake: ooWwww *drops rich and doubles over bc ow pain*
Michael’s first mom: Michael your friends are here!
Michael’s second mom: Michael your friends are fighting!
Dark Kermit: *makes rich y’all ooo the tea*
“Rich”: I hate you ew you’re gross go die
Jake: rich??? that- that’s mean…
Rich: i- I didn’t mean it it was the squip I swear!!!!! Please just find the mtn dew.. I can’t hurt you anymore…. *single tear*
Dark Kermit: mmm nahhh
“Rich”: just leave omg I’m lying to you. I’ve always hated you, douche. Go die—
Jake: riCHARD!
Michael’s mom pt. 1: Michael who do you hang out with?!
Michael’s mom pt. 2: Do we need to have a talk??
Rich: i…. i
Dark Kermit: you’re so bad at this
“Rich”: just leave. Leave!!
Michael’s moms pts 1&2: this is like a soap opera omg
Michael: Jesus why is my room a mess..-
Jake: rich please stop…
Michael: bAM FOUND IT *michael makes an entrance dododo* here— *shoves that tasty mtn dew red down Rich’s throat*
Jake: riCH?
Rich: *still sobbing* he- he'th gone…. *hugs jake* I’M SO SORRY… ALL OF THAT WAS NOT TRUE I-I DON’T KNOW WHAT CAME OVER ME
Jake: it’s okay… it’s okay… I’m here… *hugs rich bc he deserves all the hugs*
Michael: can you guys get out of my house bc jere is coming over—
Jake: jfc *picks up rich and kisses his nose uwu* lets go babe
Rich: *holds onto jake* thanks for that… you know.. getting rid of the squip and all for me *kisses Jake bc he is a hero*
Jenna: *has filmed entire thing from ACT 1 to act 3* heh heh heh heh >:)
Jake: I love you so much babe- *all the kisses sksksksksk*
Jenna: *still filming all this hot tea*
Rich: I love u to :) *so much of the kisses*
Jenna: *stops film* YO GAYS
Rich: *turns around* thit-
Jake: oh- um- *lets go of rich* hiii jennaaaaa———
Jenna: look what i got *holds up camera*
Rich: no no no no no no no it’s not what it looks like…
Jenna: OK so I’ll go tell Madeline Jake is single then ok?
Rich: —————–JAKE IS MINE
Jake: Jenna, what’re you going to do with that recording? *hugs rich bc iconic*
Jenna: oh idk, defiantly NOT show the school… yeah! Because I want to not be cool. Sure…. NO. I am showing EVERYONE!!
Rich: *hides behind Jake scared*
Jake: J-Jenna! You wouldn’t do that- right?? Right??
Jenna: Yes I would! In fact, I already shared it with clohe, Brooke, and Madeline! They will share will share with evreyone else since they are v popular.
Rich: *continues hiding behind jake*
Jake: *hugs rich close to himself*
Chloe: *screeches and jumps outta tree* oH MY GOD!!! THAT IS SO GAY!
Rich: *hugs Jake sobbing* why do we have to c-come out by gossip…
Jake: *rubs Rich’s back* it’ll be okay, babe. I’m here… *kisses Rich’s head bc my sons*
Jenna: this will be the talk of the school tomorrow! I can’t wait!
Rich: i-i don’t wanna be cool anymore… *hugs Jake tighter*
Jake: shhh… it’s okay…
Bully McGee: *slides on over to Rich’s dms and life tbh* hey gay. you’re gay. haha dummy
Rich: ……. *moves closer to jake*
Jake: *punches bully mcgee* go away.
Jenna: oh it’s my second favorite gays! How are you two?
Rich:(sarcasm alert) oh you know, bullied here, getting called a faggot there. Good times, good times. *leans on Jake*
Jake: *kisses rich on the nose* Stop being so angry *laughs*
Jake: Madeline- calm down-
Madeline: NO. I WILL NOT. YOU ARE NOTHING TO ME. *sLAPS JAKE BC TEA* *sassily walks away*
Jake: *cries* I didnt mean to hurt anyone…
Rich: thes a bitch jake, don’t let that get to you *hugs jake* if it makes you feel any better, you know I love you *smiles*
Jake: mhm… *digs his face into Rich’s hair bc wow*
Hobo’s cousin: hey bitches it’s me 😏 who wants a nice quality tic tac
Rich: no thanks I’m good
Jake: idk gimme one *inhales a tic tac*
Hobos cousin: oh yeah take mtn dew *shoves it down jake’s throat*
Jake: *intense screaming*
Rich: JAKE ARE YOU OK *holds jake*
Jake: rich- babe- th-there’s a man behind you— he’s— scary— *cuddles into rich* rich I’m scared— what happened???
Live action squidward (SQUIP): why the fuck is this short little asshole touching you ew
Jake: uH?
Rich: *holds Jake tighter bc he’s special* i-its ok dude…i think it’s a thquip…
Jake: *sobs into Rich’s shoulder* I want it to be gone- it’s- it’s scary- and mean-
Squidward: ew you make me want to poop
Jake: *screaming*
Jenna: wow this is tea *films Jake literally dying*
Rich: *plays with his hair to calm him down* i-its ok bro it’s fine I got u man… (in his head: THIS IS NOT FINE)
Jake: *sits on the floor with his knees pulled up to his chest* rich— I’m scared—
Squidward: hi I’m a robot beeply booply
Rich: Its ok bb i got u.. *sits next to Jake pulling him closer*
Squidward: what does this fag think he’s doing. Get him away he might give you rabies
Jake: *hugs into rich* go away squidward—
Squidward: *makes Jake push rich away* there you go
“Jake”: what am I doing? I should be with Madeline
Rich: w-what…?
Squidward: hehehheheh
“Jake”: yeah! YOU DO realize no one likes you right? You just a flat out loser. I can’t belive I Dated you
Rich: n-no… it’s the thquip… *starts to cry*
“Jake”: no, this is just me. Plain. Old. Jake.
Squidward: nice job me! Well thank you me
Jake: rich I- *BAM the squip shuts off his vocal chords bc omg tea*
Squidward: I am just so good at this
Rich: you what….
Squidward: heh heh heh
“Jake”: I hate you.
Rich: o-oh yeah cool….. *looks away crying*
Jake: *starts sobbing and hugs rich*
Squidward: hehehe 😎😎
Rich: t-thorry for being alive….
Squidward: look what you did to your friend. You’re such an asshole
Jake: *intense sobbing and shaking*
“Jake”: you should be sorry. you’re the ugliest, stupidest, worst person I’ve ever met. your short and you have a lisp which is ugly af
Rich: F-FINE I N-NEVER LIKED U ANYWAYS… *runs to Jake’s house sobbing and shaking*
Squidward: *BAM wow look Jake can talk again*
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