Sometimes I forget how horrible Mötley crüe is EUGH
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fairiesandghosts · 1 year
To write of you is to suffer To make you as small as possible, like you were never here But still to drain every aspect of you that exists in my clenched fists To exploit you,  To harness what you created without uttering your name I am going to use you, I am going to take advantage of your actions and twist them so they no longer carry you with them And I am going to leave you So when I write I won’t remember who made the story Whose movements melded my memory The muse that bored into the back of my head and leaked out my eyes, What forced bile to bubble with my words What left tar under my fingernails  And flooded my senses with the metallic love of blood It will all be mine, And I will no longer write of you.
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tortiefrancis · 1 year
brain plagued me with the worse thought possible. I don't know how to write my great grandparents' names
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isthehorsevideocute · 2 years
I just saw a tiktok of someone riding their unfit horse over a jump in a western saddle only to see the horse trot off dead lame at the end of the video
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kermitspussy · 1 year
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like where did it come from i was literally doing a silly little art and craft
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elfgrove · 1 year
New Things to Beware on the Internet
On May 3rd, Google released 8 new top-level domains (TLDs) -- these are new values like .com, .org, .biz, domain names. These new TLDs were made available for public registration via any domain registrar on May 10th.
Usually, this should be a cool info, move on with your life and largely ignore it moment.
Except a couple of these new domain names are common file type extensions: ".zip" and ".mov".
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This means typing out a file name could resolve into a link that takes you to one of these new URLs, whether it's in an email, on your tumblr blog post, a tweet, or in file explorer on your desktop.
What was previously plain text could now resolve as link and go to a malicious website where people are expecting to go to a file and therefore download malware without realizing it.
Folk monitoring these new domain registrations are already seeing some clearly malicious actors registering and setting this up. Some are squatting the domain names trying to point out what a bad idea this was. Some already trying to steal your login in credentials and personal info.
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This is what we're seeing only 12 days into the domains being available. Only 5 days being publicly available.
What can you do? For now, be very careful where you type in .zip or .mov, watch what website URLs you're on, don't enable automatic downloads, be very careful when visiting any site on these new domains, and do not type in file names without spaces or other interrupters.
I'm seeing security officers for companies talking about wholesale blocking .zip and .mov domains from within the company's internet, and that's probably wise.
Be cautious out there.
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utilitycaster · 10 months
"why should I get invested in shows if they'll just get canceled" I was deeply invested in Heroes (2006) and it was not canceled, it just got really terrible. I also got really invested in the sandwich I had a few weeks ago despite it only lasting like 15 minutes. You must embrace the ephemeral. You must be willing to love things that may not love you back, that might betray you, or that may die an untimely death. As the great philosopher Mr. Mitchell Lee Hedberg said "I'm not gonna stop doing something because of what happens at the end."
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froopa-coopa · 4 months
seeing it through 🖤
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sixth-light · 7 months
Holy shit someone finally leaked what went down with the Hugos and from a quick skim it appears to be the worst possible scenario: that is, Western award-runners PREEMPTIVELY censoring anything they thought the Chinese government might not like. Clownery AND fascism.
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taiyo-tenebris · 3 months
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My two pieces for the 2024 Pokemon TCG Illustrator Contest! I didn't place in the top 300 but I still had fun drawing it anyway.
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jade-curtiss · 11 months
"Let me take nothing you care about seriously and make fun of your traumatism on top of creating new others, it'll be fun"
"how come you hate me? It wouldn't have happened if I would have listened you communicated more."
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markscherz · 7 days
why are you skeptical of the current explaintion for Brachycephalus's landing issues? 👀
Basically, Brachycephalus are the only miniaturised frogs that seem to have these problems, and there are other frogs with equally small vestibular systems that work fine. I have seen tiny Stumpffia jump over a metre and then jump again moments later, which Brachycephalus are apparently incapable of.
Moreover, the behaviour we see in Brachycephalus is not just disorientation, which I think should be accompanied by wild flailing, but more closely resembles the spontaneous myotonic stiffening that occurs in fainting goats. Compare:
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We also know that the entire otic capsule of Brachycephalus is, to use the scientific terminology, fucked, leading to the seemingly impossible but apparently confirmed consequence that they cannot hear their own calls. This is dramatically different from most if not all other miniaturised frogs.
So basically, I think Brachycephalus are a special case, and that the current explanation that supposes that the fluid of the semicircular canals cannot travel fast enough to allow orientation, is at best genus-specific and not miniaturisation-determined, and at worst simply wrong. Hence, I have a grant application seeking to test it in other miniaturised frogs. It has been rejected before, so I am not holding my breath, but it would be nice to be able to look into this.
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slitherpunk · 1 year
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Surely this won't lead to more issues with accounts getting hijacked, or impersonations, or username hoarding, or getting messages from randos, or etc etc etc . . .
really hoping they don't go through with this, I think I'll leave feedback
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felrija · 1 month
Older Ghoap sketches
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crocodiller · 2 months
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An offer
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murasaki-cha · 9 months
Percy @ Annabeth: I picked you because I’m not sure we’d ever be friends
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