#Yolanda King
twixnmix · 4 months
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Martin Luther King Jr. playing with his children Dexter King, Yolanda King and Bernice King in their backyard in Atlanta on November 8, 1964.
Photos by Flip Schulke
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mimi-0007 · 7 months
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dominik528 · 3 months
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Genius: MLK/X (2024)
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aflashbak · 1 year
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elijones94 · 1 year
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✊🏾 “God doesn’t let anybody down. Just people do.” ~ Jurnee Smollett as Sheyann Webb (Selma, Lord, Selma)
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flamingfoxninja · 2 months
This makes so much sense why Kipperlilly was asking about how Kristen made Yes! And specifically Where she made Yes! at.
Kristen made a whole new Deity through Arthur Augfort's office and school. As a powerful cleric she reached into the Astral Plane and made life out of her questioning and worship. She temporarily had access to the realm of dead gods to make something from nothing. This was all set in the making from day one.
Jace was working with Kalina and Arianwen to revive The Nightmare King and The Rage Goddess. That's what Ragh saw in front of the office after Prompocolypse. They used Kalvaxis wanting to regain his power as a bigger play to bring back their corrupted and dead deities. A chess piece in a series of steps.
While Kalina was going to bring back The Nightmare King, Jace would work on bringing back The Rage Goddess through Elmville. Kristen already proved that Augefort Academy has access to the Astral Plane. He found and targeted students susceptible to rage, took them to the Mountains of Chaos where the Divine Wedding took place and force the students to make a choice: live for Rage or stay dead.
The Rat Grinders made that choice except for Lucy. Which is a problem because the Need a Cleric. The people the Rat Grinders killed from the school have been Clerics, because with Kristen's method you need a powerful connection to a Deity and Worship to bring life to one.
Lucy worshiped a Giant Goddess, she would have been perfect but she refused.
Yolanda gave up any affiliation to a specific deity, neutral but powerful in worship. She would be a worthy vessel but she refused.
Buddy was brought to always be killed. A follower of Helio, the son of Sol who had corrupted the Goddesses in the first place. He is the grandson of a powerful Cleric, and has that same connection and power within himself. Kipperlilly didn't kill Buddy in panic, that was the plan all along: bypass Obliviti Mori by killing a cleric to meet the Rage Goddess in the Astral Plane, then revive them to spread the word and start the ritual. Buddy was just the first one to accept.
Like in Sylvaire, they are seeding Rage to make their own version of the Nightmare Forest to bring back The Rage Goddess. It's going to bloom and spread, rake over Elmville and the Augefort Academy where the Astral Connection is.
These plans have been started since Freshman Year, and have been defeated all because on goblin was just trying to find his babysitter and another halfling just couldn't handle that.
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recycledmoviecostumes · 11 months
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This delicate angelic white gown was first spotted on Georgia King as Lady Amelia Heartwright in the 2013 movie Austenland. It was most recently seen on Yolanda Kettle for her portrayal of Elizabeth Elliot in Netflix’s Persuasion.
Costume Credit: bellcs
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babybellzzzz77 · 1 year
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bi4bihankking · 7 months
Okay the main reason that you should read Infinity Inc. Do you like cute college students who are fun together? Do you like found family? Do you like your favorite characters being friends forever and nothing bad happening to them at all? 
Well TOO BAD! If you read Infinity Inc. your favorite character has a 92% chance of either dying or going evil! You will love these stupid children and you will be so upset that DC refuses to have an actual full Infinity Inc. Reunion and instead decides that every few years former members should attempt to murder each other. 
For characters you have: Boy with daddy issues, other boy with daddy issues, gay angry boy with daddy issues, (unfortunately not canon gay yet) boy with EVIL daddy issues, and 7’6” himbo. It’s just... daddy issues all the way down. Also sexist 1940s man who is incredibly annoying. Jennifer-Lynn Hayden, or Jade, who you should all know, and frankly I think if your only exposure to Jen is Kyle Green Lantern you should be OBLIGATED to read Infinity Inc. I have seen some awful stuff flung around about her by Kyle fans. “Jade is only important to comics to tie Kyle to Alan and since she can’t do that properly she might as well stay dead” and that’s just what I’m willing to quote. 
Read Jennie-Lynn RIGHT NOW to properly appreciate her or learn to keep her name out of your mouth. I say while shipping her other ex with her dad and her brother. 
Lyta Trevor who has been through so much and deserves so much more than being hated because of Sandman, you do not know Lyta and you have not read her struggles, how dare you, I am assigning you the homework of Read Infinity Inc. or shut up. 
Okay that is the big sexisms it’s time to get to the big homophobias, or both. Hey remember how the mini series that Beth and Yolanda were killed off in either heavily implied that they were dating or ramped up the sexual tension so much that it seems that they are. I think you should read Infinity Inc. and join me in demanding that Geoff Johns brings back that relationship. Yeah it would be cute. 
Read Infinity Inc. now to fall in love with the cutest college age idiots you’ve ever read, ship a ship that is definitely considered problematic now (it’s Hank and Todd I don’t mean problematic problematic I mean, my god people are weird about non-canon gay ships involving canon gay characters, they just have a ridiculous amount of UST and you have to understand Hank was absolutely in love with both twins you have to you have to), be destroyed by the only death in the main series as you learn to care about them all, and also read further in the main characters lives and see the horrible shit they all but especially Hank gets subjected to... 
I forgot someone... 
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Infinity Inc. is the origin of this meme!
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stargirlcentral · 1 year
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STARGIRL (2020–2022)
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justicesocietyzine · 3 months
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What do all these scenes have in common? They'd be more than welcome in our NSFW add on Better Heroes After Dark!
If you're a fic writer or an artist with a hankering for more sensual scenes between our heroes applications are open until March 16th!
Apply here!
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twixnmix · 7 months
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Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife Coretta Scott King enjoying a Sunday dinner with their children at home in Atlanta on November 8, 1964.
Photos by Flip Schulke
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mimi-0007 · 2 months
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Yolanda King, Coretta Scott King, Robert Kennedy and Ethel Kennedy.
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eminsunnytoons123 · 2 months
The muppets Show: Life in the boarding home
Characters redesigns!!! Part 1!
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I decided to now post the whole muppets gang redesigns here!! I still gotta draw more tho- =-v-=
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mysafespaceblog13 · 1 year
Hehe muppet meme hehehe
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boag · 26 days
Wait Zayn lives in BUCKS COUNTY????? Brb downloading tinder and extending my radius
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