#You can trust biaced people
skull-ishcloud · 1 year
I wouldn't trust a asexual biromantic people's judgement. I mean they are like 100% biaced
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fuckyeahasexual · 5 years
when i identified as aroace my friends ignored it. my sister had doubts, called it a phase despite being a lgbt+ as well. now i id as biace and everything is fine and no one i know personally denies me my idenity... but i cant shake the feeling that the rejection was part of why i stopped iding as aro and idk what to do about it.
That does sound suspicious, I think you should trust your gut on what you are. Other people can get over it, maybe you are bi and just found out your friends are arophobic. Maybe you are aro and it’s time to tell them to show some respect.
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9 and 37?
9. Which fic has been the hardest to write?
Hmm at this point I’d have to say Satisfaction. Any smut fic or fic involving smut is always challenging to write, because you (or at least I) want to keep it fresh and interesting and get across something more than just the sex, without resorting to being clinical. But this one was especially tricky because it was just as much a character study and a fucking essay to anyone who thinks sub!Catra could ever be a thing as it was a smut fic, and because the content was very delicate and I needed to make sure it was getting across exactly what I was trying to say and nothing more, nothing less. So there was the usual slog of writing smut plus the paralysis of feeling like it needed to be perfect, and frustration when I couldn’t seem to get it right. That’s quite the combination, I’ll tell ya.
37. Talk about your current wips.
Oh, boy! I love this question. :D
In no particular order…
Demons (She-Ra, Catradora): This fic is basically therapy for myself and Catradora, and anyone in the fandom willing to brave the trigger warnings. It’s been taxing but extremely cathartic to write, as it’s essentially about what it’s like to be a survivor of child abuse. This fic really only has a plot to allow me to address whatever issues I want to, and it was originally supposed to be, like, 6 chapters. We’re going on 23 now, whoops! I really do love this fic, though, with my whole heart. It’s probably the most raw, profound, meaningful piece of writing I’ve ever done. I love She-Ra for how openly it deals with the long-term effects of abuse, and I can only hope I’ve done the canon story and characters justice.
Loyalty (Hunger Games, Joniss): This is my longest fic, both in terms of words (333k) and how long I’ve been working on it (5 years). Believe it or not, I am still plugging away. And actually, in some ways this might be the most meaningful piece I’ve written. It involves a lot of the same themes as Demons, like abuse and implied neurodivergence, but it’s all in the background, as this is much more of a plot-heavy fic. But a lot of really heavy subjects are addressed, and I like to think they’re examined in a deep but delicate way. This fic is full of twists and the character development is pretty damn next level, and the ship dynamics are super fun, as it always is when I write Johanna x Katniss. Honestly I love this fic to bits and I wish I had more time to work on it, but She-Ra is my current main special interest, so updates have been sparse lately. However, there is a new chapter coming soon, so go get yourself caught up! ;)
But I’m a Lumberjack (Hunger Games, Joniss): Oh boy, speaking of fun Hunger Games fics! This is my THG x But I’m a Cheerleader crossover, and it’s stupid but also really sweet? Man, I miss this fic. Another one I really want to get back to. I reversed the intuitive casting by making Johanna the oblivious lesbian and Katniss the asshole who totally knows she is gay, so they are both very snarky in this fic and it is hilarious. I mean, it’s especially funny for people who have watched BIAC, but yeah. It also has some heavy themes, like homophobia and child abuse (which seems to show up in basically all my fics? wonder why that could be), but all in all it’s a pretty fun, light-hearted fic.
Live With It (She-Ra, Catradora [past]): This is neither fun nor light-hearted. This story only exists because @jaelav3​ absolutely trampled my heart with her one shot where Adora had killed Catra in battle years prior and was still grieving hardcore. I continued the story and made it hurt even more, but only so we could get to a more cathartic, tragic but hopeful ending. I promise, we will get there! Sorry, these first few chapters have been rough but I promise it will get better. Adora x Therapy, y’all!
Ice (The 100, Echo [gen]): This was my Echo backstory fic that I wrote as a companion piece to my multi-chapter Becho fic Building Trust. It’s fallen by the wayside a bit considering Echo’s actual backstory has since been revealed, but I reread it recently with the intention of leaving it unfinished but realized I really loved writing about the Ice Nation politics and potential relationships between its characters that were largely left unexplored. The last couple chapters are both over half-written so at some point I will finish it, god damnit. Oh btw it is also SUPER full of emotional and physical child abuse and it is just not a fun time, so it’s not a fic I ever really recommend to people. I kinda wrote this one for myself because I find the Ice Nation (and Echo in particular) fascinating.
Enough (Hunger Games, Joniss): This fic is another one that I’d classify as dumb but loveable. It’s my only un-betaed THG fic, so I feel like the quality is slightly lower than the others but it really just started as a fun little side project. Back when @jonissheadcanons-archive was active, there was a theme for a while of modern au ideas where Johanna was Katniss’s babysitter when they were kids. Someone else drew some adorable artwork of Johanna teaching Katniss to walk, and the heavens opened and this fic rained down on us. It’s actually pretty angsty, since there’s a lot of babygay pining and some really painful parallels to canon (for instance, Katniss’s dad dies and mom goes nonfunctional and they end up in foster care), but there’s also a lot of goofy jokes, and nostalgia for those of us who remember the 1990′s.
Oh wow do I only have 6 WIPs? Damn, it felt like more.
40 Questions — Meme for Fic Writers
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monsterkissed · 7 years
hey if any of u out there wanna see my icon intermittently appear on your activity screens i feel like expanding my dash a lil and i am looking for Nice People To Follow
ur already following me so u know i like terrible weird obscure shit but automatic bonus consideration points if u have digimon on your blog or if you are willing to concede final fantasy 9 was Best Final Fantasy (you don’t have to have played it you can trust me that it’s objective fact) or if i see some hideous body horror monster art within the first few pages
my stance on discourse is u all know i’m biace probably-greyaro non-binary mogai trash and if u think any of that is evidence of a Dark Plague Destroying The Community we will not be friends but in a more specific sense i find long back-and-forth arguments with ppl who think i am The Special Snowflake Hellspawn rather stressful even if the person who put them on my dash is refuting them so if you do that an awful lot i salute you but i will have to stick to admiring from a distance, i also can’t rly deal with weight loss stuff at all and it literally always manages to slip thru whatever tags i block so that’s also a sorry-but-no if it comes up a lot
so if any of that sounds like you like this post or smth and you too could have the experience of me reblogging your posts with tags full of overwrought sardonic agreement, replies with bad jokes in them, and sporadic likes as i flip back and forth between “is liking an original post too personal or not personal enough??” i am also incredibly easy to befreind as i will literally never grow bored of a topic i like even if all we do is reiterate the same points over and over (spoilers: i both love and am harshly critical of all of them)
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yoshiscribbles · 7 years
Finally giving some shape to that post about that beautiful angsty triad full of misunderstandings
Okay but listen, there is not enough Charlie Weasley in this fandom. And I feel a gigantic need for more Viktor Krum and Gabrielle Delacour, but that is neither here nor there. Except haha, turns out it is!! Like, guess what I just googled Romania Bulgaria (because Charlie’s in Romania with dragons, and Viktor’s in Bulgaria cuz that’s where he lives, and turns out both countries are neighbours!!). So this was supposed to be a story about Charlie the cool aroace uncle who doesn’t need to get married, thanks mum, except now I have like Viktor Krum the biace Seeker who spent a long while wondering if his relationship with Hermininny went nowhere because he never tried to initiate anything sexual with her (except no Viktor, it’s not that at all.  She was 15 and quite happy you never tried to initiate anything,  and you two just broke up because neither is good at ldr and you realised that you were better off as friend, no fear) because he still sometimes feels like he’s a little bit in love with her. And now I need Gabrielle involved in this somehow, and she is as pan as can be (and I still gotta figure out where the lines between bi and pan blur basically) and the three of them have an arrangement because reasons.
Yeah, so The Arrangement. I dunno how it works because like none of them are in love, really?  So they all love each other, of course, but Charlie is so aroace he just thought sex happened when you wanted babies, and love was settling with your best friend to raise a family (which hey, not so wrong on that point Charlie) which is why he was so confused when everyone started talking about finding The One and he was just there like… Um??? Aren’t you a bit young to have babies?? And like your best friend is right here you can just ask them? And his father tried to have the most awkward Talk with him about how sometimes you’ll see someone and your dick will rise up on its own because you’ll have confusing thoughts about them, and Charlie is literally like??? Sounds fake but ok, I just have to not rub my dick and it’ll stay down, what are you talking about?? (Ha, his utter confusion when he realised that yes, dicks did rise without being rubbed, and in the middle of the day no less! Wild). So yeah, Charlie is neither in love nor in lust with either of his best friends, which he’s perfectly fine with at first (complications will arise later).
Meanwhile, Gabrielle is pan and (unfortunately) hypersexual. Because yeah, life sucks, and creepy people exist, and she now needs sex to feel validated, like yay! But sometimes she’s disgusted with herself because she feels like a walking living half-veela stereotypes (like veelas want sex all the time, and they’ll steal your husbands, and if you bend one over she’ll moan like a whore and all that). The point is, she thinks about sex 24/7, wants it about that often as well,  but utterly hates anonymous sex, and wants to have a real relationship with someone who sees her as something other than a sex-object, and won’t take advantage of her hypersexuality. (Which ha! When you take into account that her allure goes wonky when she’s super horny, which is basically all the time ya :))) yeah no). She doesn’t like it.
And damn, wait, this is not working, because for the arrangement to work, I need to have Gabrielle have sex with Viktor… Let’s say Viktor is demi-sexual then, all fixed. An wow, was he surprised when that revelation hit him. Because he went from basically yeah, having a regular libido and jacking off but never really wanting to involve another person to holy shit I want to know what her body feels like against and around mine, and he was like… hi sexy thoughts where did you come from? (By that time, the three of them were solidly friends though the arrangement wasn’t a thing yet…)
So Gabrielle was just like, quietly dying all the while because fuck it she’s friends with two hot guys and wtf is wrong with her that her first intrusive thought when she visits one of them is “what if you fell to your knees and choked on his cock” And she especially feels guilty about this around Charlie because she /knows/ he has zero interest in sex, and she doesn’t like people fantasizing about her, so she shouldn’t fantasize about him either? But she like can’t help it, especially when she starts living with him (because Gabrielle becomes a magizoologist/veterinarian with a specialty in dragons) and Charlie sleeps shirtless (she suspects he sleeps naked, but puts on pants before coming out of his room by respect for her) and she can’t count the number of times she’s gone all the way to his bedroom door and brought herself off as she imagined getting in his room and riding his dick.
Gabrielle doesn’t feel so conflicted about her feelings for Viktor however, because he seems like he could be interested in reciprocating them. There was a brief spark of worry that he’d be just as susceptible to her allure as the majority of men, and that he’d be a git about it, but he’d just…brushed it off the first time and appeared to be immune for most of the time otherwise. Gabrielle just couldn’t stop helrself from watching himAnd Charlie probably knew about it too, if his teasing glances between her and Viktor were any indication, which… Ugh, they were /not/ helping. All Gabrielle could do when she saw one of them was duck her head down as she felt a flush grace her cheeks. Charlie most probably thought it was due to embarrassment at having her infatuation found out, she just couldn’t keep her mind from picturing that teasing smile in a very different situation: Charlie  kneeling over her, eyes glinting with devious glee as his fingers pumped in and out of her at a tantalizingly slow pace as she was reduced to a wet begging mess under his body…
Except of course, it was too beautiful to last, right? It happens innocuously, and certainly not out of malice. Probably something like Bill and Fleur visiting them, and one of them makes a joke abbout like sibling like sibling, thus implying that Charlie and  Gabrielle are together like Fleur and Bill.  And of course Charlie deflects the comment  with an easy grin, and so does Gabrielle, just a bit too late, but she’s secrretly dying inside, and her sister realises. Even if Fleur is amazing, and doesn’t do more than glance in concern at her sister, because they don’t have secrets from each other, and Fleur knows how hard it is for Gabrielle to put her trust in men, never mind her love. And yes, she knows now that Gabrielle is in love with Charlie, for all that her earlier comment was meant in jest. She observes, and doesn’t say a word, and Gabrielle will forever be grateful to her for that. 
Except that it quickly becomes obvious that something has changed after all. Charlie’s more quiet, reserved, contemplative. And normally Gabrielle wouldn’t mine; Charlie was allowed his moments of silence. The problem was that he was looking at her nowadays speculatively, as though he didn’t quite know what to make of her. And Gabrielle tried to act normally, of course she did, but she couldn’t quite remember what the normal had been. Had Charlie always sat so far away from her? Had he always taken those measures to avoid touching her, to keep from remaining alone in her presence?  The realisation hit Gabrielle like a club when  Charlie uncomfortably brought up how Viktor was single again, for the third time in as many conversations and hinted that maybe it was time for her to visit their mutual friend. 
After that, it was really just a matter of time. 
When  Gabrielle announced she would be leaving for Bulgaria, Charlie’s smile was the brightest she’d seen since her sister’s visit.And that hurt surprisingly more than expected\! She’d known she’ been making Charlie uncomfortable, and couldN’t even get angry at his attitude, because he wasn’t making up the desire she felt. And even if he did, she knew she’d started to fall for her best friend, and didn’t know how to stop, which made this so much worse.
As though the news of her impending  departure had lifted his spirits, Charlie seemed to forget himself and go back to his old self. And Gaby hated herself for it, but she soaked the casual affection like a sponge before it could be snatched away from her again.
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